Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 23, 1861, Image 4

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t i c u It v a I,
Let sailers slnjof the windy deep,
Let K.ldims praise the ormor,
Tutln my licnrt ihl tnatt 1 11 keep,
The Independent Fanner I
Wben flrtt the rose, In robe of green,
Unfold iti crlrmon llilnj,
And 'ronnd his cottage porch Is icen
Tha honeysuckle twining,
When banVs nf bloom their sweetness jU)X
To beet that gather honey,
tie drives his tcaniarrossthe field,
Where skies are lofl and balmy.
The black-bird clucks behind his plow
Tha quail plpci loud nni clearly,
Von orchard hides behind Hi bough
The dome he lores so dearly (
Tho gray old barn whose doors unfold
His ample store In measure.
More rich than heaps of horded gold,
A precious, blessed treasure j
Cut yonder In the porch there stands
Ills lotpjy charmer,
Tbo sweetest rose on nil the lands
The Independent Tanner.
To hi tn tho Spring comes danclnjly,
To htm the summer blurhes,
The autumn smiles withme'low ray,
lie sleeps, old w inter huFhes;
Ho cares net how tha world may mure,
No doubts nor fears confound lum ;
His Uttle flocks are linked In love,
And household angels round lilm ;
lie trust In God, he lores bis wife.
Nor grief, nor ill may harm her,
He's nature's nobleman In lift)
The Independent Farmer,
SrniNO Farming Tho season has
now arrived when tho farmers of Colum-I
bia county can aeaiubecin their labors.
o fa" iuwh,
They have had a season of rest, in which
J ..-).. mu.xu
tho little arrancenicnts for this Summer's
labor havo probably been maile The
plows, rakes, wacons and utensils have
... ' , ,
all been put in order, or at least should
, . '
XiavO been, and the Out door Work Can now
' . ,
COmmeneO. SUCh as; trimmin" orchards
, , , , , '
Cleaning OUt hCUCCS, prcpairiUC and pla
., - . r ,. . ,
Cing tUO lencing in readiness, getting tho
. ..... A .
Bummer S WOOU at lUO llOUSe iVC, SO that
.i,nh .,, c.l it.- l il
When thO frOSt leaves the gro tnd theiO may
bo no delay. Scedms with clover or tim-1
othv mftv .tin 1m rlnno to eaml nAn,. I
j j " ,i.mM.
t. it.. K. 4 .1.. mi.- e
iu ma iiiuscui, uiuuiu' jluu lUtT nobis tutll j
may intcrveno between this and tho perma
nent opening of spring will only servo to
stir the surfaco and give the seed a chance
to fall into, and be covered by, the soil.
Tho farmer haa now no timo to loose.
An early start in tho spring, like an caily
nan in mo morning, win always Keep one
. . . , , , ,
ill auvanerrol 111S WOrK, anu canUOt tail to
give inereaicd prosperity.
Cost or Mahketinq. Gov Kirkwood
of Iowa, said, in his address at the Musca-
.. r, , t, . i . . .,.
tine County I' air. that it cost mm tweutv
M. -i , ,.n. . i , . . , :
per Cent tO market his beeves, forty his
i i,:, i , .
Wheat, Sixty hH Corn, and Only Jour per
rent tn mnrhtl lilt tmnl P.i. l!l. 1
tCW to TllCtTUtl Ills IteOl. taCtS JlfcO tllCSO
OU"ht alwavs to havo an imnnrlnnr liPlvin
uucuk allies iu u.ivi, au important Hearing
in di'termlninrc tho hranoli nf nr?o,,lir
111 QLieriDiniug lUO urancn 01 agriculture
tha farmer (should nursuo The rlilToronon
lUt, LtruiLr blioutu puriut. laa tUUerenCO
betweem four per cent and twenty, forty or
t ixty per cent on any considerable amount,
would make a fair profit. Where wo
at a great distance from markets, tho cx-
pence of markctinr; is very much reduced
I .. ..nnnnl..i:nM nn n..nt. 1 Ml.
. , , . . 1
into tho least space. A ton of wool, worth,
si lorty ceuis a pouuu, p3uu,can do carried
a thousand miles at about tho samo expense:
ns a ton of nhcat, worth only S30.
IIotiieds. Now is the time to make hot
beds, ilako a pile of horse manure a few
feet squaro and two or. threo feet thick.
Nail four rough boards together in tho form !
cf a box without top or bottom, set it upon
tho pilo cf manure and fill it with good toil
to the depth of four or fivo inches. Cover
tho bed with glass (old window sash will
do,) and in two days it will bo warm
enough to reoievo tho seed, Tomatoes, cab
bages, and lettucj, aro tho most suitablo
plauts to fence.
Foul or the Foot in Cattle. Tho
following is an almost certain remedy
Tako a small quantity of soft soap, and
ftir in as much fine salt as it will tako up;
clean out tho creatures foot and rub in tho
mixture Two or threo applications will
effect a cure usually. Why would it not
be good for scratches in horses ? Plantinq, The season of tho
year is now here when those, in town and
country, who wish to set out shade or fruit
trees should mako arrangements to havo it
attended to. 'I hero is no more econouical
way of beautifying one's pretnucs aud wo
may also say of adding valuo to them
than nl.intln rrno, (t,n n(T..l -1 i
, , j .. .... vva tuusj UHUlM JMVaaUUfc UK IV I1U OL'SlglH I OJIIltltl I Off 1 lid
fehatle or yield lino fruit. How much tho 1 SM 1 1 11ING I1USLVESS,
valuo of a farm is increased , to say notliin '.V-'Ji" YJa W',!' 41 '?!' I"ict'' a"'1 nn cn
- ., - . . ,, . ) .w o; nuoimn Urged scalf, and solicits tlio public lintrnnuei'.
Or ttlO COmlort, by tun means. Comparo' B-rTroducu, lirum, ice, (incrallv taken 'for nork
tho farin.houso that bits emhosomed iu re-,1 Bioomsiurj, Mays, isn. M'Lt u' AI,U0'"'-
freshing shade aud fragrant shrubbery with"
thoono thatstands bare and exposed to tho ' LEATHER, LEATHER.
full glaro of tho noonday SUIl. Wo ncod ' Qot,c ''allirr. and all olhcr kinds of Leathers, Mo
not tell our readers that everybody prefers ' S' '
tho former to the latter. And then how
necessary to havo a few nice shado-trccs J"10"' cl"'Ji' b1 ," i"h'ior barrel,
soattercd about the pasture fields, beneath f'1' '"' J
which tho lowing herd can rcclino when tho I'igi't Street, Jan 3, ipoi 3m, '
aun is too warm for thorn to crop the herb- WINE AND LIOIint.Q
ago. Cattlo thus protected aro kept in bet- ,ro ESA 7f Jl Nn St f m rr
ter condition than those which aro ron-fc, OLhAI.E AND RETAIL.
ttantly exposed to the heat of tho day. I
. niooiu.liurg, and lto(ke,l it nnh the best llmn.L r,r ii
TniMMlXO Tueks. JIany orchards are
KrLAitnrl 1 fP. i it-
limbs near the trunk of a treo e.innnr foil
to have un injurious effect. Tho scar is too
largo to grow over and produces a dead or
rolton snot through the cntiro trunk.
'irecs, tuerelore, should bo wached in their
growth, and all necessary limbs should bo
cut out whilo small. The wnoml
cut out whilo small. The eeneral rnln it i" .. .
niwui" uu fcw vus iiuiu inu uitua oi me Hmtfl
or jrorn tua top ratiier than from tho trunk.
if b ' s'.. - vmw ,uit uiur-
oughly away from tho trunk at tho root for
sr distance of perhaps two feet, and in youn
trees to placo manure around them. Trees
need as much cultivation as corn, and la
lor upon them will pay quite as wall.
Liht ! Light ! Light !
V Alt U ON
CO.U. Oil, BIlltM'.liS AM) LIMPS FOR
nun king i
COAL. KKCiosrvi:. tin chimin nn.q
tTMlf. best, roost brilliant, end cheapest portable light
... in ... uniiKi'r ui .-...lusinu 01141 cncoilcr
tlian fluid, lard oil, fish oil or camphone,
Without the einenst-' of Ra. fixture, The above Lamp,
(with nil their tunry trimming.) ran bo mi and bouslit
at the old established Drujj and chemical Ktnro of the.
uiidcrtUncd, ho Haiti m I-, .i.elftlint fiuni liln long CI-
Ecrlenre In tbo Drug tra e. lie knows bow and where to
nr nnd 'a determined not to he nnderpolil by any oneln
lll.iiitn.liitrir. or surrouiiilinY country, fall and scu his
lieu and lull mi lecled ilotk of
DltOltS .Mi:uli;it;3 Ml ciiumiu.m.s. paints
vakxifiii.s, n r.fTUFrs uii.m (h.ass
MOM 7ll t.i!l !(l. CtlNFKtrl tONA.
i.ti.i. riiiti-ujiEiiv mj
I'.WUY -ion i:t. Alt.
TII'l,t:- rOR
lanim, &
Assl'd Ilrands, Patcut Medicines cf r-v ' nrlrty In use
U'tunrs. i,ptir0 fur mcdli inal use only, .uitl.Cnmphcno
Carbon Oil. 'urpeiitlno and Akrliol, Trusses, Shoulder Inrlriiu-nts, H ish nail nnd tontli Urn Inid, Cnmpfmn
piiTrj b 1 1 uiiiu pimiic KPiiiPii icH, (iarncn, canary, uapo i
and Hemp ("('If, Thermometers, pronf-glaM Morocco I
lenthtr and lioo Findings, c., fee, together with tho
largest and mnt varied assortment of Cernmn Tog and
ever brnngbt to thl plnee, ull of whUU please call and
et and yni nmti b.-tlevr. '
Hnin.c learnrd by iad experience that "lotip credits
will not keep thinns moing,M I have determined to
to enfh buyers, to make It an object to tlit-m ns well as,
tlw fi ller, to deal on the cash principle, either mom v or 1
re-idv tratle. i
j 1lujnff crrd n r'Riilar npprcnliceshlp nt the Drug
i nnd Apniii -enry btiiness, besides hating carried it nn I
fur th lat rijtlittvn jenrn, on my nun hook, 1 fl.tttir '
tnj Mf lint I mn ablu to ilo JitMhn to nil clvini tnc nl
trial. Thankful to the public for pat fawrs, 1 would
nVk a tr l un tin v ItU J,,K nPm i lil n TJ.i, ei . S
n ... . . .i Lll rl, 1 tl " i 111 B ' ;i"1t.ce..,
nil tint it will make Imijr rriniiU, ,md pay best in tho
cnu io pay en mi unn nuy ni ri'iiucen prtrea.
car-f'illy roinponndcd.anil nil order, correctly nnsMrrrd.
Al medicine, jrnarnnteed a. recommended, Store Hooni
on Main Street, near M-wrkct, next ibior to tlia Tost Of
ficc, Ulooinsburg, Columbia conntv, I'n.
lirillt.H.M V. J.UTZ.
Ausuit i, leco.
' QOMK per.on, mu.t think Fnrmem are r,i0i, or they
, O would not bate the Impudence and audacity to nuc
, tbo name or vcwfor the purnoao of dectivius tho
public and makins capital out of hij name. Any per-
" P"0'' who ore my name In nnvilmpe, loruior
- tnanner.on pbowcardrf or handhilKln aid hhu in aelling
'l",s", "' be it vrjetabie cmiie Powder, cattle
J.inliucut, Ilea f Powder, or nnythiu? else, lu down.
imponter, and defcncato bo iocon-ijori by an
cnliRlittne'l community. IteluK the autlior, di?roverer,
uianuf iclurer. ami compounder of nllthe cilebrnted
t-'attle Medicine, formerly priparcl by hlin for itreinijf,
I'ronefield A. Co., from their lint Introduction to the
timo of tlirir , Involution, llr. ritONMU'll'I.I) feeU nu
honcuprldeln nrotectlns the public, and l'armiMln
particular, trom further dectpti.n from bulns iiatles.
and humbii; mitturea put up by Tom, Hick and Harry,
without a partltl- of knowledge or eiperlcncc in mich
matter., depending entirely on his name to make them
811. To nut a Ktl 1) til fcllch diibonor.tble trirk. ri,n.
dctcrmiue.Uo put ray written .ijnalnre on each pack of
the Vegetable Cattle Powder, and caih bottle of Cattle
Liniment, and nil my other pri paratlon,, as 1 cjptct
look nnrtnti. vo'tr ntrv
Jly'lsnur" wi 1 hj a euarantec for tho.o who nt
in uuy n pure iinu set ic nrncie prf pared In u .cientl
tic manner, .tlanufacturcd only bv
At tho old ktanil. No. 31T Xorth 3d St., l'liitailelnbia.
Kor sale by Hit. C. 8. UAKElt, .Main and U, Knlb
atreits. Xorristnwti. Agent.
I'elirairy 2, 1501 -3m
ruDMsimn nv n. applctov u co.
443 awl 44,ri Isroutltva , Kiw York.
Tb.i fo lowing works are sent to Sub crihcrsinatiypart
of thjcountry. (upon receipt of rvtail price,) by nuil or
extir.-s or paid
swt p
1111. ,iio 1,11 .1., I itlii
Till: NUW AMI P.ICAN- CVCI.OI'.r.tllA : A oonular
Illninnary of Ueneril Knonleilge. IMued by iitonoE
ikirbt, oiiu, ,n. uiiil'U It numerous H.'-
I left corps of v rlter-in nil branch?' ofr!eiellcie. Art mid
Literature. This work being published i.i about 1.1
l iirgo oitat o volumes, each containing 75f) two coinin
ages. Vols. I to Al inclusive, are now ready.each
' containing near 2.5 HI, original articles. An additional
u!umo wil hj published once in about three iiioiiiIm
rriec, ini loin,
Russia, si so each
irieo.mi iohi, j; Mj Half iWur., SI i Half
ing sup.'rflclal, learned but not pedamc, coinprehen.iVe
. but Miiliiimlly dt tailed, free from personal pi.juo and
party prejudice, fresh and yH accuraVe, ll lsaco',,pl"le
.tateiuelit ofall that is known upon enry in, portant top.
( lc with'peolliumaii lut lllgrnri-. IVerv import
?ntartlileln it has been specially written for fts pn-ea'
hytneu whoare nuthoritie'i upon tho topicon whiili
tbeyspeak. They nrJ re.piiredto bring the subject upto
tho present moment to state Jutt howit stands ion-. All
the statistical Information Is from the lalctl reports! tho
geographical accounts keel, pace with the latest cxplora-
j liXST
i oV Vu.' li'SS? iSiri i,, a
j ft?.a"ite?rS C.V inVM""01 fl" " tr-
workwiiibe complied in 15 royal octam volumes
' of Jldpage.each 11 of which are now ready. An nddi.
I t n I v,.l nm ,1 Mi,, mil, I . .l.n.t ........ I.. , .!....
Cloth. S3 i Law bheep, Si il); Half .lor Sli 11a T.,n cvclopu.a, o
nn 1 !..
Form aclub of four, and remit the price of four books,
and five copies will ho sent at Hie remitter's ctpensu for
carriage.or for ten subscribers eleven copies w ill be scut
at our expttnefor carnage.
No other works will so liberally reward tbo exertions
ofAgcuts. Ai AotvT Wahid ii him Cocnti.
Term, made known on application to the Publishers
Nov. m, leGU
Vy AfKr many years of successful practice, Dr.KIIL
I.IXG Mill dcircn to do good to the alllictcd. Hu ton.
Unuca to cure nil kind of
Ca?icers Tumorsy We?is) Scrofula or
King's Evil, Sf?tesJ 41?.,
If cnraldo, without cutting nr poison, )! docs not con
fine hiuiself merely tu tin) turo of the uhove tlUcubff, but
win irraiun niiuiiirrsmill UlCCCHi. l'lllK'Hta Will 1)0
vlitfd, if rtt'mred, n ruuonalile distance. l'irtoii de-'
inns ti visit Dr. K., itl pleats stop at tlio lUilroud '
llotil in .Meiliaiuckburp, uIiti: they will be dim ted to 1
Mi rmiidctiru. For all parti nlar u nto itat djaao
plainly. prisiase kt.nnpto i-re-nay uiimult. I
Aililrui Dr. C 1. KULMN'O. AIcrhnnlrAnri?. i A-
Innd co., Pa.
flt'pltiiibfr 13, IPCO-Gm.
GILL & PAUL, Commission Mcrcliaiils,
Fish, Provisions. Hour, liiiltor, riiecse, Oils, Dried
rniils, drain, Scoils, llonns. Wlinkey, Wool,
Country Produce and Merclianilisi
No. 3t Nonrii Wiiarms, PniLApciriiii.
Kj- Conslsnments ofProv Isions, Tlour and Country
rroduro solicited, and returns promptly niado. Cash
OlUIIJtd for all kimls of Fish, Provisions, Hour
Dried Fruits, itc, tilled at tho Ion est Caali Prices '
August 4, loto-Uui.
rplir, underslsue.l roslieclfally Informs his fni-ni!. and
J- old custonurs that he has niiened a slum on li.
1 r'r.e.t'1:.?!"v.,l0Vr","b''le "otcl, III Wooms.
IdW Driffa. i
uJ I'uMle Custom is respectfully Invite J.
UloomshusP.July7,.Er,S. "' 'MUDS;nl.
I jl.OOMaitl'no cheap cash Ptoro, afain replenl.liod
nith a trnsh .lock of spiiu-n un. f,J . ."
itMAIlV Pav nvir v
i-omc-aiouj nun your cash and produi
March a isco.
11. C. U 1. w. if ARTMAN",
mm Asa, sm mwvm
S. W. Cor. Third and M.rkyt ph.,
es?-(anis $1.50 per low, ten
ABJU.t 4. H' Jtt
And the taiIous affections cousciuent upon a dMordorcdl
STOMACH or liivnn,
Pnch as Indication, Aridity nf the Stomvh, Colicky rain,
Hoflitbitrn, Ijom cf Apjictlt,'my, Coutirmipm,
Wind and Jlloodlnjj rile. In all Nervous, ltheumntfe, an 1
Nenmlfilc Aireotlons, It hu In numrrous lnit.nai proved
Lfiilily Ircneflrlnl, and In others ekTcted n decided enrr.
Tliln Isn purely TtgetO'le cnnuuntl, prppirwlon ptrlctly
dentine prlnrl)iKs, after the manner of the ftetrnted
ll(lli(nd l'rofedrwir. IVtrbMe. Its rrrutitlon nt hoiiier-n
duced Its Introduction bere, tho demand ccmmeiicfnp with
r th8 "thcrlaml wnttered orer tho face or this
roU'ht? country, many tt whom brouKbt with them and
banded down the tnullllmi of Its taluo. Jt U nnw fifferfl
to th Amtrttyin Hlhc, Xnmeing that itt truly wonderful
mtfltcinal virtttet must if acknnnlcdgni.
If U inrtlcnlni-tv rfeniiiienlivl to ttirmn Tvrrnn wlinun
constitutions may hirn U-en Impalreil by the cont jiincttt mi
of ardent ii'lrlts, or other form of dltudpitlon. (laterally
I lastanUinwui to eftVct. it findi Its way directly to tho tent
1 of hfo, thrllUn,? and milrkcninjr every nerve. raWnsnp tho
diutidiifc npirlt, and, iu fact, Infusing cow health nnd vigor
U the fttHtem.
No'llCK. Wioevcrcxnectfl to And tlili ft lpveraco wM
l illniippnlntedl tmttotho nkk, wnk
will proto a grateful aromatic ccrJIaJ, cowsFed of ulngutai
retnwKl prcpertlci.
Tho Oonulno highly concentrate BrtrliSTo'l IlolhnJ
Ilittorf Is put up In half pint bottles only, And retailed at
O-it IhLLR per w.ttle, cr fix Imtlles for Kivx DeLtliw. TIw
preat ileinnnd for WM truly cilelirsted Medicine im Indued!
many Imitations, whkh the puUIc should guard against
ijS-Hewftre oriruimirithn. See that our name Is on the
label of BTcry t-ottle jou buy.
Sold by TJruggiiti generally, tt cim be forwarded
by Elfrssi to most points.
80L13 rR0iRIET0It3,
hnrmncculisls nnd BIumfafs;
rorS.ilehyfi.M, H.igcnbucli, Drujgit, Itloim'hurgrn
"(fi!?'E5vW saijAmanucr PArr.a, nr.-
i'l'IftS'iUlMW MOVBIl to :U Clcslnut rfr(,
;w KisciMfl?r oftere lAird Philadelphia, havo on
'AifimrimrijWll and a larffo assortment of Firu
'tji F?SinJfeSK Tliief proof rtalam.lnder Saf.s.
Si5J?JjS5iCf Uo, iron doors, for bank, and
in tha United States.
ftvr fStifti in ov Jfr3, All came citt rights with con
tent in fooit eondtttov,
Tlu SJlamuiiJor Safes of Philadelphia against the
hnve had the surest riemnstrntion in the following cer
tifitah' that th.'ir mnuufacture of Hnlnmniuler Safr-it "has
nt Ifiicth fully wurrautcd tho reprrsuiii.iiions wliidi hne
b.-i'ii run la of th'in nn rendering an undoubted sfcurity
ngiiiust tlu1 tern tic tkinuitt.
rhiladelpliia April V2. 1"..
Jltrxsrs rra Sf IVatnonr Rentlt'ineil- It afforil-i us
the hlchest a.ilipf.ictlon to state to ou, that owing to
the very primitive qualitiis of two of tho t?alainnn ler.
af.'s which we purchased of you some five month ninre
we fraed n I.tret- portion of Jewelry, and nil our boi k.
tic, exposed to the cnlauiinnu,tirein lUntcal pi ice on
tli J morning of the 11th in,t..
When we reft.-ct (hat thee safes were lontcd in th;
foil nfi sfory of thi bml ling wa occupied nnl that tln-y
f 'II sulisriticntly intou h.ap of buriiinir rums, ulc ra th"
vast cnci 11tr.1t mn of th. In nt caused th brass plntis t
melt, wc cannot but regard thepreiu'rvaiiaii of their val
uable contents ns most coin hieing proof nf th great te
curity nlTordfil by your fafi.
Wc hall tukj cr. at pi -asuri in recomm"!. ling 111111 to
men of biiHinrfu im 11 hhtv reliance iuain.t tire,
OlXHttii; W. 8IniOflt UltO., .InrrUcn.
Qv""T)iev have since pnrthaaud tit largo Jaft..
Angiut -'.), .
1 KJ'taraifs' wixi
TIIH tinderiignnd is also cxtensivily eninged In the
Undertakint! Uutinns, and kuunscomtljullv on hand
lid for sale at his Warerooms, u largo assortment of
Ily which he is onabb'il to till orders on presentation
AuiO-KccpH a gootl Homo nnd Henrne, and will at al
times lie ready to ultiMil ruiu'rils.
ltloomsliors, January 21, lrril.
U. S. Trust Company.
Corner of Third and Chestnut Sts., Philt.
T AlttlUand small sums reifiicd nnd paid back oil
j-j uciuaiiii niiuo'ii notice, nun iive rut clnt itthti.
1ST from tlio dav of denusit to tho dav nf nitlidrnwal.
Odke Hours Proni u until 3 n'cloik every day, a.d
on MotoiY lv kmvii, trout 7 until 1) oclock,
l'rosldiit-fTi:l'IIi;.V 11. CllAWl'OItD,
Troasurrr Puny I'm:.
Ttlttr Jamti 11. ltunler.
Ftc-ldirti R. Crawford.
jllamil Ib'idlcman,
jCePrce Juiikiu,
Itciijaiuiii W. 'I'lnulcy,
l'aul 11. (Joodard, M. D.
nic vi k. nun, ii, li,
William M. ilndw in,
II. 1'r.inklin Jackson,
1'atrlcK llrady,
' J""e" Deven auv,
, Tlionias T. l.ea,
.March ill, l5i ly,
iTUny Kiik.
'Mount ilcntou
sccosd STP.i:irp, adovi: aucii.
It. II. KDWAIIDS, I'TovrliUr.
May 1J, IcCO-nm.
KA St Bt)?B,
niauulucluriil & l.i al Tobacco,
N, E. Corner of Front and Arch Streets.
artuur utorN. 1
uu m. miYii. PlIILAUULPIIIA.
March 10, ltUi-l.'ui.
No. 30 K011TII 6KC0ND HTltEET,
One Door above Christ Church.
A Ooneral Assortment i.r C01TM1F. tUltXlTVRB, In
cludms V.1XP ytvous, i-c.
I'lIlI.ADliLl'III A.
May l!, UCO-lJin,
' I ''HE best molasses for the prico ill tho
JL County for sale at 11 1KT.1MN&
.f rr. &rrr, Jtbt tTllrd.
V II 1 I) K I. I I' I A
a '
rplir. situation of .hi. Hotel render. 11 ono of tha n.oit
X convenient for tho.e n ho aro tisitini! l'hiladc I1.I1 la
on busines. nhilo to thosi in search of pleasure, tho .
constantly pa.' mj and repassins City Hallway cars,'
and those iu c osa uroi huitr afford a chean and 1 lea. .
.... .Lis ... nil ..1 ...u i...n. 1 - :
a ouVtiori v' .umuim iii or
Tha proV.Jfeto, tive. os.uratico that "Tlio Union'.
shall bo ke'pt with such tharacl r a. n.lll inert public
Lsipprobation, ami nould rest
p "tlully solicit, aeneral pat'
I rWtary H, ll
It Is (v fuel thttt, At entno pctioJ, CTcry mem
ber of tho human fmnlly is subject to (llscaso
or disturbance of the bodily functions) but,
rlth tho nlJ of a good tonlo unit the cxcrclso
of plain common penso, they tuny bo fiblo so to
rcgttlato tho system ns to sccuro permanent
health, In order to accomplish this desired
object, tho truo course to pursuo is certainly
that which Mill produco a natural etnte of
things nt tho least hatardof Tital etrcnclh nnd
life. For this purpose, Dr. Hosteller has In
troduced to this country a preparation bearing
his namo, which Is not a new medicine, but ono
that has been tried for years, giving satisfac
tion to all Trho havo used It. The. Hitlers
opcrato powerfully upon tho stomach, bowels,
nnd liver, restoring them to n healthy and
rigorous action, and thus, by tho simple pro
cess of strengthening nature, cnablo tho sys
tem to triumph over disease.
For tho euro of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Ji'nu
sca, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or tiny liilious
Complaints, arising from n morbid inaction
of (ho Stomach or ltowcls, producing Cramps,
Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, &c, these
Hitlers havo no equal.
Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so gcncrolly con
tracted by now settlers, nnd caused principally
by thochangoof water and diet, will bo Bpcedily
regulated by a brief uso of this preparation.
Dyspepsia, n disenso which is probably mora
prevalent, in all its various forms, than any
other, nnd tho canso of which may always
bo attributed to derangements of tho dlgestiro
organs, can bo cured without fail by using
directions on tho bottle. For this disease every
physician will recommend Bitters of somo kind j
then why not uso an nrticlo known to bo infal
lible? All nations havo their Bitters, ns a pre
ventive of diseaso nnd strcngthener of tho sys
tem in goncral; and among them all thcro is
not to bo found a mora healthy peoplo than
tho Germans, from whom this preparation ema
nated, based upon scientific cipcrimcnts which
liaro tended to fvovo tho valuo of this great
preparation in tho ecalo of medical scicnoc.
Keveh and Ancc This trying and provok
ing diseaso, which fixes its relentless grasp on
tho body of man, reducing liiin to a mere sha
dow In a short time, and rendering him phy
sically nnd mentally useless, can bo dtiven
from tho body by tho uso of IIOSTBTTLRS
KENOWNED BITTERS. Further, nono of tho
abovo-stated diseases can bo contracted, even
in exposed situations, if tho Bitters aro used
ns per directions. And as they neither crcato
nausoi nor offend tho palate, and render un
necessary any change of diet or interruption
of ordinary pursuits, but promoto sound sleep
and healthy digestion, tho complaint is re
moved as spcodily ns is consistent with tho pro
duction of a thorough nnd permanent cure.
For Ptrions in Advanced Years, who nro
suffering from nn enfeebled constitution and
infirm body, these Bitters aro invaluablo as n
rcstoratlvo of strength nnd vigor, and need
only ba tried to Do npprociateu. Ana to
mother while nursing these Bitter, are indls-
riensablo, csiiccinlly where tho mother's nour
ishment it inadequate to the demands of tho
child, consequently iter strong! u must yield,
nnd hero it is where a good tonic, such as
Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart
temporary strength and vigor to the system.
Lndios should by all means try this remedy
for all cases of debility, and, before so doing,
should nsk their physician, who, if ho is
acquainted with tho virtue of tho Bitters, will
recommend their uso in all cases of weakness.
CAUTIOIf. Wo caution tbo publio against using
any of the many imitations or counterfeits, hut ask
for HosTETTEn's Ctsutun ircn Stomach EirrEits,
and sco that each bottlo hns tho nords "Dr. J.
Ilostettcr's Stomach Bitters" blown on tho riJo
of tho bottle, and stumped on tbo metallic eap
covering tho cork, and observe that our autogrurh
signaturo il on the label.
tt- Prepared and sold by XIOSTETTEH &
BMIT1I, rittsburgh, Po., nnd sold by nU
druggists, grocers, ond dealers coneraUy
IhrouKhout tho Unitod States, Canada, South.
America, and Germany.
' rl,l liy J. it. Jloyir. i:. P. I.i'tz, niooinitiurs i A. Mil'
. Irr. & To. II 'rw irtt l(. I. Iteighitril, lZspitimn, M. C
Crier, Jim. Lev I, A. f., it Co., Uauville.
Otlobor 1. lio'J-l-Jiu.
jit rut: of v
Mn'in anil Et'ou fcireJH,
1 lt you Mnnt HIMCrll (Into llltUWTKS
Do you u ant I IIAI.I.l l)KI,AINi:dt tin to l!lll)Vi:i! B
i uojou nu, TAIll.i; I'livuiiiif ti to IllttllVLK'
Do you naut l.'l.OTII DLKI KKSI Us tu IlltOWlllt M
u.) )uu upiit PKLI.i;tu 8KIUTB 1 lio to S
no y.iu u nut int. ft 'J-l'lIlfrt
1 Hiiti'-iU-ri:.Mi:iisi
Do juu naut ML'SI.INS f
1 Ho uu mint fALlUOKSI
j l)u j mi want LAWS'- I
Do jou u.iut iiaui:ci:si
l)o you nunt HI". llhttKS I
I Do )o i UiuM IHJitrilY I
l)oou ant llANDKI'.KCIIinrsi
Onto I'ltOWVll'S
Uolo IlliOWIIIt S
t!o to HltOWKIt'M
Co to ui:ot i:it 's
Co to llltoWl:ll'rt
ii to ititownit'a
tin to IU',11.1 I. fs
do to uiiuwini'ji
liO tO HliOtt i:trrf
ii-you want t..Mti'i:rsATi iii;i.s( i;, in t:i:ovi:i:
Do you naut KTCI.l.A HI.UVI.H I Un to IlKDVVI.It s
l)o)oiinaut MO i MIC MllTttl tin to lIKOWUlt'rt
Do jou waul HII.K tilltnl.IMI r; to IllMUVrnw
I) 1 yo 1 nam UAUX 11.1,1'tf I Co to IIItlllVnit M
II 1 you nam l KOTt lli:!' IWAlUri' (,, iiitvi.ii -n
Do you nam 'l'IDV t-OTi'OX I
'lo to l:itt)Wl:it's
no you wnii I'rti, ii i ;,r
Do jou nam SLN SIUDI.SI
Do jou want L'.!i'i:i:.l.ti(
Do jo t nam !:..-si.ii:i:i:.-i I
in jou Kant mtsi 1'I.MDI
Doyminnm 1.IM1V I'tllXKSI
Do jou want l'i:ill.'AI.Ud I
Do you want IV, SSI
Do you nantNAVKi:i:'3l
Do you want CIVtlllAMr
tin to imnwnit'H
Jo to iii:uvi:i's
io to miowr.ii'N
lo to llliOlVKU'S
t.'o to mtov:it s
tin to IH'.OiVKkIh
;o to iii:ot'i:i;ty
Co In lll!OVVl:U 5
io iu i:itt)wi:ifrt
tin to iii:owi:u s
'in to ilium-Kirs
til" to HHOWKU'!
io to iti:owi:irti
t.'o to mtoivi:i!'s
l!o to llltoirillt'r)
tin to t!itoivi:it s
!o to Hll0lvi:fti
fin ,n IIIIIHI'IM,.
lio you nam DUUl.s r
i Do you want CUItTAIN ML'ST.IN'J
Do jou want col.'D i'AMIii;ii;s I
un you want w it i 1 1 uooua t
Do jou nam Ill'.VItisi
Do jou want Ml.i:l A I
Do j on nam DUll.l.lMl.-tt
Do you n ant Tli 'K I Midi
Do yon naut IIHl K.S (
Do vounanl IiMlllM' SIIOHSl
Do jou nam I.ADIUS' 1 MniliSt
Do you nam rmwi iiiioiantms Co to niiowrifs
Do j on nam CU'r.r.VSWAltllt
into HKOlVr.ll'S
no jou nam iii.svAiii;f
Do jounaut II IKlm'AltUI
Do you want IllttlCS (
Do jou nunt I'tlltll SlTTirll
Do Jou nam CI I II W Cot IDdl
Idooiushurg, May l1.!, Idi.u.
""H iiitotvrit!
co tu nitownirs
com iiinvi:ii'rf
Co to liiiim'nit'.s
Co to IlKOU'lill d
" A lltlli'. hut often fills tho rmrfci
a. i uuiiii cireei, ui'inteu uesinilt and tVallml
I'lilludi Ijihi.i, pajs all deposits on demand.
D.'tmsitors' money secured bv si...
and City I.oa!!S, Cround lieilts. Mortsae,... Afr-
1 This Coiiiiiauv deems satitv 1,,-ttrr in.,,, in.J
prollls, ciiiiseUiully nil! run no risk null denosi.i
tors' money, but hate il at all times ready to return'
n ith 5 per cent, interest to tho owner, as they havolS
jaln'ays done. Tills toiimany never suspended. m
l einaies, liiurned or single, and Minors, can de.'S
posit in their onn riaht. and such dep.sits tallbetJ
vMtlidranu only liy their const ut. -
Charter lieili-ttla). Iluumornted lv ,l,nfi,ni.. ..e c
I'enniylvaiila, nith uuthority to receitu money S
from trustees and Uierutors. ra
i-iMiK w.svi s.v.iij.iu.vsni:ct:irr.n.
Olfico open dally from l to :i o'clock, and nu l'...i.
uestiay ocniug uutild o'cloik.
Jacob n. Shannon, I'jrna Cadallailer,
John tihiiiillur, Ceorge Itusscll,
Malailn W. Klein, KdnarilT. lliutt,
l.els Kruinaurr. Ileury Il -luny.
Nllholls ItiltLlihouie. Nathan sti,ilv.
Jo.. II. tJuthcrthn aile, Ki.tinaiu lilauihard,
Jo -pii j.lppitMoit.
JAL'lllt II. MIAN.NO.V, Prsidelit.
Will's CUmWI.I. IDUH. Tnasurer.
Marth li. Ui, Km.
"A Dttur laved Is twicu oacneW1"'
il I -ui
,, 1 .Vll lot 1. it Is, s J
Fo th ' liberality uilb llie Pubhe nlunv. l.nvn
I patroniz .1 II. iiry . pniir r. (come seo his good houicj
1 he i.iea.i. to slnm bis uratii'i.n b rwt... fatts not iu
empty words. His uuibilioii 1. not so inurh to make liioii
OJ astooiciipyl. .csler.u. of Ike Let shops, audio
1 1 '. ;1,u.,.n., ...... . . v J r.. . ..... .u m
.i,,' , f, i iuI.encV; ho ,1 M ,,y To diet
will. Ofinurse He laborer n 1,, ,,.i,.ni
I, worthy of iu h re " '""ad or hand
iiv Watches new flocks a lot cf .., I.w,.l,.- . r..n
....V...V .. . .'.:,.y?t.",Ji" ' J0.full
"".U,V,,C".1 V .....s.siur nat'ii.s. iiisiue ana oulsl.lo .
ttatchandtliKklriiiimiiies. atooda..orti mtofiom.
kl i and "iS t iffi, K . i L' "x' arA'"e
terms, surely rcasoaablefor uil.
uENur zurnsGEk,
Sloomiburj, Jia.i, 1M1,
riRtrrtLY ntuisLn nv Mtu. S. J. hub.
Il Tclli You Hnw trt choeientl kindi of Mrnls, Toullry
anu tinmen mi nil tne various nnd niobi
npprnuMl modes of dressing nnd cooking
cf nnd 1'nrk t nlsu the host mid siin
ptcrt way uf suiting, pickling and curing
tho 8i inc. i
It Ttllt You All the intlniH nnd meet approved mndes
of drt'iMnic, ciMtklnjr, and Ixmiiig Mutton
' J.iutiTi. a!. Poultry nnd U.inio of nil
kind. Willi Um dill,, rent Dress lugs lra
k's. mill tuiritij ttpproprinttt to earn.
tt Ttttt You (low tn cli ton', tl.-an, nnd prt-tene 1'lfh
nfnlt kltn'e nnd l,rv to sweeten It m hen i
tnintid ; nisi nil tlm various and moat ,
opprowu i n ink's of ronkpia, with the ;
iliifiTMit lr.'shiff"i Paticcn, and i'lut or'
luff ipprrprlati) tnenrli. ,
Ttlt$ You AW th 3 Vsirimis and nuixt nn proved modes
oi pri'piir.nir ovtr imy iiiiicrent kintii ot
.Mi-nt, froths, nnd Stews, ullh thtf rd
lhrfithl Hnsnulntfuapproiirlnte toritrh
Tt You .Ml the nrlous nml nioit approved mdcs
of cookjujt Wei t.iMss of ct ery dfsrrip
lion nlnimv toprt-piiru rickles.Dntnups
niul t.'urrie of nil kinds, Potted Mcnts
rih, (nine. Mnthroouif, &c.
Tt till You All the various and moet npproved modes
of pr'piriti!f nd rook In 3 nil kinds n
11. iln nml f.iucy'uddiiisi, Out
tlctles' I'riitrrs. t'nkes Conftrtiounry,
Treservcs, J.'llirs, nndictl diilici of
rvi-ry dei criptinn.
h Ttllt You All tho arlous nnd mnt approved modes
of nmMnjf llrcad, Kits ks, Muffins, nnd
ltlnriut, tho hr-ft niilliod of preparing
(.'nili'e.i hiToIate.tnud Tra, and liowto
inakn Syrups, Cordials, nnd Wines of
various kinds,
It Ttllt Yon How tu m t oriinnd crnninrnt table, linw
to Curt C all kinds offish, UeMi or Vow I,
and Iu to ro simplify the
whole nrt of i'ookin-r, a tn bring tho
ilmlcen luxuries of Hie table w illiin ev
VT btnlv'n renrlt.
The bnk rnntiilus 4lrl pngr s, and npwnrd of twelve '
1 unit 1 ret 1 ikrri s. um m n nirii nre i nu results oi actual
cxiu'rienrn. h.nltia bcru fnllv iiml nirrrnliv toatn.t iimifr
the wrsniut fiip'-rintcnderuc o Hot writers. II Is pnn
ted In nfh-nr nnd npi 11 tpe. i iliuFtrntrd with appro
priate I'liprniinirs.nn.l wilt bo firtvnrilt'd to any address,
nenlly Imund, itndposiairo paid, un receipt of the price
$IIM. ur Inrloih, ttr.i, Sl.ii.
$1 001) A YEARSJn.b.
iua men eve
rywhere, in silling the nbovc w-ork. onr luduceincntto
nil sik h Ik Iiik very IiIxt.iI.
Tor ninalj topics of the book, or f"r terms to agents,
with oilur inforuifilion, npplv tt or nldres
joii.n t:. I'orrKit, pub'i-iicr,
Xo, (117 f iiKom Street, l'Jul.-idtlpliia, l'a,
Noveiubr3, l'CMi-Cm
Vahiablc Ileal Es(alc.
iN I'.irKtianco ofnn crJcrcftha orilians Court of Co.
linn'Ma county, on
Saturday, Match sixteenth, 1SGI ,
nt 111 oVInrkin tin iWenoon, Jdm Huiiih. Ailmlniitr.iter
nf thi l.stat nf i'i tjr(riit'i'ril(l.iterImti8(nito nsliip,
iu mi I county, di'citst'tl, will rm-e tu sale, by l'ulilic
Vuinliii'. uxim tlu iroinitjCsf, n c rutin
Til A C T 0 ' L A NI)
Mtuat" ii MmlNnii timn-liip Cnlumlna rnunty, mtjoin
iuj l.ttnh of rji'nrgi' D.'rr'i li irson tlio Ni rtli, Inn a of
Miili ill I il In mi.' tti th ' I'.iit. the li -ir of Andrew ihn
m:ilf r on tin Vet, mnl on tlu outhl) Kinds 0f IV Ur
W'nli, toiit.iinin2 nlmut
OXK lli:.M)KL) AM) SLVH.MY Allies,
whereon are erect 'd TWO 1.00 IIOUSIT, A 1,00 STA
ID, II, l.otl IIAItv mid nliont l.ii'hly Aires cleared laud
late the -nal I deceased, sitaute iu the tonnsliln
of Madison, and county aloreMii.l.
JAt'Oll t'.VIMIT.v. r'i,i.
C7-TtnMs or Sur. T."i p t cent, on tho purchase
money tobu paid by till puithastron day t f sale. One.
fourth t.l' th rr Ins.- (less th t-n per rent.) to bo paid
on t o.iliruiiitioii of sal I. Th balance of purrliase money
tub., paid In on, j, ar fr'im loiilirmatiiui. nith Interes .
D.ed to Iu mado ti Hu purthi er upon payment of tlio
imrrhasii men 'J una iuter.-st. Tile tn pay fur
hiD.'el. JDII.V HI'I II
F.b. If, 1 III 41.
DO YOU If.lXV Iflilihl US t
110 YOU It. WT.I'imi
do yuu nuxrjt .vusr.icitr.i
Hi IsirsEs.uss Cclcbi-atci!
For the Wlihkers and Hair.
IMir. suli.crlliers take pl,.,,trf In announcing to tho
1 I ill'-' iis of thu United Mates, tint they haio til.,
tamed th i Agency f. r, and ara now enabled to oiler to
the AniTlrau public, tin abutc Justly ccUbrnted and
woild-renovviit-d artlrlo
TlieStiiuiil.itiii;Oi,!u..iitis prepared by Dr. O Pllcll
Iniili im, an eiiiiium physicuu of l.ndoii, and Is nor
rant.'.I to l.rih3 out a Ihuk s' t of Whi.keis or a Mas
l,ich In Hire,, to V weeks. 'Ihl, urliile is tho
only oiwol the French, and iu I.oiu'ou
aud I nns it is in uiiiv us".
It Ha li -autitul. .'roiitiniial, southing, votHiiimlatinc
CD.iipoi.inl, a,ti,iBas ii l .u.ijic upon tlie roou. cans-liil!.ih-.ii. gronth I luxuriant hair II to
how-alp. it nil! , ire I,, I ,, ,,,, , ,"M1
In place ..r Hi s,,s a lino ucntli ol mil hair-
ippllul a.criln.s to directions, it will turn red or tony
luir d.irk. ana r, store rny hair tu lis original color,
leui ins il ...It SUO..H, ., ! H ., ,R. ...,..
an iiidispens.iM, arti, le in ev. ry I'eiitleuian'stoilrt, and
alter ono we, k uso Hi. y nooUnotl.r any considera.
tion Iu n ithoot it. '
Tho suli-i riliers ar the only Ajeut, fr the article in
tho i;mted Mate, to n bom all or. I, rs must lie addressed.
Irico Duo I). liar a In-f, rsal.-l.y all Dru?.t, and
I eal. rs i or a l.oy.t ,,. ..i)euenl" (warranted to hate ir. 1 1) ni I be cm to any ono w ho dc.lreit,
y" I''1";").. i curtly pa. ked.on receipt of price and
pustaje, Apply i r nddress
lioiiAui; i iii:orman&co.
01I100.S..5, c.
F.bruary S3, ,.CJ-r,m.2' mUuu Slr"'- "' y'k'
NE V S T 0 K E .
mtoi.ns.tu: jixu
HAT am a:p sifnynT?.
Theun.Ifrsl?nH leopirtfully Informs theritjzenR T
...juiS.'.i., . iw minriii, linn nn linn tut r.
r n.nillli,i TII' K4'J" S7VIHP I.. .1.- .. i - "l
liniMP, nu Main Htreit, nenrty niiurn the llxclianse
-" u tii.'iiiiia na-
Direct from the Mauuf.ictnries, of all kinds, Fiji's, sorts
n n.l si.-o, latest ins. ninth hooiftrs wholesale anil
r3 These Goods will bo sold at very low prices, for
nloonishur;, October 27, If CO.
(I'ORMr.lll.Y Till! MADISON HO Dsn.)
Second street, Itlwttn .Vatkft and Jrth, rfoladtlyhta
Illo Ilfitrltn now open fur inn i( sa.
Viflllird. I lll.lrf IHM'll It !!!lril fltul rcli.rilllin,l fi?
ihrajclioni, for ihi lieitrr ucivminotlation ol
i.nMmnrlert, n lurniltm i in ilii very eentree
Ausustl3, I8.1O.
Isl.Tiemmn imUMe.l tn lm n ii.Icr i c noil for rroiTei
M Htuiml ijrrieefi np t-i ht. IMO, nro reHii flful
ly riKjiK'Heil to call and kttllu either liynnte orntlu'rwUe
. J u. JlUTl-LIiuV. 1)
r.lnomnrntrg, Austin 11, l?f.s
Xo. 222 C.illiiu liill St., lii low Third,
' ..... jf.j.r.i.
Iron Itailins for 1'aiks, Ccuutcries, Vcram'as, Steps, ice.
Tays thorntiro cost for Tuition in tho most popular ami
suceesslul I no school in the counlrj. Upward
u J wills Hundred youns men fiom tweuty-einht dur
erent Mat1. been educated for business hers nith.
in tho past threo vcurs. sniui nf nhom haio been em.
plojtdii. Itook ICiencrs at sa aries of
S'-WIIO.OO por Annum,
Imiiiedlatclyupontraduatiiis.nhokiicw nolhlnn of ac
count, nhen they cnter.'.l tho Collcfe
""''reiien nhn th'ypl-ase.nithoutoitracliarire.
t, Calalnjue oftll pates, r-pcelnicn.of Prof Conlev's
llUsloe.son.l tlrlianieilt.ll I' n.,.1 n l... l'
nr.iiiut ofthat'ollese iiuloia twrnty-fivc cents lu Post
a;e Mampa to the l'i pals.
JUNKlNd Si SMITH, l'i.
Jan. S, I-f.l-
rVO FA11M lilts 80.1)00 ELS
v "; "if iy me isout .tiauuraiturinv
to., foral in lot tn tuit p jrrliaer. Thi U the
uiKrLMTHRTiu7ER iu .MaiUl JwortliHill tiiuiiurc
an urre orttiru ml inrrenie tho rrop from one thirJ lo
oue-iuiT fluiiuillripeii thu cr Iwo wt-eU eurld r ami
un ikoifuuiiu, lienor injure the fcc.1 nor I.uiil, A pain
phU t, uiiliati l.irtnry eliletif j nn.l full particular!,
willlitf Heiit grati tunny on Rt,'inlin ud,lr a to
- .AMiVmv
. I IkS Ml.1
JwW&At& sw
The un-lcrMirno.1 hutlnir nwt rmfpnr HUMPnRr,Tfl
SPKC1FI0 llOMa-OPATIilO KKMIMM In our ftmUlel
ultli the most aatUfiictory results, nnl hiving full cob(
ilpnco In llirlr pcnulnfnwi, purity, nn.l tincncy, cheerrully
rfo.inmernl them to fill perrm who wish to hnrf nnTf, re
linhV, nml efllciuloui reinetllci nt hutvl for prlvnte or do
TI? ilpr. V?m, Honner, editor or "The Morlhrrn
r'cn.lpnt,,, AnlMirn, N. V.j the hr. B. H. Cre.y, IU) ,
Itcrtor ?t, IVtcrS Clnmh, Auburn, N. Y. I the Iter. n. I.
Ue Chniilalit or the Auburn Ptnte TrMnnj the Rer.
Hnwiccr it. tlectir, N'ewllc Ifortl, Mas.; tua Rer.
Allen Storle, Scw-Vork Confi;rcfire I the Itev. ?iu
Nlchftti, CtinrerPnce, N. . VieJ, i
Pratt, l)met, Vt. the lt.'V. Jolm U Itble, llutTn o i A. 0.
Ilirt, IU , Uilen, N. V.I the lion. NrAl !Ji, rJi
Me. i tho I Inn. Bhuj t Ortirix, riotilh-Ucn.I, Iml. the Hon,
(Icnnre HumphrejB, N. V. t Hftiry l. fMl nt"r.r
The Ohio SUte Journnl.Coltimhu, Ohloj llie Hon. U. ll.
Omhain, MIIiip. 111.; tho lion. Thonia; J. Cha MonU
cello. Fin. 1 the lion. Jeph Infilict, ttlcft, N. t'. ; Wm.
tlrtitul, l'l . l-tlot, N. V. t A. S. !omIt , Ltlca, N. T.
Jamc I'lunkcti, I'd'i , Najtitlllf, Tenn.
uat or mxinc nnMKDira.
Ko 1. Tot Ywcr, Conpctlrtn, nnl Inflimmtillon.
No. 2. For UVfm K?cr( Worm Colic, Writing the Um.
N.. II. LVr Colic, Crj-lti, Teething, auJ Wakefulness of
tnPxuK . ,
No. 4. ror DWrrhei, Cholera Infantum, ana Summer
Complaint?. ,
No. 5. Vor Cnllc, nrtptn, Pvwnlery, or Hlooiy flux.
No. 0 Kor Cholera, Choldri Htorhin. Vomttlnp.
No. 7. For Cnuhi, CMs lolhienzn, ami Sore Tliroat.
Isrt q.Ffir Tnnth-iche, Fncc-neh, anil NenralRlv
No. 0. ror Headache, Vertigo, licit nnJ Fullness of Ihe
No.' 10. Dr!rrru ruts For MValt ami Dcrangel
Stomtoh, Cntut'pntlon, nnI Mver Comptiilnt.
No. 11. For FrMAU IimKQLLAWTiss, Scanty, Talnfal, or
8upprti'il rcrloils. . . .
No. 12. For I.eucorrliea, Trofiise Mensem, and DcnrlnB
Down nf IVmnlci,
No. 11 For Croup, IIoir8 Con, 'It, Th I l.reatMnp.
Ko. 14, Silt Riuuit I'ilij For F.rynlprUs, F.rupttons
rimnlei on the Face.
No. l.V UnkriTto TiU-t For P-ln, t.amcneM, or Sore
new In the Chest, Back, I.oln or Uni...
A. For IVvcr nnl Aruc, Cfilll Fercr, Dumb Ajue, OM
MIsmanuM ApiM.
l,For Ve Ulln.1 or Ilf.llnp, Tnternal or Ftternsl.
O For &irr, Wcik.or Iniliiinctl r.yv ami Kj-elMi; Full-
C For Catarrh, of lonpt itaDillnj cr recent, either win
Obstruction or profuse discharge.
W. C For Whooping Cough, nbatlng Its Tlolenco &n4
lliortcnlog Its course.
In all acute dlseane tnch as Terns, InCftromaUons,
Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatism, and such erup
tive diseases as Soarlet Fever, Measles, and Erysipelas, the
aJTautage of phlng tho proper remedies promptly Is ob
vious, ami In all such cases the specifics act like n charm.
The entire disease Is often arrested at once, nnd In all easel
the violence of tho attack U moderated, the disease short
ened, nnd rendered less dnngcroui.
Couchs and Colds, which aro ol such frequent occurrence,
andhlcli bo often liy the foundation of diseased lungs,
bronchitis and consumption, may all be at once cured by
the Fercr and Cough Pills.
In all ihronlc diseases, such as Dyspepsia, Vrak Ptomach,
Constipation, Liver CompUlnts. Piles, Fi-inale Debility, and
Irregularities, old Headaches, Sire ur Weak, Fyes, Caiarrh,
Salt Kheutu, and other old eruptions, the case has specifics
whose proper application nil! a iron t a cure In almost every
lohtanco, Often the cure of a single chronic difficulty, sur-h
as Dyspepsia, Piles or Citarrh, Headache or Female Weak
ness, has more than paid for ihs case ten limes over.
Cae of 0 vials complete. In morocco, and Boole 93
Case of SO vlnli, and Hook, plain 4
Case of 1R numbered boxes, and Hook 3
Case of 6 boxes, numbered, and Dook 1
Single numbered boxes, with directions ..SA cents.
Single lettered boxes, nith directions. 10 cents.
Large case of 2 oi. lals, for planters and j-hysIclaDS.,..lll5
Toh Asthma na riiTmstc. Oppressed, Difficult, Labored
Breathing, attended nith Cough and Expectoration. Price,
60 cents per box.
For lUnDiscutRRKaAifDDBirKEBi. Discharges from the
Kor, tho result of Scarlet Fctcr, Measles, or Mercurials.
For Noises In the Head, Hardness of Hearing, and Hinging
In the K.irs, and Ear-ache. Price, to cents per box.
Fon ScaorcLA. Fuhirged (llamli, Fnlarged and Indurat
ed Tonsils, Swellings aod Old Ulcers, Scrofulous Cachexy of
Children. Pi Ice, tM) cent per box.
Fon (imsRAL Iikmmr. Physical or Nervous Weakness.
Either the result of SIckne, Excesslv Medication, or Ex
hausting Discharges. Price, tO cents per bor.
For Daorsv. Hull Accumulations, Tumid Swellings, vtth
Scanty Secretion. PrK'e, f-0 cents per box.
Fon SEA-PiCKKtss Deathly Sickness, Vertigo, Nairsra,
Vomiting. Sickucsj from riling or motion. Price, 50 cents
per box.
Fon Ubisart Disrases For Gravil, Rennl Calculi. Diffi
cult. Painful Urination, DUcuscs of the.Kidnejs. Price, CO
cents per box,
Fon Sfmisal Fmi5Siiin3. Involuntary Discharges and
Consequent Piostratlon and Debility, Had Results of Evil
Habits. The most successful and e Ok lent remedy known,
and may be relied upon as a cure. Price, with full direc
tions, 1 1 per box.
Persons who wish to place themselves un-ler u-,e profn
sloml care, or to seek advice of Prof. Hcmpiirpts, can do
to, at his office Sti2 Droadn ay, dally from 8 A.M. to S P.M.
or by letter.
Look; over the llBt; make up ft case of what Mad yon
choose, and Inclose the amount In r current note or stamps
by mall to our addri'Si, at No. CCS Broadway, New.Vork,
and the medicine v. Ill bo duly returned by mall or express,
free of charge.
AGENTS WANTFD. We desire an active, efficient Agent
for the sale of our Remedies In every to n or community
In tho United States. Address Dr. F. HUMPHREYS ft Co.
No SC2DaoACWiT.NKvr.YoaK.
Sold by E, T. LUTZ.Aktut. ijumstuii- ..
Arnl 7, IrtlO.
J'os, 21 ij Houth Sixth stwet, near
the State It use,
rilll.ADCM'llIA, IMAVA.
IHV floors of tlifrf t-pccious liuildim, erntl rprrfsly
for the pruprn'tor'u trudi', uru siored with feeds and
implements f intercut tn farmer' nnd (j.irdeiicrs.
isiviy Vi vrs I.-trAbLiciu i, Thu Hiibtriltpr- desire tn
run, tin attention, 01 cu-ry 011.1 luterested in tanning
and pardeniuff to their Hull bileited ettick of Agricultu
ral Tooln.
Warranted OnrJtn and Ftoirer Srette flrast and Field
atriu. oj memont rclabie quiltty.
Tli 8 Ajjricn tural Iiupk'mentji nuld hy iii aro mostly
inmi'if.ictured nt our tivam works, llrintnl p.i.
Having iltted up our cstahhuhiuuit vtillmut recant to
expense, wiilnlio mo-t (omplfto luarlnenery for Hip
ni nuif.icttiro of v.irioim kinds nfiisnculturnl intph meuts
sc are now prepared to supply all nrtulea in this line
fully cuml, it not Biiperior, to ain thin- of the kind ever
brluro L'tlVred tu th public
I.iiudretiri w.irraiiltd (Jirden Reedi liavo hern tefnre
the public fur upward of sixty yenrs; their widn spread
popularity, uud Um iiirreamun ilcmand from j ear Myenr,
aru tha bit cuijencta cf tli.'ir superiority over all
Country incrcliann can bo piippliod with seeds In pa
per, or in hulk, on tin ino-t liberal tyyus.
F.loouiMlnlo, near DrUtol, p,i., uur eardea nerd eronnds,
cniitiina threo lninilred nnd erventy acres, and is thy
large! eetablishiiieut of it kind 111 die world.
.VOJ. ?1 & 21 Southbirlh. ttrett. Vhtn,lri,h,,
ttT" I.andretU's Rural llesihttfrnnd Almanac lor 181,1).
coutaliiins n rami, (iurdeu and Green House Calandar
luruvL-rj iiminii in nit uir, can bo luilrrarirf.upoii pel
tonal or ptwt paid application,
January ai, letiu y.
uiiuitn i.iyi: ixsuiutxcr., jxxuirr jxd
mniL, ati.4USrnt-i.TSti stkllt,
CAPITAL (paid tip.) $100 000.
Chart re Prruriual
J tlie most rensoual.If terms.
Tlio licin j imM up ami invrstcil, tocctlicr illi
a Inriiu and increasing rcsiTU'd fun.l, ollirs
11 in-rf.'it si'curit) In lliu Insured" .
I'lm prumluiuiu must Lu ..iid yearly half yearly or
1 Ii.' L' add b 1I0NITS rioriodically tn tlio insu
rances 1. lilo. Th I'lllsi' liovua ai.i.roi.rial. d in"'",
cemli.'r. l;ll. tlio rilX'OVl) IIO.NUS lu l)rriu.l,i'r. r-40
.v.'.J. ", 'uxl '." '""Veinlicr, lt5l,andtli.) I'OUlm
HUM'S In Iliceinlier, i-5y.
r llii'se a.l.lnnms aro ina.lo niiliout ri"miriii nnv
iurri-uK In IIih premliiiiis tu l paid 1.1 tlio fiiiry '
llio rulluunig aro u lnv ciaiuiilcs Irom tin, u,
Amount nf lWirv n...l
Uuiiiis to be Inrreasod
No. CD
" i:u
" Hi',
" 3.IJ
" fcc.
i.y luiure additions,
SJ,7 ill
4,(1.1(1 (H)
0.I-73 UU
f"n'1 ,f .fl'l'"'10"- furll'r Inforuiatio'i can be
, uiiil'-.L-l.. cnilluu lllff laDlOS rtl rnln. nn.l a.. ...
J,o. r. JEs. .Ta'?;.'-'3 n,1,CVAV. Preside,.
niii I ,1U,u',",f 'l wculd inform tho c l.7tn. of
' !b"iriidiiciiiiiy. that ho Ire
sMifl eiicd anil ol ir. i..r .m.. r,.... nr h. ,.."!"" "
CV ossnrtmnnl. nvins ... , iW ' y
. u.M.riu.enis 01 1 (KIKIvr:
liitroduceil int., n, ,a,ket. The'ciin.toi.iie, !'
I ii '.. 1 nnniianu diobcarc aiunnn t tie iir.t els..
00k ,, B Hioves.oll of which are alr-lislit and ,o, br
,i...i 1. ,. .. . ' . ""'I"''"u' " 1110 C'lorlnieiit tno
'.''):. Al.-( -raniciilnr altcnllon is Dald to T... .5
il-r" tuiinlry proJuco taken iu uclianto f.?r no'k
l'HII.ll' S Mill'-. T.
ii ooiusburp, Oct. 3, Hco,
rriir. lamest, best
inent of Hole Leather solid
Hlvctc.1 Trnvillni Trunks,
Mlft llaaart ,y Trunk
ler. Leoiiisr aud Carpet ll ijs 'kmttA
l'ackinj Trunin tc. tc ii VfttSii
, , IIIW'i-io U .HATrPOH'S.
. ""'"'S" "n Prijo Medal Improved sheet snnn.
.oil. sold Uather Trunk manufactory. No. 402 .Market
fhl.'-S?'i."'?,,t 'J?'"" l'i-nl U. PSIUa't,
uni q jrittf.
riim llonus or
llt.ure.l ndditinii
$i'.lKI $Jf J 5U
:iih', 1U.-.H on
low ion ihi
MIO liI5 (JU
ic, &C.
fMi rTnr.cin mt1 TUcT.
nY nonEUT jenninos, t. s.
Professor of Pathwgu anUfpcmttve wr
gery in the Vttmnarij College of Fhil-
WILL TLll rotOf the ot Iplon.lilrtcry nnl distinctive
irons oi utti tnnous crocus oi Aura
renn, A i In tie, Afliiran nnd Amerfcau
HorseSf witli tlio physical lurinalion
nnd the pccuilorltl'S of tho animal,
and how to ns certain hUnpeby th
tiutnbor And mndition of his teeth 1
Illustrated with numerous cxblaiutw
ly engravings.
The llnrtc awf his Diseases
WILL TELL rorOfllrocding, llrcnklng, stahlin? fteJ
ing, grouuung, tnoeing, nnu inc gen
cral nianngt ment of the liorso, nlUi
tho host in o ties nf mhninlMering mod
cine, nlsu, lion- to treat biting, kick
Inir, run ring, shHg, stumutiiigt srilf
I Itluir. Kt'stlos tii'is, and oilier vl(
tn ulilitii ho Is subject Mill nutatf
out explanatory cngrrvingi,
The Horse ttid nis Diseases
Kilt 1KEL YOUOtthn cnusc. pmptonn. nnd Trat
mem i pur.ingics. horo Throat, nit
tempf-r. t'atnrrli. Iriniieni.!, Iironrhil
tKPnoumniii't, I Kuriy,ltroken Wind
Chronic nugh, Roaring and Whlstlln
I.niiipns.Hortf Mouth ami Ulcers, and
JrctiyJiI Tetth, with other disfnsss if
tho Mouth and Keipirotory Orgsns.
Hie Hone aud his Dscasi$
triLL TLL YOU ttfthcenuscs symptntnn, and Tri
m.MiU'i n nrnis, note, uoiic, rtrango
Intion, Stony rmicr tloni, Ruptures,
FaNy, oiarrlitpa, Jaunrflcc, Hcpatlf
rhffi ii I riiif.ytones In the Kid
neysand I'.ia Id r, liiflarnatlon, and
otlcr tiU nvt-sofilie Stomach, Bow
els, Liver an l Urinary Organs.
The Hone u his ' vases
irtLL TELL YOY Of thrau cs. )mptnrns. an1 treat
uisnt of I'nno, Ibooil and Itog, Hpavln,
King Wine, tvccnic, Strain-, I roken
Ktiens, iMn.l Calls, rounder, Bnl
Hrul and (J ravel, Cranked Ifnrffc,
Pcratclics. Canker. Thrush, and f vm
also, of McKriin. Vertigo. Cn) epiyt
StapEers, nnd other diseases of tk fe
, Legs and Head.
The florae mut his Diseases
WILL TELL YOU Of theeatHcs, symptoms, and Treat
menu! n tula, Poll V.t Glanders,
Farry. 8carl.-t Kever, anjjo, Surfaft
I.o keJ in. Rh ni.ntlsm. Cramp,
Gilts DI'T srfth3F)onnd Hrirt,
fccA,c.,n.t i w tn innnag CflMra
tlou, It ft Trphinning, Rowe
linp; Tiriiu. U-.rnia, Ainputatlon.trap
pinjt, and ntlK'r surfica) epilations.
7e llir&r tt"' ht.s lit c"$'S
WILL TY.LL YOVOt Rarey'n Method rf tamin? Morses
lion-to approach lla'ter, dr Slahlt a
Colt, hiw to nc iistoni a Info to
rlrnngr eoumN and iphts, and how
to 'It. Pad I Kl.tii. nnd ITeak him to
Harries; also the form and law of
U'ABru?.Tv. The wiu-le being the re
suit of luor.' th:m Ufa-en yeara' carsful
study ofthe hnlutfl. peculiarities, w bdi
and ucikucis uf this nolle and usuful
Tli book contains a-4piijei. npproplntely tllustrateU
by nearly One Hundred Kiilt it itus Ills printed in a
clear and niion typc.nnd uillh.'fiirnlshed to any address
pnt!iEepai.l. on reicipl of price, In It hound , 91,00, oru
rmiii, enn, 31.-.J,
51000 A EAR
inc nifn ev
'rywh'r. in sellinijthii abote and other popular Morku
nfnurri. Our itiduccni-'nta to all auih are exect Uoly,
For fincp Mpm of the Hook, or for terms to areata
withotlicr iiif'irumioii. npply to or address
J.IIN K. POTT It. Publl her.
Xo. ''I7mvMiMrjet, Philadelphia, P.
?fov 17. r-10 -tiin.
r.'Jr&STKD MAllCitQ, k-53.
riUCE ib EACH.
UIJSrfKS, ZrPPl.NtiUK A. HUJUI.S,f Hloomsbonr,
huiiu; p ,r h iiu tlu i l4u. ritl)t cr the abor
vnluafile IiMpRovm ' B.t t' ititu e'i.wisu, fuf
tli enmity ot Columbii, y til u- hippy to txippty thoir
fruiKls with ItiMiiti It firlh- ui.tiuiiimdatioii nf thmn.
selves au I fauiilies. Tli f.dl ux aru nonie of the an.
purmr udvanti'.'s thu nupUiuoni podaL'ttuui oter aay
vir yet ntrr d ti tlu- pubii . Viz.
1. It -w Irmii 4)0 to u)u tiulis por iriinnte, thaj
Mtim: bath ti,ii mi I l.ibor in tlie opcr'tinn.
'J. Itn ' cn tt rtl1 1 1 is fl'i aii siiiiplf, with aay
lituif Ii ,i fair K it Is ea-iy ( I'pt m ordtr and will
iiu1 in ire H.ititia linn.
3. Oil" uf thi' hi v..I'.ai.l f !.t ,r of this Marbliip.
IS lllU ,tiiJ til " t 1
4. Ii-tabl.-llirva. i :ir m .
an , ary unti.ui y m i, . . ,
easier tliri'a ia tli .tt i.
'. It aa it utt i 'i ii,, i . ,
cr.itnu "ru i aa .4 , o
('. It pr 'ally i o man , m i ir a
a no nn, e.ulu R-iiily sir uu t.ti . ny
d fetinuil, u pt iltlkatt u. . ot k w 1 1
7. Xo Inman Inn i h -atui.k i
resular una yt- .uui. .
ut au'i hauiflto.
' clttoman
i :ti Mui hint: 1a
i4i in r-p
11 ' i uiuutn.
. y i proJutf
r ' f r .thi'h it in
ot.i i m Tiinf Ma
.jioi mn s:am so
H. Anions tlu array ui 1' 'i ' -wrig ia hint's, thtp
an iiuiu' ou h'-iipnii, -ur t. as it MMttu' FrTT.lut
no Mailiiii'liJiJapf.Uaail Inas uf work as uipiiricare
lias profii.
il. The np'-ratirraii hnpo hisaeaui, just an ht pla-e,
waves, leaves and fluwers, itc.rnn bu nprcsvntcd ir
iuiitatfil. r
10. It is partirularly ndapted tu all kinds nf stltc hin?
-audi m fffiitlfim"!' fcliiits, bdfeoius, ristbandn, collar n,
ctc.-niid nil kimls of Ladies' st-winir, iuriudinjr siUa.
law ns, dt'latu'-s, caln of. Ax., cn pting fur wn's hsay
wcar. tlua .Maihinu m Mlhur ton lilit ff coniitri.ctio.
11. Hiit nil iltc furi-Koin-f advantages, thouuh real hi
tiiemschurf, iiuid- int. inniitiiificancB, when Crtropsrf4
with th.i preafrvutiou uf h. alth, bi-inj a ait ins ofbU
aur uml uysicht, nnJ lintith'i operator without stooir.
iiK. au'l is vnabldd to peif.ri.i his work, oceuprio&atu.
tural pKHiiinu, "
ri.T.,r 11,11 1, "12. uniI(!"3n'l. at their r-sperrtM
' "! lllo"","l':ifS. "bo will put the raarhm la
nj.eration and 6iTv all mce(.tar IiistVurtion.
Iiloo,sbu,5,.May,3, ,M, UAME, KOaUl
PASCHALl. mokris,
PI1ILA''L r-i
A . Ml Oil SH.
roin tli! non h-r-a.- - n r r.t soventh n,i m.a.
circuito His U,V ai'A.Mi. N. llM MAKKKT ST
OPrO-.m T1U. PAitMEftS' MAPlrei.
Ofr.Tsforsnlc.ashcrelofurj, atria.onatljr i- ,..,
iii'scriiiinii ol - -----7
liunrotcd and I'ortirultural
Warranted r,c.linu.l i..lii.lnn,ld n? J "
erri-eds, In treat .,i,,y A,r, 'k',',. , ' tIUJ.n
irnuii nt tliiano. and uh, r rclubl, iVrtillJI?, fcl r,TT.
and Ur.iiu l.ri.tis.l'ruit and Drnaineni ,t!, ,S ' "t
ucrylinico i:! . ,,, , ,u ,?V.ahlia,T ic "n'1 S1'"U"
p lie solicits a cnntiiiiiancu ..I fi rmer cu.ion.
Asricultural and S-ed Var..We?N0'K0)R5?:
Street opposite the l'aruur.' Mark it U,"rt
January 1 1, 1S01.
7. il. v n r , 'SlBLOOMSBVIta.
M- v UAItlU A(i r. Si
W.lRdV Mimn .... f
... ....... u uu-y
II orders and ha, I I hVn.i .?'.' l"cI",r"l ' cinculo
f nnislied ork I . '"''"c" ""ortmmt
U'.n n a , . Kt l'-IIHIXO.
loomsbure, April WmilloBTOaSft
Good Sltoeinre anil (lfnp Smilhlng.
hat 1, Jim ciiiitului". tho " '""X ,he rubllo in g..W
ti M I , (( lillvrvpqq
.cale, and .llHI&VXKuS:A, " w",woi
mooanbUTg. Jim. 5, lj. Tl.rnBK KKOXll,
FREn'K" 1unnrxT tti
it , j .1 IV,,
"CO.V.Vi.'AT.Ji irawrii
JViulli iinti hrMiiul streets,
orrosm tu. "oiiiskd nors,
D- .MEMUix. flir.wil. .ivi"i'?hlmL
ciiMtuai&lwfi,' -
mi i.MiLi.u IU,R iiKi.nL,- """ sinm.
i,.bu l'i'". Tlisln'Vrn ' 'aa ,0
- B.'!;."1.
Hill BrrsM. .. ..T., cn.-sp cein 1MM