Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 09, 1861, Image 1
COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT ILBVI L. TATE. Editor. VOL. 15.--NO. 1. COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, i published EVEtiv sAtuhday, by LEVI L. TATE, IN BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY. PA. u 1 u w tht neie lltkl fluittlinTt oppoiite the F.ttkanpt, by tide of the Court Home. "Democratic lit ad Quarter" ' J TERMS OB1 SUBSCRIPTION. " 61 00 In advance, fur one ciy, fur sii months. 1 W In mH niifp, for one f ojiy, one par. 3 00 If not paid williln the Urtl thruu ninnUii. S 2.5 If not paid within lite first six month. 3 50 If not paid within tliyycnr, I No nlncrlption taken for tfs ttian Mi months, and no paper discontinued until all urrcara;e shall have tieen paid, r Qv" OrdinarvADvraTiKMiiNrsinsrrtciI.anJ Job Work feiecuted, at tlio cstnlillitiudnricca. (Dttrjiuai Jjloctin. h'vr the Columbia Democrat, THE LAND O V OUK PILGRIM TATIIERS. AH around were the w itdwooda That spread far and near. This land of our father, Them welcomed thcin Iicrc. A rock on the ca shore, That flrtt met tlicir fight, Imparted to our sires ; Their firt pure dilight, All 'round in the wild wools, TIip uamjd pure and free; No pow i r to restrain them In their proud liberty, Except that pouersupromo, Tliat now rnjrs on high ; Alidtliiipuwrr'to til cm Bid i:erkcip nigh. it The lull, dalca and alty, ! I'rom whkh sprung the trer, Wvto tin templiff wht-ru tln-y Wurbhippedlhu truj Deity. Here hi freedom they livrd, In f-Utt land, of the fre; None no happy a Uuy tn their proud liberlj. ' arth ltul. Written for the ColumlU Democrat. GLO RY. BT JL'Mi. lathe sUKiky lattto-fiild, xvimrit tlicir, men fiercely wield Anywhere none fie '.iSt-lvos from dtuth can shitld ; Where nil niatiidod, man id lorn. Hopeless, ilj ing and fori urn, from this worldswn to llw next J borne. Tin re we lu-ur the pa in fa I moan, With the nulling, and the And the pra)tr, for sinsi meant tu mono. There the ding, mid the dead, And the fn Id is nt running red WtU the hlooj, that fro.:i their wounds has Lied. There i glory much sought glory j tiloiy that in iu bliry Siren In fiild of blood of Iduod bo gory (lory vf the age the king And of which tho worll mil sing Whtto it ouward speed on timo'i awft wing. 'Til not he that by oppression And acta of unjuat agsrcion, Through liia land spread war and devastation Has won honor o much sought, And will It oft is dearly Imiiplit C hm who for fame has fiercely fought Only he that rioka hi life, In his Countries waring ttrif-', Lustcrddb, aud klory, to Ins lifj, llu'a tha great an J truly wise, Ocr liu name true glory hies, Andto holier soon, or lata, hu'l rise. To polities ambition lead ; There the shrewd man quuMy rads, That to twin m glory for hi Oecds, If patriotic they tumid be, And the pi"-piu bhoiitd oucc net, That he vvr fur hu constituent. Pomelo glory pave thtir way, And in coiigroMj draw big pay, Thn they idly loll irom day to day ; Then tho people lhy forget, And content to idly Hit, Eager draw their pay, and Umv;i ef. Hut the sesaion soon ia done, Then tin- with to eru next term ; To their homes, they quickly do riturn To lie people uakouppecdi, And in It patriotism preach, And big pledges, coon heal tip tho breach, Ad then batkagainihi'y'rc fcent, Uut go as before they went, Forgetful of each con.tuuuU for people whut rare tlu-y, Gratified atnbaiou and big pay, Jsenougi to pave well pae their way. tint the truly great is he That will ever iitrioticb Always speaking for hu own Country Ever ready liertoervo tVyiiorom duty iuVr will awerv lie hia Countries honor does desmc. March 1, 1?C1. COMMUNICATION, For the Cf-Umha Democrat, Tho Voice of Columbia. Amid impending dangers that liavo al ready pLitratcd many of tlio moit rclia- Wo branches of iuJustry, aud, that threat eu to end in anarchy Mid Wood shed, it i way bo well to ask what is i,a sentiment ' of Columbia. To such au inquiry, wo feci safe in remarking, that her sympathies in I etorm or calm, aro with tho law-abiding , and Constitutional lovjng men of all par tics and sections. Her interests aro the , interests of tho many interests that demand tho introduction of such measures as thai) at ,onco ti'cuco all party feuds and section al wraugliugs' "Now that wo have fallen upon evil times" we rejoice that iu Colum biahero exists a baud of w.e'.l tried patri ots. Men who, insured to tho vicissitude3 attendant upon a 'ifo of toil aro ready to Etcm tho current of aggression coiuo when or how it may, Tho Damournoy of Co lumbin hava stood llrm at the helm whilo her neighboring 1 isuii" Lav descrtad the grand ship of State. Her motto 7iow, in peril is tho sanio that it over has been "don't give up tho ship." And though tho waves of an undue contention may break harshly against her yet ever with tho known martyrs of "tho right" wq aro proud to find tho avowed advocates of her cause. We doom it as uncalled-for as In expedient at this crisis to enter into a min ute analyzation of the terms known as tho principles and precedents of tho Democrat ic party. Uy men of considcrato minds and honest hearts of all Classes it will be freely admitted that they had no part in sowing tho seeds of discord and strife. Neither the aggressor nor the aggressed look to them unless it bo to find relief. But wo hasten to men and principles of a different cast. Tho motives that influence men's actions will sometimes leak out through their deeds. The flimsy preten sions to justice held out by many partisan leaders not unfroqucntly fail of their end. Thus it was with tho John Drown scheme. Scarcely had tho plot been laid ere tho is sue was discovered, and with so much ex actness that precipitate measures alone would insure security. Passing over tho motives which induced this melancholy state of affairs we purpo30 glancing at tho manner in which this matter is treated by tho leading men of tho Republican party. AVc are all aware that it has been repeat edly recommended by our highest legal Functionaries that tho matter bo fully in vestigated and if any enactments bo found on tho statute books of cither of tho States at variance with tho letter and spirit of tho Constitution that they bo speedily repeal cd. Other eminent jurists and able x poundera of tho law havo pointed out tho national "canker" and prayed for its re moval. Rut what is tho response to their calls for security ? A cold indifferenco, an injudicious inaciion. While it is al most universally conceded that tho cause of this threatened revolution is the denial ' of fraternal rights nothing or very littlo is done to silence tho discord and restore harmony. iho fact is plainly this, tho followers of tho ''irrepressible conflict doetrino,'' the dovotce-i of tho "higher law" creed aro averse to a peaceful adjustment of existing difficulties. To evidence this wo need nothing moro conclusive than their conduct in our state Legislature. Notwithstanding tho repeated appeals for prompt and efiiie'eut action, made to them by thousands of our citizens they havo turned tho cold shoulder have shifted tho responsibility. They clearly foro saw that their avowed iutcntions to defeat if possible the legitimate demands of the constitution would be better effected by delay than by repealing laws fitted to carry out their favorite views. Rut need wc be surprised at such a course in men whose political character is so black uith ignominy aud shame? The seeds of vico when sown, and tilled, will germ, blossom, and yield their bane ful fruits. The fountain that sends forth bitter water can not bo expected to sand forth sweet. Tho cloud of agression that has been overhanging us for a quarter of a ceutury must uccds in this lato day break from its astounding pressure. Rut though tho instigator of this strife will very naturally essay to fan the firo of fanaticism into a flamo may wo tho Pumocracy r;se up as one man to quell iio internal concussion. Let us show to tho valiant of Pennsyl vania's sons bo they where they may that tho veterans of Columbia aro not tho last to take the field in defense of "tho right." Dulay is dangerous evasion calamitous. Hence tho importance cf action speedy and decided action. Tho lovo aud sympathy that should ever exist among us as coordinate parts of this grand confed eracy coupled with an acknowledged interest common to all aud dependent upon all aud every principlo of justice aud equity call for tho cheerful cooperation of every friend of tho Union in effecting a speedy and final adjustment of existing difficulties. ALPHA. Still Water, l-'eb. 10, 1601. Dids't Want an Api'Etite. Tho Mountain Democrat is responsible for tho following : A disappointed candidato called for an 'eye-opener' in the Orleans Hotel, Sacramento. Tho barkeeper tpecdily completed a 'cocktail aud was 'topping it off with absyuthe. 'What's that! what's that?" demanded the mas outside of the counter. 'It's absynthc, sir, it'll give you a good appetite.' 'Ap petite, h IU tako that stuff out; tako it out! I don't want no appetite what's a feller want of an appctito when ho haiu't got money enough to pay for his break-last'" AND BLOOMSBURGr GENERAL ADVERTISER, "TO HOLD AND TRIM THE BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, COLOMBIA MM0. LEVI L. TATE, EDITOR. BLOOMSBURG, PA Democratic Stato Convention. The Democratic State Couvention,which assembled in Harrisburg on tho Ulst and 2Sd ult., was not like tho remnant of a conquered and subdued party. Never in tho history of tho Democratic party of Pennsylvania, not even in tho days of its power, UiU a convention contain moro able men inspired with a moro earnest, devoted and unselfish patriotism. Tho Jqading minds of tho State came from their retire ment in this tho hour of their country's greatest peril, to consult togethcr,aud tako tho position best calculated to restore tho union, as it was formed by tho fathers, in a spirit of amity and mutual concession Tho differe-flcc so lately dividing tho Dem ocratic party into hostile camp3 disappear ed in the presence of the great dauger to the Union, and tho conclusions unanimous ly arrived at by tho Couva Ution domnn. strated what it so happily expressed in tho resolutions "that tho Democratic party "possesses tho recuperative power which notmng uut integrity can give." Nothing could afford a stronger illn.sf.ra. tionofthis conscious integrity possessed uy me ojcmocrauc party, in common with all conscrrative citizens who opposed tho destructive spirit of sectionalism, which culminated iu the election of Lincoln, flmn the simple fact that less than four months a. j . Q, tuu argest and ablest convention of tho Dem ocratic party, containing many of the best aud most patriotic citizens of the Staf.o,as semblcd at tho capital to re-affirm their devotion to those National principles which, whilo triumphauprcscrved us as one peo ple when defeated, havo brought us to tho vergo of National dissolution and dev astating civil strife. The Democratic par ty was defeated, but its principles remain triumphant. The success of the Republi cans has only served to illustiato the ne cessity for tho maintenance of National ideas, aud tho odious aud perilous charac ter of sectionalism. Tho victorious party has destroyed itself by its apparent tri umph. Tho vanquished party emerges from the contest with its piinciples unim paired, and its banuer untarnished. The pccplo now 8eo and deeply regret the mis taktt they mado in vicldini? to the hlnnd- ishnicuts of the sectionalism, who assured them that there was no danger to bo ap prchended from tho election of Lincoln aud becauso they were deceived and be trayed into promoting the designs of lead ers who iutended to exclude the Southern (States, aud to form a Union composed en tirely of Northern States, is their wrath urouscd against tho authors of the disasters that hao followed so closely in tho foot steps ol Rcpulican success to demonstrate 'tho spurious nationality of Republican principles. At a timo when the jmtico of their principles and tho truth of their sol emn w,aring3 aro too clear to bo misun derstood, the Democratic party assembled in the strength of conscious rectitudo, and placed itself boldly before the country as the champion of tho Union aud tho reso lute cnpmy of fratricidal war, Tho resolutions, adopted without a sin gle disscutiug voice, express the pervading sentiment, not only of tho Democratic or ganization, but of tho great mass of Union loving citizens of Pennsylvania. They declare in favor of the Crittenden resolu tions or something similar as a satisfacto ry basis of adjustment They announce tho determination of tho Democratic party to oppose, discouutcminco and prevent, by all proper and legitimate means, auy at tempt on the part of tho Republicans in power to mako armed aggressions upon tho Southern States thus giving tho dominant party to understand that they can rcccivo no assistance from tho De mocracy iu tho diabolical work cf plung ing tho country into tho horrors of Jvil war ctpccilly,6olong as unconstitutional ciiaetments remain unrepealed upon tho statute books of Northern States. Tho dignified and prudent reserve of tho bor der Stales and their conciliatory over tures aro very properly commended, and tho Dcinocratio party of Pennsylvania placed in position sido by side with those loyal and devoted, although much injured States, TOUCH OF TRUTH AND WAVE IT Tho following are tho resolutions adop tod by tlio Convention : llcsolvccl, That tho States of this Union aro sQvcrcign and independent over every subject not surrendered to tho control of tho Federal Government, and thoy have no right to interfere with each other's domes tio institutions, but aro bound by the Con stitutiou of the United States to protect and defend them acaiust domc.-tl,. inr rcction as well as foreign invasion. Rtsolvat, That the Govornment of tl,n United States, although limited in its au- , V tl,e SU"JCC" enumerated in tho federal Constitution, possesses within those limiU supremo authority, and has tho Usual and necessary pqwer for preserving itself an4 enforcing its laws, JltsolvcJ, That the Uuiop of tho States mas iounoeil by tlio wisdqm of our patri otic ancestors is sanctioned by tho ex perience of our whole political existence, aud has secured to us unexampled prosper Uy at hqme and res-pect abroad. The Dcinocratio party will cling to it as tho last hopo of freedom, and as tho great ex periment in self-government, which is to light tho nations of tho earth to liberty asd independence. Itaolvcit, That tho Democratic party possess tho recuperative power which notli ing but integrity can give, and is deter mined to sacrifice on tho altar of patriot jsn) all individual interests and past dissens'mns, and unite as a band of brothers tq rescue the country from the coutrol of t.hqc who aro seeking its destruction j that this poun try, with the best form of gqyorumcnt that ever was-devised, is surrounded with rl.u,. gors and difficulties whicl) threaten Its very existence ; and vet tho Rtnubli can n.irkv refuses all reasonable (cpns ot comprom ise, and their leader on his war to takn possession the Government, seemingly satisfied with tho disastrous culmination of ms -irrepressible conflict," dccarc3 "there is nothing goiug wrong." Resolved, That tho people of the South ern States, pgntributed their exertions and treasure in (foe acquisition of tho territo ries equally with those o,' the other States, and that tho principle which recoguizes the i?,lSiiTkl1.tl2f'jIlvl.u.S.,,',e3 f thl same, ported by the dccision'ori'i'i'Utv.antl.suxi-. of the country. It ought therefore, to be sustained by every law-abiding citizen un til a satisfactory dividing lino can be set tled, by an amendment ol the Coiistiiution. R(solced, That every State is bound bj tho Constitution of tho United States to aid in delivering up fugitive slaves to their owners, and all legislation which withholds such aid or throws obstacles iu tho way, is unconstitutional aud should be repealed, and suitable enactments substituted in ac cordanco with the fetjcjal duties of tho respective States. Resolved, Thaf tljo resolutions offered iu the United States Senate by tho patri otic Senator from Kentucky, and known as the Crittenden plan of compromise, present a satisfactory basis for the adjust ment of our difficulties. The measures therein specified were wise, just and hoi); orable calculated to end the present du plorable agitation and prevent fgreyer its recurrence. We commend thjs plan or something similar to patriots mop of bus iness working men political parties to the people everywhere j and we call upon all who love their whole cquntry and desire to preserve it, to rally to such plan qf cqiu promise aud carry it through. Rcsovtil, That wo will, by all proper and clgitimute means, opposi, discounten ance and prevent any attempt on the part ! ii... i.,.,i.i:.,,,o ; ,....; i ...... i armed aggression upon the Southern States; especially so long as laws contiavening their rights shall remain unrepealed on the statute books of Northern States, and to long as tho just demands of the South shall continue to be unrecognized by the Republican majorities in those States, and unsecured by proper ?rocndatory expla nation of the Constitution. lltsolved, That iu the dignified aud pru dent reserve of the southern border States, and in their conciliating overtures, we re cognize the same patriotic! purposes which animated flie Fathers of the Republic; and that an appeal to the people of Penn sylvania will manifest thejr hearty concur rence iu ajl rcasonablo and constitutional measures for tho preservation of the Union consiscntly with the rights of all the States. Rtsotvcd, That the conduct of tho pres ent Governor of Pennsylvania, in confin-1 ing exclusively ins selection ot Commis sioners to tho Peaco Conference to tho Republican party, and excludiug S;)0,000 freemen of Pennsylvania from any repre sentation in that body, was tho act of a partizan, aud not a patriot. Resolved, That wo aro in favor of the immediate repeal q tho U.lth and 00th sections qf tho Penal Code of Pennsylva niaexcept so far as relates to tho criuio of kidnapping becauso said sections stand in tho way of a strict enforcement of the fugitive slay.e law. A goqd story is tqld concerning tho wri ting of a certain railroad manager. He had written to a man on tho route, noti f)ing him that ho must remove a barn, which iu sqiuo way incommoded the road under penalty ofprosccutiou. Thctlncaton ed individual was uuablo to read auy part of his letter but tljo signature but took it to bo a freo pas , on the road, uud ued it for a eotiplo of years as such, none of tho conductors being able to dispute bis intcrprtatiou, O'ER THE DARKENED EARTH," PA., SATURDAY, Inc. WiM,iAMsronT Tiiaodv. UEATH of TiiuiluuDKKEii. On Monday wo published an account of tho murder, at Williamsport, of an Irish woman, by her husband, Rarncy Hclan. Tlio deed committed two weeks ago, and on Sunday last tno romains ot tho murdered woman were found iu an out-house connected with Helan's shanty, where thoy had been buried. When the news Was rnwmimt. catcd to Hclan that tho body of his wife had been found, ho attempted to jcommit suicide by cutting his throat, but the wound was promptly sewed up, and tho physician thought ho would recover. Tho prisoner liugcrod in a suffering condition until yesterday morning, when he died, thus saving the county tho expense of trying and executing him. Tho supposition is mat tno buinau monster murdered l(is wife whilo sho was lying in bed stupid from tho effects of whiskey, as were in the habit of drinking to excess. Her throat was cut from, car to car and her skull broken in several plapes. From somo expressions qf Helan previous to his death, it seems tlat ho had been twieo married, and murdered his first wife also. Ho was a tailor by trade, and a first-class work man, but could not refrain froul excessive indulgence in whiskey, aud failed to pro vide for his family. Ho leaves four small children, who aro now in the poor house of Lycoming county. May Ho who "tempers tho wind to tho shorn lamb" watch over and protect tho helpless littlo ones thus suddenly orphaned by the brutal deed of a druukon father. Harrisburg Telegraph. Poweu of Endurance and Diet. Even the experienced trainers of the prize ring cannot decide what is the best food for training men up to their greatest powers of enduranpe. They havo a preju dice in fayor of muttcn phops and under sure that this is tho best. Tho ..Roman soldieri who conquered tho world, and built roads from Lisbon to Constantinople, and who were all trained athletes, march ing under a weight of armor and luggage that few men iu our day could carry, lived on coarse, brown wheat or barley bread, which they dipped iu sour wine. In our own day the Spanish peasants aro among the strongest and most agilo men in the world. Ho will work all day in a copper mine, or thp wfuo press, under a hot sun, and then dance half tlio night to the musc of a guitar. Wh. at does ho live on? The Puzzled fmsipiAJf. Puring our last conflict with Great Britain, a number of our troops wero engaged in repairing the fojtilications of Niagara, am whilst so eng.iSed the enemy commenced a pretty sharp fire, so that it occupied nearly tho whole of the time of our ftrecs to keep on tho look out lor the shots ot tho enemy. Finding that they did not mako much headway, they stationed a sou of the Emer ald Isle to give warning when a shot or shell was coining. This the sentinel faithfully performed, alternately singing out, 'shot,' 'shell,' 'shot,' 'shot,' until finally tho enemy started a Congrevo rocket, which Pat had never seen before. He hesitatod, and seeing it elevate, bo shouted 'Shot, and be jabcrs tho gun with it !' A Peculiah Makbiaoe. The mar riage relation is very often now-t-days spoken cf with irrcverenco, and tho love and harmony, naturally supposed to exist between those who havo been united in tho holy bonds of matrimony, much ridi culed, A marriage, however, took place iu Hartford, Conn., a short tiiuc ago, against which all ridicule falls harmless, for tho married couple wil bo very like!' to live in peace for a while. Tho happ man is a German, who cannot speak an English word. Tho blushing brido is an Irish girl to whom the German tonguo Js Greek. ' MoTHEU, shouldn't, bo surprised if our Susan got choked somo of these days, "Why, my son?'1 "lieoauso Iwr beau twisted bis arm about her neck tho other night, and if she hadn't kissed him he would have strangled her ; besides mother, ho sits by her whis-p- rs to her and hugs aud hugs." "Cn.vni.EV, what would our wives say if they knew whero wo were?" said tin. Captain of a schooner, when thoy were beatiug about iu a thick fog, fearful of goiug on shore and being wn-cked. "Humph I should ut miud that,' replied thu mato, "if wo ouly knew where we were ourselves,'' MATi.fiTT 9. ism ExTrtAottniNAHY Phenomena ,N RortiNfi foii On, in Canada. A number of residents of Michigan went over to Som bra, Canada West, in tho early part of October, and commonoad boring gome uvtcen or twenty feet from a creek, under tho belief that oil would bo found ; and on tho seventeenth of tho luquth, when thoy had got down about fifty-wven feoT, they struck a vein of gas. On removing their autmr.tbo pas rashed wuu groat lorco lrom tho aperture, and continued to throw up dry sand for an hour. It then ceased, and the boring was resumed. : but as soon as this was dnno. tho gas rushed up with such violence as to throw tho vlnll a piece of iron one and a half inches in diameter, eight feet lonc. and weighing fifty pounds clean out of tue nolo, ami it continued discharging wa ter and stones, spnio of tho latter weighing twenty-fivo pounds, up in th,o air a dis tance of ono hundred feet. Tho stream widened out to the diameter of a barrel, after leaving the holo, and tho quantity was such as to raise the creek considerably abovo its ordinary level, though it is hero about twentv-fivo feet wide. After the flow of irntnr snlitMnrl tho gas was fired and an exnlosion fook placo which shook tho ground for half a milo, and thon continued to throw nn n sheet of flame as hi2h as the water had previously gone. This flamo could bo seen lor a mile, and was ultimatelv m. tinguished with great difficulty. It is thought that tho oil spring, for such it proved tq be, wjll bo one of tho best n tho country. Too Shakp fou Him. Tho Agricul turist relates the following anecdote of Prof. Johnson, of Middlctown University. "Ho was one day lecturing before the stu dents on Mineralogy, and had before him quito a number specimens of various sorts dent,for sport, tlily slipped a piece of brick among the stones. Tho Professor was ta king up the stones one after another, and naming them. 'This,' said ho, 'js a pieco of granite ; this is a piece of feldspar, etc. ; presently ho oarap tq tho brickbat. With out befraylng any surprise,or even chang ing his tone of voipo, 'This,' said ho, hold ing it up.'is a piece of impudence !' There was a shout of laughter, and the student concluded he had mado little by that trick. Francis II of Naples, though a tyrant, is by no means a coward. Recently, a bomb foil near where he was standing with somo officers. The soldiers turned to fly, but he calmly picked it up and threw it over tho wall, exclaiming, "Return, comrades; tho danger is over." Walking in the street unattended, he was met by a man vho presented a pistol and announced an intention of shooting him. !Re careful of your aim friend," sajd the King, folding his arms, "for, if you miss fire, I will havo you shot in tho morning." Overcome by such bravery, the man threw himself at the feet of b'raneis and craved a pardon, which was granted. The condensed air of a prqwded roqra gives a depesit, whch,if allqwed to remain a few days., forrns a solid, fhick, glutinous mass, havjng a strong odor of animal mat ter. If examined by a microscope, jt js seen lo undergo a rcmarkablo change. First of all, it is converted into a vegeta ble growth, aud this is followed by the production ot multitudes of animalcula; a decisive proof that it must contain orgauio matter, otherwise it could not nourish or ganic beings. A REMAitivAiu.h Uim.ii. Tho Suamo kin Register of the ?th inst., states that there is an infaut iu that borough "about ono week old, with a double heat, one facing in front, and the other backward, Kx3 latter one is tho largcsf, but not per leetj aud destituto of the organs of sense. Tho child appears healthy and takes re freshments from its mother." What grcator thing is there for two human souls, than to feel that thev aro joined for life to strengthen each other iu all sorrow, to always be with each other to minister to each c;thcr in all pain, and tobe one with each qthcr in silent, umpcau ablo memories at the moment of the last parting? DqmiS), iho portrait-pointer, says (hat everything should bo iu character, ror instance, search warrants should bo paint ed on ''tracing paper," nud wedding not a cn "foolscap. " Tin, number of deathi from dipthcrta iu tho United Statcs,during the past year, is said to be no les? " n" $2 00 PER ANNUM VOL, 25. Value of as Explanation. A oer tain king, it is said, sent to another king, saying: "Send mo abhto pig with a black Uil, or else " The other, in high dudgeon at tho pr. sumed insult, replied. "I havo not got ono, and if I had " On. which weighty cause they went ta war for many years. After a satiety of glories and miseries, they finally bethought them that, as their armies and resources, were exhausted, and their kingdoms mu tually laid waste, it might bo well enough to consult about tho preliminaries of peace; but before this could bo concluded, a di plomatio explanation was first needed of tho insulting language which had formal tho ground of the quarrel. "Whnt could you mean," asked the iccond king of tho first, by saying, "send mo a blue pig with a black tail, or else!" "Why," said tho other, "I meant a blue pig with a black tail, or clao some other color." "Rut," retorted ha, "what could you mean by saying, "I havo not got one, and if I had? " "Why, of eourso. if I had. Tl,nM havo sent it I" an explanation which was entirely satisfactory, and peaco was con eluded apcordingly. A Docile Husuand. In Portland, Oregon, there is a man who lived with his wifo several years, and they had sev eral children. At last sf,n -r him, and proposed that they should get a divorce. Ho said he had no objection if she would support him. She agreed to. do so, and thoy were divorced. She is now marrie'd to another man, and supports her former huband bv retaining Mm i. tho family as a servant. " Courtesj-. No woman can bo a lady vated. sho may be, she is in reality coarsa, and the innate vulgarity of her nature, manifests itself in her. Uniform kindncu. courtesy and pqlito treatment to all per sons is one mark of a true woman, and of a true man also. A TiouNO minister was preaching ona day for an old Scotch parson, and wss somewhat flowery. The old man, made the closing prayer, in the course of wlnot. he said : "0 Lord, bless the young servant, and tn thy wisdom prick him with thy spiri,, and let the wind out of hira." The lack of piety shows itself, in our day, in straining after popularity. One is truly popular by tlo foreo of his talcnti and the fervqr of his piety; another, be causo he seeks it as a main cud. Rctweea these f.h,ere is a wide difference Tho on wins converts to Christ; the other, ad mirers of himself. The triumph of woman lies, not in lha admiration of her lover, but in tho respect of her husband, and that can only bo gain by a constant cultivation of those qualities phich she knows ho most values. Crinoline in Peril. Crinoline has, at last, met with an enemy that threatens its overthrow. A new skirt has been in yentcd which sustains the dress wi'hout any assistance if whalpbonc, simply by a harmonious and skilful disposition of t,ho muslin fold of which it is composed. Thu "Multiple Skirt" is formed of a scries of over-lapping flounces, arrayed in a fan shape readily expanded by means of metallio eyelets. One or two flounces are at most required for a morning dress, and jlQthing pan Ip moro simple. 'I he skirt is put on or off in iv minuto ; and whc. on a journey, divided in pieces. It may bo smoothly fo'ded, and scarcely occupies any space whatever. The End of a Life of Pleasure. If oiio could know the melancholy end tq. whiih many of tho plcasure-scekin.? crowd flna'ly cqme, ho would learn that' gayety apd truo happiness aro rarely united. A melancholy man once consulted a London physiciap how to recover health and checr lulncss. Said the physician, "You mast go and hear Mathews, (the comcdian,)who is exciting all l.qndon to mirthful laugh tor." "Ah I" said tho woo stricken man, "I am Matthows I" ' To Fatten a Woman. Curds and cream aro almost tho only food given tq girls iu Southern Africa, to mako thorn marriageable attractive that is to say fatter. So says Rurton in his "Central Africa," and bo adds that the drink for males is fresh milk, and for tho females sour milk, to mako tho men lean and the women plump. True. Many beautiful women while walkin? tho streets, seem vprv if , the" ara iazcd at, aud sadly disappcu,"