srf &jgricultttrc. Writo for this Department. Wo want tho readers (farmers) of our Agricultural Department to write. Thero is not a subscriber to the Columbia Dem ocrat, who cannot communioato some thing of interest to its readers. Many aro dctarrcd from communicating their thoughts and experiences to tho paper for publication, through distrust of their abil ity to write for tho press. Let no reader of this department make any such plea. If you have anything to say, (and wc know you have, every ono of you, send it along, however homespun or brief it may be, if written plain, and on one sidu only, of the paper, rest assured it will assume a propor shape beforo it gets through the printer's hands. Action of Ma.urf.s. Tho mechani cal of physical action of barn yard manure upon the soil to which it is npplied,aflbrds a very pleasing and important tubject of study. It is ono of those beautiful effects produced by tho simplest agent, but which until fully understood, seems inexplicable. Thus we find that manure, under certain circumstances, gives to sandy soils increas ed stability and consistency. On tho oili er haBd, wo find it rendering tenacious, clayey soils mora mellow and friable. Uut these two opposite results aro not produced by manures in tho samo condition, or tho same state of decay. Tho farmer who do sires to render a sandy soil lnoro firm, would scarcely select as tho aeent, fresh. strawy manure, for tho siinplo reason that tne rigidity ot tho straw would produce re sults the very opno-i'o of thoso we- soucht. AVell rotted manuro should bo apnlicd to sandy soils for this purpose. Tho soil needs comprassing, and well-rotted manuro is a very eflicient agent for this purpose. On stiff, tenacious soils, the strawy manuro is what is wanted. It renders them more open and friablo, admits tho free passage oi ram anu aimospuero, ana in a variety of ways promotes fertility and caer man agement. These thoughts aro not now, tnougn they possess a bighiinportanec.and 'ought to be understood by every farmer. "Sweetninq'' Cur Hay for. Cows. A correspondent of tho Homestead, in an account of a noted milk farm near Hartford, says tho farmer, Mr. Gates.cuts most of his hay in winter, moistening it, J t.-.. l. k. ;. ...:.i. . t i . uu tuviuuguij iuiaiu lb mill a LUIU swill of rye, corn and cotton-seed meal, and water, allowing tho mans to lie from ono iaeding time to another, to swell and sweet en before using. "I say sweeten, not turn four ho feeds before it comes to that." Tho writer thinks tho process analagous to ihat undergone in a sour apple, which "if brui-ed on the side, the juice of that ppot becomes decidedly sweet in a short time the Baccbarinc ferment, couvcrtion of starch into sugar, and all that,'' taking place. To Avoid a Cold. Change the stock ings as often as they become wet from nor. ppiration. Avoid cold draughts of air upon any part ot tho body, ot unequal temperature from any cause, such as evap oration of moisturo from wot clothes' on a , - , ,. . . . Tiortion 01 tne Tierson. i nn rlnrmnr-. wot nil owr nls nr-irli-ettiro nf I ail Over, IS less productive Ot COldS than WUi;u IlUTtiy WUb. XOU iniCUl miim naKCU , into a snow bank and not take cold, but xeeievo serious injury from immersing only a band or foot in tho snow, whilo tho rost of the body is kept warm. Unequal tem perature upon different parts of tho body, disturbs the circulation of tho blood and E reduces & cold. Tho best precaution, owever, is to keep the system vigorous by temperance, agenerous diet of digestible food, and plenty of sleep. now to Get Early Tomatoes. Sirs. S. D. Kendall, thus writes to the boutaern l-ieiu and Ixrtsvle, A good lareo turnip is better than anv bet bed for propogating tomatoes. Jut on the top and scoop out to a shell three-quarters of an inch thick. Fill the cavity with rich mold, plant half a dozen seeds, and placo tho turnip in a box of iuuu, jccjj ni u. warm vy au ca-i inuow, if possible, and sprinkle with tepid water every day until there is no longer any danger from frost, then remove tho turnin to the outdoor bod, and thin out all but one plant. Should tho turnip shell put on shoots pinch them off, and tho shell will soon rot. afording a fertilizer to tbo tomato plant il.. :ri .1 -i i-i i f ,. r . iuui, win genu u aacaa wonucriu'iy. A dozen turnips thus lonuttaizcU will afford an abundant supply of early tomat ics for au uxuiuury lamiij. Peaks os Quince. Pears grafted on Quince, require deep rich coil. Many fail ures have occurred, and much disappoint ment has been occasioned by planting dwarf pear trees, in the absenco of a propt er knowledge as to the treatment they de mand. Pear culture on this system is not for thoso who plant a tree as they do a gate post, and who look upon the after treat ment of both in tho same light, viz : leave them until they decay, and then plant another, grumbling all tho while about the absurdity of this modo of raising poars. When planting the trees, placo some light soil around the roots to give them a start. Cover tho wholo of tho Quinco root and about an inch of tho pear stem with soil. The quinco will throw out roots freoly from any portion of the covered surfaco, if healthy therefore deep planting, so long as tho soil is in proper condition, is not in this case injurious. If the roots are stumpy and destitute of fibres, cut several upward slips on various parts of their surfaces, to encourago the emission of roots. Farmer anil Gardener Oilev. Our, '"devil" says, he beard tne young Jady who has "surfaco oil indiostions about her kitchen," faying that there was no speculation in tho young men round about hor, for none has yet noted to securo a "Bito," much lcs 7I dolT k.J "sinkino- a shftft., PA U - I. O N coal uil ni'iiNinis lA.urs rou nun y i so i coal, KcntwcNi;. "R 'mrhon ott.s. THE best, tnntt Militant, and cheapest pollablo liflt tinnr lit use. Nn ilaiiffcr r explosion and rlitnpir thin ttaiJ latil nil, lleli nil or cniiipfieno, WrKUUAI. 10 UAN.-wm Without tho expense of gin rixltirca. TIM nhovo Lamp. (Willi all their fancy trlniiuinis) can lie seen and bouclit at the ni I established limit ami rhcmicnl Store if lhc undersigned, wnnn.itti'rs liiin.cirihnl from li I a long ex perience In the Drug trade, ha knot t how anil where to buy, and Is determined not lo he undersold by any one In llloomsburg, or surrounding country, Call and sea his new and well selected stoik of . oiiuiiv vhhuhiils i !mu i.' 11 i:,m iija i.h . paints VARNISHES. DVI.RTUfF.I. OILS GLASS FIIOM 7!lti543lt, CUVFECTIOVA. HUM, FEKFUMUItV 'NU F.1MJV 'ton i:r. AR. TITLES FOR LADIIM.fc HINTS. TO n AC CO AND CIGJIItS. Asl'd Urands, I'ateut Medicine of every variety In ubs l.iinom, (pure) for medicinal use only, Plutd.Camphrno Cnrbott Oil, Turpcniinn nnd Alcohol, Tnif tcs, Shoulder (traces and Abdmnlnil fuppnrtors, Surgical timl Jhn tnt Instruments, Sash nafl and tooth llru lu Id, Co mo he rt phrcys HoiiKTpnthie Remedies, Garden, Canary Rapo and Hemp seeds. Thermometers, proof glasi Morocco liCnttiL-r and ghrw Findings, &c &c, together with the Urgent and morl varied assortment of German Toil and YANKEE NOTIONS, -ver brought to this place, all of which please call and see and you muvt biliev e. Havlnc learned by sad riperlenra that "Inns credit! will nut keep things moving 1 have determined to torashbuycrs, to make It nn object to them an well . ....,,,., ... .... ..... the j-el cr. to deal on the miti principle, either money or ready trade. 1 1 at In it tviail a rnoulnr innnnl I cc.1i t n tit tlm Tims ' Hating served a regular apprenticeship at the Drue nnd Apnth cary business, besides having carried It on inrin last f-ijni.'en jears, on my own hook, i natter in) a -If tint I am abl'i to do Justice to all gi in? mo a trial. Tin nkf 1 1 to the public for past favors, 1 would akn trial on tlu new principle, and will guarantee to alMhit ll will make long friends, and pay best In the end to pay rash and buy at reduced prices. I'll YbtUlANd KIL'L'LONS carefiilly mm pounded, and allorderi correctly answered. ai nicuicmss guaranteed ni recoiiim"nucu, more uomn on Slain Street, near Market. next door to the Post Of fice, Uloomsburg, Columbia county, Fa. August 4, leco. GRAND ATTEMPT TO HUMBUG FAttMEttS. SOME persona must think Fanners aro Fools, or they would not hare the iiunudcnri- noil audacity to use thu nnuie of Frenrjitld for fhe purpose of deceiving the public and makiti? capital out of his name. Any per sou or persons who use my name in nny hapc, form or inauuer.on f iiotv rnrus or aiu mm in selling bogus articles, bo it Ycpetablo Cattle Fonder, Cattle Liniment, ileal it Powder, or anything else, isn down, right impoKter, and deserves to be so considered by an enlightened community, being the author, dl.rnverer, sole mnnufnrturer, and compounder of nlltlie celebrated Cnttlo Medicines formerly prt pared bylilin for llreinig, Froneneld & Co., from llicir llrst introduction to tho time of their dissolution. Dr. FllONBFIULl) feels an honest pride In protecting tho public, and Farmers in particular, from further dectpti.n from buying useless and humbug mixtures put up by Tom, Uick and Harry, without a pnrtlrlo ofknoufedge or experience In such matters, depending entirely on his name to mnke them sell. To nut a stun to such dishouorjlilo tricks. I linvo determined to put my written signature on each pnrk of the Vegetable Cattle Powder, and encii bottle of Cattle Liniment, and all my other preparations, as I expect soon lu see inuiii nil counierieneu. LOOK HEFOltK YOU MIV. My slgnaturn will bo n guarantee for those who want louuy a pure unu genuine nritcie prepnrcu in a scieuil Ac manner. Manufactured only by nit. FltOVnFlELI). At the old stand. No. 3IT N'orth 3 1 Pt.. Phlladclnhla. For aale by UK. C. a HAKUU, Main and UeKalb streets, norrlstown. Agent February 2, ISM 3m IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS, rUDMSHUn BV D. APPLETON ic CO. 443 awl 443 Urotuhcati New York. The following vrorkinre scntto6iihcribcriinany part of the country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by mail or cipr.Mii prepaid: TIIC NEW AFRICAN CYCX-OP.F.DIA: A popular Dictionary of General Knowledge, lldited hy GtnaoE KtPLkT and (i!ARl.ia A. Dana, aided Itv a numcroua e leet corps of writer' in all tranches ofScicncicB, Artnnd Literature. Thia work li bclnff pntilished in about J5 large octavo roluinet, each coutoinins 750 two colmn pages. Voir. 1 to XI Inclusive, are now ready.eacli contalnlntr near 2.5ihi, ongi. al articles. An additional volume wil' bpublintied onco In about three months Trlec, In Cloth, 3 ; Bheep. $3 l) ; Half Mor., $4 ; Hair Russia, 51 50 each. The New American Crrlonxdia is nonular without see. Ing superficial, learned but not pfd.ttilc, comprclienfive but suPciently detailed, free from personal pue and party prcjudiic, freli and yet accurate. It Isn rotnpletc siaieinciii oi an mni is muih ii iinni every niiporiannop ic with tlio vcopu ofliuman iiitelligtiicc. Kvtry import, ant article In it lias bcenrpcrUily written for its pagtts by men who are authorities upon the topic on which they sp'Jftk. Tliey aru repjlred to briog the subject up to the present moment to state jiift how it stands voir. All the statistical Inforui.itioiris from the tatest reports; the pcopraptural accminu keen paca n ith the latest explora tions; hist'trical matters include tho freliestjuit icws the btoftrapiucai nonces inn tuny speaK oi mo ac&a, but aim nf the living. It Is n library of itself. AaRlDOTMENT OF THE DtDATK OF CoNdREtrS t Jlcng a. political history of the United States, from tho orfiumxa linn of the first Federal Coherers In 1769 to 1850. Kdit ed and coir piled by Hon, Tuoxas II. Hkkton from the Of n-ini rternni. of Consress. The work will be complied In 13 royal octavo volumes f;aipaScscacli II of which are now ready. Ail addi. "Onai vu,i,i,u ,,u...,..i in uiri; oiuiiuia. Cloth. S3; l.nw bheep, SJSU: Half Mor, 94 1 Hutf Calf SI each. A WAY Ut I'UUiJUKlMi l'llli UVULUliiUIA, OR Form a club of four, and remit the price of four books, and five eanics will be rent at the remitter's cxitense for carringe.or for ten subscribers eleven copies will be sent ai our expense lor carriage. TO AGENTS No other works will so liberally rcwrrd the exertions of AgeDts. An Aatax Wanted in this County. Terms made known on application to the Pub ishcrs. Nov. 34, DA OA INS I BA U GA INS . NEW FALL AM) WINTER GOODS. BBADnrS (SHIT TTTOULD respectfully Inform the citizens of Lleh V V Btrect and vicinity that th;y hao just received a new ami extensive arsmmeni 01 UllY UOOUS ANU GROOEHIES. which they will sell rhiap for cntli. They have a large and general variety; all that is commonly found ins Country Htore, and are determined to sell cheap. To the selection of their goods th"y have paid tvtrict attention; l lie re tore, tncir uierciiauuizo w 111 uear recuuitiienuation i nnH il-iII tiriu-A tn l..t fifths ilrt pIsbii ' The proprietors cordially solicit a liberal share of pat rouagc. Customers would do well to call and examine their general variety before purchasingelscwhere. Country produce taken In exchange for goods at the highest market price. MARTZ It. ENT, Light Street, November, 3 16G(l. GILL & PAUL, General Commission Merchants, DEALERS IV Fish, Provisions. Flour, liuttcr, Cheese, Oils, Dried Fruits. Grain, Seeds, lleans. Whiskey, Wool, Country Produce and Merchandise generally. No. 34 North Wiiarth, Philadelphia, tT7" Consignments of Provisions. Flour nnd Cminfrv Prodnm Miticited. and returns promptly made. Cash advanced when desired. OUhKHH f,,r all kinds f t Fish, Provisions, Flour, Drk-d Fruits, tec. filled at the lowest Cath Prices. Auju.t 4, Jrlrt)--;m. NKW MLAOKSMITH SnOI Tim underrUnnl resnecttully Informs his friends and old cuttmm-rt that he has opened a khoii on Mali Htrut, a few iloori above the Fork's Hotel, In Ltlooius burg, where he drtipus continuing the SMI I MING HU81NKSS, In all its various brandies, at low prices, and on an en Id red scale, and solicits the public patronage. Produce, drain, 4tc, centrally taken for work, MILKS C. AUHO'FT. Illooin.burj, MayS, LEATHER, LEATHER. SOLE lioathcr. and all other kinds of Leathers, Mo roccos, Lining and Uinding, for sale cheaper than thecheapestbyiheundersisuedatbia Tannery Estab lishment, In Lficht Street, Columbia co Pa., ALSO A Inrxe quantity of Mastering Uatr, dry and In good con dition, cheap by the bushel or barrel. il- tun paiu ior niues. J. W. SANKEV. LI jht Street, Jan 5, lPni-3m. WINK AND LIQUOI.S. WHOLES A LE AND RETAIL. nPIirj understated, havlntr onened n Kw Ktnr nn X Main titrett, a few doors gouth of Iron Btrcet. Uloomsburg, and stocked it with tho best Ilrands of atl kinds of imported liquor , will bo happy to supply the trade on the irost accommodating terms aud at unusually low prices. ' DJ- Public Custom is rcspuclfully ini IteJ. uloomsburg, July 7, 1SG6. Jig tut, THIS WAy OIIKAP BUYERS. RI.OOMSDURO cheap cash Store, again replenished Hltli a fresh slock of si'RI.yo (loous-we aro niw prepared to otfer to the public a very handsome lot v, cpring .iiq oumuicr uouasat usual low prices, fot HEADY PAY ONLY, Come along with your cash anil produce. ,. . c- ' vv- 'lAHTJIAy. March 13, 18C0. R EADY-MADE CLOTHING can lo Dougnt cheap at trie t tics a easti stare ti. BCERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR "SrSPEPSEA-. DISEASE OF THE K.MeYS, I, IV It It SJO.tiri.AI!VT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, Ann tbe rarlotti affection eoniequent tipon a dlforJerol STOMACH OR LIVER, Pncli aa Indication. Aridity of the Stomach, Colicky Palna. Heartburn, Lwa of ppetlta, Dependency, OtwtlnmoM niind and Jileedtng Pilfn. In all Nervous, Itlieumatle, ana Neuralgic Affections, It haa In numerous fnxtanrvs froTnl Manly benenelal, and In others effected a decided enre. Thfi la a purely TegetaUo eorumn!, pre pored on strictly aclentlfle prinelplea, after the manner of the elebratol Holland rrofcKoor, Ikerhare. Itn reputation at Immo pro duccd It introduction liere, the demand commencing with tiiofle of the fatherland acatterM oTer the fnce of thh chty country, many w nom orougni wnn mom ami donn ifiV tnufltton of Its value. It it now fwl to the. American iwMie, Knotting that tU truly wonderful . . . i , T . miRhty country, many of flhom urougnt with tiieui and mHrnnl virtue t mutt In aeknoxmtitaed. ' It Is particularly recommended to thefle persons whoes conntltutlons may bare been Impaired by the continuous mo of ardent spirits or other forms of dlsnlpntinn. Generally instantaneous In effect, It finds Its way directly to the seat of tifs thrill in fr, and mikkenltiK erery nerre, raisins np the drooping spirit, and. In factf Infusing now health and Tlgor Ln the sjstem. N0T1CR Whoever expects to find this a bererflge v(,I be dl'uippolntedi but to the sick, weak and low spirited. It will prove, a grateful aromatic cordial, txMcsBed of singular remedial properties. READ CAREFULLY! The Genuine highly concentrated rtcerhave's Holland Hitters Is put up In hslfptut Inttlcs only, and retailed at On k Ioi uk iter tsottle, or six lottIes for Five Poiuas. The great demand far this truly celebrated Medicine has Induced many Imitations, which tha public should guard sgalnet purchasing. 4tT Heware of Imposition. Bee that our name Is on Uie label of every bottle you buy. Sold by Druggists generally. It can be forwarded by Express to most points, SOLE ritOPHIETORB, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. KAHUFAOTtiniSO ghnrmnceuiisfs and (fihcmisis. PITTSBURGH, PA. ForSaleliyfi. M, Ilagenbucli, Drujeist. llloiintburg To Oct. 2" IftiU. EVANS & WiV ratJN SATiAMANDI'.R flAFna, RR fllOVKn to 3U4 Chettunt Slrctt. '4 CMtnrfi above third Philadelphia, havn on ami n inrgo nssorimni oi rira Thl?fnroof Salamander H,if.-s. Isn, iron doors, for banks and Iron shutter Iron sash, all cstlwW?!ra; make of locks equal to any made tn tlm TTnlted Stntei. fire Sfe in one fr?, Ml tame out Tight; with ton tents in good eomlition. Tha Salamander Safes of Philadelphia against the world. EVANS & WATSON, have had the surest dcmostratlon In the following cer tificate that their mnuufacturo of Salanian.ter &ifrs has at length futly warranted the representations which ha. 0 been made of them as rendering an undoubted security against the terrific element. Philadelphia April 12. l&W. Mr$r Ream i It'etson; Uciitltfiiii'n-It n (Tunis us the highest satisfaction to stato to you, that owing to the very protective qualities nf two of the Salamander, Safes which wc purchased of you some five month since we savcil a large portion of jewelry, anil all our bookn, kt.t exposed to the calamlnous, fire in Kan dead placo on the morning of the 1 1th Inst- When wc reflect Ihat these safes were located in tho fourth story of the building wa occupied and that they fell subsctucntly into a heap of burning ruins, wh to tha ast conct nt ration of the luat caused the brass plates in melt, we cannot but regard the preservation of ttuir val uable contents as most convincing proof of tho great se curity afforded by your safc. Wo shall tuka great pleasure In recommending them to men of business as a mire reliance ngulnt fire. GlXHIUi; W. DlALiIUna St. UJIO,, Jeictllers. tC7"Thev havo since pnrchasjd six large Safes. Angust'iO, 1C.VJ. THF. undersigned Is nlso extensively engaged In tho ITuJrrlaLlnir Rutin.... mill koi't). ron.tnlltlv On hand nd for sale at his Warcrooins, a large assortment of FINISHED COFFINS, ny which ho is enabled to till orders on presentation Also Keens a pood Horse and Hearse, and will at al tunes ho ready to uttend Futicrels. simon c. siuvn. HI oom suitjt, January 27, 1850. SAVING FUND U. S. Trust Company. Carver of Third and Chestnut S's., Phil i. LARGCand small sums received and paid hack on demand without notice, with 1'ive rvR taxr laTER lst from the day of deposit tothu day of withdrawal. Urnca Houas From D until 3 o'clock every day, aad on Aloxnsv 1ven!-io, troni 7 until U oclock. rresldent-CTLl'llUN 11. CRAWFORD, Treasurer 1'i.ikt Fisk. Teller Jamt It. JIunttr. DIKEOTOUS. Stenhen n. Traw ford, Daniel Ik'i die man, lleiijainlii W. Tinlley, l'aul II. Goodard, M. D. Patrick llrady, James Deverenux, Thomas T. Lea, March 211, IrS9-ly. i,trrife JunMn lAIcx'er V. Hart, M, 1)., tvilliam Al. Uorfn in. II. Franklin Jackson, Fliny Fisk. TH r. 'illount llcrnou SECOND STREET, ABOVE ARCH. rmr.iitKi.PUU. II. II. EDWARDS, Prop rider. May 12, I6C0-3m. TOBACCO &. SKGARy. MARSHALL HUGHES, with as a e e n & o y m , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Maiitilnclurtd & l.f.if Tobacco, HAVANA G K K 1 A N AND DOMESTIC, SEGARS &C, N. S. Oorner of Tront and Arch Streets. AUTHOR lllOfcN. 1 jinii M. bovo. I rilll.ADELrillA, 10, ltCO-lQio. UENHY ADOI.l'irS AKIXET WKEKOOMS, No. 30 NORTH SECOVD STREET, SBUVE H.RKLT, Ono Door nliove Clirist Churrli. A General Assortment nf COTTAGE t U11X1TURE, in. cludinj C1MP MVOLS, &.C. PII1DADIJLPIIIA. May 15, Ji60-I!in. 'THE UNION," Artk Strut, Aborl TUrd. P II I A I) K I. V II I A THE sltuetlon of this Hotel renders it one of the most vlsltlnn rhiladclnhia while to thos. in searrh of nleasure. the constantly passing and repassing City Railway ears, and those lu close nroxlinltv. afford a cheanand nlesi. autride to all places of interest and amusement in or about tbe city. The proprietor gives assurance that ''Tbo Union shall be kept with such character as will meet public approbation, and would respectfully olclt, sen era I pat roneee. U1TON B NEWCOMElt, February S3, 1P0O 17m, Proprfcior. CPALDINO'S Cclolratca Prepared O n.n for sale al L. T Slurries.' che.n ca.rV8tr, TVV Mjivifi urn HOSTETTER'S i STOMACH BITTEP.Sa I It Is a rcl thai, at somo period, every mem ber ef tbe human family Is subject to disease i or disturbance of tha bodily functions) but, sritli tha aid of a good totilo and tha oxcrclte of plain common sense, they may be abla so to Tcgulata tho system as to securo permanent health. In order to accomplish this desired object, the truo count to pursuo is certainly that which will produco a natural state of things at tha least hazard of Tllal strength and life. For this purposo, Dr. Hostctter has In troduced to this country a preparation bearing his namo, which is not a new medicine, but ono Ihat has been tried for years, giving satisfac tion to all who haTO used it, Tho Hitters operate powerfully upon tho stomach, bowels, end liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, ana thus, by tha slmpla pro cess of strengthening nature, cnablo tha sys tem to triumph over disease. For tho euro of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nau sea, Flatulency, Loss of Appctilo, or any Bilious Complaints, arising from a morbid Inaction of tho Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, &c, these Bitters havo no equal. Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, to generally con tracted by new settlers, and caused prlnclpolly by tho chango of water and diet, will bo speedily regulated by a brief uso of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably moro prevalent, in all its various forms, than any other, and tho cause of which may always be attributed to derangements of tho digestiro organs, can bo cured without fail by using HOSTETTKIVS STOMACH BITTERS, as per directions on tho bottlo- For this disease every physician will recommend Bitters of somo kind j then why not uso an article, known to bo infal liblot All nations havo their Bitters, as a prc vcntlTO of diseaso and strengthener of tho sys tem In goncral; and among them all there is not to bo found a moro healthy people than i tho Germans, from whom this preparation ema nated, based upon scientific experiments which havo tended to pave the valuo of this great preparation in the ucalo of medical science. Fever and Aoue This trying and provok ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on the body of man, reducing him to a mcro sha dow In a short time, and rendering him phy sically and mentally useless, can bo driven from tho bodv bv tho uso of IIOSTETTEU'S RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, none of tho above-stated diseases can bo contracted, even in exposed situations, if tho Bitters aro used as per directions. And as they neither crcato nausea nor offend the palato, and render un necessary any chango of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promoto sound sleep and healthy digestion, tho complaint is ro moved as speedily as is consistent with tho pro duction of a thorough and permanent cure. For Ttrion) in Advanced Yean, who aro suffering from an enfeebled constitution and infirm body, theso Bitters arc invaluablo as a restorative of strength and vigor, and need onlv bo tried to bo appreciated. And to a 01117 09 irieu w uo upiirutmiw. i mother ,wnuo nursing these Bitters aro nulls- ncnsable. esnccialiv where tho mother's nour ishment is inadequato to tha demands of tho child, consequently her strength must yield, nnd hero it is whero a good tonic, such as Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart temporary strength and vigor to tho system. Ladies should by all means try this remedy for all cases of debility, and, beforo so doing, should ask their physician, who, if ho is acquainted with the virtuo of tho Bitters, will recommend their uso in all cases of weakness. CAUTION. Vfe caution tho putllo against using any of tho many imitations or counterfeits, but ask for jrOSTETTEIt'S CHEBIUIED STOMACH BlTTEnS, and sco that each bottle has tho words "Dr. J. IlostcUer's Stomach Bitters" blown on tho sido of tho bottle, and stamped on tho motalllo cap covering tho cork, and obscrvo that our autograph eiguaturo Is on tho label. tfS- Prepared and soldbyUOSTETTEItft SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa, nnd sold by all drugcists, crocers, and dealers generally throughout tho United States, Canada, South America, and Germany. Hold hy J. II. Moyrr. 1.. V. I.utz, nioomsburir ; A. Ml lrr, fcf'o. D -r" Ich ; II. F. KrichnrJ, Ksi)ttn; M. I". Oricr. Jos. Levi, A. B. Hank, tc. Cu Dunvillu. October 1, 1?5U 12m. NEW AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Si "Mr $gl&t m ffi at rite. fn v vj.' it it v Iflnin anil Iron Streets, n h, o o m s' a k a g x a llo you want SILKS I On to HllOWUIt'S Do ou wont LAVI1LLA (ILtlTIH. Go to llltOWtllt ti UoyouwantrllALI.l DKLAINLsit do to IIHOlVi:it S llojou wau.TAIII.llCOVLIISI Co to llUOWLlt'f Uo )ou nam I LOTH IIUSTUltd t Co to IIUOWLU. S Do you n ant SKIXl'.TON SKIItTd t Uo to DltOWKIt fl uo you w nut uu. tu nKii e suittTu-i'UNr)i:its t 1)0 you naut ML'dLINrtf Do) ou wont (,'ALICOF.rf! Do you wont LAWN-i t Dojou want IIAIti:GKdl Do you want Dtl IILIiLS t Dojoo uiint IIOSIl:l'.V I Do you want (il,OVi:st Goto imovEirs Goto IlltOWLlt'S Go to IIIKJWKR'S Goto llllUWlllfS Goto llltOWKIfs Goto IIHOWCII'8 GotoHltO.l LlfS Go to 'ti Go to IIKDU'nrrt l)o you want It AM)M;ui;ini;t a r D..ou want IIAItl'ETSATi.HLLS t Goto llltOWUlt'S llo)Ou want STELLA SIIAWI.Ht Goto llKOWKIfS Dojou want MOil Mil MITTS) Goto llllUWLlrs Do you waul f ILK GlRnLr.S! Go tj lIliOWLlt'.S Do you want GAUNTLl'.TS I Go to HltOWLIt'S Dijou ant CltOI'L'HF.T IlllAlDS! Go to IIUOlVLIfS Doyou nam TIDY COTTON I lo to IJIIOll'ER'S lio you wnnt r.aL..)l r rt I Do oil nnut HUN Sll Alli:rf I Doimi want t'MIIUIll.l.ASI Do oil uut t'ASSI.MElll'.S t Dj you want I'F.imlAN PLAID 1 Ho you want LIM'.N CHECKS ( Do you want IT.RDALES I l)o)ou wuut JENSf Do you want NANKEC.VSt Do you want G1M1IIAMSI Do vou want 1)UUAL-I Doyou want CURTAIN MUSLIM Do wiu want COI.'I) rA.MIIItlllS t Do you want WHITE GOODS 1 Dojou want DKMUHt Doyou wnnt P1I.ESIA t Do you want DIIILLINCS I Do )ou waiitTT' KINGS t Do you want Ill'.i KS f Doyou want LADIES' SHOES! Go to IlltOWLU'S Go to IIROWKIt H Go to IIKOIVER'S Go to UltoWElt'S Go to IlltOlVCIl'S Goto lIUUIVEItS uo to IlltDWi'it s Goto llllOWElt.S Go to IIIIOWEII'S Go to IlKOIVEIfS Goto llllOlVKICS Go to llltOWKR'S Go to tlltOWEK'S Go to IIROWEIFS Go to IIIIOIVEH'S Go to IIIIOWEII'S Go to IlllOlVElfS Go to llllOWEIt'S Go to riltOtVKll'H uo to IlltOWI lt'8 Do you want LADIES' G MTIMISI Goto IIKOWEIfS l)o you want f'llllSil GR0''EKIE8I Go to IIUOWEK'S Do you want UUEUNSWARE I Goto llllOWEIt'S Go to lIROtvnit'S Go to IIIIOWEII'S Go to IlltOWEll'S Go to llllOWEIt'S Go to MlOWEIt'S do you wnnt (.i.ArmvAiii;r Do you wnnt II MtDWAREI Do you wnnt IIRIJGS I Do you w nut I'lIIIE sri"E3 1 Do you want CUE IT GOODS t llloonubum, May 19, lrl,o. 'A Hull, hut oflfii fills Hi. pnrsi. SAViiNG FUJNDS. FRANKLIN SAVING FUNI)-No. 130 South Fourth btrect, b.-tueut Chestnut and Walnut n.iiatiMiia, pays uu ueposus on demand. Depositors' money secured by if rnment Ptate and ('itv Loans. Ground Kent it. Mortmifcd. -fer. This Com nun y deems safety better than Inr pruftti.'consfpiently will run nn risk vtith dcposi.1 Inrm' in tint V. but linva it nt nil tiiupa rpnilif tn r. with 5 per cent, interest to the owner, as they liavelc always done. Tins com i any neter suspended. m Females, inurried or single, and .Minors, can de. s poit in tlieir own rijtht, and such depisits can be G Charter nt'iiutual. Incornorated bv tlieStntA of- IVntiiiylvnnia, with authority tu recehu money f from trustees uud Hxecutors. IJIM1E AM-I) SMALL SUMS ItECEtt'En. O tii co vnen daily from M to 3o,tloik. und uu Wed. nesuay evetuug uum s o'ciock. DIRECTORS. Jacob It. Shannon, C)rus Cadwalluder, John ShindUr. Georco Russell. Malachl W, tloan, Ldward T. Hjntt, Lewis Kruiubharr, Henry Dtlanv. Nicholas Rittenhouse, Nathan medley, Jus. II. tiutherthwaite, Ephnaiu Btati chard, Josttph I.I i ti in cott. JACUH II. SHANNON, Trsldent, CYRUS CADIVALLAUUR, Treasurer. March U, lr3J- Win. 11 A Dollar save'S la'rw1cTewrneTl.M Nov H Tm, r-INGEU'S ESTA1II.ISHMENT nir tbo liberality witli which the Tulitie alusy. have lm th. lih P.trwiiieil Henry .unpinmr, (come see his tood home) heintaus toshow hl.ernlliuifo by Wflsr facts not lu empty words. Ills ambition ii not so uiucli to make mon. ej ui to occupy (4 btstorh of the beet shops, and to be generally appreciated as otic of thebekt workmen. Forcive liiui tills indulfencej ha sit nil try tu (tlrcrt it well. Of coure, tie laborer whether with head or hand is woftnyor ms hire. New Watches, new Clocks. a lot of aeod Jewelrv.a full a u Or (merit nf llniaf for Wiitrhi. Iiialdw unrl niifiMn .n.l f'llr .IminUns. . 1 monand silver framed spectacles; glassts for spectacles to suit when no spectacles will t Sewinf Mschinea two .fiT.'SUT, ' tCl4tC"" oa ,e""'' "" '""""b, ",. I fttnnm.v..,.. t. t ient "4IE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK. hiodi:rn :ooki;uy. IN AIX ITS BRANCHES. MISS ELI HA AOTON. CAREFULLY RtVIlID ST MRS. 8. J. HALE. It MU 3m llowtochospeRllklnrfi'ofMeals.Ponilry and Game.witn atl tlio vnrlous and most approved modes of dressing and cooking lifer ftnd Pork ! alio the best nud Im plcstway of salting, pickling and curing (tin nm. H7tlt$ Vv All the various and most approved modes ofurcising, cooxing, nn.i nomng diuuou I,anib, Veal, Poultry and Game of all kinds, with thn different Dressings, Ora vies, and Stuirtngs appropriate tn each. It Teltt Yen How to rlmose, tlenn, and preserve FUli of nil kinds.and how to sweeten it when tainted i also nil the various and most approved modes of cookfng, with the different Pressings, fauces, and Flavor Ings appropriate to tacit. ivttt You All tin- i-nrlmi urn) mrtst nnnrnved model of preparing over fifty ditlVrtnt kinds of Meat, ISrotlis, and Piews, with thu rcl If lies ami Sraaoninga appropriate tn each 7 1V All tlio various and most approved mdcs of cooking Vcgetnldss of e ery descrlp tlon.alno how tn prepare l'ickles.tiatsups and Curries of all kinds, Potted Meats Fish, Game. Mushrooms. &c Tt tilt Yen All the tnrious and most ftppmvcd.modcs of preparing and conking nil kinds o Plain and fancy'itddiugs. Om Mrtte' Fritters. Cakes Confectionary. Preserves, Jellies, and sweet dishes of every neicrlptlon. It Ttlt$ ? All the various and most approved modes of mnhlnir llread. Husk. and Itisrult, thu best mtthod of preparing Cniffc. Chocolate Jrand Ten, and how to make Syrups, Cordials, and Wines of various kinds, it 7Vs rM How to set outnnd ornament n table, how to Carve nil kinds offish, flesh or Fowl, and in to so simplify Iho whole art of Cooking as to bring tho choicest luKiirics urine muic wunin cv rrvboilv's reach. The bonk contains 4lfJ pages, and tin ward t of twelve hundred Recipes, nil of which arc the results of actual eupcricnc. having been fully and carefully tested under the personal superintendence of the writers. It Is prin ted in nrlear nnd open type, is illustrated with nnpro prinlu engravings, and will he forwarded to any address, neatly biutnd, and postage paid, on receipt of the price. 9iuu, or inTioin, extra, $1000 A YEARS " ing men eve rvn here. In setlins the above work, onr inducement to all sut h being very liberal. i nr single copies oi the hook, or tor terms iu ngunis, vt ith oth-r information, nppty l or address JOHN U. FOTTF.Il, Puh'Micr. No, 617 Hnn-uiii Street, Philadelphia, Pa. November 3, lfGO (Iin VO YOU WJIKT milSKKHS I DO YOU II'MT milSKERS t DO YOU IVANTJt MUSTACIIF.l DO rOU HHAT- MUiTMIWI Ilciliiigliniii's Celebrated STIMULATING ONGUENT, 2V the Wliiikcrs and Hair. I-lin suliscrllters tiko )ileaHrc In nnnnunclnft to the Citizens of tlie United Mutes, that thuy have oli tallied thu Agency for, nnd urj now piiabled to ofTdrto the American public, the ubovc Justly ceUbruted and norld.rnowni'il articlo Tlie rJliiimlaling Unguent is jin'parcd by Dr. C 1' ncl. Ingham, an eminent physician of lindon, nnd is wnr runted to brih; out a thick set or Wliiskels or n Mils liicha in from three to ix necks. This nrtiilv is the only one of the kind nseilby the French, and in Loudon and 1 oris it is in universal use. It is a beautiful, economical, soothing, yet stimulating compoond, acting as if by magic upon the roots, cuus ing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to thu scalp, it will cure baldness, nnd cause to sptlng up In place of the bald spots a line grovtth of new liair. Applied according to directions, It will turn red or towy h'jir dark, and restore crav lililr to its orlelool color. ) leaving It soft, smooth. and flexible. The "Unguent" is ! nn indispensable article In every Kcutlem.-in's toilet, ami nuerone weca-s use tiiey noma not isr any consmeru tmn bo without it. T!i3 subscribers are the only Agents for the article in the United states, to whom all orders must Trice t)na Dollar a box for sale by all Druggists and Uenl rs : or a box of tho "Unguent" (warranted to have the ilesiredelfect) wi.l he sent to any one who dceireit, uy iu.iii oir-'Ci;, securely pni'Keu, 01, receipt ni price unu postage, 31.1. App'y to or addres. iioiiAtx l. iii:oi:man ucq. Miuoaisv., &lc. El William direct, New York. February 23. IPCl-fm. JEW STORE. mif !ivm SAP 3"ifiBS Tlu undersiiTiied lesn'-ctfully Informs tlie citizcin f itiotiinsiiurtr. nnu tin nuouc in uenera . iui nur cli.tsed the .V;r .'' yiVllR, in the u hits Iraiiic store noiise, on fliain ctrcct, nearly oppctt-itu tlm I.icliauiic HUMuiuus, wuk'ru no jusi reccneti a rpienuiu as' roriniciu tu CITY HATS AND CAPS, Direct from the Mauufactnr es. of all kinds. Ftvl n. sort ami six's, latest i.isiutiiis,iiicii he oiutt wiioieeaic ainl retail, nt very low prices. .."ThQsd Goods will be sold at very low prices, for ucaiir l ay, JOHN K. GIKTOV. Illoomsburi?, October 27, 1SC0. THE FOUNTAIN HOTEL. (FtiuMnaLY Tilt; mahison iioiihi) Second $trcet,bettcetn Marlcft and.lrrfi, Philaaeljhta, W. 0. FOUNTAIN. I'ROpntETOR, IHIrt noteiis now open inr tne .reeep.tou or visitors. Ilhas leiti it-itiied nnd rfhiruirhed thro ishitu I. for the better iHL-titnmndatton "f cueMr 'tndhftrtrriers. Its loralion is in the very centre e uie uusiness) pornon 01 uiu cuy. noard, si -J I Aueustia, !,. IRON RAILING Aisn OUNAMUNTAL IKON WORKS, No. 222 Gallowhill St., below Third, vuiLAnr.LvmA. Iron Rniling for Parks, Cemeteries, Vcram'ai, Elcps.&c. .ii a re it lu, joi)Vj-m. S35.00 Pays the entire cost for Tuition in the most popular and successful Commercial School in the country. Upward 01 iwtive iiunareu young men irotn iweniy-cigni n in- i-riin ciaies,uau uecn caucaiea lor uusiness Here Willi' In the past three years, some of uhmn hate been cm pioyca as houk Keepers ai suarios vi SaOOO.OO per Annum, iinmcdlatelyupon graduating, who knew nothing of ac counts when they entered the College. imnmcrs sons nan price, tiuiientt enter at any tliiH'.and review when they plase.withont extra charge. For Catalogue of Hi paces. Specimens of Prof. Cowley's I'lisincssand Ornamental Penmanship, uud a large lin graving of the College, inclose twenty-five cents In post age Stamps to the Principals. JUNKINd it SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jan. 5, IHfll-ly. One Hundred Tons of Cayuga Lake Master, AT THE OATTAWISSA MILLS. ffllKundersisned would respectfully inform the pub J. He generally that they have on hand a large amount of superior CAYUGA LAKE PLASTER, all of which they ofTer for sale.ln large or sma 1 (.untitles upon thu most reasonable terms. Persons wMiltig a good article of platter would do well to call nnd exam ine this before purchasing elsewhere. O. W, M'KLLVY fc CO Cattawissa, Jan. 30 18(11 3m. TINWARE li PTOVE SHOP. TIIC undersigned respectfully Informs his old friends and customers, that he has purchased his brothers interest in the above i'stublihmeiittnnd thu concern will uereaner dq con au etc a by mmseircxclustvely. He has just received und offers for sale, the larff .SjQ est and most extensive assortment of FANCY .Mil STOVES ever introduced into this market. Tftl His stock consitts of a complete assortment of mo oesi t;ooninji ana panor stoves in tne marKct, togeth er with Stove Fixtures tf every description. Oven and Hox Stoves, Radiators, Cylindar Stoves, (Tast Iron Air Tight stoves, Caunon Stoves, Ate., ice. Stovepipe and i urn are cuiiBiauiiy uu iiauu anu inatiuiaciurea to oruer, All kinds of renalrlnir done, as usual, on short notlrp. The patronage of old friends und new customers re spuciiuny soiicitea. a. 31. RUPKRT. Ill oom burg, November 3d l&CO. tf. Nos. 0, 11, 13 and 1 3 Courtlaml etrcet, IID.AIVU, si ou ru.ii iAX, I). D.WINCIIESTER. TI10S.U. WINCllUliTEIl, NEW YORK, May 1. IRJS rPO PAltMEltS 60.000 UAliKELS L ruuimcnu, nuueny tne unit manufacturing Co.. for sale in lots to suit nurchaiera. Tlii i thn ciibfkst rivRTiuzER in Market. A3 worth will man urn t nil nrrit tit rnrll. uritl Irsfrf-BBA tlm rmn Cnm nna th..l ' ,., I A ... 1 1 I . ! II '. unlike guano, neither Injure the seed nor land. A pain nhtet. with satl'factorv evideuca and full rmrtlruljir-o ,Wm'"Miml,,i5'AsS lJXU. I p.l...,.- ,-tfi i-L. j T rOPimilOrrciis' 8j KM! HEAR WnAt THE rEOPLE BAT. Tl.s undersigned bsvlng Hied nr.f5.V.Sr .,,C1,rI.IIlIjTS SriXiriO IIOMIEOPATIUO KEMEDlia In our J"l's with tho most sulir.ctory results, and hating full con"., denco In thrlr gemilueucK, parity, and elllcsey, cheerfully reenmmend Ibem to all persons irbo ljh to hsro ssre, re liable, and elujatlous remedies at hind for pilrsU or do- ""ttitf iter. Win. llnsiner, alitor at " Tl Northern Inde pendent," Auburn. N. V.I th. IteY. K. It. Cresiey, In., Ilcclor of SU reter's Clmrch, Auburn, N. V. l the Rev. n. I. lre, Clisplsln ef Iho Auburn Plsle Prison) the Rev. Slneer M. Itlce, Hector, Neir-Deilford, M1 the neT. Allen Steele, Nesr-Vork Conrerenee I the Rev. Ssmufl Nichols, Kn.t Oenese, Conference, N. T.J the Rev. I. B. Prnlt, Donct, Vt. I tho Iter. John K. Roble, nuffshi t A. u. Marl,' U.0, title. N. Y. I the Hon Neal I o, Portia;. Me. the lion. Sebujler Colfsx, Soulh-Ilend, Ind. I he Hon. (leorge Hnmpbrers, N. V. t Henry D. Cook, Kso ., , Wltr of Tho Ohio Plxlo Journal, Columbus, Ohio t the Hon, Ik li. Graham, Molhie. tll.l the Hon. Thorns. J. CM.e HonH. cello. Hi.) the Iton. Joseph llenedlct, t Ilea, N. . i Win. Ilrlslol. r. . tlllea, N. Y. t A. S. Pornl, V'., Itlca, . T. I James nunkett, r-sq., So.litllle, Tenn. MST OF STCCIHO IIEMF.DIES. No. 1.Tr Kever, Congcsllon, and Inllimmstlon. No, t. for Worm Tever, Worm Colle, Wi lling the Red. No. 8. For Colle, Crying, Teething, au.l Wakefulneis of '"Solt. For Diarrhea, Cliolera Infantum, and Summer No.'b Kor Rillf, nriplng., Disenlery, or IlloMy rial. No. 0. Kor Cholera, Choler. Morbus, Vomlllng. No. ,. For Coughs, Cold., Influenta, and Sore Tliroak No. . For Toollvnche, Kaee ache, and Neurslcls, No. 0. For Headache, Vertigo, Ileal and Fullness or the "no.- 10. Drspsrsu rills For Weak and Deranged Stomach, Constipation, and Liver Complnliit. No. 11. Fob Fk at, latodLirir.., Scanly, Talnful, or! Periods. , No. 12. For lueorrhea, Trofuie Menses, and Rearing Down of Females. . . ., , No. IS. For Croup, Hosrie Conch. Hid Rrenthlng. No. 14. Sil.T Kir.cit flU-For Krjslpelas, frupllons, Pimples on the Fnce, No. 1.rc Ruscil itio Piu.a For Piln, I.amene.., or Sore ness In the Chest, lUek, lolm, or Minln. A.-For Fever and Ague, Chill Feier, Dumb Ague, Old Mismanaged Agues. P. For File., HIM or Weeding, loleroal or External. O For Sore, We ik, or lnllame.l Ky e. an I Krellds 1 Fall- '"c! FoCatarr'h.'of long (finding or recent, tiller srlu CDStrueuon or proiuse oiscnargc. . w. C For Whooping Cough, .baling lis Tlolenee ana ,n .o Ai.... .neb a. Fevers, lnflarotnatlons. Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatism, and such erup tive diseases as Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Erysipelas, th, advantage of giving tho proper remedies promptly is ob vious, and In all such cases the specUcs act like a charm. The entire disease Is olten arrested at once, and In all cases tbe violence of the attack Is moderated, th, disease short ened, and rendered less dangerous, rc.nci.. .n,i Pni.i. whir), are of such freaaent occurrence, and which so often lay tho foundation of diseased lungs, bronchitis and consumption, may an oc msuibw. the Fever and vougn mis. In all chronle diseases, such as Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach. Constipation, Liver Complaints, Flies, Femsle Debility, anil,tB. ni.i lt.o.i.rh... Hor. or Weak Eves. Catarrh. Salt Ilheum, and other old eruptions, the case baa specifics whose proper application will afford a cure In almost every Instance. Often the cure of a single chronlo difficulty, such as Dyspepsia, Piles or catarrh, jieaaacne or semsi. ,.. ness, has more than paid for the case ten times over. TRICE. Caie of 20 vials complete, In merocco, ana Book Case of 20 vials, and Book, plain f. 1H sni.intcsiissMl Imim li nil llrtfiV ...... t? Case of 6 boxes, numbered, and Book X Plntfe numbered boxes, with directions 25 ceoti. Gli. loiLri Ksre. wltt, .llrortlnn. (0 Cent I. Large case ot 2 ox. vlali, for planters and phyBlclani.,..tl5 j ' ALSO SPECIFICS. Fob AbtokI or Patntsio. Oppressed, Pimcult, Labored Breatldng, attended with uougn aoa wptcwrauon. siicr, Pea Ear DiscuincM ihd Piifhess. Dlicharges frera the v., ,i, -H.,it nr fli-nrtot JVvfp. Mc&ilcs. ot Mercurials. For'Nolics In the Head, Hardness of Hearing, and Ringing In the Ears, and Ear ache. Trice. &0 cents per box. vv-i Rcnnrrt VntTc xt fjl&ndfi. Fnlanred and Icdurat ed Tonsils, Swellinns and OM Ulcers, Scrofulous Cachexy of tmniren. i-nce, ou tcuia pvr u. For Gkseral Dkbilitt. Thyslcal or rferreus TTeaknesi. the result of Sickness, Excessive Medication, or Lx V,....ll niaatiavcM Prll-K RO CCntjl tifx tlO. For DRorsT. FluM Accumulations, Tumid 8 ffeUlngf,Uh Bcanty Secretions. Trice, 00 cents per dot. v,.o s,i.sipmr.-Deathlv Blcknesi. Vertleo. Nausea, Vomiting. Bkkness from rl-Ung or motion. Trice, &0 cents rFORUai!tAiiT nsKASis. For Gravel, Renal Calculi. Diffi cult, Talnful Urination, Diseases of the.Kldnejs. Trice, M cents per box. Pad Gruiltl VwiRAIIVtS TriToliint ftTT DlSCharCCI UTttl Consequent Prostration and Debility, Bad Results of Evil IISDUS. A(iemn buu clui-iciiv itusvuj i""", and may be relied upon as a cure. Trice, with full direc tions, 1 per box. . . - P.Mnn. mrin a lull tn r.1 thftTHClTM UndCf Ul6 MO If I slonal care, or to seek advice of Trof. Hcmpbrkyb, ean dc so, at Ma office 2 Broadway, daily from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. or by letter. OUR REMEDIES BY MAIL. Look over tho list; make up a case of uliat kind you choose, and Inclose the amount ln a current note or stamps by mall to our address, at No. &3 Broadway, New-York, and the medlclna 1U be duly returned by mall or exprrw, AOENTSWANTED. We desire to active, efficient Agent for the sale or our Remedies tn every town or community to tte United Btatei. Address Dr. F. HUMPHREYS A Co. No 162 BaoiDwiT. Nbw.Yobl Sold by E. T LUTZ.Agent, uiouiuit.ui XJa, April 7, leOO. A0K10ULTU HAL WAREHOUSE. Nos, 21 J 23, South Sixth statt mar the State 11 vse. PHILADELPHIA, PKNNA. I'EV floors nf this specious building, erected etprcsrfy fur the proprietor's trade, are stored with weds and Implements of interest to farmers and gardeners. Sixtv Years HsTADUMun. Tlio suhscritiers desire lo call, tlu attention, of every one luterceted in farming and gardening tu thuir well selected stock of Agricultu ral Tools. Warranted Garden and Flower Seedi Orase and Ftcld SLtdi, of the mott relable quality. The Agricn-turul Implements sold by tis aro mostly manufactun d nt our sti'iim works, Ilrintol pa. Hai ing fitted up our establishment without regard to exeite, with the mobt complete machleiicry for the manufacture of various kinds of agricultural Implement)' wu are now prepared to supply all articles in this line fully erjual, if not superior, tu an thing of thu kind ever before otf'red to tlm public Landnth's warranted Garden Seeds have been before thu public for urfwardsnf Mxty years ; their wide spread popularity, and the increasing demand from yeur to j ear, are thii best cveidenccs of their superiority over all othTs. Country merchants can he supplied with seeds In pa pers, or in bulk, on the inoift liberal terms. Illoomsdale, near Ilrintol, Pa nur garden seed grounds, contains threo hundred and seventy acres, and is the largest t-btublishmciit of Its kind in tho world. II. LANDRUTH At SON, ,'o$. 21 53 SuthSiith trrett Phxla-ltiphia, ID" Landrcth's Rural Register and Almanac for 16C0. containing a Farm, G,irden und Green House Calandar ior every montii in inc year, can tic iiau graUt,u$on per Bouni or putt paia application. January 21, lcHiU y. LIFE INSUIMNOE. TIIC OIRAItn LIFF. t.VSVJIAAVE. AXXUITr AXD TRUST UOMPAXr Of PUIUtllKU'lllA. orricE. so. 40 (.HuThur TRj CAT1TAL (paid up.) S300 UOO. Charter Perpetual. pONTINUEto inako INSURANCES ON LIVES on L the most reasonable terms. The cnpitnl buinn paid up anil investeil, tonellur with a Inryo ami constantly increasing reserved fund,otlVrs a perfect security to the insured. Tli'i preioiuniii. must bo paid J early half yearly, or quarterly. The Company add a BONUS periodically to tho in.u. riiucea of hie. The FIRST llON'US appropriated in De. ccniber, IrML the SKCOXD I10XUS In Dtceiulier. le the THIRD UONUS in December, Itfil.nud the FOUUTH HONUS In December, lu. "uwiii Dt7These nddillons are made without requirin- any i inrrense in the premiums to bo paid lo the Company The follow inc are a few examples from tho ltsil.t.r AmountnfTolicyand bonus to be inrreaseu by future additions. Tolicy No. S3 1U " 1VJ ' 333 itc. vJJ,JI7 5(1 oil 1,4(10 00 li.rtJ 00 te. forms of application, and further Information can be' found at the- otticc. . .. . THOMAS RIDGEWAV, rreildent. J NO. F. Jasies, .leisure. F. C. lliiBlsof. FJani'inr jVi!i fa' AT'" ''"'' October 10, Hri7-ly, STOVE AND TIN-WA11E SHOP, .JsTHE undersigned would Inform th. citizen. 0f I Uloomiburf and vklnlly, that he haslust re. flgt cive,i and onv" f'" on "f he inosteilensiv. . w.p,i,vi. oi 1.1'un.inuann rAKUf STOVES ever introduced into this m.rk.t i-h s?h.i.,nn, v..' luuibus, Jamei Robband Clobeare anions the first class' cooklnj Stovcs.all of which are air llsht and (a. burners His t'erlor itnves are hand.oino ami n. n..T..,. " tied. AL"0-rartlcular attention I, paid to Tln-Waro and louse Bpoutiui. upon short n.tice. All kinds of repalrlnt will be done with neatness and despatch uuu,,,, i'iuuuc .eii in exenange for work. Boovn.burt.Oct.J.IeCO, l',IILI' ' m TRUNKS I TKUNKS!! rpllU largest, best handsom .r. r, unu cneapesi assort ment of Sole Leather solid Riveted Traveling Trunks, Ladies Bonnet S; Dress Trunk iwiuiuren s uoacfies, t'ropt. Iflpi. Illlhdf C. . t,1 ' 1 MAH ((,1 t"STS. I Packing Truuks &c &c, a && I .nimttio ,.. . C,lebratedLoadonr,lMMedalta,p,oveu,, !f '' ,0Jif"5.r ?"J "'("!K-. mK . f qui n ana .tiAtKM, rinlifl Bum Ronus or Insured additmu $.'200 J-K-7 50 3I)(, 1IU0 00 KHI 100 00 am ui oo ice see, A..,nin.... .,.,.. . . p HEAT WORK ON THE HOB E' Tho IIoisc and his Disc -fitttf. UY ROBERT JENNINGS, V. 8. Professor of Pat hofogy and ohcra live &rv gery in the Vttcrmary wucge vj a . adclphici) ttc. etc, , WILL rilllt'OflheorlclonjilBtaryanauistinctiTsr I rails oi m vsrr'us uict-u -ji fean, Asiatic, Aflrtrnn and American lorsen, with tho pliysicnl lormallo and the peculiarities nfthe animal, and how to ascertain his age by thst uumber and condition f his teeth; IlliiGtrated with numerous c ibis usu ry cngravinf s. The Hone and his Dmam WILL TELL YOVOf Breeding, Dreoklrtg, itabllnf fetd- "s, Rrooming, anoeinr, anu ins xen eral management of the horse, with the best modes of administering mad cine, also, how to treat biting, kick Inc renrinr, ihylRg, stumbllnf , crib Bltltii, Uestlessness.and other vices tonhiohlio Is subject with numtc out explanatory engrrvlngi. Tic Horse and his Diseases WILL 7F.KL rOtfOfiho causes, epmptoms, an4 Treat mem oi Dirsnt ics, core i nroai, uis temper. Catarrh. Influenza, rronrhlt tls, Pneumonia, rleurly,Hroken Wind Chronic Uouch.Roarlng and IVttlatHnr, Sore Mouth and Ulcers, and Pccoycd Teeth, with other dtseasss of the Mouth and Respiratory Organs. Tfie Horse and his Dscasts IVtLL TELL YOU Of the rausca symptoms, and Treat meniri ivonnp, hois, i,omc, rirangu lotion, Ptony eoncrtlons, Ruptures, Palsy, l)larrhrn, JautMlcc, Hepatlr rhic.i.ninody Urlne,t?tones in the Kid neys and Uladdef, lnflatoatlon, nnd other diseases of tho Vtnmarh, Bovr eli. Liver and Urinary Organs. The Horse ind his Wsrases H'ILL TELL YOY Of the names, rymploms, and troat. Bit? ni ot none, iimoii ana nog, ppavin. Ring Hone, Bweenlc, Ptrnln, broken Knees, Uind Oafls, Founder, Sole Prill e and Gravel, Cranked Hoofs, Scratches, Canker. Thrush, and Corns also, of Mepriin, Vertigo. Kpilepty, StflRgcrs.and other diseases of the fest Legs and Head. The Hone and his Diseases WILL TELL YO U Of lh causes, symptoms, and Trent mentor riiuia, roll UUI, Glanders, Farcy, Scarlet Feven ange, Huriert Lci'kcd Jaw, Rheinnatisiiif Cramp, flails. Diseases of the Lje and Heart, &c, Ate, and how to managa Calra tion, liveeding, Trcpliinning, Rowel ling; Firing, Hernia, Amputation.trip ping, nnd other surgical opeiattons. The Horse and his Jbinosts WILL TELL YOU Ot n&rey's Method nf taming Horsos now io approacu. na'ter, or stable a Colt, how to ncuitnm a lurse tu strange sounds and tghts, anu how toi'it, Saddle. Ride, and t'reok him to Harness; also tlu form and law of Warranty. Thsnholo being thu re suit of more thin fifteen years' careful study orthe habits, peculiarity, w ants and weakness of this noble and usuful animal. Thn book contains Utinascn, ftrmroniato'v Hluitmtft hy nearly One Hundred Encra, iocs. It is printed in a clear and open type, a rid wlllhcfiiruished to nny address P'iMtiige pal J. on receipt of price, half bound , 91,14), or.ln riiiu, exirn. i.'. $1000 A V EAR fy" iotn, extra, vi.vo ti ran be made cnterpls' z men ;r. ryhnrc. In selling thn above and other popular works imurs. L'ur tnuuccincnia nu amii an excteamgiy, Ibv-ral. -wtEa For sinple copies of Iho Rook, or for terms to agenM ,vith other iufurmatiim, apply to or aldrss JOHN Ii. POTTi R. Publi her. No. CI? Sanson, e'trcet, Philadelphia, Pa. Nov 17, IPCO-Cm. RAYMOND'S PA'IENT SEWING MAC HIXVI2.i PATENTED MARCH 9, 1853. PRICE $10 EACH, iE.SSItS.ZUPPlNCEIl ft Moomaburg. VI lia ing pur'liised the exdualzi right of the above valuable livnR(vicii;nEirPATfcNr Sfawmo .MALttiik, for tweountynf Columbia, will be happy to supply thvrr .riemls witli the arti.le for the aciuunuodatlon of them it'lvcs and familitts. The following are some of the su .KTior advantages this iiuplvment possesses over any vur yet ottVri'd to the iiublii. Viz: 1. It sews from 4 JO to UNI stitches per minute, thus aving both time and labor in the operation. -1. Its I'liimtni'tioii is so plain and simple, with any hiiiL is easy kept in order and will live i utirc natM'd lion. :i, Oivi ufthJ most valuable features of this Ma-Iiine( id the snialtiiess aud tin roiupni tm-ss of its mcr hauliin. 4. I 'iiabte-thread Mat hhi's.are always ihlFi ulttonmti g.i, ami very unhandy in threading, but this Mn lilne Is asl r tiireuded than cvi.ii n lummoii needle. o. u run do aitai lieu to a hoard, table nr stand, In cp. eratiugordi-r, and deta hed in los than half a minute. ti. It gr.atly ecimumizes tlu thread, and yet, produces a nunm, suth i"iitly strung for any work for whi'h His d 'Ktiued, a miuliricaiion not known to other sewing Ma ehiiu-s. 7, Nn hriimn hind is capable In producing a seam a ft-'gulnr ami Bjati'iimiic, t. Among tlu array of Patent Sawing Machines, there in none o ( hjuj, an 1 durable as Raymond's Patent, but no Machiui is adapted to all Unds of work ascxperience lias proteii. tt. The operator can Kliapc his seam, just as he pleases, waves, leaves and flower, lie, t an be represented or iijntnt.'il, 10. It is particularly adapted to all kinds of stitrhhiB; -eit'k ns gentlemen's shirtit, boaoins, ristbands, collars, U.,-and oil kinds of Ladies sewing, including silks. law ns, delaines, calii tut. &c, exrepting for men's hea vv tvciir, this Sl-vhine Is rather too light nf construction. 11. Hut all thu foregoing advantage!, though real w tiii'in selves, dw indie into when compared w ththe priserratioiiofhralth, being n saving of both aiMir ami eyfijht, nud lenvcgtho operator without sloop ing, and U enabled to perform his work, octupyinc a na tural position. 1 ' r-itrT rvtrie.p undersigned, at their respective re'sidin-rs, in Itloomsbnrg, who will put the maihin m operation and give all necessary instrm lion. IlKNUY ZUPP1NGER, ni . UANICLW.ROIIBINS. Dloomfburg, May 12, IPCO. GIIICULTUUAL k SEED WARE- PASCHALL MORRIS, IliVI.O KtXOVCD TIIC PHILADELPHIA AGRICULTU RAL 4- SEED IPAREUOUSE, rromthi North En-t Cnrnsr or Siventh anil Mark. Streets to his NEW STAND, No. 1120 M AHK V.T ST. OFTOoiTB THE FARMERS' MARKET Offers for sale, as heretofore, at reasonable pricrneverr description of " 1 ' Improved Aurlcultural nnd Horticultural Implement., Warranted Fresh and Genuine Field, Garden and Flow er Sjeds, In jrcat tariety. Also, No. 1 l'eruvraro Cov eriiinent Guano, nnd otlu r reliable Fertilizer. foirGras. ami LraliH.rops,rriiit and Ornamental Trees and Shrub bery, rhoice Everjreen., Roses, Dahlias, tc lie solicits acontinuanco of frrmer custom. upphS'n8"d' N"""y Ca"'loEu' ""'"'shea' ..... TASCIIAI.L MORRIfl, Atrieultursl and Beed Warehouse, No. It Market r?trict,opposlle the rarmers' .Market. lauuary III, Idtil. NEW OAKKIAGE ESTABLISHMENT. , .. .. ., . ,;-v BLOoxsouna. In He ,e Vrtek Three St,r Varriit FaeUry, an Main ,., . , Moid JUarlet. T t!!i Sin' V'"ulJ r"P""!' announce lo tin J. public, that he lias commenced the .rttt. UAIlKIAUrC & (2fc? WAGON MAKING I1U.I - . BINI'BS. J, ' . t inus branches, lie I, prepared to execute e n,,iui... i .. I . . .. pi.eni mi ussorin enct I finished work wh c ill purchaser, will KnH . d outage to call and eainiue. ... , , , j , RKPAIRIXa. H ill bo done in thn mn.l n , .nJ ... and upon terms which cannot fail to eive ,"t sfacuor." in v . . T11AW1)11IDGE A. WILI.ON. Illoomsburj, April 2. 1853. ' Good Shoeiug ami (lit up Smillilng. 1''rMii?i1,V"1nMl,nkrTllf0'l,a,1PlrS SMIT11INO KUSINKSS. At the Old stand, on tho hill, above tho Rail Road m ill Its various branches, at low r,lce. indon an enlaVtell scale, and ioliclt. the public patronat" ""r5en Bloom.bur,, Jan. 5, ISM- Bl'"'" FKBD'K BROWN, JR., ' CHEP1JST & ORUgGIST. "COXTlXEXrAl HOTEL," Niuth and lltfsliitit streets, orrosiTt the "cinao iiocsz," E7- AMERICA, FREXC1I. AAEXOLw"'! CUEJIIiais AXD DRUGS. Toilet Articles. Ein Da UoLOom, of the best distiller,. IImt LaausB Tooth Bapsius, of all sites and styles. DwTirairis St Tooth IVasuh of approved kind,. Hist Eaousu lina Bacsiiis. r LoMis of all kinds, UurTulo, India Rubber, 4.e., ic. FojtiM, roa in. lUia-Lubin's. Coudrays and M.l enet i, lee,, lie. Tina Ila.a'i Oil. rvK Coin Son. W.t from Fordain Fountalni. Ho inpSopt with choice Syrups. FRED'K BROWN, It... Aujuiti, JBOO-J' r' 9li 1"d Cb"1"1" S" ) ' PUb best luolasccs for tie prico in tha J X Counti fot sii, at n.RTCiWg,