COLUMBIA D1M0C1UT. KDITF.D BY LEVI L. TATE, rRornlETOIl. BLOOMSBURG, PA. SATURDAY MOllNINO, AF1UI. 20, 1861. The Editor is in Now York. Tho Stars & Stripos forovor. So far our efforts haro been for peace. To tbo extent of our humble abilities we .Ii&to labored to avoid and avert a civil 'war. We liaTo failed I The War lias begun I I And now, that it has begun, thcro is but ono thing for us to do, and that is, "to stand fast nr the old flao,'' as sho now waves in front of our office, be tween the Court House and Exchange Ho tel,and sse that she never goes down before any enemy, nativo or foreign. The Fede ral Government must be sustained ; and we shall not stop to inquire who is in de fault. Let tho campaign bo pushed vigo rouslylet it bo short, and decisive. Tbo first gun was fired by tho Sec5ssionist3,f.iitl it may be that forbcaranco has ceased to be a virtue. Wo aro for an undivided country, if that be possiblo ; but if not, then wherever the Star Spangled Banner waves, let it wave in triumph and honor. Stand by tho Old Flag 1 Wo clip the following brief and patriotio declaration of sentiment from the Lancas ter Intelligencer , of last Tuesday, tho homo organ of Ex-President Buchanan, as expressive of our own views on tho pre sent national crisis, and commend it to general consideration. Ed. Col. Dem. Now that war has commenced no mat ter who is at fault it is tho duty of all our citizens, irrespective of party, to stand by tho old flag', with its glorious stars and stripes, and support the Government in all proper and legitimate efforts to bring the contest to a successful issue. Tbo first blow was struck by tho Secessionists, and now it becomes the duty of overy patriot io'lcnd his aid in sustaining the honor and .glory of our common country. If we havo a Government that is capablo of protect ing and perpetuating itself, this is the time to exert its strength, and tho people must stand by it no matter who is at the helm. We go for our country,our whole country, and nothing but our country. James G. Campbell. The telegraph announces, that Alex ander Murrat, has been appointed Marshall of tho Western District of Pcnnn- the post now held by the gentleman whoso name heads this article. Wo arc sure no man who has been brought into contact with the lato Mar snAL Campbell, can havo failed to be impressed with his urbanity, punctuality And promptitude. lie made ono of the most attentive) and judicious Marshals wo Lave ever had ; winning golden opinions from all sorts of pcoplo ; and performing tho duties of his oiliec witu the most ecru pulous fidelity. We have never heard any expression but that of praise, and we be lieved tho feeling at his removal is that of universal regret. "A Pair op Heal Novelties." Wo would direct attention to an advertisement in another column, under this unique head ing, from the elegant House of Messrs, Smith & Brouwer, of New York. They are tho Importers of Keck Tits, and the inventors and patcntcs of soveral novel and really valuable improvements in thoso splendid articles, which aro of almost ev ery variety, and decidedly the handsomo cst we havo ever cecii. They sell only to Wholesale Dealers and Jobbers, so that our friends hereabouts, aud Country Mer chants, generally, can obtaiu this elegant stylo of New Goods, by sending their or ders to any Jobbing House ih tho Metri politan City. 'flic Age, Vol. 1, No. 1, published at 130 Nassau St., N. Y. at S2 00 a year, quarto, 10 pages ; is on our table. A glanco at the contents has very favorably impressed us. Literature, news, politics, travels, agriculture, arts, iio., Ac., go to make up its weekly variety. If it shall continue as it has begun, it will make a btir in newtpapcrdom. It is edited by T, I. Nichols, an old stagor who understands bis business. ear" The Crisis,'' published iu Colum bus, Ohio by Hon. Sam. Medary, tho "war horse of Democracy," is doing im inense service to the country and to tho people. In common with tho party he has labored to avert and avoid tho civil war which is now upon us in all its horrors. Governor Medary, is an able and fearless writer, and wo commend "Tho Crisis," to any and every man who loves his country end desires a sound paper from Ohio. HartmAxs Store has again been re piemsnoa. xce Messrs. uartman are usually first in market and always sell very cheap. Call and examine their choice new Goodj. Tux Post Master General bas appoiat- edDr Palemon Job.v, editor of the Re- .,lfa.,wr;f...ij,,J.,(Tj,i,,.i , By Iho President or Hie United Slates. I State Apportionment. A PROCLAMATION. j Of course, nobody expected any fnir TVhereas, Tho laws of tbo United I ncas, or honcejy, in tho present LegMn States havo been, for soma timo past, and are now, opposed, and the execution thero of obstructed in tho States of South Car olina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Missis sippi, Louisina and Texas,by combinations too powerful to bo suppressed by the ordi nary courso of judicial proceedings, or by tho powers vested in tho Marshals by law. Now, thcrcforo, l.AnrunAM Lincoln, President of the United States, in virtue of tho power in mo vested by tho Consti tution and the laws, havo thought fit to call forth, and hereby do call forth, tho militia of tho several Statos of the Union, I to tho nggregato number of uoventy-five thousand, in order to suppress tho said combinations, and to cause tho laws to bo ' ' . . duly executed. Tho details for this object will bo immediately communicated to tho Stato authorities through tho War Depart- So a string of Democratic counties, reach mont. intr from tho forks of tho Susnuehanna to I appeal to all loyal citizens to favor, ' facilitate and aid this effort to maintain tho honor, tho integrity and tho existence of our National Union, and tho perpetuity of tho popular Government, and to redress tho wrongs already long enough endured, I deem it proper to say that tho first service assigned to the forces hereby called . ,, .,, i i, v . .t forth will probably bo to repossess tho forts, places anj property which havo been . seized from tho Union, and in every event tho utmost caro will bo observed, consis- ( kg3 tJjan rC(lu!rca tently with tho objects aforesaid, to avoid j The XIV. District, intensely Black Be any devastation, any destruction of, or publican, 109,058, over seventeen thousand interferoneo with property, or any dis. turbanco of peaceful citizens in any part of tho country. AnJ T WoTiv nnrnmanci t ha nnraons . . j j . ,, .f,...;,i . UUIllUUBIUlI bUU liUlUUlunilUUl UkU.GDi.lUi .w disperso and retire peaceably to their re spective abodes within twenty days from this dato. Deeming that tho present condition of publio affairs presents an extraordinary occasion, I do hereby, in virtuo of tho power in mo vested by tho Constitution, eonveno both houses of Congress. Tho Senators and Representatives aro thcreforo summoned to assemble at their respectivo chambers at twelve o'clock, noon, on Thursday, the 4th of July next, then and thcro to consider and dclermina such mea sures as, in their wisdom, tho public safety and interest may seem to demand. In witness whereof, I havo hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to bo affixed. Done at tho City of Washington, this 15th day of April, in tbo year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and of tho independence of tho United States, the eighty-fifth. (Signed.) Abraham Lincoln. By the President. Wm. II. Seward, Secretary of State. The Bloomsburg and Cattawissa Ropo Ferry, over tho Susquehanna, at Blosms burg, is a well-established and useful in stitution. It is a paying concern, and is. moreover, an important accomodation to all peoplo having business-communication with the citizens of the South side of the North Branch River. Mr. Chas. W. Cooper, has chargo of tho ferry Machin ery, and he will bo found to bo both atten tive and accommodating. New Sr-RiNct Goods. Mr. A. J. Shall) has just returned from tho city, with a largo supply of choice New Goods. He always keeps tho best styles and pro cures the latest fashions. Ladies, call early at his Cheap Storo. William Hoffman & Co., of Centre township, Columbia co,, have received 83333 00 from tho Lycoming County Mutual Insurance Company, for the loss of the Zahncr Mills, in Centre, by fire,lait February. "Make Small Gains and Thereby miss Great Losses." Tho old Franklin Saving Fund, No. 130 South Fourth street, below Chestnut, receives special deposits at 4 por cent, interest, and repays them on demand, without notice. AVe havo rccolvctl Peterson's National Magazine for May, It is a richly orna mented and deeply interesting number. Our Lady friends, everywhere, thould in- rest 82 00 for this leading fashionable and sterling literary Magazine. Mr. Lloyd T. Siiaktless, is receiving new Spring and Summer Goods, at bis Store on Main Street. Mr. S., is a wor thy young man and merits liberal patron age. Give bim a call. The Next State Fair. Bv a notico in today's Democrat it will be pccn that tbo nest State Agricultural Society of Pennsylvania, invito proposals from towns and cittics for tbc location of tho next Fair. New Milmnery Goods. Miss. Mary liarkley, bas laid in a bandsome assort ment of New Spring Millinery Goods, to which the publio are invited by ber card in our columns. xne jjacitawanna ana liloomsburg railroad will make a slight change in their mt X l a time table, to take effect on and after Mon day nest. John Morrissy, the puglist, is lying ai the point of death in New York, of dirtha. i turn, and no surprise, though intense indig nation is felt, at tho rascally manner in which the Stato is gerymandcred. For instance, Montgomery county, which is S000 Democratic, ii cut into three pie ces, so as totally to destroy its power, and a portion of it containing a population of 00,000 is attached to Berk, putting m that Democratic district more than 17000 of a surplus, and which of courso is a dead loss to tho Democratic party. Then Luzorne and Susquehanna would make a district, having just tho number required ; but in order to mako suro work, Wayno county is thrown in, tho Luzerne Democracy raada helpless, and ovor 33,000 pcoplo disfranchised. Itesidcs that, Luzerno, Columbia and Montour would havo made a district, but . . ' that was not to bo thought of for a mo mcnt, because that would be Democratic. York Stato line, aro to bo absolutely swal- iowed iy David Wilmot's Black Itepubli- can pet Bradford. And to do that, 0000 peoplo are disfranchised. The VIII. District, suro Republican, gets a member for 110,311, ten thousand lc" Vt iv , ' . v.- i ' 1 plcxion. for 115,04, eleven thousand less ,ian propor Iium'bcr ,he XIU. District, made to suit the II,,. Vblicans. 114.057. about twelve tl,0S!m1 .less than lawlul rate, The XVI. District, black as Egyptian darkness, 101,427, twenty five thousand iCSS man mere oucilt to HO. ,, ,, . - , , . tiuuuu no luru io inc oiucr side wo can see the working of the scheme more fully. 'Iho V 11. District, Democratic, 143,810, over seventeen thousand of a surplus. 'Ike X. District, Democratic, 130,005, over ten thousand more than legal ratio. Tho XI. District, Democrats to bo killed, 158,780, over thirty-two thousand of an excess. The XII. District, Democrats to bo overslaughterod, 133,012, over six thousand above tho required number. It wilt bo seen, too, that those five Re publican distiicts contain a population of only 557,404, more than 80,000 less than law aud iustico requiro them to havo : while the four dibtricts above named, which aro Democratic, or havo for their object tho utter extinguishment of Demo cratio majorities, havo a population of 572,902, being over 15.000 more than five ii 1.1- t: . J But it is us:les3 to extend this disseo tion, tho iniquity is patcut. Next Governor. Wo namo Hon. Charles R. Bucka lew, of Columbia county, as tho next Democratic candidato for Governor of Pennsylvania, Who seconds the motion t Carlisle Volunteer. Thcro is no man in tho State says tho Clinton Democrat, better qualified, iu every point of view, for tho oilico of Gov ernor than Mr. Buckalew. Able, vigi laut, taithtul, stcruiy uoncst, well ac- quaiuUd with all tho duties of tbo posi tion, an experienced and successful leais lator, thorouchly devoted to tho people, u Statesman in tho most enlarged eenso of the term, no is just tne man to succeed u Republican administration of misrule and cxtravaganco, to correct as far as possible its errors, and restore the state to its for mcr commanding position and legislation jlo to its ancient purity ana propriety. would bring back the days of Snyder and Siiunk, with all their watchfulness of tho truo interests of tho people, aud their untarnished and lofty integrity. In tho Scuato of the Stato, Mr, Bucka lew was ever watchful of the right, a closo economist and in every particular a careful legislator. In that capacity ho has done more to bring about a reduction of IUU UvsllU'ltLUb UlUlt 4' J I) VLtlCl 111.1 11 VfllJJIU our borders, and to bim we aro indebted for those wholesome amendments of tbo Constitution which prohibit its increase amUecuroits steady reduction. His in - telligence and ability as a legislator, and . . . . ' Ins siuruy patnoiism,liave saved hundreds of thousands of dollars to tho tax payers of tho Stato, and in tho olGco of Governor these admirable qualities would work tho same result. As a candidato ho would be irresistible. Ilia talents, his integrity and his patriot ism are known aud appreciated in every nav, nf ll.n (Jl. - ! ( . , , . 1, n .! ni UVC1VI D. t: : .ui I!?. a " J cr ho is plain, argumentative, logical and convincing. No Ptain rests on his public or private character. With all his great services to tbo State, ho is just now ap - nrnnr,h!nrr IliR vi-rnr nf mnnlinnrl . net vol Laving seen bis fortieth year. His ex - ccedingly unassuming manners and Lis modesty ot department, on all occasions, aro not less stnltiDg than tho power of his crmina. Tn .linrk. Irk l,w ennrnntor nnrl fiinpss for tlio nffinn nf Onrpmnr. nr tlm fitness for the offieo of Governor, or tho position of candidate, be scanned as close- ly as they may bo will provo in every particular the proper MAN-the moro --- - .-- particular the proper man the moro closely tucy aro soanncd tho more appa rent the propriety of bis nomination and election will appear. RErnnncAN Consisiency. In tho last Presidential campaign tho Republican cry was, Protective Tariff I Protection to tho iron and coal interests of Pennsylvania. This was the grand hobby by which they managed to carry tho State by such" an overwhelming majority. How well they aro carrying out theso vaunted principles to their logical conclusions is manifested by their electing the Hon. David Wilmot U. S. Senator to fill out the unexpired term of Simon Cameron, when it is known that he is a notorious and uvowed Free Trader. Horo we havo an instanco of Kepublioau loro for Protection and tho interests of tbo Keystone State. Let consistency hang her head in shame. r Avtenrm . Vn'.imttcr. 1 Latest by Telegraph. F II 0 M THE SEAT OF W Alt THE BOMBARDMENT. FORT SUMPTER ON .FIRD I FONT SCMPTEIt SDKKEKDEKEDt NOBODY HURT! Previous io the begining of hostilities, Gen. Beauregard informed tho Secretary nf Wm. nf il.n HmCwlm-ni,, S(t it, nt he had notification that tho administration s. now rePort,cd t1.,"t 0T A?Je0" .. . .'and his command will proceed to -Sow iit.i. uviui iiiiiiuLt avsutun ouj.iJiii;iS lulu rui b Sumptcr at all hazards. Tho Secretary replied that if the information was relia ble, hu, Beauregard, should demand Maj. Anderson's surrender. That was done. Maj. Audorson declined to surrender. Beauregard was then ordeicd to proceed .1 .1 ..!!. .1.1. . .1 t as ho deemed advisable, to reduce it. Ac cordingly at 27 minutes till 4 in the nioru- ng of Saturday April 12, a firo was opened ou Fort Sumpjer. Wo give the telegraphic dispatches for the rest of news, an'l shall as soon as possiblo lay before our readers tho connected official report : Charleston, April 13, 10 A. M. Tho battle was resumed at an carlv hour this morning in crcat earnest, and tho cannonading is now going on fiercely f.omall points, both from the Federal fleet outside the bar and from the batteries along tne coast. At intervals of twenty minutes, the firing as kept up all night ou Fort Sumptcr. ftlajor Anderson ceased firing at 0 o'clock in tho evening, aud all night ho is supposed to havo been engaged in repairing damages and protecting nis barbotto guns on Iho top of Sumptcr. l'ort bumptcr commenced to return fire at 7 1-2 o'clock this morning, aud seems to bo greatly disabled. J ho battery on Uumnungs' Point docs Sumptcr great damage. At 0 o'clock this morning a dense sraoko poured out from Fort Sumptcr, and tho Federal flag is at half mast, signalizing distress to the fleet. The shell from Moultrie and Morris Is land fall into Auderson's stronghold thick and fast ; they can be seen in their course from tho Charleston battery. Tho fire from Morris Island apd Fort Moultrio is divided between Sumptcr and tho ships of war. iho breach mado in bumpier is in tho sido opposito to Cuinming's Point. Two of its port holes aro knocked into ono, aud tho wall lrom tho top is crumbling. 'I brco vessels, one of them a largo sized steamer, aro over tho bar, and seem to bo preparing to participate in the conflict. The ships havo not, as yet, opened liro. An explosion has occurred at Sumptor. A deuso volume of smoke was seen to rise from the Fort. Mnj, Anderson has ceased -to fire for above ono hour' His flag is still up. It is thought the officers' quarters in tho Fort are on firo. A dispatch from another source says : The batteries on Sullivan's Island, Cum mine's Point aud Stephen's battera, aro pouring shot and shell into Sumpter. Anderson does not return tho firo. Thcro kavo just been two explosions at bumptcr. LATER. Charleston, April 13. Fort Sumpter was unconditionally sur rendered, ihe news has nust been re ceived in a rcliablo shape. Ex-Senator Chestnut and Gov. Manning and V. Por clier Miles have just landed and marched to tho Governors house. They bring the particulars, jtt was reported that ten of tho garrisoned at Fort Sumptcr had been killed, but your reporter has just had an interview with Y. 1'. Wiles, who has just returned from a wisit to Fort Sumpter, and is assured by him that no tine was killed. Tho Federal Flag was , ?w w? J raimcuo guarus at xuor- In all two thousand shots woro fired. No South Carolinians were hurt. Major Anderson's men, under guard, were con veyed by boats to Morris Island. This news is reliable, and puts to rest all tho previous reports about Fort Sumpter. iiiaj. Anderson lias reached tho city and til , I 1 bolls,are rlnS'"S ?ut a. I,lcrr' Pc?' and ur people wo cD6nSing " every demonstra i , ... ... 1 AT 9ur. gnora!ly sympa lnzo with MJ; Andonon, but express abhorrence tpr timer, wnrt wctrA in flin Rto. ,,oa ntF nnr. , , v-.w- bar and m sight of us and did not even a'.tcinpt to reinforce us. Judgo Magraph, who bas just returned from 1 ort Sumptcr, reports that tbo wood, work of tbo Fort and the officers' quarters were all burned out. Tho Fort will be taken possession of to- VJ lI1U V OU I U U LTU 10 170003. UCU ; ,. ,. ,, . r Deauregard, with two aids, has left for i r u pter. I xhrco firo compauics aro now on their waJ 1,ort Sumpter to quell tho firo bo- 1 ,uiu '"o uiRmuu. CHARLESTON, April 13, 10$, P. M. 1 A.8t,tcr.rom Fort Moultrio, dated at ' 0 o clock tltis morning, says that not a , ' """ yu.r. i ""-V umj iuu jrou uauury I has bCCU dailiaccd. Tbo rifled cannon of tho battery did i'aa "ue? cannon oi mo naucr Eroaf execution on Sumptor. They a l a"licd into1 ,h, Port hole3- Th p0" Sumpter's barbette i guns wen .i ,.dn . u..,i rri.-.. . 1UCV 11 11 u J Itreo ot were dis mounted, and a corner of Fort Sumptor, opposito l'ort iuoultric, was knocked away. Charleston, April 12 received April 14,2 A.M. A boat from ono of tho war vessels on the outsido has communicated with Gen. Simmons, in command of tho forces on Morris Island, and mado the request that ono of the steamers be allowed to enter tho port for the purposo of taking away Anderson and his command. An arrangement has baen atrrccd upou by the partics to stay further Proeeedl.g. tltiril nino n ft oel' tn mnsrntp Charleston, April 14, 0 A. M. The negotiations wtro completed last night, and Major .udcrson, with bis com. niand, will evacuate Fort Sumpter this morning. It is supposed that ho will cm. bark on board of ooe of the war vessels off uur.barL When Fort Sumtitor ws in flames and i Major Anderson could only firo hia guns lint Ions intervals, the men at our batteries cnecreu ai every uro wnivu iuu gutum. Major made m his last struggles, but looked defianco at tho vessels of war, whoso men, llko cowards, remained out sido without firing a guni or attempting to divert tho firo of a singlo battery from Ft. Sumptor. 10 o'clock Tho steamer Isabol is now ctcaming up, and will take Gen. Boaurc card to .Fort Sumptcr, which will be turned over bv Major Anderson to tho i Confederate States. York in the steamer Isabel. Singular calamity. A most singular accident occurred on Suiidav ovenine at tho Kingston Coal Works, near Wyoming which resulted in the entire demolition of a dwelling house containing four families, and tho almost miraculous escape of tho inmates. The particulars, as wo learn, arc as follows: About 8 o'clook that even ing ono of tho men living in tho houso, went outside, when ho saw tho earth falling in over tho space of about half an acre. So rapidly did it give way, that ho hastened jnto tho houso, gavo tho alarm, and tho inmates snatching several children out of their beds, had just timo to escape when they saw tho building tuniblo in tho gap below. As tho houso went over, it is pre- sumcd a stove or two upset, as tho wholo building was in a very few moments wappcd in flames. What is still moro singular in this affair, it is said that the fall of ground opened a now vein of water, which has since been rapidly Sowing into tho Company's mines. The Dispatch Wants to Know. We find the following significant items in tho Pittsburg Dispatch. The Republicans soems to know how things, are work ing: An Exchange says, that Governor Cur tin is ono hundred thousand dollars better, off than ho was before tho repeal of the tonnage tax. Wo think tho figure is not quito so high as that, seventy-tivo thousand dollars has been named by Rumor, and somo put it a little lower than that. Could not tho ex act sum be ascertained ? Tho Chambersburg Times informs ui that Mr. A. K. M'Uluro, Senator from Franklin countyjhas purchased a splendid farm pf Chambers M'ivibbcn, Ejq, on tho outskirts of Chambersburg, and is making grand improvements. Wo can't under staud it, but some office-holders members of our Stato Legislature, &o , havo such prudent habits of economy, that they soon make a great fortune out of a salary of five hundred to Eeveii hundred dollars, on vihieh other cxtravaganco pcoplo cannot even livo respectably. Thcro must bo some secret in this matter not revealed in tho maxims of "Poor Richard" which should be given to the world by those sagacious fellows. Suoh bright lights as they possefs in political and pecuniary economics, should not be "hid under a bushel," from tho rost of mortals. As tho Dispatch is a Rcpjblican paper note or comment "s unnecessary. An Extra Session. Tho President has issued his proclamation convening an extra session of Congress on the 4lh of J uly next, to consider and determine upon such measures as tho publio safety and interests may demand. A number of States havo not yet chosen their represen tatives to the next Congress, and iu thoso Statos where tho regular elections do not occur until after the 4th of July, it will be necessary to take immediate steps to fix an earlior day. Tho President also calls upon tho militia of tho several States, to tho aggregate number of seventy-five thousand, to aid in re-possessing tho forts and other property which havo been sei zed from Iho Union. It is underttood that tho Government will immediately direct all its energies towards re-taking Fort Sumpter ; and iu order to do this a largo force will be necessary to capture tho batteries commanding it. Increase of the State Deht. The Bedford Gazette says : When Gov ernor Packer went out of ofSco, tbo Stato debt amounted to about 828,000,000. To this tho present Legislature have added the sum of 812,000,000, as follows : By tho lato act for tho commu tation ot tho lonnago l ax the Penn'a 11. H. has got off tho Stato the sum of 50,000,000. Hy relcaso for Tonnage Tax already duo 700,000 Hy release of Sunbury and Erio D. 11. llonds 3,000,000 By endorsement for tbo Gen. cral Government 2,000,000 Increase 812,000,000. Grand Fuani or Fuoitive Sla ves. Ciiicaoo, April 8. Ono hundred and six fugilivo slaves loft this city, last night, for Canada, via tho IN. ichigan Southern and Northern Indiana railroad. It appears that over one thousand fu gitives have arrived thcro since last fall, most of whom havo left sinco tbo recent arrest of five slaves by the United Statos marshal. Detroit, April 8. About throe hun dred fugitive slaves, principally by way of Illinois, have passed into Canada at this point since Saturday. Largo numbers are reported to ba on tuo routo lor tbo samo destination. Many of those unfortunato creatures aro entirely destitute, and much suffering is anticipated, notwithstanding the cfiorts being mado lor their relief. iireese. of - KrC. M. 11 It. tlarvav nn.l all On tho llili Init., by Ilcv. J. Thomas. Mr. Wm. If. io Mint Kate sjomuun, or aiul 'III Ult.. hY J. L. Ranelc. Em . Air. U. C. Harvey and Alias Auna SI, Smith, both of Woodward tp, DEATHS. At this pi sco. on the Dili inst., itilaut sou of Charks E, and Harriet Frnier, and grandson cf Wm.RobinsouJ aged lt days, I In IIughasTilla. on ths eth inst. Mi's Henrietta Mas srav "my uauKuicr m pk Aaioa uuizrove, azeii u I ears. 8 months and 21 days. Special Notice 4 A CARD TO THE LADIES' Dr. Duponco's Golden Pills for Fimalcs. Infalmti lit crrictttg, nguUtlng arid rtmnlng ell ttrHCtlOftfiriwi wnaierer iHKfifuf at apmtnuvt. Tin Combination nf Inc r orl 1c lit i In tff. ntinone6'l flolden 1'IUi are perfectly liofmle'M. They liato been ...AJ In ll.n n.lvBln nrnrlii nf nl .1 111. fllinonen ftlf OVCf thirty ycara. onu inoimnniii 01 lauic can .cb.ii .u their grrat and never falling lueceaf lit almoit every -n.o In rnrrirtlnff lrriaiilnrlt l. rullfivinff D&lnful anil diitreislnR menstruation, panirmariy ai mu cum'gu vk life. From five to ten pllli will euro that common yet dreantul complaint, inn lines, nearly u.wrj it-mmo In ih. l-n.l nlT..ra from tlila rnmnlnliit. The abOVO P It has permanently cured thousands, and will euro you If ...... V.. hn. rhav rnnnn, harm 1'ftll. on the eOlltratV they rtmove a'l obstructions, restore naturo to h prop. (.channel, and tnvlaorate lliewholo sjsteni. Ladlsi nhosn health will not permit an increase oflamily, .lit On. I Ik... nilla a.. nr VPIll i 1 H. Theso I'llls should not be taken ilurins the (list three months of prcgiiuney. as tliey aro suro t" nriag on mis carriage : but at any other time tlicy are safe. Trice, SI per bo. Bold, wholesale and retail, by O M. IIAOKNIIUCII. imjrjri'l. Polo n.enlfnr ninomsbiir?, l'a. To whom all onlcre must Im sent. Ladles I by send- Inn lllm l Hfl In flin IMnnnialflirff roit-OIUCC. tan linVO these pills sent many part of the country, (conflclentlal ly) ami "free of l'ostapo" by mail. Sold also by N. I. liana e ,o. uauvme. l- tj i niiiu',n. M.iuch t:iiunk. and bviino llruseist nevery Town and allv It. Ihrt ITntlnil Slntna. N. H. Aook nut for counterfeits, rtuy no Oolcten Tills of anil kind, unless every but is slsncd C. 1). Howe. All others ere a base imposition and unsafi', therefore, as nu valnn i-nii. Ilvna mill fii-nttM. Mil nnv notlillia lif bC' (iiihuinliiipccil out nf your Inoncy.) buy only of those who show tlio signature of r, 1). llowc on every boi, which hag recently been added, nn account of a recent counterfeit of the lills. P. II HOWB, Sole rronrlctor. New York, Dec. 22, tP00-ly. CJntnrrh! Catarrh! WlUT la IT t HOWCL-naot- Thousands of persons sutror all sorts of nnnoyanre from Catarrh. Most know what its inconvenience anu -naiilta urn. vnl hut fnv know bow It ran bp cured. It Is slninly n chronic irrelation, and olten enlargement of tnlltrifB ntul ronanmicnt tliickelilnff of tho mucous niein hranee, lining the nasal canities, frontal sinuses, anil sometimes exlcmwrtn tntotiie tnroai ana nine-, rimn this result tightness and ofti-n virtlfioe-f the head, oh. slrurted nose, or a profuse (low ofimiciM. lo.s nf smell nasal voice, and often Impaired hearing and taste. The old-school reincdle. h.uenctir been able to do anything for ft. Nasal injections and inhalations are as painful and expensive as they are generally worthless. Vet Humphreys' Catarrh fpeclnV, a simple Hitcar I'llli taken twoorlhree times per day promptly cures the milder rases cures at once all fold, lit the head, and Jadically cures, !- presuming use.llie most obstinate cases, na is prmed hy tile cip'rleneo of hundreds. 1'ricn. with full directions, fiftyrcnls perh'ix. N. II. A fill setofllumiihriiys' Homeopathic Specifics, with Hook of Direction, an I twenty ditl.-rcnt ltemcdles in lar2M lall, morocco case. S ij ditto, til p'ain case, 81 cas i of fifteen boxes, and Hook, SJ. tSingU boxes, 5 cents and 511 cents. These llpuiedies, by tho single box nr case, are sent by mall orexpress, free of charge, to my address, on re ceipt of the price. Address. Dn. T. llU.MI'HItr.V & CO No. 5ti'i llroadway. New York Bold by E. r. I.UTZ, Agent, lltocnn-bijrg.l'a. Uniformity of Prices 1 A New IVatiirdln Husliiess livery one his own Salesman I JONT.H &. CO. nf the Crasetit Ono 1'rifo Clothing Store, No. 2 U.Markctctrcet ahotcctltli, riii'ade'phia. In addition to having the largest, most varied nnd fa.hionablc stock of Clothing in Philadelphia, made ex pressly for retail sales,, have constituted every one his own salesman, by having markediii figures, mi each ar ticle at thecry lowcht price it can lit- sold for so they cannot pos ib'y vury-'iiil must buy aliltp. The good, are well sponged and prepared, and great pains taken with the making so that all can buy with the full .Keurancoofgetting a good article attlio very low est price. Alao, a largo stock nfpl.-ce geods on hand. of the late at style ami best qualities, w hlrh w ill be mailc to order, In tka most fashionable and best manner, 5 per cent., betow credit prices. Uemember the Crescent, in Markct.abova Pixtli Ftrcet No. .00. JO.NTS 4. CO. Tiik GacAT Clothimi KMroniL-M or tiik tNlov. Philadelphia possesses the most s 1 ndl.l Clothing Lm porioum in the country. It is spiciipld as regards the palatial stiucturo in which the immense hitsine-s rf thp i-stalilishmint is ronilueted.nnd it is equally splendid in rPspect to its great facilities and vait resources. Hut to its patrons its chief attractions arc, first the elegance nf tile garments for (.entlemiMi and Youths, manufac tured there; secondly, the beauty and durability ofthe matcrf'ils, and the superior excellenra of the tit, and lastly IhJ moderato prices at which thfigoo'ls are sold. Wn refer, in till, description, to none other than the llrown fUnus Clothing llatl of Ifor.lnll Ac W ilson, Noa. f03niul 0U.Chesniit street, I'hlladelphia. ir-'J'IIOM.H XV. M.VnVON. r.Pd'iv.'d IJi Prlz Mortal at tlis Woil ln Fair In I.nmlmt li-M, fnrTIU'NKa CAIirirr IlAnS, Hoots, slmr-n im-l (irnnn. lirfiit induce iiicnta are now mt'ercd In pu re baser d nf tint aliov nrti rkt. Thh U .iiiicl. the 1'irk'fnt Mork of t run Km, Cnrpct liniti., Vulic(,&c. in Tin la del ph in very rill-up for uuli N'o. iQi .M trkct Street, ono door nbm a 4tli, AjuU side NEW MILLLVEUY GOODS, roi; tlSS MARY il.MtKI.CY, would respcrtf illy inform M her customers, in Idnoiiisb'tis and tirinitv. that she has Just received from tile city an elcellcut assort mcnt of new .MIM.INr.Iir fiOOD-i, filter than ever, and iiimc calculated to ,rZS pleaso the taste nf the most fastidious. igSffc. gSta- .-'IU IU, JIUIU BIMl . Ul.riHlUII 111 Illiir. I 11 Jf -JfQ her selections nf bonnets, couseuuei tlv has tli. hst nssoitment. probably, err brought to this place. She has an assortment ot neat and handsome Hats and Caps for little Misses, all of nhich sho ran dispuso of iheap. Cite her a call before purchasing elsewhere. Shop ou Main ureel, below Market, north side. uioomsaur;. .p till at .tt.tit v tuRKbcy. XOTIOK. THU rit s of the ditfrrcnt counties and town throuchou thu Mate aro inlti-.l to rmnni lit. nr. fr.r the place at which the ntxt AN M fA Ij HTATU FA 11. rnii mi iipiu, rroposas coni.unins tnaucrmvnts and a tlv a nt. ices directed to the underMizned rommltt.T. nn. poi-tcd by tho Utecutive Comniiitec, will be rircivcd up to and inctuiiiiig May 31st next. Communications snouia oiaourcsteiitoeitncr oi tiiij nuiowinir persons; WM.CDIJII.H. Ja , joiin p. nuTiii;rki'or,D, JACOM M trill, JOHN U. Y.U'AUSM. Harrisbur?, Ta. AMOS n. KAi'l', Nort.iuinbcrland, Ta,, April 20, 7t Committer. 31 AN HOOD. nnvr lost, ind how restored. JUST Pith!i)Hd,iii a sealfd envelope, ou the nature, treatment and radical rura of spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual lUbil.ty, nervousn'ss and involuntary cinisbions, inducing impotency and Mental and physical incapacity, lty kuut. j. cu i.vnnwnt i m. n., Authorof the Kren Hook." icr. Tho world-renowned author, in this adnnr.ible I ec ture, clearly proves from his own txpeririirc that tho aw ful coohpinencos t-r Solf-abuse may be ellVctually re. moved without medicine aud without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, iiietruments rinpi or cordials pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and iTectn at, by which evry sufferer, no malt r what his coudi. tinii iray be. may rure himself cloaply, privately and radicalty. This lecture will prove a buoii to thousands and thousands, tent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post nnid. oil tllJ rec im of tho two no at ace Httimm. t,v addn'soiiifT Or, CI1. J. Kl.INC, 1.'? liowiry, N, V. op jo oi wm t'owtonice box 1,58(3. A PAIR OF ItKAIi KOULTlGil. AMD ONE WITHOUT A MATC, 1st. Tub Paper Neck Tie. f Patent annlled for.) This Tic ja made entirely of nom-r. in 100 different styles, and in perfect imitation of ilk and other fabrics. The price is so low that a gentleman may nearanrui tie retry day, und yet net be chargeable with extrava pancc, or one Tic ean bo worn 3 to 0 days, if necessary to economise. 2ud, The .Relief Tie. This is doubtless tho most perfect silk Tie ever in vented, and Is Just what the nam t implies, a perfect Itelief from all further trouble in ting bows. 3rd. The Lace Edge Tie. An exiuiiitely beautiful article it has only to be seen to ba admired, SMITH &i BKOinVEIl, solo Manufacturers. No, 3ti Warren street, N, V. N, II. Wo sell to Wholesale Jobbers only. Country merchants can order our goods of any Wholesale House wiih whom they are dealing. apCO lim THE OP THE LADY ISLE Bv MR 9. SOIJTIIWOnTll. Complete in one larsc volume, neatly bound in cloth for 61 23: or two tolumca, paper cover, for 81 00 The publishers take great pleasure iu being able to present to the American public, another new work by Mrs. HoulHworlh. She is excelled by no UWn; female writer, y noever rcaas mo nrst page, is sure to be enp ried on tn the last. Her style is free from insipidity on one hand, and bombast on the other; and though we meet with forcible, we aro never inrtleil with inflntpd language. Her characters aro rarely under, but never overdrawn. Her scenes are life pictures, drawn from incidents founduil on facts, and liertenituiei.ts aro char acurizeuny singular purity both or conception and expression. Sho has tho rare faculty of saying what she means, and ef sating it In such a manner as that her meaning cannot b iniiutcrprcted. In short, she ios sesses in on eminent degrca thoje tualifleations wliirh aro tlm peculiar prerogatives ef a good writer; while f ho dtlijlits the reader inugination wiih her descrip livo ucauty, sho applies home truths to his understand ing with iho force of rational rrnvirlou. Tho "Lady 'i mo i in nut uu inunumicfii &i inoflQ W no exam ineittobo her best work. This is sutticlem to com. mend it to tho pernsal, ami we anticipate lor itanun. wanted popularity. 1'or fuUby all Uooksctlcn and News Agents all over tho United States. Copies of cither edition of tht above work will btf sent to any person, to any part of the United Slates, free of postage, on th'ir remitting tho price of tho edition they may wish, tn tho publisher, in a Mier, Address all or ders to receive imjnediate n (. rr.iti.euA fc luuj., aprfV0. 30tt thesout Mrtct, I'hil'a. OF VIDOOQ, Tilt rftlUClfAti AOKNT OP TUB FRENCH rOLICE. sinncn as iiin.ry. And Translated fiom tho Original Krencli, Frpressly for this t'.dttlon, with Illustrative. Engravings, from Original designs by Crulksliank, lt Is published complete In ono large, dnodcclrjio volum OI ncarrn umiuicu ages, uuuv u.h ..... . paper cover, price. 1 00 1 if handsomely bound in ono volume, cloth pries, tl S3. Asa place of Autobiography, the puaent wor bit ono of the most Interesting and powerful nsrrstl reaver n.anu a I ,, all 1 a t f IIS rM I If S. W UI t H BIHII1D ,1 ! Un,( penned, itepiete witn astonisning ineiueni aim n..inu live moral, It affords for tho lovers of tomance all thai tho wildest tasto could desire of hair breadth ""' Imminent dangers, tunning Horrors, anu puwcnui scriptlsn. for tho amateurs of fun, there are sketches as comic as humor can devise 1 and for tlis reductive reader, who. not content with the mots detail of events, searches Into tho motives and philosophises on tn i. ...... L .....a n.a nr btlPfitliV nf lllR hlllllSn mffld. Herein will bo found ample scops tor his moitrrisdalta. livo musings. TOtnoso WHO may assert nisn u.Bua.,.. of His norsonal deeds and perils of Vidoci, ,w sutgost this plain fact liono of them have ever been contradict ed , and yet many of the persons whom he has handled with sctcrity, and spoken of in no very measured Urmt aro still lliing, and would, doultlcsi, be too happy to refula the charges alleged, did not truth forbid denial. Of Ills wonderful and multiplied escapes and adven turcs, we are P7iianv asrureu ; as no man m ma b --- would glvo fictitious descriptions of what could be. easily disproved, if false. It Is tne molt wonqerrui bok ever printed, and should bs read by sll. . Copies of either edition of this work wld be sent to any n-rson iu any pai. u, urn wi.i.wu ... ----- ago, on any one retaining the price to the publishers, In Published and for sale at the nookselllng and rubllsh. Ing establishment of T. n. rKTKRSO.Tfc 1IROS. ap"il 21 No.autl Chestnut St., mlalX DIOKBN'S SHORT STORIES. Contailiing TUIrtyno Btoriss, written oy wnsrus Dickons, and never befurs published in this country I'rinud from tho advance sheets from London, from the edition to bo published thtre in a few days under tin editorial supervision of vir. Dickens himself. This vtlume contains somo ofthe most delightful writings of this favoilte author, and ihs voluuis must hitve nn immense salt. ... . Two editions arc published, ono In a largo ottaso vol., paper cover, price 50 cents, and another in one large duodecimo vol., bound In cloth, pries SI 25, uniform with tin otu.r editions ol Dicksn's Works published llooksfllers, News agents arid ell rthers will please. snd on their orders at onco for what thry ot cither of the above editions, bolh or which will prove U bo or great popularity and command large sales. Cni.iis ol the above book will be sent to any one, le any place, at once, free of postage, on. remitting the prlie ,0 the publishers. T. D, Tt.TERSON it BROi., , p50 t 311(1 Ch.'stniil St., l'lul'a ttoriss. written bv IM Sprin and Summer. J. SLOAN, HAS just received, direct from Philadelphia and New York, a very choice assorlmf nt of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, almoft every new fabric wlilch has been manufacturM for Hpnrtu and Bummer, as well ni tbo Uitia. naortmet.t of STAPLE GOODS of uperlor qualitiui v. Ill be found in variety, mid M price low at inular goodi can hi purchased elm.wl.cre. ... It it an easy matter to find poodi nt a low priec, but as a ctuvral nils, thpy are just as low in quality. But la ert n Good article at a very low price i pomr thing ra(i, Sudi nn opportunity, bovscfer, ! offered to any h may want ........... Ditr goods, aROCt.nni aunsnwir., nut. C" fall and pee. 3 COUNTRY I'RODUCK wX: NTED. RsOomtbiirK, April 20, lcXl. PI100LAM A I ION. WIinitlMa, tin Hen. Warrki 3. WooDWARff. I'lfiil ilont of Hie Court of Oyer and Terminer aud Gun rral Jail IK-llmy. Court of Uuarter BeBuiot. of Ih rente and Court of Common rieas and Orphan's Court. In tilts Sotli Judicial District, composed of the count jo of Columbia, Sullivan and Wyoming, and the Hon. Jauis r.VAns and Stei-hei Haipt, Associate Judges f Columbia county, liae issued their prctrpt, bcarixic date the ill. day of Jan., In the year of our Lord one thousand tight hindrcd and sixty one and to me directed for lioUinR ar court oi uyer ani iir.iuni r unti liim-rai jan oeitviry, (Jsneral Quarter Sessiuiis if tlio I'eace, Common YUh mid Orohan'B Court, in Hlomniburc, la thu countv i-f Colmnbia, on tho first Alomlny, (being the Cth day) of Alay, next, anu to coimnuo one wren. Notict; is herchv civen. to tho Coroner. Iho Justices f-f the IVarc and ConrtabU's ofthe said county of Columbl that thfy be then and there in tlx'fr proper persons at ju tffiocK in ma lorenr-oii oi sai maj , n inuir recruv, inquisitions nnd other rein nd-rancu to du those things wliich to their ollices tippi'itain tu be done. And tbosi that are hound hy recognisance, to proscrutc n(ainrt tho prlsunnrs that are nr inty bu in the Jail of raid county or Uo.-im'uja to be then find tlieru to proiucuts litem as shall bs just. Juror are rcjucf-ted to be punctunl in their at tendancr1. nprccabl) to their notices. Datod at l:t.uiis b irg, the 25th day of March, in the year of our iiorJ ono thousand iptit hundred and ihty-oee, and in the cighiy flflh ) car of tlio Independence of the United males of Amt-'rica. ((Jod save the Commonwnltb.i April '-.0, ItCI. JOHN HNVPHR, SktriJ. PUBMO KOTI0B lOR LICKXSE3, VJOTICr, is hereby civHi that the following prrsoni ii in Columbia county hae tlkd their ptlitiorw in tb Court of Qunrtcr Hi-ibiohs, of the said cunty, Uf Tar cm and Store I-irensts in their respective lowmtiipit, which snid petitions ba prs nied to thu said Court on Monday, tho Cth day rf May, A. U., Ibtil, of which all nurtiea interested will take notice, ami the Liwid-s will be crantfd on Wednesday, the eth day of Mar Anidicants. Townships. Ii I on at Wm. ti. Koons, Tavern, John Lcacock, " Kbrt tiagcnbuch, Ulncr A. Jaeoby, Frederick Nicely, Lewis Enke, Hiram Smethers, J. J.PtilcB. Samuel McIIeory, " C. l. Nelle, 1 L. Shumnn, " F.K. Wohlforth, llrnben Wascr, Henry fiablc, John Groer, " W. A. Kline, (J. I., Slioemaker, " John Ii. Hunt, Joshua Womcr. " Isaac llhoades, Isaac Fahringor, Jncob Veager, Wahin(ion Veager, H.init-1 Heinbold, Samuel Iteiuby, A. K Smith, John Keller. ' Isaan Vcttcri M JuhnNuss, Emaniitil Conner. " WHittenhcnder it O II Willitor, J. F, 1 letter ich, Alex, llugh;s, Jacob Cood, Samual Lvcratt, O.W, Hntr.nan, Daniel Mcllcnry, I). L. Evcrhart, " Williard C. Creen. reterShug, . Win. Lung, Enoch HowqI), A.J. l.vans, Store. K.U. Menagh, Hanicl McKerman, J. It, Jones, Win. L. Kline. J. S.Urobst Jaeub Wcittler. n nrlck Can ton Hriarereelt Pnaver Conyng ham CrMiwi0'l Hfialock. Loeusl Cst'aTlssa Madison ViSl.i Mains Mt rieasaat Orango Fisblngerttk Seott Conyng litn CatUwlna Samuel Wottcnbadcr, I'rothonotary'i Office, Bloomsburg, May 8, 18A1, JACOB EVEELV, cfwfc. PUMP MA K IN G ; TIIE underngned iuforni the public generally that they have formed a co-partnership, and will comm. ue the business of Pump making and repairing, in all their various departments, in liloomsburg, where they w ill promptly attend to alt orders in their line of busi ness, whether in town or country. Well and Cistern Pumps, with leaden ripe, made in tho best stjle of workmanship, on moderate terms, and on very abort notice. Prom their long experience in the business, snd an earnest deslro to have their work commend itself to tho public, they feels confident thev can make It an object to those who may give them their custom and rendar gene ral satisfaction. jowv CRUTCHLEV. JOI1V CULP Ul oomsbarf, Ap rll 13, 1S61, 3ro J NORMAL INSTITUTE. TIlETblril Bt.s Ion of the present Academic year ! tho OratiscWIlo Aeadcmj and Normal Instnule, wtl open en Tuesday, the 53d day of April, 181. For information in record in .in.,... tee circular of January 31st. or address Oranjirllle, April 1, UC1. J. A. SHANK, Principal. SHERIFF'S SALE. BV virtue of a writ of rtniulni npenm. in me d. reeled, issued oul of tho four! or Common Pleas i.f Uolumbla county, ill be eiposed Io public sale at the Courl House, In Bloomsburj. on Monday, the 6th day of 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the fUoi( described properly i All thai ce Main tract of land, situsls In Burarloal fonnshlp, Lolumbia county, bounded and described as follows, to it ;On tbe North by lands nf raniuel llall, on the East by lands of fcinelme Llnara and others, on the South by land of James Lcanard, and on the West by land of Edward Hughes, conlatnlni Betenty lbree 'yrc strict tneasuree, fifteen aciea of which are cleared land ; on which are erected a One Etosy On ellio; House, and a Lot liaru with the apnutlenaucea. Bei3 taken in Execution and to be sold as tbe property ofO. . . J011S tJNVDKU, Bhiriff. Illoomslurc, April 10, 1861. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby riven, that the annual niMtlnf of the Stockholders of thu Uloomaburr iron Company will bo held al Iror dale, Columbia couity, on Thursday Hie 30th day ol May next, for Hi. purnos. of .lectin; Director,, and for the transaction nt other business. '(Hit JOSEPH PA.VTON, PreilJcnt MEMOIRS