Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, January 05, 1861, Image 1

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LEVI L. TATE, Editor.
VOL. 14.-NO. 44.
Gerniautown Telegraph.
A Tamllf and an Agricultural Newspaper.
nDMam:u n:i;i;i.vr gwuiantows. ya.
Tb prp-n-nt the mot nutntttu period in ihotcnr to
ftl up i'lulu fur tilt' (itrmanloun Tittgraph Ail ut tit u
itkj'i tii iiiiy in Istiliorli'ioil. could, in a incli'day, or at
al.tliiti', raUeuiluh with but Mult iliillrulty.
Tlm wu tl.l U-! ecp.'ii ill) III.' line hi Innilitk' w Iktj ttil
tfii' clurtictiT an I vulu" of the piipi-r Is known, tt
tlmild biiilwnj linrtiein mi ti.l that tin1 'iMtprapK U
lioi m-yini iu iHirij- Himii a. ci r ru pi i n pi najiy iiriid,
toiri! rrlmlmil report 4 nf our court, nr impur.t reading
of any Mini ; but turlmirt Llti r.iturc. a careful cmulmi
atinu nftli NVwj nf tli Iiv. und mp r Lilly tonu tar
nest il 'ntion ti Agricultural ami Horticultural Inform.!
turn, in ltd jf worth tin. farmer nul Rardenir tlu lull
price df onliirriptiun, o ir de-dim h:i-t nl.wi -i h 'i-n, and
itiili rntithinti to li publish n I'ainily nnd Agiicultu
nl Vuwsp'ipor of real Inten-it inul tiitertiiininent, and
f ut)t uiti it nlue tn tin couiiiHiiuty. How tnr wo
tutu uptothiitini Kiif c H.Icl in r.illillincthh intention
utiy b Inf.'rr.'d from tlm t 'tidily iurr.'n-dnii support rt'
c iwd during the thirty yrar tiii't uc fi-tabll lied, and
roitlmii'd mi i tit nmtteiily in condu t tb paper, Aa in
tit p int. ' nh ill tb i (Jermantotm 'Itlrgraph be in thu
futiirf. iiiniirpa aid in all the true ilt'ini-nta luintitutiug
a finnly
We aiim x tln teh trrms n which wo b"e i ave to
oil I'm itiU'iitiuti id ull who tliiuk of aubifCribiiig fvr a
u.-wpapor .
One ropy, Ow War $1; un.)Copy, Three Vtar5j
Three Copm. O. ic Vrnr, A; I'iv i t'opieg One Year, f;
T'iit'ipt , On-) Yi-nr. I.'i; Twi-nty f o I.', One Year
i'i. Hiln- rlptiom not p;itl within the year, Si.W.
f A flub offivi' "iilncrib ti ut $, will fiiiitli tli
pi'ri'tn jrrttiujMt up to a ropy for fit inniiihi ; a nub of
tJii or intr, to a ropy ( r kik' ar. All ( lub vuU-t rip
tioiH ;toppu.l at tin1 1'lid of Hi tiinr pai.l for. Sp ciniuii
lijuibcTj s.'iit lu tipptiuiitd. ililr
run. ir i:. rnr, w.
tit riiuiiturtii, 1'hilaili.lphiA.
i: w a x c; jb a ' is s x m :
I'.tvnxnii) MMtvu y, J?:r.
-ITl'HRri. '.L'lTIN'ur.K & UKlUil Vrf, i f ItlooiunlMir?.
ill lianih' "ir U.uil tlie i i.ln-i.t right of I Ik alunu
TaliMtilu Imi'KiULut iikAfl'hiL.M rk isu .M ii msk. fnr
tluiumtt) of I'uluiiihM. will b, h.ipp) to uppl) lluir
Irl-'li'ia Willi til .trln ! tur til uli hhiiiiiiiIuIiuii 1 IlK'iu
in lvi' ami I'.tiuilli'i'. '1 h 1iiIowiik nru ttoiif! of tlu' nil
p nor ail iiiil.i,;i'i Ujm nnplciin lit posnc.. u uvr an)
vvrr vt ull r(l to tlu pulilc . i.
1. it wiroin -I J.) hi uh KlililK'u p--r iniimU', tlma
kjvinif both ti itii- aii'l l.tlior iu Hit np ration,
Its tniiiiiru'ti.iii n pl-iiii un I hiiupli, with any
ttiiii Ii i 1 4i r ii.i,'i', it ii .. kt-pt iu oiiler aiidwnl
tivi' i-iitir - .it il i lion.
.1. Uibi uf Ih moat v.iln.ibk' f-'at-ire of tin Muitmic,
ii till' Kliiallin'tiV ,111.1 til ' I lit'-bd nf ltd lili'i JlJUlKlll.
I IJ niltl .MadtlUfi.ari' alwa ililln ll to iiuui-
I , utij v-T) iinhaiiil) in thriUilin,;, bat thin M.u hum u
tum t thr 'a Il'iI tli. in cvi'ii i i oitiiiitin iii'lmIIi'.
It in i b jttaili d tn u lin.iril. tiilili" nr Hfnnl, in 'p
tratiuj oriiiT, an I ih ta h -il in 1 -m lli.ui Ii ill a iniiuiti.1.
i. It jr .itl) -i d tli tiir'a I, iiikI ) 1 1, pro iiid'4
ri u.i ri.iitn HMitiv ftirotiy inr mi wnrk ir w m Ii Hi
d xtiiK'tl. a n lalifiwiuuii not known to olli r i w i.ig Ala-'S.
t. .o lijiii.ii Ii ir it i iiii.i!ilo in prodiaiiiK a so.un su
r )lJtr aidl u sti'.iMlii .
t V.uoiis tu .trru uf Tatriit w my Marhui'-- tli ro
Lr. no.i. an !i ;tp aii.l dur.iiili' .m il y momi'ii I'a i l . lint
nu iai bin it ai.aj-t -d tu all in u ii' wurK aa p mike
tun t r iv i'ii.
TU "p rat t rat h.ip.' Iiis o -ntii. juM n In ph :f
waveii, I -m. i aii.i n w , ttt,, i.t.i ii i ir. iviii 1 ur
in It iri pirticiil'irl) a "apt d to till kindji.r htit'litiiff
- k . h a i' .ill hi ii i hlnrH, Ii- niniiit, ritbaiid-, i t.U.irs.
- , an. I ith mii . l J,.i h-k' m wjna, im lu 11112 fiik.
'a ii- J , , ull O' f, it i ., i-x i-ptiiiir I T nn'U' Ii at
n .r. tbu Vi.i liitii3 r itln r Ion liylit nf m.-tr c-imi.
II Hut -nl t!i 1 r tixiHZ'ri. IIiohkIi r--ul in
tt) ini-ll ii, tl , i it I iiloitimiulit.iinf, w.i ii i m. '-I
witUthvpr rvaiio i "I'h.allli, t jii.i .nni)f of In lb
injur ju i i-iiil, an l I-m Hi i ip. ratur w itti a loop
ing, an i i t iiuiitb'd tu pLil-rni In 6 uuik, uuiip) In 4 a Ha
lm. il p mUu.i.
t t ul by ttic un lrrMitc'i, at lln-ir r'Hp.'-tivi-rr
J n e, in lll.ioudlj -r?, who will put tli. iiiaihiiit- in
tytTdlitJU jj j.,Vt ajj a.triaarj nutru inni
I ITIVir.It.
1IAX1CI. W, K(iUlll.H.
tlooiuburj-, May I'.', I8C0.
T.I-' C0.1i nissio It'TH i'l the IVoplc'ii I'actli- Itailroad
t'ujipj'iv w.i il 1 aiiiioiitiCJ to tli. l'i npl.i uf lb.' I mted
Htat Kiir tioar ufouuj.iH.suu. rtt arc lull nrcau
U.., It tin. 1 lltdi I'
jo-i.ui i'i:i:n.M, iki-misi,
Ol.IVtIR ritosr. VuhiVmursr.
A.iiiiij Aa orr, MmtitMAit.
1. viriiiM;n),TKKLKiR.
and that th-t 'mhiii4 of Hi t mnp m nr p n l- r thf sub
kLriUioa nf .-to. It. in tni, N w York. I'hllaik-lplua,
l-.illl urn an I W.liiiul.m. ail J w ill 4.1M11 up .., ,u
t!i pri-uil-' aoulii.rit unl VY.t-111 Ciikk ana Caliii r
i'heC'hirl rf :ii ICoiitpaiii '.is craut-d by tlm la'
ixlatur - "I i'( iHh' f, m Man h, 1-dU.
Th lu'ht "f vu tlir-i i.m in piihln- Ian 1 in tin 'JVr
ritiirn.i film I'mt -d Slat , f-um MijmMiri Kiv.-rtit I'.il
n'urmi. I.y tl' iy of 1'iko's I'-ak (ohl .Mm. n an I
t ir i-isll I'talu ",vv ll IhJ Coaipaii), bj Aits of
'lta pcojlu uf th.' rmU'iJ State are 1 arnca ly re)u
tul to cxa.i.iiii th ih-irir"'' "y l "I in fundi iny
fl'i I ri.-n I in th Ir mil'Mripti"'". All pL-rduiiri uru iuvtUil
t-i ulii( uncbli iru catil, and iiuoiiu ui"f' than W11
Ii iri-n.
rib4ri.niP llnndr.'d dollar win t.-n dollars nf w hull
tJ bj paid wh 11 tlm vuliacriptiuu iii luadc.aj will bj ct u
bv tin. 1 li.nt r
Let th p. op,. s'1'nrrib' K'Mienlly and liln rally furth-
ft It II, ami tn Cump.iiiy will lid alilu 10 icur t irmn v,--.i.
BU, at tin licit a..ioil,larjJJ graiiUul'lnnU an I Union
iyL-t tlit wind.! people, all an one. put tlidr Bhonldern
toth! wheel, by (ii'j.cripini; oiiu nh ir each, and the
Jiailroad will bo built wilhiu tic jiarn.
In t I'lulu nf tun, tweut). Iitl 'r itrn mbscribf r,be
f.irui-d in ever) l'owti ami YiIIj.'. and the iiioim y lor
warl.d by Mail or Ilxpr.-n, ami LVrtilicates ot ttock.
with r -c ipiii for tlu money, will In r- turded,
lUipuiitib'ii 111 -u, nf iiui.iipeairhablo ter.and wliu
liitLHi. Ii s.i-n. r tlu wjik. arii wanted Itt all lMrt-t of tliu
l'nitd t iti.. to .nt aa Ast'iiW, ta obtain ubstriptioii tu
In j tocK tli . Ci'inpTiy
All cii.iiiiiiluicaUoin nlmuld b" dir-cted to the un-li-r-i2iiji
at th Ulhc-' uf Ihu (.'onipauy. So. '.It Si hind Mfi I
ir Vdatim Jlu.), Uo-lmi. and to whom all application
fur - "pi -tj f Chartcr.Oy-Law .aud othtr docmucut tliuuld
"'"'dJv- JOSUII ITItllAM.
I'ri'ai knl noarJ of Uuntiui,.iuiiuf .
Ho. ton, Xov. 10, 110 -l.'iu.
ffllU .iilncriHT Ii now mill n-iv Marliinn,
I tu uJll I ntl'iiuirv rtij.n.'g. friini J t ID.) Ilurni pow
er Uuuil til- litest liiipri.i:il plan., und will li'lilil In
i.f li-r ilniiul or .nit'lo pnitalil,. imijiii a Irum 10 In 40
linriJ pnn t. lli.'scl upun carriaifi', ill. UmliT fi nrinj
nil'l IMnip. .ill t nnd finiy fur iiuinn. .M"
cjlin lor tin.- iin.1 liml r. rn.t iron .mil firi.ikrr.
p.itiiita.l in ItJn, lor tlir u nr.un und ir."kin' crn
lind now ind .' mi a I irif. .cil lr lirrakms tunl. Ilimy
mininj l-ii np.nnd ihj c-naiiw ni-t'f.l l oinpl. to uitn
ilt.ublu actin; fori ins pump., ull kind, of null giarm;
snl lion... r.i.liiiB ni.idu tu nrdi r l.iuc kliulliuy. wall
any demrt'd .17..'. uf pull")'. fiui.ln;d Willi lunir.T..
Jri'n planiiiii iliun.'. .iy il l'-.l Ion? ' ull kind, ol Iron
tJriiiiijli -.iv) pro. and other irtti turned itli uny
dj.irc.1 pilch ol thread.
Thoh .1 lloutli Iron thrCkliing l.icniin'. that rrr
eoiuu before the publir, ra.t Iron und wuu.lui ui.iihiur-.
uudcui or ler. I.e power, rli.nuor lr. ad poi r unulii
lo order. Al ' Uk.-t 'r.ler. for Ihol.dlow ma ma. hln. r
llirriwiu'. Iiu-.l patent urniu null. ?l IWI otrred ti) ilui
fateiiteo for t uuuul. It will t'rlild In food lino
Ii3 Initial. In "no hour. Alio holt, and iletutor. all in
otd.r. nl.u Hu:,e' l'ali-ut lilowi r, inanuf.ictur.'d by c.
II. Mam. & Co., lb..' lou.l powerful Illnwc mow In u..
with the Uut iiiimiml of power, ouu ol wlucli will bo
put nun-at the rouiulry for ion. All ol ibo
abom will liu wurrniiled lube hut they are .old for.
At.i-'l'aku ord. r for run. . rnti lit lllaik.uuth Mil
ker, aud rifht.tii uo them in Hie ruiiutie. of Coluiiibla,
.Montour, Noilhuinbe(l.iiid, I.) inmiiiir, hullnan and
lllutwi, ouu of Hliuh can bo .cell lit y.'.'j'jj'l'j j, wf
Ulnm.bur;, Culunibi-i ca, Muuli H, W-
It 15 V K Jt K HOUSE,
(roUMCRU ItfllLI )
'IMIW home u "itnat 'd in tlm uiot butiunf-iparl of thu
I city, lui on- haiidred and thirty rmnu ; urs Vt
tun and r vr) room i imu ly f.iruii-hed nnd ib rud
one uf thu li.ul llo.iU "I m " riuladetphia ; it
Lrjicretti-'dnlartfu oiiteruiti-ry wlwtf pernoiu ran Imvo
a line view of ili n. I dami iivi r, r., : it u
him iipiUdtl with hotaudiitld liatheu, wliirli will
b' frie of tlur.'e fur th' 'f the liou.e; City tart
will take you lu tlni IU'V-ti llouie our hnme n LioJ
rat .SI MpTday; p 'iou iituiff thd city w ill plean
c juio una try the rwr "wr, u i wo UiXee auriiirti
Unitwd fvti eiUeawr tu diJ our bcit tiunrti to
upp-or Hh home, , v .
CmRtKi J. rABsa, crUcaJiDC, Tvnl hate chnrse oftb
O, llltfcl'l.,
f-riarly oftao Btow Union Hwtl, ftnd Utuily vtt
Vulwtf kitutvi UuuJ, Asiuti VUf- N J Vftrairvt
il7 W. iMsUuU
The Horse and His Diseases,
Projector uj ltthtiof uufhmUve Sur
gery in the Vtlcrtnar Cortege of Phil
ttiktpkiU) itc',, f.
WILL TELL rOVO( thcnrijiion. hitnry and dlhtinctivc
tr-itB of the varioua breed of Uuro
peaii, Asiatic. Attriran mid American
Uurs", with thu nliyfinil iorm:itimi
an. thu pcu iariiieH m lliu uuimal,
and how tn nn'ortaiu his age by the
iHiiiilier an I roiiiiitmii nf Iim lith :
Illustrated witU nuiiiiroua tlblaiiato
ry finrraiii(:i.
The llirse awt his Diktat's
WILL TELL frutfMfHne.linp, Itnnktnff. Mablinir feed
imt, BniDinini:, nlni inir, ami tlu peii.
tra. iiiau.i". incut of the borne, with
the bi-nt moth- of adiiiini-.tfrni iiiimI
nn.'. a-mi, hoiv to treat luting, kirk
iuif. roaring, ilolHg. .tumbling crib
I itiuir, Ki stleK tuK, niiil otht-r vici
towhiihln; i subject ; w ith num.r
"ui vtplinatory imrrrt lug'.
1:C nntl las J)isc,bC3
WIT I lllf milni-.i... . .
4 hi uiu runs.:, ppmpKimi, ninl Trat-
....... . ......xi.B. ,-..rl- j iitiiui, iijs
tmip r. ( nt.itrii. Itillaenji, i romhii.
tio.riii-uiuiiuni. i letiri") ,1 roki n Wind
lirouict oui'h.Roarinjtaiid Whistling
I.aiiipia.Sor- louih ami L'lturn, ami
Decayed Teeth, u I til other ili-easen of
thu .Mouth and Ilcupirator) OrgaiiN.
The Iltif&e am Ins bs tss
tl'JLL TELL Tot Of thceau-eH jiynipioiii-, and Treat
ment nf Worm-, Uotn, Coin., .-tranau-litiou,
Moi,y mitrr tioiM, ituptun ,
1'al t), lil.irrluiM, J.iuiiilice, II patir
rhira, i riue,Mouen in the Ki l
inxaul r, Inilimatiou, and
other dii a-ie-i 1 1 tlu frlnm.ich, Uow
r -. rand I nn ay Urjatu.
up llirse Mutl hi hstOM'n
IHIL TELL YUV Of tin, ) uiptoiui, and treat
vaul of I'.oiic lliood and lloi, Hpan,
Itinc Hone. Hwreme. rtrnif l rnkt-n
Kiiei-K, i ml i;ai.t, Fmiiidvr, iSole
lruiii mil Crawl, Craokei) llniU,
t-cr.ilchi tt, t'tinkir. Thrush, and fornu
also, of li trim. Vi-rtiir. rpi'ip),
t.i;?ert,aii(i nth- r t'ltatn-i of the feet
la (,' ami llf-ad.
The liar c mid his His'tnrs
WILL TELL YOU Of thM-wuci. b inptoms. and Trent
in iitif l'i Hila. I'oll Uul, l.'
I'lny, t'-iarlvt IVi-r, angi.',
I.o-keJ Jaw, lib -i. ., 1'rimp,
Calls Dl-en-tcs otlhu l.ti-illld Heart,
A. t &.C.. an I ho in maiia.'e ('a I ra
tion, it-H'i'iiiiiir, Tr plii'iiniii! Kowii
Imi:; Piriti;. IK rum, Amputation, trap
pin, and mh r surt'ical t p -i atious
Iff 2 rsr lift hts Jjt it.t
WILL Tl.LL YOU Of lt:ir.")V Mi thu I nf taming Morses
how to approa.h Hater, tr r-'tthl" a
Cott.lo'W In ae-ti-toiu u Inre to
tram;.' H'liimN .m-l ij-htn. nn.i how
to i it. Knle, and I rcak him to
Itarni-K; al-.ii lb - lurnt and law of
Wftltntsn. Tlie win lc b. 1U2 tin- re
tail i f ii ori tli ! Ml -eu e:trh' tan fill
htu !) i. Hi Ii.itiit peruli.iriti.-,waiit4
und we,,kiK 14 ut thin noble and ud-fnl
'I'1"' K rn'ituu:t-4pie. appniltfy il nitrated
im ii-.irijiio iiuit-ire.i i.ii.nviiin. it h pnuted ma
..i an i nil ii n p., nun iii tie i-iniMiieii lit
p i-t tfc" pn on reiaipt of pn-'f, h illbotiml
i It lb, i-itra, ?i...i.
in ii.ur.-.i ,
hy em- rpi- '
. ri u If r... iii -IIin tli.. !...( . -in,l . th. v r.i hl,!.
otour-i, Uur induci in-nts to all a n Ji htj eicte .iul) !
lib ril
I r "insle ntu h of th I'ouk. or for tt-rinn to ng uls
witli-ith.r inl'iroiatniii nppl) to or a U r
j. mi i, corp. :;, i nidi u r.
o. nt; Si'i-iMii, I'bil-uivlhia, i'a.
N'ov IT. l-i n-i in.
l.N ALL US lU'.AM-lli.S.
MISS kli.a Atrrox.
(.AK11LI.T HkVinH 1)V MR, ti. S. it a I K.
Tli You How to rhofis -till knn'ti of Miats, Poultry
ami (JatiK-.w nh at I the variou ami iiuin
approv, u mo ten id t,r bi ami looking
U if and I'orK ; Uu ih h bt 'iu I mi
ld. t way nf b dtiii. picklni); and tiirmi:
tb kaine.
Jt 7iU Yvu All tin iinoiii. ami m t approved modi 4
o'ur bMll.!, looking, und boillll Ailittmi
Lamb, ' aj, I'oultr) and Lame ot all
kimu, with Ihe i id' ri nt lln hii(jk bra
vi s, und MnH'itiuf- i'I pr.'j riat- to tan..
Jt Till Yuii lioW to ihoe, 1 1, au and j.p er e l'lll
of dl Mm a and how to mum t n it wh 11
t lint-'U ; almi all tin varioun and mi kt
iippriived him n n of i o..k(iiM, with the
uiif r -nt Dr 'k-iun, H tut a, and I lav or-
lii!t Jppn priate to, aili
It Ttllt You All th valioun and
All til wllim llll.l liiiift lljijirnvril inmles
of nr n irnu ov r tiny
.1! nv, r tmy ilili r. lit .nia. . I
iii ut, i pun, nun w v, w nn uit, r i
Wj.'S -ri I h ai'iiiujt. t:pproiflatu tu ach
( Ttllt You All th : various nn. I inoH approved unities
ol cooHnta Vegi table- 1 1 t-very di scrip liow topr par 1 I'likkK.! Mnp4
and t'urri. t fall liuds, l'i tied Utatb,
IVh, (ami', Mui-hrooiii, &.-.
( Till Yit AU ihe varioim and uinit approved modes
ui prt-parnitf and cooknu all kim, f
1'JaiU and fancy I'.istrJ I'uildiiiif k. Utu
ck-tten' rnitern, I'ak. tuiki tionar.v .
I'ri -lerveB, Jt-llKH, and kwtkt ilidii' if
e i-ry de iTipliou,
( TtU Yv All tlm various ami mot approved modeg
ol inakiutf II rt ud, Itiukh, Muiliun. aud
Hi Mint, thu bi'i-l nn tin ul nf preparing
ii..ikt' i-vrtios. 1,'urJt.ili. mid Witu-u of !
various kludu,
It Ttllt Yvu Ilow to m t nut and ruatnent a table, how
to Carve nil kind ut'lUli, ll eh or Tow I,
nnd in tu 1 rip i ty tho
wli-di ait nf oukm.' an to brni!,' the
choKi-f-t luiuilee of the table wilhiu lv
rr)boil)'rtu( h,
Tli" bo k nuitaiuii 11- patf. ii, and upward- nf twolTH
Iiuintred lUcipi h all of w tin Ii urn thu riultnnf nrtual
experience, having l"tn lull) atnltari-tully ttted iindi r
the p. ronal mperint.-nili-uiu o th w riler. It prin
ted in a fl- ar and open t pe. In illutrliletl with appro
print eui.'r.niui'H, aud w ill be forwarded tu ant Jidilrem,
ueatl) boiiml, and po-ttav'e pmd, on rtceipttf the price
Kin. or iu 1-lolh. i Xlra, Sl.'a.
I i!uf fil i Vi? F can bli nadn
iSlUWU i2L i JUJiJL by enterpru
tr im; ii en x vc.
rywln-r , m i-U1113 th' above wnrh. enr inaucenietitto
I all iui h b in if v-t) libi rul.
1'or im.'l cpn " ol tiia book, nr f r ti rmi to ageuti,
! with ulll 1 iiifoiiiiailoii, apply t urnilitrea
1 jtnis 1: i'otti:k rub i her.
No, tUTH.ui'om ftrett. I'liiladtlphia, Ta.
I November I'wi-nui
C II E .11 1ST A X U II 5i II (i Ii I S T ,
.VrfA-lJl Clrwrr tif Chfltout anj Ftti Strtctl,
SOI.IJ in;'r il" llrnwii'. LHHt'lin' i.f Jniiinira
l.liiilrr. uliuli i. rrri'ynii'''l mi'l ir.-rrrll.i-l by tlio r.irulty. .mil I1.1. Ih-iiiiiiu tlio itaiul.irl family
.Mi'ilinnu -if III" 1 lt.-.t M.itc.
Till. KiMlicn I 11 r.'iar.,1 lull uf ficcllfllf i
In ur.lin.iry ill.inli'f i. inri.i -lit rlnnVr.i. m .Inirt. in ul
r,i.,. nf bru-lrntiyii i.f III ili'iu.uvf murium,. II H'. Diirlns lb.- iri-uil. rt 01 U,liinlc
rliul.Tii 1111.I .tiniin.'r t J.l u i.f rliilnri-n, it t. l'cii-
li.irly c-lli,'arinn. ; no famil, indii iilual, or Iruttltr
liuubl bs Milltoul It.
To nrevi'nt tin. valimblo i:,.eiiri from bi'inif rnnnler
f,.t,..l. 11 ii.-w .t.'i I mi:, .i.-r.nt -.1 nt u ar.-ul r".l
will bo fmin.l nn llio "iit.i.lo .if Iho rnMi.r. in nnlcr I"
fuar.ltllo jinrili.ii'r. .ijtalu.t bvms uuium;iI uuiih by
wtirll.lo.. iiniLitinn. if 1-5--
1'r.naml imly by ritKllLlllCK IIKOWN. n.l fur Ml;'
M III. Ilrus an.l Lli.'inlral Slon-. N. 11. torlicr cif 1 inli
onltli.'.tnuts't'Hl.. I'liiUil.lplHJ.
Al.n I'm ,.ilo by ull c,pi.-(Uble Ilruajnt. in l0 Uni
tt'il EHuti'
.Marrh lu. larill-l'3ui.
I GILL k I'AUli,
i Genual louiiiiiSNinii Slrrcliants,
, ,F1LIR. 11 ProvUlon. Hour. Iinlt.r, "". "(! u"td
iruiia. uiaiii. otti... ,....-. .. .
Country 1'ro.lnco nn.l .Mi-riuaiioi..
Xa 31 Noiirii U'uaru, riiit.piimu.
C7- Con.lsnmcnl. nf I'm, Uimu. rinur nn-l Country
.i .nil, it..,l. niul return, prnuiptly made I
advani-c',1 Iihii ili'.iri'd . ... n.
1 OltllEUS lor ah lind" ri'h. l'll,""i. Hour.
I Vri'il Sc., filled ol U,'nb ftmi
i.ugut 4 le 1'lto
published evehv satuudaYj hv
IK bloomsuuhg, Columbia countt, pa.
n thi ntw Uritk Ituihting, oppoiUf tht Kuhangt, if tide
otkt Cvurt Home, ")rmotratit Ittad ioir(rr."
$1 W In ft'Uance, for one copy, for sit montlis,
1 75 lu a.atice. for one ropy oncji-iir.
V, IHI If not pan) within thu tirt three months.
2 Ci If not paid within the first nil inontln.
3- .(! If not paid within lie: year.
IL No suli-rriplioii taken for I-m itnii uli rwmtln,
and no pnpvr dlstuutinucd until ull arrearages shall havu
been p ml.
x r On limiry AnvkKi Ki MKMs ioscrieJ, ami Job Work
ZLCuU'd, at thu fotabluhud unu-ti.
Ey C. V. lloriMAS.
Vcwcre not many we wht stcod
Ucforetlnj iron ulet-t thatday.
Ytt many a gallant i-pint wnul 1
Live hall" hi )uari if he but could
Have bevn w ith ui at Monterey.
Now here, now (here, Iho thnt it hailed
In dtadly dniuorficry ipray,
Yftti'ita Mimic soldi? r quailed
When woutnUd cmiirades round them Wailed
lluir dying thoutu at .Munterwy.
And ntt, utill on, nur column kept,
Throuch wall-t offlmn; in ith -ring way;
Win re f. II tlm dead, the livimc slept,
Still iliariciii on the ((tins that swept
The bhppvry fltreits of Monterey.
Th fie himself reroilud asiast,
Wlisn, striking wln re h- i-tronpet lay,
We swoopfd ltd (Unking bitt'rn'H pant,
And br.iv inc fall th.dr imirdi rous Mast,
i tor med homethetowira nf .Monterey,
Our lianners niithe turrets wa-,
And there Itittrvt-nnig bngl b play.
Where i ranne bmiuh above the i r gravo
Kei p f r 'iu the memory nf the Irave
ht foui;ht andf. Hat .Mmitcrty.
We are not many we who prcM'd
lie I lu the brave w hof 11 lint day ;
Put who of uh haini't rmif- i-ped
He'd rather idiar? tluir warrior rst,
Thau nut have been at Monu-r. y.
vTrrr mm rf iTwvdw:i.rt.. . .m,. Krezsamaa
Forts Moultrie and Sumptor
We subjoin the following de-cription of
I'ort Sumpter, the position which Major
Anderson now oee'ipios. It will be read
wlili rrreat inter..t. l.v run- ri..iil..r. mvin,.
to the excitement now prevailing ,
1 Ull I r I t.It, roil CUIiipiOr, a WOTK
of solid masonry, octagnual in form, pier-
eed ou tho No.ih,, and West tides
with a double row of port holes for tho
heaviest guns, and on the Sou h or land
side, in addition to openings for guns,
loop holed for musketry, stands in the
middle of the harbor on the edge of the
ship channel, and is said to be bomb-proof.
It is at present without any regular gar
gUon. There is a largo force of workmen
sune one hundred and fifty in all bus-
ily employed in mounting the guns and are one or two watctiuien, wlio liave cliarge selves out ot willows and grass, and the
otherwi.e putting this great strategic point of the harbor light. Some thiity or forty infants that had been left after their mo
in order. The armament of Fort Sumn- Jny lhorcrs are employed repairing the thers lud been nissacred were eaten most
ter consi-ts of HO cuns, many of them
being the formidable ten-inch "Colum- i
biads," which throw cither shot or shell, I
and which have a fearful range. Only a
I r,u. nf r ,,!,, nl,.l III,.
i ... , , w
work ot mounting pieces of this calibre in
the casemates is necessarily a slow one.-
There is also a lun'o amount of artillery
stores, consisting of about 40,000 pounds
of powder, aud a proportionate miautity
nf shot ami Jn'll
hero sleep in tho foit every night, owing to
the want of any regular coiuumnisatiou
with tho city. The wharf orlandiu:
is on
tlm Rnntli .iilii. mid i. nf rnin Kr. prnn-i'il
to a cross-fire from all the openings on that
The Fort abandoned is thus described : 1US 01 lD0 cession oi oouui arouua a,m
Foht Moultuie u au iuclo cd r,atcr thu attituJu of tho 0,Ler Stak'3' !t sa3 :,
battery, having a front on tho touth, or , "For ,his work wc 1,1 ,tLu -Wli, wlio
water side, of about U00 feet, and depth liaT0 cvcr loW iurPortcl1 our Southern
of about a 10 feet. It is built with salient bre'brcn aSaia Abolitionism, shoulu
and re-entering angels on all sides, and is cor,,lally tU:l,lk tho South' whoi!J F"1!"
admirably adapted for defence, cither from jaDd "pendent action has averted a
tho attack of a storming party or by rcg- worso '"ity than disunion , i. t. Aboli
ular approaches. ;tiouism. For ouo, wo have uo tears to
The outer aud inner walls are of brick, 1 shcd beC3U, tUo South 1,!1V0 dctorniimd
capped with stone, end filled in with earth,
making a solid wall fifteen or sixteen feet
iu thickness. The work now iu progress
consists iu cleaning tho sand from the wall.-;
ditching it arouud, and erecting a glacis;
closiug up tho postern-gates iu tho cast
aud west walls, and iustcod cutting sally
ports, which lead into strong outworks on
the southeast aud southwest angles, in
which twelve pouudcr howitzer guns will
bo placed, enabling the garrison to sweep
the ditch on three sides with grape aud
canister. The northwest angle of tho fort
has also becu strengthened by a bastionetto
to sustain tho weight of a heavy gun which
will command the main street of thu island.
The main entrance has also been belter
secured, and a trap-door, two feet srpiaro,
cut iu the door for ingress and egress. At
this timo tho height of tho wall, from the
bottom of the ditch to the top of tho par
apet, is twenty feet. Tho ditch is from
twelvo to fifteen feet wide at tho base, and
fifteen feet deep. The nature of tho soil
would net reco ti admjl qf thii depth be-
1 ing incrcascil, quicksand liaring been
' readied in places. 1
The worlc on iho south frido m nearly
finished, The counterscarp is substantially
built of p'ank, anil spread ith lurf. The
clacU is also finished. It is comiioacd of
sand, and covered with layers ol loam aud
turf, all of which is kept firmly in place
by the addition of sections of plank nailed
to uprights sunk in the and) and crossing
each other at right angles, making squares
of about ten fett each. The purpose of
the glacis, which is au inclined plane, is to
expose an attacking party to the iiro of the
guns, which arc so placed as to sweep it
from the crest of the counteraerap to the
edge of the beach. On the north side, all
the wooden gun have boen placed
clo.-e together on the ramparts, apparently
for the purpose of seeiuiiij; it ag.iinst an j had been buried for ten days. The party
escalade, but possibly as a .'eret'ii for a numbered forty-four souls, out of which
battery of heavy guns. A good many I twenty-nine were massacred aud fifteen
men am engagi d in clearing the ramparts j saved. They had moved lrom Wisconsin
of turf mid earth, for tho purpose of put-1 up to Foit Hull, where they recicved au
ting down a very ugly looking arrmigu escort of dragoons, who guarded them to
ment, which consists of strips of plank , "ear Salmon Kails, on Snake river, when
four inches wide, one inch and a half thick, ' tlio dragoons tuiliin back, they were
and six or eight feet long, sharpened at left alone for 300 miles, when they cs
the pjiut, and nailed down, so as to pro- pected to reach Walla Walla, W. T.
ject about three feet hoiizontally from the
top of tho walls.
A noticeable fact in the baslionettos. to
which we have before allded, it thu hasto
iu which one of them has been built. Tho
one completed is formed of solid masonry.
In contructing the other, however,
a framework of plank has been sub-
stituted. Against tho iuside of th'n wood -
eu outwork loose bricks have been placed,
llolh bastiono tes are armed with a small
carronado and a howitzer pointed 1 it ti rally
so as lo command the whole intervening
moat by a cro-s Die.
Cvsi'l.r. Pi.ntkski" is located on the
southern extremity of a narrow slip of!
marsh land, winch extends m a northerly
direction to Hon I-land Channel. To the
harbor side the io-cflllt.d cjit'e presents a
. v"1'1"4 - 'ti uwu uiniu-
cr-'d of much conofiueuce as a fortress,
1 lti)U:li its proximity to the city would
Sivo ,l impoitanco, if properly armed and
ariNoiu'd. From lusty observation wo
lind that there are about l." guns mounted and with one feeling tho soldiers swon
on the parapet ; thu imijoii y of them arc vengeaneo against tho savages who have
eighteen aud twenty -four pounders, Somo reduced this bnd of to thi
"Columbiads" are, however, within the 1 condition.
walls. Thero are also supplies of powder j Hut tho most horriblo sight was yet to
shot, aud bhell. At pioscut there u no j bo witnessed. They were without food or
garrison at tho post j the only residents clothing, and had made shelters for them-
eistems aud putting the place giiierally in
oruer. ;
This cancluue's uur sketuli ot tho pros-
cut aspect of affairs at the three forts,
which wero meant to be, and which should
always remain, at once the pride aud the
safeguaid of our city.
1 rt Moultriu is about three and a half
"' fri the city of Charleston. It is,
however, within easy canuon range of
Mount Plea-aut, and inuht be attacked
from 'he village of Moultrievillo.
! .. -
i l 11 it v . l- v-rnv l. mm l hr fnwark-
JOUrltUC IS HtiOUt the LTst 0110 Ot tae -W-
thcr.n W ,Ut.W0 c0 Um rc.a11' fa"
icd the events ot the great crisis. opeaK-
..,. i" . .1 , ,! 3
to save themselves lrom Uisgraco aim
dhtruction As wu havu hated and loath
ed the whiiung hspocriUis wh havo tauut
cd nouth Carolina with cowardice aud
Virginia with mental debility and general
pauperism, so we sympathize most hearti
ly with tho bravo sphits of the South,
who iu a noblo defence uf their own liber
ties, will at tho eamu time enable the
true friends of tho Union in the North to
put down Abolitionism and bury it so
deep that its corrupt carcass may never
again be thrust into the faces of honest
men. So mote it be."
Miss Emma Ilardiuga is lecturing in
Cincinnati on tho "great social evil," and
advocates thu establishment of a lurgo hor
ticultural farm, on which reclaimed wo
men should be employed, She wants G50,.
000 for tho purpose.
Many of tho ladies of Itichmond now
wear tho soccssion rosctto in their bonnets,
whilo others show tho Uciou oolora, red j
white tai blue.
Nows froui Washiugtou Terri
Horrible Indian Matsnrrc of Oregon
Emit$r nits Mothers Eating the Head
EodifH of thfir II &b'misand Children
Onr Washington Territory Correspondence,
Tout Walla Walla,
Washington Teuuitou, Nov. 8, 1800.
The commard of Capt. Dent, United
States Armyj lias just rcachctl tlin point
from tlio iocno of the lato Indian mssacrc
near Tort I5o!so, bringing with him twelve
men, women anil children, who have been
rescued from thh massacre, which has
been one of the saddest that has ever oc
curred on tho emigrant route.
These wretched creatures were found
almost naked, and eating the dead bodies
of thoso that had been uins-acrcd, and
in one case ea ing tho he id of a man that
Near Foit lloiso they were attacked by
from 100 to S!00 Snake Indians.
fought for two days, when fiuding
fulling, they abandoned everything
and fled for their lives. Tho next day
'hey saw by tho smoko that their train
1 had been destroyed. They moved on for
several miles on foot, the mothers, many
' of them, carrying their infants at their
breasts, until they came to a small creek
lined with berries, where they had remain
cd five weeks, until the troops found them
' Two men made thai' escape and gave the
j information, upon which Colonel Wright
ordered out troops to their relief.
The troops moved rapidly, and when
they came up with the emigrants it is said
that the heart of every soldier was moved
tit the saddest spectacle that humanity
uiu wui ifvwjii'j, mvu.
women and children bowed themsolvo
on Hie sami tiesert wnoro they were lountl
and olTercd up a solemn and fervent pray-
cr to (lod at their most miraculous cscnpo
ravenously, and ouo lady ato two of her
own children tlut had died ol starvation,
ami afterwards dug up tier own husband
' and tho troops fjund his head roasting
upon ihe fire when they reached them,
They said it was not until starvation drove
them to it that they could allow them-
selves to no tnus rouuceil to liyo upon hu-
i man flesh, and that too in a putrid state,
, Tho women had been ravished by tho
'. hellish savages, and their naked dead
bodies bore all the marks of horriblo
brutality. When will our cove rnmcnt
t .t.- . .:.-.. 1 1
i iiu.u aumu iieiiuu iu guuiu auu protect our
cl!t roads to thn Pacific er-nst ? Tliii
act calls for vengeance loud and deep.
rumor has also reached hero that the
Flathead Indians iu ihe Bitter Root Val
ley had risen, and were giving great
trouble at Fort Owen. Everything has
been done by Colonel Wright, tho com
mander of this department, that u humane
and noble commander could do, and much
credit is due the officers and troops uudcr
Captain Dent for their efficient aid and
kindness to these emigrant Lieutenants
Anderson and Ilcno, and Dr. Taylor,
United Statc3 Army, tho officers with the
command, did everything they could re
lieve these paor peopluiu their distress.
A be Jy of troops had been seat out
from this post, as it was supposed, to bring
in and protect any emigrants that might
be left on the road, but tho troops return
ed hero iu August, without bringing in
any emigrants. Wc can only trust that
tho government raay take warning from
this, aud iuitiato such steps as to prevent
its recurrence.
To Cud out the number of children in a
street, commence beating a bass drun.
To find out the number of idle men, s'.;rt
a dog fight.
An advertiser iu one of the papers
says ho has a cottage to let, containing
eight rooiu3 and an acre of laud.
Henry Clay, is said to hare been tho
ugliest child ever born in Virgiuia.
Tug Western euitoutlary contains 227
Extract from tlio Spoecll Of
Judgo Goo. W. Woodward.
Ddktrcd nt the union m'cUng
(Ij)hia, December 13, 1800.
Wc have assembled, fellow-citizens, in
pursuance of the proclamation of the May.
or, that wo may 'counsel together to avert
tho danger which threatens our country.'
That danger is not recent or new. It
has a history. And wo must glanco at
that We must obtain a clear view of tho
actual state of the crisis, before wo can
give or receive intelligent counsel.
It was announced a few years ago that
the conflict which had sprung up iu this
country between free and slavo labor was
irrepressible that a house divided again.'t
itself could not stand that all the States
of this Union must becomo free or slavo
The meaning of this was, and is, that
all wero to becomo frco States, for ths soil
and climate of a majority of the States are
such that it never can become tho intercut
of the superior raco to maintain slavery
iu them, Everybody knows this, and
therefore the alternative form of the
proposition was ouly to give it an appear
ance of fairness and a little more luateiial
The full scope and moaning of the an
nouncement arc, then, that citizens of the
United States are to be totally divested
of the property they now hold iu four or
five millions of slaves, of the aggregale
valuoofmany hundred millions of dol
lars, and that the habits and domestic
condition of the people their commercial
relations, and their political rights, in so
far as those interests are connected with
the institution of slavery, are to undergo
a revolution.
Xor was this prediction tho voice of an
obscure and unhotiorcd prophet, but of a
citizen whom tho free States have just
dutingui-hed iu a signal manner, by con
ferring on him the highest office they had
to give. Iu no far as their tes are to
be con-idered as responsive to his an
nouncement, they are a loud amen a
solemn answer, o W it lie.
Whilst it is not to be doubled that mul
titudes voted for tho President elect with
other wows, and did not intend a distinct
endorsement of his fatoiito propo-ition,
yet, as thf record is made up, the prophe
cy and the prophet stand approved hy a
inaiority of the frco States. The inexor
able exclusion of slave property from the '
common territorijs, which the Govern-
ni3iit holds in tru.t for the people of all
tho States, is a natural aud direct step
towards the grand result of extinguishing
slavo property, and was one of tho record
issues of the late election. This policy'
must ho considered as approved also. '
Xot that every man who voted for tho
successful nominees meant to afiirm that a
trustee for tevcral coerptal parties has a
right, in law or reason, to exclude tho
property of somo and admit that of others
cf the particj for whom ho holds ; but so
i3 the record. And whilst it i.- not to bo
taken as expressing the universal sense
of tho rotcrs, it does undoubtedly imply
that vast masses of Northern people do
heartily appro; o both of the proposition
to make all the States frco and of betrin-
I ning by excluding slavery from tho Ter-,
' ritorics. i
I Tho South seems inclined so to accept!
thojudgmcut. She holds tho property ,
that i, to be shut out of tho territories
that is to be restricted, cribbed aud con-'
Cued more and moro until it is fin-illy e.t-
tinguished. Everywhere in tho South the
people are btginniug to look out for self
defence. Could it bo expected that sho j
would bo indifferent to such events as have j
occurred ! 'I hat sho would stand idle and
see measures concerted and carried for-
j ward for the annihilation of her property
in slaves i
! Thero is reason in tho boast that tho 1
' States shall all be free. Thero is good
j ground to apprehend tho extinction of
1 property in slaves. AU New Englaud has ,
decreed it. i
I Thu rrreat States of Net7 York and
Ohio have repeated again and again the
decree. Pennsylvania seems to havo
sanctioned it. The North western States
stand for the present committed to it.
What hopo is Kit for the Union ? Is
there a man in this assembly who dreams
that thi'. conflict can go on and tho Union
la t '! If there be, that uiau is beside him
self ; he has lost his vrits. I vill reason
with no such man.
Judgo Woodward then propotcs as a
remedy for the evils, that Pennsylvania you were in that trade."'
take the lead in calling a Convention for l,Ycs," said l!ob, "I follow no other
amending the Constitution, with a view to business but betting teeth iu Ixwf, pou
strengthen the Government and ecttle the j to?, tid and eieh lite,"
VOL. 24.
vexed quo-tions. Ho continued to fpctk
nt length of the beticGts lo be derived from
''10 Prc!crval'" ol tuo Union, and conclu-
I ucu ainidat louil app au-e.J
Vt'n corv from tlio Charleston Courier
tho following Proclamation of the Oover-
!norof Sou"' Carolina, declaring the in
depeudouco of that State :
UxcctmvF. DrP.VrtTMF.NT.
Charleston, S. (!.. Dec. 21, lMii '.
Uy his I' xeo lency, Francis W. Pick p,
Governor aud ommaiider in Uliirf in
and over the State of South C.tioliiu :
Win ltEAS, The good people of this
State, in Convention assembl.-d, by an
Ordinance, unauiuiously adopted and rat
iGcd, on tho Twentieth day of December,
in tho year of our Lord one thousand
eight huudred and sixty, repealed an
Ordinance of the people of this Mate, a
dopted on tho twenty-third day oi May,
in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and eighty-eight and havo
thereby disso'ved tho Union between the
State of South Carolina and other Mates,
under the namo of the State.) of
Ameiiea :
I, therefore, as Governor and Commas,
cr iti Chief, in and over the State of
South Carolina, Ly viituo of authority iu
mo vested, do hereby proclaim to tho
world that this State is, as she has a
right to be, a separate, ooiereigu, free and
independent St.i'e ; and, a such, has a
right to levy war, conclude peace, nego
tiate trc.-iti.e-, leagues, or covenants, atd
to do all acts whatsoever that right'uily
appertain to a free and iudepeuJetit
Given under my hand and thj Sjal of tho
State, at Charleston, this Twenty
fouith day of December, in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hun
dred and sixty, and iu the eighty fifth
j ear of the Sovereignty and Indepen
dence of South Carolina.
F. W. Pickens.
"Tun IhoiiT or Fiiee Speecit.'' Tho
right of free speech, like every other right,
may be abused aud turned into licen
tiousness. That it is abused by abolition
ists to tho iubversion of the. very constitu
tion which guarantees it, wo have abund
ant evidence. Henry Waid liccrhcr,
Wendell Phillips aud G eoigi' W. Curtis
have so abused it that it is nccofsary to
employ the police aud military force to
l,rotl-'et their persons from violence iu the
tluco principal cities of thi. Xoith. This
"catmcnt i, bittcily complained of by the
organs ai.d abettors of the orators,
A great outcry ha. becti raised by tho
republican journals and orator against
Southern population because ihcy
t:,te ta law into tIuir own hands and
"-"cuto summary justice upon incendiary
iiuuiitiuuisis who try to sow tho sccci o.
senile insurrection among the negro pop
ulation. Uut when this quo tiou ccnie3
home to tho business und besom of th-s
Northern people, aud they Cud that tho
harangues of the abolition crusaders havo
brought the Uniou to tho verge of disso-.
lut'on, and vast multitudes of the pepula-
non to poverty anu .tarvation, they begin
to "''"k !t ' til" to put a stop to them ;
' and the fears of tho oiators go bojoud the
intentions of the people, aud hence tho
employment of tho police.
Tho iJca tho amendment to the
constitution which establishes liberty of
speech confers tho right of licentioumcss,
anJ " sccurcs t0 cveO' citi" absolute
r:ht to tPcak or writ0 or Print whatever
ll0 I"oascsi '"out any rc?ponsibility,
VMiu or Private, is" sajs Jud-o Story,
""Ppo-'bion too wild to bo indulged by
any reasonable man j for that would bo
10 nilow cvery citIzc" a "' 'o destroy
at hU P'casuro the reputation, the peace,
tIlB property and oven the personal safety
cvery other citizen, and to stir up scdi-
tion. rebellion, and even treason, against
the government itself, iu the wantonness
r Uii parous, cr the corruption of his
hear'-" Thi, is jmt nhat the emissaries
of abolition have been doing both ai tho
South aud tuB N'ortui aud tUa People of
U!'tuor KCtiou SMln poed to give t'asru
free scope anylongcr.
TnE largest piece of siht r ever taken
from a nuoa was found iu Norway, an!
placed in tho Tioyal Mu-eum at Copenha
gen. It weighed 500 pounds, and was
worth about 50:000. Iu South America,
a mass of silver, nearly pun, waifounj
in 170L
"You a dentist, Hob ; I did not know