&fjtuultuvc " 1 KISSES. "Oh, kiss mo ani go," Said tlio 10 aid of my heart, And proffered her lip As a hint to depart "The midnight approaches, My mother will know, Sly kindest and dearest 1 O, kiss mo and go.'' She gave mo the blessing In such a sweet Tray, The thrill of its pleasure Enticed mo to stay : So we kissed till the morning Came in with its glow, For she said every moment, "0, kiss mo and go." GARDENING FOR WOMEN There is nothing better for wives and daughters, physically, than to haro tho oaro of a garden a flowcr-pot if nothing more. What is pleasantor than to spend a portion of every passing day in working among plants and watching the growth of shrubs, and trees, and plants, and to ob serve tho opening of flowers, from week to week, as tho season advances! Tiicn how much it adds to tho enjoyment, to know that your own hands have planted and tilled thein, and havo pruned and trained them. This is a pleasure that re quires neither great riches nor profound knowledge. Tho huinblo cottage of tho laboring poor, not less than their grounds may bo adorned with pet plants, which in duo time will become redolent of rich per fume, not less than radiant with beauty; thus ministering to tho love of tho bcauti iul in nature. TO STOP BLEEDING. Asa Kemper, Hoss County, Ohio, writes to tho American Agriculturist, that bleeding from a wound on man or beast, may bo stopped by a mixture of wheat flour and common salt, in equal parts, hound on with a cloth. If tho bleeding bo profuse, use a large quantity, say from one to three pints. It may bo loft on for hours, or even days, if necessary. In this manner he saved tho life of a horso which was bleeding from a wounded artery ; tho bleeding ceased in five minutes after tho application, It was left on for three days, when it worked loose, was easily removed, and the wound soon healed. HIRED HELP. Secure their good will by just and gen crous treatment. By proper management they may bo led to take an interest in the work. A little praise will do more than much scolding. It costs as much,ormorc, to board a ten dollar man, as ono worth fifteen dollars. A skilfull man will save tools, economize labor and timo, much more than the extra wages. Good help ia cheap at any price. Pay a hired man liberally, and he will study your interests, and stick by you through thick and thin. HORSES. Give generous feed of grain to thoso used for Spring work. Clean and rub them down well after tho labor of tho day; friction prevents soreness of tho muscles, and prepares for good rest. Uso light harness collar and traces for plow ing ; and guard against chafing and galls. Train young horses to a fast walk, and bo careful not to overwork them. Give brood marca moderate exercise, and roomy stalls, especially when near foaling. ACCOUNTS. Keep a regular account with each field, charging it with all expense and giving credit when the crop is returned ; without this it will be impossible to tell accurately what crops or methods of treatment arc most profitable. Let all contracts with hired men and others, with all salc3 and purchases, be plainly recorded. It will save trouble. PEAS. Tho Daniel O'Rourko is tho earliest va riety. Sow in rows running East and West, and when up, set a high board on the North side of each row to break off winds, nnd reflect the sunshine ; this will forward them rapidly. Sow also Princo Albert, Napoleon, and Champion of Eng land, for a succession. The Champion is best for general erop. Eaiily Germination or Seed Corn. Tho Rtpullican. of Princeton, 111,, gives an experiment of Dr. Chamberlin, which goes to show that, by tho uio of chloride of limo and copperas, much timo may be saved in tho germination of corn. In his office, Dr. C, had four boxes, in ono of which the corn was planted without soaking, and the seed had not germina ted in the second, tho seed was soaked in warm water, and had just commenced to germinate; in tho third, tho seed was soaked in a solution of lime, and the green blades wero just peeping from the ground ; in tho fourth, tho seed was soak ed in a solution of chlorido of limo and copperas, equal parts, and tho blades were nearly threo inches above the ground. All tho seeds wero taken from tho eamo ear, wero planted at tho same timo, in tho same quality of soil, and had an equal ill are of lieht and hunt. Tim nrmr.r twill kceD the birds and worms fYnm niCrw. .W. S . ... "6 jnnueu, uoc pounu eaon or cmorido ot i .friair ""'"""rn will soak seed rnoiic'lt Light ILight! Light! . P A 11 A HON COAL OIL BUKMHIS AXi) LAMPS FOR' burning CO AIi, KEUOSUNU. OH C AKRON OILS. THIlliest, mott hrilllanl, tint) cheapest portable Itgtit now In use. JV din iter of exploion find cheaper than fluid, Inrd oil, Ash oil or cntnpheiip, war JUUA1j TU UAS.-tisa Without ttio expense of en future. Tho above I.nmri (with oil tlnlr fancy trimmings) can ho if en and hoi ik lit at tho old established Drus niul rhnnirnt Finns tf tho undersigned, who natters lilmelfihnt from hi loud je perlcnco in the Drug trade, he Known how and where to buy, and I determined not to ho undersold by any one In l!looinlniri, cr surrounding country. Call and seo 111 new and writ nclccted dork of nuutw, MiimuiNus and cmcmiuai.s, faints VARNIBHK3, UYLHTUFFS. 01 LS GLASS FUOM 7x9 to 2-1x30, CONFUIT10NA HIES, PUKPIJMGKY NU FAN'UY '10ILHT. Atl T10l.r.3 FOR LADir. A. ULNT3. TOBACCO AND CIGJWS, Assl'd Drands, Tateut Medicines of every varMy In use Liquors, (pure) fur medicinal use only, Kluld.Unnipheni! Carbon Oil. Turpentine nnd Alcohol. Trusses, Shouldur tlrncca ntiit Abdominal Suppnrtors, Surgical and Den tnl Instruments, Sash nail and tooth llru laid, Cnniidun phrey's Ili'ni'vpalhiP Remedies, Garden, Canary, nape and Hemp needs, Thermometers, proof glass iSlororro Leather and Shoe Findings. &.C.. &r.. together wlih ths largest and most nried assortment of German Toj s and YANKKK NOTICES, ever brnucht to this place, all of which please call and see nnd yuu must In liuve. Ilnin lenrned by sad experience that "long credits will not keep things moving," I have determined to , nys'ijiysis iPiuuisgSft to cacli buers, to make (t an object to them it, well ns the seller, to ileal on the cash principle, cither money or ready trade. Having served a rejrular apprenticeship at the Drug and Apolhecnry business, besides hating carried it on fur the last eighteen jcors, on my own honk, 1 flatter myself lint I am able to do Justice to atl chin? me n trial. Thankful to tile public Tor past faors, 1 would nk a trial on the new prinriple, and will cuarantieto alt.that it will make long friends, nnd pny best in the end to pay rash and buy at reduced prices. I ll YSlUlANd l'HKSt JUl'TIUNS carefully cotnpounde.il, and all orders correctly answered. Al inediciucs guaranteed as recommended, Store Room on Main street, near Market, next door to the Post Of, (Ice, Illooinsburg, Columbia county, I'a. L'l'lllt.M.M T. LUTZ. August 4. 1SC0. GRAND ATTEMPT TO HUMBUG FARMERS. SOME persons inunt think Farmers are Too!?, or they would not have the impudence and nudacity to usu thu namo of FronefeUfnt the purpose, of deceiving the public nnd mnkii.tfcnpUnt out of his name. Any per on or persons who use my name in any fhapr, form or mnnncr.on show rnrda or handbills, to aid him in Helling bogus articles, be it Vegetable Cattle Powder. Cattle Liniment, (leave 1'owdcr, or anything else, Is a down rinht ImpOBtcr, and descries to bo considered by an enlightened community, doing the author, discoverer, eole inanufticturcr. and compounder of all the ctlebrnted Cattle Medicines formerly prepared by him for Urolnig, Front; field it Co., from thtirtint introduction to the timo of their dissolution, Dr. rnoxtiFlUM) feels an honest pride In protecting tho nubile, and Farmers In particular from further rieccpliwii from buying useless mm iiimiuut; in i in run pm up oy nun, dick aim uurry, without a particle of know ledge or experience In such matters, depending entirely on his name to make tliciu sell. To nut a Ptnn to such dinlionnr.thla trick. I linvn determined toput iiiyurittensignatureon each park of me tcgciauie vimie rowucr, anu earn uottic m tattle Liniment, and nil my other preparations, as I expect look iii:ruitu yoii imv. My signaturn will be a guarantee for those who want to any a puru anu cemnnr) arucie prepsireu in n sctcnti flc manner. Manufactured only by dr. ritoNmcr.D. At tho old stand. No. 31T North :d Ht., HnladUnliia. For sale by DR. C. S. UAKUK, Main ttnd D Kalb streets, norrmonn. Agent. February g. IfcOl -3m IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS, l UtlL.lSMLlJ U U. AI'l'LLTUM 6t CO. 443 and 415 Sroadiuai , New York, The following works aro senttoSubcrihcrsinanypart of the country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by mail or express prepaid : Tim NEW AMCUICAN CVCLOIMIMA : A popular Dictionary of General Knowledge., Edited by titonnK Hiplet nnd Ciiarlls A. Dana, aided by a numerous sc lect corps of writers in all branches of Scieticics, Art and Literature. This work is being nnblUhed in about 15 large ottavo volumes, each containing 75() two eoluin pa?e. Vols. to XI inclusive, are now rcady.eaih containing near 2,5wi, original articles. An additional volumu will be published once in about three months l'riee, In Cloth, S3; riheep.33 5Uj Half Mor., 3i: Half Russia, $4 50 each. The New American Cyclopicdia Is popular without see lug superficial, learned but not pedauic, coinprchenshe but suilcienily detailed, free from personal pi'pie and party prejudice, freeh and yet accurate. It is a complete statement of all that is knot, n upon tcry important top. ic with thi' scotii! ofhuitian Intclliprnrc. i:virv inuu.n ant article in it Iris becuppecially written for its pages by men who aro authorities upon the tuplcon which tncysncax, 'incy aro required to bring the subject up to the present moment to state J ust how it stands now. All the statistical Information is trom the tatt$t reports; the geographical accounts keen pace with the latest e a pi u ra tion,, ; historical matters include the freshest Jiikt icw b the bingrnphical notices not only pak of the dead, but also of the living. Jt Is a liltrary of itself, Adridofmlnt or tub Dmutk orCoKiiREri: IJcinga political history of tho United States, from the orrnn,-.. lion of the first Federal Congress In JTew to Ie3t!. Kdit ed and compiled by Hon. Thomas II, Uejuun from the Of- ffrinl P-Ar,1a nf Pnn-w.a - Tho work will be comnlicd In 15 roval octavn voltimna of 750 pagcBeach 11 of which are now rsady. An addi tionnl volume will be published once in three men ths. Cloth. $3 Law Eheep, $ I 5u; Half Mor 84: Uulf Calf SI 50 each. A WAY OF l'UOCUniN'fJ THE CYCLOPEDIA, OR Form a Clllh Of four, and remit the nrironf fnnr . and five taples will bo sent atthercmitter'H expense for carriage. or for ten subscribers eleven copies will bu sent at our expentefor carriage. TU AtrlSiM'8. No other works will so liberal v reunnl tlio cTrtinn. of AecDts. An Agent Wanted is tihb r.nTv Terms made known on application to the rub'ishers. B AG A INS BARGAINS SEW FALL AXD lVINTKU GOODS SB A IB T 3 IS Elf WOULD respectfully Inform the citizens of Llgh Street and vicimtv that thv have iut ron.iv,.. n new and extensive assortment of UUY GOODS AND GROCERIES. which they will sell chean for cah. Thev lmvi ninr and general vnrkty; all that Is commonly found in a Country Htore, and aro dttermlned to well cheap. Tot ha selection of their goodsthey hnxe paid ktrict uttentiou; therefore, their merchandize will bear recommendation ti win provo to tie or trie lira class. Tho proprietor! cordially suJint a liberal vharc of nat. rouaze. Customers would do wrll to rnll mi.t Mmninn their general variety before purchasing elsewhere. uuuiury pnmuce laKcu in ticiianga for goods at the highest market price. . , , . MAKT7 fic E.T. Light Street, November, 3 1SC0. GILL & PAUL, General Commission Werchauts, DEALERS IN Hsh, Provisions, Flour, lluttcr, Cheese, Oils, Dried 1'riiits, drain, Seeds, Ilcans, Whiskey, Wool, Country l'roduce and Mcrchanditia generally. No. 34 North Wuarvls, riitLADELpnu. ...r.n ...iv.n. -i iiuuii, ittiur ami country Produco solitited, and returns promptly made. Cash advanced when desired. ORDERS fur all kinds of Tish. Troviiions, Hour. Dried Fruits. &c filled atthe lowest Cash Trices. NEW HLACKSMITH SnOP. THR underiisncd rcspodfully inform, his friend, am) old customer, that Iw lias opeiicd shon on Mail Ftri'ct, a fow doors above tlio Fork-, llotil, in lilooms burg, wlicro ho dvsigu continuing the SMIIIIING IIUsJINESS, Innll its various tranches, at Jow iirices, and on an cn iJrt'ed scale, und stilicits the public iatnmncc. U l'roduce. Cram, &c, gcncrallr taken for work. ... Mima C. AliUOiT. Uloomsburg, MayS, 1839. WINK AND LIQUOKS. WHOLESALE JlND RETAIL. TIIR nndersitned. liaUnu opined a New f lore, on Alain Street, n fw doors Mouth of Iron street, llloonuburj, and stinki-d it ith the best Urnnds nf all kind. Of ImuorUd LIuuotm. will l.n l,nn., ... trado on the mo.t accommodallns terms and at unusually low prices, ' SJ- i uirnc uuiioiii I, respectfully invited. Glooinsburf, July 7, lcM. Jlntnt. THIS WAY CHEAP BUYERS. LOOM8BI7UG cheap cash Store, npam reIenifhei1 " w arm,KI Ituuls wo Ore now prepared tu offer lo tho public a very handsome lot cf sprint- and Hummer Uooda-at usual low prices, for I'lSAU lAY ONLY. Cotno alonj Willi your cash and produce. Mard.lJ.18C0. -. W. IMra.W. JS KH 9? I a: reus. n. 0. IIOWER, SUItGEON DENTIST RBSlDKJfCK.U Brick BMillnj htlctc lltrln.n ISI.,. ssst nr.3IT.C-I I'l I.LV (iir.i. 1,,'. Fn'MVices to the ladies and tuitlinuon of ID Itiooniitiure ami v unit v. n u r.P,.... j loaneiiu luainno various opera ti on in PentUtry, and li provided with the latent lioproTintnti PORCELAIN TEETH Which will bo lRgtf ted on pivot r cold plats to look a well m the natural. US' A mperior article or Tooth Powder alnnv. nn BGERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS ra,IESvi. ME CELEB1UTED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, liivnn uohii'iaiht, WEAKNESS OP ANY KIND, ' FEVER AND AGUE, And ths tsxIous affections conpwiupnt ripen a disordered STOMACH OR LIVER, Such m Indigestion, Aeidity of Hid Stonwli, Colicky Falns, Heartburn, l-onn of Afipctlto, DeApoudency, Costirotioss, Itlind and Jlloedtng Piles. In all Nervous, Klirtimntlc, and Neural dc A (Tec t ton n, It has lu mimeroun lntances rrored highly ticDctlchl, snd In others eflectod a decided curw. This Is a purely tegettitrio corjouud, prcpsred on strictly scientific principles, aftT ths Innnuer of ths olHiratel llulliuid rroffwor, IkcrhsTO. Its reputstion at liomojro duc&I Its Intrtxluctlon here, tho demand cnmmcncInR with thnoo of tho Fstherliind scattered, oer the faco of tills mighty country, innny of v,hom 1 -rough t with tlitnn stul handed down tho tradition of Its value It -ft now tffierrl to ihr. Jmerican jwWtr, footrind that itt truly wonderful mnticinal virtwi mutt U ncknowletlgfd. It Is particularly rcccinmrndt'd to those persons irboss onnstltuttons may hare hwn Impalrcl hy the continuous um of ardent iplrlts, or other funui of dissipation. Oonprally Instantaneous In effect, ft find Its wity directly to tho sot criifts thrllllDK nnd oulckfutnn erery nerte, raising up tbo drooping spirit, nnd, In fict, Infusing new health and rigor Ln the nv'tcm. l OTICK MTliocrrreTpccts lo find this n ImTerspo bo disappointed; hut to the sick, ucnk And low spirited, H ill pmie a urate fid nromatic cordial, DosseeEed cf slngulw twnedlil rropertlcs. READ CAREFULLY! Tha Oenulno hlfthly concentrated IVrrlnvo's Holland BitUri Is put up fu half-pint lttW only, nnd retailed nt Oti Do LIAR per Ittttle, or hlx Imttlcn fir FlTE Uotlins. Tho prent demand for lids truly cclehnted Medlrino has Induced many imitations, which the pnl-llc t-hould guard against purcnnsliiff. Powaro of Ttniwritlon. See that our name Is on tho kilwl of eTcry bottle you buy. Sold by Druggists generally. It can be forwarded by Express to most points, SOLK PROPIUETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. UANUrAOTCBinO tmrmaccitlists and (Khcmfels... PITTSBURGH, PA. rorPaloliyG.M, llngenbuth, Druzgist. lllooni.uurg Tn Oct,2?lrti0. EVANS & WATSON HAi.AMANunit safj:s, MUVnn to :int Chestnut Strert. abore third Philadelphia, have mi mm rt large nssoriniiMii hi lira Thkf proof Salamander iafes. Uo, iron dixjrs. for banks mid A33!WS makes oflocks eaual to uuy mado I in the United Ptatcs. ) tvt Safe in on Jirf. All came out right; with eon tent in good condition. The Salamander Safes of Philadelphia against the world. EVANS & WATSON, have had tho surest demos trat ion in the following rer tirtcntp that their inaiiuf.i(iure of Pilamandcr H.HVa has nt length fully warranted the representation s wlmhh.ivo been made of theni us rendering an undoubted security against the terrific element. ' Philadelphia April 12. mc. Messrs. Evan Watson: (ciitlcmeii It nllordi us tho highest satisfaction to stato to you, that owing (to tho very protective qualities uf two of the Salamander, Safes which wo purchahod ofjou some live month suite wo irnved n largo portion of jewelry, and all our honks, &c., exposed to the r at tiiiinoiis, lire tn Kunetead place on the morning of the 11th Just,, When we reilcct (hat thpse safes wero located in tho fourth story of tin building wn occupied nnd that they fell sub"ruentlitintun hap of hurnuie ruins, when' the vast concintMtiou uf tht hmt caunud the brass pl.itcs to melt, we cannot but regard IhepreRcnaiinn of iheir n. uaMo contents ns most com inciug proof of the great e. cunty airorded by uur saft. Yv fh ill teku great pleasure in recomnicndinj them to men of business iw a mire rrhuno iiimiint rire. Cl'.OUfii: V. SIMMONS IlllO., JcinlUrs. uvThey have since purchased tit large Safes. iV! TIIHundcrvignedlsnlso cxteniiively rngaged in the UmltrtaUns Business, nnd keeps continuity on hand nd fur wale at hjs Wurerooins, u large mtsortmciit of FINISHED 5) COFFINS, Ity which he is enabled to nil orders on presentation Also Keeps a good llorso and llearbe, uud will nt al tiling be ready to attend Fuuenls. SIMON' C. SH1Y13. llloomsburg, January 2J, lcSH. SAVING FUND U. S. Trust Company. Comer of Third and Chestnut Sts., Phili, LAUGH and smalt sums received and paid back on deiuund w ithout notice, w ith Five ri-.H fnt I s tm est from tho day ofdepoblt to the day of withdrawal, i OtucL HocRs-Prom u until .1 o'clock every day, atd oil Mokihy F.vi-mvi, from 7 until II oclork. I PrL'Pdent-STr.l'Ili:.V P.. CllAUToltD, Treasurer Piinv Visa. Ttlltr James R. Hunter. DIKKOTORS Stephen It. Crawford, t i.i ii i -i ... : i. w r.Min,. ill.iiticl Iti ,i11mnii Paul II. Cotid'ard, M. D. (ieorgo Junkln, Alex t r C Hart. M. )., William M. Cndwiu, II. IViinkhit Jnekt-nit. rutricK itriKiy, James DevereauT, Thomui T. hen. (Pluiy risk. March 'Jo. lU-ly. TI! U illonnt ilcrnon sncoNn STnut-r, ahovi; aiicii. vuu.tnyi.piiM. II. II, r.mVAilim, Prwmltr, May U, lfCn-3m. T0UA000 it SEGAltS. MAE SHALL HUGHES with A ess is as; O'TCSS, wiioi.EtfALr, nr.iLr.its in Illnniirnclurril Lent' Tobacco, IIAVA NA GKKMAN AND DOMES'!' SEGARS &C, N. V. Corner of Tront and Arch Streets. ARTHUR II1GLK. I jsmm m. ciivd. rjii!.Am:M'iii.i March 10, lrHI l.'in. I1KNUY ADOIil'Il'S No. 30 NOUTII SIX'ON'II urunCT, above aurkitJ One Uour abovn t'hrist Church. A nenrrarAssottincnt of COVrMIK tVltXITUHE, In tluilius CAMP SJVOLS, 4c. l'Hir.AHELrillA. Mjy IS, 16CO-12m. "'THE UNION," Jlrth ami.. lion Third. V II I A 1) K I, P II I A . THE situation of this lintel renders It one of the most convenient for those ulioaro visum? l'llilnji-hiliu on business! while, to llio.o in search of pli-a.orc, the constantly passing ami rrpussins Cuy Hallway curs, RIlJ IllOSe 111 Clo.U lirOtlllllte. nllnril n rhn ...I .1... anlrldetoall placcj ofliiuresl and uinufeuiciit in or' nu."., im: illy, Tho proprietor gives aisuraneo that 'The Union" Shall be Kent wit h such rhnnin,.. am ..III .11 approbation, nnd would respectfully solicit, eeneril not. I Wlrdaryia, lfHO-Wai, 1'ropn'or. P A L D IX 0 1 S Celebrated Prepared 55 V 7 Scrofula, or King's Evil, !s n constitutional disease, a cntrnption of tlio blood, by Mlilch tills iluiil becomes vitinteil, weak, anil jioot. IJcIiir in the circulation, it peiYuilrs the wfiolo bodv, nnd mav burst out In diicaso on any part ol it. No oicrm fa fieo from Its attacks, nor is tlieie one which it may not destroy. Tho scrofulous taint is variously ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the dqncssinj; vices, and, above all, by tho vencrcui infection. Sviiat cver he iti origin, It Is hereditary in tho con Etitution, descending "from )arenta to children unto tho third and fourth generation " Indeed, it seems to ho the rod of IItmho says, "I v,lll vis.it the Iniquities of tho fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from tho blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, In tho lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles i in tho glands, swellings j and on the surface, eruptions or sores. Tills foul cor ruption, which genders in tho blood, depresses tho energies of life, 10 that scrofulous constitu tions not only suiTcr from scrofulous com plaints, but they havo far loss power to with stand tho attacks of other diseases i conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, aro still rendered fatal by tins taint in tho system. Most of the consumption which de cimates tho human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of nil tho organs, arise from or arc aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people arc scrofulous j their persons aro invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system w c must l ennvnto tho blood by an alteiativc medicine, and in vicorntG it by healthy food and C.xcrciiC ' Kuril n mpilifinr. wn MiimU in OUCil n meaitilie wo tupiilj m AYE It'S Compound Extract of Sarsnparilln, tho moat effectual rcmcdvwhU'h the mcdicnl skill of our times c.tti liuviio for tliU every ..jit'iu it (.Milling anu i.uni maiativ. xi is com bincil from tlio most active rcmctiiaU tli.it havo been iliseo; ercd for tlio exptirqation of this foul disorder from tlio blood, und tlio rescue of the system from in destructive consequence. Hence It should bo employed for the euro of not only scrofula, but also those other nHVc tions uliich arise from it, smh as Knui-rtVE and Skiv T)isc4ri.s, Sr. Anthony's I'hik, Kosi:, or UuYsirtu", liMri.i, 1'fsTui.rs, liircnvs, IIliins and ll.iit.'), Timous, Teitkr nnd Salt Ititt iM, Si'st.n IlKtn, IIinowoiim, llitti'MATtsM, Svniti.iTioand Mkkcuiiial Ilti. i:sr.3, Dkoimv, Dlsl'Kl'SlA, Uliiiuiv, nnd, indeed, all Complaints ahisinci miom Vitia iti ou Imi'Uiib IIloou. The popular belief in " impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. Tho particular purpose and virtue of tills Snrsnpa rilla is to piuify and regenerate this vital iluid, v. ithout vrhich sound health Is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic PUIq, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, arc po composed that discic within the rartRC of their action can rarely withstand or cnJc them Iheir ppnctratinR prorcrtics search, and cleanse, and inigorate oerjr portion uf the human organ ism, correcting its thseancd action, nnd restoring its healtliy vitalities. As a cotibequencc of these properties, the imalid who is bowed down with K sin or physical debility is nhtonished to find Ins ealth or enerpy restored ty a remedy at once so Minnie and Smiling. Isot only do they euro the evcry-day complaints of every uody, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. Ihc agent below named is pleased to furnioh gratis my American Almanac, containing ccrtlticattB of their cures nnd directions for their ue in the following complaints: Costiiv vets, Ilcaitbiitn, Ihatlacfte arising J'tom dimidered Mcmach, Xausia, Indigestion, Pain in and Mot bid Jtiuttton of the Jlvnrfs, I'ttitulcncy. Lois 'J'c tifc, Jatntdivv. ami other kindred complaints, arNint; from a low- statu of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ion tiie i:nii guiie or Coughs, Colds, IiilUicnziif Hoarseness, Croup, Ilroncliiti', Inripicitt Coitfcump tion,aml ihr tlio relief of Consumptive 1'ationts in ailvuuced binges of the ilisenc So wide U the field of its usefulness and so nu merous are the cases of its cure, that almost every section of country abounds In persons pub licly known, who hat c been lcstortdfrom alarming and nen dtsperate diseases of the lungs by its use. "When once tried, its superiority oter ctcry other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its Mrtucs are known, the public no longer hesitate v. hat antidote to employ for the distressing and daniicrous alfections of the pulmonary organs that arc incident to our climate. VhiIc many inferior remedies thrust upon the commm.ity hac failed and been discarded, this has gainetl fiicnds bycirry trial, conferred bent fits 'on the afilictcd they can never forget, nnd pro duced cures too numerous and too lemarkalleto be forgotten. rnF.r.utnn nv m. .7. C. AYE EC & CO. LOWELL, MASS. n P. Lutz. J. II. Movi'r.O. 5f. Ilaeenlmrli. Illnomnlnirc A. .Miller, Uerwick.anJ liy one store in every town in irentujirnata. NEW AXD Sl'LKXDIU ASSORTMENT Of .17' 7B VORXKH OF V rPDaiii antl Iron tiacois9 & JL. O O M S & U B CU A. IK. inn unt S1 1.1.' f (In tn imOU'llU'H Vo jou want hAVIJI.I.A PLOTI1 1 tin lo MUJWUK'H Do uii wantt J IA I.I.I DKIjAINI I tin tu IlltOWr.lt'Ej Dojoii wuuvTAHU: COVi:ilrfl (i to lULOWLUt'H Ho im want UUri'll lUIHTlHta ? Uo to IIUUHMl tf Do you wimt HKi:LKTiN HKlR'l'S f Go tu MlOWUt H 1JU)04I Wlllll IMi. tll I I.U a KIliT-Sl'fl'KNItKIti I Do you want ML'ril,Iiri( Dn )im want ('AMCOrStf! Do j on wnnt I.AAVN- i Do jou want ItAKUil f Do )ou wnnt Di: llUtiKS f Do jo I want IIDHII.ilV i Do mi u:mt tll.OVl.H I tioto IlIiOWIMt'H (in m llltUWDIt'n liotu IHtOWKK'.s i:u m i:t:uvi:ifs l.'i. tu IIUOWIIIl'S liuto itovi:u tt tioto IlltOi Ulfr! limo i:iiovi:it's tin tu iii!uivi:i:'n Da you want llANIlKlliUMIIlU'S f ii..) on Hunt tiAitriri'sATi niii.ai (iutii iiitawi:ifs llo you Mnt KTl'.Ll.A rll.WI.HI Coin HItUVj:ifri Do ion want Mllll Mil MITTS I (iu tu HIIUWUR'H Jin )uu uut fll.K (UlU-il.Krtt tin tjUUUWUK't) llu jou want ClAUNTLKTM I (iu tu IIKOVl;irS I)u yuu nni CIlOTUIIIir lIltAlllS I lio to IIIKIWXK'S 110 you aul TIUV fO'lTON I (iu iu ifK()tvj:it n (iu tu ltltlJU'l'.lt'S flu lu lllll)Vl:if (in to IIHUVl:ll'S tiu iu nitovi:ii's (iu lo HKOlVKK'rf (io lo iiKownn s (io lu lllt(HV: K (ioto lUtOH'lilt'.H (io to mtou'iiit's iiuyoii ivnia t iii.ii i .wi lluiuu Mailt SUN Sll MH'.St Duyou Mam ll.MlllllM.I. S r Do you want i:assimi:iu:s i Dojoii uant 1'1-.1.-I.N IT. MIX DoyoiiMaul 1.1NT.M CTMirKSI Do you Mailt natl-'AMlS I Do )ou M'aiit JIMN'Sr Do you waul NANKi:r.N'rtt Do yoii want UlNlillAMS 1 (iu (o llltlltvl.It'S i!o iu iiiiuvi:hs 110 JOU M.UII lll-Urtl,-. I Ilo you mint J, lili;s-Mliii.nr uo lu lllllllvi;it'S ll.i ou want I.A I I i:w IIAlTKItSI Co to mtllU'nt'rf Ilo you want llinsil CKOiTliltS t Colo lutuU'CK'H llu ou want UUi'.r.XriiVAKlIf Co to UltOWJMrH lo iou want CI.ArlSW'AHII ( Co n imon'ifs Co io i;noivi:it'H Colo llllllWIMl'M Do you want IIAUIIWAlir.l II. i you want HUUCd I Ilo you want I'DltlJ t I'H.'M 1 Ilo )ou wnntUIIBAl' COOUSI lifiiuui.buri;, .May 111. lelU. Colo lll!llVl:U'H Co tu llltUWWd States Mntou fyoid 000 & 008 MARKET STREET AllOVi; SIXTII.l PJIIUIDFLPItM. J. W. POWER, Prvfriiter. TrnMs:-$! S5 per day. IfCO-l-.'iu. May 1! WILLIAM QUINN, &m urn sm zmwmm H, W. Vm, 'I hird and .Murkd bts.. I'lJll-.MiKl.l'lil.V. Ht.ooMsnur.a, p.t. Offleo In Court Ally f,r rly oc-upld ly Chiilts o you wan COL I JA.M H If d o to pt'ri I ll 1, , ,ut rece.ved und affvt for . U, the l.rjt- J lo Jim want Willi I JM.UUHSI J u tu I tOJVHlfH i li.t and moa I'ltciixivu assortment of FANCY l)o jou want I) LSI) rif .o to ) ni'ri ! HtiTtiVIIH ever introduced into thi-market, to you want HI J;IIA J, J?" Jo j U KlfS lli sn,k consUu uf a complete aortniuit of m t ' yu want I U LLIM.H I .o to D OH tllfH thu ben Cooking and parlor sloven in the market, logtth- IU, Ilo jou want 'lli:Kl.M. t Coin HitO.VEll'H i tr with Rove Pnture vt every desuiptiou, Oven and J" ; . v"v,-'fc ; owi imuiaiurB, i.vunuar eiovt. i;.itt iron Air- iXJ- iai'S 91. UU Jicr iUUU. "XiJU l . , noBoUlliWharvcs, riilladilpliia e.l and diiapul us.ort- lft,;tA . tVH, tlMltiB. irin iioiousweeils,olso Tlinoihy.Orch s-i aiildnu's Coj'eli.s, iwf s iiSA&'ffg in m J A MV Herd Ora.s. Jla ion and Cue Is h perennial (irfsis ler, Ualher and rjrnei li , W,J$W& A T X O It N E Y AT LAW. .', Ke..tucky1uiutc,a..c.vi,riecioveJ! JVckiua-nuJils It'll V, msMM&SiJk TIIE 0VhlhJ!?0K B00K" IN At,l. IT9 IlllANCIIUS. nr MISS ELIZA AOTON. CAnEHtt.V REWIED HT MRS. S. J. HAIC. n TcUi You How In rlio.se nil Minis of Menu, Poultry nn'l liamc.wlili nil tlio various mnl nmii 1 1 plcitwny of salting, pickling and curing 1 1 iti uniue. It Telh I'cu Atl tho various nnd most flpprovcil modes hi urcscnip, couKinjr, ana oohuir .uuium J.runb, Veal, Poultry and Oanns of all hinds, with tho dillvrcnt Drcseings.Ora' cs, nnd HtutTinp- Appropriate to cncli ( Tell 9 I'oh Mow to rhoone, clean, and preserve Fish cf nil kinds, nnd how toswi-etcii it when tainted; also nil tho various nnd timet npproied modes of rooking, with the different Dressings, fauces, nnd Flavor ings appropriate tnench. TV Ton AH tlm vnrirui nnd mo-it fiPttrovcd mndes of preparing over fifty different kinds of iicai, isrouis, nnu ctews, wiui inu ri-i llicsnud Hensoniugs npproprlatatotach T IVu All tho various nnd mott approved modes of cooking Vt-gctaldss of evory desrrip tion,nlnhow to prepare I'icklcs.ilatttups nndCurrics of nil kinds, Potted Stents I'lsh, (J a inn, Mushrooms, fee Tt rlit You All tho various and most annroved modes of preparing nnd cooking nil hinds u nam nnu i.incy i'a8(ry.ruuuini;ri, m rlLltci l'rlltrr. Cnkn Confertionarv. Preserves, Jellies, and swcot dishes of i-cry deicrtptlon. It Tells JVu All the nrioiis nnd most approved tnodcB ofmnhiniT lircad, Kusks, Muffins, and Pi'cuil, the host method of preparing CurtVe.t horotntc.C.ind 'Pen, nnd hovtn t make 1?) nips. Cordials, nnl Winns of various kiiios. It Tells You How to set nutnnd ornaincrf! a tabte, how j to Carve nil kinds offish, llrsh or Foul, I and In short.how to so simplify the whole nrt of Cooking as to bring tin; I choicest luxuries of the tuble within ev i rnlio'lv'K ri'iirh. The bnk contain -IIH tinee. nnd upwards of twelre hundred Hccipi's. nil nfw iiirh arc thu rciults of actual "pcrlfnce, having been Tully nndrnrcfutly tented under the prrsonnl aiipcrinlendcnce of the writers. It Is pnn ted in nclenr imd open type. Is IlluFtrotnd with appro- ! i 000 A ' YEAR t" S.i'lSS !!,,. ....,., , ,17,1 IV 'n j rf where, iu Billing the nboye work, onr iiilucciucntto nuiirii ni'iriffxery iiiierai. For slnplf copii's nf the hook, or for terms to Kgeiitr with otlii-r 1 11 formation, npply t or tuMrc JOHN 11. I'OTTIHt, I'uh'i'Iiir. Xo, Gl?Hauoin ritrcLt, rintadt lptua, Tu. N'ovemliT 3, 1? GO Gin. do you nw.vr wmsh'uts r 1)0 YOU ll'.JAV Wlltk HltS J DO YOU MW.V7 .1 MUitT.ICtlE t do you w.iXTJi Muyiucimi KcMhiliuEiYs (yelcEiateil STIMULATING UNGUENT, Fot the Whhkers and Hair. 'llli; nutter liters take plaonrc in announcing to tlio 1 (;iti., iis df the Uutttd ttattfs, that tlit-y lnue ole taiueil the Aurncy for, and nre tun, niabluu to nif,r to the American puhhr, the above JiiFtly cxktmiteil anil worlj-rciiowiu'tl article The Htiiimtaiiui; Oiipuent is prepared by Dr. C 1' Hell inliain, an einiiif nt phj mci.'iu nf London, anil is unr ranted to dnlij; out a thick M-t nf VliUku or a Mns taclie In from three to nxwciks 'J'hU article lit the only one-of the kind ueil by thu I'reiicli, and in London anil Paris It is lu universal use. It Is, i jnuliful. ixoiinniRal, sootliing, jit ptlnmlatint? rompoonit, nctinj; as If by inazicupon the rootn, nun in:,' .i beauiitnl proutk of luxuriant lnir. If npplit-d to the ncalp, it will cure haldncMi, anil r.uifn to fprinir up in pl.ici i.i tin bald epotd n line prnwtli of now luur. pilieil nicorilmc to directions, it will turn red or towy li.irdark, and rehtore f;my hair to its orinul ronr, leavinz it celt, smooth, and tli'iible. 'Mi? "(ii)iiciit"is an iiidispeiib iblearlitluin every ucnth-inan'it toih t, nml alter one week's use they would not fr anj coniifcra tinii Lu w ithout it. Tlin subrri!tra are the onlv Ascnts for the article in the Hinted cMuti-. to w hoin all orders nnut alilresed. 1'rice Oiu ll'illnr a box fors.ilu by all DniKSitn and Diili-rti ; or a box of tho "Uimticnt" (wiirr;tut;d to h.ive the uVMreilHlVctl will be ("cnt to anj on w In defiruit, by nun) (direU), seen rely pi-ked,iu rttcipt of price and postage, Apply ti or nridris uoitACT. l. iu:r,i;MA &uo. iiHrfiuin, K.c. 21 Willidiu Street, New Vtk. lVbruftry S3h lnl-Gni. K W S T O 11 K . li wiiouisau: axd nv.YAin iiA-j Am saj zmii'E The nude rflyin'ri :eipf i tfully inrormt the ri(ir.etnf ItlooniBbun , und the public iu enirnl, th.it lu has pur- rhtM-d llie.VMr HA WAV SJVItK, in the w hue fniiie ton liouiie, ntoinin Streit, nenrly i-ppoMtt! the l-rhani!i ciiiMiiis, where he Jus Jusi received a splendid ns- rortmcnt of U.ITY II ATS AND CAPS, Direct from tin; M'unif.irluric, nf nil kiiuU.fii Im. ports and fi's, latet-t fashion, whiih heotl'i rd wholoi-alu and retail, nt very low' prices. y- i uebu uootis win ue som ai very tow prices, tor Ready ray. JUll. l, 1,II,1U.V, llloomnbiirg, October 2T, IjGO. THE FOUNTAIN HOTEL. (mKMRRLY THU MADISOV IIUIISI:.) Second ttrttt, Ulicten Market and jlreh. PKladttihia, W. 0. FOUNTAIN. rnOPRIKTOR. THIS Hotel n now opfn tor ttif rerrp.ion ifji, vjtiiorF. I Idas hcpn ir titled and rffuruiMn-d tik thromhuitt, Tor tiie hctttr litrMiiiniodntiuii n( pi: c flu nnilboardurp. Iti local ion in in Uc very rentrei1 the bmitici portion of the city. Hoard, 8 p" ilav. IWKS A: S SCENES, IRON RAILING ORN'AMr.NTAI, IUON WORKS, Xo. 222 C.'illmvliill St.. liflow Third, fiiiL.tnKi.riiiji. Iron Itnllins for Parks, CVmctums, Vcrdntlas.tcps, &c. .March 10. Ifl.D-'.Mni. S35.00 Pays tho entire rout fir Tuition iu the most popular nml eiiciTgfctul Commercial Hrlmnl in tin: rmuitry. Upward of Tin Ivu Hundred younjr men from twcuty-eiclit din" r rt nt rtaten,huve bei'ii ed united for bmim'ai h ru with in the pant thren ears, tonw of w horn hale buen em plojcd.is Hook Ktepers at Eii'aries of 82000.00 per Annum, iminediatelynpim praduatinp.who knew nothing of ,ic Lounts when they filtered tho Cullecc. JlinUterg sunn half prire, Htudententer nt any lliiif'.nud review w lien they pltiise.without extra iharpe. J'nr Cai:ilngu nlVO paces, Hpecimons of Prof. Cowley's Ihuiucss and Ornamental IVnmnnsliip. and a I arc" l.n graving ufthc Collece, inclou tivtnt) -five cents In Putt age Stamps to tho Principals. Jl.NKlNd & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jan. 5, IHJl-Iy. QVnutaugiljoicI, ( Opposite Jndecmlemc Hall.) IIE3TNUT HTKIICT. HKTVVCKN P1FTII fcfl IXTI1 VltlLADKLPIIlA. tt'VATT & HEUI.INOS. Frc-prtttbrs, TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. Till! undersigned respectfully informs his old friends and lUKtoiuerti. that ho ha toirrli.ix..l Li l,r(,il...r- j uitereft iu tho nbovu iattablirhiiii'nt,uiul tint cmiceni will Tijlit ,tu,ps, 1'aniioii Stoves, tc iiC blovriiine ami I Tlimnre roiul.inlly on limj anj niaiiur,icturuil lo nriltr All kinJs of repainnii don, as usual, on tlmtt notire Tlni liatroiuiao of ulj fru'tnls atiil new cu.linnnrs'rc. ppedfully solicited. M. IWVEKV. Moon if burg, November 3d It fit). if. W'BSS'S'KIO HO l'P.f.. Nob, 0, II, 13 and 15 Courtlaod street. i). u.wiNuMinsTnu. tiius.u. viNciu:fcTi:ii NEW YORK. May I, IBJ3 TO PAMEKS 80,000 llAhHISLS roUItmrrrn, made by tho I,odi Maniificturlng Co., for sale in lots to font purchasers. This is the iiicsrcMT tfcRTiiuFa in MorUt. 1 vvo,th will iimnuru an acre of corn, will Increase tho crop from one third lo one half, nnd will ripen thu crop two imeki earlier, and unlike guano, neither injure the seed nor land. A pant pli'i't, with suti factory evidence and full particular, vvillbu ntiit gratis to any one sending address to retail. Jl. Imiilemcni, snj etti Warehouse. 7ihVn,i jis.i. 1 l.OIII .MANUFAUTUIIINC to,' TII larfet. I.e.t liiiidsoni !.WT.rX!m. 1JI.IMB liUULUANUR CLOVER BBtU.freo ra U.aaa .V 7jiJ lV. S'SMVFST line in I it'll i.jvvn Cnu OD.I 1. .,t u.,ni...i,. ..... - -vi A. OPimililivGiis'i&KOPCTTr 'Kvtmm HEAR WHAT THE PEOPLE SAT, Tfic imdemtimed bsiinr uie-t ProfcMor HUMPH It KTB BrKCmC HOMiKOPATHIO KKMKMia In our ramUlri lth ths most iMliffictory resului, and linrtftg fall eonfl dencp ln their genulncncM, pnrlty, nnd clocney, cheerfully recomruend tbcm lo nit pcrsofn bn lh to hare Bff( re liable, nnd imcattoui remedlca at hand for frlrnle or do meitlc me. , . . . . The It-r. Tm. IfocmPt, Mtlor f "The Northern Xmle pendent." Auburn, N. Y.j the Rcf. K. II. Cremey, D.D , Ituctor of Pt. Pete r'a Church, Auburn, 3. T. J the Her. n. I. lrw, Chfipliiln of the Auburn State rrWimj the ReT. Fponcer l. Itlce, nector, NrwfiWforal Mwm Ker. Allen 8trle NcwYork Conference the Iter. Faruuel Nlchola, i:t(lencse Conference, N, Y.l the Iter. P. S. Prittt, tlw't, Vt. t the Iter. John K. RoMe HulTulo 1 A, 0. Hart, Vtn, Ullca, N. Y. the Hon. Neat Haw, Portltnd, Me. J thff Hon. Sobnjlrr Colfax, 8oulh Tend, Ind. t tlie Hon. Oeorife Humpbrcrs, N. Y. 1 lltliry I). Cook, l'- , Edllr f Th-) Ohio Ptate Jmirnat, Cotunibus, Oblit tb1 lion. H. H. flraham, Moline, til. f the Hon. Ttiomiw J. Chane, Monti cello, FK the lion. Jrwph n-?ne-Htt, I ties, S. Y.J m. ItrWol, l , Vllen, N. Y, i A. 8. Pond, !( , Ullctt, N. Y. i James Plunkeit, Ki , Nashville, Tenn. M3T OK SPICHIO nEMri)IF.S. ,J No. 1. For Fercr, Conveptlm, and Iiifl-vmrnntl'in. No. 2. For Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Wetting the I)e4. 3. For Cotle, Crying, Tccthlug, and WakefulncH of Inft. . 4 For P.arrhei, Cheers Infantam, and Summer Complaint. No. & For Colic , flrtplnpi", Pventf ry, or Woody Fluf . No. -For Chntem, Cholera ilorbm, Vomit injr. No. T. For Cmirbs, C1 1, luftnenia, and flore Throat. No. S. For Tooth-ache, Face a-h an I NeuralplA. No. 9. For lleadiche, Vertlit, Het and rullnru of Uii No.' 10. Dt.tfpsh rut For Wenk nml Deranged Stomach, Conitlpailnn, and Llrcr Complaint. No. 11. Fon Frmilk IaasaiLiRiTiM, Scanty, Talnful, or Fiippr(i,'e'l I'criodn. . , . No. 12 For Iucorrhca, Trofuse Munsep, and r.earlnff Powp of Females. . , . No. 11. For Croup, Hnre Cnuh Hid BrcfttMntr. No. U.-4U.T Rtiui-U PiLtS For Erjslpclss, Eruptions, rimple on the Fare, No. in. Uhui Mine Pima For ruin, Mraenc, or Sere new In the Cbeit, It rk, Loins, f r Umbi. A -ror Fever ant Ajfue, Chill Fever, Dumb Aga. Old MmaniirM yU'. . ..... j' For Pile, Itlind or UWdimr, Internal or httwnil. O For S. re, Weik.or Intlnned Kje and Fjelldi; Fall !rtf. Weak, or ll'nrr'-' c. For Catarrh, of lonR itaoaing or recent, cither WXS obfltructton or profuse dlscharae. W. c For WhooplDg Cough, abating IU violence ana shortening Its course. In all acute disease, such as Fevers, Inflammations, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatism, and such erup tive disease ni Scarlet Fever, Meaeles, and Kryslpclas,lhe advantage of plvlng the proper remedies promptly w ob vious, nnd ln all such cases the specifics act like a charm. The entire disease Is often arrested at once, and In all cases the violence of the attack Is moderated, Uie disease shorV tued, and rendered less dangerous. Coughs and Colds, which are of such frequent occurrence, andubkh ai often lay the foundation of diseased lungs, bronchitis and consumption, may all be at once cured by tho Fiver nnd Cough Pills. In all chronic diseases, such as Dyspepsia, Weak Ptomacn, Constipation, Uver Complaints, Piles, Female Debility, and Irregularities, old Headaches, Sore or Weak Fj ei, Catarrh, Salt Rheum, and other old eruptions, the case has specifics uhose proper application Mil afford n cure ln almost every Instance, Often the cure of n Blngle chronic difficulty, Buch as Dyspepsia, rues or uatarrn, ueaaacne or remain .mean ness, ha more than paid for the cue tea times over PRICE. tr Case of CO rials complete, ln marocco, and Book t3 Case of 20 vials, and Uook, plain , 4 Case of 15 numbered boxes, and Hook , 3 Case of C boxes, numbered, and Hook 1 Single numbered boxes, with directions 2S cents, Single Uttered boxes, with directions. W cent. Large cose of 2 ex. vials, for planters and phyBJclaas....tl5 ' ALSO SPECIFICS. Foa A stoma oa FoTuisic. Oppressed, Difficult, labored PucatMug, attended with Cough and Expectoration, Prloe, &0 cents jter box. For Kab Diwujirobs axd DEirsKM. Discharges from tho Far, the result of Scarlet Fercr, Measles, or Mercurials. For Noises ln the Head, Hardness of Hearing, and Ringing In the liars, nnd Far-ache. Price, &0 cents per box. Foa ScaorcLA. Enlarged (lianas, Enlarged and Indurat ed TonfllU, Swelling and Old Ulcers, Scrofulous Cachexy of Children, Price, 50 cents per box. For ClExrRAL Dmurr. Phjslcal or Ncrraus Weakness. Cither the result of Sickness, Kxcculre Medication, or Ex hausting Discharges. Price, tQ cents per box. For lKor3T. Fluid Accumulations, Tumi J Swellings, with Penntv Pecretlons. Price, f.O cents per box. For fcav ?iCKr." Deathly Sicknesi, Vertigo, Nausea, Vomiting. Sickness from riding or motion. Trice, 60 cents per tov. For L'Rmnr DisouBPt. For 0 ravel, Renal Calculi, Diffi cult, Painful CihiuUon, D!dcases of the.KUnejs. Price, 00 cents per bov. For PhMikiL Vv isiov3. I n voluntary Discharges and Consequtnt Prostration and Debility, Dad Results of Fvll Habits. The moid, suecessfut and cUiclent remedy known, Ktid may tic relied upon as a cure. Price, vlth full direc tion", $1 per box. Persons who wish to place ihemdelvci under the profes sional care, or to seelt advice of Prof. Hi'mpiikkvi), can de eo, at liN office IC1 Droadway, dally from S A.M. to S P.SL or by letter. ours nnMETira ey mail. LnoV over the list; make up a caco of what kind yon choose, and inclose the amount In n current note or stamps by mall to our addrcw. at No. &C2 Ilroadiray, New-York, ami the medicine M be duly rtturned by mall or express! free nf cliarct?. AnnNTd WANTFD.AVe desire an Active, efficient Agent for the sale of our Remedies In every town or community Id the United Stales. Address Dr. F. HUMPIIRKYS k Co. No CC2 PaOADWAT, Nxw-Yokk. Sold by E. P, LUTZ,At;tiii, JiuiyUibLuif fd, April", lt.1). aghicuiJ'uual waubuouse, iYoi. 21 it- iill, South Sixth Unet, wrar I IO Main II JSC, I I'lllI.AIII'.l.rlllA, rr.N.W. 'PUN' llnnrs nf Ihis spfrimis Imililuii;. i-rrilcl cxprfrljr , 1 for III" irinrii'l)r'Htnilf. an1 slnri'il u nil mi-,1s anl implement ol inter'-d in l.iriu'T.' mnl iMrlfiii.-rs. I HitrY Vjahs KsiAin.isuKn.-TlKi biiliscnhrrs rli'sirrtof rail. Iliu ntli-iition, of ftry oiib iiit'rt".l"il lis firiniiij; .,'im k inns n. iuni oiu tiivciiu tiiioini .igncmiu. r.ii loins, Warranted Garden and Flower irt!t Grass and field &.rdst of the wont rrlahle quality. Th" Agricn.tur.il Implement cold 1 us nre mostly uiiiiuilaituri-il at our iteiiiii witrk, iirirt'd I'a. Ilav ing litteil up our t-t.ibliihuii nt uiihmit rcgnrd to ptpen!, with the niont lompleu! marhieiiery for the in.iuufacturu of varioiiK kind of urrirultural iiupieiuents uu are now prepared tu mpply all article iu tint line fully equal, if not biipvrior. to unj thing of the kind ever beloro olfTed to til-' public. i.aiumth wjirr.iiited liarden Heed 4 have been before the public for upward' of tlvty ars; ilu-irwide spread popularity, aim me inireitfiniioriiiaiiuifniii jt-nr ioear. arn the b'jht cveidiine of their fciipcnonty over all others. Country merchant rnu hr nupplicit with see da in pa pern, or iu bulk, on th ; moPt lili-T.il teriu. itloonxdale, near Hri-tol, i'.i., our cardun feed e rounds, eontiiiin threu huudri'd and Mrveuty acres, uud is thu Urgent tft.ibliithuiviit of iu kind in the world. n. 1. AMiRimi & sov. X01, .M $c X South hut A utrert, Phtladiiphia, drttii'M Kural H eikter and AI111.111.1c tor M T7" I.audrttli' liural U cuter and Aliuunac Mr lfr.O. rniiiaiiima ti rami, fJardeii uud (ireen lloitno Calaudar forvery month in the year, ran he had gratis, upon pei iimi i pi in paid application, January -M, l-ii.O j . lii-l: insuiunob. 77: (llRAlin LIFK IXbVRAXCE. AXXVITY AXD TRUAT VUMPAXY UF PHIMDF.U'HIA. omit, no. tOt iiLMiNut miuei', CAI'll'Alpaid up,) WW noo. -Charltr Perpetual. COVrtNUUtn mako INtfUKANCTd O.V LIVES on the inorit reasonable ternu. The capital b tm: paid up and iniebted. tofiiher with 11 l.ir?o uud coiihiuiiiiy nicrLUfcint,' nerved fund, otlir a ner fiU neruritv to tin in. tired. Thu premiuuinn must bo nald imrlv 1i..if i..Pi.. n. AlliOlllltrifl'nlirviin.l The C..liiany mid a 110M-S piTlmhcilly 10 Hie Insu. firi' . V. ' A( " mICSsS ranees of lit,,. TlwflllH l lliAftf a.,r,.rri u'd 11 i ll?. 1 WABO.V MAKING Ulj. 0$ r'nvi'i i, , i lo,l,'i'l',,K;f,'l"1,l-f,1"3liaii.lllii!r0Ull' ii allllsTarious lirandies. He is prepared to ewes bV ,-?i '" " 1 rjJ' , . II or,l r,, i, ,, ,,n h.ind nt priVm an nsioiim' ii.hCJ ; ?''"1'1"""1 "rc.ln?,l,! wiihniil re-in,i5 any t riiu.lml rk uhirils pnrilu.crs will find to if iniri'.ise in the iireiiiiuins to be p.ml o tlio CimiiMnv. J antaco lo call and examine. lii'lMls III be iiKreiiscd by fulnrenililitiolis. Tolicy No. c!l :: " VM :cu " tc. ill 1,1150 IH) l,lll IK) O.rto 00 &r. feims of iiiPli,-.,un, ami furllie,' ii,f'rlualiuii' can b, ruiind at In: otucu. THOMAS KlnouWAV, Praident. Jo. I , Jamss, Actuary, ... l I'. lliKBHi.i. r.iami.vi,- Vji'tos? 'Ti;' ',s""' Uclober 10, if57 ly. STOVE AXD TIX.AVAltE SIIOP." rook ,, Ht,e.,all of n liicl. a. a i r-liul.t and ca, hu,, . ?', is 1-arlor .to.e. are handsome and the assort'nen vao rie.i. Al.rlJ-I'urlicuUr attention i, paid to'E 'vZ ui.i, nuu.u nriouiini.', upon short notice All i ,i. i reoairini! ill bo done mi Ji J"11 ... . ". .k""1 IO" Country produce take,, iuVulia'eo fo, ,,,,,'k 'Cn llo,,,.b,.,r;,Oct.3, ljCO, ''",LI1' B ,,0Cn- I'i'pyAa w .VAvrBovn. .J,.'. r WU' 1'".! "l Finn Ilonns cr Insured aildiliHii SiVM SCI amir. iii.",u iHj 1IHNI M IH) mnl) id;., uu fcc, i.c. Aj-'r1';,' uneriiii!il wmiM liifcrni tha citizens of ,23 I mo,.i,,.hnrsnn,I,kinily, Hmt ho u.j"t ,Sf (SMq eivcd and oilers ror sain one of the ino.teiien.i'v"; Aj as.orlinelitsolCUOKINdund 1'ANCV BTOVlA e ver liilroiliiced ato tins market. The Uliristoiih,, S iuiiiuiis, james uouonnii i;iiiu,n.A ,, TRUNKS I l'HUNKS ! ! I li,iiiov,,l sheet sn.,. ( y J - aaMuka, Uii.ftrf?' - i ' .'hw.t .,r. Jomta IKE AT WORK ON THE IIORSfi. G The Uorse and his Disease. Profcstor of Pat hobs t and operative Sur gcry in the veterinary waegc vj w adcphid) (tctJ etc. WILL TELL YOVOt the orison, iilrtry and dlitlncUM traits or inu various rcif i pean, Astatic, flnman ana Amerlean llofes, wltlithe phjslcal lormation ruid the peculiarities of the animal, and how to ascertain his age by the Uunihcr and condition of his teeth ; Illustrated Willi numerous eiblanito. ryengfnvinfts.i The Ihrsc and his Diseases imt TELL rotrofmeedlngi IlfcaMnr, stabling feed Ing,crC'oinliig( ehoelng, and the ge cral management of the lirrsc, with the best modes t t administering med cine, also, hot? to Ircat biting, kick iiiff. rearing, ihj lug. stumbling, crib i'.itltig. Restlessness, and other views iowhlQilhe Is subject with nuino. ous ctplanatory cngrivingt. The Horse and his Diseases ttILL IVXt rOUOtltla ennses, spmpteras. an Trt. ment of Strangles, tfoo Throat, Pis' temper. Catarrh. Influenza, i'ronrblt lis, Pneumonia, ricurisy.llrohen Wirul Chronic CmiglT, Roaring and U'nlstllrur Lnn)pns,r?or't Mouth and Ulcers, and Htcayetl Teeth, h l(h other diseases of the Mouth and Keaplotury Organs. Tltc Horse and his JjSeasts WILL TELL J'Ot Of thecames s)mntnm". Md Treat ment of Worms, (lots. Colic, ftfingu. lation, Slmiy concrMions, Jturturts, Palsy, Diarrha'a, Jnundice, Hefatir rliira.lllooily L'rine.f tonts In the Ki.( neys anil Ulad'ler. Intlamatlon, and other dinases of the kftomacli, iio. els, Liver and Urinary Organs. 7!? Horse and his Diseases WILL TELL YOY Of the oausos, symptom, and t rem ment of Hone, lllood ami Hog, Spavin, Ring (lone. H weenie, trains, lifo1tn Kntes, Wind fialts, rounder, Sole Drill and Cravel, Cranked Hooftt, Scratches, Canker. Thrush, and Cornt' also, of Megrlm, Vertigo, Eptlrpty, Mappers, and other tliieascs oftho fctr Legs ami Hend. The Hone and his IJistases WILL TELL YOU Of th causes, symptoms, and Treat, inentnf l'itula, Poll Hvj, Glandnr Farcy, Scarlet Fever, ange, Hurftft Lork'jil Jaw, Rheumatism, Crnmp, Calls, Diseases of the Ujeanri Heart, tec, he., and how to manage CaHra tion, Itit'edmg, Trephinning, Ronet ling; Firing. Hernia, Amputatlon.trafi ping, and other surged operations. TeJIirse and his JJiuasrs WILL TELL lOffORnrny's Method of taming llnrsss how to appmath, Halter, or titahle a Crlt, how to accustom a hffse to strange sounds and lnt', and how fo Hit, Saddle. Rido, and Freak him to Harness; also the form and law of Warranty. The whole heing the ro suit of more thin fifteen j ears' cartful study of the hititi, peculiarities, waatt mid uenknes1) of this noble and ustfit niiimnf. The book contain :tHlracot, npnrophte'v tlhitrt,4 by nearly One Hundred i'.niir.iv ings. It is pnnted ma clear and open type.niid will be furnished to any adtlrcss ptHtaeepaH. on receipt of price, half bound , Ql.OO.or.i rlotU. extra, SI.25. IplOOO A YEARS;i " ing men et. cmihero, in selling the above and other popular wortij ofourt. Our inducements to all auch are axciedinglf, liberal. l'or ninde ropics of the Rook, or for terms to ajeatf with other information, apply to or address JOHN U. POTTHt. Puhll-her. No. fili diuuni ttrect, Philadelphia, Va. Nov 17, l"G0-bni. RAYMOND'S PATENT SEWING MACUIIirJBS PATEXVED MARCH V, lc3i. miCE $10 EACH. MHSHItf.ZUPl'INCJUR U KOUIHNri.f nioomshurf, li.ivni purrh.iiied the exdiuie right of the abots v aluabiu liMi'RdiKi) Cheap Patlhi finu M acuiik. fur the futility of Columbia, mil bo happy tu supply their frauds uitli Hit! iitiulo tor tlu acummiodAtiun of them nil en and faun hoc. The follow inu are some of the nil p'Tior ;tdi .iut.iti'i this iiiipU'iiii'itt pof'itssis over ifj ever y-t oil rd to Hk puldii-. Viz; 1. It news from 1JU to ooo htitihts per minute, thtti f,n in; imth time and labur in tlu opt ritin. J. In (oiiHiruiiion h co pLtiu and nti.'li ivith oar lung Iinu f,nr ut:i(!e, it is easy kept in order and m'l jivi: i' nil re f atifa-tioit. X Oil nf tlie most ml i.iMe fntnres of this Marlim. ii tin sniiilluesi ;md tin; roiup u tm-i-i of its nierhaniim 4. llnubli thread .V) u hln a.nri? alu .ty s dith'ilt to nun rge. and veri iiuli.tiiily in thr aminj, but thM Alurfcint h enbier tlin iiled Hun tv n ii loiiiuji.n nut-ril'.. 5. It cu.i hj att,irh'd to a burd, uile or stand, in op. eratmg ordiT, and dcla lift in tim than h.tlf a imntitc 0. It prettily economizes th. thrcu-l ami y t, produri a ts!.i)u. n'lituiciitly ivirong for any iM-ik for whuh tti d 'ttlut'd, a UtililUation nut known ti oilier bcmng Mi i 7 v.. iinmni hthh i i . i krn,..:n. reiular Kin 1, P producing a scam id H. Amoiiiftliu arr.iv of Patent ftdwim Maehines. th-r- arc none bo ihu.ip and durable ns Kavmoio'h I'aih.ht, ln no Machine is adapted to all kinds ol wurk as txptricn t has proven, TtlU f'Derntor ran sham' bin apnm. hut m he n! fin on wiivch, I'Mies und fluivers, etc., ran be rtpresntrd ! imitated. rr HI. It is particularly adapted to all kinds of ttitehht such m geiitlt'inen's htrts, bosoms, riftbanJ, colU, etc, and all kinds of Jellies' seeing, including nUi wr,1'!" uoiiin,rrinistrurn,n lli-in.lta, dnlnrilr lutsuiii;uiliiiin.c. wlwnranipain "!"' pri'sr.itmii of htnllli, Ii.-iiik n ktiiiiK of t.i. '"T aim ('ycijjlit, anl f,icsllic npir.itnr h illimrl .nr i"-. anil is i-nnbluj io iH-il'irui )iu wurk, urcupyiiin ani 1'ial P'lfiiioii. rrsalcliy the ilmlvrstgni'il, al Ihcir respr'li" rcsnli'ii, es, in Itlnnmslinrj. who mil put tlie nwhto, s iiv.jiiu-g.caiiuifr, &.cexrepiiiif inr men's nmtj ' . .....iju.oii Mcvr.ory 1 11 lull, linn. IIKMIY y.lM'FINRRB uMi:uv. noiiiiixn Plnoliisburf. JIny 12, Iff 0. AGRICULTURAL & SUED WARE-'"-iiiiu.-n. P ASCII ALL M01UUS; HiVIKU REMOVED THE ' 7)7177- 1 n... . J. UlLiAu kl.X Uh'l AGRICULTU RAL $ hEED WAREHOUSE, From the .Vorth Haii Corner of Sventh and Muh tftruetsto his MiV STAND, No. 120 y MIKWTft OFI'05TE TIIE TARMERS' MARKET Otrcrs for sale, as hcrctofore,:al reasonable pncei.fer description of Improved Airriciiltural nnd Horticultural Implement". Warranted Trcbli and Ufiiuinc 1'it-lil. i.nr.l..n i.-si Fin, Ur Heeds, In (rnat vnriMy. AUo. o. 1 1'truvi.iu U trmiunt (111,1 tin, and whir rehabh' Fertilizers for fin- and (.ram t'rip,Fruit and OruamenttlTrt,e and libit' bery, choice Evergreen. Hones, Unlihas, ic G"' He bohcits .1 contiiiunnce of former cmtoni. Imrleiiient, Seed, and Nursery Catalogues, furnlak on applicalion. ... . tUSCIIALL MOIIRIP Agrientlunil nnd Herd Warehouse, No.' 1120 Mart Ptreut. opporite the Farmcm .Market. January lit, lrtil. NKW OAKKIAtJU USTAULISHME.N r ., .. , -V M-OOMSBUJiO, Ii the Brict Three ilsri, Carrie. Fatten, n X rplli: sulisrriber would rtictfnliy announce I. i l nuhhr. n..t 1... I.,.- .! i, , , , j . . itRP.iiimvn. ill ba dime in the most prompt and careful wwi and upon terms ttliith cannot fail losiie n.-iliifVIm" , , . . ft'l'ltAWUlllDCiU A. W1U0H llloomsbur:, April 58, 1853. Good Shoeing ami (heap Siuilhlng. SMITHING BUSINESS. At the Old stand, on the hill, alio, c tho Rail Read, h lis various branches, at low prlu... and on an snlirr scale, and solicit, Urn public ratronaje. loob.,,o5,1e58- "U'HDN KN0 FltED'K BItOWN, Jit., "W.VJ'miTCri HOTEL," Kiulh and tlitsluut Slrwls, orrotiTi! thi "oimD iiontt," ,( ty .MfaW.1V. FRKWir. .mI'kwlim j CHEMICALS .1X1) imvai. Toilet Articles- Lubin's, Coudray's, llayley',, 4c iec, sVc, TerfsW Soaps, Hcitlnls. Toilet l'owdeis and CosniBli"' l.it! Us I 'oloose, of the best distill, rs. Iitsr t-suusii Tooril UiusiiLs, of all sizesand et llEMirmcts4i Tooth WAsurs of arrroved kinds Iitsr LAuutn lum llsrsiiss. 'ombs of all kind,, Hulfjlo. India Kubber, ,s., R losucE rouiiit IUiK-I,ubin',, Coudraj's aa" liiefs, 4.C, aic. I'i-bk Bem'sOii., ruRt Colo Sous Watch from I'oiclam Founlai"'- Hock skoBoua with choice rii runs. l!i:U'K HROWN. J rX L. Cor. Utli aud Chsstnai 1 " swum f P1IK bo?t raolaps ' l V"11I1IV tc.r JtU .it AUgUSl i, jaoo jvin. t?p for &e price m 1 rifl j'"1