COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. 4 LEVI L. TATE, Editor. "TO HOLD AND TRIM THE TORCH OP TltUTH AND WAVE IT O'Elt THE DARKENED EARTH." $2 00 PER ANNUM VOL. 15.--NO. 6. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA-, SATURDAY, APEIL 13, 186L YOLUME 25- COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. rUULISIIEDBVEUY SATlMUAV, BY LEVI L. TATE. Itt BtOOMSDURO, COLOMBIA COUNTY, TAi OFFICE In the nis Brtek Buttiling, epr"!" r.llUrtgr, IfUt eflkl Court Uoute. "Vemaeraticllead QHitrtcri." teiims op sunscniPTiox. 11 rtu In advance, Tor one. copy, Tor six moiilli. I 75 In advance, for one copy, one year. S 00 If nut paid within tlio first three months. ii Ifnolpnld wit I ii the first sli monthii. '5 JO If not paid within llicjcnr. (37-Xo subscription taken for Ipss than six months, nil no paper discontinued until all arrearages Khali have bwen paid. OrdlriarvAtivr.RTlFMENTsln!prted,and Jon Wong executed, at the I'slalilishcdtmccs. DALTIMORK LOOK HOSPITAL. 1)U. JOHNSTON, m Tlir.fotin.lcr of thin Celebrated Institution, offers the uiustcrluin, speedy, mid only etl'celunl remedy in the world f"r effects tt meets. Strictures, Bcinlnnl weak lien, 1'aius In the Loins, Contllulinnal Debility, Iinpo. tencv, Weakness of the ll.ick and Limbs, AIRi lions of the Kldncyi, Palpitation nf the Heart, llispcpslu, Nor viiiii Irritability, Uiscuso of the Hen, I, Throat, None or Bktn, mi, nil thuiie serious mid melmirholy Dis orders nrlsiu" Iroin the destructive habit! of Vniilh, uhirll de. .. ,.,.,i, ntul mind. These seer. I and solitary practlcs are more fatal to their Ictliii! than the noil); of the Syren, to the marlncri Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes ana uiii.c.i'.ii. in, -e MAuniAnn. Married persons, or Young Men contcmplallnj mar rlatc, b'iiu nw are "f physical weakness, oriianic dcbbili ty, deformities, &c ihnulil Immediately l)r and b restored to perfect hciillh. He who place! himself under the tare of !r. Johnston, may religiously coullde in hi! honor ns n pciillclneii, mid conlldciilly rely upon his skill as a nil) siciau. OltlJANlf; WLAKNttfS i ,in,..ii ..ihi l nml full vleor restored. This dcieaso is the pi natty most frcpiontly paid by thoiewho hue heroine the irtlin ol Improper IndiilL'en cle!. Young person! are loo apt to excess Iron, untiring nwurc of the dreadful consequence Unit may iMiiue. Now, who understands the siibjeit will pre. t -ii' to deny the power of prnrrentiuu is lost sooner t,y those fallm8 Into improper h.ilnt! than by the prudent, llesldci b ins deprived of Hie pleasure ol springs, the most serioui and destructive s) luptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes derang ed; the pliysiinl and mental powers weakened, in rveus dibilitv.ljspepsia, pjlpiution of the henrt, indigestion, waiting of the frame, Cough, tfjmpluins of Coiisump lion, i.c. , , ty oilico, No. 7 pSouTii TnrnaicK HrnctT, seen doors from ll.iltiu.oru street, i:.isl side, up the steps. He par ticular in observing the NAMli and, or )ou will mistake the place. . A Cttre It'arrented, or no Charge .Made, i from One to Two Uant, NO MERCURY Oil NAUnml'rJ UIIl'HS USED. 1)11. .J.V!'O.V Member of the Royal College of Hurgcons, at London. Ilriduate froiuoneof the most euiilielit College of the United lies, and 111 (.Tenter p.irt of wlioselife has li-eu spent In thetlrst Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the nio.i as Mulshing cures that were ever known many truuliled with rinsing In tin head mid cars wh.-u n.leep, sreat liervntlsn.'ss, being 111 irined lit s.lddcll lils.illid b.tsh- l lines, w itll fre-plent blushing, attended soiiielimes w till vl.-ruiiKcuientif iiiin.l, were cured iiiiiuediati ly. s AUEIITAIS lllri;Arl!. Wh-n themijauided mid Imprudent votary of pleasure And! h i imlnli.'d the seeds of tins painful disease, it too on 'ii happens nn ill timed sense of shame or dread of discovery, deters him from nppl) lug to llioso who e.luriiHoiiaud respeit.ibilnyi all alone b Irieud him, delav lug till the con. I ilulloii.iry symptoms ol tins horrid disease makes their appearance, audi asuh crated pure, diseased nose, uoi turce, pains in the in ltd An1 limbs, dimness of sight, dwatuess, nodes on the skin hones, and arms, Mutches on the head, fare nml extreme ties, proiresiiil with rapidity.till lit ia.t the palate of the iiiu.ithand bones of the nose fall i I tin' Milimiif this des ase becomes a horrid objeilofi oisseriition till death puts a period to his dreadful siillerimls, by si u iliniflnm to "that bourne from whenre no Iran II, r re turni " To such, 111 'rcfore, Dr. Johnston pledges liim selftopresenetlijlilosti'llMoablo secrecy, lllld from his eitensive pr.Htlre in the rtrsl Hospitals of llurope mid America, h can confidently reeiotimeiid safe nml speedy curetoths unfortunate victim of tills horrid disease. TAKE I'AIITIUUI.AU NOTICE. Dr. J. nddressei all those who hum injured themselves by private and improper Indulgences. These are some of the sad and melancholy ruerts pro duced by early habits ofjoulh. tlx: Weakness of the lltckaud l.imbs, 1'aiu in the llend, Himii'ss of rilit Lois of .Muscular Power, 1'alpitatlnn cit the limit. DjS' pepiia, Nervous Irratnbillty, Der.uijleuienl ol the Dn;es iivn ruiictioni,(!elieral Debility, sjniptouiol Coiisiiuip 'MriN r.VI.l.Y. Tho fearful effect! upon the lelnd nre much to be dreaded, Loss of Mi mory. Confusion of Ideas Depression of tlio Hpints. Evil I'ori bodliiss. Aversion of KorL-ty, Tluilt) , Ate., ure some of the ev lis prodtic-il, ThoUPlilds of persiilt! of Mil uses call nnw Judpe wlmt is the cause of their decdiiius Itealtli. Eoosius lloir vigor, hecoinlns weak, pale and eniai iuted, hav ins sin gular nppearauc libout tho u) es, coujll and v mptoius ol Colrtion.)vifl tN.VIC0nATIsn U1:MUI)V fou UIUJAMU WXIAICNK.Srt. Uy this groat an Umjinrtunt runirdy, wrnkncpi nf ihc or nan are miwcilily turud, and full iirnr ntoml. Yhnu"aiiiU of tlm mo-l iutvous mid drbilitiiU'd, who kAillo all lioju, Ikhh bocn immi'diafly nlnvcd. All tin p ..tuiu'titi tu .M.irri 120, I'lij iral imd Alriital l)ifiiali ikntion, irvu'iu lrrdMliilit).Tri'nildiut!imd Wi akm ct. ur rxlLiusttttioti t( tliu most fearful kind, tjict-dily cured by Dm tor Juluifton. Whn liava iniiircd tliitwh by a ri'Mnin irnrttce. IihIuIclmI in tiu aliinu-aliabit fri"iu'iiU) leanu'd fnurt frtinitaiiionn, or at mlh.ol-tliu vitfti of ulihli art: ttiClUly tell, etn wh-'ii ak'c, and if imt ciirrd ni.di-rs mirrUjr iin)oniihl.), and dvelrojn both mi'id and bodj, ih'Hild aiid imin-diatily. U'lui a piity thai uus man. the liopo ofliU roiintry, and tho darling nfhu imrentit, Mmuld bn t-natihcd fruiu nit nropt'rtit and fiijnnici.t of lift, by tlm roiiM'iuvii rs of le i.ititi- from 111" path of natiirf, and jiidntz.Hjj in a certain nccrtt habit. tuih pcreoiu buturu tun tern plat in?, MARni.von hould reflect that n cotind inhul and body nn the mo necessary re)uiiitit's to promotu connubial happtni1? Indeed, without II 100 tho journey through lift' briomoti n weary jilgriiti.i!;tt the prospect hourly darkens to (ftp view; the mind becomes shallow cd with despair eUcd uitb the ilh lunch"!)' n-flctiuii that the li.ippincri Aif another beromfn blichtcd with our own, jUPKI(;i; SO, 7 SOUTH FUlinUlUUK ST., Haltimorr, VJ ALL. SUIIOIUAIj Ol'RUATlONH i'UUFOHMKI). N. H Lrt no falart i.iodety j)nKt you, but ui'ply jinmicdiatPlv ('ittuT uiTsuiially or by L tu-r. ukin ui&i;ahi:h bi'kkiiiia' cukuo. to whammus. The many thousand cured at thit iiutitulion within it!. lint 15 vearn. and ihn nuincrou iinitorlatit Hur"icnl Operation,) performed by Dr. J ohm; ton, witneNHfd by tho reporlf i of the papers nnd many othor pf rumu, no licei of which have appeared again and acnin before the public, ben de hi Undiu as a gfiUleman nf ihararter TAKK NOT1CK. N. It. There uro so many ipnorant nnd wortbleiu Ouncka advertidns themelves I'livHciana, ruining tho hfalth of tho alrundy a Oil c ted, that Dr. Jchnflon deems it nccesnary to ny, especially to tlinsu unai'iuaintcd with his reputation, that his credentials and riipliwi alwavs hang in his olhce. Co Takl Noiut,-All Utters must be pod paid, nnd contain a postage itanip lor the reply, or no anwcr will te sent. MarcltlT, 13CQ. WATJOAL HOTEL, (Late White Swan,) RACE STREET, ABOVU THIRD PHILADELPHIA. HENRY UUJLI.MAN, ,,. , JOHN llOYUl, J Proprietor!. CHAR. A. STINK. Clerk. March 9, liul-liin. JOSEPH GHEEN, SON &, GO. Wholesale and Retail Dealer! in OIL 1.0111$, U'lMIO.V SHADES, &C. Together with n rninplcto variety of cy CAUINUT WAR)'., at tho lowest Ca.h price!, NO. 45 NOIITII SECOND STREET, JOSr.PII GRIXN, 1 WJNJ. GUULN. ( rillLAUCLriKA. K. JOVKS LErtTCR $ March s, leu 1 am. "T7'ALL PAPER, WALL PAPER. T T Jai received from New York a largu and Pu pcrlor lot of tho nbovo named article lor tho Hprinjt trade ift ptices ranginj from Ul cents per piece to 75 rent H, t4V 1. XV IIARTMAXp Bloombursi Ucb. 33, FRESH ARRIVAL 7 WW nnilerplEnrd, (frateful for pnt patronaffp, rrsprd fully Inform hicu-ttimers and the publicpcnernlly, uint nu ii.ib jhu rect'iveii ironi nil liaitcmc cities, tnu largest nnd iuot select stock of SPUING AND SU.MMEIl That lia ytt been opnned In Ilhminbur!r, to which be Invites thu attention of liU friends, and asFtiru then, that they nre for snhj nt (treat bargainn, lllx tilock comprises a Inru nsportmcnt of ui;.ti.v;mi:ns wiiAniNa ArrAiir.L, Confuting of FtuovAniF. DnpfKiCotT, of every den rrlptlon; rantu, Vi'sts, Hlilrts, Cravats Stuck n, Cotton IlaudkcrchlefM, l!love. SnpeiidcrB, Sec. GOLD WATCHES .JEWELRY, Of every deicrlptton, fine nnd cheap. N. I!, Remember .owenberg" Chrap Kmyrinm,'"' call and see. No chare! for examine flood. 1IAVIU LOWllNUimd. lUoom-burp, March 2, left, (Jue 1H.V.I.) UUUUk', A. J. SLOAN, II 7 AS Just received, direct from I'liil.idelphla and ew 1 oik, n very uioico itssuiiiui-ni i l' AJili AiSl) WJiNTJ'ilt UUU1JS, nlmoi.1 i.verv new-fabric which has been manufactured for Hprlujr and aiiiniuir. ns well lis the usual assortment I of STAPLE GOODS of superior qualities will be found in variety, and at prices ns low- as similar gouds can be , purchased elsewhere. I Ills an ensV innlt! r to find foods nl n low- prire, hilt ns n oeiieral rule, they nre just as low iinpinlit), lint to , Bet n tJood arllrle atii very low price Is s tlii.12 rare, i audi an opportunity, nowevcr, u twereu 10 noj w" mav vvtiiit ... Diir noons. ococwift UJIItniMRR, qUKllXSIIJIKt:, (JAJJ.ii ir.lllhl. Hill, iJll.T, $r., ,r. (ty Cull and see, ,15 country piioinjci: "Anti:d. lllnoni!liuri;, October li, IcWI. 'Et -(PI si r tnL ..Un.npd t.i inC.Piiitnrr vmi that t linvp riiuOVI'd I frnnNo. in Xorth Second tftreit, to that large mid , spacious flu re I Ao. liJO Noith Second Stmt, t,bvt Arch Opposite the Mount Vernon Ilntd, where I will rarry on the Importation and Jobbing lmins f i 7 07S, ! Of nil kinds, l'lpes, Sepnr Tubes, T.,l,wrn& Hnu'.r I'nx- es, Canes, I'hessiuen. Ilomll s. t'l.r k-jnunnon Hoards, and Fancy tloods in all vnrletie!, on n larirer si nle iliun heretofore. Also tin. iii.inufaclurc of I'LAOrt mid Pic ture Alphabf t l!!orks. A! reenrtls pri.i's and quality nf floods I nm uri' to i civ-e entire satisfaction to nil who may favor u.e with tin lr nr.Ii-ra. joiis nni.L, No. 12(1 Xorlh Siioud ritrect. March 2, lA!t-3iii. WIIOLHriALr. AND lir.TMI. REDDING AND FE TUK11 WAUH 1I0USK, No.Ii Xorlh S-cond Street, Opp .-lie Chri-t Chun h, l'lULADELl'lllA ry Con.talilly on hand, a lars ' ni.ort iieut of Iteils. .Mattresses, Paillasses. Cilsliioiis, Hair. Husk, Catlail, and nil nrtii les in the Hue at lh" Lowest Prices. A, ii I'nrtieular attention patd to rcnorutni Xtwand Old heather: Man hi lil-l.'ni. RICH AND ELKO AN l' CARPETS. P.O. rOCLK, No.3.-, Norlh Sr.rOMl i Street, opposite Christ Chutch. invites the parti, iilar atlentiuii of tit r I i hunts nnd others to his very large un.l cl.gant assort ment of I c.iipr.T.-i. oil ci.otiih.. just received from the most ei libniled inaiiuf.l. lories of. Ltiropenuu Alntrien iii.iuoiiib inline iii-wvsi piuerus I'Xlntll, vvliirh will be sold at n very small ii.lvanei' on cost. Call nnd ('famine 'iiiulitv slj le and prices before purchnsiiipoln'w here llemei.tln r. lo Xi Nnrlh Serund r-lreit. I'liiladilphia Match 3, lfiit-3in. ITnTidsi'Tv't'es hotel, 1 AM) , GKNERAL STARU OTIMCE. 1 r.Hiw rr.x.: ! WE'l.DY ct LEVITT, I I'norniRioR. Pa spencers in Hie Phitidelphia Mail "I rain voinj; Soutti.sTtid Hliniri Mail Train v.. 1112 North. , t)fJVK at te tlmfcrl Mote Hotel VViwiiiyifl Pa. . Mnrtli 2,'.'ni. (Mditn li.fl W ) j GMOUOK II. HOKKltTS, i.Mi'(tim:u and im:ai,i:u iv m a n; m w a e 1 T CUTLERY, GUNS, 10. Nos. 235 and 237 Vorili Third Street, PIIIIiADUU.E'ISa..!. a, r. ti!Piniaoc(!ii, JNO, A I 1 t N. A. V. CIIESURROUGII ct CO., 3? O 31 K 5? A C ,K E 55 s' j co.v.vssjo.v MERCiMXTs -V iruoi.ri.iu: fKALLIl! IN I'isli, Cheese, a nil Frnvixioiis, 10 North IVIiarv,'!. nbove Market ft. Tacking ami Curing House, plh mid Keed pis.. I'HILAIir.LI'IIIA. August 4, 16(,0-13m. GIB aONS DKCOItATIVK KSTUIMSIHIKNT. No. 125, South Eleventh Street near Walnut, Knaiucled 01aas, I'ri'sco, Uil and Ilncauniic I'alnliug Jons flin-ox. (3, II. (itifO.N, J.uiuar) li, Uul 3in . UMIHtKTiLAS AXD PAKASOLS. THH Piibttrnber. iiiaimfarturrr nf I'murh i.s fV I'ar )ioi.4,im Hen the aiti-iilioii if merthants to bis 111'artf cd rtorunnd superior stoik. J05i;i'ii rrPHin.i.i Nfs. c 4, orth Mini. rilll.ADLLI'illA. March1.', Irdl yio. (bnL IHole IloriL.) THIRD STREET A HOVE RACE, 11IIILADELPIIIA. IMIOARS, & S,lutR, Proprietors. T1I.UIIM.N Y. Ilosns, formerlynf Ihe Nalional Hotel t.'iiiKL.! Hsiton, foruii rly of tfchu)lkill Co. ra. Marrli'.', leiil l.'ui. rjUIE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, wwtif, MOfnwH cov.wr, r.t. Iliitcrtaiiiinciit for Maiiuud lleast, in good st)lo and at moderate rates. iii:oi:ui: w. i niiK.i:, rmpiicior. Danville March, S, Idel. jERCIIANTS' HOTEL, 1G Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA. C, M'KIBBEN t S0H, rroprleiou March 1, ISCl.-j (Diininal llciclt'ii sv W Written for tie Columbia Dtmotrat, A POEM. 'Tvva! midnight, in n dismal room, Replete With misery nnd gloom, Knelt n pale mother from whuse sunken e)c Looked out the spirits wild, deep agony ; Upturned, her face lofcarfiilfy white, Upraised, her hand! as if to stay the blight ; She prays "(lod spare lilin jit a little while tome, What wfcre one angel moretothec? My way is alt so dark and lonely father hear, (live me this little one my darkened life to cheer,' The half spent lamp sends utit u sickly Klare, As through the t.rukcu casement iwccps the !Ummer uir i It throws a ghastly light upon the dying child, And filled Hie dismal room withspettri'! wild, Thv mother heed! not how the wierd shadows play, She only sees her d) iug boy and strives to pray. -Morning arose; the sunny calmness of u bright June sky Looked down on earth, and the soft sigh Of sweet breuthed zcph)rs ltdeit with perfume lolc through Hie catement as to chase the gloom From olflhal mother's brow, leaven Irace Of the culm sleep of peace upon the dead boy's face. None was there, word! of comfort or of hope to spunk, Or wipe the burning tear from oir thu mother's check. Man) the glad heurts on that summer morn, Hut some were bowed vv ilh woes loo heavy to be borne. One there w us upon that morn so passing fair ' marked nut nature's benul), bin in w resiling irnjer Knelt, seeking, hut to say in humbl.'iicss "Thy will be done, Not mine, O Lordl iho.i gavcsl, this little one The hours pass on, and still site kneels in sup plicallng prayer, Phe prajsfur rtrcngth logive him up, her buy so fair ; And now biliuldl the long sought victory's won, In meek subiui.sivchess she sas " God's will be done I" 'Tv- as midnight In another home, a palaco fair, Among the downy pillows, strewed with golden hair, There lay another little one, a fair, svve.l boy, In whom was wrapped all of a mother's Joy Dying, naught cun avail, uur skill nor love untold Can hold that young life back from Death's enfold ; Nurull tho prd),rs and tears can briba cold death to spare The liltle one that lay In anguish there. The cO'tly, perfumed laper showed his senl was set On that young brow dump even now w ilh death's cold sweat Deep is the mother's u nil and sad, for this her darting oil", Her proud h.-arl cannot, will not, say "Thy will be done." Kind friends in vain speak words of hope and cheer, is life uuw to her sine- lie must die, the one ol all so dear f Th -slime sunbeam looked upon the widow's dead Mule through thu cosll) rlirl.uus f.11 across the bed. Wh -re lay in loviliuass and death thu chll I of pride and wealth, And tinged his lips ns with a glow- of health. 'J'h h.iughly moth r saw-the widow's dead go slow) y. And clitfed, that like that pauper child h-;r boy tnu.l HI11 knew nut they had enl.'red heaven Willi ela.piii hand, Th 1 pauper child ami hers, to join the angel baud. New Berry, April In, Il'rom II11 Chii.tlnas number of fie Welcome finest My First Happy Christmas. "All the other boys at Dr. Martinet's Ril.-ton Kag.-ler, in tho county of York, had i'riemls and relations ; all tho otlici boys went home for holidays ; all tho oth er boys had mothers who came to sec them and who cried when they hail the measles, ami brought them sponge-cakes and oran-go-', and tent them great hampers loaded with plum cakes, almondi, and raisins, pork pies, hard hake, Stilton cheese, and dry, withered apples, and lovely sleepy pear.-; all tho other boys wrote great stilf missives to their 'honored parents,' en thick poat paper, that were called holiday le ters, but which looked like reprieves, or chancery suits, or indictments for high treason, or last wills nnd testaments, or something crpjally awful ; all the boys, except the two Hrct Indian pupils and myself The two West Indian pupils nev er wrote to their parents, because their parents were in ucmcrara, ami i suppose tho postage was too expensive ; I never wrote to mine, because they were ''When I was a very, very litllo fellow, scarcely able to remember anything, I re member being drcsaed in black. I liked it, tho black, because it came oft' upon my hands, and transformed 1110 for the time being into '.1 man and a brother.' I re member being tnken into a churchyard, in some great city (a churchyard so chokeful of tombstones, that it seemed almost a won der that they didn't run over tho low walls and tumble into tho street,) by a lady,very young and I think very pretty, (I know I liked to look at hcr,bccauscshc was bright and radiant, like some lovely picture, and always seemed as If.ho would fade away,) and dressed in black like mvsclf I re member her sitting down by one of the tombstones, aud taking mo in her amis, and telling mo, in a very low voice, for sho was crying all the while, that I could nev er havo such friends in tho world as wero lying buried here; that I could never kuow such love below heaven as was lost to me below this Iittlo spot of earth i and that if over, when I grow to bo a man, I had any thoughts of doing a mean or a wicked ac tion I was to coinc first to this spot, and read that which I could not read now, This ladv. I havo learned since, was niv auut. Like all the brightest thingi I havo ever known in this life, she went out of it very soon after this, and I vroro black frocks till I was seven years old I was sent to Dr Marttinct's, at RiUton Kagttcr in tho East Riding of Yorkshire. "I have no fault to find, looking back through the vista of a groat many check ered years, I havo no fault to find with Dr. Martinet. Wo wore, on tho wholo, very happy at Rihton Kngftcr. Wo had a good deal of roast mutton ; a cood deal of boiled mutton; and a good deal of a very suspicious fluid, which was supposed to bo milk-and-water . a good doal of propria qitm mnribui, 'Pinnock's Goldsmith,' 'En field s Speaker,' hair-cutting, and church. Twice every Sunday did wo inarch down tho centre aisle of St Mary's church, Ril ston Kagstcr, and twice every Sunday did wo take notes of tho vicar's or curate's dis course, to bo r-'produccd in our own form, as our evening's amusement and edification. It's my private opinion, that both tho vicar and the curato thoroughly detested uti. Imagino four and thirty boys glaring at you all tho time you preached, and four-and-thirty pencils sciibb ing your words down on scratchy papcr,almost before they dropped out of your mouth. 1 hat's what the curato and the vicar, I mean the vicar and tho cura'o, had to endure every Sun day from Dr. Martinet's pews. But, on the whole, I say I was not unhappy. Du ring tho half years lessons, and half year's exercises, the half year's ptojuia rjiia: "ttiiiiuH and 'Enfield s Speaker, 'bad marks and good marks, stolen feasts in dimly. hguted dormitories, pnsoucr's base, and fly tho garter,in the great bare playground I was tolerably happy. Rut Christmas that Chrisrmas to which th'rty-ono out of four-and-thirty boys looked forward with such rapture; Christmas, that for those thirty-one young persons, meant homo and lovo and roast turkeys and unlimited wedg es of rich plum pudding, smothered with brandy sauce, and handt'uls of chestnuts, and piles of golden oranges, and bilious attacks, and kisses under the mistletoe frou pretty cousins, and blindmau's hurt's, and hunt the slippers, and so many, many glo rious things, which to myself and tho two pupils from Demerara were nothing but -.trange words ; Christmas was a sad, and a cruel, and a bitter time." "Well, oho particular Christmas day L have a special reason for remembering It was a fine, clear, frosty day ; such a Christmas day as I don't remember of late years a da which has gone out of fashion I think, along witli blue coats and brass buttons, stage coaches, watchmen, five-act comedies, and the agricultural interest. A very cold day, too, a not-to-be-triflcd with, thorough-going December day. The West Indian pupils were as red about tho tips of their noses as We t Indian pickles of tho Chili nature. Wo shivered all church time, in the long, bare, lonely pew, with tho draught from the door cutting tho fig ure of eight between our poor little legs, and wo alternately scratched and blew up on the chilblains on our hands, except when tho Doctor looked at us, when by a powerful cfibrt of nature, we sat preternat urally still, and tried to look as if wo were warm, and had never .shivered in our lives, Now, opposite to our pew was situated tho pew of a retired naval officer, of tho name of Bowster. I have reason to believe sinco that ho was a half-pay lieutenant ; but I know we all of us thought at Dr. Martin et's thai he was an admiral at the very least, and that even then, ho had been neglected by Government in not being something still higher. Drake, Nelson, and Bowster, were all wo knew of naval he- rocs anu jjowsicr was our lavorue oi tno If anybody had told us that he three. 11.1 .fi" el ,i . Imil lint, liopn nrosnnt nt. I npfliit i (j j-- 1.1 I .-.. .1.... ..:. !.!. Nelson could have won that victory with out him, or that every man could have done his duty, and cuic up to the expec tations of England without him, I do not think that person's life would havo been worth much. Wo believed, I repeat, in Bowster; ho was red, aud stout, and jol ly, aim naa a wooueu leg, ana, except in .1 l. . '..i ...... .! church. m;ver was seen without n ttilcsconr- , , '. a taff ftt co, three miles out of Rilston Kagstur, and ho sworo very much, aud talked in a loud, gruff voice; and, moreover, had tho rep utation of being able to drink any man in tho East Riding under the tablo, and get up sober himself; so he entirely cauio up to our idea of the naval commander, and wo worshipped him accordingly, "Now I remarked that on this particu lar Christmas day, Admiral (I shall take tho liberty of giving him tho titlo which I ( then thought belonged to him,) Admiral Bowster btarod durinc tho best part ol hia ecrvico hu very hardest and ho was a good starer at myself and the West In dia pupils ; and once, when tho church was coldest, and the wind was cutting the figure of eight most ferociously in and out between our legs, ho (IJowstcr) in the very middlo of tho vicar's sermon, winked de liberately at us three boys. Nobody but a man who had fought hand to haud with six lTcnchmcn at a time, at tbc battle of Trafalgar, could have dono such a thing. My admiring consternation put mo into quite a glow of hcat,and my chilblains were easier for the rest of tho sermon. Rut this was nothing. Ticturo my aston ishment, and tho astonishment of the two pupils from Dcmcrara,when, as wo were leaving the church yard, after exchanging the compliments of the season with our ro spected preceptor, tho great Rowstcr sud. denly exclaimed, in his most stentorian voice, 'should you havo any particular ob jection, Doctor, to my taking thoso three young ones homo with 1110!' Wo wcro three young ones but he could not mean us; it was something too dcliciously delighful to be believed at tho first gasp. Wo all three held our breaths. 'These boys?' said tho doctor, interrogatively. 'These boys sir,' replied 'Bowster, affirmatively, giving me such a slap upon tho shoulder, that I can recall the tingle of it as I speak this moment; but, for all that I liked it. 'These boys, Doctor. My trap's waiting tor mo; 1 11 drive them over to my cottage give them their Christmas diuner,and send Scrothcr home with them before ton to night. Say yes, if tho youngsters would like to go,' If tho youngsters would like to go.' Wo were all thrco crimson in the face with surprcssed delight and suspense. It couldn't bo true, even now. Dine with Rowstcr! Spend Christmrs day with Rowstcr 1 No, no ; it was too wild a dream 1 Tho Doctor said he had no ob jection. No objection, indeed ! No ob jection to saving three plates of beef, and three slices of plum pudding, and three half pints of the most diminutive beer by the transaction I should rather think not. "Jump in then, boys," said tho noble Rowstcr, "aud 1 11 drive you home at such a rate that you won't know whether the frosty wind's hot or cold. Jump in 1" "Wo were at tho gate of tho church yard, and everybody was coining out of church, but we set up such a shout of do light as our feeble luugs would allow us, as the most glorious of naval commanders hoisted us into his old rumbling four-wheel chaise, and with one smack of his whip, and ono jerk of tho reins, started his fat brown waddling pony into a fast trot. It was as much as wo could do to lift our caps to the Doctor, standing at the church yard ato, before wc were far away on tho whito country road, flying past the glitter ing, frosty, icielo-fringed hedges, aud nod' ding to tho red faced farmer and fat farnv crs' wives, d li.ingpast us in market carts, crowded with rosy children, going to spend Christmas day in the town. Before we wcro fully alive to the rapture of the ride, tho ride was over, and we were there. There, at tho pretty cottage, with tho old fashioned low windows, and deep window scats, tho bright red cuitains, and curious cabinets, crowded with South sea Slie;iis unci utvau nuiiucia. diuliuu i.ui.ic:.ii ,. . , . , T,- , birds, and curious seaweeds ; Indian china t.ti. .ja i..rr..,i and Chinese ivory boxes, which nobody ever opened, nor which anybody opening could ever shut. Tho dear pretty cottago, with the stufTed crocodile in tho hall, shot by the gallant Rowstcr ever so far bevond the second J cataract 0f tho Nile ; the oil paintings of ,;i3oWSicr aud Mrs. Bowster .dead and cone ,. ,!,; for manv a vca, a, t10 noL.i0 1 cndtr , old us; the nrcttv draw - in; - - - - ' ..... . -., ., v,room, ana tuo liny uining room, wiin uio . ' .. . '...'? . ' . . table clisteimiK with bright diamond cut glass, and old fashioned silver ; and, above all, Bowster himself, radiant and red, and loud and hearty, stumping here and there with his glorious wooden leg, and telling ... . . . . I v;, cUv ,.;cco an(i housckcenor how his Lcar, had t,een mov0(1 bv our red noses anij yM 00Vs in the narish church, and J 1 1 1 -. ... ..... i.i.. .i , - , naa ,u J ilaB ""uiue oi iuu tsurniuii, iu iun,u m iiuiuu with him to diuner ; 'and that was when I winked at you, boys, aud that was the reason I winked at you,1 tho jolly old sea man roared out, as ho told his pretty nieco and housekeeper (she was very proud of being his housekeeper) to tako caro of us whilo he weet to sco after tho wine, "Tho last tirao I was in Rilston Kag ster, I rode down to have a look at this dear old cottago ; but alas 1 it wis no mdrc; they wore buildiug a groat grim Elizabeth an workhouse on tho sito of tho old thatched roofed, cabled, ramblinir, tumblo'down, hospitablo place ; and all I could learn of Admiral Rowstcr was from a certain stone record in the parish church, set up by liik grateful, affectionate, and sorrowful niece. "But, as I tell you of these things, they ccmo back to mo, nnd I am a boy in a jacket again; and hero is dear old Bow ster coming back to tho dining-room, with a bottle in each hand, and another bottle under each arm, and a corkscrew in his mouth. He took tho corkscrew out of his mouth, and set to work to use that instru ment with a will. 'This,' ho said, as ho drew cork number ono, 'is Madeira, boys, and Madeira's a very goo! thinginits way, especially when it has mado the distance between England and Calcutta three times as this Madeira has, boys ; and this, boys, is Port,' ho continued, drawing cork num ber two, 'and Port is no bad stuff cither when it's Comet Port of tho year 18 , and has been brought at tho sale of a marquis's cellar; aud this, boys,' ho ad ded, going on to number thrco, 'is French brandy, as mild as milk, and as pale as liast Indian bottled beer ; and number four, boys, is Schiedam ; and that's all boys, and you shall taste them every one (to say nothing of tho rum punch my little girl hero shall help mo to brew by and-by) beforo you go homo to-night." "We drew our breath again; wo had heard of the wonderful kingdom iu which suckin" pics run about ready roasted, with knives and forks stuck in their cracklings, but wo thought that Admiral Rowster's cottage rather surpassed it if anything. And oh, the dinner 1 such a dinner, and such a long dinner 1 Only tho Admiral, and his pretty niece, with a very young lieutenant, who sat next to her, and had so much to say to her that he didn't care a kit, foolish fellow, for all the good things smoking before him. Only, I say, the Admiral, his niece, the young lieutenant, an old navy surgeon from Rilston Kagstcr, and we throe boy3 1 Such a dinner I Roost becfl So big a sirloin, that I could not sec the Admiral sitting behind it, but only heard his voice acros it, gruff and loud, making the very bunches of horseradish tremble with its manly thunder. Roast beef, and boiled turkey with oyster sauce, and tongue, and a monster plum pudding, all ablaze with burnt brandy, and a great dish of mince pics, ablaze with more bran dy, so that the second courso looked like the opening scene in a pantomino, all blue fire and forked flame. And the dear old J ace ' "ial joyous time into a palo Admiral piling up our plates with, first an(1 saddened mourning visage, terriblo to beef aud then turkey, plum pudding on tho look upon, and far too terrible to recall ! top of mince pies, and mince pics on a . ut nevor, never while I live, shall I for stratum of plum pudding ; and never do fit that 25th of December, and that glo sisting till wo cried out that wo had a bit us old Bowster roaring out the bravo of everything, and had undono the last seafaring ditty, in his great, honest, bass button of our Sunday black cloth waist- coats. "Oh, such a diunor t Wo drank Madeira as quite a common beverage ueloro wo rlnnn. nnd cverv limn wo drank the . 11.,, , ,,, 1 ,,,, , . Ailnm-ril's innltli. wo cried. 'Ihn. Inn. , , 1 , 11 llUlfUU i eill wu iliauu luu jJluic-a uuu cuBic- CS rattle again. I know the navy surgeon once ventured to suggest that Madeira was ' rather a trying beverage for school-boys ; but dear old Bowster, put him down, by ' asking him whether ho disliked Madeira i when ho was a school-boy 1 Which retoit wo thought tho very highest order of wit I i i i.i ,:n .. t.i, t. .i.i .iiiu (ii.iiiuuuuii nil vvu dhuuu. sue; eauie;, I ,-, i - , . . l , whilo tho Admiral went to get another : bottle. Good gracious me 1 wo were gen- orally such shy boys, that to say good day I to us was to iufiict upon us the greatest moral tortarc, if you expected us to bid you good morrow in return ; but under tho influence of Bowster. and Bowster s Ma- dcira, nnd Rowster's plumpudding and I burnt brandy, wo became three lions; and wo "old the company over dessert (as well 1 as wo could, with our mouths alternately .. .... .. , , , nll.l ...:!. l. .,l.n.,.l. ,. ni' "'" eucamui.,, ujjj, i,uj I . . , . .... . raisins, macaroons aud oranges) oar opin- , ion of Dr. Martiuct and tho Latin gram- , war, aud tho Martinet ' great quantity of lean ; mutton, and tho and wc told them our views of life in general, and how wo 1 . ... . e . i ! meant to be sailors, every ono of us ; and I know I informed tho Adtnira', kindly, ! that when I had a ship which ot courso .. . . I should, a year or so after entering tho 1 uavy that I should call it the Bowster the Gallant Bowster. And this simple, truthful, honest hero worship, welling straight up from a schoolboy's happy heart so gratified tho dear, hearty, generous seaman, that ho tapped a special bottle of tho dead and gone Marquis of Something "s Port, that wo might christen his' Majesty's ship tho Gallant Beiwstcr, with all tho honors. 4 "Now, I began to expedience so peculiar a sensation that I find some little difficulty, at this distanco of time, in describing it to you correctly. In tho first place, ray ideas of time and tpacc were cntiraly over- thrown, and I had great difficulty in ma king myself quite clear as to. whether to day. Then Bowster goodness me 1 how waTy and fluctuating Bowster became in his personal appearance. Ono moment Bowster would recede from mo and from his owir mahogany a scr rapid a rate, that when I looked a him I saw liim glaring dimly at mo from the furfberst end of a lane of decanters and black bottles, half a mile long at tho least. This was rather bewildering ; but this was nothing to Bol ster, wnen, Instead of receding, ho advan ced upon rnc with a frightful degreo of velocity, like a jolly red railway engino, bearing down upon me at the rate of sixty miles an hour. And then tho West In dian pupils. If thej would havo been tho samo number for two con'cculivo rain utos, I would have forgiven them ; but they wouldn't. One minute, there they were, screno and smiling, rather pale, but very happy, and only their normal num ber, two; tho next time I looked at them there wero four of them at tlio least; and three minutes afterwards, theso dreadful boys swelled, dilated, and multiplied in such a manner that I found myself faco to face with a closely packed regiment of yellow-faced and frizzy-haired natives of the Island of Demerara, formed in square. "I think we went into the drawing room J; and I know that, in crossing the hall some body, whoso name I forgot, fell into a scut tle of coals; and, strange to say, my shins wcro soro all the evening ; and then tho Admiral's niece sang ns a song, such a sweet, pretty song, about lovo and truth and fidelity, which tho young lieutenant said was the sweetest that was ever written; but as she sang it, it all of a sudden changed into tho 'Bay of Biscay,' and there was the dear old Admiral leading the chorus, and we1 singing at the top of treble voices, how 'she lay, all tho day, in thobay-eo (that's how wo sang it, tho bayco) 0 of Biscay, oh !' Oh I dear, hap. py, ncvcr-to-bo-lorgotton Christmas'. How many changes and chances have 1 experi enced since that departed time 1 How many a sad December, how many a bitter grief, to take the brightness out of tho glistening holly, and the sweetness out of tho rich plum-pudding ; to make a turkoy an abomination, and all tho jolly, festive sounds so many strokes unon a funeral M11 1 How many a cruel shook, to change voice, never more to be heard on this sido of the stars. "Rut beforo ho had dono sincinji tho r 11.0 r- " .1 . 111... -I" i . e . " ., ul "i-ay, we were iar awayonina dark starless, suowy country road. How of vu.i- luvi. JC UU.C UV.1C1 LCI LUIS UUV ,. , , '. . . ... J clt.-eflVltl'OU I flllL t ism Tea worn IntHrl . rl , uui lucru we wero, close together, and wrapped in ono of tho Admiral's great coats, aud driven in the lour-wheelcd chai.-o by the Admiral's con fidential man, Jacob Scrothcri Jacob Scrothcr didn't say a word to us ; and though I kuow I wanted dreadfully to talk to him, and tell him all about his majesty's ship, the Uallant Bowster, some how the words dried up, as it wcro, and stuck to my lips, aud 1 couldn't tell him . . ... - . anything; and alter ridtug for a space of time wuicl, soaucd to me somcthinc be- tween a century aud a century and a half, Scrothcr pulled up with a sudden jerk, and t0i mo to ct out' ' j 1 remonstrated ; at least I haJ aj,coulaar Jnsaioh lean .fnly eomtiaro to tlm TTIo-liflviT mnil nnnr-l, out. side aud inside passengers, coachman and guard, and four horses to say nothing of -os-av u" '"J -"'. P(assc,?f ?. !? '"J su.wns, ..Mu j. buuiuu li oiivan. o. uuiu, J . 1 - - So I tumbled into fortv-seven. Into fortv- seven! Into forty-seven millions of squaro nines oi noiuing. j.uio loriy-ieven tracic- lv:s r-' oi space, am i, ooaracr ana PJP'I Ur; Martinet . IWiton Kagstcr, mil, ou luuiug iulu uutuuer lorty seven. " 'A little salts and senna, and he'll bo all right,' said a voice at tho bottom of number forty-seven. It was tho voice of Martha Morris, the young person who ii..j.c. i: i . j i. ooked after our linen, mended our socks, and washed our heads, at Dr. Martinet's academy. "I was in bed, in tho eight-Lcddcd room, and it was to-morrow morning ; and I'd never been to St. Mary's church-yard at all; and I had been brought homo by Jacob Scrother fast asleep, and safe and sound, but rather the worse for Madeira, Port, and turn punch. But a dose of salts aud senna mado mo all right again, and the Admiral promised tho doctor that he'd bo a great deal more cautious another time. And as long as I stayed at Rilston Kag stcr, which was for fivo more years, I spent my Christmas day at the dear old hospitable cottago, aud eat ray Christmas dinner off Admiral Rowster's loadod and groaning mahogany."