Columbia niarociuT.'coLUMRiA Saturday, iVcbrii.-iry 2, 1SGI. I'ctitiuns mill Jtoiuh, For piwons npplying for Court Liccuso, to keep Hotels, iu legal form, for salo at tho offloo of tlio Columbia Ucmociat. Jacoii S. Halmeman, JW, of Harris purg, has been re-elected President of the .... l. l ... i , . . I'cuusylvauia Stato Agricultural Socictj .J-Il-ssrs. Kline, Osterliout, Bound and Jirower, our attoutivo frlauds at Harris burg, bavo our tbanldfor coutiuued favors Another State Gone I Tho Lou Isiaua State Oonvcutiou, on Saturday lust. passed the Scccsiiou Ordiuanee bv a vote 0fliat0l7 i Tun Democrats of Lancaster city on Saturday, by a utianimoiu voto, nomina ted Ueoiiui: Sa.ndcp.son, editor of the Lancaster iBtulligcuccr, for re-ckctiou as ?Iayor. Left Conchies, All the Senators and lU'Dresuntiitivnx firm., n,ii... & . wvu... U.lUllllilj , 1'ioridit, Alabama, Mississippi and Geor gia have retired from Congress since the secession of their States. Mh. Palmer's Skkmon, willljo found on our outer form ot tho "Columbia Dan ocrat." It U an able and sincere docu nieiit a master production of strong pro-slavcry proclivities- y0 commend it to general and careful peruial. Ciia'h. D. Hinemne. Esq., has disposed of the Hanisburg "State Sentinel," to Col. "'m. 1J. Sli'ES. Mr. Iliucliue pub lished a furious Douglas paper. Jlr. Sipes intends making it an independent Demo cratic Journal. We are authorised to announeo that the lUv. Jo.,hua Kelly of WiUiamtport, Pa., will commence a series of protracted meet- Jugs ou Tuesday oveniug, tho 5th of Feb ruary, at the Bjpti-t Church iu this place. JtllV. John H. will ;ilsn nresel. 1 r"-- 1U the same place on next Sunday oveuinc, ' 'Merciiants and others are referred to the advertisement in another column of the famous Now Lctter-Euvelope recently jntioduced under the nuspcc.i of tho Vott-1 Ollico Hennrtmnnf nn.l ....,.:..n,l ...:.l. 1 . " """ ""idle IViin.ynnnii, was incorporate,) the irth day of juueu (.'iiiuusiusiii in mo great eitiea of ihp Uliioll." I Wk wish it distinctly uudtrstood and never in Im fni'trntr.... tl.nt ...o..,. nf .,. b "Hi ! CUitomerS as Will become rATUONSl, at tho I , .... I l't'Oruary Jolirt, (next Week,) bv PUMIH' 1 ,, . . ... . , . ' . , tliu Printer, will nient our lastiu-' "ratitude , , ,. , , , ,, . , 1 iinu -r.I1.1ll have a bcauitllully printed receipt , .... . r UHO llie Dargaill, Mbx and Wome.s, too, who undertaiid their true intere.-t-f, and do not in tlieso times of Danli failures and Union dissolu tions, (rxactly relish t,o idea of "hoarding the uncertain promises to pay," loio no tlmo In exchanging tho btuf for choico Goods at Uettle's Cheap Store, in (ight Street. Hotel tor Sale Jlr. F. Nicely, i! olTcrs for sale, on tho Kith March flto , ...nil !., '!...... ,,..! I,, 11 ..,..!,. 1. ,.u.i rt..u..u i.i.e-iu ... called tho "Oioss Keva." This nroncrtv trtlltu UL lloss iveys. J.II13 projierty i. ,nln ..liml.l. i . ,1 .e Mr T li,.ulr..f " - . ( lii.i wifo anil intend retiring it will bo . Bold at a bargain. We are of opiniou.tbat , it presents a raro cuaucc lor a urt rate investment. Gold or Silver deported in the Frank lin Saving Fund, No. 136 South Fourth fctrcet, below Chestnut, Philadelphia, on and after January 8, 1601, will bo repaid in Gold or Silver on demand, without no tieo. Dank notes deposited repaid iu Bank notes. All deposits bear five por cent. Interest. On tho 10th, Senator Hound, presented iu the Senato a petition from citizens of Columbia county, praying for a repeal of those laws ofthe State which coutlict with tho Fugitive Slate law. Messrs Kline & Osteruout, our Mem hers, have each presented similar petitions iu (ho Ilouso of Representatives. t .1 e .....n ItlR. )VM. J". JjANCE, UoU l"U liusiut.uuu, court of Uunitir Scions, ol the .iii.i louniy 1st , , . i tt. l ri. l.. ern License lu link respoiliie ton n.lilps, which s.uj last week. tO Io0 h'S UOal 1 01k.S, OiaKer, ,,rinioiis ill bepr 'stittedtotlie said Lnurt on .MonJay j . . , ,. . ., r, , rn . . l I (he 4th day of F. bruary, A. D. Mi), of w Inch all . r.ons Shaft, iC., by UrO, at tlio UraUU iUUIIOI. iu.rekted tti I t.ikeliotire.iindtlie Lie. use will Imijrnii .... . i ! , nnn . -f nl led on WednesJay, the bill day ol February licit at li near 4auiicoKo. auoui iuuu tuns oi vuu! uro now burning and will coulmuo for months. Ills loss is very heavy. Mr. Charli s Parish et Co., also had the Consolidated Coal Works destroyed Ly fire, about tho samo time. Wo believe they were insured 10,001). Over and abovo the insurauco their los is immense. Till-: HulTalo Express says it is fast be coming fashiouablo in that city for ladies to wca;r tho Ualinoral without any drcsj over it. A i.TtiitTr'll frnni SnrlllffUCllI BUYS that Mr. Lincoln will lcavo for Washington on tlm llili nf Fcbruarv. stonPiuii about ten days ou tho way. j CousTEiiriftr ii's ou tho Commercial j Hank of Clyde, N Y , aro ill- circulation, They aro aliercd from tho t. omiucrcial UanL of Peith' Amboy. DEMOCRAT. TL6 following nroJliuirceeipts toUlio dfflco of tlio ColumIiia l)niociiV, cIuHul' flirt Hint. ft. C f , lent ' O ..w utuiaii ui (jaillliiry, IOUI 1 l)r. (1,M, l).uiiibuel.,3n OOilohn i.oi co. leathers Init.,3 m ALinnder llus-ho,. Ad,.,; Lcverl. 2 86 Jonn, Klsner, l.lny.1 T. PluiiiloM, U lid I,, Applcmun, Esq., JcllklllA.tinllh. 25 " (37 to 1 01) 1 Oil 1 511 1 13 1 411 ! 00 'J 00 4 Oil Vi? h '.'! .? 1 f . 3 3J Jacob II. Mnslellrr, Win II, llellr,, Esq.. 1 iUJ)avl,l r. llayruan, 1(111. il. I) Id IKfll.tinr ivi.i, 1 . . U i ti.t'iiu!.! Anr"", l oi) Wyomliifffnniii r?rt i m 1 .101 Prnr.J. If Anderson. I nil hanuiel Crrnsy, Esq., 1 .' A. (I. .Mam illi.. in im. David R. nnii.l,.M It.,., mi Est. jiin. Cnvcnhnvcn, 6 Oil I"- "; 'u'ilwiui. usl.r. isi l ion. ioo. T. Btcid 1 00 ... i. "i jrenne rccr, 7.1' i.nnc no... 4 00 K7 4 141 3 13 1 00 2 00 I li Is 00 8 (IU i"'iuwi, 8 OuiJol Maar fumti, i wiiii'iiry u.Kiidrr. 1 on J. II.U'urLlil...... 3 UfflJm. Ikclfr, Faiiiuc-I l.udwig; 1 : 1 1 Kltrlilli, llritm rHtrllag. J. N. Hnylnn, William Kitchen Philip Cliristmnn, o ..rtiuiifoiv J. ikclfr, li 50 t!co. II. Jaikimi, 0 Oi cn, mil, M. I)., 1 50 .Miirlo Phnernakcr, 4 lit ouii -iiamr-r, 1 IS Url Sliiiim llu(i nbilch, 5 00 SECOND A.NNUA.L REPCJltT- OK THE FAIOIBttS" HIUrU.lLFIlUjIXsrilANCE CUMPAN Y, OF MIDDLE PENNSYLVANIA, Ofllco at Danville, Montour County, Fa Amount r-fproprtlylrnurct, Jan 111, lew, 4553,101 Amount Injured tlio .u.t ytor, ;5.i!:m lelll.HM ( M Aniount.itrrciidcrcd, Amount in.nrcd Jan. P. 101, TieWTo 30 ?w n Amount or i-remium Ivo'ua hi foice January .Aim,,,,'.! . .1',.,. .1,,. '...,"(.u.J.Iil ?nn.iii Amount Rurromlcred, Amount In force Jan1, p. tpfii, To amount nfluiulaon baud Jan. 10, ISTA, ' LI $00 337 0(1 a 14 niiiotiiitof I'rt-mitiiii culle.ieil the na.t year. " li.tcri'.tinllurteil the part yi'ar, " Amount due from Agents, 2,001 34 liS Py amount nflo.aca paid tho past year, " Allinilnt l.f cnmpi.i,.iitiigi to I'refl. dent, rlern tary, Treaaiicr, Directors and Ed-cutivu Cuininittie. " wVdilitioual nm't paid I', n.ilea, for 'rieH u crltlni! up tho Company, " AniHout paid for charter and Sun- pliment, 1 1 " Ainouiit paid for printing, advl rlil- i 113, Omit' rout lili.l i.llier eTpoiaes, ' Amount lontied out, in thu Treasury, and due from Agent-, ' Si.HI'1 73 Sju So! W ?0 2773' jjlUOj 1,7411 59 ita' ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. Amount loaned ouli in the Treasury nnd Aincunt of rreiiiijmnotes in forrc Jai. r, 1I:C1, Amount furniture in office, including lirc-pruuf safe, M.. j.u.r, nc.'.i.r. f'9,327 pO Debts and Liabilities, DIUECTOltS. 00 tl) .V0RTUL'intni.AD Co. Win. roiiiniT, v. , Attrnham Hlunnnn, J 'im, IV t T Iiltll2l(4 (lilt, Untir I iilcl-jiuit li. Pr.Tiioa. It, Hull, At.r.ihaui Wamicr, W.lli.uii Vurks, J.iIim MrWilliuni", mi" ni i "nt'i-nr. liinnniirl man, ll.n i.l V i.aranm 31 Apple Liark, l). A. rt.mvii.ini, eninm-l Miydur. OFFICEltS. I'residcnt-VM. FOi.l.Mllli, n.n., VieJ l,reiident-lln.'trll(is. 11 lll'l.r. tJM', 1,7, jr. AGENTS." !'!,,.,K",i"'';,'(,'', i:i',l' ' K.'.rlf t'"r"'Uk' I m. II. Atnmerinan, Win, McNinch, I deoruo Vuck. Je..,. ( . "I ' 'rs'.Mutual Tiro Jn.iir.iui oC.iuiiiauvof.Miil t, L. V, , , "" " " "'""' ineinu- Tl,! llr.tpnlicy or insurance was iued on the 2Tlh ,.uj.i .mi., ... uiu same year I ii uns in. rei"re, been in op. rtiti4.ii hut lull-, more thm lihti-in iponths. (Irisiuully it was coiitiued in it. fp..rntioiis o the roiintiea of Cotuutliiii, Montour and Northiiniherlnii.l l,.,t , lit the l.-ut s'.ioiiorihu l.e-jisl.iturn ntrirlion was : reinoted, uu I J.y n ri-Moluli,ui of Ihe Hoard a faw more rountj . nere nddeilloiiur.irii:)nal tcrrit. ry T,'" "'om.-onvl. ciunlinted ..nthe mutu.-il principal '""""")""" noy p won insiiinii; in tp. comes u meinber.uml Ini u ruht tov.t. ntllie.lerl r.rllirec or. Willi Ii lakes platuaiwiually on the soi ond Tuesduy '" "'ember. Tl"' uioniitof premium rollerted nt tho tune of In-u. '"' v, '' i". bm n in ie- oh.incii 1i1.1t nur hsics f' r Hi ' piibt jear bale nl.o been very lipbl, mure mi, I" ihups lli.iu in any oth j Couipany In Hie Slate in pro. P'Tinm 10 in,- amoiini ills ir 'ii. elion lu i learlylliat it 1. the Interi rt of f.irni'-r- nnd i Hi -rs in Hi" ci ly to in un lit thi. Company And by slritt economy in our etp. n iltlur. a. nc.oiupaiileil ,y theiontiiined blest-inns ol llj t tun I'rntiilcni-e, we hope to I. tilip. to meet all our It.i-lillltii-H witlioitl tnakinti n.e-siiients tithwr oppressltu oil account of their being oil repented. W.M. FULLMER, Free. Jnnv EnniTr. S.'c'y. Danville, Jan. 2(1, 3t. OKAIVWEVflll.S.K Male, and Female Academy, AND NORMAL INSTITUTE coi.ujiiiM co.. fa. Prof. J. A. SHANK, A. B.--Principal. hi: si'.lvnd tf.rm of tin: i-uesent acad. EMU' of this Inlitulinn will on. n on Tu-s lny. the-5th day ol 1 bruary, lell, lit tho uenlycomiilu- .! A. .l.,,,. ii., i i no . oitrse oi iiisirucuon emnrni es n .011.1 Muiili.,,,!,,,, f.iiuliilion, lUliniliio r'lu.1. ill for ellii lent f'tivo life, nnd for biines; whilst llmse who dc.lre t fr Collece Kill lind ev.ry lanlily lor llu iic'iiii.ilt"ii r.f Ilia l.aitii nnd dreek I nncitaes, .Math. ,Maii,s, M-iit il, Moral, and l'hy ical s. leio-es, necessary r"r.c,'',a,11, ,,;,"11.,'. ".' . "ft.,? i!ir? irtKrSSa-f 'LSXZ 5 ill nc-ei'e "ffi to u ire I lions r,.r sitili nremirallou, nnu no ullow.d Hiutioucrit of ilttil) practice iiilhu model school or rrlmary iicp-irimeni. 12 x p c n s e r. Tulttnti, n?r tffitton df Hlcvn Wei Ir the first prailu &4 IN ; Sfron.l uriutc SJ 0 j Tliinl graJ 'sJ 10. Out-lrilfth') Tuition fn rfiuirnl to ln paid at the open- na of vat h urBsion j imd the iIh'r half at tin- chwe, un- I It Ka oiIk r nrraoir'nieiit are en(i icd into with tli a I'riu-. ripal. N deduction inado for absence except tn casus of continued ilhu'ss. l!niirt)ii? and furliklied rooms will ho pivn Students at p.'r week. Tin-re nre ako rooms to kt lor those who wiili tubiurd theuiiles, AM lh" hooks uned in thj Institution can bj had In tlm pla'-.i at llie UDiiat selhns prices. 1-or inrui-r particulars, uuarcss inf rrmripai, it n, I.A.AUUH. J MI S S. WUUIM. AI.FUKU Jltnvi.Mi. VVIiSLCVhOWMAN H. ArUCMtAOtl, co.NuoiutnTKNiir.Nncit, fioard of Trustees Jan. lid, IStil, TE.VCIIKKSrASSOGrATIOX. A " V.""" Urick crltonl lluiuc, on SATUDAY ; THE Oth D Y OP TEBRUARY, ii.'il. at 10 o'lhuk,. M. Artirescf uri no tiejivereu, i.nniyi. r'-"", ui:.iin Hi.eiidseil. uiicl Orhcers i-lcrleil for the enstlllie tear, Teachers and lilt frillids of Education UfU earnestly t HltUJd lu allenu. lly trdtrtf the I'x. Connuliiee, L. AlTLUM.N.CnlMl, January 50. 1801. PUIJLIO NOTICE FOR LICENSES., TVJOTlCEu hereby ijiicn that lb" followlne per. nils in A' L.1.1UUIUIU routiiy, uu," i ... ..... 0,l,rki p JUi Annltcauls. Totvnshins. Eiekiel Cole, John Le.'sot, Tavern Hut!ailo.if. (Iretllttood. JACOB F.YF.ULY, Ucrk, I rioihonotary'a OlTice, ltlo.uni.bur2 Jan. !, Irnl. LEATHER, LEATHER. SOLE Leather, and all other kinds of Leathers, Mo roccos. Lliiitii: ami Hindins, for sulo cheaper than llieclteapcstbylhe iluderslBiieil nt his Tannery Estab lishment, iu Lishtfilrevt, Columbia co., l'a ALSO - A lnrjo 4iiiautily u( flultriug liar, dry and in jood con. diii'm, cheap by the I or barrtl. W Cash paid J, W, SANKEY. LitilitHtriei, Jan 5, 1101 3m. (Juod Mioeiuff ami Unup Smitliing, rp.I U uarterHitned thankful! for pat patronane, repf ct J fully iiiMrms his Iro-uds aud th public la sei'Tdlt I.n. I, a . .11 em, tlilll... 111,. u tl Kin 1 1 k-n lllTeJTVli'StJ ,..,.,, ,. in . i,. iho Hail ltoad. in all OT.tMJS!" "" sflfhen knouu, lUoomsbuijr Juns 5, Why si a IK I ye all in I'nv Kite I" ANV La'ly r tli'iitlemau In the Tnitud fitntas. po. sv-tintr ttoni a 1 1 r ' "I r iut o'V005' T'1 espertabl business bvhKli ft"" 8" l''"'-'y can bo r.aliud. l-'or ra''cula'un,1,uv & CO No olaii, Jlthl... tu.vii IViiaitipmi. Si- 1 "l Hi 0. ($, I, W. II1RTMM i V .J fi.. '.i ' ""cniion nr aur n.l r . .teiierniiy. irom UlQ Town nd County, t,prcic, iNe. .. 4r ""'1 FAIilj 4iii(l WINTER G0 0BS, llltll Imvclicn, .Hr-ctoJ ltl, .rent rnrr. ,n,l ('..rVtuck onibraci; a ,T, . ; .r."i ... Tinlcty, u the llri'aa tlmnl. II, . v. ' ' li, .. "?Jf llue e liavo cotton ii,,i,iV.'i;:.nv I a v;. V. v"? I1".1:" ' ... .... .... lain ana lor oil Ms. per )nr,l, (llack Milk anddhfr In larco nunii. titli-a. hila, llroilie. Mtllaj. UlioliiU and lllmkct, Callcnca, Tl.kliifi. . Clnirka, HtriDCr.. Atr.. i. . Until, CnMlinr-la, HattineU, Ate, In addition to the nbovo tvooltiT Croco. rv. 7'iv '""'""W' tl'ifimvarn, W,llow and reduced prlcci) Wall I'npcr. Unr If. Tarna tihaln. lUoomsbur, Sent. 20, ltlO, 835.00 I aya tlni entire cot for Tuition in tho nin,l tinmilar and auccei.ful foniuierclnl Fihoolln the. rnnntrv. un...,i Von'ismeijfroiiitwenty-elthtdlir- fI'.'L,.'.t",".''1" ducnte,l for butlne.. her, with. ; V"' Uk Klri ktVa..,lc..f - I 82000.00 per Annum, I III iiiu mil II rcn VCHri. tdiiifl nf n 1..1.. !. t .. JiSStelfa'!!!' S01""" of"-1 irT Mlnlrtar. rii1.i,nte,..ln., k. . tline.miil letiM.vuI.e.. ' . .. .. J ' V. TV . ror Cadiloeue offllnnee.. Snri.,,..riw iuV.!'""lml Oroamentnl l,euinuiihl.. and 11 lareo En erarme oft he Co leire. in,l...n ..un..tu.n.. . ... ...... a5e si"nps to thn Principals. ' J. 3. IMI-iif SK,J"' " BU'T"' 1'""bUr81" I AGUIC.ULTUHAL & SEED WAKE PASCJIALL MORRIS, IMVINO KF MOVED THE PHILADELPHIA A (i Ii Ifinr TTT iiitiIJIjU U i C- I UAL if- iEEl) H'AllEHOtlRE 1 From the North-Knit Corner nt Seventh nnd Market Hlructs to his NEW STAND, No. 11 21) .MARKET ST. JAUUJT l&.rr,',S,n ini irovcu Aerlrultnral and Horticultural Implement., irS'"!'.'"?." '.""i"u"r. ''W. Uwdon and FloW. I i rrjSccds, In great tnrlrty. Also. No. 1 rilvlan (:,,... 011 uiml.cauon. ' ." Acriciilturnl ami pord War- hmito, jNo. 1V2Q iMarktt gircpt,npjpo-ite tho ranncrs' Market. January 1J. IriUl. FBESII FUOM THE CITY, l i! EVE II f SORT, SUE, AND STYLE JUST received at SETTLE'S SpAP STOBE IN LIGHT STREET, ANP ARE E1NU.SULU FOR HEADY iAT, "Cheaper than the Cteupesl!" ID- TLKASD CALL EARLY. 3 Agent. Light Street, April CS, ItCO, I I H y I i I H GIBSON'S A N D IIKlOKATIVi: ICSTARMSIIIMKM'. No, 125, South Eleventh Street near Walnut, I'EBiBillDisIsll'HIA, laiiamcleJ Ula8g.rrLiico.Uil h.i.1 Uuuiubtift ruiitiv Jonv (!iuov. H. It. Ciosos. January 1J, Idol , NEW S T O 1! E . irilQLi:iLU AV RKTAll. The unili-rfi'itifil .e jrtful! inform the citUenu of Hlouiiielmrir- "J I I'uhlic in yrnrral, that Im Inii piir Ilouso, oi) .Main Ktri't-t, iidirly r-iiMtrito thu Kxcliunifo ruililiiisa. whero he liis just rt-ttiTuil u, fciUiiIiJ ag roftmciit of . , U1TY HATS AND CArS, ii,rPrt from th Manufarturifii. ot all kiiMlo, nypt orii amiii, latent fdluiis, which hooiftr ufiolesaU and niait at very low pric1. r U Ti,(.8eGogdB will bg sold at very low prices, for iiea(y j'ay. JOHN K. UJKTU.V. Bloomslmri?, 0tobf r 27, 18f0. in: nmrrir. ai.mstkno. & ro DHY (JOODS MFHCHAN'l'S, 75,77,70, 81. 83 tV- S5, Dunne. Street NEWYOHK, Would notify Ihe tradethat Ihey are npenins weekly, lu new and beautiful patterns, the ALi-O tiii; AiMOSKKAG, New Print, whirls txrels every 1 rl"l in the Country oh.l ilM.iin in lull n.a.i.i , Culors, Our I'nnUvrb reaper Ihdii any in malku And mi-eilng with rxtemi' ale 1011, Kov. 2L lMSi.-y. GEOHGJ-1 IMl'OKTr.l! II. llOU HUTS, AND PtlALCU S 5?; JL fEl S3 IS Sfl LJ y 4M1 3 0UTLE11Y, GUXS, c0. " Nos. 2S5 and 237 Xorlli TlilrU Street, Nov.-JI OCI. 1, r. CllItBROUiH JSn, ALLtS A. F. CHES11BR0UGII k CO., 3? o it iu, ac:ki;jis( CO.V.VISS10.Y JUi:ilCHAA1S If irllOLHSALU nt:! kks it 1'hli, Clit'cM", anil Pi'iiviiioiis, 10 North Wharves, allot o .Market SI. Packing; and Curios House. l'"j,J'lJLu'L"l!,'iiA Aujust 4, ItUI JJui. WUSTliHST. HO 1 I,!,, Noa. 0. II. 10 and 1 5 OoiirtlaDil street, HOARD, 81 00 UAV. D. D WINCHESTER. TUOS.D. yiNCiiEsTEIl NEW YORK. May I. IHJ8 BOAT1 FOR SALE, Al-nod CANAL IWAT for sale iheup. Vrsr"TTTrti Terms to suit iiuxehasen. ' i e. 11, little; Ulootusbur;, Jau, IS. 1801, FRANCIS 0 HARRISON, M.J). .. . f ...i ....... in. io,... WOUl,ll respecuuiiy inionn ihu ciu-.-" i ..- burn, and ucin.t) tlutUe ioutium-sthu prattitoof Vr.illWSoi iv4tv outwit m Ami solicits a sharo .f puMir patronatje ornrfci on Main Slruet, flrtt lious b taw tb5 Coutt jlou-c nincnr.b'H8 1 Sheriff s Sales, By virtus of sundry writ, of rnfi,jW bfuu, In me. ' to iiul.Hn '..I.. .1 a ." '.'""."! ..V' -rl"""u ' .louse. ,u .p.omourfc-, fl ...,, ,. . ' ' ., " J "t ' J nt ono o'clock in tho afterm All th'fit certain tranl nf T......1 k i Kllnrlnnr f...un.1.ln i . 11 - .t SH.-.S ,!.!!!!',M'n:! "f 'V"1. "!" lonnil,B e n . 1 B . I" 'i nun "1 t.lliu ul 1 "i 1 f XL'.V.t .' !.". Hmith tHv,. .,i. tV. ii.. . .. ' "'""'J;'11"" 'i mil r pit. tentli, loa p,t, tuunco by lam t of kit. kl. I r.;..i. ' W.Wb.WJ' 'f ".v-;''"" "''-....; , ,J"l.Vnt0'' ""rtlt eiahly four and llirc..iuurt. r desruci, Lait nnynlno ami t.utri nercl.,.. i tl... i piatc oi l I and aevci . .,i ...X?;'5'".'', f"?lai f Tiuurv-oNK ai;iii.3 ." litHY i.?' . "l a'' ,X ':"'y f ...... ii. . .. .1, " .'L-iu-uii i.iip nii.1 n I'LniJ IvU ,n K "l J"?.1 'S',",',' " ,',ai"? , n i lunio IVniron Shod, n Until llouac uud 01 h. r mil imnrovi'il lam, matron la rrerti-d n i.iih iiii.I ... - ..: r " .umu kuti. niirii lbl;,I i..uffl, '..."L'."""' "J "" ' te'f.i: ...t.. "j inri(i in .-Bill Hn,..i ....... ir. trty of Jacob Luli. 11 i t ui .... . ALbO At the same ( mo and nlaco, 1 c. ran ,acl, niece or parrel f land ulilat.. In ,m.rL"Vf,:.. hhi,i.cR..,,i all tiunurloaf KIVTV A laud, boiinle.l ...i .1,.. v..i i.:...'..1 '! '"..""" 'd "w 'onth bylandaof ll.irlton nd Andrew lle,,"an',l 011 tho Weal by land, of llenlainln iCt rf,,.,,, ..m.. n.Ario, . ......1 . ...... . .. " a .lab-ith ti'ie Ipurtenance..1' """"" "1""U" rr"'"0 'lim U"J ,u " u " tv . .ALSO 1 At tho samo time and place, iilt or peco of uround, iluate in lis. n.ilp, Columbia couuly, containing II- IV A I' 1. 1.' . . .. , . . nU'lliat certain In 1)1 tow II. Sentt tnu FtlllRrll OF AN ACHE, nioreor I.... l.,.u.i. .1 .... .,, a,1u . b)' ""'U SMrect ofsaid oi,ii, 011 Ihe North by lot of Thomas Ed i,eVeou'u" , Xl"a ,S"'!lK ry frame, dwelling House, u Irmue Kitrlun, anil a framu Ilurn Kith the appurtcnaiicia. 1 B.'ir.eil, taken In mecutiou uud to bu sold as the pron. crty ofThuinas U. Tonlcr ALSO ; At the samo time and place, by virtue of a writ of. l,d. K, all Hi .1 certain In. l.ot or piece of land situate In lj.pj ., town Imi Cojiimbiii cnunly, containliiir u,r. rilURTH OF AN ALRL,, nioro, bounded on tli.i Nnjtli ,y an Alloy on thoSouthby stalnslrcttof said tnu ii, uu llio S, "I neck-man, and on lira Ve.t l,y a lot or WllliniuTronsue, hereon Is ercil ..In tuoMurv frame OIM'IIIIIK Homo Willi, KeUe.l taken lii execution audio bo.olJ as Hie pron. crly of John Turner. A T e-'r-v At the samo time nnd plnco,' lihnw.,.'..i i. .... , I . ,r. .. I. r ....... 1 described us follows to f ( ,' l.' in u- . i 1 of w ,do.v tlVtto' i, on the No'rtlMV '',1 , ' .otl? J V.'i lot i.r ll.iui.l n,,.i.... ,. . u .. .. . " -j ...... lu. u luVcni nuust- or iiou-i.jniib tlw a- I cufziid, takr-n lu execution and to lie an llio proii, erty uflliruDi timetliura. erty uf lliruoi rJiueltiurs. JOHN SNYDER, SkirlJ. t-urairr's Ornric, i lllsaiii.burg, December 20, leu) j PKOOliAMAIION " ' 1 W 11 BRIMS, tho Hon. Warrlx J. Woonwian, Fresl dent ofthe Court of Oyer tin I Teriuiu r.iul (ien. Jail Delivery, Court of tluurter Sesrious of Hie I I erne and Court of Common Ien mid Orphan's Court, in the sMJtli Ili.tnrt. cniuo,,., 1 l.i' il J t t'rColuiiihja.Sulllinii titi.t Wyotniii, nn.l Hi Hon. Juno Evtvs un I I'tiLit Kiim, Associate Judges of Culuinbia , l oitnty, hate issued Hi -ir line, pt, bearing .It lo the ,.ti lay of Jan.. in the year of our Lord one Hioitranl .-j-ht Jiuii.lre'd and sixty, nnu and to tnu dir. ft -d f-.r holainy u Court of Oyer and Terminer ami den ral Jail deii.'-ry. " nil Uuailer Ses-ions of Hiul'eai.-, Common Plena , nnd Orphttu's Court, in !!(. uiljiirp, in the i-oiinly of ' toiuinl.ii, on the hrst Monday, (beiliu llio -Ills ilajiof , u.. ... coniinuo one week. .Notice is h. reby t'lven, to tho Coron. r. Hie Jusllces of tho f. nee uud Constalile8 ofthe said county ol Columbia that liny be Hi. n lut.l tin-re In th. Ir prop, r p rsotis nt 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, uilli Iheir r.c rJs. lii'iuisitioiis ami other n liiembraiicu to do luu--tliiiitrs Which til their Olllces ltnn.-rt:iin to I,e .to,.,. t,t H,.. I that lire bound by recouinzaiice, o pro..-1-tit.i uuiust Ilia prtsJiitrs that art- or may be in tin Jnil of al 1 ruuoty or I (adumliia lo bu tl mil tie ro In ri.s.-nito Ih.-tii us rft.ill .lie Just, Jurms nre r"put -d to'l. p.nututil In th-irtit- l'-ndance, liim-cuMy In Iheir nMnes. Hated it Idounis. Ii iff, the 5th day or Jan, in tli )etir . f our Lord one i tlioiiKiiu I cieht hundred nn.l .lily, tud in Hp. cji yt-l.lui llie liidepenil.-iie.. or Ihe ClUe,l Mates or Aliienei, 1 tdod save ilia Comiuoutt -j.Uli. l JOHN SNYDER. McriT. 1. 1M-.I. Jattu-irv Lht or '1 rials, foJ l-Vl) Tciai, IbGi I. JatohSi(iiIer. va. William A. r, 3. J.ici-b fj.iitderij. v, William Mt-t, 3. Tgwiiieiul W. Kah7, vs. H,u.i I NeUiafl. 1, Jnliii .McMultitioit. 1 1. al y. Mtiiinel Ktinn. . A. N'.iUtaiiitl U, Itiilt'.r, et. al, u, Aiir.iiu N. llarfir. C, Lavinu Cole, .h. Aaron l.ntz i. WiiV. 7. Aiulrcw Crei ilinp, vs. Aurirvn M'.ii-k.ii al. f. Cliiitou l. Herring, et al vs U.imi.-I '. rt)brt. j. in in i un, , iti-iiTue 1 ly iir. Ina.tcTjkr, s. Jamb llvrliu it. hI. I'rancis Jordcn ct. nl. v. Llinli i it. 1'urur) rt nl. Fnuici Jurikii, el. al. vn. I. lulu It rtifM-l. t. al. ltohcrt J. Lyon, u. MoutKuuii'iy gx, tt. a lua-ic T)ler, vs. Andrew (.'x,iing, ttephfti I'.diu, g. l.iiully W. Wi.. , Hliii", a, Itcb rtJ I,uii.. Julm huduiir. v. rranifin It We..ver. 13. II. li. 13. 11. 15. 17. Id Bau.utl rcttt-riiian, vs. Wnjjht JIukIi.-h. If. joiui i omitv k. iieiijaiiiiii int. rl-n. J. Wt-tley llnumaii, v. .Miclia:! fritnls., 1 1 al. Mkhael tJ rail am, et. al vs. J. V, I'rc.w.'ll, bt. nl. J, 1. .lkCtiUum.i h. I.rai-tud lloi.dcrkhol.itiil KuU, w, William l.iiiiUn. fii'orgii W. flat ifii, vs J. pli I'. l,ini, TiuIalaul Antliartlu Coal Company, Tl. John i'ii i hp Vinterti'i'ii, Vak'ntine '(nlci.t'n. Juhn i'.'aler, vs. Daniel iW(rar 1 1 ul. I, I'M it LoHenlii-rg, ct. nl yn. John Oyer. Wolf, Wtstkr Co. vs, H.iii(el jV. ti-ys-Jit. Sil. GRAND JUUOKS, For February Term ISG1. nphraim Arnif trnii-;. Cuurco J-onL'tJliberucr. junom. n.yof., Uriarcreek -Henry iaiiion, Jeorgc Kvans, At.drrw 1 owirr, llor. Hi'rvMfk Ji'hn Iluch, Ahjjn Philips, Cattawissa Samuel Knstenli todcr. Cuii) Daniel T MrKi-rnjin. Centro John Huttin, I'.IUliu V,M, Low, lleiuluck Jidiu Prober. Jacksui- J.ihn K'inttt, I,o iiKt'WilliamMilh'r. Moniour Thoniiia Wi-avf r. Madison Juliu It. Mills, Lfwi Hcluiilor ?ila IT Hi m Mt. rk'usant-Thomas J. WVHitcf, .M1III111 Henry Iktlor, Win. fi), Orange .Mtihae) llaiicnbutn, l'liio Joliu Witimre. PuyarUiaf It ic hard Kllt. TIIAVKItMO JliiOKs. lllonm Adrian Yanhouteii, John Smith, Uentoii Hithnrd Stiles. Itriurrreck -I'cler tl. Trnugh, John Yosl. llor. Merit i.k(,'cnrc;e ftlrUnde, Juims Jacoby, lleavcr Dat id Frt. Centre Mordectll Hicks, Joseph UuckloThotiiasCounir John C.iii,.r. Fisltiiipcietk aauiuel Ash, in-Mcurs, isimue Crov. (Jreenttood James IMatiiurig. llejnlock-l'cter Urugler, 'lliouias J. Vandcrslico.f.egrfio Vellltfr Locust John Yencer Jr.. Daniel .Miller. Al t til i is John Kelli r, Thomas Alen, IteuJ. Yohi. .Ml. I'lensaul - Eri Ikeltr, (JeofKc Omat). l'llie John Culnrr. Ilonritmcreck Abraham Wi'lm r.,D. l,.M.Hk. Oattawlssa- Iteniaioin H-n-r, J.d(n flladUon-Joimd Kjiuy, Su2arloaf-Jrn b Ili-rrittHloii, eatuurl Hiss. llcatf, LIST OF LETT BUS pl'.MAININO in the Post Otlice al lllooinsliiir-, Pa., l Jan.. 1st, IrOl, Alhersoii, David Kt in, Jro. I; il'r.kaio J. ko.iu, Matlh i Mss J.uni!' r, Thill, Lewis, L'li.lU Lovo JoIih Markla, J. Mnt.r, Jacob "criititu, k. a. r. liutklo, Jimepli Hate. Alfred I'daik, William Hartou, 11. ti Connor, Tho Mas Cornoii J, I'.irter. Htifhatl Mrs Chiduler, i:. Dehiott, John Deyenporj Johi I lul a 11 Catharine Miss Derr, In m Darts William Lavs, V. 'Z. Ww rliart, Sunmet LuizlUli, J. iVI. ' .Ma-uti Ikr, Jacnh My rs, Wm. M.-3 Mm-rove, diw May, Mois ,ut liat, .MauasnaS .M.irkl,.., Dan Mr(Jranl. Wnshiuftoit IViritott, Klti.ih 'tli Mr4 P.'iii.iugtou, Isaac i'.irk. r, J. l i'arks, Cfti w. I'arkiT, Ira J, It'.siiubo Ii r. Jamb Kiela, LlAid D. Mis it Inl.arJ, i-ido Udlor.d O .Mi.s peaylo, Hannah Miu ri..artii. .t. A, swarm Jos. "liaivbridire. Tli'i. i hwi p pei i hi-imr, r. .S lit, A.Ia.ii r- Ha t 1 rii.iiiipou D. L. oi 1' Il Jno l illiauuni. Joha (MUIH J tl V tl r Kog ua --rs V J i u ouusf J ' i:r, .iiciuci 1 rrymen janzautiii I'oid. David L. Fabruu'er, Jof. I'lnh. Abo J. fi. arh.irt. I'eicr U.tte, A. II. (iirtou, peter (i.trvt'i. John Creenly, Win. Ilollnistn, .M. lioUlcr, Wm. Ileim, Dan Hill, L. A Jj Hurl. O. I' llusaenbrick, II. s imyiiitiii t-iti . Jones. Win. Jdiuton V r j,.,,. ri..,,....! j10''1 i K , , v I ftUKr ' " - iVi-s-ms falling for i I theyar, auuitu.d. (new and splendid assobt.ment AT fUR COltXKIl O' .Haiti and flroti fti-c(ti, i!" '"I! ."?!! i".';1,?.! . Un to liKmvKU'B 1 . - j w xuiii li H . il.rt t Irtli II t liO 10 J "4 " n utjii . i J.IIH f !!" 'u" "' r'!.I'liT:'m t do 10 JIllOWUM .. . t'KIKT-r'UM'ENIiEIW I tlolo DROWEIl'H i'" you nnt ,HU!I.I,t ( Mn ton nam I''in Ml Into IlKUWEK'H llu to llltt)WKIl r! (in to (hi to iiitowr.ii'a. (in to miownrfl. (to to IIIID.l I. It H do to PitnU'r.iMM ! ym want ( lloou tant IJAltllliLtS 7 iio.iii nam in: i,i:tji:ri ( "" " "t IIOSI I1IIV I lloiou nnt III.OVIM 1 i". jou .lain iii.ii I.MI ."" Mn"t IIAMlKEIlCllll:r f II.. vouwant IM II I'l'TK IT. nrii i.n you ani h..-niikl: tui ii'.fh r ii i iion.i'....,.. !M fmt .Mill t'UT SAT. IIIMf .iSir, i mvfSf.S .:,::.! "anirViAi'r'W ,a,R l lit i nil trn nl sirw u 1 1 1 I . 'u I . ... " a u to ItltOU'l.ll a Co to II1EO IVllH-s Jo lo llUOUTK h (!iiIiiIIUUIVJ:(S io lo DUOH ku'm llnw.u want JIMNSI ,vnl" NANKI'.EXSI (io to URdlVEICr) Co 10 llltDlVK.R'M io to MIOlVKIt-K ..njuii nnnii.iM.iii.iiaf to 10 IlltoWril.j nT""!!!;. u to im ; -2 J1"-)" B,,'.':V.TOJ?'..V ?UN' " ' Wfoyvf i:; " , ,'hV001)s' " k ' '! I llo . oil ant HEM H I (io to iilltiviiit!3 (lo In IIUl.l.'L.t. P I'" )" aut SILlint A I !!J '"" DHILl.lNtlH I (In lnllltoVl;it.S In 10 IIROWIIH ? lotoWlolvKIC'1- Hoynu nautTI' KlNUttl uoyouuanti IIWKSI H i jou want I. lllr.rt' H'lonSI i.o to llll(jvi:il " Co lo UKoiVEii'U niymi unni i..iiii:s' (j tiii:itsr ,ou wan! riiKij 1 iino KiiiEa c,o to imowriit'1 lo vou want llUKllVriXvinKi Into llROtVER 8 Oo n linntVEIl'rJ do to IIROIVER'S Co to imnwni'H Do you want (U.ASSW.tllH f (injouwaiil II tlimVARIW Ho )oii want lillllim f llo yon want MIRK !l'l"E!f llo toil -a ant (.'HE 1" ecu ids I!r-r,-,Mayr!u, IHi 0. do lo llltDtVHIl'S do to MtOVVLll'S CHEAT AUUIVAL Hi" NEW GOODS, AT TUB Light Street Store. Greet tj , Jit-other 4 all hawh on adit c dtt -.nil i ii v in our inenns nnu ClUtnlnfTH. UP Lull rnr,t..r,il n-ju-iiij i.iigi' .i-niniiiiTJiii ni lfAlL.ANI II liWEll GOODS, n hlrll we offer al lower rnle.. for r.f.,!. I.-... ....... iVhirh we offer at Ion errAle.. for r,,.i.-.,. 'verber.. ,?, Ul" rlKliltnul c .lull ii'-l Hii.-ii.i'i 1 fiuitiicrnti tlic vnrinun iinicles lln-yniolmineiinL mul tli. Ir nainfiit. li-Binn-nnour .a c)n More UntitiK, iiuliitlinit the Collur au.l l!arri-t, urs mi-.! inoMTil.iMliig, Tlt'Ti' r to bo f-nn, tli3 lincot r.tliniki, in tljj cimntry nt iiHtonUhingtow tjiriirp La fit m wcir i ifri'itt urn.-tie8, at 'ii per cent. Iguvr tti.m v or U tor- oil. ril. cloth;?, .Musid!.vfct. f.Hoci;ujqs, HATS, CtVti, ionis, Shoes, etc,. . .. . . 7 " at th" sani" rate. In short, almost ever) thine; in iiieriniillle line rrom it needle to tin an. Iior. Our friends will do well to call before they make Hi nr selections, I Lilht Street. Ort 27. H O, II. Y. CREASY, 4; CO. lJIPS! Li.lll's'.J LAillPi!!' Head Ciaarters. AN'OTIIUlt FUESII ARRIVAL OF jo.vj.-s n- miu.kii s, iMpiturmi i-jtrtw coal OIL UUliJfUlli. ,y t.JJUV! Full BURNING, rOl, KI.IIIJMINE.OII CAIIRuV OILS. AKINO Hi" b'st nnd il, Llelil now in use. suit nidi! for Churihes, Slores, or rauuly use, no danet r from Explosion anil one half cheaper than any other liqht, liutv used and ' KQUATj TO GA'S. The above Umps, with or wiihnnt, Globes or Shades can he had nt tho NEW AND ijliEAP DKUG STORE, i:rliaiiRB l5,iU'.Iiii, moomslii!K, Pa., Where th iindersiilued would Uespecti'ullyinforin.liU 1 rieitds and th' public in, that he has just re e lied Iroiu Hi. . iIUs, u larj-'e uud well selected stuck oft.'oods. III his kind eonsislltie of fi:eii ami ruiuiK hiilhs AILIHi-IVES ti. IIE.M.CALS, gttuiiM) ti wip n.n si'icr.s. i-Aivrn 011 s. dve STUFF WINDOW (ll.XSS, lil ALL SIZI'S MINT. ATOOril & BII.W'INU LilUSIIEn-. VOUM.'CO i CKIAHS, of 1 HE IIESI- llliANUSt PLKFII.M EltV. FAMJV SOirs. JKHS-lES li SIIOUI.1IEI1 It A ES. I'CRE WINES & imANDIE-i 1(111 MEIlll'INAL Uflll. (ILAriVCHTTIMj, iJgMl'IOOIIIIEIl.lJILT MOI,D 1NO I'Oll Fh A tl Ed, A II II E A I' VAUII.TV llFl'AIll'ON oil, LAMI'S AVDMIADES, FLUID, CA1I'IIENE SAFETY l-'I.I'ltl LAMPS & FMAPHH. Al-o All the most ponulnr I'nt-nt Medirine. of the dl.. pr si rialiuiisnml f iitiily medii-inc, carelully out un. u 'it n i... it i ...r....iA.. ...i, ' 1 .... , t,n,,'A,i ...i -v... ... ,..:.: v.. ..." .'. Cf? appruied iijiinui f. ' I Fli-lin' I ittliklul for l.nst liiitronaee. bo hope, n continuance of the .ami. U. M. IIAHENIIUCII lllooiusbnriT. Jan. Kl'1 - y. SSOO. THE UEST IIOL'TE ESGO riiuM ivroMixa VAi.i.tx to i'iui..mnvuu, .uu ui4 tfiTO'i''N'tfiti'irivuiTrirAND wem- I.ackaw.iniia !c liloiimsbuii?. 11. li. SUMMER AHRAHOEMEWT. Two Daily I'uss.iiili r Trains will lu run bitween Scrnutun aitdrtoilhuii.b.-rlaud. n. tollott, JlUt IM. rou t II .V. 1". J'rprfjs. 4.23 T. SI. 451 5.2U B.'Si Co i 7.50 7.41) K.ltl fhiluil a .Mai, I.eatn SCI! NTON, Arlite al I' II' la I-UV, KIMl-'IOV. rllll'KHIINNV, IttliWICK, IILOOtlsUURC, Kl'l'l.ltr, HANVII.I.E. li-10 A..M. O.'iS toll K-.U 1-.5U 11.00 I'.-J". 10 III) NO!lT!IU.MIIEULANt). .tlOVl.Ml NURTII, V. Y. t.ti'rrn Lent .NOUI'llUMIIEULAND, Arrive ut DANVll.Li;, IllJl'EliT, lil.otltl.-IIUr.ll, illillWICK, ' Slllt-KSIIIVNY, KISIHTON, ITIT.-'I'IIV, S.30 A. M. (,.-. c :r. b 4 .i ;.i.i I 45 T, SI, 5 20 Sil) ti IsJ 0.M 7.lli 7.4 i SelO It .07 9.'.'.5 Cl.'i r.4S tsCHANTON Th- l .ukawnniia &c lllooiitsburi! Kuilruad cunuects with the lu I iw are, I aikawanna A We Urn Ilailroad 11 J I'crantun, for .'ew Vort. and LMnladelphia, auJ int. nnu. iliato pi'intu I art; alo for (Jn-ut ll.-nd, liinhamtou, Hvraruse, liuifulo, Niagara undul imjn iiatiipoiats Weft. At itupert it connects with the Cqttawissn Kailrciad, fur points both lUit-i mid Went. At N'oriii'iu.u til tu l it conn, xt; witl;ilu Sunburj and Uri-J Uailroad, tor points W tct and phiiHi. M. W. JACKSON, Svu't. August tl. 1N0. D iiti'i Vfefin mfn v. 1 1 1 r. crkasy & cos. mn.LKriN. Ll.slltes of (Jutll Slouidiu: fr Picture Frames bt CllUAYiCO. ALL kinds of Lumber for sale by CllUAYsVCU. ALL kinds of Carpet for sale by CliEAVitCO, JLST re-ci-ived all kin Is or LaJles' Dress Hoods, by I'!IEAY 4. CO 7 I ANT1I.LA. of Iho latest fashions, ..r stile by HI CItEAY 1 CU t P.ON, Nsils and Fieri, for sale by I' CIlEAYJcCO. 4 AltllON Oil, for sale- by ' CHEAT i CO. bTONE Coal, for sale by CItEAY t CO. I U.MI1ER, of all kinds, for sale by j CREAY k CO, Nil kinds of Mood, by A CUEWicCO. I.ieht Sir 'el Nov 17 I'm. ! NKW STOKK NKUr OOODS. fPIIi: ilildertiaui'd, piati lilt far IMiat patronaue. lcp'ict ' I tally lulorms tho Lady's ol liioouuburg. and tln-tpub I lie in jtviicril, th it sb s has reumtedher i'am-y nn I'l rim liuiW MTi. from 111 L&lIi ini;e l-iitliliups Into tin I nrk t o Jililitr.' o Mr. John H. I'otsel, tirot door W st of lUt Court House, ubt-'-ro ehe has Jiut" rccuivud a knktt u- 1 sorinisui iaillltHlIlbiP, Full tUlf! Winter (jOUtlS. cousiMlne i-f iiimxw) (nonr, wua j.iiwi.j. " ..r'.,.,v,vrj KorfiiuiY, cLoyrs, WIiK-h i ill bt sol 1 mi fm t rinsuti 1 to .vhiih theur t i.tioo ol tu,tnir is luvitvu A MLI, I A D UKUU. t'loo.iir-b.irs N"v 10. lKtt.- Pin UHll UtiW ROOila luU uuy HAltTil A.S9 iiloouisbnrg Head Quartos! irKi:i,vr,KI2AIftC0 IM Till. riELII WITH AV 1NCIIKAHCI) HUITLY irRvoulannnoiinMto tho nnh'lc utiil our frlonil Mint ivo li.ivajml ntiiiiica ftuui ilia City Willi a vviy idii't iir.iirinK III CI ' l W C! HEAP 0 OOPS. Isomest now niTere.l it. (1,1. t,,.. , e.-.. l.v., tuoipetu lou nnd all tlmso ishlutr to buy cheap, ran mvp monry l.y glv tnff tik n call. WuhiveallklndsnfCJor-tlsiind Wares t Muyyiy uiu nanM oi too pjopio a larjgolut of Ladies' Dress Gocds, OF EVKKY DHS0HIP1ON. irtUTE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sleeves, Collars, Kneiirns, llandk'nhl'fs. Floiincinss, (lands and Trii lues laices mid ndiiuir, llonlitt illhbolis in larfe variety, Vel. tct Kibhonsiitid braid, Kid, Cctlen iV LI'lo Thrtud Jloves .Mohair Mils, it. ALL KINDS OF SILUVLS. IIROCHE. Illack Silk, Cashmere, Embroidered, Mella, itec Also a Iur;o ussortiiieuti.f Clolh., Cns.luurs, S.iliucts, etiltss, Tit eeds, Jeulis. Ileuvur Cloths, ......, . Cimllnij, Velultc, HOOTS k MIOE8 OK Al.l. KINDS ami Sizes, for Men, Women and Children. We have a lure" assort mentif lints and Cups, of latest fash ions We hnve also, Ilardtture, (liieeiis. ware.Ceilartvnre, &e. Very Cheap Carpi t, Carpel Units, Floor, Tab1" ami Cntrlnire oil (Jielhs, .Mats, lings, MUSLINS, PLaSnKLS, TICKINGS, Diapers, Tov, lin., DiIIIIiiits, te. n nliun.lntico. Also, a large nssottmentof Iron, Nails I'heeae, a lurtre .piantKy of Halt, ttc. e Int He our friends uud tile puhlic a. ncrnllv, to five II. a cull before nun liasiinr 4l.ev.l.,.r... tt-ni..u.. our mid s tit Hie I'rlres, mid will not ba uiulcrsolil by un) body, or the. rest of mankind. McK.'XVY, M1AL k CO. Ploom.burtr, November 10. lent). I10llltj:i"i KOIIIIEIt'S iiouui:ic.-i UOIIIll.K'S itOHIlEKS I'HACTICAL- (.-Al.l UI.ATOR. 1'HACTICAL CALCULATUlt, I'HACTICAL CAI.Ctll.ATOIt, 1'KACTICA I. I AKCULATOl; I'llAC-J ICAL OAt.CULATOIL n o siITk r ' s PIIAOTICAL CALCULATOll, A ItOOItOr I'l.AlN Itl'l-fcS AND CaI.(I'LTI0'(1 IVH Ik'SIHFUH On-uirins'i, I'.y .Maiitin M, Koimi-K, J'Krric ai, uh- A1U ('i)WLYAN(l-tt. SUW Kl)lTlt'.'4, rfUUsilKD ov J. it. Ltrrixo rr It, Co., I'hiladelfiiia, This work contains 201 pagep, and upw arils cf i(Kl Itulesan I r.xamplCif, entirely nnd thoroiiEhly I'Kaciii'ai.. such an arioj LM ty day in tint rnunnoii pur -nils if I'Ufci ncss. It Ins alrendy paised thpnixh a uninlKr of Edi tions in ripi I jticct'Psitui, nnd is tononnced ly alt el.i sen ofbueimifrs men to be tlifiunoiKsi nooKOKKfrkaiNd. perlaining tucnluil it ions, tiiat has evi r been publiihfd. Liery I xauiplo In tlio hook is w.rkd our inkil and stitedin a plain maum-r, so that when a parallel ca.o arises, thosu rtferriuu to tho work will find no difficulty in readily nuh imr it ; in u w ord, lh itoneral arrange ment of tlio UALCl'LATOlt is no simple, that any uiiu whokiiowshffW tu add, sulitruit, multiply, nr dhide, ean easily soke any ordinary eiaiiipl.' that aris-s in hui ness, or arri cat tho true ri'KUlt nfuny esiiinau fitnirr-d, '1 he chief aim nf the author has hm n to etc hew theory nnd phllii-ophy in tlnres, aiming only at facts and fim plicity, bfk'ivii Mpit business inn rare little about spi tiding thii.t in iluni ins tho phiksouhv of n leu. nr Iti: science .nf figures, dimming it a ilhci-lit for tboir purpo.tcio ue niiio at a MOMi-Nr, lie n rep nr.-, to arrive at tlu tine result. Tho i.'AH'W I.ATOU In this rcpect from all Arithmetic nf the day and kindred norkg it is n key to practical biMuens calculations it H i the hands ofthe teichor in th? s huo'-rooia -it fa. cilitatus time and hiieiros corrc-i tue-s. THE WOUK TUB ATS OH TIIK Meastirenn'iit uf Land, of Lunil. -r, of Urick und Trirk Work, ot Htmio anil Btono Work, of (Irafn and flraiu UiDH, nf Coal and Coal Vint, of Wood, of Ko)ids. of Li ipiids, of Circular, Hmiare, or Im pular Vessels, of Cis terns and IloAfliiff nf riantfrirs,' i'nliiters. (Jiazlorfl. I'aMrc.' I'lnmb t-i.' I.iik r lt.iti....pti.' an.i ir... Imsl rs'Wnrk It treats nf Currency and nf I'tireiii mid DouiCBtic Uclinn;i,of th Htt-teni, nf Uo- imrtuni anu Its (Mull leil application to Huxiliet nf nuij'iis hum vurnp'Mimi uu ti'm, aiiiiuieir enure appli cation ti t tran-aitions, w iththo law k nnd u"ai pes fiovernhiR nnd r pulatinn the same tocc thcr i ith num. rous (Jfinmercial t'nrm.- of Li-pjiITj inti-r. nip-r. tin) Payment 411m Nntcn.of Ilnukingand ltnitk Hunmtit, ufL'piaiioii ofl'tiynieuts an;d of Partuert-hlp .ccntiiit,ff n-Ki-eriiiriii in i.(t-t, 11 tlf'lglll nilU .lleaelirt'S fll tStjuaro and Cubic Measure, ftho Square root mid Its ; - .u'-.-si.bii, r,, in l.xrcii miu'i, and nf many other Important prarth al inattersnotwith. in iou oi'u in Hiinuveriisenient to mention. IT IS JUST THE BOOK FOll THE Farmer, the .Mrrrhrnt.the .Meiluiiir, the Artizail. or Hie I'", s.ioual man. Ilhss proton u t nluablu uuttltary tq the I.nttyer, the Justice of Ihe Fence. Hie Coltvetultcer nnd Ileal Estate I r.-ker, tullie Assessor, Ihe Hanker tlio cl.-rk to the Cit II Euzinecr nnd the surveyor, to the Cirpenti r und HriikUor, to the none m-ison nnd the Fia.terer. to the Paper I l,liiie-r nil I Uphulslerer, to the Pavrr and the Tiler, &r. sVc, vurli and nil win find ,t adapted to their various wants better lhan any booK pub i.lted. C7-M,'ed (post pnl.ll to any part of lite United States upon rceipt of llu money. Prlrc of a sinelu ( opy In r.Iolh. 10 Cents, or tuo Copies for SI no. llouud iu l'orki I book form, -Morocco, gl 00 p. r ropy. Addres., SI SI. ItllllUEli, , ,, . uoximiriiiiodeiiiiiut'.o., r, Dec. 1, lwIO-Cnl, ' ' THEODORE STILES frtrES"oRTo I'ONFUCTIOSICIl AM? FfUIITEKIsIS AND UHOLrHLK OFA1 VR M fQEW.X. iUlit,',,''AfFi,; 1 iirrnnn, .ihoiki, reiicni ,uis, t 'il roi, I '.n. Walnuts Itranjros, l'k'-i I t'ilbcrts, Lemon, Dates, ,Creiim Vut. il'ine Applen, LiHt' IfillJI v .(. xn Sweet Oil, r nips, Lr. letters, Xo. 174 1 Market S(nu, latouf 2f L Vine Ftreci, lMIIlsAUKUnilA, M;irch 10, Hi (l-l'm. HAItQAINS ISAIIGAINSI. NE1V I'AMs AMI HlM'Ca liOODS. ill !i HiV 2 WOUItH respectfully inform tho citizens of l.ifrh Htn e, and uinlty that thy Jiao jut received a new and i-xientvu naortmcnt of DUY GOODS AND GROCERIES, h hirh thev will sell 1 h"iin fr cah. Tlivv have a lariro and poiieri I uirkty: all that Is cotninonly Immd in u Country More, ami are dctfrmiued to bell thcip. Tothe H.'leitlou of lh r yooiU til y ln e paid triit attention ; tlx n fire, th-fr tiuTthamlizn will bear recommendation and w il) prove to I.o ot the firet la. T.1.1 uronrii'tors onliallv solicit a liberal sliuro of rat rmiajje, Cuftomers would do well to call and examine their l'lIut.iI arii'lt Ix-foro nun hamuli: elsewhere. Comiir) produce takvn in txchuuso for uoods at the nignuM iiiariu-i price. MARTZ t 12VP. I. Lit .Street, No. ember, 3 Iff". CHEAP HOOT AND SHOE STORE. nplll, sulmcribT invites attentmi to hi) new stoik o a itoms niio puoes, jusi 4 ruin .iiauvipoii umt to.iiprisiiiir UK If EXTLE MEN'S WEAPv, II. ml., (iatlers, Oxford Ties, Hchotti.h Ties, Nat; Gail ers, Slippers, Uc , etc. FOR L:DIES WKMI, Caiii'rs with and without heels, tSlinners ditto, llunkliis. t-'rs.npl, .liirr..i-,'ft 1 1. il 11 it n il li :i 11. 1 Hit limit h.-ol . A. i- Also, sum amiluiuiii.k iHTirmr-w iwm warn. nfeverv ni orie-s mm h oclow tlm nJ stsn dard, itnd less than the same 'piality uf Goods can bu boiishl tor nt an) otlu'r s'loro in town, Work of all kinds made to oidu-r of the best material, In the iitaU't-t iiiaiuijr and on reanoitatd" turmo, warraiit-'.l to eiii)tl any city work unJ mmh below tiiy pricen. k.eo none but llo' b-t w nrUim-n, and liuob-tter mati' rial than was ever b for broiiflit to this in iact, tlw ery bost to be Hdtt in Iho illy insrK. t. ULontiii s.s.VNDi:iia. I taut itlo, Vay -20, liU- y. NI'V HLAOKSMII'll S'lOP. rpllil,i'il lesiifttully uiformn hi friends nn 1 old iitfuot rs that tie lias H'-ned u hon i-n Mnl Ktret. a lew doors nbov' the Knrk's UoM, in llloonu bura't where lie drtiiirn ci-litiuuiiig the .SMI i UINU HIJ&INESS. In all its t-unoiis br-imhes, m low pnc. s, and nn an cn. lare.l srni - mtei souiu-iiie p-iiiir'o. -J-ProJuee, (Irani, JLc, gvilcrallv taken lor work. SllLlM C AllllOTT Illootnsburf, Slay i, 1: 53. Q0MKTIIIKG new tolo scoji at nny tiaiout llAllliANn, TINWARE .c STOVE SHOP. rp(!P. iiiidertisucd rv. pert fully luf inns his uM friends 4nteret.tiiithuabn-,uit.ibhhmeiit.iin1iliiT..ucuriiwill tit-reafter b i rniiiltutod by himself exiioilvely. i . il" Ii m juat rtr 'iviii uud oilers for sak, thu lartr- Mm uiil m-ist . it.nnvo nssoijimi.t of r.VNUV I iSToVllrf ever introduced inio this markit- iinn cut-iomer in.ii in uas pnriiiaeu iti urniueri. jry-j rtTO v llri ever tutro-iuca (u'o tins mar-ii t- TtW il u uiu.'Lt r-.i,i.Ktd fii' h roninlfi.!Tit.ortnient tho lii t Cooking ami pailor stov s in Hi. i.ijiK t tojith ..ruMit riinvii I'lVti.r. uf pi i f v iloirn i.t lou. tivt'ii and Hoi liovjs ILadmlors Cvii id r rituv'LS. ( at Iron Air Tiijht stove t -.unon (Htoves iwc. &.C hlovepjpe and Ttuvvare ciu-tamt) 0.1 au I inauuractnie I t'j order' All knilsof ffpultnu done as utnl ou ab it notice In p.ilrjiiaitij f idd Ul -nds ana u w nni'mi.fa P ilLl) xlii V M ItLl'LUl' i ilr a birj, .V -.b-r 'U llO.-tl. PflQTQPPT PrP 1 VJO I OVJlll ill 1 " Latest by Tulegrapli. Afl'alrs In Washington. THE .MISSION OP THE UR0OKLTN WITH DRAWAL OP SENATOR "SORA, HAS A11.MITTJJ1. AVasiiinoton, jn. S8..TI10 Hon. Al frcd Iverson, Senator from Gcorcia, took his lcavo of tho Sonata to-day, leav ing that boly without a rcprcscLtativo from Georgia. Mr. Ivcrsan gavo soma particulars concerning tho uew provisional Government of tho Southern confederacy, soon to bo organized, with power to levy war, Ac, nnd to admit new States. llu said tho South would fight for her rlghti forever. Ho would never agree to a ro. construction of the Federal Government. Tho South might decide othsrwlse, but nothing would ever bring her back but a. distinct recognition of her right by tho Federal Goiernment. While he was speak-, ing, Messrs. Evcrelt and Wiuthrop, of (ho lsoston Uomtnittcc, and Ex-Prcsidcnt Ty- lcr,tood near an! wcro attentive listeners. Tho mission of tho nloop-of-war Brook lyn is one of pcaso. It is confidently as- tertcd that she is under orders, to inter cept tho Government vessels heretofore or dered to go to I'cnsacola, and to obviato any trouble from an attempt that the Flor- Idlaus might make to seize and hold them. The State of Kansas is admitted at last. The Ilouso to-day concurred iu the amend mcnt ofthe Suiato, aud tho bill now only wants tho President's signature A delegation of Uhleago merchants 13 hero, to keep tho peace, and if possible, to restore the reign of reason aud commou sense. The delegation of New York merchants is expected this afternoon. BALTIMORE LOCK I1091-1TAL. III!, JOHiVSTOX, pilH founder nf this Celibrntcd Inrtltuilon, oiTrs thb jl inoMtenaiii, spt-voy, auu umy t-uuuiai remeiiy, in Urn world for HTVcU fur (iletts, tlrkurevtdtminal wtnk ness, I'aius in the Loins, Cniistitutiunal Debility, Iinpu t.'itc, Wiakness nf tlm Hack and Limbs, Alkclions t thokilneys, Talpitation ol tho lleurt, Dispcpsta, Ner vous lrntibility. Di-eusf ofthe "Iliad, Throat, Nufu or km, and all thonu berinu nnd melaudioly Dixnrders aritiu? from the destructive haliitnif Youth, M liich de ftroyK bolli ioay and niiioi. l iiuse secret mid solitary praitiri'S, uru more fatal to their victims than thet-urigof th) t-i r to the mariners Clj sses, Iilij;liliiiii llu ir most brilliant hopes ui anticipations, rendering marriage ic1 iiiinossibk'. MAUUIAGH, Marri-il persons, or Yonim Men conteinplaf ini mar, beinjr awnreiif phj f ical vvcakuess, nrcuitic ueabill tj, diforuuties, iVc, tliould iiiiini'diately" ivonsult It; Johiisioit, and bo ret-torrd to pei feet liealth. He who plates hi mailt uudir thu care of Dr. Jdintlon, may rtlk'iourd) tnnhdc in his honor as a ptntJf men, and couiidteiitlv rtly upon his skill us u ph ncian. OUtiANHMVKAKNLSH iintnciliuti-l) ciireJaud lull vigor rertu-cd. This dis 'Hsu is tho p milt) inot fre'iuutly paid h. tli ono whi) have hvromu the viilnn of imp roper mdulgeiio cies. Voiuil' pirsons uro too apt to i exu-fs ironi iio b 'Ins aware ol tlm driaotul toii-tfiiuunce Hint may,, ciieiie. Now, who that uiiderntuiulrt the subji-d will pro Uiiil to di'iiy that the power uf procp-iiou i loct sooncc 1 Hjoite tailing inlo impropcf habits than by the prudent, ltesjdis p-iiig dijirived if tho pl.'aAu,re oi aliiiy ort Fjirmps, tha uoit-t M-rioiisund dci-tiuctivu s) mptoiiis to bnth body and lUlid arise. 'lUc s)steiu IfecvV-'nleraafi' od, Ihe physical a,ittl no tit.'il puwern wi-nkiiied, lu-rvous tkbility.dyspcpiiia, r.uljutatuui ofthe licttrt, buligitdiou,' uwa-rtiug ot tho traiinj.Coupli, r-jiuptomt, of Lunguiuu tinu, &.C. tiJr Oihce, No. 7 Kuui 11 Frldrick STRti'-.T, seven doom from lialtiiiiore itrtet, l'iti mde, up the ntnpn. Lo par ticular in nb-erviiiK thoNAMU and NUJIUKH, er jou will miMaku iho plan-. A Cure li'urrtnteU, or no Chargt Jilade,in from Cm ! NO MUIICUUY OU NAl tl.OUH DKUOH USUD, Member of the Itojul College nl hurgeons, at I,nudon. tiradnaif ironio,e of llic'imt i.iriineiit C( lieges if the L'iuIimI ytatts, and the gn .iter part nf whuH.-lifj been tpuit lu tlie tirt HepitaU of Loudon, l'atis, I'hiia dLliiliia and tktw lit re, has cttVitud domo of the iimtl an tiiiii-luii( curt that werutver know it ( nirfiiy ttoubU'd wiiu rni'.iug in me ut no ami ears win, n amep, jinat iiervoUMifiit, being alarmed al isuddcu bounds, anti bash luluess, with (."reijiU'iit blu-hni?. utt ndedsoim: ti;mcs wttii deraiigeintut of mind, were cured immediatvly. .ii iiict,.irr When themicitided and Imnrudi nt ntarr of nlcaauro tlnds he hat imbibed the 6uva of this paiulul riiseufo, it too ntXeii li.tppi lis that uu ill timed hi use rd fhamc Or dread of dimnv t r) , di ters hiu Irom pppl)i"g to t!iou, who from cducutioii and respectability can alone him, cklvnit' till tlio con-sutatiuiur) s) mpioius f this horrid diHeatxj makes tin ir appearance, tniih as' ulcerated soru tlirout, dln.iiB.d nose, uuiturui, oaiu in 7 uni's, itmi litem, miarnbs on inc. lu.ul, tavo aud eitrenu ties, iirouri'SHiug wiin rapitiny, 1111 ni im me pniaio oi tlitt moutli and bones i f ho hum. f.ill ut, and the v Htini of this deseafO boiomes u horrid ibjectof i oiinuiin.'rtitit',i till dt uth puts a peiiod to bis dreai t'nl utteniig, by sea ilinsliiiii to "that bourne from whence no iravrller re turns." To buih, tUer fore, Di, pledyt a him il f to preserve the mot euv loauie m crecy, and nom ms ittn.ii oruLtiL't iu the liri-t Hosintals of Luroue and Aiuehca, )hj (tin conUd till) r. rHiuiucud sale mid puwfcy cure totliv! utitortuiiatu viitiiunl Ibis horrid di.aBU. TAMi I'Alil ICL I.All AU'I Dr. J. addresses all those who have injared themselvui by pnvat ' und liupropi.r indulyunceti. The.' are somu of tho sad und m tanrliolv elTccts pro ilucfd by i arlj habits ofjuuth. u WiaklnM df tlm ilai k and Limbs, 1'ain in the Head, Diu.licss of bight Loss nl Tuwer, 1 alpit.Uiou ot tue lleuit. pepiu Nervous Irratabilttv, Deranvement of the Dlge tiu Cmictions, (Jeueral Debility, )iopiumaof Contumy tlull, (VC. .MIA 1'Al.LY The fLarful flforts unon tlo ii-ind nru much to bo dreuded, Los of Mtmory.Uupturoii of Ideas' DtM)reniifi i,f th Spirits, l.vij Fori botUiiRs, Averstoit pf Society, Trinity. tVr'.,ure oMe nf iho evils produced, s the CH.I...S of their detUnin h.'tilih, Lnosin-; their iffor, bi-eniiuiig v.eak, palo ami tnriiiatnl, having kin Kitlar app"uranu about the cjes, cough uud s)i.iptouis'ot CoiUUulptlOll f f t ' n i.-viiiuii.ii.oi ikiiir.ijJi ruiv OUOANIO WLAkNL!6(. Ky this Brat and imoortanl rt-iiiedy. wiaknees of tho organs uro sneedil) eured, urd fvdl ijtor rei-Vfred. Tliuiisan'ds nl the most nervous and tkbilitatt u, who had tot all hipe, have betn imnioiliaif 1 relieved. Al iiupfdiiiit'iits to Marnatrc, 1'h) nal and Mental Disr;ua1i licatiou, Nervous In atability. Tremblings uud Weakness nr evlmuctaliin of tho moi feariul kind, soivd-l) curut Mi mm jiLsn. Who have injured bv a certain p mi tiro. indul;'.'d in w hen alonu u habit frc;ui-iitly I arm d Irom i vil loiupanious, or at school thti dkclsuf which uro li rill ) le u, rven wiun uii(ji'. unii ii iiui curcu ri-nncis maniagii impui-Mble, mid dcslro) s both mil J eud body. biioiii.i apt iiiuiK niuiLiy. a pitt) that )ountf man. tho liopo of Mi rmutry, and ill 9 dai nn! of his parents, should be snatched IfuDi Jill proptil uud tnjo)iueit' ol life, bf the consequen ce oi ueviaiui!; nom mo p.uu oi uaiure, uuu hiuiucihe in a sertaju sottish habit, tJuib pusons befor con tijuplatliig. MAKRIARU hhouM n lioct that n niund mind nudfioJi nr tho most iKi'issury reqtiikiiies to promoio ruiiui.oiai Happiness liidted. without tlieso the jouriie) tlirmiph life bi coins a wiurv iiiliiiimaL'e. thu orosoert hourly darktns tu the vijw ; tin- mind becomes khadovved with denjiair t nlkd with thu iiiilanchoiy rctlctioii that tlu IiOppinesJ nf another bH'.im-sbhiliti.l with our own, Oi't'HM: Ml. 7 OL'TH t'Ul.DI.KlCK ST., ValUmire, A'J ALL Bl lilill Al, UI'l,li..ViiU.B l'iUI UK.IU.U. N. r. t no l a Wo modesty prevent )ou, but apply immediat ly i ilti.-r pcri'niiully nr h Letter pKIN IllUAtfr.rtaiT.CniLY urkd. Tin Ptauv thousands cured'fit this Institution within the l,it l- ) ars, uul thd numerous impocanl Surtirul Operations pvifornnsl by Dr. Joltiutou, witnessed by (lie r.-poit rs ol the papers und null) uther persous, nu ticK of whirti have appi ared njain and Uf .uu before- the public. bt'Mdes Ins (taudiui: as a gcutl' man of iharniirr an 1 roponoibility, is a suihi lent cuarntitec to thu afflicts 1 . TAhH NOl lCU. N. H There are ? many iui.0Yant ami worthtfiu (luarks U'lvt-rijeins tln-mives I'hj suinns, tuiniuj; tho health of Uh already afllicted. that Dr' Jt hm-loit Uiems it ii'Tf ttfary lo say, t'puriuljy to tlmso' uuan-uaintsd w Mil his reputatitui that ins-ircdcpUals and diplMuis ulwii)s hauy ill Ills otlice, ' 1 'I'm, Iriii. v . til tnlfvu iiiik.1 I.n ttn.t tmJ.1. UHll mu la i ii a poatayu kUrnp lor tli j rcpl), or uq ausw ur vira bo sent. .MaulilT, 1-00. 'PO VEUSONS OUT UK EMPLOY. J MliNT. Airents w-utited to fll tlieHrie Sewing Madiiue, Wo i v in kivo u i,oiiiiiii-sioii, tr vusei ui itvw uin ci yvw of month, and C'Mieiitcs naid. 1 his is n new uiuchiiie. and so simple jn its ronstructton that U child ft IU years can learn to nn. 'mlii it bv ball' an hour's itiflrU'-Uoii It is tioui.(i uiiv i iiM'1'y i u jj mui u 11 v iu wai t uuu mu prii i' b'it Fitfei Dollars. IVriyUs wishiuj an tuieucy will address J N HOYLAN, tf. t ury tin t'tviinj Mi' tr t omnaoy. MILA. UllW, Ja.i 1? Lbl-lt.