Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 23, 1861, Image 1

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LEVI L. TATE, Editor.
VOL. 15.--NO. 3.
, IK Brltk BiiIMiac nfj'Mlre Ihe lUtktuige, h Ut
aj lis cuitr. jtvuir, j . "- - -----
terms of sunscnii'TioN.
Ill fit) In advance, for one cpy. fur six months.
1 73 In advance, for one coy, one )cnr.
8 CO If not paid it itliln the lirrt threo inontlu.
l) a If not paid ttlthlu tlie llrst tlx inontlu.
3 ill If not paid within tho year.
ryNn subscription taken for less than six month.,
r.o.4 no paper discontinued untlUll arrearages shall have
'seen paid.
33- ordlnatvAcVKSTisrMEVrs Inserted, and Jon Work
nicutsd, at tha established price...
-r.Iin founder of thli Celebrated Institution, olTeni the
1 most certain, speedy, and only clt. iluul remedy In
niil Irrilaaiiiiy, ns,.-.isu vi in-i .................. ...
Ms.-", and all ttm.c serious and melanch.dy Disorders
t-iii ib from tho dcstriiclita habits of oulh, which de
. .......... i.... i.. n.i i.iin.l. l hese secret and solitary
, mine,., ,:,,..,, .pi, ,,,', . .'.,. of
7ra, tices, are more lulal to their viitiiiisthuti the song f
'J . .Syren t to tile manners wm M.i......
linlllint hopes and anticipations, ienderln umriugii c.
'"i""w-'' MARUIAOIJ.
Married persons, or Young Men rontcmplalinj nial
. ' r ,,l.lrnl tieiikncs.. organic nbllr
ir deformities, &c, should Inimedi.iti ly consult I)r
h'tiusl.m, and be restored to perfect health.
lie il... places hiin.elf und. r the care of Dr. Johnston,
D.ay religiously conllde In hia honor n. a gentlemen, and
. .!... !.. - i no il ('..II vii'fir ri'MnrL'ii.
l' his I tho penalty must Irc.p.ciitly paid by
ioYe who hate become the witim nfluiprnper inuulgeli
11M Voiius persons nru too apt to roiumtl cxriss Inun
r,.,l being nit are of the dreadful c..nst'Ui.lil.! that inn)
-as. o. N"W. "I'" understands the MilijeU w III pre.
. . . .i...... i,. tin. ramer of tiroere.illou is lost sooner
!L- onlce, Xo.7 Soctii Pbemik K SrartT, c(n door,
from Ilalliinore ure.t. Vm.I 'UW. up th- itep. He par
t.cular in ..ImerMUS IheNAMU and M1.MI11.1!, or )OU
3tt''lft;rS,U a, X, rem On. .
'i'tto Mi.
NO .MElll.'UltY N.U'SI.OCS nnfRd USHD.
1)11. JUII.IDX
t'emher "f the Royal .'elleie of riurjeoni, at London.
rdilale I'roiuoiieot the most i lent Cill'Er f Iho
billed Halii'. and the rreatnr part of nhw lifii i haa
'.. eu "lient inlhr'tirM Ilenpitali i.fl.cudnn. Paris, I'lilln-
J. Ithli and ilsew here, h.i ell' ' ted koi t the most a.
t-j n.t.tnj! ircn-r known! man) tnaiMed
v., til riiicniB hi the head and cars when iiMeep, annt
u,iv,ihii. i., Iielns alarmed at middlii oiluiN. and li i.h
Mined till fre'iuent lilil-hiii!!. nlti nded nonielnnes ilh
JeiaiiJimeutof mind, were cured iiuiiiediaUl).
Wien tlMinUiiuided and imprudent MHary of plenmre 'in lia lliibllied 111" seeil of llll. p.llnlul .1... n.e, Il
r - ",i n liiipp.-ii.lUal n ill timed o ori-haiiif or
dre.l .. Ji.r!iv.-ry, deteia lii.ii from npil) lur; lu tho.c
ft nn ediii alum and reipi ilaliilityian alone hilriind
-. m la, nil! till th iilslltillli.uary ) inplouis 01 llii
, ,rnl a.e makes tll'-lrappearniiu', k'li h as iilcernted
, , . it ,.' ilneased imie. iiii.'lurce, palm In the hi nd
in I lliuh-. diinneai of, nodes on tho t.kiu
S,u, Molchea nil tlnl lie id. fad' nn.t extri lne
nea, i;r,r"lnitli raiii.lity.till at la the a e of
1 1. Moutliaiidtioneaofllie lime tall in, und Ihe tutiiuof
tin "Mi o hecoiuean Imrrid nhji . I of coiunu-H rulion
ti" kaih iiiKapiTiodtnhidreaolul M.itUriiis. hy n
line h."i to "that bourne rn.iii Hli.'iiio no traiiller re.
tun," ' To mull, III 'relore, Dr. Jidiuslnii pledees him.
e If. iircerelhelil'ii.lenionl.le eeirccy, and Irom Ini
.jlinfiveprJUlcelu the llr.t lit talnnf l.urope and
Ann .ir.i, he can cnun.lei.tly ri'c'tmmeu 1 wire and tpoedy
.Jietutlm iiiifort He i.linn.flliia l.orrli duta.e.
Dr J. addremiea all thine who have injured Ihenmtltes
by I'tivatu and Improper inilulsencei.
I II. H.' are .nine of the fad and mi lanrhol)' rlTttU pro
iur-.'l bv of youth, Ml. H.aknea uf the
iiaclt and, l'aiu in the ll.'ad, llimn-M" of -lsht
I,, ,-i Mimular Potter, Palpitation cf the Heart. ))
5l, ! Wrtoila Irratalnllty. Deraneeiiient of tint lliji a
iv'e F. 'iclioin.tioueral Iltbillty, Djinplom.i.f ton.ump
J""r.TAI.I.Y. Tha fearful i ffecta upon the mind are
ri.jc!. ' i be dreaded. I.o.n.d M.uiurj.t .infusion of Idenn
, loiifif the tjniriti. llnl l'.ir.l..liiua. Averion
-11." ly, Tiiint), i.c, are .on. of Ihe it. Is produced,
- uauiUiifpertoiii of all nge inn not! juilse
.'the raili.ii of Ihur ileiliuui!! Iienllh. I.oo-ins Ihtir
i.. p. ir. tti,.,k. null' and emaciated, liatiiiir t-in-
,-jlar -ip,, about the e) en, cough and i-jii,'loiiis ot
.1 .xptloli. ,N.VI(:onATINn UEMCriY TOR
OltCAN'li: UT.AKMSH. ,
n., ,1,1 a.nni n,i iiiiini.tiiiit n inedv. tteaknead of the
-, rani are upeedily cured, and full tisor ritorcd.
ToiLand. of the inol nervoiu and deLllitnled, ttho
1 1 lost all hope, hat.' been iinme.liafly rtlleved. All
ufii'diiueats to .M.irn.iL'ii, I'lljMral and .Mental I llianiiali
iiion. Nervous , "I'rt iisu iiinl . aknet-i
or eihaustatinii ol tile ino.l icanui aiuu, .pteuuj t,.ut
ii'tn l.nv, liilureil Hi Ives bv a certain practice,
n.tul"e,l In ttluii nlonc-uhaliit Irequenll) learned Irnm
,vi coinpaniom, or at aclmol-the cfl'ecti ol t Inch are
ii"hlly lilt, even vthell asleep, and If not cured renders
Bv-rrinee iiupo.siuiu, m,u t.,,jr, u w
.k....,.i nn..i. I. ..,!!!, te.
What ii pltty that vouu man, the hope of hia country,
. . ,i,.. .ln'rim. .,f his unrciil j. tliould be matched Irom
J prospects and enjomeiit oflif,'. hy thu come'iueii.
ju of detialius from the path nf liatuie, and indulglHg
ir, a certain aecrct uaou. ouun ici.u,.. t'-
twattnu. MAI1R,AnE
ho .1 1 reflect that a sound luind and body aro the moa
,iv ea to promote ronuiioial haiipinesi
i... I ,.iil,i,t tliKHi. the Inurucv tlirnlieh life lieconics
4 weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to
he v."tv; the mind hetome shadottcd with despairs
4:n. I ith the luclanilioly reflrrtion that the happineiis
of a .other bucomea Idishti'd ttnh our ottll,
of rici: no. 7 houtii rni:i)i:iticic bt., nuitimm, m
ALU BUnOlliAl. OPIlItATIONS Pi:ill'OUMi:i).
N II. M no false modesty prevent ou, but apply
t.!;li."iati IV elllier personally .ir uy 1-uvr.
'I'll S'l'H-H-VIl i-'ltS.
Tt, n,,m' ilinuinnds cured at this nititution ttithttl
a i'a'l 15 jears, and tha numerous important Surgirnl
ijer.itiona perioiiiit-u uy . ,.v.., ... .
Sitt tenortcrs ol'lh'i papers and many nlher persons, no.
ties of which hate appeared again and again before the
uaalic, besides his (landing as it gentleman of character
oad responsibility, i a unlicicnt euaraiitce to the alllicle .
N n. There arc so many lenorant and ttorthlcio
Qi. ks adterti.ius Iheniseltes I'hteiciana, ruining the
he.tU.i of the ulrcady oltlicted, that llr Jehnitnii deems
il . '..sary to s.iy, especially to those unacquainted
. h his reputation, that his credentials and diplomas
iw.t i s haag in bis olllce.
. y Ti Notice. All letters tnuft he post paid, and
oi.uln a postage stamp for the reply, or noanstter itM
le Bent.
Marchl7, 13C0.
(Lata White Swan,)
C1IAS. A. STINE, Clerlt.
Hatch 3. ItWl-lSin,
j Proprietors.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers iu
elf. CL0 i US, HIMIOH' SIIADKS, &c.
sofrther with a complete variety cf Gv CABINET
WAKE, at the lowest Cash prices.
' Jtrn Bnr.r.v,
V'Nl CltEUN,
sr.'b S, ISCI-Jro.
be t hoseru mginiu iiiipiiu.i.-, i...ui. V. ..iV.. . ir
sides In-lng deprlied ol' the pUanure of healthy
nrl is..thu iiiM erlou and de.tructhe )iiiptoiua to
: Att body and mind ari.e. The n tern lieeo.u.'a mrani,
r.l tho i.hy.ical and mental "eakened. nerjou.
I lnlily.di.pep.ia, pnlpitalion cf the heart. lndiEeMion,
a,lins ot the frame, Couch, fymplonH cf Cun.ump-
.it. li nt.
1 i Jan received from New York a largo ana fu-,-r,r'.ot
' th ibovansiacd article lor the r-pring trade
J csr I'surf . IWI
Select SJoctrji.
ur xntvtM cttvrnuir,
Cotunibia'a shores aro wild and vio,
Colunibla'a hills are high,
And rudely planted side by sida,
tier forests meet tho eye.
Hut narrotv tnitst those shores Lo made,
AnJ tow Columbia's hills.
And lutv her ancient forests laid,
Ere freedom leaves ticrHtlds.
For 'tis Ilia land tt hero rude and ttlld,
r-ho played her gambols tthen a child,
And deep and Vtldc her streams that flotv
Impetuous to the lido;
And thick and green the laurels grow.
Onevcry river's sldo.
Hut should a transtantic host,
Pollute her waters fair,
We'd meet them on tho rocky coast,
And gather laurels there.
I'or ol Columbia's sou. are brave,
And free as ocean's wildest wave.
The gale, that wave her mountain ptno.
Arc fragrant and serene;
And net. r clearer sun did shinei
Than lights her t alleys green,
Hut putrid must those breezes blow,
That sun must sit in gore
l'.r'c footsteps ofn foreign foe,
Imprint Columbia's shore ;
Tor Ol her sons aro brave and frco,
Their breasts beat hi gh with liberty.
I'or arming bol lest cuirassier,
We've mines of sterling worth.
Tor sword and buckler, spur and spear
l'uihnw elled in the earth,
Hut cru Columbi.i'H sons resign
The boon their fathers won,
The polished ore from every mino
Bhnll glitter in the sun,
I'or brfght's the blade, and sharp the spear,
Which freedom's sons to battle bear.
Let Mritain boast the deeds she's done,
Display her trophies bright,
Ami count her laurels bravily won,
lit wtllcontestcd fight.
Columbia can a band array,
Will w rest th it luurcl wreath,
With truer c)c anil stcadisr hand.
Will strike the blow ofdeath ;
I'or whether n the land or sea,
Columbia's light is t ietory.
Let Trance in blood through Europe ttado.
And in her tr.lnlic mood,
In ci til iliscor.t draw the blade
An J spill her childrens' blouj.
Too dear that skill in arms is bought
Where kindred life blood Hows,
Columbia's sous are only taught,
To triumph o'er their foes;
And thri to comfort, sooth and save,
The r.ling.urtlio coti'imred brave.
Then let Columbia's Tagle soar,
And b 'ar her hanu r high ;
The Ihiinil' r from herdexler pour,
And ligliteniugfroin her e)e.
And w h' n aha sees from realms above.
The storm of war is spent,
I like the wtlrnme doro,
'I'll nine branch pres. ill ;
And Hull will heaut)'K hand ditlne,
The neti r fading wreath entwine,
Sunburn, July i:iia, lr?14
For the Columbia Itimoerat.
Mn. Editor : In loohiug over tho
'Minutes of tho Fomtu Annual Session
iu annual cession
Teachers' Institute
ccembcr 101 " wo
Uicisms" aud'-'ti
of the Columbia county
held at OraiiReville, Dcco
find some "uiigrammaticisms
aicuracics'' of Orthography that should
not have occurred. Also, somo in Punc
tuation of which wo will not make men
tion. These palpablo deviations from first
principles, appearing in the Record of tho
transactions of a "Teachers' Institute," do
not look well.
"Ingrammaticisms" aro the following :
Pages 0th and 12th, "And by this means
learn theni(pupilu) exactness and rapidity,"
should read, ''tcath them, &c."
Also, "Of our present system otlorrow
" Wo never borrow. For instance iu
Subtraction, wo add 10 to tho upper col-
umn as a matter of expediency, and to
mako up tho deficiency tho lower column "I hero must be a very strong attach
has thereby sustained, wo add 10 to tho mcnt between you then, certainly," Ire
lower column. joined.
Pages 8th and 19th, "Of which their
growth aud perfection depcivh." "Health
and happiness depends," should bo depend.
Pago Mth, "Care aud patieuco is neces
sary, He. it sliouiu reau, are necessary.
On the same page, "Tho time and place to
teach Spelling, is in our primary schools."
Should read, are in our primary schools.
Pago 15th, "Thcrcforo, when an indi
vidual has determined to crose teaching as
a profession, &e.'' It should read, to
cliuoie teaching, &c., as cho3o is the past
Unse of tho verb choose.
Pago ISth, "They aro liable to loose
their appropriation, Ac' Looso means to
relax, or uutie, as a rope, and lose signi
fies. to forfeit, or bo deprived of any op
portunity or thing. It shoulil rcau, lose
their appropriation.
Pago Wth, "Ho found neither teacher,
director or citizen." Wrong in two re
spects, Neither requires as its correspond
ing connective nor, and not or. Again,
neither and nor require tho uso of two
uoutiJ oii,as neither teacher nor director,
and no neither ttaclicr, nor director, nor
Orthography. Page 5th, The word
"leveller ' occurs. It should spell, lovclcr.
Pago Gth, " Substracti jn." It should tpell
On sundry pages aro found tho words,
"dovclopcinent" and "develops. " They
ihould spoil development, dovelop.
I'aKo 10th, "Unskilful." It should spell,
Pago 13th, "Dcvitlcd." Should spell,
Pago 10th, "A very small pittanco is
generally grudged teachers.'' It sounds
as if grudgud teachers nro ft very small
pittance. Ambiguity of languago should
bo avoided, except where it is uicd pur
posely. It should road, "a vory small
pittanco is grudged lo teachers."
On fuch occasions as Teachers' Insti
tutes, thoro bhould be appointed, as Re
porters, those who are familiar with the
principles of Grammar, Orthography and
Punctuation, or else blunders will, neces
sarily, occur.
A Eonnarkablo Dog.
AntuotaUot lBiiil tnado a journey
front central New York down through the
eastern part of Pennsylvania to tho city of
Philadelphia in a lumbering stage coach.
To mako matters as disagrceablo as possi
ble, it chanced that early ono evening I
wai aroused from a sort of traveling doze
by a sudden crash and jar, and tho set
tling down of the front part of tho vehicle.
Tho fore axle-tree had broken eloso to the
off wheel, and until it could bo repaired
wo could not proceed any further.
"Theio's a small villago back hero about
threo miles," said tho driver, "whore I'm
going to take tho horses, and you can ei
ther come with mo or get lodgings at a
farm house closo by.1'
As I was tho only passenger, and very
much fatigued with the ride, I preferred
tho uearcst uartors ; and getting tho drii
ver to assist me in removing my luggage
tinnier, i asueu entertainment ot tuo tar-
mcr who assented in a cordial manner ;
and in less than an hour I was seated at a
table, and doing ample justice to tho good
cheer before mo.
The family of Mr. Mansfield for such
was tho name of tho worthy farmer con
sisted of himself, wife, pretty daughter of
fourteen, and a largo English mastilf. I
havo included the dog, because his won
derful sagacity entitled him to a rank much
higher th;tn an ordinary beast. I
Rcfore I knew anything of tho remark
able qualities of this animal, I was pecu-i
liarly attracted to him by a certain air of'
stately dignity combined with gentlouess,
and tho almost human look of intelligence
that beamed from hi-i cj-es. It seemed, I
, , , , . , ,,, , . ,
",0 stead,lv aml he:lr'1
1,1 SpCak' "S 'f h rCa"y know"',,3t 1 S!lid
a"d mr tha" nC0 1 CaUght myslf fan"
cyiug tliat lie was about to reply.
"That is a vory fine dog you have Mr.
Mansfield," I o.isually remarked, as 1
drew back from the table and stw the an
imals eyes fixed so gently and comprehen
sively upon me. "At what price do you
value him V
"His weight in diamonds could not pur
chase him sir I" replied the farmer, with
"Indeed I"
"No, sir ; ho is ono of us ono of our
""'ly 1 1113J' say and I would just as
i think of disposing of my wife, or my
daughter Ilattio there, as ofsclling him.
"Indeed there is a bond of union that
nothing but death can sever. A most ex
traordinary animal, sir, is Bruno ; and to
him I am under God indebted for tho life
of my darling child ; only for him, sir,this
would long fciueo been a houso of mourn
ing." "You excito my curiosity; will you not
favor mo with tho story ?"
"Presently I will, sir. But first let mo
show you how much Bruno knows and un
derstands. Where did you place the can
dlestick last night when you went to bed,
Ilattio !"
"On tho table, father."
"Is it thcro now?"
"No, I brought it down in tho morning.'
"And tho extinguisher 1"
"I left that on the table."
"You may go and get it- Stay I" ho
continued, as sho aroso to obey ; ''you may
not bo able to find it in tho dark, and
Bruno can. Go and get it Bruno."
Tho dog, who had been looking at us,
soemingly listening to the
quietly arose, and going to a door wuicu
opened upon a stairway, he stretched him
self upward, lifted a latch with ono fore
paw, pulled tho door open with tho other,
and disappeared. In a few moment he
retu.ned,with tho extinguisher in his mouth
which he carried straight to his master.
J "aire il to Ilattic," f M the httar.
The dog nt onco advanced to tho girl.
"I think mother wants it," laughed Hat-
Tho dog immediately went to Mrs.
Mansfield, who was busy drying Fomo
dishes and placing them upon an old fash
ioned cupboard.
"Poor Urunol" sail hia mistress with
a smilo ; 'they aro only trying you ; but
if you wilt go over to tho firo place, and
take a scat till I am done, I will relievo
you of your charge."
No human being could havo shown more
ready comprehension of everything spoken
in an ordinary tone than did that sagacious
bruto ; and as ho valkcd over with a state
ly step, and seated himself as directed,
with tho extinguisher in his mouth, I ut
tered an involuntary exclamation of sur
prise "I suppose you think this a very pleas
ant trick which ho has been taught?" ob
served tho farmer, turning to mo with a
triumphant smilo, but I assure you, upon
my honor, I never asked him to do tho
same thing before "
Of course I was all amazement. What,
save the power of speech, was tho dividing
line between this bruto and the human
species !
After trying him several limes more, in
different ways, and thus proving him to
have a knowlcdgo of all that was said to
him, 3Ir. Mansfield proceeded to relate
tho following exciting and interesting in
cident. "Six years ago last summer," began tho
worthy farmer, "on a. dull drizzly after
noon, I drovo down to tho village to cot
: my horso shod, and being detained till
near dark, Ilattic was sent by her mother
I to fetch tho cows from a distant pasture.
j Thoro seemed to bo sufficient daylight for
tll0 purpoio wbcn gho ot out. bat nigU
i m r,cf nr1 i,.t .4,i-i,, -,i
whon j ot ll0lua IIaUio hai not yCt ro.
t,irne(iFrom the verv moment of beins
told whither -he had gone, I f.'lt a itrangs
unea-inn-s about the poor girl j (or the
night had then set in inten"ly dark, and
her way lay over a rugsed hill, through a
pitch of woods, and over the neck of a mi
ry .swamp, where I had mado a safo foot
path by sinking some logs in tho treach
erous ground, and constructing a rudo
bridgo across a sluggish stream. But
should either she or the cattle miss this
bridge and get into the swamp, thcro was
danger of being mired and suffocated ;
and therefore it was with a good deal of
nervous anxiety that myself andwifo.light-
j cd by a lantern, hurried over to t
ous spot, hoping to meet Ilattio on
I A fino- m'lity ra!n was steadily
tho peril-
tho way.
and the clouds hung about tho earth liko
a fog, so that it was impossible to see only
a few feet with the aid of a light, and not
an inch without it. Judging from a caro-
fill in-pection, that tho cattle had not yet
cr .sscd the bridge, we went over to ihe
pasture in search of tlicm, calling' Ilattic
loudly all the timo. Wo found the ani
mals at no great distance, but two were
mising and tho poor child was not to bo
discovered. Then wo became alarmed in
earnest, and commenced a soareh for her,
hurrying from one point to another, and
j shouting and hollooing continually. This
wo did for a couple of hours ; and then
my poor wife sat down aud wrung her
hands in dispair. I suggested that Ilattio
might even then bo at homo and alarmed
at our absence i and this suggestion inspir
ed her mother with sufficient hope and
strength to get there, where sho suuk down
under a new disappointment, helpless as a
Ah, sir, that was a timo of tcniblo trial
to me my sweet child lost, my wife utter
ly prostrate, and not another soul near to
give mo aid and sympathy. I could not
stand it alono, and I at oneo hurried to tho
nearest neighbor. Tho man immediately
set off lo rouso other neighbors, and his
family accompanied me homo. By mid
night quite a party had assembled at tho
houso hero ; but it was decided not to bo
gin tho search for Ilattio till tho following
At daybreak seven of us wont off in
quest of Iho poor child, taking along a
couble of dinner horns and somo threo or
four rifles, in hopes of reaching hor by
.-ounds louder than our calls and shouts.
Wo took tho regular cow-path to the pas
tttre was hilly and much covered with trees
and bushes, and we were several hours get
through with that; and then wo spread
off in different directions, and occupied the
entire day without success. Oh, what a
horribles night was that which follow cd,
For four days we .-cotireJ the country
in every direction, without getting any ti of tha poor child ; and then all, oven
thow who had bwn ths most tantjuine-
findinc hor,cavo her up for lost ; and com-
plctoly worn out and heart brokcu.I throw
. . ... .
myiclf down wishing death to relievo mo
of my misery.
It was on this evening that a younger
brother, who had been away a coublo of
weeks on a journey Up the country return
ed with Bruno, who had been his solo trav
eling companion. Tho sight of tho dog,
whoso sagacity had long been tho wonder
of all who know him, excited a faint hope
in my breast that he might yet find his
youg mistress, cither living or dead ; and
with this idea uppermost in my mind, half
insane, a3 I was, talked to him of tho sad
affair, just as if ho were blessed with tho
understanding of a human being. Never
shall I forget tho sorrowful but singularly
comprckensivo expression of his brown
eyes as ho kept thorn fixed upon mine all
tho whilo I was speaking to him ; and
when Iliad done, ho turned away with a
mournful whine,and suddenly disappeared.
Early next morning my brother shoul
dered his riflo, and announced his intcn
tion of trying hh fortune in a fresh search
for tho poor child ; but all tho men had
gone homo, and I was tco much broken
down with grief to accompany him ; and
so calling tho dog, and not finding him ; he
set off alone.
"It was somewhere about the middle of
tho day that I was sitting by tho bed of
my nearly distracted wife, trying to soothe
and console her as best I could, when sud
denly Bruno, whom I had entirely forgot
ten meantime, came bounding into the
room, looking soiled and fatigued, as if
from a long journey, and at onco began to
bark and whino in a strango, peculiar man
ncr, running to and fro between mo and
the door.
" 'I do bcliovo the dog lias found the
child !' exclaimed I, starting to my feet
with rt new hone.
" 'Rod grant it I' cried my wlfu, vrring-
' mg her hands.
' Try and bo calm af least until I re
turn,' said I, feeling a new life in all my
' I hurried out, tho dog preceding in
and barking joyously. lie then struck oil
in a direction different from any wo had
taken in our search for tho girl, barking
excitedly, looking back at every few steps
and thus seeming to urgo me to follow him
This I did, as fast as tho naturo of tho
ground would permit, running the most o
tho way. Into and through a deep, dense
wood, down along a gloomy hollow, and
up the steep sides of a wild, rocky moun
tain, the faithful dog led mo to a distance
of three miles, keeping just so far in ad
vanco, and always timing his gait to mine
"At length wo reached a spot more wild
rocky and gloomy than any I havo jet
seen ; and climbing to the top of a 6ort o
cliff, Bruno gave vent to a series of strange
, sounds, something between a bark, a howl
and a wail, alternately looking back
mo and down at somo object evidently far
below him. Pressing forward, with cmo
tions that I havo no language to describe.
but which seemed to still tho very bcatiugs
of my heart and rendered mo sick and
faint, I gained a footing beside my dog
and looking down into a sort of pit or ba
sin, surrouuded on all sides by precipitous
rocks a strange formation of naturo in
deed I behold my poor child, stretched
out on tho earth motionless, and as I then
believed, dead. My brain reeled at tho
sight, and it is a wonder I did not fall.
Perhaps I did ; for how I got down to
her I never know ; but my next remcm-1
brance is of sitting on tho earth, clasping
tho poor, bruised, starved creaturo in my
arms, and thanking God with all my heart
that I held a living, breathing child.
"I took off my coat, tore it into strips,
lashed the child to my back, clambered
up the rocks, and thus convoyed her homo,
fainting with fatigue and emotion just in
side tho doorway.
"That sho eventually recovered, you
havo an evidence in her to-night.
"In searching for tho missing cows, she
had wandered off, sho knew not whither,
and had fallen over tho rocks duriog tho
night, injuring herself so severely us to be
unablcto cscapo from tho pit, where sho
had remained for five mortal days without
a morsel of food, Ouly for this noblo an
imal, her bones might have been bleaching
thero to this day, and myself and wifo
, ,..,,, , -. .f l il
,ntn nvi.wliAil w.lli flirt n-llftinifV th-lf WlSltlil
ift m,;i,iioSs IK- Ant nvnn
""if -...--" -
instiuct, reason or sagacity, or what you
will, tho dog had found her I am unable
j to say ; but tho fact itself would havo been
sufficient, had I never been a doubter or
bkeptio, to havo mado me a firm bolicvcr
in the watt hful caro and inscrutable ways
- 0f Diviuo Provideuce. Do you wonder
now, sir, that no uionoy can purohaso
of Bruno 1"
Iho next morning, when tho stago came
along in good repair, and I took IcaTO of
.... & 1 il. e T 1 1.1
tho worthy farmer and his family, I held
out my hand to tho noblo dog, who placed
a paw in it, with dignified gravity, and
gavo mo a parting look of intelligence that
haunts mo to this day, and which, wcro I
an artist, I should have long since drawn
up canvass. Had that animal a mind and
soul I Sometimes, when I eomparo him
with the human brutes I meet with almost
daily, I am tempted to bclicvo ho had
both, and tit st tho latter havo neither.
New York Ledger.
Desciui'tion or a Chinese Battle.
A Chinese battlo is as good as a farce.
Some of tho littlo fights at Shanghai wcro
very amusing. Ono day when a great
many soldiers wcro out, I saw moro of the
combat than was pleasant. Having got
into a lino of firo, I was forced to take
shelter behind a grave, tho bullets strik
ing the gravo from each side every second.
Why, they came my way it was difficult
to discover, for they ought to havo passed
on the other side of tho creek, about twen
ty yards distant, to tho peoplo they were
intended for; but to sco tho dodging of
tho soldiers, then of the rebels, each trying
to invade the other, was almost amusing
Ono fellow, ready primed and loaded,
would rush up tho side of tho gravo hillock
drop his match look over tho top, without
taking aim,blazo away. There is no ram
rod required for the shot they uso ; the
bullctror bar of iron is merely dropped in
loose upon tho powder. There was a fine
scene on an occasion when tho Shanghai
rebels made a sortie ono ol the men was
out off by an Imperial skirmish, who had
his piece loaded. 1 he rebe.l had no tunc
to chargo on him, as ho ran around and
around a gravo, which was high enough
to keep his enemy from shooting him when
on the opposite sine, iiaro hunting u
nothing to it. Red cap described hosts o".
circles, aud the royalists was fast getting
blown, when tho gods took pity on his
wind, for, by some unlucky chance, the
rebel tripped and fell. Tho soldier was at
him in a moment, aud to inako sure of hit
prize, put tho muzzle of the matchlock to
Red cap's head, fired, and took to hi
heels as fast as ho could go. It was diffi
cult to say who was tho most astounded
when Mr. Red cap did precisely thu same
The bullet that dropped down readily on
the powder fell out as easily when the bar.
rcl wa3 depressed. Tho rebel got off with
a good singeing of his long hair. There
were frequently, however, somo very ugly
wounds ; aud whero surgery is at such
discount, tho poor wounded must suffer
most severely. The Chinese rarely, if ov
cr amputate. They uso strong drawing
plaster to extract tho ball. Tho missiona
ry hospitals at Canton and Shanghai, un
dor tho able chargo of their indofatigablc
managers, Drs. Hobson and Lockhart, as
also that under tho good care of Dr. Par
ker, late Plenipotentiary for the United
States to China, did great good. Indcsd
it is impossible to tell what grand results
may follow tho labors of these gentlemen
Tho hospitals arc often crowded with woun
ded soldiers chiefly being benefitted by
their skill. Thcro wero frequently fights
close to Dr. Lockhart's hospital, and men
of both parties had been carried thither. '
Dr. Hobson received upwards of 1,000
Canton soldiers, and his reputation is far
spread. Even the mandarins havo deign
ed to notico his aid Truo to their usual
policy towards foreigners, they give tho
barbarian no credit; but his services were
so great that they could not be passed over,
so they selected a Chinese lad, who was a
sort of medical pupil and paid assistant at
tho hospital, and dubbed him a mandarin
of the sixth rank. A grant of land for a
hospital would have donorauch more good.
Twelve Years in China.
Goodness. The wind is unscn, but it
cools tho brow of the fevered ono sweetens
tho summer's atmosphere and ripples tho
surface of tho lako into silver spangles of
beauty. So goodness of heart, though in.
visible to tha material eye, makes its prcs
enco felt; and, from its effects upon sur-
roundiug things, we aro sure of its exist
"Billy, my boy," said o short-sighted
MUi. l.iui.1 iv. ait; .......1.1 tti nucuu, t.
1 '
; Mb' yctl littl0 fellow 0f Sl)0Ut fi SUIU
mers, "did you take my glasses!"
'No, father, but mother guesses as how
you took 'em 'fore you come home."
A clergyman had just united in mar
riago a couple whose christian names were
Benjamin and Anu. "How Uitl they ap
pear during tho ceremony!" inquired
friend. "They appeared both -lnmniated
nd Ufricfitted," v as the ready reply.
Whispering John.
In what is known a3 tho "upper end"
of tho county, there is a man who has tho
ironical soubriquet of "Whispering John
R ." This titlo ho has gained from
tho fact that ho always talks (even in con
versation) as if ho were a major-general
on parado, or, to uso a moro common ex
pression, "liko ho was raised in a mill."
This gentleman mounted his horso onit
of tho coldest mornings last week beforo
daylight, for the purpose of riding down
to M , in timo to tako tho morning
train of cars to N He roda up to
the hotel just as the boarders and travelers
had done their breakfast.
Ho dismounted, and walking into tho
bar-room, spoko to tho landlord in his
usual thundering tono : "Good morning,
Mr. L , how do you do this morning!"
"Very well, Mr. R , how do you
"Oh I I am well, but I'm so eo.d I oan
hardly talk."
Just then, a nervous traveler who was
present, ran up to tho landlord, and catoh-
ing him by tho coat sail : "Mr. L ,
havo my horso brought as soon as possi
ble I"
"What Is the matter, my dear sir ! hu
anything happened!"
"Nothing upon earth, only I want to
get away from hero before that man
1ST Some or the Institutions op a
Printing Office. Tho "Devil" is an
institution by and of himself. Ho inks tho
typo, or turns tho crank, or "lays on tho
sheets." (Other people sometimes do trio
latter.) If it wcro not for him tho paper
would not "come out." Ho sweeps out
the office. He builds tho fire an appro
priate work for a fiend and swears bo
caue some one has"hookcdthc kindlings."
Ho does the "chores at tha house." Ha
"qu'ets tho baby." Yet his most impor
tant duty is to keep watch on tho stroet
corner so as to Inform the editor when tho'
shiriff" is ajtcr him !
With all this, the '-Devil" shoulders alt'
tho bad or smutty jokes of tho editor.
When the mighty man of tho pen is
ashamed of an expression", and still doBiTCH
to utter it, In says, "our Devil says thu3
and so' and tho poor devil has to stand it !
Nevertheless, the "Devil" is an impor
tant personage in society. Ho attenda
lectures. Ho frequents Concerts, shows,
and the opera ; but I say it more in sor
row than in anger ho seldom atteDdj
church I He presents himsslf at tho ticket
offico of tho "show," with his "linin" re
versed by way of a change, (for ho seldom
possesses moro than a single shirt,) as a
''member of the Press," and so prcssos his
claims that ho is admitted without tha
accustomed quarter. But our young friend
is not alone. He is too much of a gallant
for that. His "woman" is with him, and
ho aud his "woman" pass in and enjoy tho
entertainment, which, whatever it may bo,
is taken down in doses alternated with poa
nuts and tobacco. For the "Devil ' chows
as well as smokes and spits profusely upon
carpets when ha gels within reach of them.
I never heard of a Printer's Devil who
had ''risen in life," but I do tho class tha
justice to say that, to my knowlcdgo, nono
of them have fallen very low. Somo of
these 'Devils" havo desoouded to bo may
or's of cities. Some of them havo even
let thcrasclvs down into Congress. But I
never know one to degrado himself so low
as to becomo a President of the Unitod
So much for tho "Devil." I know tho
'animal," I'vo been there myeolf. "Bil
ly fo r h i m , "A rtem us Wa rd.
To iik for truth is not to dio for ono'a
country, but to die for the world. Truth,
like tha ancient statuo of Venus, will pass
down in many fragments to posterity ; but
posterity will collect and recomposo them
iuto a goddess. -
Why is a man that marries twica liko
tho captain of a ship ! Because he his a
second mate.
Your grapo vines, if not trimmed al
ready, should be attended to immediately.
As the crackling of thorns under a
pot, so is tho laughter of a fool.
si'EAi; wen ot your ineuu , or,' your
enemy say nothing.
Tho Flag which was hoisted on tho doom
of tho State Capitol, at llarrisburg, is thir
ty six teet iu lengtn auu twenty tect m
Men who endeavor to look fiercely hy
cultivating profuso whiskur.s, tuut ba
bair-cra wr otn fUwf,