DEMOCRAT, i vm h flr u i m Ul AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. LEVI L. TATE. Editor. "TO HOLD AND TRIM TIIK TOUCH OP TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'ER TUB DARKENED EARTH." $2 00 PER ANNUM". VOL. 14.-NO. 45. IIYAMOND'S PATENT PAT1ZXTI11) l.S.Cf l), 14 PRICE S10 EACH. Mi:ssiii.7.t;riiNucR tt noimtNP.or MoomAhurir. lining purrliaaml tlio exilunlri: right of tlio ttbovo t nluiiblo ItnpniikD i-'ittxr 1'AiFtr luiio Maciiisk, for tlucuanly ul Columbia, u 111 be huppy to supply tln-ir If ietiiljt u itti thu nrtljii fr ttic nci ominodutioti of them vvUus mill laiiulicH. Tlio following nra noun of tlio gti. lunur nd nntugc tlil iiiiileiiii'iit posncnes uwt any 1, It new from 4(H) to mid stitches per minute, thua :tvlng both thin; nnl tabor tn the opi'Mtlon, 'i. In vuiifttni'ttdii in fio plain mill wiuipUs willi any It i ii S liKi tiifr n igr, it U fasy kept In ordir and will lii entire nut Ufa. I inn. 3. Uiw of the nitidt Militnlilc fi'Miiros of till Marhinp. U tin mtulliifft nil. I tilt! coiiipHitiiii-4 nf ltd iticrhaiimin, 4. UiMiliU-tlirt'ftil Murliiiifi.nrpaUH)8 ditlimlt to man tpe, tuiil cry unhand) in ttircntUng, but this Mar bin o ii tuner uire.tutMi umn u en a common net die. .V It tan be ntt.iUit-d to a board, lublc or stand, in op. ur.iting order, rtiiJ di-tai bod in lcsn than li.ilt'a minute. ii. It greatly i-ioiioiuizeii th J thread, nnd yet, prod nee a Binm, I'lthrlenlly irons for any work for whiih it id ikbtiiu'd, a pialifUatlon not kuovui toother bun ing Ma i hlni'n. 7. No human hand ) capable in producing a scam id ri'fiulnr mid R.VntiMiiali''. t. Among tli3 nrriy nf Patent H-ittlng Machines, t1ire nrtf now mi i liuitp and dn ruble Uayvomi'm I'atli rt but no Mai Nino U auapted tn ull kinds of work at experience Jiait prxvt.ii. y. v opL-rator ran iliape hii scam, JiiFt m hi ptensM, a tn, li'urus and tluucru, tic, utu be rtpresintcd ur Imitated. 10. It in particularly adapted to all kinds of stllMiing BUili a genilumrn'H khirU, Imgniim, Hatband:, colhirs, tcnnd all kind id hauiet' v inc, iiuliidmg rilki, lan in, delaines, rnlii lien, Ac, csii'ptlnp lor men's heavy wear, thin Matliino in rather too light id tun at met ion. 11. Hut alt tlie furjoltit; ad autaRc, though real In thtfiiiiPltui, duindk fntoiiiiziiiftcancvt lieiicoinparcd iih tlnj pr;Bfratioii f In-alili, ln-iiiga i.ning of both labor and I'y&icbt. and li'avcv tli operator itliotit Hoop, jug, and h tnabk'd t perfurm Ills uork, occnping ana Urnl p'lmtiun. Ktir 9JU by the undTFipiiM, ni their rpectiv rjsi Jhii.'ch, In Itlooinb,irg, uhu will put the in.tiliiiie in ipjratiun utiJ give all luttKsarv iiiKtruction. m:iiv zt.'ppiNcMiR, DAMIIhW. KUIUlIiNa. rduitmahurg, May IS. 10(10. PEOlMiKS PAOiFlO JIAIL KOAD CO "il I'A V. The ('oiiiniliaioJi'M of tha rropl'a Pticific Railroid 4'iunpany would aniKiuuc to u Peoplii of tlm Lfuiteil Hnt-ri,thftt t-nir Himri uf Cuiuiiilinionrra are lully urguu UuJ, by th-i (lioitr uf JO-1AII rcltllAM.rnMtDCNT, oi.ivlk, vuKruuniKTr, AIIICU AllilOTT, fEiRklARV, 1. 1. niiNuro,TiiBAHLMtFii. a ml that th't t'ookt of thf Onnpany are opt n for the pub hi ripduti ofStock. in Hoitnn, Nf.w York, Pliiladelphnt, I nlii'iiore and Waihintoii, and will noun be upenud in t'i. pritu'if la duijth.-r.iand Uvtern Citi-j and t'alifor Ilin, 'I ho Clnrter of nalJ Company wai pratited by tlio Leg. InLitur" "I'll"! Htate nf .Muiui', in .March, 1M(1. Th t riht "1" ay tbro li;fi lite publii lands in tho Tvr -ritoiKH o( the Uuit'd Stat, front Muaotiri Hivt rto C.i. i Twin i bv the waj of I'iIcl-' I'pak (Jold .Mnifjr, and t4r nifjli I'tib, nuw open to ihj Company, by Act uf t.'ntiRruni, Tin v'op!f oithj L (ted S'ates ar rarnci'.Iy rpqurg Wd to fxaiuliiL the tiMrlfr i"ll Uy t-avvn of Comb my knd M-iid in th ir 'l'kcriptitui. JAM perioiw arc invited to mibjiribe utic alurt; tacli. and no one inori than ten itinr'. Hli ir.'i.O:m Hundrd loiiarti f nrli, ten dollars i of which to be pal 1 wh-n Hit itubdCi l ptiuii in inude'.aa Mill be Been by th. Ch.ntr, l.itt th- pffplp filncrlh- nrrally and liherally forth with, and IhefJimiptny will be able to wcure frinn Con fTBst at iti ne it u,l urge tranuufland andofinon- y IM tha wbol peiple, nil as one, put their houldrrt tn lb ubetl. by atibLripuig one nlidtf uaih, and the Jtailroiid will b-t built within IHu years. Lit I'lubi often, twenty, filly. r ir formed in cvi-ryTuwii -inj Vilhge, Hint the money var Ifd by Mail or Jltprci. and Ctrtiflcates uf tftuck, tlth rrcciptri lor the miic , will he relurded. Itfipounb e in mi, uf'lc w! o hjvea heiirl f-r the wrk. uro wanted m nil part" of tnu I'liilfd tatia4,toit't n Asi'titJ, to obtain subscription to the tftock of lb t'njiipiny. All ruuimuiiiculio.M Mhimld If dirftcd tn tin1 under ijrutfd at Um Ulltfi- tif the Company. No. 'M School Mrn t or Adami llotui-. iU,t aud to uloun nil appluatioii-j fir opt of Chait -tttii -Ljrt tf.aud uther document should 1j made, JOSIA1J PF.nilAM, Prrmdent tloard uf Coimmmiunurs Poston, Nor. 10. l?i;o-12in. KTIflAM KNWISKS AND I101I.KHS. rplll. psbfcribT h now prepared with new Machinery 1 tn boil J ntationary enjjniffl, from 5 to hore po rupon tin IrtU-ht improved plans, and will build to or Kr dniibld "r siuptf portable i-iigiuea from 10 to 40 ioirfcf puwrr. Itltigi'd upon iarriac-i with lloilcr gearing and pjtups all rouiplrtit and rrady for action. A No a (lni'Ier ilati aud boiler- rust iron coal breakers, awntd in l"Jii, for threnhing grain and cratkmg corn it nd now madioii a lirgo weal. for bn-akin? coal. Heavy iiiinintr I'timps mid br-i rnciupt rigged complete with double acting lorring puinpn, ull kind's of mill gearing nd house tjHtin; nnue to ordr. I.iue iflint'a with ntiy dejurtd ie tf pull.'s tinUhud with liangcrn. Iron planing done, fay -1 frtt long: all kinds of Iron turning Ii n pn-na an I other fccrew s turned with any ltir.l nitrti ttl tlin-nl. The hftt KougU lr m threshing Machines, that ever C.UH.' b.-fwe tho public, ctmt Iron and wooden machtneti wndo to or I ir. liewv power, ch.iiuor tread powi r made t i or ler. Als takv-rdtrn t'orthel'dlowuig m.uhin-r. HarriHouN Ut.-Pt patent grain mill, SI WW olfered by the IMtentet for its t.iual. It w ill grind in gooj tiiw im til J5 bush'U in one lio-ir. AUo boltn and lentors all in ord.T. al-o Kugglo's Patent Ptower, manutiiLturJd hy C. I. Harris & Co, tha rnoft powtrful Hlowt-r now In um Willi th leant nmoiiiit of puner, one of winch will b nut in use at tlu rouudry for rihlbition. All of tlio abov will b- warranted to be what they are sold Al.o -Take order- lor fcott'a Patent lllacksmilh Htri ker. aud rights in ute them In th-i countieti of Columbia, Mmilmir. Nnrth'llubrl.llid. l.iCOUllUg, ullnail aild Cllulon, one uf w huh can b-i Been at -"f WQ liloomt-b'irg, Culumhia co., March ii., UliVEHE IIOUSK, NO. IJT NORTH TIIIHU 3TKKCT, 1'IIILADEI.rilIA' t plus hu'is. Ii pituutL-it ill tlio inntt business pnrt oftho .L city, lu. mi'' hundred n'i(1 tairly rinniiB ; larce Tar- t.a nn.l u,rv rltillil 1. llt!VIV fliriliflltd llllll I, CUDSiderwll one uf the liciet lintel, uf it. clnn III I'lnlmltlphia t it lu. urected a lars oli.i'riutnry where person, can have a line I lew uf tiii l.'it). lMawaro river, cc., i it is .il.o .hPI'Iik! with hot and cold wnter llatlii's, hichlll lu Iref ofrlurs'' for tlm eue.t. of thn House I City Cars will tako you to Hie- Ke.ere House. Our eliarce is mod erate, SI 15 per day; persons visiting the city will pleasci inio mul try tlie itcrere tlantt, and vu pledRo oursilves that uo will euluuvur tu use our be.t ttTurt. to make it nonear like Inline, 1'M.nt.ES J. r'.oari, of UsaJins, will have char;" of the lfi(W. , tJ. HMI1NKI.K. formerly nf the Ptntea Union Hotel, and latterly of the Jutted lllales Hotel, Atlantic City. N. J.. TKOVtiliTOH. May n, muv;n. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. TlHi uniterslsiieil reieclfully informs his old friends nnd customers, that h has purchased Ins lirothers Interest in ttiu nhovu eslabli.liuieiil.andtliu iciiceru will liereafter he eoiidiicled hy liiuisi If ciilusively. lie has Ju.t receiveil mid oilers fur mlc, the larp; est nnd most nlensiu nssorluient of TANCi Im!) r!TO VKti ever iiitrndilced into tins market, SSe His slock cunsi.ts uf a cunipletu iissnrtmelit of thn best Couklns und parlor stoves ill tlie inarkit, togeth; r with Klute Hitures uf every description, Oven rind lloiHtuies, lludiators, I' ftuves, fn.t Iron Air- Tiaht Moves, Cn ill r'tuves, eVc, fcc. Muvepipe mid 1'iiivvare loiutautly on hand uud manufactured to order. 11 kinds nf repainn; done, ns, un short nutlre. Tha iMtruiiiigii uf old friends and new customers re spectfully suticited. A. M. KUlXU'l. Jlloom.bur;', No ember 3d IPW). If. THE FOUNTAIN HOTEL, rromicni.Y tub madipov iiohsc.) Bteond unit, Utuetn Market and Arth, f'Atatfij'Ata, W. 0. 1'OUNTAlN & l!HO. Proprietor. THIS Hotel Is now "?en for tno recep.lon or, visilurs. llliasliecuii.uuednnd relurniiheil tii tliro-ishuul, for the better ui.eoiinnndaticin 01 giierts Kndboarders. lis loeallou is ill the Tery centre the business portion of I lie city, Hoard, $1 -.'3 o dsv, AuputlJ, 1RJ9. UNITED STATES HOTEL, G I; X R A Ij STAfiB OFF ICC. HENRY WEI.DY & SON, rROl'BIETORS. CJ" Passengers in Hie I'lillade Iphia M ill 'I rum Boms soutn.jiid Eliuirn Mall 'Irani Eolus Norm, Vm"lt"iwt 17 ww "'" ram"''"'''' UUJJUlUDlil lilMHUtllili, ruiiMsunn eveuy Saturday, hy LEVI L. TATE, ITS BLOOMSDURa, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. n th nrv lirltk UuitJinff. opposite tU r.itlnngr, hy ilde v iut. -iicmocraiic jieaa vtuaritrt." TERMS OP SUUSCIltPTIOX. 8 2" In advance, for one copy, for six months. 1 In n ance, for oiw ropy, one year. 8 Oil If not pill withiiithotlrnt three monthi. i! 2.i If not paid w ithiti tlie brat six moutiis. 2 M If not paid uiililn tboear. ILV Ttn iiibcription taken for lei" thin otx mnntli. and no paper discontinued until all arrearages shall u been paid. Ordi nary AnrsRTiafcHi xts Inserted, and Job Work xociitcd, at the cMnbllehed uriLC-i. A HYMN TOR THE NEW YEAR, Quickly ped another year, tts eternal die fs cast, Tritbs fitly wasted here, Now no more its days appear, Hut tin-1 r worth is sown atiait, In thtj solemn, ctnngolcsspaat. Can I count Its mercies o'er I litt mu ull my thoughti recall, Clone from mo for evermore, raised Into the eternal store J Count thuautui'in-lcacs that fall On tha eurth, a funeral pall. I will mourn not pleasures gone, 1 will prievo occaHionsloat; Time to Btrve the Cud town, r-ouls to save that now arc flown; (irieve that sins my heart engrossed, Crietc that doubts my spirit tossed. Xlrlffhtly beams tin dawning day, Quickly speeds anotheryear, Truth hhall plow w ith clearer ray, Christ shall in my heart hear sway j When my soul shall boo llitu near, Ihcn shall bo my glad Xew Year) JOHNNY HEEDIjE'S GREAT SLEIGH RIDE. JJY JOHN NEAL. Aa I was fioing pa'st Mr. J03I1 Rartor'a tavern this otlicr d;iy, I hear a terrible noisa in tlio bar room,and thinks I I'll just put my hsail if, and sco what's tho matter. "Whoorah !" roared a heap of fellows, "here's Johnny llccdle, he'll go and that will make ten ;" and they haul'd me in among them. "What's the occa sion ?'' Bays I. "A sleigh ride, over to Shaw's (every body goes to Shaw's that goes a sleigh riding) with Cddlo and frolie !'' "Whoorah 1" says I. "I motion," said Dr. Patridgo,' "that every gentleman go right off now, and get his sleigh and his lady, and meet at Hank's corner;" and with another whoorah, we burst out of the door and scattered. I ran full ppeed to the widow Heart's. Her daughter Patty is tho handsomest girl in Oasco bay. I had given her some pret ty broad hints, and only waited for a good chance to pop the ijucstion. And out it shall come, this very night, says I. I bounced into tho widow Rean's out of breath, and was near catching Patty in tho suds. Sho waijust done waihincr.and was wringing out, standing in the midst of tub3, mops aud kettles. Sho was struck all of a heap at the r-ight of her spark aud would have blushed nicely, I guess, if sho hadn't been as sho could, already. "A word in your car, Patty," says J, giving her Iho wink, and stepping into tho corner, I told her what was brewing. ''Ill mil and borrow tho dt-acon's sleigh, and como back right away," says I. "O, you needn't bo in such a tearing hurry," says she, "for I've got to shift from top to too. You sco what a pickle I'm in." ''Ah, Patty," says I, "beauty when un- adorncd's adorned the ." "Well, I vow," says Patty, says she, and off I shot, for how was I to follow up such a bold speech j but I could not help sniggering all tho way to tho deacon's to think how swim mingly matters were going on. I was so full of this, that I entirely forgot to mako up 0 story to fop off upon tho old deacon, till I got almo:t to tho door j lor the dea con i3 a sworn enemy to all frolics, and so is his marc. "I'll tell him I want to car ry a grist to mill." Rut that will be found out. "No matter ,o it is after election, aa tho politicians say." "Tho deacon gavo a mortal squint at my face, when I did my errand, but I was behind a shirt collar. He then fell to chewing his cud and considering. "Moth er's clean out," says I, "both ryo and m jun," The deacon spit. "Well, neighbor, if you aro afraid to trust a feller, there s two shilling beforehand." "Poll, poh, John, said ho, walking up and pocketing tho money, ''not trust you ? hear that. Now, Joshua, taeklo up Suky You'll drive tho critter slow, John, and now I think on't, you may bring my grist, that is now at tho mill-and look sharp at tho miller when ho strikes tho toll uicas- uro, John." It was to lato to stick at lies now. So , tho liUulcr Keeping 111.10 twin iue uenu, promised everything, jumped in tho ! prolix, wo kept it up, frolicking and drink Icigh, and steered for tho widow's with j ing hot stuff, till midnight, and while it Ivim. colors. ' lated, tho fun was real renuiuo, I tell yc. I elcigl: flv;n nln,.. -v"'o It is tho height of gcntilility, you must BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA - know, fa,r a lady to make her beau wait as long as possible, on such an occasion. '. sat over a heap of warm ashes in tho wid' ow Roan's parlor, listening to Patty statu ing about in her stocking feet, in the cham ber overhead, for one good hour. Then I stood up to tho looking glass and frizzled up my hair, changed my breast pin to a new place, thought over somo speeches to mako under tho buffalo skin, and finally laid a plot to lug in the awful question in a sort of slantinciokular fashion. At last Patty appeared in allhcr glory ; I was just crooking my elbow to lead her out, when in come Mrs. Rean. ''Where aro you going to, Patty!'' "Over to Shaw's, sleighing." "What, and leave your cousin Dolly all alone, to suck her finders ! A pretty how d'yo do that, after coming all tho way from Saco just to see you !" Here was a knock down argument. All my plans of courting and comfoit melted down aud ran off in a moment. I saw directly that tho widow was resolved to push big Dolly l'ishcr into my sleigh, whether or no ; and there was no remedy, for tho widow Rean is a stump that is neither to bo got around or moved out of tho way. I said something about the small size of tho sleigh, but it would not do sho shut my mouth instantly. "Let 1110 alone," says sho, "I went a sleighing afore you was born, youngster. If I don't know how to pack .1 sleigh,who does! Patty Rean stow yourself away, here, and thrink yourself up small. If there ain't room, wo must make room, as tho fellows used to say. Now, Dolly, ho'nt yourself in there." Sho tumbled into tho sleigh, like a shot from a shovel, or a cart load of pumpkins into a gondola. It was chuck full of her. "O, she's a whopper, I tell ye." j "Why, Johnny Recdle," says Mrs. Rean, "in my days they use to pack u in, layer on layer." At this hint I sneaked ronnd to Patty, to begin tho second layer on her lap. Rut the widow was wide awake. She clenched mo by tho collar, and patting upon Dolly's knees. "Hero's tho driver's seat," says the. "Plant your feet flat and firm, nice ; jump up Johnny; and now, away with her my lad." Ry this time I got so raving mad that I could hold in 110 longer. I fell afoul of tlio old marc, and it 1 Uidti t give it to her about riglit, then there s none ot 1110, that s , all. Tho deacon counted tho welts 011 her right side a week afterwards, when ho cal led on me for a reckoning, which was made with chalk upon tho upper flap of his eve ry day hat. Sukey not understanding such jokes, took tho bit in her teeth and shot oil", right on cud, liko a streak of now Oonnccticut lightning T .lirmna! how wo skimmed ovor it ! And tho homes and barns, and fences, and tho pig-styes, flew by us liko clouds by tho moon. "Yonder is Hank's comer" and "whoo rah !" answered all the ladies and gentle men with ono voice. Sukey, scared with tho noise, turned tho corner with a flirt, and tho olcigh was bottom up in ' 1 "Whoa there, whoa !" '1 he first thing that I know, I was in tho bottom of a snow bank, jammed down under half a ton of Dolly l'iehcr 1 I tho't I never should see daylight again, and when they hauled mo out, I left a print in tho snow very much liko a cocked up hat knocked into tho middle of next week, as tho sailors say. Ilowsomovcr no bones were broken. We shook our feathers, and crept into our nest again, laughing as loud as tho best of them. Tho sleighs were formed into a string, tho fiddler following, nnd away wo started on tho road to Shaw's bells jingling, fiddlo sounding, and everybody hallooing and screaming for joy. Peter Shaw heard tho racket two miles off, for ho was always on tho look out of a moonshiny night. Ho fell to kicking up a dust in tho bast room, to put it to rights, aud when wo arrived the floor was swept, tho best Japan candlesticks paraded, and littlo Ron was auchorcd closo under tho jam, to tug at tho broken winded bellows, No firo appeared but there worn strange symptoms of it, for therd was no lack of smoke, and part of it, mining the chtui noy, strayed about tho room, which gavo mo a chanco to hit off another compliment on Patty's beauty, as being the cause of Rawing tho smoke. As soon as wo had j taken a swig of hot stuff all around, wc J sat tho fiddler down by tho jamb, took the i oor aml wcnt t0 work "'te1'1 an(1 ,nn'n i , ..i, T ( Rut aj I cast a shocp s eye at took a notion that sho and Siah Oolding wcro rather thick, conslderin'. Thinks I, she wants to mako mo jealous, to spur mo on ; so seeing them in close confab, I poked my head between them and tried hot! Rut tho cat was soon out of tho bag. Wo paid tho reckoning, four and tixpenco a piece. Think of that. Everybody grumbled, but Peter Shaw didn't care. Then followed tho crowding of sleighs, taking in tho ladies at tho door. Such a hubbub and confusion I Rut when my turn como, lo and behold 1 Patty Rean was missing, and so was Siah Golding 1 Here is tho end of my story ; and whoever wants to know tho particulars that happened on tho road home, must ask Dolly Fisher. Tho deacon will tell you what 11 pickle Sukey came home in, and "how much I paid for tho whistle.'' Finally, whoever went to our meeting houso tho next Sunday morning, knows very well how Patty Rean and Josiah Golding aro to square accounts. RsAurirur, and Useful Tuouonr. A littlo daughter, ten years old, lay on her death bed. It is hard to part with tho pet of tho family; tho golden hair, th loving bluo oyes, tho bird like voice, thn truthful, affectionate child ? Rctwccn this child and her father there had always ex isted, not a relationship merely, but tho love of congenial natures. IIo fell on his knees by his darling's bedsido and wept bitter tears. He strove to say but could not, "Thy will bo done 1" It was a conflict between grace and nature, such as he never beforo experienced. His sobs disturbed tho child, who had been lying apparnntly unconscious. Sho opened her oyes and looked very much distressed. "Papa, dear papa," sho said at length. ''What, my darling ?" answered her fa ther, itriving for couipoiuro. "Papa," sho asked, in faint, broken tones, ''how much do I co:t you CTory year ?'' "Hush, dear, do be quiet," ho roplicd, in great agitation, for ho feared delirium was coming on. "Rut please papa how much d I cost you V To soothe her, ho replied, though with a shaking voice, "Well, dearest, perhaps two hundred dollars. What then darling! ''Rocauc, papa, I thought may be you would lay it out this year in Ribles for p00r children to remember mo by." beam of heavenly joy glanced in tho father's heart ; the joy of ono noble, lov ing spirit mingled with its liko. Self was forgotton tho sorrow of parting ,tho lono ly future. Naught remained but the mis sion of love, aud a thrill of gratitude that in it ho and his beloved wcro co workers. "I will) "iy iss.- -u;u," liu replied kissing her brow with solemn tenderness. ''Yes,'' ko added, after a pauso, ''I will do it every year, as long as I live, and thus my Lilian shall yet speak, and draw hundreds and thousands after her to heav en. in' Japan. A correspondent, writing from tho dominions of tho Tycoon, gives tho following interesting informa tion : "You ask us in regard to our mode of living. It is simply this: You rent a , houso (.1 moderate-sized houto eoets about S100 per annum) with soino four or iho rooms; ono of these, tho frout, is the office or counting-room ; tho next to tho rear is tho drawing and dining-room, aud answers at the same timo for a privato counting-room. To tho roar of this is the kitchen. In tho upper story ono room is occupied by yourself, ono by the house keeper, and tho other by tho servants, usually young men, say eighteen to twen ty, who aro young erraud boys, &o Your housekeeper, who, by tho way, is generally a pretty black-eyed young lady, is very attentivo to your wants. On her devolves tho wholo charge of tho house, procuring tho prowsions, washing tho clothing, aud cooking tho food, besides keeping tho whole houso thoroughly clean. Her services coat you her board aud about fifty to scveuty-fivo dollars per year. Tho wholo expenso of my family, including house rent, pay of housekeeper and ser vants for the last year, has been only fivo bundled dollxrs somo difference between this nnd tho cost of living in tho samo stylo in Philadelphia." A Western editor complaining that ho could not sleep 0110 night, summed up tho causes ;--" A wailiug babo of sixteen months old, a dog howling under tho win dow, a cat squalling in tho alloy, a color ed sercnado in a shauty over tho way, a toothache, and a pig tryiug to get in at tho back door " , SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1861. "MARANATHA"-THE LORD COMETH. bt 1, K.Hscncrr, At-rnort or "the ritrnrcL r-Roxiitit." Christ is coming I let rraation Uidhet groans and travail ceas , Let the glorious proclamation Hop. resloro nnd faith incrcaso Maraiintlint Come thou blessed Trlnec ofpnaco. raith e-intiowtbntrcll the story Of thy bitter cross nnd painj Pile shall ) ct behold thy glory When thou cotnostback to reign Maranalltal Itas1t btartrepeatlhe strain. Though onco cradled In a manger, Oft no pillow hut the sod; Here an alien and n stranger, Mocked of men, disowned of Ood All creation Yet ahall knotv that Vingty rod. Long thy eillcs have been pining, Tar Irrim rest, and home, andtheo ; nut in heavenly vesture shining. Soon they shall thy story sec Maranalh-i! Haste till Joyousjubiloe. With that "blessed hope" before us. Let no harp remain unstrung; Let the mighty advent chorus Unward rull from tongue to tongue Maranathat Come, Lord Jesus, quickly come I si'A-vu.i-ie.i'ft.tncfc'gaar - - -gj-gaj I'vjl Aunt Betsey Rilod Up. "I declare if I warn't riled up," said Aunt Retscy Green, dropping her knitting work into her lap, and pushing her spec tacles up over her cap border. "I de clare if I warn't 1 If I could only have taken that man by tho collar, as I used to my Reuben when ho didn't "too up" to suit mo, I'd have given him such a shak ing ho never heard on, I'll bo bound I" "There ho sat in that rocking chair, his feet on tho fenders, and kept growing out to Lizzy .Tano to bring him his boots, or fasten his shirt collar, or Eomo such un reasonable thing, all the whilo sho was trying to dress them four young ones, aud had the hcadacho so sho looked more liko a ghost than a created woman. "If I was in that ere place they call the Legislator, I'll bet thero'd bo a law passed to build a ponitentihry, or somo other kind of pen, for such critters as ho is with no mercy on a woman whether she's tick or well, just keeping up their "you do this," or 'you do that,' from sun rising to sun setting. "Rut then there's Lizzy Jauo she's most as much to blamo as ho is. If ho'd had a bit of epunk, he'd uevcr'd have got her under his thumb that way. Most likely he begun to order her round beforo tho honeymoon was set, when sho hadn't got her eyes open no moron a three days -1.1 1 t 1.. i 1.1 t. m iviiicu, aim tuuugui. mio n.iuum i ulcs-ou lor over, cause sho tt got her uccn: in tho amo yoke with his'n. If sho hadn't found out her mistake, and had somo '"' "" wu...... .Mu.a, u tl,..y toll 11, imiry, 1 k"' what kind of stuff sho's made of. "When I got married thank my lucky stars I didn't get tied to any such kind of crockery. Ruben wasn't uncom mon handsome to look at; to bo suro any ono might thought of a brown carth- nmtt . 1 o f r cirlii - (1 itltTtiti vniA r 1 1 1 n n r t n r .... p.w . .. v....... J-..",, him with such a scented up chap as Lizzy Jane's husband ; but I can tell you he is just wnai 1 too mm to uo, aim x ueTcr ii 1 j .1 . .. .. . T . 1- 1 T sncu ono single tear uuuiug , uiy .0i must be handled careful, fussed oter, waited on and for to keep in good humor without icar 01 DroaKgo; lccl Kmu 01 tP'loml w"cn J"zz jane seiner 11mm up uii.ineii-utii.oMiu crowd ovor mo, cause suo uau got a city t 1 1 . i.... ..:., T ci.,.i it.-, miauauu, .ww D... n.un. I've felt real ChmUan liko about it. "l tell you gais, wncu a ouap ass you to stand up beforo tho parson with w'"', wallted to know what ho did that for! you just find out whether ho can stir out Tbat-9 my dog continued ho, furious of a rocking chair long enough to find his j boots, or not, and whither you aro net to j "Don'tcaroa cuss whoso dog it is," be head waiter or help meet after you ar- sa;d the man gruffly and impetuously; I rivo in tho Country of Matrimony, State of Rliss." White Def.u. Two of theso avimals wcro killed a few days since on tho Lia math river, by Mr. W. F. Shclton, of Rig liar. Tho Indians in this part of Califor nia regard tho skin of tho whito deer among the most valuable of all earthly things, for tho possession of whioh they will exchange all other species of wealth. 1 ho owner ship of a whito deer skin conttitutcs a claim to chieftauship readily ackuowlodgod by all of Iho dusky race on this coast. Mr. Shclton realized for tho two skins three hundred aud fifty dollars. Jhtmbcldt Timet. TucnE was a rumor in England that anagcutoftho French Government had been deputed to mako an offer for iho purchase of tho Groat Eastern. It was afterwards, howover, stated that the vessel would never, under any circumstances, bo allowed to fall into French bauds. Curo for Dipthoria. This scourge of tho family continues to ravage many sections of our Commonwealth and counts its victims by hundreds. Wc subjoin an extract of a letter from a gen tlemen in Maryland, rolativo to tho curo of this alarming disease Tho remedy re commended was successful in his own fam ily, and may bring relief lo others. Tho simplest remedies aro often tho most eff ective : Putrid Sore Throat or Dipltsrid and its Cures, Tho distinguishing mark of this malady from other diseases of tho throat is the for mation of a membrane, which increases gradually until tho patient is strangled to death. To provent tho formation of this membrano is to arrest and curo the disease. In tho early stages of the complaiut,whieh is accompanied by a soreness aud swelling of the throat, let tho patient use a simple olut ion of salt and water, as hot ns tho patient can bear, as a gargle, every fifteen minutes, nt tho same time moisten a piece of flannel with a solution of tho samo kind mado as warm as tho patient can bear it (as beforo), and bind it around tho throat, renewing it as often as tho garglo is admin istered, and in the mean time sprinkle fine salt between tho flannel and tho nook; use inwardly somo tonic or stimulant, either separately, or, if prostration bo groat use both together. The treatment as may bo seen, is extremely simple, and if used in tho earlier stages of tho disease, will effect a complete cure. I know this to bo a cer tain curo, as my Mother and Sitter-in-law both had it and cured themselves with this simple romedj'. Ry inserting this in your paper you will oblige, W. A. COOK. Cure for Diplhcria. A lady of Port Ryron, Cayuga county, N. Y., has cured six children (five of them her own) of dipthoria, by tho following remedy. ''When the symptoms aro first discovered, tako Spanish flics, pound and mix them with Ycnico turpentine, spread it on a piece of soft eloth and bind it on tho throat, which will raise a blister, and soon remove tho disease from tho throat." The Landlord's Aitd-eoiation or -.r..-- . .1 ... jiusK. 1 pentienian anu lauv were trav. ,cl;I1g ; Michig:lrij aml hav;ng mssoi tie stag0) woro comilellca to lakc a ,)r;vato conveyanco from tho town of Scudcri to ( thomastown. The lady had with her a ' beaut!fui iap (1og, which sho carried in her 1 . 1 o lap on emhroiJeroa m!lt Du,.in tho 1 riJo tho msband discovered that ho had ' no handkerchief, when tho lady lent him ; her- ,lich WM fasLiouaW y 6CCntcd with musji About. 1. lf y t--1 - .toitna tho carriaco hroko down, in tho carnaco uroko uown, in j midst of a hard rain and they wcro obliged ' to tako rcfugo in tho half way house a ."one horse" log tavern consisting of two I rooms a bar room and lodging room. j Tho lady laid her lap-dog on its mat bo lore tho lire, and bcrsclt ami hutband took In a short timo tho gentleman had ' occasion to use his handkerchief, nnd tool. I it out, having it on his kneo when ho got ' . (b , . , ;f In a few Inomcnt3 tll0 0 ,an(llord 011cnca tLo doori put his hcaa : iooke(i arouI1,i went out, camo in, gazed at th(J dogbis I10stril3 all tbo time upturned in intenso disgust. Ho finally appeared satisfied, wont to tho outside door, opened itCamo back with n bound, seized tlio lap , t, , -, and bur,ed u j ,. ' . . ' ... . . tbr0U2i, tbo opon door fun ten rods into tJj0 forest Tho f.linted . tbo bu9 , , , , , , , enra?cd ,nd ain't going to havo no such blasted smell ing varmint that's Leon fighting with a skunk around my tavern !" Tho husband and wife vacated tho houso 'nstautly, and proceeded on their way in the rain, with tho fragments of their ill used dog, who had got into such "bad odor." A Young lady was taken very sick in Cleveland tho other day. A telegraphic mcssago was sent to her friends saying; 'Janoisvcry sick; sho has a chilli,' Tho wiros mado a 'd' of tho last '1, and for a timo threw tho youug lady's friends into a perfect flurry of vexation aud dis tress of mind. 'Pi:te, how does your father hamper his sheep, to prevent them from jumping over tho fences !' 'Oh,tliat's easy enough he jutt cuts a hole through ono hind leg, aud sticks tho other ono through it and then puts tho fore legs through that for a pin,' YOL. 24- Who is Rosponslblo ! A writer in tho Ruffalo Comma rial, ft Lincoln papor, makes tho following con fession in regard to tho responsibility of tho North for tho present crisis : "Let tho North, especially New England remember that for this fearful result thoy ara primarily and mainly responsible, by their treasonable legislation, by birioom and pulpit assaults upon the South, in which unholy alliauco of things sacred and profane, all epithets have been exhausted, all sound principles abandoned, nnd new terms of denunciation and hatred invented irritating at last to madness tho excitable population of the South, who, for a quarter of a century, have had theso eoals of firo heaped upon their heads. "Let tho North and West so, that tho necessary Bubjugation of tho seceding Statc3 will be a victory without honor and cause of profit ; that half a cen tury of propority will hardly rcstoro tho national loss, or heal the resulting enmities that commercial distress and almost uni versal bankruptcy will clotho our cities in mourning, and rcduco all real estate, both in city and country,to half its present val ue. Iict them rcstoro the integrity ot tho Constitution, repeal all treasonable laws, and offer tho olivobrtnch to their exasper ated brethren of tho South. If war must como, let them go into this dreadful con troversy with clean hands ; let themselves of nullification before they proceed to pun ish it in others." Danoi.vo Giras at Auction. Tho auction sales of dancing girls aro still kept up in somo of the German towns. Tho girls aro all assembled on an opon space, generally in front of tho burgomaster's house of business, nnd an auctiouecr hav ing been chosen among tho young men, generally a wag in his way, tho names of Rosehcn, Kirtchcn, Narmchen, and all tho other chtns, (an endearing diminutivo by which the lasses aro styled,) aro called out, and tho auction for tho dancers pro ceeds, which gives tho highest bidder tho solo right over her hand for a year, at all the fete dances and rejoicings which tako place and these are not few. It is gen erally an understood thing that it is akin to a declaration, but still is not in any way binding. Of courso thero aro strug gles and competition for the prettiest, but she falls to tho richest. Large Pay. A letter from Paris in dioatcs how French statesmen aro paid. M, Walcwski is a Senator annual valuo, 30,000 francs. Ho is a member of tho Council of Regency, 100,000 francs. Ho is now a Minister of " m an, 30,000 francs, or 9,200. The gaoler of tho Rristol (England) prison, has devised an improvement of tho tread-mill. The prisoners, at ovcry step they take, call up to view a letter or word, and aro thus, taught the alphabet and reading, whilo they aro at work. Ry do-, grees, says an English paper, thoy become ablo to read a chapter in tho Riblo. Tire Moonsocket Patriot editor makos merry over tho niNtaho of an old Shang hae hen of his, that has been "scttin" for fivo weeks upon two round stones and a picco of brick. "Her anxiety," quoth ho, is "no greater than ours to kuow what sho will hatch. If it proves to bo a briok yard, tho hen is not for sale. The largest piece of silver ever taken from a mino was found in Norway, and placed in tho Royal Museum at Copenha gen. It weighed 000 pouuds, and was worth about 0,000. In South America, a mass of silver nearly pure, was found in 171)1. America in Arms. ''The lit tle darling ho didn't striko Mrs. Smith's baby a purpose, did ho! It was a moro accident, wasn't it, sonuy!" "Yes, mar, to bo suro it was, and if he don't bchavo himsolf 1 11 crack him again." A New religious sect ha3 began to develop itself in tho northern part of Den mark, its believers claim that there aro fivo Gods in one, and call themselves Pen ctarians. An exchange advertises for compositors 'who won't get drunk,' and adds that 'tha editor docs all tho getting drunk necessary to support tho dignity of the establishment. Tun following notice might havo been seen, souio timo ago, stuck up in a corset makers ahop window in Glasgow. "All sorts of ladies stays hero." Many a poor woman thinks bbo can do nothing without a husband, and wheu sho gets ono, finds sho can do nothing with him.