Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, February 09, 1861, Image 4

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Quako ron Quahi. In npriio cssny J
on the cultivation of grapes in the Colon
of Victoria it !.a stitfil tlinl oiifln lirl
ui y uioria, 11 m matea mat guano nau
lecn used oa rrapo viae, with much ben-
j. nu .uuw. wfcu
cGk. "The first year of iti application It
had no viiiblo effect oa tho itocks 1 the
, . . , , . '
CCCOtHi it prOaUCCU UlUCtl WOOU 3UU largo !
t . a , , ,
perries, but no increased quantity ofouu-
: -
vu( um iu iuu imru fair it v,'3 ftaiuu
rihing to obieric the groat difference be
tween 13 rows that had been manured
with guano, and other 13 rows that had
not been manured at all the former 1 no V.I
cd healthy, dark green, had lone strong
l..l 1.. 1 1 . . 1 1 1 1.
liranCUCS lOaUeU With largo llUneheS Of 1
fruit, and far lnoro advanced than others
in their neighborhood.
A Bad Uroisninci. A farmer who
wintered eighty khcep last winter, with the
loss of only two, which ho says were old
enough to die any how ; who raised with
out trouble 41 lambs from 47 ewes, and
whose fleeces averaged over three and a
half pounds, gives in tho Ohio Cultivator
tho following lively description of his ex
perienco in keeping sheep tbo previous
season, without the comfortable Bhcltcr
which his flock' now enjoys :
"In tho fall of 1853, 1 started into tho
winter with about 80 fino ehcrp without
any shelter. But 0, how'l catuo out I
Against spring opened up, I had CO. But
that was not all. I had gone to the ex
pense and trouble of getting two very nice
bucks ; and from about GO owes I raised
about half as many lambs, by raising four
or five by hand. Was this all? Xol
When I sheared them, I put what wool I
had got off my dead sheep iu among my
other wool, aud then my CO fleeces did not
overage three pounds'
A great many men havo a hole Id the
pocket, and so lose all tho littla change
tney put in. And the worst of it is, they
do not know it if they did, they could
mend up tho hole, and so put an end to
the loss. Every day they are minus a
few dimes, and they wonder how they
come so short. When bills are to be
paid, they cannot imagine how they came
to be so nhort of change. At tho end of
tho year they are surprised to find so poor
a footing up. They work hard, rack
their brains ou plans, and still they do
cot get ahead much. Bills accumulate,
incomo diminishes, and still they do not
discover the hole in tho pocket.
One man has bad fences, gates and
bars. The cattle break through every
now and then and destroy crops, and oc
cupy time iu driving them out. The pigs
creep through the holes. Tho geese find
many entrances. Tho horses get away.
The boys and men and servants and dogs
are kept on tho run after roguish cows
and jumping horses and climbing hogs.
Tho ttock becomes uneasy and does not
thrive. The crops aro injured. The
fences are often broken down. Time is
consumed, Tho troublo is that man has
a hole in tho pocket. Ono man has no
sheds, nor barns, nor granaries, nor tool
houses. His hay and grain ho stacks.
His vegetables ho buries. Tho rain spoils
and tho damp weather moulds it. His
potatoes rot. His pumpkins aro destroy
ed. His apples do him but little good.
His tools aro rotted and rusted in the
open weather. His stock is chilled and
Btunteu tor want of shelter. Hi3 troublo
is a hole in his pocket, out of which dins
all his profits, with much of the fruits of
his hard labor.
Ono man has poor plows, of the senilo
stamp of his ancestors. lie only skins tho
land with it. Ho can't afford a modern
plow. He don't believe in sub-soiling.
Draining is tho nonsense of scientific fools.
Prills aro humbug. Deep plowing would
spoil tho land. So ho plows and sows as
his grandfather did, on tho worn-out soil
of his venerablo ancestors. Ho has n
hole in his pocket, and will havo it till ho
wakes up to the importance of good tools
and good culturo of himself and soil.
Ono man don't tako a paper ; can't af
ford it j has no timo to lead - don't be
lieve in bookfarming ; likes tho old ways
best ; deniss all tho stories he has heard
from rumor about largo cattle and crops
and profits ; doesn't believe in new notions.
Por forty years ho has planted hi, corn
on the samo ground; sown wheat in tho
eame field; pastured the samo land and
mowed tho samo meadows. Ho has heard
... - . ,
w - juinuou oi crops, nut aoesn t kiiw
, . ' ' "uuv
wuat it means, nor cares to know A
, , , ,! . ...
haU hole has this man in his pocket.
. - , , , . I
AnU wllO hasn t COt a hola in hU nock
. , , , b, au u, put,
liuaucr, uaven I you I ljOOk and
SCO. Is thero HOt SOinO Way in which VOU
-,. ,. ....
JCt Slip tUC UlUieS VOU Blight Letter Save J
somo way iu which you waste time ami
ttrcngth and mind 1
If 60, then you havo
a hole in your poektl.
T , ,
InaCCd. many a
mnn'x nMlt !. Iil, uti...
, ..VVHVV AU t?e(U. ITUU3U
pocket is a treasury, safe and sure.
Valley Farmer. ,
A judoe, ignorant of grammar, is very
apt lo prouounco incorrect nentcncit.
ro scellav,Oiisi
'Pllti AM iLJAMATIOf Of LtlKnUAHtft. 'I hert! Inn urnvt
nit tendency I" t lit it fto in nppnpilnb tho inot n
r respite Mottle rf other language, nnd after a while to
ncotpornffl Ukih Into our own i thai the hi rd Cephalic,
whtchls from the Oraik, signifying for the head," Is
now tK'cnmliig popdjriiiM In connection with Mr.
' Hpaldlug's fiUti Hem lathe remedy, b it ft wilt soon ha
; Used In moTii 5tnt-r.1l way, and the woriCtphnltc will
Decoiuo as common a Llectmtypn and many Uln rs
nuuia uiiiiiicuuu m iureii;a wpiui has neen worn nt ay
' by roiuutou mg until they svani " imtlte and lu ihu
loimor boru,"
m '.i-n wnMe -.IjlrtMhu Uftemoon. h.n,t t.tcp-
f"1 lololna hjpcilttjciilj hand iu, III tolh iian,"ran
,01hiuiMif vhai" 'do.. 11 ha.iie 'ard,"
"'"'t; "1;ojJJi.,;xi'i.Jii''iiai, ,
mu . ,ph.ll I HI, band "pou nor 'onor it cured me 10
'"''" icit 1 -.d'nd un.adachi.
cy llsinc-i.t la the favorlto alsn by which nature
wake know any deviation whatever from tltdnatiral
I .. .1 no .r.m, mu tii'wdu iii mis nam 11 may lie ,
looked u a .nfcru.-rii intmd.d tiigivo notteo ur uu 1
Imnahiih biivl.t nllnruian naranu uln,.l., (ill
laid 10 bu tubiuuiod i anj lt Indications hot'M never h
HkKli'CU'J llL'auacln a may bu claitHtfa unocr twii
uiiiuw. viz Byii.ptnniatlcuiiJ Iillojiattiic. tfyniti malic
HlMilaitio taviciMUinjtty common ami la ttio iirctutanrof
a great variety uf uist'anL's aiming vilncti aro A-nil.'2y.
tlout, Kliemalllm anj all febrile ilifli-asca. In Ha lur
vima form it It yiuputlii.ticiit Uiai Anea nl llifl atomacll
conatitiiting lirk ilradttht, oflieriutic iliwnie cunitiut
ting iia ArciacAr. uf vionna, i(inftiiatlon anil ctljer
itlaonlcr of llu bowila, aa will a rniut anil uterine at'
Vuutnnt. Itueaaet il tuu noart nru very treiueiitly at-
tended Willi Headaches! Atia-ini.i and plethora are alio
alTecUona which frequently occasion lieadatrii! Idlopa-
tlittio lieariacliela olio very cuuiiuon. beins uauallv ilia'
tlnjililbcil Ly tbc name of ncrvoita headaihc, aoiui-timea
coming oa suddenly In aatnteofanpntcutly found lietiilb
and prortrattng at ouca the loentul olid phyalcal f lurgil
nnd 111 other inatnncei ltcoinia oa alow ly, lieralded by
depreaflou of fplrita or acerbity ofteinptr. Iu moit tn
atnncva tile pain la in the front ofltio liead, over one or
botb vyea, and tomicllmca provoklujr vouitlng; under
iui cinaa may aiao uti nnincu 0ruriugi
t or irfiiuueni or eitner ciaaa tl licnuatne ti,c uc
ihaltcl'lllf have been found n auro nnd a,ile remi'ily, re
icviua tbe Lnot ncuto nalna in a fiw miiiiitea. titul bv
ita aubti'i power eraduutitig tho tll.cuaea of uluch Head
athe la tho unfiling index
CattioaT. llastla wnnta )ou to arnd tier a box of Co
itiilic Ulue, no,u bottloofrropiireil 1 ilia, but I'm tliinW
uirtliuta not luat it nultlier 1 hut neriiuiia n-31 bo atthcr
knotting what It la. Ye aee alie'a liUli dond irid xn,,o
t.ltb tho tiii lleadathi', and vanta aouto luo.-e of that
aame aa ri'laived licr before.
VrUL'ifljt You biutt mean r-ilillng'aleiliallc rilla.
ih-tdjra'.. Oclll auro now nnd tou't o aed It. Iiere'a tlu
quantitr and give uio Ibo l'tlli aud uoot be nil day about
it auiicr.
A Real Blossing.
Physician. W elixirs. Jones how is
that headacho ?
JSlis. Junes, Oono 1 Doctor.all gone ! tho
riM you Bent cured mo in just twenty nun
utes and I wish you would tend more so
that I can havo tticm handy.
Ptnhician. You can cet them at any
Drugoi&ts. Call for Cephalic Pills, I find
they never fail, and I recommend them iu
all oases ot Headache.
Mrs. Jones. I shall send for a box di
rectly,and shall tell all my suffering friends
tor tney are a rem owning.
Twenty Millions or Dollakb saved
Mr. Spalding has sold two millions of
bottles of his celebrated Prepared Glue
and it is estimated that each bottle saves
at least ten dollars worth of broken furni
ture, thus making an aggregate of twenty
millions of dollars reclaimed from total
loss by this valuable invention, Having
made his Glue a household word, ho now
proposes to do the world still greater scr'
vice by curing all the aching heads with
his Cephalic, Pills, and if they are as good
as his Glue, Headaches will soon vanish
away liko snow in July,
jsiar Over Excitement, and the men
tal care and anxiety incident to cloiu at
tcntion to business or ttutly, are among
tho numerous causes of Nervous Headache.
The disordered state of mind and hotly in
cident to thi3 distressing complaint is a fa
tal blow to all energy aud ambition. Suf
fercrs by this disorder can always obtain
speedy relief from these distressing attacks
by using ono ot the Cephalic Pills when
ever the symptoms appear. It quiets the
overtasked britin, and poo'hes tho ttrained
and jarring nerves, and relaxes the tension
of the .stomach which always accompanies
and aggravates tho disordered condition of
the biain'
UfiTDiD you ever havo tho Sick Head
ache f Do you remember tho throbbing
temples, the fevered brow.thc loathing and
disgust at tho 'bight of food. How totally
unfit you were for pleasure. conversation or
study. Ono of the Cephalic Pills would
have rclcivcd you from all tho suffering
which you then experienced. For this and
other purposes you should always have a
box of them on hand to use as occasion re
quires. Fact" woK'tii ""knowiso. apnimm;
Cephalic Pills aro a certain euro for Sick
Headache, Bilious Headache, Nervous
Headache, Costivcnoss aud General Debil
ity. Gnr.AT Discovery. Among tlio mo?t
important ot nil tho great medical dlscoV'
sptcm of vaccination for protection from
bmall Vox, tlio Cephalic Pill for relief of
Ilcadaclie, nnd tlio use of Quinine tor tlio
prevention of Fevers, cither of which is a
suro spceiflo, whoso benefits will bo es-
periencca by tullcniiK humanity loni after
their discoverers aro forgotten.
r.y Iha ii ae fftheac Hill, tho ntrlo.lir allarka nf Mr.
ro. r.irk llmjartunay be I'rcvcnteJ i anil Iflakpnat
.......... . iiiiiiicuiiui; rvnei irom
fs , '"".
I TlioyaflJonifHilln rnovin5lheA'.aana,(.iaa
i ti'iifcu8reaarQ .ubjict,
i.urrary m, .-rv.rfnra, iifitcate 1 emalea, nmlall
P""" f Mmuri ttiiu, they are valuab'o aa a Iai-
fi,,nro,lnilwirtiif,i,niMaiiU tiir to the
"l''lol'ena, ana re.turingllio natural fla.licily anil
IhaUCniALl rtl,i.-nrelhreauUofloni Inveall
iu "aomancycara, during HhUhllmotliey liave prien-
from "jvi". wii-ther ..ruinati'iism tb en"J',y'.
Th-y are entirely vegetable In Iheir coiujiiiilinn.nn.l
m. a, ,(ir mi in-nee, .ai.'iy luinniit
uaklnj any tliar of ilin, .titkeebitace i. dm.
"!"'" """ ' m.uiir lira. i. ck.
Th. ,enuineh.?e, 1
nns.h i..i - '
by nrui.t. ,d ... o,h-, ne..f,. m 1
A box will ba sent by mall nr -pnld on receipt of th.
urucr. iiioaiu oe aniirvaaeil lo
uany c, BrAitva.
tr Ureal, Hy Yoilti
Ji'ot, 13, ll'M
or- " 1
AoU tilt TRrioai affections consequent upon a diner JeroJ
Pitch tm IndlfrcKtlan, of the Ptrtmnch, CollcLy FMn3,
Ilrirtt'Urn, Lom cf Appctit. Dpomlencr, CoBtlvciit'',
Mind and llWllnR ViWn, In all Nervnui, lilifumntlr, nni
lN'eurilfftC AtTction", It ha In minirrom loMinrtu proTfJ
lilglily Wneficial, and In othera eflecttvl n doi'Mod cure.
Thin is a puiolv Tf irctalito roiyjwmnil, prrpurfj on Mrictly
erlfiitlfld iirinrljilo, aftr tbulriitiiiier rf tho fc!t'
1 loll nnd rrofrmor, Ihrrliftre. Ill rfputatfmt nt homo pro
duccl Its Introduction litre, the demand com mrn ring utllt
tlrn-rt of the Fatherland centered ever th fnc of tlili
lailjthlY country, many rf whom l-i-might ulta tliom nnd
bun led down the trtvliti-m of Its nine. It it iltrta oferM
to Vie Amtr?cn jftMYe, Innwirta Vint itt Utity wonderful
MAiWndl virtwi mutt V afknnwlnigtti.
It In ymrtlfulsrly rwin mended tt thre furwun whose
ronatltutlons may Jinte been linpnlrcil ly the mmtinnn
rf ardent spirits, rt other foniti of dimlpitlon. Ootier&lly
In'tftnUrieoUH In f iTtx t, It finds its K-ny directly ti the sent
of lif. thrllllitff and nukkMiinK e try nerr, rnlFln lip the
lro.-piriK pprlttani, la fat. I, Infusing navr health and Tlgur
In tho F)Fti'tn
NOTICK-Whoever rxpects to find this a Internee wf.l
I diuppulntedt hut to the nick, weak aud low spirited. It
v 111 jnT)Te a first ful aronaUic cordlnl, iMihsensud of singula!
retiK'dlal propurtltH.
The Genuine Mfihty rencentrat'! iVrrliUTe' UMlin I
Hitters U put up In half pint bottle only, and retailed at
Oss II UR per l-nttle. or rlx 1 initios Tor Tive InlHM. The
(treat demand fr this tmly eelehrnte 1 Medicine hut Induced
many ImlUtluiis, which ihe pulllo kliould guard agalnit
jfk' lteware of ImpofHton. Eee that our name Is on the
laliel of BTiry bottle )u htiy.
Bold by rruKgtsti rener&lly. It can he forwarded
fcy Express to most points.
solk pnorr.inTona,
MAN cr actum. to;
gharmaceuiisls and Cfiratete;
rorSale hv(I. M, Hagenbuch, DrujgUt. ltlonn?bitrg la
ULt.STl'et U.
ChCKtnit Street,
drlshta. hair on
Y4 --Jl nnd n lirgc tinnrtinciit of Pirn
&tRJ?s?i i In Thif prtiof Salainandi'r ?jf.-s.
Sl'iJ--'-'''' l""t If'" donri, fur binks and
!r-,(vj"v' ""-Jua L'a uf Iwfka ciual to any m.ijo
tn the ITnitrrf Stntes.
Fir ifn in o frf. Jill came out rtffhti with rsa
ttnfs In rood eandltion, ...
The tfjKinianikr tS.ifi of riiiladclpliia ngainst the
have had tlu surebt demotitration In tho following rer
tificatp that their iimuii!tictur. of Salamander Paf-s ting
at length fully warranted the reprt'Stfiitatlong which have
hieti tun le of tlpri as rendering na undoubted security
ugaitisl the terriCc clement.
Philadetphia April 19. Ir.lil.
Vrjtr r.rau $ tt'atso: tit iitl; It allurd us
tho higliPbtsatisfnetion to .tato tu you, that owmii to
tlif very nn-teitiw: 'tunlitics of two nf thd Halamandcr,
H.tfes tihirh we purchased of you 'some lUo luonth elmo
wu enbl a htrju portion of jewelry, and all our hocks,
Vc., t-ipoocd to tlu r aluminous, rlru in Ilaiutcad place on
th inornlitg of tha llth Iin-t..
hen we rnn ct chat th.'se safen wrro locnted in tin,
fourth nory of tin buiMtnz wa occupied mid that th y ,
f II subsequently lutoa iK'ap of hurnine ruins, where the
fast concentration of the heat caused the hrass platen to
in. It, we cnunot bjt regard th prctnatlnii of tfiMr al
uahte lonteun as most com luting proof of tin greut bc I
Clirity ntt'.iriled by jour i-jfiH. I
We I tuki jireut pU'UStire In reromniPiidin? theni to '
men of biiiuiiea idi n run rulntucu aL'aiiift fire. i
I'l'mine it' i.imiii'j u. iiiii i. '
rt7Tliev have since purchased tit large .if.B,
An?uat20, l?ZJ.
(lUtM. r .! ..-a, V . V M
aIinnniloraisnpillanlan otinaivcly .'lijrajrod in Ihe
liulrrtolnti" llvttnr!, hllil ki'L'a culut.llllly oil hallil
nil for aula at Ilia Wurcrooma, u Urgu uaaurtiiielit uf
Ily Mhirh lie la enalilpiMiThtrrilera on prrri'iitatlon
Aun- Kreia a pon.i llorrn- ami llear.u, anil will ut ul
limea lio raidy ti altcnil Fuimnla.
simon' c. smvi:.
lilnoinvbiirj, Januarys.!, 1S53.
U. S. Trust Company.
I Corner nf Third and Chestnut S s.. Philt
LISJ ,,! Z'XuAJf.S.
ET.'r"'" '" (ny "f Jiimsu toiho i.,- nriiii,imai.
o.,V.iiluS:r.s,JJr,:,l'V,,,1.,?,l.";f,."'i,Ky'ry d0)''"x'1
I 4B1!;V
-J""ii- iiuit,.
. uiuiiui urns,
FtenlK-n It. Crawford.
tlhinn lleiillemun,
! Iluijaimiri W Tlimley,
Paul l). Coodard, M. l.
. Patrick Hrady,
Jaui-s ll'Veren'ix,
AleVerC. Hart, M, I.,
AVillinui M, (loflwin,
II. Franklin Jacknni.
i nomas t, La,
..larch ii-J, lsiD-ly.
U'litiy Hsif.
Ullonnt llcvnon
T01IACU0 Ai Si GaKS.
jlIaillllilCllll Hl ,V l.i af 'I'lilinrrn.
8RI1A RS ,tfl
tf. E. Comer of Tront and Arch Streets.
uXilZtL. raitAUCLPlI I A.
I . . "ie l.oi'r above i linat I'lmrcli.
i A '""ral Aasnrlmciit of COrjWiB VJt.VlTUlti:.
tlaiing CUP bJVULS, ic.
One llmir above I linat (')iurrli.
May 15. iaC0-13m.
rl UIH heft molasses for tho price in tho
XCuuoty for alo at IMItrilAftS.
Jink STrfl, Man Third.
V II I A I) 10 I. 1' II I A .
Tltn aitualinn of Ihla lloi-l renikra it one of tho ro.i.t
convenient for thosa who aro iaitinir I'MIhUi lohia
"I'"" "'".
i "iv, -- - -ny Jiauwav rar.
i UDout Iliti uty.
shall biki il nh aueli thararti-r aa will meet nubile
approbation, aud oill,l reapertfuUy aiilirit. general nni
ui. ,-,, L-irei assurance mm
1'80-Km, ttcprWur,
Ml&ORAflfe cordial
To tho Itlzens of ew Jcriey and Pennsylvania,
tl'olfe't Pore Cnfimr. Urandy.
Uoff't I'ure Mhlerw, bhrrrif and Port Hint,
tt'otje' I'ure ,awnica and St. trrfr Hum.
Mvift's Pure Sfolch and Irith
I heg Ipnvn to mil tliu attrntiun of the rillK'nn nf tho
IJnlttfil tntcstu the ahovo U'inis and Liqious. linportfd
ny unoLnm oLnt, m vr mtK, wnoti itiinie it in
1 miliair In vvL-ry p-irt of tl.H country for the purlly of (tie
ceh luntud n hhvoam t ukapp. Mr. WuLra, In lilt letter
f to mi1, ipcnhhiK of Hid purity of his Wines and Ll'piors, (
' snji j 1 will ftnku my rcputntlon in a limn, iny stun
i illnjt an 11 inerch.iiit nf thirty yi'iirs rt'sidi'iire In tin City I
of New urk, nil tlio Urnndy and Wines which I .
hnltts nrr pure ns imported, nnd of tho host quality, nnd
i .hi hi rtiitu u leu hi cirry pMrii.ijr." j.ierv nttii
h.ig tin? propri? tor's muni on the unt, nnd n lui piirtlti of
ii m n 111,1111-0 mi iM.i iiiuriiir. j io piionr uri1 rerncrt
full) iiiiitedlo tail aud i-Kaintiin Cr th 'iiiech. . Tor
lilL-iiim lur. For bhI, nt UkiAiL hi- nit Ai(,tli..ntii mi, I
Uruters Iu Thlhidf Iphl t,
tiuoHUh II, ArtUiov, No. KU Mnrknt Ht , I'liilad'a,
ewli si peat J or Philadelphia,
Head tho follow lug from ilm Niv lorK t'ourltr:
h.noriiiout Dtitiuen for oat ,w ork Jtrrmnf. Wu
aro Ii ipiy to litlonn ntir f llnw-titlz-'tiB Hi it Hutu Is one
plat in ouriity wh roiho (ihFicUn, tip itlK-cnry, nnt
(oniitry m, 'reliant, ran po uuu purch.Ko iurJ Wines and
1. 1 pmrri, ns purj as luipoiti il, and nf the hoi ((utility. We
du nol Intend to gl e an ilahi rnt. Uctttrijtlinn id this iiut
rliant's cvterifivt) hiuiuesi", nltlnmpli it uillvvll ripjy
any strniiger or citi.un to Uit Lnoirtio uiik's ctt 'ii
slie luiri'hotui', Niif. H. U'l nnd 'J-', Ilnui-r fclnct, und
Nod. 17, 1.1 aid Hit .Marki-lfidd Mn-'.t, tU stink of
tichnnpps on h-md rnnily for pliipiiicnt rould not hm.i
hern less tlinii thirty thouMind rjini tlio ilr.iudy, hiuuiJ
ten thousand casus int.iiTes of lf'lll to If.llij nnd It'll
thousand (use or Mndena, Hlierry mid Port Wine,
Hcutth and Irifh Whicky, J.uuaic.i ami Hi. i'utix Knin,
omitr rry old und cpial tonii) in tliin count r. He uUii
aid ilirco lnr?e nliar. filled wMli I'nuuly, Wiile, fee, in
c.iok, uiiih rfUf-imti-IIinn - koy, r.'.oly f t hotilinif. Mr.
Wolfo's silus of Hdmnpps Mtt jcar omuunted tcoun
hundred aiH ciuhtj thouaand tfo. mi, and u c hopu In
than two je.nrs ho m iy hetiualiy (uiccosslut with hU
llraiulies and Wiuas.
Iliit hiHliiL'si merit tlio pntronnirn of evorv Inrerof
his sp'iii's. Private f.iniili's whowich pur.- Winimd
I i iuotk iVir inmlicjtl tivn shout 1 huh. I th ir order ilirert
to Air. Wolk, until every Apollieeary in Hi ) l.uid nt.ikii
u ttulr inniiN to itidcanl th pohoiouV ptuiff mm th lr
bli-'lvt'n, and rtplato it with WolfjV pure Wine and
u ii understand Mr. uoirc, for tho Inn of
null dealers in tho country, puts up nssnrtoil ras-s ir ,
inea nnd Li 'i nor. uclt a man, and such a in. ri hint, .
fhould hi su.-tiiined neainat his tens of thousands of op
ponents In tin United blntea, w!ioIl nothiii hut (init.i
tions, ruiiiouK alike to huiniin h- nllh and li:t pillion.
U" Tor s.iU by U.or'o M, llagjiilmch, Drnglst,
Uloon)ihiir?, Pa.
Hpumhrf, lHl'O-dii.
ruiiMsirKit iiv n. ArpLcros' &. ct.
44tt n"415 iiroftfiuut , Sw Voile.
Tho fo towine itorksare sent to Sub cnS r-'lnnnj pirt
of tlu country. t,upon reci ipt off. tul pricj.) by mail nr
expr.M pri-paH :
Dictionary of (ieneral Kunwlei'ire. Llit'd by liumtu
Uiplly and t;nuttM A. l)s, ai ted Itv a numeroiK .
lect corps of writer-In all branch -a r.t'Sci -nti.'s. Art a id
Literature. This work it h'inz publish M in about l
largo octavo yoluiiu's, r-arh com lining Toil two cd.nn
pnes. Vols. J n IX inclusive, hm now n-.i ly.en h
coiit.ilniii!! near -2.5'Yi, original urtict An a Iditionul
volume tt il puhlUheii nuee in .ibout three hum tin
Pri c inClot!i, SI j Hi.vp.VJ 50; Half .Mor., $1; Hair "il iOeacli
The New ,mencan Oycloprrili'i U popular wiihomiM.
Inz sup'Tllciat, learned but not pilanii roiuprJh u-lt o
but bu.lii I jntly d tail d, fr-o from p rdu il pi le nu I
partyprL-JiKlice, lreh and etticitratJ. It io.i i oinpLfJ
ttat -in nt ofull that is known upo-i v ery Lop trtant t p
ic Willi the cope of h'looiu tut lli-uce. Lierv import,
ant article in it Ins beeiiFiinl.tlly written for it p.i s
by men tthonro nuthoriiia- upon tho topic on whlt-h
thy sp-ak. TIit ars repiired to bring the suhjert ujilo
the present moiii"iit M etat -Ju't how it Is note. All
the statistical iiifornntlou is from tin In'est r.-porlrt; tli-j 1
pfoffr.iphualatctiuiits kteo pace with the I it t osploni-1
turns ; historic il mutt r3 iiuludo tlu fr h it Jut t iwn
the biocraplnral nonces not only Fp?nk nf the den I, but
also of tiie lit ing. It it a library ofiti If.
AnniDOFMtsr or nits Ihtk orCosuKt-'si: Iin a
politlctl hist 'ry f-flh United Stat -g, frnmtlic or, uu i
torn of thfl lir-t IVd. rnl t-'.nar 'fs in JTt to Kj . Ltit
rd and conipil 'il by IIom.Tiiom i (. UiMoN fro.u the Of.
tic i u iucors m voiurs.
The work wil! be to.oplcd in 13 rojal octito volumea
nf 15,1 O 2" t hi li II of u liiih itr n iw r.n K A . ,..t....
tinn ll vol'l nu w ill b publlalud once iu three ti.nntlH.
riotn. i.iw Mi ep, 5i5Jj ILiU Mtr$l, Half
Calf -31 00 t.u-h,
A vv or pi;o :iii:if! Tin. ;vclop.i.iua, on
ila n;.
1'orm act ub of fotir. an I mil th? nrifof four hook.
nu t hi'i i or. it w ill iu t nt , t th.- r r B ..x n ... -
(.arrintr t or tor ten nuixenu -rs i i.vui Cfpies mil b nei.t
atoureipn efor arriage.
ill Atfr TS
, x:' .f , LO
ordhr-rw-orks will -ohhrally reward the exertions
ofA(rept. An A(.lnt Wantid in nm Count t ,
Terms made know li on nppliratin lo the Pub isluTs.
5& A, fi SUK 5?
iVoi' 21 .f- 'J3 Smith ..-
' , " "I
tho otnte ll
i-mi.Aii:uiiiA, n:vA.
ITV floors oftliia apeeiou,. I.inl'liii!:, erecteil rtirii.i.!y
forth., iroirL'tofatiude. aro stored iili seeila and
iniiilenienta ol mti.reat to l.inii.T.' un.l nr.!. ,.
Kliiv VlAB3i:,iiLUuni.'l li.i E,.l,Vrr ,,.i..
call, tlu utt iilinii, of nery ..iu Lit 'roaU'il in r.irnmi-
an.l nardenins to lli.-ir n'ull .ileit-.J .t.iek of ABlkilltJ-
rjlToola. 1
Il'arrautcd Garden and Flower Sredi Grase and Field
oitt, pj me uivti reiawei quality, .
The AuricnltuNil liuplemeiitit nold by ui are mobtly ,
inaiiuf.ulured at our tUaxn tvork, UrMo P.i. '
eTiiiii-ti'. uu i th.i iiin.r . i,m,i..i. ui ... .i..
..,.,...g .... i. .1,. u, .i-iiitiiiniuiiiii niiiH'tii ra'snrii iu
" J T V , - y..s.a- . ,, 111 ij id, , no
. rATAr1"' sr-Vut,y'"l.,,"l-"... jyta
l.ainiretlr. uiirr.iiii..,l (,l..t, i.
tlu imlilic rruiinar.l.i,r,i,ly jinral llijr Me Mirial
'., : V '"',",c"1 ''.'""""irroiii year to j ear,
wii'm oHiJuuea il th.-ir uicrlority mcr all
Country in-rcliaiit. inn l mri,lln, u,, Sl.c.,i, ,,a.
er, or III lialk. mi Ih iino.t lil,-ral terina.
I: oiii.imI.,1.., near l:ri,t,.l, ! irsnrJcii teeil Broiimla,
coiitilnallireo Minilre.l un.l He, nils utrea, ana i, tho
larue.l ibt.tbllaliiiu.lit of it, kiu.l in the uurlil.
ii. i..niii:i:tii now
By iJinilntlr. Itural It.'glafr eiui Alinuiiuc l.'r
contiilmiiL' a rami. Ciir.!..n , ..... .
..r ejery montl, in th,. )Uir, eu U haJ jrfiM.,ui.oll lur.
ULl.l.MJ oir oAWf', AVc, nt cost or K'aa,
O ly
A lllll. lint i.tV-n fill- the tnirae.
T?R.NKL1N HA VINO KUND-Nn, j:m rotitli
Philadildiiu, pa) s nil depiitd (ui dunaud. I
Dcpiitur' nioiivy 'Tiired by t Jut eminent tfute
aud 1'itv Loans, (irtiund ltenl. .!,rt -...r,.u x I
i Thu Comp.iny i It-emu safv'lf btttor Umn t.iritJ
profits, toue.piLiitly tiill run no rik twth depusi.1
tors' money, but o il at all times ready to n turn E.
Willi 2 ner rem. iniiTPdt t u ... ! ,.J r.i
- . --".MU,f. II41IJ
;": mini-. t ins tompaiiy llt ttT SUipetided.
1 1'iuales, itiarriv'U or sitiub-, and .Minor-, r.-wi
and .Mi norn, can tie-
I.o.itlutl,.ir..Hii rishl und Mich U, lanb.iO
viithilr.ittu tuilv bt tli. Ir i(.nu-iit.
Charter pep,, lucorporaited by theFtato t(Z
liiiunjHuni.i, ttith uulhority tu rLCc-itu muiiey
MMIK .1.VIJ 6M.M.L Itt'.Cr.irFJi.
Olhce oiieu tlu iiv from i. lo :t o ilo, k. tunt wv.i
nuiUuy c-tcniii until o u'ch'ck.
Jamb n. Flnnnon, hnii Cndiiall.ider.
John fhiiinlwr.
tiuori'l) itllMMi. II.
MjI.hIii V. Hloan,
Lett U Kriiinbharr.
MclllLld It 1 1 1 'It Iiiiii af.
LUuard 'P. Ilatt,
Henry H Liny,
Nathan Hineiliy,
Ihllirl.UII LI.1IK
Sot, iLtiullurthuuit.',
, I'H lalI.ICIII.
........ . JAmil II. SHANNON', Pn,Uent.
..luiii, ... I-.U j;in.
"5 "Dollar ai tit la twtrt car
tiltKAT NXOmiMliN'T
J'!12Sl AlililVAL
PlIC aubacriber lia.Ju.l returned from tin) my Mitt,
1- another lurje uuil .eleit naaortiueiit of
jVAJJ. ii WlXTKit (ionns
Mirehaaeillu 1'hll.iilelphiaat the.lime.t l..Urc. ami u lilrl,
Iu ia ileU-riuiiicil lo . II i.n . ,.. )...,.. ... ..
procured ilaouliere in Uloiiin.buri!. III. .toil, couai.!.
fir nyi. nna lat-n ut iiioii.
l)r) (Jo.,,. (Irotrrui. Varjt art, )rt..rarr. ClJjr Ifurt
Hollo Hurt Iron. Mil.. l'lai, aoi ihon,
llai. a '.i u. ,yc Ar.
In abort ev.rjtliins 11. sally m country stores to
,.4,.i,i ,1,1 i ivii , 111 ruuilfi-. ii. ra I-
IU- Tim llljlii-t 1'jim n.ild f. rruiiitri lirniliice
j 0-a v a hiavsa u wai?
it Mnai 1
Chartered ty the State ot Pennsylvania,
1. Mnny l rrectvrd tvery day, and In any nmnunt
larRi or ninnll.
S. I'lVi; IMIR rr.NT Interest Is paid for money from
ni ii. iy ii m pin in
IU 11.1V 11 IS pill 111.
3. 'lta money Isnlnays pnM Imrk In GOLD, nhenev
er it Is c n llct I fur. nnd a Itltout notice.
A. Sloney Ii rcrolvptl f:nm tlxrttitorn, Jllminittrntom.
1unrdiag nnd others who ih-piru tu li n c ft In n plntn t f
porfi rt snMy, on. I wh r Interest tnn bo fhtafii,d f.r It,
,1. Thu innn y rociM'd trmn .tepointtirs InvpFte.l in
Ural I'Malr. Mortgastt Ground lien in, mil fucIi other
llrl chss s-i'tiritl.-s n tin rimUT i!ir tts.
C. DtTtco Hours Kvury dnv from ' lill 3 nMnrk, tin.
on Mondays nnd Tlmrsdnv till nVlfrfk In tin ov nlnif.
Moil. lll'A'hV L. nn'i:i:, President.
KOni'ItT FCLFHIUfiC, tltt President.
Wm. J. llEro, Secre'ary.
linn. IMnry L. IVnncr,
I'miicls hn,
V, (.'nm II Iirewstor,
Joseph n. Harry,
.los-ph Vorks,
Ik'iirv Dirr.nderffijr.
ii i nr" i. v nrier,
KihntP 1M lire,
M.iimt, 1 k A.hinn
u. I, a ml rah Alunns
u v r 1 1, i
Walnut street. Smith Wrtt Oornrr vf Third S'rett,
April 10, Aug. II, '51 flh. 1, 5J,
rrHl nev. r f.illhitf MltH. VAMIOUN, U th'hiBt, Vlic
L sueweiU wh ii all others have t.til-'il. All who mo
in trouble-nlt who have hern wif irtunntitill mIiosc
fond hopes lute been di-appointfld rnibhcd and bin Med
by f.tlsn proniHcn and deceit, nil who have been diet li-i-d
nnd tiitl-d w itli, nil fly m her for ad tiro nnd si.tin-faction,-nil
wh Hi re In du-d)t or the MIW tlonx of thowo
th lov.', consult hor to nlii t c nu I sitisfy th ir inlii'le,
;. mm 1 mints a;
Phi has the s"tn I ofwlnntujr tin ntf-ttioiiH of the n.
P9-inps,'X. It li this f.ict whiih induct it Illiterate pre
tenders to try to imitate li,r, and to copy her aJertiue
me nts. HI !" Ii Hi i s j mi tin
i.uauYtihs rotm hurvnr. trim an nv&Mxit,
fr a'M-ut Iri -n I. Hln jrui l s tin single Ma h tppy mar
riag,'. nu I malt s tin imrri"d h.ippi. t ni.l and iH
tiro hi. b 'en solicit -d In Imi'ini niblf fiitnic. s, and the
result )m a'iratts b -en the incaiin of H'riiifntr
Flit-1 t!i -r -for n sure dep.' u loner. Sin Ins lun tin
p -th.T. Tlnm urN of hruken luarts'liate lutii h-aL-d
anil ma le happy by h 'r.
It is well known to th puhlirnt larso tint Fin wni
th ! tnt and fIi i is t!t only pets-m who ran sli.nvth
lik'nesilu reality, and who can gfv eiitlro satisf.Kti ui
on all t'vo concerns of life, w Inch can h t fti'd an I pit v
o t by tho im ts, hoth married and niiigle, win daily
attJ :af Tly t Uit Inr at
Nu. mart Ji.nulinrtl SlrpPt, Pliilntlclpliiii.
All Infrt i"ws an ftrirtlv privnt" arid con ft Initial.
iVFJii.Tif i:MMi.-r.s,'Kt noon i.vck
All HAPPIVlrtaro within ttn r.-ath tf nil. Fin I
tin Irvma won I -r of th j i nlljht m I ne , till uho ( on.
s lit Iit are nstonl-lnd at th tnithf itn -ss nf h.-r fnf ir-iii-itioti
an I predictions, ALL thos w lio ha I Ind link
consult id h -r, tli dr had I -ft th m, and th y are now frr
tiinat , ricii, cmin -nt and hupij. To LL iu Irtsln rr
her Ice is ititnluitl.le. Hh can for t.-I uitlithcfrront
est c rt.iiaty, th r suit of all commerci il mi I huiiwis
traiisirti.i:ii. Ifjou fdlow lrr,-ihic, j..ti win
j.Mpiion: rotm cit c.vavwa 7
nt 1 t'lrced In nil o ir uu I rt.ikdiL's. ' wholnv
bs-'ii foitnnal'i mid un ire -suful in hf. mi I in husiti fk
- thiii wh- hat 1 work -d h irl and unnr-l-il iimit
itdverfity an I udfortimi' th tr'ntei part of th. ir I
milfounlthe more th'v tried to g"t tftrwnrd in th
world, the i.iire tliiiiffu thin? went a&tiisl th'int All
rns" have rmtsultM h -r for th i l.i-t tw ntv . ,irs. All
thosj who widely fallowed li ra-'tiwiir now
iu all Inr uu l-rtakinrn; whil 1 tli.iBj hilnl d by prrju
dire an 1 linrrmic!, 11 jrl -tt -d h r ndtic, nr- M'll hi
bonns uxaiiK-tmlt'-rsit, mi I pov rtf. if von tain you
hipping, von will consult h.r journ.'lf, and h- nice -fb
fill an I htipy also.
All I nt Tt i iff are Mrirtly privnte mi 1 confidential,
L'ouio on ! com -all 3 to
NO, 1330 . uvUUlM) ST 11 KliT.
between Juniper and Ilrea 1, Philadelphia.
March 1J,1 A t Ij
'1 lllc i l.r.a i. h Hi.iji .tt, ir- n.m in m.iik t fir
more tiia-i a y -ar and tint it mt -n miiv.Ta'
"""wc" M ' Vl " 111 ,r,,,M 111 ' l- "int tn.
tur rs of it in onl r t'i Fiipply in- denmiid, havo b.-H,
.-hi-ii t -t- HiL-rr ropaciij to nuihe couiu to o.
Hundred Thvmand Pvitrdi per H tel.. It h d. ci b dlf tli
bvt and cheapest vv r made in thii Co.iiitrv- tin
Puurd of tt nil Co as far. for en, ,,- . -rj. Vr a-
LommoH boiiit tn tfenetal vac. It U made uoot, a in w
1 1"1"
rlnciili'. of tliu in,itiri,iN, ninl knoiMi nniy tn Va-
Laoii & .I(Khini-. I iloi. nunv pniln K uitl, i.
I ilin-a not ahrink riann-I,. ItlVMOVi: (lltllXI INK
O'l I'AIVT tUNII'S pcrf (tly ami rr.aiaa tli., nnVt dMir'at
""'".''."1.y, ru' Iv.ono-li ilfiho tinu nnd ii.iuilli
I nu iiiiiu u. r M irttrrmitrft frrc from S.1I.SO
"", V '"' JMm, and guaranteed not lo rot
'"J1"0 t''"'"-'"' , T , ,
A JaO'
ll ll H CTf II at IrKrnnt'i
. 1 lv " ''"Mil' ,
""Plor orli'iitnl 1 oilrt rh'niienl Ollvo Tal. IMrn
1 '"IV V1" 'y"111 n" 1"i" ,:"
A,1,?"l'lV"r ' "''"- at lim-ett market aria-at.
. 1 or Mle by all reinctabl Croe 'r.. nml Vhn-"H'. b
2'J and 21 South Wharves, Piiilaoeli'IUa.
PA 1 Tifl.V
ijiero ii'inrr neirr.n,i. r r n.. i.
a i.. i. . .1.. ...,n . . . ' " 1 '''
, .t.l4 111 l.nT 1. all IHIIHIC IIT" UOIIll'1'! lll'lll' II n
tvimln, in Vah'iUm k m,k, i. t,S
I ivi- ?i',!i'ri'.'"l",')'."""r "''"-rut prirtlre, I)u.Ki:t,.
t'!.ue-.V,ei:lroalr"M,,':,!l.',,,ro'','',''J u""cta1' -C
auars, Tumors, Wens, Scrofula or
June's Jh-il, S-iics, dr.,
Ill i liiiii.Lirnierilvtiillu euru of tlu aliovo i!ieiia... I,.it
, i i.,ri f;V".' ' itll ruieera. l',iti,.,it, ill b-rirlii-
ti ,i t'i) r " aaa.'iaal,l. .IHtanrr. fir.ona.le.
jloti I III .Vli'iliaiucalnirg, u here tin y . ill hi iliri'i tei' tn
W rlJu.. I'o, all!. ,, tn I, , n" r't!to'' il',.' !'
1.111. 1 ro.. l'a.
Setuomli.r 13, 18P0 Cm.
. c,V.VMn:"s -?-y' fin: vmiuc okkkimua:
HAM. rinimoj lo tlie .Montour .Mill., ami luten.l
1 kecinuj n uiily or ll.iur and feeil on li.uiil, nn.l for
saloaa .henuulheelieaii',t I nnuM furthir
.i to all thoau ku.mlni! tlirmnlna l.i.l. Ini,l t,i ,,u at
tlio .l,i,ita Mil., th.u Hiey i,i ilirtr I, , vr,r
by eallinc an, I,;, Ulna ,,, , ,.,,.
to ,I... th nlil llnnk,. t, ,, f tt-l.-n.l-. Ullil
our cu.tom and ill bo tliankfully r'-c. Iv ,!!!
JUontour .Villa, April It, Well. WU UtXK!i-
A ''liJlZ!'.'?' ', ""i ""'IS'ie'l for I'mir-a
; lt 'O'ioe.te.1 lutall mid eilLiithe'rl,y,,;,tB(,r'f1hl'r' .
Woowb"jrc, Au;u( U, UtA-
j c. ltt ri'i-it,.);. n.
t O .K.N III , SfVA!f f
an wai.xit sri!i:r.T,
oeiou- i ourtli M.,)
Aiigiiat 4. lfo-igui.
I'lllI.AIIIXfHIA, I'a.
."?' c ii a x n . r. ii s
fpun Cotton for Caulkini:. IW., Tina Tar 'l-iirl.
Oakum. l,,,,k,,u,d oar, 'ii.''1"' '
Aut'lat A. leaaj Jm,
IOi-VES A: rs?-:B-:D,
Xo. 222 ( allou iiili T) j d
. ., ,. , i 'i'Sir.I.pil.i. '
F HI. larse.t, b i.l lun l,u,
I eat 1111 1 (li.-apeat uaot.
infill of Mole I. -tttllur aolld
lilv led Travilliij Trunks.
iMjlci' llouurt H. It.... 'iu...
V,,M'' "'' 'ouili s, rnui-.
, l.'-i.lli r and I'lirui t Haas
l achiuu i ruiika eVc tt. a J-vy
f; l.l,ri.,l l .,i,... ...1 .. .. .. '.'r " " . I s-u.T .-.
soli, .! j laii,, .-',1 T..'"r" .V'.''1'.'0 !,J "I"'"
It Is a fact that, at somo period, every mem
ber ef tho liumnn family Is sulijcct to dlscaio
or disturbance of tho bodily functions j but,
itltli tho aid of a good tonlo nnd tlio cxcrclso
of ulnin common dense, tlicy mny bo ablo so to
rcgulalo tho system ns to eccuro permanent I
health. In order to accomplish this desired ,
object, tho'truo courno to pursuo li certainly
that illicit -will produce a natural ftntc of
things nt tho least hazard of vital etrcnptli nnd
life. Tor this purpose, Dr. Hosteller has In
troduced to this country a preparation bearing
Ids name, which Is not a new medicine, but ono
that has been tried for years, giving entlsfiic
tlon to all who havo used il. The Hitters
isneraln tiowcrfullv unon tho rtomach. bowels,
and liter, restoring them to n healthy and
, - ----- r " - a -
vigorous iiction, and tliuJ, ny tlic Mmplo pro-
cess of ftrcngthonlng nature, cnablo tho -tcm
to triumph over uiscatc.
For tho euro of Djspcrsln, InJige'tion, Nfin
ten. Flnlulcncv. I,o9of Arretlte, or nny Bilious
Couiplnlnts, nrlslng from tv morbid Inaction j
of tlio Stomach or UoiycI'!, produelug Crnmps, j
Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, 4.C., tbeea
lllttcrs hare no' equal.
PiorrlKra, dysentery or flax, fo (-oocrally con
tracted by now settlers, ninl cnuseil princlpnlly
by tho chnngo Of wnl cr nnd diet, will bo speedily
regulated by n brief uso of this preparation. !
1.T. ..1 ,l!.-, l,tr1, , l
prevalent, In nil its various forms, than any
other, and tho causo of vhich may always
bo attributed to derangements of tho digestivo
organs, can bo cured without fail by using
dlrcctljns on tho bottlo. For this disease every
physician will recommend lilt tcrs of homo kind j
then why not uso an nrtlclo known to bo infal
lililo? All nations havo their Hitters, n.i a pre
ventive of discaso and strengthencr of tho sys
tem in general; nnd nmong them all thero is
not to be found n iaoro healthy pcoplo than j
tho Germans, from whom this preparation ema
nated, bused upon scientific experiments which I
havo tended to pvovo tho vnlno of this great i
preparation in tho ncalo of medical rcicncc.
I'isveb axi Aaun This trying and provok-
ing d'ooaso, which fixes Its lelcnlless grasp on .
tho body of man, reducing him to a mere &ha-
dow in a short timo, nnd rendering him phy-
tlcally and mentally useless, can bo driven
from tho body by tho uso of HOSTIITTEU'S ,
ItUNOWNED niTTBUS. Further, nono of tlio
above-staled diseases can bo contracted, even
in exposed situations, if tho Hitters aro used
as per directions. And ns they neither crcato 1
nausea nor offend tho palate, nnd render un
necessary any cliango of diot or Interruption ,
of ordinary pursuils, but promote sound sleep .
nnd healthy digestion, tho complaint is re
moved as speedily ns is consistent with tho pro
duction of n thorough nnd permanent cure. I
Fur Persons in Advanced years, who nro
fiiffcrlng from an enfeebled constitution nnd j
infirm body, theso 111 I tcrs nro invaluable as a ,
restorative of strength nnd vigor, nnd need
only bo tried to bo appreciated. And to a
mother whilo nursing these Hitters nro Indis
pensable, especially whero the mother's nour
ishment is inadequato to the demands of tho
child, consequently her strength nmst yield,
nnd hero it is where a good tonic, euch n.
llostcttcr's Stomach Hitters, is needed to impart
temporary strength nnd vigor tt) tho system, i
Ladies should by nil means try this lcmcdy '
for nil cases of debility, nnd, before so doing,
should nslc their physician, who, If ho is '
acquainted with tho virtue of tho Hitters, will .
recommend their uso in all enscs of weakness, j
CAUTIOIT. Wo caution tho public against using
any of tbe many imitations or counterfeits, but ask i
for IIosTETrcn's Celedbitcd Stomach Bmtnj,
nnd seo that eneh bottlo has tbo wonls "Dr. J.
llostcttcr's Stomach Hitlers" blown on tbo tido j
of tho bottle, and stamped on Ibo inctallio cap !
covering Uio eorh, ..l oLscrva thut our outogrnl.H I
f ignatnro is on Ibo lot cl. )
43- Prepared end uold by HOSTnTTEn ft
BMITH, Pittsburgh, Tn., nnd told by nil
druggists, grocers, and dealers cencrally
throughout tho Unttsd States, Canada, Houth
America, and Qcrmany. ,
ut r i. . i.iiU, I looiii'linr.' : .. Mil
I l.tHi. llrruici: II. I'. Ui lull ir.l, I.f I'M.. win M. t'
i;n.t. J '. l."i H. It.iiik, i. Co., Il.iin ill .
Dituli r I l-.i.i- lim
M M "N I i KUi,KMii;i; '
!& 'W. if AILi!3 3!l
14th. I) liware AteiiiK-, PHILADELPHIA.
Hot n'eut fir IYiiihj It aula 1 1 daw are una . tv Ji r .
1 (t Ihd .Mape ,iiru,'ft,iied) w ill i 'pial in eft rl uuu
JIM la-ti.ijl fiowi r. l-'i I In Pent Ptrditatt (inn no,
ltinjuicked in fctrous llntr of thi) Ihi racli, ami rs sold
nt o ) p r tun. or i n pr fiui'l. h.u;.
It li.ii th cipertence of Vcr 1'tnr.,, ind Ih Mtely rcc
omineud it as the be.t f Ttiliz ir now in ue.
fMinples, 1,'irrulars und Pauiphli ttt roiitaiuins rerom
m.'ihlutiona trom I'urmtri, bent arli to all w ho rj'pjesi
AiijUt 20, ICZO.
C. S. COLmnir k CD'S."
Fifih 4.i and Quarterly IMsuibntion
Of 100,000 Articles Worth $310,000,
i l'llll'll it ill l sol il'or$IMut)t)'l. to thu purchaser f
s i Kir t.i'iii.. ri.. vi ;iu uis. i'i u itu..
Our uotiieii Pen is tlu b.ct c tr umtl, nnd is tt,trr.iiit.-i
ut t to corrode in any mk. Kit-ry Imbiiusii man und
inuily shuiiU (ifjt'lln; inu'dcH Pcit,
'Hi ltdiiiui.ij li-t I jjj,oji)hiiii1,'b will b distributed
"li iTl"T?f..',"'I-,",ii1 ilt c"inh,.uiit ii.'eii not In paid tur
' ' I"-. " l r, 1 lie; I'IM)1112
.triu I ttu mil s U ln,o lor 9l.tK) and th n it m iutn.i..,i
nlKtli r h.- vii.the DOLl.AU ,uid t.ik. s th. i;uuilSor
iiui. .HI iimnin III HU rtl'irit Hi 1,1 alir flp 'II tl. With'
iiit.n uujsatt.rth' p,iriU:itt.r lleivm-, th -in, (unh'n
tlu-y are balint.o too ,; uuu llu .tlunej .will bu rlunded.
List of Goods Included In tho Ihstilhutlon,
Pl.iiioH, ld I llunliir t'a.ed U'niih,',, i;-, j WuUhcs,
L.i .1 b eili Walt Jn.-,ti.iarl, V ltVt hat. lain Ubair.M,
oaiiueo Urooili jit, AliiBiiiu and Jtl brooch -b, Luv-i .nni
I'loreittiii,) Lroixlun, i 'oral, Y.itu raid an.l opal Drouihe
t'liuieii Mosaic and Jit liar Drop, L;t a uuu
I'loientiiiv' I ar Drops, t oral IIar-Dr.p. l.imrald unu
wji.u i.iir-iin-pH, iiiiii.oine ho.ii itioiv, .tluMiic .irtd C,
.. o i.riu.i ti. tiei.ts hrturip). K.-i , 1'idi aiii,
lllbbonr'll Ion, i t of Ho,.uni f ni,,s, :! -ne ll iltoiid, Pl.uii
Kinys, &iuiiu und tiA Hint's, ri In La i ' J. ticlr, L.ui-
iii r.ipu Pim.iiM, .nuussLiiuo no i..tllic-n, th.illi s
I' Am.-ritau Latin, Ih-re".', Pitpliun, I'roiuh
CiihriH.-s. uii'i oth t I udKb Dro (ioiiiitiii n at tarLii
to','' th 't tt llli Ili ad Dreim'u,L.nbis, Tiimy Tans, mid in etcry deftription cif UOUlia utiualli lotiudin
Hi t iluss Dry liood Morea,
IliP'h 'ht Preiiuaiii IJ.) Dollar. Lotted pKUiiilin CO
file urticbs ure iiuuib. red. aud 1'L-rtnii-. i..d,.,, .. i. ..'
no Hill n il carli htuii one tiullui aro placed iu
Mt-alJ.I Lint-lop tuth n nrrauyeiuei.t uf Pro
... B.t ui ii in t.iui nuiiur.uL;erii.iLatc-lli to is oiu
And th re tt ill at.o ba n splendid Premutu m uach tin
i.vriiucmun. i.aui it juj iivHrun llu Mi.iitl.or Dick
n rucio i j.t-iry, tiKlse u ul,
t u.iU lor ii Hut ui tnu tiolden I'vus, and ttu mil muiiu
ou a tcriintaio unirii may i-nabb- )nu to procure it lor
v.. '. iiu we i i .enu Jim flic l!ov ol
our Lid leu P. us, tiiida .il.-diigtieeol llu urliitj ttliiLl,
u t 11 1 r l.
4 Holes I'm. with 4 U.'rtlliiaU., s,
I llO llli U
2J Un do J3 ,,i j
10J ilo do 10 dn l
N. It Willi i iiiIi l'.ukime of iuu ,m... Hll .
puri.ll.ia.r IUIL'. rtlliilltiv, ii.gil nhulii. L-n'iralit. ell t,
ioiil.uu one omer tor u i'i.VI. WA I I'll, or rijuin-,tij.
llllue.orl) ordering .ill l.m , iu one iaik,i'.-o l.uinr,
auro to rec.-ivoiUO.rtiniiileacoutliiai.isnilu order lor a
H.Jiill.lfll.Vi:ll WATUI.b-aid.. lame li,ii,.l,'r ,1
oiiit ieri- i.linbl- pr.-uiiuiii-. Due u, rlllicitu .em
lir..ii. upon applic.iiio.i ,i mi p r.un .l.-.inaii Hum n,
Ag.-ul ulilili i.iy iui,,,. him tu proiurj u luluaMe
pr uiii.ii upi.ii in. .ii)iuent, 5I.
I'lJiina l,o.wniia., l.u, k, B uini. .Machine,
,f, c:'":"-r' ':" vii'i...iu rrlt', ;
- 1- "iniiii.nuii ir i.iruard-
1 i. 11. Al-i'DI, Uuilted in Merv 1,.,, ,.
on appliealiuu. '
Addre.a all t'olniuiiiiirntiiinii to
. '. P. rtll.UCKT 4. CO.,
, ""'"" Vfi' SfOmrral JlL-ruli,
Vr ""' 1 "url11 11111 1, l.'-lou L'li atnut. I'hllii.
iim- :',' ."'","'""') "'id abilily t ,l our ineaee.
1 ' "" "uus, tt Pa,
I . lam, Kiiuaa., IVi-.linril.iu.l. l'a.
,, 1... ,i. ..ray, i.,, 1.
imiu.rer & Moore, Wat. r Ft. h'l.iu Arch
J "f,,,""',-4- Kc"", "".tsireelal'blla.
V,' "'"'I:,l" H'liali rof I'ailnons.eVc.
M II llnriie. L't.i 1 s.i'in., I.,,,.!.
lion. I, j. liuraou.i;urcka, Cu jr.irul.-i.
. i.l" i!!,.1S,rrJ, tli'b'e'.r" " ""a iu -
S Klilltl,-liuiiiier. lli
1'L.nW-l fuAnn iin.,.,,,, ,.
mtnn.barj!, .Mnj-tl, UCO. l ini.r.HAA
..V .
The nndenhno-l birtnir ne.l WfuVMnr IIL'MPIllirva"
IMi the most sat In factory rutti, nnl h ml riff full towf
lb-nee In I'ipif pinulnem.-S', purity, nnd elhcacy, rhfrfully
rt'cotnniend them tn all perstmt nho nlth tn hive snfe,,re
Ituhle, nnd cHIcikUmis remedies nt baud fur private or do
nienilc use.
'I ho Iter. Win. 1l(isner, eilltor of "The Northern tndr
pendent," Anlinrn. N. V, tlie Ilv. V. II. Oreev, ll.h.-UfL-tor
id Ft. Peter's CMirch, Auburn, X. V, the lit v. II
Hes, tJloti.hlu nt the Auburn SUte Prisi'ij lli Itcv.
8eiic-r SI. Ill.-e, M-otor. New IVlfuM, .Mils.; the Iter.
Alien Hi cte, New. York r,mfcretife j the Hcv. Smmirt
Nbhl, Ktat tl-uttr-e Cuirerence, X. V, ; the Her. P. 1
Pratt, I). rut, t. ( the Ituv. John K., ItutTulut A. C.
Hirl, lllt.n, N. V.i the Mm. Nwl ljw, portlind,
.Me. ( the linn. ! butlr Cnlfit.Hiuth-llenil, Ind. ; tin- lien,
tie." Hiiiiiiliri-rs, N. V. j llfiiry V, Cork, Ps-l , tMlfm'fif
Tint O.ilo Slntc Journ il, ll.d ituliuj, O'lbtj tic lion. It. IL
(Ir-ihiei, M .line. Ill,; the lln. llmntin J, nni-, M odi
celbt, I'll.; lb linn. J.epb Heiu-Uel, I'll-'a, N, V.I Win.
llrlMti.I, Li-) , L'llen, N. V. t A. & l'.ui I, ( t'llca. X. Y. f
J unes Piauktlt, L'-i., XniVille, Tenir.
X'i, 1,--Pr Fever, CinrMii, and liifli-nuiltlou.
N . 2. Y tt Worm Pevrr, Worm LVIIc. Wi ittitj the P,M.
Nt. Vor Cnlle, Orjtn, Ttelhttiv, nnd Wakefulupjs of
No. t Dltrrliea, Cholera Infantum, and Snmmef
Com pis tut i.
X. , Knr OdJ., flrtptmrs,,i.crv, or Hloody Ylax.
N'l. 0 For Cledfra, t'hob-r-i M-irbm, Vomllhip.
No. T. For t'vip'ii, Told, luibiemtn, and Sore Throat.
Nrt, s. Fur Tootli-a'die, Fs e-atbe, and NeuraL'K.
No. 9. For llfldicbe. Veiltjp. Henl aud Fullness of the
No, 1(1. Dnrwi Phi P.r Weil; and Dcrani
Etotmch, Corit'p itbtn, n'ld IVinpItiltiL
No. IL Fou Fkihlr lititKnttatHtTiGs. Scmily, Tolaf-il, o
Pnppreo-ie I Perlo t.
N. 12. Pir l'tcori licit, Profuse Mctne, ninl Hearlnff
Down of Finrilei.
No. 1:1 K ir Croup, 1n irie C-oinb, Hi.! nreatbinjf.
No. 11, Hii.t KrtfcUM Pi i.i jj For Krslptjla, KruplIon
Pl-ntdes on the Fare,
No. 1.1 I(mi:?m rif pull, for l'tht, I.nuenern, or Sore
neM 111 t!ie C!iet, H-iett, 1-iIjis, of Mailt .
A. Pur I'-'ver nnl A rue, Chill Pever, I'unih Ague, Old
Mtsmnniccl oi,Mt.
p. p.,r Pile, I illo 1 or !""tln.'. Ttderm) nr IMerunl.
I F..rf re, W-iW. .r l-I . u ' titi-nmd Kiellli: Fnl!
!iu, W
C For Catarrh, of Inni standing or recent, cither wlt
cbtrucilon or profuse di-charpe,
- W. C For Wl moplog Cough, abating Its violence ftnd
uliortenln Its course.
Jn nit acute diseases, such os Fevers, Inflammnttorj.
Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatism, and such erup
tive diseases as Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Kryslptlas, th
advantape of fAng the proper remedies promptly Is oh
tlous, nnd In all such cases the rpcclflcs net like a charm.
Ihe entire disease is often arrested nt once, and hi all con
thu violence of the a It nek Is moderated, the disease short
ened, and rendered less dangerous,
Couphs and Ctd which are of such frequent occurrence,
and nhkh so often lay the foundation of diseased luns,
bronchitis and consumption, may all be nt once cured by
the Fever and Cough Jills.
In all chronic diseases, such ns Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach,
Constipation, Liver Complaints, Piles, Female Debility, nnd
IrreuLiiltics, idd llcndacbes, Pore ur Weak Fer, Catarrh,
Bait ltheura, und other old eruptions, tbe rase has specifics
u hose proper application will nltonl a cure In nlmott every
Inatiinc-e. Often the cure of a single chronic diflicully, such
as DspepnU, Piles or Cutarrh, Ueudaehe or Femalu Weak
ness, lus uore tlian )ald for the case ten times over,
Cnie of 2(1 vials complete. In tnnrocco, and DooV f 5
iVe of '20 t btl, nnd Hooic, plain 4
fa ft; nf 15 numbered boxes, and Dook 2
due nf li bn.e, numbered, and Hook 1
Millie nttuibtred boxes, nllh directions 25 cents,
Hiijrlt; lettered boxes, nith directions. (0 cents.
Large case of oz. tlals, for planters and plolclan9..,.tl3
Foa ATittu oa Putuisic Opprcsied, Difficult, Labored
rtitrilMtip, lUteuded tilth Cough aud Lxpectoratlou. Price,
VO cents per box.
Fen Km Hihcuargm asd PFArsKM. Discliarpes from tbrj
Far, the result of ienrlet Feter, Meashs, or Mercurial".
P..r Nidus In the Head, Hardness of Hearlnjr, d Rlngltig
In the Pars, nnd Kar-acbe. Price, tO cents per box.
Fiut StiioFtl a. Knlarjretl (Hands, Knlarjred and Indurat
ed Tdiii.Uh, ftntltlncn and Old Ulcers, Scrofulous Cucbexy of
Children. Price, M cents per box,
Foh (iitKRAt. Divnii itt. Physical or Nervous Weaknei.
r.ll tier Ihe ieult of Efk-kiicss, Kxcesslva Medication, or Ls-bau-tlmt
Pitti-hnrtre". Piice, r.O cents per hot.
For Ihoiv. iuld Accutimlalions, Tumid Btvelllngs, with
Feanty Secret toni. Prh e, M cents ier box.
Von Kp.Su kmiis. Tpjithlv Skknens. Verttco. Names.
Vomiting. Sickness from rl Una or motion. Price, CO cent
1 oa'ilRi'rAnv DurAM. For flrnvel, Itenat Calculi. Diffl
. Painful Li Inntlon, Diseases of the.Kldneys. Price, &0
cents per box.
Foa SbMiNAi. Km i aai ox Involuntary Dtseharjei an4
Cr(neiiient Prnitratlon an.l Debility, Had Results of Evil
Habits. The most successful anil elhcleut remedy known,
and may be relied upon as a cure. Price, nllh full direc
tions, $1 per box.
Persons who n 1th to place thennelves nndcf fJie profes
sional care, or to seek ml t Ice of Prof. Hcjcphbfts, can do
co, at his office &C2 Rroadway, dally frtnu S A.M. to 8 P.M.
or by letter,
Look over the INt; make up a case of what kind yoa
choose, and Inclose the amount In a rurrent nte or stamps
by mall to our ft'Mretw, at No. &62 Rroadway, New York,
and the medicine v, III be duly returned by mail cr express,
free of cltarire.
AOhXTS WANTED. We desire an active, eDclent Agenl
for the sale of our Remedies hi every town or community
In the United States. Addres Dr. F. HUMPIIRKY8 A. Co.
NO C2 DftOAbWAT. Nkw-Yobc.
S Id by T 1 LUTH,.. , - . . i'-.
April T. 1-m.
'I 111, mihu'rih t if ii(i pn parit itit'in-ti Mniblnery
J to It ml 1 talitaii.ii) eiiirlu trotn 5 in 10 i JmrMi poiv
er upon th latent iiupnv.d plans aud mil buil I to
r b r ibiiibl.' or elnxt- pottable i-iiuiii t treui u to J'l
horui! po vi r. RlS'4 "d upon curriaf. h tilth Hoiler (."'itriii
anil P imps till ininpb t nnd r ae f.r action. Alio a
r.tlindt-r tluu ninl tiibul ir boib-ri' r.ict imti ciit breakrr.
patent d in l-;, I'or lhr Mtt& ;'raiu and tracking orn
and now ma lo nit u 1 trjjc Mr il lor breaking toj, lit nt v
uiiirttiil Pii'i-p and lif ciiLjiiiffi rl'Ued icimpl-te nil It
doubl ' Mtitijt lori iiik pumps all kirn's f mill p .iriii
and hoiini' i iiidiii" in ide to urili r. l.tll.t rhaOina tlflli
an) dirir -il ki, it of pntl ti.ii-h.-d tilth h.injrer-.
Iron plauiup done, aj -4 I t luu' nil kniih of lroi
turning h -atj prcfs and oth.-r bir"ti s tunu-d v.ih any
diiri d pitch id thr iul.
Theb hi Ki.ujli Iron threihin? Machines, that ever
com- lef .re th.- public Iron nnd too b'li maibiiifti
iiiado to ortler. Lft'r potter, cli.iin or tr ad power made
to order. Aln i t ik, (nril.-r- fur Iltar.dl.i4 ma machlli rj
ILirri-oo' itit -Ft patent urahi null, 91 IWHI ntfered by 1!i-j
I'di. nt o I'nr iU LMtiul, It mil trrnitl 1 1 good line nu til
ia htihli di In oiii hour. AUn bolts aud idevatorx all in
or.l t. ai" Uutjyle'ii Puteut HI itt it, manufactured by il.
II. Ilnrri" A. Co., tli- inoft pou, rfal Llnm r itmv in u r
vi ilh tli I -atat amount ol pott cr, uito "I' vvhlift tri41 le
pot iu us at th foundry tor i-vhibiiiou. All ut tlio
above ii ill b tt nrranii-d to b- tt h it th.-y aru sold lor.
At mi -Tak order lor r1) ott' P.iii ut l.larkmith Stri
ker, and rights to u-- tli.-iu in the loiiulic-s id' Ciduiiilnii.
Montour, North imh'rl md, Ljcomini,', riullivau mid)
t'llutou, unu id ti Inch can bj nein ut my chtui.
LUWlrt tl. MA I'd,
Llonniibur, Columbia ro., March ii, Ifi,
riiF.aiiumni.ihK i.vhuioi.wi:, Awvivrr j.yd
ruvsr' or Fiiii.iii:i.i'iu.i.
II, H F. SO. f UbSl.NUl- -rklll,
(JAl'lTAi, tpaid u.) $:.ud uuu.
Charter Ptrprtmil.
COVTINUl! to makJ INUl'llANt'lIS ON LIYF.S on
111.- iiiiiKt r.-iiaoiiiibl j terms.
Tli Ii ilia pal I up nnd invested, topi tin r Willi
a larxe an I coiiatautly iuer.-nsinit reamed land, otlVr.
n p rf it security to the in.ured,
I'll, preiuimoiia must bu paid jenrly lialf yrarlv. or
'pi.-irurly. '
'Hi o ,p.ny mid n nON't'S periodically to tlie iii.n.
r.iuiesi.f In',.. Th. liltsr l;o'l'r! api.ropnat, d lull...
ei ii.h. r, I'll. th.. ri'..'oll iidm s in i, .i.r. jr,i,
IhiTIIIKU lllil Sin lleuiuber, 1-3 l.and tlu 1'OUKTII
HOM'rtiii l)..ceiiilii-r. leo''.
li "'I'h.-au uddittoiia iiri inado without ri"piiriii'- any
iuir-'ua,- in tlio pr.-itiiuins lo h i paid In the t'oinp.tiry.
'lhu fullowiug aro u few ei.uinles from th.- KieJU'r.
Aiiir.iintof I'otiiyniiiE
Hunt Ilolrlla or bi'lllM lo bo lli.r. fl.Jik
Policy Inaiired ndihtieii by futorviiililiiinii..
No. ej .'jUU 8-H-, .IU iVIi-; ill
" l'U sum, in.ii) uu 4,1131) tin
1!U innn lUii no l.ioniio
:ai snot) 1.1 oo o.pto on
" -e. j.e, Ve. it.
I amp '1 -Is, rfulaiiilnx tables of late, and t-iplaiuition,
for. ua of nppliratiou, und Until iulurinatl.ui tan bu
louud at tlu- ullice.
THOMAS RIlltir.W.VY, I'ltil.ltnt.
Jmi. 1 . James, .frtuary,
,. . , i-:vi I., tati:, .1gtt.
1.1. llAitnl-ov, r.mmmiii' I'Aitl.ta.i.
u, lober iu. IrST ly.
'I 111. uiideraijiifil would infirm tlio lilUuia of
I liln nu.biiri! an I t trimly, tin t he lu.Ji.,1 ,e
en i-d mid (.Id ra for .ale one of tlie luoati o
u iiMriii,i-iu. oi . .lllKl.uanil r.tK' y niovlH,
ler Intro lur.-il jntn Ihi. market. Tlio t hrUti ptu r Co.
... ..,,.. ,,,, ui, no an mui'iia in,.- nrai clflk.
rookiueritoti'a.iill ol which nro iiir liclitaudeas burnt ra.
Ilia I'llHl.P II,,',.. n.u 1.,...,!...... , .... . . '
i i , , ,, M ' linn-Hi , aw
i.i.-,,. . i,-w ruiiiruiar am lillou Is p.ili lo J lu.Waro
and HoiiM. Spiiiltiui.', upon short notice. All kinds ..j
repairm? will bj tl.uio w itll m-alm-ss nnd ili-apiilrli
. 1'llll.lf d.
I! orai.sburc, Oct. a. Ib'CO,
Sreeinl rlrrrf, irrrn .Vurld .nil jtrch, Wij.()jia,
tv. c.rouN'rAiN.
. ,, rnnrniEioa.
'I'lll.-llr,, . ii,,,,. ?,. lnr ,,. rerep.iou ol A
,,". , ' '," " "nro unu r-iiroi-n-o ftjtt
. . ' "" ,,,r "''' l,"l,,f I'll'" inn ol raril,
uiilliiinliir,. 1 1- l.ji-:i i i.iii is u Hi,- v.ry rentr''"
lli'v uf ""' t")'' ,ioif.1' ' i I"'
Anson la, injn.
j.j T . 0 II A It L E H II 0 T ljT
Comer Third and Wood Buj.ii
Iff 1. lJ-lm.