Si grim Ultra I. "LIT To Pit event Tools from Kustinci'.1 Thousands of dollars aro lost each year. Lv tho rust inn1 of ntows. linos. uliovels. Ac. a .... . , , , , I OOtnO Of tlllS minllt DO prevented, by &U , pi i n i t u)piivaiiuu ui jru unu iumii luuu tiuei or iron implements. Take three times na much weight of lard as resin, and melt them together. This can ho applied with a brush, or cloth, lo all surfaccsin danger of rusting, and they can bo easily kept bright. If tools arc to be lnid away for the Winter, give them a coating of this, nud you will bo well repaid. It can bo kept for a long timo, and should bo always at hand ready for use. IIot Tallow a Cure for Isunovma Nails. Wo tnko tha following remedy for a very common and very painful nfllictioa, rom tho Doston Medical and Surgical Journal. Tho patient on whom I first tried this plan was a young lady, tvIio had been nn able to put on a shoo for several months and decidedly the worst caso that I have ever seen. Tho disease had been of long Standing. Tho edgo of tho nail was deeply undermined, tho granulations formed a high ridge, partly covered with skin, and pus constantly oozod from tho root of the nail Thowholo too was swollen, and extremely tender and painful. Jly mode of proceed ing was this j I put a very small piceo of tallow in a spoon, and heated it over a lamp till it be camo very hot, am poured it on the gran' ulations. Tho effect was almost magical Tain and tenderness wero at onco relieved and in a few days tho granulations wero all gone, tho diseased parts dry and desti tute of feeling, and the edgo of tho nail ex posed so. as to- admit of being pared away without any inconvenience. Tho euro was complcto, and the troublo never returned I havo tried this plan repeatedly eiuco, with tho samo satisfactory results. Tho operation causes but little pain if the tallow js properly heated. A repetition might iu gome cases be necessary, although I have never met with a caso that did not yield to one applica'ion. Admitting tho theory of Dr. Lorinser to bo correct, tho modus ojier andi is very plainly to bo seen. Tho li quid cautery insinuates itself into every in tcrstiee under tho nail, along tho fistula into tho ulcer at tho matrix of the iia'J, ac complishing in ono minute, without pain all that can bo effected by Iho paiuful ap plication of uitrato of silver for several weeks. PHYSIOLOGICAL FAHMLNG. Michael Sullivan owns, and has paid for, one hundred thousand acres, of land near Homer, Illinois. Ho keeps a large amount of money always on hand, to pay his workmen at the end of every week. They tako their breakfast at half pat five o'clock every morning, and ride to their placo of work. Thoy dino at noon, their dinners being carried to them. 'J hey quit work at sundown, and ride home. In this short narration there is a knowledge of physiology, of body and of mind, which is highly creditable to tho Napoleon crs. To show tho wisdom of the whole ar rangement would requiro a commentary of ..--- -4U.-.m.lcin4'.aC ntnEU. -"'J The land having been paid for savts an immense amount of up-hill, hard, drag ging tvork. To ha,vo to pay out any con siderable part of forni earnings for eating interest, even at six par cent., asd every once in a while an installment of tho purchase-money, instead of being able to ex pend these in substantial improvements, in tho purchaso of fertilizers and labor-saving machines, such as M'Cormick's reaper, the grain-sower and tho steam-plow, make tho cultivation of tho soil in innumerable cases a literal galley-lifo. By this samo course many an honest, industrious, and ambitious farmer has worked himself to death before ho lived out half his days. To' "farm'' pleasantly and successfully not only must tho land bo paid for, but a liberal amount of money should be on haild to meet emergencies, and pay the laborers always promptly m full, at the hour, and to tho last cent in money. Such n course will seouro tho best hands, and at tho low est' prices ; and more, it keeps tho men, thus avoiding unprofitable and troublesome changes ; and if unavoidable circumstances compel them to leave, thoy lcavo with a Itindly feeling, and will not fail to recom mend others to fill their places ; henco such a farmer is everywhero spoken well of, at all times has his pick and choice of hands. and mote, ho will get more work out of his men ; for knowing that their pay is always in full and at tho hour, they havo strongest stimulus to mako an effort to ro tain their places and do their work well j nnd by boing it carefully, they perform mow work in a given time. Dr. Hall. An I said a Sunday school teacher to a hopeful pupil, ah, Caroline, what would you havo been-without vour kind naronts i Isupposo mum, answered the girl, deeply BUCCiea, mat 1 Should havo been a Iiorfan. r . , I XNDUtaiNa in dangorous pleasures, says tho Curmcso proverb, is licking honey from 1 barpkmfe. MISCELLANEOUS Tnc AMiLOAMiTini or LAivnoAnFs. There it a crow nit temerity tn this mio to appropriate Iho mot ex t mailt o words or hi cr lantr tiuirca. nil J atlcr a' while to iticoTporutfl tli cm into nur nwii t thud thg word CiphMIc w liich l from tho Grsek, signifying ' for tlio hcud," I hntv h.-enmlnir tin nu frtxeif In coiinet lion with Mr. Hpaldlng'i great Hcadaths remedy, but U will soon bu used in a mur general way, and tun word Cephalic u tit becotuost common Llectrntypo and many others h1ki distinction as foreign words has been with awny by common usage until they scum " nnilvt auiltolhn mauur Worn," 'ardly It e all red. (U nJ '11 'orrtMa Vailacha this hafternnon, hand I step pjit futn the bn potheen its band sajs Jil tutlie tnnii'con you w of au 'cftdacheF1 "Does it hatha yi llfiweiUnslyV says hi, hind upon thntN uio a Ccphrtlic Till, band pon nm'oiior it cured i uuvm u until d uiu, quick tb-aU'arJIy Malum! I ad'ad au'eadaclie. ry Hkidchk u the favorite tlfn liy which nature luakvf Known any deviation whatever fro'u th. natural slftto of tha l.raiu. autl viewed iu tlill Jighl It way lid looked nu a. a safeguard Intended to git, a uoticu of ills ea.a which lnijthl otherwise escape attention, till too lata tobj rouiijtliaj aud lit Indications should nc.erli. neglected Headaches may tie clnaitlctl under two Dauiss, lz: r-ylnploiiiallcuiid Idiopathic. r?)tnrlouialli Headache ia clcewdingly common anil la tun prccuraor nt a ureal arlely of diseases nmoug whltti nru Apoplexy, Gout, llrieinallsm olid all fobrilo diseases. In its ucr vohs form it is sympathetic of diseases of Ibo stomach constituting sir tleadaehe,v( hepatic dlscasa cntistitii n btlton. headaeke, of Hornn, cons llpatiftn and otUer (llnorucra ol luo uowcif. aa well ai renal nnu uivrino hi f!ttlon4. hiflcaaea f'ftlio heart aro very frcaucnlly ht tended with lleitdachcai Anrminand plethora aro nlso atfettionliicli frequently occailou headache ldiopn tin tic llcndnchols alto very couiiuon, being ur-ually dii tinguished hy the naino of ncrvoua headache, aotiiLtimea comlnjt on fiiddenly in a state of apparently aound health and proiitnitlng at onco tlio incntal and phyaical cnerntes anil III oilier iiiiiunco iicoiiiea ou iiuwiy, jn'riiiiien oy depreivion of aplrlta or acerbity oftemptr. Inmost in stands lh pain Is ill the front of the head, over onoor both cyus, and sometimes provoking omiting; under this class may also be named Xturalgia I or tno treatment oi eitner class oi iicaoacne tno cc ilmlic Tills hate been found a sure and safe remedy, re ieiinff llic most ncuto nains In a few iiiloules. uml bv its subtle power eradicating tho tii.euses of which Head, achuiathi) untrrtug index IlaiDocT. Mlrsits wonts ioj to send Iter a sot of Cc plialic Glue, no.n bottle ofl'rcpnred 1 Ills, but I'm think ing that's not just it naither 1 but perhaps )ell he ulther knowing what it is. Vo see slio's nigh de:.u and gone with tho Sick Ileadadie, nnd v.aats some moru of that same as relnned her brfoic. Jtmegitl oa must mean Spalding's Cephalic rill. llrtdirct.. -Ochl sure now- and Miu'vu soil it. here's the quarttu-r and ;ivo mo the Tills uud dont hi all day about it aimer. A Heal Blessinp:. Physician. Well Jlrs. Jones how is that headache I Mis. Junes. Gone 1 Doctor.all cono I the pill you sent cureu mo iu just twenty nun utcs anu 1 wisU you would tend more so that I can havo tuem uaudy. riyncian. You can cot thorn ut anv Dru?ists. Call for Cephalic Pills, I find they never fail, and I recommend them in all cases oi Headache. Mrs. Jones. I shall send for a box di rectly, and shall tell all my suffering friends lor tlioy aro a real blessing. Twenty Millions of Dollars saved Mr. Spalding has sold two millions of uottles ot lus celebrated i'repared (iluo and it is estimated that cacu bottle raves at least ten dollars worth of broken furui turo, thus making an aggregate of twenty millions ot dollars reclaimed lioiu total loss by this valuable invention. Having mauc jus uiuo a nouscuoiu word, no now proposes to do tho world still greater ser vice by curing all tho aching heads with Ins l;cplialic, 1'ills, and ll they aro as good as hu Glue, Headaches will soon vanish away like snow in July. JST Oven KxciTr.:uENT, and tho men tal caro and anxiety incident to clo?o .it- iCHtion to business or ftudy, aro among cue numerous causes ot Acrvous Jleadaehc. Tho disordered stata uf mind and body in cident to this distressing complaint is afa tal blow to nil onorgy and ambition. Suf fercrs by this disorder can always obtain speedy relief from these distressing attacks by usipg one of tho Cephalic Pills when ever tho symptoms appear. It quiets the overtasked brain, and soo'hes tho strained and jarring nerves, and relaxes the tension of the stomach which always accompanies and aggravates the disordered condition of the brain- SQ5DlD you ever havo tho Sick Head ache I Do you remember tho throbbing temples, the fevered brow,tIie loathing and disgust at tho eiulit of food.' How totally unlit you were for pleasure conversation or study. (Jno ot tho Cephalic Pills would havo roleived you from all tho suffering which you then experienced. For this and other purposes you should always have a box ot them on hand to use as occasion re- ciuircs. .. Fact worth KNOWING". Snaldins's Cephalic Pills aro a certain cure for Sick IT t:i: , Tr j , x' ..v--u, -i.iiuu- jivauuuiiu. aiui vutn Headache, Costivencss and General Debil ity. Gbeat Discovery, Among the roost important of all tho groat medical discov eries of this ago may bo considered tho system of vaccination for protection from Small Pox, tho Ccphalio Pill for ralief of Headache, and tho use of Quinino for "tho prevention of Fevers, cither of which is a suro spccifio, whoso benefits will bo ex- periencod by suffering humanity long after their discoverers aro forp-ottcn. Ilr tho use of Ibeso Hills the neriodie attarhs of A.. raa orHtk Htadatke may be prevented; and if taken at iu. cumuienrenieiit ol an auarK linlncilidte relief from pain Rlld sickness uill be obtained. They seldom fail ill rcinoviiil'tlio A"uitaanl -aiut .ii.viiicii leiiiuie. are so suoject, They act greatly upon the bonells, rcmorinj Cilir- I or IJterarn Men, ftudenlt, Pelicalo Females, and all persona of S,4enlary haltfi, they are valuable ns a Lax. rt. Improving the appetite, gii ing isae nud igtr to tha digestive organs, and restoringthe natural i-lastlcityand TlielXl'lIAMO nr.l.S ore llmrciill nflnn,. f alion and carefully conducted ciperiiuents.liaviiig been a "to many years, during uhlch liiiiuthey liavupreien- n... i.ii.i.iiu tiii uiiiuiiiii oi pain aim suniring from lleadarhe. tilu-tlicr originating in the arrreas sys tern or from n derailed sloto of the if mack, They are entirely vegetable in Ihcir composition. and mav be taken at all lime, uiih i.e.r. .1 ..,i.n... making nny change of diet, and Hiabienee of aay ilea- VAf """"" "" " " Tho genuine have Av signaturci loi liienrt C. I?paldlng on each bnx, ' -ldby Druggists nnd all olhtr Dealers in Medicine. A" n'l,bs"-n,yjj,!!ilrri;"yun receiptor th. " e"1", ,hauii ia addres.s'd w ' cd meet, r&i ryli, tr CURE HervousHeadaehe BITTERS the mtmuTED iiollako hoiem ron DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, 1. 1 Villi UO ill PLAINT. WEAKNESS OP ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, Ann the Tfirlous nRVcttons cousequeut upon a disordered STOMACH Oil LITER, Fucli as IinllcctloTi, Aridity of Mm Stomach, Colicky Paltm, Ilnnrtburn, Lom of Ari-otltu, IWpGiidency, Owtirritctis liltud and Bloating Tf lfn. In nit Nervous, ltlitumntie, nnd Ncuratiric Affection, It luu Iti n timorous int-Un-rcx i.roTv-4 tilKhly, ami In tithrrs efforts! n decided cure. Tl.l l ft purely Tcjsitfil.le romj-ound, prepared on Pti Icily Bclon title prluclpli'it, nfUr the manner of tht -rlclrnted lIollAml Profponnr, IVrrhnte. Iti reputation at linnio pro duced Its Introduction lifro, the demand commendnp with tlione of the Fatherland scattered OTer tho ftco of XhU mighty country, many cf whom brought with them nnd handed down too truditlnn of Its tahie. ( U ttow offhnl to Iht American jmUxr kvnwinq that ill truly ivonaerful mtihriml wrtwt wi ut U actiioiclalffctt. It h partlculatly reefiiumondcil to thono poTians whoao con nil tut Ion i mity hare Ix-cn lnipnlre.1 1'T the contlnuom uii if ardent uplrlta, or other forms of dlnslpition. Ocnoialty lnftnntanetnin tn cTct, It finds Its way directly to the eoat of life, thrilling and fiuifkcnlnp every nerve, ralfilnp; up the droopins rprlt,autl, in Uit, loftialng new health and tlgor In the ftjmtem. NOriCK. Wltiwrer Mperta to find this a lieterafrt wl.l Iw dlapputnto. i hut to the sick, weak and low rpirlted, it it III prove a grateful aromatic cordial, DotweBMHt of singula riinodlal properties, READ CAREFULLY I The Genuine Mnbly concentrate.! U?rhaTe' TToltanil Hitters Is put up In half plut bottles only, and retailed ab ott iHitAR ir tix ooiiicsior j-ite iwllim. tho great demand for thl-i truly ci let -rated Medicine haa 1 ndurcd y Iraltnl f Imitntions, Hhhh the public should guard against era- Heware of ImijoriUon. Bea that our name is ou the label of emy lottla you huy. Sold by Druggists generally. It can hi forvuded by Express to moat points, 80LK PllOPIlIKTORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. MA NC PACTA HI It 0 pnrmnmilisfs and (Khcinlsls.- PITTSBURGH, PA. For Pale by G. M, llfigcubuch, Druggist. Bloomthurs Pa Oct, 37 IMA. EVANS A; WATSON fWMXQ If", iron dfwrs, for hanks and LVVr-rL "(,rc. imn siimtcrs iron aj&n, all PHVJ.IS makca of locks dual tu any made in tho United Htnte. Fire Safe in on fin. .ill came out right; Kith con tent in pood condition. Tim tialamaudvr fckfes of Philadelphia ngninst the world. EVANS & WATPON, hive had lhr purest demostration in tho following err t ideate that their manufacture of Salamander Haf.-a 'has nt U'listh fully wiirrantfd the representations which havo been made of ttn'm ns rendering fin undoubted BOcunty against tli? terrific (lenient. Philadelphia April 12. l?."f!. Mfsr. r.ran Mutton; Gentlemen It iiifonls us tho liighcsl satisfaction lo state to you, that owing :to thncry protective -pj.ilities of two of tha Halamandtr, Kifes winch we purchased of you runic fivo mouth sinrc we caved a large portion uf jewelry, nnd all our bonks, &p., eiponed tft tin lal.imiiioufl, tiro m Uaiutcad place on in-! iii.iii.uij; ui ma j 1 tn nisi When we reflect Mut t h-ko .ife ui-ro Incut,! 111 Hit HOLLAND n1P.U'iL'ftiT5'MU'I,,, tn Chentnvt Strett, lVlflfAahace third fAlladctphia, have on (r'-'tiir'r.V-r nndalarpo assortment of Fire nfllJ'af JMyJS-.frf Thief tiroof Hdlaiiiander Haf;8. fourth siory ot'thi building wu occupied nnd that tluy the statistical hi formation Is irom tin ta'tt n porta; tlw fell Bulneiiuently intoe heap of burning rulnn, where thj geographieal account- keen pace with tlio latt.t eti-lora-vast concentration of tlio h"at cniMed the lirnni nlnti'ti 10 lions : lustoriciil uiattTs iulI 1 lo l fr -.l ln.t 1 . - melt, wft cannot hut regard the preservation of their val uablo mtitents in innBt convincini iir.iof of ilia L-rent o. curity atlorded hy your Fiifen. Wo (hall tuke great pteasure In recommsnding them to men of bunnies n u suro n hauce npaint fire. lil.OIUii: V. HLM.MONS Sc IIRO., Jcwclter. u. 1 i-t nave eihcj purciugea six iarg sales. Anuttr.U 1-5'J. Tlin unilcrsisnctl is also cxlcnsltrly cnirairrd in till Ulidtrtaktuv liuiintai. Hint kerns ronktiintlv nil liamf yn1-cVf yjcar"ims. nlargo assrlliicnt of nJ. "''i0-11 1,0 ' e"a!,l';,i '' n nrcmiintion I - Awo - kcepsu good llori,e and Hearse, and will at al . i'"vs on rcauy 10 aiicud t unerels. SI.MO.'J c. smvn. r.loonisuurg, January 2J, le50. SAVING FUND U. S. Trust Company. Corner of Third and Chestnut Sis., Pnli. I AUGC anil small minis rr.'i'vrtl ami paid back on -J duinaiul uilliont notice. Willi Fit e prn ckit Intlh est from tha day ofdi posit totlie day of withdrattal. OrricE lloi-Rs-FroniD until 5 o'cloik every day, and iiuiii.i ... ti-Mi, irniu I luuu -.1 nciora, I'rCfidiiit-sriU'HUN It. C11AWF0KU, Treasurer I'ijny l'lsa. 'felltr-Jamil II. Hunter. DIUEOTOItS. Piopi, it.craford, I M".'."'.? W.,T!"'.,.)! Daniel Iteidlcman, (iuorge Junk in. l'nul U. (iuodard, M, I). rtipj er u. nari, .m, UTihamM. Cndvvin, It. Franklin Jackson, I' liny Flsk. l airicK urauy, James Dvtrnux, Thnmm T. hen, March 'id, lt-5.)-ly. T II n illount llcrnou sncoNit STKECT. AllOVK 'AltOII. ritujinv.i.pntA II. II. EDWAHim, Proprietor. May 1J lPG0-.1m. 1'011ACCO & SliGAHti. MARSHALL HUGHES. WITH WllOI.nSAI.E DCilXltH l.V niaraifacliiretl kV l.iaf Tobarco. HAVANA OKU MAN AND DOMHSTIO, N, E. Corner of Tront and Arch Streets. ARTIIt-H UIOEN. I . ovn. rillLAUULPIIIA. Manh IU, IrUl l-.'in. IIENIU' ADOM'irS OAKI2VU I' WAISEKOOitIS, Ko.M NOUTII SIXOVK STltUKT, fABOVE MARKET, 1 Ono liuor ubovu t'linst Ciiurch. A Oene rnl Assortment of COTl'MHtt UHXITL'nn, in cluding C1MI' flVVLS, ic. IMIir.AUUI.l'lIIA. May 19, l-ra-l'.'in. f IMIK best molasses for tho prico in tho JL Ome-for au1o at IIAll'nM-Nsi T HE UNION," Arch Street, Abort Third. PHIAD10I. I'll IA. Tlin situation of this Hotr) renders it one of the niogt convenient for those who are vfsitins l'hiladelphia oil biikiness i win loto Ihosu In search of tdenHiiro. thn constantly passing ami repassing City llailway rars, and lltoge in clnso proiiuilty, utlrd a cheap and pleas antnde to all places of lutcreft and ouitisvmcRt in or uuoui uio cny. Tin proprietor gives assurance thnt '-Tiia Union shall hu kept with such character as will meet public approbation, and would respectfuUv solicit, general put. .ni sen T UTflV B M"OrnMPI? ybruarya, IfWlUm, mmmm 4s ASUPtntATIVC -l TONIC, DIURETIC? Ann , fitVcBDRTINa CORDIAL To tho tlx mi of ew Jorioy and rnnsjlvanla, AruTiitctrirrfr, l)RU(in,Kis, (iRotcna akd PKIVATK 1'AMIUI.i. ItWe Tirrs Cngnac ft mint 9. il'pc'$ Pun .VWrrifl, AAcrrp end Vtrt tHn ll'vtfn't Vur$ ,amaita anil Si. iroit Hum, Wolfe' run sfttlrA und Irish ffhhkjf, ALL IN 1J0TTLES, I Ifft tenvo ti rull the ntteiitlon rf the rjtlxiim of thn t'niti'd etrttestn tlio nhovo Wihm and Lit oil. Iiiiiiort'-il U'otiK. ol' V1.1v V., .It .,n,.,oi. r.. t mltltir lii every part uf this country for tlio purity of his 1 rckbiateil ciiiPOAn Hi usuth. Air. Wolib, lit his hitter t ine cponklngofth 'purity of his Wine nud l.liiors, I aaj a i "I w 111 tlao my rp:tt itimi hh n, my atnu ulinensn merchant (.Ctlilrt) .-nra' r.-siiUncr hi tlit t'ily Inf Svw York, that nil IIkj Irandy nnd 'itw uhith I ' botihi iiT( puro lis importi rf, nud of tho h -d piallty,nnd can to rtli.'d upon hy vtty p irihunur." livery Ixmlj tin pn'prif lor'a 11.1 me on 1 ho un, nud nl.ic Piiniljof his sisnuturi n ih! crtificut?. Tin piihlir nr.) KH'.-rt fully Invlietl to cull and t'Anniltia lur tluuiseUcs. For IlioinaiUvo. For ml.' tit K ex ail hy till ApytJietarlfs uud Cruccra In I'hil tdtlphla. tJuonoa II. Amiiui, Vn. P3J Mnrhct Pt.( rinln't'a. bote Jiff rat for Philadelphia. Read the following from tlut (NV ork Courier: lluormou itvMXHtt for out Jrw York tcrtAant.'c nro happy to Inloriu our f-ltou-citU 'lis tint thi'ro Is ono phtrotu nurcliy wh.rctiifj pltairl,ni, uintli;rnry, mil country merchant, can go hint piirtliasd pura U'iiiea an l M'limrs, a pur-J us Imputtfrf, it ml of tlu hot iiuility, Vc do not in tend touivuaitfhibtfMtC dtucriptinti ofthisnnT clmnt's ctonivu htiilnfbn, altliuigh it will well repny any ftranger or citizen to Mt tixiuiii) VoLt.'(t c.xi. u. $ia nnri'lioiisu, Nus. It1, iW nud 'ii, Jtcat r itrut, and Nos. J7, I t anl lil, .MnrkL'tli td ftrc t. IIU otock of tSchnapps mi hand ready lor thipiiKttt could not li;ta been less thnu thirty tlinu.iiid cu-eni tlin Untidy, so mo ten thousand rata-Vlntaaus of to IKIO; nnd trn thousand cases of Mnderhl, Hlierry and I'url Wine, tirotrli nnd Irlfh U'hUky, J.iuuku and Kt. Vvtlx Kuui, snmtj very old utnl equal to any Iu this country. Ho also aad threw large ctl'arg. tilled with Krnuilj, Win?, Ate, iu casks, qndorCustoiu I tutis'i key, ready for hotthnjr. Mr, Wolt'u'a sales of kfchnappa lant juar uiuouiiteil to one hundred uni ciclity ilox -n, mid vu hope in Icr than two jcarshu may hu i-fjuiilly kucicssIiiI wltli hli Itriiiiclies and AVlucs. Ilia imslnjss merits tho patronaso of every lover nf ins epL-cws. rrnnio i liuhiis unoutMi pur-J tviiicsaiid Liipturs for merficjil us; should send th-ir orrfrrn direct to .tir. WoLri--, until every Apotlnw ary iu tho l.init mak.) in their inituU in discard l In pclMiuiis rtutrtrom tiuir shelves, und nplacu It with WoliWs iuim Wluusand Ll'piori. W o underftan I Mt. Wfltfr, for tho accomuiinlitioin-f snull dealers in llie cotmlry, puts up nitnortcd tas s of iiiLu 11 nu i.nuor. t-iicu niiiau, atu sutli it menniitit, should Im fudnined of thmisaii'Is ol'op poiifiitiinthe United Ht.-ites, who sell unthin hut ImiU 1 1 0111, ruinous alike to human health and iiappiuesa. 1X7 For sals by (Joorgo 31, Ilagc'nbiich, VtuzeUt, rdoomoburg, I'a. Bpteinlur H, l?t'0-6ni. IM l'OKTANT NATIONAL WOKKS, pudmsiiui) nv n. aituitov & co. 443 awl 445 Hmadwaxi. Ntio York. The follow ing worksare sPnttnfubcriHerluanynirt of the country , (upon receipt if retail price,) by mail or exprofs pripaid: TIIU NUW AiniICAVOYn,OP.i:i)IA: A popnlir Dictionary of (ifiicral KnowI.Mfi. IMIid hy (JM.noK Kipt.LY uuitt'iiARU- A. Iai. niltd hy 11 iiiiiik'roiis vt lect corps of writer'' in nil branches of Hrinci''i..rt nnd Lsucraiure. iniswont is uciiit pnUlislhM iu nliout n large oitavo roluini's. t-aih contaiuinL' 7.i() two rolm.i pajres. Vols. 1 to IX incluslte.arj now ready,oich containme near S.50U, original article. An additional voluui'j wilt hi puldish-d once in nhout thrao month- rriec, inriotii, St; Na-ip,$j 5Jj Half Mor., lj Half AHIHBI.l, .7 t UUUill ll. Tho New Aineric.inCyclnptp.Iia i popular w ithnut ing, learned but mt ptdnuie, toiHpnhinIre but su.Hcieritly di'taile.I, free froui p-rsn.ial piim and party prejuJice, ficsh uud jtt accurate. It is a complete statement ofall that ia known upon own hiuiortant too. ic with the t-coprj of human iuti'lligfnci'. JIvi rv hniurt. nnt nrtiel. n 11 : lias neentvp-riiny written for its pag.-s ' Hymen wnonro nuiiioritin upon thy toplcuii which-, l ll .-Is. . lViy. Vll ... "r.?r.J. "IV 1, I,rh!f 1 ,c .",Jjclt ulla t HQ lirer-eilt lli'liiifitt to Ft ate 111 mic 1 Hi the biojirnphical 11 at ices not onlv fpeak oftha dead, but ' also of tli) liv 1112. It i. a h'trarv ofitst.Mi AnainoKMi nt or ink I)..uvtk oiToNuKr--fs: Heine a I poliliral hist.-ry of thj (rniicd states, from tha or-a,., 1. tnui of the iir-.t Federal Con? In ITtfj to I iMit. ' n nud compiled hy II011, Thomas il. IJimos ( tho Uf- ncin uecorus 01 oiixr-ts'. Tho work ill lie con-plied In 13 riynl ort no vulnme. of ?5'1 pJ20searh 11 ofwIiiUi Hrj-innv ready. An n-idi-tiou.iI topiuie willhi published oiilii in tl.rjc month. C'liilh. Si! Law Cii-cp, $i oU; Half ,Mor1l: Half Calf l 3d earh. A WAY Ol' l'i'.OUUIUN'd Till'. CYCLOl'.KUIA. OR l'omi adul. of four, and remit tha nrleeof f,,r Wl, TU All r.NTS. Nooihnr worhs willfo lilit-rally raward the ciertlons orAgcnts. AN Aukr U ANTtn ix -m.n t'oi'tiv. icrms iiiaiic khowh oh nppucaiiwu lo tlu Full Isll rn. Nov. 2-1, HU). ' -A N fi & V rT i- u AX && V A : ' AGHICULTUltAL WAitKIIOUSK. ATnv "I t. "'1 Kmith V,o- 7 y uiifr, onwu . I It. . . tho Slate It use im.ADEI.l'HIA. revv.l. TVS floors of this specious building, ereited expressly fur the prmirlitor'strado, aw stored uilh seeds nnd lliinlemeuts of Hit -ret tn fanners' and gardeners. rUTi '1XTV VtARS l.TABLIsilEO. TIlU Kiili.eriln.r. .l.l..,.. call, the ntt'iilion. of etery our iutere.ted m faruinu nnd gnrdciiing to their well selected Hock of Agncultu mirr-at'cu Garden irid Jloieer Seed fiiaaa aad Field Acerff. of the moat relahlr. nmrfilH. T!l3 implements sol I bv n. nr ...n.iiy manufactured nt our tteam works, llrisinl I'.i. ' Hating lltted up our e.tablishineut without regard to "r'"! "in, ui inn.. touij-K-ie mncluenery tlu manufacture of v.irioua kinds if uericulliiriiliiiiiiiemeiiti bcloro nll.'red tu th-i nu i ie. Laudretlrs warranted (J.irden Seeds liato been beforo Ihn public mty ymrs; tlulrwide spread I popularity, nnd the incrcasim demand from jenr toienr. oth-ra" l;vtlJu":c" superiority oicr nil CiHintry merchants can bo supplied with seeds in pa-1 pers, or in bulk, on the mo-4 lib -rnl terms. llloiuiisdale. uenr llri.ii.l Pu . .... i ... t ... .. --. miuvn rcniuiui n i .1. . , i if """V-" seicnty acres, and is the ''",,""' t nining or poi.on. II doe, not con large.! establishment of its kind in tho world. . "I n himclf merely In the rure of ili.eases but ,. , , I). I.ANDIIllnl 4: SOV, "I". treat on all nth rs w ith success, i'llients w ill bo Ae. 21 & 21 Sonet iuth otrtet, Philadelphia, I A lHtt'd, If tlesir 'd. ll n ns-mnlilo diHance. IVrsoin de. E7- Lnnilreth s itural llegister nnd Aliuaii-ic for lrt,n, !r!l,5,,".l", I". K., w ill pleaso stop nt Ilia llailro.ul containing a 1 arm. (ijrden and (ir i Mouse I 1., ,. ,i, Ittsti-I In .Meilianic.liiirg, wlierolhev w II,..., ni ,.. lor every month in the yenr. cm bo had fralis.lipon per. sonnl or post paid application. uiiuaiy .1, leou y. gUl.l.JNQ off tW, Stc, at cost or less, IIAUT.MA-W8. " A litlle, but often fills the purse. SAVING FUN LPS. .(-K.llM.I.-M 6.1HM1 IIINII-Nil, IM Hoilth Fourih btri'et, bet w ten ('het-tnut mil iVi.innt, I'tutadt Iphla, pays nil deposits on ih-maiid, e pom torn' money tsec tired by lioveriimint Plate' ami i.ii) i.uuijs, urmum item, aiorteTages, &c. prolits, coiue'iuelil y w ill run no risk w nli ilmui itors' money, but hnve it at all times ready to n turn r. no u iivi win illicit-mi ia uiu owner, ua nv ii.ivi. Charter Ineornoratc.l l.v it.rt so..! r.e IVimsvUnnlH. uilh, ... ,. .. .7. " ' from trustee and Uvecutors. uiuui: A.yi small bUMs in:cr.irt:t. OCicO oneii dull V trom U to .1 o lIolIv. ami . W..A. lunjuy i veiling until d o'clock. Jaci-h It. Fhannon, Cjrui Cadvvalt.nler, John HiindUr. tJcorcc ItussL-ll. Malnrhl V. ilonn, hcwiti Krumhharr, Nicholas liittenhouse. l.dward T. iljatt, llenrylleluiiy, Nu ill. i o riitii-iili-v. io. ii, umiii, nu warn, Fphrlani Idaiicliard, Jogi-ph Liiiioiicutt. JACUU II. KIIANNOV, Frfhleiit, CYIUIS CAmVAI.I.AlltU, Tnasurer. Manh 12. irti-lZiu. CiltliAT KXCITJSMliNT AT Tlill FJlESll All It IV A L FALL AND WINTER GOODS. AT ' MILLER'S STORE. Till, subscriber has Jiut returned fiom tho city with another large and ft-lett assortment of VAIiL WIXTlUt GOODS. Piirchascdln l'hihdelphi.iat thedoweot finure, uud w tilth he is dfU-rinhii'd to sill on ns mode r a to terms as can be procured I'Ucw here tu lilounuburg. IIU btotk loiuiriU I.ADIKS DKKSS GOODS, Choicest fctv tes and latevt fuxhioii. Vrjf (Joodt, firoreries, llordKaret(uffntrare,Ccdar It'are I Huttaut Wart. Iran. ' 11,11. ,i.l rnn If x. In .hnri ever) thing u silly kept iu country Htorci tn which bo iimtes tbu public generally. lIThullighett 1'rice paid forrminlry prnduco h pi'i I v ii Mr 1 1 ii. i Bloomsbrj, Nov 3, lit.-; lltf National - Company. Chartered ty tho Stale of rcnneylvanla, RULES. 1. jMonry received every day, and tu nny nmnunt larRe or ainalh 1 li. FIV1! Pi; It CfJNT lntBret is paid for money from thn day it Is put tu. 3. Tha money ia always pal 1 hack tu fiOLlJ, nhencv rr it is called for, nhrf without notice. 4. Money ii rereivod from hlirtutora, .tdminhl rater $, Guardian and others w ho desire tn have it in a I lire of perf.Tt aaffty, nnd w h'-re Interest can hf oMnlned for it. 5. The money received from depot it or Inverted 111 hrat J-lAtntc, Martffajrrt (Jrotmd litnt, nnd null other firt ct is securities the t barter direrts. 1 t. I llll ft I Imiri 1 .t-fr v il n v fro 111 fl till X nVlnrV 011 Monda)s nud Thufmlay till t oVIock In tloi evening. lion, illicit y is. tii, m;k, I'resiifrnt, ROIIKUT HI'.I.FltllKin, rut VrtiUcnt. '. 3, RFto, bccrctarif. DiKi:L"rtiK. lion. Henry L. Renner, Francis, is 1 warn ,. ran t, llnhrt Sdfrl.lire. F. Carroll Itrewster, Jineph M. Harry. Jom h VerkH, Henry DiflVinJericr Hamutl K. Anhtnn, C. L.niJnth .Muiins () F V 1 u Ji : Walnut tlrttU South Went Corntr of Third Street,;kpiua. April 10, 1651. Aug. H, frth. I, I.O;)a OUT I COOl) NT, M S FOH ALU ''plllinevtr-fiilliiig MItf. VANIKiKN, is th j best. STho siirreeus uii.-u uiers nave Hilled, All Uliouru In trouhlo-all who have ben unfoitunate, all whose I fmul hopes have been diappointi'd eruehed and hhihtfd hy fain promises nnd rfemt, nil w ho have been ikeeiv ed nudtritl'd with, all Hy loher forndlce nud satis 1 i.uii"n, nu 101 nru in ononis l UIO nil '(Hons of tllOBJ th y love, iniimlt h.-r to r lint nud snllsly thiir minds. av wik jth'y.iiKs a; xwi.n vju.s! Hhi Ins thu fccn t ofuiuiiinif tin all' -1 lions of the op. pofiugs't. It is this fact whklt inuuct i, illiterate pn tenders to try to linitat.i her, and to topy her mUeitisc. mi'iits. Mis she s!ina yon the UKuynssoh Youuhuruiw, invr. oiuwmijixd. Or nhwiii fii mi I. hh guides the intfl to a happy mar. rii?-. ati't nmki's tlm marrh'd h.ippv. Ut aid uud iA vic-i has hcn Holieit ld hi itni'iui.'ral.le instances, nnd thn rLKiilt h m ntwnifi Icen Un hum tn of ajcnrhig JI hl'IW.HV A.VD AMllliUiGK; is th'-r-for a mre il.'pi-n lence. Hu has huen the lii'-aua ofbtluirius many hundred hearts mul h.iml-i to-geth-r. Thoiirjan h of lirokau hearts hae been healed and madi' hippy by h -r. It is well Knywii M tin public at largo that fho was the first and vlv 1 tin only person who can show tlo likanens In utility nud vvliot.ui give entire Fntisniciim on all the cmceriM of lif, wIhUi ciu b tested and pruv Oft hy thoiisjmh), hotli murriL-d und riuulu, who daily and (jafterly Iit lur at , No. lliliti LtMtibnnl Siront, Pliiliitlclpliia. All Interviews nre f-trlrtly private nud conli Initial, mMTJt i:MMWjvr aonj) luck AN'O IIAPLMNKHH are within the reach of nil. phu ts tha living wonder of thi enlisht-'iied a?i j nil who ron suit her nre nut'inUhcd at tin trothfuln m of her Jnf.r. m.ition and pr.'dicllons. A IX thoso w hn had had 1'itk cnnsulted to r, their bad left them, nnd they nro now for tunate riih, eminent nud happy. To AM, in h iFim ss h-r ndnce is iinuluahl". tan f.ireid w iththegrent t'tt certainty, the reoult of all nnd busiuebg triuisactioiis. If you rrflow her advice, jou will iMPiturji Yt)un Cijtcu.) and surccd iu nil your 111nkri.1Mn.71-. Thn9j vho hnve liven fortunate and unsuccessful in Uf', nnd in business thna-i w ho havo worked hard and Hruifshd ngant adversity and miffort'ini" th" grenter part of their live and found the thy tried to g-t forvvnrd iu the world, the more things thiugi went aginst th-'in! Alt rasrt have conmlted her tor the la-i twentv year. All tlio! who widely followed h -r advice are now IllCtl HAPPY JiXn SUtVt'WU!.! In nil her nn lerlakinirs; while ihoii btluded by pre hi ! die s and ijuoranee, n. gl vted Iit ndvic, nrj Mflt la- renne airaini auverciiv nud poverty. If yon valuu jou Inppiness, vou will consult lur vuurV-lf. ainl b.V ; rJ.Z f ,1 .....I . t ... fal and hannv 1 Inn. A" i " nre "trictty private and t;o.ue one ! c utis all I to all I to NO. 'SS6 l.(MJ!UUD STUEKT. b"lw'eii Juniper 11 in! Ilroal, l'hiladolehia. March ltf, ISVI-ly. 1 DETsnsiig: SOAP 'WllADEIsfW ' 1 !or " " "" V?"''"!'. . m-irkM for I IluHdrtd Tkoumiul Pound vcr ll'celc. It is dtuidedly Ho' Iwt "d clitajirst oap cvtr male iu thU Countrv ; ( nc routii oj tt uill go a far, for anu tine ai Th'tr of tUc i " ""Hwn wp gmrrai vc. it is ui.t-U upoi, u new iiuincipli. if Iho m;ttriaN, and known to Van IIaauin fcSUKKiNK. I doe-i awny entin'tv with th at-hh-Mrd-i;aye-itli'Mi'cI.t.MtVf.fhoilinlherlnt,efi. it do.s not th'ink Flanueh, UlIMOVKH (JIUMyi: I'K !? ,AIvr i",r1l' stl' fro,,, the .,.om dci.r'ate lahnc, my tully on.'.lnl( the lime and hbor usually -(. ...... ...v i-.itiK. i HirrraHtra jrrc J rovi I HjI. nr nthrr lulirriri) nil ,ifie. i,1 I . . .. .. ,,,,.. ,.,,,, uiiufciuiiu.iijfi inn iu r'-l ur injure the tluthes. ALSn VatiliaaRDt) & iKcKrnnr's. M'lp-'rmr oriental TMb t Clpmical Olive-I'nl-, Tttr.-i i .ue unu i. rtm ii ,--i.iis. ns hi ll ih ium Tlltll Jtt'o Adnitiniilin'! ('.uitlles nl lom-st market piic"t. For cidle by nil respectable Crocers, nnd Whole. n j by , , TIIAI.V it M, ki:dn:, o. C3 nnd 5) s.uilli Wliarvca, I'nxoi.i.riilA. 1 . ....VTT!.. l-'AI'tlUN. Tliero liln? several iuiitiition brands of nteridve "-"i-iu inaiM-i. in- pi c are nonri'd nun-i nru Seiiiiinn etcept Vi IIaaoii it MiKiom. i. stamped . ... ( 'Axci:ii ixstitutk. iti.. "'''"'""J'yearsnf sueces.fnl practice, Da.Kr.I. l.l.M. still desires to do good to thj nlllitled. lie con linues to cure nil kiuilsof Lunars, Tumors, Wrus, S:mfula,or '""Irs Jirit, ones, iir., will...... -..Ml....... ,' . - I " ' '"ideiie.' I'ornll particular, writo-Halo ilises3 plainly. Knrlos.n .AUilress l)r land co I'd. Address Dr. O L. KI.I.I.INU. .Mechjnlcshun. l' ,'T. September 13, If 1-0 Cm. TO Ct7T0.Mr.Its ji.yj Tin: tumii m-t-uati v I !,AVIi riimtved hi the .Montour .MilU.iin.l hnVmi J iteepinga supply tf tlmir and fred on hand, and f.r . ..;.,.i 1 " ,UIU ri,p"l;n tt r ratn. 1 ould farlh-r toiill tlmse kiiowmx' tlu-inselves tudi bted to im nt h i ,, iii i . . 1 ,l,t' ouiii conter u grent lavor , j., M,, , tfuiiiiK up. iis i am very m-ei v ttnd w in h toilusethU(Jld IJuoLs. Ho call nud t ns, tVijiids, ni"d mm "in uj inmihitiiiy riTfiitii. Mojuou, Mills, April U, UM. WU "KI:US' 1 KO'I'TPV ' ' - 1 VJ.tntn'Wr ,,r h.4 . ' rvi.K, V. JJ. I - " TIIK WINl-3 ST011E. OF if 0 W S ,'H 'w' A Y i 311 WALNUT t-vt'UI.CT i,ueiow i uurlli rl) August l,.efO-,5,. '"".Ani;LI'lA, I'a. JOLINU & LKH, Nu. M, NOUTII WII.MIVKS, ROPE il5AKStSU'll',1',ua a"? ' C HANJJ I. F. 1) .v Spun follon for Caulking, Hope,, Twinss. Tar. 1'itrli unKuui, llluiks, nud Oats, &.C. An-il.t , ISiai-U'iii. IRON RAILING ANn OnXAJIKNTAI. lltON WOISKB, No. 222 t'alltnrlitll SI., below Tlilnl, TKUNKS! TllUNKS!! 'rllli largesl, best baiidsom' s- i-s 'l'llriTFl IV t l-ii'j-1v'.j T. Ii hratcd London Prize .Medal improed hi I snriiis kflltl MllljlI.difhlliT.r'1't..s. I. t. n .ir. , ,:.r. ; : ' 'i Auiu7lTw7.f .-""..........,, j inn.i imnnest assort. r sftAji It i S3 meiit ..f Holo Iiilher solid yAVjS V'l IIU. ted Trm-tliug Trunks. AsJfaSt , Tacking Trunks tc &c, it SlUSVrair--!? ' HOSTETTER'S It Is a fact thai, at somo pcrloil, every mem ber of tlio human family Is tul'jcct to discara' or tllslttrbanoo of tlio bodily ftmctlotnj but, with tho aid of a good tonlo and tlio oxcrclso of plain common eenso, they tuny bo fiblo bo lo regulnto tho fj-stcm as to eocuro iicrmancnt np.ill li. In order to accomplish t)iU desired object, tlio truo courso lo pursuo Is' certainly that which will produeo a natural Etnto of thlnes at tho least liniard of vital Btrcntrth ami 1 life. For lids ptirposo, l)r. llostcttcr lias in troduced to this country n preparation bearing Ids name, which It not n new medicine, but nno Hint has been tried for yonrs, giving entlsfnc tion to all who linvo used it. liio liiltcrn opcrato powerfully' upon tho'stomach, bowels, and liver, restoring them to ft healthy and vigorous action, ami thus, by tlo dmplo pro cess of strengthening nature, cnablo tho 17s tcm to triumph over disease. For tho euro of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nau tea, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or nny llilioua Complaints, arising from a morbiil inaction of tlio Stomach or Dowels, producing Cranip, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, &c, theso Hitters havo no equal. Diarrhoea, dysentery or fius, so gDnerally con tracted by now settlers, anil caused principally by tho chango of water and diet, will bo speedily regulated by ii brief uso of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disenso which is probably moro provalcut, in nil Its various forms, than any other, and tho causo of which may always' bo attributed lo derangements of tho digcetivo orgnns, enn bo cured without full by using HOSTETTKU'S STOMACH 11ITTEK8, as per directions on tho bottlo. For this disease every physician will recommend Bitters of some kind ; then why not uso an articlo known to bo Infal lible ? All nations havo their Hitters, as a pro-' Tcnllvo of discaso and etrcngtheticr of tho 6ys tom in goncral ; nnd among tiicm all tliero is not to bo found a moro healthy pcoplo than' tho Germans, from whom this preparation ema nated, bused upon scientific! experiments which havo tended to rrvo tho valuo of this great' preparation In tho Hcalo of medical science. Fnvr.a anu Aouk. This trying nnd provok ing disease, which Axes its relentless grnBp on tho body of man, reducing him to a mere sha dow in n short timo, nud rendering him phy sically and mentally useless, can bo driven from tho body by tlio uso of HOSTETTKU'S KEXOWXKD HITTERS. Further, nonoof tho abovo-statcd diseases can bo contracted, even in exposed situations, If tho Hitters nro used as per directions. And as they neither crcato nausea nor oQund tho palate, and render un necessary nny clutneo of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but protnolo Found tlecp nnd healthy digestion, tho complnint is ro movod as speedily as is consistent with the pro duction of n thorough nnd permanent euro. For Persona in Advancttl Years, who aro suffering from an enfeebled constitution and Infirm body, theso Hitters nro invaluuhlo as n, rcstoratlvo of strength nnd vigor, nnd need only bo tried to bo appreciated. Hd to a mother whllo nursing theso Elltcrs aro indis pcnsablo, especially whero tho mother's nour ishment is inadequato lo the demands of tho child, consequently her strength must yield, nnd here it is whero a good tonic, such ns Hostctt cr's Stomach Bitters, is needed lo impart temporary fctrcngth and vigor to Iho system. Ladies should hy all means try this remedy for all cases of debility, and, before po doing, should ask their physician, who, if ho is acquainted with tho virtue of tho Hitters, will recommend their uso iu all cases of weakness. CAUTION. Wo caution tho public ngninst Using any of tho many imitations or counterfeits, but ask fur IIosTETTEn's CnLcniMigD Stomach Eittebs, nnd eco thnt each bottlo has tho words "Dr. J. Ilostcttcr's Stomach Hitters" bloTrn on tlio side, cf tho bottlo, nnd stamped on tho tnctalHc cap covering tho oork, and observo that, our r.utoe;ruT.h signature !) on tlio label. Jts- Troparod nnd cold by 1T03T3.TTI.II & SMITH, rittsbure-i. Vs., and cold by nil druggists, grocers, and dealers ;;enerai7 throughout tbo United States, Cauadn, South Amorioa, aud Germany. J...I nv J. 11 lo) r 1..., rl.i.i'ii.luirir ; A. Mil- l r. tc f'o, Ib-rw ic'i It. I' IMtli rl Usui tun 11; JI. V. I ri-r. J I.-il, A. H i(r.i, & (. o. Ottoh r I. I i'l- jam. .1aAP1Ji "Nl IIIOUKMI-;!)- supi.n rnosi'JiA'tii of lime Gi W. 'iJ AIL tL 35 S3 j llth 1) hwii' Avem. ritll.AIHlI.I'lIIA. y.d.i aettt for l'i miry ivaitla. II law (ire mid ,. . J th y, H fi 1 Hm Map' n .Xurt'gnihrd 1 w ill equal in t' ( 1 nod llMI tii'thi itnw -th, I ." I!n Ilet Pit nun n (htntio. Itiipuck'd 1:1 ethiiu ihiss o'K,0 lln c.ich, and is sold at fit) (in pir tm r $1 (X) pi-r .uul-i hfic It has Hie rxp' rl 'iin rt Tea Yearn, and la fciiftly n-c-uiuiii'Mid it iu tin he-t f -rtilii'r now in uie, Haiudi's. Circularrt nud VampUM- containing reeoui meiuIatlotiM from Farmers, sent gr.ttii to alt who rciict tlieiu. Ansu-t e-j, A TliP.UiaU TiUh.LV TU VALJhOJ.Xi.L C. S. COJiIHottT Sc CO'S. Fifth iiiaml Qiuuiex ly DisuibuIIo Of 100,000 Articles Voith $300,000. t WHICH will h- soMfurlO-HIOI. t thu .purchaser of t i nur ir inJi.wL.N ai .w u.ic. rut liUA. Oar jl.leii Ccuistlub d tvor utd, ntu is vvnrr'iutii out to lorrnJc in an ink. luui uss man uud iaiiuly bli.iul 1 us.' tli - (lofUen Pen. TH' MlotviASf li t -1 iu-j,o.jti ,u tules will ho dutrilmted aiming our patron i.t Slinn uch.i.uti ujeil io,t b paid lor u'ft'i'e'iiWJ'w'.'.'J 1,10 r wliiih ot tlw fyiiuwtuji vvhctlKr hu femthtlm lioi.l All and talt tli i liouUdi'r ivkihil-ii ui iHirrjlllSO vv nu iu ten oajri altir ttu pauhas.r lU't.ue to. m, ui-iLcti thoy urn miir-laiUry,; and Uu Aluo.will hu r-l'a.idtd. I.lst of Good!, Included in tlio Distribution, l'litnus, t.'ol 1 llui.ting iWd VYulihos, ti'pl Watihes, Isauifs' silver Waldivs.tliiaril, V ;t &. i.hat.-l.iiu, Ciiueo Uruotlus, .viissaic nud Jtt liroodi, .Ullj riorifiiiiii Hntoih Coral, ihii'-raht inui Opal Iirta-thci, (Jam ' l.ur-lio(iH, .Moxaiu au.l J t Har-Drop, l.uvu uioi Piorei.iine l ar Uropn, fornl Knr Urf pb, i.un riU uud Upal l.'ur-Dropu, liii.i.lMJinc Huiil Klujin, .Moic and t a " llrank'ls.lleiils lin-uf'tp'iib. Wutih K, Fob .uni tllhllOllMltlCB, rj.tH Ol" llUMllUf-Hll.tH, M -UVH tbltllllld, i'l.llll Hint's, Mmie uud iM limsh, ri.ts Im- i.' Ji-utlr, ton t'rapa riiin.vls, flJouuM tiuu du Idiinen, C Miitti Trench uud AnoTicaii livs. ibngci,, Poplms, French Cain. und other l.iolicit' l)reis (in.t.ia in jriit vuruit. togah' r with Head iireFi s.t'nh I'amy I'niu, uud in UUiilmoit tvery denriptioii ortiOUDs usualU luunUin lUkt ilariB Dry tiiHui rnii.T. PU1 A 4Jh' JJISTtlli UTIO.Y. Hi3h",t Prmiiiiiiu It).) l)oiart, Jovvcii Premltm S3 00. The urlaleu are nuiuhcred, and Cerh tickles Matm'whal nt! will kell tutli purnon lur on u ilollai are placed in -ial"d Cnvi'lopjs with n D'cinal arramj.-iueiii uf Pu miiiuis ; no tli It in i uili Hiiudr.dCertilieatt;lli is uiw tor a &Q'A V A VH g ft i Anil there will slso lio a sl.lem'nl I'reli.ium in earli leu t-irlllKiitea. l.alies, ifj.ui ilesirju liu rlitul, nr lire.. 1'ulteril, ur li Lo.l.ltlt.ll article i f J weir, on I aea us IU Cents tur n IJ.iA ol Hie liulili n I'cns, tili.l we will seuil Juu ii l.erlilirnl.i wlurli lii.iy i unl.l . )uu tn incur, il fir 31. Ouric. it uf 3ll Cuts wo wi I s.-u.i juu une IIua nf nur (.'allien I'eiis, nuliio ul'tlio arlul J wo s--ll ur SI. PltlOKS TOVUKNTS", VOST AID. 4 ihixes P, iik with -I L iti Ik-ales, SI. I) do do U lto " do ilu mi 3 ItK) do do Hit) do iw V 11 W'.tt, .... I. ,.e. .rilu.l ... .. UK . niniii H iw u"ii' e present tlie purihas.r ltHJCcrtihcatorf, o ed vv Inrh is emiruiit -cd to cuiiuliiime order lor a I'l Ml U'A I Cll. or Hew mix .tu "J "iiiuiirg uu UllJ, 111 (i.i Jl-irKilKO "t art suro to rtcifve o'l Certnh aiis i uutiii iug una orucr for a ti.h!ii,ti.l tvtirti i i.. .. . ...... ."ri: otlur viry vulmiblo pr-'miuitif. Ou t'irtiticate suutl etai,-, i.juru iijuuitiiuim in ait) pcrfcon iiesiriiig lo nil iu Aifent. which i ii. n- fi.t.1,1.. I..... .. .,.. ....... .7 ...... .. w 1 . '...w, . FIUAUIU U lUIUtlUlJ prcmiuiii upon thtf pa) no ntufl. Piano. AltludcoiiM, .Mimr, I ks, Stvving .Machines1 Ut., hmiahi aud o,i uu Ct'iiiuiUnloii. Any urlu hi will ' bi ncnttoilij Country at Ihu Lowe-t Wind .Kilu Pric s WllhtliC tblditiau ol 5 piriciil Coiiiuuiiuu jur lurward- IV. It. AftHllIn lviti,lr..l . . c .T i iuiiii, VllbUliirS IV 111 on application. Auuruss uu LomuiuiiirHtioiitn n , , c. h. niijiimr sc co., CommUtioa X,rchant$ (Irneral Ai'enti. 1 "Ur"' t3lr,,-t. IhlnwChiKtimi, I'hih. Zr' 1 or our integrity und ubilny U jultll our enea"!'. IIII'lllM. UH I. MB tfl r. I., v ......... K .. .. . , ' , . J" 1' IUIMillg Will K1IUVVI1 Cciilh'ioi'ii nnd btik I to m li litis : ... ......muirurj, L'bl .)(f (' l UIi III, l ulmer, IlihardoH 4c Co. Juvvvlleis, Philadclphiii. 11. A. a rim, !:.(., 1 Win. A. tJnij, Uk' i Mec.-rs. Keiiiinerer U Moore, Water Ft. Ih low Arch ' Mes.rj.. I'ralt i Kenth, KirtU ami AlBrkitBtrucul'Juh. J. V 1 utler, l.s'i., Jevvillcr, A V. V(,f'1- i"1'!-. P'lhlisher of Pnthions, &r M. II. Iloruy, Cut'tsri'itiii I'mik. Ho:i. I.. .M. lliirii.ii. ihirtku, Cu iforoia, I'UOTMOTIOX rilOM LIGIITXINfl. 'rillSsub.crilierwiiulJ Infirm Ills that lit ji J iiiiw-iri.jrej lu ,ul Ui, uu tlmrt notice, ami iu u a icutllii. iiiaiiuer, l!iu tart I'l-A I-.V..I ri.ii -.,..-fi 1 ,rT....,.n ut m cents itrfuvt. .Ill nnrk wairauteil. lllonuisliurc. Ma)- JI Mil. " , e.eties-.-' --i'j, " ,e HE AH WHAT THE VKOVLTt SAY, Tli" untpr-tirnrt hivtmr uied rnrissir tll'Ml'IIURVi' Fl'FCIKIO IhtMil -Jl'ArillO nilMr hU H our IiMitS. i tvlih tlie tn,t sitlrn"tory rtu!t-, nn 1 hnvlnit full enidi (lenee In tln!r (tcouhiAne, purity, nitt enicif), i-liierful.)-r'cti'imeud tle-m lit nil trti4 who liti In hnve si'e, r Ihiti's., rtn (uicftet'ui remedies nt hand forpilvitu or d"- til('lli5 lltf. Tin ll-v. M'm. H mner, editor of " Tin Norttterii 4u iveitdmit," Anliiini, N. '. the lU-V. l H. Cuev Ml". llu'it..r nfpi, ivter's Church, Anhiirn, N. V, the !v, ll I. I veil, Chnohilii of the Auhttrn Ptnte Pitnoti; the Hv Hl-'-neer M. Ill -e,- IlTtor, Vew-Ilcdfor-l, .Mum. iho Rer. Atk-ii Steele, Nt'iT-VnrV Cnnrhreuee J the Key. .iit.i' -l NtclinN, t-'n! (leiifife Cj'i'ereiife, N. V, j tlif Itev. V, i t'littl, lur-H, Vt.l tho Her. John K A. t Hurt, :.t rth-i, N. Y.i the Km. Nil Hmv, P-.rilfinl. Me. ; tli- lltti, Hhujler Cilfit, S.mth-ttend, In 1.; the hm. (leortre llainjihtej, N. Y, ; lltnrv t. C-oK, Kn , Ulht ef Iho 0!dn Hate .l-nininl, CilumbMi, Ohlnj the II ui. i tl. (Irih.mi, 11 illn-. lll.t the II. m, Toomn I, Ooi-e, M nV cell i, Fit. t the li ui. .J-ncph I'-m-llrt, tltl,", N. V t V a: llrW.d, l , till, i, N. Y. t A. rt. I'.i i l, Ki , Tilca, N. Y, , J .mien I'lunkutt, l, , Nt.ville, Tenn. I.Wr OY ?IMX'll-IC nKMKIlIi:3. " X.i, ,-.fop IVver, ir inelt'i!i, nu I Intlitannll n. Xrt. '2 !'..r Warm Kov. r, Vr n 0 die, W't ttW- the I, -d. No. II. For Colli!, W)nxt T.-ethlu?, mil WaWcfuluc- tf I ti far l'i, N, 4 Vor ))i irrlivn, Uholum lnffinhitn, nnd Sinrnpr CmipHInK Nn. fi l'r Oille, (lrti1n-i, ny.Mitfrv, or I'l-inlv Tuit. N.. (t For ('holer i, CliolWa.M.uhh, Wn'tl n;. Ka, T Vor t'oitffh, CohN, Itlrtiieillil, hi id ,S ti firorvt. No. f , Yrr T.i'illi aclie, Y we 'ifhi, tiud N"1 irnleln. No. 9. I'or lletdnche, ertlo. Ileal and'Kj'I-ve'- th lie-... No. 10. t)rM.riA Ptttit Por Velt roi-l rr Stoiineh, Cunrt'fi itlon, rt hlvrr Comj.blnt. No. II. Pou Kkvjvlk Itinf.-ni.AHiTiKil H:nitj I'lluMI, i r ? i-pree 1 I'erloilfl. No. 12. Pr I con he., Prufut .Meir-i, t nl U-niln Diwn of IVnille, , No. 1 1 Kir Cro-ip, H"rt? C.vivrh, U 1 1 HrrrT'lu" Ni. II. fur It'iitfM Pill l-'or i:rjs!iul-, H ajiurs, riinple on tlio Yw. No. l.V It'mrM ii if Pit tjt. Pur Piln, Lur-iteMi, m ''..r tiwi In the C'ii'.tl, It it:k, IjoIiii, r LI-iiIk, A. For I'l-ver ii'il An-', CIil'l fever, rhimh Auue, Oil jminniinzel Akihi. P.K.-r Pile. Pll-.d or lite- llmr, I-.tern.! r.r Ktrn-il l.V,.r S-re, VVeik, r I'l-Iinmi r,-Mmt Y -Ms Wrl- r ' C For Catarrh, of linj! Btandlog or recent, tltlicr vrlta ebbtruction or profuse discharge. W. C For Uhooplng Coiigh, nhatlng Its Iolence anJ shortening lis courte. In nil neute dlaemefi, such us Fevcn, Inflamtnfttlonr, Diarrhea, ltyuentery. Croup, Ilheumatiam, and iurh t tup tire dlsenses us i&nrltt Fever, Measles, and Krj slffla", tho advaiitajro of Ktvlojt the proper remedies promptly is oh loua, and In nil Mich cases the specifics act like a rhirro. The entire disease Is often arrested nt once, nnd in all cuti the violence of the attack is moderated, the disease short ened, and r toileted less dangerous. Cuuphs and CoMi, which are of such frequent occurrence, andnhkh no often lay the foundation of dlseiu-ul 'atir, hronchttls nud consumption, may nil be al onco curti by the Fever and Cough Pills. In all chronic diaeusci, such ns Hyspepsla, WenV flonmch. rouitlpatlon. Liver Complaints. Piles, Ft male Det , uni! Irregularities, old lleatliohes, Bore or Weak, Ciitiirrh, Salt Uheuin, mid other old iruptlotis, the cac haa t pc-'lil. j vlt.ine proper implication will nlTord a cure In ulnirst "riy Intctatite. Ofleu the cure or a BtiiRle chronic dldli u!tv, m -i m Ihopc nisi, Pdf or Catarrti. Headache or Femali. WtaV ucs, has more than pnld for the case ten times over. PIUCE. Casp of 2(1 vlnl complete, tn merocco, and Hoot T5 Cii- i.r Hit UU, nu.l Hook, .tntt . Caitf of 1& huuiticrrd tioxts, and lloolr; , , . 2 I'l'i1 of G hotes, numt.ered, and Hook 1 Single numbered boxes nlth dlreettous... 25 cents, Finale tcttered boxes, nlth illrectloos 0 retiii, ltr,'9 cajiu of 2 oz. vials, for jdnnters and phjelclans.. ATO SPECIFICS. Pou AimtMV or Pitt i hic Oppressed, Plflicult, Lihnrcl Ihenlhhi?, Httended with Cough aud Kxpectorutlbti. Pile, tt) cents per box. Fob Kah IiKCtt-VROKSAKnPi'ArsBS.s TUsctiarges fren tha Par, the result of Searlet Fever, Mmsle., or SIeri;'jr ii. For Nidnes In the Head, llardm-es of lliarlng, uml lu the Fairs, nud Kar-aehe. Price, M cents er b'ox. Fon hrimn i a. Kularpcd (!tiids, Pnlarired and Indsiw't ed Tonsils, Hwelllntrs and Old Ulcers, Screfulous CacVvj ot Children. Pi Ice, f-0 cents per box. Foil (inxuiu, Duiilitv. l'hslcnl or Nervnus ".Vcnltne'S Pit her the result of Sieknett, Ktreslvn .Medication, or Y,x hiiiHllnp Ditcharirer Pike, ISO cents per box. Foa I) hois v. Fluid Accumulations, Tumid Swellings, r.ItU fu tmly Secret Iwiii. Pi lee, tO cents ptr buv. Foil HitA Pickm.-' Heathly fkkness, Vcrttjro, Na'ett, Vomiting. MotsiicM fruui riding or motion. Pilce, fO ti'i.ti per hot. Foa Uiunvrv hv ihfx. For fl ravel, Iternt Calculi, iJifii cult, Pjilnful Uiliiattoii, Diseases uf the Kidiiej s. PrM, 10 cents per box. Foil FhMiN it. Pviifwiois tnvohintnry Dnehnrpe uni Coiicjiieiit 1'reslinth.ii and Dthlhly, Had Hesulti of fv'I Habits The most jjueceshful and c (lie lent remedy Vn ut, and nuiv he rilled upon ns a cure. Price, with full ih ee tl ns, i per box. Peisou-i ttho wHi tn plaeA themselves under Pie rofeft Slotinl care, or to feck advice of ProT. UiMriiRKVi, can do no, nt 1.1 office !C2 llroadvwiy, daily from 8 A.M. to t P M or by Utter. OUIt HI.MF.DIFS HY MAII,. T-oolc over the licit; make up a case of nhnt Llod vr.o chonie, and liiiloftt the amount In a current nte or statnj a by mail tn our address, at No. f,f.J llroadwny, Net YtIi, and the medicine will be duly n turned by mall or e.-r free or ciiarpe. AOKNTtf WANTFD. We desire an acllve, efficlcnl Aj;cn' for the salu of our Ilcmetllis m every toan or eommun,t In tl.t United States. Address Dr. F. 11UMI'I1UFA tt t o No 502 PitOADWAT. Nsw Your. SrtdtyE r. LUTZ.Aui. . la April 7, 1U). LIVES INVIGOHATOB, i:vi:ii itr.i'ii.iTATi;. r irf cfpHrnrMiiiii p. vi iiii.i.Y rrjis ha- lo i lour an t Ma hu lieu inn a Mnm uni 3 f k and up ri.v d l-y n'l h i 'iavi- mfi it an if torn ii 10 Willi eon 11 c fo vv liii h tt in ret on. -ll has run d Ihoit" lnoiNir- v ho hud jjiv- Il III' IHlllM'M.II I' ti ll! V pl.rSl'n H H ll IW Th" ilne 11.11 it In n mcnt ui Iho iii-iividual mith fpiaotHi t an toad l.i t t h'i dici iifs of V'nit il lo u' if tin Tt)U nnd it Ml cnr out Alloc-.. mrr rout ' Vm. ath llubVtial Contirenrr Xo'bus Chile 1 a lujan Ftinao HV(i$(fitjfjj ;niil ii 1 ic in nil no. ,i M'rdnl. iinlf. with n it . II Uf II I lo pi f 1 rr "o ui eil tell fit ic I' d to ihe Irritp' li. kioy it . ind 1 "i sim tly iii the h v 1 vour jin'c im m r I. I V K U INVK t JJrtr Veirilrxott- Lhrauit itiat ihteu ttty Dn pJt. OHr u -Clad e I hi-Ura ' turn Flathiihct.Jovt innv m list it hjci ' f .Veit'tine II nlli (hi can l ji' 1' ortkree 'eofjiowfii of ut ink. tug their lesiisfli'Bj Iv iisuii irdiuQ'f Family 1 -ii i iir.viivi-ni; it,, in lifting viinvtff tl tiro td k fW HI I iMMttH'lll I'lliflll All icho utt it are gv lis lavor MIX W AT UK IV 'I hi: vmtmi with tiii: i viuoit vi ou ami fWAM iw i:o'i n ruai:i tu PItlVi: CJVK iiOU.Ili Pt.Ii ttOTTLH. l,,o, SAN I' UliD'S FAMILY fATiiffiTll) PILLS, COMIMHJMHIll n.OM rare Vtgttuhl, r.itrott, iiedjivtvpin tUate Cteei, 1 iA- , uua u tn rwy in any pnviUl llw eAMII.V CA- TIIAKTIU riU. p ?cinh! hut mtive t'a piifinrh.iH iiktd in Ins tuiMity ) 1 a r- 1 ho ronstaiit y in-ili.ii- who have lone wlnth ail tlo'ir line lins induced in Iho n-aili ol all. 'I t v proh loii well ihanlrs ai 1 ou iliflWiMil This FAMILY CA- Hwflic whlrh th. 1 uradiiu 10 ore t U 1 1 r-astiig I'cmni d f used t In- I'll 1 Tim vx it't-H in r car. mo to place llo 01 vi kniw 11 nl ilitrrro 1 1 (itirt Ion h nl 1 ho b v l'll A H'J IC ril.I, I this w.ll i-MnMi 1 In in a Vltrtt ty i t imcif w hirh m t altk ui'iii:ir) raiuil.nn't 1 Pi-i. w h n n Cniha l lUMIi MtMS 1 f ihc t . w f I li ilii-t r l-reuci- 10 lau. iti'i'o ronipuiiinlfii pun ai V'fiiibh' lli- -vr piiii (,f in- till uoou and hati' in rt I ra iii'i'dcii, k o 1' :ij itc MVIII Kf.UHM-rW fitlh I'o-lllVl'NIji. PN A Nil w ikm it huiv, trom xii il. tly i I 111 yh'i led, 1-1 rl m l.oi 01 A ret 1 uk a t.'oi.D ovhit 1 titi vonv Atllf or VVMMIT iN-riir 'lftA4kH, on m a in Ih HIK I'AI X Mi I I r'dHI'NLM I VI B " iU 11 coin, w I ich Ir' 'i - nc n urn o I . I'KLH" NO Jr Nf A t'i r-itiii'-iLi:i'MiK, 11 1- 11 a n all Imlaihi ('nil rhin or Ai i t i,nta u iifM, 11 ti r li illicit (file 1 1 and lu'.iiy it-rm.('n in wlnili ih hefr.loo nuti. on, to inrittion i 11 thi- inlv rlui nient Dosk. 1 ti :t I'UICIl :th CI VI H 'J'lIK I.IVKR iKViniMlAlOR AMI Pamuy CaTHABTIC Pill are rtiiulfd by Hruj;pMts pfiifritlly , ami old w lale by the Tuuh' in nil lame lowtm, ti. l W. PANFOCIi, .M n M'niiif inurer 11 lid Proprirtor, OFPII V, OP SA.VFOittrs j.irm hwitwuaron aad pjyn,t CATIIA11TI0 PU.I.S. ITT" 2 08 II It O A II WAY. IUMHAL AOIN1S IOR 111 liOMhlll'ltO, fJeo. .M,IltiKLiibucli, H. P. Jmu, and John U. Meyer, Jiiui' 4, fc,.y. u'm. NEW GOODS. THL'iidersiyued rei ectfully ii-forins liU fijeiids nr tlu piililic ot larne nnd iho n si 1 f mankind, that fat has u f-plendid afsiirtn.ciit of ni:v coons. in tha 1 li-cai.t new hlnre lluuse. in It, lirilmrp, CiMumlus cuunty, I'a., wliereheiias a large au.l rtni nu f SI'ltlNti AND MJM.MKU (,'OUI, wlii. ti lie Is 1I1 terinilieil tn fi II on surli tellus as w ill in ilueu all at len.t in Ills vieinily, wlm are ill waul ol.M.r (liail'lji, ti enteuil liim their rilitnin. Ilisitoik h is hi 11 seleiteil wilh inui h rare aii-l wnli nference tu tha wants of Ills cniuuiuuity- ami witheut truiii? tn ent -r into a iiiiiiute-ciiuuii-rutioii of the .mi' us Klu Is-huri.ks liollihigin assuring his fricmls Ihst rr ei)lliiu-f u.iull) kept in Cnintiy Hlnris, cm lure lie In. I u '-liltl' til -a ur 111 111 thn eh ai.nt." r -t'liuiit.y ,riiliic, 1.1I1.I111; Oraiii, I.iili.ber, Ar., t iken in extliaiie for gonils. n , , wii ?.- .Mint rti.lir.l.ur". M.tnli 10, I?.-i ; n1raS'to,mouiic