SVgtuullnrc HINTS FOR THE NURSERY. M plain to careful observation as the SUU ' ... at noan-davi and it 19 on v necessary to , U03U uajr j ueiu u 13 ouij '"'') know the mental bias of a child to which his or her powers are best adopted. Let ever j father, every mother, and all ifho hope to call themselves parents, for ever bear this in mind. Watch the child at its play. Suffer it to play as it will, and note what sport attracts it, and wherein lies tho chief plcasura. Away with thoso horrors, infant pheno mena. Let nature, alone, and do you, ig norant man, keep your great, coarse finger out of tho delicato machinery, which, working by and through nature, will, at the proper moment, indicate the courso to i. tMiranorl flip rWi-lrmpiiipnt which is be pursued, tne atveiopemeni wnicu is i sought. Permit childhood to guide you tu the treatment thereof. Nature is a wise teacher. At infancy, tho healthy body, incapable of progressive motion, demands rest j give them perfect quiet. Man's early life is a mere vegetative csistanco ; the brain gently pulsating beneath tho unformed bone, is not yet the seal of reason, but of instinct; while nature then demands entire repose, or at the most, passive action, why should a barharousc nurse and ignorant mother array the little form in thick embroidery ; display it to the admiring multitude ; hau dlo it with thumping vibration, or spin it like a boomerang in the air ? Why seek the most noisy promenade to confuse it with tho uproar? Why pound it up and down over hundreds of miles in the midst of smoke, aflluvia, and all tho rattle, noise and screams incident to railroad travel! Avoid those abominations called cradles ; fleo from the rocking of the crib, and all those swinging motions which cannot fail to produce, in a minor degree, those very agreeable sensations, that pleasant lcth'ar gy, which seizes upon one when he is take ing his first lessons in drunkenness. What a renown would the agriculturist win for himself who should first invent a patent portable, double action, self-rocking cradle for sucking calves ; what an advantage to tho bovine race. When by pure air and its naturnl nour ishment, the pure milk of a cow, or a goat is far better than that of a feeble, passion, ate or drunken nurse, when tho mother cannot nurse her offspring, the child has become old enough to creep about, down on the floor with it and let it go ; give it a ball or something to creep tfter, and rest fully content that when tired the child will cease its play. ' Don't hurry ths little one to walk ; do not encourage it to stand alone, lest bow legs and weak ankles be tho penalty of your too assiduous care of your selfish de sire to see your child walk beforo nature Las. decreed it. When the proper time arrives tho little hands will seek the tops of chair seats, the little body will sway to and fro, erect for the first time ; soon the first step is taken and then all is plain. Keep your books, your illuminated al phabet, your intellectual blocks, and your abortions of toys sharieatures upon na ture toys which it is no harm to fall down and worshop, since the like thereof exists neither in heaven aboe, nor in tho earth beneath, nor in the water which is under the earth. Let the child play one, two, three; what, says some one four years ! and not know a letter. Yea, my good madam, until it rcacheth tho ago of seven years, would wo have the little mind free and unpuzzlcd ; at liberty to observe, to desire, to construct, to play, to make out its own individuality. 'Ihis is the great attributo of man play ; thii divides him from the brute creation; man alone alone laugh, llemcmbcr that the longer tho pe riod of youth, the period of formation, tho better, the more healthful, enduriug, and longer-lived tho man. Of all created be ings, man is the most helpless at infancy. Scalpel. The Dir-ni or Trees. There has ro. cently sprung up some controversy ns to the proper depth that trees should be transplanted, aud as is usual in controvcr ties of this kind among practical men, thcro is not the least hopo of their ever coming to a common opinion on ths question And tins is natural and perhaps as it should be. Different kinds of trees frequent' ly require different modes of culture, be ginning with the planting. For instance dwarf poara sLould bo planted deep, two or three inches below the union of tho quinco with the pcar in all soils where dwarf pear ought to be. A fir or spruce should bo planted shallow, and so, as a rule, should standard pear as well as apple trees. This exception should however ba made . in light, porous Eoils they may bo guaged deeper than in clay moulds. Thus the heavier eoils the shallower should the trees i planted. Such is our experience Ger nantown Telegraph. A boy eoicred a itationry ttoro tLe oilier dty, and asked tbo proprietor what Tfiui of pans b eoM. "All linds," was the reply. "Well, then," said the duj, I2J i4l- itmctBtj Tertb of pig pecj." Light '.Light! Light! P A 11 UION COAL OIL MJItNKitS AM) LAMPS FOR BURKING coal, kckimrm:. or d iniioN oii.b. rpiIEbcst, most brilliant, and cheapest portaMa light iiuw 111 use, " iiauaee vi explosion ana incspt-r than fluid, lard oil. flill oil or camphenc. say- i-.qu.Mi '10 o.ts.-tsa Without the expense of gas flxlurci. The aborc Lamps 1l nn an meir imicy irmiminzsi can uc seen aai l at thi ol I establish M llruff and chemical Blot J of the , tin Jerrlf-ned. who flallcra hlnisclftliat from hi lon)t ex perlence In lha Drug tra ie, he knows how and where to . bjy, an 1 la determined nut to lis undersoil bv any one In Idooinsburj, or surrounuliij country, t-'all and ace liia new anJ vcll Silectad stock of uKun-- '"' ft t mi cik-miimls. taints VAUMCIIEsS. llYLSTUrW till s (ll.ASi FttOM 7J.D n-SUMl. LUFtXT10VA k i r.i ri; it r u.m l; u y n u FANUV iOH BT. AR. TU'l.Ki 1'OR I.A01IH. & GLNT-. TOBAf CO AND CIGARS, Aisl'd I'randu, Tatcut Medtcinci of every variety in me t Liquors, (pur J) fur nmdicinai .119 only, FltiJd.CAiiji.lR-no muwii uii. i urpciniiiM aiiu a-wci'aoi. i runpri enoui ter lirncet nnd Abdotninnl .rupportnr. Surgical and li-n tal Instrument!, Saih nail and t&oth Uru lulJ, Camphen phrey'i Homtxpathle Remcdiet, Garden, Canary, ft ape and Hemp seeds, Thermometer, proof-flats .Mnmeco Leather and Shoe Findings, tc., ice. together with tho largest and must varied assortment of German Toj and YANK K NOTION, ever brought to this place, all of which pleae call RnJ co and yuu mail believe. Having earnd by sad experience that "long credits will nut keep things moving," 1 have dctcrmlued to 1KH5 t,iillSt!5 IMiiillSS-gr. tocaihbureri, to make it an object to them a, well aa l'IK "cal on 11,0 "''' "lh" ' Havliu served a regular apprenticeship at the nruj d Amh..nt. bU,i,Te, besides haiiim carried it on for th; last rlzht -en years, on my own honk, 1 tutter mys.-lf tint 1 ntn nhu to iln justico to all giving me a trial. Thankfjl to the nubile for oast favora. 1 would askn trial on ths new principle, and will guarantee to aii.iuai ii win innKj long in -lias, nnu pay best in tlio cnu in pay ensu aim uuy at reuuecu prices. I'HYSiOlAN-j I'HKst KllTIONS rnnfillv con.Dounded.and allorder correctly amu-ered AI medicines Guaranteed qs re com men tied, Ptoro Room on .luin Mrect, near .larKet. nrxt door to the roil ur Gee, liluoinsburg, Columbia county, r.i. ENIRAIM T. LUTZ. Au?utt 4, 1PC0. "A little, lull oftnn fill the pnre. SAVuU FUNDS. -nRANKLIN SAVING TUND-Vo. J30 South I fourth Street, between Chestnut and U'nlnut Philadelphia, pays all deposits on demand. DcLK'sItor iiiijncv secured bv and City Loans, Ground Rent, Mortsagpp, Ace. This Company deeini safety better thin large profits, consequently will run no risk uiili depngi tors' money, but ha o it at all times ready to nturn r with 3 per cent, intcrctil tn tho owner, as thev havi' S always done. This iompany never suspended. m Females, married rr single, and .Minors, can rle posit in their mvn riplit, and hucIi deposits can be 2 vwiiiuriiuii vmy uy ui?ir consent. Charter pcpetual. Incorporated by i State of Pennsylvania, with authority to receiva mom-v from trustees aud Executors. LA HuE AXD SMAU, SUMS RECEIVED. I Ofllce open daitv from It to 3 o'clock, and on Wed. nesuay evening until b o'clock. DIRECTORS. Jacob D. Shannon, Cyrm Cadwallader, John Shiiidlur, Ocorgc Kuisell, Matachi W, floan, Kdwanl T. Hyatt, Lcwl. Krumbharr, Henry DWany, Nicholas Riitcnhnuse. Nathan a me d lev. Jos. II, Suthortlnvoite, Kphrlam Ulan chard, Joseph Lippincott. JACOO It. tSUAKXO.V, PrslJcnt, CVniJS OA D VA LI A I) Eli, Treasurer. March 13, IcS'J-lim. 'A Dollar saved'istvJce earned." Nov. "J4 IfHJti. IMPORTANT NATIONAL WOHKS, ruuiisiiiu u ir, ArriUTU, & tu. 413 aw( 445 Iiroadivau New York. The following vforksaro senttoSub'criberslnany part oi win cuuuiry, (upon receipt vi retail price,; uy muil or express prepaid: TUG MV AUHRICAN 0YCL0PE0IA: A popular Ihctionury of General Knowledge. LMitcd by Giorqe Kipley nud CiiARtrs A. Dan t. aided by a numerous sc lect corps of writer in ail branches fScicncics. Art and Literature. Tiiii work i being published in about 15 large toIuiiicb. rath containing 750 two roliiiu pages. Vols. 1 to A I inclusive, are now nady.eaih cniitainliie near 2.5ilil. oriiriniil article. An flilditinn:il volunif wil bo puhtishrn once in about three months rrice. In Cloth, $3; r3hcep,&3 5(J; Half.Mor.. $1; Half KUfnia, ?i oueucn The New American Cjclopa-dia is popular without fee tng superficial, learned but not pflilauic, comprehensive but siiificicntly df tailed, freo from personal pique and party prejudice, fro eh and yet accurate. It isa complete ft ute m out of nil that is known upon every important tup le with the tcipe of human inu-llifrenc. Kvrry in: I" rt ant article in it has bertiFpecinlly written for its pazrs by men whonro nuthoritia- upn thu topic en whUh lhy spiak. They nrc required to bring the subject up to the present moment tn stdtf Juft how it stands vow. All the statistical information is ironi tho latrtt reports ; thj (Efoftraplueal accounts kefp paco w ith the latest eiploro tions; historical matters incltide the frevhcot Just lew the bmgruphical otir s not only tprak of tho dead, hot also of tne liwng, It ii a library of itself. AoainnLMtifT or hie Dcu-ib urCoaHLs: IleiPR n political hist r oftlid United tftatee, from the organiza tion of the firtt Fedirnl Concres in i:SJ to 1?5 .. IMit. ed and compiled by Hon,TnoM&i II, lit .n ion from the Of. ftcnil Hecords rf Conors Tho work will be complied in 35 royal octavo clunics of 750 psesvach 11 of which itrj now read). An addi tional volume will be published once in three months. Cloth. 83; Law Sh-ep, .1 50; Half Alor,, SI; Half Coir $1 5u each. A WAY OF rittnUItlVG THC CVCLOI'XDIA. Oil dciiati:. Form a club cf four, ontl remit the price of four books, and five copies will bi ent utthe remitter's txpene fur carnuffc.or for ten subscribers eleven copies w ill be scut at our t!XpenL for carnage. TO AGENTS. No other work, willo lilierally reward the exertion i ofApeDts. An Aoiht Wantid is Tina Cocmy. Term, made known on nnnlicatum to the Tub Ulicra. Nov. it, lcCO. BA GAIN'S I BJl li GA INS 1 . SCW FAIX AM) WIXTHK GOODS. ifflAiBirs Bfiiiir WOULD respectfully Inform the citizens of Liph Street and Ucinity that thiy have jitt received a now and cstenive aturtmcnt of DltY UOODS AND GnOCBIUKS, which they will sellcheap for cash. Thsy have alarge and general aiety; all that is commonly found in a Country torc, and are determined to sell cheap. To the selection of their poods t!r;y have paid btnet attention j therefore, their merchandize will bear recommendation and will proe to be of thu tlr.t class. The proprietors coniinlly solicit n liberal nhare of pat ronage. Lutomers would do well to call and cxamino their general variety before purchasing chew-here. Country produce taken in exchange for goods at the highest market price. MARTZ 4c EXT. Light Street, November, 3 lfff). GILL & PAUL, Grueral ConimiSMlnn fllerchanls, DElLtRI l!l rish, rrnlsions. Hour, llutter, Chpeac, Oila, Dried Truila, Grain, Mcods, Ikana. WliUktfy, Wool, Country 1'roducc and .MerchaadUc Bsnerally. No. 34 XuBllI WlURVLa, I'llILAOCLrilU. C!7" Coiisinmenta nn'rovlaiona. Tlour and Country Product' aoltciti-il. und returns promptly inads, Caefi ndvaticed ivhiMl dtalrud. UHDURd for all kinds of I'Mi, rrnvlilona, Flour, Dried Fruit,, s,c, Hlljl at the Ion eat Cajll Filce a. Auju.l i, IcGO-U-in, NhW HLACKSMII'II SHO!'. T11K undi-riiancd rospcclfully Informs his friends and tddcuvtomers that Jic lias op-nfid a shop on tlali Blrett, a fan- doors ubove tho fork's Hotel, in Illooms, bure, where he ilcsiutis contliiuins tho 8MI I HINO ItlJoINKSS, In all its various branches, at low prices, and on an cn larged .rale, and solicits the public patronairc. lC"l'roducc, Grain, Ate., Bvniridly taken f.r worV. MILES C. AUUOTT. Bloom.burs, Hay H, 1851. WINK AND LIQUORS. WHOLESALE JJNU RETAIL, qIIE undarsigned, hailng opened a New Store, on I Alain Street, a ttw doors Boulh of Iron Btroet, Dloouisburg, and Mocked it ilh the best brands i all kinds of Impartid Liquors, uill bo happy to supply the trade nn the most actomiaodauntf terms aud at unusually low prices. & Tublic Custom is respactfully Invite 1. . . . 'V- W- HOBBINS. Bloonisburr. July 7, f-8. Jfgtnt. TIU6 WAY OHISAP BUYbltS. RLOOMSUl.'UO cheap cash Store, arain replcnlihsd with a fresh stocc of SPItlAV OOODi-wa are now prepared tu onlr to the public a very handsome lot of Spriup, and Summer Coods-at usual low prices, for UUAUY PAY ONLY, Come along uith your each and produce, II. C. at I. W, IIARTJIAN'. March 13, 16C0. & a g i s ta?. II. 0. HOWER, SlinCEOfV UEATIST tlESIDEXCB.V. Brick BuilJitf J.liio llartvtin isttit ntSrECTFI'I.I.Vi.fT,.. hi. n.nA...i. al services to tbe ladles and an.tlouen rf UTrf omtbat and icinlly, He is prepared --t Ur to alti'nd to all Ih. v.r.nn. nti-i- Dentlitrr. ni is provided with ths latest Lut roru,ents I'OROKIiAlN TJShTU Which will be In sorted on phot er told plate to look as well as ths natural. .Aiucerior article oi Tooth Powder always on Jans, 17 -J7 .tcy U. i3 SCERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS IUK CELEBRATEt) HOLLAND REMEDY IOR DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, I.IVKIC OOM1T.AINT, WEAKNESS OI1 ANY KIND, FEVER AMD AGUE, Ann the various affections consequent upe-n IIsordre4 STOMACH OR LITRU, Pnch si IudlfiPrtion, Aridity cf the Stomach, Colicky Pnlns, Heartburn, kna of Appctlt Pipoudnry, Costivrnoss, HHnd snd Illwdlnff Vticn. In all Nervous, lthrmnntlr. nud Iim In numcruus lnWnc provwl hlihly Wtidflchl, and In utbera iffectrri a dec! led enrs. Ihis is a puitly vrgcUhlo cmyjwuinl, props red on ntrlctly scleiitlfle principles, after tlislniuiuer of th selebntM HuUand I'rofufwor, Ikprhive. Its rvptttition at homo pro duced Its intrcolitctlon here, tho demand commmeinp with tlife of the Futhcrland scattered oter tlm tac of lids mighty country, mnnv rf vhom brought with them nttd bnuded dou n tho trmlitloti of its alue. It U nrw rflirt,l to Vit American publf, lnotdvtt that itt truly vxmdtrjul mcliiinal virtuti must U acXmwtnJfftd. It l pnltlcularly recninmrnded to lhos persons whois constitutions mnj have been Impaired by the continuous mi of Ardent spirits, or other forms of dUsipition. Oonernlly tntintsnfous In efTt, it Quds its wny directly to the sent of life. thrilHiiK and qulrksuinfc ei ery nprtit, raWng tip ths dioopiiiK spirit, and, in fact, lufiisiug new IiuaHIi and Tlgor In the sj tsu-m N0T1CK. Whoever peets to Crd this n IcTerflR Iil be dlsnppolntiHl t but to the sick, ctk and low spirited. It will pne a Rratuful aromatic cordial, cotsessed cf siceuU muedll prcijiLrlUs. READ CAREFULLY! Tli Ocnulne Mphly concfntrnto.1 ITtprhiiTn's TT,lMnl TJlttcrs Is put nn In half pint bottles only, nnd rttillcd st O'tE DollAB wr U.ttl", or sit bettln for Ktvs DottAAi Tin great demand for this truly celebrated Mntlrlne ha Indneeil maiiT ImltntloiiF, which the fullic tWuld guard Against piircinnlmr. Keffnrs of Tmioltton. Sea that our came Is ou the label of every bottls you buy. EoM by Druggists generally, It can be forwarded by Express to taost points. SOLK I'ltOi'UIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. MAHWFACTriaiSO Itarmacciifisls amt (CIitmLsis.- PITTSBURGH, PA. df,r s.vrns, hk- "y SsYfeV above third J'hiln m Vheitnut Stmt. 'hilndenhia. hnvt? on an i a larjre nssnrtni snt cf Tire ini r proof sulamain1r Huu-k. iron doors, for banks and tlrlMD Ir.m nfi IKrj !,,. .It j'mnkt.'g of locks .qutil to any maJo in the United States. Ftre&ffts in one f.ri. rums cut right; vith tan fell's in pood rondition. Thu Salamander Safes of ruildtMphia against the world. i EVANS & VATON, I hfuolnd the surest dsmostratlon In tin fallowing wr. ' tlflrnM that thMr mauufactiire of S.ildtnandrr Pif.-s has nt KMtpth fully warranted tho representations which have bscn ma lo rf th'in as rendering an undoubted security against th? terrific ilemcnt. I Thiladtlphia April 12. 1351. ! Mestrt Erant $t Watson: Gentl men It affords us the hiuhest satisfaction la stnte to you, that owing to th? very pre uctivi'quatitiLsiftuo of ths Salamander, Saf'3 which we purchased vf you some tite monih since ue saved a larce portir n rf JtMMlry, and all our borki, 4-c, exposed tn thi cnlaimuous, fire in Itan&tuad place on . tin morning of thr 11th Inst.. I When we refl 'ct (hut lh:s safjs were located in the fourth s'ory of th j butUing wa occupied and that they full sabseTirntly inton h up nf buriiinc ruins, wh-re the vast cone, nirnium of tin h m r:iinii! ih t ira ti.ii -B melt, we cannot lut regard tliipresenniion if tiu-ir val uable contend as most conducing prof at Ilia gnat se cunty b (Tor ded by jour safjs. e snaii ibk t prsai pi -asuri in recommendin; them to men of butiti" as a sure rcliancu acttinitt tiro. Ky"Tht hae sinctJpnrchaBCd sit larcu tfafs. August 20, 1?5'J. ann undersigned Is also extensively cngaped in th? Undertaking Huimes$l and keeps constantly on hand large assortment of FINISHED fOFKINS, Ily ivblch ho la enablca u nil crdori on presentation Alio - Kcrpi u coo J Horso aaa lluarie. ami will at al llmca ba ready to attend Fuanrcli. SIMON C. SII1VE. nioonikbi'rf , January 23, 1!S5. SAVING FII.ND U. S. Trust Company. Corner nf Tliinl ami Chts'nut S S-. Phil'. LAROHand iniall auma recilved and paid back on demand without notice, uith Five rta cest Ister, Eiruoiu mi uay 11 .upi-ait lotnii day ofHithirawal. Orrinll(.URi'-l-,m,,uuiilil5 o'clock .ry day, axd iMoNo.vUvsMvo.rroniimlllioclock. " I'rJiWent-Sri-l'IIU.N- B. CBAWTOttU, j r insurer i ti.vr i isk. Ttll.-r Barnes It. Ilunur. UUKCTOnS. Stephen K. Crawford. Daniel Bcldleman, lOrrse Ju'illn, A1 i-er C. Hart. M. D.. Henjamin V. 1'inslcy. I'aul 0. RooJard, M. O. l' Brady, Janus peverjaux, Tlio-nas T. l.-'a, March 3d, leas ly. William M. Go'livin, II. Frin lin Jackson, I'llny ris: Til U i ilTonnt llcrnon SCCOND STREET. ABOVB AIICII. PML.lnt.LPm.1. II. II. EDWAUDS, Vrc-pntlir. May 15- lS0O-3m. r Toll CU & BKO Utf. MARSHALL 11UGUES. WITH - IC Jl tf H N 4s B 0 y . WHOLESALE DEALERS I.J Maiuiliiciurul & i.iitl luli.icco, IMVlVir-kinilK A V li until) j-i'in UAVAiMAlst- KIA AM) UU.UE.3lI0, O lii!jriS.lUC) (Xb., I N. S. Corner of Front and Arch Streets. SRTI1CR II. Off. i nan M. novo. I rillLAIlELrill A. March 10, l.-10-lim. IIKNUY AUOI.I'irs CABIX ET W It I5O.HS, No. 36 NORTH SECOND STREET, f.BOVE MARKIT.l One Uoor above Christ Church. A General Assort went of C077'.iUfi WlLITUnE, In cludinc L'A.W ilVllLS, ce. IMIlLADIiLPIIIA. May 1!. leCO-lini. 'THE UNION," .IrcA Strut. Abece Third. V II I A l) E 1,1' n I A , THE ntuation of this Hoi-J renders it one of the mott touvenieutfor ihuie who arc inline Philadetpliiu on buainef i ; nhiUto those in tearrh v( plPaiure, the eont-untly pacing ami re pausing City Railway earn, and lhus in cltiiti proximity, atford a cheap and pleat ant ride to nil place of iutureit and uutuiu-ment in or about tho city. Th proprietor givei anurnnce that 'The Union" chall b k"pt with such tharactn at will inert publ'c approbation, and would rei pf ctfully lohrit. trrnirnl pat runaee. UITON tt NEWroMEIU February tti, lfGO-JJii, I'ropricior, . PALDING'S CelaLralpil Vrontro.1 Mar 1, 1S0. Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, In which wo hnvo la bored to nruduco the mott firt-cttinl nltcratiro that can be ruudc. It is a concentrated extract of l'fttn Snr-iipp.! Ula, to combined with other utiitancos of still greater nlteratlvo power as to rtlfird an cifectivo antidote for thu discuss Snraapiiillla is reputed to cure. It is believed that tilth a remedy is wanted by thoe uho stiller from Strumous complaints, and that una which uill accomplish their cute mutt prord of immense service to this largo clu-s of our aillicted How completely this compound will do It ha, been proven by exper iment on many of tho wont cases to bo found of tho following complaints : ScuoruLA and bcnorut.oi'9 CoMrLAtNT.", UnurrioNS and Uuurtivc Disiiisr.s, Ulceus, l'iMl'LI-.s, llLOTCIIKS, TUMORS, SAW llllHl'M, BciLn llriAD, Svntil.ts A-rn Svi'iin.iTio Ar iTcnoNi", MmtcuiuAi. Unnvsu, Unorsv, Ni.u r.AUiv on Tic Dol-i.ouiieux, )F.nit,tTV, Dvs vrrsn and Indiohstiov, liitTnirntAs, IIdse on Sr. Asrnosv's Fine, and indeed the whola class of uomplaiuts arising from iMruiurv or Tin: llLoou. ' This compound will bo found a great pro moler of health, when token inthospiing, to expel the foul humou Avliich fester in tho blood at that eeaon of tho year. Uy tho time ly cxpuUion of them many rankling disorder, arc nipped in tho bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from tho endurance oi foul eruptions and ulcerous seie, through which the system will strive to lid itself ot corruption', it not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanso nut tho vitiated bhmd whenever you find its lmpuiitics bur-ting through the skin in pimples, ciuption, or sore; cleanse it when you lind it is ob structed and sluggMi in the veins ; cleanso it whtnever it is foul, aud your feelings will tell you when. Kvsn whero'uo particular disorder is felt, peoplu enjoy better health, and livo longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, n-ul nil is wclli but with this pibuluni of life disordered, there can bo no l.iting health. Sooner or later something iiiu-t go wimtg, nud tho gicnt machinery of life ii dwudercd or oveithrown. Saisjpanlhi has, and de-erves much, the rqiutaiirm, of accomplishing these ends, llut the world hai been cgiegiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not nil the virtue that is claimed fur it, but mote because many prcpaiations, pretending to be concentrated c.xtraits of it, contain but little of the vhtue of Sauaparilla, or any thing else. During late yeais the public have 1 een mis led bvlaige bottles, pretending to gic a quart nf 1V,,. t- s:nMn.....:ii.. ...... .1..11... rn.. lliey i ot only contain little, if tiny, SniMif.n lilla, tut often no curative luoncrtiis vlistcv- er. Hcnec, bittir nnit painlul tli:aipouitnient has follow cil tlic use ci the various extracts of SarHinurillu hieh llood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and lias become fcynonymoufc v,ith iiiiiontion ami cheat. Ptill vt e call this comnound Sarfop arilla, and intend to supjily such n remedy us shall lecne the name fiom the load of tbhquy vhich rests upon it. And vie think we have ground for bclicuiip; it has iitues wliith are incstiblo by the oidinaryrtin of the diseases it is intend id to cure. In order to tecuio their comj-ltto irndieation fiom the sj stem, the lcincdy should be judicioutlv taken accoiding lo diicctions on the bottle. x mErARED DY 1)K, J. C. Al'EIt & CO. I.OWJ5I.I., "MASS. Price, 01 li n- Iiottlc tlx Dottles for 35. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, h? r,on for itself ttich a rctiowti for the turc of ctcry aiit ly of 'Ihioat nnd Lung Complaint, lliat it i ct.tiu-ly unrtcrcssury for in to ici-uimt the nidcncc of its irtucs, whcrccr it has I etii cm llojctl. As it has long Lecn in constant no t'lrouj.'.hnut this eccticn, q nerd i,ut do moic than (insure the people it quality is Kept tip to the test it cur has Ucn, nnd that it may he irlicd on to uo for their relief all it has cut Lcen found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOH THE OV Costivcness, Jamuticct Dtspijufat Imlvjc$tIont Dysentwj, 2'uuf t"to?ttucht Viysipdas, IhvdaUtc, Piles, JtfiiuuatisM, Eruptions und Ski a Dheaus, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, TtfUr, Tumots and Salt VJu-wn, W'ohm, Uot.t, Xturttftfin, tts a I)i.mi-r Pill, and for Vwiftjiii'i the JJlttod. They are hUfjar-eoated, tS llitit the iiiost fccnsi theenn tnlti tlirm pU-ntanlly, aind thry me the beit aperient in the world for t.ll the 1 uii cic of ;i family phjic. Price 25 cents par Toxi TivoboxC3 for $1X0. Great t.umhers of Clerjincn, rhMcian(., States men, and eminent cncnnrs, h,c lent tin ir luinies to certify the mipjridli ltd i.1 cfuli.tss of ihct-c remedies, Lnt our fcpac. heicill iiot the inseitlon of tluiti. The Agents Lclownnnud fur nish gratis our Amckiuan Almanac In width they are (.-hen; nth ulso full desniptions of the uboe complaints, ai.d tho trculmtnt that bhould Le fol lowed for their cur?. Do not be put otf by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Arm's, and take no othcu. The tick want the best aid there U for them, and they bhould have it. All our Remedies are for bale by E.'itz. J It. Mover, C. M, .Mzenhiicli, Kloomiburjr A. Miller, llcrw ictt, and by one store in ce;y town m Pcnndlvania, X13 V AND SPLENDID ASS OltTMEXT or A I fllC COJl.Y.ili OF W Main mid Ii-oti slrcelw, W h Q Q Xii S K ft G t B'Ai Do you want SILKS t Go lo BUOWl.lfS U.))nu Maat LAVULLA I'LOTII I Uo to IIKlHVt;ll tlo you want II Al.l.l UIXAINUSI io tu lllttlW l:K S llo joa win, TAIIIX CO VI. US I U u D,i you ivaul " LOl II IIL'S'lTltH 1 Uo to UKUtVLU 3 H uu "'"'S 'V.'.Wm.''1 ' Goto JJUOU LU c5 ""VV-vi'I,1,6, r ,.- ,, KhiUT-U I'UNIlLlla r Com fliO" KR'S Hoyou uuiit .MUSLINS! Go to BKUWI.Il s ll.i you want CALI1.0LSI (io lo llltUIVlllt'S l)j yuu want LA V.- I Co to Mtim Lll'ti 11,1 you want UAULCLS 1 Co to liKUWKK'r. IJo nu want 11L I'LCCS t do to LlttuVKk-H ! Uo oi want IIUSILUV 1 til M UUU r- Uo you wunt (ILtlVI.SI tlo to UUOWI.ItV ll.i ).ia uut IIAMJKERCHlErS? (Jo to LI(IIWi:il I 1),, you waut . Alll'El SAT I1LLS I (lo to BllO'VLU'c, uu you want sj' UIIAWLH I (Jo to DUOWDR'S lloyouwHiil Mil MIITSI G.i to IllllltVLlt'n 11 1 you want SILK (il'ttM.LS I do 1 1 URIIWKU'.S llo you want GAUNTLETS I Goto IIROVVEII'S Ujyounauti ItOTCIILT III! ID.-t' Goto IlllOWLKS 110 you TIUV t oriON I Goto IllKUVKIl'S XI 1 you want IMI,V P NSI Go to UHOWKirri uo you want SUN Sll--lir.3 I Go lo lii:oVEIt-H Uo yon want U.M IIIIKLLAS I Go to liltOUXU'rl Ui you want CASl ,M ER ES I Go to IIKO' VElt'8 uo jou w ant rr.uair I X, ill r (o to llltUW hit S Uo you vaut LINEN' (111 ECUS ( Go lo IlltOWKRS Uo you want 1'EKUALES ( Goto UKUVEI! S Ujyou want JE Nh( Goto LIlOlVEIt's 1 Uoyou want NANKEEN'S? Go to IlKOWEit'cl Uoyouwant GINGH'tidl Go 10 IlltOll Ens 1 Uo you want DUG L I Go to ISKUWl'IfS I Uoyou want GUHTAIN' MUSLIM Goto KlIOWElfS Uo you waut Cdl.'ll AMIlltll.'S I Go lo UUOIVEU'S I Uo you wunt WHITE GOOUSI Go to IIIIOU'EU'S Uo uu want HEM "SI Go to IIKOWHIfS I Uo you want SILESIA I Go to IllllJU'lMCM ""ou wain uuii.i.iiMisr (in lo IlliUWEI'-S UoyouwaniTI KINGS I Go to LROWEH'S JJo jou want I. I1IES' 3'IOESI Go 10 IIIKIWER-S ' Uo you want KltES i.CltO ERIES I Go to IlltOtVEIt'S Uo you waut aUEENStVAltni Goto HIlOtVElfS Uo you wont GLASStV tRIW Uo you want II RIUVAIIE I Uo you want U11IJCS I Uo you want 1'Ultl: SI'I 'ES ' Uo you want CUE xl' GOOUS I llloom.burg, Ma) 13, JctO. uo i llllDtVEli'S Go to IIHUWEK'rl Go to iiitownit-s Go to IIUOlVElt'S Go to EROWER'S States lilnicu fjotel 000 k 008 JKRKI-T STREET AllOVE SIXTH, piiiMDrr.ruiA, 3. W. IOWEK, Froprlttc,. Tfkms: $1 5 per day. May 15, 1 ' WILLIAM QUI.NX. S. W. Cor. Third un1 SIi.rh.-i Kts.. . I'iir-AUELIIIIA. tr I'uTds $1.50 ntr IOuO. -a ueu.t 4, l.'co-isiu . ATTORNEY AT LAW, . , BLoa.viEviin, r.i. Weonnhurf, Vtt i, io. ivn vnn rnv prrtnv miE OP llorroui Prestratlon, Ocseral Debility, Aathna, BytTiertta. Ccrofula, Ilaraanta, raralys!!, Ciro-ili Broathltia, Ancnla, Chlorosl?, anj all Diaordcrj cf tie Elood Cyst:m. DO YOU rCNOV IT? rovpntrnoN is mr. mot tatai. Korncr. or JIANKINH. It has been truly rocan'.cil ns v ict r.i a.B MAUiiT few cvf f li.rvlvmg l-.s attark. " Cn ri' a qftht ulnlti human rtve." Pays I)r. l-iimcnitl, " ami siounniANiNi: inn' or aii.hie am ivtoir- I. .MI0N ft mo-t ell i:irod remmnr I'.li a I EIUX1I EY Till 1 1 1-EAi C." Miat a tid i omuicDtary on Itio tuitlcd iDcacrcflliallcalhdArt 1 'Jliclirilllant 1 lccrycf IT. rhurrlilll.made tolho Im-icrlil Aca lcmy (rjI-ilicltio, of I'arls, proved an itt. f.m(il4t'rtto tlio wurld. I'y tho IM cf tills niw aad jvwtiful remt 1ml armt, known to t hcmlstry aa THE HYPOPHOSPHITES, 'The CI7RC of CONSI'MITIOX, arin In the Bccond nnd Third Ptuj-c (nt a pcrlixl, therefor, Tfhcn tlicrc rnn bo no douLt nn lo ttic nature of t!io liUcnte) 1 tlio Kl'LE, Mlo H HAT It IS THE EXCEPTION." I x:XOW," rnyi Dr. C, t.iat thcr wlU pr-ovc riotontr dm tVHH A REM rDV In CONRL'H t'TIHN on Quinine 1 In Intrr. inittcnt Tcicr, but nlo o rJTtctual n l'!KSK VA11VE aa Vacitnutlon In Small Vox." Let no e-i!TTcr,w!io vaij-a liralih and lifa, ilclny an hour to try tiiis rc-Mc-iy. IU mci.ibcr that" irev-t feu Is tiotlcr cure." IVwarcor stlf (Jw.cptt(n,or t!:o eonttii. g ns'-'irrco cf fiicri!s "SJ is only a UUU to1 At " 1 at dicrior U my U Jr w Iio now n I ptcnuura jrraves! Clva,I tntrual you, prompt atur.tiun to tLo cARLtcar ciacis of coHSUKPTtott. "A'D Tim-m H.i.SS i:tm iouow tdem.1' i.'ark. "luoeiWi. (tyr.ii toracl tubercular tlliooso iitfisr. .a. Urc'st-iarA.aa't It 13 earlier, U joint cf tim;. II. ai t!u ircne. It is first manircBlud ta tho frst oikI h nils Taj mj'cuhr llsvjn) wasta ; lic)cc dld uir ! taaro 1 a ens nf scmellilug wjouy a ufni'tlulii: vr.t i-oweiw rb rut.oiNQ. li.-s uvije of tlio 1 v 1 : & taathico Is more actio Itua lU rr-afr." Vr. iW.'JL f(irfVfloMiiya;i(imi canc,cr tiD'tor tliolnflucnro cf cat f 03 which I iduce v. la Ktu and lxjiaiti! n ; euh as want, yri f, tirenmt k, exec. jrriannjf tKUtl-lcart nj,, rajvl gtvuih, or it,io ircotvry nm diueue, a. i-craua bt'.Mns t-i Ipso his flush, f-triDiih, coltr, er pjj.tltOi If hJ nulTcrs fi-oiu iUrinat of lrcctt tr tU'fplc truss, au cinrrlenttB a gmeral fi-illi Rtf Irti puor aud di-vrcsiion, llILlilJ IS KUAtON TO 1 LAK tLat he is already frtdi pnged to the complaint. It to Huso eymptdiua bo a-Jdtil coitf.h, howcvir si If. lit, jmrticularly If It hn crmi on slowly, tr durirg tho ufr ajaacu. Til:: i'j.oa.iiiui v u ouluTni f.iilL. chinhu. EFFECT OF THE REMEDY. "IT. on tho oarllcst appearance of thcc .teas of t'onpunipllon. llio rntlciit .lull- ktiout ten crnln. of tho IirrOPJIOSPIIITrS, he Mill i.niutlr aco llioni R'.l d-eappcar iu a period vei-ylnc from a few wcelcs to a r.w mor-thsi outl Ly i untlnulitc tJjo oeenalonal o of tho I'tnicrijv WILI 8FirD IL7 riSD lIIM3r.LT I TUS INJOIMEKX OP BUOlt HEALTH AS IIC, KIEIXAPS, 1IA1) MTt'LIl knows is iiib l.irr. ni:roi:iv "Winchester's Genuine. Preparation" IS THE ONLY JltLIABLU Form cf Ir. Clmrclillfa remedy pra.lo from tho orljlaal rormuU J Ilia acluin if tho JlyiK-rlitil-liiui la l o-foid and siclflc : iicrfi'iny tlio rini.iplo nun a cnv.Timta MjiHus irnfi:, Mid tiny tre tlio n-sr l nfon crnrAn.(i czvn v. s. TU eff.-tt nivrn tlio tubercular tun lltlno Is ISIMU IATIC, all Tea CEMTtAL. sVMrnilis Ms.irinihi..a ir,-,n A lui i. in intH ISMlliril.iBVl.Lrts. Ili.-y nliVre tho cai-tli.i'iKftlU cipcctoratlen, i'i;Tei! tlio, nritf dlarrlcta; tho tu'cali, tUili, and mr c-cso ; tho bowtla Uumt i e-.Iur, and inn nxu- tAUt a.d r-rtoroi-r. A FAIII TRIAL IS A CERTAIN CURE I 3" HKWAr.E of JIis -(-jiirt'ifi advert hal as I'r. C.iuiililll'a, and nllot!u.r fW.Ml.IXd MAKES lon.1) sa.Tjrcrs of their ltiats.lo-(.;r(f-i ri'j?,ai.d I or leu a fatal nrM-LT. M'l 113 to racier C1IA.TI V.I.S, aud tor Dr. ChmcMU's Treatise on Consncpticn, svhli-ti co-ii-it-1 tlio onl i fxtthcntlc in'frmvilicn 1 1 re-ird to tills :.LW T:;r.tT:ii.N-i'. tu.t I lits la ail Inquire,., OTlC-liIn 7 and ICoa. rottlen, fl and (2 etch. Throo larco, or six email fcr CO. My r.c-B'railc Is on both tho Label end Outi!da -WrBrper. ito OTrixn 13 orifUiNr. Po not confound this Hemcc-y w Ith ths so-enllrv 'KU-mlcalrood nud pirtlcLlirly aoid a'li ri j.ira tifins C'litalr.irg im hli li Is iu- cixot m, nrd 1 1 U-Uur , which LaHAoa-iuini:ritoiuiTV mumrn, -old by tho mcFt re?iifct-bo nrun-Wa tlrorrlimit J U-iltcd tUitrsand Uritl'h I lOMr.cin.aiid WLclesalo JO. retail at ll.o tincral leiiet In tho I nitid itAUs.b J. WIHCIIESITII, SO Jchn Street, If. Y. Jlarchii, lMI. .rIVKS At ftg-:KE, IRON RAILING CKN'AMEVTAL IRON WORKS, No. 222 (Mlln-rlull St.. below Third, PHILADELPHIA. Iron Rniling for I'arks, Ucinetenes, Veranias,Sleps, S.e. March 111. HlO-aim. S35.00 Pays th.- entire cost for Tuition in the moat popular and nnrrfful Commerrial Kuliool in tlio ctiuntr). ITpwnrl of Twelve Ilunifr'Ml younir ini-n from twenty-cicht diir ront Htateti.haie luuii tlucateii for biuini'sn hern with in tho pact ttirco venrs. ftoinc of wiiniu have been cm plojcd.ns Hook Kccours nt ea arics of 8000 00 per Annum, immiJiatPlyupon graJuating.who Knew notliinc ofoc counts uh nih-y tntirfil tin Collie. ZJ Mfiiitrn Kniifhalf prirc. Mmtenl enter at anj rji3W wlun tluy p)Mti,withmt cxtraiharpe. Tor Catalogun ofe.ijiace. ep'cinionK-f Prof Cow Icy tuincfi nni Or-iauintal I'l-uniaiisliip. and .1 Ijrpe I'.n irr iing oftli"L'i.Ir'iro inrlore tvtot)fivccvntf In Poit .igt: btauipd to tin l'rinciiaU. Jl.NKIXo & SMITH. Pittsburgh, Ta. Jan. 5, fll-ly. John 53. Ycayer. .MAMTACTURUlt WHOLESALE DEALER IN HnT.S. SAP, STRAY GOODs. Ilniinrls iiml Ariiliclal FIowcs, No. 237 XORTII THIRD STREET. 1'IIILAIIELrllIA. Match 111, l-l,l)-l.':ii. SVmtinn f Oimos'ile Jtirlrrnilriit,- Unit I CIIESTNU1 STREET. nETlVnEN HFTH IcSIXTH, ,, WVATT U IICIIL1NGS, Mar 13.IB.18 Proprltur,. tinvarb" & stovh sTiok TIIE unu-irslsneil resiieclfully Informs his oM friends ami ciKloiners. that Im lus purchased his brothers ntcri-sl iu tli aliovc i tabli.liinent, nud tlio rnnccni will herearti-r Uaconiluclcd b) liiMiiolI'viclu.hily. He has Ju.t reci-iieil uuj oilers Tor sale, tho larir- .XfA ett uti t I'itriisho nfc-ortuii-nt or I'AXCV M8IUi I'M -'er Inlroduced into tins market. ry li fiuclt consists of a complclo nssoitmi'nt of the be.t l.oDkini; unit parlor stoves iu ihe market, togeth er with stovol uturi-s if fiery description, Oven and lloiMoies, Radiators, fjlmdar ftou-., r,i,t Iron Air risht itoies, Cannon Sluves, 4,c., ie. Slolipino nud 1 iiiwaro connanlly on haul and inuiiufacluroil to order, All kinds or repairlui! done, as usual, ou short notice. Hij palroiiasi! of old frieujs and new ro. . M niri,,-.,. I I'dooiiikburi;, NoiriubPr3dl'C0.-tf. ' " ' ' ' va-:s'i'niit sao i uj,, Noa. 0. II, 13 sod 15 Oourtland street. I10AUI), SI 50 PliH DAY. U. II WINCHESTER. TIIOS.U. VVl.NCllEtTER. NEW YORK. May I. IPS8 TO FA ItM KHS eO.(H)l) UA. RICLS . I'OUUltETTK, made by the Lodi Manufacturiii! Cof.,rsa'o in lots in suit iurrliatrs. This is the .l.-YBmu " 'l"rl"', 61 'ttli will luHiiuro on acrjoftnrn, wil increase the crop from one third to one-hair, and wi I rip.-i. ihe crop two week, .-aril r ii d unlike auaiM., ncilh, r injure thcVed nor land. A .am ii a, with .uti factory eiidenco and full particulars, will be sent Bratistnai.yo'iescndius ndiltJ. to ' LOUl MANl r.Vi TLI1ING CO,' l1braryll.liOI-ii!wSuU,MU""Ui'''""aJ"'"" pittJlC IIUUI.LAM;!) ULOV..I! r-LLII. Ireo , X Iriuii notion, inn', also. 1 imolhi Orcli nrd, llerd (Irj.s li.linn ami I-iicll.l, pernnh!sW. Key Grss, hemucky H ueCrnss. hiieOlnvcr-iLi-rlne iiilied Lawu Grass teed ut wlinlesnle and ,", Jt I'AfcjGIIALI. MOUKIrt, n?fJ:";iuNl wchm "h I March K.ieM-lJni I i.finn'hUmis' lf fiflPArilTr ' cffSSa v .forty - nEAR WHAT THE TEOPLK SAY, Tl.p n.1erlim1 tmvlnr uhp-1 l'mfrMor IIUMPITUnVS' SI'KOIKIC JIOM'FOI'ATIUO KKMkl)IK3 In our fnlllci uith th nmi mtlafiictory remit?, and htvln-r full confi dence In their BcnulueiiCM, imrltr, mid eliicucy, cheerfullf iccinnmcn 1 llim ti nil )ertt"ns who wlih ta lmve iafe, re. llabt", an 1 eillcadwa rciuedlea at band fur private or Jo in (tlo mo. ... . , The Iter. Win. llflmnfr, editor of "The Northern Inde iiendent,' Auburn. N. T., tht Htv. IE. II. Creinev. P.O., hector of St. I'ctcr'i Churcli, Auburn, N. Y. the Itev. D. I. Int. Clifti.tnln of tlte Auburn State Trlion; the Her. Upcnctr M. HU-e, Itrctor, Ne-Hcdford, Mum the Rev. Allen Stle, New-Ynrk Conference! Uie Kcr. Samuel Mchotn, Luttlenciet Conference, N. Y, t te Rev. V. 8. Pratt, IJ.traet, Vt. J the Iter. Joliii K. Koble, Uuffiiloi A. ft lliirt, tint, L'tlca, U. Y.t the Hon. Nent Uow, r-irtUnd, Me. , tho Hon, Schuyler Colfax, Sauth-nend, tnd. the lion, (leorpe lliimiihrctn, N. Y. t Henry U. Cook, Ehi , Editor cf Tde O.ilo Ft fiic Journal, Columbian, Ohio; tbe Hon. It. It. Oralian, Mullnc, I11.( the Hon. Tlionim J. Clianf, Mnnll cello. Vlv; the Hon. Jeh ItnHlct, title, N. Y.t Wn. ll.Iitol. It , Utlcii, N. Y. j A. 8. Pon.1, Ui , Utlea, $. X. J Jiitut'f Tluukett, Ijq , Nmlivlllo, Tenn. LIST OY SriCIlIC RKMCD1KS. Nn. l.Tor evcr, ConKetttnn, and Inllammallon. No. 2. for Worm fewr, Worm Coll-:, Wfttinjr the Bed. No. it. Vut Colic, Crytnjf, Tccthtiif, anl Wakefulnem of InfiinU. , No. 4 For IMarrhea, Cholera Infantum, and Summer C mii-klnln. No. 5 Vr Colld, firlntiiyi, Ptientrry, or Rliody Flux. No. 6. Ktr Cliolera, Cliolera Morb ii, Voadtln-f. No, T. For Conshi, CoM, Iiifhtfiui, and S-re TH'oat. No. 8. For Tootli-acl.c, Yct, and Nenral-d-i. No. !. For llcidache, Yertljo, Heal aud Fullntia of the No." 10. DTiPFrsii rittJt For Weak and Deranged Stoma-vh, Onigt'iiathm, and Uver Complnhit. Nn. 11. For Fkmalp laruutLARiTU, Soanly, Painful, cr Supnreed 1'erlodj. No. 12 For Uucorrho, Trofwie Mectef, and Heirlf? Down of Feiu'ilei. , No. 13. For Croup, linage OAurh, Had IJrealhlnp. No. It Skit Rhutm 1'h.u For Erj-ii-elii, Lruptlona, rimplen on the Face. ',. 15. RiuuMtTir Pilw For PU, 1. inieneM, orSre In the Clieit, Dick, t-olns, or Mnib. A. Tor Fever an 1 Ajue, CVlI Feer, Dutib Agar, OU Mis-nnnnsed Atruei p. For I'ilcn, IMril or Htue line. Internal cr F.xtmal. 0 For Sore, Weak, r Inflimr 1 Kve and f ' l '11 In ""' " C For CaUrrh, of Ion? standing or recent, either wit obstruction or profuie dlicliarce. W. C For Whoojdng Cough, abating Iu ttoletice ao4 rhortenlng Us couric. , In all a-'utc dlicaici, such as Feveri, Infiammatloci, Diarrhea, Djaentery, Croup, RheumatiBin, and euch erup tive diieues aa Scarlet Fever, Mcaiks, and Erjilpelas, ths advantage of f,ilnj? the proper remedlei promptly U ob vious, and In all such casts the speclflca act like a charm. The entire disease Is oUen arrested at once, and In nil case the violence of the attack li moderated, the disease short ened, and rendered Ices dangerous. Ct-uphs and Colds, which are of such friquent occurrence, and width so often lay tbe foundation of dlieaied tunc?, bronchitis and consumption, may all be at once cured by I lie Fever and Cough I-illt. In all chronic diseases, such as Dyspepsia, Weak Ftomach, Constipation, Llrer Complaints, Piles, Ftmale Debility, and Irregularities, old Ilea laches; Sore wr Weak Kyer, Catarrh, Salt lUicum, aud other old eruptions, the case has specifics whdae proper application will afford a cure tn almost every Instance, Often the cure of a Bin file chronic diflicuHy, such as Dypeln, Piles or Catarrh, Headache or Female Weak ness, has more than paid for the case tea times over. PRICE. ' Case of SO Uals complete. In merc-eco, and Cook 3 Case of 2i luld, and Hook, plain 4 Case of IS numbered faoxei, and Book 2 Case of C boxes, numbered, and Book..... 1 Single numbered boxes, lth directions 25 cents. Single lettered boxes, lth directions ..W cents. Large case if 2 os. la1s, for plauUri and pbylchns.,..tl5 ALSO SPECIFICa Foil Abthma on PiiTniatc Oppressed, Difficult, Labored rtreuthing, attended with Cough and lixpector alien. Price, Fur Kah DiacuAh(.naKDDBArKEM. Discharges from the i-ir, tiie result or Bcaritt evcr, sieasiea, cr itiercuriaia. For Noises (n tbe Head, HardneES of Hearing, and Ringing In the Kars, and Kar-ache. Price, 00 cents per bov. Fur tjcKom.1. tiularped Glands, Kidartred and Indurat ed Tonsils, t-t tin ps aud Old Ulcers, Scrofulous Cachexy of Children. Price, bO cents per box. Yon Olklru. Duiiilitt. Phjslcal or Nervous WeaVness. Kithcr the result id Sit knits, Kxcesklve .Medication, or Ex hausting Discharges. Pi let', 10 cent, yvr box. For Ihtorsr. Fluid Accumulations, Tumid Snelllngs. with Scanty Secretions. Price, N) cents per dot. Foa St.-8iCK!its U.nhly SlckiiM, Verlli-o, Namra, Vomiting. Bklilicas from rMlmr or motion. IMce, CO ccnla tier Lov. Fuh Urivikt Pi6Ei6E3 Frr Oravcl, nenal Calculi, Diffi cult, Pill 1 1 Jul Urlimtiui). Dlaeuacs of Uie.Kl Jnej i, Price, W cents per Lot. For Skmikai. KMisaiofs. Involuntary DwcharffM and Confef(uent Prostration and Ui-bil.ty, Had Kciults of Eril llnblli. Tliemoit tuccenaful and eQiclcnt rt-inedy knowo, and nvxf be n l ed upon as a cure. Price, with full dlree tlom, i jitr lot. Pcnoni who Triali to place theme1vn under fhe profea (tonal enre, or tAtuek ml vice of Prof. llriiinnnTS, ean Jc lo, at his nflice &C2 UroaJn ay, dally fiom t A.H. to S P.M. or by letter. OUR REMEDIES EY MAIL. Isook owr the Hit; make up a cato of what lind yoo cliotme, and IticloKe t!. amount in a current nrie or itamia by tnHll to our addrcsn, at No. 6flJ llrondnay, NeVorkt and tl.e medicine wilt be duly returned by mail cr exprcw, free of charpe. AO UNT8 WANTKD. We drilre an aelke, efficient A cent fur the nn1e of our Kemedlet In every town or community tn tte United StaUi. Addrew Dr. F. HUMPJlItrAS I Co. No W3 UaoibisAY. Nnw-ToaK. Sold by E. P. LUTZ,A,.. ......... . April 7, 1VG0. AGHIOULTU UAL W A U U 11 0 U S B , Nos, 21 .j- 23, South Sixth sticct, near tha Stale It use, I'HIL.MIIlLrillA. rilN.VA. 'l'EN lloors of this speciouj building, creeled expressly EN Honrs or this specious building, creeled ciprcssly for th! proprietor's tra le, are stored w ilh seeds and fc"'.'S""''!'i"rV""''": a"J. "!': . . mn itKi.uinuMiFD.-iaj auu-criuers ait ire 10 call, tin aU"iitiim, of every one interested in f.irmiiig and Bardeniii to their well selected ilock of Agncultu - Warranted Garden and Floieer Serdt Gran a id Fitld S-cds, of the most retail quality. Trn Apricn tural Iinpl iuenm sold by ui ard mostly nianufactjrL'd at our tt.-am mrks, Urlbtol 'a. Having titled up our onabli aliment without regard to eipcme, with tlu most comflem niarhi.'nrry lor Hie iiLiuuficture of arifjun Kind-t if nuriculturnl implements we are now prepared tu Bupply all arlicl sin this tine fully equal, if not superior, tu an) thing cf tha kind ever bcloni nil' red to tlu public. fsandrrth's warranted Cardcn Heeds have brcn before thu public upwards of tdity eara; tluirwiJc uprcad popularity, nud the inrrensingdvinaitd from year to)enr, tlu bv'st cvtiJcnces of their bupcriority otr all oth -rs. Country merchants can be supplied with seeds in pa pers, or in b ilk, on tin mim liberal terms. Ulomnadul -, nar litistol, Pa., our cardi-n kerJ grounds, contiiiis thr.e hu idr.'d and seventy acres, and is the I argot establishment of its kind in the world. I). LANDItCTIl i SON, '0S. SI it 23 SouthStrth itrttt. PAi7iJ-iotii. tty Landreth's Rural H-'fiistar nnd Almanac for I 'CO, containing a r.irui. (larden and Orecn House Calandar forever)' uionlh inllie year, can be had rrulfi, upon pel. sonal or post paid annlication. January 31, l-'bO y. LIFE INSUllXNOK. TIW aiRAttl) LIFT. IX.SUR.1.VCF. A.V.VUirV A.VD THUsr eoMPA.vr or piiiuiuei.puia. nrricE. so. 40iti:tiTM'T siartT, (-Al-ITAI. (paid up.) S.10U 000. Charttr Perpetual, pONTINUKto make INSI'lUXCES ON LIVLS on the most reasonable terms. Tha capital being paid up an J Invested, together wilh a larco and constantly Increasing rcst-ried fund, o-T ra a perfect security to tlio insured. Flu preiuiuuins must be paid yearly half yearly, cr quarterly. ' ' i ue company aaa a LiUN us periodically to the insu. inci-s of life. Tlio FIRST IIONL'S appropriated in lie. The following aro n lew nauiples lrom the ilcci'.lrr -iiunuuini i-ellcyand Ptim Insured .vr.uo uiur. 1000 MM bonus lo ho increased Tolicy No. eU " 13J " I'Jil " 333 additiAn S7 30 lOoO 00 too no le-75 00 Jlir. oy luiureniMiliolls, l.:i.-7 50 ifiM Oil Lino oo O.TO 00 &c, ranip.-lels. containing tables of rates and ciplanatlon forms of application, and further Information can bf SwCi lounu ae IJ13 ouice. i , . .'fiioMAs ninumvAv, p,uint. T.l'VI T T kTT F. C, IliRRitos. CioiaialsF Jajsirfan. " October 10, lf57 ly. igent. STOVE AND TLV-WA11K SHOP. Cr- fountri iiroJui-o , " "V"..1!." ""1""- i.iiiiii--u tug ivoik. nooinsburg, Oct. S. 15(0. iWUl' 8' MOVER- TRUNKS I TRUNKS !1 ' rill', lartcsi, best handsom I est and cheapest nsenri, inent of Hole Leaihcr solid Itii eted Tnvelinj Trunks, LaiuM'BnM Sf Ori,t Trunk Lhlldren's Coaches, rropi. lers Leather and Carpet liana 1'ackinj Trunks A.c.. i.c., n W'.iS.'l tI).""-'LSI"'h'-e'n'"er.lCuLandlheFounTli n '." ''' 'ranches, lie is prtpared to ciecuto mJ2.i" lemb''r. 1J. II orders and has on hand at pr'a.nt an assorlment CTThcse additions are made without reiu!rlni any nriinlscel workwhicih purchasers will And to their increase in inn premium, lo hi. nnt, in . ... r-.;... ........ ' i u.uueaze to call and i-i.iuini. rtii. 1 '""'"'sned would Inform tha cltlicn. of' 13 I li oomsbursandiKiuity. that he has lust re' ell ed and oil. ra lor sale one of the most tileiisii ! asfortnients i.ri;(IOKINGand FANUV BrOVIS eieriutroduci-dinto this market. The i;n,ui,i... I lunibus, James Unbhand Globe are anions the dm class i enoklus of w llirll urn alr.ll.hl ...... t".?.' . l is I'arlor loves are haii.l.oine and the 1 i f.riiZl''e7","'.cullr''l,c"li0"1.P'''J t" '1'in-lVaro1 K- A.VERIC.V n..r.h. "km:., m vim. Mm? i J THOSIAS W MATTSON-B. l-ilebratcd London rrite Medal Improird sheet spriui solii sold Leather Trunk manufactory. No. inj Market ilre-ei. Couth west coiner I murii and, I'hilm'a AujMt l- Ji-ST If i HEAT WORK ON THE HORSE. .'IMm noi-sp. mill liisDiseass. Professor oj Patho'ogv and t iterative Svr gery in tht Vtttrinarif Loucge oj x'nu adclphitt) (.) ttc WILL riLrotOfthcorlflonhlrteryanddlitlnctlra' trnito uf tlu various, breeds rf Euro pcaii, Atlntie, Atlrlrnn and American llriUr, with tlu pliyilcnl tortuatloti nn-1 tlu pcculRr)tieit rf tbe animal, aud how tu itfcurtaln lilsagcby thu iiuinbiir and condition of his teeth j llhuttntsd uitb numerous cxblanato ry iiteravlnns, The II rc unt his Dictates WILL TELL rotn'fnreedlng, I'lraklnp, stabling feed. Ing, grooming, ahnclng, anil tbe gen eral niMinc nient if tlu horse, with, tha best OiOiles t( aduiinlsturlng med cilia, ftipo, liow to treat biting, kick Ing, rearing, shying, stumbling, nib I illutr, lUsilciriii-f. anil other vlcea toft hi. h ha Is subject! with numor oui explanatory tngmingb. The IJor&r nttd Am 2iieics WILL 1KEL '0t70ftlip causes, tpmptoias. and Treai mcnt of StranjIcB. 8"ro Throat, tempjr. Uatarrli. Influents, I rnnrhit tl,l'ncuiuuniH, ' kuriiy.l roken Wind Chronic i niigh,Unnrlng and Whistling l.ninp.B.Pori Mouth and Ulcers, and IkcayjJ Teeth, with other disease-, of tlu Muullt and Respiratory Organs. The Iltmf amt his JJ's'ttsis WILL TELL YOU Vt the muses symptoms, and Trat mntif Worms, Hots, Colic, F trans lation, Stony cuncr tinns, Itupturcs, Palsy, lilnrrhcca, Jaundice, Htpatii1. llitra. Bloody Urinc.Ktones in the Kid jieysanl UlaJdcr, Inrlaiuatinn, and otli'-r ilisiascs t.t the tftomach, Dow els. Liver and Urinary Organs. The Iltne aU ax 'hsruses WILL TELL YOY Of the oaitscs, ymptoms, and treat; aivnt of I'one, Uiood and Hog, spavin, King linnc, Sivcenie, Strain, I rokrrf Kners, VUnd Ga-.s, Founder. Sola Hrul-'A and Gravel, Cranked Hoofs, Scrutehfs. Canker. Thruih.nnd Corns also, of lcitrim, Vertigo. t'pilpy, Btajtfcers, and othef dineaies of thu fee Legs and Head. The Ior e and his Diseases WILL TELL rorOMhe causes, symptoms, and Treat-tii'-titof Fi tula, Coll Evil, Giandtra. Fary, SiarUt Fever, ange, Hurfcit L" kcJ Jaw, KTimmatiBin, Ci'amp, Galls l)ieaiei cf the bye and Hoart, Ate. i c, an 1 how to managa Ca-tta-tlnit. 'retl'ig. Tr. phinning. Rowel lin?; riri'ig. Ikrni.T. Amputatinn.trin. pi ig, aiiJ oth r surgical rpeiationi. 7i- 12 nr tt'x h & lit rests WILL Tt'I.L You Ot Hurry's vrthod rf taming flerseg 1 nw tn approorh lla ter, fr Slabla a Colt, how to ne ustnm a !nre to trtngi suaJsaid Ights, and how to it. Sad- 1j Ride, nnd rcak Mm to; aU'ithi form and law of Warrintt. Tbinh In b-Jng th ra. suit fit.or th'.n fift.'Mi yrars rareful itu y nfth!habitn.peeuHeritleK,v,ar.t an I .vcakn.i of this no bid and useful aniitinl. The book 3H pages, apprrpjat y fPuitrateJ b iiLMrly na Hun Ir d Unrrivinifi. it tn printed in a dear an 1 nn:u type.nnd willbjftirnlshed to any adt'resi pnut igj pal i on reitipt of price, half bound , Sl.'-O, or,ta rinin, cxiT'i, 51000 A EAR l" ba made nteroia. ine men r r. cryn here, in sellinir ths above and other popular works of ours. Our inductim-nts to all auch arJ ejciedlngly, ib-ral. For 'Insti cnpir-B of th9 Took, or for terms to agents with other ii.f', npply to or alf'rBB JOHN C. POTT R. Publl her. N'o. CI? Sansoiu strict, Philadelphia, Fs, Nor 17, IfiCO-Cm, IIAYMOXD'S I'A'IBNT S8iWIi MAClflliVK! rrn.vri:u .vjuuu , nsi. TRIOS 1U EACH. -llTSSItS. SSUrPINliElt ti ninomsbilij, liallne iMir liaaa ilia rlulit rf tha above f talualtle liMrHnvbu i.hlap 1-aum t-kv.-.ii M.ciuas. far l tin (.uuuty of Colduiliid, will b: hn'iy to supply thjir iru-njs wuu miariiiic rariujacioiiniiodaiion (fthom, , .111.1 l.l.n,!,. Th r..ll...i,ff .nmn nf th I ,.rior aJiantascs till, i.iipiciiiiil i.o..ssjs urtr any , ovtr ytt oll.-rJU Ij tlltf publi . Vn. I, 11 sews Irum 4JJ to lllj stitihis nor minute. Ihus saiiui,' bjlh ti.ui: auJ labr iu Ihj operation. 1 i: lis ronttr.i- lion is su plain and ..1, with any ' Iiiiij li.e lair us.iae, it is easy t-ipt iu order and will 411 u intlro sati.fa.liun. 11. O.k- of tlu most ealuablj features of this Maihins, is the sinullue and tlu lo.npa- t-uss ef its mci Innlim. j '. lliubl -tlireaj Md, hiii.s.arealwiij. rtilS all to man I egi, aiu very unhandy iu llireaJins, bu this Mahina is eusi -r lhre.t led tluu v n a o t.iuo.i 11,-eold, 1 o. It . uu be atta h.d to a bouru. table or stand, In cn. oider, r.u. u-'la 11.0 in 1 ss than half a minute, f b. It greatly eionouiu.s lh. turea 1. anu yrt, product s 1 a, a ilh, hnlly stroiif f.,r i.ny hi rk fur wlmh itis d tlined, u uili,iiation not knonn tu other setting Ma ihm-. 1 1. No human bird is capable in producing a aeara so r-cuLiranti systu-niati . t. Among 1:10 array of Patent Siwing t'arhlnes, thirc are none so lunji nil. I durable as Kaimosd's l'TEsr, but no llathiiu liauaitMloall inds of wots asesperKnca ; n. I 11. Theip.-ratorran shape his seam, Juit as he pleases, 1 wares, leaies and flowers, etc., an bj represented or imitated. I ill. It is particularly adapted to all kinds of stifhlng 1 suih as gentlemen's shins, bosoms, ristbanda, collars, I ele and all kinds if Laoies' sen inf, tin ludint silks, j lawns, delaines, cali. oes, iee., en eptmg for men's h -avy wear, tins .Mai bine is rather too liehl nf onstructioa. ' 11. llut all thu for.'.nliii. n,L .lump, ihnit.h .! I. Ili-'iiiseltus, dwindle intoinsigmliian e, wh.-nrmnpsrsd ilh Ihe preservation ofhealin, b.lnga saung of both - u..,,,k . ; . "perjiorwiiuoui .loop, f;, , ,l' 'able'1 ,0 l",ro"" " '"rk. 0. cupymg a na- . b. ,,...,...i i,, . -., ,,7 . .6-v..j . lw -.! Mc I L,,, ' Woouiiibiirg, who will put th inarbins in ! l'urall0n utl S ail neeessarv jnslru tion. DAN1UL V. ROUUINU. floomsburg. May 12, TECO A GIllCULTUltAL k SEED WAUB--iiuu.-n. PASCHALL MORRIS, lUYiriQ REHOVkD TUK PHILADELPHIA A ItRICULTU RAL .j- SEED HAREIJOUSE, Tromthi North L'ai Corner oi Hjvsnth and Marfco Blreetsto his S,V arA.NII, No. lUU JIARKETbT. OPI'0-.rE THE rARMERS' MAKKET Offeis for sale, as heretofore, at reasonable prices.everr de-scrintl'in of Improied Aaiieultural nnd lloitlculturallmplenicnta, Warranted Fresh and Ucnuine Field, Garden aad Flow er Heed., In great lailfly. Also, No. 1 I'eruvlan Cov " ,T" u. . ' e- 1 "H"''" " "er. for Gris. I 1 c'""" rops.Iruit and Ornamental Tr -is and tflirub. i b'ry, ihoice Eiirgrecn., Koses. llahlias, 4-c He solicits a coiitinuanra liffi rm.r .n.lflm Implement, Seed, and Nurs.'ry Catalogues, furnlshac on application. , . , , . , i'ahciiai.i. Mortrtia, AgrieuUural and Seed lVnrrhouse, No. 1120 Markll Street, opposite Hie rariners' Market. January 1J, 1:11, NEW OAUKIAGE hSTAULISILMENT i ,i .. . ly BLOOMSDVTta, In t f,tx Brul TKrct Ssry (.'arnfs F.ct,rt, e. .Kan . . "erlrcr, HMIB subscnb;r wouli respectfully announce lo th. J public, that he has commenced the l'AIi(lA('r. & antn. WAGON MAKTKR mr. OfCSXStW lis p..iea ill he done in ihe most prompt and careful manner and upon terms which cannot fail to elve satisfaction. BTKAWimiDGE A. WILSON, nioonisburj, April 2, less. Good Mioi'lug and t lit ap Smtiliing. ri-lin ilnderslfned thanlfullfor pastpatronaEe. ressstt- .,h."','if'l",!-i,l'll',J,ui to' 1 jencraf hat he slill continues the tiJUTilliNO BUSINESS. At tho Old stand, on the hill, above the Rail Hoad, In all Dloom.bu,g,JnneM,1S- BllC" KN0BB- FRED'K UROWN, JR., CHEMIST & BRUfiGIST, COXTIXCAT.IL HOTEL," Mnlli aud IifMn ut 8trrct3, arrosiTc the --aiRiiiD nopss," iiuLAncLrniA MIC1I.S A.KD VltVOS. ' Toilet Articles. I.ubiii-s, Ceijdiay's, Dayley'i, ice., cc, tic, Perfumery Soaps, hichets, Toilet I'uwders and Cosmetics. , Hist lotisii Tooth Uneinis, of all Uesand ttylt, I litaTinticisfcTooTii W.suts of arnrovcu kinds. IIcst l'otisu H.ia Uatsius, 1 Lots, of allkinds, Uuffaln. India nukber. &c, tVe. i 1 oasnts ron tiu IlsiR-Lutin's, Coudray's and Maux enefa, tec, tec. rt liksa'a Oil. Piat (.oLo Bon. W.isa from I'orclain Fountains. , Hock kb Bona with choice Syrups, IiiEti'ic enmre. s. . I, '1'u-e,u. oi me uei aisllileri. . E- Co' n't l Chestnut BU Aufutl t, 16W-12m, GRE 1 Y7r--13--T7. 'piIE lie-t raolassra for the price in the .L IVunly lor sale at II MITMANH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers