Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 13, 1861, Image 2

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BSTMessrs. Creasy & Co., sell cheap
goodg nt their new store, in Light Stroct.
Give us Notice. Persona who liavo
cbanged their places of residenco and do
siro that their papers have different direc
tion, will please so inform us.
QovEnNOtt Cumin's War Message.
We publish elsewhere to day, Gov. Cur-
tins's War Message, to the Pennsylvania
Legislature, asking an appropriation of
half a million dollars, for tho defence of
JSTlf tho person, who sometirao since
became possessed of a large black umbrel
la, on the head of which arc engraved in
black letters, L. L Tate, is done with it,
its return to this ofEc will bo very acceptable.
Appointed. Gov. Curtin has appointed
Capt. Given of West Chester, as Adjutant
General of this State, in the room of Gen.
E. 0. Wilson, whoso term will soon expire.
W. P. I. Painter, Esq., of Muncy, has
been appointed Supcrtondcnt of Public
Printing, in tho room of Charles D. Hino
line, Esq., whoso term of office has ex
pired. .Entertaining an ardent desiro for tho
Improvement in our stock of Horses, wo
think wo would be subserving tho public
interest by calling general attention to Mr.
Snyder's Card in our columns, in relation
to tho noble Horse Young Washington.
Jle is tho full-blood and thoroug-brcd Mor
gan Stock. Farmers would do well to
givo this subject early attention.
Iron City College. We tako plea
suro iu again calling tho attention of our
readers to tho advertisement of this widely
colebrated Institution. Within a few
years, many young men have laid the
foundation of substantial fortunes, and
hundreds arc now engaged in business at
salaries which they never could have se
cured but for tho advantages afforded by
this School. Every young man who can,
should pursue a courso of study in this
Institution;; it will provo of untold ad
vantage to him.
The Swindler's Apologist.
Harry B. Masser, of tho "Sunbury
American," last week opened upon us the
flood-gates of his vituperative vengeance,
for exposing tho recent enormous Rail
Itoad Swindles. Masser approves tho
conduct of tho Legislature pronounces
their action "fair and honorable," and
swallows tho rascally robbery (of millions
of the people's money,) without even greas
ing. Less than this could not bo expected
of a thing or machine that was crc&tcd by
corporation influence and has all its life
time lived by levying black mail, and is ev
crywhere known as the Swindler's apolo
gist and tho organ of corruption.
Keep it Before tho People.
That in a Legislature composed of 100
members, of which tho Republicans have
72, three-fourths of their number, being a
majority of the wholo House, voted for the
Sunbury & Erie swindlo.
Keep it Btfore the People,
That the same Legislature, assisted in both
oases by a few recreant Democrats, passed
tho bill repealing the tonnago tax.
Keep it Before the People,
That Andrew G. Curtin, a Republican
Governor, completed the outrago by sign
ing the Bills ;
And Keep it B'ore the Pccple,
That tho Republican orators pledged them
Bclve3, that if Curtin was elected, and
thoso bills were passed by tho Legislature,
ho would veto them.
Moro Gems.
Wk last wcok gave our readers soms
gems of political consistency, wo this wcok
wish to direct their attention to some Got
pel gem emanating from our Republican
abolition ministers, Tho Rov. Henry
Wright, pat tor of a Congregational church
in Massachusetts gives us gem No. 1.
"Who is tho God of humanity? Ho is
not the God of slavery, lie is not the
God of Moses Stuart ami Leonard Woods.
Shame on tho nation, shame on its
religion, thamc on such a God. I scorn
lain, lie is not my Uou. 1 wilt never
bow to His shrine. Sly head shall go off
with my hat when I take it oil to such a
God as that.
If tho liihlo sanctions slavery the Uiblo
is a Bolf-cvident falsehood, an enemy of
nature and of nature s uou.
The question is often put to me, would
you believo slavery to bo right if God
should declaro it right ? No 1 I wou d fast
en tho chain upon tho heel of such a God,
and let tho man go frco. Such a God is a
phantom. (Chcerj.)
Tho impious wretch j such language is
enough to oall down tho wrath of Jehovah
upon a community that would harbor such
a reprobate.
Wo doubt whether tho Rev. rated ever
perused tho rovealcd word of Him whom
ho thus blasphemes.
Ho would not believo slavery right if
God were to so declare it. His judgment
is superior to that of the Lord. And men
can be found who applaud this high baud
cd. Heaven defvine blasphemer. "Oh
shame where is thy blush ?"
Tho Rov. Daniel Foster, one of the
chaplains of tho Massachusetts Legisla
ture in 1833-0 gives us gem No. :
"He stood on that floor as an orthodox
clergyman, but he would as soon exchange
with the devil as ono of thoso hireling
priests thoso traitors to humanity. The
professed Church of Christ is false, and
its hireling priesthood unwortliy oi conii'
Hero is a "second Daniel como to judg
mcnt." We havo for many year3 labored
under an erroneous opinion and wo thank
his Rev. for opening our eyes to the truth.
Wo have heretofore thought that an ortho
dox minister was ono who taught Bible
doctrine a doctrine received and held bv
the Church of Christ, iu all ages and ooun
But to-day wo are told that "tho pro
fessed Church of Christ is falat," and
thoso who minister in sacred things un-
Tho Coat of Entortalning n
from tho Hmliburc Patriot & Union,
Mr, Lincoln arrived in Harrisburg on
Gov. Ourtin's War Message.
Gems of tho Inaugural.
Shall fugitive j from labor bo surrendered
Ly National or Stato authority I Tho Con
dilution docs not expressly say. May
Congrosi prohibit slavery iu tho Territo".
lay.' ZZ r J U,0S1 "J T"?.' W" ant of th -Legislature is rapid
Territorial! Tho Constitution does not,eoorlod fromlho can to tbo Jonos House, approaching, I feel constrained by a ser
expressly say, .micro uu miuio n speecu, uincu, was cscor"
From questions of this class spring all 'ted to the Capitol, mads another speech,
our Constitutional controversies, and wo 1 supped, and then escaped to Washington,
divide upon them into majorities and mi j d M witU n .Scotcll piaiu Cilp oml
uontics. It tho minority will notacnni-l, .... . , ,,,, , , .,
.v, Urn mninrit ,.. il,n vo,nnl.nt lonE military cloak." The select commit-
. ' ' " "6-' I. .... ,.
must cease.
There is no other alternative for contin
uing the Government but aequicsccuco.on
tho ono sido or the other."
Now let us take Mr. Lincoln at hit word.
We agree that tho minority should acqui
csco. Wo agreo that they ought not to ,!,,, n,.lln,i,r, .
lUMst ou tarrying out uicir uocinncs in Carriage hlro $178 00
it - r - . - :... 1 ... , I Rofrosumcnts at Continental Hotel 91 50
tho face ofa majority) but a majority 'nm atooverir'a eio oo
ought not to rcfuso a minority, no matter
It seems that James Rcdpath of Kan
6 as and John Brown notoriety, was not,
as ho doubtless should havo been caught
too which had charge of theso arrange
ments have reported to tho Legislature a
bill of g'J,H6 as tho axpenso occasioned
by tho reception and entertainment. The
State is called upon to foot th'n bill. Tho
itoin" aro thus stated without going into
Loglslativo Committee
how contemptible iu numbers or character,
any constitutional light. Mr. Lincoln
says, "If tho minority will not acquicsco,
the majority must, or the government must
ceaso.'' Thero will bo disunion, anarchy,
perhaps civil war. Then who should givo
up? Tho minority surely. Let the major
ity rule.
Now how stauds Mr. Lincoln's case
Constitutionally elected as he is, ought he
to insist, iu the face of tho facts, on car
rying out their Chicago Platform ! Ho
belongs to that minority, which, according
to his own showing, ought rather to sub-,
mit, on a mero question of party politics,
than to force his measures and policy on
an unwilling people,
Tho official returns .show that on the
popular vote thero is a majority of a mill
ion standing out against Lincoln. lie was
only elected by a plurality and not a major
ity of tho popular vote. Tho whole voto
stands as follows :
For Lincoln, 1 ,8.P)7,G10.
For other candidates, 2,901,000.
Add 50,000 for the voto of South Car
olina, which is cast by the legislature, and
Lincoln is a minority President with a
majority of a million of the votes of tho
Total 2,115 50
The carriages used on this occasion wcro
to escort Mr. Lincoln and suite from tho
cara to the hotel, and to tho cars again
next morning How it is possiblo to figuro
up 8178 for this servico is only known to
tho iuitiatcd,whosoem to have an arithme
tic of their own. Allowing ton carriages,
j at five dollars each a very liberal allow
IfrlHM af 11 ColfmUi Dtnitrol.
Linos to Cuarlio Connor T---o.
Willi full round face anil illmplod chin,
And laughing:, tnlnklln' c)c,
With curly locks of -olden hue,
A heart, too, free frotn alghf.
llll little fect go hounding (orltl
In tnlsclilof, -port and glee,
Hit laughing voiro 1 lore to hear
In childish mcloJy.
Happy Charlie I with uniting faco,
And laughing t'yes so blue t
Illi prldo la now aa "fathsr'a pet,"
And "mother's darling,' too.
0.11 mayhls life ho alnay, hrlght,
And grief to him unknown.
And to hie parents may he pro.a
A true and loilfljf son.
Blcomtburg, Sprit tth, HOI.
UxrcoTive CrtAMstn. 1
1IAHRISDURQ. April 9, 1851.
To th S-nale and limit fif lltpreacntatitei tif tht Ottrt'
inonutaltK of Pcnniylcania
Gontlcmon As tho poriod fixed for the
of duly to call your attention to tho con
dition of thu military organization of tho
Stato. It is scarcely necessary to say moro
than that tho militia system of tho State,
durinct a lone period distinguished by tho
pursuits of peaceful industry exclusively,
has become wholly inctheient, auu tho in
terferenca of tho Legislature is required to
rcmovo its detects, nnu to rentier it usctul
and available to tho public scrnco
Many of our volunteer companies do not
possess tho number of men required by our
military law. and steps should bo fortwith
taken to supply thoso deficiencies. There
arc numerous companies, too, that aro
tll.m.l llt.i nrniAainftr n a nt,,1 rf M,n
arms that aro distribute, but few arc pro-1 tl'st! billed m tho healing art, that not
vided with tho more modern appliances to ! tho Sarsaparilla itself is to bo blamed for
render them serviceable.
YOUN'd VINES of two -cars, of "Mlller'a Ilurgun.
dy," with beautiful roots, can bo had l nlso, 'eh
Trcos from icod of tho choicest arlrtlts, If railed for
nioomslinrg. Aptll 10. IBM. ,
iVOTtCR la hereby glrcn, that tho annual melting of
1 tho Stockholders of tho lllomnanurg Iron 1'ninpany
rill bo held nt Irnnilale, Columbia county, on Thursday
the J3il day ot May nelt, for tho purpo-o of electing
Ilirettora, and for tho transaitlnn ol nlfler business.
aplJ4l JOSEPH I'AXTO.V, l'ruldent.
THE undersigned inform the public generally that
they havo formed a Copartnership, and ill ecnUn.
hc the business of 1'uinp nuking ami repairing, in all
heir various departments, In nioomsburg, where ther
ill promptly nttend lo all orders in llxlr line of bun
ness, whither In town or country.
Well and Cistern I'umps, with leaden ripe, mado IH
the bi'st st)le of workmanship, oh moderate terms, anJ
on very short notice. .... ,
'..... , Inni, .," tlf htllin-SS. SOtl Slf
SiMt, We havo lOlIC SUnnoseU tlS earnest cie.irn innavo nieirwora connneji i n.n
iii-uaiu iuii, oujijujsu pblic,theyfeolsconndeiilthecaninekeltaiii.bjertf
cclebratod drug, had como to bo an ox- tiuua who may givo them their '";"i''S'J,-
, , , , ral eillsfatlon, JOHN t.ltyroilLEV,
nlodcd humbut'. but wo aro assured by ... John culi.
', .. , ,' ... . ., . .1 Bloom.burg, April 13, IMI. 3ni
ance tho cost would amount to S5U ; and
private parties could havo procured tho
same service for half that sum.
Refreshments at tho Continental llotol 1
who for? boubtlesi the committee who
proceeded to Philadelphia to oscort Mr,
Lincoln to tho capital, for his expenses
were defrayod by tha city, whoso guest In
Bill at Covcrly's Hotel, 80 10 j and very
moderate at that, as the Senato was as
sured hy the chairman of the committee.
This charge was originally 151,100, but as
the State w.u to pay, Mr. Coveily very
gensrously abated a portion of his demand
and consented to throw off 8"30. Let in
sec. Supposing that Mr. Lincoln's suite
consisted of twenty persons, who dined,
supped, and remained over night nt tho
Jones Houjo, wo havo an allowance of
I recommend, therefore, that tho Legis
lature mako immediate prouiiou for the
removal of these capital defects ; that arms
bo procured and distributed to those of our
citizens wiio may enter into the military
service of tho State, and that steps be ta
ken to cliango the guns already distributed
by the adoption of such well-known and
tried improvements as will render them ef
fective in tho event of their employment
in actual service.
In this connection, I recommend the
this conclusion, but tho miserable worthlots
preparations of it that have been palmed j
off upon the community preparations ,
which contain about as much of its virtues j
as they do of gold dust. It is a commer
cial fact that almost all of tho Sarsaparilla
gathered in the world, is eousumed in tho
old countries of Burope, where tho scienco
of medicine, has reached its highest per-1
fection, and whero they know the best
what to employ for tho mastery of disease
For May Term, 1801.
1. T W. Kahler rs.tunlel NefhiwJ,
?. John Mulligan ft. al. vs. B. Rhone.
3. A.Crcv'llnp vs. A. Melllck et. al
4 Robert J Eon vs. M. Cox et, al,
Jacob It. Mine vs. Hoberl J. Lyons
6. I'hlllp Wlntersteen vs. V. Ulntcrstaen.
7. John Tcaliir va Daniel Edgar et. al.
8. Lewis I.avt-nberg it, ai vs J. Ityer.
I. Wolf, Wesller k Co. vs. I). F. Suybell.
10. Holomonritcrner vs. Abraham Snyder,
II. Isaiah Miumnn vs. J. L. tihuman.
13. llenryGearhartvs. Isaiah Bhuman.
X Joseph l.ockard vs. Jas. Pennington.
11. Erckiel Shultn vs. J. l'enulngton et. al
15. Henry Trailgh vs V. M. Insurance Co
10. Itlrhard Torby vs I). K. Seybert.
IT. W. Ilurgess et. al. vs. A. J. Albcrtsoif.
!. Ez.'kiil Cole vs thetwp. of Hunton.
13. James Shields et. al. vs. I Bhuinan.
eo. tien. Eves vs. Zehulan It. f liults et. al.
oRAMiiiviiAii mum
establishment of a military Bureau at tho llcnco wo aro glad to find that we aro now, and that tho militia laws of the (q have a compound of this excellent al- UliillN II lli V ILLiiJ ilUil li I J 111 1
Commonwealth bo so modified and amend- . taralivc wllich call ll0 rci;cd on anj ur ' d
$ thXltT '"'-y o- " b0 n""lll ,hat x 0 R M A L 1 N s T IT u T K '
Ot the btate tho Vitality anil energy CSSOn-1 J , ' ,BTnf,i SMioo of the present Academic yiar nl
worthy of confidence.
The Rov. Mr. Griswold, of Stonington
gives us gem iso. J :
"For the church which sustains slavery
wherever it be, I am ready to say I will
welcome the bolt, whether it come from
heaven or from hell, which shall destroy
it. Its pretensions to Christianity aro tho
boldest cilroutory and the vilest imposture
The Rov. Mr. Howell says, when tpeak
ing of tho Bible argumeuts in behalf of
slavery :
Uive up my advocacy ot abolition! JSev-
or. l will sooner, Jouas-iiKo, throw tho
Bible overboard, and execrato it as the
Ncwgato Calendar, denounce God as a
slaveholder, and his angels and Apostles
as the turnkeys and slave drivers."
Wo pass tlu3, and tho next, from tho
pen of the Rev. Mr. Howell, without com
ment. They speak for themselves. The
head that could conceive, the heart that
would give utterance to such sentiments,
aro blacker than Jlfric's darkest smi. Th e
above extracts havo been general in their
character, blaspheming tho Most High
and denouncing his followers in no meas
ured terms, but in the most rejincd and
chaste language.
But to gem No. 5, from the pen of the
Rev. Mr. Blanchard. Wc wish to call the
attention of those to whom it is particularly-
addressed .
tl,nn tLtrftf dnlloa fnt Anr1 in.livM. ui-uuii; luuuriiuu ui;.tiiiei nnu , ,,,, , - - , r .
, ,. . , , ,T , i . i ml. hat a fearful amount of eatables
and his principles. lie need not hesitate . , ,
, , . , , ,i , . and drinkables thay must have consumed
form for it has not met the approval of a
majority of tho voters in tho country, and
in Republics the rule is that minorities
must succumb to majorities.
tial to its practical value and usefulness.
Precautions such as I havo suggested,
aro wise and proper nt all times in a Gov
ernment like ours. Hut especial and mo
mentous considerations, aii-ing from the
condition of public affairs outsido the lim
its, yet of Incalculable consequence to tho
people, and demanding the gravest atten
tion of tho Legislature of Pennsylvania,
invest the subject to which your action is
invited, by this communication with extra
ordinary interest and importance.
Wo cannot bo insensible to the fact that
serious jealousies and divisions distract tho
public mind, and that in portions of this
Union the peace of the country, if not tho
safety ot the uovcrument itsclt, is endan
any thing IJor'T. AVER makes, li wormy ; ( )rangclllc Academy and Normal lastuols.
of their confidence. He has bcon for years , "i"" frnuctllT, 31i u of April, lsei.
engaged in eliminating this remedy ('ASTr'
adv'g cols.) designing to make it-hi 0rn8,ul. Apr ,, I8Ct.J' A' S"ANK' r"""H-
"iicf a oinrc" which should add tho
Those Ejab'ii'.iig Under
crowning clory tollH already enviable i(cknssiran at enco relieve tflemselvcs from th.' then.
. 1 ,, .- , biihI maladies th.itnesh Is h'ir to, if they w ill only
reputation. AlllCnCUIl lelt. lCie luiK. I fnw the counsels of nature, and tako the inedlcln.i
L , , . , i whlih bt'st ns-i-ta lur in her operations. Tbal ins-i-
Weakness or the Stomach ano In
DlflESTtoX. Another Great Cure effected
by Bccrhave's Holland Bitter.'. The wife
of Peter Be Wittc, living in Holland
Town, Sheboygan county, Wisconsin,
fullered much from Weakness of tho
Stomach and Indigestion. She had been
under a phypican's caro for come time, but
Apportionment Bill.
AN ACT to divide the Stato into Consrcn-
Then the committee vory modestly chargo
one hundred dollars apiece for their distin
guished services, in traveling to Pittsburg
to invite tho President to visit Harrisburg
and afterwards going to Philadelphia to
meet him. Ai they all traveled free on
the railroad, and as they charge 807 for
J.nii. : n r .... tt:,...i .'expenses attho Continental Hotel, in Phi
ctat j adelphia, this allowance is all clear gain.
a ', i, .if j i c . In order to mako tho agaregato come out
Sec. I. lie it cna'.terl by the Senate and, ,. ... . f . ,
,, r ..... , isntiar, this committee must havo consisted
House of Rewsentativcs vj the Common. I i , , ., ,
, . y. , . ... , . of twelve persons, whoso united .-crvices
icenlth of Ptnns'jlvanta in Uenrral As- . . .. ., , ,
,, .... , .. , in passing over the railroad, first to 1'itts-
semblij met, and it is Uercbu enacted by the , , , , , , ,
, . ' J J burg, and afterwards to I'lttladclplua, and
' , . ' - e 1 faring sumptuously at tho Continental Ho-
poso of electing representatives of the peo-1 , . . , . , , . , ,,
r, ,. ... . , 1 tel. at a cost of about one hundred dollars,
pie ol l enusylvanta to servo in tho IIouso ! . , , , ,,
' J . , , . is valued at twelve hundred dollars. l)u
oi iveprosouiauvcs ot mo uniteu otates, 1
this State "hall be divided into twenty-three '
distrieti, as follow :
Military organizations of a formidable , ,i.n .ljep-.e soeincd to baffle even his skill
character, which seem not to bo demanded , . ,,.,, somo Uollatid Bitters at
1st. Second, third,fourth,fifth,sixth and
eleventh wards iu the city of Philade'phia.
2d. First, seventh, cigth and tenth
wards in tho city of Philadelphia.
ad. Twelfth, thirteenth, sixteenth sev
enteenth and nineteenth wards iu the city
of Philadelphia.
lth Fourteenth, fifteenth, twentieth,
twenty-first and twenty-fourth wards in the
city of Philadelphia.
5th. Twenty-second, twenty third and
twenty. fifth wards in tha city of Philadel
phia, Bucks county and that part of Mont
gomery county embracing Morcland, Ab
ington, Cheltenham, Ilorsham, Upper
Dublin, White marsh, bpringhcld, iUont
' iromerv. Gwvuued. Hatfield. Towauiassinr?.
nil.. 11-.. r- 11 1 .1 ! . i. .to " -1 , r ' r. ,J ,
iua iitY. lur, uiaufuau,m u spucvii iu i'ranconia, ami jjower aauoru.
tho Betroit Convention : Oth. Belawarc couuty, Chester county,
"Bamned to the lowest hell all the pas-; Uppor and Lower Marion, borough of
Bridgeport, in tho county of Montgom
tors and churches of the South, as they
wcro a bodv of thieres, adulterers, pirates
and murderers that tho Episcopal Meth- 7th Berks county and the balance of
odist Church is more corrupt and profligate, Montgomery county
than any bawdy house in tho Union that fc'th. I ancaster county.
the Southern ministers of that body aro Oth. Schuylkill and Lebanon counties
desirous of perpetuating slavery for tho I 10th. Lehigh, Pike, Monroe, Carbon
purposes of debauchery, and that every , and Northampton counties
ring their absence their pay as members
of tho Legislature was, of course, going
on. This it the most shameful part of this
extortionate demand upon the Treasury
Members of tho Legislature havo indeed a
low estimate of tEomsclvcs when they can
not proceed to invite a Prosident of the
United States to visit the capital without
being paid for it.
This nice little bill, bo it remembered,
docs not include the expenses of the parade
and display on tho U2d of February.
That is a separate matter. Boforo the
close cf the session another account of two
or three thousand dollars may be expected
on this score. Why has it been withheld
until this lato day ? Ono instalment for
this performance, amounting to 8700, for
the flag and rigging, has already beeu paid;
but this is only part of tho expenses in
curred. Another bill for carriages, and
committees, aud dinners, &c, A:c., is yet
to bo rendered.
clergyman among them is guilty of enor
mities that would Sliocu a savage."
What think you, followers of Weseev
Are you willing to be stigmatized as thieves,
adulterers , pirates and Murderers ? Do
you believe that tho Southern portion of
11th. Susquehanna, Wayuo and Lu-
zeruc counties.
lath. Brudford, Montour, Columbia,
Sullivan and Wyoming counties, and the
balance of Northumbetland couuty not in
eluded in the thirteenth district.
13th. Dauphin and York counties and
your church is more profligate than any Lower Mahonoy townsnipj in Northunibcr'
and hung,as stated. Ho has beeu to Ilayti, ba'cdy house, cither in Michigan or Mass- laud couuty, not included in tho 12th dis-
tho paradiso of the Darkies, and has cdl
ted a very interesting little volume, enti
tled "A Guide to Hayti." It i valuable
in many respects, and although highly
colored, not to say unreliable, if it shall
induco all the free niggers to mako tho
Island their permanent abodo and James
Rcdpath their Prosident, we shall bu do
lighted. Although a full-blooded abolition
1st ho is forced to admit that Ilayti is not
what it onco was, when one plain, 20
miles by 0 to 10, produced r0 millions
pounds of sugar. And he adds "this im
mense result is no longer obtained," will
ho tell ui why X
Of course ho can't help styling tho
South "that barbarous and blood stained
section of tho Union." IIo says that in
nayti thero aro no saw wills, no brick
yards, no shingle machines, and very few
plouchs. Ilti says Hayti can outgrow Vir
ginia in tobacco, the Carolinas in tar and
cotton, and hemp enough to hang every
friend to slavery In Missouri and Ken
tucky j (and Rcdpath I) Louisiana in su
gar all ereation in rico, and kept Christen
dom iu coffee. We wish to gracious sho
would go to work, for theso articles arn
i ii i it .1 7... i ii 1-lth. Union, Snyder, Juniata, Perry
do not know whether the Rev. iMr. Illan.i , n , , J ,. ' ' '
. , , , , .,. and Cumberland counties.
chard is a pastor of tho church ho so vili-1 5tUi Somerset, Bedford, Franklin, Ful
Cos or not. Wc tinccrely hope he is not. I ton and Adams counties.
Would to God that ho did not belong to 1 10th. Cambria, Ulair, Hungtingdon and
anyone, of tho what wo at ono tiuic! Mimil? counties.
..',, , . ,. ,. , . . i 17th. 'lioga, Potter, Lycoming, Clinton
tlinnnlir Krcfnrrt lining hp tlio . 1 . J '
..wv.0., v... c j """ nnu Lontro counties.
Rov. D. Foster, orthodox churches, Wo
would rather believe that he is a member
of tho Free-thinker church, or is in other
words an infidel.
To such men, who aro open in their
blasphemy, and to their followers, wo owo
the present unhappy condition of our coun
try. If God wero not slow to anger might
wo not dread his avenging wrath. Let ev
ery christian humblchimself before Heaven
and pray that the deep and damnablo sin
of theso wretches may not bo visited upon
the nation.
Will tho editor of tho Republican givo
theso extracts a placo in his paper, for tho
benefit of his readers, or d ous he sanc
tion their kcntimenU?
" Spend not what you may save,"
but deposit it in the Franklin Saving
Fund, No, 130 South Fourth street, below
Chcitnut. Philadelphia. Thev rcceiro
rising. Will Redpath tell why Ilayti docs special depotits at t per cent, interest, and
not now do all, or any thing he claims she repay thein without notice ; other deposits
Uh Jimmy, Jimmy. ; rr com. interest,
leth. Jefferson, Krio, Warren, M'Kcau,
Elk, Cameron, Forest aud Clearfield coun
10th. Crawford, Mercer, Venango aud
Clarion counties.
20th. Indiau, Westmorland aud Fayetto
21st. Alcgheny county south of the
Ohio and Allegheny rivers,
22d. allcghcuy county north of the
Ohio aud Allegheny rivers, and Butler and
Armstrong counties.
23d. Lawrence, Beaver, Washington
and Green couuty.
Next Governor. Wo namo Hon.
by any existing public exigency, have been
tonued in certain ot the states. Uu what
ever pretexts these extraordinary military
preparations may havo been made, no pur
pose that may contemplate resistance to
tho enforcement of tho laws will meet
sympathy or encouragement from tho peo
ple ot' this Commonwealth.
Pennsylvania yields to no State in her
respect for and her willingness to protect,
by all needful guarantecs,tho constitutional
independence of her sister States, nor in
fidelity to that constitutional union, whose
unexampled benefits havo been showered
alike upon hersclt and them.
The moot exalted public policy and the
clearest obligations of true patriotism,
therefore, admonish us, in tho existing
depliirablo and dangerous crisis of affairs,
th it our militia system should receive .rom
the Legislature that prompt attention
which public exigencies, cither of the
btate or the nation may appear to demand
and which may seem iu your wiidom best
adapted to prescrvo and secure to tho peo
plo of Pennsylvania and the Union tho
blessings of peaeo and the integrity and
stability of our uurivalled Conit itutional
Tho government of this great Stato was
established by its illustrious founder "in
deeds of peace." Our paople havo been
trainsd and disciplined in those arts which
lead to the promotion of their own moral
and physical devslopment aud progress,
and with tha highest regard foi the rgbti
of others, havo always cultivated fraternal
relations' with tho pioplo of all tho States
devoted to tho Constitution and tho Union,
and always recognizing tho spirit of con
cession and compromise that uuJerlics the
foundation of tho Government.
Pennsylvania offers no counsel aud takes
uo action in tho nature of a menace. Her
desire is for peace, and her object the
preservation of the personal and political
rights of citizsm, of tho truo sovereignty
of States, and tho bupremaey of law and
Animated by thoso sentiment and in
duljiuj an earnest bono of tho speedy re
storation of those harmonious' and frindly
our office, which has given tone to her
stomach; her appetite and strength aro
returning, and wo firmly believo that this
is another great euro effected by your
Wo have still to record many wonder
ful cures effected by this remedy, but
must wait another opportunity. One
thing you can rely upon, what we have
publMicd are from persons much respect
ed in our community, and am literally
true. J QULNTUS,
Ed. Sheboygan NicunsboJoheboyguii,
I-Tho Carlisle Volunticr wonders
why it is, that so many papers are entire
ly quiet or indifferent over tho passago of
the swindling rail-road bills. 1 he reason I .Mi-inns between the various members of
is very plain to us, biother Ilratton. i this Confederacy which have brought our
fliey havo been led into temptation,
Columbia Democrat.
No doubt about that. Wo vciily be
lievo that two-thirdi of tho papers in tho
Stato have been bought up by the Peun
sylvauia Rail-Road Company. These
papers were to remain quiet, or defend tho
recreant members who voted for the re-
peal of tho toitnaso tax, as circumstances seems to be gaining a similar reputation
in tins country, no nnu mat it nas uo
beloved country to a coudiiion of uuequal
led power aud prosperity.
1 commit the grave subject of this com
munication to your deliberation.
(Signed,) A. G. GURT1N.
Form a Line ! Dr. BeHiiighain's
"Stimulating Onguent," so famous in Lon
don, Paris, and other European cities
Special Ratteen,
lir. Duponcu C!oldtn HII.s for rcmaks.
fnalltble in torrttting, rfgulnttnff nj removing all oft.
structioit$,J ram trhatcitr tau$t, and always
mrcessful aa a rtcentli e.
The roiribtitntlrm of f riirrcdlcnts jn Dr. Duponf o
(loiili-n l'i In nrc pi'rfcctly liarinlc!'. Tli; hv Itein
ul'4 iuihi- jmatj prnclicf (fold Dr. Ditponro fi.r)r
Hurt) )iar, ninl tlionsntiJn of l'i'Iii-A cm toMify tu
tlifir srr-.ti ami never failing mhcm in hhnoni vtcry
rust!, in correct m? irregularitm. ruiiuvinif painful kiuI
distuning i"i rutrnatnm. partirutarly the clhuigt: of
iU. from live to leu pills will cure that cnnimon )t
tlrrailfui complaint, ttw Wlntct. Nearly t'tirj female
in isiiia miiK-r irt'iii hub complaint, iim auuru pnj
Ins pi-financial) cured tliomnHitti, mid will cura ou it
).iit ugi! iticm. Thy cannot Imrm on, un the i-tmirary
lli jy rninv .1 1 ol-trucliuiifil r tttirt1 nataru to its pri--i-rrlmniK'l,
ami imfjrorato tIiMln,la dji'.ciii. Ladins
h hom licaltli will uot permit mi incrt'iiac of ranuly,
h ill find tlir-so pills a puccen-ful prrtnthc.
i iwso rius hioiihi inti uj idken utinnjiiic nri-i inrsr
moutlm of nresiiancy, ns tlny tiro sura tn trine uu mit
carriti;o; hat at any ntlior tiino ihey are Fafc.
iricf, 91 pcruui. rnu. uif..i'saie annreiaii, ity
i1n agent fur MlnonirlmrK. Va,
Tu uliutu all orders tunt-t Uu mit. Ijadicg 1 bv bliuI-
iitff linn In Hi'. IU'o.nfclnirj 1'oi.t-Oliice. ran lui;
llivsu I'llli i-ciit to any part of t coHTitry. (ronn
ly)iinil "frco of IWlaL't-" by mail. oll nlto by N. I.
uiiiK arn, iani;i. i; j. rry. i.niapm. J. ,, vol,
Muncli i.hnuk, and by "unu IUiiLrci-t in ccrvT.nvn and
city in tho Unit-d intps.
N. It. Look nut fur cimiiti-rfi Up. I'uy nnflolilcii I'iIIm
of and kind, nnless exery bo miiiNil ri. D. Ilnwc. AU
otlii?rs arc a liasoiinpinitmu and uiirnfe, tlierfore, hh
yuu vainc jour uu'i nnu ncaiin. i" pay ni'iiiiii ot nj
ins liiiitdtiirfi out nf jour itnnicy,) buy inily of llicin?
who Klinu'tlic binnatura of J), lluwu mi tvery bm,
w Iiicl: tiai roriMitly b-icn aildoil. on account of a recent
counterfeit of thu Tills,
Pfllii rronriutur, N'cw York.
Pec. 27, tFCO-Iy.
amount tome editors received, as well as . como an indUpcnsablo arliclo for the toi
the amount naid to somo mcmljcrd of As-! let iu our larSc cilic3' Mt'ssr:i-IIoraca
semblv. Carlisle lolunleer. L. liegeman & Co., of New York, now
- -- j have the entire American market confided
Diiatu of judou Melius. The Uou. 1 to them, and wc givo their advertisement
Johu Mclean, ono of the associato justices , a place in another column. As a euro and
of the United States Sapreme Court died on safe promoter of tho growth of beard or
'Ihursday morning at his residenco, having ( Tvhiekcrs, tbia article seems to stand about
roached the ripo ago of seventy sis years, All. All our young men will bo glad to
Thus another of tho great intilects of the learn that this celebrated preparation is
last generation haa passed away. Olay, now placed within their reach nt a won-
Webster, Chyton, Calhouu, Marcy and n, derfully low price
host of hU compeers havo preocded mm to
Catarrh! Catarrh! What iutT Hmv CiKiiW
'riuiiisandv of ppri-nim t-oifi-r all porte of minnjanro
from Catarrh. Mont Know liat lis incoinenieiito and
ri'i-ultn arts et but fun know how it can ho It U
Minply a clironiL irrrtaiion, and (dti-u nil inicmt-iii uf
lollic ic anil roiiberjucnt tluckciiin of the mutou niein
braneit, lining tli' naval cj iiicp, irontal ? inn sop, and
biimetimvii tsti'ii'liii),' intiHtiu throat und lmts. I'rnm
this r-'sult tij-htneBP and often rticiMf the head, nb
blructed nose, or u profapc ilow nfmii-iiB, loss of biuvII
nasal nnr, and oiipn impairrd hoarinff and taste.
TIk-oldchml rnnedif line never bren able tn do
anything fr it. Nat-at injectinna and inh il.itunn arc as
p.iltiful ami cipininive an vy nrr genially uorthletB.
Vet lliimphrt's Catarrh tiiiaih, a btmple Hugar Till,
taken tuoor ihreu tnn'-a per .lay promptly eiir-'s III"
imldi-r racci j ctirfi at 011 ct all fold in the hea.J, i.rul
iailically nirr, by preBeveruig'' most nb?tn.ate
cisi'i. an i irniMl hy ih- vx 'rienre of ImndrcdB.
Price, with full directions, fifty rentB pfr hoi.
NMl. A fall net of liiiiiphrJ' Homwuathic ypefifire,
with llouk of I)ireclin, and twenty diin-nt lteniedie
in larpe iimriHTco cae, $j; ditto, in p'ain cite, 31
raaaof fiftprn boxen, and Bouk, single boxci, Vj
cent and SO cents.
Then-- Remedies, by the mnclc box or cane, arc jo-nt by
mail orexprcsa. free, of rharge. to iny addrc-F. on re
ceiptofthc price. AddrfSK,
Dr. k. nu.Mrnur.Y tt CO
o. ,Vi Hrotdvvay, New York
PolJ by U. 1. LUTZ. Afieut, tloom-.l)urj. I'a.
Th ($ rkat Ci.othio IImporium of the LNio.
ri)iladclihia nofesi.Ch the inont anlemlid rinDm.i. r.,..
ponoum in thu country. It ia iplenpid na rPenrds tho
palatial Mrticture in which thu immeuse lm-sinem cfiho
eUahlibhiiii-nt in conducted, and it ii cmally splendid in
respect to its great fat il Hies and vat-t reaourrei. lint to
in patruus us rniei uiinniton are, nril thu ilegance
"i -"v 1 1. uii iiicn an I 1 oiiin". nianurae-
cine ii tha Vegetable Ufo .Medicines of Dr. Xorfit,
hnoMii an
Moffat's Life Pills
Th"nc M.tliciiiei haw now been before ike puhlio far
a period of :i0 years, anil (luring that tune have msia
l&med n high tharnctcr In ultnust every part of thi
Clob: for H11 extraordinary curative properties wbirU
1 SfoTl j tV I -Ifa 1'ilHarc indcbte.l for their namo tothulr
mamfJit and n"nsibic action in punf)ing the pnug
nnd channels ot lite, und enduing lb win w itli re new ml
tone and igor ; rind to the undoubted fact tlixt at a very
eirly part in their lutorj, they had rescued Buirrrurs
.mm ti vi-rv erec of an untimely (crave, nerfectlv isi-
Hiring t tlwm that uniform enjojiutnt of health, with
out which life -.sell' is but u psrlul bicsiiug. So cram
indeed h td their emuicy uitaruoiy proved, mat it whs
bCirccty less than liuracuious u uiuno who wvr unio
luainted with the beautiful philosophical pnnciplm
upon which they wero roiiipoundd, and upon wium
Ui.'yrniisc'iucntl act.
Motrat'n rhoi'iux Hitters are to called, beeaus tb-r
poHic-4 the power of restoring the espinng embem (
health to a nlowlug igor throughout the ennititutma,
as the I'hiieiiix is said to be restored to life from u
aOies of its own cissoiuuun.
lercnriMlI)iscas-a. There is probabty no nnu artliH
given ns a medicine, the injucious use of which has
caused such wtJe-nprcad and terrible lulnebieMo the
h'iinan tain as mercury. Its pouon sinks deep im
tlu ) stin p-n trotiiig tha substance of the bnatt, asd
pro.tacing a long tram ol painful disease. It is vrll
known Uiat nnny ailettious id the throat, of the bun,
of tlu 1111KJ, nnd malignant (.ores, which have tten M.
trihuted to r i-IiiIm. Jre no otteii canned by thj injuui.
lit us u! cf mercur). do that the runedy has pror-ti
Mrie than the iiisenc. . k
Tlu I.Hu I'll'-- '' l'ho"nix Hitters hat e alw ays bsea
nijii,ill Hiiceeftfitl in this class of itiMcaa, and will
tradical') all the til'-iu ot mercur) from tau eystow,
oooiii-r Hum tlw moat powiif il preparations of sari
pinlla. 1 1t) Ii-J nnturt 111 (.aitinp liuiu the ayste.n all
priMoiiooB niait.r. and by tliu urilying Hie itil rluids,
tttt r-t(rj th! )-tiiu to li'Hii'i.
lultous C'omi Iiioih. A well n filiated an4 prnpr
tiouati! 'piniititj ot hilJ upon the vtomach Is alwaya ro
pitiiite fr the promotion of sound health it stimulaUa
dueti mi, aud kotp-. the imrsimal canal tjee from til
oiistruction-i. n uim interior imrface of tho drcrls n bladder in which the bile 1 first preserved.
iieiri0' loruied by tin liter trom tlm blood. Thence It
pafs'f into the stomach ami intestines, and rrxulatas
the dijesllon. Thus we see win 11 tlu re is a cUfUnnoy
of bile, tin holy ia constantly costive. On tha other
hind, an over aiinndancu of bile causes frequent nausea
on the etomach, and oiten proiAoti-s very severe aitioa
of i.i9canas, which romettmcfi end indiath.
Tim Life .Mediant a fhould, if yoitublc, ha taktn In
the curl) ftajea of bilious co nplaints; and if pars
vercd in btiutly according to direction! will positively
eilert a cun'- Their txteiutve use 111 this complaint in
all parts of our continent, render comment unnecessa
ry -th ir irtue peak for them.
Mulfit's Ufe TilU. The use of these Tills, a rorr
tthort tiniH, will ntlect an entire cureoi Halt Kheum, aai
a striking Improt emsnt in the cL-arneis of the skin.
Conunou cohis unn Inllauiiza will alwa)h be cured by
one ilov.'.or by two even iu the worst cases.
I'ilks' TiLtHl 'The originul proprietor of thaso Mei.
irinei whi rtirud o l'ilesf years stanJing, bv th
us? of the Lifj .Medicine alone.
Ukk Cohcliist, An alffction of the Liver mar bi
known by a filing of teniion or pain in the rijht aide
about th; rtgiou of the liver, often pnngent as in plen
riny, but sometiinea dull ; a difficulty in drawing a loor
br-rathi dry cough and inclination tovuiwit. This d
botjuj may bi produciid hy cold, by violent exercise, by
intense sunini'-r heatfi, by long continued bilious fpvar
or ncuc, and by various no! id concretions in the sub
stance of the liver. And to ttu'se producing causes, are
derangtmi nt ol the digestive organs, suppresi-sd seero.
Hons, and mental solicitude, which arn verv from,
causes nf obstructions and dlseas'-s of the liver.
This disease elitnild be arrested in the commencement
which ran le dune by a fjv doses cf the Lite Tills.
When once the liver i around to the perf.irman 0f
its propi r fiiiitiioiis, little more 11 reruittc than toeon.
tiutis a proper use of the niedieiues, uud a aucedr re
covery will enm
1'evi-ii aho Auur. 1 Vot th is scourge of the Western
country, thete medicines will be found a rafe, speed-rand
rertaiu remedy. Other medicine leave the syitjia
Hiihject tn n return of the disease a euro by these Med.
itiucB is permanent.
fldioHH.-Thtt moet horrible cases of Scrofula, ia
which the lie, bones and limluof the victim had biu
preed upon by th? iuatiable disease, are proved, br
iinilemablQ authority of the suifcrcrs theinielvea, to
have bet-it roinpUtely cured bythe purely verntablo
liudicintb, afu-r all others had been found more than
the land of shadows, and his uame has now
Oharlei '"ucka.of Cocr appointed bv Gem
as. tlis next Democratic c.inilKlata for Gov-1 . 11 .
ernor of l'ciniiylvania. Who seconds tho ' Jacksou, in 1830, and gone into office
In Luck. Our clever and good looking
become as historic as theirs. For ncnrl ( Mr Uow3) jia8 been appointed by tho
thirty-one vear3 of bis long life he has been , Postmaster Jencral a through rout agent
a Justice of tho United States Supremo i between Philadolbhia and tho "West.
oral Our contemporary of tho Ut'legraph has
in drawn an exact daguerreotype of our
IQ'Ki T 11,n n.;,1 Kid vr.TM,ot:r.n ti:,!.! f lio Jniimnl Wo minnftc. I'anviilC,
imom tnA na f in rial1, lina 1.r.nn Ktnnflllw rl flm f n. nnf tirn.1 pnnvnlsirtn or KnniptlitMf Dr. Keudt-I, ,
lndixestion and Hyineniia. If we wero miisri .An.
to gpecity one di.ea.-o which more than any other is the
b.tne, (while it is th"-oitspnnj of civilization) we ahouid
naiiKt Dvsptpsia. It is generally attended, or rather
productive, oi along tram of ills, 6uch as Heartburn
riatuleiicy, a gnawing pain nt the itomach when empt
a eensa t f uncomfortable weight win 11 full.naina in thi
thr'Mt, side and pit of the etomach, coiivenes, chilli
lies', languor, unwillingness to lake exercise, &c
.Mull ifB Life .Medicinea arc peculiarly udspted toth
cureot this dihtresalne complaim They att upon tU
bowels in a very mild, uud, at tluiamu lime, ry etTer
tual manner, and liavo never vtt failed tn nir i-ki.h.1
tae when used according to our directions.
iicu. iviuiiij , jut- iiiunv cuiuinoii of an corn
plaints is thu of u ceneral weakness of the whole ay
I em, unaccompanied by any partiiular disorder, or lie
Art.lti! BVIIll)(l,iiia ill" ill. . 'Ihdru Is a llm.
trsy, n loss of apputite.iiuw illinguess, and Indeed int
miM in "nu-jru Kp:rinMi, ireiuein neauacnes, (ri'i
gcktiou, oft'iitimus aallu.wiei and dryness of the ak.n.
tendency to fev erishness, unhtncbs for society, in sl.ort
all thoHu t-ymptotni. of latiRiior, li()ulttude, and treat
niss that kuu e idencc of n lailure In the vital n ,w
ers. aud a luw, unhealthy and morbid condition ofthi
B) kIClll.
The Life Tills and I'bocnix Hitters are, perhaps th .
lu-bt remedy for retoriua strength, to the body, for.tht y
ticl as a guttle rartaartic, and, by their tonic quahtic
utren&iheu the vhole sttm
.Mo Hat's Life 1'ilU. Wr"ns of a plethoric habit w.
are nubjett to tits, headache, gidd.uess, dnnnetj n'
ught. or drovvsineaa, from too great u flow of blool t
tee, should take thctc Tilli frequently.
ADVIURTO rnMALr.g.-renmlea who value tW
health thould mver be without the Lif ivf,-H.,f,. .
turcd there; secondly. Ihe beauty and durability of tho ! ",1!?' ru,r"'y the blood, remove obstructions, and rirt,'th
maieriaip, ami mc superior excellence of tho fit, and I B(V11 11 ul"lllui uear, ncaiuiy and blouniJnj apt-ter
Vl r " imv (Mlivani 1111,'KllUIH uruHoiu.
To Klderty I'crinnii. Many heatlhr acerl Indini
Ilrown Htono Clothing Hall of Hockhill fc WiUnu, Xos. who know tho value of Moffat's Life Medicine, cialtn
ouj ana wHt-nesiiui sirutt, rhlladelphia, i u a ruie ioiakc mom two or uirce lime, a we-It fc,
. . which they rciuovu tho causes that produeo dise'asi
ITT-TIIOMAH W. M.VTTPOX, lteceived the I'nze I preserve their health, and keen off tho infirmiuea J
Medal at the World's fair in London W5I, forTUUVKS I aEv-
L'AlU'llT HAGS, lloiits, ahoee and (JunH. Great induce- VitU for Mothers nnd Xurics. It Jb a fact, csiih
inents lire now ottered tu nureh,nt;r.i nf i tin i.i.r.i. .rii. likhnd bv the nnnual Diss uf mArrnhi ih-i..n. . i -r
rice. This is much tho largest snuk of trunks, Carpi t ,llJ rhn '"i horne aro cut off before attaining '
Ibiifs, Valices.&c., its rhlladelphia very cheap for rash ' " of a?j and tho fuilful source of this mortality
o. 4H3 -M irkct t-treel, one door above -lth,;&juf4 tide hmnd to exist in that foul state of the Bloum-h i.i
t.Mi irnn.-r mi iiiiaiiuic ocoiin in mis critiral
iii'i i.i 1 u .uenicinegnavu lonchtid djitnrnii i
Italiou, nndforfimlnetsofthc stomach and bow, , m 5
iuui.jii, aiiiiuusu wonni may not exist, it ii allow l-u
Ot Haturday, tho Mh mst.. bv Ihe Ilev. n. J. u'niirr. ! I-1 be xuperior to any other.
f ohcrt BUff, of liupori, to Miss Mar;arct Ualley, of Sloffjt'i hilt imJ HiUcb.-No mcdwiaei rt pr irt
motion -Carhslc VofunUer. I I8au. In all that period bis reputation as n.igl.Uor ot tUo Journal. Wc luu suppos , Vha ilVt tw .TO.y'SoSliV:
Wo cheerfully Eecond tho motion ; and a .nan and as a jurist has been steadily cd that a natural convulsion or "mething , ft-
guarantee that, should ho accept tho nom rieing, and remained without reproach else had taken plaoo, as tho Journal was , Uoanburlcoiumk ( mi'S'udJ'tawa!." m uI$?m$ l' '
ination, nnd not receive full fifty thou-1 through all tho hated political conflicts in literally split in two last week, tho outsido Z--t . MtffiJjffi"'
smd majority , be will uot accept tbo which his namo has been so freoly used as was dedicated to our "good looking", DEATHS. ruparedtjr
B0t. a candidate fov the rridcncy. I fricud. aud the intAj to bis brother. , M', iS. v ,,u 7iZ?.r 0,1 tau . , Br4.7. Nrw ,
I Alll fit Bale ly allDlu;;iits