COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT Mntiu-dny, January 12, SSG1. Jacod Thompson, Secretary of tlio In terior, has resigned, TIenhy D. Moonr;,of Philadelphia, was on Tuesday last, elected Stato Treaurcr. Thanks to Messrs. Kline, Hound and ISnowr.rt, of llariisburg, for publio docu lUCllW. HON. John liiuain.v, Sup't., of tho Del aware, Lackawana & Western Hail Koad, lias our thanks for favors conferred. The advent of tho now year, which has just opened upon tho world, under cir cumstances of general favor secession and disunion, excepted finds our people pur suing tho oven tenor of their way, passing to and fro, as long has been their wont, for tho purpose of buying Cheap Goods, at Umu'a Store, in Light Street. Hloomsiiuro & Camdiia Mail Route. Mr. Chester K. Hughes, of Cambra, lias beconio the Proprietor of tho Blooms burp and Cambra Mail Houto and drives the Coach himself, attending to all business in hii lino with caro and punctuality. Mr. Hughes has a fino new Coach and excel lent (.feeds. Ho is an accommodating young man and deserves liberal patronage. Montour American, Junior. Mag tor Wiuwk G.ltioVFR,-son of Hr Ernie e has favored us wilh a copy of his spicy littlo sheet, healing tho above title, con taining besides many other matters of in terest, his Annual Address. Thi-t ij tho fourth year, that our young friend has is rued his Junior American. Wc arc also gratified to observe, that Master Drawer, lias been chosen Messenger to tho Stato Senate. The "Christian Advocate and Journal," the timo-hoiiored organ of tho groat Mcth Kpi.copal Church, has entered upon tho 30th volume of its existence It r-nor s . ! 1 t a m u iumj ni'iiuing iinu liailU50.HU . 1 -.t ;i 1 , . I iiuw urcH, twin viMuio iinu important mi irovcmctit!. Wo have perused its contents ttitli increased interest, wliil.-t wo admire tlia al)ility with wliioli it is conducted, and accord to U tvety feature full approba tion. Tin: Pkoi'LU's Kkstaurant, jut open ed in tlic bftsonicnt of the white frame liou-p, on Main Street, formerly occupied 5y Jacob Lush, by our worthy young iiicnd Mr. Jacoii it Gntrov, familiarly ;uo;ij about town, as ''Coney.' is the place to gut rub-tanvinl rcfresbiuents. Sir. (iiHTON U a very Accommodating gentle-in.-in, and dra;yj around him hojttof friends and cutoiiKri. Ho heeps at all times the fresh and genuine bivalve to suit the wants of cvi-ry order of cpicurcaua. Orn readers may remember a good Di nloguo publidtcd by us fometimo fcincc, which referred incidcntlly to that good, -t.iunch old Journal for the 7(rw, thn and l!vn&fhol't Tho publisher's card now appears in our advertising columns and wo recommend all our rcadum, wbeth or residing in country or i!lago, to re fcpond to his invitation to try the Agicn( titriu for a year. Wo feel tptite sure that tho dollar it co.-ts Mill be a good investment "When you wiitc for it plcao gay it was upon our recommendation, and wc will guarantee you good satisfaction. AVc have received the firtt number of tho yoth vol tunc of the AgntMhurist) which indicates n valuable treat to all who subscribe for tills volume. OiNTFSTr.n Si:at. D. L. Chnpin, E'Tj., contefcta the right of Lewis 1'ughe to a scat in tho Legislature from this couu ly. Tlio facts in tho ciue arc simply, that Mr. Chanin was fairly cleeteil by a clear majority, but tho election loaril (which vra mostly Iilack Republican) throw out of tho count U2 votes for Jlr. Ohap'm bo cause of an allcgcil error iu his miildla narae--anJ thun garo tho certiGcato to Mr. I'ugho, olairuiug for him a majoiity of2G. Tlio Supreme Court lias already decided that tho middle namo of a man was of no moment when it ws known there wa? no man of that namo in tho community 1 IlC COniimttee WtlS UriUVn on 1 hursday last, ami is exclusively He publican, fo that notwithstanding tho de ci.ion of the Supreme Court, wo havo not very strong hopes of Mr. Chapin so curing his right. Luzerne Union. Gov. Curtins Appointmonts. We aro informed that Gov. Curtiu has made tlio following appointments : Secretary of Stato Kii Slifer, of Union county. Deputy Secretary -George V. Ilimcr ely, of Philadelphia. Attorney General Samuel A. Purvi nncc. of Rutlcr county. Whiskey Inpcctor William Putler of Mifflin county. Physician of tho Port of Philadelphia Dr. Clark, of Philadelphia. Mes-cngcr to tho Governor Samuel Miles of Ccntro county. Adjutant General James SKcglcy,of Pittsburgh. Western Flour Inspector--Thomas Col litm, of Pittsburgh. Sealer of Weights and Measures. J . D. Owens, of Piit'hnrgli. Excitement at Harpor's Porry. Baltimore, Jan. 8. Thero was con-' siderablo excitement at Harper's Kerry vn.loe.l.,.. ! ' . j.j, e.UB1U8 0i oi reports ol gain- nngs of nrmod peoplo in Charlostown and ' Martinsburg to prevent U. States troops ' taking possession of tho United States1 property. Tho citizens of Harper's Per- ry, however, assured them that their con- cern about tho matter wa, unnecessary.- On tho rcqu...t,on ot Superintendent Bar-' hour, 03 demounted dragoon, had been 1 Bent from Carhno to the 1'crrv. to act ru , , ,, 10 acc a CUarU lor tho rrnvorniiioTit una.,, I """"'J U"U u other property there. "He who has1 Four and spends Five Iiw nn r,m,l f . I) 11 n I ?.V . 'fririln lot nr vrcninil, dtuatl III Clnaiiiiiliiirir, nas no need ot a I'urso " nor of n Savins' J'l'piiitowiniiip, Columbia coum,, oouiniod nn.i dccril Fund ! l,t. (!, i... n i .,a',?:,'"',:;.!".!''Ir:' "."J."'1" ! Inn.l. .(, anu SpcnUS l 'it it Will SOOn four'' has need of a purse, and rn'illn (lin ,, 1. -fit,- . i realize 1 110 truth Of tho maxim, -'a lift 0 1 ... r. ... kii .t .. ...... uut oueu U113 tnopursj, ' atlll ho Will then I nccu a saving i'liud to rcccivo what the purse cannot contain, and by depositing it in Tho Franklin Saving Fund, No. 130 South Fourth Street, Wow Chestnut, it ' Will bear 5 nor pent inform ,rl,inl, ,1,t.l 1 inn ui.,ir per cent, interest, WlllCll auUcu, to tlio principal, will illustrate the maxim, "it li the atoms which compose tho mouu tain." SfS , COLUMF3IA DFMniD at WVLU IVIPI M UtlVlUOrtAT. ! 'Pl. - ti . . , illO following arc tllC receipts to tllO 0(fic0 f i... 1 i . uiu juumu ui i.uurmucr, iouu : 1 Comm. I'tnn., J. A COj Janv niichanan, 10 po tJenrp' Krerler, 1 iw; laacCulp, a m 1 75 I'Iiur. Ihomaf, J 'M 1 0 Koiilwii 1 5u 3 S3 CnlvbU. Fnt, 3 50 j. r, t-iitnwr, J. N.lluyliu, AT. M. Appleinan, Wm. Ijtimiiii, Kri'i , John llnriii(ny( AI-)tr. Krututr, Pani'icl (Mil, It iniel Hngley. Pr, (!po. W. Steadniaii, I'. K. Ikrli-'in, Lti'i , William Koit, I'nvitl It, Mower, Alexander .Mear, Aaryn Wulf, Ciiliiuil.i i County, liaar .Miwry, John I'w In, J.ieoh He? k.(fcitr.') i.'o, W. MiiiT. r Jolm A, I'll II t "II, V.-i', J-.Ti'ini-ih O'. Hmiili, WilILim Cotirat Jotph Itp-isth. IliuUon Uri'th -m, Win, J. I!r htli man, flian. C. Uri-cce, i . jiicno rnipnian, i:a., ii 1 75 Thomag 'Irtnch 2 . 3 73 J Hanfur.l.M.D.H 00 175 i; Jhhn I'nce, lion1 1 75 John M. Milhr, uo i in. jobcpn i.rrf, 5D JameK C. Maxwell, 2 UO Ji.hti iifPfi, Jr., 75 lleiij.imii 'j hornlon, 3 1'iicK.Krhkhaum, 2 00 IM. of John Kline, 3 UU John Jon,., (iilooni) f7 Jainen U'i('per. 7 M N.J. UcnilirHiot, 2 eu lion. I'iai t,,.j iy, 4 4 John C. Wfiiiu-r. :i t!j ' j -i- I f.' S a ,lU I 75 1 on 1 (ij 1 75 ! (.0 5 0 Ij'.iry ilvit.St Co 00 ;j ik) rriinklm Hatiii! Tnnd (t t)J 1 5(1 u,Vti nn Id. St. U. 5 00 5 Si (;Qo. W. Ulnkle, (i (0 V Hi ivlorlrk. ui,,., 1 so 1 "u rut.m iiieanorLockard'1 I ht. tf Jirch Zfl.IoH y trtjAbriim 1'iuter. 50 : no Mil 1 r nnd, II. C. Milla. 7 it)) John C.Huick, 5 Ik) 1 00 1 0-) Mr-. Mary U. Smith, 3 Ooj iS'nili Mnnfi'r, Joint A. I'uiwnn, Jo.pli tl. Kmttlo, M.ithin A. Moor, Itanitl Uricl", IV-tt-rH. Itrugler, fi tcr Kruylcr, t-r. .IHl'lCl in tz, .M. M. Appleman, .. R. -mini, 4 I i;.t. r f Solomon Sw ntik, 5 W 1 1 nil j 4 1 t,ce. !,., I flii i u 3 .V r.n. of lnareTylcr,, 1 tf.ii 1 ;a 1 01 75 (Hi 1 j 00 , j Jm-i-tj It, Knorr, irv Hi's, (('ntre.l 2 Ik) jurxnn nnsi'iiiiifn z u. Jo-ph llettH, (I'.irmur.) 1 1 SPECIAL NO TICKS. A CARD TO TIIH LAMtiS !)r. !ipi)ilcos tioldf ii ViWs fur Fcraalfs. hfatlxbit in rorrcct'vtg, rt'jtitinr nnd remvvinp nil o5 struction$,frijn vhnttitr tuutt, and at trays $urtt$iful at a prtvtnttve. Tlie fomliliiution of iiicrjiljentu In Dr. n.mnnrn (la d.-n I'i lit arc p rfettly h.irinIu-. Thf y have been UM-ti iu tb tiriviit.' ir:irtl(.e of ol.l Or. Dumincn forovi r Jhirtj rar, and tliosnnndn of lailiUM tan K'Mify lo th ir en ui mi J nt'vr failing fiirti in almost eeiv rax", in 'orri'ttius irr-iiuhu-Hirg re'ievinu uti 1 iutrs44iiv nifiutruntion p.irtiml irl) nt tin1 ehauco of lit'. I rem lite to ti'ii ilia w ill turn 111 it i ocnnoii yrt tlriai!fu' cnuipl.iiut, tin Wlnt''f. eurly every ft-mul in ill.' lnu-1 tilV'TB from Hun i ompl tiitt. I'he ahovc pill hi pTuuicMtly rureil tiioiDuiutJt.. ami Hill etiri )ou if you uskIIioui. Til ' cannot luirm you. on the contrary lh" r'lumval fiifctruttMn-. ri'stiro nature to iti prop r chaniif I, and inior.ite b1. nt"m. Liuhss h".e health will not pi runt uu increane ofFaimly, will find tiiM pilla a eurcsslul prHimitiic. Thew I'll's pii"U'il nut he tjkMi ilnniu th first thrc mniiiliM of privnaury, an th -y aro (.nri' in hrini; on mis r.irrni:''; Cut at an ulni tinm tli-y nru mf". I'lit-c, ptr box. hul I. and n t iP, hy il M, lIAfiUVi Ut'll. HruptHt. Bill, inf.. lit Cup ttl.inTii.liilpif Pi To hom at I orders mui.i li sent. Ladiia 1 bv P"nd- ! Jti2 It in T1.0H to tlif UlrtriDMh'Irz i'f't Oihci'. ran have th.'sc pilN pent t any part of tli eoHiitry, (coninlfiituil I)) ninl "fre of l'("" Iiv mall, t-ohl nhn liy N. Ij. Hunk & t'n. Danvill tl. J. Try, Tauu-pia, J. A. 1'olk, M nn h rim iik. and hy "one iirupgiht in twy Tovsn und cit iu th" United stHt'-o. N. tt. Aook out lor eoiiiiterfi'it. Tuv nofjol leu Tilli" nf and kind, unli-mei-ry hoi m Binned S. I). Howe. All oth.-ri arc a ham imposition and uuDf, therefore, nn j on altm jour i vi b and health. (In uy noihiui; of hu ir lm mhii viftl out of your inmicy,) buy only of those who hhow th.) PiRhiiture of I), llowj on ivery Imx, whti h has riTeuily Ikm'u added, on aieouut of a recent countuKitof Hie i'llls. p. n iiowi:, Sole I'ruprittor, New York. Pec. 23. 10-ly. Catarrli! Catarrh! Wiut ii 1 How CVnan? Thoiijiii!a of .crmi aulTa all forts of minoymiro ' . , . Catarrh. lot know hat ,t. Inronvcnitnco an,l from Catarrli, risult im, ycl but fi w know how it can bit ctireil. It in Minply a rhrouli, irrigation, nn,l oflrn enlarKotcn. i,r follicica nml ron.t'iiifiit thiikcniiiK of the laucotia infill, briin.-n, lining Iho naal ca.itH'a, frontal yimtau.. ami a iinrtimeH ntciHliug Jnlotliu and luna. Troiii till, result lielitneita unil oft. u irligo of tho h-'Ail, ob. btructi-il noie, urn profuju Ihiw of niiirtia, I0.9 of ana II voice, anil often impaired hearin; and tdtti. The olil'.chool rcmeilie. havo never been able to ila anything for It, N'n.ul injeclion. and inhalationa are na painful nn,l expensive aa t!i,'y are g nerally orthlesa. Vet Mumiitireya'C'atarrh Hptcirtf, a viinde Hugar Till, taken tuoorlhrce liuica per day promptly cur-'a tbo iiuliler cuwea ; curea nt oiico nil coldl in II11 head, hiid radically rureii liy prosverin uctiic ni"i oi,iinaia cabL'd, ad in prov cd hy the exp'-nencu of hundreds. Trice, with full dimtmns, ilfly rents per hux, X.ll. A f-ill Bitof lluiiiphrejs Homeopathic Specific, with liouk of Direction, nd twenty different lU-mcdica in lirsevialii, morocco cae, $5; ditto, In piaiu cae, $4 caniof fifteen boxes, and Hook, $i. SiJifle boxes, 2o centMand 50 rents. The m Ucnivilies, ly the elnclu hr or cae, arc s?nt hy mail or express, free of charge, to ui) address, on ru eclptufthe rrire. Address, Dr. I IIU.MPilRRV A; CO Xo. 5ii? Hrondway, Nbw York Sold by K. T. LUT7., Agent, niooiuiburg. i'a. SI'irfATS MIX TIM.!". The hieh nml envied ce. . . , .. , ,, . . , , . , ,r Ilirltv t I, r i till, nrceniiiient meilieine lift, nroiifrei! for it.iii.iiriatdcetlicaiy in all diseua' a which it rrofessea to cure, lias rendered tlio usual pruitica of osteiit.itioiia pulfiiig le't only uiuiecessary hut unworthy of thcui 1 They am known hy th"ir fruits, their pood works testify for tlieni, and they tiirito nut hy ths f.iilh of the credu lous. of coslivencss, dyspepsia, I'll'ious I and liver alleiliiins, pile., rhuimiitlsiil, fe.i rs At uk'ues, obsliiijto head ache', and ull feiieral inrausenients oi j( h M .j,,,,,,, Wa5l r, Adii.iiii.trator of Uu heullli. thcee Tills lia.c in.anably proven n certain and i r.,.. im of tlm iin count! , deroiist-d, to nud anions speedy r-nicdy. A single trial will place the I.ifu Wis be) ond thu rctttll of compttillun ill liio isliluation of ev ery patient Ur.Moil'at'a hc'fonnil einally ef- flcacio'ls III nil caa.-s ofiarvoua .Kluiily, d)'seisi I, lu-udyarhe, the suktiess incident lo feuiali's hi dilicate h'laHh.nil 1 t.cry Kind of .wuluitss of the din'Cslive or jnns. V'orPjlo by IV. II. .Modal, 3J3 llroilduny, N.w Y, rk, ami by medicine dealers und dmeeista Generally Ihrnishout the country. J'tbruary M, ldbU-l.'iii. TO COKSUMrTIVES.. The A'hertln'r,lin Ins been resurcl tohcn'.lh in a feivnccks by n very slniplo n m cd. after linias suir'rcd so.cral years with n s ieio lung uit'Cll,,"iiid Ihat I'renil dlsear-. Coniuniptlon-ia anxious turaako known lo his f.'lloiv.sulVjreia the weans of cnri1. To ull who dealro It. hi will send n copy of the prv srnpllon used (froo ofcharin), mill the .lirccllnus for preparins nnd u.insthe .aim', "huh liny mil find sumi.Bi.f"rt'osiuvrioN, Asru, llaosuiins, 4cc Tlwonlyobjeitof thu ailverllser iuisendiaj tile I're criptiint i to benefit thu oinitte.1. ami spread iuforinn tlnn which ho conceives lo bu invaluable, aud Iw hopes, nsit will co.t Iheiu nolliln;. and way prove n blessing, I'artles wishluj the prescription v. Ill pleas- alirris llcv. i:nVARI A WILSON, Williamsburg. Klujs Coiuty New Vork Oil. 11 IffHl l.'m Sheriff's fcalcs, B d,,l,,.l.'.',f 1f rni',,)r ,'lvrJ",t'f P""'"' ;. to me J iliret ). latued qui ef tho Court i,f c ,,,on Plea, of tHSColllllvof Column t.ui.iiei...i vii cnxkilluZ" " Monday the llli day oT February, iMy"t",u,f!ctock ,n th"nernoon. the faiionin3 prop. All that certain tract of Land pituato in rX7"&M iTftM?,!?!! i! '' . f "f l,:l,,"l "'tinin tiiiiuv-unh acm:h " I fvciily.rl,lit perrhi-f, strirt measure, nearly nil of Mhlrli Is liiinrnveil l.uul. ulmrenn I. .M, n ,i lialf .lory I'lank liivcllliiit linns-, n pram. ii,,k Ham n i ratno Wnjoii Kneil, li Hid Homo mid oilier out liulilliieiinlili iho Sclzi-il, taken In eu'iulloil and to bo oM Qi tlio prop, crly of Jolm r. l.imlmcli. ALSO : At tho samo timo and n1nrn. ei;ros, ontlii!i;.itliy an All. oiitlie Houlli by lot Jjcnh l.vnns, find on ih U e.t fi.riui rly byalnl of Win. ?1"0. rontaliiliis ono HALF OP AN Aim;, inor, or f'"' """""".If'-'ctiil n ono nn.l n half itory frnino Irowcry n Well ot Water, aiulotlicrmil uiiluliim. ultli 1 1' nnt'iirtfiiftnLi'i. Mi-liK-rt, taken In c orty ofj-nob, HeU.,,1. laken In execution and t bi lold a. tbo prof itm, At tho samo timo and place, " Mmt o-rmin tract, iiiocoorpamiof land, mliu'tc in' SixfW ittS',!: 'niIlT' "I! f" "IJ "'tt by land, of llenjainln I'.tcriuail. iUh'koii lucrccled a one and n half itory dilllusli.iujo,nfraiiio Bttlblc. Willi Hit! HniiiirhM.n.rn' Kirti-1, t.ikm In fxccatiuii ami to ha Bold at the prop. ALSO: At the samo timo and place, nll'ttint rrrtain t.r ulor t.fnr. 'eriHiiul, itnte in !', I T) '"tttownhlii. Col u Ultra tountv. cmiltiiiiliiir ONM rtllllmt tKA Acne, muroor lev, linundeil cu ,,l0f;;,lli,y Va,ll..Htri,,'tnf,li,lt,,ttno" th.Nonh iy n Alley, ontho UVftthy an Alley, aiH on th Kant hy iiiuinns t u.iiiar, uii.-rcon in irvctctl atnoStu- rectcd n two Hto- ry Franu dw-flijus lltitifu, a frame Kitrlicu. and a lVamo ' harn with the appurtenance ' " ,ra,". H,-inl. tnfaeii In Ti-i.tln.i n t.A ...t i .1... I AJjSU i-At t he samo t inn mid i f vlrtuufn writ of t'emt. Kr all tlmt crrtain In i.oir piece nrund Hituaflu lpt(mn tfaitt towithin ;mbi.i rHJiity, coiittiiiluj tiNl! rotlltTll t)V AS Atit- '',0"' 'rl', Imuiidfil mi the North hy tin Alley J1" Ho"th hy Al.iin utrei t f f at.l tow u, rn l!io Cntt 11 ih-lkiikiii.uihi iu tue wen nj a im f.r iH'itm Trmisue, w hereon ifl tTti led a two ttory frame rt "cllliiir llmisc with thenpjmrtcimiircn. '''-l'd, ttik.-n luoxrcutloii unJto bjeuld nn tho prp Vll) l Jitllll i UTFltT, -SO : At the panic time and place, hierl J-actai, all that certain lot of urimud, fituatc In tlm Hrouflinf lUruli k, county of tJolumhi.!, bounded mid ""'hed ai follow, to wit: On tli.i tuth W'ett hv lot of wi low Mutton, on tin North Witt and north Ikat Ly llaudur, and mi the South IList hv canal . m, ,-iiiiiiriii i itny rtini'iinua nail U'tllll irniit, nnJ ttfii fjient i'iii! uuda half ftt, t.cii'i,' purl of lot No. I-to the plot ol 'iid iiomugli. h. reon 1 rr.ctcd nTIIItKUr'! OKVl U.M 11 DVVm.LlMl llOUSli tioworcupi"! a ft Tavern tiuuso or ilolLl.lwilh the an purti'iianies. reized. taken In PiPemion and to be sol 1 as the prop erty of IMrim Smetti'r. JOHN SN'VUER, SAertf. Fitrairh' Orrtr. ) lllfloin-hurg. Il(,teuiher23, 1JC0. PROCLAMATION. TTIinRi: Um IIok. Wannrv J. Wojdwaro, t'rofi- t iieni oi uii u ciri ot tycr and 'l ermrn r and i.'en- erjl Jail IMiv t. iv.urt of Utiartfr Hesstioni nf the re,ic" ami i.ourt ot i 'ui.uoii nea- and Orphan's Ctuirt, I'i tin 2'lh Jiotit i i Disttrut. toinpi a-d of the eouotieu of Coliiiibit.tfuIIinui a'il Vn imijr, and tho linn, Jitou I'.VAM wild I'tini Klinu, Aboci.ttt Jades nf (Joluudn.i county, have iMU.-il tin Ir pr.-L'tpt, huarnifl dat'- llie.'.th day of Jan , In tlnyarof our Lord one tlnuiiutu-4 isht liiindrC'l and rut) one and to me dmcttil for In.l'Mnc a t'ourt of i))i r and Ti-ruiiuer and Cfncral Juil deliver) , Ouer-U Quarter Sessions of thf lVatc, t'omuion 1'lenn and ('s Court, in l.loumt-biirii. t" the county of . Colniuhl.i, on the tir-t Monday, (in hig thj -Ith d.i))uf II rn n i, ciiii iu coiiiiuuj oiiii Week. i Notltv i-t h'-r' hj (fivrn. to tlie Coroner, tlio Jiictices nf : th 1'i'are an I Oountald'-ii of tlio n:iid county of L'ouinbi.i j that th.-y he tli.-n and there iu tliflr prop r pcrfconn at IU n'rlmk in tin- icrenenn of n;iid ilej , with their rtcord-, In piifitioiii- and nlhr r mei'ibrance to tin thot" thine wlntlifoth ir oitic jpp Ttaiu to lie done. And Ihi.-e that nr- Ixniud h r'eouiii7juri-. to iin.terul' nsaittft llif pruou r-t that are or uuy h1 in the Jail of said rouutj of t'oliiinhia to h. til au.l th to pri'Hi-tnu' i no hi ut bit in tn Ju;t. Jurrn ur' r-i'ift-trtl to he in th.lrat' fn -iitiC", apr -i aldv to their H'dicen. Uati-d at Ulueiim iMirir. t'i -Oth da) of Jan, in the )-ur of our Lord one tho isPtid I'llit iinu lr d and "Uty, oueand in lhi e-lth yeurof the Indnpi-ml nee ol th tainted hut en i f Aiaciitn ((tod B.iv-) the Unnnmmwalih.) JtJll.N r5.VI)KH, January !it loot. KSTKAY. CAMK into tho JSFTN enclosure of tlie jMAI.K tZZS&A HOG, Th n uer i r-'queifd to rre property, p-iy rharjres id inke him away, or ho wi!! bu dipo4 d of us the .aw direct. NOAH JIAUSIill. notenibor 23, ixil.-:i, "KTiUOTK )NX0TI' 'Plinniinjil iii'-i-thiirnr til ut cV lir,Mm uftiift I.lck 1 awatiii.1 A r.lnmn.lKirj; lailrca, (.'omiifi will he held at til "Kindlon Home" in the I',',r"iiili uf Kitms. ton l.ur.eniif County nn Mon.lar thf Htli ija uf Jai.tiiiry Ml, litwd'Tt the hours i,f III .I'rluck A. .1 util 4 u'i lork P. W, ft r lln I.IitiI'iii nlriu rrc,i,l,'l,t mill twil.o In rcnlnia of a,int coiuan) Iu htrve for thi fii.iinii: yrnt. II lT.ri'lIUUM: iitrtlarti. Kiinrstnn, Doc. J3, 1PC0-31 AUXLVISrilATOlfS XOTI0K. Ihttite of Ihir.r Craiinrt deceased. T ,:7" " nrA.lmlnislrjIion on Iho KMato of IVirn i-i iH.wFona. latf of.ia, lhon toun.hip, I'olutiiliin roumy, j..,.,.;,,,. j, ,,. ,,lM. 8r.,Ull ,,y lhj Kflit,., ,,r l,oluinni,i county. t llm utiiler'i;'rid, reKiilmi; in aaid the tleci'ileiituri' reoii-pl. d to urem lit tiiein to Che Ad liiiniMr.ilor, without 1I1 lay, umi all peraolia indebted to I lake pay merit rcrtlmllli. jonv mirnr, .Idm'r n.'cnnber ?, 1T.0 rt. STOKK & NKU' GOODS rMII. undfrimiKMl, pratcful for pafct patron a pp. resprct I fiillr iiiinrnw tlm l.ndie.1 ol lllooiihurir. and the nub lir in general, th it tdiv h a n' moved hr Kitnry and Trim iiiinnMLri;. froiu tth l.irh.uiico linihliiipn into the I. rut buildiua of .Mr. John U. I'urael, firt-t door UVat of lli Court HoiiBL. hIivic blie rue iut riecived a silect as- voiiuienioi r..Iiiiiii;jl)(o, Fail :;i:fi itiuier (oout, contltlnf or MXlMi3. TltlMMlXGfl, HOdir.ilV. OLOTCS. XOTlONSt trM .Vr. Yhirh .vill Im sold on terras and to tvchicli th. ar tendon of custeiucrs is invited. AMELIA U. W EBB. Hloomibiirt N'r 10, lrTO. 3m. AGRICULTURAL WAIiKUOUSK. AI.AUCl'. assortment of tho best f.rtilizers in T7. Hie market, at reduced price, fur ca.h, con- jla airline of No. 1 i' nndt'oluiiiliiaiif,'uaiioa&7jai i turera, riiimpliale, a new nrtlcle lor frnit trcea roudntte, lla.ler fic. at win I'SJf iinu renin. 1 " ' i,.-....... xnnia Iniplemolit arid Peed Siore, corner of 7th and Market Mreeis runout ipnia. .llunh li. lea;". AUDITOR'S XOTICK. Eit'ite of Engcl lh.i, dieeascd. T1 II liiinderslsiieil. appointed hy the Orplian' Court of Cnlillilbia toiinly to luako dl.trlKullou ofllla balauco III' heirs und l.-ful ri presenlntiii,., will hieit the parlies l,iir...t,l inllie 1111,1 illstrlbtltliill.llt lli.olhro 111 lllouln Imrir. on I'rhl-iy. the Silli ilay of January. A. ll lel.l, when and 11I11 ru ull per haiiis' claims must present th,,ii,or be I'orevir debarred from coining 111 for u share fund. RoncRT p cIjABK Miior iltooinhur3, December J, lrii.U. CIIKA1M3U THAN TIIK OIIKAPEST. plIK nndemisned hntmidrf nrrnnaeinetiU that will 1 emihle him to deliver Hour und I'ei d. FOIL t'Aail, nlmut ten per cent, rinitper thiui any body iUe in town. Hi priced nre a follow b riour. $7 J5 I Tom A. HyoChop, $t l5 Com & Oit Chop, 1 M Urnn. 1 1 rufpeitluUv Blicit nthur-j of ih public p.itrminse. MUriUd KAUl '.MAN'. inrumthurg. Jui(tl. lfi0-tf. TIIEODOItE STILKS WHS. S SIWSSt rOXiTCTIOXKR AMI IT. II IT Kii Kit anu miot.ii4i.E DSAtrit in rouninN & uomkniio fimjits. llnifiu. Curranti Citron, 112. Dates, I Prunes, Aluiondii, Jhiir Wulnuts .rilbert'. IV Nut", iHried -ipplep, I'cncan Nuti, I l readied Oriinges, lHwect Oil, !.emoni, pyrunn, Pine AindfF, Crackers. Cream Vuti, fin. llli Markit Htnet. late r-f 3rd tc ViiicffWt. IMItl.ADKUVUlA. March 10, )9C0lJin. VVlliAU SALE V ALU AH LB H B A L BSTATB IN ti'irsunnce nf nn order nf the Urphnn'i Court of Col utitbla county, ON THURSDAY JANUARY 21th. 1861, ot 10 D'rlnrk In Hid forrnnon, Levi Ai Ifutrtilrcn ami Pfitmipl It. IliitrUinntt, (runnllflixi nf Arthur 1 t(itUh.tnn ninl Chrf-i J, llutthlton.rliilitrenof Williim llutdil nn, inm,f Mount IMunaaiit tonflilp. In unlit rounty, ricroniifd, v.'IH eipono to Bnlf.liyl'utllc V'enduc, upon tlio lr3mtfs. nri-rtnln MEVIS Oli PARCEL OP LAND, iltiintf In Mt. riensntit townihin. afrircpnl.t, cnnlntnins BIOIIT AOUBS, MOltK Olt LHSS, on Mblcli li erPfted a Two Btory nithfl uniall rmmc atlnclird, ALSO: A i'mmo iTfirn nixl lVn?mi Hhoit. 1 lio and It all hnprnved with a 17 fn 1 1 on linril ff Ann I a. Punrh mid I'mr Trnii tl.a tututc (if firilil (ipreuRCtt, altnatn In the township of Mt. riciiKKtit, and county nfurennlil. JACOn nYCRIA. Ci KRKt ninnmsbiirff, Detcmbf r fft, Um. fT7Ttrmfi and rntniitlnnn rnmlc knnwn on day of fate.ty M:VI A. IMJTCIIIHHrV, ( HAM'hIL IIUTCIIISO, ) LIST OK I.RTTKUS Rr.MAtNINrtln the l'oit omca at Bloonuliurg, Pa. Jan., 1st, It0I. 6 Alhfr'ou. tat Id Ctif kle, Joficpti Wnt3, Alfred l:iack, William llnrti-n, V- H. Connor, Tltomas L't.rtirlii.ti 3. Cart r, Unclmcl Mri fhl.llsli'r. K. Itjinntt, John Ii.'vctiport John D'dnn I'atharlue MIr IKrr I r i ri li.itU William I'.iw h, V, tivrrhnrt. 6amuel LiiBlUli, J. M. Knmry 8. A. Fry, .Miclm. t 'r)nu'ii Ktilrabclh Kline, Jan. Keller, Kate J, Kii Almtha yt hnnger. Tho. Lew ii. j;iiha l.nve Jdlnt Mirkle, J. Atoyr, Jacob McClintnrk, A. t .Mnust filer, Jacoh My. Td, Wm. M, -2 Muirove, tfaui Ma) , .Mich.i'l, .Mmiaia3 M.irkle, l).in MctiranU, Waihlnaton IV-Kgott, Kltr.alith Mrs Pennington, Isaac T.irktr. J. F. 1'urkn, Uro w, I'.irki-r, Ira J, Rotiiilmiltr. Jacob m. i.i. hi7?iui). ,iu UfinliorJ, tolo Itill.T.H C MIm rfpeach', Hannah Mri Hwart2, X. A, rniirin - r. Son, i "yd, lnli J liK.Ab J. Wfarliart. I'ttcr 'inU'' ;:ir,D"' Grvf JNm "ciny, uu, dwarfs, Jon. .luwhrid).'.Thn. ''chweppetiht'iaer, T. Pull, ,(j.1lll tiyiLr, Datll 'i'lniinpon, It, C Van IVIt, Jnn. WilliuiiiRtni, John Votuin Jd. Wtti r, Itoc- tta Mri. Voke, Jncoh Voung, A, J. H"trmin, M. Ilo-Mer, Wuu llliii. D in If mMi (I. I'. linyinan. l ctr" Joius. Wm. Jotiottun, W. II. Juirea, t.imu.'l Kan If, j rersoiia calling for tho above letters, will tleas ssy L. B. HUPI'.UT, P.JiT. CHAN0K UV 'I ImK tnsrnn Aim a vg em ext. DcUware, Lackawanna and Western Hail Road, rm tTfJi'WRM3 'J'1 o"d ftftcr Monday. I Mr. 24 th 112 t-SS3 HtO. trams will run asfolloAit JS.XPKKSS PASSKftOKU TRAINS, MOVIMI HOlfTM, ( MUVINU XOItTII. The Maht lUnr-'ss Train? r.m-.'iiiri'rs from V. Vnrk l'-Het, on the N. V. tz 1'rleJ ln-ave Vir So. V, North K. It, arrives at (irrtit ltend; ttlr. at 7 00 A. M at 3 '-J A, SlJOr fuut nf Court conn-'ctiuff with Jliml Mre.-t, 8 00 the I.xpressTrain lea h (iri'iit Mend fr New York anil Thilad- j From ntilndf-Iphia l.tavu KuHMiiKton, 7 10 l.'invo Junrtion nt 11 lJn Hui'al Washingtimll 3h ilphla, at 7 10 I)m-ntNwMUford.7 2 l!ridt;oviltu, li lap.m iinjM-, (i jiii-t. eon ni'Mion.) 13 IT -Mont roue M llopbottoiu, Niiholpoit. rurtorjMllo, Altnirtoii, itr.intoitt .Mo -row, ToI)liannaf iroudsl.ur?, Waur ti.ip, y 11 a -id ut-i.iwnri!, n Mm, f to dlllrO It 3 1 10 1 24 ' I M 3 H 2 ' t 3i ' A 01 s ir s 5 a i ( ' 92 ' U 4J , i Columbia, j vA'Mrr (iap. j Ptroud vlni re 'pohylnuna, MoiciiW, ii nt 1 13 lJ.'n ho rr.inton 13 " Aliintrtim, i;oitiniina. Hi l.ivMir(t,(l-'i Mi. to dine. 13 On F.rlnrwlHfi ji(hl-ou, i llopliottoill, J Moutros. i.cvv Milford, 1 on t a. 1 i :;o 5 311 ' Hope, (I'luln. c-n nrrtion) uri'ipcv ill", Wiifilnuctoii, Junctio'i, New York, Icr.Mit r.t mi, 7 uu " ('onuiHtio'i nt Croat cn i wiilt tli- Night . llipr.'ns Wcbt at 1 45a. m l'hil.idi lpllin 'i"h, ltvttna PriBHf-ncr Train Booth, connsctit at tilt Juucti'ui willt 3 .Vi p. M.Tiin on tru i'cntral, for Utthiclu'iu. -iiauih I hunk, Rading Harrubnrt &c. ACC03IMOUATION TRAIN" MUVIVI! N'OUTII. Leave Hirnntou firtJ. (t, at ! 4? A. M r'tirf-ryvillo, 11 it' Nicholson. 11 vovivn Hoirnr, The Viw Vork I.iprcm ar riiC4iit li. IJ. "t 1 43 I. M. and conn- I with tho Ai-ioiri'iinila-tiou 'I rtiit which Lmvpf . 2 ' " Moutroi', :t " Xicliolooii, 4 f.1! r.icttryvill". :tu " Due at .MM'iton, t 5- ' ionin'8". 13 V fin al Hen I. I 57 t'ounettiug with Dunkirk Cxprjcs . M The Armuiinodalinn Tniu do int havi-Hcr.mton until ufl.T llli arrival nf ihi MornniL' Vain on lln; I.'ick ti wihi n a ii lll'toinpliurc, thus giv in? J'rif st-'iicr from Hi V) Mining Vallev a Utrut toniictlnm lor tlm Urnt hy thf Morninc I rani. For the arromniodatlon of way travel on the Souther it Div iiinn, a l'.it mri r Car will uu attached tu thu V.- prcita l rtiiii'rrain I.eavinai&H'ruiitoti, Ueturning, Itavra Junction at 4 :i3 A. ,M. Dti j Htrointiibure 30 ' .Miim-ow, 2 00 " Srr.intou, II 2J " at 4 ilfl A. M. I Ml" ut Mosrow, !i 40 ' tftni'idhhurs, HI 4H Junction, 3 lt " Iai"ii?(Tt to ami from Xw York, wilt rara at Jumtion. To ami from Philadelphia, v in ttt I, I'i I, K, 11. leave or take IhTin nt llopi. Tor Pittnton, Kingilou anl W I n1. taku I.nrk. te Itlooumburg It. It. at Srrauton. I'or J'nnup, Archb.iM und Curbondale, taho OiimibiiB at rieruntou. YOAVv'ra HOLD AX!) BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. JOHN nnt.SiUN', Superintendent. V, V. jr.MCS. Gcntral Ticka Agvnt. Junufiry s. If-ol. K-ttb or Ukac W. iMuuRvr, nrcBAnrn. 'T'Hi; underieiicd appointed hy tho Orphan'n Court nf i ( olumnM ctiuuiy. to auuu, acuie aim nnjui iikt no rount of Saituel and Aaron ft'. ,Mue rare t ud mini ft rat nru of tlm taid .Mate im fxrfptions I'dt'd to the fiii.l acMuiiit will attend for that purpose, nt hu oificu in nioouibburg On Saturday, the 36th day of January, next, ntlOo'rlock, A. M. of whirhtim-iand jdace all persoui mien stfd arc renuircd to taku notice juiin a. rRcr.zn, J.mnbir 21), 10. Auditor. Light Street Stohe. 5RKA8Y i CO S. I5UI.LK TIN. I.LtlvUs of Guilt Mouldiu; for l'icture frames by CKKAV A-CO. ALT. kinds of Lumber for ante by CJUUY fc CO. ALL kinds of Carpet for sale by CIlHY&ro, JUST rccclfed alt kinds of Ladioi' Ilrni (.'nods, by TANTILL, of tho Mtcet f.itlnona, for aie by 1 JUOV, Nails and S.pM, for sale by -AUHON Oil, for sulc by gTOWi: Coal, for Bile- by VM ItCK, of all kinds forsalety M) kinds of Good t;odn, by Light Street, Nov. 17. 18f0. CUUAV A. CO. CKI.AT Sl CO. CRUAVlcCO. CltCAT k. CO. CRCAY k. CO. , cnnAY&co. FlIIMnrepanml tid inont rompl'tfl ft snort men t rt'Tjr,0rf iral und Horticultural liuple- y&jy&ji reil in I'iiil.idelphia, rmbra &fJS& 5 i T Auririiltiiral ment crr otlred in riuudeipina, rmbra 'trfr pi ii it ,..nnt linn- Imiils'lilfllld. tlOt til bit fOltlld CS3fU eUevvlu re iimdDf of the b".t ni..tenaU uml It.llLllKlnllltn OTltrHBHlv lOr IIIV lt II Hllll'd.- 'Caa I'armeri aro invited tc rail and exaumif the sortim nt. I'AHL'HAM. HmiiH. Implement and feed Warehouse till and Market btriict. I'iiii.Kieipni.i. atarrlt 12, 1351. Good h!ioeis; nnd I'Sieap Kinllhfiiff. ritlll! 11 ml" r i-l j nod th inkfull for pntt patronage, respect I fully infoiuia Ins frit ndii nud the public in gtueral' hat he ftitl tuotiuiie tho SMITHING IIUSIXKSS. At the Old tnnd. on thf hilt, nhoo the UhiI Itoad, In iitl itd arioim hraurlu . t low pricen, and on an enlarged eitile, and vuliciti the public patronage. aiiU'lIUN K.N'OUH. lilooiuiburg. Juno .1, la5fl. j WINK AND LIQUOKS. i JVJIOLJSSAi.n AXD RETAIL. Till', underirigned, linlus opened a New Ftore, on Main Htreet, u Uw thmm tfoutli of Iron Hlrewt, niooinsrnirB. nnd ttorked it with the bet Urunds of nil Kindt of Imported Ltquort, will bo happy to tupply tho trade on thu moat utLOinmodattngtetiuauudbt unusually low prie-'s. tV" fuUlic Cuitoni id respectfully initei. 0. w. jiunBixn, Ulnoiilbug, Jul) 7, IflV Ai'ftt U'hv sl.'in.l )C all tlx.- Uuy tillc 1" ANV I.tidy or Genllentui In thn Cnited Platen, po. tusfin? irom to $T, ran enter im nn easy mid rpertablo businem b whuh from to 31" P'r day cuu be ruilued. For particuHrs, addiesn (with stamp) V, ii. ACTON' fc CO., r. 37, (old -II) NntuOtu trvtt, 1'hiUdtlphin. Ptpt.31, 1800. EMEN V hy the Uarrol. fer snlcat IIAIIIMAN'S Hay layl), liCO. II. 0. & I, WJIARTMAN. WY. would fcPctfulty Invito iho attention of cur ftlcndi and the puUlr Rcnf ratlv, from th Town rid County, to our prctent New ftock of niul WIKTfSR which have hecn iclerted with great rarn and under wor than ordinary advantage. Wo ran offer to Catk and rtaiig pnif lxyer$ very (treat inducement!. IMrftoch cmbracm alinnjt every variety, style and quality, In tho Oren (loodi line. We have nei.atni rrom ii tin,, to 91 tier yard, ail wool natai uiiuu iinian, rninny iiaios, nirnycrs, iiiuiiair fctripoF,iOvlfi. nf Kxtra l'lnld ilkt for 5Ucti. per yard, (Hack Hilk and other In large quau titles, hawln, tlrochc, Stella, ClicniU and Ulankct, C'allroea. Tirklngi, Clicck. Htripcn, &r Acc Clotha, Casimem, Battlneti, &e.. In addition to the above we o.IVr (Jrnce tlen. Ilardwnre, (Inernnvnre, Willow and Cedar Ware, I toot 1 andShocn, llat and Opt, (at rcdured nriceol Wall Pancr. CarnrtB. Oroct Chain. rntton AcM &.c. Tlsh, Halt, lron,Naila, Lunibor, wool aim loni. lUoomiburfti fept. iO, 1SC0. FJIESI1 ARRIVAL -or- 7 tin iinderiiluned, prattful for pat patronage, respect fully informs liMcuFtuinera ad the public iicnrnlly, thit he liatjuitt recti ed frum tho JJaterne citiev, the lurgest and mnt seleit itock of FALL AND WIJfTEK Tht han yt been opened In nioompburg, t which lie lut ilea the intention of hU frleudo, ninl nanures them tint they nru otrernl for vale at treat bargains. Jlla Ptoek comprises a large atnortuttnt nf CICNTLKMUN'H WEAHINMI AWAftnL, I r?nnItitilifr of IAilioi4ni r tlnra Colt, nf nrrr ilr. jrriptiou; l'auts, Veetn, Hhirtu, Cru;tt tStockt, Cotton ' iijiianercincis, tiiovcs, Buspcruiirn, acc. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, Of crerrdencrlotloii. nno mid rhenn. Nt It. Hcuiciiibtr " .oiffnicr'ji Chrtip t'mporium,"'- cuii anu er, nu cuargti ior cxaininic iioous. daviu LuwnNnnut;, Uloouinburg, 8ept.2J, ISC0. (Juo 1b5.) NEW AND Elegant Fall and Winter GOODS. A . . SL OA AT, TT A 3 Jtut received, dirTt from Philadelphia and Piew li orK, ii ery cuoice iimnrvniein i FAl.L AND WlNTlUt GOODS, nlmn.t nprv new fabric which has been manufactured for Spriiisr and r1 imiiier, a well ua the tmnnl n.aortnienl of STAVLB GOODS of aiip.'l lor iiinlill". will ho found iu .ariety. and lit prices us low ns aiiniljr goods can bii iiurchaccd cltfewhiTe. It is an eiiv nnilter to llnd Roods at n low pr!ci. but ns a penera! rule, they lire Jut lis low in quality. But til net a tlood article nt u verv tov. iiriee I. foiin tiilni' rare. ri-ich uu opportunity, however, is cffirail to uny who may wnnl nuy noons., jjiiwir.tnn. qurtwsir.m ai.H'isir.inr.. mi, S.1I.T, H-c, .fc. Cull and fee. "n rnuNTRV i'iiinii:ci: wHnteh. nioomsaur.. OUohcr (i. I'-lb HOIIKCIIM lUHIUI'.K'ri nullum UillllilUI'H Itllllltl'.ll'H uallulatdk. I'UAI.TIL'AI. CA1.CUI. Ttlll. Hi xtrni'Ai. uAi.cui.ATuu. 1'iiAirriCAi. cAKuifi.A'niK. l'KAUTlUAl. UAI.UUI.ATOU. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR, A Hook or I't-Aii Kliu nn CAitrnxiOks ron llcsiftss OrFRATIOHi, ItV UllTII M. KOItRFR. l'RlLTICAL BUR EVOR A KM ('01VIAM1R. NfcVV LotTlOV, ffnttWItD HY J, II, l.lrriMOl 1 Sc. CO., l'HlLiDH I-IUA. Tlih work roiitnins -M4 pa'cs nnit upwards of 500 KuiPnaiid i-.ainpie,eiiiireiyiin.i moroiigitiy tkaltical, fin ii an at ice every nay in iiiucoi.nuou pur-mis m oiimi ii.- It h.ia already p.isneil throivh u numlier of I)li ti nix inrai)idiiecen(ion, and is pronounced by all cU tut of bun net o men to lie the iUNOik.fT iio,ik or ULrtKFii e ncrtniuiuii toctih'iilatioiis, has ever been Dublitlie I x.iuiiilu iu thu boi-k m vvonithii hit is it li. ami nt.itcd in a idnin uianner. no that when a tmrallcl rao armes, thnsu ri'fernus to tho work w ill find no iJHhrulty in ren.niv poiviiir it; in a worn, uu irenerui arrange, ment of t!ieCAI,t;ULAT01l is so (iinple, that anyone who know 9 how to ndd, ribtrnct, multiply, or dlv ide, can easily Mine nny oruinary vxampje inat anios in nun neH, or arrive ut the true recnlt of any t'slimatu required The chief aim of thu author has licentoencheu theory nnd iihiloGntdiy in iluures, ahniii" only at facts and hiii pliciiv, licit ivinit that bus me id men cure little about HpeiidlllK tiliin iu discilsmingtlie philosophy of n leu, or the tcienroof lizures, detminz it sulhcient for their purpose to be i,Me at u,m"7 .b ;.':Ati.rt'1"'' to arnvu nt tlia tr'' result. Tin t.'ALCUL.VlOlt dilUrs tu this rtrjn li. iitiiu tin 1111111111.-111 f "i int: md; anu Hiiiurcu rvorkti it in n key to pritticnl bunineFs calculations- it in tho hand ot tin teacher iu tho trhuol-ruom-it fa dliUioH time und iuaires crccrtnes. THE WORK TKKATS OF THK Menur',i";,lt of Land, of Luuiher, of Hriek and flrick jVorh.i.anonoatid Ktoi.o Grain Ki.w ,,rcnut an.i L'oa M'ins. of U nml. of Holn !. ofl.i inids, ofCircnlar, ti'l'Jire. orlrrrgulnr Vessels, of 'is terns aud a:. in """""B "n-it;i, i iiniiers, (;in7lfrs, l'avers, riiLMiberi, Paper Hangers,' and Up ho stt-ra Work Ittrw'iita of Currency aud of foreign nnd Domestic Ilschango, oi-Jho Decimal System, of Ke diutioii and its extended uppliratmn to Ittismes-i of Simple nnd Conipomid Interest, and their entire appli cation to Kusincss tranenctious, w'jth tlie law a and usa ges go erniug and regulating tho siime togt ther w ilh num-rous Couimeriial Porms, of Ign' Tender, of Par tiitl I'.iymentson Notes, of llniiking ana Hatik Discount, ot tsiuauon oi r iviudiis ana oi rnruierFnij' ji-""iewi r'piarc una uunir .Pleasure, i me Bpnre roo " ilpiiiiratioil to inisiiirsn, oi ninacus, oi isicnvom-i imi of many other important practical matters not with in the trope of an advertisement to mention. IT IS JUST TIIK ROOK FOR TIIK farmer, the Mt rchrnt.the Mechanic, tho Artlzan, or the Prnfesional man. It li a v nroven n v aluable auxiliary to the Lawyer, the Justice, of the Peace, tlie Conveyancer und Real V. state looker, to the Assessor, the Kanker.thc Clerk to the Civ il l.nginet r and the Surveyor, to the Carpenter and Pro May or, to the Stone mtoii and the II Sl Men r. l me ' J pur iiiiokit a'i wiiiiiivri'r, m iow Pnvcr and the Tiler, tkc, tkc, enrh and all will find It ndiptcil to their various vtants better than nny book pub ished. D" Mailed (post paid) to any part of the United Slates upon receipt of Hie money. Price of a Binglo i opy in I'loiii. ii enm, or in i npii'i ut gi uu. Hound in Pockft-book form, Morocco, si UO per copy, Address, M. M. UOIIIlttll, Hot 1911 Philadelphia P.O., Pa. Drt.l, Ifi)-m. CHARLES HOTEL IIAKRY alliml.S, TaoraiaToa, Corner Thinl antl nood tHreeta, PlTTiWJKOII, fa, Tie: 1, ISOO-lsa. 1TOUSE FOR SALE. 11 Ah iloors. ntli.r A l.rira sized Tramo Hntisa. in eootl rnnilitloa. .rlth iloors. . indflws, .c auitalilotn bi lr,inrfrrruiluinn an otll-r lot, IS Olli'red lor salt'. I'll inmirraic lernis, ..isu a luniititf of lrokL-n liruk, fr ftllinir in builJinri, anil several pjirofSiisl with Gloss. AmMr lo ' LEVI I.. TATE. llloontbnri. Kaf 3 lrCO. N HV IILAOKSMITH SHO!'. TIIR undcrfipned rci-pectl'ully informs his friends and old cui-tiiiiitrd Ihat he has opened a fliop on .Mai : Btfct, u lew dour uhove the Fork's Hotel, in IJlooma-1 burl,', where Jij delicti continuing Uu SMI I lllNli ItUiilNKSS, In nil its nnoua brftnehes, at low prices, nnd on an sn In reed trule, mid s'liiitsthe public pntrnnare. O-rroduce, (Jrain, Ate, generally laktn fur work. I MiXUri C AMMJTT. Itloomfcbur;. May'S, If 59. PRIME Itr.Cl.r.AMIO CLOVHU HHEM. free rff Irom noxiou weeds, alHo, I iinothy Orch TTSi nrd. Herd tlr's. lmlion and Uniih pereniii.ilftnw If u (!!. U uni in Lv II III c Urn a. While Clover A line mixed Law li Gr.iw s-'ed te., l and rt.lnil. IWfCIIAM. .MOltl'.IH. Impleineiits ond teed Warehouke, 7ih and Matkc Streets. I'liiladi'lpbin. March 12, IH.VJ -l.'m. NKWOAKlilACiK KSTAUMSUMKNT I IX BLOOMSDUMI. In ftt Xtu Untie 7'hrte Story (iirrri Factor, en .Vain brhw .Market. nIMl subscriber would respectfully announco to the DUldic, that he ceuimenced thu WACON' MAKING KU- HINT(W n nil its rarions branches, lie is prepared to cxecnie II orders and has on hand at prtsent an assortment f f.nlhrd workwhicih purcinstrs will find to their d taut. vie to call and eiamkne. RErAIRIXO. Will ho done in the most prompt and careful monucr and upon terms wliuli cannot fail to five dJtifcfaetini. biuAwmuiHji: a. wilso.v. Uloomrburff. April 51. IrhH. QUPEUIOK Golden Syrup Molarsca, O rwcetwed aad f't'ant at 0 cnper sallon, at ha cfiwrp cah Store ef IT t'harplen, niESII FIIOM TUB CITY, MO Mi NEW KOODS! EVERY sonrt SIZE. AND STYLE just nncEivci) at SETTLE'S CHEAP ST0BE IX LIGHT STIIKKT, and Anr. ;i,ii sold ron rl'ady rAf, "Cheaper than the Cheapest" ey tluasc cam. early. 3 Agent. I.lclit Hliut, April x, lsco. j ft sHjjLyj "frkd'k uuown, Jit., CHEMIST & 8KUGfi!ST, OIA'r.VtjV7VIi J1UTIX." Mnlli and (licstuiit Slrrcis, OVPOlTK THK "niltiRD HOlK," I'llIliADCLrUIA. Toilet Article. Lubln, Coudray'd, (lav ley's, A-t &c, A.c, l'erfumery. rinani. Kr L.t. Tmlot lni ilcra Rllil ('nainrtfs-a. riAU Ik('oia)o4L', of tho best dUtillcri. Itksr Lmilism Tooth liaucnm, of all sires and stylos. ItKirrrRitfes&TooTU Washes ofappruved kinds. nT l!Houtui Hair HamMfn, Com s of all kinds. Itnllalo. India Uuhher. &c. SiC. I'omadek for tiik 11 Am Lubin's, Coudray's and llaug enet's, ece.t vf. I'urk hear s uu,. I'lrh Cold Hod a Watfr from t'orclain Fountains. Hulk asd Soda vv ilh choice Hyrup. tltlsDK IHklMn, JR., 6, I Cur. bth and Chestnut Hts. Aiifuit 4, Pim-Km. CiRHAT KX0ITKMKNT AT Till! FllESU MllilVAL FALL AND "WINTER GOODS, AT TMTLLER'S STORE. nnlir. mihirribcr hfisjut returned front the city with s. nnotn.'r targe ami v iecv uNforiiucoi oi l'ALL & WliN i TjH tJUUUS, tMtrchaxedin I'luladclphiaat lh",lowcFt t.?ure, and islilrh lit! is determined to sill nn ai innderato terms ni can be procured chew here In Uloomshurif. Ills stuik tomiuU Choirent styles nnd latest f.ihiort. iJry uaous, ttrorertr', (iriiTiirr, trfiK-firi, r jjoiiota itare, iron, .yam, vvvi unit ivii Hat and Cap, Sc, Jj-f, In short cvervtlnnir iisanlly kept In country Stores to which lie inv Hen th i public ucnerally. ILrTho Hic'hest i'nce p.ud for country produce drrriiLN 11. miller. l.tooiuKbnrtr, Xov 3, UP1). -y. Laltawsa, HIUiawsiorl & i:rie U. It- rTl Ktu rFUZiSZZl rSr'ZTl Direct Railroad ton gjg iIyfc,g'iC'f'"'aWwcrtlo bttwrn JV'ia gsrn hcitt and t'hUCUtipkia tkartitt (jttirktit and UHtapesi itouiejrom netrn jein ivthiq i ntiaatipiia, Harrisburg, Futiburg HalUmee, H'ashngtoncity, andtht So nth. The different Trains on this Koad pass Rupert as fol lows : TRAIN'S MOVINO SOUTH. r.ipres freight, Pbiladelplii'i Mail, l'hiladelnhij N. Y. r.xnrrs. 0.00 a. a. io,:u a.m. 11, ) r. m. li.Sil1 r. m. TKAINS .MUVIMJ N'OUTII. Express freight, Lliuira Mail, 3,4') V. U. ll.-'il v. M. Niugarn r.tpres",'iiurrJiV$ vntUiimivmA. llupcrt to i'liilnda., -Id do Hnrmhurg, A (Hi do 1'. Clinton, U 10 do Tji mam a, 1 Ml Ilupert to .Milton, 70 uu vv iiiinnispori. i -to do Llnura. 3 t 2 do Mngra falts, ? '.' All pusengirs are rcnuested to procure Tickets before entering me curs, uaggage cnetked tnrougti tu ruiia delphia and LMmirn. if, STANLEY GOODWIN. Fif'r. riiHll I'roprittor of t us well known and centrally loca x. teu iiouse, tue i,iiuv(ie uorkL, muave nn -i ni StrCLt, In lllounifcburg, iinmedintely opposite the t'olum bhi Count v Court House, resnettfullr intV.rm his friend n and the public in general, that his House is now in or- Ut.r for tls rcre,,i,oii ' may disposed to and entertainment of travelers who may t.u-t diponed to favor it with their custom. He has spared no eipenso iu preparing the, i'.iriinNoi, for thj entortainineiit of Ills guests, neither shall there be any thing wanting (on hi part,) to nunictur to their personal romtort. IIU liouse is spacious and enjoys an exullent busniestt lotation, hs Omnibuses run nt nit times between the Kxchango , derfl WU he ,d(asantly conveyed to and from the re- Hotel and the various Kail itoad I) u pots, by which trav sDeciivu Stations in due time to meet the Cuis. WM. U. KOONS. nitiomsbttrg. July 7, l?f0. GEORGE II. ROUERTS, I.MrOKTI'.Il AND HCAI.CR I.V M M, W A 1 r 0UTLERY, GUXS, &0. Vor.W laikl. WALL PAl'EH, UORDERLVG ANU PAPEll HANGING! rpllll undersigned rspectfully informs the citiens of j. iiioouisiuirg, ann tue peopio or cuiumbia county generally, that he lias jnt procured from the Last, a large und varied assortment of FA NOV WALL PAPER, Ineiuilinr ull the iiunlern styles to be seen untl for sal. at Ins ci-tnlili.limeiit, in Hie lilimni.l.iirjl 1'ost Ulliep. runaruitf exeruted in superior at vie, at moderaU prices nml nn .hurt notice. Cv" lVrsnns I1.1. Iii2 lioiisf. to paper vt ill find it to their nd.untugc tugivuliun a can niincKaniine nis stiKb b. J, TIIUU.TU.. Mooniaburg, r3et. 8, 18C0. 3m. CUCAV HOOT AND SHOE STORE. rrMir. nuhicriber luxltes attention to his new stock JL Moots nnd tfhuct, jutt received from Philadelphia ana comprising lUlt GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, 1 loot., enters, Onford Tics, Schotllsli Tit's, Narr Call ers, tslimicrs. div.. Aic. l-'OU LADIES WEAK, Oaitcri with und w ithout lieeli, Slippers ditto. Ihifkim, French Morrorco Ilotities will) and without reels, tc Also, .Mioses' nu CniLDKtH'n BDDVS iW SHDESf, of eTcry ikfcnption, nt prices much helow thu old stan dard, nnd lesd than the same quality of Coods can he bouiiht for nt any other Hi ore in town. Work of all kinds made in order of the Lt material, in the neatet manner and on rrniuiiirtlilo tenon, warranted t(U' any city work and much b low city prices, I keep mine but tho bo ft w orkmen, nud h ivc better infite. rial than was ew-r b fiTU brought tu this in fact, the ery bet to be had in the city market. (iLOltOU B.8AM)KUa Danville, May Stl, ISbO. y. NE W S T o n E . l'UO!.F.R.1U: AXl) nv.TAii. mvf Am ayp &-ftmv,. The iindtrsiRiicd lespertfully infornm the citizens of r.lnomshtirj!. nnd the public in ecnerul, tie tit(t pur chixed the Xj:H' HAV SIX) RE, in the white frame store house, on Main Ftreit. nenrly opposite the Kxihano Ituildiucs. whirc hu hn just ruieircd a splendid as sort me nt of CITY HATS AND CAPS, Direct from the Manufactories, of nil kinds, sty Us. sorts nn I Mzrs, latet fashions, which wholesale and rot nil, ut very low price. L-These Good i will bo aoldnt very low prices, ft-r Heady i'ay. JOMV K. G1RTON. IJ loom shit re, October 57. 1SC0. Illil-'OUKHr. AK.MbTRO.NR, At CO. DUV HOODS MFHOIIANTS, 75,77.70,81, B3 ((- S5, Dunne Sired NEW YOItK, Would notify thi tridothat they aro opening weiXly, In iit-n nini ii'-iiiuiiui iiauciiis, iur WI'-a'A iasi A'TS. a ufo Tin: AMOSKKAO, New Priill, ..liirli fxrels every 1 rirt in the Country for oerfeitioii ol e.seciil ion unl ile.ign in lull ma'liler ivlors, Diir PrlnLart rlrarer Itan any in market, A nil meeting rilli extensive sale a Oniers prumplly attelidcil lo. Nov. CI, ISoo-y. POSTSCRIPT. Latest by Telegraplt. RfilNFOROEMENTslMAJOR ANDEltSON. Wasiiinqtos, Jnn. 8. Tho slesiner Star of tho West, which sailed from Now York on Saturdny, was chnrtorcd nt the orJcr of Octi. Scott, nntl took n full sup ply of prowsions for Major Anderson, and tir.n nioi. iiiiHnr T.iont. ltnrllptl.. Stin nnrrlife - - o to linTO been heard from at Charleston to day. F. S. Sho was fired into, by the Se cessionists, nt Charleston. En. Dem. Tlie Senato yesterday confirmed tho nomination of Robert M. Welsh, of Penn sylvania, ns Secretary of Legation at Paris, and Samuel Lilly, of New Jersey, ns Con sul General nt Calcutta, (India,) vico Charles IIulTnagle, deceased. UALTIMOHE LOCK HOSPITAL, lilt. J0HAST0N, TUB founder of this Celebrated IiiKtitutlon, offsrt th inobt certain, p. ed),and only l)ettual riiufdy In trof woild for itfctlufwr (JU its, Mrittoren.ritimiiia) weak ness, ru i ns in tue ioius, (.ousiiunronai iittnuy, iinpo tf ncy. Weakness of the Hack nnd Limbs, Atltitions of tlie kidneys, l'ulpttatiott ol the Heart, lMipeptJa, Nl vnus irriiaiillii i-risuase ui ine neon, i onai, ics or rikin, ami nil those serious und melancholy Disorders arising from the destructive habits of Youth, which dti . troys Loin uoiiy nun immi. j iiese secrti una soniary prat tires, are more tatal to their victims than the song of tliu H) reus tu the mariners tl)sscs, bliKhtiiii; thsir most urillijiithopv's andunticipatiuns.reiidtjriugiuarriagv &.. impossible. .tuiiiuiaurii Married ncrsmrd. or loiiua Men contemnlatlni mar rlage, being aware i f phsiial weakness, orifuuic dsabllt ty, ik-for unties, 4tc, should immediately consult Ur JoJinstou, and b rentorctl to perfect hvkttli. lie who puces iiiuibui uuuur ine cure oi ir, juuniion, may reiiioul) coutlde in his honor as a pcutleinsa, m4 LoiiilJcntly rely upon his k HI us a phsician. OiUJAMU WKAKNMrt Immediately cured and full vigor retretL . . This decease 1 the pennlty most fie'pjcntlr paid by tho-to wlru li.ive hucouie the victim ol Improper iihjuI$cji cies. Younfr person ure too apt to commit ixcess trom not lieinft nwaro ot the drearitul ronreusiicc that may enuu. Now, who thut understands the tubject w ill ptw tend lo deny that the power of procreution n lost souuer by those fulling into improper lubiu than by the prudent, betitdes beinu deprived of thu pleasure of htallby spriiifts, thy moet serious nud uestructive sj niptoms t both hotly und luind arise. The syetvui becuun.s derang ed; tlio physical and mental powers weakened, nervui debility, 4spepsiv palpitiilitui of the heart, indigestion, aWtit-lulg tt the fiauie, Cough, tiuptuins of Cousuiup lion, &.C. oilier, No. 7 South Prfdru k BtRrET, seven doors from lUUii.iore ttrett, m. side, up the steps. i. pnr ticuUr in obiLrviug the AMU and NUMIiKIt, or you will mistake the place. A Curt tlarrtnttit, er no Charge Made, in from Cm t Tiro iMui. NO MLuXUllY OH NAUflAil'H DRUGS USED. lilt. JUlLVb7)Af. Member vt the Uoy Ct.llege ot Surgeons, at London. (ir.idujte from one of the mott tnnuent Ct I leges of thw Uuiteil States, and tlm greuter part nf nlio-telife ha been spent in the flret tlnspitils if London. Paris, I'liilh dilnhi.inud oUtw liL're, has cileited some of the inobt ait toniblimil were ever known; many troubled with ritiKintr in tlie head and tars when aMecp, great liervoilllss, bcinif at.iru,d ,it sudden sounds, and bash f.ilrtfit, with trt'iueiitl'luthiiis, attended sometiuiea vwUi deraugement oi muid, were cured immediately. When th?nil2iiid-.l and Ininritdent votary of nice sure finds he hus itidnbt d the scuds of this painful disease, it too oit'Mi an ill limed si use of shame ur drend of tiixtt'Very, deters linn trom applying to tbosj who Irom i ducationand nf ptctibility ran kIoiiu belt lend him, tleiaymg till the cnnrtitutionaiy symptoms of thU uorria it it east uum-s ineir iippt-Hrnuif, ucu us uiceraiwu sore throat, dUt-iised note, nocturce, pains In tlte had and lluibi, uiiniienstif siyht, dafiiesit, nodes on the rkin bones, and anus, blotting on the heud, f.ue Hiid eitremtt ties, progressing with rapidity, till at last the pnlate of the tiioiitlntnd hones oftht! nose lull In, and the victim uf tliU desi'iisu bitOiuesa horrid object of coinuiisstTaticn till dt aih puts a period tnhisdrcutifol sutlerings, by sen ding In in to '-that bourne from whenre no traveller re tuinn." To such, theft, lore. Dr. Johnston pledges hiiu Kelt to preserve the moet rnv loable secrecy, and Irom bis exteiiMve prartice in the lut Uospltaln of Iluropg aud Anient. i, h' inn cul,d"iitly recomiueud safe mid spesdy cure to the unfortunate! vittim of tins horrid disease. TAKU fAUTICl'LAU NOTICi:. Dr. J, aildn Brits all those who have ii Jured thcmielros by priwite and improper indulgences. 'iliese are some ol tiie sad und uulancholy cfiecti Pro dined by early habits of ynutli, vi7.: Weakness ot th llnck and Liiubt, piuii in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Lotfs of Mmcular 1'tnvtr. I'tilpitatiou of thu lleutf. Dys pepsu, .Nervous Irratabillty , lU'rangcuient of the Vtgtt UVd I'liuctiuiis, Central Debility, sy mploiusof Coiiiuuip Hon, Ate. JILNTALLV. The f'arfal cflVets upon the mind ard tniicli to Iu dreaded, Loss of lniiory,Coiitiiiion of ldeus D.-prehsioii of the Spirits, Lil Konbotiings, Aversion of i-ocirty, 'limity, e.c., are some uf the tvils produced. I Is the cause ot their detlinim: health. Loosing tluir . visor. beLoiuing ve.ik, rule und emanated, ha, ins tin gular appearanu about liu eyes, tough ami symptoms ot CoUd JllllltlUll, r ii , luuiiiiii.Mi ikr..iit.u i t Ji UKCAML U lUKM.r. Hv tills crcntntul important remedy, weakness of the organs are fpeuiily cured, and full Mpor retored. l noun iuu oi iuu nton nervous anu uiimnaicu, wno had lott ull hope, h ivu been utiuietuatf-ly relieved. All impediment! tu .M.irriHCe, l'liyritul und Mental Dii'juali iiiulinii. Neivou Irrutatilit),'i'rtiiiMiiitsand Wiukness or exhiiuhtatioii ol theiiiot icarlul kind, speedily t,ure by UoLtur Johiistuii. Yorxn .vr.v. Who has injured thuiMlvei. P a certnln prattles, indulged in wlu-n nloue- a habit frequently learned from ewl lompatitoiiF, or lit bcIiooI the tlfirtsof Inch art niplilly t,lt, even wlun ateep, und if not cured renders marriaiju iinptHoible, und dehlroy a both mind and body fchnnld apply imiuediutily. What u pitty that y uunir man, the hope of his rruntry, and the durliint ot Im parents, (.hoiild bo matched from nil prospect it und enjoy uu tits ol life, Ly tlio roiibeqiun' ce of dewulinu fro.n the path of nature, nnd indulging w.uarMg:" MAJlItlAdl. jlioiild redert lint n tnmd in I ml nnd bodr aro Tha most repusitied to iirompto happiness Iiidied, without these tin! Journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect Iiourly darkens l iUj view ; tlie litiml becomes idiadowrd with despair &; tilled witn the nn lam Indy retlettion that tho happiness ol iiiiolher heciuuen blmhted with our own, OFl'liU NO. 7 HOirTliriU'.m.UICK rT., Baltimore, MS ALL MilUilCAI.OlXUA'llONti ri:i(rORMi'.I. X. r.-ii t no laleo modeoty prtent you, but api liuiudijti lv eithi-r pironnlly or In LitUr. tfKIN lUhKAKKS I'llLDILV CUUUD. IXi STRA.SatMS. The miny thom-aml cured at this institution witfirrf the Ut 15 yiars, und tho numerous iitipuituut Surgical OperatioiiH performed by Ir. Johniiou, witnessed by the reporters ol the papers und many other persons, no tices of w hu Ii tint u appeared again and agam before tho public, h.'Mile his lauding us u peulleiuau uf character uiidreapuuHbility.lxn fiiilii ient ctiaruntvetotlleaillictsl TAKU .NOl'lCC. N. D. There are o many lirnurant and worthlem Quacks ndveriiiiii! theniiielves 1'hy sicians, ruining the health of thu already afllicted, that Dr. Jihiifrton dicios it necessary to say, especially to Uiuie unacquainted with his reputation, thut his credentials mid diplcims olways hang iu his othce. i r" Takk NoTicF. All letters inimt bo post piid, aoif. coui.uu a postage biainp iur tue reply, or us answer uhi ve sent. Marchli. l.JL0. WAT HISs JUVKLKV A: SILVDIt M AIii;. Chtaprr than any otkrr House in the Vmttd Sates, ettry arttclt t-dd only, for if A at it reuty u, and warranted to b. u npresenttd. II. MUMjUMN, Nj. 411, N'orth Second f-trcet, alrovo Willow, West Sfd, MI'onTr.Rof allkimlsof Knffluh, freneh and Stritt 4 H'atthtt, und Manufacturer if Jcwilry, of every des cription. tVuutry, Ktoro Keepers, Auctioneer. Tedlars tc deal ers itenerally . arc nured that they will llnd at this es labliithmeut th lar(jel mort vari( nud f'arhionabla nortment f (roods iu the Vm'rd Statu, and at prices, '-!) pi ' cent lower thiiiiany cither lloune iu this Country. Htoi Keepers and others, w ho cannot come to the city, canon tth. ir fomi by .IW. nud have them scut br r.Apreft nnnyjinrtof the Country, as cheap anil well tekrti'd "if tlu'y came to the City and elicited them in person. 1 uiembT tho place, II. MULLIGAN'S. No. 411, N'oi Second St., abova Willow, Went tide. 1'iiiLAiir.LruiA, Established, far Over rourteen Years March 10. leuo-liu. A J OKE new goods this day lTJL at I! Alt' HAUTJIAN'fl. MACICL11KL, Herring, and we oxpco a lot of thai. fr salo m nAIITIf AK". WILLIAM J. BKIDLEHAN, SaiiDlc auD partus ,11 WHIM I ' Illoointburs, ,usuft 15. It57. hew p. a r. a s xi a ss o 3? WILLIAM II. KAXDALL, Contt llouso KoivUpposite Ilia Court House, nelt dotr to tlm tilliee of the Colmiiliia llcmosral. Ul.OUMSI.llKO, I'A. Die. ison. SOMETHING new to bo seen at any H"i HARTMAKS,