Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, February 16, 1861, Image 1

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LEVI L. -TATE, Editor.
VOL. 14--N0. 50.
VOL. 2
o ffic E
In tht biw Brick RuiUlnp, eppoiite tki r.itkangt, ly tUt
af tk Cturl Jtouit. "Vtinotralie Head tiartcrit"
91 00 In ailvanrp, for one copy, for tlx months.
1 73 In alvnnre, for ono copy, ono year.
'J IM If nut paid within tho tint three months.
11 S3 If not paid w ithin the first six months.
2 ill If not paid within tho year.
117" No subscription taken for less than six months,
anil no paper discontinued until all arrearages shall have
bsen paid.
IC7" Ordinary AnvraTtsKMevTs inserted, and Job Work
.iscuted, at the cstablishciluriccs.
O II A N a E.
The Father of Lights, with whom Is no variableness,
nsitlicr shadow of turning. M. Jamtl,
Father of all, Great Source of Light.
Thou Sun of righteousness divine.
Whoso glsrious bnatns, undimacd, unchanged,
Through the eternal ages shine 1
Chaos, confusion, yet were ours
In the dark, silent halls of space,
Great Central Light, w ithout those rnys
Dann Honing from thy dwslling-placol
A countless host, we onward march,
Thither our daily courses tend,
In narrowing circles, till we gam
That realm, and at Thy footstool bend.
Each In its proper orbit placed,
Thy v. orks created live and move,
Upheld by 'L'hy controlling hand,
Through tho fair regions of Thy love.
Yet the dim spheres of Doubt and Fear
rale planets, basking in our ray
Or, time-born shadows, intervene,
Eilipsing all the heavenly day.
And in the gloom of mortal things,
These ghastly hues we only see,
Change withering change unmindful all
Of Thy immutability :
The midnight of forgetfulncss
From hearts erst kind and faithful proved i
The stern, cold winter of neglect
In friends familiar and bclowd;
Joy's dusters rich as Bscliol's presisd,
Upon the sated senses pall,
And trees of know ledge, fair to view.
Vivid fruits of Sodom, a.lies all ;
Tho promise-buds of peaco out-blown
Tu sharpest thorns of harsh abuse;
The reeds of swectestliarinony
Conscript to discord's vilest uso;
Honor's fair front, all scarred with wrongs ;
' Mulke Integrity's compeer ,
And virtuousyoiith in crime grown gray,
As tho Wfrld rollsfrom year to year.
Tho.e varying shadows fluting past
Wo call our heritage, our lot;
And so wo dccul this life of nun
A valeofteurs, by Thee forgot.
father of Lights, our vision purge t
O'er the dark shades mortality
With all Its chuges flings around,
Help us Thy changeless love to see I
Onward, and upward, lift us Lord,
In the clear order of Thy plan,
With sure progression, till we reach
Thy throne and Thy fall glory scan.
AnxsC. II.lf.
An Indian Adventure.
I was the acknowledged hello of Clin
ton, a small village bordering on tho wes
tern wilderness. I could out shoot auy
one, evon the old woodmen that thronged
our village. My mother was kept in per
petual alarm hy uiy daring uxploits; in
fact, as the old trappers said, I was out
out for a back woodman's wife. I had
two lovers then ; ono was Harry Chcver-
ly, and tho other Mark Huthson. Harry
About this time we heard news of the '
deprcdatioii3,that tho Indians were com
mitting, by some passing stragglers which
filled us with temporary uneasiness, but
our fears soon passed away, and we regar
ded theso reports as greatly exaggerated
or totally untrue.
Ono evening Eddy returned from his
daily ramble, bringing with him a mocoa
sin, which he said ho had found in tho
woods. This filled mo with alarm and
uneasiness. I felt a presentiment of com
ing danger.
1110 next morning i mentioned my
fears to Harry, but ho only laughed at my
terror, and playfully handing mo a little
revolver, bado mo defend myself liko a
man, and then went to tho woods to his
daily work. I slipped tho revolver play
fully in my pocket, but oould not wholly
divest myself of my fears.
a or an hour 1 sat m my low rocking
chair, with my child at my side, counting
tho minutes as they flow, when my attcn
tion was attracted by a noiso in tho oppo
site Bide of tho room. Looking quickly
around, to my dismay and terror I Eaw a
dozen Indians evidently just returned
from war, each bearing his bleeding scalp.
ILo foremost advanced and appeared to
bo tho chief of tho party. Ho approach
ed and would have laid rough hands on mo
whon my darling boy raised himself to
his full height, his blue eyes flashing, do-
mauded what thoy meant by their intru
sion, and how they daro lay violent hands
on his mother.
The chief paid no attention to him but
bado his warriors bind us, which was
quickly done, and, after a fow moments,
tho chiefs retired in consultation 5 when
seizing the opportunity, I scratched on tho
wall :
"Harry, wo arc in tho hands of tin In
dians." Tho chiefs soon returned, and wo were
borno with rapid but noiseless steps into
tho depths of the wilderness. Tho chief
who had bound us now attracted my at
tenlion. I was sure I had seen him be
fore, where, I could not say.
Three days and nights without stopping
wo wore borne away from homo, and tho
fourth day wo stopped in a small hollow,
which I found strewed with bones and
skulls. Whilo contemplating this scono
with horror, I looked up, and the Indian
chief stood before mo. With a sneer over
his dark features, he said, in good Eng
lish :
"Though you have forgotten 1110, Jane
Mauncring, for so I will call you, I have
by no means forgotten you."
"Who arc you?" said I.
"I am Mark Huthson," tho chief re
plied, and in tho e painted features I re
membered tho hypocritical face of the
Qoncnmmalu villa!,,.
I There was no pity in his revengeful
I heart, and I read our doom in those hard
"Do you see yonder tree," said ho in a
Improprieties About Churches. Dr. Hobort J. Brockinrldgo on
rrom the Presbyterian Banner. , aeCeSSIOU.
1. It is highly improper to go late to This distinguished Kontuckian and no-
church when it can possibly bo avoidod. ted minister of our Church, delivered a
This interrupts the services, confuses the discourse on tho "Fast Day," in Odd
congregation, distracts tho attention, and Fellows' Hall, Lexington, Ky., iu which ho
is a sure indication of slothfulncss,orsomo-' took high ground for tho preservation of
Uhcverly was a splendid specimen of an I , j, f
Wl; woodman, with a hoart
true as steel, and, to my inexperienced
eyes, ho was tho very personification of
uiauly cxcillencc.
Mark Huthson was contrary to him in
every respect. Handsome ho was, but on
your boy will bo bound to that tree, and
his young scalp will bo clipped froni his
head, by my savage friends, and you will
remain, and in tho morning will sharo his
A scornful siloneo was his answer. O,
his face was such a hypocritical expression uow quickly the day flow and tho night
that I peifuctly detested him. Ho seem- j approached ; and just as twilight was set
ed aw aro of my dislike and assuming an t;ng ;n) a ruthlcs3 savago seized him
nir of injured innocence, ho pressed his r0uglily by tho arm and bound him to the
emit with tho utmost zeal. I tree. First, ho waved his tomahawk over
Ono evening, as I was riding out, enjoy- iiea,i to friphtsn him but the boy's blue
iug tho mountain scenery, I approached j cycs i00kcj steadily at the savago inscorn,
thing worse, on tho part of thoso wilfully
and habitually guilty of sin.
3. No indecorum can bo woro palpa
blo than standing about church doors du
ring service, or whilst tho pcoplo aro as
sembling. A truly polito person will not
do his. And yet wo havo seen members
who thought themselves in good and regu
lar standing, and even church officials,
place themselves at tho door of the sanct
uary and gape at tho peoplo as they entered
just a3 if Ihoy wore tho regularly appoint
ed inspectors of all church-goers. This
impropriety may bo the result of thought
ussNtss, but it is very little tho loss cul
pable on that account. And when young
men aro guilty of it through a spirit of
curiosity, it is exceedingly offensive to all
well mannered people, and always meets
and merits their hcarfclt reprobation.
3, Talking, laughing, whispering, gig
gling and all vocal or visihlo manifesta
tions of social greetings when in tho house
of Qod, cither before, during or after ser
vice indicates ill-breeding in all so acting.
Politeness, to say nothing of piety, avoids
all such indulgcncics. Still wo havo seen
young lads and lasses, who fancy they
move iu tho most decorious eircles of so
cial life, come into church with a giddy
grin on their countcnanco that never left
it until they had mado many bows, ges
tures and sundry other cyo and head man
ipulations to those around them, to tho ut
ter disgust of all lovers of TRUE politeness.
4, Some leavo the doors open as they
enter church, and allow themselves to be
come so confused, that -in going to a scat
they rather run than walk, thus making a
noiso on the uncarpelcd floor, somewhat
similar in sound to that of ihc ox when
treading out the corn. A real lady or
gentleman never docs so, but they cuter
thosactuary iu a mild, self-possessed way;
and when thoy havo taken their seat they
deport themselves agreeably to the solemn
ity of the occasion, and not as though they
wore attending an opera or concert.
0. Some church members, never try to
furnish strangers scats. This is a breach
of politeness to ally inexcusable, ami a real
indignity offered to tho person neglected.
It is almost as much an index of bad man
uers, as not to offer a friend a chair when
culliugupou us at our own houses.
To show strangers Beats, is the sexton's
business, says one ; true, but if that funct
ionary neglects his duty, this should
make you and mo the mcro vigilant, that
l; - i-.i. - c . j . ...
tie of reproach on tho whole congregation.
Not to havo a byiuu bcolt to use yourself,
or to offer to a stranger when need bo, is
alio very improper iu all church mem
bers. 0. Feet shuflliug, tobacco chewing, sleep
ing, inattention, reading books, amusing
children, spread caglcing, with tho arms
akimbo on tho seat in front of us, aro vul
garities in church, that no pcreon of culti
vated manners will cither indulge or excuse.
No individual of refinement will
n lWiln nmincncQ on whioh thero was a
thick growth of underwood ; as I passed
it, Mark Huthson rodo out and joined mo.
He pressed his suit with his usual fervor,
his hypocr tical face looking, it possible
finally of
Rising in
ninrn rpnulsivo than ever. He
fcrcd mo his baud and heart.
my ecat, I said :
"Mark Ruthson, no words can express
tho disgust I feel for you ; and if you in
tuit me again I will cowhide you, sir !"
It would bo impossible to depict tho ex
pression of rago that swept over his face.
"Jano Manncriug, mark my words: I
will bo revenged 1"
Casting him a glance ot unuitcrauio
contempt, I whipped up my horso and
soon lost sight of him.
Tho next day Mark Ruthson left tho
villao-o, and went no one knew whero. A
yearfrom that day Harry Chevclry and
I wcro married, and, with tho blessings of
my mother, and tho best wishes of my
friends, started for tho Western wilder
ness. I will pass over a period of ten years,
during which a substantial log cabin had
i- i,iir . rndo thouL'h it was, lovo mado
u is.,1,, nnlace. Our hearts wcro also
Maddened by our little Eddy, tho imago
of his father, and a uoblo little fellow,
and his cheek never blanched. In rago
at his utter scorn, tho Indian raised his
tomahawk for tho last timo. Instinctively
my hand rested on my revolver. I felt
sure of nry aim. I raised it, slowly point
ing it at tho savago's heart and fired.
With a frightful yell he sprang into tho air
and fell dead.
With a scream of rago tho Indians
rushed upon mo ; another ono fell by my
revolver. Again I attempted to lire, but
my pistol snapped ; throwing it away I re
signed to dio j and jiut as tho foremost
.. . .... l.:. t. ..:. In
luuiau was auoui 10 Slut, ma am u 'J
bosom, the sharp craok of a riflo was heard
and tho Indian tell, bathcu in ms own
blood. Tho scxt moment tho stalwart
Tfor,. nWnlrv leaned into tho rimr. All
A " J v. . j --4
tho Union, showed tho entiro invalidity of
tho pretensions of the seceding States,
warned Kentucky against involving her
self with them, and told her iutho plainest
terms that her only hopo of safety and
prosperity as a State was to ho iound in
clinging to tho border freo States.
With respect to iho figment of tho right
of secession and State sovereignty, ho
thui expressed himself :
"If it is tho right of any Stato to do this
then First. Wo have no National Gov
ernment, nud never had any. Secondly.
It is perfectly idlo to speak of a new Con
stitution, siuco a new Constitution can
have no moro forco than tho Constitution
already despised. Thirdly. Tho possi-
pility is ended ended in the very theory
of the case illustrated, in the utter failure
of its practice the possibility U ended of
uniting republican freedom with national
strengtli in any country, or under any
form of government.- 15ut, according to
my belief, aud acoording to tho universal
belief of tho Atncricau peoplo a little while
ago, no such right, legal or constitutional,
as that of secession does or can cxutu,udcr
such institutions as ours.
"In the first place, no States in tho Un
ion ever had any sovereignty at all, iu
dependent!' of, or except as they were
United States. When they speak about
recovering their sovereignty when they
speak about returning to tho condition of
sovereigns,!!! which they were before thoy
wcro moitibers of the coufedei aey, called at
first the United Colonies, then tho United
states, tney tpeau ol a tiling mat has no
existence. They speak of a thing that is
historically without foundation They
wcro not States. They were Colonics uf
tho llritish Crow n. They woro Colonics
ot tuo Dutch Uovcrnmcut. Ihcy were
Colonics granted by charter to particular
indiidual.s, or to particular companies of
individuals, l'eniylvauia was a Colony,
tho property of William l'eun. Georgia
a largo porlion of it belonged to Ogle
thorpc. They were chartered to iudivid
uals or companion, as wore tho Colonies of
foreign nations or kings. As States thoy
revolted ; as such, baforc their revolt,they
uuitod in a Continental Government moro
or less complete, and as such United Col
onies they pronounced that famous Declar
ation of Independence, which, after a war
of seven years, still ns United Colonies
ihcy mado good. That great Washing
ton who led tho war was iho comtnan
acr-lti-goncral in netiuu oi mo uuucu ioi
onies- As such they wero horn States.
Tho treaties of peace that mado them in
dependent treated them as United States
What sovereignty did Kentucky ever havo
except the sovereignty she had as a Stato
of theso United States, born at tho same
timo that her sovereignty, as an indepen
dent Stato, was born. Wo wcro a Colony
or District of Virginia. Wo became a
Stato ono of tho United States,at tho same
timo, for tho same purposo, and f. r good
and all. What I mean by this,my friends,
Tigor Chaso by Baboons.
Tho following account of a tiger ohaso
is extracted from tho North Lincoln
'Sphinx,' a regimental paper, published
at Graham's Town. Tho writer, after
alluding to his sporting experiences of all
kinds, and in ill quarters of tho globo,
declares that he never witnessed so novel
or intensely exciting a chaso as that about
to bo described : Not long ago I spent a
few days at Fort Drown, a small military
post on tho banks of tho Great Fish river,
whero my friend W. was stationod. Ono
evening, as my friend and 1 wcro return
ing homo, after a somewhat fatiguing day's
buckshooting, wo were startled by hearing
tho most extraordinary noises, not far
from us. It seemed as if all tho demons
in the infernal regions hud been unchain
ed, aud wcro amusing themselves by try
ing to frighted us poor mortals by their
horrid yelling. Wo stood in breathless
expectation, not knowing what could possi
bly be tho causo of this diabolical row,
with all sorts of strange conjectures flash
ing aoross our minds. Nearer and nearer
tho yelling and screaming approached, and
presently tho causo becamo visihlo to our
astonished eyes. Some threo or four hun
dred yards to our light, upon tha brow of
a small hill, a spotted leopard (commonly
called, in this country, a tiger, though
much smaller than tho lord of tho Indian
jungles) came in view, bounding along with
all tho speed and energy of despair, while
close behind him followed an enormous
pack of baboons, from whoso throats pro
ceeded tho demoniacal sounds that had, a
fow seconds before, so startled U3. Our
excitement in ihe chaso, aj you may sup
pose, was intense. On went tho tiger,
making for tho river, tho baboons follow
ing liko avenging demons, ana evidently
gaining ground upon their nearly exhaus
ted foo, though their exulting yells soouicd
each moment to incrcaso his terror and
his speed. They reached the stream, tho
tiger still a few yards iu advance, and
with a tremendous bound, ho cast himself
into its muddy waters and mado for tho
opposite bank. Tho next moment his
pursuers, in admirablo confusion, wcro
struggling after him, and as the tiger
(uow fearfully exhausted) clambered on
Oil Wolls of Pennsylvania.
In order to gratify tho curiosity of
many of our readers, respecting tho first
discoveries of tho Oil Wells in ronnsyl
vania, we copy tho following from tho
Surveyor General's late Annual Report,
which says :
Tho discovery of the oil was made many
years since j hence tho naino of Oil creek.
Tho Seneca Indians applied it by mixing
with their war paint, and for religious pur
poses. "Tho great Chief would rccito the
conquest and heroism of their ancestors.
Thosurfaco of tho stream was covered
With a thick scum, which burst into a
complete conflagration. Tho oil had bcon
gathered and lidded with a torch. At
tho sight of the flames tho Indians gavo
forth a triumpqant shout, that madj the
hills ro-ceho again 1 Hero is revived the
ancient firo-worship of tho East. Here,
then, are the children of tho Sun." This
description was written moro than one
hundred years ago to Gen. Montcalm.
The first settler acquainted with tho locality
of tho oil snrincs was Nathaniel Curry, of
Franklin, seventy years sinco
On tho 20th of August, 1859, a vein of
oil was struck at tho depth of seventy-one
lect, on Uu creek, below I ltusvule. in
Venango county, superintended by Col. E.
L. Drake, tho projector of tho Pioneer
well. To him much of tho credit is duo
in bringing to light this important branch
of business. His energy and perseverance,
amid delays, difficulties aud a vast outlay
of expenditure, tiiuinphed over natural
obstacles, and the moro sevoro trial of tho
laugh and sneers of his neighbors.
A FUIEND ot ours toll agooa thing on
himself. Spending tho summer up iu the
Katskills he found woodchucks more plen
ty than roast beef; aud rather complained
one day, to his wife, that she did not un
derstand prepaiing wild game; "For,"
said ho, "woodehuck is very fine if only
thoroughly prepared." "Havo you ever
eaten any ?'' inmiired his wife. "Why, no:
Ax Indian Scalp Dancf. At San
Fe. A newspaper correspondent writ,
from Santa Fe says :
''In the 'Plaza' yesterday a navel si,
was presented. A band of Pueblos, so
fifty in number, marched into town wi
all the pomp and glorious circuinstanco
war, bearing aloft four Navajo scalp
which thoy had recently torn from tltc
recking heads of as many Indian'. After
breaking their fast at the hospitablo man
sion of commissioner Collins, they marchoi
in tho form of a crescent to tho music of
drum of their own rudo manufacture
accompanied by tbeir harmonious vole,
which at onco brought business of ovci
kind to stand still. After marching arou'
theplaza'in tho form in which they cuteret.
thoy halted in front of tho 'Palacio' i
which tho Governor resides, and, I prr
sumo, through respect for official static
they commenced tho Bcalp dance, wlii
was moro wildly grotesque than the dar
of witches iu old Kirk Aloway. T!k
costumes wcro varied and seemed to ha. -
borrowed every color of the rainbow, whicu ,
with the alternate shading of cchrc, vef
million and lamp-black upon their ugly
mugs, to tho uninitiated seemed as if pandc
niouium had opened her doors and k"
loose upon our peoplo about fifty ef her
choicest devils. Tho danec went on nud
tho multitude went off, and the Iudian
becoming weary and out of breath, soo
marched away in tho same order as tlr '
in which they first mado their grnn.'
como into church and take his seat with is this : te point out that in fact tho com-
hishatonj nor will ho put it on his head plex system of government which wo had
till he havo reached tho door of exit. This in this country, did alway3, docsnow,and,
thing cf sitting in any house with hat on, 1 iu the naturo of tho case,niust contemplate
argues a most inexcusable, bucolio rustic-' theso States aa united into a common gov
ity in iho mauners of all that do it. eminent, and that government as really a
8. Goiiig out of church during service, J)art of Qur j,0itioai SJ.,,to,, as if contom
is in soino places a practice with many. j .dtoi t(jom a3 BC)orat0 sovereignties, as
Where it is a mere habit, and not a necess- 6Uoh of t(iat political system.
ity, it is an impropriety oi mo nignest. uo
grue, oviuciug a thoughtless rtstiveuoss
never seen in person of refined deportment,
and never practiced but by thu vain, tho
ignorant anil tho vicious.
"The Stato can no moro legally throw
off tho allegiance of its pcoplo to the na
linn, thu nation can letrallv absolve
0. The use of tobacco in tho sanctuary .. . ,, ,, ,. , i r ,i,
of God, is such an intolerable nuisance , , . L ' ,. .' !,.., ,
thaVit is truly wonderful that any lover of. Stllt 10 tl.o State they live in. Either at-
tUlllJII., WU.'IHWI v6 I WW.......-
tional or historical light, 'n puro madness."
decenev can for a moment so far forget
himself, as boldly to pollute tho lloor and
furnituro of the sacred edifice with tho
10. Pertons given to politeness always
conform to the rules of tho church iu
which they may happen to bo. If kneel
ing, standing or sitting, bo tho posturo of
prayer, they gracefully assume it. In all
theso things luey act iivcurousiy, uvcr ru
the Indians fled but their chief, who rushed I membering who and what thoy aro. In
n0n mv husband, shouting. fmo you must go to church if you wish to
. it ni.....Alw rniiMt
Paiients in China. Tho extensivo
authority of parents under tho Chinese
laws is well known. A Chincso of fotty
years old, whoso aged mother flogged him
every day, shed tears in the company ot
'Why do you weep l
ono of his friends,
at learn who tho real lady or gentleman is, ; "Alas, things aro uot as nicy uscu 10
Tho poor woman s arm grows ic-
cr every uay !'
,.t,:-i. ,,,!a-i.,i and not to tho ba .room, tho dancing- ho
Uct ! nnd 110 lltcd lll3 pistol, WhiCU UllSsCd "Ul '-i.,!,.... i. . .
' i t ii BChOOl, or mo cay party, iwinoivi u.i m
MM... ..n.-l mnincnt 111V husband's I BVUU , ,fa.r:,. .'j .... ... ,l. I m
uro. iu may no lormui, sun, auu 41 iu m vi.-
. ., . 1. Loirf. illir . i , , I .i... 1.1 1. .,..!,., .,
knife was in 1110 rcueguue a teriieiu vuio, uui 11 n wuiu, uvsiusu,m-
of tho baboons wero close at his heels,
though many of tho pack (tho old, the
very young, and tho weakly) were still
struggling in tho water. In a few mo
ments all had passed from our sight, be
hind the brow of tho opposite bank ; but
their increased yelling, now stationary
behind the hill, told u.s that tho tiger had
met his doom, aud that their strong arms
and jaws wero tearing him limb from limb.
wcrestiTrtome miles from home, wo did
uotcross the river to be in at tho death ;
but, next morning, a few bones aud scat
tered fragments of flesh anil skin showed
what had been the tiger's late. Uu our
return homo W'o were told by somo Dutch j
gcutlcmcii that such hunts are not uncom
mon when a tiger is rash enough to at
tack the young baboons, which often hap
pens. All these creatures, for miles a
round, assemble aud pursue their enemy,
I with relentless fury to his death. Some
times tho chaso lasts for days, but it inva
riably closes with tho destruction of tho
tiger a striking instauco that tho idea of
retributive justice is not confined to man
The First Disunion Speech in the
Senate op the United States. Tho
first disunion speech made in tho United
States Senate was made by Josiah Quincy,
of Massachusetts, iu regard for tho Louis
iana enabling act, on January the 11th,
1811. Ho said:
"I am compelled to declare it ns my
dcliberato opinion that if this bill passes,
tho bouds of this Union aro virtually dis
solved , that tho States which composo it
are freo from their moral obligations ; ami
that, as tt will be the right of all, so U
tall U the ditty of some, to prrjmie def
initely Jor a separation amicaiii.y u
niEr can, violently it they must.
This same Josiah Quincy is yet alive,
aud despito his advanced ago, is ono of the
most radical and cxtrcmo Abolitionists in
New England, and is for cocrciug thoso
who aro acting on tho doctrino which hi
enunciated iu his youthful manhood.
Heroism of a Mis3Ionauy. Rsv.
R. C. Mathor related tho following inci
dent, in an address to a missionary meet
ing in London ;
When tho fort of Agra was about to be
invested by tho mutineers (during tbo laEi
rebellion in India,) tho entiro populatioc
both of tho city and in tho cantonment' ,
took refugo in tho forts. There wet
850 nativo Christians in tho town, wh
fled towards tho fort, and expected to I -
but I know they must bo good it is un- admitted with the rest, but, to their astor
rcasonablo to think so clean and fat an ishmcnt, they were told that they coul
animal is not as good as lamb or roast 1 not come in, There were at thi3 tnomei.
pig. I will cat one if you will prepare it , in the fort upwards of 1000 Hindoo3,an
by stuffing and carefully roasting it." So 60ma 230 Mohammedans, (who aftcrwarcs
he skinned a lino ono which tho dog.s had dcserted the English,) yet these 850 Chii
that morning dug out ; aud tho obliging tians could not ba admitted, but must r
wife prepared it as ho requested. It really , majn out-ido in danger of losing the
did look tempting, when it camo ou tho ' nV03, when it was staled that the natl
table, and smcllcd as savory as a feast or , Christians had bcon refused cnlranco in'
roast pig. It opened beautifully it really I ti10 fort, Mr. French, tho agent of t
looked charmingly ou tho plate. "Thero," Church -Missionary Society, camo forwai
tho enthusiastic artist remarked, "I told 1 am sa!ll . .My blooil Bhall &QXf T-,
yuu SU just, as mcu as 11 it. uau tn iwo tueir3 . if tho are , - j, u j j , ,,
110 conveyed a ricn morsel to , fort j. out to thl)Ui., 1Icro
his mouth, chewed it slightly, anddowu it, ulan thal waj ,ruly worthy of tho am(J
Ono or two efforts succeeded in forcing 1
it iuto the stomach. Tears stood in tho
epicure's eyes. "Diazes 1" ho groaned ; !
"what a bcaM is a'' , ihe rest it was left
for tho wiio to surmise, for tho husband
had cleared the table nnd was repeating
'chuch, chuck 1 ' out of doors, while tho
rather to perish with his brethren, tl . .
that they should bo left outside. 1 0
happy to add, that in consequence of th
statement of Mr. French, tho Goverai
ordered the gates to bo thrown open tot'
nativo Christians, and they were admitted
iuto the fort.
Saturday Niuht How many as3o
:.i. vni
poor wo uau was mKlu, , ciation3 iWMt auJ halowcd,crowd aroun.'
1U"3 WllUIII. , liuu 11U lliuuuu uu iuuiw
Dr. Adam Ci.ahke, who had a strong
ill-mannered at aversion to pork, was called upon to say
,,,oin.' I need not describe Harry had p0rficial and often faho.
mecuu0 uv Tmin,l. if nnrson is
seen tho lines 1 wroi , .i,.i, i, ,.:n bn rrood mannered nowhero I rraco at a dinner, whero tho principal
Wo wcro trouuicu '"'u nr hnlmvior there is tho exponent of our - ,n;lk. ni,r. TT,, is ronorted to
' " UUl UVUHIW1 tuviva"
nrfps. for tho next year oia uppccanao, fl..ltmftnt OVGrvwhorc. Header, nro you , T :r i i.wa
, - 1,;, t z m nave sum jiuru, u uwu must u(v
with the avenging riflemen under his com gul , of any of these or of s.nular a d
niand drove away aud cleared tl.o forest of llUpr0pees at church t Say- B pjg l
our dusky iocs.
A Teacher of vocal music asked an old
lady if her grandson had any ear for mu
sio. "Wall," said tho old woman, ' 1
really don't know. Wou't you take the
caudle and sco ? '
Jeemes says, tho qu'tckct way to reach
tho "scat of war" is to sit down on a
' hornet's nest."
her rolling on tho floor absolutely crying
with laughter. Then he got mad. "D d
Woodehuck !" he shouted ; and seizing
the platter, hurled it out tho door, through
which ho also mado his exit, going to tho
woods to "do the subject justico," paoba
bly. Ho had not got out sight of the
house when ho heard his wife call from tho
dooor : "My dear, do fetch home anbthcr
w.0od-c-h-u-c-k with you for supper!"
This was too much j so tho artist stopped,
seized a fence post and tried to pull it up,
as ho thought, to beat his wife j but his
madness speut itself on it; and he return
ed to the houso, cro long, a wiser and
a moro fastidious man. Tho wife, for a
long timo, kept from her husband a fact
which camo to her knowlcdgo a day or
two after tho preparation of "tho beast.''
A paper of Hack snuff had been opened
and used, in tho stead of black pepper, iu
.. . , , ......1
seasouing tho nnnnai which araumuu
for the nausea to her husband's stomach.
Rut, to this day, the artist cannot bear to
hoar of woodehuck.
In raising tin treasures of tho steamer
Malibar, which was wrecked last summer
011 tho coast of Ceylon, tho divers worked
uudor. water through nine feet of sand,
and then cut away large iron plates half
nn inch thick, formiug tho tides of tho
mail room of tho steamer. Eighty thou
sand dollars worth of treasure wero thus
obtained in ono day. Tbo steamer had
over 1, 500,000 in gold on board, all of
which has bien saved.
that short scntenco, "Saturday night." Ii
is but a prelude to more heavenly associ
tions, which tho tired framo and thnnkl
toul hail with renewed joy at each su
cccding return. "lis then tho busy din
lifcoeascs; that cares and anxieties a'
forgotten; that tho wornout framo Bee'
necessary renoso, and tho mind its relax
tion from earth and its concerns ; with j ,
looking for tho coming day of rcst,so wi-
ly and beneficially set apart for mo '
peaco and happiness.
The tired laborer seeks his o"wn cotla .
to which perhaps ho has been a Strang
the past week, whero a loved wifo an
smiling children meet him with smiles anc
carrcsses Hero ho realizes the bliss o
hard-earned comforts, and at this tiuie
perhaps moro thau any other, tho happi
ncss of domestic life and its attendar '.
Released from tho disturbing cares c
the week, tho professional men beholds tb
return of Saturday night, and ho glad'.,
seeks tho clustering vines nourished by 1 4
parental cai-8,tho reality of theso joys wh'n
aro only ht3 owu to kuow at their pccuHa
scasons. The lone widow, too, has toiled on da,
after day, to support hor littlo charge ,
fiow gratefully docs tho resign her cares u .
the return of Saturday night, and than'
her God for this kind resting placo oa th
way, by which bIio is cucouraged from
week, to week to hold on her course.
Remember the poor. (Printer.)
The grave is indeed hallowcl, when
tho moss of tho churchyard can cover tt
msmory save that of love.
t --t"itw rjrJTwr"r1'"''M"'M"?"a;