7 galurttny, iVtbriinty IC,S0l. C O L U MBlADEMO C RAT Tho following are tho receipts to tho office ti C,?''lmr'tA JMocilvt, during tli6 month of .T.i.,,..,,... io. .' b n, n m .. Joul .. . "' "icnuurli,lu 0(1, s;r so 1 Oil 1 on 1 AO i it l in i! Oil 1! 01) tl.,.1.1.. II. .-I.... Jonas Klsncr, ' ... A....I.....B.. Lloyd T.sharplj,,, Jvnklna c M.iiiili. MothUiM.oinoii. U Oil S3 Uiij..lii. Krui.i. rl t oujjucod ... .viuslcllcr, - ... ... .iff, i:sn, Sn M. J,)i"itii.,M, o.M on wr- if,! 'j1'"' V, llrlcsbaeh, 1 nil in ... dayman, Isaac Wlilimjir, f.cil. rioarcl. Es., 4 0(1 ... ct ii, I. u,, , tVVnlulllD.'nn.l IV. ! IH) 4 00 4 00 5 no Oil I 00 Haiiiuel Creni-y. clf. j -., A.C. MauiiHe, in (i Prof. J. II Anderson. I. it i.l It. Ifi.n..fll. t'.n Snmud Vni.l.nn.., l M loll Hen. I'. stele, '".Jno.Covenhnven, 5 on 4 Ul 4 oil 3 II! '.' 00 a oo l li 12 oo H 0) 3 lm! 1 On jjos. llugrrinon Jos. I.. Shannon, Jacob Ftine, J.I')) J T.Sharpless, Samuel 1 .11 Iwlg; .Ml L'.i.., ' len.v ... I:,,.,... 1 Mil J. I). Wirkhlesel. 3 On J'H. Ikclor, li Jiljtlco. It, Jn'rkaon, Andrew J. lkel r, lllrain Sterling, J. N. Itnyl in, " ill.nra Kllchon I'll. lip Chrl.lmnn, I 0 "en. Hill, M. I)., I SO Ainrlo Shoemaker, lKlp.l. Simon Ha'gcntmeli, 5 00 .uau .viauscr, 1 KDITOllIAJj CONVBNTION. llTl11.! ".,l,'!f! V",1.1?" r.ri,, "''"n'lUnnla K.litorlal Union," nil In, In 1,1 In fultou Hall, ill II, e , ty of I.nn. m'.1",' T ':'"JW" A V. th. 211.1, 'of IV l,r ,"?y nt it H 1 P- ?' Important buaineaa ill , Iran"' n.l nna It I. hoped that there III l, foil nllenTnc". at An aljuiun Hill l,;hl.l,lfri,lllrerarrtl,eenulnsyt.ar i ii n, .MtltT( JIcMIUIIAIII., l-reaUent, rutiraroi, 1.. II, llavia, Hi cranilea, JIoHA-rio 1Ci.no, first astistiint l'oa master Las Loon npnointed l'ostniabtcr ajcncraL Junan Baruett'u tlwolling Louse, in Clcsrticld, was Jfttioycd last ivccfc by tiro. US Tim Southern Convention his adopted tho Constitution of tho United Stutca and Free Trade with all tho world. Capt. J EimilAU Uecse, a soldier of tho last war, died last uiouth iu Harriiburg, aged 8 1 years. K7"Tho North Carolina Legislature on Thursday reelected tho Hon. Thomas lingman, to the United States Sonato, for nix years from the 4tli of March nest. David Wir.so.v Bpq,, formerly a law student in Milton.dicd at Ashland, Schuyl kill county, at which placo ho had located liiuiiolf about two years since in the prac tice of his profession. William II. Dundas, B ip, Second Assistant Postmaster General, and for more than thirty years connected vuth tho I'ost Office Department, died at Washing ton on tho S-ith ult., iu tho C8tlt joar of hit age. lie was a native of Fairfax, Yir. EST- Hand jiii,i.s and Jon imhntino, of every dcacription, neatly anl cheaply executed at this oflico. For this purpose we have obtained new Fancy Typo and beautiful Colored Paper. Wo print tho Cheapest Vendue Dills executed iu our County. Ihrtible Death. Mr. Daniel Owen, of Clearfield county, was lust week cru-.li-cl to death by the caving iu of his Coal B iuk whero ho was at work alone. Mi, O. was about 50 years old, and leaves a wifu and large family of children. lie was a son of Maj. Mathow Odcn, one ol' tho Pioneers of Clearfield. GiOLC AM) SiLVEit depo-ited in tho Franklin Saving Fund, No. lUfi South Fourth street, below Ohovtuut, Philadel phia, since January ltt, ISfil, Viill be re paid iu gold or silver. Dank notes do poxited repaid iu bank notes. Deposits received and payuicuta made dally with iutcrcst. Dp.. Joiiv says, wo do not understand h'un. This is another mistake. Wo un derstand him thoroughly and can lead him like a book, without tho aid of glass es. Ho is for tlio iiinntr. ever time, for coercion, and against compromise. Wu are for tho Union, every time, against co ercion in favor of tho Democracy and tho Constitution. A slight diTcrence. Court jVroceodinns. HI ...!...... Monday February 1th aJluuiii'Mili, 1601, Court met. Hon. Warren J. Wood ward, Prcsd't Judgo, and lion. Stephen Ualdy and Hon. Jacob Evans, As-sti., oa the Dench. 'J.'he fir.t case upon tho criminal calen dar being an indictment against Clark Prieo, for an assault an battery with iu ten to kill : Couith. vs Clark Prico. Dist. Atty. Stewart and Jackson for tho comth Frcezo for Defdt. Veidict,guilty, sentence ono year to tho Peniteutiary. Lavina Colo vs Adam Lutz k Wifu Action for blander. Clark it But for PlfF Wirt .t Hurley for Def.lti. Verdict of tho Jury Four dollars for Plaintiff, dam ages. Comth. vs Joseph VanMckle. Indict ment Larceny Dtst. Atty. for Comth, Clark for Defdt. Verdict not guilty. David Yot vs George Ilydlor. Action of Trespass for killing PllT's horso .in Dloomsburg cu last day of Fair in Oct. 1S59. Clark for Plff Freeze for Defdt. Verdict of thu Jury 830,20 for Plaintiff. Isaao Tyler vs Jacob K. Dorliu, Hiram Karus & John Savage. Action of Tres pass for selling property claimed under tho 1100 dollar law Little- & Jackson for Plff. l'roeij for IK'fts Plffs claim several hundred dollars Verdict of tho Jury for PUTS 10.43 against Jaccb IC. RerUn and Hiram Karus. Simon Ft Hernial! vs Wiight Hughe?. Actiou of slnnder. U'nrk for Plaintiff Wirt und But for Deft " crdict for Plaintiff 5100,00 damages. OP OF from tub first day op January i860, to tub first d vy OF JANUAUY, 18G1. John A. Funston, TllH Auditora electcl to ltlo n,l niljnat tho ruhlle Acconnti of t'ntuuihin cuualy. hnva claiuineil the aaine, friin. the iHtthy of Jnnnary. lcU), to tho first day of Jan uary. Mil, andreapectrully lay heforo the lion, rnblo the Judge of 111'. Court of Common Haul, the following ftalen.ent nn.l reporta nsreenbly to the Twenty.,, e,,n,1 W'aillUH in nil bciui 111c m nrai Antrinrii)' ui in is uuni- iiiiiiiwi'iiitu, tiiust'u uiti l ourui nay uirn, a, u. irJ4. JOHN A. rUNiTON( Treasurer of Columbia Coun ty, in account will, laid County ; Dr. January, laGrt: To Tuxea I'Utittandni;, 33,125 T3 Fib'y 0, To cnh of J icob Volie.foroM plank, 1 2(1 Ktb'y 0 Totaili of Join. II. Hunyanl'.ixea, 15 March 20 Tocush olHhirlll Snyder. Jnryl'cca St l'lne, 9(1 01 May To cash of J. W. Merrlll.laud redeemed, 3 .'.(. Mnj'.l-TocaihofJ S. McMnrh.l.ito Treasurer, 3J 3t June 8,- To cah of N. V. M C. I'. It. II. Sc. Coal Co., land redeemed, 150 53 June 13-Toca.h of r-am'l Jl'llcnry land ro. ill Clued, o June 1:1 To nm't ofCounty Tax n'scsaed for ISO". 8,779 25 June 13 To cash received for military aisi-as. nienl, lnm, 4(1 00 do To County tal on unseated and acated lands ritiirucd, 57 74 do'J'o, tax on seated and unseated lands re turned, 4,14 r,i do Tocus'i, road tai on seated and unseated lands rituruod, 1,043 311 do TnHrhoolTnr on seated and unseated lands returned. ,m !tr. do To rash, poor tax, oil rcated and unseated land returned, ICS ell June 21-To iau of Dr. II. W. .McRcyuolds, tales, 84 July 27 To cash of Ji. T.ninnn.lnnd redeemed 2 74 Oct. 15-1 o t..ah of Dai Id Savage, for old I-"'".. . Nov. 'Ioam'l ten d.iv nss"s-toe.it, 11 20 Dec. 3d To cash or li. Re) Holds, land redeem. o.l. " 1,4 ,H TocaOi ofJ,,eph Slrirplessforold Iron, 3 01) uvk. 10 casii iruiuj... Junes, lul.il reduem. e,l. 411 lli-c.5 To cash of Hudson Croti.crs for usj Couit Uoom. 1 .mi Dec 21-T.. cnh ofY. M. C. A., per I. W. Ilartiiian, 3 oj do To cash of Hudson Urulhjra for use of Court Room. r. nt do To cash of C. A. 1'. Ilellas.fur eld bridge near Or.iuavull... .0 on An To cash of Jacob Eyerly.l'rothouolary, Jury .1 ii do c.'ih of E. II. T.tllle. Jurv fee, 4 00 do Tocish of John siiiy. kf, Sherlir, Jury IVea and r.ui-s. 1(11 .n.i do To cn.h of A. 11. Tute, nmount lu ba rt-fun ded. i: 30 7 04 311 31 do To amount addod to duplicates slo Tocasl. rt.celied on out-staiuling taxes, Cr. Ily a:nn: outfit.ni.hng for ItiCO niM previous Ily i lout'ratious alloucj collertori ci)iiiiuiMiina iio (j. 1 ain't ivii I rflnto l;tis's"iii't Il's-i tli.tn nucitstl 4-.1 Tj 4C7 71 fly 'r.lr retli'uiiwti ol J (') ln 1I0 l-.Vl. Ily onlcm roJufincil of nj proiious, 'y 'J'rtntiri'r' couunission on ?J,3i0 3?, ily caIiin Ijanda of Trca?uri!r, duo touiiiy, 51 I'O 3JI 41 2,Ua3 -IS S'JO.tSl -IS i;irEXinui:r.s: ASSESSOR'S PAY ANNUAL AS SESSMENT. I,t onnr l 11. unprt. Ilmm lu p Imii.iIi Uiv r. lluroii'U t'.crxMi k. 1' 71 ' 11 M 13 0 : I J .',.1 17 43 r, lo 15 M 14 01, )li 5. I t- 3d 15 IH ' 1.5 73 II fill iv ' Witli nn i;rvlut, l.riarcr.'Lk, J.IMlll Kllti'llll JUS !, lit'llVi r, paiiini I It. Kline, liuitnii, taiiiio'l ifyli iril,(Viitr('t M. II. U rr, Catt.iVMjjMi, Dili), I .Mi Ki Tii.tn, Co.ij ii tin in . i:.n lii.liiii l,'ii.injt, i'mlitiiji ri'v.k. Aaron I.-imtiLTbini. Irinilvlm A. II. Ktiili-n. (iri-t.MivviioiJ. Ji.llll II. I'.l'.ct. JlfNll.Kk, Jcri'iniah Klin., Ja knii.i, r.i lluwir. I.ciiist. lisiwri-'iicc W.itur, .Mi ill i n Willijui 'V. jShiitii.in, Main?, IMcrAl Kadmur. Voiitour, 15 M 10 r'3 U , Jidm tL'lkT, M.nlisi'ii. .j ttu ln.ic Cnlp, Mount r(i'.'iymit, JJ Mi ijLurjfi' Km li.trd, OruJij', ','7 A.J. .MartiniiK. i'Jin', jj i Cli.irlt.-ii Dyer li'iarhiL't-rcvk, u tjj J, H 1'rjti. t-Ufnrl'Mf, u sj iN'hlliail Case, tiLOtt, 3 ROAD AND liRIDGE VIEWS."" Ain't paid sinJry pt'rsoju lorruad and Lridgu lew dunlin tliy ji'nr. JI dl) .1URORS" WAGES AND MILEAGE. Amount paid Juruts ul Hi" kcvirtt durN, INCIDENTAL. Amount p'tid for pij.i r, ink, i-tc. Uiuo'jni paid Leoninl 11. Itiiprt, SUUVKVOU. Am'nt pii't ?ilomon Nej hard for Burvi'yii.g un Rented land, Ain'iit paid for tfnrve fnx County Huo It.-twcru Cdtiiiilii.i nii'L I. nt. Tiii CouuiiJii, nsri'vably tu an Act of Ascmb!y, padiUil Ai nl '.'J.ltOu. aoo 4 J fc.'lB 50 DISTRICT ATTOHNBY. Amount pid 1. II. I.iitk1, r.'j. PltlNTIXG. Amount paid L. I.. Tale, no do A. I'. Tate, do do W. II. Jaroby, do dr Palemoll John, IK, 50 1,1 It) SI hi 37 CO j;i to SIIEIIIFFS HILL Amount ) ii 1 John fny.kr bourdin; I'fisonerd and n.itifj in' Jurors. 377 1)3 Aiiiuuat paid, ciMivcjmg Jidm Whipplo to tho lUtitcrn tfuto IVnit-Mitiiry, 7D 00 Amount coiiwjiiiii Juo. Crccnougli to I f. IViiitfiitiary it. U J cook, 05 nil Ain't paid ron vi yinUub't Uiowii to insane An )lum, liarruburg, 37 00 Sv57U UJ FOX AND AVITjD CAT SCALPS. Amount paid huh try pi rn"in, 10 43 CLEANING COURT HOUSE. Am't jtajd Ann I.'.nj.', durint, yciir. 17 00 TIP STA'ES. Am'l p.ii I at Ui-' fid rnl Court... 42 00 BLANK AND LAW HOOKS. Amount paid sundry pi-uon-. 5.1 70 PROTHONOTARY. Amt. pai I Jacoh r.crl n pi r Mil. Hi 51 CONSTAU..ES' RETURNS. Amount paid m tin m-v.-ral Ci.urts, 101 li ROAD DAMAGES. Aint p.id llnntu lli-tii. rikhiu'rruLk, do. Ilal I Hidth, .Madioii, do. Miadrick ICi, I'liic, do. Ahrithaiii lli'iil uk, rin4 (lu. IK'irn of (J. KliiKi, Oraiiti, i'tt t'uniui'l Itiiouu, lll'injii. ('o, J.iliu f. Mi'K, Jutku'll do, llcnry Keller, Uocukt, tJu: no HltlDGE CONTRACTS. Amount paij David riavngit du, DaltialMcllunry, 19 50 31 31 Sad ; Ifr'ulgn Hepairs, Ainouot paid ftr repaiiiug biidges, Tux li-funded. Amount of ronl, sihool, and poor lax on unseuttd lauds, rvtunied to town. hips Amount retained to Muhael Urob.t, S.0TI 07 7 10 SJ.ioa 07 Jlgrin llm al Srrirlt. Amount pnld Colunibiu Co. Aprieull'l r!,:iety 100 CO County Auditors imUlhrir Clerk, Amount paij Au liters und lliur Cl'rk, 533 50 do. . IWilnudilinjl'rothonotaiy und UcsivUr'a accounts, ! '"" t5'! 00 VJirt,m I'jcftenvcs. Spring election nud sweating olhccrs ', (iiu r.il t itioii, i ! o I reuJulilial 1.1. Clion i I,05S 19 Comiuonii" alth Costs, wui.lpxu Willi. iiss, Ja tie cs 4c. 5"H'J THE SOIiUMBIl Esq., Treasurer. Ci'irt Crier. Amount paid Moaea Cotrman, r, y . , ... J. Itci, ! Amount paid for Coal and Wood, Pnmimomi r., I j I . OinmnHirmen,' AUoTntlJ, , c-.- w.t , Jtixirriiine. Amount paid n. P. Ilartinanfor Lycoming Mutual Iniumtiiu Company, InqneH, Amount paid Wm.T. Phuman, Esl., body of John T. Keelh, ' Amount paid Reuben Pahrlnger, Esu., body of Daniel llerbxtcr, Amount pnld John llartman, Esa , body of Hal- tls Appleuian, Amount p.il.l Reuben Pahrlnger, Esq., body fo Thomas Conly, 10 73 20 4 4 n:) 19 Pcnitenttnm. I'aldE.S IVultentlary fur support of convicts, 210 51 Mttliciil Uirvucs, raid r. n. Harrison, M tl., medical attendanco 011 prisoners, 03 no. Paid J11.1. Ramsay, M. )., medical attendanco on prisoners, jj on County IJitililins. Amount palJ for paperluit in Court House, Mlerltl H liouse, stoxs In Col rt llonss, re. pairing p imp nt rilieriirs house, repairing; stable, lamps iu Court House, three County Map., it, 5,3 .j Treasurer. To nmoiii.t pii l James P. McNIucli, lato Treasurer, balance duo from county, ns per Auditor's R, port, ?)H7 73 Coitmisiioiicrs and Clerk. Amount pal I Ellas II, iterick, Auio.iul pa.dj:. tleit.-r.rk expenses to liar- rUbilrg on Cnsiueps lor the county, Amount paid tleor; .Miller, do. Joseph R. P.iltoil, do. Wi ham l,aoi.,u, do. It. U. fruit, Clerk, 14J 00 13 00 14 J -Ml 131 V) IS 01 4110 00 Sln.Oiu co 2,111.1 Hi 117 '.S 1J 39 Uh"!" amount of nrd'rs issued for leO, l.'eilact nuiouiitof 'i'lX.-s n f,iud",l, do. do. p.ii 1 1 ite Trej-urer, Deduct ainoiin: to be ri funded by A. II. Tata, which was over-pay far tho year lfoo. ripjiulituro fr tlm yciir ltft'o, f.-lO I Aa U", the und'crHisiH'il Antliiurs of iho County of C.- ft , ,, '"'"".t, ijL'inili.ly Ll'ct-ilt a.ljutt un-l Mttl tliu i.c g.u,ttvl '""'in 'f iiit'Tn ii-ur -r ami Ciiiiiuii.tiifrfi. li iu iur- , l.lMy 4-,ii)iao4l lli-J liL.tniiit- it till viiiirlu'rsi i,r tint h.iuh . Irmn th.' lirst day ofJamnry, A. It., Ir(.U. to tlio lirt dayol January A. !., J-oi, tlon-riify tliatucAtu Uiji.i torri'it ud b -t t,rtli in lln- furrfumu M.iluui.'iit, and tliit uliud i hilauru dim ('lni.iliaciMiLlj of Twnit llan tircdaiid l-irty-iivu Dnliurn nn i IVrty-ci;lit eciiU liuin JdIi'i A I uu.st.in, Tr. Uftir. r ol .u.l tonuty. 4!U'.-ii Hint, r (.,,- i i. mi. . . . ...i. i t ... . II., IJdl. . . .... ... , ,.e inn vi.ii.'m w juuu.iry, DAV1II IIUMllIT, CEO. V4. IIOIVEI.L. ' Alt, st County (Auditors JOSEPH U. KNUTl.E, W. Wirt, lUrk. V1" ,,l;,(erit:'",,l( f.'o'i.iuis-inours of Cottuul.il 'c.'ititytlui th,. ..ri'S.iiii(r ua n.rrcct Mou. I Int... ' I'-uiiiy ii r ii.,- VLiir If nl'. Mmmiy uii. r "rWPliaiL'Ju.rcuiil.. t u.ir liu.t.U u.i.-iii.i aay wi Jiiuiinrv. A. II. Im.i. iinuitii,; mi..i.i:i' JlMI.. II it. I'A I'lOV, Atta.t-R. C. 1'ruli, CLrk. Funnies c' ColamlH llatince due from Collectors. Note oi" P.ei.J..miu Payniaii'sndiu'r. liauiieo due Loin Triusurtr, l.ri .( (o.. ) uutuia cu. Oitrji. 47,113 37 Ordirs u n r 'deemed for lrii nudprevi. ouv years. ' OrJ-'.-j uiiredee.iied for le'5l, e O'l I .V 107 0.1 do. 11.0, Orders oulstviding. Halanc Iu fnor ofCounty, , ltbruary 5tu JSul, approved he the Court. IIU 5! SJ.IOrf 37 a.vi nil i;V AH, I AssnclMO ."oi urg.Pib.U,.',!irm:N'i-U''n'' n a u G id's surzn.ruosruArE of lime, .MANUI'ACTUItEII IIY II A UGH cV SO N S, No. 120 South Wharves, Philadelphia. Cast, v-a d. - FA RAJ EH ii, Ii L MEM U Ell ! Thu nrtick in pr'-pfri'd from haw noks, and nmlniin u I trge am. mnt of ft riiliiuB' loiiptituenu, embodied in no u'Iut hiinilar preparation. 1. It id superior to xw iau Guano, producing, in souie casi'tt, 5'J per cent mure. S. II chhH SI I per tniii-u. 3. It haw nil llru t irtti" ofl'urn (lone, wl'ilc yon lone uo , Htm' in v ailing for It, it artu rioiiie. 4, It furuuhi d precis, ly the fuud reiuirrd fori he grow iui! croii. 5. It per.uaiivntly improveitliu Hjil. 0. ll pro lues lar'B'' rr'pd of Krusn 7. ll prt-veiit th ittiirf8 of m Ofius. ti It iliM'u not exhaust thu oil. 1. Th''lat reason uh) jo i bliout I me it. i tint then you can make n nrnctiinl t.-at ns to th" tr'it'i of all of ull these utirtioiid. It Will cot but little to i five it n trial. r Ai.ui m iticait as AKnci.E or "GROUND RAW RONES," (UUARAVI'IEU PUKE,) fa.sli rricii, $35 per 2000 pounds. The nbnvo Maniiren we warrant mtirely fr,-u from nlu'ti'rat..u, hcim; niuntifutturd under Hie peruoual tuperintendwiicu of ono of our I'lrin. IIACCIl HON"?, N'o. 20 South 'harc, I'lnladelphia. Ftb run ry 16, 3m, T!L!E Vf1 S 3 STJ OTIS W IMPROVED STANDARD Super-Phosphate of Lime. Tlic old csta!.1iflicd nrti'-i, tu contant uoi' by tlioiinuuiU of I'uruK r ami ri.iulerlor a number of L-ar i.ut. Price $15 litr 000 lbs (2 cls.iicr lb.), PERUVIAN'. It, fell ed direct from tliu dovcrnmenl I Mores, tt'urrautid I'niuliii. 1CHAIIOE, 'tills is thu old lashioiied tiuthtri fluniio. Unpolled direct. Allen ii Needles' Keiv Firiillzer. The low price nu I superior -piality of this f;rlilizsr is fast bruising ll into gtiural Use. I'rue 8;il) jier alMIO tlm, ( 1 i cent per lb.) UON'E HUriP. llulton-makirs Jt us Unas Unit & Ground Uuiies. LAND PLASTER. Warranted pure. la barrels. A liberal dvduilioii made lo D.slkits on all Ihoubovo articles. , , N 11. Wo havo n largo iiumb.r cf Diplomas for Premiums awarded by Ilia various Agricultural si-cic-Ua. vikich you aru reuue.Ud to cull and examine. ,..i:.v,y xi:t:j)i.i;s, 4'i riosttl Wharves und 41 isoiith Water HI. i tint More ii'inee Cli.ltuut,) l.m..ni.i.iuu. Pel, 11, 1SIII -3nl. ii X V ll 2i HI H X X HI M OK P U R E NIGHT SOIL, Hnv Ing bien appointed by th , manufacturers SOLE AHEN IV tortile sala of theabo-'u article, wo are novv prep ireu to ianiiu n arivi " , , imtitiiie it may bj wauiud. UU dcahrUcd aiidyuikcd U Tight UarrfU. 'Pit r 7ri PPl HAHIiFL - - ! - - i t.i..,l.r. ions tx.ittt f.m nrtte uurcLasCi 'IhH ar- ti'luimil not (hi confjuiiuud Willi 1'omlrelte, it being, u ...i .1 u ii.., tiiini tii'ln Koil. Hu 1? r i' nt alii3 tf wliiih'u will kmiwiithrouahotil the world. vliiufactiireiUyTIIACKAUAiSCIIArKU tTIIACK- KAV I'orhale only by l.,r..' iB Xrrilr.f Xa-li fU'Uth IM iwuro Avuii'.i nud 11 H.mtli Wat'r irct 1-t door ,'iiov C'licituut fctitH lhiudi.lnLia i.tLiuarie THE OnWINAL AND CELEBRATED General Tom Thumb, SMALLEST MAN ALIVE I at run covnr iiovsk, ni.oo.vsiwiia, pa. Positively for One Day Only. Saturday, March 2d, 18G1. Twn brilliant Untprtalnintnts -Afternoon nl 3, liven ing nt 7. Doors open hvlfnii hour previous. The. (Jcncrnl appears In nil tils now Song. Danccs.lm. it.itiona, llrcilun Statute' ,fcc .mil-ted liy .Mr, W. TOM. Iw i ii. ,i " . . , ..... 1 u,u i'i,ivrnKiic,i, win, naiieri ii.i.,c.i tnai lio.n ma lona fx Nol.il Ilea lionccrti, r.oiidon J Mr. VV. Ill; Vhlli:, llio l.irlencu iutlio llnni trnilo, lie know, how nn.l ln ro to American limor, unJ Mr. C. O. TITL'tIM II, I'ianlKt. buy, nn.l la ilitcrmlnoil not tone nnderaobl by iwyniioln Ailinlanlnn-Ilay l.titertalnuirnt, 2j cenla I I'liiblri'li lllu.iiii.lmrjl, c.rjiitMiindiNi cnuntiy, t.'nll mi J no 1,1a I miller ipn. 1:1 renta , l:i-.,li,it r.nlrlln.i..nl I ..II . . ' I I I V. (tin frron. ITnirll... U.il ...... II .. e. t-hildren uniler ten, 111 cental lloacrved BMta 23 acuta. KclmoU aitiiiitleij on lilioral (crinx. l ha I.iitlu (Joticral ritli'B In hit minlatitro car rlago from tli'liuxcliuneo IlMcl tn (hi 1 1 nil, AI.FIU.I) UATKI.Y, Pmlncn Ajcnt. Hk lltjt Danville, nn ttu 4 of March I't lininry 1. lrl. 3ii. roit SAW, Ollf llllll.lrr.l Tiin lif I'Tnirt I nlrn UUC llUUIirCU KinS 01 injllgl l.aKC rl.lSlCr, . AT THE CATTAWISSA MILLS. rplir.unilcrriancd would re,peclfully infnr.n th JL lie c ..icrally that they l.a u on hand u large a of aupei'Air till, pull J aU.UUUt of supem,r nit of which they offer for sale.inlarnc or sum lmmlitics upon tho most reasonable terms. Persons wishinfi a pood article of plaster would do well to call and exam ine this betore purchasing elsewhi re. C. W. M'KELVV it CO ('nttnwlssn, Jan. 3d lsfil 3ui. IS KICK! It KICK! I THE UUdirsigned is prepared to supply Hrlrk, of cood oualilv.nt fair lirlio. Ilcwilllio found nt 11 mien luro 01 II. I., ai'Miuiy, n. nr McKeUy & Neat's luriince. Persons desirlngto purcha.e w ill do well to call us brick will be made und must be mid. J. II. PtritMAN, fsnt. 1X7" 100,000 now on hand nud ready for sale. Uloomsburjt'ib.U, lU01-3.li. J. II. P. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. tnlp nP MiriiitnriLr. It V.,M. ,v ...... J I.Slnie OJ limlopicr 11. Anitli, deceased. r ETTERri of Administration nn lh lltatc of Chris i-S topi.er II. dniilh, lato of Hemlock towushin. C0I11111. hia co, a , deceased, have been granted by the Register ol Columiiiu coiinly, to the undersigned, n siding iu said Hemlock township; all persons having claims nmilnst the Estate of tho decedent uro reou, stcd lo present them to the Administrator, with out delay, und all ntrsous iudebted 10 make payment forthwith. AAROV SMITH. , .5Jalijtrafer' I ebruary 0, 13(11. f,w , r"0 FARMERS bO.HUO DA RELS L IUUIJ1-.I.1 ll inailn liy Hie l,di MnnufacturitlL' , for siilu in loin 10 suit purchasers. This is the nu a ro ojtoru, nil iurrpn ih. rrnp ffuin on third to oinj.h.ilf, mid will rip, n llu rrt-p Iw.i mil. r and n.ilikf jru.iiii., n.'illnT injuri' the w i-.l tmr hm.l. A nam I'1! 'J- ithi-.iti fuh.ry i-vidi?iic.! nn.l fill urticiilart. fc 't uiii- W", li II If UJ ri'H III Will .MAl FAt'TUKIMi CO, F.liruary 9, ' Itoxon r.gsi., Wdiited jtttho tx.r--H Of lic, JIluuiiiKburg f..r whiflicafli will bo I aid. A r tnt'tjfiii j.s itioomiljurfc', b. 2. UCl -Jm.. ' " " ' " ' EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. EUuU 0 I'ttr'r Mowicr, deceased. r PTTERS testamentnr) on tin Ertato ofPrTtn .Mow. II Rill, llteof l.Oeilsl llll, tt.l.in in In., ...I... deei'iisr,! hive I, i grnnled by the Register of Co bli coiinly to Hi undersigned , air pirsons hailugcnnoa again i t llie ilst-itu ol the ,1, red.-nt, nre r,-,ueste,l''to pre. - '." - ' ,.-c,i,or ni ins re-nii-me, in l,cuu-t '"' "l,,r- " luioui o..,,iy, ami an pi-rsous Indebted to make pa) lueiilforthwith. llEUDEN 1'AlIRINnri!, Pibrmry 2, lll fiw. yMtulor, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Jacob lldwis, deceased. JETTEItfl testamentary on the Est.'iteofJuoa llii.wiii i IMneA Locust township, lu Coiumlun couiily.ihiens. nl have been granted by the Register of Couiiibi i cnun ly tilth,, under l;ned ell p. rsoii. h uingralin. again, t the l.,iaiu ofilpj dere.hnt nr ri.piested lo present th.-iu to Jie Heriitor-, nt their r,'-i,liiee, iu l.ocn.t township, wilhoul d.uy und all persons indebted to makepav lueut lurthvmlt. 1 PETER S. IIEI.WId, Jn. I .. JOHN P. WALTER, jlsltXori. Pebruary 2, l-ol i,w GUAXD AT'J'MU'T TO IJU.MBUO COMH prrona n.ut think Fur.nrrii are Fool, or they ' O would not line Hi. iiimud-'iiip and audacit to uo th ii.itu.- o FroiirJ,rldrT the purpoHu of dtuiviug tlio I pu'jiic ami makiutf ti.pital out of Int nauic Any per-' w 'i iiiiitv iu any unpe, lorm or bofriia artnl-i. li it Vtgctabl. -. it i ( nun mm i.iii uiu aid him in M'llin Cutile I'owdi r, Cattle , l.illiilieiit. liciiVo Powder, or n , I. l... I. .. ... I light milliliter, nu. I deserveato b.i io ron.i.li rail by nu I "'"J""" ui imuuiiy. iieiug the nulhor, duroi , rer, , , ..I , ..',. t-..ii-o ler oi nilllie eel, nrnteil liilllo Meilinues former ) pr.pired bylii.n for Ereinu Proneli-1,1 k Co., l',o, ib'eir tlr-t Inlroductilm tl. lim time ol Hi, ir disoluiion. Dr. l'lio.N El'lEl.ll feels un hunest pride In i,rt..iiing the public and i'niimrslu parliMil.ir. Irom I'urlher du .pln.ii from l.uving useless and huuiliug inivtiires put up l,v Turn, link mid llarrv without .i purtiilo of knowledge or experieme lu sui li matters, in p. iidiug entirety on Ins unuie lo makethein sell. T ip.il.i stop to slid, di.lioiior.il. I" tricks, lhuvo d, terniine.l Input my vvrilten .igiiulureon imhpaik of th - egetabl,. i.'mtlo Powder, nud em h bottle ul Cattle Liniment, and nil my other preparations, as"I expcit soon to see tin in nil countcrleited l.ook Itri'ivi!,: v-i.r iiirv- ,J M 1,1 l'"'iB'iaraulei'rorthoe ,o want r.m,n r,:v! l'l!:;'''"'"'-."r, clV''ri',','l',,inl,,...'fi'-ml' i,X.i l. v n-v ..',"ii'J Y'lt'V 4l,,l, v!, l ft .' ' v "i ' ?,,i or ship by i in. c. a. UAlvLK, .Main and iit'Kalh ttn eu. Xorristouji. Agent. C1EMEN l1 by the Parrel, for sale at J HARTMAN"!?. May IS, MO. ROAT FOR SALE A food CANAL ROAT for sale cheap. Terms to suit punhasers. E. II. LITTLE, U ooiusburg, Jan, 12. liCl. UlvJZOVAIi. NEW STORE k NEW GOODS. fpllll iiudtTHisntd, pratrful for nai-t patroitase, rejpert I full) inform tlio l.adiea of lllooubiirfr, Mini the null nr in cnt rai. tit it bio li u rMuot d her I .incy ami Trim liiiii2CM"re, Jroui the lArhanee HiiildineH into Hot l.nci (iiiltliuo Mr. John 11, Fiirtfel, llret door Went of the Court llotuti, wliero blielun Jui reniveda nelectu- HliriOlUlll Ut Fasliliiiiiihie. FM aud iVinler Guods, tOll.lrlllig of DUEsa coona. Li.Vl.MlS. TRIMMIXflH. HOolEUV, CLOVES. KOTIOXS, vj'f., kr. Whirh W ill h sold on f ilr ti n nml tn .ii-Ini-h iim t-viiliou of cuitomeri is invited. AMELIA D, Wr-ltli, Cluoiuxbiirt,' Niv 10, lo'O. 3m. -'Pill, larjfos t, lu'bt liaiitUoiu I i't! und rltcnpi-ijt nssoa im'iil of Solo l.catln'r solid Kiv h'll Tra line 'I'runkrf. htdc ilomtct .y Drta Truth tuiiiirLiii ii 'a i ii", riop i UTH lil'ailllT UIOI ( Ul Faiktu Trunlm kc TIKMH W .MA'JTSOVH. (' le'jrati d I.0111I011 Van ,M. j.itpn.M-d ho L pi im; sidii t-oltl 1,,'atlier Trunk iniinuf irlory, Xo Awi M4tk.Lt etru, 1, E'vnjlh ttval itiriar Fourth und larkit. 1'liH'id'J. Aiitfutf 1,-57 tf. AGUKJUIiTUUAIi WAUKM0U5H, iVoA, lil j' South Sixth UnU near tho State Ut use. lMllLAIH'IAMU , l'FA'XA. M'llV tlours 1 f tin rpicioiu building, ereded eprely 1 for th propn, tor trade, ate stored uili itd mid iiiii.lfiiii'Uts ol tnliTL't to MriihT' und panlfiier. 1 Ciitv XkMU lim AiiLunty.-Tliu mihairibiT dettire to ui!l, th ulti'iitton, of t.'ury om lnt reti;d 111 f.irmiiij uud earditiiiij to their lI1 ni.lnttd uluik of Ajiricultu-1 ralTmd-. H'drrtiitUd Garden and Vfovtr SctJs (J rag 4 and Field I iif.j. pfthemott rriable quality, i The Aunculliirul lmilmeuW dd liv u are mudtlvi matiuiaciur. n ui our umiu xhum, i.riioi ru, lluv Ing luted un our establishment without recant to exp. ns,'. with the most compli to luaihieliery lor the muiiitfarturu of vnrimi kindk of usricultural lmpieiiieitu wu are now i n pared to uuiwdv ull artultdin ihl line fully e pial, if not miperior, to uii)thina uf the kind ever bi I'T. i.lf -red to th public Laiidntir warranted Cnrden Seed have 1it.eii hfore tit., loil.lic fur oownr.ldr.fulvtv vi nr. r x 1.1,. -i.n...,! popuiiimy, mm inw nirrcutniii; ut-iuaini iroui year ioear, UTI )lg bet ivclduue of th ir euperurity over ull oilier. Country iiierrhaiits enn ht supplied willi seudi in pa- i ji. r, ut in ii.in on tun ui"si( iiul-iui ll'fiiitt. .i iiiiifoiaii , near i.ri-u i r.i our Karui'll eeu prouuus, rontilii Hire liuildrtd and svieventy cere, lari.i!t ifclldinuient of iU knitl in th world ouu u me ' n , 1'. i.AXllllirni k. POV ' , AW 21 2J .WA Suth stre t i'hUadttphta, Lnudri ih llurul Jtt jitter nn I Almanac lorlO, ontaiuiui arurm Cnrdi-n una (!r n llouo Utlandar 'r eer momii tut lie yirur can bo iiad fradi unou per- wnii. m pot paid applicalioil Jauuiryj:!, i;0- Light ! Light ! Light ! 1'AIU ( O N COAL OH, LUIINIiltS AM) LA.lll'S FOR iwiikikg CO A I.. KERO-tUNE. OR IMntlON OILS. rpllH bot, most brilliant, nnd clicapoat portable light X now in usa. No danger of explosion uud cheaper Ilia., fluid, I.. nl oil, flsll oil or camphclie, SsirEQUAI. TO OA,-TBa Without tho expense of ens flllnres. Tin. nhnvi, Lnmna (will, nil tliclr fanry tlliumluzsj cm. Iiu seen an, I boiisut nt tile old established Drue, and ihcnilcnl Htoro of tliu UltU.H. MCllli.'INUM Nl) I'llRMIUAI.a, PAINTS VARMHHIM, llVLHrurFd OILS UI.ADd rilOl 7111 ti,24?ll, Cl.NPLl.TIONA. HIKA, I'l: It K U.M till V ANU I'AMJV 'lOll l-.T, AR. tici.i:.- roa I.AIMI'.-t. U ULNTd. TOBACCO AKD CIGJIS, " """"I". I'at'ut .Medlcluea of every vnrlely in naa I.i.piora.dMlr.'Jformedldnaluacoiily, t',iid,Cnnipl,...o i Carbon U.l, Tiirpentlnn and Alroliol. Tn.saea.S'l.oulder ..nruxii uii, i iirpi-iiuno n,i .iironol. i rUKaea.Mionliler llrnti, m.,1 A inlnal Vupporlora, (Surgical nml l)e. tal luttr.imcuta.fa.hnall niidloolh llru luld.Ca h-n phrey'. lloumpnthlc iteinedle,, Cardcn, Cnnnry, tape and Hemp .eeila, Tlnr u lera, proofsla.a Jloroc. .mil Ileum seeds. 'I'lieriiioini .era. oror.C.a.u lj.iillm, on.. M... Vl...tl..n. !, l.l lureest and most vnrlcd nssortuiuit u'fOeriniii. To, nml YANK I' K NOTlOiNS. ever brouirht to this place, nil of wliiih please call and sec nml you miiht lit-lievc, ll-uing lenrned by sad experience that "long credits w ill not keep tlunss 11101 ing," 1 have diteriuiucd to !imi)(Ua IPiliBeflSBo tncalilinyeri", lo make it nn cibjrct to tlum an well as tlic uller, to ilea on tliu cmli principle, eitliur luniny or rcnly trade, llniiiir fervnl a rrRiiltir nppr. ntlcrnhlp nt ttm Drtii nn.1 Apoihrrnry Imslni-BH, lnidcB hiiinn utrrioil jt on i( iiif iikl iiiiiitii i'itri, on my mvu iimik, l Hatter mis. lf Ih it I am nbl 1 to do Justice to nil giving mo n trial. Thankful to tlio public for pa-t favors, 1 would nok n Irlnl mi llin iiow ihIiikIhI.i nn.l i. lit I oil Hint it w ill make long friunJ, and pay bet in tlu .nu lit jmy iiigii jinn utiy Ul rt-'dllCtJII priCUH. 1MIYS101AN.S PHKSi KIITIONS rnr 'fully pori)uoiiniril.nn(l nil order rorrprt1i'niitv-ir,l Al iiifiifiiie Jtuarntit.'cd nn renmim"itilu(l, ttur ltunm 1 'Wtln Ctri" t, near Market, next door to tho Post Of. , flee, liluomsburg, Columbia county, Pa. I . . . , El'HIl.MM P. LUTZ, I August 4, 1SC0, Sl'ieiiVd, T St AD 12, ISG. watches ji:n:iiit y & sii.vint iiaiii:. Chtrptr than amj olhrr Vcutc In lie Uitilrtl S met.-, rem nrllrs onif oiil'J.Jor Kiat II rcaly Ii, and irarmulcd U lie as rrpreotntid. ir iMiir.t.ifi a v o. 444, North Second Street, nhovo U'lllnvv, West fildo, rm i.. 1 UL.t.i'uiA. nvlnnPTn. t all kinds tf r.nflUh, Frrncli and Sieiss crihiiiut Country, Ptoro KicpiT, Aiirtioiir-cn, IVdlarB fc deal rrx 2 -mi rallv. urr nnrv 1 Hi it tin v will iimi at ihi .a tiilillfliiiiieiiMhr! Iarit un.-t varu-i: and I'athn.i.uhl ki-Kiiitiiiriit of fiottvls in Ih VitVrd Aatu, and nt prico i.1.! pt tt'iit lowor ijiiiimiiy mlir lloiijio in tliitt Country t'loi Kccpcru iiiid old'Ti", w hnenhnot cmuf totlio rity tan ir l lln ir ffundt hy Xctf. ninl imvo thi-m mm u Imprest -o any pail tf th- Co'liitry, m tht-ap and w i Lli't'ti'd if tiit tuiiH'-tn lit t'lly and utlott'-il 111. in ptrtuii. i UK-miiLr tlio place, ir. .Mirr.MfiAiVH, Xu. 411, Not Sixond St., above Willow, vt fidp.A. riijLADiimi- EstaMirlicJ for Over FouHtu XturB. March n, lwu- jm. FRESIf ARRIVAL -or- 1' ll'',uu;l',rlgned, prnleful f.,r pai patronage, respea- S fully illtorius lit. in-. iiiiiem nn.l II..., I U ........ .'..i,.. Jlmt he lias lii-i rei ivi',1 from the Ea.lernu lilies, the -'b....'u .....n .i.,Ci B1WR w FALL AND WINTER Tint ha- ya bcmi opr-npil in niooniKtnirs, to which lie ! nu Him tliu dttfiiilmi of hi fiifiid. und nFuret them , Utit Ih.-y arp oir-red fir fuI,. at ,-rnjt bargains, llij tilock iouiprJes a larc Uitorliiieui of . C.IIXTLU.MnX'ri WUAHIXO AITAHHU CotiFi-tiuKof rvuioviniKljRi-piCnnri, of rviry den- Lriplmn; I'aiilx, Vou, thirls, ri.un Ptucks, Cotton liandkeiihieis.tjlotea, tiiupi-iiderfi, if. GOLD WATCHES JEWELRY, Of rv.TV llPurrli.thlll. llit.i nml rlumi. t7',lT'.",'',v,E cVp F-mP""- li win i mei'viii'Dfi OERA?vi ttfliVflffsMi Male and Female Academy, AND NORMAL INSTITUTE. ' ORANOEVILLE. COLU.MI1IA CO.. PA. ORANOEVILLE. COLU.MI1IA CO. pror T. A. S1IATJIT A Tt ..Prlnctnl oiioviviL, a. B.-l rmclpal, T"1J,?.',:C"'VU ,ti:km 0t' TI,IJ l'"ESET ACAD- , LVIIl. year ofthls Institution will open on Tiles, 'l!1!r' l1'"?"' dJ)' "I l' bruary, Isol, in the newly coniplu. tc! 'u.".'ll'"l' "'I'lding. 1 0 -""""-' l instruction embraces n solid nud tho. '""r11 '"-'I"'1' Ediimtion, lilting the student for ollicient "Ov life, nud for business j whilt thoso who desire '" l'rel'''lr " r College will nud every fucility for the. ac'l'ii''itioii of the l.alin nud (.reek Languages, .Mnllio- '"'"" 'lenlnl, Moral, und Phyirnl Scieiu-es. necessary rr.1 "."'""" ny one W the Colh go tlasits ,A Normal Depart. oeut w ill be estalilislied in ennnee- lion with the Academic, so Hint ihori,, w ..,. i... ....... . J"" '' ' 10 f " lincliing, will rc.eM ,, " ' ' ..; .iry"ij'.'f'if ent. I " ' ' ' ' li X 1 C H S C S. . . . Tuition, per Subhou ofnivcn Vc(kn:-For the nnt prado St (Wi Kecnnd ifrade 5 00, Third prade $U III. 1ou-iinii i no i u nioti ih rfi in tin to no p ii ii ul tneopL-n iiifc' of rarli session; uud the olher li ill nt the rlone, im. lew oihirarnuitfemetin are crittrod into ith the rnu ripal. Xo deduciiou made for absence except tncaae ot continued illnei-s, rmirdiua nnd furiii-hed rooms uill he ption Ptiiilenti nt SJ.Od per week. There arc nlso room to Ut for thone Who wih to b tard themsfis. All the text l.ok,iufd in the Inititution can La had In llie place at the usual nellmir prireu. luiiii'i luiiiiuidii, uuiiti vi no' riiiciiini, nr irtiicr n. n. i.AAur.4. JMT.ri l'ATTKUOX, tf. ACIICNHACm, COXKOIHilTTr.NIH'XDr.R, Hoard TruitttS J MKt4 a. WOOII3. ALKUF.I) llOVVni.L. WU3Li:VIUJWMAX Jan. 20, lrll. . FRESH FROM THE CITY, iTOii NSW GOODS! EVF.RT SORT, SIZE, AND STVI.E just itKcmvnii at CHEAP SYOBS IN LIGHT STREET, AND ARU EINU SOLD FOR READY PAY, "Cheaper Han the ("Leafiest!" D PLEASE CALL EARLY. 3 '' v js r-s r-i r." V,' ris tJ eiAA AuciU. Light Strevt, April is, IsCO. .15 ill ftotici- I to cvroMr.Hs a.vd vuk i'vulio nrxr.iuu.r. it ll.VVr. r. lli Vl.txt.tiir Villi.. il ,it 1 I L......... I. ,.f ... .,,.! C.....1 . i..,..i I I ,.,l0 s ibeap us the cheapen f, r rush. I would luillur siy to un iii'i'i himw imi iii-ui8(.nv iiuiloil'.i in mc ni tho Aqueduct Mill, that thi'y would inuf r .i treat lavnr n y i uiiius mi'i ki iiiniy ii,'. ua i uiii tvrjr in un; nim nidi to i lose the old llook. H i call uud eu u, iriend, and 1 our iiiktoiii and cult will be thankfully rieeli'd. WM. lltUiKd. Montour Mill. April 11 IfCO. THE WINE STORE, OK s VI A 'A. x 311 WAIAl T HTltFJ 1 (.below I'ourth Ht , l'llll.AIJCLl'lll Aupuit 4 lniu -13m SO.MRTIILNC new to be Foon at nn ntw ut haiitm -xa NEW AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP A I MB COKXKH VF v Ulnin and Iron SlrcclN, 'Xt I, O O sw; S V & C, t PA. DoyoiiwnntPII.KSI . (lo lo II llOWER't) iuii iviu.t I.AVIll.LA rl.OTIII Colo Ilium Lift! lln ail want I'HALI.I lli:i.AIM.elt Co to IlltOvvl.H'a 110 0,1 wnn.TAiii,i;covi:iisi i in ilium KiiM Doyouwunll LOTH IllJS'l ERrt t Co to Itllim l.ll'tJ 11,1)011 wnntfKEI.Kru.V MKIRTdl Ou lo IlltOWLR rt oil y oil w 11111 nil. 1.1 1 11.U0 r!KIUT-sl!M'i:.VIURS f Do you naiit .MLril.l.NHf Ho you wimtCvl.lCOKdf. Do you want LAWN I iiovoii wiint nAiii.iii'.ai 'oJioiiilowrK II" l" '"hmIv'iHi'iI du to iiitowEifri ii., 1, nitiivvr.it'a Do 1011 Mailt 111: lll.tll'.rt t M lo nittiwr.iiv llo you wnut IIOHIEItVI Hutu 11110,1 bR H Do jou want (II.OX l:H Uotn UltUtVER'H- llo you want IIA.MlKKIlCllir.rsI Co to IIIIOWER'E. Do you want I'ARl'UI'HATl IIEI.I) t (Iu to IIROWER'F.' Do you want STELLA HIIAWI.S! Uotn IIROWER'ri. lloyouwiuit MOII MR MITTHI (lo 10 IIROWER'ri. D11 you want Hll.K (lllini.Eril llo In IlKOWEK'M llo you want (lAt M l. inn I (into IIROWER'ri lloyou want I'ltOI't'HIIT IIRAIDcll Colo lllttltVER'M i : ., , i-ltiv I u'lvr.iv f ' " " JVi t P Vh l I 5 " ! LiiN ill Mirm ! '!"'.'. "",,, . liniUHM I A? I V,"5. i"., riSnrHI i.o 10 nmivv i.K'H (Into IIROWER'ri Goto IIUOWER'ri Co lo IIROWER'ri (iolo IIROWLR.ri (loto IIROWER'4 Union want CAWIMKIIUH I Dri)nii want I'I'.IIMIAN I'l. . Mil f Do you waul I.INKM I'HECKril Do you want PERCALE'S I lloyou want JE vNri! Ilojoil want NANKEENS! lloyou wnntlllN'dllA.vlrif lln )ou wnnt DIICM.i f Do ) 011 w nnt CD RTAIN MCSLIN I lloyou want COI.'IH'A VIIRldS I llo you unl't WHITE COUDd ( lloyou want llr'.NIVIHt Do tun want rULEHI A I D.i you wnnt DIlll.l.lNliri? Do you wnnt TP'KlMIrif D.i)ou wnnt ' III'.' K I Do )ou want LMHES' SHOESr Do von wnnt I. Mil US' (1 ITERS! Onto IIROWIHt H (SnlallKOWEKi) Oo to llliOWEItlo Do to IIROWER'i Coin UROWEllri f!o to llROtVnii H (Jo to IIROWEIt.j do to I1ROWER.2 (lotollROWDR.S (lo to IIROWEK.H llo to IIROWKIl.!! do to IIROWER 2 tlo to IIROWEH ? Ooto flROWER": no to tiltotVDIt " do to IIROWER ", Do you w ant KRErtll IHIO 'hRlESI do to IIROWKll'K Id. von wnnt (UUXXaWAUUr Jot0 iiiinwiiir Do you wnut (JI.AHHIVAItlW nooiiuauf IIAKDVV.MUW I)n jou wnnt DIMfCHf imyou want IMHM1 M'ra t Dntoil wnntCIIKAr COODdf lUoomnlmrj;. May l'J, Ilo. fio to IlKDWKIi'S uo to nR(mi:Krt ooto mtowr.iff Oo to cuowtu'a CiKEAT AllltlVAL ov NEW GOODS, AT THli Light Street Store. Cffasif, Hiothcny all hands o?i uctix c duty WE Would inform our frirniU and customers, that wc have just received an uii tiiu illy larpc asfiriment of i'Vl,A.A'J WINTER GOODS, Which wo oiT-r nt lower rntoi, for rcittly pay, than any ever bt'foro opened hero nud will bu bold 'dicaper than tlm ch 'npi'ft." nhall in.t Rttenipt toi'tminrrnte the various nrticUs I hey tiro iiniuenxe and thfir iiauiilx I, pirni- nnour rpn rioiix More HooiiiD, iacldiliiiR the Ollar mid darn I tire illleil to overflow inp, Tln-ri-nro to h,( found the lliutt fihnrko, iu thr rotiutry at n.-toiHrjiii!; lmv flsures Iji dioH' weir in jrn-at arittiei, nt 1W per cent, lower than eviT hffori oil' r -d. CLuriis, .mithli.v0, f;noci:itn;s, n.vrs, CAi'd, tionts, Shoes, etc,. at the same rate. Inrhorl, almo-t cverjtliixg In thu mercantile line frnm a hcimJI 5 to an nnt bur, C" Our fi tend 1 wilt ilo welt to call bt-'fure they make th'iir Bektliuiie, II U', CIICASY, A: CO. I-tglltFtrPtttOft 27. lc0O. il. C, & I, IV. HAUTSIAN. Wl! would rcppctfutty Jilt ite th nttrntion of nur friemlii ami the public generally, from the Towu nd County, tu our present XtU tftock of i'Ai and Wi.Vl'IiU lilrli line hern r Ire ted w itli ijreat care and umli r inof ? th.'ui or Unary uduintagc. Wu ran olfer to Cat h and Ttmitj pay uye'i iry preut iudiiremciitri. Our oik embr.icra iilmn-t every arity, etlo nud inulily, in thu lreM Cooda line. We have U"l.auia iroui its., to $1 per yard, all Word Hal la Cotton I'l.iids, tiaiony I'lalds, Ciishmrr Aluhair Mripes.ii.Uydx. of I'.xtra 1'Iaid &ilkx for SHcts. per jard, Hl.ick iSilk and othor in lame ipim tiliex, Ahawls, Hr'.rh.-, MlILh, ChitiU und l.litnket, Ciliiotfi, To kings, Ch-'iku, rftripec, tr &c, Clothn, Casniiiit'rs, Haltintt. Sir., In a Iditioti to th'i nliove weollVr Urocp rie. ILirdwari', UuefiKuvnre. illoir and Ced.tr Ware, Hoot und LIiolh, I lata and l'npn,(nt rndliri d orir.'n'i W;ill 1'ara r. ('nriirf s. Citro.-i I Imlt,. Cotton Vnni.e., ic. Fish, Salt, Iron.Xaili", Lumber, u o) ami co.ti. lllooiiisbur. r'c pt. 2'., IH0, LAJM'S! Liflll's!! LAMI'iJ!! Head Quarters. ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL OF joa'jjs 4- MiLLKtrs. iMviiorr.n rjiTF.vr coal OIL MUHXtMS, Jf LMPH fUH BUH NING, coo, Ki:ito.-i:E, or imkrov oils. W 'vI''C 'I'0 best nnd chuptst Light now in use, suit ' I aide for Churches, Slures, or family use, no danger from Evplosion nnd one half Lheuper than any other liht, now used und KQUAL TO (iASS. The above lamps, with or without. Globes or Shade can be had at the NEW AND CHEAP DRUCi ST0.1iF l.'t-,0 V1,(r,,uned ,rtd P., rpectfully inform.tiis l'n 'iids and the public ill general. Unit lie has Just re- ceived from th. ernes, u large nnd well .elevted stock ofdoods, ... his kind consisting of l'itin ami 1'iiititr nuifcS MUIilCl V UI iImVuaLH. UltOUNIl tu WHOLE SPICES. PAINTS OILS. VAKMHieP DYE STUTF. WIMIOW CLASS, Of ALL SIZI'S. PAIVP, k TOOTH a 'SI1AV1NU UUUSHES. TOP.A.CCO L CIGARS, or 1 111: up.sr iiitANiist PI It I'll M URY, FAMJY SO VPS, '1RUSSUS & SHOULDER It A T.S, PURE WIVES k I'.RAMIIE'' TOR MEIHCIVAL USE. (I I. ASS CUTTING. DONE TO Olllli:i:. OII.T MOULD l.C POR PI.AMES,k A (ill CAP VARIETY OPCARIION Ull. I.MPS AMI slIAORS I'HJIU.CAllPIIEN'ESAl'ETY FLUID I.AMPS&FIIADES. AiJ"i-All the most popular Patent Moilirinm of tha ilav.preseriptioiisand l.imily inediiiuei carelully put up. N. ii.- iii.' iiliiiiu proiesetou is sun roiillliu"d nud 'I'eeth inserted, 111 thu must lioorovtd liiallller. I'e, ling thaliklul for nasi patroaagu, hu hop, s 11 coiititiuauco ut the same. O. .VI, 1IAOP.NDUCII Illoonisburg. Jan. 1150 y. m CHEAP ROOT AND SHOE STORE. TIM) subucrib'.r inillea attention to hU new tiock o (loots and echoes, J net receicd from i'luladtlpiiu uud tiunpiHina FUlt aEiXTLEMEN'S WEAR, lJooti, (Jailer. 0ford Ties.Hchtittiih Tie, Navy (Jail ers. Hipper, ti-c , SiC I'Oll LADIES WER, Callers w ith and without ItecU, Clippers ditto, Fiukins. 1'ri'inh Vorrucco Uootu with and without beil. A.c Alo, Mifiik.' ami CuiLtnikV of orciy dt iriiiioii. nt pru's much In-low the old elan .l.ird. mot thtl'i th same i inlay of Good can be buti. in lor ui any oiu r &iro in town. Work of all kind made to oidcrof lh b-'st material, in the iu .tii'i-i iuniiii,-r niol on f ini. un ildo ti rm. warruuted tofpial any city work nnd tnuih below city price. I keen nnie but tin1 h'.'t w orkuieu. uud Ii ivo In Ult mate riat tli iti wn f'V'-r bt.fre brought toilii-in fact, the hi) bjt to uo naa iu inociiy m.irk i. cnoiujc a. SAni:KS. llauville. May 2d. l'.o.-). Light Street Store. OKKASY k CO'S. UUIJiKTIN. ALL styles i.f Cuilt Moulding for Picture Pruines bv CUEAV i-CO. ALL kinds of Lumber fur sate, by CKEAY4.CO. ALL kinds of Carpet for sale by CUE Y t. CO. J US T received nil kinds of Ladies' Dress Hoods by CREASY CO jll ANTII.I.A, of tho late.t fashions, for snlu by 1. 1 JKON, Nails and ft-'il, for sale by lv ARIIOX Oil, for sale by CUUAV fit. CO. CltKAV&CO. CUUAV AiCO. CKCAY At CO. CUUAV &CO. UK RAY & CO, jy I O TONE Coal, for sale by U.MHUU, t.fall kind, for sale by Nit kind of Cood Coods, Ljr IdBhjHtr.it. Xov. 17. 1-10 II a 'w 'n a. u jj E n s h. o WILLIAM II. RANDALL. Court Ileus How' Upposit' tht Conn llonf n it dot to the oilire ot Ihe ('nliiiulua Democrat. ULOUMdbtKG, I'A Der 2J 15)0, 1 BADY-MADE CLOTHING enn I bought chin? at tliu ih-jup caili Horn of L blurj-le, F0Sr(VSCJU FT. Latest by Tcicgraph. IMPORTAlTlToMlVAaSHINaTON. IIokatio Kino, lias been eonfi.n'd, by tho United States Senate, as Post Master General. Tho Peace Couventiou, now iu 'session at tho National Capitol, expects to' o'oso 't labor next week. And tho ro- 1 ported contemplated invasion of tho City ' r . of Washington, on tho Fourth of March) has proven a humbug. tar The Southern CosrEDKUAOr. Tho Convention of tho seceding States, now in session at Montgomery, Alabama, have elected Jefferson Davis, of Mis sissippi, President, and Alexander II. Stephens, of Georgia, Yico Prosidont of tho Provisional Government which has been ctUblishcd. 1 i. ., liALTlMOUIi LOUK HOdl'lTAJj. I)K. JOll.VS'lON, rplIDfoundcr of this Ct Unrated Imvtltution, i fTrtr ttio JL mt turtatiii speidy, uud only cllvttual reu.rdy in the woild for ilfectfir Ch-Ltti, tilrhtuiis, tfiiuinal wiak. uen, I'm nu lu the Loins, Constitution!!! Drbilit), litip. Uncy, Wt-Uies of ttw Haik nml l.imlis, Alkttion i ( the Kl,hiL-)s, 1'HlpiUtioii ol the ikfirl, JispeiU, Nur oiis Irnt.ibility, Uiaeutie ol the lit ud, i liro.it, Xct or ykm.und till tliovu tteriou and lm la nt holy Difcrdir arii-inff Irom tho distriutiu lubit of Vouth, whiili u. stroj buth Body nud mind. 1 tase secret and tolitary practices, are more futal to their ictimn thnu tliu roup of tlm t reu to the iiiariuem Llycseii, blintitint,' the ir inoit brilliant hopes uud anticipations, rendetins marri jgd A.v, iuiposiible. MAltlttAUH, Married persons, or Ymisg Men contcinrtnlln mar ri.ige, li -iiiR uwAreof phsicul wtakiiL', organic Uenkill iyr dcfurmitifs, &tu should ImuiL-dUtily consult 111 Joliiit-loii, uihl lm restored tu petfeit Iil-UIi. lie who planes himself under the rare of lr. Jrthnitos, may n-liniou.ly conlldt In his honor as a pcntlciacit, mi. Lunlldeutly rely upon his kill a u i h) sletan. OltCAMC WEAKNLes immediately cured aud full igor restored. Tlii diBL-usu 1 the penalty iiioht lruqtuntly paid ty tlioue w ho hale hi come the victim of improper i indulge n cicf. Young pemun are too apt to commit ixrc iroui not bcinp aware of thu dreut.fiit couiequence that may eiuue. JSovv. who thut utolerstandr the subject will pi. toud to dtny that the pov vt of procreation i ioet touner by those lallinp into improper habits than by tha prudent, decide b.'ing deprived of the pic a nu re of healthy oll ppritn:, thti nioi-t HLriuusaiiil Uutinutivi symptoms to both body nnd mind arise. The s)Klem lircouies tiferanc fd , the phytitul and immtal powers uctiketied, nmcus d, bility, d) fpi'psii, imljirtation of the heart, indigestion, u w Ruling tl thu frumetCouph, Hymptoui tf Coueuuiri thill, &.C. U" Oihce, N'o. 7 Poutii Fredrick Fireet, saTcn doom from Il.iltilnoru stre t, lUt-l tide, up the btrps. 1 e par ticular iu oberms the XA.MU uud XUMCCK.cr ill mit.ik( the place, A Cure Itarreitted, vr no Charge Xad,tn frtst Cm Is Two Maui. XO Mr.UCUUY OK XAL'tflAiCS DRUGS CS1TD. IJIt. JUliYiIVY, Member of the Kojal Coll -ge of Burgeons, at London. (irailunto Irom one of the uiott eminent Cillcgcs of ths L in ted Htati-s, nud the greater part of whose hf lias lo, n Hpeiii in the lirtt IIopituls ol london, 1'iris, Phila delphia nnd ttsewliLre, lias elft-cted fonie of the mo ft s toiiiflniiif cures th it uuroiur known; many troubled with nuciiitf in the head nml ear when uHtep, prest mTvouniu'Ki, being alarmed at sudden found, and bah tulni hs, w ith lremuut blushing, attended soiiiLtiuiet wjtli derangement of mind, were cimd immcdiutely. A CLKTAIX 1) I SLASH. Wlivn the mi-guided uudimprud, i it votary of plcntare finds he lias imbibed the seed of this painful disenne, It too oIVh hippLiisthut au ill linn-d stnse of shame or lrend of diHintcry, Utter liim from applying to thosu w ho from edm utiou and n-rpeitability can alone befriend him, dtl.iiiig till llie toiulilutionary ) mptiunn ( i thu horri 1 diieat,e makes their appearance, siiili as ulcumt.-it st.retliio.it, disLUiied noe, nocttirte, pain in th luad and limbs, niiuucBS of si'ht, dvafuess, nod en on the skiu bones, and nriiit, ldotibv.s on ihe ln-ad, late und iitrtmw ti', proreBMiig with rapl.lity.till at la-t tho pr.lnte of thj mouth a.id buiie tf tlm nou fail iu.tiitd the littimof thii defease U tomes a horud oLlu(tori(1o..1,:-a.,r0..s. till iU nf li put n period to hi lireauful sutTLnngn, b) si n liinglutn to "lhat hournu fioin whence mi traveller re lurii,M To fcueh, therefore, Dr. Jolnmton pledges liin,. st 1 1 to nreserc t.'ie imt ent loalde sitrecr. nml r,r,. i... eht.-iiiie pr.ulice in the lirt-t llimiutals of Europe and .m,Tlf.i, lie ( nn innlideiiiJy rtCMiiimtnd mfe and spaoy cure to the uiifrtuiuttt it tlm ul litis horrid disci.u. i nw. i ahi iii;iwi)U ,ej lut;. Dr. J. ftddriBfL ull tlnirfti who li.no iiduril il.manlv. h) tiriiatJ ami iiiiiiroitt-r iiultilj, nren. 'J hese an; koiiio id the tnd mid im lancholv effect i pro duced by tnrlylinl.ils of outh, vi.. Weuknets nl tlio ixitKnuti Jsiii.m, i am iu tliu Head, Dimness of Slctii . ot .il iilii liir 1 tiw er. rnlpitalion ol the lit art. Dis l.fia, Xervoiis Irratabiliti . Ui-raiiL'iiiuiit t,r ti. n.c.. me Functions, (Jeueral Debility, tmptonifc of Coiibiuup. -MLNTALLY, Thti fmrful eiriTt unnn llm In.l-.,. much to betlreaded, Loo nf Mi mor, Confusion of Ideas l -preiiMoii of tin' hpints, Lwl Forelmdingi, Aversion of it ty, Tiuiity, &.e are touie of the evil produced, ThoiwamU ofpirnjiit. of alt age can now judgs what is thu caiibu of th.ir tlttlimng luaUJi. Louung thur igor, becoming weuk, pale- ami i-niHiiateil, having mii polar appeaiauc about the eyes, tough and fc) mptoms ot Consumption. uv ISWlUUHATIXr. KLMEDY TOT. OltUAMC WLAK.NLSH. Ily this great aud minortaiit reiuidv. weakness nf (!.. organ are sptt-dil cureii, nud full Mgur trmtorcil. ,'"r:r v (.tori iK-iiuur uioi iieiuiiuiie-a, vrim had Ini-t ull liope, h.ive been Iniiuf dialH v relieved, AH impediment tu Marriage, l'li)idcnl aud Mental DimsubU lUation. Xeivoua Irrutaiulity, Tremblings and Wraknes or e.lidU-tntion of the moM lenrtul kind, speedily .atU by Doctor Johinton. YOI'XO MLX. JIO linve inllired llnn.Hi l.v rntlntn ''"'H''UWlvw tenflec-p, aurl if not cured rcndnrs in irri.iRt' iinpofMiue, nun ueuro) s jiotil inmj and body, should apply immedt il ly. WJiat a iiitti Ut.it vounif nun. the hone of his rrnntrv. nml the darling of hi parents, should bo snatched fn.M all profpttt nnd tnj(.ineiiti. uf lite, by the ronsequnu. cce of tlev luting from the path ol nature, and indulginf in n Fi-rtaiu secret habit. Such persons beforu ce tfin plating. MAlIKIAfJB should rolled that a sound mind nnd body are tha bios necessary reiuitie to promote connubial happliu'ss .uvvi-u, ynmiivii nurse- ui journey iiirougn nio 0. come n weary iilariin.i"e. the iimnirt lo.urlv .imk.ni u the view, the luiu.l becomes shadowed with derpnir It. tilled with thu in.lauchnlv rclWtionth.it tha bappinoi of allot lur b-iomesldiglittd with our own, OFFICII XO. 7 SOUTH FULDLUICK ST.. HaUmtrt. Aid ALL bUllCICALOl'Llt.VTlOXS I'LllI OHM ED. X. ft. Lit Nn falsu IllOilciitV Drills' lit inn Iml aru4 i iiiiiiciii.itPli. i nh r perionaIi or bv Letti r. IsKlX DlSllASlIrt RpniUlILY CUlt CD. TV A77WAAA6. Thu liiailV thousand cur.-. I u Una ii.ciitiitiB .irt.w the last 1j je-nrs, nud tli numerous important Surgiral operatiou performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by th.- reporter ol the papers uud mani other persons, no tices, of whnli have nppi ared again and agaw bt (org Uw publir. b.'sidi hi ataudhiiE as a gtutUmau of chnraster aidrtfponsibilitj,iu snihrientgiiarantcclotlieatnietal TAKL XOl'ICL. 4. ii. iiii-ru uro so many ignorant and wortblen (Jiiack n.lvertiiug themselves I'liisiuaus, ruining tha heallh ol the alreudy ufllKted, that Dr. Jtlinston deems il iiereisarj tu hny, espniiilly to those utiacqutintud itli hu ri'imtutnm. that Inn rt..,, m tr.l n...t .i..i.... uIiwivb hang 111 hi othre. ILS I vhK Joihk.-A1 Utliri nint ln nf..i nnJ.1 .uil rniitnin a i-ostage fctamp for tUu reply, or tio auswtr w be ffiit. ' .March 17. l-'hl). H 0USE FOR SALE. A Ijrs. lilTil Pram. Union in ...! ...... a. .... ...t. doors, windows, 4.r .unable to bo transferred upon as oth, r lot, is oir. red lor sale, on moderate terms. Also a .pt imity of broken l.ruk, f.-r lillmg in building,, snd sewr.,1 ouirofs.,.1, ..1,1, ill..- v..i.. . , ' LEVI L. TATD. liluomsburg. Nov 3 lefiO, ) liy staml jo all l lie Hay idle I" NY Lady or Oentleman iu the VnUtid State., po. V .easing from SI to $7, tan entrf lulu un oasy un rt esp 'clable husiiiess by whl'li from $S to SJI0 per ay can bo ri.uliT.eil. Por particular!, address (with Stan it W. II. ACTON' fc CO. N'o. 37, (old 41) North Wxi street, PhHvdrtjiWis, Sepl tw, l-ru. NOTICL'. Al.I.parsonsinlcbtedto the undersigned f.r ProrT.s siuual s.rviees n,tn April 1st, 1-ou, are respectful I) ro'l'K'sled locall and etll.eillierbynoleoroih,rwLu ,., . . J c. ltu'rum.iwjX El,initirg, Augtl4 11, V9o WILLIAM QUINNl S. W. Cor. Third nnd Market Pis- ,. , PIULAIIELPIIIA. JCS (arils. $1,50 per lUUO.-rjft VllCIIM 4 If on llm.. .lOiVliS A: fltKliW, IRON RAILING IN. ORN'AMEN'TAL IRON' W0RK8. Xo. 222 CalloMhill St., below Third, . r, c fl'ILAItKLPIllA. Iron Railing for Parks, CViuttcries, Veinm'as, Btcps. fcc, March In lJi0- 'J4iu. JOLINB & LEE, ' No. 40, NUUTIi VH MIVP.S, ship c ii a n j) l i: n .v . Spun lottniifor Caulking, Hop',, Twinrs.T. ""'"JfcfijLjW H
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers