Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, February 16, 1861, Image 2
COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, LEVI lu-TATE, siiti. EU1TOK. PLOOMSBURG, PA. SATURDAY MORNING, TEBRUARY 18, 1061. BSTHod. 'William Uiar.crt, our Uuitcd States Senator, will accept our thanks fur very valuable public documents. CSy-Df. M Steck, M. of C, from tho Territory of Arazona, now in Washington City, Las our sinccro thanks for a Box of Socds, from tlio Patent Office. J56?" Our acknowledgements aro duo Hon J. Edoah, Thomson. Prcs't. of tho Penn. B. II. Co.,. and. Col. Edw. V. Gay, V. 1' of tho funbury and Eric II. 11. Co., for special favors. BS3" Col. Josefii Levers, died at tho Exchango, in Anthony township, Montour county, on Saturday evening last, in tho 05th year of his life. Messrs Hoffman & Hayman's Grist Mill, situate in Ccrtro township Columbia co, known as Zaucr's Mill was last week consumed by lira, includiug t lie loss of a largo quantity of Grain and Flour. SS!" Sudden death of a Trinter. Ja cob L. Coopeb, about two weeks since, died suddenly in Berwick. Mr. C. was about '11 years of age, and leaves a wife to mourn his premature departure. Ho had served his country faithfully in tho lato Mexican War. Jfiy The Genius of Liberty, tho time honored organ of tho Dcmccracy of Fay etto ooanty, located at Uuiontown, has passed from tho hands of C, E. Boyle, Esq., and is now published by Col. E. G. Hoddy. Tffo old Genius presents an im proved appearance and has assumed the Quarto form. We wish the retiring and the new Editors, each, every imaginable degrco of success. eSJ" "Father Abraham" left Spring field last Monday, cn loute, Harrisburg and Philadelphia for Washington. The American Flag is to be erected upon the Doino of our State Capitol, upon tho 22d of February, at the City of Harrishurg And all sensible people (in Columbia county) continue to purchaso their goods whero they can get them tho Cheapest, which is at B.'ttle's Store in Light Street. Allen & Needles Wo call tho at tention of our Farmers to tho advertiso ' luent of this excellent Philadelphia firm, in another column. Their Super-Phos. phatc of Lime and Firtihzct aro unequal ed anywhere, and their Pure Night Soil is a inanuro which is said to be unsurpas sed in its fructifying qualities; Messrs. Allen & Neldles are honest, upright, and obliging business men, in whoso word tho utmost reliance may bo placed. We tpeak from personal knowledge. SrMr. G. G. Evans, No. 410 Chest nut street, Philadelphia, has just issued ssvcral excellent works, amongst which aro tho following : " Tub Union Text Book," containing tho Declaration of In dependence, tho Constitution of tho United States, and the Stato papers, &c, of IAMiBif, Webster, with a; p1s!&uI.xl?x Also "The Romance of the Revolu tion," a splendid work, superbly illustra ted. For particulars sco advertisements in another column. Columbia County Statomont. Wo insert elsewhere, tho County State mcnt,for 1800,in the 1 Columbia Democrat. T. 1. iLx . j.1 juksvum mu unanciai ailaira ol our County in a flourishing and prosperous condition. Wo direct tho careful attention of the Tas-paycrs to its consideration. Tavern Licenses. Licenses wcro granted tho following named gentlemen, at tho February Term of. our Columbia County Courts, to keep l'ubiio Houses, viz : BAMES. TOWNSIIirS, .bzekiel Cole, Tavern, Sugarloaf uvuu Aicggoi, Ureenwood Thcso houses aro needed for the public accommodation and wo havo no doubt thoy win Do properly conducted by their re epective Proprietors. Senator Bound andlho Bepub lican. Dr. John would liko to mako war upon tho Hon. Frank Round, the Republican beuator from this District, if ho possessed the moral courago to'do so, for recording anti-sectional vot03 in tho Stato Senate. Mr. Round, sometime ago, favored tho uppointincnt of a fair Committee, instead of tho ex parte ono that was appointed, in tho case of tho Luzerne contested election, at which tho ''political dictator"' grunted ; -,..! . i r . . iiuu juuru recently, jur. u., gavo notn a sensible and conservative voto, in relation to certain instructions to the Commissioners to the Paco Convention, which fairly brought the aforosaid dictator to his feet, and to the utterance of a flat protost, His pronunciamento ii registered undor tho cognomen of "An item for fut ire refer ence.' ii Doatli of an Editor. Mr Heniiy 15. Rhone sou of Samuel Rhone, Esq., of Ronton township, iu this county, and at the time of his death, tho Editor of tho Uinonvillo (Missouri) Arcus, died at Unionvillo, on tho ICth of January lOl, in tho 25th year of his life. Mr. Rbono learnod tho Art of Printing in Blootusburg, whero ho was universally respected and esteemed by all who enjoyed his acquaintance. In Missouri, whero ho had resided Boveral years, and conducted an interesting Democratic Journal, ho was held iu tho highest esteem, by tho citizens generally, without roforenco to party considerations, as will bo scon by tho subjoined notico and proceedings of tho citizens of Unionvillo : OBITUARY. Died, of Typhoid-pneumonia, on -Tuesday, January 15th, 1801, Mr. Henry B. Rhone, aged about 84 years. JCSf After an illness of nineteen days, ho died, leaving a largo circle of friends to mourn his early departure to that better land, beyond tho howling billows of the Jorda n of Death. Ho has gono to make ono in that company, whoso robes havo been washed and inado white in tho blood of Jesus. His funeral obsequies took placo on Thursday, the 17th inst. Ho wa? attended to his last resting place by a largo con courso of citizens, thero to remain until tho last trump BkalL sound, calling sleeping generations to hear their final doom. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. At ten o'clock to-day tho citizens of Unionvillo and viciuity met at tho Court House, and were called to order by A. R. Popo, Esq. On motion of S. W. Fuqua, Judgo S. A. John was selected Chairman. Ou motion of W. F. Wells, Esq., S. W. Fuqua was appointed Secretary. A. R. Popo, Esq., then explained tho object of the mcctiDg in quite an appro priate and pathetic manner. A committco consisting of Messrs. A. R. Pope, AV. F. Wells and S. W. Fuqua, offered tho following preamble and rcsolu tion3, which were unanimously adopted : Whereas, It has been tho will of Al mighty God to call from amongst us one I of our most valuablo and cstitnablo citizens, Mr. Henry Is. Rhone. Wc, tho citizens of Unionvillo and vicinity, offer this tribute to the memory of the deceased. But a few days sinco Mr. Rhone was with us, his face flushed with animation, and his countenance beaming with hope ; and though wo deeply deplore his loss, it is but meet that wc should calmly submit to this dispensation of Providence, remember ing that tho "Lord hath given and the Lord hatb taken away, blessed be the ' natuo of tho Lord." Therefore, Resolved, That whilo in the death of our fellow citizen, wo perceive tho hand of tho Dispenser of all Good, wo nannot re frain expressing our regret at tho early departuro of ono whom to know was to esteem. Resolved, That in tho demiso of Mr. Rhone our county and town havo lost a warm aud zealous friend to their interests, whoso loss will bo irreparable. Resolved, That we sincerely sympathize with tho bereaved parents and relatives of the deceased, and offer them our condo lences in this, their hour of affliction. On motion of E. C. Bradshaw, Esq., the following resolutions' wore unanimously adopted : Resolved, That wo tender Dr. Stillo and family our heartfelt thanks for their great kindness and caro, in ministering to mo wants ot our menu duriug his illness. Resolved, That the Secretary bo reques ted to forward a copy of ihc proceedings of tuu meeting ta tfao 'Jpndaotuocasj Fuqua made remarks appropriate to the occasion lauding the many virtues and regretting tho death of our worthy friend. Un motion tho meeting adjourned. S. A. JOHN, Ch'n. S. AV. Fuqua, Secretary. Usionville, January 10th, 1801. Farm Stock Has greatly improved within a few years in Columbia county, owing to the exertions of tol. Paxton aud several other centle men, and to tho action of the Columbia County Agricultural Society. Tho stock of cattlo is certainly improving, though that uuuhui do earn aiso 01 tuc Horses and sheep. Greater interest is however felt in tho sub ject than wo havo ever before known stimulated by gentlemen who havo for years bought cattle to fatten and who aro beginning to discover what for looking animals to buy for tho purposo of tho nutcuor. Tho breeding of cattlo for tho vnriou- uses of tho dairy, tho market or for labor, is being reduced to a scienco ; and the same is the caso with horses for draft or speed, and ttlth sheep for mutton or wool ; auu in tucso days ho who neglects to mas tor tho well tcttlsd principles of his busi. ncss is not up to the times. Tho best work (hat Iissevcr como under observation, or the subject of "Tho prin. ciplcs of breeding, involved ia tho re-production and improvement of domestic ani- mals,'' is by S. L. Gooiulk. It brines iuto a convenient form all known facts and late observations, and discusses tho subject very mny. wo havo read tho book with Intense interest, and recommend every far mer to procure a copy. It is published at ono dollar, postago paid, by Crosbv.Nich. ols, Leo & Co., No. 117 Washinctontree: jiosion. Thirty men Imvebccn ordered from Port t clumbus New Vork to Fort Dola ware. Resolutions OJToi od In tho Poaco Congress. Tito following are tho resolutions ofllrcd iu tho Peaco Congress, by Hon. James Guthrie i Article 1. That all territory of tho United States shall bo divided by a liuq from cast to west, on tho parallel of 30 degrcos UO minutes north latitudo ; and in all torritory north of that lino, involuutary scrvitudo, except in punishment of crimo, is prohibited whilst it shall belong to tho United States, or bo under a Territorial Government j and in all territory south of said lino involuutary scrvitudo is recog nized as it exists in tho Southern States of tho Union, whilst such territory shall be long to tho United States, or be under a Territorial Government; and neither Con gress nor tho Territorial Government shall havo power to hinder or prevent emigrants to said territory from taking with them persons held to labor or inroluntary scr-, collor Walworth appeared upon tho plat vico. according to tlin lawn and nsnrwa nf. form. His voncrablo looks claimed instant tho Stato from which such persons may bo taken, nor to impair tho right arising out of said relations, and bo subject to judicial cognizance; tho United States Courts of such Territory shall havo jurisdiction there of, and thoso rights Gliall bo protected by the Courts and all the departments of tho Territorial Government, under or accord - iug to tho laws of tho Stato from which , tuo ll0"ors of s conflict. Iu tho war tho person bound to such servieo may have of 1812 my Il0US0i in Plnttsburg, was boon taken; and when any territory north packed by tho British. A battlo was or south of said lino, within such boundary fought opposite my very door, aud tho as Congress may prescribe, shall contain a bullet3 tLat wero CrCil ful1 like ketones population required for a member of Con-, aroulld uiy dwelling, gross, according to tho then Federal ratio' In tuo casement of my door remains to of representation of Iho people of t10 , this day imbedded one of thoso bullets, a United States, it may, if its form of Gov- j 1,lcmento of lLo cSLt- In tba' struggle I crumeut bo republican, bo admitted iuto tho Union on an equal footing with tho ' I knew, then, tho horrors ofafor orimal States, with or without involuntary ' C'SU war anJ tIl0' aro "otliing as compa sorvitude or labor, as tho Coustitution of rcJ witu 1,10 1'orrors of a civil war. A such new Stato may provide, iVrt. S. That no territory shall hero after bo acquired by tho United States without tho concurrence of a majority of, .1 . o ... xi c . ., -., iuu oi'iiaiura ui tuo status uortu 01 -uasuu and Dixon's lino, and also a majority of tho Senators south of said lino ; but no treaty by which territory shall bo acquir ed shall be ratified without tho two thirds' voto of tho Senators, as required by tho Constitution. Art. 3. That tho Constitution, aud no amendment thereof, shall bo construed to give Congress power to regulate, abolish, or oontrol, within any Stato or Territory of tho United States, tho relation estab lished or recognized by tho laws thereof touching persons bound to labor or invol uutary scrvico therein, nor to interfere with or abolish involuntary scrvico in the District of Columbia without the consent of Maryland and A'irginia and tho owners, or iritliuul jualiiug the uwncrg who do not consent, previously, full compensation ; nor tho power to intorfcrc with or abolish involuntary service in places under the exclusive jurisdiction of tho United States within thoso States aud Territories whero the same is established or recognized ; nor the power to prohibit tho removal or transportation of persons hold to labor or involuntary service in any Stato or Terri tory of tho United States, to any other Stato or Icrntory thereof, whero it is established or recognized ; nor to author izo a specific tax or any higher rato of taxes on persons bound to labor, than on land in proportion to valuo; nor to author ize any of tho African raeo or their de scendants to beeomo citizens, or to exercise tho right of suffrage in tho choice of Fed Art. 4, That hereafter tho paragraph1 of tho fourth article of tho Constitution shall not bo construed to provent any of tho States, by appropriate legislation, and through the action of their judicial and ministerial officers, from enforcing tho de livery of fugitives Irom labor from any other Stato or Territory of the United States to tho person to whom such service or labor is duo. Art. 5, Tho emigration or importation of tho African race into any State or any Territory of tho United States, whether residenco or involuntary service, is forever prohibited, and Congress shall havo tho power, by appropriate legislation, to en force the provisions of this article. Art. 0. That tho first, becond, third, and fifth articles of thcso amcndmcuts,and the third paragraph of tho second section of tho flr.t artiulo of tho Constitution, and the third paragraph of tho fourth artielo thereof, shall not bo amended or abolished without tho consent of all tho States. Take the Pavers. In tho present condition of the country, every man chould keep posted. Wo aro in tho mids of troub lous times.. Civil war stares us in tho face, and financial distress and pauioare abroad in tho land ; and every man should bo in- formed of passing events as thoy transpire The sectional parties that tho Father of , his Country, in his farewell address warn, cd tho people to bewaro of, havo arisen in our midst ; a war of brother against broth- er seems already upon us ; and tho Uuion the fruit of tho expenditure of tho toil, blood and treasure of our revolutionary sires is being broken into fragment. It is tuo uuty oi every patriot to know what! ii going on around him. Every ono should j tako a newspaper. Let all who desiro to keep posted on all pawiiig cvants tako tho J Columuia Democrat. All kinds of country produco will bo taken in payment! for subscriptions: Send in your names, ii ....... .... Tho National Crisis. COERCION IN NEW YORK EXCITING SCENE IN THE DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION AFFECTING REMARKS OF THE VENERABLE CHANCELLOR WAL WORTH, HON. DANIEL CHROLL AND OTllr.llS. In tho Dcmocratio and Union Stato Con vention of New York, which met in Alba ny on tho 1st instant, and which was composed of moro than seven hundred members, an cxcitiDg sccno occurcd upon tho adoption of tho second resolution, which read as follows : 2. Resolved, That, in the opinion of tllis Convention, fho worst and tho most ineffective argument that can bo addressed by tho Confederacy or its adhering mem bers to the seceding States is civil war, Civil war will not rcstoro tho Union, but will defeat forever its reconstruction. On tho reading of tho resolution, Chan attention from tho Convention, and he liaa .uoui.iu nun u.i uuiuuiah ut uiilllU9l astie applause. Ho said : Gentlemen of tho Convention : I am far advanced in years, and not in tho habit of attending conventions of this character, uut 1 coul(1 not rcsist coming hero to enter ! my protest against civil war. I havo seen 8aw "O" lollow-cilizcns shot down by my civil war is a war among brethren, We are all brethren in this Confederacy of States; tho people of tho South aro our "-" "ul "ullu dim nctuony . , . . our ureuircn. in ucorcm alouo 1 Have tho names of ono thousand citizens, whoso ancestors were near relatives of my own. In tho sanio State alono aro over ono huu dred relatives of tho family of Hillhouso, whoso namo is known as that of one of tho patriots of tho Revolution, and whoso descendant now occupies a scat in our 1 State Senate ; and so, scattered all over tho Southern States are tho near relatives tUo excitement of tho Convention was un of tho men of the North, and perhaps bounded, aud sovcral voices called for tho thero is scarcely a member ol this Con-, question on-the resolution. As tho affirm vention who has not some such ties in tho at'vo was put, tho Convention roso to a States of thoSouth. It would be as bru- Jllan nnd answered "Aye." When tho tal, iu my opinion, to send men to butcher ! negative was put a voice from tho lower our own brothers of the Southern States cud of tUo responed ''No' Much as it would bo to massacre them in tho excitement followed, and Eorao cries of Northern States. Wo aro told, however, "1ut him out te's cot a delegate !" wero that it is our duty to doto,aud we must,en- herd. force tho laws. But why.' and what laws j '0 Albany Argus refers to this socno aro to bo enforced 1 There wero laws editorially as follows : that wcro to be enforced in the time of tho American Revolution, aud tho British Parliament and Lord North seut armies here to enforce them. But what did Washington say iu regard to the enforcement of thoso laws ! ti. man honored at home and abroad more than any other man on earth ever was honored did he go 'for enforcing tho laws ? No, he went to resist laws that wcro op pressive against a free people, and against tho iujuttico of which they rebelled. Did Lord Chatham go for euforcing tho laws ? No, ho gloried iu defence of tho liberties of America, lie made that 1110- morablo declaration in tho British Parlia utc t - wiiiAen in stead of as I am, an Englishmen, I never would submit to such laws uover, never. never r , Sueh is tho spirit that animates our ! Southern brethren, and shall we war unon them for it? Nn ! AVn ........ ... , . w UlVlb Hill war if possible, and I closo by exhorting wy brethren to do all in their power to avert civil war. Concession, conciliation anything but that and no man anion us, in his dying hour, will regret that his conscience is clear, and that ho can lay his hand upon his heart nnd say, "I did all in my power to turn from tho bosom of my country the horrible blow of a civil war." Immense sensation followed tho remarks of tho venerable Chancellor, and the deep silence that had attended his remarks was followed by an enthusiastic outburst of applause. Mr. George, of Orango, said that tho words they had just heard had gone to his heart moro than anything that had been baid in the Convention. Ho had tho fortuno to havo been bom iu a Southern Stato in tho Stato of good old A'irgiuia. His -father stilly re.-i Jed there, and it was only tha other day that ho had received a letter from his father ho was older in years than tho gentleman who had just epoteii to them in words so affectiu'' iu wuicu uo liaJ said : "My sou, why cau not tno great and tho good men of tho Stato of Now York, sueh men as Chan, cellor Walworth fer iustance, mako their voices heard at this timo for our beloved eouutry?'' Much beusation and deep feeliug was hero manifested by tho Con- ivuuuii uuu mo auuience. Ho had not ruca 10 mHe a speech, but only, impelled tho remarks to which ho had listened, to 1,ear testimony to tha opinion enter ta'uod by our Southern brethren of the vouerablo gentleman whose words had touched every hcar$ in that assemblage, Mr. 0. T. Souter, of Quecni, tajd that, . . . alter tuo worus tnat liau uecn tpoucn uy ... . . .1 .1 .1 1 1 the venerable gentleman Irom Saratoga,! and tho rcsponso that'liad Icon inado, ho ,, . , .. .. . could not refrain from raising las voice, I as a son of Virginia, to pay tnbuto to tho ; nouio sciHiuicui.i iuuk uecu uuurcu. jiu.uiu auuiui i.avi,uiiw uuiiaibiiiijuta ui iiiu would to God that no could only givo ut torauco to tho feelings which stirred with in his heart at this moment that he could exhort them with a tongue of cloqueneo to listen to tho words of warning spoken by one whoso character wo must all revere. But lie could not ho was unequal to tho effort, and ho could only appeal to them as a son of Virginia to adopt that rcsolu tion with such unanimity that tho voto would bring joy to tho hearts of all men who desire to preserve and perpetuate this Union. Euthusiastio cheers followed thcso re marks, and tho Convention gavo three hearty choers for Virginia. When tho excitement had toinowhat subsided. Mr. Charles II. Carroll appeared on tho stand, and tho cnthusiasmof the Conven tion burst forth anew, Mr. Carroll said : As ono who boro tho namo of Charles Carroll, ono of tho signers of tho Declaration of Indcpen deuce, could ho stand back at this timo ? uouiu lie retrain irom raising his voice in response to tho sentiments to which they had listened, aud to exhort his fullow-citi zens to give heed to them, and to save the country so dear to them all, from the hor rors of civil war, when all tho ties of an cestry bound him to tho Union when tho very National Capitol was built upon the manor ceded by his own grandfather to the Government, aud owned for years by his ancestors ? Ho appealed tohisbrcth ren of the Convention to avoid, as his venerable friend had said, the horrors of civil war. Let them treat Virginia as a brother let them treat all wen of tho South as brothers, and rely on it that if they gavo a hearty expression to their ffcliugs in this resolution, thoy would ro tiro from tho Convention with the satisfac tion of knowing that its harmonious and patriotic proceedings mav servo to revive feelings of fraternal regard between the different sections of tho country, aud bring us back to tho days when wo could fight for the old Stars and Stripes in the South as well as in tho Noith. As Mr. Carroll concluded Lis remarks, When tho resolutions wero read de precating civil war, tho voncrablo Chan cellor Walworth roso upon tho platform, and told how, iu his youth, at the thres hold of his home, he heard the bullets pattering on doors and casements, aud saw his companions fall in death at his side. This was in foreign war; but the horrors of a fraticidal civil war were tenfold more terrible. Judgo Carroll, (of tho family of Charles Carroll, of Carrollton,) a hale, grey haired man, asked how could he fight in this fratricidal war, whose ancestors own ed the fields on which tho National Capi tol was built, and who had kindred ilow- -o - "' 01 tuoso men against wheni he was called to turn his arms! Choked by his own emotions , the Judgo was cumpeuca to aesist, wnon a young "ial o on ono of tho back benches, and 10 a volco ot UecP Bcnsl'"y told how, told though ho lived in New York, aud his destiny was here "ho had a father in Virginia, an old man like tho voncrablo , Chancellor, and ho had sisters thero"- wncu no uroke down with his emotions. An audience of bearded men listened to this in tears, aud thero was a moment of silence It was broken by a oico crying out: "Ihreo cheers for lrguiia,'' aud thoy were given with a will. Words liko theso do not do juttico to tho scene, Thoso only who wero wit nesses of it could appreciate its character, Tho Eloction of Presidout Vico President. and Montgomery, Ala., Feb. 0. Unusual iutcrest was mauifestcd iu tho proceedings ot tho bouthcru Congress to-day, 1 ho hall of tho Convention and the gallery wero crowded with spectators. t Mr. Meiumiugor presented a beautiful model flag, mado by tho ladies of South Caroliua. This flag has a blue cross on a red field. Seven stars aro on tho Hag. It was highly admired. Mr. Memmingqr also presented another model flag, mado by a gentleman of Charleston. It has a cross and fifteen stars ou a field of stripes. A Committee was appointed to report on a flag, a seal, a coat of arms and a motto for tho Southern Confederacy. The President was directed to appoint committees on Foreign Affairs, on Finance, on Military and Naval Affairs, on Postal Affairs, on Commorco and on Patents. II VI. T IT -. 1 i.uuorau.e uenerson iavis, ot Wississ- ippi, was then elected President, and 1, ,, AI , r, , Uonorablo Alexander H. Stepheus, of . ... ., ' , , Georgia, icg President of the Southern 1 i ml.- 1 oouicuerauy. mo voto was uuammou". j resolution was auoptcu lor appointing a committee of tlireo Alabama deputies to . 1- . , .. , , inquire and report on what terms suitable buildings in Montgomery, for tho uso of Confederacy under the provisional govern went, could bo had. An ordinance was passed continuing in force until repealed or altered by tho Southern Congress, all laws of the United States iu force or u-o ou the 1st of Novem ber last. It is understood that under this law a tariff will bo laid on all goods brought from tho United States. A resolution was adopted, instructing tho Committco 011 Ftuauco to report promptly a tariff for raising revenuo for tho support of the Government. A resolution was adopted authorizing tho appointment of a Oommitteo to report rw;tiinn 'n- fl, 0nt v r 6 went of tho Confederacy. n , , . , . Tho Congress was about two hours "1 eurcb Bc&siuu, uuu mu rest 01 me procceu- ings wero conducted openly. A grand demonstration is going on here this evening. A complimentary serenade was given to Hon. Alexander II. Stephens, which he responded to in a very eloquent speech. Slefsrs. Chcsnut and Kcitt, of South Caroliua, Conrad, of Louisiana, aud others, also spoke very eloquently. Tho demonstration is still progressing. One hundred guns were firod on Capitol Hill this afternoon for tho Southern Con federacy. A strong and vigorous govornmeut will go iuto immediate operation with full powers aud ainplo funds. No proposition for compromise or reconstruction will be entertained. Tho Cougress will remain iu session to uako nil necessary laws. Important from tlie South. HIE SOUTHERN COMIItESS AT JIONTUOM- SUV, ALAUAMA. DOPTION OF A CONSTITUTION. T11F. nxr.nrrrii'r. nnrtrtjs r.u -! v-i-- .... runr.ic. rwri-M&iw davis, of juiiisipri VlfSVJilW- It ATt-piivvv .,t (n.oiniu. net: rnr.iinv.i:rjii urn uy the Montgomery, Feb. 0. Tho Conven tion yesterday adopted a form for the Provisional Contitution. Its titlo is "The Coustitution for the Provisional Govern ment of tho Confederate Mates of Amer ica, it tollows m the main the Constitu tion of the old Uuion. Tho preamble reads as follows : We, tho Deputies of tho sovereign aud independent States of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, invoking the favor of Al mighty Uod, do hereby, iu behalf of these States, ordain aud establish this Constitu tion for the Provisional Government of the samo, to continue ono year Irom the inauguration of tho President, or until a permanent Constitution or confederation between the said States shall be put iu operation, whichsoever shall first occur. The seventh section, first artielo, is as follows : Tho importation of African negroes from any foreign country, other than tho slaveboldiug States of tho United States, ii hereby forbidden, and Congress is requested to pass such laws as shall effec tually prevent tho samo. Article second Congress shall also have power to prohibit tho introduction of slaves from any Stato not a member ot' Article fourth of tho third clause of tho second section, says : A blavo iu one State escaping to another shall bo delivered up on the claim of tho party to whom said tlavo may belong, by tho Executivo authority of tho Stato in which such slave may bo found ; and iu caso of any abduction or forcible rescue full compensation, including the value of slavo aud all costs aud expenses, shall be made to the party by tho Stato in which such abductiou or rescue shall take place. Artielo sixth of the second clause, says : The government hereby instituted shall tnl-n ..... 4V .1 ..1 . 1 .-m-umiii iuf mo oeniemeut 01 an matters Uctween the States formiu- it and their lntn nnnfpil.rnfoo P it..::.i VVH.VHU. w iuw WliltCU Status in mlntinn in tl.n 1,1! . iUj)Clt and publio debt at tho timo of their with- Urawal irom them, theso States hereby ' declariUg It to be their Wish and parml j - ,. cariltbt desire to adjust evervthiu" nertainiu? tn J "'J'"i"0 jit-rumiu io iuu eointnon property, common liabilities and common obligations of that Union unou I principles of right, iubtico, equity aud I good faith. ! Tho tariff clause provides that Congress shall havo power to lay and collect laxes, duties, imposts, and excises for revenuo necessary to pay tho debts and carry on tho government of tho confederacy, and all duties, imposts and thall be uniform throughout tho confederacy. ii .i ,, .. . . jn we oilier portions of tho Uouatitutiou M I ... .. ,, , . aro almost identical with tho Constitution nfllir, lTt.llnl tit i 'l'ho Constitution was adopted l... ... t. . . . unam. muuoijf usi Uigur,, at liajt paSt fCH 0 CJOCk, Deep Snow at thu Noiitu. Tho snow in Northern Vermont is deeper than has been known for ten years pa.n, am has seriously deranged tho mails. Tho train from Montreal, which left on Tues. ., lnoruluf, . , . . ,.,,,.... iw m, nv,,, " "u,s 1 oint on I'riday cycuing four davs far i., 1, 1 . wliat oommonly a run of four hours. ' Boston Tiuve ir. m. l. it it J. JX KJt Hi a , n 11 i7 1?tIV insTl'' Hy, ltcv' D.J. Waller, Robert Mac Donald, of Lm. nrkshiro, Scotland, to Miss MwUth youngest dau-htet of John Allen of xiiuuuisuurg. On 'luesday evening, 12th inst., in Bloonnaurg, by the Rev. D. J. -Wallor, Mr. Willi'im Uirkenbint, of.Northuiaber land, to Miss. Elizabeth Bird, of Light Street. In Berwick, on tho 3Ut of January, by tho Rev. I. Rahl, Mr. John Petkhs, to Miss Hannah Chessman, both ofllol lenbach, Luzerne county. In Mifflin twp., on'tho 2d inst.,by tho same, Mr.- John Harter, of Ncscopeck, to Miss Eliza Bond, of tho former pUce. In Berwick, on the Oth inst., by the same, Mr. Peter Ruckel, to Miss Eliza Brown, both of Holleuback, Luzsrue county. On tho Gth inst., by tho Rov. John Lloyd, of Cattawissa, Mr. Daniel Lock- ard of Luzerne co., to Miss E.MALINB McMurtrio, of Columbia co. 1 n .. . , .,,.,. . , I On tho evening of tho 12th inst., at the residence of tho bride's ,uo,hcr, by the Rov. S. Shannon, Mr. James R. Knaiu-, of Now York.and Miss Caroline Knohk. of Blooiu8burg. DEAT HS. In Hemlock township, Columbia Co., on Tuesday morning last, Mr. Ricn.uiD Evans, in tho OUth year of his age. Mr. Evans, lived aud died a Chris tian.J REVIEW OF THE MARKET, COIIUECTCt) HXKKLT. WHEAT. 1 lill (.i.ovr.KttnnD.. CUIIS Mil) C'OUN lii.ivl Ktti iiirri un v.c.t-.s TALLOW I. MID TOTATOES M 11 U IJ .11 OATS n IIUUKWHUVr L I S T O K I, E T tITrS RF.M MNIVC in tho I'oit at Bloomaliiirl. I'll.. rb. I tU litil. lie In, J11I111 Kirch. William (,lilt,) !riii'tt, Mtina IIol'muii. Sii-iiii Mr Uuvii, William (lili)'r. Sarttli Mia Pa, (loo. Lucy Mltb Uiial, Hebina .Ui'innlili, William Spear, N. Peruse, tt. Co 13. himtli, Lmiu.l S'lbertll, A. Hrhi irtff krr, RniaiiliMrd Hliwiflur, Jiilm Tr.ihlcr, II. 1' I). H. Waii, rbrrlnck Wricht, John A. Wrtirick, J. II. Clabel. lenry V. mil li. IIdv.'vIN, Jnliti Minor Hoiking, Siinut'l'J lluuliy: M. Ki'ltr. SaraU E. Mix I.ynti. 11 l.o:n:i!l, (Ifn. .Mendley TIioh. W, Vulir. rcter ZZ' rerpuna cnllilll for tha a!nr l.-tti-ra. u 111 .L. o; lluy era adturliKil. l. n. Kurcnif, j: x. PUBLIC SALE 01' Valuable fiscal Estate. IN piirj'inii-o of nn urJiT ofttie orphan' Court ofCu luuitnacuutity, on baturdayy March st'xtec?ithy 1801, at in o'clock in the furonnon, John Hintili. Adniiniitrntor of tin Until" of PVtrr CmuforcMate wf Muliwn township, in tai'l county, ileeiaii'tl, will npne tu ml a, by 1'uLht Vendue, uim the promiai, a certaiu T H A C T O F LAND Kitiint in VRilinn tonliii, Columbia fnonty, adjoin, iiijr (anil (if tJoorpn Mtrr' Jifinontliu North, land ci" tiiclm i I iiliiinn .n tire U.ifct the tiuirit of Andrew Hhof tn ik t nn the Wsl, nnd uu lbs t-outllb)' lamia of VeUt Wolt, cuutaintvig ahoijt 0X13 lMMMKD AM) SRVHVTV JH'UUR, wli.Tcnii nn orfctfil TW O LOfJ IKJI'S' P. A J,UO ST. 111, r I.OC I1AKV. aii'l about Kietity .Wr.'n clean d fund Into the o i t-f wnM iteccnai'tl, ntuuto in thu tuwnutjlp of ,laiIiioii, and, county ufr"niJ. ' JACOil F.Vf ULV, Clerk. (TTfhm-i orSir Teu pt-r cent, un tin purchan ninncy Mho p.nil by tli' purrhunT nn tliy of gale. Ono fourth fth pnrrhn.' O1'"- 111 l"n I'' eot.) to be pnnl on ciifiriiiJtion nf nal1. Tito hntnncc of purrh4e ii.tint y t'i hr pni I in one ear fr nn cmlimalion, with intercut. IVeit to bo tnailf latin' purcliu f r upon pnyiumt of lb pnrrlinn' n.tiiiL-raaJ. lateral., TU ptircfiaspr to pay fur tut: Ik-eu. -lOll.VH.MITH, AnxiNfuiiuTua Fib.lC, H0-f. THRILLING WORKS JUST issued rnoM TUB MAMMOTH PUBLISHING UOUSK AND ORIGINAL GirT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT Or U K 0 I'. 0 K O. K V A K S, 439 Chestnut Street, EkUadelnhla. 'Lihcrty and Union, now ami Forever, One mill Iu.-icpcrnhlo, one Country, one: Constitution, ono Uo.-tiny I" 27 E UNION TEXT BOOK I A vntk demanded by the llnidw, Containing 3-lctiet fruni thu writings vt that Unflinching Matemiau and, Truu l'atriut. DANIEL AV EI1STE It. AUo, the ilcrlarntinn of Independence; tha t'onntitu titnn.fthtf United StaU1 ; nnd Warhiligion's I'aruxult Aridreifl; with roi'imn Judex?, 1'ur iliehiylier cla-nui of IMncational Inttitutiotii nnd fur home readme. Large Wnn with n beautiful Steel I'm trait of lVtliier. t'ncu $1 00. Accompanied whli a llauilauiuo (Jilt, uortli from 50 cents to $HiU. ''ihe Union Text Hook,' inn nlume uf puwtrful in ti'ret lor the present limejj. It bUbkcl, tin uulhors.iti 6tlc, acciirury ami fulinebs I'liiitlo it to universal a cept.inrel liry Fanner ghoutd hae it! IHery Mr th inwhouUlme it I Ilvt-ry Mechanic should liuve it I hwtyluwyvr, rJt)Jclnii, 1'oliticiati nnd i'atriot klioul J luvu itl In fact, i:ery Uody, wlntln-r Man, Woman orChild-huiitrof the North, Bonth, Ka.t or Vt, lioul J vend for H copy oflllii-onit nfthe most needed ami arceptuble lluoka cx-cr submitted to tho notice oftUu American pub ic, tt"Tho trfseiit.itinn oftlm Constitutional Ttit L'oolt to the people orihe United tftatea, ceriuiuly uetdi ut apology, for It cuiitaliu tho Fundanitutal Law of our ' """try. w itlimi intmduction Ptlectcd tnuii thcwntiuL'a "rim" llciuJu,Uy l.f I'll tiri.l ll till) El lKriii.lirnflliijOun.iiliilion." In inaklnsltie tlemoiia ipituiiner ana frOlllthe Urilfmrs Of tr. W'lt.cli r run, taken t tn-lcct inh parts ns may bo lonnlderfd Natiun- "f',,J V'"1.1 iHiii IJ, Vc" hpu "iinu in i nn io kircucineii i ne opinions oitlm and to iuiprerH tlm youncitli A love of rojntri.a enillnii for Hit! I'fiit.iiinil.. A I'...... ,i r..rii... ....... r lf IllU LrCIlt flllil iriuul ti.n u !. r.. .... tl-....t. lie. nnd w hn priced uHny, n fervent ottachmtnt to tlii I.ibi-rty, to I'ww l Urtltr aud o Law, and Hill aNn ti'tuh ! sfoiirf ofH'idom( vt .Morality and ol id, J t ', u"l a- mirli.tlio ln.lru.tor ill ri.ailily niidiiuiiolndcieiuWHoii.furi,. Ilia .iie.tiim. L'1 k"i. ' iii mnii ot the nuiieui. .lumi.inlHny.l.! in ttm iiuti ivi. or tlio teit. AJ- on- ,paLUn llooIt.tliiB volume is inokt alua auwamw, i:r.nii:t'. n. kvavs. I'ubliblier, 4SJ flic. mill Bt., I'lliloJa. NOW 11 13 A D Y, THE KOJI.VN'CE OP THE A volume tlint will thrill tha nfiul ofeveiy truuinnnt IilKrty! I1iiiis n lljMtury ofthu pur.nMil nitrcntun-.. It'iiiiiuilir Inn. lent. Qii.llUiilo min, iJmtal to Ibo Wat of liiili'iiciidcnec. Huperbly Hliiktralu.l. I ari-e U nm. ricuSI.U.nrruiiiuiiiod UU u beautiful gift, woilU Sillfllts til $luu. "'I'liu liommiro of tho Ilevoliition," ii wpik tliil hiiutj Ln r.Hiinl at Hi.; liiefjilour every Amrrlcan Vitr . lii.ui t It ii a fierultiirly accvptithluat tlie present Junrt. lire in our N'atioiml aa'alr.. pnrtra)iiif a. It tinea the re. liiatKahle herni.tii, tho noblo liuliilliie.i ul)d the nurlotn 'rinm iiuci:riiy ei trie I iojiui w AMll.-MUTll.V " , '"' w'1"' lomp.itni.u, iuio urusjimg r0r ibo ut.iitneigeni 01 our natiunni liiacpeiiilinre, in the. """"" i'11" iiiciruuii"-iiie Jay. ui -tii, vvcopyoi either or tlio abavo liiciilioned uork.. t.. pi-ther uitlni huiidaniiio pre.i'iit. run-ins in talue froiu uO cent. i.iSIIki.ii.i nut bo ai lit Many pi rami in tho l!ni t.'d Ktate. Him will remit u. the pure, nliil 'il rents ai! tlitloiial, for ioit!i.e, Ikar In iniiid that to e.t.r nup. th.i.erofa i book tatheaiiiouiilorSIUUorliigro. wiieo Iitiice t.ilt, selected froman fviiii.i... mwl vii.i.. sortuicnt oftiiil.l ami Silver Wauhea.MUtr plated W.ri Jewelry, Bi'k Ureas I'attuna, etc., all of the iu.,i r.j .... .,., urn iiianuiaciure wortniiuue.a thuu ill it., aud possibly 4 lull I'll I ' AUU.V1U W'ANTUll KVKllVWIILBK, Hi'n.l fur a r..iii,lft.) claa.iSi'd Catalogue, ofoiirnini anil other's rubliculiniia, whirh will lm maiJe.l t.i you free of cipuiiai, make iuir ulectiona, uU.l l. ti.nnii,e, Ihntllieiiiiisl liberal, IMnblo, im'l i literirlam! t.slab. '.. i",';"'' ,'" '!" "'ir ' l"iy hook. i. at the Uririual nnd l-ojiular (lift Hook Eiiiporiinii of (iUOIlfJB fl, KVANH, pi .. m t'liemiut,lhiladel.hia, Fibru.ry in, lrci -11, ' T. T m 1". -T - TT . r-t . . . , OKU now (foods this day i-i-A. i li.iKr;.v.ri