Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 16, 1861, Image 3
j ' Art , " COLOMBIA DliMOtiltAI, Cocal nub Special, .John 0. Freeze, Editor, SATURDAY MORNINO.MABOU 16, 18S1. WOT To-morrow is lLo fifth Sunday in Lent ! It is also Saint Patrick's day. 'John 0. Calhoun was lorn March 18 1788. Tlio revolt in Milan occurred 10 March 1618. On tins day, 20lh March the Sun en ten the constellation Aries, and spring lo gins. Franklin received at Paris, 21 March 1778. The King of Bavaria aldicatcd March 221818. Capt. John Smith fiallod for America on tlic 23 March 101-1. 8J Tlrero is a present propcct of very considerable luilding and improvement, in and alout the town of Bloomslurg, during the Season just opening. May thcro to nothing to disappoint that expectation. :o: ST" Mr. Jacob Dicht left our town a few days ago, bound for New York and a market, with a lot of the best and finest horses which wo have seen him tako out of this placo for several years : Some of them arc fast as well as handsome. :o: fc3F" HVc aro glad to inform our readers, that they need bo under no npprehension as to tho ultimate location of tho Depot of tho Lackawanna & Jiloomsburg Hail ltoad. AVliatoTer Madam Rumour may say, it is no longer a subject of detato or discus&ion; and a very few weeks will sco the fine building iti all its fair proportions. :o: SST" We had a very fin? display of the Aurora Uorcalis, on Saturday night last. What can bo more magnificent What is more mysterious than those shifting light.-.? Sometimes brilliantly white, then yellow often casting tho glow of fire over the who'e Ileavcns where lies the secret of tho va rious hues. The firt notice taken of it ticcms to have been March Cth 1716. :o: tfiy Wo have no doubt that the little book lately published by Konler & WelU, No. 308, Broadway, New York, would be invaluable to many people ; and wc roe ommend all to buy and study it : But jf wo could tell them the cost, to ihat one sending would do, it would be much bctt.-i Scud however and inquire for "Dijeasca of the Throat and lungs." :o: l&" It would bo well for our podjtle to recollect that tho Locomotive df iho Cata Winn Kail Road does not run abbve the lower Ration at Milton ; and if in coming , from that point hither, jou lake Iho cars at the Sunbury k Erie slation oil Broad way, you mmt tako the hindmost car. or ' .1 ct c mi ..... j the b. & E. Irani vill eurely run away with you Several pcrsdus have been caught lately in that way, so let traveler take warning. t" For tho information of our citizens who intend applying for Tavern Liccnsts, tj tLid coming May court,we desire to say; that their applications mtlst lb filed in tho office of Pothonotary, fully three weeks before tho first day of tho Term, at which tho license i j to bo granted, or they will bo rejected for want of legal notice. 'Thcro must bo no mistake about tho filiig and the advertising. P. S. Petitions and Bonds, neatly, prin ted, and for sale at this office. :o: SSTOn Friday night March 8th a trc nicudou1) wind sCorni passed over our t jwn. Towards morning that abated, and Iho clouds it had brought, di-cjiargcd them, eelvcs in a copious rain, lasting until about ten o'clock on Saturday forenoon. Then a nor 'wester passed over us,an(. from that time till two o'clock P. M., wo enjoyed a most magnificent snow storm. At ten at night, tho air was calm, and still, and mild, tho heavens' unclouded ,and tho stars Bhinuing in all their glory. Thus in twenty four hours wo had severe cold, high wind, abundant rain, and fleecy tnowjfollowed by a very pleasant evening. :o: 86S The Democratic Reading room is coining to bo a place of very general resort. It is open every evening, and rendered in every respect comfortable. Papers from New Ilarep hiro.Massachusctts.New Ydrk. Ohio, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and other points, Daily and Weekly, aro always to bo found on tho files. The citizens of Bloomsburg generally, nnd of the country, are cordially invited to spend an hour in tho room whenever convenient. Books and Magazines & pam phleta arc among the reading matter. 'toT Bloonisburg is tho city of churches for its size and population. Thcro. is an Episcopal, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lu theran, German Reformed, Baptist, Cath olio, and Welsh Congregation. Several of tho buildiugs aro quito new, as the German Reformed, Baptist, Lu theran & Methodist: and all largo and handsomo edifices. Wo understand that immediately upon tho opening of 'Third Street, a plank walk is to be laid by tho citizens for tho moro special accommoda tion. of tlw Congregations of tho German teformi! and Baptint. COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT Tho following aro the receipts to tho offiud of tho CoLUttniA Democrat, during mo nionib or ueoruary, ioui : Juilae Rutctl, (IS CO Jelirt T. Evans, fl oo u. r . rersinf, llrnrr J I William filler. Mill. 8. Ilaldy, Ffniiril U. Hnrrter. llcnrv I). Illttenhendir.:i sn i w iaviu ucinnnn T (tOjOeerpo Oninn, David IlcinbnIJ, 2 00 Oeerce Onintt. nn Columbia County, Jj ,! Samuel Jacoby, 2 5o Jno. Olrlon, (Hemlock.):! w Reuben Hem. I I'looin.Y l im on John r.Bmltn, lis.., ti oo !t. JuilffeCoveiilioteA.:! M iviii.u. Harris, 1 tit V. Freeze, 1 00 W I am Wllilerttern 1 Tfl Juo. tinyder, (3 l'oinlg)3 t! Jacob Drown, 5 i!,V niDninur ton my, 4 (10 annmrl Oht, (Hemlock,)! 75 cyron n. Mdlcnry, l 6t Hen. Ocn. H Nutt, 1 so J.mitli, (Jeisc)lown) 1 60 lio nm I liegeman, 13 00 lUehard Utile, 1 00 MaJ. Jim Cnminlnit. 4 00 Anrou Smith, 4 Plj Joseph 1'umcII. 1 u.i 11. of Ch. Hfiiltli, 1 T5! Allrli Nicille. 3 Of) Hamiiel II, IJutrhlnsnnv3 nj I'M. of Henry M. Fuller,! 00 Let. ofA.Phoctmikcr, 1 73; llngen and Unvd, Ul Knlmnoii Shuman, 1 00; Frcd'k Hrnwii, M, D-, H IK) Oeorfe Vonce, il oo National llotrl, 4 5W Jnn. flnydcr, (flierllT) 10 (iojt?atnuil Tniilh, 3 5i John tthttmycr, I 5ff Tut of N.H. Trcnlli, li) 00 .11; llfiirv J. Yntdo. m m nrnry lienor, C J. Thomnn, Frederick Durr. 1 Oft; Webiterfc 'llmnum, 5 O'l 73; Itev. A, I, 1 23 Samuel Appleman 4 50, Hon. w, J, Woodward, 73 FRESH FROM HE CITY, MORE NEW GOODS! EVERY SORT, sf.e, AND STYLE JUST nEClUVED AT SETTLE'S SHEA? STOBE IN LIGHT STK'SeT, AND ARC EINU SOl.I) TOR RKADT TAT, "Cheaper than the Cheapest I" ty ri-ISASB CALL EAnl.T. Agent, IjlU Sltott, April 23, 1SC0. IIEtSCK! ISRIK!I T1IR umleraiEnpil it prepared tf mrply 1!riek, of n cikmI fair price, llruilib.! found at Iti'j nrick Yard i'l. L, M'Kiimy, near McKrhy .t Near, Furnnci'. rirnni deqiringto piirclii-c will du well (o call ni brick will be made nnd nvtt ht iclJ. ). 11. Ft'ltMA.V, finl. fO" l(H),O0O now on hand nnd ruady for snU-. Illoomaburt 1-Vb.O, 1 IHll Hm. J. II, Y. XVKS VUKtX 110 i I'Aj, Nos, 0, 11, 13 sod 15 Oourtlaoil street, HOARD, 81 50 PEH DAY. D. IMVINOIIESTEIt. T1103.U. WlNCMEeTER. NEW YORK. May I. IXlfl GIBSON'S AN I) DEI OIMTIVI) KSTA BMSI1MENT. No. 125, South Elcrcnth Strict near Walnut, rililiADi.lil'fiHA, Cnitmclcil GIah, Frisco, Oil and F.ncausiic rnintin Jons Gmsov. G. Il.liiLEOt. Jniiu try IHul 3rn van sah.i:. One lliiuilrcd Tuns, of Cnyt:ga, Lake Tlaslcr, AT THE CATTAWIS5A MILLS. THKiiMdi'rk'iiP'I woulJ rtFp'ftfiiUy inform tlm pub he pt'in tally that tlu) tiato utt hand al.iri: amnunt of itiperlor CAYUGA LAKE PLASTER, nil of which theyoff.-r Airato.ln larcc or sum liuntitis upon tin mo.i ri-ifKii.ililftorn.a, lYrum vs iJuiif , e"'"' ""irl'!"fi'l"',l'r"oul'1 do,vc,llotl111 and ciam- iiiotliislKforo furcluslng elsewhLte. o. w. M'Kiii.vv t co Cattnuiii,!, Jan. 3) 1P01 3ni. UMHUKLLAS AND PAKASOLS. 'r'HU aulirrilii'r. iiianuf.iclilrcr of I'MnnLM.A At 1'ari J, it llii tillciilirn nf inurcliantrt to hij n!.irg cd tturoiiiid sniperier ntnck, jnjEPii rLv.sni.i.; Ni. 3, U 4, North -Mi St. l'IUI,.M)i:i.l'III.. MarcliS. Idul 3m. THE WINE STOKE, or i OKN H: . 5" V A 3, t 3il Al,.lJi nrltr.LiT, (btlow i'uurtli ht.,) l'llll.Alli:i.lMII., I'a. Ausuit I, 1 "-Urn. THEODOItE STILES COXFKITIUhMI AXU FIllUTKHEU AND WltOLtttK DBAt.CH If FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FIUJITS. Raisin. Trunr. ri-nVnt4, tnrrantd, Aliti'iniU, I'cacmi Nuts, ritron, l:ni!. Walnut, Or.mgi-n. I'itfi, rilborty, Lcuioii. JJ.ltCH, ,Cri.aiii Nlltn. 1'lliu Aludrn. Dried Ap,Iei, " 1'i'arlmf Sweet oil, Syrinw, IC'rack tnt: lfnmcs. a'c- jt-ci korrf, No. 17U Market Street, l.itoof yrd tc. Vine Street PHILADELPHIA. March 10, l.-C.O-l'Jin. EAGAJNS B.lliG A1KS!. iXKW FALL AM) WINTER C00S. IffliftnWg & E 55 IT WOULD rcHocrtrnlly Inform the cllifijns of IJph Biri'ft nnif iciiuty that thy have Just fecuh cd a new nnd;xtcnin nemiUmeiit of DRY GOODS AND GROCEItlKS, which they w ill hpU cheap for rajh. Thy hive nlarpe nnlf; variety; at I tint in commonly found jnn Country Htor, nntt nrudttcriniiied to mil rl''n)i. To the selection of their jronjii thy havit tiaul v'rttt attention ; therefore, their inert hmnlizfi w III hear rt coiumfiiddtimi and will pfovo tit be of tho limt ctanx: Tho proprietors cordially solicit a liberal hare of pat r on age, Oiulomers would do wi-ll to call nnd examino their nencrnl vnriety before piin haiinpi-UuM here, Country produce- taken in exchange for you.U at the hiL'hcct innrket price, MARTZ Ac KST. Lirbt Street, Ko ember, 3 lPfA Cattawtssn, U IlliAmsport & Ivrlo U. It: m; ffi t Wrl? : V JUyi l 8 dJ Dtrtttftaiirwteon JKy Ufc' v .y"'" ntttion bttu-ern Ma para J-'ailt and' t'hitaiittpkia. thnrtttt Qnitkrtt and Uktepttt Hovttfrom Iftu'ern Vru YorLto Philadelphia, IlnrntbvTg, pmiburg Baltimore, IVaiSngton nfy, and tht South. Tho different Trains on this Rond pn Kupcrtas fol lows : TRAIN'S MOVING SOUTH. EipreM Kri tcht, t.OO a, m, 1'hiladelphia Mull, JV.Wi a.m. I'luladLlphU & N. V. Kipress, 11. -JO r. m. tuajns MoviNa north. Espress rreijn:, 12.2U p. m. Klmira M.11I, :t,40 r, h. Niagara dprcsi, 11,) r. m. FAKKS UF.TIX ZEXRVrFMTSt rHIIJinV.LPULI. ilunert rt to riulaiia., 91 u Uupv-rt to .million, 9 u do llnrriburg, 3 00 1 do do 1'. Clinton, li U) da da Tair.ama. 1 50 1 do Williauiiinort. 1 40 Illmira, .1 CO Mncra Falls, ? AW passtngers are rctuested to prncnro Tickets before entctnij the car. Itificago checked through to Flu I a dclphla and Eliuira. 11. sTArar.v goodwin, fup't. Jan. 1, m. ''piin Proprietor of i lis well known and centrally lor a I ted Homo, tim Usiiiitioe IIotil, situate 011 Mat Street. In Itlonnikburii. immediately nnuusltu the ColUm bla Cduitty Court House, respectfully informs his friends and the public In Rencral, that his Houj is uuw in or dcr for tho reception and entertainment o( travelers nho may feel disposed lo favor ll with their custom. He has spared no expense in preparing Iho Kxrtukuc, for tho enteruinuieni oi ins guests, ntuner snail mere oc any. thins u anting (on his part) to minister to their comfort. His house Is spacious and ujoy uu excellent business location. O-Omnibuses run at all times between the Kxchango Hotel and the arious Kail ltoad Depots, by which trav tiers will be pleasantly conveyed to and from the re speclive Stations in due time to meet the Cars. IV M B. KOON8. SlogoNburg, 7, 1C60. AND ItM THE SflXDY CTRE OP KorvouilrosV4t(ouf Ocuoral DeUllty, Aithmn, DyspepeiA, Scrofula, Ilarasmns, Faralysla, Chromic Bronchitis. Anemia, ChlorosUf and all DiaordcrWUho Blood Cyitem. DO YOU KNOW IT? tovprstrrtoN tiu: jiost fatai pcoitoh or lUNKINIi. H ba tern truly regarded as am ivci ru. nt a MAUnr few ever surviving lu attatk. " On tizih tf fh white ftiimin rare," a)s Pp. Cmitcnnt.. ' and tOItK7IIAN OXK II A 1 V OF All. 1I1F. ADI'IT 1011. 1. UKiV of tnwtclrlllzM comrnnnlil li:itll! BY THH HHUVST." What a inl romtnectnry t ite boasted cmr.icy of tho Hrnlloir Art 1 Tho brilliant Discovery of fr, rhhrrhlll, mado lo tha Imperii! Av1fhiy of Med trine, cf proved an f nUmalU boon lo tho world l!y tlirt ue cf this new aodwuvrnlrme7taIn;rn() klicwn to (licmlslry ts THE HYPOPHOSPMITESl "tbi Cfnn ot tONSt'lU'tlOX, rcn In th ftrconil nnd Tfalflt BtRret (nt n rcrlo.l, therefor., when tnrre enn ho no doubt nn to tlic nntnre or tho c) I. Iho JiflX, nhllo IIKATII 18 THK 1JXCKIT10K." I KNOW," .). pr. C, thnt they Mill broro tiotonly an PVIir. A HEM KllVIn tOfMI'TION n. Qulnlnn I. In Inter, mlttent Fotcr, but nt.o m rTectual n Pl:l:8i:it. TATIVH n, Vaeelnntton In Briall Io," Iflllo miU'rcr, wlio vilur, liralih ami life, itclnv rm liour to Iry tlila rcnily. Komcmbcr that ' i)rcc:iltoa h linttcr tnin cure." IHwaroor HMoccptl(n,or ilm eootlilnj imoranro cf frHiili tlint"i tt ml) n little rol'H " latalnrrnr fm)'rlallrlioiwOllprcmstiro fraves I Gle, I fntroit you, prompt attfetioa to tho KVRUEST JI0N3 QF OONSUttpriOK. "Jit mE3H fSKIN'S Piuit. ronow ivcv." ,M,irl: "lUGcarliat symptom cf tubercular dioensi t wastivu. Hpm-nIcjMroti(riDDi it U t-arhrr, In f!nt of time, than tho m-crir. t li first minifcMvl h tlio fa't nml Ain fj. Tu iivueulir tliiucs wasta ; henco ij.n utt : thcro UARetiivorcomethh'gOTorig Airlti thatiirn TlrAt, nnram io ruotiitu. Iho mure or tho living madtlno i more &cto lhau It, repaic."ltr. I'olloik. "M.irithmlamjarparrnt ratw,orc&itcMholnltaciH'a or canso, lilch Intluco n iiunk nnd i iiiai-sti x suih m griff, nnrnvrk, ft, pfrpumrg, rhlM Itarin, nminj, rnjuM grmrlh, or ilMnroirjnM dii,ut, it lyrral lieslas I) po IiU Oerli, slniiiih, color, or nppetuoj if ht Buffers from ihorhuis ur LrrolA, or IfTWnir.j, nnit cxiKTleticia n, rmtial fic'.lnii r lots-ouoi-nnil ltrntm,1in;K 13 IlllAMlM 10 1 L.MI that A it atrrcidy fredt p-vrd tt the comj'mV. If to lleo rjmptomi bo rvMwl roiwh, howecr fll(.-lil, articutarly If It lvu enmo on loly, or dnrlrc tho I ilr s.-j-rii TIIE 1T.OBAHII4TY mjllllmi: ILI.rni.rc,,ll. ' EFFECT OF THE REMEDY. "If, on tho cirllest nppenrnncc orihr.o ilipi, of Consumption, Iho pallent dolly about ten irroln, of the 1ITPOP3IOSP11ITEO. he will u.nnlly ee then nil dliappear in a period varylre from a fow weeks to nfow months t did by eoutlnulnc tho oern.lnnal u.o of the Unnedy, HE VILI, BPri.D ilt nira niitsEU ur ?ur. i;njovm2ut or SUCn HEALTH A3 HE. rEHUAID, HAD JlEVtJl nxow.N i- iiib i.n-r. r.i:roi!iv "Winchester's Gcnuino Prcpsralion" is Tin: osiv KtnAinn rorm of Pr. Churchill'.) lmci!y. rvl from tlio erlglual I ormuh.J Tlio union if the IlypophoEphltn Is iitiMOLD ami fciiM : iiniosfno tlio prlnilolo iiuiin msfnTiTts mm, ,nr, MhI ihcv u( U.o KnT rownrii.titrion orNntAnva Atara know. Tlio ilTct pnn Iho tubercular mn.Iltli.ri is IMSIl'lH.Vni.Alx iu crERAi.BrMiTii3 i.UAririKia timi a uiiihttviihs liKiiiTHArnnnr?. lhryrttim llio couch, .'MniiA expectoration, hijtck tli appelite, nrrat illarrhna ; tho tnpU tnalt, rl.xllt, r.n.1 fnrr cra0! Iho boo'j lucerne rrjular, ami rut tirr.f caui ad l l!0roi.n. XlJh 18 A ""TAIH'CURE I JnKWAREor ilryvt -nnro.wa. Tv niurcbm'a.nii.lullc.lhir t-Wl.NM.IKU I LMClii tortli RulTorer or tbeir menu,, loir pm-iotn timr, aud ha.tcn a lATAtnisriT. AVrllo lo inofir ClRClUtRS, and ror Dr. Churchill's Trcatiso on CoBsumptlon, which contnl-t tho only mth'ntie infarvutiim In rrclrd t) toll M:V TIIK.VT MOT. fi nt riiti: lo all Icfiuimra. miCEi In, 7 and laoz. Hottlea, CI and C3 each. . Threo larce, or nix email for CO. My fac-6iuillo it on both tho Label and Outeldo NVrajpcr, 110 OTIIEIt IS OENTJIHr. jfS Do not confound tbH Ilcniedy w ith tho to-called ''UiemlcalKnod ;" ami particularly atoid allpniira lloDscoutalningirou.blchU PA.t ii.of.1nEd fid liter I, which ha, ao t-t hati r. t-nonytTT m iuio i n. 'iJ'i,.by "' mo,:t r,"lctablo IiropsiMs tbroncheut J Inttnl ! tales and 1'rltl-h I'rot mem, and V1 oliaalo wJI.etali nt thcAencral Uejot imbo Inltcd r-tati,by J. WINCHESTER, 3G Jchn Street, N. T. Slarch 1', Will. l'ATKNT MIOA LA31P OIIIMNKY. A Iantp Chimney that nil! not. BictlcX This crest invfiiiion comineiids itself in ovmp m ininn t OMt OH, I.A.MIM It five- mlmlit, rvinim lens trailing and u hreak hy ihu heat or ul I. fall in", or any orn'niury usasc. For gate b'i Slerclrentrn tnfaHij throughout th V. ,.and tne Vaan,listiitdhoU' ale by the J.'antijieturtrn atul Fatanttts. UUUMM! i. nuMPimnv. N".;8l N. fi:COD Street, PHILAU'A M. P. brpo and t-up rior fl-i k cf ( 0.1, GIL .WJT. uiwajH nn hand, at prisi dtfjurr competition. Alto, th t i"KtrtM. iXat Ci7, nt.M.inufatlurcrrt Trice, March., li. u-lm. S II A n V X OTIC K. Peroni indrbfiltn X3R. GEO, HILL, Will find tlu'ir accounts in thu hands of the uiider.igiii:d for col lection. Immediate attc?ttion icifl snve Ct sti, JOHN u. riux.E. Ulnomnbur?, I'a.. Teh. 'iX 10! -It, J ADIES' EXTRA HOOP SKIRTS, t Jnt r 'ceived. Pouietlihn; new in that lin). Call jit Ladies, and git one. H. C. ft I. IV. HAUTMAV. Wonmsburtf, Htb. 23, IFOI. (LtTL HtOLE IlilTCI ) THIRD STREET ABOVE RACE, IIIIIIiADHIiPIIIA. RHOADS, &, SAILOR, l'roiuiclors. Tlt.hiiM V. Roaos. r.'rmeili-of llio Vallnnil lint, I Clltiti.ia rlAii.oit. formerly ol'Hiiiuvlkill Co. I'a. .March-.', 1MI-I!i. -UNITED STATES HOTEL, GENERAL STAGE OFFICE. r.iMiqu.t r.vv.v, WEI.DY & LEVITT, I'aornicintt". C rasricnerrs in tlic Philadelphia .Mail Tram suing Sontn.and Hlmiri .Mail Train cnhiu Korth, Him; nl the United States Hotel Tamattta Pti, March 3, lUll-lVm. (March 12. -U ) GEOllCrK II. KOUKllTS, I IjiroiiTcn ani di:ai.i:ii in M A M B W AK3fiT 0UTLElti GUNS, " ; Xos 2:55 a'ml 237 orlli Third Strccl. i ORIMU Itr.ChUANnD CLOVER Si:iil. free l. fe rffTr- JL from nniioiM wfids, nlno, jmotn ard. Herd (Irass, Haliou nnd Cncllsli peri Rev (Iras. KrntiiLkv Itlup Crass. While Clovi flue mlxid I.awn Cmes kcnl &c, at wliolc;iln and rrtml. rABUiirtbi aiuuitio. Implenipiits ond Sei'd Warehouse, 7ih and MarXe trpcts, t'liliadelnhi-u I March 13 IW.) -Km. i THH largest and mot com pi to assortment cf Agricultural nud Horticultural lmde. ments ever ofl'red in Thiladtlphia, cmbra tin; many new Implements, not to Us fuiid rlaewhcrc nfado or tint best materials au-l tvorltiiiaiishhi. ctDfessh for inv own snles. Farmers are invited te call and examine thu anrtment, I'AiSCHAUi MOUHIH. Implement and Seed Warehouse "th and Market street, Philadelphia. March 12, 1653. WILLIAM II. RANDALL, Court House Row Opposite Iho Court House, next door to the olhce ttlio Columhi.. Umorrat. 11I.OO.MSWHO, I'A. Dee. K. J8C0. Flour and Feed Delivered! 0HKA.PEK THAN THK OHKAPKST. IPIIB tlnderslffhed has made arraueeuienls that will I enaUoluin to deliver I'loiir and I'rrd, roll l.'ASII, about ten (ter cent, rhraper than any body tlsa in tot. n. Ills iirieci arc as follow I'lour. 97 25 1 Corn tc. Ityc Chop, l M Corn tc Oat. Chop. t il I llraii. . 1 10 I respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. W03ES KAITMAK, Flcrasfcurj, Jun?S3, 1SC0 If. II, C. & I, W. WE would rerictfuliy Invito ih attention of our friend, and On, public generally, from Utt Town nd County, to otir.prc.ent New ftocK of FAI.r. nntl WINTER I which Imvoliccn selected with ureal caro nnd under1 mors l than ordinary ndvantsge. Wo can offof tit' Ca$h end rran pau vrrv crent innitrrmptftti- Our, stock embfacn n I most every nfl.ty, stylo and HpJ.alns from U cts., to 81 tier yhrd,nll Wool TlAids vhhhjii iijiiu, oninny nnins, ijusnmcrs Aionatf ttripcs,350yls. of Cxtra riaid .Silks Tor 0cts. pi t yard, lilnck Silk und other In lame quan titles, Slinnls, Mrorhe, Mcllm, ('hemic and lUinket, Calicoes, Tirkingii, Chcrks, Bttlpei, fcr., &t , Cloths, Cnsflinrrs, Huttlnets, &rM In addition to tlm nhovv wuoiTer riroco tlri, Hardware, anpensnnre, Willow nnd Oitar Ware, I'.o-ds and Shoes, lints and Caps, (at reduced nrlrcsl Wnll raner. Cnftiet. Hnrnt ri.fiin j Cotton Vani.cVc, etc. I'tsh, Salt, Iron.Nnili, Lumber. Wood and Coal, lllooiimtturg, t'rpt. 3.1, 16C0. UnitcdStatds Mail. foil Oflleo Deparlment, I re8ruatT21. 1051i I pnoroSALS for conveying Ihe Untied SlnteJ Mail on I X therolloninitroutointlistiuteofl'ennayleniila.frnm ltt May, Icrnl, to 3tltli June, l?li4, by thu cbi-ilulil of de pantile, and nrrlnl, her.-liKperlfieil, nill bo reccited nt thi Contr.itct Oillee of tleparlment unlit 3 1', M. of Mnniliyi the till of April, to bo decided tlio nejt No- 27i!9. From Asliln'nil, bj- llboads town and lloarhigercok, to Cattawia,10 miles, and back J. tiroo tnne3 a week. Leave Ashland MondayVcd iiesday k Friday at 4 P. M., Arrive at Cattawissa by 0 1'. M., Leave Cnttaviijsa Tuesday, ThuMday ,t Saturday at 0 A, M.lf Arrive at Ashland by 11 A. jr., Tor form, of propmnl, guaranty and certificate, olio instruction, and requlr-imcnu to b l embneed In the con trad, a. -I-pamphlet advertisement inviting proposal, for conveying tho wail in New Jenry. 1'ennsfUntiia. Ilela ware It. .Maryland, dated Iltccmbcr 11) to bo found ntthe principal 1'ost Ollicei. , HORATIO KINO, MarrliS, l?01-4t. ro.lmojfrr antral. FRESH ARRIVAL -OF- Tifn umlersiirnedrRra'cfiil for pat patronage, rcsprct fully inform? his rtistmncrs and tlifpubllcpciHTully, that IU hisjust received rmm ths Kadcrnc cities, the l.irg'.'i-t an 1 nio-t ,ilcft stock of SPRING AND SUMMER Tlial ha y.l lu'en opened in IHoomtlnirp, t which he iiuiti'3 the nttenthm of his friends, und nmin-n thm that thi-y nn' olfcml fur sale at crtat Larcains. llix iStock comprint'S n lurgu anxorlment of HCNTliUMnN'S WHAIIIXO AD'ARnL, ConrMtinti nl rAcitroxABi-K Uiiw Coats, of cry dv! rription; Pants, Vests, Shirts, Cravats Clucks, Cotton Handkrchii-fs,(Jlocs, Hdpundtri, &c. GOLD WATCHES A N 11 JEWEL11Y, Of every die lint ion. fiiic and rhenn. N. U. (tjnii'ii.bor " Lotctnb. tgyt Cheap Emporium. call and sec, N'o chares fir t'X.tniiiic Ruodx. DAVID LOWllNHCRn. lilomniiburs, March 2, lcCl. (Jue IfS'J.) JIIOH AN1) Eh KUAN i1 A r n bi nn . n r ij i' . i f. C FOITTiK Nn..UNTorth sr.fOXD Strret, opptn.,,. Christ Church, inites the ratllflar attention ot Mcr chant oad others to lifi cr) larg.j and tljgant assort tnent of CAUrnT., OIL CLOTHS,. &(?., just rt-t itcd from the niot rclebrated manufactories of l.urop'j and Amcrira. ItKlndiiiK nil tha newest patturni extant, hiih will bo bold at a vtry stntill ndvanco vti rot. Call iindvxaniuio iiality, ttyte and pricts bLfurti punliain fUi'where. I'lyinembcr, No. :5 North Second Street. Philadelphia March ?, lilil-3m. lho and Female Academy, AND NORMAL INSTITUTE. OItAnVlLLI.. COIAJMIHA CO.. 1A. 1 Prof. J.;A. SHANK, A. B.Principal. THH tiCCON'D 'THKM OK TIIK l'JiLSUXT AcAn HMICychr of this Inntiti.lion Hl opui nnTu'i, day, the 5th d.iy of I brury, Idbl, in thu ntwty cumpl.j. ltd Aiademy lnltlfiig. The Course of fiibtrmtion ciiibraces a solid and tho. ronjli i;nchili l.duratioiit 111 tint' the btudent tor t-thcitnt nititt; lifj, nnd for bininta ; uhiWl those ho dfniri to preparo for Colhge will find ci-ry fatihty fr tin :iciiiMtion of ih. Latin and Cnik I ancnaes, Mth ' iiulics,, Morut, and I'll) iialcienreit, ntccsbiiry fr etitranco to any one of tUi Colh'(r cl.isnea A Normal D.mi irlment will ho rtttblibhcd in connec tion u uh thu Academic, so that thane w ho Mttli to pr ' purJ for tii prof. st-irdi .f Tvaclunc, uill rcctive tlu I n-'Cfrsary i:itrtntions fur mh priparatHn, und ht , allowed lh;b.iR'lU id' daily practicu inlhuniodt;) ecliocl or l'riit..iry Hip-trlmcm. I fij X I C II s c s. ' Tuition, per liesi-ion of i;t.ven Weeks: ror tUi first ' frrade 4 Oi; Socond pradu $5 W, Third prade $(1 10. One Imlf tho Tuition is required to bo paid at tto open , lo? of i acli sot-turn uud tUis other half at the clone, nn- Uu otli 'rarrniipeimnt' ar cttt'red into uiili tlm I'nu- cipil. No deduction u fur absenco except tu cases of conliiitiL'd illtit'hs, Itojrdjii; und ftirntrlud rooms will beciven Ftudents nt $i,mt pt-r ui't'k. Then) nrunlsu rooms to let for thoo wli't wih tobo.ird themselves, I AH thMtfXt hoyks ued in the institution enn b had In the nlact at tin nsmil selling prices. j K. I.A..RUtt. j r.a i'.TTi:itso. j i mi at. woDii.-i. Ai.runn mm i:i.i wiwi.nvrtnv.M.ix i J.1I1. .':1, laill. II. .M-III.NIIAUn. co.vitoiii;irn:Niinni:R Hoard of Truil't , I lfjlIiLiWISWINTIUIOfli. I A. J. SLOAN, t t,s jtut received, direct from riiiladclplua and Wevf LX Vork, n very choice assorti.ietit of I FALL AND WINTKIl GOODS, almost every new fabric which ha been inanuf.itlur?d tir Pptinz and tfiMiinur. a 11 " ,ne nsjial afsortmeut of STAPLE GOODS of superior qualities will be fund i in variety, and at prices ai low as similar goods can b purcnaseu iein i-. , It is an easy mutter l find goKls at n low price, but ns a guicral ru!i, they are Just as low in quality. Hut tu Crt a t!ood urllcli' "t a olj low price is soni'-thin ram. tiuch an opportunity, however, Is uttered to any who may want DHY tWUCS, OHOCKUiF, JMIUM.mF. QUE.WiH-.1HF. (lUta IV.IHFa VJXfl, SALT. tctyr. iTT- I'ttll miil utt. jf-n fOUNTltV ritODL'Ci: WANTHU. CloomihurEi October U, leu). NEW WAUON SHOP. Jlaiii btteci above the Forks HoUL THU undefiigucd, hat ing removed from r.apjtowntn llloombur, respectfully informs his friends and nutomtrii. that lu has vpued n new- sllon, on Main ftivi't, lUoduikbarg, abotu lhj Turks Hotel, whefe hj will conduct tho WAUOS MAKING UUSINESS, In nil its various departments, and on a mom i-xwusiv, scahl than heretofore. llucaie,, aprmi; Wasons, rluUies, Light Wagons, and all kind, of .finite, ni.ide to order, on short notici nnd fair terms. Also- and Farm WitLEL-mntinn, niado to order. rO W.rAiRio, of all kinds, inclddin; llcary Waton,, proiuplly dlld cheaply executed. r ' " JACOll fJ. liV.tNS. nioom.L"jf, April 31. ISCO-Cm. LIST OF LETTERS REM.tlMNtiin.lho l'olt dfTice at Bluomsliutj, Ta t'.b. lilh If 01. He le, John I Itch. William (.hip) 11,-uiott, ttnria Hudson. Mrs Mavis, William (ship) raydon, l.ttcy Mis. Riwt, riebina Reynolds, .Vllliim fc'pear, N. ecraL'C, U Co. VI. Smith, Lemuel tebcrts, A. fchildeckt r, Itosana Mrs Wander. John Trahlcr. II. Tobias, II. H. Wnn.Hhedrick Wriglit, John A. Wtnrirk.J, II. Yobr.reUr I'i.lur. narall Ml.s uabct, Henry V Hill G. How ells, Jnllri Miner Hoed lutr, Samuel 'i llawley: M. Keller, Harali C. Mia l.ynu. II I.oinnn,Gen. Meadley THos. W. Vy rersous calling for tlie above letters, will pleav say they aro advertised, SUPERIOR Golden Syrun Molassai, itt raciUtt-d tn4 for'iale at 5(j cApls pr ftrTton, al ns .ncrp ta.n ctei, 01 . 1, m.rficsv. C$r CURE EtevousHeadache CURE 9 Ily Iho uao if (bene pill. Hie periodic nttarku of.AVr- 7" irnianriir may id prrrcn'i-il I nn.l IftaKcnnt tliiriimmcncemontofnnntlaelt Immedlnto relief frm pain nnd alrknen nil! bo obtained. trth fomaiearn . Vtt.r ,U""" tii ureaiiy upon mo Don mi, removing Coiffrr- r I ' f:"?r""T I'liirntc irnifllog! nildnll , --it..iurf Hflwii,, nicy nro laiunnc u tt tt. 'cr,iiiiprot inS Iho ow,,i,,,,f, nS ior 7,;,. illaenl i-uoraaim. nml r.-.lnrh... n,,7,,. ii " '" ; lr-nglli or the vtlmtn ayjtem. nynnu T.HoClll'IIALIl! 1-II.I.S nr.. II, n. . .! ., i,i.,. if; -...."i.J.-j ' ' J ... .' "'" inrean r" " v-ii.iiiiiuiirAri'rinifnis,iiaina been u uw innnyyeaM, ilorlnp ulilrhllnu-tliey !:., p?rT"" ted nnd r i-tpH n vmt, ..r .i.. ., . from llenrlaihe, uhelher .,rl?ln,ll!'ln lllo ,,,,,,, tern or from a deraniied mnto oftlio imor, ' riu-y am cntrK-l v vejclnlile In ji,.r coinpo.nli,,, nnd may hj laLen nt ail II.,,-. nil pc,ft.ft rnfuty ti,",t jrrroWilajtc rtnderiit tat, lo ctltiMlltr Ihtm I, till. i-i tir.tvAnn or t:ouNTi:i!ri:tTsl I lie rolllHllO ttrtvn ft, a .fn.i.t .!.. .. ... .. ... oniMrh hoi, """"nrj- .;. rpnldlng i-o iu,y llriiTOirta "nd nil nth-f Denlef, in Mi-ili.luca A hni mil ,o .nI ,V , lrPln,j on receipt of thu , ., ., "1 lOli SW l.'UNTr'. All o.'dcra aliouid Ijo adilreaed to iicNitvt.'.srAi.nivfi, id I't-dar ttrctt, Net, York. TIIK roM.OWlNfJ KNDOHSEMCNTS OF SPALDING'S CEPHALIC -PILLS, mil. (oiii-ict all wno iorrm rot HEAD AC ll E, THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS W ITltIV TllCtn kuacii, .It Ihttt Tettimnniult vtre mtolitittj b fr snarl' AW, Mr, o,1i,r,l vr,(l3wc . f , Cory e Uu Imfy nriac dltccrtrf. .VatnttUt, Onitn., ttb.S, 1SCI. Mr Hpalalng. t hivclti.-d lourCeidialie 1MI. n,,.l tt.t.x i, that I Mailt ton to cnd nn- tirn,,. ,..n. n. Pari of ilu-e are for thu iici;hbo, tu whom I nate a fow out of tlu first bin 1 fol fnnii yntl. uuu iiiuii. niio on Ige Your oh't Servant. JlYC, ICA5-IK1I7, nrrrerj,,ra., JiS. 0, leCl. Mr. Fpaldlnj. Pitt 1 wish you to sendnie on j mm) box of your Cephalic I'itls, Aarsrnci agrtatdtot btn'Jit frvm then. Yours, respectfully Mart Ahi Stoikuoiip. Spfme Crtth, Huntington O. Va. ) January jr, H.C. Spalding. ' tfir: Vou will please ncnd me two bote of your Ct phalie Tills. Hcnd them Immedintc', Ucspcctfmi) jours. . J10. Ft. fiMois. J r.H. fAns vied on loz ttf your Ftlte, and And (Arm tlttllent. Btllt Fernon, t Aio, Jan. li, lsf.1. iicory "paiunig, i,s'. liKSnte Mr but . Ihatttttrlriti. ""J- ' (rWy "ireel A. Sioicn. I'. M. Hello Vernon, Wajntiilot Co., I). , .. Ilmrlf, Mail., lice, 11, IHO. II. C, Ppal II off, i:-i; 1 ui.ii ior .01110 urcnarii or larjc show hills, t hriiiR 1 Jmir l.'iiilinlK- 1 it a more inrlii.ularly hifom to) in- rs. If )ouhaB an)th!tig of tin Kind, pi, uao autol In lii-i. One of my custonmr. uho Is snhjrrt to arvrrc Pick lloailnrlu- (usually In.tini; to U.iy,,) uui turtd pf ita attack inane kenr by your l'ilh,v. hicll I .vol h -r W. II. W'lUil. litynotdtbttrff. Franklin O'., 6'Aia. J Jaiiuar) ll, ItG . ( Henry r. Spaldinc. ' No. 45 Codar tit. N. Y. 1'i-arhir: Incloseil find tucnty-ll.e cents, (25.) foruhlch send h.u i f LVphalir l'lll,." re-mi tou'rcss of llo. Wni. C. I'llU-r. Iti-ynoldsliorc, Franklin t'n , Ohio. 1'oiir Villi icork like a charm cure lltadatht ctmott tnltanttr. Truly yours, Wm. (.". rai. IV'll.'anli, .Hiti, Jail, 11, 1-r.I. .Mr. ripaldinc Cir: ol long .iiiru I aent In yoi forn hox ofCcplnlic 1'IIU f-r 111 euro of tho Nervous 11,-atl.ieliu anil I osti.L-ni-a, nml ri-ct j.t-d tlt-j aatiii-, tiu.l Ihey so good uu ul'ul that I nut inilurod to send for mor j. rienie send l,y rcltisn mail. Iliriiet to v.. li, , iici i.Kn, Vii.iljnti, .Mult. ran the 1'iamlntr, Norfolk, IV, (Vjilialic Pills accomplish tho ohject for which l hoy wore mailc, viz : (Jure of headache in nil its form. From Ik F.iamintr, Xorfolk, I'a. They liato been (cited in moro thau a thousand cues, ith entire buccco'3. Frfm Ike DcmotratAt, Cloud,, Minn. If 3011 are, or havo been trouble! with ll,,. vnn.l Vir -. I, 1 1 l...,l, !!.. ..k..H..uu) .w..- ,v ' UUA yVjlll.llll. . 1'illa.) n t)i!tt you way have them in case of an attack. 1 From the .tdetrtiitr, FtoriJcnte, il, , ! Thu Cephalic Pills are said to bo .1 re markably uiTuctivo remedy for ihc head acha, and one of tho very best for that very frequent complaint which has crcr been discovered. From the tl'csttrn It ll tla-tttt, OAiraa . . AVo heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and hii unrivalled Cephalic Pills. From the Kanavha f'alleu flor, Kanawha, I'a. Vt'o are sure that persons sulTori(s with tho headache-, who try them, will tSlck to them. ! FroH the Southern Vath indtr,Xiw Orlrant. la Try them ! you that are afflicted, and we are itro that your testimony can be added to tho already numerous list that has received benefits that no oilier mcdi ciue can prcduce. iy a siniiio uottio orai'.vi.nixii'.i rnurAitr.ii tii.vK Will save ten times its cost auiiuxll).Q SPAUllNfi'd I'ltKl-AlllII) IJU'Il! I Br.I,l)IVi'S I'RUl'.MtllO QLUKI UfALUIVG-a I'RKI'AnilU CLUKI 8.VV1J Tllll ri CL'US' KCllN'OMVI PISPATCI1I C "A aVriioiiii TiMi Kt l Ntis." C1 As ajidents ..111 happen, t-veit til well regul-itjil fam ilies, it is tery desirable tohn.o fume chtnp and rnnve menl nay for repairing, furniture. Toys. Croikcrr, eXc. 1 rlt'AI.IIIMI'ri I'HI'.I-AIIHH flMJll ' I meets all ,uch einerccnrlcs, and no hou.ehbld can ntf. ord to bo vtithilut it. It is alway 1 ready and uptothei slirklne point. UHKt'UI. IS EVCRV I10URR." -N. II. A lltusll aieoinpnniea each Mottle. Trice, 33 cents. Addrsss, V Ill'.NTtY C. SI'AI.IIIN'O, No.-liCi:UAKlilrct.t. New. Vork. CAUTIOT. As cerlalntlnptinclpUd person, ae nttetnptinf to paint ofl on Hie unsusnciiinir public, lniltationa of my I'UIJ r.VRLIl G1.III1, 1 would rauliou all persons to examine before purehaslntr, and aeo that the full name, iCr-BCAl.UIMi'rl I'lllAIUIll OLUUlJ is on the ouisid9 wrarpiii ill othirs ere awinillins counterfeit.. fab.J), 1361, ,t, il.lMC. LET THE AFFLICTED READ! t.l leatn ttil a perfect aod radical enfe l rrarfanled fad Koaraaloed to sll who are amietwl TnilfweilkiiaM, do. blllly, nervous eoinplalats, melancholy thnbihts, depres sion or spirits, distress and aoanl.h of mind, loss or sleep, loss or memory, loss of energy- and mtlicnlsr power, pnny rowtb, wa.tinir away, and a want of conOdeoee In them Mvea, Mntlnir l, euivnlalva Iromhllni-s, Impotence and ane-nii or life, tome pbfrlaa reonlre to b told the HIV?-"! '""a-e-llio I1OTAM0 PUT nCIAIf does not. Illsperfcelknowledseoflhehnmansya. tem edibles him lo de-crlbe Hie ,li.en.o wllhont any Infof. mallon from Iho pylKoi, 10 explain lis ordinal canse, tl1 to rusraiilee Us cure. And, what Is more valuable sillf, he will honestly and frankly tell whether Ton can be cured or not, Ihu, savlnir yon Ironble, expeara and disappoint menl. Ills examinations are made without any Information from the tmllenl ; be lltor joijhly understand, Iheif 1 liysicHl condition and riireaotoelrttl itevelopmenl, withonl wlileh he nevereotild ha. e performed so raany a.lonl.btnn cores. Ilalionld Ih rememlwrfd that Ihla llotaaleal l'bysl. elan rorfurim cures lliouKht llnposilble." .Veifto our. fil , Let ahrrllc, nl more c-peclallj' those who have Mai other, aa.l col no relief, lei Ihein lead II, 1 rollon-lDf faell, and Jndce lor Ihemselres, of the (rood eUV-eta ol the Botan ic rhysiclan'a New llemedlea. As all his eorrc.pondenc, l sirlcily prhale aud, honor t-teveuU frota (IvIdg; names. YOUNG Iti: II) THIS! "I am nw Iwentr-flre years of np( t barn nuflrcij rrom the fallowlnff nyniptomr, nines I vtt tcvrncou yen leal men, nml fprntu llttlo fortnne f.r medical Irntlmrnt, uj jrot do relief, until I tried the nolanlc I'liyglcinn. t'n d?r Lis trentmeiit, I wns rfftorel la jvcrft-ct Lesltli, brth iiienUlly anj rliyleally, Tlie fullowlotr wen tlie tftflt lonn I Mt: At the no of tscvtitoei, MlUatl.ii of llie hn.irt CAiaoon, aod which were aftcrnnrtU lnduee-1 on th illK'htoht rxertlon or excltcinent j i-ii i he.-dachf, oolo ihtl Ijnrrlng Ihrmtffh tlio parnj ImfHtfitt tllun, oh ject like fulllmr ftart BtinoyloK' tho Mffht; teuiortry aitacknof nlntlnfrj pimple unj Motchoien (he fiito; n jlirWelled i-tttpof th frame, with constant coM Ivl nnd handu j lo of memory J Incapacity to tarn thdnttcntlon to' any oi nuhject i frciuent Ati of Mrnrll.-n j total InaMllty to tndy ; dl-liko t j suclety j attacks of denf ondency. mtlan eholr,itivolniitirynli'ddiiiguf twra, hati nti I dimlm ott tho f.ico on th r Ituhlcit occasion, and thonfrhli of nlc!J j dllucnlty of hrenthlnifon tho limit eTtra walklnir, rnniilnif, cr frAng tip n:xir, nr up a hill. Tho Honudi whi con elantly out of order; th appelltu became cnpriclmn ; noma. times Uiiifreased, nnd at other times nearly abnent ; fanclftfl tafcti-s aud A lunslair fur (trantro food. A truhi nt lvtf. .tie ymptoni4 K?t Iu, ruch an Jl.UulVncp, conitlpat-tjo, nn iuuv-ui'h' , cxirpino ii;iTiDfnsnnu lorpnr n rif r enti n g j prrai thlriit, ffitlwn nltrlitx. rightful coach, nli?ht, fetid breath, deray uf tth, constantly furred lontiO''. Tho chlpf tnrmrlomi of which. In addition to th ttrecedlnt,', were pain and debility In the back nod lolnt, creeping and BhWeilnfrsenw'.lonBUown tlionplne.anthoaiih &aU ncro traverilnff that column. I wa ennnfrM to bo married, bat d,ind not, for fear my Infirmity might b known. I felt aaeuioof rnr, dUtrunt and hame, with a dh'nd lest my Inflrmlly nhonld bo inspected or dlicoff red afaitln(r away followed, and my friendi thoaclit I wat conumptWe; my compleriou becamo allor, myrypiU'ht dim: I bad a don ucast and an ahitubed look : I was noabtfl to Ptaud tho :awor other peonlo, I would blush when Kpoken to; my f.irehead and fnco InTrimo blotched and pimpled ; a lo- of flesh f dlowed, and a prc-it tlrow-lnesi. With no Indifference to crerythlnffbut necIiiJ.ion! appear ancei of rnpturo hann to hhow thetmeltres. 1 bejfnn to plimaway for even years I pnlTereil all tbeso eymptoms , aud kpt the ("Tret In my own bosom; and 1 believe 1 ahotild have taken tho necrct to an eaily jrrare, had 1 not consulted the Itotanlc I'hyslclan. I write these fart for tho Mkn of unhVrinir humanity, hoplnfr they wlll-sare some of my Mlow-cnutnrei from a lifo of enlferiiis and a' premature grsre. Toarn, tcoly, Kc. When the above ceotleman called oo me, ho bad no hrt.v.n.fncr,.; ttllbexpect9dwaitA llttlo relief. I flrM made a 1'brcDoIOk'lcal aud an Anatomical oxamluatlon of him. llsiriuir natl8ed mynelf that he had no chrouic dii eni about him, I told him at once that I could mm him Lot ho had suffered so much dlHppoIntment In the other ; rem 3d let be bad tried, that b evou doithtd mini. h..u- l exer, 1 mado the nece-sary Mathematical acd Astronomical calculation ; and li.itlnc by the.o m'ans aecerUlced whit I herbs, under planetary Influence, weio lient adapted to his ease, the rurowas vary auon accompIlfJied. lie soon r eorered all hU mental and physical energies; la sb.tft, ba Vt'thme a man again; and ahortly after married aui 1 UteJ uot Hay bucatuo a hnyvr Juan. j Coninliatl.nis can ko had J.vilT with tfti ' ENGLISH BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, No. 1336 Lombard Street, Philadelphia AFFLICTED, READ, And what othcra have aald of him and hla cures: ! "Thl.emliieut CdrIIsU Botanic Physician hat realty per- 1 formed aome of the most astontshlnfj cores on reeord, Intlili : or In any other country, by hla ilmple, Innocent, tut cer tain liw Kemjdles. - " livery Man, Woman and Child, whether rather, Itna baud or Son; nil Ladle", whether Youojr or Old, whether 8 School Oirl or Mntron, whether Mother, Wlfo or IUmrhter, whether Married r Sinslo; all should coovult tho English Htanle l'liytlclau. If they wish to ba permanently aud radically enred." C fs Ir,",?.T.r??.,"i,n enUr Uie SACRED OBMQATIOXS V' ,K,tD IjIFE' wlthont first consulting thU eminent Ktjifllsn Botanic Physician. Ho has cured hundredof casei winch have been pronounced Ucurable; and thousand! li.ivw been radically cured by hlra, and the parties are now married and happy. Every one, especially youuj; iTs-)ni and tboso contemplatlnif niarrla, should consult him. He will dencilbo your dlseaia and tln pnrts affected. If will describe the true caiueof all your BUfftrlllRit aud lufir taities JIo will tell all the symptom ytm hate xp. f ionced, and all the aymptoms you will experience, nml the rasnlt of all thono symptoms on your health and comtitu tUia. He will tell you how lonjr you have been affected. He will also tell you how aud uhitn you ran bo cured. ISo deadly poisons, as Areenlf, A'nx Vomica, Opium, or any Clher poUomt ; no Mercury, nor any deadly mineral noth luir but purely vegetable appllcutlous are prnvcrlbed bv this wonderful Medical IlotaiiUt, Wo adt ho cery i.ue to consult tho Knijlishllotanlc Physician, audjudk'e f.rllicm 8'jlvea." MedOxit Journal. f,.im:s this: " I hae boon married ten years ; I never had any dill dren; it casiKod discontentment In myhnsbaud; we Imth were anxious to have cliUJrcu t aud I tried several thlnvs to remove my b.irrenuess, but they bad no elleet. About three ycir ao, I ralbtd on the Itotanlc Physician ; I tm-k bti KemedlCH, and am now bleised with tno lovelvrbll Ami; my health Is much Improved, and my husband U uiura contented aud Imppy. Belie e roe, yonr, Ac, ANOTHER FOR THE LADIES! 44 r.leren months nfler I was married, t eavo birth t-i a dttifc-hter, bt my butrerlnsa were ho great that the Faculty de-piilred of my recovery. This made me dread the tlio'ishtsof havln? any more children. I tried every thfnj t j preent a repetition of my Mifferlnss, hat without sue-e.-cdln?. Two year- after marriaye, I was a.tin counned, but the child dbd. 1 waa told by my Physician that If I had any more children, he f'ird my life would be endnngered. I trl-d tho HOTAX ICI'llVSICIAN'S Preventive to Ilnvc Chlldnn. Ill Kemedles had the desired effect ; they not only prevea ted mo from hating children, hut they also Improved my health. T the pure, all thtuga are pure. Youre, flacerely, ie., ." Ij ,2 JD I E aS' Whoso ilellc.ito health makei It dcslraWn not to have chil dren, consult Mm. All thosowhoaro chlldleM, nnd wish t- have children, consult him. All Ladies consult him In tho most dellcato cases, w ith Implicit and perfect confidence. TO THK MAKKIKU MDIES, whoso health will n-t a 1 tnltof an litcreafco of family, hU ltemedy Is Itiraluihle, ait ran bo MiccoMfally used as A PllKVKM'IVK AK"lri"t 1 In vine; any ClitUli-rn. If yoa.bve trle.1 other, aud cot no rclW if you wHIi to enjoy cood health and lorn? life If you are wtm yoa will co aud eou i.iiltthoK.NOLlH!I UOTAMO PIlVMCIAN. at hU rrivato rel-leace, A'o. 1118 LOMBARD bl'HEKT, rillLADKLPHU. AH luterleus are slHctly private and confidential. Thousands can testify lo bis honorable, fatherly aod gert llemauly conduct ; hit standi op and exp'rlouco of half a century rro. beyond all wntradietion, that they can eon tide all their little troubles aud secrets to him as a fUher, a man of moral rectitude, nnd a man of honor and high sne of dnty. IVt experience has proved that alt tMt little ttecrcta are bafe aud tacred with hi in. MARRIED MEN, READ THIS ! "I haveWn married fourteen yMra; about five yeare I beah to lose my muscular power, no uuch so, that I ' feared 1 would become Itupote at. I applied to ac vera! med- 1 ibal in "ii, but got no relief, until, by mere chance, I applied 10 tho Botanic Physician ; be told mo mine was a cae tb-U ' remlrod lime, but that he would KUrantee a perfect cittt 1 If 1 only followed hU advice. I put my name on his books 1 ho ro ada a calculation and ascertained what herbs would t-e most elllclent aud bet-t adarted to my case, Ultimately, ' byatteinlinKcloielyl. hla advice, I uxovered all my h-t ! pownrand cuerpy, nnd 1 am now stouttr aul a ttrourei mas than I ever was. 1 Toara, gratefully, 4c, . .' i Consultations daily, Sunday-t excepted. Thoso at a dlstancu can cnimiinlcttfl bv lrtter, AH T.ct len, Comrautilcations and Interviews -.trieily Private an.' : Contldeutial. The Postage ef all Letters ml be prepaid I and Out Dollar euclosed foi CouHultatlou 1 Address, ENGLISH BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, No. 1330 Lombard Street. Philadelphia, iiNuuyT"sTi)Vij"siioi,r TUI. und ritnr'd rpflct fully liiformj his uld frtendi and Liictiiiin-rn. that ho Una piirdin-ed his hroihera iut ri t in thu ab no irt.tbhliiuent. aiidtlie concern n til 11 TcfttT hj run lutt id h) Ultusflt i sdn-tvelv. Ims jtt rm-ivi'd and uilors lor 1 , the larfi- STFS i'"t and liiofct rtlfiirivi' liMOrtiiieiit tf F A N U V fnt4TOVUH tjr tutroiliict'd ntu this market, TSft lliy nrk rciulkU uf u tumplete tu-Mirl.-iu-nt rC lli.K.. n.inLi.i, -it I ht.lrtr .l...u ltt tl.- ns ..L. t t Mi. ur with Fixt'in-s f every description, then uud I ll 8iw!, Uadidiom, Cylludar Stow., Cut Iron At Tt?ht sloven, l'.innou Htot-, i.c &.r. iStuvpipu uud Tinware conntantly on huitd nnd iiuiiuf.irtiirrd to order, I A 1 kind t'f repninnjt done, ,u Uruid, on kliort ni-llcc, The imtrunatre of old frunds and new rut-timibrh r rp -rtfully solicited. A. M. KUIXUT. tUMmihHHr, N'nvember3d tPfA-tf. A. V, CIIESlJDltOUGH & CO., CQ.VMI&S1U.Y .VF.IiClMJVTS .y H JlOl,t.&.lLH , UtALKKI IN Fisti, Chet se, a iul riMvisioiis, 10 N,ntl) Wliarvr,, above Market ft. ricklim mid t'urmi House, IHh tiM U'el Pit.. rilll.AlltLl'IIIA. Aiifusl 4, IKM-lSm. 1KA1)1'-MADK OJiOTHINU can bo I V lioujhi thtaf u ll ehrsp Mik tora rf T.. T H..rri ss? May 13. 1M0. . . v Senator in placo of Qtti, Oamcii lsctd Port Sumptor to bo Evaouatoa. Tho latest new horn Washington lilt evening slated tlio Admini!ratioU had d tormincil to cvacuato Fort Sumnli.r. Tt ' also tho design to' conciliate tho' Border oiaics. a no bouthcrn Commijsioncrt, Messrs. Crawford & Forsvth, havo been ordord to enter unon the tialion forwith, without waiting for their co.ica,-u6, Mf ltomain. Had' President Buchanan, ordcrd tho ovacuatiou of Fort Sumptor, there would havo Wn & rrm-,1 huo nnd cry, but tho present Adminlatm i , . . . ... uoii ouscrviiiR tno wisdom of his pacifio policy, see in the ssmo course of proced uro, tho onVy hopo nt saving tho country from tho horrors of civil war. and hone no doubt, thi3 course of action. FonnSvlvaill.l T.PotslnHnn. U'.VltKlSDUltO, 3f0NDAV, MaUcii 11,1861. The SwtwIUs Cr OoVcrnor Curtin has simipil iim Viil. tho coinmutatioti of tho tonnage duties ou tlio Pennsylvania and tho Sunbury and i-jriu xtauroau : auo tlic bill chanping tba nancfe of the latter to tlio Philadelphia and one iirmroau-, ana providing for its com- fiimou. P A U'G H'S R&.W BONEI SUrER.PJIOSPHATE OF LIMB. MANur.cTi;n'n"iTif BAUGII & SON 3, No. CO Scruib Wharves, Philadelphia. Cash Trice, $45 ptr SOCIO lbs., In atrong Sack,. FARMERS, REMEMBER! Till R article 1 tlren.lrcd from HW itnv ami rAnlil.. large nniuunt nt fertilinng conttituentf, embodied ia a ntlar similar preparation. l1.!!. .Ml nor Hint1 rt.rtM 1. cost 811 ner ton li. 3. It lias all the vlrturiure Done, white you lot I Itfurtiishca precisely the food roquirrd for the irew. 5. It permanently improves the soil. ii pruuuet's targe cr pa of ran It nrrt i;i.t thn ntlnrfS nf u fn-riia 4 It dot nof eihnunf Ihe n(1. 0. Thelnit ruaou uhy you thntifd t(se It. fa tfiat tbea you run nirirve practical lefli ns to trie tfutft r all oi an iiKse nns;rii"ni. it win cost but I litis lo give u a trial. wr awo MAitratTuaa as article or "GItOUXD RAW BOXKS," (GUARANTIED Pi;nfi,) fash I'rlco, $35 per 2000 pounds. The above MAnnrcf tve wafrnnl cntlrplv fri. froai adullorati.iu, ticliin inannfacturril undur tbc ncrsostl ouiirriiiienutiicc Of 0110 oi our r irm. llAirCll b. FriVH. Kn. 20 Sniilh Wlurres, rbiladclptai. rvnrunrj 0111. tJXClSEJl B2 X X U Ml on P U 11 13 N I li II T SOI L, lliivtnc bren appointed by Iho mnuufacturcfi SOLK A(iF.ST5 ferthe nalc nf thbho'e article, are now vt fared to furnish it to Fanner am. r in mtrb qiiautitiei asn-ny be nauted. Hie dcodonttd and patktdii 1J1UCE. 83.75, PER BARREL. Jl lOitrotdedilitibn made fcr farpe purckairt. TH tr ticlcinufet not he ca n fun n. Led uilh Pmis't-rti .'i i,.,ni, , stated, Iiupty the pnrC nlplit nil, the (treat a1ue tft vtlitrh i' Ufll known thriuiehniit tho unM. i Manuisirtured by TH ACKAltA.SCHArLR it TIlACK. 1 1 mil i, inrcoii- sFiny uj , ALLnv X.- Sr.rrir.rfl N'o -t-2 South Delaware Arcnue, ind it Smith VTiter .tirri, in nonrnomeuoeeinuistrtei, rbDMelrbie. Ethrnary to. ltBI. 3rn. "AlLiklSifil & IMPROVKD STANDARD Supcr-Phospliatc of Lime. ID fliii eiiaiiriieci artfle, in renstant us by tJioupands of rarrtiT and l'lantcn for a number of vuar na.t. Price gl5pH-20t)0 lbs (SlclSipcrlb) GUAiNO. rXIRUVI.W. KecJivcd direct from the GoTerDmint Morel. H ur ranted genu:r, ICIIAIIOi:. 'J'hii lithtf old faihtr-ned Feathery Otant, iinfiiirivu mifci. All -it & ,c((!ji ,c' FriiHzer. Tin Inw iirlo- oli-J J,i. flrr iualily tflhlB fuitlliiar is f.i.t drift111- 'I i'"'1 s-itcr.Ll use. I'ruejyM ptf .10 b. (l cut per lb.) i.i.u uini. uuiiuii-iuuhi ft jint isone uutt a; uroun UOIIC. IiWII rJ.AHTi:tl. Warranted Dure. In barrel. A liberal dedauien made tt lib-Altai un all iheabov aft ii Ion. N n. e hac a large number of Diplomat tw IVi-nnnm awarded by the ianou rittUtvral ten. lie, wdizn uu avtt rciujtitu iti cai anu examine. il fiowtli Wtmr and -11 boutu Vttr 6L tirst ttore atat t vitcstaiLi;) , , ru-tAbKuuu. Hh 10, If fit 3m. Oil NEW GOODS, AT the Lisht Street Store. Creasy, brother ij- all hands on active duty TYT W U 1 : f S V i whim mtu'iii uur iricuus sou Tf CUUimeri. that we have tuit rmetirrrl nn nn neuanj laifju aisui imciii ui ALLAWi Y1JTMR GOODS. WXieliweofll-ratlowfr roiee, for ready pay, than an ever hefnrenpeiKd here and will btt kold "cheaper tba ine cntaprii. Wu shall not attemnt to enumerate the rarioui article thcvureiiiuni'iiite and their namuii li-titm aonr tx cioiiH Htore Itoornn, including the Cellar nnd Garret, ar niicu poenioiii;'. i litre are to do tound the one nDricPf, in uir couniry at nktunintiingioiv flgurei L dieH' wear In nfeat anttiee, at 2i per cent, lower th vcr iHiure luiurru. OLOTiia, ML'rjuyri. cnoctnics, iiATti. cAra. Boots, Shoes, etc.. at the fame rate. In ehort. almost cver)tbivf la lis 3T7 OurfiieiidtwiU do well to call before they taik nun cit;tiiui II, W. CREASY, it CO. jiBni ctrcet. twt '.'7, iftu. IS UK AT KXOITBMENT - - AT Till FRESH ARRIVAL or PALL AND WINTER GOODS, MILLER'S STORE. 'T'JU; vdiiHrriber has juu returned from the city with JL anottier largo anu ceieci usnnuiciti vi purrliaredin 1'lilladelpliiaat thctl(jwen fijrure, and which h it determined to nil on ai moderate termj ai can U- procured clHcwiiere in UIoomtburK. Ills nock toon tie Wf LADIES' DUIJSS GOODS, i.haitubt tylc and I&tefctfaililori; Dry Garni, ilrofcrtee. Hardware, Queenstctre.Qtier Wmr Jiullvw hart. Iron, AHil. met and thvts. Hate eurf (Vj, ext.. $r In ihort everything unally Kept in country Etorti V' which he invitee thu public ge'iefbtly, Ql"Ttie Highest rtlcv paid for1 rountry produce sTcnin.vii. Mti.Lst. niooniburs, Nov 3, lrO?,y. o U U APPEAL To those who knntv themielrei Indebted ew Not' ttonJ or Hook Aect-niil. we are now nukiof trraei meuti to go to thu City nnd in order that we may tuf ply you with cheap goods it will be Accessary cm yen part topiy up thu accouat. HCkliv HAKTMAS', BlwmfVuri fb. W, WW i