Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 27, 1861, Image 3
t ocal anil Special, JJolm 0. Freeze, Kdltor SATURDAY MORNING-, APBII. 27, 18S1. 6T To morrow is the Fourth Sunday jfaflorEastcr. V 'Sir Isaac Newton born April 20, 1012 0 S. ' 3&corgo Wnsbington inaugurated the first President of tbo United States April 30, ifeo. &Tho first day of May is saered to tbo memory 6f St. Philip, St. James, and St. Tammany. May 2 1785 great fire at Dockhcad. May 3 1814 Napoleon Bonaparte ar rived at Elba. ,fTbo battle of Tewkesbury was fought May 4, H71. :o: Mr. Mcnseh is N otary Public un- Ur Gov. Curtin, Eh ? Very well, very ell. :o: 1ST Tho weather now is gloriously licttutiful. Should tho fruit not be already all killed, the crops 'arc very likely to bo Abundant. A trcmondou3 storm passed over U3 .on Wednesday last AVind, rain, thunder and lightning. It made tlio grass spring. so: 8ST Tbo Bloomsburg Local Senats clce tod as its delegates to the Literary conven tion, to meet at Danville, in pursuance of tho adjournment ! E. 15, Yordy, C. li. j.Urockway. P. S. ltishcl, C. W. Miller and , J. G. Freeze. m " 63T We understand that Dr. llamsay jLrothcr Wirt and several others, who . joined tho Volunteers as far as Itupcrt jj. Station, deserted at that point, and made j o forced niarch hack to Bloonishurg Their campaign will bo a memorable one, short but decisive. Sgy Crosby, Nichols, Lee, it Co. No : 117 Washington Street, Uoston, pub liih the best and fullest edition of the ' volume of Macaulay's History. It is got up in different styles, uxprc.nly to match ho cdilions published ny Phillips, Sdiup v son, & Co. who quit business under a pres J;, suro some timo ago. So you can easily $ match your volumes. i :o: v SS)" Dr. P. John has been appointed ' Post Master at I5'oonisburg. Wo have no lj'.-s doubt the Dr. will make an attontiro and i accommodating officer. If ho had not '' announced the appointment witli such an nir of f-clf-Buflicicncy, it would have look ,' cd more modest. However wc sincerely tender our congratulations, and shall try ' to turn him out at the firsX convenient op H. portunity. V :o: rsSrOur Streets have presented a ino-t martial appearance for ni4ro than a week. 1 The rolling drum and the ear piercing life, '' tho "forward march" and "eyes right, and r dress" havo greeted us from tho hour of reveille, to midnight. Capt. llickctts has ., put his new recruits upon their mettlc,and they have endured the work most a ton- ishingly. Tho drilling does great credit to all concerned. EST" Wo arc vcquosted by the treasurer, to carncatly urge tho collectors of Militia taxes to settle their Militia duplicates by the May Court, as well as their coun'y tsd other taxes. John A. Funston Esq. tho present effi cient trcaiurcr, has already given to Uapt. .Mclick his personal check, for the amount of money uncollected in your hands ; and it is of tho utmost importance that the peo ple come promptly to tho work,and rcliovo 4liiin of the great responsibility incurred by ' him, to enable tho volunteers from this county to arm and equip themselves prop erly.' Orcat credit W duo to Mr. Funston for his prompt and patriotic action, and it is ? hoped that the tax-payers will do their du- ty in relieving him. :o: S As every patriotic citizen has, oris about to display tho glorious ensign of our nationality, and as wo havo noticed a large number that arc entirely wrong, a few re .inarks iu explanation would no doubt bo asceptablo to many about making Hags. t. The American flag properly should consist '' c' thirteen stripes, seven red and six whito, &.10 for each of the original States. Tho ' ihg should bo one-half longer than wide, r.o matter what should bo its size. Tho - blue or Union should cover seven stripes starting with and ending with a red stripe should be ono third longer than wide, v. and contain one star for each State in tho Union (thirty-four) lu a number of flags rccmtly made, tho blue only covers llvo and six stripes. Now a flag of thirteen stripes, and tho Union covering six stripes, would be entirely wrong, as it would not be red, white and blue, but whito, red and blue, or bluo, red and white. Again, by making the flag right, thirteen stripes, and tho Union cov ering tho btripes, one-third longer than .vide, would Bavo somo timo iu making, besides being a correct copy of tho Aincri" ran flag as adopted by Congrci. Nat) Qluucvtisuncnts w ato7iji a K E 11 S II O P 1 riucES ukihj:ei. TIIC utiJcrduncl won 1 1 Inform tils friend, nnd cuitomcri an J tho re.t of rnnnklnd. that ha JjfVA continue! to pay particular auenllon to tlie ro-R- A pairing of wattlita weljlit. spring and IcvcrWi.-UJ clocks Jewelry anil ever) thing belonging In hit lino, and that It as nl all tlmea, and In all cases hit deslro to plyo pcrfcrl sntlsfactlon. Ho la an "eiccllent" work., man. haa visited acveral, and worked In three of tho first Cltiea In tha world, New York. Philadelphia and the great City of raria In Franco. Particular attention la paid to ro gliding or what ia termed "plating." IIKNIIY ZU1TINI3CR. tiloomaburg, April 10 1E01. PUDLIO SALE OF Valuable Ileal Estate On Saturday, tho l?th .lay of May. 1601. 3 Al 1 o'clock fn the n ft o moon, R EIIDH, the niecutorf Peter Mu. rer. deceased, lute of Locut,township, In tho rnilntv nf L'nliimiiin. it 111 ptnmi tits unit. Iiv mi hi if. Vmi. J due. mi the premises ofthe said deceased, a Tract of liilHIl OI OMfi HUNDRED AND TWENTY ACRES, the most in TIMIlf.K LAND, aituated in Luiust town, ship, in saifl county, adjoining lands of George filnc, Daniel frf-ihy, Frederick Lriby, Henry Cable, nnd other I in, km m nam ucrcatr, inn ram iana win ue pom in lots to ftfiit purchaser, tnta tin rotate of mid deceftned, sltuato In tlia low n-jhip of Locust ton nelilp and county afore id, I I TERMS OP RALE! Ton per cent, on the purchase mom-y to be paid to tho Executor on day of Sain four hundred dollars in to he left I Blinding tn thj said Land as a dower tor tho widow , with Interest from dty of H-vl. The Interest mud hi paid ' annually on I If four hundred dollars nnd thr half oi tho remainder is tn be paid on the flrnt of April l-GJ and the balance is to bj paid on the firxt day nf April 1M13 wnn interest imm tne'iirit oayoi April iwi, too Ltr-cii lorreservinp ripni incoiieri twenty-Jive .lnnnrsout it the four hundred dollar If t lif widow should need any besides her Interest for her support. Deeds or deed will M pi ven the first day of April 102 when the above con ditions uru complied with. All tliu above navmcnt mu t bs sucurcd by Honds nn I Mortunir. uEUfiu.v rAimixarn. , Executor, COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. The following are thu receipts to tho office of tho Comjmiiia Demochat, during tho mouth of March, 1801 : I.ewU II. Mnua, A.M.Knpert, Johnston II. Ikfler, jr.o li OO JolinTrenibley, $10 CO UOil'homas Weaver, 3 50 Iran. T. Leaeock, I i OulWin. II. Chnmberlin, 1 75 SOIJnhll Lejlfrott. t:s)., 4 l)J 0ll Mbeit Hunter, 2 00 SO John II, Shultz, 1 50 TSitVilliim K)(T, 1 CO 0(1 Dr. C. 1, Killing, a 00 Mi'Williain Hears, U 00 ?5Meu p. (iirton, 4 05 I0JA. II. Knrtir. 1 00 5u;john J. Gearhart, 3 00 5;.Ua I) (iirton, 1 0.1 T5,Capt. Samuel nimby, 3 00 00 Jacob llond, 4 00 50'ritc-rMippcnttcel, 3 00 lio' Pujder, SAjriff, BOO 50;john Ilrobst, 1 00 "5,1'hilip Miller, (Ml. 1M S 00 iV'jJoaeph 1'ohe, 1 00 00 Iliram Knorr, 7 00 01 II. . Creasy Sc. Co., 15 00 UO li. It, Little, Ks ., 7 00 no'Jnlin Ilnnkr, 1 50 00 Ret. Jehu Hunter, 1 50 50 Urosby, Niclt ill Sc. Co., S 00 llonell, 1 75 (li. II. W lloblniis, 1 OH 00 John Je.nop, 0 50 OiH.Mita II. J.Wilson. 4 00 Christian I. Jloor Joseph roho, William Hiulfrr, i ".! Kllll IIIU1I1I,, lilt id Yost. Kliaa J. Mcllenry, l)r. J. tVilon, llinanncl pltlor, ceo. Hhoemakcr, i-dlas lloirart. l:st. IliJ.l'. I'eitswortli.l Isaac llacenhuch. 1 S-tiuucI ., I'rentis, 1 Cheap John. 1 rncth llowill, t! lleoreo l.i.licr, 1 ll.ivid Kemley, 1 lion. Win. .Merrlfitld, '.' Ilemncralio Assnriat'n, .1 Albert Hunter, ' Itculien lien., (V.C.) 7 Jacob liyerly, tin'i , .1 Usnbeit Itoinboy, 2 J. r. I'af.ililer, 1 M. (5. Kinney, I"1 . 2 Edward Mcllenry.U.i.ti Andrew Glnn; 1 John tlutemk, Hao,., '2 NEW MILLINEIIY GOODS, ron S3?IUflG ASH SUMtKEH, 1SS IAItV ItARKLKV, would repc(tfill Infurm iVr cusloini rn. In lilottiiiKh ire and irimU . that cue una juti rcceiven iroiri mu cny an eiceiiciu assurt lllt.t of I iMIU.INT.KV GOOD, Finer than evvr, and inn-e calculated to,(C) Ili'anj tliu latj f the moot f.itidi(ma.lgwii fiS' t-hf 1it kiI'I (t'ri-'t atteniinn In tnakinij SiuKO hor 'I'iilions nf bnnm te, conmquoi tly has tho h'st nfKOi tiimiit, iroliablv, evur brought tn tlifo pl.icc. fli'lnnau at'rtm"i't nt neat mid Innilaoiiie H.iis mid f,'a. fur httlij .Misnes, all nf which h3 i nn dlunos'i nf ihoaTp, (in ti litr ii r.ill before imrthatins clacwhtfro. Kiifp on Main -tnir, Imlow .Warkt'l. north id. Mviuutbarj, Apju3t .IAItV UlRKLCY. rPlMI ritUtMn of ihf did ri-itt cntititieH and town 1 thntutrlitm (lie Mate nn1 init d to cvnn tttlun f.r lh-I'luru at ulM. I,, tliu mu AMMJAL STATU FAIR cl'.ill hi hold. rr.)it'i'n rniilninhi In dure menu and Jt'lvniiUiM'B dimt '"i to (li- u.Ld.'ri'iK'd roatmith c. up (l'l't-il h) th IWt in i e romiuitf'. will b- r 'reucd u to .tnd nifljriiig .May :ilft tiftt. 'omiinjnicali.m-' blrmld b addr ai'jd loi-iiii -r f th t'n lowing ucrituna . U'.M t O, 1)1 It. JR , John i. iirni::urosD, jjmn ii zii:i;i.i:i:. Il-unhburs:, V. A M 03 H. KAt'l, Nort.iiunberland, Vn April 20, tt Committee. MAN HOOD. In T.O!T. A VD IIOW Rf8TOa.P. L'TI'uMI litd.m a fienlpd tnvcl'ip'., mi the nature, trcalnicut and rndiral iiri nf in'rmattrih"t,;, or rfmiiial Wi-jiKnem. Hi' liability, nt,rini(rn''.s and invi'luiuary i'1iihiiiiUi, Inducing intnutency and Mental and pli) ileal lurnpacit v. iiy uoiti'. j. r:u i.vntWEi i m. i , 'Authorof tha "(irt'cn Cook," &.. Tho wnrtd-rrnovMi d ntithur, in this adniirIdu I cc tur' clearly pruvt's from U$ own Mp'nt;nce tliat the awful conti")nfncH r fl -If-alniii may he clfjctiully re moved w i tho j t mci'ti inland w ith.'Lt ii.ingorntis Hureical operation, bougiex, n.str tnuntg rntpt. or rurdi.tli piinitiiiR nut .i mode cf curu ut one rirtain and tiTv'ttu ai, by wliifh cv ry niil'TtT, nomau-r what his condi tion itnybe.miy cum himnelf cheaply, prUuttly and radical'y. Tins lerturc w ill prow a boon to thousand nun thousrui i 8. tft' nt under flfit. in n plain rnM'Inpi, to any address. tnt pjid, mi Hi reci ipi nf th two poiUi;t ctainpa. by addressing Ur.UIl, J. KLlNU, 1-7 ltoiir, X, Y, up JO 'dl U:n 1'ostOlHcc boxld.G A I'AIU OF KIJAIi i01E!jT!I:S. INK OtC WITHOUT A MITE. 1st. Tub PAi'Ka Xispk Tie. (I'ntPtit nrplffj for.) ThiiTie iiinaiia tiitircl) of p.ipr. in 100 riitlVrent etytott, and in pjrfi'd inutalionof nlk nnd ot'icr fabrici. Th (j price ii so low lltat a may wear u netr dc trery day, and ytt el be rharjeatlu with titrava j: an co, ur onoTiocati bu worn a tu t dayu, if iieceHdHry to tconoinuf. 2.1(1. The Heltei Tie. This ia doubtless the mot pcrffil ilk Tic ever in vented, nnd in just what the nam? implies, a perfect Relief from all further trouble in tying bows. Unl. The liACE Kdou 'J'ie. An exiuisitcly beautiful article it has onlytobccccn to be ad mi red. SMITH & imOinVKR. solo .Manufacturer!. No. 3ii Warren street, N'. Y. N.R. Wo sell to Wholesale Jobber only. Country lncrchantH can order our poods of any Wholesale I loin, e wilh whom they are dealing. np-U-m THE LADY OF THE ISLE, By .MKS. SOUTMWOUTII. Couiptrto in one larj; volume; neatly bound in cloth for k 25 i or two olumfs, paprr cover, for 81 tki Thu publishers take great pleasure in being nhle to S resent to the American publK, another new work by Irs. fiouthworth t3ho is eicclled by no living female writer, Whoever reads tho flrut pa;e, is iur to be ctr ried on to the lust. Her tylc is free from insipidity on one li-md, and bombast on the other; and though we meet with forcible, we are never sMrlled with indited liinsiitige. Her characters ore rarely under, but never overdrawn. Her sccneH are life pictures, drawn from incidents feu n. lad on facts, and her s'liiimenls arc char adorned by a ninju'ar purity both cf conception and expression, he has ihoran fjrultyrf ayii)g what she mean, and cf layinj it in smli a manner as that hir ineanliis cannot be misinterpreted, In ihort, she pus s?ss9d In an eminent degree Hunt qualnletiiions wfurli are tho ptcu'iar prerogatives of a good writer i hile sh8 delights the reader' imugination with Ircr docrip tivo beauty, the applies home t rutin to hit understand ing wl'h iho force of rational convKlmu. Tliu "Lady of the (tie" will be pronounced by all tho who exam ine It to be her bet work. This is sumcicnl to com mend it to the pernsal, and wu anticipate lor it an un waiitfd popularity. Tor filo by oil tiookbelleri and News Agents all over thi United Mates. Copies of citheredilionof the above work will be sent to any person, to any part of the United Stales, ffpo nf postage, on tlrir remitting the prici of the edition they may wish, to the publnher, in u Utier. Address all or dors to receive (ai mediate altf ntion, to ! t. h. wrrERso.v t ruoa., pr. z'iO. NlIIOU nit .nut Hreet, I'liiTa. 1 DICKEN'S SHOUT STOIUES. Containing Tliitiy- tie Stories, written ty Charles Dickens, mm net er before published in this country. I'riuiud tromlhe advauce slu-tt from London, irom tha edition to bo publu'aed there inu few days under the editorial supervision of Mr. Dickmis liiumelf. This volume contains some if the most delightful writings of this favorite author, and thotoluinc iuut hive uh imiuensu sale. Two editions are published, one in a large octavo vol., paper rover, price 50 cunts, and another in ono large duodecimo vol., bound m cloth, price $1 -5, untfurm with the other editions o Uk ken's Works publishsd by us. Ilookstlttirs, News agents and all others will plenA scud on their orders at wice for what they may w..nt of either of the ubuve editions, both or uhicli w ill prov3 to be of great popularity and command large sales, Copies ot the above book will be sent to any one.lo anyplau', at once, free of postage, on reuniting the price iu mo puouincri, T- U. IM.TERi'ON & DROit., ap T' t r.nut it , VtnV OP VIDOOQ, principal agent of the French police. MVtfffn ly Uimttlf, And Translated fj.nn the Original French, Eipfeisly i for this Edition, with Illustrative Engravings, flora Orislnal designs bv L'ruikihank. It Is published complete In one large duodccltnovolums of near EHi Hundred Paget, done up In two volumes paper cover, price 91 W ar handsomely bound in one volume, cloth price, 41 Aa a place of Autobiography, the present work has many tineutar climacterics, which stamn It at once as one nf the most Interesting and powerful narrative evar penned. Replete with astonishing Incident and In-vtruc- tii-n mnrnl It tn lha Inu nr. nf rr,..,r,nr,. nil Ih.l the wildest tasto could desire of hair breadth tsrapes, Imminent dangers, thrilling horrors, nnd powerful ile scrfption. t at the amateurs of fun, there are tkt-trhes as c'imic ns humor can !ier, ! and Tor the reilective reader, who, not content with the mere detail of events, searches Into ttie motives and phllosoplilzii on the wit or weakness, power or puerility of the human mind, herein will be found amnio c"D tor his most medalta tivc musings. To those who may asiurt their disbelief refute the clnraaa alleged, did not trutli forlilJ ilernal.- Of hli wondtrful nnd multiplied cleave- nnd adven- tures, woareenaallvoaure.i ! ai no man In hi nea would glvo flctltioua rlenrlptlon. of liat could ba ea.lly Oltproved, If falao It la the mrul wimderful book ever nrinted. and should be read bv all. t;opi?s ot cttner edition ni mis worn vi,i be sent to any person to nnv oartof Ua United r tutcs. frcn nfnot ogc, on any ono remitting the price to th p.iblihurs, In a letter. rubliftlicd and for tale at the Itooksclllngnnd rubflih Ing Hatatillsliment of T. 11. l'L lXlt-O.V A. api Ut No.30(i Clieelnut st., fliial'a. The Half jg ray House, j ' n'P,rnin" "".?'! hvl"8 k' he wii.kno the main Hood, ml,l-oy benveen lllooin.liurs and lien wick, would rcrpeitftilly inform hU old cuMotuera nnd mi.- imiuiic mm mu iiotiRc naa necn inipnni'd nno reno. vuted, In flood .tylo, and from hi. Innjf experience in tho biliineaa, lie fl ittera himself, that ha will keep A FIRST CLASS COUNTRY HOTEL, yt here ho nill at all time, bo happy to meet nnd anlta- Mctorily entertain hli nuoieroua frlcnda and all who may l.ivor him n itli their patronnf e. ST" Ilia War, Ktalillng, i.c., will bo well atored and rropcrly attended. John anovF.n, Ccniro towmhlp, April S, lul. I AD1ES' EXTRA HOOP SKI11TS, Jli Just received. Somcllilnj new III that line, Call in Ladies, and gui one. It. C. it I. W. IIARTMAN. IlloomBbur, Kcb. 23. l61. iiartmaii's (Joiner. XfEW GOODS for Spring of 18(11 just X received nt IIART.MAN3. I F you want bargains call at the cheap JL corner of II ARTMAXS. TTUIES-1 poods, Silks, Calicoes, Shawls, ,i.l nil lifn.i-.rj, , e t . . nd all kind.ofdry good, for sale clieipyr than JL-'. ' , HttujiAMj. Huui' amrts in abundance from 4lcts and nptvard. for sale at I1AUTMAN8. j A IKA byrup sold at ouct. per cal- XJIonat IIAKTMANS. 13EII-OXS about to coimiiouco House . Keeping will do well to call and txanilne the stock of New Dishca tec. at A.'c 1ETTEIl Sujriirs at lOcts.per lb.tbaa J lias been sold at Ucn. for the past year at IIART.MAXS. f) ICE sold at 0i ceuts nt All IIARTAIANi), Al'l hllyou have read the above do nut fail to call in Sc seeot JIART.MAN3. Cloouisbure, March, 30.1:01. GREAT ARHIVAIi OP NEW GOODS AT THE Light Street Store. Creasy, Brother ij- all hands on active duly WE Would iufoim our Iriends aDd cUBtuiuera, that wo have Just received an un usually large assortment of FALL JIN I) WINTER GOODS, Which we offer at lower rati, for ready pny, than any ever Iry fore opened here and will be sold "cheaper than th' iln-apcfct." Wc bIihM not attempt tocnuincrntethe vnrious articles th-y are ImnieiKe and their name, is legion as our spa ciniiH More Itooiiitt, including the Cellar and Uarret, arc filled ttiovettlawliiir. are to bt! found the finest f.ibrick, In the country at aatiuiinhing low figures La (lien' vvi ar in great varieties, at -J per cent, lower than efri'r bi'for? offered. CLUTJIS, .MCdLI.vS, nROCCIllCS, HATS, CAPS, Boots, Shoes, etc,. at the name rate. In short almost everlliixg in the merraolile linefrom a needb to nn nnilior. iy Oiirfriendawill do w II to citil before they make their selections. It W CIIII.VSV, tc CO. Light Street, Ott 57, ItCO. 3SS It E 31 O V A L . ?g C. !. SAIIl.Elt & Co., ' ommisiinn illcichants mid dealers in Fish, Chetf and Pruvistoii, Nn. 103 Arcb street, 2n d plua, doorobce Frml rill ai!l OS 1 i. 53 ly ACADEUr and N 9 Pv 31 A L I N S T I T U T E . I the Orangeville Academv and Normal Institute, wil open on iucfiiay. me -i.iu nay oi aprn, iffil. For information in regard to expenses, ncrommoda Hon, .Vc , ice circuhr of January Cut, or address J. A. tillANK, Principal. Orangeville, April I, l?CI, llloouiMliur Acndciuy : I). A, HVA KLKV, A. If.. I'riuciiial. ryilV. PPIUXO AND SUMMER SESSION OF THIS X Institution vwll hegin MOXDAYTIIElb OF APRIL Tha building Is at present undergoing a Ihoro reno vatiosi. It will lu supplied with new furniiure; The walls i leganily p.ipered,Hndcverything added that can contribitt j to the comfort ami convenience cf the dutdeni. liiocours i uf instruction wi'l bo thorough, as hereto fore, and thosi designing to lit themnelvps to teach wilt receive attention. The sthool itselfjg conduct e,d arrurdinptn the mo-it approved model Alt thf studies of our Seminaries are embraced in its conrbe of study TERMS, Trimary departmpnt, ft 1,00 Higher department, vQ rVoextracharge is made for Ihc stud of Ancient or modern Languages. Good boarding can b2 procured at $1,50 or S, per week Illoomshnrg, March 7, IfGI-tf. 8K KllESO II O T K L. TIIH undersigned., resnectfullv informs his and the public penf rally, thai he has opened a house for the entertainment rf customer and travelers, at tiHltU Mi.ln Greenwood township, Colnmbia County, (about Uo miles west of Ml Iville.) called the Sereno ifiulcl. fii Whare lie in prepared to accommodate tbo public, nnd all who may favor him witn their cuiionMo general yat iofsirtion His Table and liar, will be well supplied and careful ly conducted, and his Stabling is umpie and well stocked Jflle will atalltiintsbj Jidppy wait upon his friends j luppy v and customers. JOHN ZXGUOTT. tSvrcno, March 23, 16C1. IUUCIi! St R I KM 'Plin undersigned is prepared to supply Prick, of a 1 good quality, nt tair price. He will be found at the Ilrick Yard oi U, L, M'Kiuny, near McKclvy Sc N'caPs Furnace. I,cons desiringto purcha-o will do well to call as brick will bu made and mutt be told. J. II. FUR MAN', Jgtnt. Cv" 100,000 now on hand and ready for sale. liloomehursFeb.9, 10U-;im. J. II. Y. O U It A P V E A. L To tll0e Who know thenielv indebted nn Note. tlond or Hook Account, we aro now indium arraueu ments lo goto the City, and in order that we may sup ply )ou with cheap goods it will bu necessary un your pari to pay up the account. II u dc l vv ll.UT31,A. I luomsburff, Pel. 23, 1SCI. WALL PAPElt ! WALL PAPKIU ! "I IMT received from the manufactories In l.ostou, an J article ufmustuicellent nunlitv. I thallopo roiuOi tition as tu style and price. The undersigned will kiep borders to match any of the ?t)le on hand and is the only Experienced Vapir IUnohi in this Hection of the County Give my Ljteinivi Stock an Examination before Purchannz. O-Cull at Ituperti Post OQue. U. J. TIIOUXTON'. Elooniiburg Warrli C2d lefll , S II A It P X O T I C 13. Tersons indebted to DR. GEO, HILL, will And their accounts in the hands of Ihe undersigned for col lection. Itnmethate attention will nave (fosts, JOHtt G FREEZE. B!ocmii3r;, n Teb l?l H MEMO ins oi me personal uceus anu perns oi viaocq. we suggeu Hiceves, Collars, Spencers, Handkerchief. Flounclngs, r. into piain iari-iionu oi mem oave evir Dcen cnmraiiici Bamia anu Trliuinltigs. Lucvs nnd Edging, 7, , t' ttit . anrl va( innntr nf Ihu niifanm u hunt h.a lian.d Mn... nu.i 1.. . . .1 ... .. 0 IrttOirU with seventy, and spoken of in no very measured t rma vtt Uibbunsnnd broltif KIJ, nm fill llvilif nlul Uniil,l. ilmiMluii ht, fi.n l,M,nt-ln . I I . i . 'I-1. . . . I. Jtfoomsbuvg Head Quarters sicKr.i.VY, nkaij & ro., IS THE F1EMJ WITH AN INCIIEABED 8UFFLT ycry larre a.ortmcut of vf.Mn...t i.lii. TV... "'"", NEW CHEAP 000DS, flrecnwood- Edward Albertson. . determined to cum net o with the 0 friut A li'iftV do Ujlf I ('i.fWwW I ft."' ' ""' " thnie wishing to buy cln;ap, can save money by giving us a coll, Wc have all kinds of Uoods and Wares uppiy inu wania oi ine pcopic. A large lot ol Ladies' Dress Goods, OK EVI'.KY DI.SUUUMON. WHITE GOOD OF ALL KL)St Glovoi Jlolialr .Mlti, 4tc. A T.T. ICI H Of' , I A V I. It If f i A P ItlJQ i I ? ! , , . . . 1 i' n'"clt 8llk' "ahmcre, Liiiliroldered, Bella, &c. Alan a Veitlnga. Tneeilt, Jfnns, Heaver t.'lcths, ' Coating, Velvit etc. HOOTS k SlIOKS OK AI.Ii KINDS no risei. loraipn, u om-n ana rniiuren. we nave a large assortment of llata and C4ps,oflatcstfaih ions wc nave uisu, uaruwure, uueens ware, Cvdarware, A.c, Ver Cheap Carpet, Carpet Hags, Floor, Table and Carriage Oil Cloths, Mnt, Itugi, unsKtis, &.c. MUSLINS FLANNELS, TICKINGS, , '"s0 "." u" 'f 'r'l l"1 ,ce,e' larifft ntniitlti- of Snlt.A-t. We invlf our friends nnd the public generally, to give m a call before purchasing elscw here. Wc linvu bought nur goods at the Lowctt Caih l'nres, and will nut be undersold by at.) body, or tin ri".tor tuanhlnd. McKBLVY, NUALtCO. rjnoinburg, November It). IctO. UJII'S! Lull's I! LAmiVM!! Head Ctuartcrs. ANOTHER FHESII AUltlVAL OF JO.VES t MILLKH S. IMPIIW.n PJtTKMT COAL UIL BVItJtl HS, l .W.MC ton BURNING, com, Kr:iiti-i:i.. on imhr'a- oii.i. AKIN'ri th3 beat and cbapi st Light now In use, suit able for Churches, stores, or family use, no danger from Kiploiion and one half cheaper than any other liSht, now used and KQUAL Tt) HAsS. Tho above lamps, with or without, nlohps or Shades can be had at the SEW AND 011EAP DHUG STOKE, L'.xclntttRO liiiilding, li!of)tiibiis. I'A'i tvnere the undersigned would Ilesneetrul y Inform, li s rnend. and the public in eenetal, lint he haa lust re- celled from tin cities, a largo and will atlected slock ,?VbTi'an ii puHiir0i,Kiiii5or ' " MEmtJIMM 1" UliLZ',U.H. GKu UNII & WIltlLh fi'icn.t. TAINTS OILS. VAItM.-IIEf DVT, STUFF. WIVIIOrt clLASa.oF AI.I. SIZi:M PAIVr.iTOOTll tc SIIAVIMI IIRUIIGtj. TOBCCn k (JIOAR!, of tub iiuandsi rtl'.FUM F.ltY, FAMIY SO MM. IllUSIlS k rlllOUI.UIIII Ri T.l. l'URE IVINCS Sc. I1RAM!F,J FOR MUDIUINAl. USII. lil.ArPCIJITINO. UUNRTOOKUCR.CItlr MOULD INfl FOR KllAMl:H,k AOIir.Ai' VAIUUTVOFO.Mtl.ON Oil, I.AMIM AND .-iiAnns. Fi.uit),CAiriii:xi:sArr,TY Fl.tttll I.AMPRtSIIAIIRS. Also All the most popular Patent Medicines of the oay, prescriptions ami taimiy ineoiriiies carefully put up. N. 11. The Dental profession Is still A.yam.-w coiiunueti anu t ectn llisertcu, lu ine must approved manner. 1 Feetinc thankful for oast natronace. he hopes n continuanco of the same. ti. M. IIAGCNBUCII, IlloQinsbure. Jan. 1P51 y. Flour anil Frctl Dpllrcrcil! CIIEAPEIl THAN THE CHEAPEST 'PUB undersigned has made arransnieiit that vH I enable lilm to deliver Hour and IVed, KOH CASH nbout l"N per cent. rlin;"r than any body i ln iu town His prices arc as follow a : Hour, 7 i!j I Corn .t Rye Chop, $1 f.1 Corn & Oats Chop, 1 51 1 Uran, 1 10 I rcipLcilully sidicit a share cf tlie publir pslronnpe. MOSCd KAUFMAN IllooMtburg, June 23, 1 A i .0 t f. HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHIL- ADHM'IIIA. A lleOfvolpnt IiiHtitutlon ptnl)liilipd bv n.ivr.A.1 omlmv. llient. fir tllJ fit if! of tin S.rk nn.l urliMa.l with irulcnt and epidemic Dnensi'i'. and t-p"cinlly for tlu din of Diseases of the fiexual Otgjtis. Hit peiMiiry fret to pntknt In all parts of the rtnted Stalls UV Mil i: UKl'OItTH on fpcrmntorrhiin. nnd oih. er Dnin-s of tin Hexual Org,inn. and mi Hie M'.W UHMIUHLS emploed, tent to th aJn u d in seal d i hi r en vc i opt it, i rf,c 1 1 cnarifc. twooi inree Mamp for postage will b acceptable. Address DIE, J s?KIL LIN HOUGHTON'. Attm? Hurpron, Howard AsHotia tio.i, N'o. 2 douth Ninth Street, Thiladelphia I'a. Marrh s. IfCl Urn IT" E li O D U O G It. This won lerfal article, lust nafnted is p&m-thinff entirety new, and never b.fre 'tT-red to agent., who are wanted everywhere. Full particulars stnt free Address HHAW Sc CLARK, Biddcford, Maine. I March 0, 1S01- ly Q.00 OOft BuiWing Brick, of excel- (itialitv, r.lootnshure Urick , J 1,1 ,n WH lu CHl1 Yard. I'artitfs intending idmg to build and E--1 ana examine ine man barsuine. AddIv to- IK.Itl P, 1K.TI1LU. Rlotimiburj, March 0, lc6l.-3in. SXUHftfflfiS THE I'roprietor of 1118 will-kiiownaud centrally loe tnil House, the Excuanok Hotfi., filnato on ini Street, in Itloomslmrg, immediately opposite I he Coin in bia County Court House, respertfally informs It in lnndi and the public in general, that Iim House is now in or der for the teceptiou audentertaiiiincnt of waveler who m.iy let I diiioatd lo favor it with their custom He has sparad no ixpcne iu preparing ih KtntooE, f,r tlie entertainiin-ut of hi" guests neither elnll there bi any tin tit? waniiML i hi mitt lo uiiniftter to their ot;rori'nl ' comfort. His homo in spacious and enjoys an cxcelltnt but-inesH loralion. K7" Oinuibucs run at all limes between Hi Uxchangp llottl sndthe various Rail Road Dcpotr, by vvhirh trav rlcra will bj "pleasantly ennvejed t- and from the re spective Htalions in due timo to meet the Can. VM. IJ. K00X3, Bloomsburg, July 7, UCO- ft 11 A P 12 VIXES. vrOUN'O VI.VC? of two years, of Miller's Btircun- X dy," Willi baiitiful roots, can bi had; also. Peach j Trees from ecdofthd choicest varUlU's, if called fori soon. HENltV ZUPPINGCR Uloomiburg, April 10, ISil. IMPROVE YOU1S srOHC. 1'IJE Morgan Hampson Home, YOUNG WASHING- TOV, vmII b) stationed the present seavon in thi scdiou. He can bj keen at Rcmle) stable, Jerey town; at Hheep'n ttatde, Wastiingtonville ; at Wagon seder's, Ivm icburg, and Ht Wolf's stable, Hewarl's sta tion, Northumberland county, during the season. Young Washington was bred in Wayne county, N. V., by Peter Snyder. !'., Is keven yearn did, eland full 17 ban iii high, and welch 1.C00 puiinds. He is con kiderod the largest hore. thu bt-st blood, and fincit breed ever introduced into thorountycf Columbia. For particulars ste large bills, opl G. VV tINYDKR, Prnpritinr. LIST OF LETTERS RF.MAININ'G in th3 Toil Office ut fllooiusburg, To., March 31it, Uil. Arter, M .lurch, William (Ship) Urowii, H U Crown, James I'nrr. L U Uredbendcr, William Hrowu, 1C lloon, UenJ Clark, And Hodson, J U Delong, Henry Ueldiue, Henry Kverett, Huou Kreas, Gen il Fovvltr, M O Cramer. LIui Gilbe t. M Heyhurst, (I Hdusenbucli, Fdisba Howell, U d llartman, Geo M Hrghunt, It Heilnidii, btias Johnson, F Kuqiis, (.' M Lommon, M Lee, James Mora, Geo MdirMe.I Moreali. Wnltor McWiIhain4, II reiKinetoi), jo Ko ley.JauiCfj (Ship) Robins, bli v Miiitli, Jacob Phultz, Joaenh Thomnou. Marian Mian Terwilligir, Isaac Turner, Jfo Wright, J A 3 17 Persons calling for the above letters will please say they aio ddvtrlid. L.i'. RUPF.UT I'. .V. P U M P M A K I N G Tlin undersigned Inform the public generally that they Have fonmid a co-partnership, aud vill contin. un Ihe business of Pump making and repairing, in all wilt promptly atlt.i:d taallordin in their Hue of busi ness, whether in town or mtintry. Well and Cutcru Pumps, with leaden Pipe, made In the best st)le of woikmanihlp.on moderate terms, and on very short notice. From their long experience in the busuusi, snd in earnet desire to l-avo their work commend itself to the public they feels confluent ther out make ivau object to thoio who may give them their cutuiu and rcn -r gent, ral satiiUction. JulIN CKUT lltt V JOHN CVLP Fl rs-.irburs pril 13 W GRAND JURORS. FOR MAY TERM mU Bloom George If. Itrcwn, Joseph Weaver Benton Tcler Case, Ell Mendenhall. Heaver Hamuel Cox, Peter Knecht. Iiriarcreek Jonas right. lnnard Adams. MaJit.n-Iae Whipple Montour Jacob Arnnine laiu''.Jarob Fhuman, Mugarloaf-.WTitliamStephins,jN TIUVIOUhB JlltOltS. nioom James Frecic, John Leacock, L. 0, Rupert. Heaver Joel Uredbendcr, I'tter Hauck, llniitnn.1r.lin Caiuwusa -willlam John, Daniel Gearhart, Joseph I'etcr SI er. Iilngcrcrlt Albert Aloraefman, Oeorgo M. Ilonoll, liiith cllrldc Orertiwood liavld PrelbrltH, Hemlock-John M Uarlon, Jcon - John Krilcr. I 'nviil Ko. t-nb.yi r1 r. Oeorjo Kellir, Enoch Kuter, Bllaa Whjnii. Abraham Ycajn. Mifflin Soloinan Okrotli, Levi Treaty, John Mldinel, Mt.rieaiant- (leorseCavenec, 3unuel Jolinion, f'ja'lu 7iii."m,,ht ,loberl JoI,"ton i'i,.rtAf.i1.tnin Urntt rJanitlel lletl. rliiRarloaf John M. Cote. LIST OF TKULS, For May Term, 1801. . T W. Kahler vs. Daniel Ncvhird. ?. John Mulligan ct. M. vk. 8. Hlmne. Ii. A.Crev'dinn vs. A. Mclllck ct, ai. 4, Kobert J Lyon vs. M. ii et. nl. Jucob It. Slim- vs. Kobert J. Lyons, ti, I'htllp WinterateiMi vti. V, U inlerntecu. 7, John Pt-altr vs Daniel Kdgirtt. al. 8 Lewis LaVenberg et nl vk J. hycr. it. Wol r, U'eatler & 1 v p. I. t Heybert. III. Holoinon Sterner v. Abraham Hnyder. II. Isaiah Shu man v. J, L. Snitnnn. 19. Henry Gearhart v s. Isaiah bhuman. 13. Jnufpli Lockard vs, 3a. I'ennlngton. 14. ttcki. I Hhultz vs. J. Pennington ct. si, 15. Henry Trauph vs W. H. Insurance Co. 16. Hichnrd Torhy vs I), P. Hiybirt. 17. W. Iturgess ct. al vs. A. J. Albert on. ii. P.2kitl Col vi the tup. or Honlon. M. Jainei Shields et. al vs. 1 Bhuuinn, 20. Geo. lives vf, Zubulau H. hults t. al, PUOCLAMATION. WHERB W. tb ' Hon. Wahms J, Woodward, Vrel dpnl of tliu Court of OUT and Terminer nnd i:n. oral Jail Delivery, Court of Uuarter Sessions of the ivucf ami uouri or ounnon yuan and urjmnirs Court, In the iffilh Judifliil District, composed f tl) connties of Columbia, Hulllvau nud Wyoiiiiiifr, and the Hon. Jrob I'vams and yTKnitx lti(.tt, Associate Judcrs i f Columbli county, have issued thiir pri-ct pt, hearing d:iic the 5ih day of Jan, in the year ol mir Lord one thoiumitt eight h indrcil and sixty one and to me directed fur holding a Court of Oyir and Terminer and General Jail dcliV'ry, General Uuartir tifssions f,f t lie IV ace. Conimoii l'Uas and OrDhan n Court, in llhuinibburir. in the couutv if Cotuinbin, on the first Monday, (being the Ctli da))of .Mjy, iiu a i, nnu iu coihiihio uiie een, Kotic Ifi hjn'by civen, to the Coroner, the Justices of ine reacu anu utinsianies oi mo sain touniy oi t-oiumuia inai iney ne ini'ii nnu inr re in mtir prcptr pursoiis nt Id o'clock in th? ft rencou of said day, with thvir ricord. hiliiiition nnd other reinemluance to do llmm? things winch to their offices appertain to bp done. And thue that nre bound bv recoeiiiztuic, to nronecutc neanmt the prisom-rs ere or imy be In thf Jml of aid county of Columbia to be thsn nnd there to prosecute them as shall bejiut. Jurors are requested to bu punctual in their at tendance, nerecably to tlieir notices. Dat'id at lilouins Imrif, tho 20th day of Marrh. In tho year of our Lord ono thiutand eicht hum' red nud sixty-one. and In the lichtr fifth yenrnf the In dope mien re of the United States of AUivricn. iii-uii save me ..oimrinnenin.j April iJO, !?(,!. JCJI1X t.N YDHR, Shtrtf. PUBMO yOTICIC VOll LICENSES. .yoricr. hereby given that the following persons 1 1 in Columbia county have tiled their otrtitions iu ill I Court of Uutrter Seieiona, i f thu said county, for Tav which said pctitnm will be prxsunted to the said Couit on .viouday, the Ltli day c-f .May, A, D., 101, of which ail parlies lutcroMCU w in mko nonce, ami tuc i.icl- inoi will be Rrant J on Wtdncmdoy, the bih day uf .May urn, ni v u necn, i . .u. AlMtliriintH, Townships. Iflooui Win, tt. Knoll'', John Leacock, Tavern, Kolcit Hagenbuch, Oliver A. Jacoby, " Frederick Nicely, Lewis Eitke, ", " J. J, Miles, H.imuel JicUeiiry, C. F. Nelle, F, L. Erliuuian, " John Graver, " I R. Ur.hlforth, lU'ubeii Walter i " Henry Cable, W. A. Kiiie, CI. L.SUik maker, " John L. Hunt, Juehua Woiuer, " I can c Khoudts, " Uuac Fahringer, " Jm nh Yenger, ' Watlnnaum Yeagir, " Ditii.d Reutbr.ld, r (inuel Keiuby, ' A. K- Hiiuth, " Jt'liu Keller, " Isaai Ycttcr, " John .Nun, " Emauucl Conner, " Wilittenbundcr G II WiHilon, J F. th iterich, Alex. Hughes, " Jr.C b Good, " Samuul Everett, ' O, W. HfilTuun, Danie' Mcllenry, " D. L. Evcrhart, " illiard C. Green, ' Fetir tihug, " m. Long, i Enoch Howell, ' A. J. Evan. Fioi R. H. Menazh. " U.rwick Itnton llrUrcruk Heaver Centre Con) nj ham Greeawoojl Hemlock Locust Cattawit Madixon Mi III in Mn I ne Ml Pleasant Orange Fiehingcrsck Pcott Elootn Con tig hum Daniel McKeruan. " j j K j,,;, VVlll. Lt KIi Klino. J. 8.Hrobt.t. J.K-ob Keltter, tfamuLl Ikosteubnde: Cattaw uta JACHU IJVKRLV, Ctcr't. ProthoniMary's Office, nioemsburg, May tf, lfctil. In re-application of the "Tint, Englhk Jiaptiot Church vf klQumwiirt Jor, Ch'tricf of Incorporation : No. rinmuAnv Tkkm, 1801. Now 8Iibruar) l-lil, examined by the Court, Found lawful iilfd, and ii-mal order m.ide for advertising, ic. To all Persons irhom tt may concern, Take notice : the nbuvu btated application lor a (.barter cf In corporation has been made to the Court of Common Plus ot" Columbia County and if no siitlkiviit reason is fehw u to the contrary, s'nd Court will, on Monday, jthettli day uf May, lenl, decree and declare that the I said Church thall, according to the articles and cundi- lions in Rmn application sot rortii ani con- tdiiml. become and be a corporation and body politic JAC03 r.YP.ULV. t'rothomtary, April 0, ISCJ. SHERIFF'S SALK. virtue of a writ -f Venditioni eivaiias, ta mc reeled, isnued out of Ihe Court of Common Picas d Loiumiiia touniy. win no exposal tu puwic sale ni tin court House, in moonuburgoiiMomiay, the cth day uf, Ma) next, at I o'clock in the afigri.ot'ii, thv follow iug ' described property : I All that cvitain tract of land, situate in Suptulcaf i ovvnsiiip, Columbia county, iiouiuted ami dcsrri.Kii n follows, to vi it Uu the North by lands of bamutl Hall, on thu Last by lands of Uiiicliuu I.ltinH and other h, on the fonth by land cf James Leonard, and ou the West by laud of Edward Hughe, containing Seventy-threo Airett, strict measures, fnteeii acirs of which aro c 'ared I ind ; on which arc (reeled a One fctory Dwelling lioutfe, anu a Log (tarn with the appurtenances, ceieeu taken in Kxtcuuoii and to be toiii as the property ot O, Pnrb.. IMIIV rlVVIII'll 4ll..ltr ' Uloomsburg, April 10, 15C1. AUMIXISTttATOll'S NOTI0K. IZtfate of SSamud A'owj, decease!. KTPHRdof Administration on the Kstate of Hmli l llocr.lateof Locubttrnviiship, Ciilnmbia county de- ' ceased, lid ve L'. en grauteu uy tue uegikier m LOiumuia county. lo tlie iindersmued, residi.ii; inhaidtownship.- ' Alipi rS"ll lid t III K i.ldiui uijOMir, un inline miiv uut dent nrertqaetcd in present them tu the AdintiiUtr-itor i without dfliy and ull peret ns Indebted to make pay- meni loruiwuo. JOHN ROUP, Mm-r. April tf, i?iii-fit, BUIDQB KLK0T10N. AN election for ono President, six Managers, one JV Treasurer, one Secretary; officers for the Cattawis m Hrid(u Company, fr the eiiiuuiff year, will ko held at the hoiis ot Daniel Reinbold, in Cattaw isa on Mon day tha Cth of May nut, betvvocn tlu hours cfl and ti m , . JN ?: fHAUPLLfcS, See y. Ciiuawiksanridge Oilice, April ti. WOI. liMDUi; NOTI013. fl IIC Pri-identand Mauagirscf theCattdwitsAnndge p. r tent. (7i cents per share,) on ihe capital stock of this I'uiupmiy fur the luVt six immtlis. nayablu to the Btek. hold.-r or their Heal rti'rtsfiiUlivs,onor after the lytli of April, at tho olliceuf the Treasurer, in lttawissa." k'v order uf tho Hoard. JXtXSHAnPIX Cattaw issn April 0, Ul'l, NOTICE. jVOTlCF, i hereby jlven, thai Ihe annual meeting of I th bUKkhoidr of tlm Itloomthurg Iron Company wi'l be ht' i m( (rouisftie ( oluuiNacoiuty. rmllmrsd-ty th-j LWthdivv oi nv in t for ini pupoi cf elcting .t if I I T 1 T V Tr nt CURE NervousHeadache CURE II r th una of these rtllls the tierlodlc attacks of AVr- mui trfiek Iteadatkt may be prevented; and Iftakenat in- romniencemeni oi an auam imineoiate renci (ron (Mln and sickness w 111 be obtained, They sfldnni fail In removing the A'atma and fra(faAt to which females are so subject, They act greatly upon the bowel 1 1, removing Cvttivt ntn$. Wt Literary Men, Stvdtntt, DMIcate Females, and nit persons of Sedentnrv Aatif. thtv sro vnloabli rt. orlre, Improving the api'ttitt, giv ing ton$ and riper to the ' j (ton i, n.m itiwi inu mu i.uiuiut vmsucny ana strength of the whole system. The CKI'II ALIO PILLS nrn th rotntl nftr, 1 gallon and carefully coiiduttedeTperiinnt5,hav Ine been hi use many years, during which tlmethey have preven ts and rilieveda vast amountor pain and FufTering from Ikadnrlie, whether orlginntiiig in tho ntrtcus sys tem or from a dernngpd state of the stsmatk. incy arernnreiv vegetaMe tn tneir comiopition.nnd may be taken at all Hiiifm with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and the absence cf am dia. ftretablt tastt renders it easy to admintsttr tfitm to thil- nr. ware or couN'TnKrnrrai The genuine have five signatures of Henry C, Spalding on each box, ' ' s fold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Medicines A box will bu sent by mail prepaid or! receipt of the PRICK 81 CENTi. 1 All orders should be addressed to HKNRV8PAI.WNn, 48 Cedar street, New York, THU FOLI.OWINU ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, WILL COtVIMB ALL W IIO ItTIKR tH0H HEADACHE, THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CUKE 19 WITHIN THEIR REACH, ,1t then Testimonials wtrt unsolicited bv Mr SVJILD JAt7, they ajord unfiles tit nabl$ proof of the- ejk. taeji of this truly tttenttjic discovery. Masontiltt, Oonn.t 5.3, ltfGt. U PpaUing. fir: I havetticd your Cephalic PtlH, and 1 le them to veil that I want you to -end me two dollars worth mure, I'-uinf tho-e are for the nejghbnrd, to whom I cave a few out nf thefirstbox 1 gotfromvnti. ij-jnd the Tills by mail, and ob igc Your obt Servant, JlMES KtSNEDV. Iiaterford,Pa , feb. C, 18C1. Mr !?p.ilding fir: I wish )ou to send me onemdfc 1ml of your OephilJc rilU, Aaie reteu-td a great deal of bentfit from then. Yours, rcspertfully Mart Ann HToiiuotsc. Sprue Crttk, Huntington Cn,pa. January If, 1-01. II. C. Spalding. tfir: You will please send ine two boxes of your Cephalie Fills. Sena them immedlnteiv. I Respectfully yours. Jwo. It. PlMOfS, P. S. I hart vied one box of your Villi, and nd (Arm etcctlent. J Uelte Vernon, LAlo, Jan, IS, IcCJ, Henry C. Hpnlding. Et'i. yrienie And inclosed tw enty-five cents, for which send me another box of your Cephalic Fills. They art truly I the best fills I hate cecr trud. Direct A. Stoveh. F. M. ' Relic Vernon, Wajuudut Co., O, Beverly, Matt., Dee, 11, IfC'l. H.C. tfnalding. Esi. 1 i wi"ii inr ome circulars or large r-now bins, to bring i 3. i your Ct phalic I'll nc-re particularly In fore in) cuto 1 ti. men. It you havu any Hi. tig of thv kind, pleaae suiol tu 7, , ,l"' f J 0'ic of my cistnmers. who is sul ject to severe Pirk ' tf j Headache OimuII) latuig two dai,j irvs turtd vf an , attcrk in one honr byvour Villi, winch I ent hr ' ' W. II. Wti iu, llfjnoUbi.Tg. Fniviltn Co., Ohi). ) January 'J, UGl. Henry C. f-'paldlnj. No. 1 Cedar Ht. V. V. DearHir: Inclosed find tw cnty-iivu cents, (23.) for which h-muI bui of "CVphdhr PiIU," cnd toaddres of KeV. Win. C. t'HUr. Uevnoldnburz. Franklin Cn Ohio Your 1'ith work. iU a charm cure Headache almost tnstanter. Truly jours, Wk. C Pitt EC, Ypsitanti, Mtht Jan, U, 1501. Mr. t-'palding, rir : . t long since pent toynu for n box of Cephalic Pills fur the ture of the NervniiH Headache nnd ' octivem s, nnd recivd the inme, and they had so good an eiTci t that I w as induced to if nu tor more. Please send by rvtusn mail. lJirttt to A, R. Wiirutn, Ypilauti, Mich. Vrom'tht Examiner, Norfolk, J'f, Ccplialic Pills accomplish the object for winch they were made, viz: (Jure of "oadache in all its forma, Fran the Ilzc-nintr. Ai'fat, t'n They have been tcatctl in more than a thousaud cases, with entire succc&s. Vrom Me Democrat, St, Clttuit,A!inn. If 'ou are, or havo been troubled with the headache, SCIld for a box, (Cephalic Tl , ? , v , i'UIS.1 to Uiat you mny uuc llieiu in C2SC of an attack. f ion the .IJcerthcr, Ttaitdenee R, I. The Ccplialic Pills aro said to be a re markably effective remedy for the head aeho, and ono of tho very best for that ,A -..,,itn very licqucnt complaint which has ercr tltSCOVCrcd . From the llUlern H RGazettt, OMcafo Ut, We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and hU unrivalled Cephalic Pills. From tha Kanairha Valley ttar, K'anaieha, Va Wc are suro that persons suffering with i tho headache, who try them, will btick to them. Fran tht Southern Talk Finder, Arm Orltani, Li Try them ! you that are afflicted, and wo aVQ sure that VOW testimony Can 1)0 , , , , - . aUHCa to the already numerous Itit that has received benefit that no other mcdi- ciuo can produce. ry- Aainple bottle of SPALDIVti'S PKKPAHUIlGtUC Will save ten times its cost annually. "jj BPALDINH'S PUKPARCU CLUni epALDiNA'i ntuPAuun Lun Bl'ALDINtl'S PKKl'ARUD GLUE SAVE TUB PIECES! KCOVOMVI M9PATVHI U.7" A HriTonts Tim BiVEi Nic,".r3 As axidents will happen, even in welf regulated fim. Ilns, it in very deiirable to havu some chi'up and conve nient way for repairing Furniture, Toys,, Crockery. A.C. Sl'ALlllMl'S runi'AKKI) hlui: ncctv all smli einergeucL'i, and no hnusehoU can an nrd to ba w ithout it. Uu always uady and up to the sticking point. CtH'.FlH. IV UVKRV IIOI'SC." S, 11. A inrush aceoaipaule each Honle. Puce, 33 ctnts, Adrlrwrs, IirNKV C, HPALDINC, Nu.-UCLUAKiJtrcct, New York, rurroN. As crUinunpr'nciplcd persims ao p 'tempting tnpilm j rff oji thi unmutD'ctme public, pn'Utiona of my PRE I PARLH GLUU. I would caulmt ull persons to cxeuncv I btfi re p has mr, arwl see U it the fnlj name. 1 r'V bl'ALUfVf, PKf.PMtLC liLl V mr. " urn" the nat "' iri uftiniHt-f Latest by Telegraph. Latost From Washington Two Thousand Secessionists al Alexan dria Gen. Beauregard at Richmond The New York Sttenth Regiment al Anapolis Communication open tettA Washington-' tco Regiments at Cham bersburg. IlARRtsnuno, April 34, 1801. 3Ir. Jarvis, nn intelligent Now York merchant, enmc through this city yester day direct from Washington, which pl&oa he left at thrca o'clock on Tuesday. He says that thero arc 10,000 troops ia Washington, which is deemed amply suf ficient to protect the Capital) hut fears aro entertained that provisions will giro out. It was believed that a Southern forco of 2,000 men were encamped in a deep ravins near Alexandria, but that only one-half of them are armed. It was known in Washington that Gen. Beauregard was at Hicbmond. The Seventh Hegimcut of New York is in possession of Antiapo U. The Baltimore troops are scattered between Annapslis and tho Junction, prepared fdr an attack. The number of the latter is not known. Gen. Scott has thrown out pickets f ame distance below I3iadcnsburg. The two regiments which left this plica on Tuesday CTCDing arrived at Chambers burg, and were quartered in the public buildings. Washington is nearly deserted. Ou Tucsdoy but nine persons were seated tt the dinner tablo at Brown's, and sixteen at the National. Families are flying to the North both from Washington and Baltimore. Forty clerks in tlie l'ost-offico Depart ment resigned on Monday, in conscqucnco of the test oath'. Also', a number from tho Treasury Department!.' All telegraphic communication' with Washington north is still cut off. BAU GH'S R&.W BON El surEii-riwspuArE of lime, m a v u vxcicvSEonY B A U G II & SONS, No. ao South Wharves, Philadelphia. Cash Price, S45 per 3000 lbs., In strong Sack.. FARMER H, RUMEMBER I Thi artiile is prepared from raw pones, and contains Urge amount of fertilizing cotiEtttueiiti, embodied in no other similar preparation. 1, It Is superior to Peruvian Guano, producing, In some cases, 51) per cunt mure. 2, It cost JfU per ton leas, 3, It has all thu vitttienfl'uro Hone, w bile you lone no time in waiting for it, it acts at once. I, It furiiUhcs precisely the food rcUirrd for tho grew' ing crop. It permanently improve the soil. It produces lar'e rrpsofgrcss li prevents the uUacea of worms. It does not exhaii-H the oil. Tim Inst reason why you should use it, is that then jnu ran make a practice! list nn to the truth of &U of alUhtfo n'sirtloiiu, It will cost but little to give it a trial. WC itRO MiMJfACTir.K Al ARTief.E Of "OltOUXJ) It AW 1SONES, " (GUARANTIED I'l.'RE.) Cafh Price, $35 per 2000 pounds. Theaboe Manures warrnnt entirely free (rem ndulleratiou, betnj; uianiidictured under tliu persoari riupcrintenilcncc of one of our TI i in. iiaucii tc sots. No. SO gnutli Wnarvcs, I'lnladclphla. IVhrunry 10, ItCl. 3m. IMPROVED STANDARD Super-Phosphate of Lime. The old established article, in constant lice by thousands of Farmers and Planters for a number of ear past. Price $ 15 per 2000 lbs, (aicts. pci 1 b.) GUAIU), PERUVIAN, received direct1 from the Government Mors. H'urrnnted genuine. ICH Ilt)i:. Tbif is the old fashioned Feathery Omanx, imp jtied diit ii. XWvn & XeedIfS''lvcV Fertilizer. The low price nnd superior quality of this frrtiltitr is fast brtngtn; It into general use. Price 83U per 2000 Ibi. (IJ cent per lb.) BONK DCBT. llutton-makcriiK Hone Dust JkCrounJ ttnn". hXSXi PLAHIT.n. Warrmted pure. In barrels. A fibril deduct wu made to Jicaieri on all the above articlei. X. II. We havo n large number rf Diplomas for Premiums awarded by the various .Agricultural Her, vvktch I'm are requoted to call and pamine. JLLKJVQ YEKDL9. U SAnih Wharves and 41 South Water Bt, First Stort aSsct Chestnut,) IHILAPLLl'IIU. Fvb HM-CI-3m. E.CU(i M E K T V M on x i o n P U It E T SOTI, Having been appointed Ly the manuftuturcrs bOLI! ACLNTH forihe Mle of thabne nrticle, we are now prepared to fuiinnh it to Farmers and Heaters in siuh Iiidiiiittcs a may be wauled. Jtu dtodorited andxahtd in Tight Barrel. I'RICE, S0.75, PER BARREL. .i liberal deduction -made for large purchaser, Thi ht tide must not bo confounded w 1th Poudrette, it being,, ao stated, simply lae pure night soil, the great value of which is welt known thronshont the world. Manufactured by TIIACKARA.SCHAFEU & THACK ARAV. For Sale only by ALLCN t NHCDLEfl, No ii Houth Del i wore Avenue, and -11 South WaKr Strait, tr-t door above Chestnut Street, PhiWclphia, February lii, IcttL 3m, UEBAT EXCITEMENT JA A III AT Till' FllESIl ARRIVAL or SPRING AND SUMMMEU GOODS. AT miller's store, 'TMIC subscriber lias Jut returned from the city with 1. another large and select atH.rtjinjf of FALL & WINTER GOODS, purchased! it Philadelphia at thlower" figure, and whir h he is dtcrmiiu'd to si II on as moiK-rate terms at tan rm procured elsewhere in Woomsburg Hs stock consists f LADIES' DUKSS GOODS, Choir M styles nnd latcr-tfathictt. Dry Goods, Groceries, IlardtrartQyttnttetrtCrJar tier Uollouj Hart, iron, uis, Hoots and Shots, Jtats and Caps, Sec. &t In short ever) thing iMnnlly kept iu country Stores la vWiirh he invites Hit piif'c g.iurully. C "The Higheit Pncw .nd for country produce STUPHLN II MU.LEK Pdmubnr:, Vov 3, 1M. r. TiiElviNi:"sf olu:T " JO ICR 3 n WAf,;iuT sriiCET. it1 -t-i tt . riiUADE'riiiA r .Vi-ni' ( 1