Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 19, 1861, Image 2

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Buchanan's Spoclal Message
Wo publish on the first page of tbo Col
umbia Domoorat'j Mr, Buchanan's Spe
cial Mcfsago, in relation to our National
difficulties, addrestd to the Senate and
Houso of Representatives of tbo United
Statcsi It exhibits tbo wisdom of a states
man and tbo sagacity of a patriot Mr.
Buchanan has shown to tbo world that
ho is now as ho has ever been, faithful to
his constitutional obligations, and that his
policy, if strictly carried out, will cnuro to
tbo honor of tbo country, and tbo blood-lcss-adjustmcut
of all our threatened in
testine disscntions. We rejoice, as will all
conservative citizens of tho country, that
in this unprecedented cmorgency, wo havo I
a sagacious statesman, such as James Bu
chanan, at tho helm of th Ship of State.
AVould to ireaven that infatuated men,
North and South, would 6how tho same
concilatory and patriotio disposition which
is so eminently conspicuous in the conduct
and recommendations of Mr. BucnANAN ;
then, and not till then, can wo hope to see
pcaco and prosperity restored to our dis
tracted country.
William Biglor.
Over thirty years ago, tho gentleman
whose name introduces this article, with
tha writer of the same, wero cotomporary
Editors of Democratic newspapers, then
published in Clearfield, Clearfield county,
Pa. During the memorable Gubernatorial
contest of 1833, by which injudicious di
vision of tho Democratic Party upon Wolf
and MunLCNiiEita he supporting Mr. M.
and wo supporting Mr. W. both parties
were defeated, and Jos. IIitner was clcc
ted Governor of Pennsylvania. So much
then for our folly in running a split ticket,
as in 1600, and so much for tho introduc
tion into public lifo of tho " Youthful Prin
ter Boy" who has sinco filled many posi
tions of honor, with fidelity and ability,
even to tho second office in the gift of the
American Government, viz : that of an
United States Senator.
Col. Bioleii was early elected to the
State Senate, then Governor of Pennsyl
vania, and subsequently, to tho United
States Senate. The last named position
ho will havo held tix years terminating on
the Third of next March. In each and
every position, to which he has been called
by the partiality of bis Democratic fellow
citizens, Governor Bmlek, has efficiently
and faithfully sustained tho interests and
represented the true principles of the De
mocracy of Pennsylvania. And now at
tho close of his Senatorial career, of him
it may bo truthfully said, ho was over
faithful at his post and always jealous of
the rights of his constituents, a peer
amongst tho American Statesmen.
Pennsylvania will havo further use for
Senator Biqleu. Such men arc rarely to
ho found in this degenerate ago and time.
A selfwade man tho " architect of
Lis own good fortune" bo has made his
mark on the historic page, -and his name
and fame will be held in grateful remem
brance by tbc Democracy of his own native
General Cameron and Lincoln's
The Telegraph announced, weeks ago,
that Gen. Cameron, of Pennsylvania, one
of tho U. States Senators, had been semi
officially appointed, to tho important posi
tion of Secretary of tho Treasury, in
President Lincoln's Cabinet. In tho for
uiatiou of that Cabinet, we have had
neither lot nor part, but we are free to
say, that in tho selection of Gen. C, tbc
President elect, ha3 made a most judicious
Bcleetiou ccrtaiuly the most conservative
statesman in the ranks of the Republican
party of our State and ono whoso ap
pointment will both strengthen tho incom
ing Administration and harmonize the in
terest of Pennsylvania. Pew public men
in our State, havo moro devoted friends
than Gen.OAMERON,and politics aside,
we know of nono, moro deserving of tho
personal friendship of his fellow citizens
than he, or whose selection, at huuio or
abroad, will reflect equal credit upon the
new Administration.
P. S. Wo havo learned, sinco writing
the above, that tho President elect, has
re-consfderod Gen. Cameron's appoint
ment, and appointed Gov, Chase, of Ohio,
to the Secretaryship. Gov. Chase is one
of tho most uncompromising Black Repub
lican and unconstitutional abolitionists in
the Union. If this be so, then has "Abra
ham'' made ono "grand mistake.'1
Appointment by Gov. Packer.
Stephen Baldv, Esq., of Cattawissa,
to bo an Associato Judge of Columbia
county, in place of Juvah Kline, decea
sed. Judge Baldy mado a good officer,
when he iiad tho appointment somo yearB
ago, and wo have no doubt his administra-
lion will again provo acceptablo to our cit-!
izons Djs Commission was entered of suggestions by way of healing tho troubles.
Record on Monday lait, and will cxpiro Mr. S. is evidently an over-rated states
by limitation upon tbo first Monday of lnani having moro of tho philosophical
December, when tho Dumocraoy of Col- than tho practical iu his composition, and
umbia shall have elected two Associato. is therefore not tho man for tbo present
Judges, for the onsuing five years. ' ct'uh.
The message of tho Governor of Ten-
ncssoo, is worthy tho serious consideration
of tho rleoplo of tho North, and is well cal
culated, to command tho deep and solemn
reflections of every American citizen, who
is not as yet thoroughly blinded by fanat
icism, to tho growing perils nnd calamities
I which, from tho North as well as from tho
South, threaten to overwhelm tho Union
and the prosperity of tho States in ono
common ruin.
If wo had entertained any doubts ns to
tho ultimato unanimity of tho Southern
States in tho present secession movement,
this messaga of tho Governor of ono of tho
most conservative States of tho South would
dispel thoso doubts and forco upon us tho
conviction that, beforo tho -1th of March
next, tho fifteen Southern States will havo
declared themselves outof tho Union.
Governor Harris, after having grouped
in his message tho numerous encroachments
and aggressions of tho North upon tho
South, and suggested tho constitutional
amendments which, if adopted by tho
North, might rcstoro peace and harmony
to tbo Federal Union, solemnly protests
against tbo doctrine of coercion, which, as
be truly says, could not uphold "a consti.
"tutionul Union ,1x1)1 g a Union of tonscnt,
"and not of force, oj pexice,and nol of blood
compnstd of sovereignties free and polit
ically equal ; but if successfully carried
"out, could but enforce a Union, not of
'tqua's, but of the victors andtlic van
"quis lied pinned togcfier by the bayonet
''and congealed in blood!"
Wc fear that tho day of compromise is
passed ; tho delusive speech of Mr Sewardj
tho dogged determination of tho Republi
can party to mako no just or adequate
concessions to the South will unite tho
South as one man in the determination to
protect their rights out of tho Union, and
tho only question which in but a few weeks
shall have to be decided, will be, not if
tbc little State of South Carolina shall bo
whipped into tho Union, but if eighteen
Northern States shall, under tho lead of a.
minority party, attempt to coerce, at the
point of the bayonet, fifteen Southern
States, who refuse any further allegianco
to a violated compact, under which they
can henceforth expect nothing but aggres
cion instead of protection.
The question must soon bo decided wheth
er tho Republican party sectional in its
views and habitation ; formed without re
gard to tho last paternal warning of the
Pather of his Country; acting in violation
of tho spirit and letter of tbo Federal
Constitution; leagued with the fanatics
who denounced the Constitution as a "com
pact with hell'' and the Union as a curse
whether the Republican party, itself
tainted with abolitionism, will have the
brazen effrontery sacrcligioualy to invoke
"the Union," whilo they, under tbo stars
and stiipes, declare a war of extermina
tion against one half of tho Union ; wheth
er under tho falso cry of "the Constitu-
tioa," they .will renew, on a largo scale,
the invasion of John Brown, and by (heir
proclamations stimulate the southern slaves
to insurrection, rapine and bloodshed, and
thus rcalizo tho bloody schemes of the
ultra abolitionists 1 1 If such bo tho unholy
purposes of tho Republican party, let them
seriously calculato the cost of such a step,
beforo they have lighted tho flames of civil
war. Let them reflect that tho National
Treasury is bankrupt ; that tho revenue
from Custom House duties will dwindle
down to a paltry sum; that armies suffi
cient to conquer tho South would costhun-
only by direct taxation at a tunc when the
pcoplo would ha least ablo or willing to
meet the exigencies of tho treasury ; let
them remember that free trade among tho
otates has heretofore been tho life blood
of our national prosperity, and that a state
of war with the South would interrupt frco
intcrcourso and produce in tho North a
general stagnation of busincs, followed by
bankruptcy and pinching distress; let
them beware that in blockading Southern
ports they may soon involve themselves in
a war with some of the principal powers of
Rather than adopt so cruel and suicidal
a policy as coercion and all tho calamities
of war, let them, if tho South sccedo in
mass, acknowledge this great movement
of ton millions of their fellow citizens as a
revolution already successfully accomplish
ed. Lot them hold out tbo olive branch,
and treat with our Southern neighbors,
cither for a happy re-union or for a
peaceful separation, securing to both sec
tions tho mutual advantages of commerce,
trade and free intercourse. But if tho
Republican party, deaf to tbo voico of
patriotism and humanity, resolvo upon
coercion and violence, and attempt to de
luge tho country with fraternal blood,
they will find in tho South a UNITED
PEOPLE to repel their inroads, and in
the North a UNITED. DEMOCRACY to
stay their sacreligious hands against their
brethren and fellow countrymen. Let
them bewaro ! Let them Lcwaro ! ! !
Senator Sewaiid. This gentleman,
who is to bo tho Premier of tho new Ad
ministration, made a speech in tho U. S.
Senato.on Saturday last,in referenco to our
j National difficulties. It was.upon tho whole,
conciliatory ; but ho mado no practical
, . .m i.iw.r na i. ..wia. I .am . rr-
Proposed Adjustment. (Latest Details from tno omu, --.IZ M oo7. was
The following is the plan of adjustment The Charleston papers of Thursday am A
proposed by Mr.Bigler, of Pennsylvania. Friday Ins. con an. tl icula of tho JJ8 (ho outcr
The object, as will be perceived, is to get 'attack on the , ft?amcr fetar of tic W. ' . ukJ " ) tho
tbo question of slavery out ct Uongrcs
" r. V. " .........i
tha jNortli.
iivcnthoaauussiouota ouueis p.uwuuu
- ,
for: . ,
That amendments to the Constitution
bo submitted, embracing the following;
propositions, to witt
1. That tho territory now 'owned by Uw ,
ITi.itnil Stntpa shall bo u Viued UV :i 11110
Ul"ted.? tC.!SI "''J . Xfan.ln.
crcos, 3D minutes north latitude
SJ. That tbo territory south of said lino
with tho view to tho formation of States,
shall bo divided into four Territories, of as
near enual sizo as Congress may deem best,
considering tho formation of tho country,
and having duo regard to tbo convenience
of tho inhabitants of the territory now or
ganized That tho territory north of said
line shall in like maimer bo divided into
eight Territories.
a. That when tho inhabitants of such
Territories, or either of tbein,sball bcconio
sufficiently numerous, Congress shall pro
vide governments for tbe same and when
tho bona fide inhabitants in any Territory
shall be equal to tbo then ratio of repre
sentation in Congress tbo fact to be ascer
tained by a census taken under tho direc
tion of Congress it" shall bo tho duty of
the Preadcnt of tho United States, by
proclamation, to anuounau the admission
of such Stato into the Union on terms of
equality with tho original Stales.
4. That in all tho Territories south of
said line of 30 degrees 30 minutes, invob
untary scrvitudo as it now exists in the
States fouth of JIa.on and Dixon's line,
shall bo recognized nnd protected by all
tbo departments ot tuo .territorial (Jovcrn-
ments ; and in all tbe Territories uorth of
said line, involuntary servitude, except as
a punishment tor crime shall be promt ilea.
5. That Congress shall be denied the
power to abolish slavery in places, now
under its jurisdictions, situato within the
limits of tlaveholding States, as also with
in the District of (Joluiubut, so Ions as
slavery may exist in cither of the States of
Virginia or Maryland.
0. That, in addition to the present pro.
vision for the rendition of funitives from
labor, it shall bo made tbo duty of tho non
slavcholding States to provide efficient laws
for tho delivery of fugitives from labor to
the persons to whom such service or labor
may bo duo.
7. That neither these proposed amend
ments, nor tbe third paragraph of the sec
ond section of tho first article of tho Con
stitution, nor the third paragraph of the
second section of the fourth articlo of the
Constitution, shall bo liable to future
Judgo Lewis' Letter.
Tho letter from the able pen of Hon.
Ellis Lewis, on our outer form of to-day,
in referenco to the Personal Liberty Laws
of this State, will command special atten
tion and should be carefully peru'.cd by eve
ry citizen of this Commonwealth. No Jurist
in Pennsylvania is moro intimately ac
quainted with the statuory provisions of
tho State than the Ex-Chief Justice of tho
Supremo Court, and few possess tho can
dor that he has exhibited iu exposing their
iniquitous bearing upon thu pcaco of the
country and well-being of tbe Constitu
tion. Wo again ask every person, into
whoso hand this paper may pass, whether
Uuionut or Secessionist, Ropublieau or
Democrat, to carefully investigate its pos
itions and to practice upon its precepts.
Senator Bioler, last week, presented
t3 the United States Senate, tixty-fivo
memorials, numerously signed by highly
intelligent and rcspcctablo citizens of tho
State of Pennsylvania, composed of men
of all parties Democrats, Republicans,
nnfl A .nor.f.fTi f!nn.roea tn n.a
the resolutions "submitted rjy tne senator
from Kcntucky,Mr.Crittcndcn, as amend
ments to the Constitution, for the ratifica
tion of the States ; and moved that tbo
memorials lie on the table. The motion
was agreed to.
Resignation or M. W. Jackson, Esq.
Our townsman, M. W. Jackson, Esq.,
tho ablo and gentlemanly Superintendent'
of the Lackawanna and Bloouuburg Rail
road, has resigned the position on the above
road, which ho has faithfully discharged
for the past few years. Tho reason for
this step is, Col. Jackson's privato business
demands his attention. Since his resigna
tion, we notice numerous highly compli
mcntary notices from tbe newspaper press,
speaking iu tbo highest terms of tho man
agement of tho road, under his supervision.
The praisu has been merited. No man has
done moro for tho road, or feels a greater
interest iu its welfare than M. W. Jackson,
Esq. His successor has not yet been
named. Uencick Ouzttte,
Iron City Commercial Colleoe,
Perhaps no similar institution in tins coun
try is more extensively or moro favorably
known than this ; the teachers havo, long
enjoyed mviablo reputations; the course
of btudy is full and comprehensive. Up
ward of five hundred young men are now
engaged in activo business, in tho cities of
Pittsburg and Allcghcuy alone, who. havo
graduated at this Collcso within tbo past
four years, moro than trcblo tho number
from any other School in tho country, in
tbo same time.
l'ttuburgh Cummetvi d Journal.
Gold or Silver deposited in tho Frank
lin Saving Fund, No. I'M South Fourth
street, bslow Chestnut, Philadelphia, on
and after January 8, 1801, will bo repaid
in Gold or Silver on demand, without no
tice. Bank notes deposited repaid in Bank
notes. All deposits bear live pur cent, interest.
uur icicgri mu p ' "',!,: f
loircauy g.ven j b -
: 7nl.ll,,ff tl,n r.orrefnondcnco bo-
, o - - .
tweon Governor Piokcus and Major An-
V Tl,n qnnil. Pnroliua LccUlaturo.
.Won. The Sou.
uav.i.g mu ' - .
T?1Z : ' '
UV"'T" b .r.. t .....-M.
Jiesnium, iiiut vnis (juuuiu. nxuim.;
llr. ..not, nv atten.nt to reinforce tho
troops now in possession at hort Sump or,
iroujn uu.y ...
9 an net of oncll and unuifCUISCtt hostility
on tbo part ot tUo government ot me urn-
. it. f
leu oiaics. .
Jtcsolvrd further, That this Ueneral
Assembly learns with priJo and plcasuro
of the suscojsful resistance this day by tho
troops of this Stato, acting under tlioor '
ucrs oltuo uovcrnor, 10 a., u.p -
rciuiUiUU l u.v rjuinwiii.
v . . 1 . . 1
llcitlved fwtftcr, Xliat tins ucncrai
AsRcmlilv ctitirelv antirovea nud endorjes .
tho communications of tho Governor thia
dnv made to Maior Anderson.
Resolved furthtt , That this. General
Assembly pledges itself to an earnest,
vigorous and unhesitating support of the
Governor in every measure adopted by
him in defence of tho honor and safety of
tho State.
Tho resolutions being put there was a
universal aye.
Mr. Buitt moved that tho word unan
imously be inserted, which called forth
another spontaneous aye.
Tbo Charleston papers, in their oc
coutit3 of tho attack on tho Star of tho
West givo somo incidents not without in
terest. We subjoin the following :
At Castle Pinckney, under command of
Col. Pcttigrcw, tho ardor of the men
knew no bounds. The greatest eagerness
was shown by all to have a shot at tho
stranger, with the intention of bringing
out tho fire of Fort Su.npter. The guns
of tho Castle wero all manned simply upon
tho spontaneous movement of tho men
themselves. Each sprang to his post,
without command of the officer in charge.
It was with tho greatest difficulty that ho
could restrain them from firing j and it
was not until a peremptory order to that
effect was given that they held themselves
aloof from the batteries. Tbo eagerness
at Forts Moultrio and Johnson wero great
though tbo garrison at tbo former were
gratified iu the privilego of a numbor of
harmless shots. Hitter luck to them next
who fired the tirst shot T
Sinco tho event of the crisis, much cu
riosity has been excited to learn the man
who fired the first thot. After diligent
inquiry, wo believe it is settled that tho
houor belongs to the Washington Light
Iufantry. Though this corps u not
stationed in tbo entrenchments on Mor
ris' Island, from which tbo first gun was
fired, still, a single representative of the
corps, wo are informed, was at ono of the
guns, and to him befell tho duty. We
believe tho name of the gentleman is
Lieut. J. L. Branch.
arrest for treason in south
J. N. Mcrriman, collector of tho port
of Georgetown, S. C, was on Monday
last arrested by tho pcoplo of that town
on a charge of treason against tho Statu.
A letter was found written by him and
addressed to Mr. Buchanan, stating that
he (Mcrriman) had just cleared vessels
in the name of tho United States, and
that ho would continue- to do so. Tho
letter calls upon tho President to send a
ooat ana men to collect the federal reve
nue, and informs him of tho progress
made in tho construction of the works
near Georgetown, and promises to ksep
him posted from time to time in relation
to tho same. Tho letter is signed by his
initial, J. N. M. When arrested ho ac
knowledged having written it. Lopse,
his deputy, was also arrested. Ho said
u i..,i i i.-VT. ... .
uu nau uuuii in iuu iiiiuu oi writing out
iMerriinan's letters, but had not done so
in this case, as ho considered it treason.
JJoth have been committed ior trial.
Steamship Stau ov tub "West,
New You'ic, Jan. ltf, lsoi.
M, O. Koijeuts, Esq. Sir
leaving tho wharf on tho th inst.
, at 5 n.
in., we proceeded on down tho hay, whero
wo hovo to and took on hoard four officers
and two hundred soldiers, with their arms,
ammunition, &o., aud then proceeded to
sea. crossing tho bar at SanJv Hook at
nino p. in. JSollung unusual took placa
dating tho passage, which was a pleasant
one for this season of tho year.
Wo arrived off Charleston bar at half
past ono a. in., on the 0th. but. rem Id find
nn r-ni.lin., marl. fr ti i,
li.l.t, wnrnnll f w i,
. . : 1 , ,.
caution, running very tlow and sounding
uutil about four a. m., being then in four
and a half fathoms of water, when wo dis.
covered a light through tho hazo which at
that time covered tho hoiizon. Conclud.
iug that the light was on Fort Sumptor,
after getting tho hearings of it wo stood to
tho 8. W. for the main ship cl.annel.whcro
os signals, ana buoruy alter HeamoU over
tho bar and into tbo ship channel.
Tbo soldiers wero now all put below,
wo hove to to await daylight, our lights " - ' 'S'" k ttwSV. ifiipw..
having been put out sinco twelve o'clock, anff Jrogging liltlo Daniel over tbo KSlSSSfirSftSK
to avoid being sec. As tho day began f" llfu waa lU 10 ft . rm.bur.h.ra
to break wo diScovcred a etoamor jut in 23e,'nck l'az.e,te- . . Jtl' """r1?'
.1 Ou tlio 3tl inft., in Uriarcrocktownsliin. n.-r n m t n -n
steamer ahead of us sending off rockets
.. , ., f . . .
'"'"'g "E""
light, continuing on her courso up near
"b i iv.t q
lo W'los from Fort Moultrie, lort Sump-
lor bcin(! nbout tbe same distance, a mas-
. . " j,orri3 lsUnA wllcro
there was a red Palmetto flag .lying
oneiicd five upon us, tho distaneo being
. . , , - ., ... , , ..
about fivb cigbths of a mile. Wo had tbo
American flag flying at our flagstaff at tlic,
",mi'"""' J o ..... --
,;, ,l -,, fi-P hn first slint hoisted I
a nrgo AnlwJclin cnsigri at tho forc
lliiiu, uu. -w
. .,.,.,. ... r,i, !,..,
iiuu u.
for over ton minutes, several of tho shot
going clear over us ; ono just passed clear
0f til0 pilot houso another passed between
tu0 gmoko stack and tho walking bcim of
, , . i it i i
nt.mnn nnMlior etriwO.- flin Rliln nKfc
b. , -r j -
abaft tho foro nsfntm and stovo in tbe
planking ; another thot camo within an
aco of carrying away tho rudder,
At tho same time thero was a movement
of two steamors from near Fort Moultrie,
ouo of thoni towing a schooner (I presume
an armed schooner) with tho intention of
cutting us off. Our position now became
rather critical, as wo had to approach
Fort Moultrie to within threoquartcrs of n
mile beforo wo could keep away for Fort
Sumptor. A steamer approaching us
with an armed schooner in tow, and the
battery on tbo island firing at us nil the
time, and having no cannon to defend
ourselves from the attacks of tho vessels,
wu concluded that to avoid certain capturo
or destruction wo would endeavor to get
to sea.
Consequently we wore round and stood
down the channel, tho battery firing upon
us until their shot fell short; and as it
was now strong ebb tide, and tho water
having fallen somo three feet.wo proceeded
with caution and crossed tbc bar safely at
fifty minutes past eight, a. m., and contin
ued on our courso for this port, whore wc
arrived this (Saturday) moruing, after a
boisterous passage. A steamer from
Charleston followed us for about three
hours, watching our movements. In jus
tice to the officers and crew of each de
partment of the ship, I must add Ibat their
behavior while under the firo of thu bat
tcry reflected great credit on them.
Mr. Browcr, tho New York pilot, was
of very great assistance to me in helping
to pilot the ship over Charleston bar aud
up and down tbc channel
Very respectfully, your obedient servant
J. .ucUowan, Uaptain.
Dr. Uiipouco's Golden Tillb Tor FcraalfS.
'nfalllbU tn torrtetlng, rrgtilating and rtmoving alt ob
structions, from vhatecir cauit, and alaays
tucccssful a a prercnttrc.
The Combinutinii of ingredient in Dr. Dnpnnco'g
Golden Tl U are p.'rfrtly liarinle. Tiny li.ive been
iMed in the plvatc pr.uticu ot dd Dr. Dnjiotico foroyer
thirty jears, aud tliousuiida of ladicM cm U'Mify to
thvir gn'tit and never failing xuccfui in alnitat tvery
cnoc, iu lorriTtin? irrrgnlnritica, r'liein pninfal and
diairubniug niointrutititii. particularly nt the change of
llf;, From flvo to tin pilla will euro thai roaunnn yet
ilrcadful complaint, tlu V)utiK, N'uurly every female
in the land from tliia coinplaint. The abovj pill prinaiicutly cured thousaHda, and Hill cure )nu if
you ue thcin. They cannot harm ) ou, on the contrary
they remove a I objtriictions, restore nature to its prop,
rchannil, nnd invigorate thcuholo ejBtem. Lnisu
lio4e hcullli will nut permit an increase of l-'uiuily,
will find tlieso pilla a mccuHsfnl preventive.
Theou Tilta t-liuuxl not betaken during the first thrsa
timnthH of pregnancy, as tlit-y are a.ire in bring on mu
carriage; but at any other time they arc tafe,
l'rlce, 1 per box. JSnld, uhok'salo and retail, by
a M. llAGi:liUCil, Hmgttt.
S'te agent for lllomnsburg, Pa.
To whom all orderi must be sent, i.adtfs I by wild
ing Dim SI.UO to ttii llloomtbtirg Pobt-Otnce, ran have
these pilla ncnt in any part of Hie country, (conn lent tal
ly) nnd "free of Poftaitu" by mail. Bold alio by N. h.
Rank Sc. Co. Innvill, U. J. Try, Tamama, J. A, Polk,
Matuh I'linnk, nud by 'one tlruggit in every Town and
city in thf United Plate.
N. II. i,ook out for counterfeit. Huy noGdilcn Tills
of nnd kind, unlem every box is signed ri. D, Movie. All
others nrJ n baaoimpoHitiun anil untafo, therefore, a
inghumbigsed out of your tnontfy,) buy wily of lliom
who ihow the signature of e, I), llowe on i-vcry box,
wJiich Ilia recently been added, on account of a rucunt
cuuuitru'uoi iue i in.
f . D HOWE,
Bole Proprietor, Now York,
Dec S3, ItCO-Iy.
si 00'cr.ovr.nsEr.n..
, 85
j couN'foVdV'.'.'.'.'.V.V.'
CORN Bflft.
It VII .
7U Uim iiH
' oath 33
On tlio 12th lust., by Kcv. E. Wads
worth, Mr. Minor D. Ilarrison, to Miss
Jano 0. Lino, all of Huntington township,
Luzerno county, Pa.
Attcr,i... ,,, t. ...
in... lAiui.t.ui , ij wits, .uurin
I Logan, loth of Uloomsburc.
) Ia lorwick, on tho 1st inst., hy Itov I.
Uahl, David Mensch, of Millliuvillo, and
Judith Urader, of Salem township, Luz.
co'' l,a'
' ,1.n Ccntrcville, Columbia county , on tho
3d inst., hy the same, Mr. Isaao Grover,
to Miss ltehecca Dietorick, both of tho
abovo place.
In Berwick, on Saturday, January Cth,
1801 Mrs. Catl.ariuo Mlizabcth, wife of
bilai Kisuer, aged S-l vearj. 'i luouths.anu
I Salom township, LHz3rne county, on
tho 27th of Diccmber, 18G0, Daniel Ed.
ward, son of Jeremiah llemaley, aged 10
"uius auu .-u uays,
, I , UM0B met las Uea U ... tl.o most.
6U0cklnS manner. He was leading a colt
to .watcr Wlt1' 1,altcr ttraP U ,
rn, . . ......
(Inlmnhin nnitntv M.ini..l f Tl...
ln llriarcrcck townsbin, Columbia co..
on tho tiOth of December, 1600, WiUuui
Enriue, aSc4 about 41 years.
New Ducvli5cmcnt
NOTIC'Viu hereby tlvon Hint tin. fotlnulni; rirr.on. In
CnliimMRrnunty, liavo tiled Unit P1 tltiwii In thn
Court .'f(lunTtcrBe..l"n.,rfllii alj nmnly for Tnv
eni l.leen.ti In llirir rcptctlya ,t(mi..lilpa. heti .ahl
nrtiilmu. will l.Drcponlnltothfc nhl I'ourt on Monday
lliu -tin dayi'f tVliruary, A. II. luUt, oruliiclinll pcfonfl ul I mkn ntitler. tiliu Uic l.lcrnm will l.i crnn
tftt mi U'cdiiciJny, tuu bill .lay of 1'ibruory not nt 3
..'clock, p. in. w
Applicant. Tnwtiahlpf.
KcklrlUnle, Tavern, Kucarlnnf.
John I.eiot, " flr.'fimoinl.
. S JACOll r.Yintl.Y, l.r.
rrotliinntnry'a Oflirc,
tllotnn.biirg Jan. O, lctfl.
Api. nil wnntcil tn isll the Trie &s ins Mncliino. M e
witl cive n ('nimnisfion, or uncta at from 32.1 It, S a pr-r
,,,, ,,,,,,. T11newi..Ml.inf,Bi!j
no.lmn'cin In rnnitrnrtlnn that n cnIM nf 10 year, can
ciunl tn any Pninlly r.elmr .Macliino in ubc, onil the
rt t. liiill nti I,..'. tlmt 1(1.
prlcn I-out r iionnra.
rerloiiwlihlngannsincy will adilrcti
BettPXttY Hrra E-'cwine Alachino Company.
Jan. 19, UCI-Ct.
luwia itsHOTCn Tilt
From tli North -Ha it Carrier of Snentli urn Market
6trCCtS 10 III INUYV ESI AiU, ft i. 1UU MAIlKl.Tt-T.
otTcri for heretofore, tat rp&JuimbMnriccd.evcrr
rirftcriiiti".. of
improved ARNetiuurni nni Momcumjrai implement,
Warranted Prctli nnd (Jrnuine Kicld. Car. I en and Flow
erSt-'cdn, lit prtfit nrldy. Also, No. 1 Peruvian Guv
crnmrnt (Ju ino. nnd otlur reliable IVrti r for (Jrim
mid Crniii i.rops.Frtut and Urnimfntii'lrofB nnd Muub
licry, ilioice Y. rrcrcenr. Itngci, DitlitjnM. i.c
lie enticiti n continiiAtice nffi rmtrcuttiin.
SSlmploment, Seed, an 4 Suttcty t'ntalog.icg, Cunilatwd
on applkaliuii.
Acrlcuttiiral and Kncd WnrehoiiBr. iNotllJO Marktt
f trcet, opposite the farmer' Markut.
No. 125, South Eleventh Street near Walnut,
Enameled GIms, Frcico, Oil aud Hnmuitic Painting,
John Gibmi. i. il.Uicion.
January 12, 3iu ,
j:. u. i.ittlk,
II oomihurc, Jan, 12. IPf.t,
Ejtatk or Isaac V, Mifoiiayk, pittkAirn. '
fPIin undrriUnpd appnint id by tin Orphan's Court of
1 Columbia county, to audit, aMIIr nnd adjust th ac
count of Samutt and ,aria W, Muigratt, ndiuinislrntora
of tli raid KvtatH on exrcplioim fHfd to tha anldacrouiit
attend fur that purpoiu, nt hia otlice in lUooonburg,
On Saturday, the .5th day of January, next,
at 10 o'clock, A. M. of whftli tiniand place alt pcrsout
intcn itcd are raquired to take notici
DecPinbor 2:, liVV). Jiudltcr.
Estate of Peter Craxrjord deceased. '
r CTrr. KB of Administration on the Kuato of Vatuti
l-J Crawkord, IfiH of Alaili-tou towuihin, Coliiinbia
eounty, dcreaa-'d, have been granted by the Ufgltter of
Cniuibi.icounty,tth3 undereigned, raiding in aaid
timuahipall p-niis having claima naint tlif Ubtat'-of
tlu dercdent urt requtfutt'd to prem nt them to iti Ad-
iniiiistrator, without delay, and all jutous indebted to
make payment fcrthwitti.
juiia b ti i in,
necinberB, l-C0-rt.
Estate of Elfzd rfCftUel,
r1lMI underalgned, appointed by the Orphan' Court rf
1 Columbia rnunty to make dutrihutloti of tin balance
In the ban lis of iteiijamiu Wagner, Adininiatrato r of En
gel I'ox, late oftlfi oai J county, deccanrd, to and among
th-i h-ir and leg tl rcpr-'neiitativf-, w ill meitt hf parties
iiitrertcd ill the slid dilribu1iou,M bia oflire In lilotmt
bur, on Friday. the dnv of J.nujfV. A. II.. Irtl,
wnen and v n're au pT.oim Hiving riaiuot must present
tlii'in.or be forecr debarreu from coming in for u chare
no5KUT T. CLARK, urfj'or.
Ulooinhurg, Dccciubt-r V, ldvU.
CAJIK tho tfh onclojuro of tlia
BUb.rr.ber .oiiic- i3Jf tilns inre, a large
Tht owner is rciu?td lo nruvi property, p iy t '.
ud lake him away, or ho wi'I bo tlipotd ofa tb
the Law
DecerulT 23, 13',0. 31k
OL! Lrnlher. and all oilier klndu rf Leathers. Mo.
roccon. Linillir and hindine. fur itale rhfutir thnn
thcrhenpcst by the uinleritgucd at his Tannery I'stan
lishmcnt, in LiglitHtrgtt. Columbia eo ALSO - A
lrge quaniity of riastrrmjr Itotr, dry nnd iu good con
dilion, cheap by the hutdi.d or barn I,
C7"Cah paid for Hides.
Light Street, Jan 5,IrCl-3in.
Office of the Wyoming Canal Company,
. Aa J n Walnut it rrtt Philadelphia.
lbc annual meeting of thu t?tockhnldfa
Wtllb3b?ldatth.i office of the company No. y.10 Walnut
Ht in tlu city of Phi ada, on -Monday January 21ft, Idol
K'tttoen tin hour of 13 and 3 o'clock at winch time an
election v ill lake place lor a President A'ico TrefldiLt
ana bix manoger tu serve fur the tjuumg year. i-Aiiiiiaii. 4v.
Jan. 5, lV,l-3t.
Tor tho liberality with which the Public nlway hiT
patronizi'd Hfiiry .uppingir, (coino nee his good homf)
liu means to show liis gratitude by tvllwg facts not in
empty n ords. Kit an.biiloit is not so much to makf met),
ty as to occupy the btit or one of tht but ahopA, audio
be generally appreciated ns one of the h! workmen.-
1'orgiTC him this indulgence ; he shall try to dirrit it
will. Ofcoime, Ue laborer whether with head or hand
In worthy of bis litre.
New Watches, new Clocks. a lot of gpod Ju ttr.a full
ui Fiaiiii'i iir ui(iicn, incLie ami outi-iue
UloontHburg, Jan.5, 1G1.
AVALL PAPEll, uuitDEiaxa
'plIK underaigncd re.pectfully infurmi thu ritlienatf
-I Ulnonnbiirs. and tin if I'olui-I.ia c.mnty
largo and vnricd nsitortmt. ut f (
Tnciudiiif nil tlu mndcrn ,tvlc. In be .cel. and for inla
at hi. v.tablMitnent. iu tha lllnnin.burz Tnat Ofiic.-.
l'aperinj cieculediil .Uierior.l)le,atiiiuJ.rato prlcea
andnn fhnrt nutire.
ty- l'er. ai li u in; limifei In paper illilndit to
their aJvautagetocitu him a Call and eiainim- In. ttiKk
Gloom. bum, Sept. S, leCO. 3ni.
Tny. the enllra co.t (ot Tuition In the mill popular and
nereomi L'nuimerrial Hcliuolln the rnuntry. llpxanl
nf nvelvo Hundred youns men from Itveutr olsht din"
erent tstr. tr.,li,iu been educated for liuaine.a ira Willi-
DlOVed a. Hook rTri.nnr. n. .m.U. ..t
I . t'lie .ear.. ."1110 (i t.nnm nave bjeu .IU-
' Annum
raedia.eiynpo t,aduatine,i,o knew 'oth,t of.,.
xfoVftSStftS!''.,, . .,
Allnriniif knoulnf thenuclvi's ndel-ted or havinc
ipttlcd account. wiUtihe uudrmiM..dlwi l plascf.ili
the VI on lour Iit U Mi I ellle nn. itiiliAr i... .!. i...
i mJmoui WM.uiasi.
iifoitt or uth-rw Ue, by tho &tt (( Vehnmv'mi ? tli.-ir
n..n on.. trl. . . t V, fc ui ,mn L'lilna, priaentln? all the attract ve an J ndvantatreini.
klnJ. an 1 I 3n,f !, !, m U"8 I.I. ..f a uaterr.,1,,' luaui'm. an, a hul.rrl,. unatta.n.a
tern..' fu cl re..oiubl.V . ' ' C'' ,'J1'")' 'r J"'"bi "' h lf . l...p.r..l.l.l.
ternii. urU) rea.onalilofor ai ,... n. tlie naturil pronert.ea uftfu article, ut.uiit.lucb U"'J
Wn.rli anil I'lnrb .rlinii.ii. . .
Tllo Horse and His Diseases
1IY honKtiT Jknninos, v. s,
Professor oj L'utkohgy and operative &ur
Scry in the VtUrtnurtj Colli ge vf PhU
U(c;ihlai tic, tie
WILL TELL rOtOf tho rrlgicin, lilMnry nnd illMlnrtite
trailH i.f tlx vnriuua breed of,
pt-nit, Afhitlc, Allnrnn and rf UK-ricaVi
IInrftOK, with the pu)MchI lui iimii(,u
nnd the pecuslnritljt id the aiiiiLni
and how to nuc'Tttiiu lilt one by ,
niiinlior and ruiidiilmi uf hi leeih
lllustrnU-d with n inner uu tibiaiiRtg'
ty cngravliiRi.t
7he ll ttifC and his Diktat's
WILL. TELL YOU Ofllrerdlnp, Hr.-nkinf, tM,lnf fou
Inj, grooming, slM. inff, nml the
oral luatmjt innt (C In lirr-, nut,
(lie licit Hindus v( n'ltuliiUti'ritig inrj.
nut, ulro, hot to treat tilling, kttk.
inp, rnrintf, allying. Mumbling, tnl(
Mtiujr, lit stlea'iivB. nnd other tIci
to whlih liu ii itilijtrti nitU uuunr
uui explanatory vngrrvingfc,
TtC Ifane (uitl ,t.s Jisit&cs
WILL 7 AC rofOfthe cnuoc. apiiiptuiim, and Tr it
meiti nf HirnnjilfB. Hnru Throat, ijlt.
tcinujr, Catiirrlt. lliilucnzn. Irmnii..
tl,l'nuiiiioiilh, lik'urliy.l rketi Win!
Chronic 'miRh.Uonriiig and 1ii,UiB,
l.ampna.Hort! Month nnd 'L'lrtn, arid
lcca)cd Tviih, with other dWtni.'i a
thu Mouth and Htiplrutory Urgane,
The Horse uud his V'snnrs
WILL TKLL YOU Of thernunea ymptnma. ami Trrat.
liifiit of W or inn, liota, Colic, PtrartiM.
lation, tHnity ronir tilii, Stuptuit
l'al-iy, ll-irrlia' i, Jnuiit!lci, 1 1 pntir
rh'B'i. Itlooily Urine.hltme in the hit,
ne) i. and l.luddt r, lnfluiuatlin, sml
utlo'r difltnsfH of thu fctonsaili, fctw.
tli, Liver nud Urinary Orcuiii.
The lime uU his thmties
WILL TELL TOY Of the naum, ytiiptoiriB, and treat.
nenl of I.oiik, IHfioii tind Cog, fravm
King Hone, Hwrenie, f train, I n.fii
kn!Pi, Wind Oil, t'uundur, huU
Urul' nnd (Jrnvtl, Crokd Houl,
tSrrutrlirt, CnnktT, Tlmnh, and C'nntn
nlno, nf MtRrlin, Vrrtigo, pilrp.r
instrrri,nnd othtr dimani of n,,
Lcr mid Head.
The. Hor c ami his Pisrasrs
WILL TELL TOU Of thi rniiei. aymptomii, aid Tnat
in. nt uf Tl tula, I'idlKtil, Gland, fl,
I'&tcy, Hcarlct i'ever, tuiRe, iurf h
l.o keJ Jha, IttirutnatiH.ti, Crnn p,
Galls. L)icnKia of tin; hjuand lUnrt,
cc., &r nn I Jiyw to niaiiag- Catra
tion, Itucdiiif, TM hinnhig, Ktnel
ling; I'iriitp, llvniM, Ainpntati' rj.titt,.
pine, and oihtr aurgital i pviatiun.
7f line (ttid hn iJitetws
WILL TV.LL YOU Of Horry's Method of tailing lionet
lioiv to tt pro.ifli Mutter, rr SUblti a
t'olt, how to nc tmtnm a hre t
itratigtt auiindfl nnd ifUlt, ha.i (juw
to l-lt, S.tdill.'. Ul if, nihl I'rcak hiia u
llartita'i; nUotlf form mid lnw if
U'AitnNrv. 'Ihewh-Ic bring the tt
pult i f moro than fifieMi arn' iarcM
ttn ly cf Ihi-hnbitii. pffuli.imte,vnriU
nnd vveakiitsi of thu iiubl-j atiU uf.i
The book cotitalna lia-hiices. ntuironlatpiv il un:rat,t
by nearly One Hundred lhisr.ivint-k. It I printuJ iti k
cirnr an I open tj pe.nnd ill jj ftittihlu'd to any adtrn
,T lllg llHIIft
ery hrrc in awning th above nn 1 1 titer pfTilsr r(
fifoum. Our inductiiiF'utH to all aatli hrti xtcu. uglr,
rVr inslc copies of tbc I'ook, or for trrmp to agctti
witli olhr information, apply to or adi.r
JOHN L. l'oni II, I nbli ha.
No. CI? fcaiuoiuMrt.ct, Philadelphia, 1'a.
Nor 17, lbCO-l in.
C ARLfl LX.1 RUliEK BT tV it. i. Hlli.
t Telia Ynu How to ch-ae nil kin-la of Meat a, Poultry
mid tia.iu-.witli ntl the varioo nnd ft.oiv
iippruved innk'nofur'-nitig nnd fuctiug
li. efaiiil l'irk ; aUo liu Ut uJ i-
plct nny ofaalting, pickliu una euriaj
i tin (.nine.
Jt Trfl, y,m All the ari-na an I inratapi r&veJ luoitia
ol dri'Siiii, coi kine, ami Uuiux autiii
I l.amb, Vi ul, I'oultr) nud Guiae of ell
kind, witli (lac oitljrciit Drrti'gs Urn
m nitil t't.iiliiirH iti-nriMTiatt to 1 jci
It TlU You How t'i rhooH", cl an, mid prhcrvt! luh
Ot Jli U!HJB..llll! ll'.V, M BWl-rteil It Vbl'l
tainted; also all Hi- various and nurt
iippruvcd fnndv ot moKik, VMtb tuo
titi'i.ut Dr'ShhigH, Haiice. and flavor
Inji nppn printu toiarh.
All tlm a 1 iiMis nud uittnt rip proved mod-n
ofpr p'irini; ivi r fitly iliifami km n i,f
Meat, 1 rutlii, iin.l Sitw with ibt r'l-
h Toll' Yott
ih. and ri u-oinng tuoatli
ft TtH ivn aw iuj vnrnm ani inuhi cp rov en h.ui
ff cooking i-gtiublns of evri) ilccrip
timi.aNoliiMV to prpfr-J l ickl t nt- -
j nud L'urn.'s of ull i iud, Tot ed AJttt
FmIi, tioinf. .Mu.hrocui . A.c.
Tt ttta l'u All llu vi nous uud imi aiinnjTfd n o's
ot pri'pJiing and rooking alt knui ul'
1'Ihiii iitiu t-iury Taatr) i uodmc. Uui
alettco Triitirs, Cuku Conff (to-nar;,
Trctcrvvs, Jt-llitu, and inul UiLei tf
tvery de cnptin.
ft TtlU Yd All the vatrioiii and inont nppv?d ino.i.n
if loaKlng Hn-ad, I.uiKa. Multiui, anJ
1 iMriiit, the h'xt totthcxl of prtpermg
t'offfC, liocotate.faiMi Tea, and hyw l
nukfi yrupH, Cordial, and Viocs uf
variou kinds.
It TtlU You How to vi t ouinnd rnnnicnt a tabl, how
to Carre nil kind ot rish, ilfih or I'otrl,
and iu to bo ttmphfj tbti
wh'lenrt of Cooking uh to bring thi
clKdct'ft luxuries vt the labia nitbin v
er) holy's reach,
The bnk rontaii) 41H pagvs, and upuurds of twelve
hundred Itecipca, all of wlnih arc tin results nf t'tur.1
experience, having bt-ea fotty andrnrefully tmted um'ar
tlu personal Miiperintciolt ncc oMh wntfrtf D s . ta
U'd 111 aflcar and opm type. )h illuFtrntel with npiro
priate engraving, Hnd vvifl be forwarded to anv aJdrei,
neatly bound, nnd postage paid, on receij t cf tbo ptic
ftllO. or in clotli. LXtru. fil.'J.
,r nil .urn eT..
rywh?r in selling thi above work, our inducement w
all nurh being v.-ry liberal.
Kor eingl ropioa oftlio book, or for terms to agent.
with otlur inlurmaiimi, apply W or uridres
Jill IN 11 TOTTEH, Tubiher.
No. CI7 aiiiom fctreet, I'lnladulpbia,
Novembers, UGO-biu.
riiolr.grapliy Uion rnrrrlnlu.
tJcrured I'y lttterf patent in t'ie I'nitrJ Slat,.
EnlauJ, 1 rauce, ai.4 Jiiliutn.
The American Pito'ogrnphic Porcelain
( o'li any, No. 781 Pioudwiy, N. Y,
liavin-ai'rumllli'ir novel and ingcnioti' Invention hi anl European patent., nru fully pr( pared t
leruteuivfirjer.lur .iiinialure l.lKine. m
As the imt.-nti'd procru rf the Companv ennblps lh
rcprtiductiuti of riiotogrojdis, tiiit only on plain surfscei
Inn upon buch as are round or of any itegr''? f i reguUf'
Hy pxrtniti can Ui t .pro lucd w nh fa tltU'ss nccurary
aidiii luucy of dc 1 u-auu, upon l'or iltiuwar s ( Y
duwription and ulmt miiui usel ii articles of Injury r
of lums'liold utility, men as L'rhs, Vai, iBKtkrir
Ccm, Toiut Annnri, tt, thtrhy securing falltf-il
prtitraiu and litriii.-diui; s uui'i'U imd rx'iuisite it)l: vf
ornitiiivuiatiou of articles i i domestic use.
Iu ordT lu ftirnuli facilni i trlho gratification of the
popular t.istu, and to uiei't tlw wuiiU of those pntrmis "I
Uic Fiiu ArtHdcmuu of hnvms i'rtmiis on .'ore lam,
I li C 'inpany havu impoit 'd from E irop) a collection f
np-ritr porcrl.tiu v.nn li, nintiuf iriur:J tuthir (r
der, vvhuli ih y sell at cm t'p 1 ei
An thu Ann riran Coinpaii) um ovvitprs of tho patmit
riht and coiig!iuently th only porbous otiiliorir'd t'j
una tlu proct-fs, tliny lnvu detruniivd.iii order tu aflyr
IVoplii incivry strtmu ofjtlie Union an rpporlunity U
piiess 1'ortroiti on Clm a, to luaktj the fi llawins rtfu
utiim to residents in tlm Count r) , v ho nr.- uiialdeti v n
it porcounlly the Alclkr and (lallcncs iu New Vnrk.
i' moiu spiidmi; a phtoi;raph, uuitiri t)p', or dagurr
rcotpi iti tin tittle c of t lie Company iu NswVork,
coi.ipinted ly Five Duliuri, will receive in return ty '
prt'ta, fro'i ol otli'rcharije, a hrenHut
Cup and Haucer. with thi portrHittraiisfTrJd thcron
l y iraiimniUifig a ducut'rrtf'iypit nndTi-u I'olldif ihy
ul I it cure iu itltu inniuitr, u li.uidsomc 1'f.urh Vae i
Toilet article, with tho portrait rtpruduudh the paten
ted prt'ci-ss,
Hy niilinir n p;iir ff daRfrroityppa and fifteen D'l
bra, thy will receive hi ri'turn u pa ufricb Pevre.
Vases, v ith the pottr.uts cxetul)! cpial to miiiidtuu
puiiitinns , and, iu like maimer, portrait rau bo rpro
ducud on porcelain vvaics or Voaisof every T'hty tf
finWi, rnnjins in pnej iim twenty tu One ttu.wrou
UdUr tin pair.
N, II, liu portiruiur In writing tlw oddrJM. ton,
county and gt iu ditiucily Ali lettrr tu Ut address t
to'l WAdUlt, AMIIliU'AN INinTOUiArillU 'ok
C l. LAIN t'4j.'7ei t roddway, Nkw uu.
Oct. 0, UoU,-3m.
. O Iinunlcrsigiied vvuulj inftrmth" ritnen of
jXT I i!innit.irg nnd vicinity, th. t ho lia Jt r
f-l civt'd aud r.ifca toialv otic f th mosUit'Siva
aisortmrnti of rilOKl.N'Li and l',K V fcTOVl H,
ovrr introduced i.itu thisii.aiket. Tli hril. h'r "
I uiuti ti, J.imi-fc Uohbitud Gli bo are ainonK llf fnit riR's
eooHing Hdvch. allot' vM;li are alr Uehl aud e burm r.
His Tarlor iovr nr handnoiun an i the si rinurt v nH
hd. At, rarticular attititiou is p JJ tu lin-Wai,
lld lit rikc H:nutili(i. iiliuii blii'rl lixlirr 11 kill1
rjal iirvvjlhl dttiir-Hith uentn'ti and dfptth. -
Luuutry produi lakuit in whan e for