i COj LjJMBI A DKMUC11AT Satuvilay, Jaminry 5, ISOI. 11EVIEW OF THE IMAUKET .... ' ' coutanMjnrMr. itviPT'.'.'.V $l Lwl;''Pv,r:KSiiiii ? ai Wnr.AT, uvi: . L'UltM(old)i .'(IIVU) t 1:1111a II' SDTAI, 1.01V... aiii.Aiti) Sull'UTAT(ir.3. 1! 12 IIUUMviuiAT.V t 5?2 COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT.' mm r n TT- f . I tho month of llceember. 1800: ".Zfc . SW,?' Comm. Penn., J. A- I'.ll 20' James Ilbrlmnnii, "SS (Jeorg' Krerlur, 1 H'l Isancftiln J. l'( CMUier, J, NJloylnn, M. AT. Applemrn, Win. L-rimnn, lJs'., John lli.riiHuij', Alex'r. Kramer, Hnnniet Ohl, Daniel Hinjlcy, Pr, (Jen. W, rtendinntt, I. K, HcrhUn, I'.B'i , William limn, I a lit It, Mower, Alexander Mean. Anion Wolf, Columbia County, Isaac Alimrtty, John Low is, Jacob I Up (Centre) ileo, W. SliiUV-r Joint A, Punl')ii, V.i'. J to ml ah C. Hmith, William Conrad Jdeph Hrclch, Mini, mi Mroilier, Win. J. Itiidlemuu, Clm. C. llreccv, i-m. r Jitcfii y.iiMofi Miller ami Tyernmu, It. C, Mills, Mm. Mary I). Pimlli, A, K. Smith, Lit, nfHitinuioii Hwonk Itoiiii I hi e, !(., Hut, of'lsnn- T) Iff,, I In. Thornns, 1 .Ml Keubon Kens 3 2 CulrhC. ln. I An I ul) .W 11 2? '""ill f'lpi'ian, Hs, nj i iiiniuii. rr'lirli s i mi 3 13 r.s.w, p.,,,r..r,i,M.i.t ik 1 J,V,;,0!;"';illll; y Si 2 (HI Col. J,i.f-t,li l.p, J 50 3D James I!. .Milium, 2 (HI Jnlm Dn-n, jr ? (I! 1.1 IIPII .1111 tlrll.l.,.l.,n 1 3 Oil ln.iarK. Krl'Mi.niM, 1 S 00 lt. t r J.Oin Kllm-, H ,VJ 3 01J JNin Jnni'., (III00111) ii 111) H7 J-tinos Uoilurrs, 1 7.1 7 IH) V. J. lli.i.,.r,liot, 1 110 : eu lion, l'niii i,ti,iy, 4 no 1 4 in John V. Wi'iiinr, 1 73 ! I 75 John Krc.lir, 1! (ill 3 (M I.mry (li'taSci'o. 5 uu I .1 in) rrnnklin S.iliiff I'nn.l II M 1 3il c, I'n.iiLli ... ai. i . 3 (M 5 3D (1 .11. W. Illnkl... 0 () 1 HI Vilrrlrk Mil.', 1 (II i i,. i i.o'aiiur L,,VKarj,l sj 7 Hi; John H.Uiiltk. . ,,,,... . ..p,-,, ,n, S! iiSj n.t.on'hillpllann, a (! Xo ill M.-m.vr, I So) l.ilm A. I'lin-lnti. ,5 IS j J...pli II, Kmttlo, I 0I! Mutlil is A, .Moore, I &tll..ll .Mirlil,', I..', IVtrr H. I'.no'L.r. l no 3 3D 1 jartw it, hiinrr, Mriir). ii i.rnira,; oo fcter llrimllT, rf. Jack. on II.ii-iiIoilIi i! ()L( eIjhiikI Hi-tl, Jo.opli lless, (I'arnier.)! I.( M, .M. Appleman, U 00 10 mi Panpori3m. At a meeting of tho citizens of Dlooms lmrg, on Saturday, December 2!)th 18G0, on motion, Jlaj. W.M Sl.uAN wa called to tho Olinir, and John (i. If k::ezk appointed Secretary. ifaeob It. Groul, at prepcnt OverBccr, fcUlod tho object of the meeting to bo tho providing of a better and more economical way of keeping (ho poor,' thst one hou--o could be rented for 861), ono for SGI), and that tho township was now payimj routs amounting to S120 ; thought they could bo moro easily aud economically kept thun at tho present mode, if they could bu kept in ono house thowell to take care of the tick spoko of tho diffcrcnt locations which could bo rented, Ac. Dr. .1. llamsay fpoko to tho general ques tion, as usual with fcnio and ubility elic iting information and intcrcbt. Col. Freeze being called upon, advocated the rent of a property in town, gave pome reasons why the plan propose.! waa likely 'to answer tho purpose, and fpoko of como of tho legal difficulties turrounding thu question, and suggc;.ted the purcbaso of a lixriu, eventually. Tho Clinir thought that at present tho house fehould bu rented, an it would bo a Ion cipcaiivc speiimuut, and likely suc ceed. Cil. Tato gave his views generally ; favoring tho rentnl of f-omo property, ratln;r than purcbaso at present. On motion tho meeting determined to adopt soma other mode than the present, n lid On motion of Dr. Ramsay Itcsoloeil, That Jacob It Groul bo au. thorized to rout tho old Presbyterian Uliurch lor tiio purpose ot liroviumg a i pUcu to keep tho poor. Col. Tato moved to amend by incrting "the Kycr Still IIouc property," just out of town, near Iron Strict. The amend ment was lot, and the qucttion recurring, tho original motion was carried. On motion adjourned. (5 en. Simon Ca.mcuon, it is reported, li:itlccn tendered a teat iu Mr, Lincoln's Oatiuct. Tin; Annual Klcction of a I'o.ird of (jfliccrs for tho Ijaelituvamia & llloonis burg H, H. Co,, takes place on Monday, the I 'lth of January, nt Kingston. MAKKIAGHS. On tho 2!)th ult., hy tho Kcv. Win. J. Kycr. Mr. John S. Monsch, to Mi-sfl Anna : Matilda arr, both of l-raul:liu twp.,1 . . . ' ' ! Columbia county. On tllO lfith ult.. llV tllO KoV. Illiah ' ,,i, Al (1. ..l.t.,;,, 'P lloiMtioit tn Ji.llli, .'11. ytuo.wni .........., ... Mary E. Urcach, both of .Maine township, Columbia county. On tho 2,r)th ult,, by tho same, in Har wich, Mr. John Metier, of Maino towu hip, aud Mis llcbecea Slusser, of Xeieo peck, Luzerno county, l'a. Iu Itorwiek, on tho 127th ult , by tho name, Mr. I'reeman Bittler, and Mij ll.iomio Tli, rlit. lmtli of Uriarcreek. Col I umbia co. In Williamsport, on tho 22d of Novem ber last, by tlio Itov. Tlioinpon Jliteholl, IMr. William Hill, of Lime Hidgo, to Mi3 Elizabeth A. Browu, of Miuimville, this county. On Thursday Dee. 27th by Itov. A. V. Shanafelt. Mr. Wii.mam Muni., to Mi-s Juliett Giutox both near Washington villc, Momour Oo. Pa. October 21th, ISfiO, by Thomas J. Morris, Esq., Mr. llenjamiu .V. Hicks, to Miss Ellen E, Welliver, both of IUooiuj. burg, l'a. Nov. 1 Clli, by tho eame, Mr. Amos Krum, to Miss Eliza Ann Miller, both of liloomaburg, Pa, December 20th, by tho eamo, Sir. Wel lington Earns, of JJloomsburg, to Miss Mary Halt, of Luzeruo county, Pa. On tho Ut inst., by Itov. E. Wads, worth, Mr. Alfred Mellenry, of llohri burg, aud MUs Sarah 0. Davi, of Eeu ton, l uzeruo county, Pa. In lHoomsbur. on tho 1st iust., by tho Rev. J. It. Dimiii. Mr. ltEi'KEN Mover,1 to MiiS MaIIALA Sr'ySEMa'r.G, both Of, Uriarerseli, DEATHS. i;.ear J''g"' Street, on tho 7th ult.. Ouliau L., son of John ami Harriot Van- new, ngca 0 yours, 7 months and lit) days, At licr wMonco noarUloomshurc, Deo. Mil,. Mrs Kwiaiibmi Kitwh, Tn tLo fc'ghticth year of hor ago. "IlEntJOEU liv Uvsrm.siA t a Torn.. Skeleton." CurcilJhi " Uirri.nv'. ;' unit JliUcrs." Mr. A. Mtnl,nii . Pbly as well known ns any 'man in Western Pennsylvania, states as follows Jl0 of liccrhavo's Holland Hitters, bclicv .uc it would euro lum. Miwtlnr- In in Rnmi ...nnll.o ....... ." , '! , , , "Stomsmncntl ..I, wining miii a naio Ill-arty luan; IIO . . , , . ' ,o11' '"o no now wcigheil 20(1 pounds, and change had boon pro- uui-tii uy ja-ni,ivos lluliailU JllttCM to wlllcl1 ha atlnbutod solely his restoration.'' SPKOIAL NOTIOKS. A OAUU TO THN LADIES r. lUipmu o's Gulden nils for I'rmalcs InfalliUe in rorrerths vevlatitt Mtrutttont, 'put whn'rvtr tau$e, ttttttssfttt aintrcrcHtt 'in-., n ' In )r. nnponco. Tim Cnmliltutfon of inircJirnts u.i iicti n la arc pcrr.-ttiy linniilt-n. Tti haw l,r 'i" mi mi' priviMO prauico orolil lr. llitponcn funurr .., ., in., i iiioii.niois oi iiiiiim tun li-Mif? to .nr.. .. tlulr Rrnit ai)tlnei-r tailnif! -"ucccm- in tilmont vvcty ni. in iiirrainffirri'Biiinritift. roliMiij pdii.ful an l ili1rt:B HIT till imtrilltl m. Hurl Inrl ,.i n, lresiii! no iistriintloii. particularly at tin change of f... 1'ri.in fiw to u s III cure lli.it omi ion (ot iilf.il io, .inn, tl,J VMiite,. No, , i "ory f .in , ' i the laml i.ir. from t,, complaint. Tloj iiLvj .11 nil' (If. In thu li.if pi rmaiifutly (iir'.I H en ml-, mnl will etirj jo'i if jou iittt-tlicm. 'J'ii ) nniiiitt hrm yun, on tin coiitrrtry thry rsin(' v n I litruptf uu. ri'flora naturJ Vt iu prop. TilmiiH'l. mill linijinratu tlifwlmpj HjBt'.'M. I.idiJ- ulW' health will nut prrtnit n incriMMu uframiiy. will find IhfNu pills a iiiiret-ffiil pri'vcntiu-. 'I hL'. I'M in Kimniit not he liken tturhiir ttio first thrco hiitiiilit nfpn puanry, th y nr.1 mini tn l-rlnj on inij carri-ii'c; hut at any other timo tlu- nn- af . lriu. 81 pi'r hcjT. Kt.ld, nlmh'sale am! retail, hy (3 M. II.MICNKUL'II. ITgtit. Hti'tj nir.'itt fr lilootiiehtiri', i'a. rn whom nil ohJom huiki la svut. I,udi.' I by d -ii.t. litrj Ili.n SHmmo th" lilfoninhtiri Vn t oihrc. mil h-nu llieoc i-illn nfiit to any part t f tin coHtitry, (roniMciititl v) nml "lrv ofl'osi.u;,." iy umil. ftihl aUo by N, Hank ft r. Mam ill 12. J. Try, Tanm pi i, J. A, Polk, Mnurh i hnnk, mid ty "dno Ilriiirifitt In every Town an I citv In tin- l'iiit.1 tnt9. N. H. .ook nut for cimntcrfu'lti. I'livnonol h it p.iu itfau.l kind, iifilfuMCU'ryhiuisium-il B, 1). llnui. All othtirf ar-' a biicliupmitln-i nnd tin af-, thfr.'firi ai VHMMlip.jonrtivi'sDtidh'altli.Oo-nv nothing of h- .., ,,- rmiiiunri: 01 i,, none on oiorv ni.x. w lilrh h id ri-n'i.Uy hciiu a-J.i mi aamuit of a rt'ccut it'llMlrrit lli iiu t lllfj. p. i) ih)vi:. M Bolu Propri.-t jr. Sow York. Ic 22, lfO-ly. Catanh! Oatcrth t Whit t ir 1 I row Ci nnot- Thotiatn!B of ncr-niii Kiilfer nil xortu nf nniinv:ini from Cutarth. Mont know- what in inmnvt nb'iuo an 1 ri'cultunrv, yet hut ft.-w'knov how it can hi-cnn-l. It fx wiioply n rhronti, Jrn tfition, and ofti-n onlargeinetit of lolttciPH and roime-picnt thifkcninp of the nniroin mni. bniiffl, Imin; the naal ra Iti-d, frontnl rinuet. nmt somctlmi'n cti-ndins Intothe throat and lniis-.. Ppmi thin rt'nult tifjhtacsff ami oft-Mi iriii-o of tin heal, oh. Ntrticied noue.ur a profusu tUw ofnnictiB. Ini of emu 1 1 n.iroil voice, nnl often Impaired h-'iirinjnml iic Theold-irhool rmndiM h ive never lueii iiMe to do aiiythinjr f.ir it. Nasal Injections and inhil.tiiii an an p.iiiifut an 1 expensive as tln-y nru gLii.-rally wutthl'-rn. Vit llmujdiriii'Cjitiirrh HjKtifir, a simple Hujir Pill, taki-n twoorthree limes pir day promptly curt-a the mil if r nifira; tur.'i .it once all fold in tlm lua.!, and rtniirally rnres, hy preui'MTinjr uaf.tlu luout lintiuato caoen, tin ii pruv.-d by tin eipiTieiite of hindr.'dg. Price, with full dir-Uions. fi Il rents pi-r box. N'.H. A fiill tietuf llMiiij-hro) Hnin'op.ithic Specific, with li'Hfk of Ihrirtivu, hhJ twonty dilo-rent Hviiicdies In nri;eiaN, ni'roTu rae, fj( ditto, in plain case, i riif-jof f.Uetn hi xc, und Hit-k, ti. Hi.ilo boxea, '.'5 ceutnuod iO cent. T)ie-u KeuieUieipj, by th Hiiiflu bni or rno, aru ui-nt by (U-1! trt'iprcp-i, free of thrije, tu u.y addretp, on re ceipt oftU. price. Addrcari, Dr. 1M1UMPIIP.CV&CO o. 5i.2ltroaJway, Nw' York Bald by I!. P. LUT, A?( nt, Itlouiiuimra. Pn. Irhyslciuns are pener.illy huh to npfuk a w ur.l io prainit of wlu.lart called "patent iticdirine!.." Indeed, It I an arlidu in the tod; of imnlirat ethics, tli ii a plijsicl.in whornnrtlonsthonsoofBUtlirriiH-di'.-s luimot Ihj con cidiTJd a meinbLr of the National AnnocMtion. Hut tlit-re iir"eic.ptiimrl tothnnniit strina'-m ruled, and ma ny of the d'ripl(j4oi'i;srnl.ipms have actually betnrom. p llt?d, by tin forre of facta, to recommend the uxo of Dr. J. Mi-Kh'titr'H Moinvli HlttL-rn, for thogi iiicai r whifliaru prevU-ni nrrfng the maimer mid fall. Tb- h-i fr.-rUiii,d Hut t!i.re ar.t no rei-udi' s in the jlmr m.icopin .hi.hcun r-jmpfiro with thin w-ondi-rfn) ci'i pound for deriuijement ofllm )ieiu. Thmisandtt of f niilie p eidni; alonj the low rotimtti of fie Wc.ti rn und .onUiTn rmr-f. are now coin 1 need that thej luvn found u inedicno) pemlnrly adiipted fur iln-ir ailments whiin in oiloT portions ofilu cuyiitry diriii thn &uin; ni'.r mi'iilhn, the dom.md for thu article Ueijijully larfcu- H"M hy Hltdriicin tsfn thuwnrM. U- Hcu adveriiHtineni in am.iher column. Uniformity cf Frlcoal-A w lVmnr' in Hunincss Kvery one hi own falicntan! JOVK.H t CO, of the t ren'iit itne Prifu Cl'itliirig iitore, No,Sk).Msrkrtidrtcl u(iiu rtistli, I htiadu'))hi,i. In Addition to Ii,i,jn; tho larc'Ft, Iimst varied and fiit-hionable i-turk of Clothing in 1 Jnladclphn, uuidu is prensly fir rttdil rales,, h.ne constituted evtry onu hn own efilotsmd.i.hy luvin; marked in fijnrcs, on.vcrh nr lnle at tlo'ivi-ry lowest pricoit ran bu told for so they cinnot pomjb'y vary oil mut buy aikc. Tlie (Ji are well kpoii-jd and prepared, and great pniniluk(u with the makinj m tint alt ran buy with thu full jiftiyranceof gciting a K""d urliclo at tho very low- tut price. Ainu, u tari;e lock of piece kockN on Ii ind.i f th'iJjt-Ht vt Is and bit qiialitleit, which will b- niide tn order, In ike nioit fjIu)iull and Let manner, -5 per cent., biloM credit prices, K'-meoibir the Crescent, in Markit, above Flxth Ft ret I N.i.VW. JONIM Ast'O. to coHSUMrTiVES-.-T A.u-e ro.toiL'tl 1,1 ll'.l'lll 111 a ton- u n, L. I.V I, ertlner.liai lliplie'-n : ro.toieil 1.1 livMllli 111 a Ikw ttuiks liy it .Lry siniplo r. in 1 lily, ufur liutuiK Milfired .iviil yearn witli u sevcie iiir'ition.Binl Unit i!r -ail ills. , Coiisuinptlon-U ,lli,ti'al.u Kuuiii tulim fullovs -ulTri.t0 tlid li.e.in. of cure. 'J'o q'I u lio iloslro it. lie will bcn.l a copy of tho pro torif.to.it u;il Iruu i, ell irt'o), w itli llo, dimtioio, for (Hi p.irliiK (.ml lit tlio t uu.., t In tli tht-y uill tin.l ,1'iti: lent; for i.'oMnotrllox, Aiui, llnouiiiis, &.c. Tlio only olijitt of Hie Htlveiltsr iiisvinlng tlu J'rc serlplioii I. to Ldiufit tlioiirUitloJ, rii.I .u.etol informa- lion u lilt It Iu tone, it us to lot invaliinlilo, an.l lu liopus tvt-ry nulttrtr Hill trylus rem, ily, n. it villi co.l tUeiu nolliins, anil in ly prole h lilts.ing. railie. uiililni; thu proucriptio" will pliaso nrlrer. Jltv. l.lUVAllI) A. Wll.SUN. Vrillianiauarj. Kln.Cmuty, New York dt. n, ij-i;o.-ki. ay a new nitsi and uustNuisr) lton xr.w riUVI.'I lJX3. Will IB IUi.lC'i.oiainu lUAAlt. comer of r'odllli UN.l .Matkit .Ireets, iloes not follon In tlie beattn tr.itk. Wo are natitllej ttiat liiu only May to liniMlip au.l keep a largo bu.inT'iis is to sill gooiL tin up tiinl give .alisfaction to iii,iicrs. I'rtUiK i.ill not unsuer, oiul liiiioloig lias h.iJ it. day, anil v.e inltnil to b.II our pootls til o per cent, ail, anco upon co.t, (no mors un,l no ess,) and no variation in uiarkuil price.. This syalein mil .'i.tain ii. .If witliout putliiif. Wu tliall loiy an.l ,i II I'lclitsit cly for ea.li. Uur uvsortiueiit for nun nntl k.iy. is the largest in 1'nilailelplli.l, aail our price, lonell lower ttldil uny other. Call at onco end .oil for ) our. .'If, til tho white iiAi.LULariii.No uazaai:, p, W. corner Fourth aitd jUrktt its. I'll Ha. February si, lioo. ISoi. "fT" Tho Heaven, vtero illumiiiati'il on tho ettninj t August -7, lrio.1, by tlis most spltndid Aurora lloreuti. e er gui-n in ill i century. K.i) s of In-colored licbts lla.li cil Hrro.s the ky, nml tho tlunsoK woro beautiful in tho ullreme. At uiiv time a lapt oberttr remarked, that tho faulted lu tould .eu tho spnrkliui; Inilits form thtui sel,.'s lulu Ilie folloiwuy tiorJs: olliiyull your Kariiiint. at tho IIiumu tittiuo Clothing Hull of Kim WI.I.I.& Wtuo.1, os. euj audio., Clio, tout str-tt, ubovo rialli, 1'bilaJa,' tv-THOMAS W MATTSON, Uecvlved tlio Trizo Modal at the Word's Pair in London lr5l, orTliCNK5. CAitrnr UAG3. noois, shoe and (Jmus. (Jtcot induco luiifcti aru now oir.rcd to purchu-icri of the boe nrl - - 11.. 1. m.irli tli-t Inrce.t str k Of tltinU. Cariiet VaUc.S. IB I'iuliJ.'lil'iaury tlieap foi tolit I ,;o " ''" '' E'mt ircr l:T'' 4"'"-' II. C. & 1. WJIAltTMAN.1 W- wonl.1 respectfully Inilti inn attention nfour V friend, and tlio public centrally, from tho Tonn nil bounty, to our ircacnt New r'locii or FAIjJi ami WSIVTKK "lilcli linr.,on i l"ctcil wlllisronl rr.ro nnit unitor wore llnnor.llinry mlinntaiio, Wo rmi oin-r to Cask and rinl) pan ia(. vrry rcnl tmliirern intn. t'ltr.tnik ciubmrr. nlinoft ccty vnrirtr. ilyto nnd Jiinlily, In tho liri'M (ioo,l. line, We hays 1 ,.',!" ,J1 "" l 9' V" ynt.l.nll Wool I'lnlJ. , : ,,j,,, eaji.ny imiiiF, uamiiucr. iiliniair HlripoK.swy,!,. f extra I'lnlJ Silkn fur Silct.. IH-ryanl, III it k pllk nmlitlhnr In Inrzo luan. title, iliawli, llroclie, Mcllan, t'lienil. nn,l lllankct, l,'nliccic. Tickings, (.'lierku, Hlripc, &r cc, ('lotli., Uas. Iin-r. , Hnltinti, Ac, In ml.litlnn tn tlm nliv wo olIW llroro. til'.. Illirdwnrp. tliii.rnaivnr. IVUI.kv n,,.1 Coilnr Wnri', Hunt, nml Cliim., Ilntu and L'np.,(nt rMur.;,! price.) Wnll Pnpor.CiVM.rCnrpciCh.iin. v,,V,, , j,. i ' ' iii.Bnii, jruaaNaiii, Lumbar. IllooiilsburK, tlcft. w, 1EM. fresh Aim iv a l -or- j-Ili: mii..rliiiii..l, crntrful f.ir pnrt patrnoase, tohoccI. i fully liif.iriii.lilri.tiiiii,.rnihl 111 pnMlrniMiornlly, tint tit- linr Jnrt reci lvoil fro.n tlu L,utvruo title., Ilie l.ir'e.t ami nto.t .elect stock of FALL AND WINTER A AAAiWW Tli.il lias yl lieon openr.M.i I'loomcbilr;, tn vhiili lie "lul " "w "f 111. fih.ii.ls, iliol iis.uri'n tln iu In' in Ills tll.lt IIU'l' lirel (tlTi r.it f.ir oil., m ,o,i I t... ftck t'iiiprlun 11 tartrw afoortini tit of tillN .TJjUMUN'i WJJ IlLn AI'I'Alirr ei it j.wki,M1 1 Alll.l, r t . - ,, ,...i., wuu, C"":1"'""-."'1 ,""""''" K """ . of I l'..iiils. V. st., rl,i,t,, Cravat- ."lock ''"JkcrcliKK, tjl.ne., t-,,.pui.lcr, &c. very Stocks, Cuttun GOLD WATCHES A X U JEWELEY urovery ilercrlptlon, dilo anil clu'np. N. K,..emli.'r " iMirtubtrf, Clirav KiriMrfa." cull nml -. No iliarg.- for oi-innns (! u. ... , 1IAV II) I,UWr.N'lll'.RU. IHoo'iitliurg, Sept. S3, l?co. (juo 1C.5J.) NEVANI) ElcA'ant li'all and Winter G A. J. ST. OA iV, T-1AS l""1 rcr,iv1l. dlrut from Phil ldtlphi.i on-l Now i-i- Vnk. a very tlnico annrtiiii'iit of FALL AND WlYTpjH fiOODS . .. " . .. : (or Hiiniii: and H.n.nn r. a w ll v. th. nmal lo-nortit'otit of TAl'Lr. GOODS of it'ip'Tliir pi:ilitc will he fomid in v.ui. ty, and at prices an low a a smnUr youdu 1.111 bo ptin h iprd tlr-cw Imtc. It Ik an ( ay inn t tor t" find poo.la nt 11 lw prlfi hut n n 'I'm nil ml tln-y are J tut a low in.tiality. lint to IZi t .1 lioud artifh' ata Mri -w t.ric- in t-nimtiiWi" r.irc. ii if h an ojipoiimuty, IiuiVLvcr,ls offered to any who mav want iiliY OIWCKKIK. iuiii)n:inr., nur.tw.ini:. OL.tiSir.1KF., FISH, TTT Call nml .'. cou.N iitv riuiniici; w'Asrcn. rinoioskiirff, tkti.h -r !, IMI. PUlHilC SALE oi' Valuable Renl Estate. TN p'itmnri-ufaii order of tin Orphan Court of Co I I u ml ia (ottuly, on IWshvf thr first day of Jummry next. ut Id o'orliaK In t'n fi.rennon, Jnlm Pry, fJinrdian of the yzif 'nt iitmi i niiin n in unirua rwaim. ivtinn whor, Mitaimnli awank Samuel .-wnnk, Jacob Kwnntt, Kto Hwank ay I Prianll i cw auk. Minnr Children of Helnmmi Swaok l.iUof lieavr (tiuiiuMp, in f.ild county, df(4-a. I'd, w ill etpit,e tonal.", b Public Vendiie,upon tli3 prem ii-cft, a ft riaiu T It ACT O F LAfi'D, Hunt' iu II av.TTnwiiidifp Cot-iml i.i County jifjoinin? Hi-nry w.iuk, Jtihn Tineli'v, Jariih L.tHgenbtrgkr, U"J Chii'tiHu rJiuni in, toiitaitiuig t G S? V r rA C J nmreor l.',on whiih is er'rtd a KI1AMH tiV 11,1,1 (I llui;-ii;an 1 ii it.irn ALSO -nt th .iiuirtt ni" and placi, aii'ith -r 'I rati nf Land, n tJoinin Pi tr Cenrlnrt, I-mc lUvf. und otlurri, cmtaiuiu; about T n Atrcu, in whith ih partly erected a N E W II 0 U S E , whirli is niifininlo'd and a Carpentrr Shop, nbout two .vr.' ol whifh I cl"ar"d land, lam the l.tatt 4 said inimirk, t ituat'j in the tinviKhij. of heaver and county nforJauid. JACOH UYKULV, I)ec?io'-r 15, 1). 4t Clerli iti)iiiii:un iniiii'.i.ii'i' i:i)iu,r.ii's Ulllllll.lt'H UUllUKIl'rl IU Anil 'A I. I 'A l.i li.ATOt, lit II I lUAl. OAI.I 1 l.Ttilt. li:.l.vI. A I. CA.'.Cri.ATillt. 1 UAl.'ili.'AI, 1 AKIi'l.ATillt. i lUCiii.'Ai, CAi.eii.vruit. PltAUTlOAL CALOULATOlt, A Hooit or PtsAii HiirnAin Vau i'i.atio mr. I.L-.iHr') OiRAiK.i, ot 1 ir.n .M. lloiiiuit, Piuhtkai, mi it. YiK JlRll ConrVAH in. rW KoiTlOS, I L liLlriilkU ly J. Ii. Lteriiiui i it Co., Puii.AOfi.inu. ThiHWoik ci.uiinuH '-Mi pu.'cti, and upwards of LOO Killesaud Klrfiiiplei-,en1irel and thoro'i.-hly riut in.At Hiirh HH iin-4.1 Li.rv dav intitoioniuion iiitr-tntu of biini uent. It Ikin nlr 'Iy pti-tcfil tliriiujli u nuuili r of I'.M tious I:i ripld (iitfi3i'ti, tnd U pronouni-ed by all el.is- i-eo of lii'suieHci uieti to lie Ih" iimumi hook or iti fLitt v ii ptrt-tiiini,' to c.iirui.iH'iuH. in 11 miri v cr inxn piimiKiied. lit er ftji.tmplj in ihebook iit woRkM) nt'i in iii.u and st it -it in 11 pi uu m.ium r. so tlut whi'ii n p iralh I rae nnit h. tiione r rriu-! in iiu worK win nun no uiuiruiiy in nadily nolvin? it, in n word, th (t mral nrninse. meni ot the f.Ai.t u i ult is io simple, mat Any ono w ti" Know liinv to aitl. sniiirari, multiply, or mvue. can t-uHilyoli any ordinary 1 tniupt'i that aris s in fin-d-uen oriirrii-oattlM'truerenutt ofiny 1 tim.ite rfpnred. The chkf aim of the author Inia lieentot h w theory an I plulneopliy iu li,ures, aiming mil) i,t facts nud sun pliuiy, het -ii my tint busiu'ss men caro latin about Kpuudiii-i time iu dis(Usiii!th p-iilra"phy of n lv. or the sci'-nce ut tltf'jrei. decinintf it sitl.cn-nt lr tb-ir pnrponw to be nld-i at a homi-m, Ik ref rein-c, to arrive 1 nt Hot tine result. Th AI.ClM.ATOlt ditn rs in this n t-pjtt from nil Anihuutiis of tho day .mil Mud red works It in a key lu pr ictitat biikiujrit calcul iti jus it 1 it, 1,1 tho h;t -1,1:1 of the t-ath-'r in th s hoo'-ruoiH-it fa-lilltfll-'fl time and in-i-.r'' corr.' tne-ti, THE WOItlC THEATS OF THE Miiuri-meut(f Land, of Lumbt-r. of UtifK an t I'rif k Woik, of t'tiiiM and tfton) Wv-rk, of r.iu ami Cram hi lit, of Coal und Co.U I iis, 1 f too4r of tSidids, of I.i ipildn. o'Ciiiular. riuare. or Irregular ifcsuU, of Cis terns and Vat. f Uo.iiua of Platijrers," Painttrs, flu.i th, Par.' Pliiutb ri.' Paptr jlaiiKrs, nml Up ho st- rs Uork It lr"ain ( f Curr'-ncy and of Por.-ij'n ami iJumeslic r.xchauu, of the Httim.il ttem, of lie d'Klioo and lis utemled application to Mii-micm of Kimplu and C'li-tpiMind intirci, anl their entire nppli c.iliuii to Hiuiiien lranarli(ini, w jth th) laws and ua ges ijoTerniug and ri u"il'itin the same totrtther with iiuni' ro is Coi.iuu'r ial porms. of I.i al Tender, of Par tial I'.ivmentfiim Notes, o liHiihiug nud Dank Discount, (d ll'pmtion of Tn lueuti au.l of P.iitneri-lnp Accuuti'.of Assesttiuent of T.U'', of Weight and Metfures of uaro and Cubic Mi-ns.ire, ef tho fi'i'iar' root and its Apnli'-atiou to ISuuts4. of Hurf'iceu, of Htca atmn, and of many oilier imporinnt practical teutters not with in tho empij of an uJviriiseiiieut tu nciaion, IT IS JUST THE BOOK FOlt THE Pann-r. tloi Mcrchrnt.the Mei'tanb', Hie Artizan, or Hie Proft-cioiiil man. Ulins proven a -.aluablc niiilliiiry to thu Lawyer, thu Jumieu 1 f tho l' .uv,lhe t'ont'V.tt,rr and Ileal Estate I'roker, totli A-fs.-SKor, thi Uatiker.tho t'krk to the Civil lliiiMU'ier nud llm Hurvtyr, to tho Cnrnenlcr and Pru klr.vor. to tlio M"nu ma 1011 and tlio i Piaurt r- to th" Papur Hanger t Upliulntr'-r, t tlm raver nn.l tin l ner, a r A.C., acil ami an wit' nnu 11 adapted tu tluir uriuus want a btttr than any Look pLtb'ifhed. iu" Mallet (pot pTid) to any part of tho 1' tilled Htalen upon receipt of rhq money. Price of a i.iupl't Cojiy in Llolh, f(l Cents, or two Co pun for SI Hk Ilotind in Pocket-book form, Morocco, $1 m -r copy, Addrvis, M. M. UOIIULU, llox KlirtiilaJelpliial'.O., Pa. Poo. I, WO vn. QT. GIIA11LES HOTEL IIAURY SIlIRI.fl, raorntTOR, Corner Third and Wood Erels, PlTTiUUllOII, Pa, Pee. T, 1-T!0-Ini. 1 OUSE FOlt BALE. A I tttro tiial Tranio House, in cood condition, with doors, windnw-4, ftc, suitabluto hi iraiuft'rrfd ii;in an oth'T loi.ls (if r"d for onle, on i.m.'-rale t rms. AUo a luaiuit) of broken Prick, for fUhmc in builetngif, end tM.-nal pttirof&iiaU with Glaks, Apply to 1 LnVZ U TATE, lljoomfbure, Nov 3 19C0, MiW HLAOKSMITIi SHO! riMll under Ined r'l-P'ctfoHy Inform In friemjs and 1 tdd cuktoiiierfc that he has opened a hon un Mail Flrftt, a lew liottrs aboe thu Pork- Hotel, in nioja.s burt't where ho designs roiitjnuiiii the 8WI I lillU IHJ&IINWaM, Iln all its various braiirhcs, at low priori, and on on en t ,M 1... , '...' ' t j"l'roJutr Uran, &.c., jt ntr a'v tk -n for wort JllXtf c AU1W1T urn iNsnnN0 TiiUAr WMi'JtJfY UV i'UUJIDEJ.ViiM. orrit it, m. 4-M ( hi i-i nv r itai ft. OAl'lTAli(tnll up.) $lU0(uu. VMnrler I'trpetutu. CONTINUM to nnk-i iNrtUUANLXS 0S LIVT.S on tlio ntoit tvnuonnl.l'' term. Tlie fn'ital Ivlnit imM up nnl tnrritlr-it, toprtlur with n l.ircu ami cniiHtntiiiy Incrimflnif rcptrred fuml, eilVrn u p rfocl PvTurlty to iht Uauv, 'iliiitri'iiiimiitiimuft bu jmid yrnrly Ji.ilf renrty. or T'nrtcrly. Til.) Cnitimy ti'titnllONLtprl.irllciiyto the nu rann r of hfd, '1 lm 1'IIWr ItONIJrt nppnprlnt(-il In I) -comli.r, l"44,trnHi;:oNlir.UNUfl fii JK'rcml.pr. tlmTlllltn liONUHinDemiibcr, Irtl.oiidtlio roUUTII I.OMJrthi Ikccintier, Km 1 y'Thesti n.Miiion are innde without t?ntnx any IrKivaff! lit thn preiuliitm let b. pil J tn tlia Compiiny. lunvniu! u.u ..tun ,a..iiiih.p uuiii uin lll'glFHT. iMiimminr rolirynnd hoiiii. In ln Inrrcasi'ii Tollcy u. i") ni v. " an oy lutiiroiiil.lilloiis. s;i,:7 nil 4,0.',ll oil 1.4(H) IM) 0,3 00 f.'rins of application, nntl fiutlirr iiiforinnlioii can bo fomi'l nt llu ollicc, THOMAS RIWIBWAV, VMlaViir. Jko. F. James, Jletmry. . l.RVI U CATV,, Jlgtot. r. C, llAnm.0, r.nmMte rutiM. Oitolicr 10, If 07 ly. N JEW GOODS! li Vir il iS 0 S "ff A S3 ID a hormtily orri-icl tg hxniton and Ityrma, u The undenienvd 1mb leave to cull att-ntion of the pen pit! of JiTietoMi and fMirrutiiuiiiiu country, to the! splendl I jMPortment of New rtomht, (on-iMliiR of iln jjooda, tJrocerles, UueunsAVare, llnrd-W are, llnli ant Caps, llimlff nml KhiH'tj, mid all nrtii leg tiKuatly kept I country ftoren, nil ol who h we oiftr to slII m reuiuu ble rates P'r Canh, humber, UltAIN AND COUNTRY PItODUCE. 'i hat wo cm dispose ot ; Chit kens.Turki ff, (iet ne, IJecf Pork, Veal, etc, (Jive us a call, mid t-xamimj our New liO'Hltf. M Il.Lnil Ac. TYr.U.MAN. Jcrseytown, October 87, ITft THE FOUNTAIN HOTEL. (i'nit.Mi:i:l.v Tin: maiiihiiv linnei:,) r.d flrerr, .rlirfm .V.rtil and Jlrrh, I'hlauHrKla, W. C. t-OUfS 1'AIN li 1IUO. . ,, PaopRlMOB, TIIIS Hotel Iff now open tor itip rrTr-ijun nl'j. J vji-tiorff, Itlmn been i-Ltitiednnd rein rni rhed UjiS I hroi; hoii i, ror Hi! belter utei-oiniodaiion n( pinti and hoiuilerc. I in lorallon la In iho vtry rentren tlio biislmss portion of the my. Hoard, 6185 tip I'HV, 1 Aotii.tl.1, i!. nnrouuar, ak.msstuo.no, u co DRY UOODS M KKOIIAN'JN, 75,77,79,81, 83 t) S.r, Ifimtte Street N E W Y 0 U K. Would notify the trulethat they nri openins wetkl, In iuw ami bi'iuitiftil patleni", tlu- WAMs WT a'.a S KS 8 X 'fi'S . ai.fo tiii: AMO.sKKrtO, Nrwrrlnl, which rrcrt.friry lri"t in Ilia Cnnnlry lor iii'rfitliou ol elicit ion an.l ik. ijii in full in. dikr t'ol-.r., Il.ir I'nul.iir, rtinper Hurt uny in in.rki t. A nil inn-Unp h iih rxieu.ii e sale norm r. promptly attended It. o. ''I, Ir-Gli-v. UNITED STATES HOTEL, AND i U N E It A I, STilfli! OFFICE r.wifji. rf.vA-. IIENHV WKI.DV A SD PRnPRIKTOR. rr'Tj'-'eiief r hi the Phihdftphia MjII l rain volng StiUto -tnd lUiniri Tl.'i't cuinji NorHi, J-VK tkf Vnttd Afa Hotel Tamvivn Pa. Marcii 12, Itj:u 1 TO PKltSOXS OU OF EMTLOY- i Mr-XT Ar.KTS WAtVT6Ek, lis ever) 5onnty,or ibr liniliil Slates, Toetisnci In tlu pah (.ffomn ofthe best and nuijt el cuaiitly niimlraluil U'rk-t pi.Mi.bed Our pub ic.itioof are of the nm-t i'iteretlmT chiracter nd.iplud to the wnnti ol the Farmer, .Mi hauir aud Mer cluut; Ciey aro pi.Mih -d in tho b.t tlu nml bound in the uio,t (mbinnti il nnnner, an I are worthy a pinto in tho l.i'ir.iryofevi ry lion h.itd u th Land tL7 To liien i f entfrnrivi- nml hi.ln.lrloii d-ihli. idia buijmss oil-n an opp irtunity fr proltfibie eiupoiymcut P.lll.M I HI IU (I-I l ,N ll. t - IVr-rfitin druriua to net nit nseiili will receive prouiplly by mail full p.nticutiir-t. t tihh, &r., Uv mldreK we l.r.AltY, (1 171V. tt Co.J'ub'iiihn. N't. 2i nortli cecoud sirti t, Phi ndelphia. Orlob-T-JH IH'-H-:'I1I. T E W S T 0 It E . 1I irilOl.llMl.r. AMI DKTJIll. fijair amn $aiv mm.E Tht undersiiriied :espeet fully informs the citiXt-n of Pdiioiimb ir?. and the pitblit in ri neral. that ho ban pur eh.ised tin ."'((' IL1V b'tVlill, in the while frame dure hniMc, on .Main Ptn-et. iietrly M(mite tin- llxih.imro Cuil.lm-is, wlu-ro hi ban Just rueivtd a FpLudiJ us sortmeut of MTY ATS AND CAPS, Dir'-ct from tlio Ma-iufacturirt. (f alt kind-, ittyles. sorts an I t-iz', I itiM fanlnons. which huid'ur-i whuksaU and niml, nt vltj' low pnr -s. 'I r" Thn-j fioodi willbosoldat very tw pries, for Ili.uly Pay, JOHN K, (JIltTOV, liloniiiabtirg, October 27, 13C0. & ?. si a, n n : n'si o 5? WILLIAM II. 11ANDALL, Court llou-r Uiv-Opnonit.' tin Court ttnuHo, next door to iUj obicf ot th- (Vluitibia Demofrut. HJ.OO.II.SliUKO, VX Dec..'. IC0. FJotir end Fefd llflivcrcd! CHEAPlHt THAN THE CHEAPEST. Tim under"!'!ii.'d hasinado nrranTeiueiiis that will I until' t'lin to deliver l'lo ir cud JYi d. POIt CAr-fll, ! rbout t n pir cei.t. rh.-up.T tti.tu any body i-lrjo hi tow u. i iiik price s nru ns loiion s ; I'lo'ir, 97 HH (cru & II j Chop, 1 (.-i Com Sc. Oats Chop, 1 55 llraii, j li 1 r'-Piieiuiiiiy smkii a tii.ire or toe puiiie pntronic. I MOoLd KAUr.MA.V, i:wMiytirg. junei.'.!, i--tu-ir. TIIEODOUK S1TLES Mil EaaOaiO (0'ETiOM:U U F?J!15TESEJt Alii WIIOLSIM DE At FR IN roilEIGN ii DDMKS'ilc FRUITS nai.lu., il'ruili's, llVit Nut.. illiied Apples, t.'urrants, iAluion.ls, I'oacan Nut., " 1','iithti CHrou, ll'.ue. Wiiluuls lyiiinr-.H, HweitOil, I'll!., Ilillo-rtA, Li minis, Iriyrups, 1I..I.-S, Cieaiu N'uls, il'ine At.ptes, ILiackers, ;(: n"tmn .yc. AC. No. 17U Mark! I ritreet, Into of 3nl it Vino Street. Pllll.AUEI.PHlA. March 10, 164.0 1s.11. SELLING OFF CUKAP. A T L. T SHAKPLESS Cheap Cash Xft- Store. CJnl lren' (luins, ill en's tiuirs, Ladies' haw I-i, lli-nf-i tiiawld. HeLainscc L'alieoes, Hats and Caps, Ladies' Hoop tikirts. Coats, Pants, an 1 Vests llovinc enjaced Iho fr-'io-o llo-ui-i furner'y orcepicd by Juo. Hart 01 dec'U, I mu hott prpred to take all kinds of Cram in exchange for tiuoau. L. T. tfIIAKr;,ES3. Uoouutruig, Deo. H, IG3tf, JOHN C YEAQER, IMANUr AO-'UIli:it t WIHII.Ki'Al.l: UALMt I.V 2 c-JATS, GAPS, mK STRAW GOOD3, H lioniiols .ttit; Arii.'lcial I'loirers, No. 237 N'or.ril Tllllll) Bl'ltUCT, rillLAOULFIII A. JIarcll 10. Itno -I'm. ASniUA: lo. tlie IXSV.iXrlim.tKf and a I'Kiuuxhw cum: of uu. di.. 0 tressi.li complaint u. a rumiT's 1IK0NCHIAL U1GAUETTES, .Made by a II. HUV.MtlUlt it l.'0, 107 Nassau sTmir.K. r 1'ritc, 1 p,r box; sent fr, u t,y iiost. yon s.h.j: at i:LL dkviui ists, :.iy i:, itao tmi. BUA iVLS, Shawls, Shawls, for sale very "-"heni' it n ARTMAK'M Tuwa l.nii. Fur sili CUVnr.AT. desirable btiildiiit; lots In Lloorusburg for .alt, I'ur parlitular. uiuir. of W. WIRT. MooiasbutL', Juno 31, Una If. FKAN01S 0 HAUHISON, M.D. 7tL'X.D rcfiM rlfiilii inf-jrui the ulueiis of lllooni. V turf, oi'it icinlty, that he i-oniiuuestl)o pructiceof r. dijtiij..(j And solicits u t-harn of nubhe. oalrouaiie. Orntk, on .Main fcUntt, lirbi housti b-.low thoCvurt I'tbtuury j, 1:-1!'. SOMETIIIXG now toLo son at uny 8nm Konus or liisnrril niliiltlin SJ3UU 9"i7 .'! ;i'HKI 1U30 00 1IHHI 41X1 l 3IHI0 lci',3 1X1 &C, Ac. 1'iUisii 1'jiuji TUB CITY, MORI! NEW GOODS! EVERY S011T SIZE. AND STYLE just nr.cr.iVED at SETTLE'S SM2APST0BE IN LIGHT STltEET, JNI Aim E1N0 aOI.I) FOIl ItCAUV TAY, "Cheaper Hum the Cheapest I" C7- I'LEASE CALL KAMA. .3 Agent. Light Blrcct, April 25, 16C0. I'JIKD'K lJUOWN, Jit., "ttlATIA'l.. r(l7'i...." Mnlh and UirMmtt Streets, Ol't'OSirG THV I'lllRAKO IIOlVlt,' liiiLAnr.i.riiiA. tcr iMi:nrc.i.: riir.wir. a.xd rjtvum, j ClltMICHLH M'tl DKVII6. Toilet Article. Lubin'-i, L'niiilriiy'ii, llalj'B, Vc., V.c &r Perfumery, tonp, rtailntn. Ti'ili t Powderp aud CusuiLticn. lUt) DfColoum-', of the In' ft ditlilleri. I.tsr I.iulwii Tool it ItHfrtnm, of ell ni.etnuil My leu. biMtmii iksJc Tooiu WAFia of approved kind, ltrnr lWni.o.11 IIaik Hrium. Cdmuh of nil kinds, IiulV.ilii, India Rubber, &r &c. Pumamu mil iiik IIaik LubinV, t;oiidrn)8 nud Moug- flKt'rl, Acr ttC, 1'L'RK llKAIt'll t)l(, Pl'rl. Colo rooA WatI'R fr'tu Porrlain rountaini. Jlot.it ArxutJuni with choice Hyrepi. rni.in; KUOWN, Jk.. fl. 11. Cor. Uth and Chestnut rJt. Ausint 4. l.-ai-lini. OllKAT EXCITEMENT ,ji AT 'nll! EUESIl All 11 IV A I. OP FALL AND WINTER GOODS, lMTr.LER'S STORE. rllll KulHcrib r lian Jnt rtturned fru tho city with i anoth'-r lan,'u ami m-l rt npyoitmeut of FALL Hi U'INTElt GOODS. ftiircliatjeilin I'hilaiklpln.iiit tUi-Jowert njure, and which ie m determined to to-ll on as moderate ti-ruii as can bu procured elsewhere lit lilooun-burg. Hid i-totk couiiti oi l.ADIRS' DUESS GOODS, Cliifi"t ctyli'ti and lati-i-tfanhion. liry Gnoih. (lrorrrif llantirare, Qurrntk-arc, Cctlar Wart jtvlioto now, iron, jhiiih, i;oi and &Tves, lint ami (.Vr . .1... Ac. tn tijiort cverjtliinij iki ill) kept in country Stores to which in i to ir.M ine puinic FL'nraiy, Hy" The IliihoFt Price p.iid fr eounirv pmdnce fsrnPiuiN'it. MiLixn. Itlooiiisbnr?, Nov. 3, Itifl. y. (aliAUbsa, U tniAiusnirt Kric U. It W'--V'"'V'.-"M''-"y3iife(i-H Miecrw .Yta- cara J-O'tt nntl I kiladrijih.a tiirtct-t (iutctmt end Lhftint tioutej'rvm tiftrn J'$ir yorktn I'fiitadclphla, Jfamsliurgt fiituhurg VaUimvre, H'athngion city, and the tuttth. Tli.' (Uirortnt TniiiP on thU Uoad pai Rupert as fol loWKI TKA1NS MUVINO SOCTII. JluireiM 1 rel.Mit. Philadelplii-t.1.ul, PlnU klphi'i & S. Y. I.tproB-i, TUAiNd muvinu Nunm r.vpreitti Pr 'ittht, 1.1 in i ra Mini. O.W) A, )I. Id,::j a.m. 11,4(1 r. m. 13,31) r. m. :t,4 e, m, 11.5M P.M. NHii;ar,i rjicfn. yjii:txiit.riiKL.YRorr.nrs; riiiMnrj.riiM. Itupert to I'hilad.i., fel 10 on llnrri-diiirj,', nti do P. i liuio.i, y m do Tiutiii'tuii, .-i'I liu rt to Milton, 3 70 uu iiiiaiii"port. J 4U to Khnira, .1 UU do Ki.ijrn Pnll. 7 SW AH jiaineiiatrs arn rcpiesteil to prmuru Tukets before rnli'riutt the ear. Kapgago checked through to Phila delphia and Klmira. II. MPANLIIY (JOODWIN. Fip't. Juno 9, JMjU. Henry Zunirlrssfr's Kstahliphmciii. (fl7o't they hid dead and Ivned name lime tnst winter.) t til yon w-nnt ! poo.l, u very tiood new watch f , uu jm wain n rn-ap waun t Haveju-in dnlicull Job t Ii.t ou want keys, l alher irants, Aic.1 (Jr a wutch-t;las that w ill stuy iti f A Hiintitis m.isri, Patent, Ceucva, tir common, or touall, or largo t lil t .fir watch net a tall I A kunik, ti ji-rk or .1 hit t If it 1 r isn't in splinters, Who would KiA"'it n better "fa" i (')hn ier broke! m r,'' or a splndel f A jwel, u whet, or it sprm f Heard 11 iiuisu, n crai k, or .1 humming Ai u b"f with a l'orous w ing f .Main tpriii'T broke, sure! or n pin, " imw n with all tlu b id wntrhes," To link'! tlo'iu is worse than u sinl" Uoonibharz, July II, IfM). ft MIU Proprietor oft lis wi ll-l.iimvn nml centf dly I I te-l House, the L-.iiimik Horki , shunte 011 y op.i Nui- Street, iu Uluniilmrc, iinniedintel- OJIpOHlt'l tllO Collllll bil CountV Court Hoiisi. ri-Mn-etfuliv ir-l'orms bis triunds and the public iu general, Hint his Houno is now- in or der rr tim reception ii'itieiitfrtainment ol truel'Ts who miy led ilicjiuued lu favor it with their ciiftoin. He li.ii Kpan-d no I'lpenco in preparinp Hie V.xt iiaxop, fur tho 1 nteruiumeiit of his cm sts, nciih-r flrill theri )t auv thin-: wanting (011 his part) to miui-.tt r to Uu ir personal comfort. His house is spailou und enjoja an t-xcelL-nt bufiiiess location. Ly- Umnihu-ies run at nil t hues between Hi" r.xehtni-ra Hotel aittthe wirb'iu Ittul Koad lleiuts. bv which truv lI.ts will bo pleiisii'itly coneed to und from the re bjh-lim c tun 5 111 r.uu lime iu met im: Lii rs. M, 11. KUON3. niooinsburt;, Jjly 7, 12i0. GEO ROE II. 11 HUE UTS, IMPOItTLH AND DUALlllt IV OUTLEltY, GUNS, AO. L K03. 2S5 mu 2.17 v,rU TlitrU Street, Nov.H tfKki. TINWA1U2 ft BTOVB S1IOF. 'pill, uudersigneil respectfully informs Ins old friends a in iiiniuiii'i", mm uu iias puitilttseo III- nrouiers iiitert'ht in tho above ei-tatdi'-hmeiit.aml Hit concern will In-reJlW bu conduited by him-celf ( xdiuivtly. lie has Jiint received nud oilVrn for iale, the Ian J1Y I'd and mobt t-xt'-tici v h assortment of l'ANCV ;4dTO'KH ever ilitroduLed iulo lliU ouirt.-i. His Mlock C'liihiftrJ td a cotnnli II awxutni. nt of not n-M 1 opHin-j ami p.irior t-iovc in I lie niarhi t, logi in er with rUove 1-ntnrt.s of every description, (hen and Hot tUtivei. Uadiator. Cjiludar fctoves, Cit--l Iron Air Titsht Hoves, Cuniiou r-loves. 4.C., A-c. fcllowpipo and Tinware t(iitantly on hand and lu.iuufm lured to order. All kinds of repairing done, uu iihiial, 011 i-horl tinliee. Tho patroiuifft of old friend- und new custmuurs re Bpoiti'ulty fohuted. A. M. ULl'LUP, illiioiii.-burx. November 3d 1--C0. tf. WALL l1 APE It, EOltDEULXG AND PAPER HANGING! Mi Hi: undersigned respectfully informs Hie citir.cns of X liloomsburir, aud tho people of Columbia county c-jnernny. miii no 11.1s juti procureu irom tlio Last, a " i'ViAC'l' WALL PAPIuR, Incpidius all the modern stles lo bo seen nnd for sale at his et-tuolinhuu nt. iu the lilooiUKburi! Post Oil.ce, Pa per 1 11 K xft utod in uperoT si le, at moderate prices and on short notice. r Persons li.iving houses to paper will find it to uu 1 r auv milage lugivuoim a can anaemmine Ills stork U. J, TIIUttNTUN. illAomsburiT, Pri-t. P, 16ti0. 3m, NEW GOODS. rpllKiidcrfiencil resnectfully inform, his friend, and L llo. public 01 larto nnd Ine rest .f mankind, that ) NEW GOODS. in tho rleuant new Htore llouso. in Uoiir-.tiiiri. rotumi.tn county, Pa., w lure lie has a large and ilioicennoitnu nt i( SI'lUMi AM) tiU.MtKU (iOUi)S. vMiicli lie is ih tonuiiMd lo si 11 on futh terms ns will in- uvo uu u. iea-i m ms viriniiy, who ore in want ol -tier-chaiidizti, to extend him their ciuiom. His i-ljrk his In-ill srlnt'-d wiih imuh care and with reference to tho wants of Ins (omin initviinil uiihrmt einj to t uter Into 11 iiiiuutetnuiueraiiiui of the various ''"'- m j iioiniiij; in iiRtnriui; nis irieiuistliul v er thiiijui.ii.illy kept in Country fc-iorcs, can here be had a -'little ih- up-r than iho rhi np t.' (T7- Country produce, Inclaaiiij Cralu, Lumber A.C.. "Hoi iu eiLiiuiie uf jouj. Kob,.Wr?, March 10, MtO. WltBON AOBR siDioomsbuVg Head Quartos. I MfKKMT, NKAIi & TO., TB tlu -' "" FAUiANI) fff MGOOE WK'voiiMnnnounrotn iho public nn.l our friend, that w. Imvolust returned from tin) Cilr withn very lar?e assort mcul of iNJ-iW UllltiAl' UUU1IS, Our stock of IlilV GOODl cnmprlse. tlio larpert, cheap, est, nml linidsouicst now offered In this tov, n I We are determined to compete- w itli tlio c ElriyAIPBS'S'e,5-' rimi nii ttwi.o wr.hig to biiy ciicnp, givlnir us n call. Wo Imtenll klndsofKoodsnnd u ures ii supply the uant. of the people. A large lot of nnln ' OF EVKItY DKSCUIPION. mirriu goods of all jcwds, BIcctck, Cottar. Ppcncerc, Ifandkerdilrfj. Flouncing, Dandiand Triiuiiitngn, Ibices and P-deiug, Uonict lti!ihnii(i ht larcp variety. Vet' ret lUbhonfl and brnidH, Kid, Cotteit Ac J,ilo Thread Gloven Mohair AINn, -Stf. ALL KINDS OF till AWL8. HHOCHE, lllack PUk, Clnnre, Inr)?niv!creit( Hell.n, tec. Also a larfto nn-inrtUH'ut of Chitlm, Cartnlinertj. Hatinet, Vcatlngn, Tweeds, Jeniin, lle.ivcr Clullw, Ciuitiiift, Velvet Ac- HOOTS & SHOES OK ALL KINDS and Flr.ei, for Men, Women and rhitdren We hi to a large ninortinent of lints and Cnpn.of Intcrtfaih loim We hate also, Hardware, Uueeui' ware, Cedarwnro, &c. Very Chcay Carpet, Cnrpi-t KaffK, Fl'ior, Talde ami Currhcc Oil C loll ik, Mate, Uugi, lljifkcti. tec MUSLINS. FLAiNNKI.S, TIOKINGP, Diaper, Tnwlins-, Drilling, &c.. In abundance. Also, u largo noortmentof Iron, Nans Cheese, n larjje -juninnj m nui, rvr, We I at if- our lrieuds and tho imblic ctncrnllv.to clvo uin call before iiurchaFlnff ctnewlirre. We hae boucht our Roods at (he Lowed Cash Prices, nml will not bo undersold by uu) body, or tho rent of mankind. M.L'i'ivv viMt.i. rn rdoouifburg, November iu. lew). U11EAF HOOT ANU SHOE STORE. TIIH sul-eribnr ln Ites attention to his new stock of L Hoots and Mlio, just received from Philadelphia and citHipripiup Hoots, Oalivre, Oxford Ties.Schottiali Ties. Navy Unit crs, Clipper. A-c, tee. (Jait-ra wllh and w ithout heel-i, Flippers ditto, Hiitkina, Krench .Morrocro Hoi-Iks with and without bitli.tu AUO, .MltlrtLS AKD (lLDRt' lows mb mms of rrery docripllon, nt prices inurh htloiv tho old slan oaro, ana ii-ss iiiuii mo santo .piauiy ol lioous can uu botieht for iitniiy other rilon, in tnun. Work of all klllils made to order of this host material. In the nnnte-t maiinernnd on rensoiinl.le tiriu", warranted toeqiul any ctly work nud much lu-low city prices, 1 kvrp imno Hit tin) Ih-sI iiorkim n. nml h-ne tvtti-f mate. rial than was everb'for, brought to litis in f.itt, the very best to be had in the city markit. OUUKUI 8. SANDUliS. Damillo.May V., lO.-y. Light Street Store. OIIKASY & CO S. mJI.LETIN. AU. style, of (Juilt Moulding for l'lttiiri rraines hi CltUAY & C'U. ALT, Kinds of Lumber for .ale by CllUAViCO. ALT, kinds of Carpet for rale by CKl'.AV it CO. JL'FT received all kmd, of Ladies' Dress l.'ouds, by iii:asy 4. CO ,1 ANTILLA, of the latest fjshions, for sulu hy l'l CM-AY St CO. jiiuA, finu. anu cieei, lor .am by ( -. AnCO-" Oil, for alo by gTOXD Coal, for .ale by UMI'.r.r:, of all hinds, for sale ly milAY & CO. cri:ay &. co. CP.KAY St CO. cm: ay St co. CRlIAVStCO. Nil kinds of Cood (loods, ty I.iSht Street, Nov. 17. JSfO. WINE AND LIQUOKS. WI10LESAE J1ND BETA IT.. nMli: ii'iilersiirned, hnvine cpened a New Ftore, on X Main Htreit, n fi-w doors rtoifih of Iron Hrett. nioooiboiiriz, nnu k-iociti'ii u w 1111 me iicst Praiids of fill kinds of tinportrd LviverA, will Ihj happy to supply the trade mi the most accommodating tPrinmoi nt imti.iiniii low priw s. ruunc custom is respectfully luvitc-f. D. W. UUUCINJs, lilnnmiibuTC. July 7, Iff 1. J!eett. tTEWELHY, AND SILVEH WARE. U. wouiu ruspeciruiiy inltnil our friends, patrons and tho huMic tTeneniiiv. tti.it wo have now, in mhi-j ami nii-r viioi...-n.i nort i: tail, nt the lowest Caf-h 1'rli-eu. a l.i no. nn.t it rvXt choico frtork of Watihi'i.nnii Jiwilry, Silver aud'l'Iated vv are. i u-v i ry variety nnd Mvlo. Lery dirJcrinHmi of Iii.-itiui.i.l IVnrk mid otlirr .l.tv-l ry made to order nt tdiort m-tice. L7" AU goods warran ted lu be ns rei p'senicd. N, 11 Partiriitar rttention glwn to thi P.epairlng of otches aud Jewilry, of every di'scripti-m. 8TAUm:HA. II Altl KY. No. f.OI Market Pt.outh Mde, I'lnUdilphia. r.-ptnlKr 15. lt-r.0.- am. i) I S SO L U I ON. Tin ro-n-irltierMun hcrctof.-ri rxiktin? In tw-een the nndir-uiined iu th .Mercantile Hum nru, in Jcrsejlown, i oiiii'iui-i county, wns diE-s Ived on the lirt-t of OitulHr 1-f.O, by mutual inn-i-iit. At I p rt,tms indebted lo the lute tirm arc earnisity re-Ue-,tcd tutuli imuii-diate-y and iiukij seltieiinuil. The Honks are in tho ottire ot J, A. 1 mil-ton, twudoor wist of tlio store were the accounts win be adju-.ud.uv -.th,r jy j- j-4 jv j r JOHN 11. TYtKMAiV rsp) town, Oct 20, L-fO.-am rJHIJ bircetit and imt cniipL-lo us-mrtment 1 of Aiirirulturnl nud ll"rli( ulioial lni le lnents i ver ollerud In Philad-l.dii.i, embra cine; many new linpk-iueuts, not to bo found ilsewheru nnde ot tlio In'rt initteriaLi und workmanship, exnresn lv mm my own wiles. 1 I'linncm are inv ited ti call mid examine the srtinent. PASC1IALL MOltlilS. Impteiucut and SccdWarcliousit Ui undMailuti-lrecl Phil.idelphid. March 1.', l3:. Gootl Saoctng natl Uunp Srnilliiiig. rpllR iinderpln-d thankfull for past piitmnnge, rerpect- a nuiy nikirms ins irn uus nnu me puonc iu geiurar liai he tlill coimnues the BMITIMNO 1UJSIXKSS. At tho Old stand, on tho hill, nbove the Itait Koad. In nil its various brawrties. at low prio-s. and on uu enlarged scaie, ana eoiicus iiicpuonc puirntiajf1 tSTUPlILN KNOItR. 111 oomsburg. Jtiuo .5, 195 PUIMC IlCCI.nANLU CLOVi:it HIJIMI. free from noxlou-i wiei!s. atsu. 1 imoihv . Orch- 6-2. aid, Ileid Or.'kS. Irahmmnd nuglich perMiniali Key (Irss, Kentuck) Hlut Grass. While Clover una mixed Liwn Cra sted Ate, ui whoicn.iie .mu ret.nl. PAISCHALL MOUKIS, implement nnu reeu artnoute, Tin and Marke 8lnets, Phiiadelphiil, March 13, It09 -PJiu. NEWCAIUUACn-: KSTA1JLISHMENT JA" BLOOMSDVltil. In the JJcirt 7'Arr story Camn Factory, on Main leJou vV'irlct. riillH suhtcribT would respectfully announco to tho J public, that hn liu commenced thu WAUON MAKING LU- PINIei Lii. n all its various branches. He Is prepareil to execute 11 orders un has on hand at prist M mi asortiiittit f finished workwlntiti punhnbiri will And to their dvantUL'e to call and rxnunmi, Af.iVt;fAH7. Will be done in the most prompt nnd careful manucr find upon terms whiih cannot tail to irhe satisl.tction, ttTltAWliUIDUU A. IIUN. tlonnisburg, Aprils-1. lt-.VJ. MtAVELLLNG AGENTS WANTED 1 Jl PLKM AN P.NT 13 MPLO VM UNT. WK will employ Agents to sill n new and valunblo Patented Article, eitht r on commission or at a liberal sal ary. HUhiiieti honorable, usiful and lucrative. The nr tieie is r':iuired in evtry family. For partiLulariandtouiplcle iintractions.eiiclosn stamp andaddcess 3. W. riAltUM & CO. Piuttun, Mass, Iter. P. lifl. tw. SUhU U l 01.UC" D3'rUP Oia-se;a.s(,rtuient;fg(Mi.i,inthM Vuii;ndtmw? 0 tt received nn for snla at lu ceotspcr galln, 61 - pt 'fyni lower limn any oilier ioue m this Countrv uu ciivdu tuu civtu ut . 1, cnarpiess. 1EMEN l' by tho Barrel, for caloat J lIAliTslAN"l. Maj-lJ, nso. p II Ui AD E LP II I A wwa imxoixci M.1XUF.1CTCRKXS. (fALL I'ltADi:.) ISowell .V EEO111 lie, lint Ins reiuo.rit lollieir New eiore, Cor, KUUItTII Ss A1AKK1'.T rt. ure now prepared to offer tola. 'lUAlikj a largo undlleg-aiit aisortliieutof WALL P.ilT.llS, UORDKKS. Klltr. HCUCr.NCS, VVINDOH- fTUTAIN' (iOOIM.Stt. if., all of tho newest nnd beat dsi.ur from the lowest priced urliele to tlie finest C7M and I'rtrct laceration. .y l'utcbtwr. will do well to visit th.ie.t.bll.hment IIOVVULl, i. llorilKK P, c . 1?t'"-f',u'llllll'''-,I"'M!!itt,r-liiUd-,. Sept. 9), laoo- Jul, P()SlrrsrRTPT w L kJ WXtX 1L Lg Latest by Telegraph. Tho South Carolinians having taken for cible possession cf two' of tho Military Ports in that State.viz : Moultrie and Caa tlo Picknoy, tho first cf which had boon evacuated by the removal of Maj. Andcr- son uto Fort Sumptcr, President Iluchan- ( ' an, unuofitaungiy ticciarcs incir conuuee to bo n high hand and outrageous violation of tho rights of tho United States Govern ment, and will hold tho offenders responsi ble. Tho ConimittcC3' of tho two Houses of Cowgrcsa b.ivu not yctf ngrcctl upon any measures of compromise. Mr, Floyd h.n rcsigncil tho Secretaryship of War, bo- (1 causo Mr. Jluchanan woulu not rem a ml I Maj. AnJcrson back to Fort Monltrlc, and j Mr. Toftmastcr General licit, is acting j ni Secretary of War. Our country baa j indeed assumed a most thrcatn'mg aspect, but wo bavo unlimited' confidence iu tho fidelity and patriotism of tho Nntional Administration to Steer tllO Ship of StatoJ . . 1 gaieiy anu uouorauiy iiirougu uiu perilous ; sea of "sccersion and rebellion " DALTIMOJiE LOCK HOSPITAL. D K . J 0 II ii b T 0 N , f'Plin founder of this Cebrated Instilntion, ofTers rt't llm world fir etrerls far tlletts. ft nclures. Hi inlnal wrsk. ness, I'atus ill tlie Loins, constitutional Dt liint) , Itnj o ifiirv. unless oi inu i : i k it mi i.uiiiin. y nui iioii-i -tr theKidues. l'alpilalinn ol tho Heart, I)lsp.siti' Ntr, volts lrritalnlit, Dwcaso ol the Iliad, Throat, Nos or Hklii, and all those si nous und loelmirholy Hin rdi rs nri-iiug Irom the destriutivo habits ot Vouth, wlnrh iiii .trojs both body ami nimu, 'jiiese setret ami soiitnryi pr.o tins, aro inort' fatal to tlo-ir viitlmsthati tho nong of j Hie ri reus in thu mariners Lljssts, Michlitig lliulr ino-.tr if brilliiuitliopis und antiiipntious, rendering luarrujs impossible. MARlllAOi:. MsirrlutJ persons, or Vonim Men contcmplathi; roxr ri-ige, bi'htjr nw ure f plfj siral w i-akness, organic dunbiU tj, di-foriiiltks, &.C., tlKMild iuimeiHatily consult lit Jouur-ton, aud b" ret to red tu perfeit In iilth. jk He who plnees himselt mniir the rnru of Dr. JounMon.fi may relk'iously couiide in Inn honor as a gin tic Lava, luidftj) coniluemh' rily upon hi- cki-t-j :i p!i) ician. i f UaUAMC WKAkiSMd O.L iniuiedinttly cure I itit'l lull vigor restored nf This ihs use is ttw p-iMMy h.ott frcpn-ntty pn VI Vypjfe tlionu wlio have become thu lit lot ol iiupropt r inuulgi urf cies. Vtmng persons are loo it pi to commit extess It mf not beiiic aware of Hie driartul c in 'punce thai uayS" ensue. Now, who Ihat uuderstali Is the subjett will jiro-i tt'ti'l to dt n v lh.it the pow tr of pMcrifticn is lot sooner by those falling into improper habits lhaubj the prudent. lleshles b in ikpriv t il of Ih pit tn-ure of lii ulthy oifj springs, the nmul serious and tiestruttive symptf in to?- bt th body nud mind arise. Thu ) htem Ik tomes dtran-r-' ud; th-j physical nnd tuental j'owtrs w i-uktned, mrrnus, dibility, djpjii'psia, pnlpitatittu tif the heart, fmtig-..iion, i a winting ut the frumc, Coufh, tuptbtiis of Consuuip!, tlun, K.c. U" imVicc, No,7 Sovrurni.D!t:tK H rv et, seven doors' from H.iltrmore trt 1 1, Ka--t side, up the stvps. !g par ticular in (dixeniug theNAMti and NUMUfclll, or you w ill ii i i "take the place. A Vnre U'arrentcd, or no CUrge Xade.in from Oas t 'lHro lla NO MUItCURY OU NAL'HLtL'3 DRUGS UalllX i JlH. .(yA71U; ' ; Member tif tho P.ojui Lidlege 1 ti-irgcons, nt London. I ' (Jrudirite Irouioni'of the nmsl riufnent Collegis of the' Cniteil Miiles, uiol the gri liter pail of whunelife has' b.'en cp'-nt ill tli lirst llofpjt.ils of Loinlon, l'aiis, Millar dtlidn.titnd t-lsiwhiTr, has t lKited umio ot thu ioohI a : I touiriiiii cures Hint wt mi ver known; many trouLlj-Ief with rinsing iu the head and cars when asleep, griatu iiiTVoii-ness, beiiii: ularined ut sudden sounds, nod b-uU-f tin head nnd cars when asleep, griatu a ularined ut sudden founds, and b-uU-f lent blUfhiuij, iittemU'd souo-t lines vv ilht iiud, were nired immeiliritctr, m Ci:UTAlN IHrillAHK. J lided nnd Imprudent vi Inry of yb-asuro itiluess, Willi irc-pieiil ueruiieiiiini oi loiuu. a ii h"ii themixciii fin tis lo! has iitiliilh d tlo si filn of tins puiutul tlint--, itri ioo ou-ii ii i pp ns 1 1 iii i an Minima rtu'u oi iiuiuu ort v dread if Oifiovery, deters lum from npplv nig to thbMif who I nnu ediuation nod respei tability can a loin, befriandl 1 him, ilelajiug till the constitutiouary pj mptoius of tlnsjf horn I diieaaj mukes tin irappcaraiic, suth as ulccraud nore thioat, di-ti.ii.-ail mwe, noiturce, p.nus iu the headt, and limb-, itiunu'M of iieht, lUiilnes s. node on tin. kni : liiiiK-s, mill anus, blntihes on the head, I. ice and t-itremut ui's, pri-nresunig wnu r.ipnni), nn nt nut the paliitu of, lli) mouth and bun. s of thn nose tall iu. amt th i liin.i ,,n una tietfe.tfu uk cumh--j u inrrm ( nj-ci ( l coiniiiissi ration' tin ui'iiTU puis ii periou in ins (ircauiill suileliugs, by t(u. dun, him lo "th.it bourne from whence no trim Ik r ro-' turn," To suili, tlurrfuic, Ur. Jthustoii pledgi-s hiiu-! s ll to nrcsiive the nut i uv ion I M M'rrtiv. und irom in1 extensive prutiiie iu tin lirtt Hdhpitalsoi L'uropu aud iMiierttu. lie ut'i (onl ( en v rien.uo'ii.l sal .110! .n.m.iv cure to the unlortiioiite vietimot this horrid iliscabi', fJ l Aivu r.uiTii;i-L.ii riu iu;, i Dr. J. nddres-i-B nil tiios who have it-J-irud thenisiJvet bv i-nvitl' unu imnrootr iminl'it net s. Then.- are t-omo of the sn 1 und mt lanclndv t-fT-.(U rfo!-! diued by eail habits of vouth, vi7 Wtiikn us ol tliDW ttaikiiud Lii.ibi'. i'ain 111 the Hind, Dimness of Bnjl.t. ' Loss of Milt Hilar 1'u.w r, Palpifnlioii of the ikart, Ih -,.f; pepcia, Neivous lirutubilll) , Ih rangtmeiit of thu Digi i live t'uuLiious, Cemriil Dibility, m iuptgin if Coitsnmn. ! tlOU, iC. kJ 3ir.TALLY, The f.-nrfnl eift.it tlpnn the tnlndaro ' much to liadriii'b',1, Lox-tof M mor)1t.(nfu-,hm ot ldfas ' Di-presstuii of the Spiiitc, Iltil Fitrtlmitiug-, Aversion of iihj t , Tlo.it. iVi: ure none ot llm iv il iiroductd, Thoiisitnds ot pt-rsoas of nil ages ran liow Judmj wliat is Iho unit,-- ui tin ir lUiliuiug h.tilih. Lousing tbtirL vicor, b.-eoiuing weak, pale nnd (-matisited, having lili-i sul.ir tippi ar.me ubuut the eyes, co(ih and sju.ptonn t Jl Con tu in t'Uoiv, T. Ily Him nrcat orel j.iioortuiit reinedv. w-eskne-t-t nf thn organs nta speudily cured, and full vigor rer hirer!. .....h ,., .u ,i.iuii nun ut oiinaieil, wim hau Iioti.ll hope, have been immiiJuti Iv relieved. All iiiip.-dimtnis to .lltiriiaL'e, Ph)Minl and Mental Dnuunli lir.Uioo. Nervous Irralabihty Tn lb.UJ5mn,( Weakui.s or evlMUfiiiiioii oi i!,uiiiot i.-arful kind, speedily iure4 by DuttoT Johutoii. YOUNfl MHN. WIm'buvs injured thmsclvis by n certnln wsctU. iinlul-'cd iu when alone it habit liepieiitj lmriied froiu I.V . '", n 'oooi-iim tin-iisoi wiiichtuw I uiahtl) It It, even when inleep, and if notiurtd rendcis H ........ u .-...-.Miio-, 1001 uiurojn uoiu initid und body, should iippl) iiimii-diately. ' - Wh-.t u put) tint ming man, the hopo of his cruntry. nnd Dm duilmg of his parenis, sluotld bo sunt 1 hud Iroiu all pripeits uudi.iijo)iiieiitst.t hie, by iho ioiisotmi ces irdevritius from the pi. Hi ol nature, and m.lnltm in a scrum svirct lodut, uih inruns Ufors ion teuiititin. ?rAriuAnr. should reflect thit t soi ml u.iud und body are the nto?t iiecesn.io re-piimiits to i romote coinniluut h.n.piness Indeed, without Ih.-sj thejouri ey llinaigh life b' coiuv a weary pilgrimde, tin pio-i.t houily tlarkius tt ihuview; Ihe n.iud bet-ouies sliadowrtl with deti air to lillid with the iu'-l.tutho ictl ( lion that the jinni'mcw ol unoth ir Ik comes blighted with our 11 v. 11, UITJH: '7,'1-VTlirjli:,,l'',lL'Kf;'-'-. Baltimore. A'd ALL HI iiUICALOPKUATlO.XH PKUMMiMKI), N. r.. Li t no uliu iiiotksty pnvint jou, but aiiUr imiiiedutt-lt ntli- r personally or bv ltur. frKIN Dlfc'LAM.lJ HP1IP.DI LY Cl'lIP.D 1 he l'innyihousaniis cured nt this institution witb(n tlie liift lu eiirs, uud tho iiuiutous imporlunt Hurmrul Operuiioim pei formed b Dr. Johitrtou, wituesM-ii by tho repori.r-, t the papersundii.au other persons, no. tices . .f whith havo upp and u.ain und a-niu before th puidic, bendes his i-tduding u. a gi ntkiimu or chnracu r and responsibility, Is n viithrient guarantee tothe atUicio f . . .. nn TAKU noiicj:. N. ii.-i7nr' ore so nut 11 v i?uorant nnd wnrtMeru liu-n ks ndvcttnlug tin him Ives Phvsiciaus, rulnln- thu health of the nlreiHy afilicted. that Dr. J-dnirioirdtViai iinec.ssary l. saj, ipciially to thosi inisi vtainted with hisr.-pi.tu on, that his credmtiali and diplfmis nlwajij hang nt his oihre. 1 Ily- 'Pa kit NontE.-All letters m.iH bo post Paid, and bo lellt11 p se ,ump lU rtrl)"' or no tll Manhl?. lC'l. 'mtttE, isoo. VrATtlU JLM'KliKY & mATM WAVM. Chtnptr than ay othtr IlotiMt in tht United Sattt.-trtrw Vt rrpwetitcJ Ur " " KtrraHtt,t tf t II. MULLIGAN, No, 4(1, North Pccond etrcct, abuve Willow. Wiet Elde XnULsiUhU'lUA. CMPOUTnit of all kind, of r.tglUA, frtntU und Srhr crijumn ' u"Jtt,lu'Jurertf Jevvtlry. of every Ue-T w-iiiihj, riwu ucepers, Auct oncers. Ped ars it deal. . .......,. hid 111111 si ..,i .V.,. ..". nio.t taritd aud r'a.lnonablo it., sou a e in thi. I iot come 10 Mm Kn.M.er.a d oth: . h: .," . "" r ,"?l "in on tth, Ir foods bv Mat. and liavi, i.ire, '0 oily part of the Coumry, ,s che.i, au eil selected .11 ,1,,, came t ,, fitjnnd sei "?tS"uvm lu per.on, I member the pl.ee. .-. : .u jiavo iiieui No. Ol, Not Second St., above.' VvlowMv.'lf.i'i. MarclO"0""''mA jJORE uow Koods tho day HAUTMANrV I 1 WILLIAM J. DEIOLEMAN Barbie auD Qanicss ' , SMKl'PtrTl'KfcB, l t.00ol.l.J Au;uIl 15, J, u,