GOLDUBIA DEMOCRAT.; LEVI L. TATE, EDITOR. DLOOMSBURG, PA. SATURDAY MORNING. JANUARY 26, 1881. I ..Iii.iuii ct. wi..i-Tli i.,UJ.,. Orangovillo Now Academy. On a recent visit to Orangovillo ,Mr. Lazarus, ono of tha Trustees of tho Malo and Female' Academy, just erected there, showed us through tho edifice, aud we wcro gratiScd to observe, that the Building Com mittee havo exercised crcditablo judgment and consulted good taste, in the erection of a uoble Academy Ins itutc. It is now finished, and tho furniture obtained, and will bo occupied for educational purposes, in February, as will bo seen by tho card of Prof. J. A. Shank, in our advertising; columns, to which wo deem it proper to call general attention. Wo wish all our citizens would properly appreciate tho en tcrpiize in whioh our friends at Orangovillo aro engaged, by first, taking liberally of the Stock only 810 per share and sco ondly, by extending tho next important encouragement to tho institution, in sending their children to tho Academy in which they cannot fail to obtain a liberal educa tion. Time tho Eootifyor. No man mado moro fuss during tho cam. paign over tho disunionists, than John W. Forney. No man moro wickedly and malieiously abused John C. Breckinridge than ho ; no man defended to 6uch ex tremetics Douglas and Johnson, and their supporters, than the white livcred renegado Fornoy. IIow is it now f Forney refuses to pub lish tho speech of Judgo Douglas, which has met with tho very general approval of tho Deinocratio party, abandoning as it did his Squatter Sovereignty dogma, and professing a willingness to Bavo the Union at all hazards and prevent bloodshed. But still furthor. Johnston, tho Vico President on tho Douglas ticket, and Al exander II. Stephens, his mott eloquent defender in tho South, have both signed the secession ordinanco of tho Stato of Georgia. Among all tho men whoso namo, repu tation and position entered into tho lato contest, John C. Brcckinridgo stands, in point of ability, purity of character, hon esty of intention,and integrity to tho Union, a head and shoulders above them all. lie alone, tho abused nnd vilified, he alono, tho mark of malignity and hate, ho nlono has never wavered in his devotion to our country. His name alono, now holds the Border Slavo States in tho Union, around him the leaders of the Union interest gather as their Chief, nnd his patriotio counsels havo done moro to delay and possibly heal, than all others together. Once moro I Hurrah for John C. Breckinridge. Tnoa. Osterhout, Esq., our Member from Wyoming county, last week offered a Petition in. the Pennsylvania Legislature, numerously signed by his most rcspcctabla constituents, prating tho passage of an Act, prohibiting the interm arriago of whites with blacks, and making it a criminal of once. Such an Act, would never disgrace eur statute books. We bslieve the Petition "-" i. r..n.i u;. t Mr. E. J. Thornton, whoso card ap pears in our columns, is tho best mechani cal paper-hanger in this latitude Ho has a choico and" varied assortment of Paper Hangings and Fancy Borderings, at his establishment in Judgo Rupert's Post Of fice. We would adviso our friends in town or country, wanting thtir houses fin ished in tho most modern style, and on Tory reasonablo terms, to oall upon Mr. Thornton. Lackawanna & BLoojisnnRo R.R At an election held by tho stockholders of this Oompanuy, on Monday, tho 14th, tho loltowing oiheers vrcro elected :. Col. 0. F. Wells, of Athens, President. Vfra. S wetland, 'Vm. 0. Reynolds, D. g! Dreisbach,E. MoNcal, John Brisbin, M. 1 aylor, Wm. E. Vodgo, John I. Blair, unomas Jj. Atucrson, Jos. II. Soranton, N. Clapp and II. Gaylord, Directors. The Bloomsburg Local Senato, wo un derstand, is in a flourishing condition. At IU latt meeting (Wednesday evening) an election was held which resulted in tho election of tho following named gentlemen ; President John G. Freeze ; Secretary E. B. Yordy ; Scrgcant-ot-ArnisY. 8. Bbhcl; JJoor-keeperC. Miller. ; Tub True Policy. Gov. Packer, in his recent mcssago to the Legislature, thus forcibly condensed tho true policy vincu should bo pursued at tho present timo : "Tho pcoplo of Pennsylvania are do voted to tho Union. They will follow its rtars and stripes through every peril. But, beforo assuming tho high responsi bilities now dimly foreshadowed, it is their kolemn duty to rcmovo every just causo of complaint against themselves, so thai, they may stand beforo High Ileaven, nnd tho civilized world, without fear and with- out reproach, ready to dovoto their live. and their fortunes to tho support of the best form of Government that has ever been devissd by tho wisdom of man." Pennsylvania aud tllO Union, Much timo and talk havo been spent .1..... .1. !.! . o... s. ... lation to the other members of tho Federal uniun ! aud it hai been asserted that wo aro entirely faultless, havo novordono anything wrong, and that wo can hold up clean hands in holy horror at the South Would to Uou that wero truo I oulu that wo wcro not vorilv guilty of tho blood of our broth- cr. That wo could now step into the breach and say to contending factious, "Peace 1 Bo still !" Unfortunately wo can not. Wo say it in all sorrow and humility. On tho 11th day of September 1851, under the administration of William F. Joiinston, in tho county of Lancaster, in this Stato ) Henry II. Klino tho Deputy United States MarshalJaecompanied by Edward Goreuch tho owner of four fugi tive slaves from Maryland, and his two sons with a couplo of friends, proceeded to nl . .. . ,. . , . vmusiiuuu, iu Bam couuiy, 10 arresi mo said fugitives. Two( at least, of them, were in tho houso of ono Parker, and wero scon and recognized by Mr. Gorsueh, who called them to como down. They refused. A largo number of negroes were with them, up stairs in Parker's houso. Tho warrants wero read, and Klino attempted to go up stairs a sharp instrument was thrust at him, and an axo thrown down by somo one, wounding two of tho Marshal's party. Mr. Gorsueh went out before tho door and callad his slaves by namo; he wa3 answered by having a shot fired at him from tho window. Horns wcro blown by tho nogroes, and directly Hanway and iiowis two whito men roue up negroes followed, emboldened by tho presenco of the whito men who took tho lead aud en couraged them. By this time anothor gang of negroes had arrived, armed with guns and clubs, and Hanway rodo up to them and said something in a low tono of voico. He moved his horso out of tho way of the guns; the negroes shouted, and immediately fired from every direction. Hanway rodo a short distanco down tho lane leading from Parker s house, and sat on his horse watch ing the blacks. Kline then called to Lewis, telling him a man was shot, and begging him to como and assist, which Lewis re fused to do. While this conversation was going on, and just beforo tho fir iBg commenced, Edward Gorsueh was standing in the short lane, about half way between the bars and tho house. Joshua M. Gorsueh was standing near him ; Dick' inson Gorsueh was in tho short lane, not so near his father as was Joshua, and Dr. Pierce ; Mr. Hutchings and Mr. Nelson were somewhere near tho same spot. The number of negroes assembled at this time must havo exceeded one hundred. Before tho firing commenced, Edward Gorsueh was struck with a club on tho back part of tho head, and fell forward on his hands and knees. As he was struggling to rise, and in the act of getting upon his feet, he was shot down, and when prostrate on the ground, was cut oa the head with a eorn cutter, and beaten with clubs. Dickinson Gorsueh, on perceiving tho attack made upon his father, immediately rushed to his assistance, when his revolver was kuocked out of his hand, and he himself shot in various parts of tho body, producing in tenso agony, and rendering him utterly helpless. Joshua M. Gorsueh was attacked at the same time, and defended himself with his revolver, which ho twico snapped at'his assailants, but the powder being down and eruelly beaten and maltreated. When the firing commenced, Klino, Deputy Marshal, in order to avoid its effects, escaped into a corn field, but on 6ecing Dickinson Gorsueh struggling in the short lane appprcntly wounded and bleeding, at tho risk of his own life ho went to his as sistance, and placed him under the shelter of a tree until aid could be procured. Hutchings and Nelson, two of tho others, wcro at thb timo making their escape, tho negroes being in full pursuit. Dr. Pearce and Joshua Gorsueh rtreated by tho short lano, and a number of shots wore fired at them ai tbey moved off. Dr. Pearco was shot in tho wrist, lido and shoulder, and a ball also passed through his hat just abovo his forehead. In tho effort to escape , theso latter gentlemen rushed towards Hanway, who was still sitting on his horso in tho long lano. They besought him to prevent tho negroes from pursuing any further. He said ho could not. They then asked for permission to get upon his horso, which would afford the means of making their escapo. Ho refused their request, and put ting whip to his horso rode off at full speed. This modo of a safo .retreat bein denied to Dr. Pearco and Joshua Gorsueh.) their only hope was to continue to run. . Pearco was in front, and Joshua Gorsueh behind. In looking back, Dr. Pearco saw a negro who had previously fired at him, I siriho dosuua uorsucn with a gun, which felled him to tho earth, and only escaped himself by rushing into a neighboring iarm-uouso, wnere ho was concealed from CTCr nt "ichmond. Tho Senato also pas view. Joshua M. Gorsueh and Dickinson sei1 tuo bill fixing tho 13th of February for uurautu wero BUDsenuently carried to houses in tho vicinity, ond wcro a long ' timo recovering from their wouuds. . tuch is tho history of ono caso; one man killed, and thrco moro wounded almost to their death. The blood of our Southern Brethren shed upon our own soil ' a groat wrong, a foul crime committed. ' and yet Republican Senators stand up and assert that Pennsylvania is without sin. Let justice bo done though tho heavens fall, let tlio truth, humiliating ns it is, bo toltl.'nm, Georgia nnd Let the statuto book bo purge.! of its im- v,-,,, e.,.,1 ,,i,:.i .l 1( . ... nn,n . . morocxtend tho hand of fellowship to th. men of tho South. The blood of tho mnr dered Gorsueh rises in judgment against and cries to us from the ground. S0riFrs7lng. no norurou TnK country civil. W&v. INEVITABLE. Congress is doing nothing to savo the Union and tho Republican Legislatures over the country arc helping them. They would rather submit to the humiliation of seeing Abo Lincoln tako his sent as l'rcs dent of half tho United States than repeal their personal Liberty Bills. There is no back down in the North and nono in tho South. The Republicans nrn demand ing war whilo the President is striving , ,. . , . , , , , hard to avoid bloodshed Four States havo now seceded from tho Union South Carolina, Dee. SO; Kissis sippi, Jan. 0; Florida, Jan. 10 and Ala bama, Jan. 11. All tho other Cotton States are preparing to follow. Fifteen States aro likely to bo out of tho Union by tho 4th of March, All the United States forts and arsenals iu Louisiana havo betn seized by tho for ces of tho Stato. Thcro was no opposition except at Baton Rouge, whoro Major Has kius, in command of two companies of sol mors, refused at first to surrender. Six companies of Stato troops wero displayed, and after a conferenco between tho Major ana tho Governor tho former gavo up tho arsenal. All tho Southern Officers in the Army and Navy, with a few exceptions, have re signed and tendered their services to their rcpectivo States. The South Carolina Convention passed resolutions recommending to all tho States of tho South tho assemblage of a Conven tion to form a Constitution for a Southern Confederacy. Tho President has mado a formal order directing the heads of tho various depart ments to withdraw all their advertising patronage from the Constitution newspa havo boasted that said law could not and and a WAR wh!ch wou,d make tho slaugh per. The immediate cause of this act is :nl,oti1cl nnk lm ,,l ;n 'tcrlecal, recollect their sacred regard supposed to bo the censures of that journal regarding the sending of troops to Charles ton. Tho Baltirr.oro Clipper says that tho pe tition to Congross, urging the adoption of Mr. Crittenden's oompromiso measures, from that city, had a list of names 000 feetlong,containg about 10,000 signatures. Over $50,000,000 wero represented by the parties signing tho petition. Memorials havo been presented in the Legislature of Pennsylvania praying for tho repeal of the laws which stand in tho way of tho execution of tho Fugitive Slave ' law. These memorials have attached to ...v.- Ul Mguaiurua.emuracing IUO names of over ten thousand persons. Ann t : i t ,t I The resolutions of Senator Welsh, in ' our Stato Senjitft. nrnnnalm, in rnnn.l I . ., r..r. obnoxious provisions m the aot of 1847 . c,t 1UiUU uuu, an v wruuauau vuuug agaiQsiiacm and tbo six Democrats of tho Senate iuf. their favor. Mr. MoCIuro, violently opposed all pro position for compromise and advocated co ercion. The Bpccch of Mr. McCluro has the more significance from his recent visit to Springfield, 111. Tho Stato of Georgia has captured all u Forts nd Arsenals and they aro now . garnsoucd by tho Stato' Troops. ' laa tteamcrstar or tlio West sent to L.nanesion witn troops was firoa upon by they say havo latterly been withheld from lowartls sustaining tho honor of tocir coun the State batteries. A shot was fired them. notwii1isrnnn'Sn,- tl.oi. try acainst overv foroiim . ,,.., across her bows to bring her to, but she still proceeded on her course, until sho was fired upon, and two or three shots struck her, when she put about and went to sea. She returned to Now York on Sunday morning last and disembarked her troops. Her sides show tho mark of Can non balls. Tha sloop-of-war Brooklyn, ordered to Charleston, was yesterday reported as be ing off tho bar at that port. Tho present Congress is fast diminish ing in numbers by tho withdrawal of mem bers from tho seceding States. Senators Urown aud Davis, of Mississip pi, will tako their lcavo of tho Senato to. morrow, and tho Senators and Represen tatives of Alabama and Florida will do likewise. Senator Toombs has left Washington, with his family for Georgia. Ho docs not intend to return. Georgia, ho says, will do out ot tlio Union in loss than ten days, A resolution was introduced into tho Legislature of Massachusetts on tho 10th 'nst - i tendering tho cntiro militarv mean and forces of the Stato to &iil thn Gonornl Government Tho Legislature of Virginia passed tho convention bill with amendments to refer lt3 action rclativo to secession back to tho pcop'e. Tho oxcitcment is greater than uuui"g iuo uonvenuon. '-There was a Cabinet meeting last night till a lato hour on tha dispatches brouht by Lieut. Talbott from Major Anderson, '-I'uoro is no reason to believo that anything farther will bo yielded to South Carolina", Barrancas Barracks, the Fort and Na ' vy Yard at Pensacola wero seized, on tho 12th int. by tho Alabama and Florida troops. The withdrawal of tho Florida, Alaba- Mijsissippl Senatorial ,... i . . U.legaltona lasi monuny was most imp.. 1 sivc. Tlio eallcrica word crowded to ex- cess, and tlmost a perfect stillness pro. ailed during the farowcll speeches of tho seceding States. Senator Mallory shed tears profusely during his address tendering his refigua tion. As Mr. Clay, of Alabama, spoke tho Senators all listened mot attentively. Ho was so excited and nervous that ho could hardly hold iu his hand tho paper from which ho read. On the conclusion of tho speeches thcro was great confusion in tho Senate. Sev eral Republicans bid tho withdrawing1 Senators good bye. They then took their tats aud portfolios nnd walked out. An immense crowd gathered around them in ono corner of ttic chamber as they went out, The Talcdictory speech of Col. Davis, of Mississippi, in severing his connection with tho Senate' was truly affecting particu larly that part of it relating to our flag. When ho said that if circumstance should render it necessary for him to follow somo other flag than tho good old flag of tho Union, which he had followed and defend ed on tho battlefield, ho should always re spect and remember it. Ho would lold it up and carefully preserve it in a placo of safety as a sacred relic and fond luoincnto of other and better days. Tho National Crisis. XNrORCINO TUB LAWS. Those words sound well, and particu larly so in the mouths of man who aro notorious for having preached and prayed rebellion against tho Constitution and laws, even to tho shooting down of tho officers whoso duty it is to enforce them. Seek out those men who murdered tho constable Batchcldcr, at Boston, whilo endeavoring to sustain tho fucritivo slare law, or who abetted or approved of tho deed, or who havo been cuiltv of anv similar crimo in any of our States, or of abcttinor or annrovinir of ihn , i, autco that every ono of thoso men, who-, or lawiJ anu not exPose tueir own preci thor clergyman or layman,is now rampant 0U3 livcs to dauger,would be just tho thing, in favor of enforcing tlie laws against tho war too ostensibly to preserve tho seceding States, and in denouncing any uJ"on and enforce the laws 1 Could any who counsel forbearanco, delay or any 'Lng moro exactly in point 1 such thing, in tho hope of avoiding the' HuUbis is not nil. TLo viow oftheso effusion of blood the blood of our brcth- fanatio3 is not confined t J tho butchery This alone is a suspicious circumstance. and may well lead to tho inquiry whether , on a la sca,e And what an PPrtu tho "nnfnmiMnpnt nf ! Uiva't nm . u'ty ' inaugurate it, with tho power and gainst tho seceding States, is not tho same thing in effect, or does not fend to tho 0 cna) a3 tho wanton, wilful, avowed aml pora;stcnt violation of tho funitivo ;,lav0 aW) and otber jaws wh;ch worc Q. I tcn(cd to carry iato cffcct ttInulaiion9 r ,, nn..ii;nI1 : r. r . 0....1. T. . . . . ... . it is not nest lor sensible men to be de. ecircd by a nalne . they should look at the thing, list it be understood then, for it ,s ciear a3 jigjjt tijat is called "en- orcmz the laws" in this conuoction. ii synonymous with coeroion and civil war The Government ii now dcalinc. not with individuals, or neighborhoods, or cliques, but with States. Theso wcro sovereign and independent when they entered tho Union, and aro so still, (Republicanism itself bcimjiudEO, cicoDt in those narri. culars wherein they conceded certain cow- crs'and-prifilcge?, ih-'cxehange Tor por-' tarn other powers and privileges, which ; - 1) - n . I'v.iu uuu ott repeated remonstrances. Tho right of tho seoeding States, under such circum-' stances, or under any circumstances, to ' Norl1, was denying them equal rights in resume their former absoluto indepen-1 commoI territories, practically rcfu denoo, (which must of courso prccedo now sing to Burr0Dr their fugitiro slaves,and alliances with other parties or with each , by IneaDS of underground railroads and other,) is not a right conceded by tho I Jolm IJrown ra!dsi adding to tho number Constitution. Neither is tho rieht to "whip" them back into tho Union "ayo 1 whip them" back, to uso tho ccntlo ' pression of our Pearl street cotemporary conceded by tho Uonbtttution. Tho Constitution contemplated no such anom alics. Neither did it contcmplato the wilful and persistent violation of its own stipulations by, any Stato or section, a gainst the rights of any other Stato or section, whereby its operation should be come, or bo deemed, more intolerable than tho perils of secession, which is another namo for rovolution. Tho true method, wo tako it, is, to look at tho caso as now presented, not in tho light ofthoConsti tution, (which, as it contemplated no such complication, provides no key for its so lution,) but as a naked fact, with which tho remaining States,through tho national government, havo to do. Call it secession, or revolution if you plcaso. but do nnt belittle it by calling it a simple breach of tho laws. It is a great they will find who undertake to suppress it by forco of arms. Already tho States of South Car olina, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi, vuujjjuoiug u jjujiuiituua oi near J,uuu, 000, havo formally declared themselves out of tho Union j and if Georgia, Lou isiana and Texas, follow their examplo, as it is most probablo they will within thrco weeks from tho present date, the seceded population will approach 5,000( 000, and tho area of tho seceded territory will bo more than 000,000 equaro miles, with a sea coast creator than that of all tlio Atlantio States which will then re- ;n It,, lln nn 'I'l.e, wlnln rtnrinlntirtn of thosoioven Stales u groalcr than tha whole population of ho United btatcs at . tho date of tho Revolution, and a moro bcroio set of men do not exist on tuo taco , of tho cartli. X lie negroes, msicaa oi uc ing a drawback upon tho strength of whites, as many persons at tho North seem to suppose, will bo in somo respects more valuahlo than so many whito men, as they can bo employed to do all tho ! drudgery of tho campaigu, tho building of earth-works, bearing of burdens, and in short, almost every thing but tho actual fighting, for which latter service said States could easily set on foot a quarter of a million of able-bodied men, inured to tho eliinato which would provo fatal to .Northern Wide Awakes who Bhould at- tempt to remain thcro through tho hot season. But enough of this. Wo will only add, that a resort to coercion, which appears to bo tho determination of tho Republicans when they come into power a few weeks hence, will bring nearly or quite all tho other slavcholding States to tho support of those whioh aro attacked, and thus tho nation will bo divided into two parts, as nearly equal in respect to population, territory and resources, as will bo ncocssary to ensuro a protraelcd and terribly bloody fratricidal war. Wc have already intimated our belief that much of the zeal which is manifested among certain classes all over the North, including many notorious law-breakers, for tho faithful execution of tho laws iu South Carolina and other seceding States, is only an out-cropping of that intenso hatred against tho South which thirty I years cultivation has produced. At first, such malignity is measurably satisfied by hard words and foul imputations. But as it becomes moro fiendish nnd diaboli cal, it craves bighcr-ssasoucd food. It longs to get at its victim with a butcher knife. .It thirsts for blood. JohnBrown- m nu"ords a temporary relief, but it is a hazardous business, and too circumscribed. iMurlcr by wholesale is what is wanted by the class of fanatics to whom wo allude: ot masters it looks also to insurrection amonS ,Lo 8lavM- lt is oin Brownism P"-o of the government to support the ,uvoment! Already tho Legislatures of 60vcral States including, wc aro ashamed ay. tho Stato of New York, are pro- uenug am, or uavo resolutions Dcioro them for that end. Maj. Gen. Saudford has tendered tho services of his noble Division fn. il.!a .... r n .. "6'"""" i f,.tUipi ;,,,;',- in ih"Vut; iiM,;.. to c?el forM of tn1uuArofjaai-':;;i; """"""fi U'M io suorait to jiiacK no- imu"uau ic somo specimens ot which ul;cu Bueu auu l"" 01ty wnmn "I0 'ast 41f J'ear3. Doubtless that splen d!d Diwion w""'d go ' tho death for tho countr in o a foreign invasion, but " ru uo' BO Buro lual lmJ mn "Kc tu fu of baJoneting their own brethcrn aud fricnds i Eod and truo men of tho South, who first scaled tho walls of tho c!ladt!l of Monterey, turned the tide of k u. v"r-) a -nu i- wa8 and "erywhero done their part , I --j .. . 0 ,alln,uiiy complied with tho stipula llons 01 tno Constitution, even when tho of 5uch '"S'tives daily. US Uot bo wwderstood. Wo do n,ot cbarec tuat all who favor coercion, or the enforcement of tho laws as it is called. aro of tho fanatical character abovo do- benbed. But wo do chargo that all such fanatics aro in favor of coercion, i. e., war, unless thcro may bo a few exceptions of iuu uauiauu yuascr oruer. Yo know mai many wuo call themselves Republi cans, aro at heart conservative men, and honestly desire the adjustment of our difficulties with tho Soutli on just and fair terms, and in accordanco with tho spirit ot the Constitution. To such wo havo no reference in tho foregoing romarks. Wo wish there wcro moro of them. Journal of Commerce. MARRIAGES. On Thursday the 24th inst., at tho house of tho Bride's Mother, by tho Rev. J. R pitnm, Mr. William P. Eruntv, and Miss Martha E.. daiinhipr f Bait's Appleman, all of this county. Tho happy couplo have our thanks for a splendid cako j and wo desire to havo them understand that wo heartily wish thorn a long and happy lifo. They arc now ono of that glorious company of mar ried folks, as all good citizens ought to bo. In Philadelphia, on tho Hth inst., by. Rev. Mr. Clark, Mr. Geo. Washington Ramsay, of Reading, (formerly of Dan villo,) and Miss Sai.lie A. SitAPLEss,of Cattawissa, Columbia County. DEATHS. In Muncy, oa Saturday morning, tho lOtb inst., Mr. Tiieodoiii: Wh.u r- merly of this place, in tho 60th year of his aj3 L:!sri ,lt. In Schoolcraft townsMp, tiallaniazoo co., 1 "2J.HEAT WOHK ON THE IIOliSK. Michigan, January Oih, 16)01 , Uosetta, Wife of John A. Oman, nged 33 years, 4jTllCll0i SC QlUl Eis DisCaSCS months and 18 days. At Lij tesjl1enoe ;n DaffviIC) on Monday tho 1st inst., Dr. Clarence It Fiuck, aged 42 years, U montlu nnu 4 days. Dr. Frick, had labored under disease contracted in Mexico ever since his return, from that country at the close of the war. Ho went with tho Columbia Guards from this placo, as Lieut, and on the death of Capt. Wilson succeeded to tho command. Ho was a bravo officer and was much be loved by Ins brethren in arms. Ho leaves a wife, several children nnd a large circlo of .relatives and friends, to mourn his do parturc. Ed. Montour American. New? QVDucvtiscmcnta. SECOND A.NNUAL REPORT. OF TUB FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE IXMIRANCE COMPANY, OF MIDDLE PENNSYLVANIA. Ofllce at Danville, Montour County, Pa Amount of property In mi red, jBn Jf, JCO, 85.W.I0I amuuni itiinrtu me pan )car, Amount urrendcrcJ Amount Inmtrcd Jan. P. r,1, Amount of rrrmf uiu iNotu lit furco January Amount taken the past year. no TJ'J r,2 WW -23 Amount ur rendered, ;o,ii.vj j Mi H Amount In fnreo Jan. 8. HCI, To amount oft'ind on hnnrlJitn. 10, Jico, 1 ninoiint of Premium collet t-d tlio jjjuI year, S.'M) I .14 itni:M"irtiiM'cii-u im i'qii yrar, Amouut duo from Ajcnti, 4U .V) lo 1.1 ny amount oftnnes paid tho pait ynr, " Ammiiittif coinitenoation in Prl drnt, Horrctary, Treniutr, Director ami Committee, "Additional ain't paid t BntP, IW eery if en in geitinit up the Company, " Ainnunt paid Tor Charter and Hun plrment, " Amount paid for priiitinjr, advertli inp, Oilici! rent nnd otliur rxpeiiif, " Amount loaned tint, in thu Trtaiury, and dutf from Aeeiit, 310 00 5?? 10 157 CO 1.710 5i 3 ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. Amount loaned out, In thi! Trratury and doc from Agent, Aniiuutof rrciuiiitn notes in furco Jan. Amount furniture iu office, including fire-proof ufc C9,5'27 00 3)3 (Ml 00 L O Dcbti and Mnbilitirg, DIRECTORS. KoKTnUMBCRLftRD Co, Win. 1'olliiicr, Haq , Abraham Khipmun, Elida John. 1'eter Haucliawout, linnc. Itidelfpurh, MonTniR CncvrT. nr.Thof. it, Mull, ( td. Jorpli f.cvi ri, Abraham U'agncr. William York, John MrtVilliamt, I. ax. it in. M t. Apple, man, fcaiuuU Iriiydei. ioli'muu t oiritr. Emnnut'l man, Uarid V, Clark. U. A. tin 01-TIOERS. PrPtidont-Wn. FOLIjMKR, Ki , Vice IToidcnt-llR. Tlioa R. HULL. Secretary-JOUN HVIiniTT. Trcamrtr-BAMUKI, VOtiKS, Jr. AGENTS. Vatteraon Johnson, I Win. It. Amracnunn h. II. Kai, Win. MeNitifh, Chap. ),. McCnrmiclr, lUcorgf Mack, Ella- Knirlrk. j Cnlnuan. Thi Farmer Mutual Fire luMir.iuceComp.uiT of MM die IVnimyivaniii, wan incorporated the llith day of lareh. i85s, and in hmtied by iu charter In lh in.u ranrt nf country property exclusively. Th tirt policy of iiiHUraucu was iitid on the S7th day of June, of the snmeycnr; it has thrrrfi-re, bien iu actual opi-rHtion but little more th in tnbl"'n month. Originally it vean confiiu-d lull i pt rations to the rountle of Col um Inn, Montour aud Xorthiiitiberland.but ittthA lait aeiminn nf the ,egibiur that rctrietiin wj remorud, nnd by a resolution of ihi ItoarJ n few rauro countien were added toouroricinnl territory. This Cotnpanvi condiifled on the luiitual principal exctiifiivtly, snthatnny ptfrson insuring in itb- cnuica inembi'r. and turn a rlclit to vi te at the ei.ctlon f. r Ihn-e. torn, which tiikus pltcu annually on the ocond Tuesday fn December. The auiountof premium collected nithitinin it (n.n. rine Is vi-ry low, but it will b obarrved thatour lotu inrintf pun ynr uavu mm Oi'irii yery Iipht, more si In thi Company Am! by atrirt rcnoiuy in our rxpvn tiiiu 1'rovidfncf, wn hope to lid nbUi to iw.'t all our ha btlitio. nithout making ameiimcnta cilhr opprtfralTO un account of their bring oft repeated. , a WM. FOI.I.MKIl, rrua. Uauwllr, Jan. 'JO, leUl. 3u Male and Female Academy, AND NORMAL INSTITUTE. ORANflBVllJ.IS, COUIMMA CO.. PA. Prof. J. A. SHANK, A. B.-Frincipal. Till! HKCIINU TKIIM 01' Till: PHKSUNT ACAU. KMIUycur of llii. (nvtitulinn n ill open onTur.. tel '11"31 ''I' of February, lbCl, in the iicnlycuuipl.. TlieCourao of instruction pmhrnce. n aollil anil tbo. roiiah Dluention, fltnnr tlio Student furuffieieiit active tr0, and for buiineHH; nhilat tho.o uho ilenlre to prepare for Colleen will find tvery facility for lie oenoliiition of thu Latin and tlreek Language. Mtithe. niatira, Mental, Moral, and rhy.lealHcincL,ncceaaury for entrauo to any ono of tho Coll. e- claa.e. A Normal Department Hill bo r.ublithed iu ronnrc. tion Willi tho Academic, in that tho.o ho ih to pre. pom for the profenriou of Tcarhinc, "ill rrnhe tho neceraary iu.trucliona for audi preparation, au-l bo allned iheucnellt of dally practice, iulbe model school or Primary Department. li x p C II H c s. Tuition, per Hea.ion of Eleven Weeks :-l'or llin first trade SI OU Heroud trade S3 (HI ; Third ura.le Sii l'0. piichairtho Tuition is rf'iuircil to lie paid at tlio open, hilt of each session; and tha other lialfat tlio rloae. mi. ,;M" irancoiiieiii. areelit. re.l into ith tho Priii. cipal. Noiieducllonmade for absence ezcent In caaca of continued illnc.s. lioHrdiiii! and furnished moms will be plien Ptiidenla at 9I.UI per week. There are alsu roo.o. to let for llioso Mho wish Inboard theiuseltrs. All the text books ii.e.l tn ii.r. in i.. ... . ,, t"-tc n on usuui selling prices. .. Pl'litulara, addrcsa the I'rlnci LAZARII; einnl. or JA.MrHH. WOODS, AI-KKIID IKIWCI.I.. VVKaLKVltOV.1IAN Jan. 6, ieci. j-,ir.n r. i i liito.N, B. AOIIhNHAIM. fo.Rniiiiirn:ni:Nnnn, Jtitard of Trutttts TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. A Mated mectiiie of thr 'IVaclirr AimrisMion of Cnl. Id at l.ieht Slreet. inthol UHDAY THE Blh DAY i i. ... OP FEBRUARY, nf xt. at JU Addresses will be delivered, Kssay's read', Uuestiona ui,, ana unicers llected for the riisiiinir tear I invited tu attend, i '" f Education ara intm.tly Uy order of the V.t. rommittre. January . H. U "".UMAN.Cs,,-.,, rUIiLIO NOTICE FOR LICENSES. NOTICni. hereby given that the f.illnnini! persons In Columbia enutilv. h... 0. i.. ...f. W..I-OIS, i wie aiu louniy lor Tuv em License in their respective townships, which said ffi Jih"' ""Vf V"""-'"!'? "' ,;"u" "" M'""ly interested i takoiiolire.and the License w ill be eran. l?ht !' ' ' "f l'ct"""y nt at 1! lirnare. A . 11 ihi.i ..r .. 1...1. i, .. . Annlicauts. Kzekiel Cole, John Leg-got, Townships.! Kujarluaf. j r:re,-,,n Tavern, Trothonotary's Ofllce, rlooiu.hiiri Jan, (I, ihoi. JACOB UVEHLV, l(rr. I ) I T mkn?"80'8 0UT 0V EMPLOY. Agents wanted to sll the Erio Pew iiiS Machine. Wei iMcil.oiiinilsiinn,iiiireiiirrliiiilSto pei inonth, and expenses paid. This Is u new machine, and , n limp's la its construction that a cluhl of 10 year, can lean 0 operato 11 by half an hour's instrucliun. It I. ' equal to any 'Family Mewinj Matlune iu use, end thu 1 Price is but Firteeo llrUlat. Persom wishiiif an agency will address I V 01 V . . Serretary Erie rJowing Machine ( 'onipauy. Jan. 13, lPOl-tt. MILAN, MlilO. LEATHER, LEAT1IEII Mjl-t Street. J,n J, iee,3m. J' A.NT.CV VTUI.r; Wather, and all other kinds of Iiaih.,. u ''' ' KKV nurrMT PIIII.1IKU'II1.1. O roecoa. Linine and Binding, f Z Ym','h Unpen ,. Ph lad... Jl 4 ?,e,l to Milton, 7 'VhB"l,',l,'t,,''''"'l"i8"jatliirTnnnc,J Vit.k, " ! V.,1"""1' 3 m ''" WlHiemipurl. I VI iahinent.lnLiihtWreel.tiidunib.,".,. A Alio i o 1 fllnton, i do M.nira, SIJ '"''inlyr"tri. "'7, ' mTU, 31) do Niasra Falls. ISO dition, cheap by the bushel or barrel u" J cm" All passeni-cra are riuesle.l to proruro Tickets before 5"5-Ca,h oslrt r... u.aJL J enlerine the ears. Tlj,..- ,h.i.,l ,I,.,,, ... I'h.l. BY UOBEHT JENNINGS, V. S. Professor oj 1'atkofogtf and operative Sur aery in the VtUnnary Coiicge riV( ttdclphiU) r., tc. WILL TJ2LL FOPOrthA nrlilon, history and dlittnctl IrHlts nf the various breeds cf Etin. penn, Aslutle, Artricim nnd AmerlcVn Horsrii, Willi the phyiicul tortuntUn nnd IIil- piruiinrltivH ol the animal ond how to necertnl n his ne li ih number and condition of his tenth Illimtratcd witk numerous exblatiatu! ry engravings. The llunc and his Dicaits triLL TELL TOV Of Ifreetllnff, lirrnklns, Mabllnnf ing, groomlup, Bhnclne, nnd the Jon. cral iuaiiflir ment of the hurie, with the bent i nodes of Administering n(fj. cine, nlso, how to trenl billnp, kick, hie, rearing, ling, ituinMhip, crib I'lthiff. It stli'Siiieao, nnd other vies toHhUhhe 4 subjert; with tium(. ctplntiuiory ciiR-m Infik. The Ione and his JJistu&cs trjLL TKKL roruftlte causes, ppmptoms, ond Treat. meiit of Ftr-ni-ttcs. Huro Throat, temper. Catarrh. Inllueiirn, hmtuhii. tl(l'nouiiioiiift, I'li-urlij.llrokfii A Chronic Clinch, Hoiiiiiif and U l.ampAi,Hor Mouth and Ulcers, nid lecaed Tri th, with other uffeiiiusLf the Muutli and Keipirnt) Organ i. The Thaw and his JjtS'tisu WILL TLL YOU f Iherausis symptom. nnd Treat ment of U'nruis, 1'otti, Colic, Mrauiru I tit mo, Htony contr lions, ll'ipturts l'alsy, liiiirrlueiiJniiiikle-, llrpi tir' rluMn, llloody llrltiu Htom s in thr Kj. neys and Itlnddt r, InlLiaailuu, and other diseases of the Stomach, tww tls, I.lvtrattd L'rinnry Ortfnnt. The Fhrse nnd his ttt&ctt&ca If ILL T&LL FOl Of the omiics, sj uiplonm, nnd trenu kivnt of liiuie. (tiood and l.njr, fcipaTin Ithift Mono, Htturnir', Hiraint, rtkm" Kin-is, Wind t!.i" a, rounder. l'ruiM and (Irntl, Craoknl N0l(v ticrutthes, Canker. 'I'liruiih, and Corns also, of Mccriun, Vrrtigr). rpUpy Htnppcri, nnd other dinoici of t U J.egs mid Head. The fhfc nnd his Discuses tflLL TtlLL YOU Of thrnu, iyniptriMi,nnI Trtar. iifiitof M.iiila, I'oll i:it, dander, 1'arey, Hciirl-t Fever, nne, Surfeit l,o- kt' J J a iv, Itlh-umatiiiiii, Crn p, Ciallst r)ieni w ortlu-Kji-nnl lltart. A.C., A.C, nnd how to inaimne Catra lion, tl-tlnir, Tnphllininit, Uwwe . ling; Firing, lUrula, Amputation, t-et pins, nnd oth?r surgicnl i pciatioiu. 7cf P,r.f atifi his JJucasts WILL TELL YOU Of Itnrey's Mi thnd of tnu Ing Hor how to nppronch. lla'ter, or Stnblo n t.'oltthow to nrcmtoiu a h ti to btMne Rounds nml i a Ii 1 1, ana how to Hit, Saddle. Hide, nnd l.reak him to Ilariu at alio thi form and hw of U'aniMr. '1 he h' le being tbw r sult of mop than fittefii years' anreful study of the habits, peculfnritics, wants and enkiitti ot this m LIj und uauful niiim&I. . The book contaliM :te-tpageq, Rpprrplale'y il'usttatml by ne.irly due Hundred i;usr;t iuiis. It is prii-t'd in a clear nml np.-n t pc.and w ill be furulsliud to ctiv nddrem p'ltt.tgcpnH, mi receipt of price, lm If bound , SI,tiO, rli.tli. stra. $I.-J5. ,1000 A YEARi"..7pV.! I"C ll ft) Or. vrTulirri1. in .cllhic Ihi nlnro nnl other popular nt.rkg ofour.. Our iiidiici iiiotita in all aui li trtf fic.ojii ,ly, literal. Fi-r lnyl. toiWn nfth3 Knnk, or fr trrm. (o agti.w with otlitr iiiforiuation. apply to or aitilr.M JOHN n. I'OITi It, li.Ml.lior. No. C1T ttaniiom Mrwet, rtiiladtlphlu, i'a. Not AGRICULTURAL & SEED WAliE IIOUHE. PASCIIALL MOIUUS, lUTIAO niMOTID TUB PlllLA DELPHI Jl A G I ICUL TU-RALij- iEEU WAREHOUSE, From thj North. Katt l?ornr f seventh nj Knrkt MrL-etn tiiltii NKH HTANl,i.. 1I2U MAUKKTaT OPrOSITB THE FA 11 ME RS' MARKET OtTtTi fi'i'r sale, at tK' rfaitmabl4 pricui,u?uty llf4Ti)tltl of Improvcil .Aifrlcutturnl nml (lorllcnlturnl I nip Is merit, TnrrMitftJ Froch nn.l O.'iiiilni' Kh-IiI, (Jnr Irn anil Flow rHfCiU. In iirfiit arifiy. Ali. .N. 1 1'vruvian t"v crimifiii (.(infill, ami otliT rrliitblr IVrii i.i'ri r r rj nml ;rnlii i vp Fruit nn t Ornuiuciktui'i'rrt t, anJ abrub li.jry, ihi.irv tv rcro :!. KuHfi. PahlU, A.r lit' nhfiti a runtimiitnrt f f fi 1 1 1 1 . r cutriu Iiuplriu'iit, Scetl, uu4 Nurs'ry (JUluJ1"' fWrJt!J on Ai-ilimli(iii. TAPCIIAt I, MOBKIrf, Acrk'ittuwl nnd Hnl Warriuunr, on 1U0 MarkU glrci-i. iippMiti tha rarinrri' Market. J.injiry 19, 101. GIBSON'S A N I) ItKCflll.U IVK KSTUlMSnniKST. Ho. 133, Soth eleventh Street nrar Walrct, PBJjBiAIt;!.D,EB8., Cuarurtctl Clans, l'toico, Uil unJ I.ucaniitio 1'aintlnj Jptix (;ri.t. G. If. Uiuaon. January 12, l?0l 3m BOAT FOH SALE. A pooi! CAN AT. liOAT for tale tbcaji. VijlV-tni.n Turin tu iuit purcliascrf. Cv..--TR57 K. II. avvli:. n'ooRiiliurir, J.ib, V2. IfDI, $35.00 Pay tharntir coil fur Tint .mi in tho must popular an I t'iinri,.-rci:il Scltoiil it. iu. c-mtilry, I'pwnrl i( rwrUi- IluiHlroi) young ini-n frinu twrnty i'iht ilirtV front Htak'i have bovu uliiciitcd for budfnft tior- with In the pat ilirL-.' rear, auuie nf wtwmi havo boon oui yloyvd as liuuk Kcejiers at sa arii'u uf SaOOO.OO per Annum, iuimediatelyupon cmdualiocwlio knew nuthlns ofne. counts nheii they enten'Utlf. (.'olleei'. UV .Mini'tura sous Imir prico, Mmlentc enter at any llme.and review ulieu th ilesciviluiui eilrucharii.. hor Cnt.iljiin of i pui-ea. r-..-cioins of i'rof. l'o ley's liuslticssand tlriiniueiitnl IVumnnship. ami a large Ihi Craiinc orthe('olei;e. iiirl,..u tu ruty. five cents in Post ajo Stamps to the Principals. . 'WKI.Va SMITH, rittsburjli, Pa. Jan. J, liOl ly, UPI'IXGKII'S KSTABI.ISIIMENT. l or the libernlitv with which the Public always havo itrouized Henry uniiinecr. reomo si-o hi. ml honmt e means to show his eratiiuilfi l.e t.-llt, rt. in i;..,.ir w.iit,., ,ns uiiiuiuoii is ui t so iiiucii to niakc liion oy as to orrnpy 4 4r or om of Ihi lr$l shops, and to be itenirally appreciated , uc f nlp workmen. lorsive Ii M inilulf onr ; ho shall try to direct it will. Ol'roiir.e. tae laborer whether nith litadorhaml is worthy of his hire. New Watrhes. new 'locks. a lot r,( good Jcwclrv.a full a.Bi'rlmeiit of flasse. fer walcli. s. inside ami out.Me : "IC'idtloiKtiimminssi aBood assort .entofcom. '""""'"I ver frameil .peitaclia: class. . for ipe. tacli a to suit when no rlacles will ; Seul M.,l,m. . finds, und iirtrucllou to work them, tc. 4.C., all cut .eusouauie ior an. noon,.),,,. Rloomsbure, Jan. 5, 1361, iiKxity zuprixuEii. NEW OAIIKIAGE ESTAIIMSILMENI .v m.ooMsauita. J tho .Vie JJruL V'arcc mom t'urrii's Factor), to .Vein 1 bctote .Market, ilir. subscrih-r would respectfully announce to the public, he has commenced the 530. UAKKIAUK it , t-SiS WAUOV 5IAKIXU 11U-C KINKrW, n all us erjUUs branciies, lluia pri pared to eiecuM II orders and l,nfl li..,.,l " , f fini.beil wnrkwhinh nurchaafra will dad to their nt-nlajc tocallnnd osniinoe, RKe.HRI.VO, IN 111 dollO f rt tbo ul i.r..n,l nn.l ...r,.l m.mi.. ul'on which cunnot (nil to into ainslaclioi . BTltAWlllllDUK A.WILSO.S. Bloomiburi;, April a, IPM, 1 I'aJJawlssa,,iort & Eric It. R feSrPii5SiitIi Mml'jfU. n t"1' i'4ilaKifi. STorlrsI airir.l sad V."'"!' """" Hweru fCcn I'erlu 1'HltdtlpMa, '""v. J-ilularf tialimeto, H'sai( my, and Ho " . 1 'm """cwnt Train, on thl, ltoad pass Itupert at fot- luw s I TRAINS MOVING SOUTH, J.'.'P,"'.". Irclchl, 0,00 i. M. PhiladelpbM .Mail, 10.35 . M. Philadelphia At N. V. Kjprrss, ll.-.M ., TltAlNS .MOVt.NfJ.NOttTH, Elprrsa Freight, IJ.Sfl p. m. s.iioira oiau, 3 jq - h. 1 1. SO f. K. dtlrhU and Elmlra. rviairara repress. Jan I, leal.