Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 30, 1861, Image 1

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LEVI L. TATE, Editor.
VOL. 15.--NO. 4.
o vFTc k
tU vi Brick Building, opposite the Exchange, by tldt
ntAs Cuutt Utmt "Democratic Jlcad tiuarttrt.'
91 00 In a ivnncc, for one copy, for six months,
1 73 In a lvance, lor ono copy, one year.
i UO Knot paid vvlihln the hrnt three months.
H 5 If not p-iitt u itlttn the first sii months.
, 50 Ifnol paid within the year.
t!2"Nn subscription taken for lens than six months,
And no paper dlsc-ontinueJ until all arrtra;is shall huo
fceen paid.
17 OrJlnarvAovitBTi(,rME'T9 Inserted, and Jon Work
'executed, at tiic establlBhuilnriccs.
rVIDfounJcrff this Celebrated Institution, offers the
JL most curtain, stuctly, ami only effectual mm-ily In
b world Cur tf.Us Ur tJlects, Strictures, rieminal weak
Bkll, Piina in tnu l,oins. Constitutional iK'billt) , Iuikj
te&cy, tVcaKnojH nf the Dick ami l.imbs, Affection of
Hie Kidney, I'alpitation i f the Heart, In-pepla, Ner
yous Irritability, l)t,uaa nftlu Head, Throat, None or
Stln, and all those serinis and mtlamhnly I)imrdyr
arhlng from thu destructive habits of Vonth, vvhirh tie
troys both bod) ami irind. Thesi-sccrtt ami solitary
brattices, ore mnro fittal to their lilhns than the song of
the Hyrens to the marimri Uiyssrs, hi i (filling their most
brilliaathopcj and anticipatlwu, miJciinf; marriage &-c.
I.,....U.. MM!UIAGU.
Married person, or Young Men cnntcmpHfin, mar
fi&zc, b ing aware of physical weakness, organic drain I i
dof or tin tie, should Immediately consult lit
Johnston, and be restored to perfect health.
lie who place hhusilf imdtr the tare of Or. Jolim-ton,
may religiously conllde in his honor as a ge ntlcmen, and
ivniideiitly rdy upouhu i-kill ait a physician.
tut mad lately curt-J and rull ir rrtrvil.
This deseaao is the penalty mod ire'iuenlly paid lj
thoiu v ho have bocomu thu v ittint ol Improper mdutgi'ti
wie. Young pel soiu are too apt to rommit excess from ,
n it being aware of the dreadful rutisu'jtiviici. that may
MQiue. Now, h ho that uniierstainli the MiMrcl will pre. !
lond to deny that thu power of procreation is lol ooner
by those falling into Impropt-r habits than by the prudent.
liVslJvs b'iiu ikpriw-d of the ulvnsure of heallhy ori
siirinzs, th mt tteriousnnd ilotruittvu svmptuuis to
both body and miml arise. The )htem becomes dcrang
-tl; the ph)sical and Mental power weakened, nervous
d 'bility, d)ipepiia, palpitation (f the heart. lnilljatiun,
nailing ottlie frame, Cough, t-jinptoms of Consuinp.
luii, i.e. ,
Uina1, No. 7 Pol'Tii 1 riFLRiLic SiRLkT, ctn doors
from italtimuru trtt.t liast bide, up thu lf. He par
t4cular in obsening tlit NAMC and Nt'MbLU, or jou
-1 Crtrs tVamnttd, or vo Charge .Vade, in from Ons to
Two l)antt
lilt. .OILYAlW
ilnibor of tlie Royal College of Wurgennn, nt London.
;raduate from one of the inoht oinimnt L'clleyes of the
United States, and tin greater part of whubellfu has
twen iipi-nt iuthefirr-t HonpitaN of Limdon. I'ari-f, I'hila
dclphi iand ilsewhert. lin elf tted pome if the most as
tonishlng cures that were ever known j many troubUd
iib rlnpiiu in Ilia head nndinrs what ntleep, uriat I
ii (vnunii-'si, lu-intt alarmt'fl at sudden Miumle.nnd bah !
1ia tss. w it la fremiciit ldu.hinuf. attended tmmcliuits w ltli ;
ieranL'ement of linnd, wt re ntred hnmetJialily.
Whjn t!i'iniff.uided andlmprudLtil utary of pltaaure
&ads he his imbilt-'d the oiedii of this painful disease, it
im often Inppens that an ill tiim'il m-n-ii' of thame or
read of dliicover), dilers liim Irom applj ins lo those
who from education and respectability ian alone liflliend
lam, delajniR till the rniiHtituliuiiary i-jinplomi of lhi
iurri'l disease makes tin ir appi-urniirL-. kui )i as ulceratt d
jre throit, dintaied noie, iiocinree, pains in the head
tud hinbd. diiniiwsuf i!!ht, d.afuesA, nodes on the fckin
t-ies, and anux, blotch .-a on thi head. ur and eitremn
ii:s, pmcrt Hing with rapMiiy.till at lai tin palatn of
ttK ri.'iuthaiidbonosof tin nuel.ill in. and the Mdlmof
thi il:s'asu bcroiiiesa horrid obj lot oinmihemtioh
till death puts a period tubWitrumful cuilerintfs, by sin-din-
luiu to "that bourne from win nee no trai!ler re
tirii." To such, th 'rcfore, Ur. Juhiutin pledjies hfm
lo preserve tlu mi--t n ioaldc m rrtc , and from his
nUnn've practice in tho hrt-t HopitaU of Kurnpe and
Anvrica, h- tan contldciitlj recooinn nd sulo and spctdy
curtjtLithe unf'rtiinalp iiinn &f thM horrid disca-e.
Dt. 3. add res -its all thonu who haw n j ired tticmsihcs
lj prii'atii aid improper imlulgenr .
Tluse are some of tha a I and md.inclioty clferts pro-du;-1
by tf.rly habits of o'ith, wz- Veaknefts of the
Hack and l,imb4 1'ain in th Head, Ditim -ss of rislit
Lwi of Muscular Tower, Palpitation of the Hi art. Ij.
p.'pua, N'jrtous lrratability. Ujruiit'enitiit of tho lifes
live Kuiictiuni.dtiicral IKLUity, hjinptoiiifcof Consuinp
Uan, c.
W UNTALIjY. The f.-arful r irerts upon the mind arc
much to bodrv-aded, Lo--of Mil iory,l'onlu'iun if Ideas
D-tprtiston of the Hpiritn, Kwl I on boiluiirt". AMrsion
of Hotia), Timity, i-r., are hooks uf the e ils product),
Thousands uf persons of all ugeti can now judpe what
iithj cauie of tlmr dicliiuni; health. Loomus tlotr
vior. b 'tmnnj weak, pale and emaciated, having nn
i;alar apf,arauc about thv ) js, co.igh and hinptoms ol
uv.-j iNVi;oi:ATirj ui:mi:dy ron
uitu.YNio vi:akm:s8,
Vy this great aitdimportaut reined), weakness of the
cgani arc speedily mred, and full ipor restored.-
ThouaanJs of tlu most nerotis and debilititcd, who
hai lot all hope, have been immediately nlietcd. All
unpidiinPiits lo MarnaEe, Ph) ideal andMmtal IHi'iuali.
lleatlna. Nervous Irratabilit,TreiublinRsand Wtakne-iH
or exhauntotion of the mo it fearful kind, rpecdilj cured
by I) odor Joiindioii.
U'ho have injured thinUen hj a rntain practice,
ringed m wli:n atone,. habit fieiu ml) learned from
rl couipanloui, or at nrhool -the t iTccIm of which art,
nightly fill, ccn wh:n anle p, and if not cured renders
marriage impossible, an 1 dutroys both mi'id and body,
should aptly immediate!).
What a pitly that )oung man, the hope ol Iiih rrnntry,
and the darling of his parents, should be snatched from
all proipects and enjoyments of life, !)) the ronKcquen
e of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging
ia & certain becrt habit, Such ptrions beforu con
should reflect tint a sound mind an1 body are the mot
necessary reuuiiiifs to promote ronunldal happiness
Indeed, without thjie the journey through life becomes
a wviry pilgrimage, the pio.'ju. i hourlv darkens in
the visw; the mind becomes bhadoned with Jet-pair .St
tilled with the melancholy remciioii thit the happiuces
of annthar b:comci blighted wiih our own.
orricu no. 7 boirni v ' kiji:kiuk ht., naiimre, .vi
K. Ik Lctnt f V uio.icfly pre tut ou, but apply
immediately t.iihr pTnonally or by Li tier.
to vnM.var.Hs.
The many thousands cured at this institution within
the lat 15 years, and tho numerous important tiurgiral
Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by
thJ report :rs cf the papers and many other persons, no
tic J i of which have appeared again and again before the
public, besides his itaudiiig as a gentleman of character
and responsibility, is a milhciont cuarantte to thealllicto 1.
V. n. There are ho rnanv icnorant and worlhleru
Qtacks advertising themselves i'h ncians, ruining the
health of itis already afllicled, that Dr. Johnston deems
It necessary to gay, especially to those unacquainted
with hia reputation, that his credentials and dipleiuns
Alnavi hang in his oflice.
ST" TAits Notice. All Ictttrs murt be pobt paid, and
4iilain a postage stamp fur thu reply, or no answer will
be sent.
MarchlT. 18 CO.
(Lata Whit, Swan,)
JOHN DOVER) ffopnetot,.
CIIAS. A. PUNK, Cleik.
W.rchS, IfM-Kui.
Wholesale and Etlail Dealers in
Tojttlier with a compMo voilcty of Cy-CAUlNnr
WAllC, at Ilia lowuit Caih itkii.
WENJ. riKtKN. ( rillLADUW-lllA,
Mach 3, IdOI-3m.
Jnsi received from N'ew York a large and u
pcrlor lot of the abova named sttldft tor the spring trad)
atnKf rinjiDjft0En 61 cents per piero tn75eent
lTcimibur, Sib, 3, 19H.
II. C. & I. w.
WK would rppptctfully Imlto the attention of our
friend, an J Hit jmblle generally, from Uio Tuwb
dd Cdiillty, to our rc.rnt New ftocic of
which haveheen tlected ntih great care and under more
thanordlnary ndvanluge. We can offer to Ctu and
ready pay lxjft$ very great Ituluccments.
Our stock cinbracta ulinoet every variety, style and
iuality, In Hie hrcii Coods line. We have
ii.ii.oins irom iu cts., to 31 per yard.nll Wool risids
Cotton rialdo. tiaxony
stripes, S.iO)ds. of Kxtra 1'Inid &ilks for Gcts.
rums, ui
Cashiuers. Alohair
per ) aru, inae rt mik ami other in larce quan
tities. Ahawls, (troche, Mella, CheniU
and Itlatiket, Calicoes, Tirkings,
Checks, Stripes, Sec, Ace,
Cloths, Caisimtrs, lattlnets, Ac.,
In addition to the abovu wu offer Crocc
ries, Hardware, aueensw-nre, Wlllnvr and
Cedar Ware, Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Cnps. (at
reduced prices) Wall THper, Carpets, Carpet Chain,
Cotton Yarn,&c., A.c. Fish, Salt, Iron, Nails, Lumber,
Wood and Coal.
Itlnomsburg, Kept. lftO.
i- RES 11 A lilt IV A L
5f III. undersigned, grntefut for pat patronape, respect.
I fully informs htcu-tiinicri and the publiegencrally,
that he ha Jiiot received from the Kaotemc citie?, the
I a rye t and must m led stock of
Thnt ha y.l lio n opi ni d In Itloomtbur;, tu which he
11,1, .....uuimraui ma iricilUii, ailU riS!IIN; ttlOIII
that they are iiirjred fur alo at ureal liareainn. III.
tnck coiiirIieii a largtf anfortinunt if
CuilPltiHi! ul r'A.inoiKiiiE Dkvkh Coith, of i-very dr.
crlptluii; I'aiila. Venn, ShirU, Crawitj Stocks, Cotton
IIJHU.VIllllbl), kltui.a, OU.glVlllll TV, C,
Of ever) description, fine and (heap.
N, II. Kemuiib'.'r " Loutnberff't Cheap Emorium."
call and t,ec. No charge for examine floods.
Dlrtoiusbtirg, March 2, 1501 (Juc IW.t.)
HAS just received, direct from Philadelphia and New
Yoikt a ver) choice anMrlmenl of
FAIjIj and winter goods,
ilnii'tt every new fabric which has been inattuf irtiired
fur during and riumiii' r. as will as the uxnal assort ment
if STAPLE GOODS of superior qualities will be found
111 vnriety, and at prices as low as simitur goods can be
purclrited clicwhre.
It is an ea) inaltur to find goods nt a low price, but
is a rut they are just as low in quality. Ihtt to
tret a (iooil Arlich ut a very low price Is suniethim rare.
suit, an tipporiuiniy, now ever, is uiicreu to any wno
may want
huy goods, (jhocKttn:,, nsjr,
.s.r, He, .y
" Call mid fee, my,
roUM'itv pitonucK Wa.ti:ii.
nioomtburg, Otlr.btr lt UIM
take plNiure in Informing yon that I have removed
fn niNi.. Hi North Second Street, lo that large and
'patious store
Ao. 10 ISroti Second Strett Arch
Opposite thj Mount Vernon llot.l, where I willc&rryon
the Importation and Jobbing buFiuuss rf
Of all kinds, ripen, PegarTubes.TobaicoAc SnuvTlmi.
es, Cniieu, ('hessmen. lioiuiiioea, Pat kuaimnon Hoards,
and r'ancy Goods in all varieties, on alargcr pcale than
hcrttof.ire. Also the manufacture or PLAG3 and Pic
ture AlphnbU li'oi kj.
As retards pricrj and quality of Goods I am sure to
give entire hatisfattion to all who may favor me with
their orders.
No. North Second Street.
March 2, UGI-
Si. iTSOfltWAiV EtKOWKi'
HOUSE, No. M North Seeond Street, Opposite Chriit Church,
itv" Constinlly mi hand, n large os-mrlment of Iledi,
Mattresses, Paillasses, Cushions, Hair, llui,k, Cattail,
and all articles in thu line at the Low, st Prices.
JV. Particular attention paid to rwotatluc Alio and
Old btathtrs.
March 2. IMil -12m.
P.O. TOULK, No. 35 North SECOND Street, oppotite
Christ Church, invites the particular atttntiou or Mer
chants nad others to his v ery large and tUgant assert
tiient of
just received from the inott ctltbrnted manufactories of
r-iiropo ana Amrrira. including all the neut patterns
extant, which will bo sold at a very small advance 011
roit. Call and examine miatity, stlc and frices before
pun hasing t Isew here. Ik-member,
No. 35 North Second Street. Philadelphia
March1.', lti!-3in. r
CT I'a,nrncrr in the I'lillailelphia .Hall Train coiiij
Soiitii.aml Ehnira Mail Train eninc Nniili,
hlXK til ikt United Haiti Uettl Tcinaqua ra,
ManliS, liiil l'.'m. (alarcli ia,!l)
M: W M I
Nos. 235 am! 2:ft A'orlli Third Street,
1. r. ciirscuRorau. jto. alien
2 0 It 5? A fiKSRSS,
Fish, CliccKe, a ml Provisions,
10 North Wliart.'i, abotc Maikit St.
racking and Curing llou.c, 'Jth and Iteed fcl.
Augmt I3C0-lSni.
Mo. 125, Suth Eleventh Street near Walnut,
iMnir, a cki.-i.iRii t
Enameled Glai,, I'retco, Oil and Eneau.tlc raintinj
jons uidson. g, II. Giosok.
Jauuary IS, Itflil 3m.,
TIIC subscriber, manufacturer oflTMcrntis Sl Par
oLs.invitei the attention of merchants lo his en'aff
ed i lore and superior stock,
uKft?' ' Kciti 4ttB: PHIUDELFHIA.
Select Mocini
"Ifere tt Ms btdg pint,
Jibttnl from heaven Iroam
Tet nightly pitch tny moving tent
1 day's march nearer Aom,"
Nearer home Nearer home I
However dark and lonely
The path through which we roam,
This Is ajourncy only ;
And though wo oft, affrighted,
Shrink back with aigh and moan,
Our camp fires ati'l arc lighted
"A day's march nerrer home."
Nearer home I Nearer borne t
O. Joybeyondcijtrcs'lng 1
That over thorn and stone
Ourfvetare homeward prenlug
Tor though we leave behind us
Home buds or hope unblown,
The sunset ttill doth find us
"A d)'i march nearer home."
Nearer home t Nearer home !
O "uiany-mansioned" duelling!
Ilcncath thy shining dome
Not idie of grief arc swelling;
And toward Ihy fadeless glory.
With eager haite we come,
lie pealing earth's brief btory,
"A da)' march nearer home."
Nearer home I Nearer home I
Boon, through Its open portals,
Tha ransomed liobts will come,
To welcome us immortals.
Then be the path before us
With wrecks or roses strewn,
Each night we'll sing in chorus,
"A day's march nearer home."
For the Columbia Democrat.
Downfall of Republicanism.
Mit. Editor : It is very amuiing in
certain localities, to contrast tho present
aspect of things, flith those that which ex
isted a few days ago. I moan in relation
to our Repuhlican brethren, for such we
can call them now, as the figltt is nearly
all out of them. Then it was from the
"Jlan of War," Gralcy, down to tho least
worshipper of the wooly head. Only wait,
until we get a Man at the helm, then you
will .eo the Southern traitors quail and
quako with fear, when the great six feet
six shall put his "foot down" and say, "I
am Lord of all I survey..'' Then you will
hear thoao traitors call for tho rocks and
mountains to fall on them and hide them
from tho wrath of tho Republicans ; but
even before tho inauguration there was a
great flutlering among them in relation to
the underground Rrailroad trip of Abram
from HarrUburg to Washington, and to
cap tho climax of the wholo matter and I
take out of them the little starch left, was I
the astounding news that Foit Suuipter
wa3 to bo evacuated before tho New Pres
ident was warm in his scat I How chatt
ed. Now they talk aa mild as sucking
doves. General Scott has told them it would
take 10,000 troops to reinforce tho Fort,
and as it is a military question the Presi
dent had nothing to do with it ! This
looks like "recapturing the Forts & retak
ing the sto en property," wo have heard
rio much of recently. These developments,
we aro now passing through, warn us to
give more earnest heed to the Farewell
warning of Washington in relation to tho
establishment of sectional parties. Hop
ing our people may bo more guarded in
future, and pay their first respects to tho
white men of America, I will tresspass no
further upon your columns at prescut.
Two Voiy Useful Clergymen.
The people of tho Bradford district saw
proper toeloct and send to our State Senate
the very Rev. Geoiwe L.vndon ; and tho
peoplo of the Lehigh district faw proper to
tend to tho State Senate the Rev. JeiiEMI.
All SiilNUl.E. These two Rev. gentlemen
have done their best to purify our State,
Treasury by casting out of it a goodly por
tion of tho god of tills world, commonly
called Jlauimon in clerical stylo I These
individuals both voted for the Sunbury &
Eric railroad bill, and for tho Tonnao
'lax swindle. Tha peoplo thould, by all
means, hereafter elect none but clergymen
to represent them at Harrisburg, becauso
they aro such excellent purifiers in a few
years they could wipo the Stato as clean
as any puppy ever licked out a skillet.
By the Sunbury & Eriostwndlo tho Stato
will loso about ga,500.000, at least; and
by tho Tonuago Tnx swindlo, tho Stato
will losa about from ten to 512,000,000.
This is a mighty bad thing for tha Stato,
but of course noboy dare say aught against
it since it has tho sanction both of church
and stato. Get to work now, poor fellows
throughout tbo wholo State; shoulder your
axes and march again to tho woods; hunt
up your old mattocks and go afresh to
grubbing; and in general let everybody
eat less, lccp less, wear less clotken, and
work harder, to pay the extra taxos for
tho -ubliine pleasure of sending such supe
rior rascals to tho Legislature.
Selintiroie Tim;,
Legislative- Swindling.
Wohavo for tho past several weeks paid
some attention to tho subject of the late
enormous Swindling optrutivns by tho
Legislature of Pcuujylvania, and this week
give additional extracts, from our exchan
ges, on tho same subject, as will bo seer;
by reference to subsequent columns of tho
"Columdia Demociiat." When the
people's tervanls become corrupt, and be
tray publio confidence, their iniquities
should bo fully exposed, and this duty, how
ever unpleasant, necessarily devolves upon
tho conductors of the Publio Press. In
tho passage of the Sunbury and Erie Rail
road Bill, and tho Repeal of the Tonnage
Tax on the Pennsylvania Railroad, we re
gret to say that a largo number of mera
bors of both branches of tho Legislature
havouttorly forfeited tho confidence of their
constituents aud sealed their political doom
for coming time.
In this category, wo regret to record tho
names of Hiram R. Kline, of Columbia!
Thomas Osterhout, of Wyoming; Wm. IP
Rutler, of Carbon, and Peter F. Eilcnbcr
ger, of Northampton, democratic members
of tho House. Frsnklin Bound, of North
umberland ; Jeremiah Schindlo, of North
ampton; and Kennedy L. Blood, of Jeff
erson, tho first named a Republican, and
tho two last named, Democratic Senators,
H'e sympathise with them, not in their
rascality, but as personal friends, in their
great misfortune, and can only commend
them to the mercy of their injured and be
trayed constituents ; having sown to the
wind, they must expect to reap the whirl
wind. Important Development
'Tho long and short of it is, he was
committed to the passage of tho bills long
before they were brought up for action.
Of this wo aro assured by persons of thu
place who were at Harrisburg for a pro
traded peiiod on Legislative business, aim
in which opinion we are confirmed by thi.
very fact t.iat wiuii.i tha Ia:t -..x weeks Mr.
:h ridel Iu.iim:!.' paid two vi.its to Allen
town for the :.pie-i purpo;e of iufluenuii;.
the Picsd 10 suit.iiii ii.,11 in his couteuiplti
ted iuiquitiou work! His lust crr.tul for
this purpose was ptrfoimed on tho Sim
day before the passago of tho bills. On
this occasion he "sounded" one ol the
publishers of this paper on tho subject,
and met with such a rebuke that his heart
failed him in making the overtures he had
determined upon, and returned to Harris
burg. Iext day one of tho hired lacqueys
of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company
come on to besot tbo press aud hold out
with an uuspairing hand the temptation oi
lucro. We were offered a largo sum of
money to sustain Mr. Schiudcl ; we took
the mo.nkv, and coneluded to give him
the sustaiuanco lie merits, ana ere this we
suspect ho has found that ho got a bad bite
with good bait. He is doubly guilty of
iniquity, first in giving his votes against
friends, against his instructions, against
public interests and against his better judg
ment, and then seeking to cover up his
sins in effort to corrupt the sentinels upon
the watch towers ottlio psopio ! God knows
it is bad enough that Legislators sap the
pillars of the Commonwealth without their
seeking to corrupt the press, whoe boun-
den duty it is to ttaud by tho interests of
the state. Y hen onco it comes to this,
tho end must bo ruin, inevitable ruin to
society and government. In view of all
this hypocrisy on the part of the Reverend
Senator, docs it appear at all as if he had
bceu led by individual advice. Far
from it. But further. Before lcavincr this
place on tho Monday beforo the passage'of
the bills, lie declared that there was a
great pressuro for his vote, that ho could
communa any sum by giving m to them,
even an high as 830.000, but in the svne
strain asseverated that God should witness
him iti opposition to tho measures, as ho
considered them an outrago upon the tax
payers of tha Commonwealth. Wo have
too little faith in miracles to believe that
uuiuspircd men can transform a vico of
to-uay into a teu-lold virtuo to-morrow, '
The Eas'on Argus, stys :
'I ho foregoing is an extract from an ar
ticle in tho last number of the Allen'.own
Democrat, relative to tho course of Mr.
Sciiindei., and we invito particular atten
tion to the evidenco of corruption which it
discloses. Tho truth is, tho pilo of bricks
is about to fall, and all who havo been
engaged in this swindling business better
stand from under' Wc now begiu to un
derstand the motives that influenced a good
many Editors in different parts of the
Stato. If an editor in Allcntown could
get a largo sum of money to sustain a
Member or Senator, how muoli would havo
to bo paid for a Member or Senator him'
self ? And how mush was paid to editors
of largo papers in Philadelphia and else
where !
Whilst our ceighbar of thw Demnrmt
had his hand in, it seems to us he ought to
havo mado a clean breast of it, and told
how "largo a sum'1 lie received, and given
tho name of tho "hired lacquey" of the
Railroad Company who paid it. The pub
lio would like to know tho name of the
agent of said company whoso business it
was to bribe editors, senators and mem
bers, so that tho Penitentiary may be made
to claim its own. Wo would like to know
also what ho intends to do with the money.
Wo suggest that he pay it to one of Mr.
Schindel's congregations to employ a high
er priced and better Pastor. He says ho
took tho money, but the question which
greatly concerns tho honor of our friend,
is, did ho not at tho same time agreo with
tho agent to sustain Schindcl 1 Did not the
agent truly report said agreement to Schin
dcl, and would Schiudcl have voted for the
bills had ho not been assured that he would
bo sustained at homo by tho Democrat and
other papers His voto was nceossary to
carry tho bill; without it thero would have
been a tic, and tho bill would havo fallen.
Ho seems to have been sorely tempted, and
to havo had a hard atrugglo between duty
on the one side and something else on the
other. Ho wanted to go for the bill but
feared the just indignation of tho people,
and it nowhero appears that ho finally
agreed to support the Bills until he was
assured that he would rcccivo the support
of some of tho leading papers of his own
county. Dishonor treads close upon the
heels of frailty. If tho Allentown editor
had taken the money and at once tele
graphed or proceeded in person to Harris
burg aud told Schindcl that he had done
so that he would not sustain him, and in
tended to expose tho whulo transaction, ho
would now occupy a different and better
position. He ought immediately to have
communicated the facts to tho Senate, and
it would.havo arrested tho passage of the
Bill ! This hitch in the case at Allcntown
may yet lead to important developments,
A misunderstanding or a quarrel among
rogues is always attended with ugly and
unexpected consequences to themselves and
Tho fraud and bribery practised in tho
original salo of tho public works to tho
bankrupt Sunbury & Erie Railroad Com
pany in 1S57, ought also to be ventilated,
i'hc rascality of that business lead to tho
present deplorable condition of things at
Harrisburg, Tho publio ought to know
who got paid for the passage of that Bill,
cither in money or in Stock at half price.
It is all wrong that a few littlo rascals
should now bo mado tho scape-goats to
carry off the sins of larger ones who plan
ned tho scheme and have pocketed moitof
tho plunder. Let the little and obscure
fellows compel the big ones to share the
responsibility, aud the publio may oxcuso
them in soiuo degree.
In view of our dismembered Union,and
what is now (loin" at Washington and
Harrisburg, it must bo confessed that wo
aie a disgraced people. What man would
like to visit Europe and boast of his gov
ernment aud country as Americans have
been too much in the habit of doing I And
wc fear that wo have not yet seen tho
beginning of tho end. Tho Republicans
met at Chicago and declared for Lincoln
and revolution, and now tho same party
is selling out tho State at Harrisburg.
Corruption of tho most damnable kind
stares one in the face at every point. It
is as shameful as it is disgraceful.
Tub Dclvan House, at Albany, has
presented to tho authorities of New-York a
bill for 51,120, for entertaining Mr. Lin.
coin and his suit for one day. Thoj; only
partook of breakfast and dinner but
among the charges arc 5257 for wines and
liquors, SI 0 for cigars, and 5100 for bun
dry broken articles. How much was old
Abo's Hotel bill in Baltimoro can any
body tell I
Township Officers.
The following is a list of tho Officers
elected at the late election in the several
townships in tho county of Columbia.
Constable Gordon R. Goff, Anthony
Witman; Poor Overseers Jac. R. Groul,
Eli Barton ; Supervisors Robert Hag-
enbuch, Caleb Bartoujr., James K. Eyer;
Sohool Directors Joseph Sharplcss, Jos-
W. Ilendcrshot, Jeremiah J. Brower, 1
year ; Assessor Leonard B, Rupert ; As
sistant Assessors Elias Mcndenhall, B. F.
Ilartman ; Auditor Andrew Madison;
Judgo-Ncwton lloone; Iuspcctors-Isaiah
W. MoKelvy, Gcorgo Rhhcl.
Justice Samuel R. Kliuo; Constable.-
Samuel Rhone 5 Poor Overseers John F.
Samuel Rhone, Samuel Hess; School Di
rectors William Ash, Thomas Bellas ;
Assessor Richard Stiles ; Ast. Assessors
John Doty, David Yocum j Auditor
Rhor McIIcnry, Valentine Fell ; Inspec
tors Jesso Ohl, Abraham Young ; Town
Clerk J. R. Ikeler.
Constable William Michael, Chas. B.
Troy, tie ; Poor Overseers Moses Moyer,
John Singley ; Supervisors Joseph Hcis
ter, P. Gcarbat ; School Directors Na
than Bredbendcr, jr., Andrew Shuman
Judge Joel Bredbendcr ; Inspectors
A. B. Johnson, John J. Dricsbach ; As
sessor Edmosd Schcll; Ast. Assessors
John Hoats, John Shuman; Auditor
Jolmlloats; Town Clerk Joseph Sher
Constable Charles Rood ; Poor Over
seers Henry Deiterich,Absloam Bomboj;;
School Directors John H. Smith, Jacob
Creasy ; Supervisors Emmor Dciterich,
Stephen Hess ; Assessor David Miller ;
Ast. Assessors David Shaffer, Vincent
Richard ; Judgo Isaao Bower ; Inspec
tors Jacob U. Mostcllcr, Joseph Blank ;
Auditor William Lamon.
Justice Ellwood Hughes; Constable
Charles H. Deiterioh ; Judges, Daniel
Neyhard ; Inspectors Jesso Hoffman, S.
Hidloy ; Supervisors Sam'l Hagenbueh,
Samuel Bower ; Assessor Samuel Ney
hard ; Ast. Assessors Levi Aikman, John
Hill ; School Directors Edward Hart
man, C. D. Herring ; Poor Overseers
Eleazer II. Hess, Elwood Hughes ; Audi
tor Samuel II Hutchison.
Justice Jonathan II. Hoaeland, John
L. Beadle ; Constable Philip Mourer ;
School Directors Philip Mongold, John
C Diehcr; Supervisors Dauicl Bordoff,
William L. Kline ; Assessor Henry Mo
ser ; Ast. Assessors Philip Steely, Benj.
Lindcnmuth ; Judgo Stephen Monaham;
Inspectors Daniel Linus, David Camp ;
Poor Overseers, Daniel Bordoff, William
Kliuo; Auditor, Court appoint.
Justice Clinton E. Margerum ; Cons
table Peter G. Campbell; School Direc
tors William Ilartman, Peter Bodine;
Supervisors J. Strouse, Reuben Orange;
Poor Overseers Ablo Thomas, Jacob
Gousel; Assessor Isaao Sccsholtz; Ast.
Assessors John Sharplcss, Benjamin P.
Portlier; Judge Gcorgo Monhardt; In
spectors William Coffman, Peter Bodine;
Auditor James S. McNiuch.
Justice David Zerr ; Constable Thos.
Hower; Poor Overseers Joseph Beaver,
Joshua Mcndenhall; School Directors
Daniel Zerr, Seth Ilartman; Assessor
Aaron Lamberson ; Ast. Assessors Jesse
Cleaver, Clinton Mcndenhall; Judge J.
Menseh ; Inspectors Jacob Knittlo, Elias
Weaver ; Supervisors Aaron S. Knittle,
Jonathan George ; Auditor Joseph B.
Justice Cyrus White ; Constablo Cy
rus Robbina ; Poor Overseers Reuben
Hess, Michael Bishline; Supervisors Wm.
Stucker, Hugh McBride ; School Directors
John Savago, Isaao Labor, Jacob Mer
kle ; Assessor Joseph C. Runyan; .1st.
dssessoM D. McIIcnry, Daniel Thom.
as ; Judge John Wcnncr ; Inspectors
Dauicl Wcnncr, Cyrus Creveling ; jludi
tor Alexander Krcamer.
Constablo Paxtou Kline ; Poor Over
seers Jas. Vanhorn, A. J. Albcrtson ;
Supervisors Humphrey Parker, Joseph
Vanhorn ; School Directors M. Kline,
Gcorgo Dorr, Jacob Schuyler, (two latter
tie); Judge J. J. Robbius ; Inspectors
Peter Girton, David Albertson; .Assessor
Gcorgo Girton ; st. Assessors Robert
Robbins, C. F. Moore ; Auditors Elijah
R. Ikeler, Uriah McIIcnry, Samuel Gill
espie. HEMLOCK.
Judge Jesse Bean; Inspectors W,
S. Marshall, Peter Bruglcr ; Constable
John Kistler ; Supervisors Isaac Leidy,
Elias Giggar; Poor Overseers John G
Nevius, Franklin McBride ; School Diccc
tors Reuben Bogart H. A lLjrluiu;
Assessor John. II. Faust; .1st. .sef-
ors T. J. Vauderslico, H. D. McBride;
Auditor Wm. II. Shoemaker.
Constablo Joshua Robbins ; Eupcrvl
sor MatthcwMcIIenry, Hiram Baker ;
School Directors Irani Dorr, Asa Yorks ;
Poor Overseers Absalom Mollcnry, Eli
ska Robbins; Judge Iram Derr; In
spectors J, II, Fritz, Samuel Y. ncs
assessor Silas W. McIIcnry; ast. as
sossora Iram Derr, John McIIcnry
Constable Solomon Fetterraan ; super
visorsHenry Rhoades, Charles Mcnsoh ;
judge John Yeager ; inspectors Sam
uel R, Levari, Jacob Long ; school direc
tors John P. Walter, Henry Reinbold 5
pocr overseers Amos Rhoades, Daniel
Bicber; assessor Gera Hower; assistant
assessors Henry Reinbold, Reuben Fh
linger ; auditor A. Mears.
Justice B. F. Paxton ; constableJa
cob Arwiuc ; supervisors Wm. Hollings
hean, Michael .Rou'sli ; poor overseers
Philip Foust, Isaao Mourer; sohool di
rectors Joseph, Jacob Arnwino f
assessor Peter M. Karshner ; ast. assoSa
sors Philip Foust, .'indrcw Clark; judg
Evan Wcllivcr ; iuspectors William
Hollingshead, Noah Mauser; Auditor
Josiah A. Robberts.
Constable Benjamin F. Fruit ; super-
visors 13. fissick, J. C. Keonej ; poor
overseers William Barber, Jac. Demott;
school dircctiors HughMcCollum, Jacob
Swisher; assessor D. A. Watson; ait.
assessors Silas Wclliver, Henry Dildine;
judge A. S. Allen 1 inspectors D. P.
Ross, McBride ; auditor James Dildino.
Constable John Shipman; supervisors)
John Mordan, J. It. Vandcrslico ; judgo
Elias Howell; inspectors Geo. Jacoby,
Aaron Kestcr ; assessor Henry Kitchen;
ast. asscssors-Juo. Wanich, John Ruckcl;
poor overseers Paul Kline, Gabriel r
erctt ; school directors William Kitohon,
Benjamin Kistler; auditors Wm. Mlllof
3 year, Elial Drciblcbis 2 years.
Justices Samuel Creasy, John II. Het-
Icr; constable Lewis Eckrote; supervi
sors John B. Anglo, John Hosteller;
poor overseers John Keller, Jonas Hart-
zol ; assessor-Lawrcnco Waters ; assistant
assessors Stephen II. Swank, Thomas
Bowman ; school directors Jno. K. Folk,
Lewis Creasy ; judge Stephen Poke ;
inspectors A. 0. Millard, J, J. Hess,
auditor Wm. Pcttit.
Constable Isaao better ; supervisors
Michael Grubcr, Jesso John; school di
rectors Washington Fisher, Daniel Nuss ;
poor overseers Jacob Shugars, William
Alcnsinger; auditor-John M. Nuss; as
sessor-William T. Shuman ; ast. assessors
Henry Bowman, Daniel Shuman ; judgo
-Samuel Yetter; inspcctors-Pctor Fisher,
Henry Hartzel.
Justices-Alfred Howell, John Hcrrisg;
constable-Michael C. Keller ; assessor
Jesse Coleman; ast. astcssors-Jno. White,
Thomas Mcllenry ; supcrvisors-M. Ever
ett ; Samuel Henry ; school dircctora
JamcsD. Harman, ltcubcu Sitlcr; poor
overscers-Wni. Fritz, Daniel Kiefcr ; au
ditor-Wesley Bowman ; judge-Richard
Brewer ; Inspector-John Fisher, E. Kline.
Justtce-L. A. Garman, Benjamin Win
ters tccu. tic; constable-A. J, Manning;
judge-Daniel Fornwald ; inspcctors-W.H,
Chamberlm, II. J. Potter ; auditor-Mioh
ael Whitmoycr; school directors-Georgo
Wclliver, Valentino Winterstccn ; assessor
John Lore; assistant assessors-Thome.".
McBride, Albert Hunter ; poor ovcrscora
John Lore, Benjamin Winterstccn; sup it-visors-John
Whitmoycr, John Faus.
Justices-John C. MyersjWm. Rhoidos;
constable-Jacob Longcnbergcr; poor over-6eers-Hcnry
Holwig, John U&rig; super-visors-nenry
Helwig, Gcorgo Kreich;
school dircctors-Wm. Rhoades, David R.
Hower ; judgc-Elias Rarig ; inspectors
William Ccarhart, Hiram Cool ; assessor
Charles Stine; assistant assassors-Hemy
Hoffman, Michael Federolf ; auditor-M.
Justice-Wm. Peacock ; constablc-Joha
G. Jacoby; asseseor-C. C. Marr; assistant
asscssors-M. J. Kinney, Thomas Crevel
ing, jr.; judge-Thomas Creveling ; inspeo-tors-J.
R. Robbins, Geo. W. CrcTcling ;
school directors-Jacob Ternilliger, H. G.
Creveling; supervisors-John Shuman, J,
Shannon ; poor overseers-Aaron Boone,
II. W. Creasy ; auditqr-Eli Creveling.
Jusiices-Joslah, Fritz, Montgomery Cole;
constable-Jesso Ilartman 5 school directors'
-T. Q, Stephens, Reuben Larish; poor
ovcrtecrs-llichard Kile, Samuel II ess ;
Supervisors-Samuel Park , T. Q. Ste
phens; assessor-Jacob Fritz; ast. assess.
ors-Wm. Hcrlingor, Orin Parks; auditor
George- W. Stcadman; judge-Joseph. 0.
Heis; inspoctors-Jjcnry C. ess, Jaol
. f r.