Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 09, 1861, Image 3

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our country cannot do lliia tlicy cannot
but rcmniii faoa to faco and an intercourse
uitli er amicable or liottilo must continue
hot neon tlicm, la it possiblo then to tuaku
that iutcrcoui'30 more advantageous or
Jnoro satisfactory after separating than
before !. Oan aliens make treaties calicr
than friends can mako lawn ? Oan treaties
be more faithfully enforced .between aliens
than laws among friends! Buppoo you
go to war, you cannot fight always, and
when after much loss both sides and no
cain on either vou coaso fisrl.tinr, the i,W
gain on either you cease fighting the iden
ttca! terms aro again upon you. This
country institutions boloim to tin iicoti'o
wi, - .1 l.-it '
iihw .iiu.iu.... n uuuuHi MIU BU ill 1 glO T
weary of tho existing government they can
aeinberor overthrow it. 1 cannot bo ig
uiiuua oi nuiciiumcnrs
Ifullyrccocnizothormh.fulau.horilv of
tho people over tho who!o subject, to
cxereisoit in either ol tlio inoilea nrcscribed
,it ....T "I 1
noram oi wio inci inai many worthy ami "mi put-c.-s : ivnu wnue it is to uo ills- i- j VJininal 1 S WcLi "p 7
patriotic citizens aro desirous of having tho tinetly understood that ho U not to bo ro- "' ''"'r, i is; nn""v. si!af'it, 1 aj1
nauonal Oonstitution amended. Wbfle I on.siblo for any thing that may appear ,
mako no recommendations of amendments ' . . . .. b . . " .. - - - -
in tho in.trument itself, and Ishould.uiider dish up and season tho dclicato morfols
exciting circumstances, favor rather than which aro to tieklo lho gossiping and lit
opposo a fair oppor turn y bcin aflforded i . i , , ,
the peonlo to act upon it. ."" lnUlo nml of tll0m ll0 ukc3 tl,(! r-
4 4 - -- i
I will venturo to ail.l mc, tho.fonvcnllon mn In
inrmt if8fjrabls, Inainmcli It Minna tin aiiR'ml nt
to orljinato with the pcnnls tlieimrltca, IntfaJ ofii.r-
17 ouf,V;cnUc'iai;yJo,oi;rr:!,"n V,
iniiiiiij mem toiaxu ur r.gcrl a propuaitiun orislnulo.1
oy oinira nm especially clioncn fur tin purpaao, mi.l
wlh to cither accept ur refme,
I utitlcmtan.l a prfpoed nmemlmnnl to tin dmilitti
tlrtti, which amiiJiiipnt, liovov&r, 1 liavo not sern, hnn
tiaiffiJ L'nuercBi to tlie ftrrl ttinl thn I'..ilnm! I!i.f..r,i.
..... ...,K.ii I..., uu (irdisi-if nucu na incyuul.l
mint ihall navcr luttirfre with dnmPgUc 1 list Jttitf onn nf
tlm Htitei, I it rl ml I air iliat tn mon j hcl.lto ar-nico. To
nvo J in acnnitruct Ion of mint I hnin nl,l. I .lo...
irom uy ptirjioae nollo Bp.'nK orp.irticular amen
fll far 04 to 111' hnl lint, .nrl, n
l'lipllcJai ronititallonnl l.nv, I liavo liiiiibjcction to Its.
tuminn loeiiircsi ami Irri'i oral Is. Tho Chief .Matli. '
iri5 ujiivca an 111a luiiiinmy iroui 1110 pafplc and tlicy
hira confirriMl none 1111011 him tn maktt terina for tin, 1
ntpiralioiif.fthi: Htalea. Thn peoplo thcins.-lvus rando I
Ihl. If Ihtir phrt.i.j In. 1 l'.n....!i..i n ...... I
tnj touo with it, hia juty la to miminiatcr ihi prcacut
rovcrnmcnt nait c-imn to hu li.i.t.l. no. I ,., t,n,. ...i, 1,
tll.1I lucHrr. Mill
"lc'i i'ic-uii uj jii.ii;i;iii.-iii ui una "r.'ni iriuilnal,
llM At, Hntit, l.u rrn,. r .1... t.
Mailer which wolivo! tliUnimn panpln Imvo wlacly clr-1
n tluir Burv.inta Imtlittlt powtr for lulnchicf.nut have
wil.i e.nul wUJom proiJ.'il fi.rthn return uflliat littlo
lolliJIrmnilniiilaalwrynhorllui-riat.i. M, Icthopco. '
pU rJlalu tlialrrlrtuoan.liljilviccitaailiiiiiiWtralliiuliy
uy rstrctta ofnickeilneiior fully cm very arrioiuly
in..irB in.-government in tn. in pici-ntronr years.
.My countrynien nnsanJ all, lhiiikralinlyniiil willuponl
liothastv toa aten wlilelMuil wnulj m,ver l.ik.. .1,1. i..
ratclv. lint l.lileet Mill l. Iril.lrnte.l I.v ikl. . ,l I
no good citij cl can li.i frustr.iti-il hy it. Huch or)nu at
an liitnalla'U-irstlll have thJiM C'ouatitiitioii, uiiiiu.
pnirsil, anil on tin snMitlvc point the law of your own
frauiiiiiun lor Iti wlillj tin naiv niliiilnlhtrallon will
have no iininniliate power, IT It would, tn thau-rc eillie.-
If it wcra admiltcil that yo i iho arc illanatlafled hol.l
th riihl al.lo In tin ilupmi; there xlilt li no (inl..
goo I reaann for preclpit-iti- union. Intelliifeiic.', patri
"itlalu, chriallamly, niiilii llriii ri'llanco on lliin who l.a
uover )i'lfJrakcnthli f.ioreil Iniid.nril allll competent
tJOIJuit.lii tin l.:at way, nllour preaenl ilnnriilt i-i.
I'ly.iurhailda mv! n .,1 en .,.i
iiv, iiMiiii.'iiiom nam. oi uvji; III.- snvern
liJont will not aall you ; sou ran e no cnuMiet Willi
nut li. iiif yoiiritlvcalluiifntroaanrir. Vwiliaie no until
reaitftired in li.-aven lo ileAirovih r!.,v..p., .......... i.n .
'a 1 1 have llu most kolsmii ouctoprcaerve. protect niul
uefenJit. I am lull) loc oe. We art, not eu miiea hut
iibii in. iv ii iniiM iii.i us en 'iiii"4. Thiiiigh p.igHion
may Iiiiio ctrained mint not hreak our liornla of affer.
lion. Theinyatic clmr la of memory rtrct. liins fro.u ev
i'ry lot injt heart anil liearthatoin all over thU lirnail
Utld Will VI t HWCll tile rh tnw nfll,'. tll.. I,..,, n.......
to'Jeheil, aa aurely n tluy will Iw tlu b.-tter aiigcli of
Goi.n and Silvkii deposited in the
Uranism, having Fund, So 130 South
UuurtU ntrcct, below, l'lilluilcl
phi.t, since January lit, lfifll, will be re
paid in gold or iilver. Hunk notes de
posited repaid in bank notes. Deposits
rceoiveu aim payments matte tlaily witl
Special Nnticcs,
Dr. I) ii pun en's Guldt n Tills fur Ffia.Mf.',
lifdlilU tn torrtcUns, rtuttttit and remotlnp all ol
tlruclmns,from trhntrrer tatiit, and altratjt
3Wcr4'ful at a vreventicr.
Tin Combln ulnn of Inirrcillenta in i)f. n.ipnnco'a
fioldeu I'i la aro perfectly h-.nnl;.. 'l'h;y hatu been
tuaJ in lho pruau .ractire (.fold Dr. Dupouro for over
thilty eara, and tliousailda of lldiea enn testify to
...... .,.,bu..ii.,vi Din..; i-uteess in almost every
ca.e. in rorr.-itiliif p,til..ilu nt.iC.ii n.i
di.trei.lii; lucustriiutioii particularly nt the ihanse of
, in... ti. i n ni.icurc mai common yet
dreadful complaint, tin U'liuea, Nearly etcry fjiuale
In lho land aulfers from thia coiiiiilalnt. The nliov-., till)
liaa periiiaiieutly cured thouaaHda, and will cur-a )ou if
i iii.iniu.i,iiii inu eouirury
they rJiiiovn a I ob.lructioin, rfsMroiiat.ini toita prop
irillannel. and Imicointu tin whole sjstein. I.ndni
whixe health will not ieruiil an increaie of I'uiiiily,
will find thoss tnlla a aucceaaful preventive.
Tlw.c I'll .lmu'd not he taken durini; tho fiut three
uioulha of pregnancy, aa they are auroto brin on nila
carriazo; but at oily otiur tliuo they nra aafe.
True, ft per but. Sold, whnleaale mid retail, l.y
O .M. IIAtir.NKUCII. Ilrvt'siit.
Hole agent fur liloouisb irjf, I'a.
To whom all orders limit ho aent. I by aeud
Ina Him Sl.00 to tin lllooiiiabiiri; roil Ollice, ran Jiavo
these pilla aent tn any part of tin country, (rniitldeutial
lyjand "froo of rmtaro" by mall. Sol.l also by N, I,.
lUnk k. tin. Danville, K. J. 1'iy, Tatiinona, J. A, l'olk,
Mtuch flunk, aud by-one DruegUt in every Town and
city in the Unifd Matea.
S. . .ook out for counterfeits. Puv no Gulden PjlU
of and klnVI, iinleas every boiia algucd H. 1). Hone. All
ulbers aro a liasa imposition and uiirnfe, therefore, as
you value your lues and health, (to suy nothing of bo
Jnrhutub igeed out if your money,) buy only of these
who show the slttonturo of s, D. llowo on every box,
which Ins recently InenaddeJ, on account of a recent
counterfeit onim 1'illJ.
' Sole 1-roprletor, Now York.
Dec. J, ISCO-ly.
Catarrh! Catarrh! Wnn n rrl llow CirjdI
Tboinands of persons sutrer all sorts of annoyance
from Catarrh. .Moat know what its iucoiiienience nnd
reaulls are., yet but tew know how it can b.i cured. It is
simply a chronic irrrtatl. in, ami often enlargement of
jollicics nn.l conse'iucnt thickening oftlio mucous laciu-i-tanca.
linlns Hio naaal caiities, frontal sinuses, and
Botuetiiues extendini- into tho tliroat and lungs, Prom
Ibis result lightness and olten i irtijo t.f tho head, nb.
structed nose, or a profusu llow nfmucus, loss of smell
tiasal voice, and olten impaired hearing nnd taste.
The old'Sdiopl remodi-n havoncver been uMo to do
anrthins fur it. N'asa! injections and Inhalations nro an
painfal aud expensive as they are generally worthless.
Yet Jlumptir) a Catarrh pec4nc, a simple iSugar Till,
taken two or three times per day promptly cures tho
milder cases; cures at once all colds in tin head, and
iadically cures, by preadvuiiiiff uao, tin moat obstinate
us i" pruuu ny tno exprienro or hunureils,
rnce, with full directions. Mly cents ier liox.
N. U. A fall set of Humphrey a' Homeopathic rlpcciflcF,
wilh Uook of Direction', and IwsntydUnrent Uemedi.B
In large t jnli. morocco caso, gl; ditto, In plnin case, 31 1
fusjof flftoon boxes, undlloult, $1. ijiiiele boxes, 85
conts and J cents.
These Itomediea, hytho ilnile box or case, are sent by
ro? W free ofclnrec. to uiy address, ou re.
colpttftln price. Address.
im. r. iiuMriiiiRY&fo
c , , t n Kn.o-Jllroidway. New York
Bold by E. r.l.UTZ. Agent. I looinsburg. I'a. I
OntluSSth Feb., by ncv. II. Wadsworth. Mr. Wm.
C. MARtil.Lt, U -Mils L'BUHOTr.llannot, ell of Hunt-
in Lariiitiovrnshiii, col, eo., on Thur4ay aveninj
Fib tfith lodl. by l. K. Ilcrbciii, Kai- Mr. OLiv-.n
Evin to .Miss Dicjam Ami .Miles, both of Columbia
'"in iy(iom,bilrf, on Thursday Till inn., by tho Itev !
u'lirapairni oy nun m uu aiircoamr. uy ahoul.l thoro iu our urciiircn or tlio fiuill ! anil asK ail- Jm'ttr oj i,cnj imin . IcUslconh. licensed
imthoa patljiit coii n Iimico lutlu- iililumte Jjatlce oftlio ... ... -vi iitii-i- I. i...i... -i i .... j , .
propi,,i,ih-rIi,iyi,-ttjri.rc.aiiihopt,i,.ti,...Ii,i. iiuttnnco onco more, into that anc cut and N i J .. K
in oirprna'-iitcl unreucca n elt'ier party filhout faiih ., ,, . . , ," , . ' .' V 'J"1".' ," l- i,-it frlli lato of
ot b.h5 riei.t if tn, Aiinishty iti.iA cr nat",,,. w it! most honorable fraternity ; and now hero fc Eli ''!; 'iiV,-V,:,r''.V.,V,,J5y:,:,:i'c?'c:V hm
iSrx10 S patriotic gong,, wo would
m..a.,t,i:oiujnbi,co. iBuggcst, "Hail Columbia.1' or "tho Star
nn March Slid, at ilia residence oftlm hrlds. hy Ucv. I , , .
I. it. Mhwortz, Jir. Willi m limioi. or rriar freek. "paiiglctl lianucr as worth a buehel baa.
1'olilinbia Co., to Mils ItiBLlcl i:.,laut!itcr of Mi. l-ol rf.ll P . I i ., .
Jacob iiiiier, of, LuiernaCo. i et lull of such as thoy attempt to sin"-.
e.'l? IKSWtTO ti.V"?dW;;: ' If tho would play popular air,
i'a , 'o .mi., Jihm. jMr, of .New iil.lik. I'a in the intervals, for tho entertainment of
D E A t;h s.
Near Ashland7"iltln!'!1 loFlvGiiraTsTjIcoa
In mttinisaa tnwn.hlp. on the lit mil.. Ir, Josmi
OtiRU.Ri. od about 3U years.
In Hiijniloif tonnihip, Col.nnl.u, on lh(th (f Janu
r.ry la.t. ufaro-i p,r(, , , . t , o;, , , ),,,,.
Mnif. 111 1,1a Fin jeai t.f ),,,
Cecal cmb Special,
John 0. Frcrzo, LMItor.
Is assuming tho control of a column or
i....,l 'vit.i n n ,
l' 0,1 ,l19 J ,,ml . 1 "8 of lho
Democrat, tho Editor of tho "Local and
tpccinl" Department feels that no extend
cd salutatory is necessary. IIo will bring
to tho collection, selection and preparation
(ofindutlry, dtMrlminntton and ability he
i .... i ... . .
anJ,"lrocs 1,1 1110 l,aPcr ! 11 ' e,l"y,
"g'd that here he is to reign and revel ;
t ill in I run Hpa .k.ih I. r. I.
tnat in tucso two columns ho onlv is to
rothing however will appear
hem pnntrniv In tlm inili.inotil nt ll
COIItiaiJ 10 1110 judgment 01 the 1,'ro
prietor-nor of our own. So much is duo
to each of us.
The reader will observe somo now fea
turcs they will bo continued and im-
iiroved UDOll : and no naini will lio maroil I
1"""" mm uu 11.11113 will UO tp.ireil I
' rartment o? tb.'
Diwocrul fupciior to that of niiv unncr
. 1 J I'liptr
III llie country,
Before wo fairly don the Editorial Cap
wo desire to iralte our most profound bow
1 .wwuim nun
tuf To-Ulori'OW U tllC Fourtll Sund.1V
1 ,,f "
11 iJ-nt.
M,, 11 1
""Hi i'j i
7!) Philadelphia was in-
if'l,,, 11 i;,.i ,, , ,. ,.
11U 1 OllO-ieal Called " 1 lie Guarniall,"
first Plihed on the la Jlarel, 1713.
Tl.o I.. I..- i v:
. ai, J.-Jl nil .11111 1 luilim OCCUr
rod, and Jletteiineh (led, KJ Jlavch 1818
lho "Stamp Act'' was pa'sed by tho
British parliament, March M, 1705.
The b'Jttli of rjiiildfnnl fi.iurt IT,-.
was fought Maieh 15, ITO1.
The KinpcrorXei-o was born, according
to tlio uc-t authority, on the 10 March A
D., 37.
tST l'tbruary wont out moit mildly,
and March came in cxeoedingly lamb like.
Wo do hope the adage will not in this case
bo proven true ; as to the monlh going out
like a lion. L;t us see.
JCSyOur republican friends hoisted tho
flag on inauguration day, and fired seve
ral round; uitli iIia.o.iuuu Wn in'oiunn
it was congratulatory of "Old Abe's" es
capo. Henceforward, "Lincoln's ilijxht"
will bo the mot renowued in history.
Was his arrival an indication of how ho
will leavo Washing on four years hence ? i
JCr-Tlio Alhntic Monthly for March i,
an cxceileiit, number. The article on
K, ,., tt ! ,
"(jcrman Universities' is the bo-t on
tho subject we have read Higgiiisou's !
"Uymnaitics" u tho nio?t sensible paper
wo have over hceu from his pen "Tho
men of Schwyz" is very readable -'Tho
Professors Story" is to bo concluded wo
judgo in May, Address Ticknor k Fields,
135 Washington Street, l'oston 53.01) a
EST" Tho Lackawanna & Blooinsburt;
Hail Koad Co. have wilectcd J. 1'. Islev.
Rn Qnnssl.lsn.ln.l .f ll.. 1 :.. -1
"",.s uuruuuu,uuuiitui iuu luiiii, in Dtlteo
ot JI. . Jackson, Knq , rctigncd. ViTu
liavo heard of Jlr. I.slcy,and his cxpoiionco
in tho busiueis IiasLcuu such, as to lit him
very fully for tho place. Wo doubt not,
ho will mako himself intimately acquaint
ed with tho want.), and local busiucaS of
tho road.
rST Ihys, if you want .1 book almost
equal to ltobhon Crusoe, send 81,l,rj to
tho Jlcisw Crosby, Nichols, Leo ,t
Oo., 117 Washington Street, Boston, and
ask them to tend you the "Adventures of.
t i , , . "
James Capen Adams, mountaiuccr, Gth -
lyUcar Hunter &c." -you will soon I
learn to love his pets, "Lady Washington"
"lieu l'raukliu" and the rest of tho bears,
U'l. .- ...l.r.i. 1 . . , . '
uuiivo, us nuicu no traps aim tallica.
And if you should ever tro to lianmm'a
Museum, in New York, you can thero tea i
lini.l Cm.. 'I 111)... 1. , ,.
u""" ", Jly.iY(,. (100 aniuut St,M. aim ..r,,
aslnooton and several more of Adum'
x cis. u-o aaviso you to get and rend tho
book It is capital, lifo liko,aud full of ad
venture, hunting and danger,
DST-The Simon I'uro, P. T. lijrnum,
Original General Tom Thumb, gavo two
of his entertainment? in tlio Court IIou-.u
in liloomsbunr. on Saturd.iv Inat
1 . .pi . i
anu evening, Jlio ntlendanco waa onlv
.t , . ., . y I
oruiuaniy goou,ia tno attemoon, but in
tho evening tho house was crowded.
Tho singing in tho afternoon was do
cidcdly better, than iu tho evenin", Nci-
,i e .1 ,i
tucr ot luo gentlemen are good in tho com-
io) 'J'om ca at them both. If tllOV
the audience iMlnml r,f I 1
tiio autueuce, instead of more thuinpuig,
which is the most that can be said fcrctulT
mat nououy unucrstanus ; thero would bo
.1 . t . t .
sonio enjoyment in it,
--1 .
Tom himself la a good, cntcrtainin
tero'ting amusing
specimen -veil with
Tho following aro thoreccipts7o tho offico
tho month of I'ohruarv. 18(11
Iwlto Itupcil, '
1! I". IVnlns,
Hcntjr lima,
William mlfv.
linn. H. HaMv.
u CO
JWm T. turn,
s 41!
1 UB
Hour)' li. niii.iikcmlcr,:i si
Uatlif llolnlmlJ, - 2 CO
llfurge Oman, 3 oy
I'cltiniMa County, J I 35
"nrnuf Jnrnliy, 3 ,Vj
Jno. Olrton, fjmtoek.Vl l)r
Ilmli-n II.'. , (I'looin.) 1 .',,1
lon.Ofo. V. iVtit, I 03
Montour County, J. oa 1
a.liiifll)lil,(lcmt(Kk,)l '
1 3D
I'mnrls U. Biiyitrri
Ji.liu I', rtmifli. r...i
jiu y
3 01
a mil
I J:t. Jii Jffc civcnljo en,:i ?.'.!
i wnam wimertinn l i.v,
1 SI
S '.'.V
J.Hinltli, (J.iietowl
I' J JOj IIo aen I,. Iln;cuiin, 13 mi
JilChnrcl l-lllen, I OH MiI.Jm I'nnLl,,.. .Too
AaraliPiiillli, J J80p l'u.,,11, " l is
cifCli. Smith, l ts Allen k Ncedlta 5 m .
Hamncl II. llu.cMK.nn.3 10 n.U Vll,, -Truller,, S
'.'"! or.V.f hocmnker, 1 7S llag.-n nml iij,, rj
hnliiiiiini Hliuumn. 1 uo, rrP, k llron n! M. II.. 1 J m
Ucnrna niii-i.. 0 on. National llntrl. 4 01
iJI.Tl.n'vV.i.Tnr:"' " S! Y'ln,:rf,TS:"rV;,
3 .'.0
f anils,
10 ()
- .
AT.M11 Ol hn vf ir oi M f
Y" v -tvwuHJlllHI
' -' - -
Flows! fl'lowslt Pdiw-Bll'l
, 1 1'' you want a first rate artielo of Plows,
X. call nt lho Kn;lo t'ouniicy. lllnonulniri!.
.March n, I8CI 3in.
juauni BiiAr.PLKss,
H 0 D U G GltT
Thla arllrti.. I.i.t nninntn.1 1. .....i.t.
nttrtlf iirir, anil luitr hiforo cllcrcd to uronla. who
aro wauto.l cicrjn hero, l'ull partlculaia aim free
March 9, lsiil ly. '
KlCEK!a8ItlK!l BSKICEilll
200,000,. of Sol;
lUnnmrburz Itrirk AnrJ. l'.irlk-ii iiittn.iln ir l,.,n,i
will tin utll tnt-all nml cxniuino the material cml ttt
barsains, Apply to b
ntnornhnrj, March 0, 1801. -am.
All P'Trona iue rlaitna or ileiii.iiiiU ,,iln.t tlx.
fitateof UioiK'ieilot tire r 'im rted to preacnt them lor
rrttl 'aiel.t, aiUthiHu imli.titjdlJluiike pnynicnt w ithniit
M.irch 0, 1ST.1-C .5m.
AUriTOltS X0TIC13.
Tlir.miJ. rais-n-d, auditor appoluta.l l.y theOiplian's
Co.irl uftJoluiulna coui.ty, oiit.xceitioiiH to the udminiti.
trntl. ui account i. f .M.irtitril l.r.i-a, adniitii.tratrlx of
Andrew J. Ur.isa, lute of Coliuiilna county, derena;.l,
tMll alti'ii I tn the duties ol hi appointment ut hln ullice
in IdoouiFljure, on Baturd?y, tin yotli day of Mart li, A.
II . Iihl, at ten o'clock A. ,M., wheiiaud where nil per
aoui iutcr.'iteJ in aald estalccail LtUlul If liny think
I roper.
., , . WKiJI.r.Y WIKT.
Van hp, rr,, iiiiler
tilt' citiz IM "of Ll.inio.hiirir nml tl.u
III . irt re. i i.l..a to I. , I...I.I i. ,1... f...
.uioiiiA 1.0.1111 i.ouit House, oil
Satttrtlt.y L'vening,I2uvliSiztce?ith,l3Gl,
for ihspttrponn nf ile llng w ays and means fur. the re
Ik f of tin sail ring poor in Kansas, lo which the frinllda
i of Humanity ar cordially iniite.1.
I ., , , . .,. '"any crnzi:s.
lilooinsbur?. Vartli7, 18f.l.
Till'. tSI'ltlNQ TIHl.M of this liiitltutloii will ccm
in.'iicc on the
Eifihth r April nnd cor.tmw tin ll'tcks.
POAKnlNR.TCITlOX.&c. for thia term w ill b.- S.'J.UD
I iiiiioi taut chimgea and improveinelits are in progress
1 or ..ital.izius or faith. r particulars, address
V. lll'Ktli.KS, l'ri.icipil.
MilUille. fi.l f.i.. Murrlill, l-l,l-:it. '
Alllll.PilU. A no l.'vol -lit Institution ..ati.!,!..!.,..! I.o ...
,.,., f .,1 . ,, , l .l tl- 1 , , 1 I 11 1 ,,lt,)"
...iv -, ,tR ul"1 i"-iris-i(l,atllirt.'.l
r " "I""""10 "i""". '"l fia ally
fir til ' Cure of lli.easea ,.l tl,.,,.l n
peii.iirj fr i.. In In all parts oftlio l,iiiU'd'st.,te
. ,,.,. ....iiniia uu .-periuaioirlia'n, and ..Hi
er lis.iis sortlii. stetoul tlrsnns, and on the M.w
! ii'H-uinv.v, .ciii,c Hurgeon, Howard AsVocia.
" N"--Houtli Ninth Mrcit, Philadelphia I'a.
Mun.ii -. labi-iim. '
iiivc lr!i soesj fiSisia !
JUiT b low tin l'o.t Ulllce, and will sill ev. ry dav
audeviuliig; li. the wiatlur dull orhrlghti hiwiil
mil )ou bjrgaius ritht. JOHN h.ia goods . f etcri du
srrlpliou i mil can sell lli-m at 1. as than half tho usual
cost, on nieouiit ofhai lug men uu)lo)udto allsli.t all
the Sh -rilt's Hales nnd iissignea's al.s, and IVhclesati
Auction Hal And h 'sides In i,uw for roan, and buys
fromlie .Uanu'ncturiri. nnd pets a largt rifroittit -
"Wll J lie SCll III ery B ll..'.H profll, llllll ll.lS O lCk Slle.
H..IH1I-S....JI ...SM-i.iiii.;il IIO liaiKH nut Ills
-s I'll is sells no il imaged pooda. fume one, come nil, both
,... pi,,.,,, j..,.,-n ,1, ,,ir,tse .an ill iiieiliiyiim,.
uhu xoodsran b.. had lit the taiuj prico an ul night,
ull wu asknli Inlt wodvvell upon, id don't forget lour
friend, IIUNEST JOHN. 1 '
n . CllllAl- JOIIV.
i33oo:si-.?jurv Aciuk-aiij' :
I). A. BIXKLCT, A. Ii., I'liiicijiar.
rpiin srniMi ami su.u.ur.u seusio.v ok this
JL lii.titutiuii Mill b'uiu
Tin huildiiisr U nt ire.ent iiiidercoiii? a thorn' rruo
vnlliin. Imillhi n..ijd Willi now liiriiituri" '1 he
walla 1 1 gnitljruicre .indcwrjtliiiiB milled that ran
c Mitriliut to thu eon fi.tunil roiiieiti. ncei f ther-'tud m
Theioiirs- f i'latruttion ui'l hu tlioruiich, aa hrelii
fori', nnd Uii'.i'.lejynlii; to lit tli.'iiiacl t ra luteal ii mil
r '" 5i ' V'"lJ'"',',r moM
Ailih .iuil,'scfoiirHji.iiiiarlesarcciiihracsd m it.
i'ri,ry dennm,J.B S " S"
11 it Iter diuiiiif?ntt si'eu
N.irxtratlmrg.tU Hn etuJy tf Ancient or
('nod !'-mliniUMii .o pmcured ut 31,30 or ft , per w eck
Iili)oiiibbiirf;.Murt.h T, lrH- if.
' H '
1' It K SUV T H It I A N,
IS Pl'llMsliED r.VEHV batuuday at
Mi'u.l diia, unit Xo. 030 Utoadicuij
Ariw Yailc, 0.
niLI.IA.11 S. .UAJiTli:X & CO,
r Dollar! aid fV'y t'tau tier annuiii, if paid In ad.
iniH'e. or three I ollara, pajable In .ix mouths. Allb
eril diicotiiu to Aj; 'nts tih.i may become
TiiClertyuen 7'u-e Dalian n )ear hoi iuM strictly
in lid auce. '
Nuuhcrii,tioii ri.'celred for a less term titan one
joar. AlUulcnb.ra uho du not ciio tiprex iiotlto
1. 1 tlm contrary, ill he murdered us miJiini in com.
tllme ther kiib.iriii'Ui, and, their Jit uill be
Jiit tn them accordingly. No pniitr ili.ciii
"'""""'"r'S'a ami aid, nceVtnt the o..
ctniiiutied tin
ItuM ot Mnrtuingr-Tor 15 lines, first Insertion,
iiii.itloll.iri each re'i.litimiiirdii., 73 routs. 1' lines
01 kss, Hist W cnts! tach repetition of Co.,
5D cents. I'ajuienta fur adtertisei'ieiits lo be uiadu in
adi mice.'-
T2IIM.S TO Cl.Ur.r1.
firs copies to one nddiess, fr one year '
Ten eopaa to uile nmlrt aa, lor olio yeur
With an udiiitit-nnl ii.j.y tutlHiiersu.i
lv ho lull) ail aa ugenl,
Stilten eopi -a to one ttjdreaa, for one jsar
Vltli an additional copy to tho U4ul,
Ttcenlif.jtee copi.s tn one address. -ir o iu tear
With an u i.llti.iiial eoi.y to tho atteut
310 03
815 no
i.- Ihe .Mtm.y iinut alnat a he n-ot In ailvatico.
VWlcli t.ieainotiiil i. Iiirf.-.adralt .hnuld hi procurcd.if !
.idtlrepa. no.t n.i 1
iiji.L.iA.11 a. .-iiai.tii: & t'ti.
No. IU! Chestnut tflnet, 1'hlUdelpliis,
Jlarch 0. letll.
I J T 111 V T.I I, ll l.l, ,.11 it . .
"WiiaiOlllAlUllSUllUi. I
Jhute af ( hmlodier ll. Smitlitemise,,
F T. NV'il "i'i-trutio.. or. .1,. ii.,t?. of n,.
i"i'ii'-r 11. riniiii.iai. 111 nen. .11 a ivvo.iim. i- .,..
i'n,t"'iiitr dtousod, imroiimii tnini.'iih,v tirit,.eitri
V. "-- imwiini'I'i mm
ua.d, hxru btn-u craiit'dv the Ili'cUtt-i
ity n tin! iimhrigiied. r al lint? In rnii
,., 1 u,....iiiiiirDii'i
ueiuioih louii.iup, n I poisons liaiinn claliu. iimimt
in.,, ,.1 iuu oeot'iu-iiinrii re'iile.lsd tourihi'iit th-'l
to lho Administrator llillio'lt d. lay nud all pi r.ol
all pi rou
inueLieu 11 tuaitii nanient forthwith.
M . .iiriutlrf a'er
, r bi j , " wi .
jind roa THi: sriiBY rur.E of
ITarvour rrostratloa, tloaoral Doollltj, Attbmo,
Dyjpoptla, tcrofula, MarrisinM, Taralysis,
Ciraals Eroachttl, Artrala, Chlorcsli,
and all Dinortoi oftlio IlooJ Eyitcn.
do YoiTTcijov IT?
rnvsniiTioN is nn; i:orr i-at.m. or
MANKIND. It Ins been tru'y regarded its A.y ttctn.
m l Mat TT rew r Br fctrvlvLig Its attack. " Cue tiH
of the i"hiU o'iduii," ray f)r, fuirnnix, " and
Jl'ininsUNt.NK HAll' OK All, HIE Al.l l.T I Ol f.
IdTMU," Vlatr. nad corumcctary ta tho boaitcd
Tin brirttut I Isct.scry of tr. Churchill, rrad lo tlio
mpetlal Acaleuy of lledlclr.o, of larls, has vrove.lan
tfuliriaWa tVn I'i lho irorld. Ity tin us, cf -his now
nn l ;vu'.ii! nme h'ctl nij-oil , known to tliciubil. a
"The t'fltB of CONSL'MPTltlN, even In IU.
"enonil and Third filnrces (nt n pcrloi', thercrvrr, '
whtn thero run bo no doubt aa to Ilia rotura of
tho Dlsenae) la tho ltL'I.C, whllo DEATH 111 Till!
IIXL'Ll-lIO.V. 'I IINOW," saj. Dr. C'
-tlnil tlit-j- wilt prora net only on lifltl. A I1LI1.
rJIVh CtlNOLMPTIO:! r.s J.ilHo la I.. Inter,
mlllent I'urcr, but also nn cTcetuul n rilElllIJl.
VA'JtlVK 114 Vue.lnalloti til Gulflll lox.
I.ctr.0 milTercr.vlioval'i-ii hntth and l.fc, ileliyrm
liVirlJtiyth'sremedy, llmenit.erthnt' Ircvsticn
ll b(ti:r t1;'! care," r-;wjo of ielM-epikn,or ti.o
tw.'ilig tl;,i...o of fuei.Ja thai ll i only a lillU
ri.C " ratilcircr !51.i,vrladsw!iOh')Wll'ln''
jrtv, s I f.lve, I ciilreal yni, proi-ipt muiitka lo I'ao
"A n tiieji: Eli.N.'l ruu. tvmv toui." i'crt,
'lTa)eti-;i'.lp;n,.t(unrub5rc.,.ar tlTOMolrviiriMi.
Itjii'irrtr.yl.'ieieii-A.iiD.l it li car lcr,ta relt cr Urn-,
tlaiumttcne. 11 Is llrilumirestej in the fart or..t
n'llXt r.11 ruse .Mr t t,'jca wasta : tr.T i
thero ims-n.'.s 'ofartnctlilrBw.-iu b nf,tU nra
vt'.i i-owrni tr.r. r.'oo.'.vii. t-ctile or tlm UtIu
nucilao 1 1 malouclUotl..t'llarc;Mir." If. rclM.
" If. ic Jivittinnarrarrrl cawe, or under tho lnHucrco
cf CM.rta w'il,.h l.u'.i.Lsmut iki nnd Lxn.rrrt s rnch
at tiitii. p f , cuo u " cs. j rejnn'iry, rH!J (nrfnj,
Kumar, mifil fieud, tr (. ifcoivrymn ','j,a,r
a pora.a befl.a i , M hl IIctIi, ftrmfcih, color, or
PirtilO If lo cuir-13 fiO'U t'.iirtiir.'S of lrnA, cr
li '.jcirrs-, nml cp rlc-trn a s-euiral feclli'K tf I m
piiorardcleeWm'en1'iijH:K 13 I.L'AMIN Tl) I KAl; tl.i.1
he i'i clresdj pmli'jyi.rit to lite O'liylui'uf. If to thro
rj ttiptoiiH h j a-ldeoT erw.h, luwcvcr Blight, parllculony
ir it Iuu nni on n'imly, or iurlne the fair s.5a.ii.
1'i.OHAIlIUrV IS UIKATDt WllU"-t nurc;.,.l. '
"ir, on tho oarliont upenrnneo oflhcae llcna of
fonaiimptlon, lho pnllcnl taLta dallj .bent tin
cjri.ius or tno n?ornorniTrc, 1.0 win nsnniij
seo thrr.i all dlrappoar in a period i txy'.rg. frora a
fow t.'oeXs to r, few months, nnd lT .oiitl-iulni; lho
arccslounl one of the, I1C V.'JLI, EPIID
ILT riKD KIiI3rLP cr TUB rHJOTllKI.-T op
EUOIt nALTU A3 Iti:, rSEIIAPS. 11AI) Eviu
i;:;or.'.N in mn ijh: i:i:iui:i:.
"Winchester's Ccnuino Preparation"
Term cf Ir. Ciiirdil I'a l'.emedv. Ma-lo frem tho
orljlal Formilt ) llu rtti- n t'f t'll llyief! .'l-rhltea
ln-o.rotjiuiidBp"c!l!s . t'irrruinth.iirl'icl..aiiitit
cciM-nnrti Mm riTc, nMl tliev no tho yesr
rowr.i.VtLti 001111- wv, Tl.o c.litt
upen tho t .hrrcidnr tc.iulMI,.ii n ATI:, att. irK
M lis vi it w nil.t'Vl. llieynlleir tho co sh. riiuiu'it
eviiectoratton, tirre ti.i n, tt.ta. criict t'
tho.niVil ru,a,-f( cHiLs, and jferer crs.-o; thc boweU
trcoi e rrdcr, aud im piim-vaix jiMirm.roi.D.
CX" IlKWAIlKof lift 1 n.c'idtertl"d as Tr.
Cliuii.liU'a.oiiJ another TWIM MNti 1 1.M1 E'! lorob
ralfjrera or thilf means, lo.eymi-u fi'me, and hartrn a
raiit. kkn.LT. V.'rlli to incfor Cll'.Cl'I.MiS,ond ror
Dr. Churchill'. Treaties on Constunption, coiitnli tl.o irh ouCn fiifOTiaiin 1.1 retard lrilTJH3.V. .''.i.tri.l!Jitjllinquirers.
r::icrt In 7 r-ad JO-os. Hott'.rn, CI and ca each.
Thrco larcc, cr til amall for S3. Uy facslmllo is
on both tlio Iiabol nnd Outstc-o Wrapper.
Po not confound this r.emci'y with tho ro-ra!le.l
11 Llitmlcill-'orid ;" and j.irtlcularly moid nil I'Kinrn
llnuscoiitalnliiRt'nii.whkhls PAM.Ki:oia,and C'ul (mr
l. , whuhhasfcoftrJTiiBritcm.TVYiuitirn.
old by tho urst reaiieetablo IlrtTBlsti threnrhnct
a Lilted MUM mil Ilrltlah 1 Y01 lm a, t.nd Wl.v!t!a
vn Uelall at tho tleuoral Ijejiot In tho United Ftati s, by
J. VIHCHESIXB, 30 John Etrcot, 11. Y,
March ll, isr.l.
1'IILl llil'ler.iziietl. Ail.litnrniinoliited I.v the nrt,t,,'
Court of i:oliiiiibiaco'iiity,uroiieice.tioiw loth, account I Kri'i-sh-r. n.lli.iuistr.ilor of I.i iiiuel Kn-uler,
late ofCiduiiiliu county, dieeaaed. Mill ntteml to tin, du .
lies of Ins ii.ii.iitiiii'iitiil hi. Ollit. in lilooinsliurc on
Siturday, tin. 'JJihiy of .March, A. II. 141, at 111 o'clock
A. M.. hen and uliero all oeraiina Interested mnv l.
tend. tvi:i.i:v WIKT,
March S, ISill. .ludttor.
AJOTICt: Jath'n-lty Biven that Lettirs teftamentary '
ujon the llatJUo nfiitN nmr, Uta nf the town-
fhlp of lllonjii, nt the rndnty frlumtint dcccat.ed.hnvo
l.t-vri this djy frrantod ! Vis Uppigtur of rnid county to
Um undfrgmncd, rciJing iu (.rid towtifcliip; nnd that
all jvjHniH lninBclaiiiiirdoniandin(;aiiieieaid rf
idi-, arc rc'iiiefcicu iu make hnuU u tuc tamo to thu laid
uiidorfrid'uvd without it t lay.
I loomsburs'. rebruary !i5, JfcOl-Cn.
Eilalc of Jacob Ilclwiir, deceased,
t r.TTIinrt t..stauirtitaryon tholl.taterf J.ton IIclwio
1 1 ate of l.ot.ii,i toiwii-hip.iti Coiiiiiliia couiity.dcccas-
. d have been L'r.inteil l,v the Itenl.ter i.rrnl.n.,1...
y to tlu uudiTaluifcd : oil person. Il.ll inraiins apalu.t
lio I'.slatc of tho deredi lit, are re'l'ie.teil to present them
uiu (.Mcinurt, !, incir iL-Bitn-nri-, in iiociifi inv n In j
i-ClltorH, lit llliiir rcbldt-nfi', ill I.OClli't tovnlllii,
r;rn:u s. hcmvig, Jr,
f Kxicutori.
. If til tu.
A larzc 8170 1 rr.liii-j II')ilr. in trond rninlliini. -nlth
ilnnrs. wiiiitttus tVr.. Btiii'ihlbjiu h) tri inferred upon nn
u l Ii' r lot, is II' r d for tnl-J. nn inoilcrat" leruiH. AIhh -ail-uiuio
fif liruk ii t nrk. for tlllins in buildings, and
ncwr-Al pairofrJisj uiili (ilm. Apply in -
I Jaonubjrj, JVov 3 15C0,
HOUSE, Nxti.N'-rt.i fscond Hrcct, Opnosita Christ Church, i
"7 Constantly fii hand, a lorga as-.ortnitni of IVd-t,
Iaitr.-nifli, I'.ull ikbua. Cuthiona, Itair, llutk, Cattail,
and a!) nrtirl.'a in thu liuu ul thu Lowest l'rires.
V. ll particular attention paid te rcticruii" .Vfia and
Cld Peathtn.
.March , l.-ll lim.
H. c. rot'I.K', No. M North gi:cONI Ptreet, rpponita
('hrut Church, liivitea the particular attention of Mer
r bant and cth ra to hid cry large and tlegant assert
nent of
oAiirKT.oiii ci.oniji.. a.v .
Just r.ceived from tho inoct celebrated inanufartoripg of
j.urop? mm .inn rira. inritimng nu tno newtft puuenit
mant, wJiich w ill ba boI J nt a very mall adianee mi
t-ot. Ch und examine MUality, ntjle and prices b.fore
purcliaiitiz -Ue here, kemriuber,
No 3J N'orth Secn4 titrect. Vh lladclplita
March toij-3m.
Itako 1 l'usure in Informing eu that I have removed
fruii .Nn. Ill North Second fclrcit, lo thai larso and
spaiious stcro
jo. I'M Xoitli Hecoitd Strett, oUve Aict
OiMionte the .Mount Vernon Hon I. here I ,lt ea.rr on
.1... i ..... ' .
the Importation and Julihlng hu.ineaa of
"J If $, ASSETS,
Of all inuU. I'lpw. Sepur Tubei, Tobaccni. fanutrtloi.
and Tarn; 1...... in oil vai
-' f-
'"I'l.Sfi'iV.i"". iu
iuim-b . iii'H ii. iMtiniiiut'i, i.yciitjaiiiuioii inaru,
il varieties, cut a larger .scale Mian
tniinuAieturu of KJaACri and Tic
ettru nrirei and nualitr of fioodi. I am mr.i tn
ptvnentiro bat is faction to ell who may favor uto itrt
No. 120 N'oith Second Hlritt
.nar 11 v, JNj 3m
UUI'KlUUll (lolden tiyru). M.lncfe'8.:ruXOT4n;
he eficni c h f trrc rf L. T. fhan.l n, . urh ? TPil? . 1" A.
United Stales Mail.
roil Office Cepinmeni, I
Fchmarval. lBfll. (
PllpI'psALSforconvcylnirtho United Slate! Mall on
lho following route in lho Btitoofl'eniisylvaiila.froin
1st 311th June, ltd, by tho schedule of de.
parturea and arrivals heroin speellled, will b ircellc.l
at tno i.ontrutctol!lco of this derailment until 31'. .11. of
.'. ti ot rtpm, .no., 10 ui ueciueil lho next
No- 2720. From Ashland; by Ilhoads
town and lloaringcreck, to
Cattawiisa,10 miles, and hack
Throo times a week.
Lcavo Ashland Monday ,Wcd
nesday & Friday at 4 1 51.,
Arrive at Cattawissa by 0 1'.
Leave Caltawhm Tuesday,
Thursday Ic Saturday at 0 A.
Arrivo at Ashland by 11 A.
for (Willi nf
proposal, Emirnnly nnd certificate, aUo
iiutrurtion nn) nvmirompnu tn
"nurom'-nii to ua einiiracptj n trie con
tract, iff tiiiniphlft QJrriiPcnn'nt invMini.roiioinlifor
eoiivc)liid lho inntl in Kew Jeraoy, rpntijlvntiia, iKln
ware &. Mnr)Ifiii(l, Oatcd December 10 to ba found
lMiuiiiini i uu uiucCF.
mf t- JlOIt.VTIO KINfl,
March 2, I8r,l-4t. rottmaatrr (leneral.
retannslndeliteilto DTt, GEO, HILL, Mill find
their accounla in the hands of lho underlined Tor col
lection. Immediate attention tcill save Costs.
lllo.imi.lnir?, IM.. Teh. 23, lfei-Jt.0" '
HOItSli M: BIliliS,
Neatly, chciply and expeditiously prin.
ted at the office of tin
Coulmhia Democrat.
JtlCt rfrfll-O.I friini Vmv 'nrr ti 1rrrA C...
pfrlor lot of the nbovo nnnied ort'etc lor tlie ?jrln? trade
at jiriccf ranging from C cents uer piece toTjccnu.
If t - I W it MP'IMT 1 V
Illonnintiirft, Etb. 2.1. Ubl.
L. J JllSt received. Something ,,w I,, tl,.,lt..n r.,.
in Ladies, and get one. '
, , , ii. l;. cc I, v, IIAIlT.iIAN.
Illoonisbiir;, I3tli. 53, 1SC1.
U 11 A P P E A L
To thoae ho Know theniaclvca Indebted ro, Vote.
Hon I or Hook Account, uo arc now making arrange
luenta to go to tlm City, nnd In order that uo may up.
ply you uith cheap goods it lll bo necessary on your
part to pay up thu account.
I'.lonnuburg, Ttb. 23, UCI.
Thc-unders!?!?!! alinollited lie II,-, IV,,,.. m, .n.ti,A.,n
diitiiliutj the tun I am log from th.ifc'huin's salo of tho
renlrst!it'ofllr.niiSin,'ihera,illnitenlto the duties
or hii appointment on Sit ird.iy th.i :i01h day of Varch,
Jelil, at U o'rlock, 1-. M., at his Uitico In bio ahiirg, I'ol.
iimhia l.ounly, at Inrh time and pl.iro all person. Inter
ested are hereby iioniiedtoattiii I, or lief, ret cr debarred
fruui coniing iu on said fund.
1 etruary 2.1 1801-1 w.
Estate of Vcttr Maicrcr deceased.
rI.TTT.Ra tcntnmentnryon thi rotate nf PrTrn Mow.
J RfcK. .ittfof Liinikt 1.1,1 n.lil,, ... f-r .
dcce-infd hnve granted Uy tlm llcuMcr uf ('oumbia
v. ..7 im uiMiL-rni?ntMi ; n i pcrflutis liavmc catiim
nsain-t l In- laHtutiofiiirt iUfl.(,nru ri'im'st.-d to pre
I fj'iit thom tn t'i. l.xprtitor nt Mi re.-idencr, la IaOcut
( to-Mieliip. Without ilcay, and all pfrhons Indebted to
......v i's-J "Ji in IWI lllll llll,
HKucnv r.umi.vorR.
k- i Kittutor,
lultr'Jarya. ItOI Cv.
mm km
. ,
jy VU'tllO Of aunt Of Ael. Vcwi in,
rfiwitctf, irmcdoutof Urn Court of Commoa
l'lu-s of the County of ColnmMu, IVnnaj h aiun will bo '
I'Timacil to fiiilille sale nt ilia fnurl House In llloouis t
b.irg...rir,TUItllAY.TIIi: 2Jd Ol' MAItl'll, le01. it',,
one ocloek in tho ollernoou the following dcscrllicd
I.roi'criy ui wit
All that certain Tract of Land fituato
in Susirloaf toHinlnp, Columbia rounty, bounded oa it: lleeinning at a jiost in line i.f land rf
Jidinjlh-Hi I!. I'rnniiigton. and i.rner of l.iud of Ueo.
.Iloore, llienco on road North riglm en and a holf do.
Itrocs est, n ntu-llvo nrri-heaiind six-tenths ton no.t,
.....j.- u, .,L-oe .,11'orcnuu t.nriitian l.-.tlooro
roulh fighly-r-iur and three-quarter decrees, U'c.tforly
iiiiio niiiloiu.tenth urrhes Ion po.l, thenco by lauds of
( hri.t an I,. Moore, s, ml, t,.-i.- - . ' 7 .
i- ,,... : " .r. " ' " """ ill-creep' ,
, ,,.u,j-,lee ini-rc tea anil (lulit-tciitha toa post,
7,1 ... r BUI! J.U.l'eillllllL.tQii,
.North Ughty-f.iiir and thret-iiuarler ilecrcos I t. liny-
nine and tuo-leutli rerches to tho rdaco ol beeii'itiine
I'onlalniiig 'I'lilrty-Ono Acres and '"nciity.i'ieht Z,'.
dies strut measure, nearly all of u Inch l 'imurovr.l
'.y"1',,,"'1.',"'"" "r frectcd a one nnd ahalf Btory llank ,'
nivellln: House, a 1'r.inie Hunt ll-.... , ..'.
rneu. a uisiu nouac and ctlurout buildmcs with thu
aipilrlenatires, ' 1 u
and 10 be B0,d " xh9 rt-
tllO same lima and plnCC, by TirtUO
pi " "nt of ;-(,,. Xn mr directed. a that crrifim
kt r'r ,arid' Hwate In Jniin'ion's addition toCtntrrvi Ip
t-'-ntre tominhip, Colundjin comity, I,oi No H-J in riot of
6ah' ad,I,liofl-,mun,lp'l nnl dtjcribed a folioVi to wit
Un YJ rthliy lotof illiam Kroincr, nn the Can hi
rjbert as follows to wit:
an alloy, on Itw Puuth ,y nn nllcy nnd on ike Went
itrect i adid LciitrelHif, rnntaininir an third f an
acre. hcthi tame morr or lc-.ii, wherron are ercetcda
titu btory frame de ihl' limi n,i i,...i.
h Itti thu untiiiitDii.inroa
rleir-ed, tJkeninj'ieeil'tion and lobe .ot.l ih ,
erly of Harrison l.ohninu. ' 1 ,
-IMirV CVl'lll.'ll Ol.....,.
niooiniburt, I'eb. S3, 1SC1, '
V. 'nCrrtmm' liSlW law 'SW'i-il .tFrl
un lor i sued, jrriitAfiil for pat patronage, respect
i fiilly iiifuriu- hi-tcuMuiuiTB und the publicpeiierally,
that he Insjii't received from tlia llaitemc citied, iho
largunt and motit m-lctt stork of
Tint hat .1 b n npcm J in lilomsburg, tu which he
im it tin attention of hit fi lends, and uieuren them
ilut th y ar. otl'.Tfd for falu ut great bargiiina. ilia
ti'tla cumpri-ics a larga ttsncrtinoiit of
riinii-iinR oi FatHiiuiSAiiLc Dittfai Co of rtry dei
enption; lant, Vnti, Hliuin, Cravat Stock, Cotton
iiaudkerchiefB, tilovea, HuspendHi , ttc,
A N I)
Of evrvdeicTiiition, fine and rheai'
X. II. Ufin Jiiib.'t I.oucnber Cheap r.niporiuai"
call and ite. No chargn for examine ioodi.
Illoomsburg. March 2, 1SG1. (JhcIn50.)
tk1t. KiGLE HoTtL )
11110AHS, & S.vTmTu, Proprietors.
TiLoiinx V, UntiM, forru.ilyof tlm National Hotel,, formerly of fvlmjlkill Co. I'a.
.Mnich S, i;iH-l-;iu.
1 1 '1111 siihfrrlher. inaiiufacturer of I'unRElL.s h Pjb j
Jl sols.iiii ilea the ait-utiou of ir.crehatils lo his en'urg
cd aloraand superior sUick.
jtur.pii rufrjiiu,!
Vos. 1, tc 4, North 4th St. I'll 1 1 .A 111: l.l'II I A.
!, IcOl 3m.
riO VAUMbltS feO.UOO UAi KhL
1. I'OUIlltnrn:, mado by lho Ili .Miniurailurinc
Co., foraalo in lots tn suit purrln.i ra. Tina is th,
( rsnilurl.R in .Market. 6Jioithuill inaiulre
nn uere nlrorn, nil' inrreasetho rroptrom one third to
nne.-half. nnd ivill rinin tho eronluo weeks i arlier. ami
"..;.'r-. '.I , :
unlike cuauu. ntith.'r iniuro the seed nor lend. A pam
phlet, tilth sull-fnrtory evldenre nnd full particulars,
will be sent cratis tn any one sending; address to
1.011 1 MAN I ' P At'TL'il I N(i CO,'
UU Sjo.t)l U r.ariss. Philadelphia
Teliruary 9, ISUl-ltlw.
A Nil
(.K Mi It A Is ST A 0 1! OFFICE.
t5,r.i",ni;rri in I lie I'lillatlf l,hia AWil 'Irani coitif
Hy lho use of these tillls lho netlodle. attarka of Jl-
vreicit itraanrnt may uo prcventcu ; anu iriaKenat
.,, ronii i.-oceiiieii. Ol nil nitnCK llUlllCUiatO ri'llCI r0m
Tliey aildnni fail In rcniovinglbo',Mranndfraiiui
n,.v B.I ornnllc , -
....j ..e..u..7 -ru uwei,8, renin, mg Lvstice
l''or lAlrrarn Men. StuJcnl. Tlellenin re,nnin. ...i .n
persons of Sedentary habitt. they aro vnluuhle as a Lai-
.m i"n in.- n''riiir, giving rone ana rigor to the
digestive organs, nnd restoringtho natural cln.ikilvand
strength iflho uholo syatein. '
inei-i.i'; rn.l.'Jnrothcresulteiflong Invcstl
gallon and carefully conducted ciperliinnts.h.'iiliii hem
In use lunnyycars, during uhlclitlinothcy haicpreini
led and riliciid n vast amount of pain and sinrerinc
from Headache, nhether originating in lho nerrein e vs.
tern or from n derauged slate of tho tlemaeh.
jury oh entirely vegetolilo in their compo. lion.nnd
may ba taken at ail times uith perfect sadly ultl out
making any change of did, andlktuLienet of any dit..
5rl" "" " "'"Miter Item to th'l-
niuvAaii nri 1'fitrK'Trnr.T.Tn.j i
The genuine have arc signatures cf llcnry'c. Spalding
ni''U'y V,',",'"'1'" ""Ml" Healers In Meiticlncs
A hot nill ba sent l,y mall prepaid on receiptor tho
,,, , 1'IllUll 2.1 CTXTr?.
All orders should bo addressed to
At Cedar street, '.Sow York,
At thtte Testimonials tctrt untolirited by Jfr. SPLD
JJ(J, thty ajorU uttquctthuable prve of the rk. '
caey of thu truly tuntj.c discoitry.
Masomille, Oonn Ftb.S, 18CI.
Mr Spacing.
I liae tiifd nur Cenhnlic rills, nnd tin .-..,ff
tlmt I uunt )ou to criid me tun dol.irB worlh more.
rnrtftf thssp are for tho m-ifihlmr, to whom I ca.o a
few out tin1 firntbox 1 pot from j oil.
Send thu fills by mail, nnd oblige
Your oVi Servant,
llavtrford,Pa , fc. G..13GI.
Mr. Kpnldiuff.
I ih jnu to keinl mo one more box of yotir Cojihilic
rilli, Aure reecitrd a great deal of btntjit Jrom tkim.
Vours, rcpjiortftilJ
.Maiiy Asm E5roiKH0Ui?C4
Spruce Cretk, lluttUnpton On. Pa., )
January ic, leui. )
II. C. Spalding.
You will iiIciibc fend mo two boxes of mur Crnlinlif
Tilid. Scud them ltmiiC(Jlaltly.
llcspectfuliy jours.
Jno. n.SiMOMi,
I'.H. lhacc used oneboxrfyour rUs, and Jind them
Utile f'ernon, OAlo, Jan. 15, 1801.
I Henry C. Hialdjm, lis).
l'lcna find tncl'Ri-d twinty-llvarpnln, for which send
nic iirtuuifr uoui jo-ir if'naiic hub. i nty arm truly
bettPill I hate ectr tried. 9 "
VtnU -t. Btoibr. I M.
VlUo crn0i1' Woandot Co., O.
Utterly, Vin Dec, 11, iet)0.
gnnl line. I!ii.
fwlsli for rumu circulars or larnc hnw blll. to brin
your Cfphalic Til's morit i.irticulurly Icfore my cuvto
mcrs, If on hau uti) tiling of thu Kind, pit anc fiend to
One of my customers, who Is subject to arerc Sirk
Hendaclic, tufiuallylacting to iinj,) vm rural nf an
attatktnvnt honr by your Pills , w Inch I ent her
Reynoldtbvrg. Franilm Co.
January 0, laOI.
itnrv. p e,.-,i,iiw
Ohio, I
....., "'..'".""'.
ho. IS Cedar Ht. ft. V.
Inclosed find twi'tiiy.ilve cents, (C5.) for send
boi rf "Crphalic I'iIIb." fend toaddreg of liev. Win.
C. niter, Res iioldabunr, rranklm Co.. Ohio.
Your Pills uork like a charm cure JleaJaehe almost
Truly youra,
Wa. C. Filler.
Jlick, Jan. II, lt-Gl.
jir. rpaiainp.
Not lonp eiiico I tent tnynu for n box of Cephalic Till
fgr tlie cure of thu .Nt-r-t-us Iluadachc nnd Ct-BtuciiPM,
aud received tho name, and thuy hud bo good an ctfeet
that I aa induced to fend tor more.
l'kase tend by rctugn mail. Direct to
A, K. WllEU ER,
Yjisilanti, Mich.
From the Examiner, Jforfolk. IV,
Cephalic l'ills accomplish tho object for
which tllOV -oCrO made, viz : C!urn
,,l,l, : -ll li- (,.
mmvuu lis, iviuia,
From tht Examiner. .Vorfolk, t'a.
They havo been tested in more than a
thousand cases, with entire succoss.
iVwia tht Vtnoerat.Sl. Cloud, .Minn,
If you aro, or have been troubled with
tho headache, send for a bos, (Ccphalio
l'ills.) so that you may have them iu caso
of an attack.
f'rei'l tht Jldierliter, rrotideneo, R. I,
The Cephalic l'ills aro said to bo a re
markably cifective remedy for tho head
ache, aud ouo of tho -very best for that
very frequent complaint which has ever
been discovered.
Firm tht Hiilrra It RdaMte, 0(ceo III,
Wo heartily endorso Jir. Spalding, and
his unrivalled Cephalic l'ills.
f'rein the Kanau-ha I'allty Star, Kanawha, fa.
Wo arc sure that persons sufTerinA with
tho headache, who try them, will eticl; to
Vum the Soutkcrn path f ndcr. Xcu Orltani. Ijt
Try them 1 you that aro afflicted, ami
wo aro suro that your testimony can bo
added lo tlio already numerous list that
has received beueuts that no oihcr mcdi-
cine can produco
Zy A BiiiRle botllo of BPALDlNG'H.rUEI'AKCU GLUE
m tuvu len nines ii com annuaiiy.jj
ePAi.uiNG's niEPARrn gluki
H7" '. iStitoiiih Time Sxvv
Al incident i v ill haj.en, even tn 11 reciUtua fam
lllCf. It ii I err doiiraUlt tuhai O rh.nii nn.l rnima
uieut oy for upainni Kurnmire,Toyti,criuk.ery. itc.
Hi'Ai.uiMrrt rm:iAUUit tsuvn
mecli all until nm rgcnrn. and no houivlioM can alf
ord to b witLout it. Hi alwaj I uady and un to the
itkltlllif pQllll
K H. A Crush afi-oinpariie ach l.ottl' Trice, 35
ctnlK. Adarvit,
Ns 411 EDAUfctrcst. New York,
A ctiuinunpi,ncip1cd person ae atfinidin); to palm
iTnn tlii1 mtsitui.srti.ic putillc. imitation of my f"KE
I'AULl) iihl K, I would caution all pitriomtn examine
ojiuru tviri iiunnitt ana t:9 mat in ntu nunit?,
i"y-at'ALmGS I'ttlil'AKHI) GLL"E.Ti
lion tb) oauU; v,rtpr"r all utMeif txt iwiuAhnt
" -tnf., r
Latest by Telegraph.
Dlsgraco of Qonoral TwigftB.
WAsniNOTox, Feb. a3.
In ooDsequenco of Gen. Tuiggs' late
conduct in Texas, Ilia name iras trick
en from tho nrmy rolls as a coward ant! s
Vote is rus Srxxtx. Th3 folfoHing
is tho vote by which tho bill commuting
tho tonnage tar on tho Pennsylvania Rail
road passed the Senato
Yeas, Messrs. Benson, Blood, Council,
Finney, Gregg, UnlJ, Imbrio, Landon,
McCluro, Meredith, NiohohjParkerchin
del, ?crril, Smith, Thompson, Wharton,
and Palmer, Speaker, la,
Kays. Messrs. Bbughter, Bound, Cly
mcr, Crawford, Fuller, Hamilton, Ilciat
and, Irish, Kctcham, Lawrence, Molt,
Penney, llobinson, Welsh, and Yardley
DST Hon. Fiiaxklin Bound. Senator
from this District, has acted a noble part,
for which&o is entitled tho thanka of hU
Ma, Lincoln's Cabinet : Coxfiumxd.
Sccrttarxj of Statt, Hon. William H.
Secretary of the Treasury. Hon. Salmou
P. Chase.
Secretary of War, Hon Simon Camoron.
Secntary ot the Navy Hon Gideon
Postmaster-General Hon. Montfi'oraftrT
Secretary of the Interior. Hon. Calob B.
JiUorneyGenerulj Hon. Edward BatR.
TIIC founder of thin COtbratcd Institution, offn tfcfc.
most certain, r pcedy, and only elTcclual reniody m
tho world fur cin-rtK fur (fleet , Siritturt a, Seminal weak.
liens, l'u in .1 in the Loins. Constitutional Debility, Impo
tcnev. Weakness of the Il.ick und Limbs, Afleclitmt t
tlie Kidney?, Palpitation of the Ik-art, Dispepiia, Nr
vona Irritability, Urease of the Head, 'llirout, Nci cr
Skin, nnd all those venous nnd melancholy Disord
arising from the destructive habits of Youth, which d
siro iKHii nooy ana iuiiij. iiicnc iccici ami ci'iiiaij'
iirnilirc?. nru nioro filial to their tkliiiis thou th 6ntc
the tjreiii to the niariners Lls-cs, tlighlntc their moct
brilliant hopes and untici pat ions, rendering marriaj dtv.
Married nerBOiis. or Votmn Mm contomolnrfTiJ mr
riafff.beinp auarepf ijhyslrni weakness, organic deiblii
ty, deformities, A.C., blumld iinmcdluirly consult Ut
Johnston, and hj restored to perfect health.
lie. who pieces inmaeu under tnu care ui in. jonismn.
mnv rtllifiouRlv con tide in his honor as a scntlonieo, rw
cotitidently rely upon hts tkilt a a ph skiaa.
Mvla,V. H- lj.Ulij",33
immediately cured nud full i igor restored,
Thii de&casu in the penalty most frequently taii tf
those who hate becoino the wcthu of improper mdulSf
cieK. Young pertons aro too apt to commit excess froca
Wi beiiid imare of the UremJtui cone)Uenct mat icay
cimiie. Wow, who that underftands the subjert will pre.
Und to deny that tho powtr of procreation is lost iou&m
by thokef.illingiuln improper habits than by tb prudent.
Ik' ides being deprived of thu pleaniire of healthy oth
("prings, the most oeriousaud dettructlvv symptoms im
both body and mind arise. The system becomes dtrang
ed; the ph)icnl nnd mental powers weakened, acrvou
d( bility, djpepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestioi. .
awantinjj ol thu frame, Cough, fjuiptonia of Con6uoa
tiou, &e. 1
y Oilice, No. 7 Sovtii rREnmcK Street, mtcd dor
from Italtimorc utrect. Last side, up tho steps, lie par
ticular in observing the NAME and NUMliL'R, tr yoa
will mistake the rhice. I
.3 Vuro H'ur rented, r na Charge Vade,in frn 094 U
at u-o ians.
dr. joitxsi'oyr.
Member nf the Hoyal CVIlegu of Burgeons, at London.
Graduate from one tf the most eminent Crllcgcs of tb
unueu riaies. anu urn fireaicr jiai. or w nose Ills Ha
hit n ppt-nt m thj li t llcpitnls of London. 1'arU, Tbtia I
deli hi.i and eUewherc, has ultctcd some of the nioitt
toiutliuig cures that vtretver known; many trtukloi
witli ringing in the head and cars when atleep, creat '
iu rvout-not-'t, u.iitij (siiiriucu ui buuueii euunaB.nna DHtD
fulness, with frcmonihlufhiny, attended sometimes with
derangeuicjit ot ntind, were cured immediately.
When themiftuidd audlninrudcntctarv of p1mii
finds lie hits imbibed the t-eedu of thi painful disease, Il
loo often happen that an ill timed at tuc ofihamt or
dread of discovery, deter hi in from applying to those
who from education and lesncctabilitv can alone befriead
him, dila) ing till the conftitutionary sj niptoms of this
horrid disease iimket their appearance, such as uleeratc4
soreihroat, dteitded msu, nucturce, pains in the hsaj
and limbi, diniiitss cf light, doafness, nodes on the skia
boiua, und, Idotihes on ihu luad, face aud tilreme
tiec. propreMiigwith rapidity,till at lat the palata 0
the mouth and hunrv of the nose tall 111, and tho ictim of
this decease becomes a horrid cbjectof commisseraticm
till death puts n period to Ins dnadful buttcrings, by sen
ding him to 'that buurnufiom whence no traveller re
turns." To such, therefore, Dr. Johmton pledges hioN
self to preserve the mott enwoablc secrecy, and from fcji
extensive practice in tho first Hospitals of Lurop and
America, he lau confidently rtcuimend rafu and ip4y
cure to thu unfortunate Mrtim of this horrid dieae.
Dr. J. addrcsset all those who hate injured thcmielTM
by prnuto and impropt-r iudnleenccs.
TIh'hh are some of thu sad and melancholy riTsttsir,.
duced by early liabits of jouth, iz: Weakness of tb
nacK anu i,imu, J am in me ncau, uimnces 01 rlffcW
Lotm of Muscular 1'owiT. ralnitation of the Heart. Urm.
pi'psia, Nerous Irratability, Ueraiusement uf the Dige.
tno ruuclions, General Ieli!it, pjmptomsof Coniiuav.
lion, 4.C.
MLN'IWLLY. Thu fearful effects ttron tho mind ar
much to be driadcd, Loa of Mentor) , Confusion of Ideas
I)fpreskioii of the spirits, Fore bod 111 as, Aversioa
of Society, Timity, ic, are som of the cwla produced,
Thousands of persons of all ages can now Judge nkii
is the cause of their declining health. Loosing their
igor,'becoining wrak, pule and emanated, having sib.
gular appf.irunc about the cjes, cough and sjmptoms c4 ,
Consumption. i
ok(;amu wiuknCe'S. 1
Py this creataud imi.ortaut remedy, weakness of ikt
organs aro spuei'il) cured, and full vigor restored.
Thousands ot the most nnvous and debilitated, b
had loct all hope, have been immediafly relieved. All
impediment to .Mdrriace, Tbyttcat and .Me nul l)iiuJl
licatlon, Nervous Irratability, Trcn.bliugfcand Wninet
or exhauetation of the most fearful kyidj speedily evi
oy wotiui juiuuiou.
Wlio have injured thmnelves tv a ccrtnia uranij'
indulged in when alone a habit frequertly learned fro
eil companioiti, or at srhol th.e ell eels of whicUat
ut;litly, even when arleep, and if not cured rendtrs
marrlagu impossible, and destroj s both wind and body
buoiiia nppiy liumeaiaieiy
WI1.1t a mttv that loune man. the hope of hit rmatrr.
and the darling of his parents, should t snatched furvt
nil prospects and cnjojmeittB of life, by the conieiuwi-
cee 01 ufxiaiuig iroui me pain 01 naiurc, ona inattifiay
in a iter tain, secret habit. Wuch perior.b before m
hould reflect that a sound mind and boJy are the nn
necessary requiniiea to prouiotu conunfdal hipplacsf, , iiiujus. invru iuu jouiiio- uirougll HIO DfCOIBM
a weary riletimace. thu orobticct hourly darkcas tv
th&ucw; the niMxt ht comes shadowed with detpairr'
luiea with thu melancholy reflection that the baoDiac l
of nnother hfcomosblicbted with our own,
OiTU'H SO. 7 yOl!TliFIU;i)LiaCKbT.,i3fl(im4ir,Mt
N. K. I"t no falso inadcty prtvent you, but fftr
imioediately either personally or hy Letter.
TO A77WAY?i.7fS,
The many thousands cured at thu InetitotJoa fttTA
the last 15 jears. and the immeroua important Curztfel
Operations performed by lr. Johnttou, witnessed ky
thi reporters oftlio papers and many other person,,. -tices
nf which have appeared again and again before th
public, besides his Handing as a gentleman of eta riser
and rerponnbility, 1 n uthcicnt guarantee to tho afflict
N. n. TUcre are 1,0 many ienorant and wnrlhlstti
fluacks adfeitising themselves I'hjsiciana, ruining tU
health cf the already afllictcd that I)r. Jchniton deeiar
it necessary to say, eapecilly to those unaeiuiiBt
with his reputation, that his credentials and dirlewi
alwae hang in his odice,
CD- Tike Notice. .Ml letters rauit be peat paiJ, ertfi
contain a postage stamp for the reply, er do anewer m
be sent.
Marhl7. 1860.
rCMAIMG in ths Toil OCice at Blooraikurl, T
t Tcb. lltb Igbl.
He lo, John
I lrch, William (ship)
Toydoa, Lucy Mira
Koat, hebina
lteyuolds, William
tper, N.
ftcraza. It, Co V.
Sniilli, Leniusl
ebrt, A7
bcheide;ker, Rmna Mr.
Ptarvrcr, JoUn
Vtthler, II,
Tobias, n.s.
Wright. John A
Yohr. Ttiit
trciiiuii, .nana
uotibOii. Busaanirs
I'avis. YiUiain (ship)
I 'Ml r. farah Mik
nahel, Henry Y.
111 u.
Ilout lis, John Miner
lln'-kiujf, Samuel 'i
llawUy. M.
Kelkr Pa rah E. Mist
Lyno II
Lorain, Geo.
Meadley Thci. V,
Cy- IV r 1 oils calling for th abr ,fe ituiti .i
I Xi utycluap at Kt ch-ai e.i-h y . t