Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 16, 1861, Image 2

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tSrSigma," next week.
Mr. Mercibon, advertises in this
wirtks paper, Ms Caltawissa Nurseries.
Tns Poetry, signed "Breckinridge,"
we'are of opinion, would not interest the and would in a year or two amount to prob
readors of tho ''Columbia Democrat." J nbly 8450,000, which tho company ought
SST "Lovo in tho llackwoods,'' com- ( to pay the State. Now tho bill which has
prising six pages of Foolscap, is not adap- passed tho llouso proposes to lako the sum
ted to this meridian, and moreover, its ex-, of $400,000 annually until 1800, in lieu
t'eme length destroys what merit it may
I Qodey's Ladys' Book for April is
on our Table. The new style of Spring
fashion-plates' doublo-fold and executed
in variegated fancy colors are rich be
yond anything yet introduced. Prompti
tude, interest and beauty, combine'd, have
won for this Magazine unprecedented pop
IST Wo havo with our oponing volume,
erased the names of several slow-paying
subscribers from our list. These dry and
'worthless branches, which only cumber
tho ground and retard the growth of pro
gress, had belter havo long since been dis
carded. In the mean time, early legal
efforts shall bo adopted, to collect tho out
standing arrearages.
The Pssnsylvania Hotel, located
on the corner of Mill and Water, in Dan
ville, is amongst tho lost kept and most
-comfortable houses in the interior of the
State. Gen. Qxouqb W. Frkeik, Pro
pricto'r. Our readers will. find his Card,
elsewhere in this paper, and wo advise
thoso who visit Danville, if they want good
faro at cheap rates, to quietly commit their
.keeping to mino host, Gen. Freeze.
Dr. John, of the Columbia Co. Rtpub
licun, in common with other republican
Xalsifycrs, last week published the story
that Gen. Cass, had snubbed the Commit
tee of Thirty-Four, when they presented
him in Washington, with tho proceedings
of the late Dcmocratio State Convention.
That report is utterly fallacious, untrue,
malicious. Jtfo man in Washington, more
heartily approved the action of the Penn
sylvania Convention, than did Gen. Lew
is Cass.
&3 Quite a number of our worthy pa
trons have made their adoancc payment
for the twenty fifth volume of the "Colum
bia Democrat." And quite a number of
sew subscribers have had their names en
tered upon our subscription books. We
highly appreciate such demonstrations ot
approbation by our democratic friends and
fellow citizens, and trust we shall be able
to furnish a much improved and more in
teresting Family Journal.
The Northumberland County Dem
ocrat, is the title of a very respectable
looking and soundly democratic journal,
just issued in the Borough of Northumber
land. T. II. I'ukdv, Esq., a gentleman
of excellent abilities and rare social quali
ties, is i'g Editor. We tender Mr. Purdy,
and his now cntcrprize, the warm congrat
ulations of the Editorial brotherhood.
President Buchanan's return Home.
President Buchanan left Washington
yesterday for his old home at Lancaster.
He met with a rather cool reception.
Columbia Co. Republican.
Another unmitigated falsehood. The
reception of Mr. Buchanan, Jn LAN
CASTER instead of being "rather cool"
was tho largest and most enthusiastic
ever given to any retiring President since
the days of Washington, and our curiotity
is exercised to know how so large a false
hiod obtained in such a small paragraph.
ButTo live in the aire of wondors.
t&" In another column of this days
Columbia Democrat we print extracts from
various papers, showing how the rail road
swindles arc regarded in other portions of
the btate. Wo desiro also to call atten
tion to tho fact, that the Senator from this
district, Mr. BOUND, has also betrayed
tho interests of tho State by his vote for
the Sunbury & Erio Bill. Wo aro now
satisfied that he was not upon prineiplo op
posed to the Tonnago tax bill, and only
voted against it, beeauso ho was pledged to
weir pcoiiiB iu uo ao.
Did he suppose wo could bo so bitterly j
r4.v- .v -u 0WIUU., aim yCi
tamely consent to another, its twin broth-
rt Ifhedid,ho has yet to learn t be
semper oi me people ot uommtiia county,
Had he been on principle opposed to tho'
one, tne same eauso would have carried ale and receive the signature of Governor
his vote against the other, Wo are nowCurtin. By the passage of this bill, the
satisfied, that tho great advantago to the State will lose $250,000 a year, which as
honesty and Integrity of the Senato, which trade increased, would in a few years havo
his election was claimedby the republicans' amounted to double that sum and our
to have secured, was mere bosh. Slate debt could have been rapidjy do-
Ho will never deceive the people of this creased. As a mailer of course this a
district ogam : Columbia County has not mount will havo to be made up hereafter
mucn v answer lor, ot tne present result: by taxation and tha people of Northamp.
She kept her vote pretty close to the mark ton Oponty will havo the pleasuro of con
;On all tha tiekets t Bound has gone with trUrfuting iti sharo, amounting to from
Uiooa ana Kchinrjai.
Thft TOnftWinrl Cmtnrllnn
On our first page wo to day publish Dr.
Hill's speech on the commutation of tho
Tonnago Tax on the Pennsylvania Rail
road, which has been passed by our Stato
Ltgislaturo, Laving last week given his
speech on the bill for the relief of the Sun
bury and Erie Railroad, lloth arc swin
dles of tho first water, and outrages upon
tho taxpayers of tho State. In tho first
place, the bill for tho commutation of tho
Tonnago Tax is a deception and n cheat.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company pur-
chased tho Main Lino for $7,000,000.
, The interest on this sum would be 8450,.
.000 annually. Tho tonnace tax now
amounts to nearly 8300,000 per annum.
of tho mtcrost and tonnage tax, thus giv
inH 1 . it.. , I 1 1 .
iug annually to tho company, (allowing
the tonnage tax to be the sum named.)
8280,000 or about $8,410,000, in that pe
riod of timo,a sum that would rcduco ono
fourth of the entire State debt. Tho bill
for tho relief of the Sunbury and Erio
Railroad company is also a stupendous
swindle. When tho Stato disposed of the
Delaware Division and North Branch Ca
nals to this Company in 1858, for the sum
of $3,500,00, she took a mortgage on the
Railroad for this sum. Now tho Compa
ny comes and asks that tho State shall can
cel this first mortgage in order that thoy
can borrow 85,030,000 which amount thoy
allego to bo necessary to complete their
road. To raiso and secure this sum the
Company proposes to givo a first mortgage
on tho whole road to tho parties advancing
the monay,the Stato to take a swifraort
gago for its $3,500,000. In other words
tho Stale shall exchange its first mortgage
for a second morlgnge, and in event of the
Company failing, tho Commonwealth will
como out at tho littlo end of the horn, and
get nothing. Her 83,500,000 will be
sunk. Allentown Demoirat.
Tho Wyoming Intelligencer says :
The Sunbury and Erio Rail Road bill
and the bill commuting tho tonnago tax,
have passed both Houses of our Lceisla
turo, thus taking 810,000,000 from our
Stato Treasury at one grap. Wo admit
that the passage of thoso bills was only
question of lime, for there has not been a
Legislature during the past thirty years,
and probably not sines the adoption of the
Constitution, that could not have been
.bnnglit, iuiiy and breeches, Governor a
all with one quarter that sum. But while
admitting that, we sfty'tolIioso' Itepretcn
tatircs and Senators who supported those
measures, you must look your constituents,
full in tho faco upon tho questions idrolvcd
in them. Tho irrcsistablo and legitimate
conclusion is, that every one of you whose
constituents are not contiguous to tho Rail
roads named in those bills, havo sold your
intognty and tho interests of the Common
wealth for money or Railroad bonds. The
people aro ready and willing to be con
vinced that such conclusion is uujut, but
unless tliey aro so convinced, you may
congratulate yourselves upon being per
mitted, in the future, to enjoy your "thii-
tg pieces of silver" at home, in the bosom
of your families, with the gratifying reflcc
tion, that you "tciilicd well for your coun
try," but acted better for yourselves.
Hie i.aston Argus, says : In order
that our readers may properly understand
the nature of these bills, wo will again stato
their character. When the Pennsylvania
Central Railroad Company asked tho Leg
islature of our Stato for a charter, it was
granted subject to the payment of a tax to
tho Stato on the freight that should pass
over the road. This tax has been called
"the tonago tax" aud amounted to nearly
SGO,000 a year. When the Pennsylvania
Janal was sold to this Company in 1858,
it was given to them at half its real -value
on account of the company being subject
to this tax. This amount went far toward
paying the annual interest on our State
debt. The company paid it one year and
then refused paying it any longer, alleging
that it was unconstitutional. The State
authorities brought suit against the com
pany and tho Supreme Court declared that
dt was oonstiutional. Tho Company next
Applied to the Legislature to be released
tlJs tax and it was well known a year ago
ttiat an attempt would bo made this winter
to have a bill for that purpose forced
through tho Legislature. Some of tho
professional borers who hung a round
Harrisburg in tho employ of this company,
openly boasted that they had $200,000
ready to apply to "pushing it through"
and it was through tho influence of
company that Hknry D. Fos
TER was defenleJ fnr ,..,.. I...
faU( beeause ho refused to pledgo himself
t0 tign a bill fBTOraWe to tho wishes of the
company. Well, the bill has been brought
forward and by the aid of goblen screws
been pushed through the lower Houso and
we toko it for granted it will pass the Sen-
JnOOO to 810.000 a roar.
The StiKhuRY And Erie Bill
i lio twin brothers to tbts bin was tne
act to relievo tho Sunbury and Erio Rail
road Company. Whon tho State disposed
of tho Delawaro Divlson and North Branch
Canals to this Company in 1858, for tho
sum of 83,500,000, slit took a mortgago on
tho Railroad for this sum. Now tho com
pany comes and asks that the Stato shall
cancel this first mortage, in ordor that
they can borrow $5,000,000, which amount
they allego to bo necessary to coinplct
llicro road. To raiso and sccuro this sum
tho Company proposes to givo a fist mor
tgage on tho wholo road to the parties ad
vancing tho money, the State to tnko i
second mortgago for its 83,000,000. In
other words, the State shall exchange its
first mortage for a second mortgage, and
in tho event of tho Company failing, tho
Commonwoltli will como out at the little
end of the horu; and got nothing. Her
S3,C00,0O0 will bo sunk, as we predicted
would be the case in 1853.
Tho Easton Scntiucl Saym Tho first
of these bills, tho Sunbury nnd Erie, we
referred to somewhat at length, two weeks
since, hence it is only necessary to say
now that it is a schemo to defraud the
State out of $3,500,000, which this Com
pany promised to pay tho State for her
canals, which were sold to this Company
in 1857. This is to lo accomplished in
this wise : Tho bill which hasju;t passed
tho House caucelstho first mortgago bonds
now held by the State on the Sunbury
and Frie Railroad, and creates in lieu
thereof a new morlgage, of $5,000,000, to
bo a first motgago for 91 ,000,000, which
already binds a part of the road and n fur
thor preferring of $000,000 to contractor, J
tho State-is to. have a mortgago for her
c'taim , which, however, is not to bear inter
est until 1572. When it is taken into
consideration that this Company havo al
ready used up nearly $11,000,000, not on
the construction of the road, for tho whole
length thereof from Sunbury to Erie could
have been constructed for that amount, but
foo'ishly squandered n large portion of it
away, you may.casily conjecture how much
the State ill ever realize on her invest
mcnt. Wo vcuture tho prediction that
j long beforotho time arrives when tha State
is to receive interest on her claim, the
road will be sold under a foreclosure of
mortgage, by tho first bond holders, as
over one hundred miles of the road, (which
will take two years to complete,) is yet to
bo constructed, aud every cent of the Stato'
investment will be sunk, and the Treasury
defrauded out of just $-'1,500,000 and in
terest. So much for that switidl"-
M--A.-Mnnnirrepcaliug tho Tonn;
'fas on the Pennsylvania Railroad. To
properly understand this matter it may bs
necessary to state that at tho time the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company was
chartered they agreed to pay tho Stato a
tax of three mills per ton, on all freight
carried over the road in consideration for
tho prhilogcs granted them. This tax,
sinco the Columbia Railroad and tho Main
Line of the State Canals fram Columbia
to Pittsburg, were sold to this Company
for a mere nominal sum, which was doni
in 1855, has become a sourco of great
revenue to tho State, amounting now to an
annual sura of about 300,000. The Com
pany have refused to pay this tax, since
1858. Judgment has been obtained a-
gainst them for about 8700,000, and as
the Supreme Court, to which tho case was
appealed havo decided against the Com-
pany, this amount would havo shortly to
havo been paid into tho Stato Treasury.
We'should havo said that a clause was
attached to the bill passed in 1855, undVr
which the Main Line was sold, repealing
this Tonnage Tax bill, but its constitution
ality was contested by Col. HuNitr S,
Mott, of Piko county, a bond holder, and
tho repealing clauso was declared by tho
Supreme Court to bo unconstitutional.
The bill which passed the Houso on Sat
urday not only repeals the Tonnago Tax
law, so far as it relates to tho Pennsylva
nia Railroad, but declares that tho Stato
thall not levy or collect a tonnago tax on
any Railtotul at Canal tliat. isnowbxilt
or that may hereafter be constmctd, and
that tho 8700,000 now owing tho State by
tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company as a
tax on tonnage which they have collected
sinco 1853, and which they havo refused
to pay over, shall not be paid to the State,
but that tho said Pennsylvania Railroad-
Company may invest it in tho bonds of
about a dozen unfinished littlo railroads,
which are branches of the said Company's
J And so Senator Schindle, has fal
len I How often, doubtless, has he told
his hearers, in unpassioncd language what
was the root of all evil ? The Reverend
Schindlo 1 gono below contempt, almost
Kneatli pity: Sinning againrt light and
knowledge, clasping hands with tho pow
ers of darkness, and putting himself on a
level with that other creature, the Rever
end Gtorgo Landon. '1 wo preachers
togls of insatiate corporations, betrayers
of their trusts, and of their State. Hence
forth, who shall look up to them I Not
ono t Nono so debased as to do them rev
erence, Farewell Schindlo I farewell.
The moral heart dropped a pulsation
when Schindlo fell if aiihan can fall, who
loaves tho pulpit for tho stumpl tho Gospol
of Christ, for tho politics of party. A
bye-word, a hissing and a reproach. Let
him pass touch not his garment. See
his voto on tho Tonnago Tax, and Rail
Read bill.
"Tho Constitution as it is."
n nrainst ail p,0ni T.ii.eriv mil. in
the States that conflict with tho authority
of tho Federal Government,
Against all. Underground Railroads that
run off scrvan's from their masters Sduih,
to Canada or elsewhere. North.
Against all mobbing of tho U. S. Mar-
shals that In tho lino of duty to executo
Federal laws.
Agaimt all incendiary publications
North that influoncc a scrvilo war in the
South: Against all "Tribunes," "Indc
pendents," and everything like them.
Against all geographical party organi
zations that nrray one portion of the coun
try against another.
Against the denial of all right of tran
sit North for servants as well as masters.
Against turning out of church tho
Gcorgo Washington, Patrick Henry,
Thomas Jefferson slavcholding followers
in the South.
Against converting into "a crime and a
sin" the cxamplo of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob, and of Paul tho Apostle, who sent
back Philemon.
Against going to war lo acquire com
mon Territory, and then stealing or mo
nopolizing tho wholo of it, parsiitently ex
cluding from it the sharers of our danger
in the war or the common contributors in
purse in time of peace.
Tho Constitution, as it is, is cxccllcnt,
magnificent, tho only difficulty wo havo is
with the Higher Law pcoplo who construe
it, as it is not, and refuse lo abide by
tho adjudications of the Supremo Court,
when the Courts como in conflict with their
Underground Railroad, civil war-inspiring,
territory-monopolizing "conscience."
If tho Republicans will abide by the
Courts and cultivate, not brutalize, their
"conscience, "We need no constitutional
amendments. Stuco 1783 we have jogged
on with the Constitution well, until, in
these latter days, thoy set up their million
or two of "coucience" in opposition to the
"Courts." Tho main question now is, tho
new-fangled and recently discovered Pu
ritan ''Conscience," or tho Supreme Court
of the United States. We prefer tho
Court. N. Y. Express.
JSrThe following forms part of the
proceedings in the Senato on Thursday
Tho Senate then resumed ihe third read
'ing and consideration of the bill to com
mute the tonnage duties on the Pcnuyl-
vama Railroad.
fP wcisli spoke at considerable length
opposition to the bill.
Tlio question was then taken on the fiual
passago of the bill, and it was agreed to
yeas 18, nays 15 as follows.
Yeas Messrs. Benson, Blood. Connell,
Finney, Grcjrg, Hall, Imbrie, Landon,
JlcCluro, Meredith, Nichols, Parker,
f-'chindcl, Srrrill, Smith, Tltoinp'on,
Wharton, and Palmer (Spoaker)25.
Nays Messrs. Boughtcr. Bound, Cly
mer, Crawford, Fuller, Hamilton, Hies
tand, Irish, Kctchuni, Lawrence, Mott,
Pcnney-Robison. Welsh, and Yardlev-15
nc mil passcu.
Tho Senate then took up tho b:
cunrge tne name oi ttio aunuury ana I'ino
Railroad Company.
Tho question being on its fiual passage,
the yeas and nays wore called', aud tho hill
passed yeas 25, nays 8 as follows :
.... r . .
Yeas Messrs. Benson, Blood, Bound,
n 11 1,; i., ii ' r. ,t
1 ir":i. ' 7.' 1 u"?r', Vrc2" "
Larcnce, Mcllhenny, Mcrdi
ic, .Landon,
ith. Nichols.
Parker, Robinson, Schindol, Scrrill, Smith
Thompson, Wharton, Yardley, and Pal
mer (Speaker.) 25.
Nays Messrs. Bonchter. Clvmer.
urawiorti, Jtjsii, ivctelium, .Mott, rcunov,
and AVclslTEs. A
We did hope that after expressing
honest convictions in regard to tho course
of Mr. Lilonbergcr, wo should havo no
more cause for censuring cither of our re
presentees in tho Legislature. Tho above
extract from the proceedings of the Lcgii-laturc-jhowcvcr,
shows that our Senator
has also seen proper to disregard tho well
known wishes of tho pcoplo of his District.
Wo do not feel liko indulging in abuse
against a venerable citizen whom we havo
looked up to from our boyhood as a model
of a good man, nor will wo. If ho has
fallen a victim to temptation, he will Jiave
to reconcile his votes with his conscience
and account for tho rectituto of his
intentions to the great Being who knows
all our thoughts and sees all our actions.
Wo are sorry deeply aud sincerely sorry,
that Mr. Scuindkl has cast from him tho
good opinion of his many friends, as he
undoubtedly has by this net- We have
nothing more to add. Pub ie opinion
generally deals justly with all men in pub.
lio position and this tribunal wo lcavo to
judgo aud decide.
Easton Argus.
Jlra. S. JIdruan jJrow.n, No. 25,North
Second Street, riiiluJclpliin, (opposito
Chriit'ei Church) invites attention to her
elegant Nodding and Feather Ware House.
Card in another column. We adviso our
young friends, in making out-fits who may
wish to enjoy sweet repose on Downy Ucds
and soft Matrcsscs, to send their orders to
or call on Mrs. Brown.
Wr. J03E1' 1- US3ELL, No, 2, North
Fourth Street, PJiiladelphia, tells tho la.
q( .I..U -P y;...H I r. . a..
test stylo of Umbrellas and Parasols. Seo
his Card in tho Columbia Democrat. AVo
noticed, in a rccont visit to tho City, that
Mr. Fundi, has enlarged hii Storo and
now hag tho largest stock of wares in his
line in the City,
iVlsitofKnlghtsToraplar toElm
1 ira on tho 22d of February.
a- UU lull a 1 A "'( VttUWWVH VS AW
ruary, contained tho following notio :
Wo aro rcqucstee to state that St Omar's
Commandrv No. 18. meets in recularcon-
'clave to-day at 2 o'clock) p. ra. Also that
" Kmgut KNArr, ot-liioomsburg, uranu
Commander of tho Stale of Pennsylvania,
an'l other distinguished visitors will bo
A synopsis of the proceedings wo find in
the last Williamsport Gaziltc. Wo havo
only room to publish tho following.
A Card, Wo tho undersigned, desiro
to express to tho Sir Knights of St. Omar's
Commandcry of Knights Templar and the
Brethren generally, of Elmira, N. Y., our
high apprccation of tho hospitalities so lib
erally shown us on tho occasion of our
lato visit, and to assure them that it will
always givo us great pleasure to have an
opportunity of reciprocating their kindness
and generosity.
Signed, Christian F. Knapp,
Joshua Kelly,
v. s., .
H. S, Goodwin,
W. V. Hiootxs.
Sinoular Fatality in one Family.
About thrco weeks ago, a little child of
Mr. Thomas Tapper, who resides at the
Factory Village, Mass., seized a dish of
hot water which its mother had placed up
on the table to dissolvo some saleratus, and i
upset the contents upon its neck and bosom,
tcalding it so that it died, aud the funeral
took placo on Sunday. On the next day
th'o mother being engaged in washing,
another child of six years, in attempting
to cross the room came in contact with
somo ono and upset a dipper of scalding
water upon it, causing death. Its funeral
took placo tho next Sabbath, and strange
to relate, tho next Sunday these bereaved
parents bore a third child to the tomb,
making three successive funerals in that
family on three succcstivo Sabbaths. In
thrco weeks this ofllictcil family were
called upon to part with all three of their
children, aged 'respectively six, four and
two years. Tho last is supposed to havo
died from diptheria. It was at play on
Friday as usual
John Best, Eq., of Danville, adver
tises his extensive Nurccrics,in this journal
in which hi has every variety of Trees,
Shrubs, Plants, etc., and to which he in
vites tho attention of Gardeners, Horticul
turists and Farmers.
. .
uni-scssion of the Philadelphia Confer
ence will be held this year at the Union
M. E. Church, Philadelphia, commcncin
on tho 20th of March. '
Gold and Silver deposited in tho
Franklin Saving Fund, No I.1C SoutU
Fourth r-trect, below Chestnut, Philadel
phia, since January 1st, 1801, will be re
paid in gold or silver. Bank notes de
posited repaid in bank notes. Deposits
received and payments made daily with
- tl
Dr. Duponco's Golden Tills for Females.
'pfatlible in eerreettnff, rtgutattng and rt moving all ob
$trutUom,feom trhuttvtr eauie, and aticaij
turttsiful at a preventive
The ComMnattoii of iutrredienti in Dr. Duponco'i
Col Jen I'i U art! perfectly hai-mle. TJiey have tiet-n
use 4 in the prUaio pr.ictictt of old Dr. Dnponco fur over
thirty cars, and UtouainJa of ladies can testify to
Hair errat rind never failing fuecvn In almost vvcty
rnsc, in correcting irrcBiiLintici, rellInit painful and
(liatrctiing mtiiftruation. particularly at thu change of
lifcj. From five to tfii pills will cure that common yet
dreadful complaint, tin Whites. Nearly every female
in tho land tsuitVrs from this complaint. The rtbove pill
hit permanently cured thousands, and nil) cura you if
you use them. They cannot harm ou, on the contrary
mvj isiiyio i uuiiitiuiuiia, ii'suru naiuru it us pron.
rchatuTtl. and iiuicornte thunholo sistem. Ladis
health nil) nut permit nn incrrnac nf l'.uiiilf
nd Ihcte pills a successful preventive.
te I'llls should not lu taken durlnzihn first thrr
iths of pregnancy, as they aro sure to hrinj on niis
iaget but at any other time thuv nru itif.
1'ricc, CI per box. Hold, uliolesalu nnd retail, liy
O M. IIAUKM1UCII, tirugg ht.
Sale Agent for Illnonisburg, r.
To nhom all ordcri must he sent. Ladies I by a,jnd
ing Him 91.00 to tlw Illoomsbitrg ran have
these pills sent to any part of tho com n try, (confidential.
Iy)and "free of Postage" by mail, ttolii also by N. I,.
Rank It Po. Danville, 11. J, Fry. Tntnaaua, J. A, polk,
Mauch i.'hnnk, and by "one llruggist in every Town and
city in tho United i-'latos.
IV, II. Look out fur counterfeit. Puy noOoJdcn Pills
of and kind, unless every boxii signed B. 1. Howe, AH
others arc n base impomiion nnd unsaff, therefore, ns
you valuo your lives and health, (to say nothing of be.
ing humbugged nut of your money,) buy only of those
u ho show the signature of i, I). I (owe on every box,
which has recently been added, on account of a recent
counterfeit of the Pills.
. . Sole Proprietor, N'tw York.
Dec. 23, IFGO-Iy.
Catarrh! Catarrh! How I.VksdI
Thousands of persons suffer all sorts of nnnoynnee
from Catarrh. Most know what its inconvenienee and
results are. )et but few know hotv it can he cured, it is
simply a chronic irrelation, and often enlargement of
Jolhcies and roniequcntthickenjnp ofthu mucous mem
branes. Inline the nasal cavities, frontal sinuses, and
sometime, extending into the throat and lungs. Prom
this result lightness and often irligo of the head, ob
structed nose.or a profuse flow ofmueus, loss of sliull
nasal voice, and often impaired hearing and taste,
Tlie old-school remedies havo never been able to do
anything for ft. Nasal injections and inhalations are as
painful nnd eipensive as they aru gem rally worthless,
let Humphreys' Catarrh Spoclnc, a simple Sugar Till,
taken two or three times per day promptly cures the
milder rases; cures at unco all colds in the head, and
radically cures, by presevering uie.tho most obstinate
cases, as is proved hy the cxp-rience of hundreds.
Trice, with full directions, fifty cents per box.
N. II. A fell set of Humphreys' Homeopathic tfpceiAes,
uithUook of Direction., and twenty different ltemcdies
in large vials, morocco case, S3; p'aln case, 31
casa of fifteen boxes, and Dook, tJiuiMe boxes, '.'5
cents and AO cents,
Thesu Remedies, by tho single box or ense, are sent by
mall or express, free of charge, to luy address, on re
ceipt of the price. Address,
Ik. F. HUMrHRF.Y tt CO
c ... - - . .,.. . N- 5uJ llrovlway. New York
Sold by n. r. I.UTZ, Agent, Wooinsburg, 1'a.
CORN' (old)
CORN' (new)
... si ioi
$S ts
eCflrl.". ,
OnthoSTihof rtbruary.hytho Rev, Mr. Remix, at
the res ideiico of the bride's father, Mr. IUhiii. I.ricocur.
ll.t Mitm Ull II 1'i.n., -....V,.n. rt I V V -. I
wllloomihuri, Columbiacounty, j
rctnwuod, and H,s
r -cm, cn. ut reisuvnce oi tne Drue's
. j. i'.. .nr. lien am n Kerr, or
scph laiua.
ltUTIt Aun. dauthti-r of Kip. in.
vi juumiipiea'aiii lowusnip, all OI tnis
In OanyiHe, on Monday March 4, Rtoaot Ilroais. son
or bideon M. Bhoop,Esl.. axed one vt.r.
' ,'! nS?Ji"l w,dn"'J'''.l"e f,h Wiu-um M, sea
, iftravldClark, Es-i.tgeC llnoalhsand liday, (
New &toeriisamnt&
rANriwr Mo.vrovn covatt, pa.
Entertainment fur Man and Dcast, In good style
and at moderate tati-a.
OKOKOE '.V. FREEZE, Proprietor.
Danrille March, S, 1801.
40 Notth Fourth Street.
O. M'KIBBEN c SON, FroprltloM
March 1, 1861.-y.
-n. aiihirrllw-r hna now on hand at hlf Nunercv. In
Riih townnhlp, Northumberland comity, near Kamtlle,
a targe aenrtment, of thrifty crafted aud budded fruit
ITtt oi every ncacrHuiuu, bucu
AlTl.t, ri.ACII.
RRAfF. VINES of llierholreit kind, Cat.iha and III
btll.i, all of which we ulllefll at reaionalilo price-.
p.,.nn. ul.hriii. in mrl nut orchard!, will dowell to call
on the lub-etlber at the Nursery, or at till reildcnte In
ii.n.m.. ' JOHN DKST.
March IS, lSGl-lni.
Catliiwissn Aiti'scry.
rxilin unde rilgnrd, respectfully infnrmi the citlxeni of
JL v-oiumnm nnu unjoining c"ui.t...un. . i'n
hand for spring sale, a fine assortment of TariT Tain
cwnrhtlnir of Apple, Dwarf Tear, standard do., Peach,
Hum, Cherry, etc. I.antonlltacktifrry, llrincklcs Orange
Raspberry, Cattaw issa do., Houghton seidlinc: (loosber
ry, (the only kind that doe nut mildew.) (Strawberry
plants, cherry currant. rapo Vines, of Ihe following
varieties: Isabella, very Hue, 3 year old, Catawba do.,
Delaware, Clinton, Diana, 1'ranklln, Concord, Union
Village, lllooin, Rebecca, nnd others. Also, Cabbage,
Tomato, and Egg Hants, for sale In gi-ason.
Caltawissa, March ir.,isi3l.-3ts.
A large assortment of choice rigars, Totiaern, Tipes,
l'ruits, Confectionery and Notions gene rally.togcth
er with full stock fllATrland CAM. constantly on
hand and for sate cheap, at the "Blooiniburg Ilat&Lap
Dloomsburg. March IS. 161.
S. MAUI'Y k CO. ha, ing opened thcirEstabli-hment
at "to Market Ulrect, I'hil.nlelphia, for th- sale of their
productiots, as well as ageneral assortment of articles
In the IlnrtlculMral line, would respectfully call the at
tention of their customers, and the puldlr generally, to
th-ir Warehouse, where will be kept. In their respect),!
seaiuns, a complete assortment of Vegetable Hoots and
Plants, Vegetable anil Flower Heeds, Uulbous Ruots.ctc.
of our own and foreign productions.
Catalogues Sent trails on Application,
Ornemental HbadeTrevs, I Evergreen Trees an. I Shrub,
Hardy Khrubbiry, Vines and Creepers,
riatils for Hedging. Trailing Honeys ucktes, &c.
& e s e S ;
N'ui.ctttt 1'erpctual.
Iltengxl and China,
Persian audotUr Ysllovr,
i en r-ccnicu.
ll)brid I'erp.tuat.
Ilnyrbon "
Musk '
Climbing "
Dahlia Roots,
I Climbing A. Hanging riants
Hardy Ilorder Plant-,
tirennnouie riants,
l.vropiideume, Ferns, Sic
ucauing ttaiits,
Cherry, Arpl". I'ear. l'lum, I'eath, c
tf a a a b- v x w h s :
Diana, IHIiunr?, Omcnr), lrnlnlla, Catawba
and Purr inn Vatic. it s.
s m a & x "sTu. tr x x s ;
Currants, floosehcrrif s. Ra-pln-rri-s, lllackbirrl;.,
Htrnu b.-rrie,. tc.etr.
C7" nners dealing w i III us will find that the articles
tliry getareREI.IAIII.Uatld a. CIIK M' as they can be
obtained fiomany other ertabliihnu-tit.
lio ..II) Maiket Street, below I ighth, Philadelphia, I'a.
March Id, MGI-aiii.
Flow I Plows ! I Plows ! I :
V you want a first rate article of Plows!,
L call at the Kagle Foundry, lllooitolHir?.
Mt.o, i;t0m.
jysmi oH.wiri.i:93,
This wnitilt-rful artirk. Just patented, js something
tntirrty ntir, and tiewr bofori i l!rfd to agfnts. who
. . . "" vrj litre, i un iiariiciiuri sim tree,
HIIAW &. CLARK, Bi'Mif.'rJ, Maine.
Marrli't. HUl-iy
A tars'! ilziil Tm mi. ttlltl.. Ifl pnnl rnmlt.inn .lil.
doors, window-, &r suit.iblelii b trnuifrrredupon an
other lot, is off- red for sale, on modrrate terms. Also
a Tiantlty of broken Urick, for filling in buildings, and
several pair cjI'Hjs'i with Uiass, .lpily to .
nioomburg, Nov 3 lSCO,
tiiiiciv! iikk k:: iiricku
200.000 ""'Wins Urick, of excel-
lent quality, f..r sal at the Old
Ulooitifburg Urick Yard, i'arli''s int.-mjinp; to build
will do will to rail aud tiaminu thu material and si I
bargains. Apply to
HI ooin burjf, March P, liCI. -3m.
AMECTIN'Cl f the citizens of Blunmiburij and the
public frcnprally, is rvinvatMl toh.) held in the Co.
I ii mbi a County Court House, mi
Samduy Evening JlarchSitcthth)$to,
for the purpose of devlrins ways and miang for there-IK-fof
the snlfcrin? pour in Kansas, to which tlicfrhmU
of Humanity uie cordially in, ited.
... many crmus.
.nioomiburg. March 7, I fill.
TUB SIMtlNG Ti:illl of this Initiation wil! cein-liu-iico
on tho
Eiglilh ot April and continue ten If'eclis,
l!OARDINO,TUlTIO.fcc.. for this term witlbiJ3,00
Important changes and Improtements arc In progress
of whlchdue tioticu will swiu be gitcn.
Tor cataloguci or furlhi r particulars, address
,. ,, . WM.IIUIlULBi.Princlnal.
Millville. Col. Co., March If. IcHIt St.
AUHLl'IIIA. A Uciu-volelit institution established by snecinl endow-'"f.V'V-'i"
I'10 .,L"ff.!'f.'11 nnd llistrt ised, ntllict. d
with Mrulenl and Lpidemic Hi. casts, and ntDeeiullv
for the Cure ofllinin-s of the tfeiual Organs Ills-
,'T.fImlSV,''.'.o,n.!.,!5 a" i10'" ,,rino United Btate.
ALUAULC ltl.l'OIlTri on ppcrmaloirheca. nnd olli
u,s.,i!m'l!f.,Jof ','".Se,4l "'fans, and on the Nl:iV
KL.ML1IILS employed, scut to the nlllicti d in sinl-d
letter envelopes, free ofcharge. Two oi three Stamps
for postaue will bu acciit.ibl. Address DIt.J UKIi..
LI.ll lltlUCiri'iJI. Acting Burgeon, Howard Assoda
tiiHi, No. s South Niulh atriet, rhiladelpbia I'a.
MarihS, Itflil-Wm. '
Have You Seen Him t
JUST below tho I'oit Olllce. and will sell cicry dav
and evening! bo the wi-ather dull or bright: ho will
sill you bargains right. JOHN has goods of every dc. can sell them ut less than halftlie usual
f.""i1uJK,,0",i;ofll'nei'ii1'.i-nidoyedtis attend all
tho ghcriira Bales and assignee's Hales, and Wholesale
Auction bulee. And besides he buy. for caia. and buy,
rroia the .Manuraiturrrs, and pels a larat Jisreiiat
ilicrcfurohlsjoodsvaisrslhrouijli no h.nds but ills
ow-uj ho .ells at very .uiall .rollts,nndhas.Uick sales.
Johnsellino damaged goods. Come one, como all, both
great and small' l.adl.-. will please call in the day lime
w hen goods can be had at the same piico as atuliht
all Wo i,sknn.lnll u.. .I.L..II ,.n.... . -- e-"'-
vi.,,.1 iM.I-i-J... . .. V.v"''''"''' " lorgn-your
March 0, Idol
JBlooiiubiir rlcadciiiy:
D. A. BEl'KLEy, A. B-, Principal.
Institution will begin ' ",e
?.. .,' " '"" supplied with new furniture! The
walls ; elegantly paperoMnd ever) tliinr added that can
contribute lothe comfort and ronvcniciiceof theBtudtnt
Ihocour.e of Instruction wi'l bo thorough.a, htreto
Tore and those designing to At tbrmsclvcs to teach will
recclvo special attention. The school u.clfis conduct-
aecorjlngto the most approved model
eos oVttudy.,'r0,B:Wl"riC,,e'm,'',e,lJ io "
primary department. gliM
Higher denartment, jj go
Noeitracharg,!. made for the study of Anticnl or
Modern Languages.
Oood boardingran be procured ai S1.SJ er 13, rsi wttk.
Bleomsbuii', Mirth ! Il-tf. ' " ' r" "
No. 000 Chtstnut Street, above Sixth,
rhiladttphiit, and JXo. B30 aroaatray,
Aw Yoik, by
IV DtUnri cni Fiflf Csnlf per anirum, If paid In ad.
Toncci or three Dollars, payable In six months. Allb.
cral discount to Ageftts who may become iepri;lMf.
To Clergymen 7V Dtlttn a year when poid strictly
'"no subscription received for a less term tHin mis
year. All subscribers who do Hot give express notlt.
to ihe contrary, will K considered as wishing to con
tinue iher subscription, nod, their paper will l.
sent to them accordingly. No pdpcf discontinued un
til nil arrearages aro paid, except at tire option or lh
'' S? rlrtl.lV.-For IS line., first
one dollars each repetition of do., TS cents. rorBlin.a
or less, Ih-lt insertion. 1 cents! each repel tion of C .
SO cents; roymenti for odvertiscmcnts to bs made la
Fire copies io one oddrcss, for one year
'in copies to one asdrees, for one year
Willful additional copy to the person
who may act at agent,
Slitern copies to one address, for one year
(10 CO
10 M
TVrn'yiAra conls to ono address, for one year tU to rtn .t.ll.lAaal nnV InlhA Allt
Willi nnnmimouni copy iu.uc uKrni.
tO- The Money must nlnaye bo sent In advance.
When tile amount is larg,a draft should be proeureJ.if
possible; Addrers. otwoy; Post paid. ,
No. 000 Chestnut Btreili rnnaucipnia.
March V, 1361.
Vo.M.Norlh Second Btreej, Opporlu Cbrlit church,
n-7-Constantlran hand, a laffa I'sorlnnnl of Dsds.
f. ........ PnHl.aaPa.rhlahlnna. PlalS. Iluk. LSKait.
and all articles in the line at tlx Lowest rrfess:
Jv; B rartuvur ouiniion pata is rcarvoiiR .ts-j raa
Old VtalKtrl.
March 2, ieci-12ra. r
I take pleasure In informing ysu that I havt rirotsd
frcinNo. 144 North Second Street, lo thlllarg. aad
spacious store
Ao. ISO Noith Second Stmt, aUve Arch
Oppoiite the Mount Vernon Hotel, where 1 will cirry w
the luiportation and Jobbing business of
Of all kinds. I'lpes, Pegnr Tubes, Tobacco A: BnulT Hol
es, Catios, Chessmen, Iioniimws, llackffamtnon llrsrdi,
and Fancj Goods in all varieties, nn a larger teal itma
heretofore. Also the manufacture of FLAOd and fu
ture Alphabet li!ockt.
As rjciirds prices and qualilr of Ooo'ti. I am $t t
plrc entire satlifaction to all who may faTui tut wita
their ordi-n.
Ko. 120 North Hecond Btrf
MarrhS, ?61-3m.
By viriuo of a writ of Ac?. Vend. Exp.
to me directed, it sued out of the Court of Coram c. a
riujii of the County of Columbia, rnni)lanis, will be
rinosed to public sale at the Court Houif in tlleoau
burf.nnHATUUUAV.TItn 23J or MARCH, leM. il
ime n'ciork in the s fir r noon the felloning deicritsl
property to wit:
All that certain Tract of Land Mtunto
in Sugar loaf townhip. Columbia county, bounded e wit: (if ginning at a post In line of Itnd U
JoJiiinth.'Mi C. renmiieton, and corner of laud nf Jf.
Moore, th nce on road North eighteen and a half At
prcci U'tvst, nitirty.ilvo perchcRand six-tenths toa poiV
tlunco by land of George Moore nnd Christian 1 Moor
Mouth eighty four and thrcc-tpinrtcr decrees, West forty
nine and one-tenth parchis to a post, thence bylanditf
Cliriftiin ! .Moore. Htuth twelve and a half digreti'
Hast ninety-three perches and cijlit tcnths to a p i,
thence by laudsof tzjkiM Shulu and J.C.renoinftxn,
North tifhty f'iur and thrcciuarter dejtrees Kast. flfty
nine and twr-tcnth perches totbe place ofbsrinnnig,
CniUBliiins Thirty-One Acres nnd Seventy. Kicbt it
dies strat measure, nearly atl of which is imtrors4
laud. WlKft-'ou re fitted n onnnnd a half Ptory I'leik
DwelliiiK Hoiisc, n I'rme llnnk llarn, a frame foa
Sited, a Hntil House and other out buildings with lit
Hi!lz'd, tnken in execution, and to be soM a the prop
erly of John F. l.nubach.
At the same timo nnd place, by tirino
of a writ of t'tnd. Fip tome directrd, si that crrlsra
lut of land, sitnite in Jameson's addition to Centre ?i If.
Centre towmthip, Columbia county. Lot No. Hi in Plot of
said addition, bounded and deitrib-d ae follow s to wil .
On the North by lotnf William Kromer, on tin East by
an nil i, on the 8011th br an allev and on tbe West hr a
(Struct f sdiil Cvrrtre. ille, containing one third of sa
ncr.-, hj i nu ramc inorr or icss, wnereon are crccim
twn story frame dwcllin; bouse and other out buildings
w ilk tlx appurtfnatirer.
U''ized. tjki'iriu exfeution and tohe sold as tbe prep
crty of Harrison Lohnian.
JOHN SNI'DPm. Sheriff.
Dloomsburg. Keb. 33, 1801
Eitute of I'etcr Moicrtr, deceased.
LUTTKRS testamentary on the Estate nfriTia Mow
ask, ateof lricust limushih. in Coumlua counlr
deceased hHve been granted by the Register of Columbia
county tothi undcrsisned; all person, hating esltss
againt the Cttateofthe deeedent.arc requested to pr
sent lli'-lrt to tlm Liocutor at hii residence, in Lore. I
toHnship, without deay, and all psrsons indebtsd to
make payment forthwith.
Tebr-iary 2, JSCl Cw.
NOTIOi: is hereby gen that Lettrrs teslameatary
upon the Lstate of Dun M ott, late of the town
ship of lllooiu, in the county nrCfdilmbia, deceased, tat.
been this day granted by the Register of said county lo
th undersigned, residing in said township ; and that
all persons ha ing claims or d.raands ogainst said as-tat-,
are requested to make know n tbe same to tbe said
undersigned without delay.
nioomsburg, rebruarySS, leui Ci.
Estate of Jacob Ileltcig, deceased.
IETrERSDstainentaryon theEslateofJicoallstwi,
J lato or Locust Colunibta county Veeeas
ed hao been granted by Ihe Register of Columbia com-tj-
to the undersigned: af( persons hat ing claims ersin.t
the l.stalc of the detedeul.are reu'sled loprescnl Ikem
to the t.iceutors, at their residence, in Locust townsbi;.
without delay and all persons indebted to make pay rosat
forthwith. r '
PLTCB S. HELWia, J.) r,.,,
February 2. liol-iiw.
Tim undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Orphan's
Court of Columbia county .upon exceptions to the aceouut
of Samuel Kressler, administrator of Lemuel Kresslsr,
late of Columbia county, deceased, will attend lothe da -ties
of hisftpjiojnttnentHt his Office in liloonisburg oa
Saturday, thu Mday of March, A. D. 1S51, at 10 o'clock
A, M., when and where all pcrsoas interested ihsy si
March 3, 1SCI. .tudHtr.
The undersigned appointed by the Court an Andltern
distribute the luud anting from the Sheriff's sale of tb.
'"I 'state of Hiram Suiutiers, will attend to the duties
',''.!'.' appointment on Saturday the 30th day of March,
1 Jl ''"d' r' M" M om In Uioouisburg, Col
uiubla l.ounty, at w.hlch time and place all persons inter
ested aro hereby notirledto attend, or be forever debarred
from coming in on said fuud.
. , , WESLKV WIRT, smites
rbruaryS3ieci-l w.
r.?.".C?.u.Jfr,if neJ- ditor appointed by the Orphan's
Court of Lolumbia county, oncicentions to the adiuinii
tration account of Margaret Brass, admlniitratril of
Andrew J. Ilrass, late of Columbia county, deceae.d.
will attcad to the duties of his appointment at his .(Ilea
' '"""'-"""t. O" Saturday, the 30lh day of March, A.
U . ledLat ten o'clock A. M., when aud where all per
sons interested in nid titalecan attsnd If they think
a,e?.. WE8LEV W'S.,(.e
Estate of Denjimin F. Teitsuorth, deceased
MOTICE is hereby given that letters of administrate!
i . "","' or neiijamin i . Teitswortli late cr
........ .... -".-' nV. ,uiuitiiia couniy, neceaseo, ojto
been granted by the Register of said county to the un
dersigned, who reside, in Maybcrry township Montour
Co.. All nersons hmlna,i,in. .......... -
esute of the decedent aro requested tn present them for
SCtl OBICDt. .ml Ihn.. in.h I....... ...1 . -l.k...
delay. r.;'ti
1, Msrch 9, 13016 .fdi.
Estate of Christopher II. Smith, deceased.
LETTERS of Administration on Ihe Estate of Chris
topher II. Smith, late of Hemlock township. Colum
bia county, deceased, have been granted by the Register
ol Columbiacounty, to tha undersigned, residing in slid
Hemlock township; all persons having claims iriin.t
tbeEstiteofthe decedent are requested lo present Iberu
to the Administrator, with out delay, and all pci'oaa
indebted to uik, piyment feiihrrith.
w v .... . AtnilislTStn
r.bmiry 9, IeJ.-ew,