Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 23, 1861, Image 2

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kditud ky i.r.vTi,. tate, noPRiutoiir
"Camera," in the next "Democrat."
The Philr.dolpliia Banlis have resumed
rpecio payments.
lion. Jeremiah Clemens has been ap
pointed major general of the Alabama
n .mist
The State election in Connecticut will
take place April 1, and that" iu Rhode
Island April 3.
lion. William Appletoa, of Boston, a
Congressman elect by tbo Union men, it
is rumored, intends to resign on account
of ill health.
Peterson's Ladie's National Magazine,
is on our Table, for April. It is indeed a
work of interest, beauty and merit. Ad
drew Charles J. Peterson, Philadelphia!
price, S'2.00 per annum.
IS?" The Carlisle Volunteer wonder8
why it is, that so many papers are entirely
quiet or indifferent over the passage of the
swindling bills. Tho reason ij very plain
to us, Brother Brattou. They have been
lead into temptation.
The French Minister at Washington, it
is stated, waited upon tho Secretary of
State on Tuesday and offered the services
of his Govcrncrnmcnt as mediator between
tho United States and Peru, in tho difficul
ty arising from tho seizure of an American
vcsjoI by the Peruvian authorities.
Scrcno Hotel. Jons Legoott, Esq.,
having obtained a License, at our late
February Court, for keeping a lioim of
public entertainment, has put tho Tavern
n operation Wc havo enjoyed his h o
pitalitics, and take pleasure in saying that
ho keep? an orderly house, and entertains
his guots most sumptuou'ly. Sco Mr.
Leggott's card, in another column, and
when you visit that section of country,
he sure to call at the "Scronu Hotel."
We aro indebted to tho following named
gentlemen, tince our last publication, for
valuable documents, viz:
Hon. William Biqler, Ex-Uuiled
States Senator.
Hon. Geo. W. Scuanson. Member of
Hon. Heistee Clymer, Senator from
IIou. FnAKKLi.s Bound, Senator from
Col. IIesuy S. Mott, Senator from
Dr. Charles II. Hill, Member from
Col. Hiram 11. Kline, Member from
Thomas Osteriiout, Est,, Member
from Wyoming.
W. G. Brower, Messenger of Senate
from Montour.
A Groat Victory. :
At the municipal election in our neigh
boring city of Reading' on Friday last,
the Democratic candidate for Mayor was
elected by a majority of CI 1 over lm Hep
ub'ican opponent, tho present incumbent
In addition, tho Diramoerats have carried
two to one of tho Councils, and nearly all
tho Aldermen, Constables, Judgc3, Asses-
tori, ito.
'J he vote for Mayor is asfollows :
Joel B. Wanner (Dcm ) 1773
Bsnneville Keim (Rep.) lino
Wannr's tnaj. C 1 1
At tho municipal clention one year ago,
the Republicans carried the City of Road
ng and elected Keim by 133 majority,
and two years ago by OU ! So we go.
Another Victory :
Tbo city of Harrisburg is also Demo
cratic to tho backbone. At the election
lait Friday, they te;pt tho board pretty,
nearly clean, having elected nearly all tho
Councilmcn and oilier municipal officers.
Verily, the tables are turned upon tho Rep
ublicans, and the old Koystono State is
. fast being redeemed. Lincolnism will
ooa bo dead and buried in Pennsylvania.
And Yot Another :
S. Smizii (Dem.) was elected, on Fti
day last, Mayor of the City of Erie, by a
majority of 300 over hu Republican op
ponent. A majoritygf tho Councils and
other municipal officers aro also Demo
crats. Moi-o of It i
Encouraged hy the recent high-handed
action of our State Legislature, in refer
ence to the Tonage Tax quetion and the
Sunhury and Erio Railroad Company,
the New York and Eric Railroad Company.
3 understood, will apply to he released
fronNue annual payment of 810,000 to
iSho'Stat.'pf Pennsylvania for tho privilege
f r)assin"Jhrough its territory. This
cornoration hiis hecn au applicant for some
favor annually, fof ?uauy years pa-t and 1
. . , .1 . e r -r.i. '
jt has now got tue kiuu ?i a ji-pisiature
that will do the Lufincsj for it, The tax
payors will have to pay very dear for tho
Upubli&n lefiislatlou of this easeion.
Q cms of tho Inaugural. I
Tho Inaugural Address of Mr. LiNt ji.n
contains so many gornt of thought, expres
sion and logic, that they deservo a passing
Coin tho first: ,;
"Apprehension seems to exist among
ths people of the Southern Slates, that by
tho acccsMOii of a Republican Administra
tion, their property, and their peace and
personal security aro to bo endangered
There has never been any reasonable cause
for such apprehension."
TI,U U nrm.f J.,,nrftmnt tmon tho
- - o i -
declaration tlial tliero was 'iiiotuing ttio
matter" "nothing going wrong." It is
ascertained that apprehension seewis to ex-,
ijt that it is barely' possible tho peoplo of
I the Southern States entertain fears that
their rights will bo endangered under a
Republican Administration. But "thero
has never been any rcasonablo causa for
such apprehension." Tho persistent abuso
of tho South during a series of years; tho
cnaclrr.cnt of unconstitutional laws to pre-
vent tho return of fugitivo slaves; even tors Jcsso Ohl, Abraham Young; Town
the announcement of Mr. Lincoln him- Clerk J. R. Heeler. i
self thtt the Union cannot cnduio halfslavo BRAVICR. I
and half free, as it wa? created, constitute ' Constable William Michael, Chas. B.
no reasonable pround for apprehension. Troy, tie; Poor Overseers Moses Mover,
Tho Southern States are verv unrcasona-' John Pingley ; Supervisors ,Toeph Heis
blo in taking Mr. Lincoln and his associa- tor, P. Gearhat; School Directors Ka
tes at their word, bclievcing they meant than Brcdbcndcr, jr., Andrew Sliuman
what they said. I Judge Joel Brcdbcndcr ; Inspectors
Gem the second: 1 A. B. Johnson, John J. Driesbach ; As.
in view of
tho constitution aud laws, tho Union i3
uubiokcu, and, to tho extent of my ability,
I sliaH take caro, at tho Constitution
expressly enjoins ou mo, that the laws of
tho Union be faithfully execnted in all tho
States." I
lr . r , ., , ., . c
Here wo are informed that tho fact of
jeession is to bo ignored, and that the hues
of the Union aro to bo enforced iu all tho
Statos.-Xow, for the purpose of expound
ing and executing its laws in the States,
the Government has instituted courts, ap-l
pointed iudecs, marshals, rec., as its ajicnts. i
But, in the next paragraph, wo aro inform
" Whero hostility in any interior locality 1
hall be so crcat and so universal ru to
prevent competent resident citizens from
holding federal officoa, there will bono
auuiiipiiuiuiKoouuuiiuuani ai.gujaamuiig
the people for that object. Iule the strict
legal right may exist in the Government to
enforce the excrcho of these offices, the 11111 ' eliool JJirectors Edward Hart
attempt to do so would be so irritating and man, C. D. Herring ; Poor Overseers
so nearly unfeasible withal, that I deem it Eleazcr II. Hess, Elwood IIuhcs ; Audi
better to forego, for a time, the use of tor Samuel II Hut'-hison.
such offices." I nnvvvpini.
oo u seems mat tne laws are only to ua
r. . ..... . .
enforced to a certain extent in tho disaff
ected state, while no a'tcnipt will be made
to maintain the United S ates Courts, or
to appoint federal oficcrs to execute- the
laws in localities where universal hostility
to the Government prevails1 That is, the
the laws are to bo enforced in some partic
ulars, and not in others. Tho nmiU avu to
be lurnished; but, in case a robbery fs
committed upon them, there is to bo no
com t t try aud punish tho offence. And
jet, this is to bo permitted under an j-ld-ministration
which considers the Union
unbroken, rhc theory and the practice
don't haromonize.
11 " " lluu "ie
Union exi ts in an unbroken state, why
not enforce all its laws ! i
Pni llmfl.iril .
'That there nre ner.nn. In nnn .enUnn
or another who seek to destroy tho Union
at all events, and aro clad of any pretext
to do it, I will neither affirm nor deny;'
but if tliero be Buch, I need address no!
word to them." . !
Very non-committal. There may bo 1
' . . J ,
personsmono section or another who
1 , , , t . i
seek to destroy the Union at all events,
and then again thero may not. It w
very preplexing question. If such persons ( it is not neceary to address them. (
Let us drop the subject alio wonder ,
wIitt it lrlo lnfrAf.tirtAi. l'ni.ioii in mil-n
why it Avns introduced.
Perhaps to nuke,
yariucss visib.c.
William H. Welsh.
Tho handsora vote given to this talented
young Democrat for tho United Stales
Senate, hy the Democratic niomhors of the
legislature, on Thursday last, was tt hifih
,- . , -ii .. i .
coniphmeut, and richly merited. If ho
lives, .1 hrilliaut future is hefore him.
OnonaK Bero.nuu, Ebtp, editor of the
Harrisburg Telegraph, has been appoint
ed Postmaster for the city of iiarrh-burg.
Wo congratulato friend llergner on his
good luck, and wish him success. lie
will, no doubt, make au efficient officer.
Tur, Rctdhlican Lr.aisi,ATunr. have
pased another iniquitous act, of a local i
character, it is true, but of scarcely less
rascality than tho Suubury and l.'rie Rail
road and tho repeal of tho Tonnage Tux.
Fearing .popular opinion and the triumph
of tho Democratic party, iu Philadelphia,
they havo postponed the Spring Municipal
election until nest Pall. Every member,
however, who voted for this seeond enor
mity wero ulra Republicans.
"TiihGenesei: Faksiuu," for January,
February and March, have reached our
Office. This is not only an invaluable
publication, on tho subject of Horticul
ture and Agrioulturc, but is undoubtedly
tho cheapest work of tho kind in the Uni- JACKSON,
t.-d States. Ono of our laost intelligent Constable Joshua Robbins ; Supervi-up-crcck
Farmers, last season took a num-' bors Matthew McIIcnry, Hiram Jiab'r ;
ber of tho "Genesee Parmer," home, and School Directors Irani Derr, Asa York. ;
after pcru-ing it carefully, informed us Poor Overtccrs Absalom McIIcnry, E.i
that his wifo and family, concurred v.itu aha Robbins; Judge Lain Dorr; Iu
him. in tho opinion, that tint ono No., was spectors J. II Fn'U, Samuel Y. llos
well worth ttio whole years subscript'on. assessor Hias W. MeFIeurv: nt, as
tar Address, Joseph Haueis, Esq.,
JdocnjJter, a ., price ow ets. per annum
Township Officers.
Tl,n fnllnwitir. !c ii nr iim nirnr.
L .!.- i.. .1.. 1
vivviuv ui luu iiu cuxuon in m reitrai
townships in tho comity of Columbia.
Constable Qorden It. Ooff, Anthony I
Witinan 5-Poor Ovcr?ccrs Jae. It. Oroul,
Kli Barton ; Supervisors' Robert ling1
cnbitch, Caleb linrtonjr., James K. Eycr;
School Directors Joseph Sharp'c.-s, Jos-
W. Hendcrshot, Jeremiah J. Browcr. 1 i
year; Assessor Leonard B Rupert ; As
sUtant Assesiors Elias Mendoiihall, B. P.
u ...v....
JiaruiKiii; tuuuor iwuruw juauison ;
judg0K0Wian lloonc) Inspectors-Isaiah
vyt McKclvy Gcoreo Rishol.
Justice - Samuel 11. Kline; Conttablo-
Samuel lthono j Poor Overseers John P
Conner, John Ashclman i Supervisors
Samuel Rhone, Samuel IIes j School Di
rectors William Ash, Thomas Bo'las j
Assessor IlHiard Stiles; Aft Ascs.;ors
John Doty, David Yocum ; Auditor
Bhor McIIcnry, Valentino Fell ; luspee-
scssor Edmosd Schcll ; Ast. Assessors
John Hosts, John Sliuman ; Auditor
Johnlloats; Town Clerk Joseph Slier-
nnnSal,l-f!l,rlo9 linml T'nnr flm.
seers iienrj' ueitcricn.AiJS oam Jiom uov;
J ' -'
School Directors John H. Smith, Jacob
' "ui"""' 'i
Stephen Hess ; Asicssor-David Miller;; AoMorB-David Shaffer, Vincent
' Judge-Isaac Bower; Inspee-
""s-jacou .. iuo,teiier, dosepn iiiani
William Lamon.
. ..'.r'-
"g ' Constabl
Charles II. Diitench ; Judges, Daniel
Kcyhard ; Inspectors Jesse Hoffman, S.
Ilidlcy; Supervisors Sam'l Ilngcnbuch,
Samuel JJower ; Assessor Samuel Key.
, , . . T . .., ,
J" ' V A"s."-Le" Aikman, John
JJ. .1 l 1 l.V.IJ .
Justice Jonathan II. Hoagland, John
L. Beadlo ; Constable Philip Mourer ;
School Directors Philip Mongold, John
C Diencr; Supervisors laniel Bordoff,
William L. Kline; As.-csior Henry Mo
sor ; Ast. Assessors Philip Steely, Bonj.
Lindcuinutli ; Judge Stephen Monaham;
Inspectors Daniel Linns, David Camp ;
Poor Overseers, Daniel Bordoff, William
Kline ; Auditor, Court appoint.
Justice Cliuton E. Margcrum ; Cons
table Peter G. Campbell ; f'chool Direc
tors William Hartinan. IVtur Bulinn:
Supcrviors-J. Stroasc, Reuben Orange;
l03r Overseers Ahln Tl.nmna. .T.-ipMi
Gensel; Assessor Iaae Secsholtz; Ast.
A .COnrC Tflllll Wll1 l-nlrtoe II. i,.t n ni t 1
J """" '
Oi Judge-George Mfllihardtj 111
spectora William Coffiuan, Peter Bodiucj
Auditor James S. McXinch.
Justice David Zcrr ; Constable Thos.
Howcr; Poor Overseers-Joseph Beaver,
, , , , ,. , , i..
Joshua Jlcndenhall ; School Directors
. , c ,, Tr . ,
Daniel .err, beth Hartman ; Asessor
Aaro L3Inbers0n . jW . As5ees01.,Jl;,3C
Cleaver, Clinton WcmlcnLall ; Jud-c J.
Mcuch . iUpcctor3,Tacob Klliu! Eias
WcavM . SlincrvisorsAaroll (S. KnU
Jonalh:lll G Auditor-Joseph B.
Justice Cyrus White j Constable Cy
rus Robbins ; Poor Overseers Reuben
Hes3, Michael IJishlinoj Supervisors Wm.
Stucker, Hugh McDride; School Directors
John Savage, Isaac Labor, Jacob Mer
, , , a,T , n '
f0! 'Isscssor Joseph C. Iiunr
,. . '
man; Ail.
ylssesors 1). McIIcnry, Daniel Thom
as; Judge John 'Woiiner ; Inspectors
Daniel Wenner, Cyrus Crevcling ; Audi
tor Alexander Krcamer.
Constable Paston Kline ; Poor Over
seers Jas. Yauhorn, A. J. Albcrtson j
f-upervitors Humphrey Parker, Joseph
Yanhorn; School liireetors M. Kline,
George Devr, Jacob Schuyler, (two latter
tie); Judge J.J. liobbius; Iupcctors
Peter Girton, David Albcrtson; Assessor
George Girton ; Ait. ylssessors Robert
Robbins, C. P. Moore ; Auditors Elijah
R. Ikclcr, Uriah McIIcnry, Samuel Gill
cipic. HEMLOCK.
Judge Jesso Rears; Inspectors W.
S. Marshall, Peter Rruglcr; Constable
John Kistlor ; Supervisors Isaac Leidy,
Elias Giggar; Poor Overseers John G.
Novius, Franklin MclJride ; School Dirce
tors -Reuben Rogart II. A. Harimau;
Assessor John. II, Faust; Ail. Wssosi
ors T. J. Vanderslico, II. D. McRiidu:
yluditor Win. II. Shoemaker.
sessors Iram Derr, Joha MeHeary -,
auditor-John 11. Fritt
t on lalilc Solomon 1 ctlrrmnn '. niper-
..tent. .Ttiliri lMifiilou Pt.nrlptt MntisMi
" , ' .
judge John lragcr J inspect irs Sain-
iudR Lovan, Jacob Long; tthool dircc-
tori John P. Wa ter, Henry Rcinbold ;
pocr overseers Amos lthoades, Daniel
Richer i nscsor Gcr.i Howcr; asitant
ssessort Henry' Reinbold, Reuben Fnli-
ritiger ; auditor A Mcars.
Justice JJ V, Paxton ; constable la-
CobArWUlOi aupcrvisors W 111. Hollincs-
M1.1...1 It t. .
..u".", wimti iiumu , iv. u.vidiv.o
Pliilip. Poust, Lade Mourcr; school
rectors Joseph Mamcr, Jacob Arnwino ;
u-scsjoi Peter M. Karshner; at. asses-
,,r 1l,!lin Vnmt. .flndrnw fllnrks iudrrp.
l . ' .' c
-Kvan Wellivcr
inspectors u i nam
Hollingshead, N'oah Mauser; Auditor
Josiah A. Robbcits.
Constable Benjaudn P. Fruit ; super-vi'ors-B.
Es.-ick, J. 0. Kcnncy ; poor
overseers 1 iiliani Jsarijcr, Jae. uemott;
school direction Hiich McColIum, Jacob
Swisher; a-scssov D. A. Watson; ast.
assessors Silas Wellivcr. Honr Dildiue;
judge A. S Allen; inspectors D. P.
Ross, McBrulo ; audito'- .lames Dildiue.
Constable John Shipman ; tupervisors
John Mordan, J. R. Vandcrslice ; judge
Ellas Howell; inspectors Geo Jaeoby,
Aaron Keiter; assosor Henry Kitchen;
ast. asscssors-Jtio. Wanich, John Ruckcl;
poor overseers Paul Kline, Gabriel Ev
erett; school directors William Kitchen,
Benjamin KUler; auditors Win. Miller
3 year, Elial Drciblcbis 2 years.
Justices Samuel Creasy, John II. Ilct
Icr; constable Lewis Eekroto; supervi
sorsJohn B. Anglo, John Mostcllcr;
I poor overseers John Keller, Jonas Hart
zcl; asscssor-Lawrcnco Waters; assistant
assessors Stephen II. Swank, Thomas
Bowman; school directors Jno. Jv. i-oik,
Lewis Creasy, judge Stiphcn Polio;
inspectors A. C. Millard, J. J. Hess,
auditor Wm. Pcltit.
MAINE. -Constable
Isaac Yctter; supervisors-
Michael Gruber, Jesno John; fehool di
rectors Washington Fisher, Daniel Nus ;
noor overseers Jacob Shusars, William
i - -.
AlenHugcr ; auilitor-.Ioun M. -Nuss; as
sessor-William T. Shuinnn ; ast. assessors
-Henry Pownian, Daniel Sliuman ; judge
-Samuel Yctter; inpectors-Peter FUhcr,
Henry Hartzel.
Jutices-Alfred Howell, John Herring;
constable-Mich aid C. Keller ; asM'Ssor
Je.-se Cu. email ; a-t. asrcssof3-Jno White,
riiomas Meiiemy ; t-upi'i visors-M Ecr
utt ; Samuel Henry ; school dircctors
JaincslJ.Harm.iii, Reuben Sitler ; poor
overseers-Win. Fritz, Daniel Kiefcr ; au
ditor-Wesloy Rowinar. ; judge-Richard
Urewer ; Iuapoctor- John Fi-her, E. Kline.
Juslice-L. A. Carman, lienjaniin Win
toratceti, tie ! eonstablo-A. J. Manning,
judge-D.iuiel Formvald ; iiipcclors-W.ll.
( J. Potter; auditor-Mich
ael Whitmoyor; school directorf-George
Wellivcr, Valentine Wintersteou ; assessor
-John Lore; assistant assessors-Thomas
McDride, Albert Hunter ; poor oversecra
Jolin Lore, Benjamin Wintcrctecn ; super-
viaors-Jolm Whitmoyer, Johu l aus.
Juslices-Johu 0. Mjois,Wm. Rhoadcs;
constable-Jacob Lougoubtrger; poor over-seers-llcury
Iklwig, Johu itarigj supcr-visors-llenry
Hclnig, tieorga Kreich ;
school directors-Win. Jlhoades, David R.
Howi'i-; judgc-Elias Rarig ; inspectors
William Guarhart, 1 Iiratn Cool; assessor
-Chai'lci Stine; asiistatit asscssors-Ucnty
Hoffman, Michael Fcdcrolf ; auditor-M.
Justice-Wm. Peacock; constable-John
G. Jaeoby; asscsor-C. C. Marr; assistant
assessors-M. J. Kinney, 'i'hotiias Crevcl
ing, jr.; judge-Thomas Crcveling ; inipec-tors-J.
R. Robbius, Geo, W. Crevcling ;
school directors-Jacob Terviilliger, II. G.
Crevcling; supervisors-John Sliuman, J.
Shannon ; poor ovcrsccrs-Aaron Roonc,
II. W. Creasy; auditor-Eli Crevoliug.
Justices-.Tosiah Fritz,Montgomcry Cole;
constable-Jofo Hartman ; school directors
-T. Q. Stephens, Reuben Larish ; poor
ovcrseers-Rijhard Kilo, Samuel Hess ;
Supervisors-Samuel Park', T. Q. Sto
phensi assessor-Jacob FriU ; ast. assess-
ors-Wm. Ilcrlingor, Orin Parks; auditor
George W. Steadman; judge-Joscjih 0.
Hess; iiispcctors-yenry V. iess, Jacob
"A Woman should never, under any
circumstances whatever, lose her temper,"
says a popular maxim, This is all non
sense. You might as well tell tho wind
not to blow on a March day, or tho raiu
not to come down in April. It does them
gqod to "csplodo" occasionally ! A woman,
to be good for anything, must havo as
much spice and sparkle in Iter ns u bottlo
of champagne and if the cork does conio
out onco in a whi e, with a bang, why that
dou't dipreeiate ths value of the goods,
D-pvcially thovj pui chased at Batlu'ii
Cueup Store, in Light Street.
Easter com b ou Sunday, tho 31st
of March.
r p Winter still 'lingers in tho lap of
Spriug " Wc have quite a fall of snow
hre Thu looki bad fpr March.
JShtf Wo clip tho following well merited (
commtmont to cx-Scnator Jjicier ot iiusi
KMtn. frnm llirt IHlilmlnlnllln lllnltlrcr. ft VX
; ---. , , 1
Republican paper. Ho has lived down .
calumny, and is now in n position in wliieu
ho can laugh his enemies to scorn. Honest
men of all parties, now cverywliero, freely
. .
ncknowlcuco his abilities as .a
and integrity as a man !
l',,i, r W A ii i , l f i.f.
n . 11 t . ..
111..11 .V KV .... ..VI. w iu.,- ill
ICO 10 Ecnator JllOI.rilt, WHO liadJU-t Com
tucte.i nil ecnaioriai term, to respond to
J. . , , ' . , ..
u'um l,ilm
Bcllntor Ui.ITTKMN of Jvy nt the late
di-SCssimi of Congress. The venerable Ken.
tucl.ian. according to the telegraphic re-
Io". "ovote.i a poi tnii oi im nnai -pece i
,h?. Compromise resolutions to a
nmtti - ili inniit t I llrtvfl-nr II I il r.l'T! nllhrili
Z(iI1, in ,ho cnUs0 ol- tho ijniolli T)lig
well deserved. Senator liijler has shown
ill! 1 .11 Ul. I'll .VCUU?5IUU ..UlblUViffl lll.ll.
, . , . . . j i
he is a Ma team an who can rise superior to
iniK- wlipii tlio en.inlrv U in nrril But
paitj wneu mo country is in peni, jjui
tllCI O IS another point Upon Which IlO IS
entitled to the eial aeknowledgmcnts of
the people of Peunsylvania. Tirroughout
tho long struggle for tho present tariff,!
commencing more than a year ago, he has '
proven himso f to bo not only a faithful,:
hut nn ol.le mil intplli'wnt rnnrdian of the
put an awe anu intelligent guaruian 01 1110
interests of lllS State. To hu aSSldltOUS
e i.
and patlCIlt labors tllO Success Of tllO
measure in tho Senato is largely due.
, . .. y p
1 )i li'r.n.f I ro.n nun. ns ro rlo on inanv ot
...I 1. 1. .1.. n 1.,!... nA..ln....n.. ll.nt
!,! l,-,lnnlf:nM vot fi.l !t (a l,n .n
i..o .... w, ..v j... .v. "
act of ittstico to extend to him, 011 his re-
tirintriVon. office, that meed of praise to
which ho Si entitled I
W1J1CII 110 13 ClllltlCU.
. i
Plir.3IDE.VT LlXCOLX lias nominated
, ,
oassiu3 iu. uiay, ot ivcntucicy, .uinistcr to
o , im n em- -if I
hnmn. nnil Thn.nns (lorTCin. nf (linn. Aim. '
. . . ' . .
ister to Mexico. Both these nominations
, , ,, .
are made from the conservative or comnro-
.... . ... ,1
nnsing diMsion of tho Republican party.
i ii Ar rn . , . . , .
Both Mr. Clay and Mr. Cortvin havo 111-
.,H.t il c .1 V rl. 'V.'
iuiiui luuctuauiu ui uiu isnn -i ii-
i ,i , . i ... ,i . . .
mine ior tucir iniiuenty to mo truo princi-
pics of Itcpublicanisin.
ir. pi-,. ..Ulisrl
and used hi
d his influence on the side of eon.-,
promise, ami against the unvicltling poucy
, , .... " , . r I
ot the not-an-uicli Jtcpublicans. Mr.
Convins views aro well known to be mod-
crate aud conciliatory. The recognition!
of such men, taken iu connection with tho
order for the evacuation of Fort Sumter,
is calculated to make tlu radicals furious.
Mr. Lincoln has already given away sev
eral inches. LancaiUr Intelliscncir.
The following resolution, complimentary
to Hon. John .). Crittenden, was adopted
by tho Richmond convention, on Monday,
by au almot iiuauiiuous vote:
l'J!(&i'v il. That tho thanks of the peo
ple of Virginia be, aud they aro heicby,
most cordially, tendered to Hon. John J.
t'riltonden. for his recent able, zealous,
and patiiotio efforts in the Senate of the
United States to bring about a just and
hoticrablo adjustment of our national ditli
The tariff act of tho southern confodcra
cy his been made public, and goes into
opcralioir-tho 1st ot May. Ai compared
with the tariff of tho United States, mo-t
of the articles paying Ul) per cent, are re
duced to HU p.r cent., tho larger poition
ot those pacing 1 and 10 per cent, are
reduced to IS. I hero H al-o a largo Id
per cent, schedule, and a very small free
Bids for carrying tho mall on nearly
nine nun.lrc.l routes in iNew lorlc anil in
the New England States will bo opened
on the 31sl inst. int. The annual cost of
carrying the mails in thcao blatcs, under
txi.-ting contracts, U 01,OO,7(i'J is paid
tor the transportation ot tuo mails over
live thousand four hundred aud forty-four
miles of railroad.
Ooi.T) and Sii.veii deposited in the
Franklin Saving Fund, No I!1G South
Fourth street, below Chestnut, Philadel
phia, since January 1st, 1801, will be ro'
paid in gold or silver. Bank notc3 do
posited repaid in bank notes. Deposits
received and payments made daily with
Tho Georgia State convention, on Tucs
day, transferred tho forts, anus, arsenals,
and munitions of war to tho confederate
States. An ordinance was passed appro
priating 300,000 to support tho govern
ment, aud authorizing the Governor to is
sue seven per ccnt.bouds for that amount.
Pay or our. Peace Commissioners.'
Tho Legislature has appropriated 81000
for tho pay of our Commissioners to the
rcaco Ooutcrcncc. I ho original propo
sition was to give each member 101)0 ; the
sum appropriated gives them
Delegations of the Clioctaw aud Chieka
saw nations aro now in Washington cltv
for tho transactions of business with the
General Government,
In tho Virginia convention yesterday
mi; Ayicr spouo alily against the peaco
congress propositions. Without conclu
ding, tho convention adjourned.
5tf Wo take plcasuro in calling tho at
tention of SIn.M.NKiis &a , to tho Strut
and Laco Goods House of A. Wnrd'a. Nos.
103 105 cc 107 NT. Second Street, Pliilad'a
who5o adv. appears in auothcr Column.
lyilt 'U A J! K'll.-v on ID Mhtill.. Mr. Chan
I'LL ItbtKl-Es to MS llKHUT JoiINiO.N, ull if Lihl
Wrvl I'j.
'ulltu jUtli inst.. by tho Ilev W. (ioodrirh, Vr. Jou
Ii.iu;,li Mitt i'aiiuhine Thomas, both of JVlni.,;
ir'i k. Coluiubijt-ouiay, l'a
On Thur-dny.tUr- ltth , by tho U"v. 1 3. Wa'l. r
Mr. Joiau MAirir, tu Miss Mary A Ceislk, both ct
Oath - Uili itis , by Kcv fifio Warrni. Mr. JtntR
J0VF, of (alUlllt III llKlkT Houum. 01
Moorfaburg. Montour county l'o.
In MOJiiHburg, on thtjttli iint.,.ur, nuPM .tur
Uonsoit of J.rais rotiai, Hit cf CttttHisi, dccw-vd.
a(ti (Qrttri.
Special Notices,
Wl' ir,,i""T7 i"t i" I M I M vmTTTi vTlTO
A UAUV i . , 1 T
j)r Hiiponco'S (lOllllll rills lor I rinalf?. 1
turttltjm BM a jrrrrniii'r.
Trie rnmMnntinn of InirdloMi li I'r. Il'iponrn'.
T' V. .... ..,.r,,1.. hnrmln... TIi't lm u lifin
iirHii.MM'""" .
UK J In lor IvntoVrnrticiMfolilPr. Iiiiiiifflcofiirovcr
h, y";',, rv m..l,H ul lailUy ..... I'suryi;
i.'i ',invn. r.niiim nrri'ii In n inntt rvrry .
i.iviif..a.... , Infill nnl
' ii.MtK.rn.ntliiti. t'litt ru jrlv nt tlif cltnnzf . fl
lif,'. I'rcal lit.'
1 ,'1 , n "Wo , T,U
ilrraniuTfiinpii "i
111 J IKHI. Kill.
Viip thrm. 'J I. "'''t i...t.i. jn... ,m ll. rniilr.irj- rt
...i.ii1. mkjiiI t iiint .1 u il . ml.l Hill rllfp OtlII ti"
iiipv fiumi' n i inpiriitii"n,rii"; i..
rrriiannM, nml liuijofiilt llii-uliolu aialcm.
h I, ntili .Ull ...,t prtmli nn l,.cr,n,c or . a,,,.,y,
will Uv-m pun n i.irrcfiui prevumvc,
.i'I.a.a Pi lla alilmlil lint 1. MhlMI llllrllltf I IR ft I I tllfe
mmiiln afiri'n.inry. n ih.-y nm tnri'in lulus c. mla
cnrrlace, lint lit liny nlli'T lime tliey nro pafo.
l'rli-c. SI per lot. HuU. lni mile nnJ retail. I'f
' (1 .V. IIAnnNHL't'll. llmecM
Hrtld api-iii for Jilnniiishiirir, l a
To nlimii all nr.lcri m"t Irt K'l.t. Lailira ' by ai-iid
i.. ill... al ml Hi., hl.tnmvliilrtr rnnl-UtriCC. full liaU
Ilw.i pillmint In any part iiftlm cOHiitry. (cnnlldcntial.
13 lr) ami "fri'f of I'o.tam" l.y l.iall. Hold also I.V.V J.
,n Kulik tc Cn. Danvilli'. II. J. l'ry. Tnm.viua. J. A, r.'lk.
311 'icll .;iianlf. anil ny "one nrugKisi in uieiu"i.
IIU i. n"-- . . ...M.
v, ii. .nnlt it for ronntrrfrlM. I!n tinfjiild'n I'iim
ofn,i kind, ...iii'iu every imtii inoii A n. ii..e. ah
mlicri ar- a liaji'lmpo-iiinn and uiicnfp, therefore. n
..,, vatno our ilt-i-s ntxi itunitn. ti nn- noitiintr r )c-
inzlitimlniCEr.l nut or jnnr money,) only 1'f llime
ia"i, Vn'SJbSc" ad JTc'd" .r"r;.ni
countcrfatofiiio run. notvi:.
Solo Proprietor, New York.
moitats t.irii I'li.i.s.-Tiiei.inii and envic.i re
'l""l' wind, tills pre-eminent ineillclnii Imp acpilri'd fur
tll miariniiica tnc-cv in uii diac-n-pa. uliicii it pr.fwf,liarcndiTc.lllieii.nalpraitlC'! of lUtMitatioiis
iiiiirnia not only nniiprei8:iry bul nnu-nrlliv of lliem
r..r ti.em, mi.i thy tiiriyn '.I'e.u'.i,t,n'.ri .""iiiViniV.
linn. Ill all of Hitiveiipn. iljpp.'piil... liil.iOill
...,.i v, i.i.m. niirn. riiriiinaiism. fi'vera U
I.. ,l..l,n VlnlAm
obstinate Iliad ...-lie., !.nd nil ceneral d.-raiisenielits of
iiciiii. iliei-p I'llMinieliivnrial.iyprovennc.riai.iniiii
rp.' r.'inedy. Aalnilotrlal mil plare tlie Life I'llln
i-i;h.i.f.p.i.uii.i.u..u. ofcv
lir.Moirafa riiocntxRIttera.wlll be fmmit erpiatlyrf-
n.ii l all rn.- i,fii-r.nindel.l'lty,
1,,'n.l uilie, tbo iik.ic inrldi lit te. I'omaleii In dillcate
Imalll J i wry 1.1. ul ofe.ikiii'! of the ilisedUe or
pa... r.irf.ile by W. U. :tr. Ilroadnny. New
york. and by innlirino ilcnleri and drugtUta generally
inronniioiu .ne .omniy,
r.bruary 111. I-..o-l'.'ni.
tlnirirmltr of Trices! -A Nun I'. at..M In I. urinous
r.nt one iii own fnirnui-ini josiy .to. or the
L'r.'si-iit Due I'rien UotlmiE tlore, No. SJt); Market ttrucl
i,i,mnsmh. nil ndu i.ina.
In adihtl"ii tn Invhu tho Hrp'H, most varied and
f.,.bi:nbic stork of uiothintm 1'inioio'pbi.i, made n-
pri'ssly for r 'Mil inlrn,, li.l.e ennstitiit.'d eicry one bis
, .'' IhiIiil- markedln llinres. on each ar-
tirle at tlie vi ry idwoFl prlre it ran Ik- sold for so they
ca,n,ui pos-ili ) vary all mil't buy alike.
The enoiN arc will sooiiceil mid prelnrrd, and crrat
vai,,akci. .tn the inakiiu: muanbuy witnthe
fall iwimr.nirc.if ptltnip a v"'id artictis ntiliu irylow
Ctt ,,rC,., ,io, a l.irBt' t-torK ot itccc cinn n n itui.i
it'nt ( It
untl l -ht f!UlitlL', wlmli ill Ii- made
In tn
most iiii."iiaitg nnn oum niiniior,
em s aw3Mra- fcnrmwiw a- .
- -- - --
1 1T r'Tcivftl frnm thn miinuf u tnrii'i in lnsfin, nn
J ariirl ot intct i'ri'lknt nuality. Iihnuenge c"'"
titlmUMtu ff'te and prtrr. The inu!i:rhtLii'il ui I k
Imnicr- to in Hrh nnv f l tli" titct on hand a ml i
tlifonly Ktp-ri-nc'd 1'aI'i-r 1Iamjr In iIim S'Ttioii of
in iiHimy it iv .j ni j L.1ICI1 c iHULK an i,amiiiaiiQii
nt' I'urtiui-iiij.
II. J. TlIor.XTON.
liloorifslniri Mnrrli SJJ larl . "
Alslj iicrfna are I) ri bvcantintifd ns.iirmt p-irc hnninrj
or in fttiyw is laHtij .i tr.tiii'f'r ( .1 in Notts of
Hand, ol tlia ntnn.inl tif Sill, nurrnrtina tn luvf
siy'iclbi Ho1 stiti rf't t. inlauroi It niatnin Vounj,
tr'riii'ljt' ,19 I Invf r ti ivp'I no a) 1 tit 'r'Mif a: im
'.1 ill MP list y .Mite, l-yu, p iPiiic iiirc" niotillii
ii t'luiiiiiuiliiut iu pay tt, unlobHcsmpJl-iil itytluorourf-
I f.tV ,
a. n. r.urvnn
Kohrsli-ir. March 21, lfil-3t
rV tlii' wliir 'al.nuts if n yi'ililg wnpmn ulio rcrL'HIy
ill (Jr.'i uunoil t ' ui-lii:i. Col J111I11, itiunt.. s.iniuiM.'d tn
J uuna.r..i v.. Iiom I'i. ixm... ni r-rr
Ii; nt tliat tmi" I ttii.riiiu mill r Hie ut mi'iitnl
ill r.uiLr''iiii'iit. ls. n iitii'Hl .Oy.'.iri. . I .lijf, uf sninll
iir. dim! In. il.irfc liur tnv p'lsnii wlm ii I inform
tll-iiiul -r-iulri 'it i.t Is -r iti-hmI n'iJ Tii'i-, nn-1 ili-l.nii
li'ir iliitilli r In 'iil. 1 .111 irii ui.' Ii-r r .urn, .sill mill
. In. 1 it-. f lm. 11 uu'l .in! elul t 1
111 'ir tumble. .ilar-'Sd
joi:rn Kininiv-i.
ri.T'-iiu, Col. ru . l'a.
.March !1, I'Cl --3t.
Esia'e of Henry Kitchsn, decease I.
rUII lll!rri-ll!,niiitiit.'il liv III'! Ornliuis' Court
L Tnl'iiuliia (Jinint)'. tin Anillli.r In iIi.tnlHilP tli-i linl
unci' in in ii.iiium ii jam's ii.nsuri, ui iiiinlstraur o
tile l.-t.itj of llrnrj Kltrhi'ti, lat.i i f f'olittiiliU county
, ... u.,.1.1. a, in. uhi.i, it. i I'njlllf liurtf
m.ui rnuuly, on
tiiijksiiay. Tin: ikiii n.vv or Arim., a. p., isoi
at ono oVlnil. Ill tlia afternoon or paid itav, fur fir- pur of lit rlorinlti!! Ill i ililtii'a of lus amioiiilini'iit : al
wlilili tiiiu' uu il plic all in'rsi.ns inti-rfsti'il aru rcquir
.'u in pr 's.'iu .in ir claims. or ucdairi-'u 11
a sliari of Hie aunts no.a liicntioni-n.
joiiN g. rnrxzi:.
Marcll 31. l-Cl-4t. AfHiTJlt
Nos 103, 10. anil IftT.Vitrtli Hoco:nl fctrrot.
e ara now rcciins mir Frriiis ttork, hr will
coinpruL a i.trgJ unj iif mrabla ust-ortiiieni ufiill kitidf.
AUr,, a i.irffo ussnrinmnt of Lrtthos' ontl ChilJrcns'
Hits. ()-ir Ftork i.f I'lontTi nnil Itiirhcu, w ill hi uu
uu.t'ly larcu this pea son, nnil we would timlu nur nt
ti'iitiun to tint tlcjuirtnient. iMeiue call ami txaunnc
int'in itJiorc iii;iKiii(,' jtmr iur(iiase.
If WAllli
Xn- ia. IM &: ior NortU H:conJ St., nbovc Arch.
E 11 K NO II U T E L.
Tlin undcrsisnrd.. resnertfulty informs his friendk
and Hid piiMic (.'t-iicr silly, ilut ho has opened a Iiuu-f fur
Uiu t'litrrtaiunient of (.udom. ri and trni'l ra, nt HI.RU
NO, in -r'-t-iiHoo.i .unship, Ctdnudna Count) , aljout
Screuo m Hotel.
IVhsre Ii" prrpared tn iictoiiimojate ilia public, anJ
all ulioiiuy favor liitn uith tlicir cunoai.togciural sat
Ills Tullo anil liar, will ln well eunplii'il ami eari-fiil-ly
roniliicti'it.uii.l liis Hlaliliiifr is uninle and wull slocked
I la uli ut all liini.'s bj li.ppy wail upon Ins friends
and customers.
Ecrcno, March S3, 1P0I.
hci'iir's Sales.
liY virtuo f aunJry writs of Vtmh iont lUptnta to
mu dirt'rtcd. is.iienm ol th Couit of Common rieas of
tlr County ofCulumlia, l'tnunjlvuiu i, will bo ctposed
10 public ill? .it tlm Court Htmac in Kloomhiir". on
-AITUIA , Till; Cl'lh ilk Al'KtL. -U. nt on. orclock
in thf orternoon tlu foIlo.Mus d-turibett pf-ocrty to
All that certain track or picco oflantl
pint tta in Surirloaf t itflnji ("t.luinbi.i County rontain.
in; lilty ftmr m r. f ul.uU u.i nty one acn i(i d
Iintl bound'-d on Hi-' North by limit of Victin't iififh
liiif.Mi tin-Stiutli b iMiitu ut abral.ani t-hulu on
r. at by t indsof Haim-l Hess U Ji-uso llartumu an.) on
tlie by land late of Udiutin ( Crnu h rd, ht-rvoti m
ntt d n ono and u half story 1' tlwtllina hou-'o u
fraiiM Ham und u UUck tfiinlli rh"i. Mlti the apour
t'li.iiuca. S.izd. taken in Kjcctition and to bu eclj c th.
jrty of John .Michlcr.
At the samo timo and place, all that
rcrtun tract of land situatu in Swrarlonf townslun Co
luiubia rouniy bmiided nHddi-krritmd m follow a, lown
on tlii Nrtti by lan'l of Hirhard Ktj on the Jlait by
land of II. it. Laubath on tlm tftmtli y land of Jusv
Pt-nninpton on tlu vcit by land of John P. Laubach ton
turning ut tislilarrea more or h.n. About tui-nty
Uv't' new of which is cleared i;uid h?ron is ercrtod a
uiu and a half story plank dwelling liou.c and ttlur
out biiiUiujrs with tbc iippurK ninci's
tseu Ml, takvii in cictulioii and to be told as the prop,
trty of Ucorgu iloore.
At tho tame timo and place, all that
i rtiin trait or lot ol laud tfituat-in ruiiinrriktown
lnp. Columbia inniitj . bonndul and iliscrb.i m fi-j.
.iiw-. to uu - On ihr North b land of I'.i'il 1'cnUr. -n
tit- i;.if t If Inn I of 1th Unrd Jonn. mi the Sutitli by 1 u.d
if il ' Mm krr, and on tlio We i i land ot William
I'arW. raiitniiifna llloven Acn , bi tho aame more or
l -FK all of wllirll is t.'iirjd land, n hi rron nr, it.ti-s.i
. - . .," "
i ni. m a r"ij t iiiiin. nriilllS IH'USC, n r raisIS
nnk Hani andotht-r outbuilding with the oiipurtcnuu
Hizd, tiken in cxreutton and to ba to.d as th prtjn.
urty of JaiiK s U I'arfcs
Uloorasbaii. Marfh M, Iter.
Valuable lical Estate.
r' nn order of tbc Orpl.n.' CourtefC
luniMa county, en
tin 80. day of April, next,
ftt in o'ciock in 1110 lltrciiovii.i.eorgll Ml nngninmi... n..'.
William II. Ilmteiibuili, Ailiiiiiil.lratoni nt Simon II a.
sinburli, Into i. L'olitru Irnmlilii In mill
.... i .,.
d, will epo to talc. I.y I'ublic cnJue, upon im
I'lirt-ifii f a. 2. rnndiel.nrr nf n
1 ' "
Filiinlnlln C.ntr. lownMilp. in s.ld cnunl, a.!joll.lnj.
rurpnil.Nu, .mtho Wrp'i, 0,0, Kflehn. r and o.h.
N... tl.tcc, cn l.e r.a.l contain!!,
JL U II B. J &)
and Pisty pcrtliea strict mcasurt.
ALSO-Purpart No. four contistiug of
Pittiatt" in Centre tounslilp, aforesaid, adjoining lands
of tleorge Kelchner on tlx. .North. Purpart No. Ursa on
tbc tVcit, Pirnh Psliuon on ths South and Turpatt No. K
on tbtl Kast, cniildilllng,
T en Acres,
anl fourteen Sirlrt measure.
ii jl t as t c-
ALbU-l'tii part No. live consisting of r
in Centra tiwncliip, aforcni J, ndjfiininjr Undi of 0
Kelcliiur. nnd (tin. n, on I he crth. ruiimrt.N'o, four 04
tli.i Wcet, H.irnH tfulinon on tlQ tioutt) and Turpart tio.
Sixnnttif! J,.iit, Containing
Nine Acres,
nml nnc IiunJred nn frrt- Mix rtfi itrtet meamrs
j,tii(? tne viaie ni itj uu t'dieu, tiuau in to iowi
hip of Centre and county afVr.'tafJ.
Bloomsburj, Marcri S3, .SCI.
TT.Vner cent, nf ttiffmtrclir.i nonpv to8rnl tntlis
ritinliilhtrntirit on the uuy rt FaK. Onn hair of the bal
nnre cftho purcha innncyto be paid Tint of April.leCt.
i nt? rrinaiiitier m wie purcimt' nim"y in dc paiu nrii ci
ADril. 'ilif DiyniPiiti to be with Interest from r!f
nfrinle. Kciln tt bi ma la and dtlivcrodto the pur
ctinBur upon ttm conHrAiiition ot r- ale. Ttio purcbainr it
secure me pnynicm ny unnuR ana Piongago,
WM. II. JUUEMICCH, i fl,,'"JlfW'
nA.yriiir., .voxrovn cou.wr, rjt.
niitcrtainnu'nt fur Man anil Beast, In gooil stjrta
and at moderate rat-s.
OnotOEW. ri'.EEZE, ProprlMW.
Danville March, 3, lstil.
10 No; tli Foii rlh Street.
C. M'KIBBEN Ic SON, rrcprlolars
JIarcl. 1. WC1.-J-.
Tlic udctibpr has now rn liniid at Mi Sancrer, in.
Itnsli touiuhin. .Vortliuiiib.'rlfttid rounty, near PatiTillf,
a larce nHnrlnictit. pf tlinfty praftetl and buJJoJ rw
tries if i ity d(cri Uuu, audi as
flTlAn. VINTS of tlm choice kiml. I'at-iM anl
belli, all of nliich wc will mil at rennnnatJe priwa.
rirsitna nilnti2 tnm'i out'i ao nru q ran
nn the mbucnbcr at the Nurnry, or at his rt1dene In
lMnvillo. JOHN llKisT.
March Jfi, ISOl-lm.
Till! u ttlfTsisufd. rcpeclf.i!y inft'rmi the citlxona t.f
Othiiiibii -in.1 atijoiniiiR rountics.thnt hi o
lumd for -.nriui! Bale, n lino i.gortiiifiit ot 1 itcrr rfiKM
t-wiiciiiiiiiituf Appl'. Itnarf 1'tnr ltantl-trd do., l'L-arh,
rinin, Cherry-tie. I.antoii i;iae Wticrry, UrinckleaOrangd
Ua?iiltTO.C.ut.iwisa do., Iluti.rhtoii fciillinc Coonber
r). (tho only kni.l tint doe nut mil'lcn.) btraberr
)l,uitp, cherr cnrrint. Grip" Vine, of th ftdlinviiig
wirirtios Infilidh, try fine, -year old, Catawba do ,
liil.iware, t union, IHnna. Kranhitll, ioncor.i, union
VilUgf. lilnnm, lUWnu, and ottu'ru. AlfO, C'alblgc,
Tomato, and 1'lantf , for bit J" o0"
t . I -
Cattawiit. March IC, lu61. 2ts
A larppasfittiiirntrf rhoicr t'iznr. Tobaceo, Tlr'n.
ci I'ruits. (.'onfi-ctionorv and N'olinii ct'lifralh.tofiftJi
rt wiiu a full clock of HA r. and CAl'rt. comttantly oi
li-ind tint fur rale chtnp, nt the "IUoonihburg Hat VvCn,-
JUM.N IV. uiiiir,
liio&raiib-rs. March 1G, 1 -01-
1 ii..
sciu)?, i'i.ANT.-?.R00Tt,ciimun3.Tiii;EaviNrr,.
H MACl'Y A. CO haln oprnodtcirE-tablifhnicPt
ntTro MnrkU tfirvrt, I hil idelphia. for tli tale nf thru
productm is. ai wi II n n g-'iu ral assortment of mtitlo
i'i tlii lloitirult tral Iin i. wnuld r- Bprt fully call t lie at'
irntmn t f ih ir rusiomi ra. and thf public "cm r-tlly, to
thr-ir Wart-httiiir:, whure will hcKrpt in tliclrrtpi'ctif'
.'tton, a romi'l.t.' aasnrtmi-nt of Vt'cctable Hn-X anl, VcgL'Ubls and riowtr Pccda. Uulboiii Uiutt,"c.
of our nvwi anJ tcrisn produttionf.
fatalnitcS Mitt draifs on 1 ppliration,
coyisriNc. or the followino.
Omeincntnl PhvlcTrcei, I Kvrrfrei-n Trees and fihrofc.
H.irdv SlinibinTV
i'lauta fur lludping.
Vinri and Creipcri,
1 Trailing lloni-ysucktM,
olcttc rarpctual.
P.-a hfvrtpd.
Ilbnd I'erpctual.
Huiirbon "
i limbing
Dihha Hoots,
Hardy Harder Tiants,
IJ-ddmg Hants,
Illcnpal and Chian.
r rsun and ot bar Tctlr,
11'rarif ,
Mo, a,
ICIimblns L. Hanloj risot
Grcnnhousf Vlants,
Lycopodcums, Feros, 4jC ,
Sf & V I W w 3t S U S
Clierry. Applj. rtar. I'lura. raarti, .
US? iTv OSS".
Diana, U.laware, Concrr I, Iabolla, Catrt
anl Fortign Varieties.
s m a. & i- a v x w s ;
Currant., uoosch.rri s. Rarplifrrics, Dlackberilsi,
ritrab.'rriBs,. ilc.itr.
C7" llnj'.rs dealing mill us will find that tlis aitlrlss
ll.iy.gcl au ItCLlAULnanJ as IIBAI' as lli.v tao a-s
"buiiicd Iroin any ollitr uttabluliaint,
Nn .30 Maikcl Ftrcrt. bslow Li gUn, I lillaUelpbia. Tt.
March Hi, laai-3m.
I'lows ! rii.V3 ! ! tIows ! 1 1
IP you want a first ratearticln of Plows.
call al the Esjlc Foundry, nlnomsbur;.
March 9, 101 3ra.
I'lils nnndcrfut article. Just patantsd, is snmolhloj
rnrirtlsi mic, and ni'.cr bof.ira oflVrad to ajeats. wa!
ara autcd cur) h bcru. full particulars stnt frea.
, . pl' "V k CI.AIIK, Uiddeford, Main.
MarrhO. Hiil-ly.
A larpe sireil rrn.n. r.nn.., In ,ulI .nl.ln l.
doors. Hinddivs, kr , suitable to bo tran.ffrredupon sa
.jtlier lot, is olfreil fr sale, on tnoilcrtite terms. Also
aiiuanlity ofbrukcii llrick, fur Minis; In buildings, ana
scleral 1' nli Glass, Apply to
riooni.iiiirg, Nov 3 lpro,
200 000 1Juil,lin3 ""Ok, of escol.
' lent quality, for sale at the OM
IdoouiKbnrc Unck Yard. I'artu-s intendiDg to build
u ill do wl-II to. all and examine the material and get
baruaiiu. Apjdy to
Itloo'ii.burc, March 9, lrtil.-Jm.
AMKHTINti of the riti.eni of liloomsburs and thi
ptiblirirent-rallj. is ri'i'-eted tobe held ta tbc Co
lumbia County Court IJoutte, on
Saturday Evcnin,Narch 5iarnA,18Glf
fr th nurpno nf ilpviiina uayi nnJ mana for thero
lief of tin sntn-rin. pnr in Kannn, to uhichlhe fnuade
ot Huioanitj uro cordially initcd.
liloonubtirff. March 7, lfol,
A Itc-iu'xoli nt Institution rMnblUhod by ppecial endow
iiu'iit, for Dk- r.lir-i i f tho fuk and IMtresicd, afflicted
with iriilfnt and riodoiTiic Dinan's. and orptrciallr
for the l ure of Iiuum s of the Huiual Organs. His
ftnary frertu nati. nts in all parts of tho United State
VAI.CAItl i:
rr Him ast' of tho H.'xual Organs, and on tho NEW
iii.ruiunmi r .trniniorrnaa, and otr-
I.I.Mi.IllI.H employuii, kiu iu ttm nRlu U'd in it si id
1-lti rtimlojHs, free ofrharffc Twooi three ft amp 4
fir pnntaec Mill be
it? ncrrptanit. Aturia nit. JBKII.
N Artmir Hureon, Howard Assccia-
Hun Vb
Honth N'liuli lret t I'bilaiielrlna
SUPF.RIOll GoWcn Syrup Holnws.
pi.i xttrtrti tad fMle atSDiat?jr yllM, H
he ehtop tth Sots of I T- PhstK