Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 13, 1861, Image 3

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orol mib Special,
John (J. Freeze, l.'.lilor.
Bel- To-morrow is tho Second Sunday
1IU1 JKUM'iri
April 15 1031 tho May Flower return
ad to Knsland.
Buffo n tho naturalist died April 1(1 ,
Benjamin Franklin died April 17, 1700.
April 18, 1785 occurred tho creat fire
In Nindtor forest.
Battlo of Lexington was fought 10 April
my "
Tho firft colonial chatter of Virginia
Was granted 20 April 1000.
EfoT John Eubank died iu f liarlottes.
Ville, A'a.. on the lllliinst,, nged 07ycarj.
lr. e I.. - ..l t!. t. .1 -i, ... t
"""" "y a toiuicr in llio DtllUI,
nrtny, an d when xVapoleuu was as a
Mnntl'i'n tn C, IT.J.w. f l.,.,.n
1. i-
tlotailod by the Knglish Government to
flUard tho Emperor In his lonely prison.
He remained thorn diirinc N'nnolpnn'H 1Ifn
sind for several years afterward, and then
failed for England. 11c wai for many
years a resident of Fredericksburg, A'a.
Aa thi.-i is the timo of year in which
grafting ought to bo done, we deairo to
i i. .i- i -
jnuuu uuiuru our ruauera a new mono ot
grafting, very much in u&o in Krance. It
has fome advantages over our method, in
"nsmuch as it can be performed at any sea
aon of the year when tho found, matured
buds can be had, whether the sap is in a
flowing state or not. It U performed by
removing a small picco of bark and wood,
leaving a smooth and flat surface, to which
a similar piece, containing tho bud which
tn fnrm thn fiitnrr trno. w fiflod. ulnMi
' '
is eoaicu over immediately with collodion.
This forms a strong, impervious cuticle,
which secures a fre cirriilntion nf tho r;it,
., . - l( , 1
or the approach of warm weather, and ai
perfect union of the purls.
tmiinnnl f Im, .( ! i n i inn trliinl. ,.n,il,l nl,. 1.n
, ,. ' , ., . , . ,.. ,
kept in motion by the instrumentality of a,
largo army, coutinually on foot to execute !
., ,. .... , , I
inu uiuiunry reiiii!iiiuua tr uueiees 01 me And vet. this is the n'ain ,
alternative involved by tho-o who wibh to
deny it the power of extending its opera
tion 1 to individuals. Such a lehcine, if
practicable at all, would instantly degene
rate into a military defpotinu j but it will
be found in every light impracticable.
Tho resources of the Union Mould not. bo
equal to tho maintenance of an Army con
yidurablc enough to confine the larv
States within the limits of their duty ; nor
would the means ever ho furnished of
forming fuel, an army in tho fir-t instance.
Whoovor considers the pipulou.iiii.-ss and
strength of .icveral of thfu t?t.itet singly,
at the present juncture, and !ool; forward
to vhat (hey will become, even at the dis
tance of half a century. ill a', oner. lis-'
miss, u i'llc tmtl viuni.ary, any sihnnt
which im) at right ding lli'ir movi'mcitl
by lavs So cjcr, tc upon ti m in tt?ir iol
Irctive ritp'irtlits, rtnil toll" txcrutal ly i,
coercion appli'.'ih'c to tlicni in th: tamr ra
pncHirs. A proj.-ct of this kind is little le
romantic than the monter taming spirit
iitt.ibuted to the fabulous heroes and dem
i-godi of anticiiiit.y."
Aleximler llamilVm "Federalist,'' Xo.
S5" Wc arc glad lo f-cc that the law
ngainst fortune tellers victimizing the peo
ple has pa-scd the Wo un
derstand there is ono of the very worst of
the class now operating m the unsuspect
ing in the upper end oflhis county. She
professes o show tho thcif who stole your
horse, the incendiar- who fired your bam;
klio can look into you and describe tho ex
net state of your lirer ; and knowing ex.
nctly what is wrong about your systcin,cau
of course prescribe with the utmost success.
Tho Drs, arc at a discount iu her neigh
borhood and men, women and children
ako her prescriptions and believe in her
clairvoyance. Hut this is not tho worst of
this species of juggling'. How it may be
in this caso wo know not, but generally
these mountebanks claim that they can
look into tho mysterious futuro and discov
er coining events, and their ictims arc
generally the weak and superstitious
, i . ...1 . , ., .
jireny 1-orvam gin.i,Miio uuagiue tuai meir
charms are for a higher sphere than the J
kitchen. When such poor, deluded girls'
' : : , f ,1 . e e i
Tt-it one of theso professors of sccoud
, lights, ho can C.-uily discern the condition'
? , ,
ottho finiplctons, and at once hold out tho
!. f i! . , , , , , ,
lure ot liigiicr coctal rank and unbounded
connubial lovo and felicity. Theso pro-
e. r. 1 1 1 -.. ... -.1
iuaouia .uu niiuun a, ways, ill league Willi
tho rouci of the town, who employ them to
proeuro for them introductions, which al
most always result in ruin to tho unfotu
nato girls,
Ona method of exciting tho curiosity of
I tho mitguided females is to placo a daguer
reotype of tho futuro husband in a vessel
of water, from which tho veil is drawn for
an instaut,revcaling to tho's cjos her
lovor. She is so bewildered with tho l.iys
tery tuat S110 tlOSS not UCtCCt tlie cueatnil
finally believes iu tho illusion. She is de-
iiginuu, aim uijujus inu jirucuruas btuiu
nitut thiit if she will walk in a particular
place, ut aomo dcfinetl hour, hlio will meet
hHU her lover, Tho roue is informed tlmt
this poor dupe will bo ready, and ho meet,
her, J ho sequel will bo to ruin her, al-
most to a certainty . This is only onu of
tho tricks of these detctablo swindler3,but
tho most fremieiHly rrauticed upon silly
..! J 1
impiiove Youit sronc. ,
TIID Morgan Sampson llnrso, VOUNH WASHING.
TON, will bo stationed lh tin .out iiiiim In tlila
tow n i ut Hhcop'a stable, Washlneiiinyllle l nl U nion,
eeciinn, lie can e seen ni uiuiicy, name, jersey
seller's, ..owlsburg, and ut Wulf'a stable, Dewarl'. alt-
by i'oter Snider, Uq., I seven liars old, stands full
iJrrrd llio largest horse, tin beet bloi.,1, and finest
breed tier Introduced Into lh- county of Columbia.
17 Until II o i. ntn ui ol, I.iaal minims, lift I, rim.
u. tv dNvnnn, l'mptittor.
BY llrtuo III II will lil ' S'idlf leaf exponas, in mo ill,
recti d, Issued nut of Ihe Court of Common I'lens of
Cnliuniiui coumy, win no exposed tn public sale at tha
'lc;rlK.l'r,V.,nM r ,., i ,. . . . ,
Township, Cnliimliln inuiity, hounded Mid described na
!l,c P0"."1 i'f A""1 yf J"'!"'" irf-aiiani.and mi ih West
Acre's, striit"ine'asurr,, imwn'n'ci'c.'r'IuiK a7o
, V,f.?.7:'h'VlJ,"?.,llJ.V.!!r.V.V,,!,u!)"ottor'1,"rl'i,,ii
.T ', ,, .7. "Ii l..lll,llMririUlllCI.-l. RCiri'lli
iimtMi in i.xccuui'ii ana 10 or sum na tun property cru.
'' nim.tmr. April t9. im.JOI,N svm:n-
tllllll Tl" ivilflMlT I i, K 7i -V"751 a ;
VOTIC1I hhertby kUhi Hint tl, follow inc ncrmni
11 in CVlmiiMa cnuntv hap tlkd tlit-lp tn iiiinii. in (hi
.. . a. ......... ,- . . . .. - ---- i
! 'a1n,, 1,"r3.!:!rt,,u'"i.i'1? tI,r,ir r,,P1,'tvo timnhp.
inuiiui nuHiicr ri'ssioiiH, 1 1 ma aniii Tav
va MoihUy, tlm ttll day tf .May, A, R, 1SUI. f uljirli
ml pnrllm iutereiteil i III tako notlrc, au5 the i.lcu lili
ffik.' .. b day of ,,,.y
AiiiilirnntB. T.iwntht-i..
A ll 111 If 1 ti t .
ViV " ri'VSi
1 1. if . i.hilrh.
IvXrUk MLiy'
1iwU l.riltr,
Itinim r"uiLthiri.
" j
J. J.Stttiji,
P. NrlK",
1 I., Hlmtii'iti,
P. It. WHilforth.
Hr-uhcn Witts r
ll'ttry (laMi),
Jonhun Woiiirtri
inc Khomi
Imac Faliriiik'tT,
rfnniui'l lit-1 1 ill y,
A. U Hniitli,
Jiilm K-'lkr,
luna' YtttiTt
John Nu.
Kiinmifl 'niiinTi
J. r. 1
.Alt't. llnslieti,
Jicfib lltioii,
f,iiiiM1 r.vrfM,
Mi til I n
Ml rie.uanl
;( 1 uiiinjcreck
!! '.!
Sen,, i.i,
,. '' ,
neon i:Yi:iti.v, ctrr
? " V i ; v f-r ti r 1 r y
" " 'VipiV 1 3 rHU
A.J. l.atM.
R.H. MiMiash,
iKuiiul AIcK.riiian.
J. It. Jime.
Win. I.. Klhio.
r 4 l:r,.i..t
J.itoi Wt-i tl-r.
S.unutl WuiU-iiliailtr,
tnS&'.';" iiffi.
' At01''s Sarsaparilla"
' A rcmwlv. in mIulIi n l.nvn In
lured to nrwlure Uie'ntrht I'lTcrtmil tiltcrativo
that cm he made. ItKa cmiccr.t rated extinct
of l'nra S.iuimrilb, t.0 ctnuinnra iili mher
ii')'tanres ot Kill (jrcatvr nlteintiu ii.iu' as
to alMr.l a-t ciloetivu a-iti(We lor the dif!,ca
s"-'FiiM.i iwcitued to cie. It is lieliivtvi
that null .1 uinetly H war ted by iIuim: hn
s'.iTit frtr.11 Strum'mi cmnjilaintu, find that uiio
whiijh ill iiL-funiiilUh their Hire inut piovo
nf immiiis' M'tvi.'O to this lar'o cKl-s i.f our
HlU'eiv I li'llivv-eiti'UK. cnnipli'tcly this
loailwsad will tin it lun h: u i.imv.m by t';n'i
iiu"iit 1111 mifiy nf the mint case tu be found
of the billowing ennidaints:
,S u ifuia avi SuHDreinui CoMn ttTi,
Knu i'iioxh AM) lineriiM: Dui.vsi j, Uix,:m,
I'ri.'i.i.s, lli.oieiii.i, Ti tui'.s, Sim HiiLe't,
Som.Ii II'..ti, !i and Kvt-itii trn- Ar
t: rniiN-i, Mvii'Tiji r, Ui-,1 1)k m, Ni:t'
httiiit nn '1'if llnrtntMirt't, IIciumtv, lMs
rr..'n. A.V11 Is'nim snuv, KuT'ii'tit.ts, Itusi:
nit Si. A v 1 ri inv's 1'iiir, unit i.uli-vd the ulii.lj
fK- nf ci in;ilatuti ari'iiig i.'ti'U-.uv uv
1.1 ., II:. 1.1. 1.
TI - 1 .1'.u.Miund iu',1 l,s fu.iiul a "ten; rro
ti'it' r nf hiMllh, Mhr.i tak-n in til'- i-ptiiiz, to
fliil th" IiimI li'imnn Mhtch icitt r iu the
1)1 vid a lnt "iMvnt nl'thi- M'.ir. I ly the liine
y i'Hd,i'i.i nf tlieiii m.iny r.r.dilini; dWimli-r
ii.- iippil 111 tin- bud. '.MidlitiidiM, by
.1.'.' a'.il iii'lhii :i'iii,..l,-, vun tli-uivihci ftiini
,hu'ii-iu-i; nf lij.d i.-ii.tinni and ulivini'
,1'ipi, thrunii whii-h the stent Mill rtiivi-1.)
rid iiM-lf ol i"ji rep-inn , if nut u-iUt'-d tn tin
this thioi. s't the luttir.-d c!i.innel. of thj Unlj
ny u-i iilii.intitt lu'sli.'ini;. I'li-ause nut th"
I'U'uiM-d blii,.,l whi-ni-vi-i- yum iiud its iuipmilit'i
Sur-itni ihrnnh the skin in pimples eruption,
ir s-iuv ; th.iD it mIipu yn . tind it H nb-liurn-il
a-id sli,4i.h in the wins; eha-m,- it
nh' ii.-v ! it is, and jour (felines will tell
yo 1 wii 1. liven m horciin partirnlar di-oider
:s fell, pi ;-.! ei'j-iy ti-tti-r ln-alth, and live
In.,.:', fur c' the bin id. Keep the
blond healthy, a il all i. Mill; hut with Ihis
".b'll'i-n of 1'1'u d:-or l.-rml, lii-re can be no
l.i-li.n: l.'-iPb. Siunrr ir later Himethin
uu-t is 1 mm-i. a-iil tin- K' inaehiniiy uf
,ili' M dis. 1 I- icd or nvi'lllll nvn.
S.U-S.OI uill.i h.i-, noil lU'seivcs much, tho
tcpul.i'i nt, of aicomplii.hini; these end-. Hut
the Mnil.l has been i'ieciimsly dei-eived by
puparatinns of it, jiaitly because the ilruts
alnne hxs nut all the virtue that is ilnimul
Tor it, hut in-'ie Lee.-ue many jncpni.ttioiH,
netendin,; tn In- concent iat( if ctr.uts nl it,
ont.iin but little of tlie vntuu ol Sui-up irill.i,
or any tiling iKe.
lloti.i late tl e pnl lie have been niiA
led by hope bottle, pu'.n. dins to iM- a ipiuit
of lixtutit of .S
,nM.pai ill, 1 101 one dollar Most
of h.ivi' b.-en iiauds uj i the Mil;, for
ibiy 1 ut only cunliuu little, if any, f-.-m;i u
lilla, hut nflen no ciu.itit e piopiiliii, Mbaliv
er. Hence, biitu and painful dhappniutmtiit
has fnlloMed the use nl the Miiiut-.s ext.uits of
Sars'ipuiilla wl.idi Hood the nuuhit, until the
mime itilf is ji stly dc-jiiscd, and has beicme
synoiijinons Mith imi os lion 1,1 d ihiut. Slill
mc call this 11 mpMunl Sniiuj atilla, mid intend
to fupply nub a icmcdy as i-hall tiwuc the
ncnie fioin the load i f i bh ipiy Mhiili rifts
upon it. And Me think Me have pimmd for
hilieiii! it lias iitui. Mhiili ale iiU'i-t:l;lc
by tin nidiiiaryiuii of the dUia-es it is intend
ed to line. In 1 ider to ncuic thiir cr-inplite
iriiilic.ition finiu tlu-f,jtein, thetimedy tliouhl
he juiliiiou-ly takin aiiurdu' to diriuioi'.s en
the botllc.
rnn-Aiu.'i) uv
DC. 5 . AViiB ft CO.
1 Trvwfi'rr
1.1.1,, ,Uvrs,-s,
v.Ue, $1 in HnttU i Sh Hollies fur sr..
AvfM-V plmrrv Pfrfnnl
A7U S J1Cn7 i tCtOMl,
h"11 'or itself meh n leniran fur the cine of
i,,.rv ,ril-ty of 'i ,m,l l.iu.n c..i.l.ii,t, .Ut
" "llill'. muieies-aiy for us to icimnt the
eiideme nf ll . -rtuea, Mhcliirr It Inn In 11 cm-
plojeil. A it m Umx lien in (distant use
tlirmi!;bout tl.i-cclion, c nicd l.ot ilu moie
n-siue iii,.,...,!,!e iis,uiiu u in,t uu in the heat
iluir Iiti Lun, and lhnt 'it m.ty be nhrd in to
ilu for their rtliif all it has tier tccn fniuul lo ilo.
. , i .
AyCl' S UatXiartlC i lllSj
roit the cane op
O1.111 me Jttuhtlur, 7J';i,yMlr, .W'V'jrVnn,
lhjsctitt i-ij, lmt .s,jiiu,, f.i ympchu, llrtittttchc,
V licit rjcttmat!m, Vi u;it!cn umt tn ll.mirst
Ijrtr Ct mjiluntt, llivjj, Teller, Tui'Wis and
tilt lUiitim, IVuuits, (iuut, .Vein ir'iV', tis a
IHtvicr J'lll, oi'tl fur VtirtJ'iiinj fin lilotl.
They rie H'-ar-r'o.iiul, o Ihtit llie ti.o.t sciifri
tlie tan lake thini len-:iully. iuid lhey ate the
host aperliut In the world for till the rutpohcs of a
fiilull) Ih)nle.
Prlco 25 ceati per roxs rivoboxoj for C1.00.
fiicat mniiliersnf CleiL-iinen. I'ln sil iam. Statrs-
'"en, mm m.ini-iit iiimiihcit, lime lint meir
itiou uf thtm. 'Jlic Aire i.t 11"W iiiiiiumI fin
ni 1 r Amlui'jan Almanai in vhlrh ihry
nrc Lrifii i with aUo full drai riptimis of tlu uImic
rumplutnu. it net t!.o ticatincnt tlmt nl.onUl U fcl
for tliclr cure.
nZ7CnT ZrXroyZ
Demand Avv.h's. and;o no otl.em. The tick
bci, a,a ,hcre u " nnd u"' tll0uU
All ur JtcninlirB are for isale by
t-utx, j.u Moytr fi.M.Haicabiich. i:innmbur c
Miller U'nuck 1t1Jbyc.11 tvlirv in c ny town en
A Dialogue.
IIKTWEEN FAIlMClt 13. AN!) 1'.
Farmer J;'. Good morning, i.icud F.
mi .. I """" ""'""fa) '
1 110 Wcallicr 13 BO Utlt! HOW 1 think Ol C0I11-
!nc?'S t0 1.18 boo.., f.nd I thought 1
had better C01II0 and COlliult with YOU. I
. .........
""TO a low questions to tlSk, It you Will bo
i0 aa i0 i.,snur tliQui.
I'mmi.r F. llil cb! friend, if lean
bo of any servico to you I will tuiswcr all
vour nlll'st nils
' . . 'P""11""''
Farmer 7'. Well then how docs it
comoyouri.orw.wcro kipt iu so mud.
uc'ter order than mine last cummer. Ynu
'Cil tilCIU DO IIIOI'O til All I did IllillU ! VOU
plougkd more giouud, raised u.oro eoru
per acre, and 1 know your laud is no bet-
ter than iniuo. There is a mystery sonic-
whero, I
-.... 7.1 ,.. A.' 1 1' .t .
( j uiiiw lliuuu J., , mat 13
vcr v easily aceountod for. I used Wit-:
I T. r t S4tltrrli'o Itltihnttti Dimnnu. '
, l'l.uUail, lor LrcaKillC Up tllV croUlld. Mill
. t i . 'i0 '
i it mi it it nil in ir nni'ii umiii iii i i i-rii i'i !
i-;--o"v '"j wi.n.
' ThU is tho secret, and uow I expect a lar
Ecr eroP graill than JOU Will llBVC, for
f IHC.l ilia "ff.WC I'loU'-h U t fa 1 for
4 J M or
' D. " .
and get one ot each
Farmer il. I never dreamt of that bo
ing the reason, but I believe there is policy
ii what vou tfitv and ant disposed to act
alter your advice j but lean baldly afford
tbo Seeding IMough.
l'i"'mir afford the Seeding
Plough ! Why, it only co.ts ten dollars
i .mil ilnefl m u-npL, 11, n llf.ll 11, n
'docs it far better. Vou are sat itis 'twice
their cost every summer by getting one of
. 0.1CI1.
I Fanner E. T will go homo and order
! them tuade, for 1 am sure there is no uso
I to go there for them they say hu is soiling
itroiu twenty to twenty-lire- per week, so it
miii ue impossible tor ni:n 10 make them
fast enough.
I 1-urnur v ever tear, friend J;,, but
go at ouco lor tlic.u, llo had in timber
j prepared lat fall and winter, and it is
1 now seasoned and ready for uso, and I
I will warrant you ho will get them ready
j as fast as they are wanted j and if you sec
, any of your neighbors, advi.-e them to go
1 , v , , P. , . , c
.along and get ol behuylcrs Ploughs, too,
lif t,u'y "ot already supplied.
I Ffmrr E. Well, 1 believo I will go
j Iiorno and get ready lo go to Oraiigevillo,
this very day j delay 'tis said is daugcrou;
but will .Mr. Schuyler take grain for his
Farmer F. Oh ! yes; he will take
'grain of any kind, old e.tstings ot- any
I kind of produce and then lie allows a vei)
I liberal percentage for ca-li. 1 suppose
I you are awaro that Schulcr took the
Premium at tho County Fair last fall,
against a-: almost overpowering ot position
I and had it not been that tho Judges were
I good practical farmers ho would undoubt
edly have lost the premium.
'tiriuir E. l'es, I know, and he was
awarded .1 Diploma for his Seeding Plough
too, but doc he make anything else.
Farmer F. Certainly If you want a
good Stove, a uood I hrcshiiig Machine, or
if you want mill gearing, you can got it
then: at very low prices. lie alo doe?
repairing at very sboit notice. Iushoit,
he nr.i'i Kb I'OMi'in mo.N, for h edoe good
Murk and at lower prices than is done else
where. DHIDliK XOT1CH.
II HI iViMnUnt and Maiiact-rsfif the I7nltau ma llriilct
Oinp.ui, luvc tint tl iy ilu l.irD.I a tin nu ml of ilir.."
p t reiil f (.") ir-nH cr lKiro,).ui tlic r.ipitiil ht'Jik i.t this
I ''mipitiy for tl)' lni-1 rl lliniilll. pH .ihlu tu til.' et"f It
lli 1 - J i r h or tli.-ir ltsdl n-jT- ..'iitaiivfc,inir afd'r Hie imli
i'l April at Hi.-ofiic-iifiiisi Tr -aMir'i, in Cainwiskii,--?j
cfili r '-t Hie Hi-arJ.
(,'attawi.-a, April t", 1:X1.
HOTEL'S:." "
N pIsc.ih.. ft r mi 'i I riin Irnt, mi .MjtinRers, rtnc
t Trcasuri r. i.iw M-rntary , wlicr tr truLattauu
Untlai! Umiiiuiiv, tur Ihi rnsitiiij; yeiir, ill lu lu- 1
ut ilir li'-u of iv.'j K iiilmlJ, in Cait.iu if t-a mi .Mon
i!ny tin ttll i-f .Maj lieu, Ij. Uw-l-u th- liuurii i'l itml U'
p. in. J V. Ml Mil'Ll'.Srf, iic v.
Catiaw iiia tiiJp Ollice. .pril 0,
1) 13 Dl 0 ATI OX.
Till, new liW nan It -fontieil ( linirli eihfire of lilnmiif
ll'lr (,tio i WllllIlJ Will I) ' (li'ilir iti 1 to lll'( 4i tct ul
th Tfitiiu (iid. mi .Silib.itli tlio tli of April, ot 10 o"., A. M Si rv if tu onimciirr mi l'nti.i cfiiiiii;
pr .inns t ti j tli j n st. U v. II. II irlivicl. I'. I)., nn.l
i! . J. II. A. Itoiiib. ri. 1. 1)., aiiiluliur .Minii-t;rs, will
iilluiat ' nu the orcaxloii.
ij" 'Hi: puSlicaru rL'tpectfiilly Jniti'd tnnttrnti.
IV. WlUlUlini, i'astvr,
April C, !a-CI,
JZst ttc of tSumial f!oiip) deccusr.
I l.T IT.Ilft nf Ailiiimi-lration on tlif IVt.ite of Sami-u,
s Itutp. la li- of I.ocukt tovMitlnp, Columbia count) !.
C .itd,l)a; I.lcm iirantfil by ilni ilL'i:it(.r of t'oluuibia
j fr miy, to the nudt miiord, rMdnii.' in mid to is nvliip.
' A I In, r lie li.ii i it it i l.i in ik avain.l llii l!hliili nf tin. il.-t n
dent .ir ru'pebti'.l to i rcB.-nt ih;m lo tho Admini-irator '
j villiout ikl.n and all persons iildtbU'd to nnke paj
i.i.'iit rurthwitu. i iniue .viiuain t;. tiiuiK.
I JOHN ttOLT, Mm'r, Mittlin Holoman lltkroth. Crf.uiv. John Mirbait
I April-i. l:01--ft. 1 Mt.riJ.innt- (JporcfCavniic, H.imu-1 Jolnunn.
i i j Ma lison Joi-pli Suiith, Iti.b.rt JohiMtm.
; The Ilulf fj$ Viy Ilousc.iiHES'ie''";,,ca''
TIM! under izued, linirti taken llio wil'-know n
"IMJ-H'aij yDwaf," lomu-rlj k. pt by .s.uhul-I llarmnn,
Y.'., t-iluat in Centre township, Co uitibia rmtnty, uu
tho main U-ud. tniil-waj b.-tuecu lliomkburs uud Her
u uk, would r.'tp Mti'ullj iiiliinu In old i-iuioufr and
pubi.r that tiie iiou.e im- Men luiprove.I und rene-
.lUd. t.i so". i le. and lij.m hu luu-r .-ip.-i i. in the ,
I Wh-r" lie will at nil thut be h.tpny td iimjU and rati.
fattonly i nli.rtaiu hii iiumcrous trit-iidk and all who
iiiii) lavoriiim wiin i nt l r patiouace.
Mis, MabiiuS, &.C.. will he wull bturLiI actl
propiiily attended,
t-i'tilru townthip, April f, UC1.
in rr.aimuctilion 01 vie "l ira i:iipisi
.. . . - - ; " . . I
IlanitU t iiireU oj Jsloiinsuitru lor
Lliartcr oj ImoipirttUoa :
Xo. Ki:nitr.uv Tekm. 1601.
Noiv hl'tlnnary lJtU. cnmiaid by the Courl, round
law I'ul, nl-'d, and udu.iI ordt r in tde for advt-rtiini, .c.
Ib ull t'fraoiu. ir AO mi ii may lunam, 1 ukc ii"tiri .
That the alio, o btated application for a i barter of In
rorpuratioii ban b un made to the Court of Coiiitin.ii
l'l a of Col imbia County and if no mthcK-nt ream in
in hliftvMi iu the cutitrar) , n.iilCourt will, on Alotiday,
the tth day of May, JmI. dut'r.e uiul declare thut th
taiJ ChurLli fhill, n.i-urdlnto the article i and imimu-e--t
liu in nid application set forth and cm
( ) tHined, bucomi and be a loipuratiou nnd body
) u t poimc.
JAfoa iivr.iii.v.
I'i uthonotaty,
April C, lcCl.
LIST OT Ii U T T 33 11 S
Iir.MAlN'INft iu llio t'ost Oifjc: at Uloomiljurg, P
It .March 31tt, lo I.
Artsr, M
Itnrrli, William (Ship)
I Hrown, ll li
Itrown, James
lUrr. I. 1)
ItredliMider, William
li.mtl, Ik'lij
Clwk. And
i hodMtn, j n
H.l'inj. Henry
. U- I line, lleury
! l. ti tt, lino
rri'ftn. Men ll
f Fnw It r, .M O
i firftmcr i.lm
1 l.ilbc l. -M
ll.jluir.l, II
llauiteiihu. li, llliih.i
How. ii, k s
I 11 iitniau, Uco M
llecliurn. U
llethiuu, Lilian
Johnioli, A '
Kooiu, O M
l.eininnn, M
kee, Jauiet
Mure, lieu
.McKride, 1
; Morgan, Valtar
iMlWiIIuuih, II
Ogdcu, Thoa
I't-lkinpton, Jo
Itouiultiy, JaiiuCB (Ship)
Itobma. l li
Minili, Jacob
rhultz, J"bi'pli
rhomniou, Mnrliin Miss
IVrvnib;. r, Uaac
Turner, Ji o
WiiKht, J A 3
Persons calluu: for tlie aboro letters, will pli-jse
sii) lhey aro udl
, n in prii, ,r
Tf ITITPC-I i.s-v-ipi I irnnn Gtz-inniCJ
I axuiiio u.vui.i uuui .ii.iiii.o,
IVi Jnst receiicd Soinethius mw in thai line, Call
in J.adies, aad get one
II I. i. 1 IV nAUlNA.".
Dloomibiuj, Utb. V li
j 1 TV -Tl Tr i tt -wf
V! A I ) If ? A Y
llJLlA.17Ji i J 1 k J I
Good News for the
1000 chances to Mako Money.
s ewe.
Silver-Pfalcd Ware,
TO 11 K DISPOSED 01' 0f
2,500 AGENTS WAKTyB ! !
Allperion. dealrma or aerating an njeney 111 thi.
Slmuld penri 011 llicir nniiics tit encloilng a 3 cent
Mamp to pti puBtagc. niiil tvu. lie hy Nturn of luailu
Ifimiuu Catnluguc containing
A Rark Chance
ifull particulars
To Insurj prompt ,lirl k.lll. factory itratlnss, illroct all
or.Ieri to
139 Lhetiiut i-'tr.'it, rim.ALtLpitu.
April fi, 161-31.
Valuable Real Estate.
J ptirfiinru nfan ortlcrof ttu urpliufi Cmirt of Co-
- lUIIlllllllUUIlt), 1)11
Monday, the loth (April. ISfll.
nl 1 10 oVInckiii llio forenoon, Jolin Hmuli, AdimnUtratur
iu ni I cimnly, (IitcjhpiI, will ripoj to fin
hy fuMk
vimui-, iiiini inu 'Tt-'UIUO, .1 CKHUlll
T 11 A C T O F
ltuat3 ill Mn.lMOll tOXMUllIll Collllllbi.l roiintir. inlintn.
me laml of t! -orrf.' l)frr'i h. irtt on llitj ortli, lands "f
'in n u-1 i iimtiw u tli- i:iiht. Ilia hiri of .Mulrew Wio-in.ii-r
on tliu W't-t, uinl on lli putilU b Ianu ut" lUi
Whit', (uiitaitin iilnmt
vMiTeoii or- rrcttnl TU O 1,00 IIOL'SIT, A I.t)(J ST
HI.!;, I-Ut; IJAKS'. ofimit J.ivhly Arri" cleart'd land
late Hie fstat. of s.nd tlfffiiHcd, situ itu In tlie tdvrnililp
uf M.i.iuim.aiid county afuroniti I.
, . JALOil r.VIIItLY, Clerk.
C ' Ittl'H ot srK. IVn y t cent, ni tho purchao
money tnlu paid liy tli. pui li,iH.-r "n finv i fnali'. One
four Hi of tli.' piirtli.iH. (k'i4 Uu- tin per cent.) tn be paid
on iiiIlriu.ilionofial.-. The lialann- i.f purrlnu iii'mey
tnbii pr.i.1 in mi j.Mr fr-un i "iillrui.itiitti. with interem,
Du.'d to be m.i.le ta ih pnnli.i t-r upon p-ijuiviit of the
piirchaamuvnoj and intrri:r.t. 'Hie pup tinker to pi for
h f-'pJ. John isimi,
SlnrcIi 3(1, lJGl-3t.
floorn -Oeorjia 11 lire u ii, Jhh-ph Wustct.
Rciitou-rit'i t nni, I h Mend. nh.ill.
H.avir -S.tiiiiii I t'ux, V tor Kucilit.
Itrinrcn ik- Jona nlit.
Caitawi-h.i-William Alillir. M.itluns Uarliiian,
IViitru t-.dwnril llartunn. (ii.bert II. 1'owlrr,
I'Mhiiicrreek Jm I !;ar.
(ircciiHond - IMw nnl Albi rton.
llcmlopk John II, raiidt. Kmau Ciirtnn. Jcrsr Olil.
I.o. list -li(nr K ll r, diin Iiiniini, Jacjb Ilarnrr,
l.'-oiiikrii .I ams.
MadM.ui Iwh.ic V Iuppl
.Moiit'nir J,n !) Aniw i.r
'niin' Jacob Shtiinaii
tfiii!arl"af-William Pir !i. nr., jr.
Ti!,ni:it.c .iinoiis.
M"om Jain- IVtz', John I.earork, I i, Iliipert.
Itca.-r Jot'l Hredbfiiidtr, IVter Ilauck.
IbTitou Jol'ii Iloty,
i.'attau if i w ill i. mi John, Uanitl (icarlnrt, Joscnh
.M ut. Hani. I Kr 'Uh
fun; nt;haiii-ii n . Ilaus, Fretk-rkk 11. Wohlfftrih.
Onir.i-lVtcr .MiII.t.
rihnijirre''kAt)ort Amimrinan, (worro M. Unwell
lluli Vcltndf,
(rcfiiwiwiil-IiaUil Hrib llti.
Ilrmlntk-Jiihn M It.irtnu,
Jaiknon- Joliuh rentier.
tni-"t H n id Kot -iibuidfr. Cvnrgn Killer,
Kti r. Mian Wliyuu. Abrah im Vcigow.
MHt.irl'nf John M. Ci.t.
Eilate of Henry Kiteten, tleccascl.
rpHi; i.ndi-rinj:nednpp.1ii.teil by tho OrpImiH- Court of
J Columbia ColtI.t an Auditor to di ribute tlio Ll-
,i. ........i . u . n ..t:... i - ;.T . . V. .V ,c. ''"'J
ilmcised , Mill attain, ot liliollice, lit I luoinsburg, In
TllLRMIW.TIIL illh 11AV () AI'KII,, A. I)., sf,,
at oil i u'lloik Iu lie- ullerncii'll i r Mild d.iv. for the nur peril riiiui;- lie .lulioa f his tippoiiiliiielit ;
uiiirn lime anil pl.ire nil pi rami, inn p-.l, il are re'iilir
id tn pr-.'-ul their el, inns, "r hi n.n n . ,t,.i,.,rr.i e ,
" -" . is' iuluhoii,
John o. riti:i:.i:.
.M.uch icci it.
V, X V T I ii IV.
AM. pernun are In rib) r.iiitiiuedn;aiusl piirchasiiia
nr it auyulse taking u tran.rar i f .1 cirlain ,i.u- il
Ha.iJ, oflli' aiimual 1 1 lil, purpnllina to i.,,. .v..,a
ticiieil.) Ilu sub.eribu. in l.ui.I i f llelij.unui Voillir.
o.ll.'d theUli illy ol lane, l-(.u, p.i)al,j Uino In, null.
Iri'in date, aa 1 have reci n eil mi i,ili, thi ri-i I' and inn
delenuiiued nut In pay it, uitlsb. cJiupelied bj iIuu'Louriie
, , a. ii. i'At;vi:n,
Kohraburg, .March 23, It(il-3l
K 11 X O II O T K L.
Till, iindt'tf iencd.. rf nod fill Iv infurmi hia fi-i.niU
find the public ceiivralH . Hi it he linn opened a Innim for
tlie iitLit-iinmi'iii of ruti'iutr and trai ib ra. nt H)HIj
M, tn (irt-eiiwood touiiship. Culuiubn County, inbout
l.o uiik-i ntkl of .Mi hlllc,; raited the
1 Wheru hoi. prepared to iirconuiiiidalo llio public, and
(ill nhumay faiorhiiu Willi their cusloui.togeniral sat
isfaction His Tablo and liar, will bo wall supplied ami careful
ly ciiiuiurlod.und In. Maliliiiit is ample and will .totkml
He u ill alall limes bj huppy ivuitupon hl.lrlinds
John i,i:ggoit.
Bereno, March S3, 1601.
Prncttctl ll'irsc anil Ouiv Doctor,
rnoM liiuiM vn'v.
lf.M. prnniplly altind tn all taw. ( itt.ea.c in
l IIohsli isu Cou-ii, mi application, ntlier in town
tn-l rhurrh. I
"lour)- i.e.iaeni o cut i inru cireel, near llio llap
..looiniburj, March 30, iul-al, i
II1V I Slll-ill Bllt-.1M
a-'S. i aii,,nii a iist.s. tl
,.,... , ..... i. .rn
1 jou nam ,i uin uiuaniua oi t bunt,
.uu a, .uv i.a.-ii; romiur.. Mt'om.ii-iri:
.. . . JU3lilll SU.Vlll'X.L,3J
Mar h 5 11 na
Tho uinlrrrlnc,l appointed by the Court an Anilltorto
illitnbutit the r ii n J arising from tho PlicrlfTa aalo of the
teal citato nr lllram tfmrthcra, will nilend to tho dutlca
of hit nppnintinentni, Uaturday the audi day nf March,
Ifi'il, at a O'clock, I'. ,M nt Ilia UlTico in Dlnninnbure. Col
lnnbl.1 tntinty, at nlilch ti inn anil plara all peraona Inter'
rated arc hereby notified tn attend, or bo forever debarred
from coming in on aaid fund.
February 53 1MI-4 w.
Tltnnuilrraljneil, oiiilltor appointed by the Orplmn'a
Court nri'oluinlila county, on ricctitloni tn the aclmlnli.
trnllon urrount of .Margaret Hrm, admlnlttratrli of
ii inriw j, nrasa, lata or Columbia cnunly, deccancd.
, . . ,ri,ni inn imiock ,i, ii wnei a fl wnora a ner.
sons Interested in said citato can nttvuil If they think
March D, 1801.
NOrlOfl I. herouy (riven lint bittern tettamentiry
upon tho llitato ofDnr-i SeiiTT, late of tho toim.
hlp of ninnm. In tho county iifCiiluniMn, ilercuseil.hnto
"'-"" 'iiiil Krniuen ny ina liesnior 01 aaiil coutity lo
thn uniliTiigncil, ri ilJIns in .alii trlili ; ami that
ull pernoiii denialiila aitaliut.nla ea.
tale, urn ri'itlcnlel tn muku known the fcamo to tho anitl
Ulidcriisneil itllhout dil.'iy,
IMoomsliutj, rihruary'JS, lsui-dn.
Estate of Jacob Ilclwig, deceased,
rr.Trilttrl tentainciitarynn tlnii:.tatonf jAcnnllcLilia
J nito nri.oi.iint tiinn.liip.ln Unfunilila inutityllucraa.
cil h ivo heen e ranleil hy Urn Itetliter iifColumbui coun
y ln tlm unilcmlgneil; nil pcraoii, haviiisrnlunaeainit
.no ..stale- nftii, ilcreileiit.iiro ri-'iueti'il toprueentthi mi
tn t ho i.teriitfir,, nl their re.lilenre, In I.ocuit timn.hlii,
forll'i'nl'th " '"deLted to mako pa) mint
lebruary?.. 1-m livv.
Jlouius!)iit' Academy:
I. A. UEl-ULKr, A. B., I'
'pin: si-nixi! avi) swi.Mi:rt session- or this
i- luatitulioii nil. bfgin
The tiullilliu I, nt present uinle renin; n llioro' rent,
tatioii. itHlllb,.- aupplicil tilth ,, furnililrci Tim
iMilla i icaatulv unnereil.aiulfvpritliiim n,),i,i .i...
conlriliuti- tulherintifiirt anil cnnicliieueeef theHtuilent.
. ,.u-Lllln iii.iniiiiiiiiMri no inorousn, a, hereto,
lure, ami Ilium''iun!! to ht tliemsill I In teach mil
ri'Cntc eiiecnl tittenliiin. Tin. l.nnt nunlri. .,.i.....
cil in enril ing lo tile mniit npprnveil nioilel
All tin .tuiliunofour Seiiiluarin are cmliraceil In ll,
cuume ol atuily.
l'rlinnry deptirtaietit, 61,00
lllch-'r di'icirliiient, y
o I'traclinree I, made for tho rtudy of Ancient or
inn l rll l.ulimiiiKfri,
(.'.millioiirilincennlieprnnireilRt .1,50 or per
niouniautir, .Marih ., IMjI tf.
Entitle of I'ttcr Mou-rci ccceasrr.
I" r.TTi'.UStJ.t.luieiitiryon the C-late oflVrm Vnw
IJ Ben. atenf l.oeii.L lniMi.liht. in r,,r,i.,.t.t.
deceased h'iva been Rrnnteil by the Ki'Klster nri.Vumbii
rointty to Hie uiiiler.isued ; a! peraons haling calina
again., tlio Olnto i,fth! ilircd.'nl.aro reiilei,liil lo pro-
aeui inein in uio l .1 i'c ill nr at hi. reiidencii, in l.ocu.t
ttmnship, Milhotit de.iy, and all p. rson. indebted lo
nuke pjyniciitluiUtwith.
.. . ... - JUteutjr.
. ebr'jary 3, IHIII -er.
SiicriiFs Sales.
UV irtm of 9'inJry wnt of rknttuiani rrHm. n
mi' din-cted. iiHiieout uf tlm Cuurt of Common t'h-ai tf
tilt- L'uiinly tifCultiinbia. r.-iniKvU.iuin. tu i
tn public ! nl tlt-j Cmirt IIoimc in llluomslinrc. on
ha ruuiiAv, thi: mu or ai-uu.. jt-r.i. at one o'clock
in me auernonn mc luihminij uesiribtd prcpi-rly to
All that certain tract or pieco of land
mtuat. in SuBrlolf toMiiship Columlii.i County contain-
ihk ni.y i-iur.-icrea 1,1 wiurii iweuiy ouo acres is cleared
l.iu-l Imumleil mi the Nurlh by iMtdaof Miclint-1 llcish,
luiii.rn tie- .Su nth by laud, of Abraham Sholu on the
Cut by lllijsef Daniel lies, A. Jea.ti Ilnrimn,. n,,,l
the Mist hy land l.ilu nt Udinuiul Craw fnrd, Miiercoii is
erected ii ono aud a iialf story I'laiilt dis ctlilie house a
fr.llii'i liaru auj a lllack rinutli MlopMitli ilni aniuir.
S-i.eil. tiken in Ui.eution and tn he anl,l n. iba
eily of John .Miihier.
iU tlie same time and ldace, all that
certaiiilract of laud sililite in Siijarloaf toil nship Co.,
I ll.lli i.i 1011 lit V Imllmli'il nud il.'a.i-r.tiv.l no full,,.. ......... .
"ii Ilu .V-rili by land of Ki hard Kib on tin limn by'
in 1 or it. ti, j.iiuiMiu on mo euuui liy land of Jea
nuiustun on the west by laud of 1', l.nub.ich nm-
laiuiiiff muy i iiiht ucrua more or lent. About lenity
uvcuereMti which in ucareo taud winron la erected a
ono and .1 hilf story I'lank dwulltni? hoiiie and other
out bnililiii; w itli tho appurteiunreti,, takn in execution and to be told as the prop
er!) of tieorge Aloore.
At the same time and place, all that irau or 101 "i iann eitiiaic in i isiiintrcret k toivn
rIiih, Columbia rountv, bounded and deaeribM n. irfl.
town to wit: -On the North by land of 1'aul Tcaler, on
ni- i;.ii uy iarui ot uicnard joups, on me south by land
of R. I'. turker, und on tho Went by land of Willi uu
k. 1'arltB. containitis Kleveti Acrtis. be tho samo inorti or
letH, all of whirl) in rlcarwd laud, whereon are er'Ttcd
a one and n half rtory I'lank Duelling House, a 1'raine
i.anic nam, aiiuotiier outbaiiiiiu with the appurtenan
ecu. Sei7. d, taken iu execution ani tn ho sold as the nron.
erty of James It I'arki.
SNIUJ-JK, Sheriff.
Illo-trnpliurg. March tI3, 1SG1.
1 v W W Ai l) M SIM) I' , Nnt lo,,R 8illf0 1 ,frt ,oymi f"r ft box of Cephalic TUN
1U oliUl . fortliucurcof the Ninoui Headache and Lurtitiiu m,
JW'IIH rtt'CCt above the orfcs Hotel, 1 nml rrreivMl the unine. and they had bo good an tikct
rilK un.IrreiEned. havlmr removed from r..P)tmn to Uftj "'"f c'!,!r(,r,c"f!ll';or TTe; ,
I Uloouutmrs, rcpettfully infon.iB hid (nud3 and 's "t.d bj retugn mall. Direct to
rustointTh. that Jie h.w opi-ned a new fhop, on .Mam ! j' K: u rR
Mrjct. IMoouisbarg, abote thu IVrki HuU-1, wlitre Ju ! pnHanti, .Mich,
will I'oinlutt the . . -
In nil its various uVpartinents, and on a more titfiiaivo
petite lliau liur.'tofort.
liiijiuuw, SprniK Wayoin, Pulkka. kiglit Waunnn. nn.l
all kinds of i hicleii, mule to order, on fhrrt notice and
fair k rim. Also- mid I'arm Wiull-IUrkow j,
made tn onkr.
Ly- iti I'aikisc, (,f all kindB, including Heavy Wacom,
promptly mid cheaply eu-cutfd.
Pdonniflbiirp, April 21, 15C0-(im.
Estate of Ucnj unin F. Teitstiortt,'lcmiseJ
jVOTH'i: I, hen by given that lell.-rs ofadminibtrnliou
ll oil the estate of llelijannu 1'. TeitalMirlh late Lf
li-en ttrantedbi llui Itealster of said cimnly to Ilia uu. 1
.ler.isn. d, win r.-i,iet in Msj her,) imiiisiiip .Mounmr
1 Ml, hauue claims or demands OBauiniln ,
e.tatu of the deie.l,-nt are r, quested In present them fur 1
.-llleaieul, uud llio.e indibted to ill ike paj mutt w ithout ;
Riinr.itT MAVisriv
Jlarch 0, sCI C M, r.
Valuable Real Estate.
IN purHiianro of an order of (he Orpliaiu Court of Co
I lu.ubia county, on
Saturday, the liOA day of April, next,
at 10 uVlnrk in tho furcnnon.fjpnrgo M. I j-,gpnburli,anil
i. iiii.iiii ji. iiajrenoiiui, Aniiiinitirntora ci eimou i ra-
C'llbtlth. I.ltl' Ol'Ccillri. tnUllr-lllll 111 .Olil pemili ,rrt nu.
ed. w ill eipotu to sal-, b) 1'iiblic Vendue, upon toe
1'itrpait 2so. 2, consisting of a
Hitii.iti-d iu Centra lowiihhip, in fanl cnunli adjoining,
i'urpatt No. one on ill,- U i t, linrge Kt Irlui, r and nth
irs mi the ,nrlh. H.iruh Salmon, uu llm b'oatlt and I'ur,
pari I,., inree, un me i.a.l conlainiiij;.
T e ii Acres
and Sixty p.-ribea strict measure.
AJjbO-rurpart No. four consisting of a
Situate in (VnlrP tOWllklnn. nforra.iid. ndiniiiinrr liml.
of Ci-nrge kekhiivr on the North, 1'urpart No llireu uu
the Wi't, Sarah Hnlnuui on tha South and i'urpart .No. 5
on the kast, coiitaimng,
lea Acres,
and (oiuleeii pi riiias Slrnl uiiaaiire.
Al.SO-Purpart Xo. five consisting of a
in Centre tnwntlup, alu rceai.1, ailjommc linda of fim
Kelchut r, nndotht-rs. uu the N'( rth. 1'urpart No. four on
the Witt, Harah .Salmon oa tho South and 1'urpart No
MX on the kast, Coutuiniuj
Nine Acres,
and one hundred and forty Hit pert hr s strict ticaiure
knte the I, state of said deceased, itnalt in the town
ship of Centre and county afureaiit,
Hi lonibburg. Mnrrli ?3, lrfll
. pir rem. oruio purcnaso money tobepaid tntiii
iiiiniiiiairiiiiir.ini in. a in cue. lino nail orthe bat
nuro cl Iho liiirclias- inonei lo beo.ild nr.i of AnnLlr..
Tlier.inaiiiiier ol'lhopiirihaso iuoiievlol,,, paid first of
April, leOJ- iho paymiuls lo he with lutercsl fron da.
nltlale Deads In ho iii.i.lo and dcliicred in i .,'
chaser upon tho confirmation ol Sale Tin rurelus-'rio
eccurc ilia paviilclit bj Bona, and Mortsua.
I -H I
fiy the ii, e oflheie pill, tho periodic ntlatk, of .Vtr
rewi crStek Utailtht may Im prevented; and If Inkcnati
thi roininenectneiit nf an attack iuiinediate retiif from
pain and sickne.a n ill bo obtained,
'i'hey arlilnm fall In removingtlijA"oJcaandfa7a(i.
toMhlilifoinalcaarc no rubjccl" ouacat
arT,"1' ltRr'!l,")' "I""1 ""' nowcll., temotlnj Ontfre-
Por Ultrimj Men, ftvinti. Delicate Femalca. and all
peraonaof XrJtmtrt hihlli. H,ei- vl i '
fi'lif.liiiliroi inj the app,me, sHine loat nnd rigor to tie.
v., ,b uu iv.n'Miisiiie nauiraicia.tif it-ami
nplll fl tlie whole ay.lein, '
heCKI'MAbll! VUAM nrn ll,nr,..l, fl... i ,
fatlon anil c infully coniliicteilcj;ieiiiniili,l,,, been
In use inanynar., during nhlclitliiiiMliej havcnreien
tfilnni rulicviilii ,,i(t amount i f pain and . iiferlne
from I eai nr be. n hullier r,tl,,,nil. 'i ... " '"V"11'
tern nrfroiii a dfrnnjed Male of the mtmatli.
hi ) or-eniireii ii nf tabic In tin Ir rompn.lllon and
nnvl,,, taken at all time liithpoifert aafety iij "'.j!
mak linr nnrc hntiee r.r ,lli,i. .,.i,t, ..,.. . .J "'",mM
gmabttfiu rcndtttU caiy I, adntnlittr Ihtm la c.i(-
Ii'eaeh"'l',l." 'Isnature. of Henry C. Spalding
Sold by IiruisMi and all i.lh,-r Dealer, In Medicine,
A bomill bo ent by niall prepaid on recilpt of tl,"
, i iiici. a., c;i;-j-..
All ordcri ahould bo addrced to
m:itv ('.HPAMiiN-n,
13 Cedar ilrect, New York,
thi; roi,r,owiNn ksbousemexw of
win. iomisib all nun sirrm from
.Ii lAf.e Trstimonialt wire untotieited tif .Vr. ST V D
yAtV, lhey tijord vntjutstionaLlt jtronf iV lAe tli. '
cary rf UU truly tcicnltjic illiceirry.
.'Jaiunmlll, (Jena., ftb.S, 1301.
Mr. Hp.illn;.
I haictiied )i.ur Cephalic, fill,, and I Ml tktrn tt aril
tint I anl oii to .end mo tun dollar, worlh mure
I'attiif the.i! arc for llio in ighhors, to ishoni I gaVo a
lev, out of the first bni I gut fimn vim.
Uend tho i'jlla b mail, and oh ijo
Vour nb't Hervant,
Jiuaa KEaaor.
Utturftird,Pa , f,b. 0, 1801.
Mr. Ppalillnj.
I ni.h you to send me one inaro box nf your Cephalic
I'llli, auer rcecirnf ,1 jprrol ifraf ef lea 'Jit from tlcn.
Vourn, re.peclfully
Mart Ai Stoiiuouib.
.JirHfe Crerk. Huntington Co. ra., I
January is, leCl. j
H.C. Spaldinj
Vnu will please send mo to boxes of your Cciihalic
Tills. Send llieui immediately.
Uespectfuily yours.
. . . . Jso. n. Sioss,
r.S.-faar. utcd one box of your nils, and find them
R'U' r'trnon, liar,, Jan. 13, 1SG1.
Henry C. Ppaldhip, lisii.
l'Ua.e find idcIhsiiI leiit .fuc rents, fur Mhlch send
mc another hut of lour Cephalic rill,. -r'A... nr-
"ui!-1"' """"""'"'
ncile Vernon, Waiandot Co. O
' ' -u., j.
II CPpaldins ti'i. '
I wi.hfor omo circulars orlarce hnw lulls, lobrin
jourCipliahe 1'iHa morn particularly lafore my cuto
inori. If ou have aiijliilny of tlu kind, jdcaju BtnJ to
' Ouo or my ciiatoinsri, who is fubject to set Pro Pick
Ikailarlic, (.utually latniff twodajn.j vut cured cf an
attack in pc Aon r by your t'tlls, w Inch I atrit her
1 W. II, Wile En,
Itrynoldsburfft Franklin Co., Ohio, i
January if, I&CI. I
Henry C. Fpahtinir.
No. 4i Cedar fct. N. V.
Hear hi r :
Inclom-il find twculy. tive rents, (23.) for which und
hoi of "CVphalic: I'll to.1 M'tnl toaddrcs of Kev. Wm.
C. Tiller. K.'ynohUbiirg. Traiiklin Co., Ohio.
Your I'ttU uark hie a charmcurt Utadueha aliuoit
I Truly yours,
W"' C TlLLtR.
I , , . Yptxlaati, VrfA, Jan, 11, 166J.
.Mr. PpaMinj.
61 r:
yrom'the F.xtmlntr, Xorfolk, IV,
Cephalic Pills accomplish tho object for
which they wcro made, viz : Cure of
headache iu all its forms.
j Trent (As ramiwrr, Yorfolk, ra.
i They have been tested in more than a
thousand eases, with entire success.
from the remotrat,St. C.'euJ,.Vtaa
If you arc, or have been troubled with
'HO IlCailaCllO, Scnil lor II UOX, (CcpuallC
la, So that you may have them in case
' ' , J " '"i-' l-JSl-
01 an attack.
From the .IdtcrUser, Protidcnee. Jl. I.
The Cephalic Pills arc said to be a re
markably effective remedy for tho head
ache, and ono of tho very best for that
very frequent complaint which has ever
been discovered.
Front the ircjfrra R RGa:ctte, Chicago III.
Wo heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and
his uurivallcd Ccphalio Pills.
From the A'anairsa Fallen Star, Kanairht, Fa
Wo aro suro that persons suffering with
tho headache, who try them, will stick to
From the Southern path 1 'tndtr, ,Vie Orleans, Ii
'1'ry them ! you that aro afflicted, and
wo aro auro that your testimony can bo
added to tho already numerous list that
has received benefits that no other medi
cine can produce
- j- A slnrlo botll, of Sl'AI.DINH-S ntr.l'AltlHIUI.Ul:
Will sua leu limes its cost .inuua!ly.K.3
rsi'Ai.M.vr. riiwAur.D ci.ui:i's niui'Anr.u gut..
rtAVK Till: l-IECES!
" A htitoiun Time Hxirs Nisi.." sj
As ajriihnts will happen, even ut w-i II regulTud fam
es It is very desirable In have soino ihein, and rnme.
nlenl way for repairuii Fornitura, Tots, Crockery. 4-e.
meets all surh eiucrgiiietes, and no lioiiseliold ran atf
ord tn lu w ithout it. It is always leady utnl up to tlu
sltcaini: iiuin,.
crii'.rL'i. iv evury iiousn."
N. It. A Diuall acrninpaitits each llotlle. Trieo, Ji
ents. Mint:
ll'-AKV r.Sl'ALUINO.
.".'o f-irl'tlM-Htr, t Nw Vrk
As r itnitutipiiuctpUJpi rkouaa. attempting to palm
nil' on th- iiusuiiirtnis publn, unit itions of my I'Hll
p VUKl) ikl l, I v.ould ca itiou all perron tu ex ammo
before purriiamns nnu seu inai mc lull name, .
x si'Ai.uiNfi fi i'ni;i' viu'D mit r- 1
mnn Ot oytsldi tapr V clhei a indkn-
U .J. lit -'-i 1 ISVJ
Latest by Telegraph.
Alhanv, N. Y., April 0.
Tho Democrats carried tho charter elec
tion to-day, by over 1000 majority,
Municipal Eloctloii.
HAnTi oni),Conn., Monday, April 8, 18G1.
At the election to day, tho Democrat!
carried tho cntiro city ticket by GOO mi.
jority j also fi out of tho 0 Aldermen, and
HI out of tho 'l Councilmon. Tho voto
was very large. Last year both boardj
wcro tied.-
Washington, April 11, 1801.
There nro reports of contomnlaled chan-
gesin the Cabinet. Mr. Chase, Secretary
of tho Treasury, will, it issaid,bo appoin
ted a Supremu Court Judge ; Mr. Camer
on will go into tho Treasury Denartment.
and Johu Minor Botts, of Virginia, will bo
appointed Secretary of war in placoof Mr.
CruRLSTON, April U, 1801.
At Inst tho ball has opened.
Tho State authorities last night rccieved
official notiGcaliou that tho supplies would
bo furnished to Anderson at any hazard
peaceably if possible, by forco if ncccssarv.
lmmcnso preparations immediately worn
commenced suitable to the euiergcuoy.
Orders ware issued to the cntiro military
force of the city, held in reserve, to pro
ceed to their stations without delay.
Four regiments of a thousand men each
have been telegraphed for from the counlry.
Ono of theso from Kershaw district, un
der command of Col Kion, is formed with
tho understanding not to bo called out un
til tho fight was positively at hand.
'I ho Seventeenth ltcgiment, ci'ht hun
dred strcng, gathered thus in ono hour,
and left for the fortifications at three
o'clock tlri. morning
The vessels in llio harbor necessary for
transportation, will be called into scrvieo
by twelve o'clock to-day.
Thrco thousand nicn,in addition to'tkoao
iu tho harbor, will be under arms.
Xo. 20 South Wharves, Philadelphia.
Cash Trice, SiS per 3000 lb,., in strong Sack..
Thii article ii prepared from raw boxfh, and contains a
large amount ot lertilmug constituent, embodied iu no
other similar preparation.
ji 14 superior 10 rerut lati uuano, producing, tn tomo
ianc-,,iu yvt win more.
It coDti 911 per toulcn.
3. It Ii.ih all thu virtue dfrurc Hone, whila you. low do
time in waiting tor it, it ucU atones.
1. Itfurui'Iics precmcly the food rcpiirrd fortha jrow
ing crop.
5, It pcrmaiictitly improves the poll,
, It produces large ir"pj of praes
It prevent the attaren of worms,
h It do.'( not exhait the r,ii
U. 1 Ii" last reason why you should use it. is that thert
you can make a practical test a to the truth of all
of all these aaTtiuns. It will cost but littlo to
give it a trial.
fash Trice, $35 per 2000 pounds.
Tlie above Manures ivc warrant entirely freo from
adulteration, bain? iiiaiiulucturcd under tho person,,
cniperinundenccof (uie of our I'lrm.
No. 20 rlniith Wharves, I'lnladelphia.
February 10, leiil, :hn.
KXCK K I?! li X T U M
Havinc been Appointed by the manufacturers SOLE
A(iC IS fur the li! of tlie nbo"ti article, wo are now
priparedtn furnish it to Farmers nnd Dealers in ucli
luautttien as may Im wanted. It is dcodcristd and packed
in 7'i-fht liarrtla.
JI liberal deduction made for larce purchases. Thl &r
tkle must not bo confounded w ith I'oudrctte, it being, as
Mated, flmplv the pure night noil, thf great Titlu of
winch u well know n throughout the world.
.Manufactured by Til ACKAKA.SCIIAPKR &. THACK
AUAV. lorrfale ouly by
Ai.iiH?: it.
No 42 3out!t Iklaware Afeiiue, nnd 41 South Witr
Street. 1st door nliovo Chcatiiut titret, ThiW-ielphia.
Kcbruarf lb", Itftil. 3m.
tSuiier-PliOiSplutte of Lime.
Tho nM eMallkhpd article, in constant uio by
thousand of r.imwra and I'lanters for
a number of jcara pabt.
Price $15 per 2000 lbs. (21 cls.pcrl b )
mitUVlAN. ltecciveil ilircrt from tho Coyerament
ftores. IVurranted genutne.
ICIIAIiut;. This is the old fashioned Feathery Guano,
imported din et.
Allen & Nr-dllfs' Kcw Feriilizcr.
Tin low price ami aupenor ouality of thi. fertilircr
is last brinituii; it into general use,
'rit e rjao per aOOU lbs, (li cent per Ib.)
liON'i: IlLST. Uultoa-uiakcr, a, ir.. BmliOiound
I.AM) l'l.Asrnn. Warranted pure. Ia barrels.
A hlH-rat dcditdiiui uiudu lo Dulcrs on ull the aboro
N. il. Wo havo a largo number of Diploma, fo,
rr.-miums awarded by llie various Agricultural Seel.
lies, which you arc renue.ted to call and exaaitna.
JI1.LF..Y S,- .T.FDl.Li.
42 Boatli Whirvca ami 41 tfouth Water fit.
iNrst itorr ahoer Chcitnut,)
Feb IC, ?CI-3m.
Aliree nss'irtnietit of rhoieo Pilars, Tobacco, Tipfs,
Fruits. Cotiferliimery and N'oltnn, ccnerally.tciieth.
or witliu full slnik ofllATBaiul CAl'S, con. u inly oa
hand nnd for sale cheap, at thu "Bloom, burg Hal tCan
lll'irmshitrg. starch ID, I?61.
miller's stoke,
rlMir. mliFcnbcr Inn Jt returned frfm tho city with
jL another Urge and nelect nsnortmcnt of
purrliascdin 1'hiladelphiaat thelow-cit figure, and which
h u dctt-rmined to ncll on ua moderate terms as can bo
piocurcd elsewhere in llloounburg. His stock coniirt
Chnifefrt ttylea nnd la to ft fashion
Dry Goads Grtccnc, llardicmrt, Qutintvare, Cedar War $
J Ml 0 to Ware. Iron, AblJ. Hoot and &kcts,
Halt and Caps S.c, Jc.
In shoit cvt) thine uxnally kept In country tetea t
winch he itiMtek thi public generally.
Thu lljghctt l'rico paid for country prodnoa
Itlnouifchnre. Kov. 3, ISOo. y.
TMtK Conv.-nnon t tho kili'rary Union. rfVra.
1 xowt, Colimihii. ami aoja.-eni ciJuuiu ml b held
j at tho Court Houi . in Datnillt . on th jrCiof April, 11
at IQoviork a in All socftiei of the above rharartrr
t aro cordially requested to snd hvu delegates to rtpre-
ent th.'iii in said Convention
Th public umeiullv are in itcd to attend.
llKHUlt .'AlVrCK i
V J HVUUKlt ' loin cf Atianjcmcnls
i U S W fill 1 f
m i Vpnt" 1""