Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 30, 1861, Image 2

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    COIjIIMBIA democrat.
EOITftW nV LEVI I. TATE, rnoriur.ToR.
Death of Hon. G. W. Scranton.
Tho Hon. G. W. Scuanton, Member
of Congress for this District, departed this
transitory life on Sunday, at 15 minutes to
ono o'clook, p. m., In Scranton, after an
illness of three or four weeks his death
hastened by his assiduous and zealous du-
... . ... . 1
tics within the Halls ot Uongrcss, Aged
CO years,
Col. Scranton has represented this dia
trict in Congress ono term, and was re
elected last fall for a second. In politics
wo disagrco with him, but wo bclioro always
conceded to him those prominent traits of
his character, gentlemanly attribute?,
lntcgrjly and high personal and social
worth which ho possessed to an eminent
degrco, and which gave him a strong hold
upon tho affections of tho people of this
ssction, cipecialy his immediate vicinity.
In his death tho vast coal, iron, railroad
and other buisncss interests have lost a
right arm, and tho community generally
a citizen who has left his impress in ever
y department of life that will not ho ef
faced for half a century to come. In
common with all wo deplore his loss.
IIow strango it is, of those who repre
sented this district in Congress within the
last twenty-five years, only Wright, Lei
dy and Brisluu remain. Lcib, Uidlack,
Beaumont, Butler, Montgomery, Fuller
and Scranton havo gono to their long
home. Truly, "Death loves a shining
Lnconsistksct Tho Columbia Dcm
ocrat, and Jlencick Gazette, approving of
tho courts or benator liounu, and ucnoun
cing that of Messrs. Kline and Oatorhout.
Slur of the Noith.
Wo copy tho aboro paragraph, from our
down town cotemporary, not for contro
versial purposes, but with tho hopo of put
ting him "right upon tho record." "Sen'
ator Bound," voted in favor of all the
amendments to the "Tonnage Tax Com
mutation Bill," manly, openly, fairly, as
Troll ns to speak against it, and then voted
against its Jiml passage. For this act, in
publishing the yeas and nays (on tho com
mutation question,) wo felt justifiable iu
saying ; '-Hon. Franklin Bound, Sena
tor from this District, has acted a noble
part, for which he is entitled to the thanks
of his constituency."
When tho aboro extract was penned, wo
had not seen Mr. Bound's vote on the pass.
ago of tho Sunbury and Erie Bill, and of
courte, had no reference to his action on
that question. For this last swindling act,
the greater enormity porhap3 of the two,
Mr. Bound voted throughout. And for it,
unless wo are greatly mistaken, ho will re
ccivo the condemnation of his constituency
What of "Messrs. Klino and Otter
liout;" Tho first named voted against all
but ono or two of the amendments to the
Tonnage Tax Commutation Bill, and for
its passage section by section,thereby ren
dering tho exact service the Hail Boad
Company required to put their Bill in prop
er shape, and then on its final passage.
whether from principle or by agreement,
wo lcavo the Tas payers to judgo,he voted
against the Bill ! Mr. Ostcrhout, faced
tho music bravely on tho Tonnago Tax
Commutation Bill, and went tho whole Pig,
On tho passage of theSunbury and Eric Bill
'Messrs Kline and Ostcrhout, 'went it doub
1c team, and henco, tho ono is as deep in
tho mud as the other is in the mire,
Iu return, wo may euquiro of our co
temporary, why tho Star is mute on theso
momcttous subjects. Our tax-payers want
to know how their money is appropriated
Such Bilcnco on tho part of the Fress is
ominous if not suspicious.
Route Agents ArroiNTED. It. It.
Franks, of Lancaster city, to bo Mail
Agent between Philadelphia and Harris
burg, viceW. A. Ilankin, removed.
E. McDonald and W. II. Losig, of
Schuylkill county, to bo Mail Agents on
the Heading Bailroad, vice II. J. Hcndlcr,
and P. S. Iliggins, removed.
Edwin A. Jones, of Tamaqua, Mail
Agent on tho Oattawissa Itailroad, vite
S. B. Oraeff, removed.
Tho salary of theso officers is, wo le
liove, S800 a year.
ArpornTMENi' ht the Governor.
Tho Governor has appointed Hon. Ulysjcs
Mercur to bo President Judge of the 13lh
judicial district, fn tho place pf tho Hon
David Wilmot, cTcstcd' United States Sen'
flif Our edition last Week vr as csliaui
tcd beforo wo put up our exchanges. Tlio
inereaso of circulation, recently, has ex
ceeded our Liizliest anticipations. Next
week we enlarge tho pilo of tho Columbia
1 A valued correspondent, has a till
ing littlo communication on our first pago,
signed' "Ca mbra."
SSX" Tho place of places, to InrfGoods
Cheap and Cheap Goods, is at'' II. W.
Oreasy's & Co'a. Storo in Lighthcet.
rtT Our first pago will command atlcn-
HunnisDUKa, March 20, 1801.
Col. Levi L. Tate,
Dear Sir : Since tho nassnro of
tho act ."chancing the namo of tho Simbu-
ry and Erio Hall Itoad Company and to j
Kicmiaiu mo completion 01 a linuroau to
iutit" lou havo published several Col-
urns ot ucnunciatious of the mcasuro and
its supporters, characterizing it as "a
encat," -a swmuio ' ana "a fraud, liut
in my humblo opinion you havo no good
reason for Indungimg in such Epithets nor
do you show tho bill to bo wrong. It is much
easier to call hard names than show a thing
not to bo Uight. Now Sir I voted for this
bill and jf our language bo true I hare
assisted in swindling tho State. I exam
ined tho mcasuro carefully and thoroughly
ami 1 am connucut 1 havo done no such
.'""S b,ut .n contrary liavo douo
11 Cnv flirt line. ,,ifn.ef aP I,a f In,,, n .,. .
is for the best interest of the Common
wealth, my reasons aio these ;
1st It is the hitirest at the State to com
plete the Sunburi anil JUie llailroad.
la Hie bill Icr which 1 voted (iocs no'
impair the tcuirily 0 the commonwealth.
Ihc counties turoueh winch thrco fourths
of thii railroad runs, never received any
assistance from the State in malting inter
nal improvements, uhilo millions on mill
ions of tho common funds of tho people
was lavished in building tho upper north
Branch, tho Wyoming k other canals, the
result was tho land in the counties throug
which they passed havo quadrupled in val
uo, while there has scarcely been any per
ceptible rise in Ileal Estate in Potter, Me-
Kcan, Ailk, Warren, Uamcron and Venan
go Counties within tho last thirty years.
J lie completion ot tho sunbury cY line
Boad will add twenty millions of dollars
to tho amount of taxable property in the
State, and dovclopo an untold amount of
wealth that now lies dormant and always
will be if this improvement is not made.
She would derive a very largo benefit in
the increased value of taxable property.
if she never got ono cent of her mortgage
ou the Sunbury and Erio Boad.
But tins is by no means tho case, next
as to the security tho btatc now lias, com
pared with what sho had before the bill
passed, Previous to the passage of this act,
the commonwealth had the one half of a
mortgage of seven millions of dollars on
an unfinished line of Bail Boad, on a Bail
Boad that would require several millions
ot dollars to lurnish and crimp, It was a
first, inortcuaco the companco had thrco
mil ions k a half and tho Stato three
millions k a half, But before Either the
Stato or tho company could realize ono
cent a lien of Sixteen hundred Thousand
dollars, would first have to bo paid, Is it
likely if the Boad was forced to a judi
cal sale it would bring moro than this
sixteen Hundred Thousand Dollars, Ei
poeially as tho party purchasing would be
compelled to Expend at least thrco mill
ions of dollars mrro before they could re
alize anytlnncc out of tueir investment, It
is absolutely certain that it would not have
brought moro than this sum, consequently
tho State would not havo realized one cent
from her lien, Beside tho Uoad might havci
passed into tho hands of foreign capitalist
who would have divctred its trade to cities
boyoud our borders,
How is it now, ilie company is permit
ed to issu a first mortgage of five millions
ot dollars with which it will bo enabled to
finish and equip the road, and then tho
commonwealth steps in with a second mort
gage which I think is perfectly secure,
mrely a second mortgage under theso cir
cumstances is much tho best, men who were
entirely acquainted with the wholo subject,
were satisfied that the States lion was worth
nothing in case of a foreclosure, and that
ultimately tho four millions of second
mortgage would be secured, It docs seem
to mo that people who have received as
much ot the bounty of the commonwealth
as tho people living alone tho north Branch
canal should be the last to get up an outcry
against a littles indirect assistance given to
ether portions ot tho state, moro particu
larly is this the case when tho State docs
not part with anything she is in possession
of, I hopo you will do mo tho justico to
give this an insertion in your paper not
because you have denounced mo personally
but because you havo denounced a
measure I voted for, and which I consider
a benefit instead of a detriment to the
State, I however do not claim infalibility
and if I have ered it is tho Head and not
tho heart, Respectfully yours
It will bo seen by tho above, that the
Ihnorablc Member from Columbia County,
finding that no ono of his constituents will
so debase himself as to attempt a de
fense of such an enormous fraud, as tho act
giving four millions of dollars belonging to
the Stato, to the Sunbury k Erie Bail Road
Company, has entered tho lists in his own
behalf. Ho is right welcome. Wo give
him a hearing with great satisfaction ; and
we only regret, that in his letter defending
his course, he has entirely omitted to ex
plain why ho voted againt tho amendments
offered on tho bill repealing the tonnago
tax, and for tho bill, section by section, as
it passed the House. However, for what
wo havo let us bo duly thankful. Barring
the grammar and oithography of his
communication, which wc publish verbatim,
and of which wc shall take no further
notice ; wo claim tho right, and shall pro.
coed to expose the fallacy of his positions,
and tho wcakucss of his arguments
The Honorable Member first charges
ai.... :n: -f .li!.-. .1.1 . .
iui. iKiiuvui ui uuiian nuru i.-pumiuu in
building tho North lirnnch Canal ; forgot-
ting or not knowing that tho Stato also
buiit a canal up tho West Branch of tho
LSusquiilianna ; and that canal, belonging
'itt fliff pecfplo of the fatato, is among thoso
pLw to recklessly given away. And al
though tho gcntltimnn himself ignores tho
fact, yet the pooplo Tvill very well remcm
ber, that if millions of their money wcro
expended hi publio improvements, they
wcro, when completed, t4io proporty of tho
pooplo; yet tho Honorable Member has
voted to give this property of tho people
to o soulless corporation, for tho purpose
of building a Hail Road, which shall bo-
long, not to tho people, but to irresponsi -
bio, and to a largo extent, foreign stock-
holders. I'lia Sunbury k Erio Company
were to pay (ho Stato, for certain publio
improvements, tliroo millions five hundred
thousand dollars; the properly was woith
twice that sum, and to such an amount tho
Stato was cheated in the salo originally j
now tho small pittance that was to havo
been paid, is in effect given by tho legisla
ture to tho Sunbury k Erie Rail Boad
In tho first instanco, and hofora any
legislation on tho subject, tho Stato was an
equal owner of a niortgago for seven mill
ions of dollars. Then if the Road had
sold for two millions, tho Stato would havo j
got one, and so for any sum realized. hut
winter nn act was passed, authorizing the
Company to issue scrip, to tho amount of
six hundred thousand dollars, which was
to "bo preferred to the mortgage held by '
tho Commonwealth." (
1 no iwnorauic iUcinncr, in 111s ueionse .
savs it was "sixteen hundred thousand i
dollars" a falso statement whether wil
ful or not wo cannot say but if not wilful,
no is tho only man m tho legislature so
ignorant as not to know tho sum allowed J
ami ii wuiui, uonu lor uiu purpose oi snow-
ing tho Stato already so far behind as to
, . . ,.,, , i .
luuvti;! aiijf infill uujiuiusai j u.m , eu wwiiy
ins vote count not, nt tno very worst, less
en her chances. But let it pass, there it
To that sum, of sixteen hundred thou
sand dollars, tho present legislature, aided
by tho Honorable Member, hare added
five millions, to take precedence of tho
State claim and yet tho gentleman has
the impudence to tell us wc aro better oft
now, than when tho Stato had alien against
fifty cents of every dollar tho Road was
worth. Now, if the Road were to be sold,
before the Stato could "rcalizo ono cent
from her lien," it must bring five millions
six hundred thousand dollars, costs of salo,
and the constantly accruing interest on
that turn. Is it not preposterous to tell
honest tax payers that, although about
4000,000 debt and interest, havo been
given away, that they aro richer than
when owning that amount ? Does the gen-
;i, ( i.. . -.i..i:...
hi i i i i ,. ' r. ,
, ., , , , ,. ., i
W,, UW KA..1..II1V w l,HVIIUI.Itl,l j. 1IU1IU l
ampton, who got Ball of Erio to go over
there aud explain tho matter to his con
Much strcs is laid upon apossiblo fore
closure of the niortgago. It is hardly
necessary to say that so long as the Stato
held tho first mortgage, n sale would not
be had under thoniortgago, if thereby the
money should be lost ; but now, when by
the vote of tho Honorable Member, tho i
Stato ts put nearly 80,000,000 behind,
thoso persons who hold the first niortgago
can mako money by a foreclosure, thus
cheating tho State out of every cent of her
claim, and putting into their own pockets
over 4,000,000 of tho people's money. A
sale under tho mortgage would not havo
been profitable before, now immense for
tunes can be realized out of it.
But again. Col. Klino says that if tho
Itoad had been sold, tho purchaser would
havo to expend thrco millions of dollars
before ho could realize any thing out of
the investment." Bo it so. But then if
three millions of dollars would bo enough,
why did Mr. Kline help to give the Com
pany five ? It needs explanation.
As au argument, however, that shall
cap the climax, it is asserted that tho lieu
of the Stato was already worthless, and
therefore no harm was done. That i3 not
truo. Iu their report to tho legislature,
tho Company admit that tho Stato might,
in the first iustanco, by a salo have scoured
ono million of dollars. After the six hun
dred thousand dollars was proferrod, the
Stato might still havo realized 700,000.
But haviug now preferred i'ive millions
MOitE,wethink it beyond Mr. Klino's math
ematical genius, to cypher up what could
now bo realized.
The Honorable Member arraigns tho
people of the North Branch because they
cry out against such wholesalo plunder.
Ho should remember that the people arc
honest, nnd that all ho is tho people of tho
North Branch have mado him. And ho
insults their good sense, when ho calls
giving away to tho Sunbury k Erio Com
pany 1,000,000 of their money, "a little
indirect assistance.'1 IIow nso doth breed
a habit iu a man would Col. Klino hayo
called such an operation, "a little indirect
assistance," this time last year ?
It is publicly proclaimed and no" whero
denied, that money in fabulous bums, was
used to pas3 theso bills ; that tho Pres3has
been bribed to silenco where it could not
bo bought to defend, that paid agents of the
In , 1 .1 , .1
Company, travel tho country ith speciou3
.. arKumcnta and specie : and tho burthen of i
ii.:. : .v... .1.- . .r ,r.J
-" iuiuiu.ii ui
Stato to pass those bills. What numb
skulla tlio people must bo not to see what
is so much to their advantage ; and how
awfully dull of comprehension our legij
lators must be, if it is truo that it took
5200,000 to open their eyes to tho magnif
icenco aud iuiportanco of this bill to the
commercial and pecuniary interests of
Pennsylvania. No! no! we undortaho
to atsert, that thoso appliances aro not
necessary to pass an honest and fair bill
that people can sco their interests without
'golden spectacles, and that you can con
. vinco men, legislators as well as others, of
their trua policy, by figures other than
1 thoso stamped upon bank bills, or upon
tho current coin f the Republic.
Evacuation of tfort Suuiptor.
Wo clip tho following paragraphs from
tho Northampton County Journal 1
"This decision of Mr. Lincoln and his "Is it truo then that any tight plainly
cabinet is, without any question, httmilia- ( written in tho Constitution has been dela
ting and distasteful to every man of spirit, cd ? I think uot. Happily tho human
Tliouah blood would haro been slice! and
many lives lost iu nn attempt to reinforce
tho Fort, yet the majority ot pcoplo Norlh
would havo preferred this sacrifice to tho
liumiliation and sllamo involved in its sUr-
render to the troops of the so-called South-
orn umicdcracj.'
N c nave not tho slightest cioubi that uio
cut.orot ,uor wou.u prcier actm.g
tho country nlutnrcd into a civil war. lie
is 6no of tho most ultra of that most ultra
class, who insist that their rights aro par-
amount to the rights of all others, aud who
havo done nil in their power to dismember
this glorious confederacy,
But when tho editor asserts that tho
majority North would prefer imbruing their
"...tin..! uiuu,ui; mm-
out his host.
"This conclusion is humiliating, if not
disgraceful to the government, but tho re
sponsibility and dhgrace of it belongs not
t0 lllu 1)rcscll, Administration. It is one
of the dUgracoful consequences resulting
j uui" jiuuj ui .-n, jui-u;iiuiii, huiuu
, 5I,r- fiil,'?oh,1. c?u ?' Prevent, and for ,
Iwhich Mr. lluchauan is wholly rcsponsi-
Wo aro charitable enough to suppose
that tho editor penned the above from tho
force cf habit.
Sancho Panza once said "slcrp covercth
one liko a cloak." This is truo as regards
tho physical man. There is another cov
ering that enshrouds the moral man, shut
ting out truth, reason and justice. That
reason and justice havo no place iu his
mind wo aro led to believe from the fol
lowing paragraph :
"Wo aro of the opinion that Mr. Lin
coln has adopted the wisest and most hu
mane policy iu this matter for which the
whole country will thank him. This is
tho first act that interprets liis inaugural to
moan peace, and we hail it with joy as the
first sign of returning prosperity."
During tho administration of Buchanan,
every Bepublican, from tho editor of the
Journal up, was loud in Lis denunciation
I of tho same wise, humane aud conciliatory
policv: but when lluncst Abe carries out
tho measures commenced by his prcdeccs-
sor, ho is doing an act for which the whole
country will rise up aud called him blesied.
What before the 4th of March was dis
graceful and humiliating, is now hailed
with joy as being the first sign of return
ing prosperity.
Yesterday tho cry was "millions forde-
i fi'neo. but not ono cent for the Union.'
rivday tll0 t,, of tildrsong U p(;aoQ t
.. 1 1 . 1 1
I5ut we arc compelled to notice ono more
of tIle30 em, of consistency.
"Besides wo aro greatly mistaken, if this
act of jlr. Lincoln s docs not do more than
anything else could havo done, to take
much ol the wind out of the Secession bags
That tho Union feeling in the Border
Siatcs will bo greatly strengthened aud in
creased thereby, is certain ; and it is also
destined to have a great effect towards a
final reconciliation, aud the restoration of
peace and the return of prosperity.
Should not the editor rather thank tho
outgping administration for keeping the
cwntry in such a positioii.that the Bopubli
canparty,aftcr causing the disruption,!!! iht
be saved tho deeper damnation of plunging
tho country into civil war.
An act, which, under Buchanan would
have been disgraceful, humiliating and
treasonable, is, under Lincoln, calculated
to take the wind out of tho " Secession
Irigf." A policy inaugurated by Buchan
an was denounced by tho Journal as cow
ardly and imbecile, but carried out by
Lincoln it will strengthen the union feeling
iu tho Border States ; it will be a plaster
that will draw together aud heal tho dis
nicmbcrcd portions of tho Union ; it will
causo tho restoration of peace, a final re
conciliation, and a return of prosperty. So
moto it be.
But to tho wiso, pacific and patriotic
administration of Buchanan wo will owo
all these blessings, and not to the man who
now fills tho Presidential chair, bo ho nev
er so honest.
The Deed is Gov. Curtain
1,. ,:,1 tl,nl,;il In v.,nnul Tnnn I
Uri. BlllU tUU k,110 lk',Ul Sl.W lUIIUIIgW
Tax, aud to distroy tho Sunbury k Krio
uonus. uo lias consummated tno bargain
aud officially endorsed a bold and iufa -
mous fraud upon the Stato. This is in-
deed among tho first fruits of his admin-1 it not for lll0 fact tat Laudon's abolition
istration. No language cau dicribe the :.. KPrves fl3 a eiQ!.. for flnv act yB mnv
rascally deed. It fully corroborates tbo
report last fall that ho had sold himself to
tho Pennsylvania llailroad Company, and
to the Sunburv & Eric llailroad Comnanv
for LU election. The tax payers will rue
tUo day thoy voted for him. Ho wai
j j
chargod witb corruptions as Secretary of
.i. r!.. inii...i. i. i,:
i party friends, when nominated, and hU cn-
- 1 jorscmcut 0f theso bills, pretty clearly
substantiates tho charges.
The Tariff on lnox. Tho tariff on
iron is highly favorable to Pennsylvania
Tlio increase on Welsh or English bars
will, iu future, bo 815 per ton, instead of
89.12 tho present duty; on watch spring,
sleigh and horse shoe steel tho advanced
rate will bo S25 per ton, and tho finest
grades of cast btcel the inereaso is S25 per,
'ton. It is thought that tha. English iron
masters will submit to a reduction of
least XI per ton in the prico, with .1 vicw
of meeting, as far as possible, tho 'restrio-
tiva duties of tho United States. It cocs
. . .. .. - . . . ., u
into operation on the first of April.
Qomo of tho Inaugural
. Gem tho fourth :
mind is so constituted that-no party can
reach to the audacity of doing this. 1 funk
if you can of a single instance in which a
plainly written provision of tho Coustitu-
tion has ever been denied."
Tho Legislatures of a number of Nor-
Ul0rn y(atci UU(Jcr i;opublicab control
w cnaclcd ,aw3 Ucsigno1 to nullify the
con,.:.ul:3nBl nrov,!01, rcnuirinc 1 10 rcn
dition of fugitives from labor. Tho right
to tho service of these' fugitives is plainly
written in tho Constitution, and confessedly
so in this Inaugural Address and yet
has been denied, or attempted to be denied.
The Republican party in many of tho
1 Northern States havo "reached to tho au
q tMj Mr Lincoln.a mcm.
n3 jepic;cnt a3 ,;, joc;0
Gem tho fifth :
''From questions of this class spring all
our constitutional controversies, and wo
divido upon them into majorities and mm
onties. It tho minority will not acquiesce,
tho majority must, or the government must
'I ho question? refcrod to aro, whether
tho Contitution empowers Congress to ox
cludo slavery from the territories must
Congress protect slavery in tho Territo-
lics ? kc. Wo divido upon theso questions
into majorities and minorities, and ono
or the other must acquiesce, or the govern
incut mii't cease. No such tiling. 'I ho
correct interpretation of tho Constitution
is not to bo settled by tho will of tho ma
jority. Theso aro judicial questions for
tho courts to determine. If tho popular
will is to decide tho moaning of tho con
stitution, then it follows that as soon a
the majority determine that the provision
for the return of fusativos from labor does
not apply to runaway negroes, this settle
the controversy, aud tho minority must
acquiesce. The principle .3 lawless aud
revilutionary. Wo have a Constitution
aud courts competent to intcrpcrt iU true
meaning, and majorities cannot overturn
it to invade tho ostblishcd rights of minoii
ties. Minorities havo sacred rights which
the Constitution guards, and majorities
cannot assail them. If this is not truo, we
havo no settled principles of government
and no man's rights arc inviolable.
Gem the sixth:
"Ono section of our country be'ieve that
slavery is right, and ought to ho cxteue
while tho other believes that it is wrong,
anil ought not to bo extended. This is the
only substantial dispute."
1 he question of right or wrong of slavery
is not rightlul'y involved in the controvcr-
iy as to its extension It is purely a
question as to tho constitutional rights of
tho South. The morality of slavery has
nothing to do with it. A man may be
moraly opposed to tho extension of flavcry,
. . . . ,
and at tllO Same time convinced that tho
. . . .
Constitution permits faouthcrn men to take
, , . , , . , ,
their property into tho .territories, nnd be
...:n: i ,i .. .i i i ..i.... i.:
Willing IU UU1UUU UUU llUltlb IUV111 111 I111S
Gem the seventh tho genuino article:
"Suppose you go to war, you cannot
fight always, aud when, after much loss on
both sides, and no gain on either, you oe.vo
fighting, the identical old question n3 to
terms of intercourse aro again upou you."
,,,, r . ,. e 1
Ihis is the first glimmer of sound senso
to illuminate tho pervading darkness. Go
to war and you end just where you began
thcu why go to war at all ? Why com
mence a civil war, when there is confessed-
ly nothing to be gained by it?
Gem the cigth is intended to bo consola
tory: uBy the frame of tho Government under
which we live, this same people havo wUc
ly given their public servants but Htle pow
er for mischief, and havo with equal wis
dom provided for the return of that little
to their own hands at very short intervals."
It would afford real consolation if Mr.
Lincoln had little power for mi-chic, but
unhappily ho underrates the eouserpicnccs
likely to follow his own feebleness.
Patriot t Union.
jffif'A furious storm of indignation has
been aroused in different parts of the
Stato by the passage of thu corrupt rail
road bills. Amon" other Democrats who
voted for them, is carson Shindlo of the
jjejgl, Senatorial di.trict. Ho has been
mado ,0 fcci tbo weight of popuiar ;nJig
, nation to 6uch an ostont tht it h saill L
m ncver 0 bac to nai.ri3burc Were
coimuit) lie too would bo mado to feel that
t0 i turty piccoe 0f silver'' poorly pays
for violatiug tho wishes of his constituents,
t ... .:i. i, .,.i :-.
and we are glad to see that his brotlJ
0Vi j .;j0ry, editor of AVvominc
iiuy, i. u.
countY Intolli-(
. . .
encer, lias manliness enough
10 iiirow enure
church and party fealty nside,
and sovcrcly condemn his lata Presiding
Elder for his inconsistent, outrageous, and,
as is supposed, corrupt course. AVo need
not repeat that it is current publio opinion
all over tho State that tho railroad compa
nies bought votes enough to pass thoso bills
for their benefit, at tho expense of tax-pay a
era. Monti osc Democrat '.
Coin in thu Country. Tho Hank
and Sub-Treasurers of New York, Phil-
adelphia and Boston now hold tho cnor-
nious amount of fifty five millions in coin,
at of which S 10,000,000 is held in New York,
and tho current fc-f coin from Kuropo, now
amounting to about 520,000,000 sinco tho
middle of December last, is likely to con-
. . ,. .
tinuo for omo timo to come.
Another Swindle Projected, j
CULllUUl Allan, u. 4ftitig.iw.ij .vu w
week ago, read in phco a bill of very groat .
mportanco to tho Commonwealth. It is
tylcd "nn Act relativo to thd seounticsl
f tho Commonwealth," but is really nn
act to assist In tho completion of thfl Pitts-1
burg and Connclsvillo, and tho Alleghc-1
noy Valley llailroads. 'lo tho first nam-1
ed company it proposes that tho Stato
1 11 . , , , ,
Should oxchanco 83,000,00(1 of tllO bonds
0 1 '
of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company, I
OUt Of the seven millions now IU tho Sink- I
, . , , . - , , 1
ing fund, for ancfiual amount Of first lnort
, , ,, i .i, i, i
nace bonds on tho Uonnelsvillo Road j and
to the Allegheny Valley Railroad Compa
ny it Is proposed to exchange ono million
and a half of tho Pennsylvania Railroad
Company's bonds for an equal amount of
her bonds.
Wo will not bo tho least surprised if tho
abovo project also passes the present sess
ion, for wo believe the Legislature, as at
present constituted, i3 capable of any vill
iany. They have just repealed the ton
nage tax, which is a yearly loss to tho
Stato of 350,000 and m a few years
would havo amounted to half a million.
They havo also cancelled tho mortgage
for 4,000,000 that was held by the State
against tho Sunbury and Erie Railroad.
bill introduced
by Mr. Irish, they aro after S 1,500,000 of
tho money iu the siuking fund. This pro
ject is similar to the first adopted by tho
Suubury and Erie Railroad, to obtain
money from tho Stato. That load then
gave a first mortgage to the Commonwealth
as security for amount borrowed. After
.-pending tho money the Legislature wipes
out this first mortgage, and agrees to take
a second mortgage-in other words, the
debt is conceited, aud the Stato robbed.
W'u repeat, we will not be astonished if Mr.
Irish gets his bill through. Go it Repub
lieans. Democratic Standard.
Beau it in Mind. Persons elected
Juitiecs of the Peace at tho last election
must signify their acceptance to tho Pro
thonotary in writing within thirty days
after the election, or commissions will not
bo issued.
Gold and Silvkr deposited in tho
Franklin Saving Fund, No I HO South
Fourth i-trect, below Chc-tnut, Philadel
phia, since January 1st, 1801, will bo re
paid in gold or silver. Haul; notes depos
ited repaid in bank notes. Deposits re
ceived and p.ymcuts mado dhily with
pecial Notices,
1 Dr. Dtipunro's d'lildi n I'ill.s fur l-'cmali'S.
n ,"
! nmiien i'i i are i. rr.-niy h irmiu-ii. Tii-y iia been
v iimi-h in lie prmii pruruci' "I "HI IT. lllHHiril mi r r
tinny var. ami iimunii ia or i.uiim can t .nfi in
tli ir K r.'iit an I ti r f.ulinji surc-i". in alunmt ever)
ran-, in rurr- Hiiie irr-piiUliti' re i mi! painful and
I did. refill.! particularly at tli- rliann-j of
; nr.-. rrmu nw toi-n pita wiiicure thai commm n
! dri'iidfu1 inmlainl tin Wiuta. Nearly nil)' f-iuil'-
in m.- i.nni minvr. from una complaint, tik !." pin
, .
you iHi-tliein. Tli.-y cannot li.irin .111, nn tin eiuitr-trj
th'-v rsni'il e n I ol), trill nulla, restore nature to its prop-
:rtliainiel, and invieornto tliewlinlu s,bt?ni. I.adi
wlnnie liealtli ill lint permit nn inrrcaic of family,
will lind ilii-sc pills n successful preventive.
Th.'se Till i-inni'd not be taken iIilrinK tlie first three
mouth ot pregnancy, as tlu-y are attre to bring on 1111s
carriaee ; tint at any other lime lliey are safe.
1'riie, $1 per hoi. Sold, wholesale and retail, liy
li .M. IIAdliN'IIL'UII, llrufnul.
tiole audit for lllooniftli'lri!. 1'a.
To hoin all orders must In: scut. I,aili"s I by send
i he Dial Sl.OO to the niouuishtirL' Poft-Olficc. can lilTe
lllesc niiiM sent 10 any pari o! 1111' coauiry, iciiiiuneniiai'
I iy) n,'i lm ofi-...taec" by mail. s..iii ai.n hyN. 1..
KhKi bri Jisei'.TV.. Zi
I c"N.'li.',,;k ,.,'; counterfeit,. Puynnnoidcinii.
fMiitut kind, iiliiVmuM'r) mi i dpi mil S, It. Ilmvc. All
ot!urs nri' n bam" imposition nml hiw nfr-, Uiivftir.1, nn
you vaIih your Uvea ntnl liealtli, (to nay untliniK "I" ;
ing liti mini pitt'il out of onr nioitcy,) buy only uf tlms't
who show ilm sicn.ittire of li, II owe on c(vry box,
uhich his rfot-ntly been ailduil, on account of a recent
countvrfisilufthu 1'ilU.
p. n nmvti.
Solo rronrictor, N'cw York
Dec. 52. lEC0l
MOnWPS Lire ril.l.H. Tliobih ami tnwM to
ibrity uliirh thin pre-eminent ui.dicina Insnciuired for
ts invariable fihcucy in all dincagi' ulikh it froftuLs
to rnre.h.M mnliTcd tho usual prutici of oUrnutiuim
puirm' not only uiiiKT.'ifs.iry but uinsorthy of llicm
They nro know n by th ir fruits, their cood works tepiify
for tlieni,atid thvy thrive not by the faith of the rr-dn
loiii. In ml can1 of rostiii'liey., dj fe(pil-, Lihioui
and liver atroitjoiiit. piles., rhc iiiuatixtii, fi'virs &- ii.rut,,),
ohti.iatc head .irhc, and till jri-ncral dorausumunu of
health, liters i'llb liau itiiirially roeii act-rtnin and
spt't'ily remedy. A nii.Rle trial will pl.tcu tin 1 .if j Pills
bo)ond llio riaili of compilition lu (It. iblliu.ition of ev-
y i.ilient.
MoDUt's Phoenix Hitters, w ill be found ciuallv rf-
ficaciuiiH in nil disc ofuToiu ibbitity, .Iwpctisi.i.
henu m Ikf, tno .ickiiej., int lib nt in fiMiinlt'B 111 dilicati
li.ultli.nnd t'wry kimt nf wynkuuss ff ilic di(!c.tlvu ur
pniH, Iv'orale by W. II. M0il.1t, :U5 Uroaihv.iy, Niw
Vurk, nml by mcilicinu doaltri and tlrufe'Ut gtncrully
tlirmitjlioiit the roinitry,
IVbruary 10, IfiiO-liim
Uniformity of Prices 1 A New Fciturein liuxiueiii
I.vry uno bin on tf.ilosniaul JONUrf it CO. of tlie
t'resi'iu Uiiu Prii'u Clotlnug fctorn, No. SJOJIarketktrccl
nbmo tiixtli, Plii'mUt'rliin.
In mliliti'ui to hiiuh tho l.irjrcft, most nricd and ttorK ot ciotiiiug iu riuiadcliibia, uiado fx
prt-asly lor retail alc,, liaf cuiiHtitutudtvcry ouu bh
itwn Hak'ijidn,by liavinij marked In fiLnirfx. on carti ar
liclo at tlR'ivery I'mc-bt prae it can bn sold for 00 tlicy
cannot iib'y vary Rll mu.t buy alike.
'Pin; !imd aru jfponged and iirejiarrd, and prcat
pain taken uttli tlie niakiiij; so all can buy twtliihu
fall atsuraiKoof CLttiui: a i!i)ud urticlo nt tbo wrv low
est iiricu. AUo, a bircu Hoik nf L'otnU on b.ind.of
titi laieai biyitj ami nan juauiK'ri, wimii Hi m maUit
to order, lu tko moit fasluoiublc and bct niaunor,
1 iht cent., btlow credit unci's.
llemembtir tb Cr fact nt, inMarkxt, above Shtli Ftrcet
no. sun. JON'l.S
CORN (old)
OATH .. .....
, S3 2.5
. Sill
. 33
On tho Slit of February Jat, by titn. I. Lore. llt ,
Mr. Mibtis Low iry, of Jurilan towiuhlp, Incoming
county, nnd Mii., lUERttT Utt, of Grcuuwoott town
ibip, Columbia county.
Oiitboyisl nit.,by J. !M. Chcmberlin, Cn-., Mr. E.
A. Scott, to Mm Catuakixe Uikekt, both of Scott
township, Columbia county,
On thu Slit int, by lie v. J. M. Salmon, Mr. H. II.
Drowm, to Mm Cokir, both of CVntro twj)
Columbia county.
In Liiu. Uidge, on Sunday ctening, the 41th lnsl,.
Cxrolinb M.iiLDi, youngest daughter of s, Yt und U.
A, Woolley, aged S y.ars, 3 months, ami IS day..
1 0tu. isgi. virginiaArabui, dautuur of n'anui s.Vnd
I'lmbo e. Laubaih, agedsyeara, 1 month und Hdays,
I ',0"lmf iouship, Columbia county, o Tuesday
I last, Sliss M.Ko.atT, ouugeslduuglitcr of John Hu.
1 t.rick. e.t, aged .bout h cars.
Jacob kover.
Practical Horse and Cow Doctor,
mOM OEKMANV. firomjilly nllonil to all rnioi of dlieaia In'
HoMH And Conn, on anpllratlon, eltlier In town
ure tfyi Hoaldcuco onTlurd Blrcit, near tlio Bap-
Hit CliurrW.
Etonmsburffi March 30, ls(!l-0m,
Matches Jewelry aiiil Sllvcr-Warc.
rs. Wo would rcpcifuiiy inform our frUnili pa-
yyV tffruonil lliopiiMlo it( iiernllMliiit.r!iimil"
In Store, and HIM Wholesale and lltllll. t lu
Irmnit rn.h oriri-a. ft Inrirn find MTV rhoiffl tlOCK !
Wnttiio - , jcciry, Hiivcr and l'latmi Wore, uftnj
r.very ilf rlptlon ominraonJ Work, nnd other Jow-
dry made to order ntnlmrl notice. 0.7" All pondi wir
ranted tolieireprerielitrd. N ll.-l'nrtitular attention
ciicnln the ripalrliiu of Waichoi and Jewelry oratory
No. 023. Market Street, Soulli aida.
Martli li 161-3m;
iJnrtman's Corner.
NEW GOODS for Spring of 1801 just
received ni IIAKTMANS.
IF you want bargains call at tho cheap
corner of IIARTMAN3.
DRESS goods, Silks, Calicoes, Shawls,
nrfd all Hilda of dry (jooda fof anlo cheflper thau
usual ni
and ill
Skirts in abundafico from 4 lets
ml tipw nrda for pate nt
EXTRA Syrup sold at OOcts. per gal
lon at IIAUTitANH.
1)ERPOXS about to commonco Houna
Kerpinf will do well to call and etamlna tba
stock of New Dishes fee. at
"PETTElt Sugars at lOcts.per lb. than
lind l.nrn nil. I ft 1 1rtx. fur tfifl cant VPfir At
ICE sold at 0 cents at
FT KB vou havo read the abovo dtf
not lolltn can iu Fve ni 111,1, 1 ......w.
rioomsuurg, March, an.lccr ,
ntnom-OPorKe H, llrrwn, Joicpli UcftTor.
licnton-I'iter Cane, I li Mcndcnhnll.
Heaver Hanmi I Cox, Piter Kucclit.
llriartrr-k-Joiiin Wrijtlit,
L'atuwi William Milkr. Mathin Ilarlrudii., uiiucri n. luwicr,
rulniiRctei'k-j.uiio riisar,
(ircenttooiV- IMwnrd Alt-erlcon.
ncinlofk-Jolin li. lauii, i.ibw "ini'n,
horiut-llonry KclUr, Adam Pimmig, Jaiob llarnur,
Lconnrd Adams.
Matliiun-Ii-anr Wliipi'-o
M on tnur Jaetlt
Ai nlnn.Jfifrih Sll II ln:i1..
tftigar.onf- William gtfphtns, Jr.
rioom Jamt-n IVfze, Jnlin Learork, U D.Roprt.
Heater-Joel llrcdbendcr. I'tter lluuck.
Ilctiton Jobn Doty, . .
eatuwina-willlimi John, Danlal ucarbart, Joiopb
.Mariz. Iianiti hrficti.
Con hk I mm Unas W. llaus, Frederick It. Wohlfarib.
Cuntr Peter Miller.
Fibini;erefk Albert Aiiimsrman, ucorgt ai. tiumiii,
IIupIi Mrnridt.
fJrrpnwood-navi.l Hreibrtbis,
llcmlork- John M Unrtuii,
Jiickson John KrfMlcr.
lioriut I'nvid Kohtc nb inter. (.eorje Keller, flfloui
Kester, Silas mirnn, AD ran am 1 cages.
M;I1M( William tiling-.
MitliJn Solomnn KtKrotli, l i Crenpy, John MicUanl.
Mt I' 'orKc tlfm-nup. SamiHl Johmoi.
MadMon Joneiiti Smith, Hobrt Jchuion.
4ritii(;c Nntlinti Miller.
Pine llcnjamin Winlerstecn,
Hcott Hnimii'l Uflr,
rfiigarloaf John M. Colo.
Valuable Real Estate.
m purniiancn nfnn orJcrofllic orphan's Court ofOo
lumbiit county, u
Monday, the mh of April, Httl.
at ID oVIoikm tlio forenoon, John Hmitli AdmlniitratMf
f th Hbtattiofri terrrnrrd,lattifl l.di.nlownhip.
in f.iid county, diri'asJd, uill fipitr; tu sale, by Public
lu situ, by P
s viiiiue. 0000 m mi; nun:, a ccriniu
nituaV in Madison towii1iip Columbia rouiity, adjota
ftiU Ian I of (J.-oryi; lerr'n In irs on tli t N'ortti, lands of
Mirli.iijl t ilhimu -ii tli' i mt. Ilie lii-irs of Andrew Hho
ni.ik r 011 tli! Wct, and on the fontliby lands of Pete'
WdII, about
0X15 UU.NimiiO ) SEVVKIY ACI.K8,
Hit rem arc erected TWO 1.00 IIOWP, A I.OfJ HTA
Ill.t;, l.Ot; I1AUV. and about Ki'lit.v Acre- cleared UbJ
I.Hl' the I'nt.ite of riaid di-fa-iiicil, t itualu 111 thu timngliip
of .Madison, and county nfoKi:iid.
JACOIJ r.YI'.RI.Y, Clerk.
C"TkR3 or SUrF. Ten p.-r cent, on the purchasa
motic to btt paid by tin' purrlnmrr on day of 1 ale. Oue
fuurth (iftha purchatij (Ie4 tlf ten per rent.; tn be paid
on rotitirui.ilioii of nale. Tlit' balancu of pur"hai.e money
tube paid in otm ear fpun roiitirmalioii, with intercm.
Deed 10 be made (0 tin purcha-fr upon pay mt-nt of thu
purihaiK liiuiieyuiid interest, Tlie purchaser to nay (nt
Iu Deed. HMirti,
Marcti 30, U61-3t.
I VAT rerclvcd from tlie inanufactoricii In l.ostnn, an
tirtirle of most cin Ib-rit uniilitv. I thai len ire eonni.
titionnstu ttylmnA yrut. '1 hf undermtfiu:d nlilktfp
bordere to niatrh any of the tt)le on hand and is
tbeoiily r.xpTleliCfd Pavkr IIaoh in tli i m Hrction of
tin! County-Give my Lxtciuive block an t'.xamiuatloa
hef'ire Purclmciric.
C-CallntKi!pertsr-st Ouiro.
BlonKisbiirg March 2Jd IHGI .
CAU T I it IV.
AM. prrrnns nro lirrcliycailtlonvilag-iiiist rt'irrhaslnp
r-r In aiiyniac tdRin a tr.m.fer nf h certMii Note of
Hnti'l, ufUm nmouiit uf 9 10, purportinjr In have lava
BigntM by lliy hUbsrnlK'r, Inliiiorof lleiijatmii Voung,
dated tliuLU ilay DfJani, lt'i.O, l.i)atk' tlirro montlia
frrim ilati'.as Ihavc ri'civcil no val'ie thfrcnf and am
drtr.iiiiiuud nut to iay it, unless compelled by due course.
A. H. FAttVlitt.
Rohr.liurs, Marcli 53, lfOl-31
OF the whereabouts of a yriuiii; woman lho recently
wandered away from lier Father', hou.e, at
in (Ireeliwootltown.liili, Columbia enmity, supposed to
he lit thit time laboring under the iutliicnce of mental
iter.inireiiicnt. hc i. about Ullycara of age, of .mall
S17.S nml dark hair. Any pereon who will inform
the undi-rMl!hned of her present residence, and detail
tier until her friend, can procure her riturn, will aub
Berve the cause of humanity und shall be rewarded for
lluir trouble. Addre.s
Screuo, Col. co.. Fa.
March S3, IS01 3t.
Estate of Ilemy Kitchen, deceased,
rpIlF. undersigned, appointed by tho Orphans' Court of
X Columbia County, au Auditor to di.tribiite tho bal.
ancu in thu hands of Jamc. .Masters, nilministratar of
the nUtu of Henry Kitchen, late of Columbia county,
donated; will attend at his olhcc, in llloouisburg, iu
said couuty, on
at one o'llock In the afternoon of .aid day, for tha pur
pose! of perloniniig the duties of his appointment 1 nt
which time und place nil persons interested are reauir
cd to present their cluiius, or be forcer debarred front
a share of the nssel. abote mentioned.
March 23, letiMt, AlntTot.
Nos. 103, 105 anil lOI.N'urlU Beronil Street.
Wo nre now recoiling our Ppring Htoik, which will
konipriae u largo and di sirable assortment uf utl kinds of
Also, a largo assortment of I.ndics' aud Clnldrcns'.
Hats. Our stork of Fl owcr. and Ruches, will be un'l) large Ihis aensoit, und wo would lot itu your at
tention to that department, .'lease call und exaiuiuu
them before making your purchases,
Nos. 103. 105 it 107 North. Second St., above Arch.
March El, leol-ls.
E R 15 K O II O T Ii I
Tllll uiirlcriianeJ.. rciuprtfutlv liifomw hu rtUn.U
and tha public .ciuTall) , that h bag npuncd a home lop
tl) entcitaiiuu.iit of cu-tonivrn and truvtlt'ri, ut HKUIJ
AO.ln (irt'cuwood towiiBbin, Culnmbia Comity, (about
tivo miles went of M1IHUI0,) calieil thu
Sorcno Hotel.
AYlrtrc IlcU prcpnrud tu ucconunoJalo the pulJlc, and
all who may favor lum with thuir custoui.togt-iicral tat
liuTublo audita r, will lie well lumilipJ and cur.fuj
ly conduclvd.aud hu fiablinf I ampU and n. II stocked-
Cv" Jle will at all timcj be happy wnit upon u friend
and customer.
John i.i:aGOin'
Percnn, MarcU 23. Idfil.