Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 23, 1861, Image 3

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Coral nnb Special,
John G. Freeze,
eay To-morrow h 1'alra Sunday, so
called becaue, on that day bought of palm
rrpn lund lobe carried in nrocession.ill iliv
italion of tlioio strewn by the .Tews In tho
way of Christ when ho went up to Joru-
B!llcmi .
Gen. Henry Leo died Match 20, 1813
Tho Indian chief Same-set vi-it3 thupil-
gilun, March 20, 1021.
Vera Cruz, Mexico, taken, March 27,
IP 17.
Charles Wesley died 29 March 178S.
Good Friday
Tho allies entered Paris 30 March 1811.
83- With tears of indignation and sor
row, we may manage to acquiesce in the
abandonment of Fort Sumtor.
' Groelcy'u Tribune Wch 111, 1S01.
, 10;
JSfiyOn Tuesday evening last, there
was a very beautiful and well defined ring
' around tho moon. Did it or not bttokeu a
'? norm ! Wo had quite a snow on Thurs
j day morning, following.
tgl Mr. E. 15. Snyder, of Phelpsvillc,
has placed tho Democratic Association
under gloat obligations by placing upon
tha table of their reading room several
Lite London and Paris papers, among
them Lloyd's, Telegraph, and Galignani's
r5" At the Sale of Esquire Painter's
effects onSaturd.ty last,omeraro old books,
newspapers and other document) wont oil
at bargains. Our legal brother Wirt, be
came the furtunatu possessor of several
volumes of Ha:nrJ's UrgisUr; a work as
hard to get, is it i j valu ible and interest
ing w hen procured. Lucky fellow.
KSS Dy the passage of the bills organ
ising the Territories of Dakota, Colorado,
and Nevada, tho President will be called
upon to appoint three Governors, thros
secretaries, nine judge?, three di triet at
torueys,tlireo United States ilarabal.thrcc
registers, and thrco receivers, and tlirce
surveyors general. Additional laud dis
tricts were also created in Oregon and
Wathington Territory, by the latt Con
gress, which will req'iiro two new registers
and two new receivers of the public lands.
Pitch in bnys and help youTji-lic;.
ur fiiend Jerry, of the Danville
Intelligencer, "calk particuhr attention tc
the following provi-iom, lvga'ating th j re
turns of Il.ections o! Ju iicc of tho Peact.
and Alderman.
Uy tho act of Assembly, approved June
21, 16.IU it is provided :
Section 2 Tha1 tho oCicer3 and o'h
tr persons, holding and conducting snch
election! for aldciinan and Jin ice uf the
Peace, shall be handed by the con.-table to
tho Prothonotary of the proper county, to
be filed in his ofiices."
The coiistablo is likely to have a nice
lime catching and handing the election of
Cccrs of Montour County to the Prothono
tary ; and wo certainly wi-li Mr. IJutlnr
much succou in filing them away in his
ijjeon holes.
Sf Iloraco Greeley abuses ITenry J
rtaymond of Tbii N, I'. Twin, for pub
iishing in hi3 paper the followiug
licn :
"When tin Iloider ?tulr-, wuh pat.iot
io moderation, have withdrawn all other
renditions of their abiding locality to the
Union save abstinence from coercion, fluid
tiC atirii'itr them Jonver by litis Kvtnn
nnd ciimitwl Jim sail of an impiaclvaUr
point n honor, the offspring of bicliuual ur
pirtism prine I"
But is highly delighted with tho annex
ed remark, which it is alleged, Kaymoud
nlterod hi a speech before a republican
s'ab, a few dayj previously ; to wit th:,t
lie would "see South Carolina sunk a
'jthoiaaii'l fathoms deen lejorc giving up
"Fort Sumter."
Greeley is for c'ml war. Will Mr. Lin
coln gratify Greeley at the vast expense of
tho wholo country 1
txit- If ii be the policy of tho Adminis-
irauon io use inu war power io eo.ieci, iuo ,
revenue, blookado the ports and recapture , rapidly and acccpti'd p.sib!o iiltimate re-
Ihc forti and execute the lawa in the sco-, sulU as immediate cfl'cets. The Slave
ding Stales, why not say so I Ilo (Doug- i?t;t'?s which lie most remote from the
Jm) had taken hi poshion as a Union man ' Vre": "iwtl.Wnljr.'Uecrt.ftt.lj
1 seeoded, and established a Coui, .ciuey.
and friend of ptace; and if ho had given
a wrong interpretation to tlio Inaugural,, r irx.-r-whync:ictcIsllavothePi'c3ideBf3answcr?
Z?Tt I'f A.T' 'P'l .
Why were tho Jtcpubliean, tlm, wmt-1 ,K "' A' ITIuclpal.
ticl If he did not give a correct intorpro. T'ft.SVmi! lHmm SKSIUN' or TIIW
latiou of tho Iiiauural no Suuator had WEDNESDAY THE 10 OF APRIL
ventured to deny hn interpretation.'
rr 111 i, t
Jle ventureu to say tii&t no one was
ii i ... v.. i- .,
luiirjrucu io cuuirauicii nun au t neto
points. Why did tho Iiepublicans re
main silent! llusineis is partially buj.
pjndcd i commerca destroyed j bankrupt
cy blaring ua in tho face. One word from
tLo White liouso would eavo many from
ruin. Ons word from the Whito liouso
would r-lnndden every pait of tho land.
it that word bo FpoU. n, and let that
vird bo ''peace,'' and there will h euch a
ilout of joy rebounding ihr .u;!h itiis conn
try us has not bc-n hi ard since the Declar
ation of Independence,
Loughs in the Senat; March 1601
John Milton.
Tho Iionorcil namo of a groat and good
wan. Ho Was a Democrat of tlio first wa
ter, a statesman, a controversialist, and a
poet. It ii curious to observe how differ.
cutty lio was circumstanced at different
periods of his life. It U related of Men
delation tlic Second, that when ho was n
yt'uag man, ho was known as tho son of
tho great Mcndclshou j but when ho camo
to lo obi, ho was known as tho Juthcr of
tho groat MendnWion. So Milton, when
young, although he had written some small
l'001113 01 groat merit, yet had compara-
lively no reputation a3 a poet. Ho was
known as a scholar, and when tho trouble
Mngland broho out, his pen was among
lllu keenest in defeuso of popular rights
anJ liberties. His argument in favor of
.the ''litaity of the press" is unanswerable.
His ''defence of tho people of Kngland"
absolutely exhausts tho subject his "tracts
on divorco'' are ably and forcibly written,
and leave but little to bo said on that sidu,
His "Christian Doctiine" i3 a learned and
lucid statement of his views J and his ar
gumtnts in f.n or of sonic of his positions
are tho .'tore house from which many yet
or iW conclusion?.
His pro.o works make five, handsome
volumes, and thoy were tho most renowned
for ability and eloquence, of their day;
and yet how completely, until within com
paratively a few jcar.', have they been bu
ried from tho world. Defender of tho
people of Kngland from tho execution of
Charles I. Latin Secretary to Cromwell
and the Parliament- Democrat in religion
and politic-, ho becamo tho hunted vic
tim of tho royalists when Charles II. came
to tho throns. His letters, his English
hi-tory, hij controvcrsiil and political
works, were hidden from the eyes of men ;
and in tho retirement into which ho was
forced, blind, somewhat neglected, and bu
ried from tho world, lie composed that no
ble poem, by which posterity at last will
know him best "Paradise Lost.''
Immersed in tho absorbing Im'tuess of
the remodeling of the government of Ping
land, ho was (.carcely known to hU con
temporaries as a poet or a rhymer ; but
as tho stern and uncompromising friend
of liberty of conscience, of s-pcech and of
iction. To us, on the o:hcr hand, those
exciting fubjocts having pascd away, 5 il
tonis the personification ofllP.irdisfl Lost,"
of "Lyeidas," tha finest pocnuu the lan
guage, of '-The Musk of Conui",'' Samson
Agouistes, L 'allegro, II Peiiicrosi, &c,
iVe. And few know and fewer think of
him as the friei.d of Comwcll, the con
temporary of Hampden, tho born Domo
erat, of whoio ability Parliament enter
tained so high an opinion as to select and
direct h'm to rcnlv Salmsfius. (horlnfendnr
li".. i i -. Tr i ..
ji luauy. 'Jut so li IS. HOW UOCK lllO
..r..,fl, ,ltfl-, l. , . .l 1 1
youtli (Jiflor ,rom th" mature manhood.
,,' tl,n 1.!. t.l
"-. i.-....,. i'-uuu iiviii ins ciiicwu utu
n .
. lie lie!, Clll.ion Ot IUS 1'oems IS pub- i H.I.'rnin.xVVunonand ltl,U ,.. pr,
lished by Cmby, Kiehoh, Lee ,c Co., in'yrn.,,,i,,i w,
ns l llftnn (.Irrnt V. 1liff
editions from C'-',00 lo 75 cents. That by
Sir Fgerton Bridge being tho best, in
styles from
ifi0 to 0,01), .5,00 alld ' r KTTII-!!. nt.nmrritnryn.i Hi.. r-tatonrlVrKn Mow
1 1J pR. .itunf l.uciut touiitiiili. in fo:iiml.i , ruimn.
fJAr lr 14 rufiiah,,,,. tn hni, flriAl.iT.
. ,., , - '
me- inin. oi .uarcn in, make 1110 joi.
, . ...
i' wing aaiiiHsions Urci ley who rtm more
than :i,l iitlicr men to dro. ive
tho public,
and briii" abiut the niv r-nt st ite cf iliir.iri
p., , ", ... ,, , .,
1.1 IVfly WHO protCStOU you COIl.U not kiek
, . p. T; . n , , ,
Dunn inn ui nn union, mm lliai tUO
, -,.,CT- 1 ,11,-, .it
OleCtlOnOl J.mCOlll WOUlCl bo like Oil thrWll
,,, ii i . , tt t- ,
upon I lie troubled waters: TIo.u him 1
,!. . I
lO.ut-S'-. i
i'ul'oro last November threats of ciisun-1
ion were comuion enouih, but i.o one tup-,
IK'-eil th v WOlu mi till ii ' imi, . I linn ..i .-
I in 'i.ntimr l.!..!-i f I 1 . , (V.,,.
t'o.'-emig Hulks. JiuIl.1, so frequently
liatl these threats boi n made bt-forj. that
, 1 .,,, ., i
..- v.... ...... ....j iuujuii m .i-i;. in, mum .is
l""'ir"""''" '" j.iiiiuiii.l.(.iy.iii.Jii;pi'riiiln.iilitcilmiiiakop.i),iiii
uccordiusly rteiivuil cither with indiffer- luri.nmii.
ence, or with miithful remarks; and tlio' mmxV. v.l;i' H,''"u"
general cpiuion seemed to bo that tho South j rvim"" M '"r
eouiu not oe loreect out ol tlio Unjon. Jt
iSimu "j imiso nno rarcn 10 argue i
at all about it, that the very exUtoiico of
a aver v dcnentlnrl unnn (tin ITnim, tlmt.
Ul.... cii. l.i.l. ...... ,.
Ciii'iiod ilov.u to it-, bortierii that slave in
surrections would occur as Boon as tho
hcavy haiul of tho Federal Uovcnimcnt
wis withdrawn from tho institution ; anil
that the dread of John Urown raids would
alono prove fuiiicient to keep thu .Slave
Statss iu tho Union. Il would. teem now
V- , &'Ka ,S"oranco jrevuiicii at tlie
Stt.. .,, wfl rprl:nnpil inn
Ttl.l biiililiua i. at prt-.f nt uiiilerciiiiis o llinra- renn
V.1IIQ.I . t Will l ! tUl UlL'tl I III llllW III NI 11 11 K Til"
n tirgaiiiij piiu.i.,ii.ijctct)tiiiii! tt.i.i-i Unit ran
coiilrih'Jt totli.M'uiiifurt nnil tiiiifiii''iicccif llnisiuilciil.
vnium , It ,lll In ,,uii.!ud ali nuw rum mire : Tim
'I'llc t niir. i liiitrni tluti i'l l.. lliiiru.i'fli. :i. In-r. in.
fnri', nml llios. d, .iniims tu iittlmn.i lie. tolcuili will
reci it pi-ci il uttciitiuii. 'J'liu scliiml it.clf I. conduct
t',1 nrror Imjlo tin- imit appiuvcil j,,,,,!,-!
AU tli-.tuiiij. cf our IScuiiiiarit 8 are ciiihuccJ in to
cont.e of siujy.
Prinuuy rtcpnrtmriit. Sl.on
llmlur lieii.rlnu lit, Uli
Noi'Aiiiiiliart-oi, mulofor tlia study cf Ancient or
.; ... h "ir 1 1 nit r ..ilmproriiredat SLMor i !. p'r tfcclc.
Il.".un.iii.r. Miiri 1, 7, li-lil - tf.
a n kj: n woo D he m i x au y.
inn fl'lltt; 'I'Uini ,,i ,., in.i.ituuii mil trm
' tl Che
Liihlh t Apitt and continue ten Wicks,
liKARPIVG Tl ITMSSr Tnr t,ll t rr ic'lIIV JJI.00
tr 'ittZ tell . rtlil liiinriic.-ini nt. .1.., iinori
nf uli.rii ilui ... uili-oiub' civ.n
tor catalogue, or fuiilur panicul.ii. tnlilte.i
., r. . r. .. WM' U' KULS3, I'llncipsl
Hlllvill Col Co. .MatrliB. 1,1-3t
rjvrim P K Fj B H Y T E 11 1 A N,
is l'um.tsnED r.vEnY sAiurtnAY at
j'o. 000 Chestnut Street, nUvc Sixth,
Pliitatl-lphia, and lio. 0U0 Broatluay,
Acta In;, hi
Tito Dollarl aid fifty Gruff pc-r miii'iin. If nll In ml
vr,nri, or llirf' Hollar., pajnlilo in tx month.. Al.b
etal ill., mint lo Amnn nhn ,.,) Inii.tiKi ri'tionllilo,
1 o r.lcrt'j min Tiro Dvllan a car til.e.i iinhl .trlctly
In n.lvnnci'. '
" "ulwrliitlon rccoircil for n lc Irrm than mm
yrnr. All Kiili.frili'Ti v tin ilo nf.t plve rNim-fii notlro
tiillni enntrnrj-, lll lif coii.lilori'il as mIMiIiiii ti, tu.
tlmip tlirr Miliprrli'llnn, Hint, tlulr pnjicr llt tie
lit to lliom ii cci.r.l nrl '. Nipniir illirnntlnni-il mi
III nil nrrnirafi s mil i lr. it lit 111,- m.timi uf Hie
IwtH if .MnrtUIng -Tnr 13 lln-i, llrjt limi'tlicn,
miy; i mil u-pitltliintifiln..Virclile. rnrrilhing
nr If fr. I'rft tim rtjnli. 7.1 ri litu! null ii'fti'lon nr i.t
.ill ri'litn. I'liyi'icnH fm ailtirtini'iii' litf In lio Innilu in
rnnMS to ci.uns.
'ire coplof In fine iiililrt'tf, for uneyt-nr gin (HI
'rt rniii,. In uni' n.iirLKv, Inr jmr 4J0 I.U
Willi nn iMliiltioiinl i i.,y tu llni Jitrfun
u ! In ly net 119 uiti'iit,
6lrrii ciipl.' In nil,. n.ltlri'iiR, for ine J'cnr $2li 00
With Hit nililitlnnul ropy tntlii- iici-lit.
Tfrtiln-Jtre r jil in nn inlilri-HK, l.-r ii'ltf yonr $15 00
Willi nn ") tiilli.1 nvi'i.t
"i liL' ,Meui.y niiit iil 8 b-f f-iit In ml, nlKr.
Wln-n 11, niiiMiinl Ik I irlii-.n ilrnlt flnmiil bu
Pi8bi1j1l. AuMn. tilmi; pnel ni-iil
11,1. r. .MAlll lllV k en.
N'u (rfiG clit.B-.niil Klri'tt, riillniK-liihin.
March ", 1-i.t.
?!. iiSetLSWAiV ESHOWA'si
No.2", N'itIIi F-rnll 1 cltri-f t, Opiioii ('!irlt Clntrih,
I'll SLA blU.l'lilA.
It Cnnst.tiitlyrin InnJ, n tnrue ni.nrtmpnt of Tod.
"Intlri-iHi'i,, I'nlll ,.iil'i. t'li-iilniiH. Hair. Iln.k. i',.ii
mill nil nrliil 1 1 n llni llni- nt tin-'m
n. a i-urncuiar ttuenitvn pata to reritutin XttmnJ
Ctil tinllirrn
Mimh'..', lilil l.'in.
IE S( ago IT Ala a
tak jiintirttirr in inforttiltir i u tint I lme rciu'eti
iut tui't Mrt,( t, to tltat UtilM mid
pa iutit tttru
An, l!0 Mirth b'rcoinl Sfrctt, Aivh
I (i.i-it Hi,- Mount Vinitn llfH. I. hr I will riirryon
llu' rtutioii mid J(tl(iin3 liufiiiuti-i
Of tilt kiutlfi. Pipfif, Hfpnr Tub-n, Tol.irc& Simfi ilnt.
I-, TatiPs, Che-fincn, lniiiiiiioi-s. l.ncktaiinitoti lloinl
ntiil I atif CuihU in nil tun ti"n. fii alMrziT ccnli- ili.m
li.rttuitr'. AUti Hi pimuinrtiire ur l'I.A(JH utnt I'n
tun' l.!t,itnt li'ufkti.
vl' 'iiitif. mtl't.icli'in tn atl w ho mav Tanr me with
tiiur i rJori.
Ko. K0 Xortli Second Street.
M;tMi2, lofil-lm.
iiiiM ma
.v !rtno of a writ of Art, Vend Erp.
J tn in- nlr 'Ii' I, i-iu-il nut uf Ihfl'mirlnrrn m
1 of th" L'.miily (i'OiiIi,iiisi.i, I'unii.ylvniiln illl,
I I,u."il to pnli'ii. , il .it th.. I'.nlrl II..IU in 'l I. uiu.
I It. mi S.M'l nil VY. Till: 23il IIP MAItl'll. lit t
I""" ' 'k in I It- lift, rliiion tlio MlutwiiB Uciulii J
All certain Tract of Land tituate
ill Hill.irlnnf toun-liip. ("i.liiinl,, 1 rnunt). t,n-liik. u,
follow s. to if llrzlniiiii; nt n pn-t III llni. uf Innl uf
Jiilm.itli.,1, c. V: niiiimion, jnd ,.,rmr c,f I.uhI n (;.,,
.Mi...- -. llii'iirt- nn rnit.l ortli I'luliti'd, iiml u Imlf ,...
trpi-8 VitI. ihii t -m t- p. r. Ill nn I ei't ntliiton piibt,
til -nn' Iiv luii'l of IJiorm- .llnnri.iiiiil , lirKtlmi I,- Mo' r
rt mill t-mlilj four iin'l tlir. i -pi.utrr 'li:r. ,8, Wi -tlorly
linn- jnitloiKj ti-nlli p. nlu'ittoii pii-l, Hi c l.unl-, r
t'llriti-in I.. .Mni.n-, si nth nwl,i. an. I a half ,1. gri'i.".'
l;,i-t nun ty-liir,'.' pi-ril, i nn.t : t -1 - 1 1-s In n pusl,
lliini-nliy ,.,mlf l,p Shnll?. anil J ('. l'minilif Ion,
ortli i ilit i .nr nnil llir'','-iuarlcr i..-;tl'ih lai-t till,.
Iillli' anil tun linlh rii'MlK'n tulilo nlnn m 1 i-i
ronlniniiiS 'illiny Oil" Acri'H mid 'h,mi, nRlt . r. i
rh i Ftrn t nii'.iMiro, lirnrlv nil "fuliiili iinprovnli
I.1111I. Wli Tron iir.'i ri'itt'il n imp ami nhall einry I'iitnk '
livvi llinit Hun,., n 1 r.iln.j Hunk llnrn, n Iraun- Wiil-oii 1
fluil. Hull l.'ouic anil dli ro'it bailJinsra mtl, tU 1
lipplllt-'niiiMiN. l.i'.-iniii tx-cutiun, nnJto Lc Bo!-ab tl.o prop 1
t rty uf Juilli 1'. Laul, icli. 1
auo: ;
At the same time and place, by virtue
n urit of Vi.,1. yip tn nn' illritii'i', a'l Hint ,i rtain I
lot m I'Mitt, -.fill "it i in J bdii , , Uil, ,n tn c'i lllr ' , li'
tn urhip. Cnl ,.,,1,, , run,j-, ,, i ?;. j- , .t ,
, l-.H I HH .1IK1.I. 11. Iinil.'tl ,li III', I till, ll J8 llllluVVri I'l Nit
! on tic Xort'i i.y i..t. r vMiiiam icn.nirr, ,n, n-i:a.t i,y
nnnll.-j- m Ur. s,H, ,j u Uii anil mi IV- W, ft l,j .,
hirrt, ,-i ni.i i.-ei.iri't ill.-, rnntutt-nc flit; tlnril i.l nn
i nrr-'. t. iln 8i,m' i.iiirn ur lem, uhcrruu nru rri'rli-il n
' twoftury Irii'ii- ditcllln? liouso ami ulicr out Iniilililig
I , '.".' ..."-' iJ'J'"
ltnte rf I'cter Mmvrer. rfectased.
iivl-i ubci, n ivs udi'i, t'raiiK'ii uy tno licfjihtcr ( 1 1 omiilii i
tu'iiiij to ,111 iimi'-iiuni.-'i ; ,u pirnoiw Hat Ins iVaiins
.iani'i ,iiu ,,-i.uu ,., inu ni-fi-ui iii. are ri'qiifMi"! to nr.
' Bdllt I'-ln ti, till' nxiTtllnr lit III rii!..iir,. In 1. ,
timn.lnii. Mitlinnt di.iy, innl p.rmiis inilil,t.;J tn
, ""i-i,',"i""""'"u.
i:ni;i!i..v r.nniv(.ri:
rlrtur)-S. 1SCI Cw.
' JVOTII l. i8l, r. I.y ji, n tint I. It ri t;fimrntjry
' Hw I.tMo nl ln.l.,N rmrr. rf til.,
-III I ill lil'nilti. ill til.1 lilyoU'oliiinina, ilnceaNOii.liiitr
wiltm y t'r.uil. ,l v tll lU-k-i't-'ri.r eni J iniinty tn
iiici' (3ifiin n. n ,, (., inw lleniji ; nlirf liut
nil persi.iH I, in r .m.ik ' r 0- iircls ULTtinIr:it.1 ...
"r" r'"Wtiiil tn iimkn Inown tlio ,amc tn tin, said
lunnnikl.iirs, IVIirimr) 'ii. I.-I.1-rtv.
Inflate aj Jactti lli 'wiz, ilxnuctl.
IT'IS 1 t,iiin nllir) n.l III 1 llaionf JunaireUMd
i , .,... of i., t,,wiiiip..i (:i,i,nii,ia,.nniy,Ci-os.
'"' u-.-nawuuiii iiy ui i:u,.t r,.ft ijun.iiia enn-
t) to tic nn I. r.uiu'.l; p i.,n havmi.'W.iii.H.ifjin,!
i:-i ii..
I' til - u t -.l nil. ur r 't tnnn ..i i.t ihm
in th" r..v i
nnr, n, nii'ir ri , 'i .lr , 111 l.ririirt tin, litililn.
Till; unil.-r-icmil. Aii.liinrappoiiiteii uy ilio urn
t";,u.rt ct "ini"i"c i,iii..iiic.'.iiraiii.iii''iiaiiitl
, .... .i . :.....T .. . .. . . . , . '
1 1. h I 1 ln .ii ii iiiil.n. nt .,1 i iili. in i .1
A. .M.. t, Hlicmull ncl.inH ml rt't.1 An It.
...i., cimm , , i au, ai. I
.Murclii, iMil. .faihrw. I
Th" midcmincl appriiiril hy t!n (,'i.tirt an Aniltrrto
r al t.iti' ol Hm ttiL-M. will ntf ii'l ti th dijtff
lii-iiiuuin inn i unci in ' i c irnui lie mi rin iiu i tin
nt Itl i iippiiintiii-'i-i! im Cituruiiv tlu 'MlU il.iy nf Mirdi.i
I'lil. at ii ih'ik. T. .M.. nt hii iiiIim tn iiliiniiiilinm. i -.ii
U'lNUlV WlltT. .imiTft.
I'dirUAry S3 1311-4 '.
Tlirj nuilcr.iitni'il. mnliti-r nppn.titcui hy thr Orrlin-r.
( 'nm t ut i '.In min. mint, , in. , t,, puuii. in ti.n iiiiiimtii..
ua,, mi acciiit.iL u. .ii,.ru,,rci i.rrf-. nil.n.i.i..ratr.t nl
inlli iv J. l!r.,i.K. I. a- ,t t'nltuiibiii cimiily, ih I'i'.isrii,
lull ntt 'Nil ., tli.. ilui i li, nppi.iiiliin lit .it lu.. i.llir,
in,11,8, t.,1 .iiturilay, Hi,. :.i day uf .March, A.
11. 1 i I.ul ti'ii n'l'l'ick A .M., win n .mil uln-ri' ,.ll p. r
bniir niti rn.le.l iu uiU t'Btatetaii nluiul if they Ihiulc
Murrli 9. lfOl. ,ludi:cr
Eilitle of llcnj imiu F, Tiitsitorth,iUceasul
TOIH I. H hrrliy civi-.llhallc' .ulininl.tratioii
t.n tho rftitunf llciijaiulii V. Tutauurtli lalo ul
r.-nl.iwurii limii.lup, I'uliiiiihi i coiiiity, ilcrca.c'il, l.atc
lic'ii ttritiit'ilhyllii, ICcpi.ti-r nf .alii county to thu un
der, ifii, il, ulni r.'.nli'. in jnjbcrt)' tn u.-lnp .Mi.iuuur
t'u.. All per. on. ImvinijclauiMnr ili-m.i.iil. anaiii.t llm
otiiti'iiftln ilii-i ili.m are ri"m ale ,1 lu prci nt then, fur
flller.ieli, aniltlio.c imUMeiltoiuaXii pit ...cut u illicit
Iarc!l 0, 1-01 0 Mm'r.
Estate of Christopher ll, Smith, deceased.
JiriTIUtS of Ailiiiiniftraliuii uu th. r.,lalf tf I'bru.
j II. r-iiuili. let,- nf lli-mlock lown.hip, t'cuum
bin rnuiit . ilriva- ,1, I1..1. h . n n.inl. .1 hj th. i;. j,,t, r
1 1 t'oliliulii.t uitinn', to Uu- iiliili-r.iniii il n.iiilii..' in n ...I
11. licit, i- . Ai,-iu,. a i pci .uu. i. av in;: rljiiu ii-n. ist
tn 1 .I-., -if tin a, r i ni i.rp re iu. -li'el tu pr Rent ill i'l
t" Hi. ,..ii i i, ,, iu u. !. ami uii in auii
uidcLtecl to maho payment frlin, uli
T Vru.iry 9
.UnlM'tctir '.l(- tv'J, ifiB XAs -A.. S-Ai "! ""' ' "' JU1 In ' i'-r in. t-,r
151-Cw Ua L!J &J &4 WJ aittj Aj : V lley I, ... h-mi,",. fui-l, a. tVlnlrl n IL.
l.isAnvinm) nt,v,.i,t,.r, .... v.1 UL L Jjrjlt j. , tiOH, &(' "n i.1,'."
I Che.; I .t ti. run, ,1 T S0S' 235 !"'! Vf 'I' 'l'lllr.1 MM Ct ' I impl'me.... ud f-ed XSn hMMT.. Vol M.lH
- nlir . ! - rrjmii - rjl
sd ron TnE srnw ctrb op
ITcmnsf rcMratioa, Oer.crr.1 Detiltty, Asthma,
Erapspsia, Ccto.'nli, Harttncs, Taralysb,
Chiosli breocHtt!, Ancnia, Ciltrosts,
ana all DLitrcVn ef t!io Elood rystcra.
wrrMrnov a ran no-t tawi. rcoiTjir; or
TfA'.t.TM). It hull a lp 'y res; ir.'.oil m ai irt ni
n.Eiuuiir '' wivcra..rvlv. -jits nit .ik. of.iisrir.S
r(Aa,.f, '-A-winrt... tajs IY. Oit-rrn'tf . " n-il
itnilRTKANt SK II.MVO!' All. 'Hill Al I IT toil'.
1.ATH1N' el mivtcll.i?L.J(' nmi'.i 1 i. sin.i. IU1V 'll H
liI.-IIA'n.'' Vlatn r. imuditiiry cn lLo l.oaitC'1
ItniMry r,f 1 InM Ai 1 1
Hio liii" vt I !c -y of rr. flicrrtii'.l. mroii tn II19
ImpiTliI .r.i '-ray or Mi mo. n( I nrls.liaq picvnlna
in d infjl It. on i j tho m rl I. I'y t!.u H8i, uf thl tMt
tinjpiutul r nitf'ml i-.'t,, browp lo f hrrahlry li
"Tho trni: of rossi'Mi-nox, Dim in tho
Pccmiil nnd Ftnc:t(nl u iicrloil, tl.irifur.,
when Iherp crn he no dontt na lo the nature or
Iho Ill.enel I. tho Kl'I.T nl.tlo I1I:ATII IS TUP.
EXCCimoV. I uoV," Dr. C,
"thnl they ,,IU rrnve notoelj n hi KC A r.i:M.
T.DX In CUNMl'JIPTlll.V r. (Julnlne I. In Inter,
mttlent l'eter, hut 11U0 n eCetunl n lUILLll.
VATlVU ui Vnrilniitlon In Pmnll l'oi."
Ulnrj iiffTctriiovalurt henlilt mid l.f, Oilnv nn
hour to try tlili remedy, Itrmeniher that " iiree .'tlon
It 1.1 tier than cure." rewire nr reir-iteeeptun.or tho
Boothlrj nsaiiratico of friem'a that "it, mil, n i, j,
coiil'" IutilennrtjiiijiuilHU,ioiK,vfiUpaiim ia
graven t (.Itp, t entreat yon. prompt utttiitinn tn thj
"Am mrts Rt.N'S Finn muow mat." Merit.
"'IlieMWt I f:'m,itum of ei8oa.mli, vast. mi.
It jtnrrfUtf f.f trtv;fi, tui.l it U eirliiT,la l lulol lira.-,
t!mlh3lli.cTO.. ll ua.-tlaai.ife-lnl I , tho .nr 1 (
.inU. T.11 inl-i-'iUr tlvji'3 wasto ; heie 111,1 mr
tliero ll a foi.s io! ti methlnj vrrnrg n fu K10 1 hn tTim
MrAt i-owr-iis mx ri.A(.oiMi. The t"n:.'! or llm iivi- z
machl.10 li nioroactno Ihja llsr.jmr. "hr. ;'o.'lu,fc
" If, leWiOiiIrtry n'jytmil rrvtf , or Muor the InEueneo
D Ml F09 Winch llituco t, invrt anil rTIUVTTl S fri h
M vtint,frtf on 'TMniat, jmjvmrj, rtC'd ,
nurin), tn;il fjiiiKA, r rluo riavtra fnvt ilmaic.
n per-fii lf Rl .fill, so l.i 11 r Irmuh, col. r or
oppuilo, If h) fei'f.r!l from r'icrtji . rf hrtalh, tr
t.'.jIi-iTOt,t, nnit cxperlO'rw ri cenernl retired i..
oiioraii.l(Jrpr,W'm,llU..Kl; IS r.i:At(lN 50 H.A1; that
hi it otrrxlirnJIpuii. tu ths conijljfiii. If lo Hum
rympl. nn lio n I'ledr. 1" ,,h .Ti Ver Flijrlit, p.irtu'iiinr!y
If It tin enmo on R'ouiy, or ilurlrir tho filr eea-nii.
T1I!3 W'.OBAHIUTV IS WlhATn: k1V3"ClmMl.
"If, cn the oarllCft nrrenrnnec orthe8e rlcn of
ConMiimptton, the pntlcnt Uhe (lnllr nhont ten
trrnliu of lhonrPOPlIOSrilITL-n,ho Mill u.untly
feo them oil djiaproar la n period varylne from n
few tvock3 to a few montlni nml hy eonllnuliisr tho
ocenlnnnl uo of the Ilitnrd, lln WJLI, GPrtD
such h&vltii as nr. rrrnArs, i:aj sctei:
known ix ins uri: IIOIll;.'
" VVinchcttcr's Genuino Preparation"
IS Tlirj ONLY ttxixuiLi:
rorm or Iir. Churchill' ncmcdy. MaJo frrtn ihe
criminal Formula. J 'Iho namaif tho lIiHiihuihiua
If ln-ro,Dan.lFi'CiDo : tW.o'1113 tho pih.1.1 '01,1:1.11
cnv.--tiiim .Nmiras jvrnt. r..d they ilo v.t
ro-iiKR't.iiuon aceitokm Vt. Ihn
tinnn tho tiili.rcnlar to -l.tlon u IMlILl'lATl;, ail hh
OBTERAI. STMl-mvi MIAnt 11 1"0 vnii a r.mMTV unrj
ur-uiiriiAaiuon. Th"y,ti,ri- iho co' ih.,.'i'i(,i,'.li
cspeiloratlon, tnijirr.ra II,., npiHt.t'. trrr-it il
llm it,7A( nera'i. rhi'li, tind f-wrr,,.; u 0 howcli
(icv:n regular, and Tin. bi rti- c aim a.d l i.i'ofn, ,
n", J,1 AIi.'! i'"!7'i 'iir'ti'iailverlif..l ai rr.
nii.iThlll's.rn.InlloUiir 1WIN1 1 ixo 1'hMi m t1rtb
Fuircrirs of their ineai.3, lovpr-noii. tta c, r.Ld hnrtcn a
1.UAI.U1...-1T. tni.. t i.ul..,- tll:ai.AUi,ai illnr
Br. ChurtMll's Trcatt-e oa Cctcaaptioa,
whlrli enitu i thn r- hi , .,:,, , ;r ', -nT.r,i )u r ird
to thi3 .n i:w ti.iMn , r. m. 1 1 ,,rj! l0 . u iLr,u:r;I3.
ralOEi In 7 ar.d Iter. EitTcn, ri crd OS co-!i.-
'-Tirco larce, or rlx malt for CC. I.ry U
oa fco-ii tho Tjabol and OiiIbU'a Wrnrrcr.
iNu uiuEit 13 axuiirac
ty noriottmrounit 11.13 nnnejy v iih fie ? -wnlict
" I hrmlral Fund j" and pnrlleuUl ly n, id i,.l , reinrn
ItafcnnlaiiiitRiren, ihi, l, If iiam.h m .m d tut liar
M, which liasMiriKiTiMtrnniijiTv KA.t.tir
'old hy the n.ot r..ii rtah'o Iirryi.'.'.is ll.-oi
. ff,"1";',1 Mltl' "nd ''' 11 ll-ovi'it, f. aril Whuli Mllj
pill.ct.ill at tho th lit I ot In iho I mtc.1 f-tvj
J. 7Iircni-3IElt, G JoUa Ctrcct. 17. Y,
.Maidi ', 1 -t.l.
.11 ORE !'1!W GOODS!
r.rnnv .vo.vy,
' ami Ann uinc sou) ro;t ready i'av,
"Cheaper ihtn the. Cheapen "
tz- n.uAft: cali, jjahi.v. f.a
Kii.i Flract. April 3, UCO.
1 . , i
S k k h b $ ) & h k i
- - - -
j ....,. .. ,.
I hla unlit imi nli.ui ,i,iiiieml iK.'lf l , -ry mio
, , 1PAIj imi n, ii..,,c.iiciii.r rii,
1 il Jalimg uii.l ill lu.l breufc hy Hi ' li.jti.r.,1 1. u.
Ill", cir liny i.rillniir ll.nsi' l,r ,a!r ly y,r,k,r;rt
A-riir nltytltioujlwiit '(, u. ..aiidtiir Ujini'.ai.aiiii lluc-
iy the .uautt: dctun ta u,t,I i'u'urtt (
uuiiiMi nu.Mnmr.v,
r.S2I .-i:ntl Fir.-u, i'llli.Ali'A
. A.lnrffi and hup rior ntn'k if tlWAO,
-v' "I f'J t'H hand, at price il" funs roilit" titlon,
Also. III.' rirllard L'ai Ott, at ilallllfaajtur. price,
sir Ait i' xoricji.
I'rrBrnninJ. Iili'ilm pit. GEO. HII.L.Will fluil
their .iccuuuts in llict of ilia uiid.-r.tEiieit forrcil-
J.ra5.,..o l(l,llil t5illT ..'.. ;
, , JOHN' C..
l.tooiinluiri:. r.t. reh 1 mi-H.
1 -
ft j Juki r m il. fouuthiiij nuw in tlm liitf. Call
in Jijuucn, ami t'i 1 "I"'-
, J'- C. 1. 1. W. 1IAUT.MAN.
lilunniiiliurj, IVli. ','1, 12131.
(l.trt llcou: iloTE. )
JlI10.tD5, & SATiToi, Propriclors.
Tlt-oii-iis V. lloin". formirlyof the Natioml UoM
1 MAiit.aHwinit. foiimrl) of Sclluilkill Co. 'a. I
.Marih'.'. iMil-Uni. I
CESKUAii sT.w;i orricu.
T.1M1QU.1 rax
South and i:i,.,,V, Mai. 1 ,,,,,, ,;!N,i,,,
Virilis I ' . I I -.' 1 1 1 ( Min, 1 . 1 )
t; 1: o n; i-ru if tTiiL ti 1 h
iJH-iuri.n 1 i.i.u i
;mi ' wasji , --...i -1'.1'"" i'"'oii- '. u, t li "rcli
II, 0, & I. IV. IldllTMAN,
WI! wrtultl f. uppctfittlv Intu Hie nlntioit ot rur
frt'iirlii an l tho public poiifrilty, froiii IrtO Town
ltd ,'ouiity, to our present Nuw rtocfc of
FAIffli and WlA'i'KU
fi 0 0 B S
, U U U Wj
wlilrti linvolicfii m er t"d iih crcnt rarf tini) uiulrr innr
tli-m r'lhinrj n'Iviiitni. V rnn oT.-r to Cath and
rrt'lij pay i ry (treat i rulurrnmMK.
Oiretork inlrti't-i nlmot otcrj xnrlfty, tle am
qtniljt), n th i Mrrtu fltto'l linn, Wd Imvf
Iti I. mm from HI (!., t') ?l ti t yntl all Won) VlaUh
i tiittrin I'l.inN, in y riniiirt. i'utUtiv't yiohuit
hi rip-, Cloyn. df I'x.f.n I'ltftl Mlk for 5'JcU.
pt'r ft m, in ilk miii, a imi dim r in irirf Tunn
illicit, ihnwls. HrnJi', U Hn. t hcmU
nnd rtmttft. ('nllropp, 'JV Mugs,
flii'rk, Htriif. tc. &t .
riotlM, ClfKlliI -r-r. HattlncU. fcc.
In ii'hlittM to t)i alcivf " oiIlt drue'
Th1, llnrlwiir1. tlufcinwiir''. WlIlnTnnI
Cetlrif Wftj- t!n.)l rtn.l t-lioi-p, Itntt fiiul ( nps (tt
rclurt'il Tir"i Wall I'.ijm t, I '(irf'ts. t "uri1 tfliuin,
('t tun Vnrn, Ar.. tc. VU, rait. Iron, N ail Lumlior,
v oii.l ami Crml.
UlouiiiBbutj. Mt s:i, ucn.
United Slates "Mail.
Toil OfSeo Departirfnt, (
r(b-uarv'-!l, 1661. i
, 3HO?OSALfif ircmivfjutgtli.' Uniteil talus Mail nn
I I ilie ri-lluwiinrnutu in tlutjiti tilT -nut) Uaiii.i.iVoiu
ui lHty.iiui, in ;n,tii ,iiin, '(.t. ly tlu nt h tin i t i tit
pirtur uii't urrivnH li.r n lilbd, uill !.- r-'iulvuf
at til i t.uuir iUt i)fttw t,t this ilrtiirtiu nt ntiti) n I'. . vt
M.milay, tliiMh ot .ri', Hil, tt In .Ictllt-.l tlu iioxt
tlay :
Xtv I'rom Asiilantl, iiy Uhoads-
town and Jioariiigcrt't'k, tn
(Juttn,wUna,lG uiilua, and bach
Tlirec times a week,
Ijoavo A?lilaml Montlny, Wpi
lie-day A I'i id n y at i "l JI.,
Arrivu at UaiUwissa by 0 '.
Lavo Tuu-day
'I'litirnlay ,t Saturday at 0 A
Arrive at Aihlaiid by 11 A
rnrfnrminf prnpnail, i nr.inty mil r-rtifl-ate, nlu
in trm li-uiH no ii iioirmndiit. In li-1 'i.ilime'' I In ill rnn.
h let, ! pjltiphUt u it i l!8tinuut iuvitinif nri fix
i ' ."i")iiu ill mall in i.,v J, r.oy. l'' iiii-H;iiil.i In In
ir ,lt linn l.ind. tlnli'.l I, , ,ni,l r in l -.1.1 1... r.,.A
at III' principitl Post tlthcos.
Mar-ll'J. lJlll-lt. I'i"lmiltr (Irirrnl.
Fit US 11 A li li I VAI.
t HI' in I -r-ir" -il jnt lul fir pa, piii-mingi?, rrp4Ct
4 t'.illy iiil.iru.- ItidCiuttiuicrii mid llipullic)it'iHrjlly,
that li hi-jii-t r. . t'.-nm t lie r..istoriii- cities, (ho
hriit-kt and hkhI h I m t stuik uf
smv n'Wv'V'tr'iftY-f'f
I Tlittt 1i.h .1 li "'Ml npi'iicd In lllnmn'liurjr, t whlrli lit'
inv tt tliu nttijiitioit of U frimhK and niirPi tlimit
1h.1t Hi if rr.l fn nil - ut crcEit L.irtaiim. Jlis
' Mmk Kinnpi ikjs it lar'x (iHHiiitcii'iit f
I Co' i'i! ti I'usiifnttnn Hav" tnTf. vf v rr y iIcf
I rijitmn , rmita. V . -tB. Hint-, fuat tucKa, L'utton
Il.i.iuk l in f, (tlnvu-, IMli rf!, i-C,
! .JKWELltY,
Of ovory di..rtl.tinn, tine ninl rhonp.
I a. 11. -11 iii-iii'j r " .me' nttrrg n Llirap I mporiun. -,
cill nnd not. Nn rhdripi fur txiiiniuir tiooil.
I ill,, il.l-hilrl, Manh -2, lefil. iJue l-.V.i.)
C A ll P E T S .
.r. wru:, No.Vortn pwomi ircrt. ophite
'ii i"i ii nrr ii iu m r i nr p in i' innr ji.iiMiu"m 1 1 wr
it- unl ot IiTp tu In.. ttl lttit! aiid i Ijjant afKiirt-
IltLllt ( f
. .. ' "
Hr1 roe. Iv-'fl 0'i' tin ni't roi hrntt l mntinf irtor ioj of
. is. ti.. ...i i..r...,'.
"" "' JuXi'l ttreet. Ph llau'i Inhia
?:.inii ii, i"i.i -:im.
........ '
o is a x v I ii k
' i t , . .
' II 1 II' I llll r I III, I', .'I '.I I I V .
; ' " "'J 7.
oil.ivi;i:vii.i.i:. coi.L'.Miu ni.. r..
Prol. J. A. SHAKE, A. B.-Ftincipal. ,
7 nt: ri'i"in thimi or 'i in: riti:-"i:T acaii-
cur vi tttjt lii-titiitniit on-ii nn Tuufc.
. liffttii !.iy ot rt''y, ImjJ, lit tliu iiciulj tiiinpiti-
t M . mt. ntv l.iiiliihiL'
J I'h ; t'uuriiii of iimtriut'oii rm'irncru n o!itl nml thn-
ri'Hii 1,111111 i, null It'll, IH'llip 1 110 r IIIIU'III I'T tlliCJI'Hl
m tiv- lit s ami fr Itui-im m ; uluht th. t Im hfiru
t pr-1 in- Cu',1 ji'- will tlml cvry tacttiiv for tlic
. i ii-iuoii ol lh t Unfit nii'l (Jr. i k l initi in ., .tiuUiij.
m.iti .Mi ntitl, ftnrl l'hy iial.S-i.u u, it Bfury
' t ir .'iit-uuri' to any cue nt' tlu Colli gi t-iv-'
! A .N''.rm.t! D-puiiuvnt will 1m t-suhluli.-il in rnniifc-
i tt ii v itli til.1 Atinlt'uiii:, bd that tlmn- w hit wt-U u. pr
nr i or th prut- if hi i f 'iVnrhiiij, will rir M- t lt
ii i -sir) iiintruniniM tor Mich )i .'pnr.iti ''i, ami h
all.., j. tlu It-ii' ft ot liml pru- iuj hi tin: uuniA Jio-I
it 1'n.tiary Ii .utLiotit.
,y ' .
j Tllltliil, T tfrMHM-l l.l.'tt'lt Ui -Kj : li I ) (iTPt
tr-mti-ethi; P ( m l trft'le ?j l: Thinl t"-n li-fil tO
Oitc-ti ill th" Tiiiti'"!! t r tutr. il t h" puiil at thf "lu'n
tmjnf ia-h ----i m: ami ttm ntltor h -It at tin- Hwe, nn.
I'oiU rnrraum.-uunnM.ut r-u into with tin- I'mi-
tinal. r.'.nh Im ri u iii,i'Jc for att-m-e nti-pt iinaat.
uf rnntiiMt.Ml illnr.. iiitp ami 1 irmt-hi'ii ri-mu will !' iivi-n Mimcnifi
at f.'.)'' r v. k. 'i'Iii r! an-aibn rouniH iu Ijtlur tlioitj
who wih i hiA.nU tin-in- i
All th -1 t i' uf . in tlw Iiistitiiiiun ran ha had
i 0 the H1'1' tt ilif hlhii.' prir-n.
I .-r 1 inn -r .irtir ular b, tln rrlnr pnl, 1 r
J tM..n N IVcicJII.-t.
tt Al'lli XI. M
Ai.i'iii'iii una r.i.i.. m i
Jan. -J, Hul.
COMcdlil riTKVIll MICK
Htfrd if Truslte ,
i'llliliilAU UiAllllUUOUlWi
T-iJr!. ,' -iV'-'1
J'Al,li AN1M 1NTH11 (iOODrf,
alim.-i nw ii w r.ilini- nlncn h.-ilini iuniui.Tti'r"(I
I'ir .-'ill 11. li'.il HJliilii will.,. li-.iHiiiil.i ..irliu-iit
"nnri'lj .in I ul ii-lr.' Hi low in .mm ir go.iil. cm hi'
i ir.ii.,!i.i-ui.-r... '
It "' luntt'tlo find C".- ut n Imv pilw, hut
S'.n ml ml , 111.'' an- lu.t ... low 111 qi.atily. !.it In
ft "'""I .trtlcl.1 nt a yry l.i',v prlcu it twin ilium ram. I
.-.t.l .... .'l,lM.I...j . ..-..-lll.l. ,l . I.JT
lil.1V IV. lilt
nur emails, ortoci iitE,
ji.iitoii'Mi:, (;i;mi;,
tit-MiiJiiir.. inn,
V.I-.7', i-r.. !;r.
e "s- 'lull nnd m'.'. i
IWN'lllV lltllllLCU UAXTCD.
Pioonisliurg, Uctuhi r u, It-ul.
Mam Uriel the lorks Hotel,
uniVrlni-il, linvln.- ru'iovail frnni i:pytoi' to 1
J ,,.lri,. , ..p,, ,fUy fUI W, frf..,, , ,
ru-tn.... r. Hi it In-In. in. 'ifil a new uli ,p, on .Mam
Ur-. t. Ill,.n.iirr,, ubnc the lVtlfj llulcl, litc! tie
IHll I'llllilUit 111.
I nil it vnrioui (h-purtnii uts, imd o'-i u inor i exunvo
.cal 1I1..11 lieri''
Il'i'! 'i. h. piiiriilc Waiioin. Tulkiep. I.tallt V.itrri.i.. nn.l
Oil kimla i.f hi h'l. Iilllih', nil .Ilort nolle.' llll 111. I. ruts. Al.o-llort'kH and 1'akh Wllu t.-UARi;iiUa,
. Al.o-llori'kK ami 1'akh Wlii;n.-UAamm.. 1
111 ul I 1 ,.r I- r.
liu'Ainivci. oftll Kinili. incluJin; Heavy Wasom,
prompt! ami I'lKiiply cxccul. U.
lltiiouifcliiiri:, April CI. 1a.-6iu.
rjlIMMVISf! in Uu Tost OiKcj ot llloonubur.', Ta.
A. V 1 . U.
lllil lr-Gl
; liC I. . J.illil
I trcll. Villi.ini (.hip)
i 1111111.11. lnri l
limUoii, ria-ail Mr
, I. a vii, Willnin (.111-1) r. r-niall Mi..
1 IJ'iliol, lU-nty V.
Hill 11.
I P.iydon. T.iiry MJa.
Kint. KfUna
I IteyiiolJ., IVUIiam
rpcar. .
Merme, 4 Co E.
Pnlitll, la-iittiel
Mhi-ru, A.
Hihi'iJu-tkL-r, KoaauaMrs
Maudc-r, John
Trnlilcr. II.
Tibia.. 11. H.
Wriiiht Joiiii ,.
H'l'iltlik. ). u.
Vohr. I'cter
, it...,.-,,., ...uii, .tuner
lioiliii!-. is u.ii.el -i
llnwl.-y. M.
IKoil.t. -arah I!. Jlln
1 i.vitti 11
y",. w.
' 1'i'rini 1 illina lor Iho abure I. It r, Hill pleit.
1. n ri it.:;t. ' .v.
1 1'jt n i.i' 1
) 1.11'
IJl.l 1' lti." I.l.wi ll i
Uy the nn- rf ihc.e p!li thcptrioHe nlMrl., . t A',r
rmi.nrelrJ ltmti'hr uny h pr. vi n J, ini'l in. Iifiint
111 ruimn nri'inont 01 .111 litlnrR hum ii,Jtu ri licit frjm
pilill nii-l Biekn.' nlll I, nhtain. ,1.
Tin y I.lnm f.,11 in n nioiingllioAiiir'lanilrjati.
tnnhirhfi'inili ante 8n nlhji cl, ooorA.
Tliey ni t crcnlly upon th" ho ells.-rcmo . Inj Cu(irf
For httrnrv M'n. Wirfcul.. llcllenio lv.nnu. .-a
p'Mnn.if J,,,..,rrr ,,. 111. v nr.! tnluablr. nn a Ur.
n il e. Iliipnit Inr 111. onwilr. pi, jui; lone nnd ,..
The 1 r.i'llAl.n; l'I(.f,-nri lhere,t,ti nflnnj ime.
c.' n'l.l niri fully uiintii,li.rtperiiiiiil..hutni! I,,., 1
n u,e limn, year., ilurlns Hhirhti,,,. II, ,,. ,
ti'ilnn, relirtertn tn-l nn....,i,t nf pi,', lu n-n ,
frmii lle.nlarhe hetlr "DaliiM,,,;, , , nrri-e,,,,,.
fin nrfri'iunilcrnneint .late i.fthele(,,
Ih-'y nf. enlirilt ticiliihl.. ,n lh ir rotnporlllnn.niiil
mi ' ho tnki'li at nil tluir 111, ,,.,foa ,ar ' 1
'nnl.ln? nnychnnti. nf illct. n,;ilrrr , " rf,
IT retidtntt auy to dnUhter tkim Vail-
' i'vavaki: or cnuxTrnrniTai
Vi rnch"ha,': 'U'' 'f'hmy (;. ?,,al,ins
e-iihlhj litiiiiiUtannclnll Mhrr Dealer. In Meilirine.
A hox nlll ho 8eiit hy ,,,i pre, roecipt of tr-u
... , rlllCi: -J't 1'Hi.Tr-',
All orders should lie nihlre.eil li,
fidnr Urcct, Sow Vnrk.
mt.i. cowixtc Ait no n ncn riton
SrKKDY AN)) sum-: CUltli
.tt liut Ttttmcniah irire imtoticitcd h Mr.
IMI, t3 asard v,v,lhnble prKf rf M.
cucy e (Am truly tcuntJ.c diitiiiry.
MasmnUe, Com., ni.S, 1501.
Mr rpaU'lne.
I hatetileil juur ("ephaiic nil., .mil I Mr Hem Je irnl!
th.itl wnntjeu tii-enj inetnodmura nnrlh more
1 art nl tlM' arc- Ii r the iic-iBlil.ors. lo tMium I rate a
fj'(iiitr.r Ih.'liratliox I cut Irum , nil.
HciiJ the 1'ili. hy, ami ul icu
Vour uh't tenant,
Ja"es Kls.tidt.
fatrreri.jra., f is. 0. ltd.
Mr. FraltHnp.
I toren.lnii! nnomara lm cf your (Yphalle
I'llli, Aurtiittirr-I urrot i.oef l,,j,i fnm (.cm
luurr, rcspeilfiilly
fyrure Ctrl, ;imf !,m cv. fa.,
January It,, lrul.
1 II.C. SpatiUnjr.
VouwilltliWiio rm! me two loxcs rf your Coplialic
rilU. .itu them iiniiKMli.itoiy.
Itcdpfcttluiij jours.
P. P. f kAre vsttl cue box cf your 1 tils, and Jiitd Mem
' Hpnrv c pPftIdin- hVl
prile ftrnon, Chla, Jan. 15, lcCl,
, 'i...B)l i, , ' .i ;...,,,(.. i..n -,..- . .
... . .'. . V. , :vUt "r. " "ir" "cnu
"or whirl, nc
I'l" Hiivtiiri iiua ui lU'JI l-flill JIIC I'lllh
'lkitj art truly
t.rh.t nrtt t . ,,.r
I I)irCtl A 1nt .ft 1 T
UUIc Wrirm, WajCiicJct Co., O.
. JiCEtrig. lice. II. lCO.
1 .11, .w I nn,
.urn w piidin i ii ijiur.i ii.iriii illtli-l. li li.ri' . n-t...
I Oni of my cu.tniner., who I. "il'Ject to .evere Sick
iiinuiiiii. ifiinii) ni.niif luo iiiiv-.l itim rarrit o an
-" ' '"-m i n-iunor
W. IS. Wiuti,
r.rjnddilurir, I'rrrU'in r., Ohio,
January i), UOI. (
Henry C. Uins, '
No. 4SLctiar ft. X. Y.
Inclnceil find tu t ntj.nvn cftitft. fit 1 fiirwhlrh mii
iux cf Ui phjln- 1'illn. ' ml tomldrpdi of Hp v. VViii.
' 1 Hl'r. iittViiulcUhur'. Frntil.tiii fit . fit.m
)or 'i.f vorh tie a charm run JicuJache atmoit
Truly yours,
Wm. C. Tiller.
, -
Viitanti, V.VA, Jan, H, liCl
t Nt lono tfiiictf iient to you far a lm nf u'tpl'ilic PHln
tn tlmuri- nf tlm t-rv in llt-adarlm ami t ii6tivi-tn an,
rei-fiv.-il Hil- Kame, itn.t tluj lud bu buui an iffjtt
ill i wai imtumt to mmki fr mnrn.
I'1 ai, tirti liy tulnijii tituil. Itircitto
I Mnlanti. Mich.
- -
i'row tkr Cxamiitr, tXcrfalk, I'r,
nn,Jit,;n l;i, -,.,i! t it i. , r
CplmltO I ilU aCCOmil!lah tllO object for
wliich tllov 17111-0 in:irfi. vi- i'
, , V ";"- v
"vuauiiu 111 uii U3 lorais
Fran tie llzamittr, .Vvrfvllc,
They have heen toitcd iu more than a
tuoimnd cacs, ith entire buueess.
iVtfit tit Vtinoemt.St. Clivd,.Miv
a for a box, (Oephitlie
1 il s.) so that vou mav havn tlnm !n c.,on
inf - '-i.-pt. '
Trewi tt .UrtrtUtr. rteridtnee. tl. I.
Tho Cephalic Pills are said to bo a re-
"""""V "" tciiiLci tut mv iicatl
ache, and ouo of tho very best for tha
frcmicnt Coilllllairir tvliir-l. I,..
crJ Ilt-IJUt-.H COIlipiaiDl W1UCU liaU CTC1
boon discovered,
tym tl tfrslcrn It 1! Cla-.ettc, Micro IS
I Wo heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and
I liia nnvicn 1 li-.l. f!nn?i sit.i. 1 iTT j
mt '.,..,! : " . .ir":Ll" t.l.
,,,.,,,,. L, . ,, . "...
, u ' ' "J "-"'l -"i. iu
UR'lll. IhtSvilXUtrnVath Finiter., Xev OrftU. Ijt
Trvtlioiut you that are alliicted, and
wo aro uro that your testimony can bo
added to tbo already numerous list that
.nnnit-ml lipnpfita (l.. nr. nll.n. ...n.ll
'. v . " " ' '"' i
cmo can prouueo.
CT" A miiflo botlle nflil'Al.niN'U'd I'ltKl" Mint) I3LV1:
Will cat 0 ten Itnieslt. cost ailuually.a
srALBtM's riiui'AUEn oluei
BfAtuixo's ri!i:p.Mtr.u iiixi;
s.vvn Tilr. r 1 nets 1
!. y " A titoii in Time Fait. ik. "
A nji'lJcnn will Inmien. etou iu '. llrcil.ut'il fam-
illi . It i toiy de.lriible tnlllve .11111.1 rlli'ap oilil roll,,',
niellt Ha) fur r-i'-liriWI 1'nriiilur'-., Toy., Crockery. Sec.
SPAI.IIlMi'rl ntlll'AKEII IJuLi:
inc-ct. nil .jilt omertuii' u'.. aii.1 no Iioiue-holj can nif.
oril tu be ivilhout it. lu. ulvia). reaJy anil ua to tli-j
.lickiuj; point.
N 11 A aira tiiauic. cali Uoltl;. Iri'e. 35
i'c.iU. Aeluroa,
lirSD V .' df ,1 HIMI
N I ' Mt - Nm 1 ..
ft I)
ll ru th" rjtll() Hi
pp j .1 c' -a e; .tfirdlinfi (
u m u t r--
Latest b)' Telegraph.
Ministor Buoknlew Suporcedod.
President Llnroln lias appointed Hon.
Robert Al l'atmei,o Schuylkill county,
Minister to tbo Jtepublio of Knuatlor.
Smill, A, ,,,!. Til. ! .L.
I wliich 1ms bech d lionorably filled for near
jtlirco years past, Ly our esteemed fellow,
citizen, tlie If on CiiAltLEsU.I5ocKAl.LW,
Wo may, therefore, in a fuw inontlu, ex-
I ,1.. A(..... r ll- til-l.i -i, .
I'cwi. iiic iiiuiuui AJi'ltJIIllf lur DUcitAIiEW
and Family to Ilbonuburi', whera he will
bo warmly welcomed to tiio American
shores by his many devoted friends and
confiding fellow-citizens.
imporlanl l'nsld uliai Aomliia I ms.
WAStiiNaTfiN, March 18.
Tho President to-day nominated lo ih
Senate as
Minister to Kiigland Charles F. Ad.
ams, of Mnssacliusttt!.
Minister to Franco Wm. L. Dayton,
cf Xew Jersey.
MiuistcrtocSardinia George P. Marsh,
of Vermont.
Minister tt Turkey James WnUon
AVebb, of New York.
Tho lioiT.ination of Mr. Dayton as Min
ister to Franco was immediately confirmed,
the rule requiring it to be referred hating
beensuspended, as that gentleman wan
formerly a member of the Senate, and his
character U therefore Miflicicutly known
without formal investigation 'J his in tho
usual ciurlc.y in such caics.
The Scnata also confirmed tho following
Doniiman M. Trumbull, as Itoeeirnr of
of pub ic Moneya, at Omaha, N. Y.
i,x-Oongrtiaman U m, A, Fioward, .i
Poit-master at dttroit, liehigan.
Wm. S. 'iliaycr was riominattd for
Connil General tu Egypt, and Patrick J.
Devinc, as Consul at Cork
Dr. Lncke, of Indiana, ha3 deen ap
pointed Chief of tho Agricultural Bureau
of the Patent Office.
No. 20 South Wharves, Philadelphia.
Cash Price, $45 r" COCO lti., lu j!rr,r.E Sacla.
TIh nrtirlt u priipnred from raw uo:tc, and contain t
liryeniiioiintiii lerijlizjug cotutltucnt. embodied lo
other prt'pnr.itiuii.
1. It is Kupcnor to J'cnnian Guano, protJuclnsJn ioa
cag-'rj, flu ptT ct-iit mi re.
2. It rout $11 prr tonletn.
3. It haa all tliu irtuoorruro Dine, whllo you Iom n
time hi woltlirs tut It, it acta atouc.
4. ItfuniihliLS irttintly the food ruquirrd forthi nW'
ins crt.p.
5. It pirmaiitntly iinprovct tha soil,
0. It pimiiici'H liirg rrops uf prtina
1. It prrunta ttu attacis of u&rm.
H It it.ips not i'Xhaiit tho til,
'J. Trelart rpaMin uhy you HtmId tiseft, is that tliB
mi roil nmkc a prnrticul U-it at to thott'lth of til
nf nil iliwi nsertimis. It cost but lltUa Ut
givu it a trial.
(fiL'AIlANTiCl ri.'RE.)
Cash Pnc(!, $35 ppr 20(JO ponnds.
Thalmve Manutca we warrnrt entirely fr-c frora
Pdu tiTiiiina, hciiii- nmuufutturod under Urn KerionU
a-ipeMrtcrdeiicviifoimofourlirni. priunM
v c ... liAUG" SOV3,
2n. p0utl1 WiorM, I'hlludLlplna.
K A" C It 3i i ft t HJ M
iw aPi'"iitd by the mnnUfaetureri EOL12
A(hN I - fjr th" tain nf tli" aio' nrtitlt we are now
trtparL-ilto furnish it to Parmera au.i iicnlcra in .ih
quaiititich ns may Cu wauted. It u dcjdoriscd and oJnJ
tuTigkt Bit-rtli
.1 lit'frnlili-il'jclicnriindetr lurpt pirthests. Tlii er
t!clc iiiil.t nm lie runl'c.uauc.l it)i I'uiiifrtttc. it liclnr.
i.ilc.1, .iiii.) iliu iui.' intlit ,(,11, the treat Mus of
vilncli i Urll kiinHntlirnii;iniit the wr,rl.i.
, ,Vj",l."fj!.'""-d b) '"'Al-KARA.ISl'IIArCR &. TMACC
.,I.A. onl hy
alum ic NTi:ni,r.p
N') 4J pnulh fl, l.i,.nrL Av..n!,.. nn.l A , c 1. tj-.
. I.t iloor nlmvc t'li-Ftiiut fctrc.!. rh4eplil.
I'timarj' 10 l5ril.3in. 1
A!L,ILSJ & til 13 is LD Lisa9
Super-Phosphate of Lime.
Th: ntd rsiiMihrd nrtiile. trt cnntatit tine br
thuua.iJi ot J-jruur aud IliiiiUxi for
a nu,ii!itr of eara pail
Pries $t5)xr -;ioo id. Utts. perl b )
rKIiJJVl KS. Rirnved Jin'ct from Hie Government
ntnrP". IturraiH'ed genuine.
ICIIAiiui;. i in i. tljv ulJ faslilonea Fecthtrp Ovjw,
inipurtetl direct.
Alien & Krcillrs' Xcw FiriHtzrr.
Tin low priro nml ruiv,i..r quality of thu fertlUw
I. l.ringln it into ge'iieral use.
'rite t" ' atiOJ tb.t. (li cent per 15.)
IIOXl", DL'.-T. Jltnt Dun tc UrouoJ
l.AXIl I'l.ASTjn:. Warranted pure. In batrila.
A 1.1. ral uce.uc.ion niailo to LKsalek. oh all thu abort
.V II. We have a larje number cf niplomaa for
rrciillua) i,.ian!i-il hy lhu var.ou. .4nct.llt.raj .
lie, wVicli you aro njejuuklcd lo tall ami t-xaieune
U Squill and 11 south Water St.
lrll t.rr at.rtf C'at.fniit,)
. I H.t.AtlLLrUI I.
Tcb IS, lKI-3m.
OltKAl AltnlAL
Lijht Street Store.
Crtasi Brother ,J- all hands on active duty
Wli Wi'idd info m our irieuda and
cii.tomrrc. that ive hive iuit received ansa.
H.jall) large a..i rtiuant of
Which oir rntlnwrrratu, for rtadv pay. than an
rycrlli l.ircop, nod IicIl ani will be Ia "CJcainr ttA
thu cilt npe.l." '
We- shall not litt.niM to rni,r.,prnf,h. ...... ...i.u.
tin , arc linuieiiAc noil llicu naiiic.1. icuiuii- a. our Ita
noil. Htnrr Ko.,,,,,. i,i,lii,i,s ic fci,a, ,d Oalret. ate to overtoil mi:. Tlicr-aretoLa found tha fin tit
I ilintka, iu tlu rnumij at'ielow flutc:i-La-df.
i,'ur in irr.-i.t ia.iet.fs, at .'j pur cent, loner than
ai c-r bi'lorc uile'rvii.
lioots, Shoes, etc,.
at the tamo rate. In .hurt, almoil evcrythi.. a tv.
min amilc liiie-f-oui a ii.t-illi- tu an anchor.
Onrfriaildiiiill do well to call u fure ther DUla .c-lcclioi...
. . , II M" CREASY, it CO.
I.itfht etrort, Oct 27. I-fiO.
j W .3 .A, R u E X S K O IP
Co'jttll iua- It iiv-Oppoi,io thn Court llou.e, neit titer
to llio olliro ol th.- i-uhinihia Ili'morral
w.oo.Msivito, r.. .
Dm OJ. I8f 0.
rinur nml Feci Delivered!"
'Ill'' ' ' ti , air-ifvnnn that will
I '! Inn. P. ; r I'l 'iran.l IV d FOlt CASH
i. n r ii li i-i it'-nanr boily cite in town.
lilt' foil' B
6 CSirirntnyeCbop
81 M
n, . r
i firs.
1 re.p 'clful y aoliru a .hare f the p' Mir pttton.
1 it
fl"TA.V ",, J-e89, tfi U