31 CSLUMBI DllOCRATT Coral anfc fecial, f John G. Freeze, Editor. SATURDAY MOBNINQ, AmlL 20, 1861. (6T To-morrow is tha Third Sunday fhflor Easter. James Buchanan was born, S3 April 11701. Saint George's day. Brazil was discovered by Alvarcs April 24, 1C00. Oliver Cromwell was Votn April 25, IGOO. David Ilumo tho historian born 20 April 11711. Prof. Morso thu Invcntor'of tho tele- graph born 27 April 1701, ;o: J-Tho extra session of Congress call- hid by the President, will no doubt causo a ipcoijl election in this district. BSS" Tho National flarr beloncinir to the Democrats of Bloomsburg, has been float ing ovor Main Street for several days. It Was tho first up. tSf Our merchants aro now receiving their stock of tpring and summer goods. Ladies arc hunting beautiful dresses, and gentloman frantlca ly searching their pock ets. ItSf On Friday night and Saturday morning last, wo had tho firtt spring rain of the season. It was geutlo mid, warm and mado tho grass spring and the buds Bwcll, and the leaves began to put forth in beautiful style. BSJ On Thursday morning last, a com pany of volunteers catno down on the cars, on their way South. Our boys took out the drum and fife, and tho cannon to give them a reception. At the fourth round a serious, though not fatal accident occurred to D. L Dicffcnbach and Thomas Vnnnat ta. It is impossible to sny now, but it is feared that tho eyesight of both of them will bo greatly impaired, if not destroyed. Wo have never seen that canno? go out on any occasion ,&ince it has been in Wooins burg, that we have not feared an accident. This is dreadful two young men, all their lives perhaps useless and helpless. And theso are only two of hundreds of thous ands, JS&vU tho time 1 mention, 1730, hoops were constantly w3rn '1J yards wide,which required much hi k to cover them ; aud gold aud silver were much used for trim ming, never less than three rows round tho pstticoat ; sothat,thoughtheailk was slight tho price was increased by tho trimming. Then tho heads were all dressed in laces from I'landcrs ; no blondes or coarse edg ing used ; the price of theso was high but two suits would serve for life ; they were not renewed but at marriage,or some groat event. Who could not afford those woro fringes of thread. In those days tho la dies went to church, and appeared on oth er public occasions, in full dress. A row of them so rigged out, taking a plaeoiu tho procession at tho opening of the General Assembly, used lo be spoken of by old people as a fine show. When a lady ap peared in undress in the btrecU of Edin burgh, she generally woro a mask, which, however, seems to have been regarded na simply an equivalent for tho vail of mod ern times. Domestic Annals of Scotland. :o: bSf An unmarried lady, a perfect fpec imcn of an old maid, being on a visit to a frieud who lived in a large manufactuiing town, went ono Sunday to church alone, and was shown into a largo square pew in t..ir - .1 p i . wmuu unit u uuzcii iciuaics wutc bcumu, '"$ Tho prayers were drawing to a conclusion when tho officiating minister deviated from , afst t'le aernoon MJrvieo into another with which she was unacquainted. This was a novelty to Miss V , who was in tho ' habit of attouding public worship at a yd fashionable chapel in London. When fthis interpolated service began her eo-pow-J rs stood up; she, as a matter of courso, ' v. followed their example, and, on doing so, I was surprised to sco all tho congregation, except themselves, cither sitting or kneel-; ing. Her companions presently knelt "down. She again followed their load, u? an( ky Pa'iDS rcat attention to the sue-1 "- coeding prayer, sho discovered that it was , a thanksgiving for safe dolivercncofrom tho 5jyi groat pain and peril of childbirth. The usual afternoon service being over, sho iusu troiu uui ivuuud miu i-rimsoncu CUCCKS E and in an agitated stato of mind, which wcro not lessened by tho clerk coming into 1 tho pew, and asking her "Ilavo you a child to ba christened Ma'ani?" Push- ling him a&mc, tlio rusucu out ot tho r churching pow, into which sho had inad-' , vcrtcntly been put, and mado tho best of her way out of tho church. On catering ' her friend's drawine -room clio lnoltml en excited and alarmed that Mrs. M. exclaim cd, "My dear Charlotte, what has happen cd to you 1 Ilavo you been robbed or as- faulted?" "Worso, worse much worse," hysterically sobbed tho old maid, "I'vo 1 been cliurclictl." London Court Journal. Those Lft boring IJudci steknoss can at tinea relieve themselves from tha thou, anil maladies Ibnt flesh ii heir to, If they will nnlj follow IhQ counn la of nature, mid tako tha medicine which b'et n. sifts her In her operation That melt, cine la the Vt-gclablo Lira .Medicine, of Dr. Morr.T, aumvn as mm f wf MOFFAT S LiIPB FILLS nnd PHCENIX HITTERS. Theso Medicine, havo now-been before Ike public for ft period or 3ii years, ano miring mat tuna havn main lalnod nlilgh character in almost ct ry part of tha . globe fur tho f xtraordinary curative propcrtio, which "'Vr'iv i) r r n-n lYlOllal S JLillC B. lIIS. liAUlllll, o 7 . "SCJ. Moffat'. Life Plus are Indtbtod for their name to their , manlfciit and sensible action In purilting tha springs and channel, of lire, and eninlug ihvui with rcucned tone and vigor t and to tha undoubted f.ict Hint at n very clrly part in their history, they had ruacucd nullvrer. from Hie very vcreo of nn untimely grave, perfectly ac curlueto thcin that unlrorm enjoyment of health, with out which life itielf I. but a pnrtlnl bleating, tin great Indeed had thrlrelhtacy invariably proved, that It wai acarccly lesa than mlruculoita to tlio.o who were unac quainted with tho beautiful pliiloaoiititcal principle upon which they were compounded, and upon which they eonsetucntly act. MOFFAT'S PUCENIX BITTERS MotTat'i rhoenU nittcra aro so called, because they possess tlie power of restoring the expiring embers of health ton ((lowing vigor throughout tha constitution, as the Hi of nix Is said to bo restored to ltfti from the nht'i of its own dlisnlution, IVicrcMrlalDisensefl. Tlieru Is probably no one nrtirlo given as a medicine, tho Jnlucious usu of whlth has caused such widespread and turrlLIc inischief to the human system ns inurcury, Its poison sinks deep lut tho system, peiutratlug the subitinco of tho bones, and producing ft long train of painful diseases. It Is well known that ninny atlettlons of the throat, of tho bones, of the nose, and imilignant sores, which have teen ut tritiutcd to syphilis, are so often caused by the In) mil. clous use of mercury so tint tho remedy lias procd Worse than the disease. LUT. VWAM AND I'lICTA'IX DIITKHS. The Life Tills and I'lionlT Hitters have always been signally successful in this class of Ilsrnen, and will eradicate all thutflVtt ol mercury from the s)stetn, sooner than tho most powctful preparations of snrsa nirilla. 'lltcy aid nature in tasting from tho system all puisouous iiiatti r, uud by thus purli) ing the itul HjKU, they restore thu sy-tjiu to health. IhlioiiH Com plaints. A vill itgulated and propor tionate inntit of bile upon tho stomach Is alvaiyH re quisilo for the promutiou of sound health-it stimulates iilscfction, and keeps the Intrstuml canal free from all obstruction. On the Interior surf are of the ilvcrisn Kecullar bladder in which the bilu is first pnaerM-d, finir formed by the liver from the blood. TJicnia It ( passes Into tho stomach and Intestines, and regulatos tho digestion. Thus we see when there is a deficiency of bill, the Imdv is constantly cotive. On thu nther hand, an over nbnndnncc of bile causes frequent nausea on the stomach, and often promotes very severe utlacx of diseases, v hlch sometimes end in death. LltfE MKDIUINES. The Life Medicines should, If possible, ba taken in the eurlv staees of bilious comolalitts ! and if ttcrm! I ered in btrictly ncrnroing to iliii-ctions will positively i tiit'ci a cur J. ineir t!it;iiivu use in tins tonipiaini in all parts of our continent, renders comment unnccessa ry-th-ir virtues fpenk Tor them. iloir.it Llie l'ill. Tho use of these TiIl. fur a very short lime, will ulftitt .ill entire cure ot Salt Khcutti. ami i a striking improvement In the clearness of the skin. common uuius it no mnuenzii v.111 ninnys be cured by one iloe,or by ttvoeirn in the wortt cases. 1'insl i'ltEsl I The original proprietor of theso Med icines was cured of Piles of 3.5 jeurs standing, bj the use of tho Life Medicmo nlone. Luer Complhi.-st, An uiriction of tho Liver may lie known bya fa-eliug of teniou or pain in the right side about the region of the liver, often punguiit as in plpu ris) but somttiiiifs dull ; a diiliculty In drawing a long breath ; dry cough and inclination to vomit. This ill siTse may be produced by cold, by violent exercise, by Iimeusu suiiiiiii')-jivuim, tuna (.uiiuuuuit unions levnr or ngue, and by various boIII coutrttious in the sub 1 ftance of ttie liver. And to these producing causes, urc I i1';rangeiiiiil of tlio digestive organs, suppressed bccrc tions, and mental solicitude, which apt very frequent icnuoes of obstructions uud diseases of thu liver, This disease should be arrested in the coinuojnccmcnt wlil tli can be done bv n few doss rf the Life rilla. 1 When once tin liver it aroused to the performance of ' Its propi-r liutciious, nine more is requisite tnnu to con. I tlnue u proper use of the medicines, and a speedy re 1 coverv wilt ensue. r evin and .u.ue -1 or mis scourge 01 tuo western country, those mciiicincs win be ioumi a ture, speedy and rertatu remedy. Other medicines leave the siftem subject to a return of the disease a cure by these Med Iriues is permanent. firnorLL. The most horrible cases of Scrofula, in vvhiJi tin far", bones and II mb of tlio mini had been pred up'ni by the insatiable dis-ase, are proved, by iiHdenlable authoritv of ihe suilcrers the iiiscIi-.-m. to have bMn completely cured by these purely vegetable medicines, after all others had been found more than UDi'less. Indigestion no I Dyspepsia. If we were called unon to specify on' dhenne whit h nmr. th.ni any oilier is the n.tne.iu niiJU i me oiirpriug ci tiviiizauouiwe snoiiia nuino Djsprpsia. It is gi-iierally uticiuled, or rather protiucnve, u a long train (i nil', nirn hi iicarluiirii, ITitiilim y, a gnavt ing pain nt lUo stoimirh wIihu empty n 1.1-iisj f uricouirui table weight wh 11 full, pains in tho throat, hide and pit -C th stom.nh, iotiviuess, chilli- 1 ties-), lungiiur, unw iiiingiii.'xs t t iKeeerLse, A.c iMotf.it's Lif j .Medirinps are p r.nharly adapted to the fur ' of this iij'trt skihc lomplaint They ntt upon tha bowels in a very mil I, and. at th nine time, fry eil'x- I in ill mauiit.r, ami unv never yei iaiie.1 10 euro tins dis eii'C when used according to our direct inn. (le ue nil lietulity, The ruM ruinmon of all com ' plaints is tint ol n general w't,akii.ss of tha whole nys I torn. iinueconipauieiT h) any piiiticular disorder, or dc . filiate BiMiiptomn of disease, 'I h tb N a little vital 1 o- (tl' . n hHf of Hpp'-titi1, uiiw illmgiies, and indeed ma bility to under,'!! e(rtioui-, Irtt'imnt lieudarhes, jn,Ji Bestiou, oil 'iitimei hulli-wnoKB and dryueia-of tho skin tendency to IVverishuess, uufitncbs for t-oclety, in short ah mtisu ) inptonik 01 11111301 r. uf'iuuiuoe, ano weak tiessth.it mtu ft ideitie ol 11 lailun in the vital t.ow ers. iiii.t a low, unlo-althy and un rbid condition of the syai3in. Isifo Pills and riioouix VUns. Tho Life Pills and Phoenix llittfrs are, pcrlnps, the best reuiuiy for restoring ftrmgth to the body for, they un ii u troiiu ( ii ruiuriir, 111111, uj iiiL'ir lomo 'luauuesi strencthen the wliolj nvi-ifini Moll'it's Life I'liU. K rsons of a p'et'mrir habit, who are tut filed in tits. I1ead.11 h.'. iihid.ncss. diiuinso of 1 tight, or drow'siu4, troui too great a How of blood to . tee head, fJio'H 1 tuka t tie to fills (re'pieutly. I ADVICl, TO I,i:M.I.i:r.-I'Vmalej who value their , liealtn tnoui.l lii-ver nc williout ino jjle iMCdlcines lliey purify tin blond, rou.uve obstructions, and give the j hkiu a ujiiuiiiuii iienr, iicauuy anu mouining appeur iince. ! To Elderly rersom. Many healthy aged iudividu-ia , wjmkiiovv ui vaiiif 01 nnniai 1.110 leiuciiii'N, 111.1K1 t It a rulo to take theiu two or three times n week, by nuiLii iul'j ruiii'ii.- uiu rumun 111 at, prouuru uisensi', preserve tlieir health, amf keep off the infirmities ol age. 1 Tacts ror moiiitb ami Niirsrs. it is a nut. otab t lishej by the no nun 1 blUs of mortality, that one half of ' the flularell barno tire cut nlf licforo attainlns seven years of age ; mid tho f111tf.1l source of this mortality is II'UMU IU III IIUI It'll! XIIIU I1 HIV EIOIIHU'U UIIU bowels wliirli produced the geueration of worms. As tho safe rc.sforer of infantile health in this critical state tho Life Medicines have long held a dir-tlnguihcd repu tfitiun, nnd for l'oulnes of thu stoinarh and bowelr, aud convulsions, although w orms may not exist, it Is allow cd to ba hupermr to any otlo-r. Moll". it's 1'ilU and llitltrs.-Nn lucdiciues at present known liavodoiiet-o in irh good to mankind its these, within the lat f-m jetirs; and rerlaiuly none hivo heen rewarded with more uumtTuua uuu authentic les tiiuoniali of their invanahla and evtcnslve elllracy. 1 They repiint no dieting nor confinement, are perfectly mild and plsasant in their operation, but will power , fullyrestore health that greatest of earthly blessings 1 oino inot-i exuatisteu uuu iiiinpiduieu cuiutitutiuiis. Prepared by Dr.W.M. II. MOrPAT, 3M IlrondH ay, Xew York. And for Sale, by ntltDrugitts. apt3 til ly. LIST UJ? TltlALB, Kor May Term, 1801. T XV. Kahler vs. Daniel Xevhard, John Mulligan et. nl. vs. H. Uhone, A.CrevLliug vx.A. Mellick ft. ai, Kohert J Lyon vs. M. Cox U. ul, Jacob II. htiue v s, Uobcrt L Lyons. Philip U'iniersteen vs. V, Wintcrvteen. John Pe.ilcr v s Danlil Ldgar et, at. Lewis Lavenberg ft. nl vs J. Dyer, Wolf, U'rstler Ac Co. vs. D. V. Hejbert. Boloiuon Sterner vs. Abraham Bujder. Isaiih human v. J. L. tShiiinun. Henry (Jear bar t vs. Isaiah Whitman. Joseph Lockard v s. Jus. Pennington, Lzckiel C?hult vs. J. Pennington tt. nl. ileury Traugh vs V II. Insurance Co. ltlchard Torby vs D. V. rej lnrt. H. llurgesi ct. nl. vs. A. J. Albertson. I'zsklel Cote vs.thotwp. of llentou. James Hhlelds et. ai. vs. I hhuman, (co. Lves vs. Zebu I mi H. Hhults tvt. ul. LIHT Ot-' JsliTTKllS REMAIMNC In thu Post Office at Ulooinsburg, Pa., March 3lt,ldul. Artcr, M Iturcl). William (Ship) Urown, II U Ifrovv n, James Marr, L D IlrKtlbitder, William Urow-u, 11 Itoou, lie ni Clark, And DodtfOI), J 1 Drlong, Henry Detdiue, Henry J.wrett, Unos Preas, Ceo II l'owler, M O (ranter, Lliaj Cilbe t. M Ilcyliurst, II llauguubuch, UlUha Howell. It ri jlleghurit, M iii-iiiimii, L.iins Johuton, A l" Kuuus, C M Lemmoii, M Lee, James tlore, (ieo Mcllride, I Morgan, Walter McWilliuns. II Ojden, Thus Peikingioti, Jo Uomuley, James (Ship) Kobins. t h ennth, Jacob &hull Joseph Thompson, Marjuit Miss Turwilligitr, Uuac Turner, Jeo Wright, J A 3 Hartinan, (Jco M Persona rail (in fnr Ihn nl.nrn lcft(r. ti til ulna say they ore udvi.rtii3d. L. n. ltUPI'.RT, P. .V. IMl'llOVK VUUH SIOtJK. rrilU Morguu 8ainpon Horse, YOUXG WASIIlN'fi. J TON, will be klationcd Ihe present keaiou in this sedion. lie can bo seuu ut Uimley's stable, Jersey town; lit Sheep' btable, Wiuhingtonvitle ; at Wagon, seller's, lcwlburg, and ut Wolf's stable. Do wort's sta tion, Northumberland county, during the season. Vouug Washington was bred in VVaynu county, X. V., by IVter Snyder, Ki'i , Is seven years old, stands full 17 hands high, and weighs I.tU) pounds. He is con side red the largest horse, the best blood, and Duett breed ever Introduced into the county of Columbia. i Tor particulars tot) large bitlg, Of V d.NVDUU, Pii'priitor. PUBLIC SALE, o F Valuable Real Estate. TN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Co- x lamina county, on SaludaV, thu 20A day rf April, next, at 10 o'clock In the fnronoon.Genrgfl M, Hagenbueh.and William ll. Hagenbilch, Administrators of Simon Ma- cd, will expose to tale, by Public Vendue, unon tho premises illrt,,.i o nnmieiln,. f 1 urpan no. , consisting 01 a TRACT OF WOODLAND, Situated In Centre township, In Bald county adjoining Purpart No. one on the We It, George Kclehner and Ml". en on tho North, Sarah Salmon on tha South and Pup part No three, on the Kail containing, T en Acres, and Bitty perches strict measure. ALSU-Purpart No. four consisting of a TRACT OF WOODLAND. Situate It Centra township, aforesaid, adjoining lands oftleorge Jtelchncr on tlio North, Purpart No. three on the West, Pa rah Salmon on the 8outli and Purpart No. 5 on the r.ait, containing, T e n Acres, and fourteen porchos Strict measure Aijou-rurpart iNo. livo consisting of a TRACT OF WOODLAXI)y in Centre township, aforesaid, adjoining land of On. Kelchlier. anil Others, nn tint V fifth. Pnrrmrt Tin. fmir m. till VCit. Sarah Salmon On tha Hunlh flint Pui-oiiri Vn Six on tha Last, Containing N i 11 c Acres, nnd one hundred and f.rtr UU perches strict measure Jnte the i-state of said deceas ed, siluats In the town, ''ip of Centre and county aforesaid. JAUOU UYLiahY, uerk, liloomsbuig, March 23, JMl, TERMS OP SALE. TEX ner cent. Of the nurrlia.n mnnv tn tin nal.l iaii.. nAilmlni.tratnra nn tho dav orH.iln. One l.nlr ..l... k.i nro cf the purchase money to bo paid flr.t of April, ItfiJ. Tho remainder of the purchase money lobe paid first of V . 1 ,,u i'i'j ii'i-iii' 10 00 wiiii inicreM irom tm oftiale. Deeda to be made and delivered to the pur chaser upon the confirmation ol Halo. The purchasei to secure ino payment by Honda and .Mortgage. tir.O. M, IIAIiENIWCI! I .! . , , , Wit. II. IIAllF.NIlimn. 1 AdaMMtrattrt ADMINISTllATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Samuel Roup, dccenscl. rrrrmiaofAilniiniitratlon ontlie Kstetc of Samvel . llOL'P.lute Of LOCII.I tnUll.hin. l.-nllimMn pnnnlu .In- cen.cd.have been granted ,y u (i:g,icr f Columbia eounty.to the iiuiltriltucd, resldlna imnidtownidiip n,iiii9.ii. iiu.niK iiiiiiuji again. 1 ine i.tiaie 01 tneui-cc dent are requested tn-preacnt them to the Administrator Mlthout dilay and all persons Indebted to make pay. inent forthwith. , , JOHN HOLT, .H.'r. April 0, lSGl-Ct. In re-application of the "First English Jlaptist Chunli of JBtovmsburs" for Charier of Incorporation : No. I'Y.unuARY TiniM, 1801. Now Hl'ihruarv leci, examined by the t'ourt, found lawful, filed, nnd uunl ordf-r made for advertising, &c. 'I'O alt VcTSOnt KkOin it mail tourera. Tjikn nollpa Th.it the above stated appliialion Tor a Charter of In corporation Ikim been Hindu to the Court of Common ricusoi i.oiuiiit)in county, nml if no Hiilliclcnt ri-usou i" sliovvn to the contrary, said Court will, on .Monday, thot.thilny of May, Mil, ilccrio and declare that tho said Church shall, airordingto tlio' articles and cunili. tifins in said application set forth and con- l. s. J lalne(. become and be a corporation and body JAcoa i:Yi:ni.Y, . n rrvthoHolary, April 0, 13f,l. iiartman's Corner. TTEUr GOODS for Spring of 1S01 just .1.1 received at HAIITMAXS. F you want bargains call at tlic clioap X corner of IIAUTMANS. DltKSS cootls, Silks, Oaiicocs, Shawls, and ult kindb of dry goods for sate chtflriT than ll.llT.MAXS. HOOP Skirt? in almndauco from -Ucta and npwiirdsftr sale at IIAUTMANS. T?XTKA Syrup sohl at CGcts. per gal- XJ lonot HAlU'.MANd. PEHOXS about to commence llouc Keeping will d well to cull and examine the hu'civ i i jcw- j riijied &.C. ni II.UtT.VIAXS. Sttpars utlOcts.pcr lb, than ) has been sold at lUts. fur tho past year at MAKT.MANS. JICK sold at G cct,ti at IIARTMAXeJ. FTKltyoti have read the above do A not fail to rail in fc hp at II AHT.MAX3, t loniiiibuis, 31 u rc Ii , .'tt, Icbl. CHEAT AltlilVAL OF" NEW- GOODS, AT TUB Light Street Store. Creasy, Urothcr tyallhatith on active doty W.K Would infonn our irienda aud rustomiTs.that wq havo just received an un usually large assortment of FALL MIS) WI1STER GOODS. Which we ciror at lower rates, for ready pay, thin any ever beforo opened hero and will be sold "cheaper than tho thenpesi." We shall not attempt In enumerate the various articles they nre immeu"o and their nanmis legion us our spa clous tftorc Ktiomi, including tho Cellar and (J arret, nre tilled lo overiluw ing. There urc to be found tho finest f.ibriis, in tl'u country at nMuiiishiiig low fijiurra La dles' wear in great varieties, nt U per cent, lower tluin ever belore otfi-n d. cloths, MUtiLLvs. fii;oci;iiii:s, hats, caph, lioots, Shoes, etc,. at the same rate. In hort, nlino-u everj thig in the iiiercautile line from a nei die to nu anchor. O" Our friends will do well to call before they make thair selections. II. W. CKHASV, & CO. Light Street, Oct 27, JeCO. I3Koombm- Acndcniy : 1. A. DCUCLKT, A. If.. Principal. riMin SP1UXC AND SUMMER SCSdlOX OP THIS JL Institution will bigin MONDAY THE 15 OF AFRJL The building Is at present undergoing a thoro' reno valion. It will hi supplied with new furniture; The walls elegantly papered, andeverjihing added that can contribute to the comfort and convenience of theHtudenl, The course cf insirutiionwi'l bo llmrouh, as htretu foret and those designing to iltih?mi.licu toteadi vill receive special attention. Tho school itself is conduct cd according to the in out approved model All th t utiles of our Seiniiiaries ure embraced in its course of study. T E It M S , Primary department, gt.OO Higher department, $5 U0 No extracliarge is made for the study of Ancient or nioderji Languages. Oondboardiiigcan be procured at 1,30 or $2, per week Dloomsburg, March 7, led tf. E It E X o HO T i: L. THII underslcned,, respectfully informs his friend h and the public j;eucra!ly, th.it ho his opened a house for the entertainment of cuioiuers uml travelers, at rI'.RL i(J,Iu Creeuvvood township, Columbia County, (about trto miles west of.Mi.hille,) called tho Sereno fM Hotel. in AVhern licii prepared to nrconiinmtato tha nublic. nml nil wliu may favorhim with thtir tustom.toenurdl sat in faction His Table and Ran will be well supplied and careful ly conducted.uml his tilahling is ample, und well slocked Hy-ili) will at all times bj happy w ult upon his friends and customers. JOHN LLGGOTT. Pereno, March 23, 1PG1, rpilU uudirsi;ued is prepared to supply Brick, of a I good quality.at fair price. Ho w ill bu found at the Jlrick Yard Cl I). L. M'kinnv. nenr Mi lvcl vv A, Mont'. Furnace, Persons dttsirins to purchao will do well to can as unck win ue inaue uuu be sola, i, H. FURMAX, Afftnt. 100,000 now on hand and ready for sale, liloomiburtf i'eb.y, 10ul-3m, J, H. 0 U It A P P E A L To lhoe who know themselves indebted on Votn. Rond or Hook Account, wo ore now making arrange incuts to go to tho City, and in order that vvu may sup. ply you with cheap gouds it will bo necessary on your part to pay up thu auouui. ' II C & I W I! ART-MAN, tluomhburi;, l'tb. 23, lt-61, WALL PAPER ! WALL PAPER! I TUST received from the manufactories In Host in, an artirlu ofmobtcsixlleui quality. 1 challenge tonipe titloii as lu stifle and prtec, The undersigned will kitp borders to match any of thu (Sljles uu hand and is the only Experienced Pah a Hanokr in this Hcction of tho County (live my Lileusivc block an examination Jieforo Purchasing, Call at Ruperts Post Oifice, U. J, THURMO.V. UUyiuiburj March '1U m Bloomsbtivg Head Quarters Mricnu t, m:al k CO., lU THU FIELD WITH AN INCIlIiABED HOl'PLV UK n would flnnoiincr to the public and our friends IhSt Wft llftt-fl umt r Piling A frnm I tin rilv wltK wr NEW CHEAP tJOODS, Our stock of DRY GOODS comprises tho largest, cheap, est, and handsomest now otTered In this town) We are determined to compete with the vlt?(r TAX KC'iirf and all those w Ishing to buy cheap, enn save money by giving us a call. Wo havsnll klndsof Ooodsand Wares o suppiy ina wants ortno people. A large lot or Ladies' Dress Goods, OV EVKltY DKS0UIP1ON. WHITE GOOD OF ALL KINDS. h.vu , -i wu.ib. a, Bjbiis.i iB, jiuiiuirii;iiii;i9. t luuiiciiigB, Hands and Trimmings, Laces and Kdgiug, Hon net Klbbons In large variety, VcT vet Ribbons and braids, Kid, loueti & 1,1 me 'i nreRd (Jloves Mohair Mlts, &.c. ALL KIND OF SHAWL nitOACJnES. HlackBllk, Cashmere, Kmbroidered, Sella, Arc. Also a largu n-soriiuenioi uioui?, tjassimers, cat i nets, Vestlngs, Tweeds, Jeans, Heaver Cloths, Coating, Velvet &c. HOOTS & SHOES OF AM. KINDS and Hiz.es, fur Men, Women and Children, Wo have a large assortment oniali and Caps.oflatestfash ions Wo hivo also, Hardware, (ineens vv arcc Cedarwore, itr. Very Cheap Carpet, Carpet Hags, Door, Table nnd Carriage Oil Cloths, Mats, Hugs, Hakets, Ac. MUSLINS. FLANNELS. TICKINGS. Diipers.Towtlngs, Drillrngi, &r In abundance. Also, a large assortment or iron, nails Cheese, a largo o,uanlity of Halt, &c. o Invite our frir-nds and the mild e emterallv. to irivn us a call before purchasing elsewhere. We have bought I vui (,iiimib iuu ijvh, kbi iwiibu i rices, nna win noj oe undersold byanjbody, or the restof mankind. WCKIitiV , iNtiAlj Bi. (JO. Boonnburg, Xorember lo. ifto. LAMPS ! laflll'Sl! LAillPill! Hoiiil Quarters. ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL OF io.ks .y MiLi.r.irs. iMPiioren Pjmwfr co.il vtu vuiijrt its, a; LJt.vvs Full nnkf , BURNING, row. Kr.uo&uNL.oit OAnnuN oils. AKINO the best and chapesl Light now In use. suit 11 able for Churches. Stores, or famitv ttm. nn .imiai.p from Lvplosloti and one half cheaper than any other light, now used and EljUAL TO GASS. The above tamps, with or without, (Jlobcs or Bhadcs can be had at the NIJW AND 0HEA1' DRUG STORE, Exchange liuildiug, HlounisbiiK, I'a., Whero the undesigned noirld Respectfully inforin.lii. rrleiids and the public in irctieral. that ha has lust re- wived from th. ciliea, a larce and well scleLted stock, of CooiU, in his kind cnnsistlne; of ii.i..-"ii eaii runt.u llltui.. MLDICIXCS fc UlUMlUAI.H, UROIIMI & WHOM: MPIUES, I'AINTrt OILS, VAItNlr-llCS llYn STUI'K. U'IN'IIOVV RI.A33, Of ALL SIZIM. PAINT. tTOOTfl & SHAVING lIKUSIirjti, TOIlACnn i: l.'IClAItil, Uf 1 III', BCSI1 llllANUSt ri I'.ruM r.nv, vabv s-oats. 1K1ISHKH k SIIOULUlia .UA THS. rum: winds & r.RANUir.-f i on JinillCINAL list:, OL AtF UlllTIKC. UONn 'I'O UltlJLMl. GIL'l' MOULD ink tor fi;a.mi:s,& aohcai' VAItlLTV OFCAIir.ON Oil. LAM I'd AND SIIADHa. ri.UID.UAIirilCNl: SAFETY ri.lMD LAMra St SHADES. Also All the most popular ratent Medicines of tlio iiav-, iireecriiuiousnnii lumiiy medicines cnrelully put up, continued and Teeth inserted, In the most approved manner. ' Fccline thnnklul for nast natronaee. lie hops a cuntinuauco of the same. C. M, IIAOEN'DL'CII. IllooniBliur;, Jan. lS'tO y. H. WARD, MANUI'ACTUUElt 01' AND DEALER IN STB AW GO 0 33 8. Nos. 103, 105 and 107 North Hecond Ptrrct. PIllLADL-LPHIA, We are now receiving our Pprins rtock, whicli will comprise a large and ih'siruble ni-ortinent ofall kinds of STRAW AND LACE GOODS. Also, a Inrjc assortment of Ladles and Childrcns's Hats. Our stock of Dowers and Kurhec, will bo on utsuii l l.irje this season, and we would iiu ite jour ut lentiou tu that ib'pjrtmeiu. Please cull and eiamuio them before making our purch.ises, II WARD. os. Hi'j, m St 107 North Scond ft abovu Arch, Man. h 1, l'-ul-ls. PATENT JII0A LA3IP CHIMNEY. A Lamp ( fonmi'it that will not UralcX Tliiszre.lt invention commends itself to everv one UbiiiR i oAL 01LI,AM1V It lines iu re lipht, ro(ulrcs icn i leaning ano win in i uruiK ny ine niai or t iiti, iuu ing, or any ordinary tmaae. for tale by btorckefprra gtncaUtjthrouBhout the V. nnd tne Vatiadas tanJHAoU sale by tho antt factum and I'atantcta. IJOltMNG &; IIUMPIIRKV, No. 331 N. .-LCOM) Street, PIULAD'A N. 11. A large aud superior stoHt of X.OAI, Oil, l1Jtrs. ulwnjs on hand, at prices dtf)ing competition. Also, thu Portland Coat Oil, at Manufat Hirers price, March 'J, l0m. Flour .mil Feed Drlirercdl CJIEAl'EH THAN THE CHEAPEST flMUl undersisned has made arranjjpint'iits that wil X enable him to deliver I'loiirund Feed. I'O It CASH about ten per cent, cheaper thun any body else in town His prices are as follows , 1'lour, 67 '25 I Corn 4; lle Chop, $1 f5 Corn & Oats ('hop, 1 ii I Hrm, 1 10 1 respjcllully solicit a tharc of the public patronnce MOSKrf KAUl'MAN niooimburc. JuncC3. lfiO tf. n HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHIL ADI1LPIIIA. A lti'itevoleut lustuution FFtabllshed by special endow inent, for the relief of the Hick nnd Distressed, afllictcd w ilh Virulent aud I.tilili'inic Diseases, ami ecntelallv ior inv ('iiru oi j)iscuirs oi ino nesuai wrpans. ins 1 pfiisary fret- to patients in nil parts of the United tSlatea v Ai.u.viti'i. HL.rtji.ia on perlualoruleu. anu inn er Diseases of thu .Sexual Organs, and oil the N'LW ltr,.Mi:i)ll:S employed, sent to the atrlicied jn seatid k'ttiT euvilopis, frie ofcharye. Twooi three Htnmps f..r horIujo will bu acctptabli. Address DR. JtKlL LIN IIOLKJllTOX, Actniif Hurpeon, Howard Absocta tloii, No, 'J South Ninth fttreet, PIiilaletphla Pa. March S. Ii?(il 1 Jin. I 'HE 15 O D U U G E It. This won lerful article, lust patented, is somethlns entirety ncif. and lit vi r bifurn c trend to agents, who are wanted ever) wiure. Full particutais sent free. Address PIIAW it CLARK, Uiddeford, Maine. March 0. 1-M- ly itiiwii: nitwuu zinwKW 200,000 .S'tt c, of excel- ouality, fur falo at the Old nioumsburjr Itrick Yard, Parties intending tn build will do well to call and examine tho material and get bargains. Apply to ' ' IICNUV S. ARTHUR. llloomsbiirf, March 0, lefit. 3m. KZGM1K81 Wm Tllll Proprietor of t'lis wclt-knovvn aud centrally loca ted House, the j:cihnom Hotel, situate on Mai Hlreet, In llloomfcbitrp, immediately opposite the Coin in btu County Court House, respectfully iniormshii friends and tho public in gener.it, that his House is now in or tier for the reception and entertainment of truveters who may foet disposed lo favor it with their rustoni. ' He has spared no eipenni in preparing tho Lvciumje, for tho entertainment of his guests, neither shall there beany, ihnii! wanting (on hi part) to miniutt r to their personal comfort. His bouse, is spacious and enjojs an excellent business location, CT7" Omnibuses run at all tlm between Ihe Exchange Hotl and the various Rail Road Depots, by which trav elers will bo pleasantly conveyed to and from the re speclivu Stations in due time to meet the Cars. W-M. 11. KOONS. Bloorrubarff, July 7, IfCO SHARP NOTICE. Persons indebted to DR. GEO. HILL, will And their accounts in thu hands of the undersigned for col lection. Immediate attention will save Cost. Jons' n. Fitnnzc. Illoomsburg, Pa., Tcb. S3, 1 601 --it, Gil APE .VINES. YOUXtl VINK3of two years, of ''Miller's Durgun dy," with beautiful roots, can be had ; also. Peach Trees from ee4of the choice! varit ties, if called fur soon. HENRY ZUPPINUHR iliooinsburg, April 10, 1301 THE WINE STOKE, or 311 walnut sniucr, (below Fourth R.,i I'lULAUllLrillA, Pi. AugusH, I Mjlil, REMOVAL. C (J. SAlUKIi. ti Co., Commission Meichants and dialer) in Fish, Cheese and Provisions, Xo ICQ , if It t'lttt, InJ doot above Tieut. rhiad rhii, szll.iJlji EMD TIffllS MADE EASY. &ood News for the Unemployed. 1000 chanccs to Maico Monoy. tfif -m II OlJlTC Mlt llltl llln ftr WORTH OF Watches. Jewelry AND Silver-Plated Ware, TO BE DISPOSED OF 0f AN ENTIRELY NEW AND OHHIHAli 3? ft A Ii J 2,500 AGENTS WANTED ! ! All persons desirous of securing an agency in this NEW ENTERFKISE Should send on their names ut once, enclosing n 3 cent stamp to pay postage, nnd receive by return of mail a Premiuu Catalogue containing OUR INDUCEMENTS) WUICII AFFOJAD A Rare Chance TC MAKE MONEY WITHOUT IlISK, TOGETHER WITH A t I J M S iuil iJavnciuav0 RBLATIVE TO TI1I3 mmm mi, To insure prompt and natUfactory dealings, direct all orders to GEORGE G. EVANS, 43U Chestnut Street, riiiLADLLriiu. April r,, 1861-31. Sheriff's Sales. nY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Expanat a me directed, issue out of the Court of Common Pleas of the Cuunty ofColumbia, lVntis)lvaula, will bo exposed to public sile at the Court House in Hloumsburg, on SArURUAV, Till; 20th Of APRIL, 1861. at one o'clock in the afttrnoon the following described property to wit : All that certain tract or pieco oflatid situate in Sugarloaf township Columbia County contain ing flP.y four acres of which twenty one acres Is cleared land bounded on the North by lands of Michael Heisti line, on the Houth by lands of Abraham Sholts on the ll.nt by lands of Daniel Heaa Jcsso Hartnian nnd on the wist by land late of Kdmund Crawford, whereon is erected a ono and a half story Plank dwell, ng house a frame Hani aud a Rlack Smith chop w ith the appur tenances. Seized, taken in Execution and to be aotd as the prop crtyof John Mich lor. ALSO . , , At the Same tUUC aim piUCC, ail mat certain tract of land situate in Siigarluaf ton nship Co- lumlitu ruiiuty hounded ami described ns fullnns, to wit: mi th" North hy laud of lli'liard Kilo uu the East by land of 11. 11. Lnubach on the Houth l.y land of Jesse IViininetnn on the westhy landof Juhnl'. l.anbachcon l uiliiiB siltvelcht acre, more or less. About twenty tio nercs of which is cleared iand whoron is erected a ...... ...i i..iir .tnrv Pinole ilwcllin. Iiou.u and other out lunldinirs with the appurtenances. Seir.ed. taken in execution and lo be sold as mo prop ertv of Georac Moore. also: At the tamo time and place, all that certain tract or lot of land situate in I'ishlnerrcek toivti. ship, Columbia county, bounded aud described as fck tows lo wilt-On the North by land of I'aul I'ealer, on Ihl Cast by land of ltlchard Jones, on the fkaith by land of rt. I'. Slulker, and on the West by land of William I,. Turks, containing eleven Acres, botlie amn more or less, all of which is cleared laud, whereon ure erected a one and n hair story I'lank Dwelline; House, a 1'ramo llnnk Dam, and other outbuilding with the appurtcnan. "seized, taken in execution and to bo sold ax tho prop, erty of James It. Parks. JOHN SNYDEIl, Sheriff. nioo.n,liure..Manli'.'3, lf'Il. BCAiI JLHOKi. roll mav TniiM ict. Illooni CleorgeU. Urrun, Joseph Weaver, lleiitun Peter Case, lli .Meudenhall. Heaver Samuel Cox, Peter Kuecht. Hriarcreek Jonas Wright. Calt.iwi.sa William .Miller, Malliias Ilnrtman. Centre r.dward Hartinan. Gilbert II. t uwlcr. I'lshnigcreck James Ldgar. Greenwood -Ed ward Albertson. Ilenilock-Joliii II. l'au.t. Ksaw Oirton, Jesso Ohl. Locu.t-llcnry Keller, Adam Dimuiig, Jacob llarner. Leonard Addlnu. Madison-Isaac Whipple .Monlour Jacob Arnwine. Maine Jacob hhuman. rJugarloaf William .Mephsns.Jr. TKAVKUMJ JIUOKS. rioom J.tmrs rretze. John Leacock, L. U.Rupcit, (caver Joel Hredbetidcr, Ptter Hauck. nnlon John Doty, Cattaisa wilham John, Daniel Gcarhatt, Jocph Marlz, Danit-1 Krei?h. Cotiyiigham Isaao W. Haua, l'roderick R. Wohlfarth. Centre Peter Miller. rihingercek Albert Ammerman, rieorge M. Howell, ' impii vicurine, Crceuwoud-D.ivld Dreibtlbis, Hemlock Jidui M liar ton, I Jackson John Kresiler. Locust Davtd Kobtenbander, Rcorge Keller, tnoch Kcster, Silas Whrnn, Abraham Vcages. , Maine William Cettling. j Miilltn Soloiunii lUkroth, Lev i Crcas, John Michael, i Mt. Pltasuut (ieorgeCavctwe, Samuel Johnson. I Mailinoii Joseph ii. Smith, Robert Johnson. Orange Nathan .Miller. Pine Petijaiuin Wintcrbtecr. tfcott iSamucl tletr.. tiugarlouf John M. Cote, 13KIDGE NOTICE. nHK Presldentand Managers of the CattawissaRridge 1 LVmpuny, have this day declared n div idend of three ' per cent, (75 cents per share,) on the capital stock of this ""il'uj n't nic ! pi iiiuiiiii, ia auiu iu ino riucn- holdtrs or their I. gal reprcsentalivcs.uuor after the loth of April, at the olhcc of the Treasurer, in Cattavvisia. Yy order of the Uoard. JNO. SIIARPLLSS. Treat. Cattawlssa, April H, 15CL BRIDGE ELECTION. AN cleriion for one President, tlx Managers, one Treasurer, one Secretary i officers for the Cattanis sa Bridge Company, for the ensuing year, will be held at the house of U.iniel Rciubold, in Catianfvsa on Mon day the Cth of May next, bttwecn tlie hours of 1 and S p. m. JNO. SHARPLKdS, &c'y, Cattavvisia Bridge Ollicc. April 0. W, j DEDICATION. THU new German Reformed Church ediflro of niooms. burg, (God willing) wilt be dedicated tu the service of ine iriuue ouu, on D1UD4UI ine ein OI vpril, at lu o . clink, A. M tierviccs to comuicncc on I'riday evening previous, the 2oth inst. Kev. H. llsrbaUEt., I). 11.. and Kev. J. II. A.Hombcrgei,!). 1)., andothcr.Ministr,,will otflciate on the occasion. . The publlcaree.pectfully invited tnattend. I W. UOOUU1C1I, Easier. April 0,1361, The Ualf M Way House. T11F1 underigncd, having taken tho well-known "Half-l'ay House," formerly kept by Samuel Harman, I.t , situatu in Centre township, Co'umbia county, on tho main Road, mid-way between Hloomsburg und Her wick, would rcfpictfully inform his old cuctoiueri and tho public that the House has been improved and reno vated, in good btyle, and from tils long expeiieuce In the busiucss, lie flitters hinueli. th il he will keep , A riRST OLA&S COUflTIiY HOTEL, Where he will at all times be haiipv to meet and satis. fartority entertain hit numerous friends and all who may favor niui wttu tneir patronage. Q His liar, fubliiig, ic, will bo well stored and properly attended, JOHN G ROVER. Centre township, April ! UCI, I ADIES' EXT11A HOOP SKIRTS, I J Ju.t received, tfointlhing new in that line, Tall in liaaies. ana gi one. H C. & I, W. HAKTMAN Dloocuibuig, Leo. 1E61, CURE 0 CURE NervousHeadache CURE Ily the uso of these rills tho ner Iodic attacks of AVf- tomh or tie jieaaatKc may do prevented ana niaitenai the cotnmenrement of an attack immediate relief 0ni They seldom fall In mnoyiiigtlie'dHSfaandfflaeA They act greatly upon tho bowel's, removing Costivt- or Lltrrarir Akn, Stdet$, Delicate Females, and all person of SeAt Mry habit $t they aro valuable as a Laz athc, improving the appetttr, giving lone and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the wholn system. The CLPILU.IiJ PILLS are the result of long Investl gallon and carefully conducted cxpcriinflnts.havliig been In Use inanyyears, during which time they liarepfevcn tcd and relieved a vaft amount of pain and sufferinc from Headache, whether originating in tho nervout sys tem or from a deranged slate of tho attmach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may betaken at all times with perfect safety without frrtrable taite render tit taay to admiui$Ur then to thil drcit, nrAVAnn or counthrfhitsi The penuine have five signatures of Henry C.Ppaldine on each hut. ' Pold by Druggists and all other Dealers In Medicines A box will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt of the . , PRICK 23 CENTS, All orders should be addressed to HI.NRV C. SPALDING, 41 Cedar street, New York, THK FOLLOW INQ ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PIUS, WILt, C05VI5CE ALL WHO BUFFER TR04 HEADACHE, THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CURE 13 WITHIN THEIR REACH, Aa thttt Testimonial a were unsolicited ly .tfr. At, thtf otford unquestitualtle proof of the rtk eaey of thii truly atienttjic discovery. , X'osonvitlc, Oonn,t Ftb.S, 1801. Mr. SpalJiitg. Sir: I have tt led your Cephalic Pills, and tttktthtmaotrctt that I want you to send tne two dollars worth more. Part of thefo are for the neighbors, to whom 1 cave a few out of the first box I got from you. tiend the Pills by mail, and obiigo Your ob't Servant. James Kekkedy. llacarfordtVa.t Feb. 6, 1861, Mr. Spatdinz. riir: I wish you to send me one more box of your Cephalic nil, Adtercceirrd a great deal of benfft from them. Yours, respectfully Mart Aki Stoikhousq Sprute Crttk. Ifunthpton Co. Pa., January ie, icui, ) II. C. Spalding. Sir: You will please send nic two boxes of your Cephalic Tills, tiund tliem immediately. Kespcttfully yours. Jno. R.Siyoxs. P.S. Jars Vied one boz of your rtlh, and Jind then excellent. Ilclle Vcrmn. CAw, Jan. J5, 1?G1, lienry u. paidlne, i;sq. 1 lease nnd inclnai'il tvveiity.nvc rents, tor which send mo aunllvr fan ur )our Cephalic l'llls. They am trv.lt the licit 1'ilti 1 haee eeer tried. j Direct A. PTOtrn. P. M. I Mllo crnon, VI ayandot Co., O. I ..,-.. ' Betcrly, Man,, Ihe. 11,1600. ILCCpaldinlr, r.s'j. I wish lor ,onio circulars or lirco show bills, to bring Your Celdialie Pills more particularly hi fore inv cu.to iners. Ifjou have nnytblng of th Kind, please send to me. i One of mr customers, who Is subiect to severe flick iie.iiiacuc, usually ia. nub' uvu unys.j icus curcu cj an auacK in oncnonr oy your i'lds.vvnicii i seni ner W. U. Waxra. Rcynoldtburf. FranWn Co., Ohio, t January 'J, ISUl. j Ko. 4j Cedar ht. N. Y. Denrfir: Inclosed flndtwenty.llvo cents. (23,) for which send box of "Ceplutle Pills." r-'end toaddress of Kev. Win. Cl iller. Iti'tnoldsburg, Franklin Co., Ohio. , Your Pills t0rt. jllc a charin-cure Headache almoit tnstantcr. I Truly yours, Wjt. C. Tiller. , Yftilantl, ,1icA. Jail, II, UCI. , Mr. Spalding. rlir Not long siuio I .ent loyou for a box of Cephalic Pills I for the cure of the Nervous llejdacliti uud Cosllveuess, and received the same, and they had so good an effect uini i was inuuceii io senu ior more. Please scud by retugu mail. IJirect to A. R. WiiriLia. Ypsilanti, Mich. FranClhc tlzamincr, J'orfolk, IV, Cephalic Pills accomplish tho object for which they wcro made, viz : Cure of headache in nil its forms. From the Kxaminer, Norfolk, fa. They havo been tested in more than a i thousand cases, with entire success. rFrom the Demoerat,St, Cloud, Minn, If you aro, or havo been troubled with tho headache, send for a box, (Cephalic Pills,) so that you may liavc thcin ill caso of un attack. From the .tieerlUer. Ftoeidencl, R, I. Tile Ccnhalic Pills aro said to bo a re markably effective remedy for tho head ache, and ono of tho very best for that very frequent complaint ivhich has ever been discovered. From the Hettern Jl l.Gazrtte, Chicago 111, Wo heartily endorso Jlr. Spalding, and his unrivalled Cephalic Pills. From the Kanawha Valley Star, A'dneirA4. Fa. Wo aro sure that persons suffering with tho headache, who try them, will t-tick to them. JYa the Southern Path Finder, AVw Orleans, Ia Try them 1 you that arc afflicted, and wo aro sure that your testimony can ba added to the already numerous list that has received benefits that no other modi, cino can produco, O- A smglo bottle of FPALDIN'fi'S PRKPARtDGLUB Wlllsato ten tiuie.it. cost annually,. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLULI BPALDIa'3 PREPARED GLUE 1 BPALDING'3 PREPARED GLUE I SAVE TJ1K PIECES I ECONOMY! DISPATCH I liT" " A s riTon in Time 8a, ls Nixk. " jj As ajcidents will happen, even in well regulutod fam. ilies. it I. very tlosirabte to havo sonu cheap and conve. ciiRP inent way ior repairin: x urniiure, toys, crucitery, etc. SPALDING S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can atT. ord to bo without it. U U alvvul a ready and up to the sticking point. "USEFUL IN I'.VKKV IIOUriR." N. n.A Dru.U accompanies each liottle. Trice, 3S cents. Address, HEVRVC. SPALDING. No. CEU All Street, New; York. CAUTION. At certain unprincipled persons are attempting to palm off on the unsuspecting public, imitations of my PRE. PARISD GLUE, 1 world caution all person, to exaraius before purchasing, aud sea that the full name, 3St'ALDlNU'S PREPARED GLUB.J i.nn theouttUe wirr:i,lll olutu are swinolin; ro'lDlsrfetts Feb 73, IM Alt H.UC0. Latest by Telegraph. Latest from Charleston. Ciiaki.eston, April 15. Major Aridfcfson, wit!i Lis cotiimand, dopartcd in tho Isabel for New York to day. In saluting his flag before leaving, & pile of cartridges exploded, killing two men and wounding four others. Ono it as buried in the fort with military honors, and tho other is to be buried by tho Carolina iroops. Tha wounded woro brought to this city. The confederate and Palmetto flags wcro raised on tho fort, which is garrisoned by Palmetto guards. It is believed that iho vrar vessels havo established a blockade. Ciiaulesto.v, April 16. Whon'Major Anderson's quarters wcro burning, Gen. Beauregard, sent offors of assistance before tho white flag was run up. Col. Wigfall received tho sword sur rendered by Anderson, and compliment d his bravery by returning it to him. Charleston, April 10. Tho Federal fleet is still in eight off Charleston From Washington. Charleston, April 15'. Tho following are tho requisitions of tho President upon tho soveral States for military to act in tho inaintonanco of tha Union : New York, seventeen rogimeiiU'. Pennsylvania, sixteen Illinois, six Indiana, six Missouri, four Kcntuoky, four it ii Uluo, turco tt Massachusetts, two Wisconsin, ono tt it Iowa, ono Michigan, one Delawaro, ono Connecticut, ono " llhode Island, ono Vermont, ono " New Hampshire, one '' Maine, one " Sovcnty-fivc regiments in nil, of ona thousand men each. Governor Spraguo, of Rhodo Is land, telcgrapbs to tho President that his State will furnish one thousand men to tho Pcdernl Government, nnd pay thoir ex penses. BAUGH'S RtVW BONEI SUrER-l'liOSPHATE OF LIME, MANwTijTmSTnY B A U G II & SONS, No. 20 South Wharves, Philadelphia. Cash Frlce, $45 per 2000 lb.., In strong Stacks, FARMERS, RUMEMUFR ! Thii article Is prepared from raw boj.es, and contains a targe amount ot fertilising cuublitucuts, embodied in no other similar preparation. 1. It is superior to Peruv ian fiuano, producing, lit soma cases, 50 per rent more. 3. It costs SI I per ton less. X It has all the virtnoofPuru Bono, while you lose na time In waiting font, It acts at once. i. Kfurnithcs precisely the food requirrd for Ihe grow ing crop. S. It permanently Improves the soil. (i. It produces lorgn crops of grass 7. It prevents thu nttaccs of worms. H It does not elhaust the soil. P. The Usi reason why jou should use it, is that thsn you can make a practical lest as to the truth of all of all then Uisiriions. It will cost bat little to give it a trial. Wfc Al0 M A1SUFAL1 1'KB AN ARTICLE OF " GKOUND HAW 150NES," (UUAIIANTIUU PUltU.) Cash Price, $35 per 2000 pounds. The above Manures wo warrant entirely fre from nduiteratiou, being manufactured under the personal tupTin tendance of one of our Firm. ItACOII & BONS. o. 20 fcJoutll Wharves, Philadelphia. Febiuaty 15, ltfel.-3.n. IMPROVED STANDARD Super-Pliospliate of Lime. The old estitlishcd article. Hi constant ui by thousands ot Termers and Planters for a number of years pan. Price $15 per 2000 lbs, (ii cts;peil b.) GrUAiNO. PERUVIAN. Received direct from tho GOTfitBracnt Stores. Wur ranted genuine, 1CHAUUC. This is the old fashioned Feathery Gvano, imported direcU v iV c eillcs Xcw Ft?ril!izrr. The low price and superior quality of this ftrlilbur is fast bringing It iulo general use. Price 30 per 'JOOO lbs, (Ik cmt per A.) BONE DUHT. Button-makers fne Bone Dvtt t Ground Jones, LAND PLASrnit. Warranted pure. In barrels. A liberal deduction made to Dealers on all the above art it Icf. N. H. We have a large numaer or uipiomsi tor Premiums awarded bv the various Airr'uuitvral i4tit fiei, which )OU aro requested to call and examine. 43 80HtIi Wharves and 41 South Watr tK trst Here above Chestnut.) rUtLAHLLPUlA. feb lfi. 18CI-3in. GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THK FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING- AND SU3DDIER G00D3, AT miller's store, "plIC subscriber has juut returned from the city with JL another large aud select assortment of PALL & WINTEH GOODS, Eurcha.edin Philadelphia at the,lowest figure, and whlck e is determined to sell on a. moderate terms as can b procured olsew hero in Dlooiusburg. His stock consist. f LADIES' DI1ESS GOODS, ri.nl,,l .1.1.. ., lte.tfA.hlOll. Vru Ooods. Groeeriet, Hardware, Queen, wire. Cedar H'.e . ' ........ -,,i. u..,. .j Al... Jlato and Cape, t-c. S, t. In ,hort ever) thing usnnlly kept in country Store. t which he invite, th. public generally. icy- The Highest Price paid for country produen STEPHEN II. MlLLtm. nioomsbarg. Tov. 3. lfOfl. y. LITERARY SOCIETIES. THU next Convention or the Literary Union. ofVoi tour. Columbia, and adjacent counties, will be held at the t'ourt Haute, in Uanvillo, on IhoiTtuof April, 1601 at 10 o'clock, a. in. All societies of tin above clitiactlr are cordially requested to send five delegate, to rpr' ,ent them In .aid Couvenllon, Tba public genet.lly ar. invited to attend. IIKHRR -A INTER. 1 . ill lxtiin'R t. Pop., tf Irrsnex. CtlAB, W BHULLSi J Binwlle AftiH. lill 1 D