Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 29, 1860, Image 3
COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT Saturday, Mcccmbcr 3D, 1SGO, he view" of tiie mahketT- COMIEWED ITCKKLT. WIIF.AT. KVK' .'. (JOHN (old) (,HIR,N (nen) (JAM . UUUiU'HKAT ti iwci.ovnnsEED., OHUTTLIl Ml TALLOW... . Alt I) 1'UTATOES $3 33 19 13 13 U it A Siii.uiFr's sale took plaeo in 1'Iiila tlolpliia a few days since, of watches fro'm the seized stock of a "gift enterprise" con cern, bringing only $30 per dozen; ''gold watches !" Sprinkle Asm s, During the present icy and slippery condition of tho pave ment?, all good citizens should sprinkle them with ashes. Hy so doing, serious aecUcuts way bo prevented. A Hemindkk. Tho Carrier of tho Columbia Democrat, requests ui to say that ho will wait upon our town subset i- hers, bright and early on New Year's morning, according to custom, with lib Annual Address, llo hopes to be met with open hearts, hands and purses, and to bo set on his way rejoicing, with pockets well lined with the currcat eoiu of Uncle Samuel's realm. COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Tho following are tlio receipts to tho oflico ii. -, ...,.. 11...... .1. tho month of November, 1800 : John U. Totter (JeorRo llartuian, Call lit Cooper, Jetm 'ry, Klia, Krum, Capt John HoitiJ, Oen. O, Kvans, OraiiRO Juilil, u llllain IJurlln, t20 00 Kam'l RilHntictiucr, 1 B6 4 o0 Htrcpt ft. eniilii, 10 in) l 73' f ranklin envnig mnu tl on 1 SO: rtduf U. Hurler. Hit Henry Ailolph, 1 5u!.U.B, I'aitit Co. 3 mii r'roucrl, k llrotvn, Jr. S Ou! L ot. John U. Ycager, , ITUj lll. n.BllieS, (V m., JI, D. .1 w. M . Trust Co. Jnsliua Itrlnk, Henry Zupplhgcr, Henry Melius. J.rksoti Kuril, , limit! H. hrowti, Nainusl l'reuy, llsi., II inicl l.oe, V.B'i.t M. 11. Jack. on, Jacob It. Klstlcr, (.'nttnuissi ifri.lge Co, Holou.on llilttig, Jacob Hotter, K. F, .Wcrccroil, John llmton, J. n:is lruin, Ji lin Kill, r. Jaini'ti It. llnrinan, Uitiii JJaglc, 2 00 3 III 5 (10 j 1)11 5 lit) 4 UU 8 (111 3 Oil 4 10 3 00 !! 41 J. I'. Ilulicr. 1 Ml! J, & U, II. nlbion, 1 : (ito. II. ltnh. rti. ...i i.i.i, n m.H. ;nn,iboii in no 1 .'! jHitis v i lister. 5 10 S F, IJ. fnydi r, 1 e7 !! 0ll Win. J Mclirepor, 1 00 2 Out T. 1. Vamlrrsllio, Han,. 3 30 1 ,5 lletijatnln Erasmus, 1 70 , 1 -J j. Mnmi rlchllihcr, 1 '0 3 on, John KrcBur, An 4 Oil I then txott 1 50 Jo II. tV. Ilolihlna. 1 5d 1 illj John .nyilcr, ShirtS. 8 01) ow neiiry morns, i uu i win,,,,., t: iitf. 3 iiol i:n. i.r i. u. Davit, 0 OOi Alel. Hugh., i litl 1 Si SPUCIAL NOTICES. II. (J, & 1. WJIARTMii. Wr. woul.l respectfully Intlto the attention of our frlendi and tho public senorally, from tho Tov.u ml County, to our ircient Now Mock of FALL mill AVIIVJUIt fi 0 0 D S, Whldl lilVAliPfn arliiMPil wllli wrr-nl rnrn ft ml umlpr Mors than ordinary advantag. ) enn otter to Cai and ready pay Jay-! very Rn-nt lnjii(em?ntn. Our Muck enibricuB olimmt cveiy variety, itylo nnj quality In the lrr (Juodn line. Wu hnve ucimn iroin tin., to 91 fr ynrd.nll Wool nntai Cotton l'lnidi, Saxony l'Inl'tn, Cuituuprs. Mohair cirippn.vjuyuH, of extra rmii anx ir wtu. per nrd, black t?ilk and utht-r In larsa quan liticit, Shawls, Hrncho, Mclln, ClirniU and l.lankct, Lnlicoc!, Tirklnffi, Checks, tflrlpe. &r,. rVc( Cloths, CumIiiicm, Sattlni tt, &.r., In'mldltinn to tho nhnve nenircr flrnco ric, llardworei tiuopiiswnrp, Willow and Cedar U'nre, l'.ot,t nndeiioes, Hat andCnii,(;tt rcdlin-il rrlrcfl) Wnll I'mmr. Pnrrtota. f'urnrt I 'lilt In. Cotton Yarn.&r., tc. Tlslialt, Iron, Nails, Lumber, wood atui uoal, Illooinsljurg, fiept. 29, JKO. runs 11 a 11 11 iv at. -or- If 1W mMTMlWM 7 111 undorsknt'd, grateful Tor pat patrnnnce, revpect fully inform JjUcuj.t1111.ers and tiVpuMictfcncrull), that lie hit jitMt rect I veil from Dm Uatorno cities, lite largest ana 1110 m scietl siutK FALL AND WINTER A CARD TO TIIE LADIKS Dr. Dupouco's Golden Tills for Females. Infallible In torrcctlitfft regulating and removing all vb- airunionj,j roni tcttvieiir cauie, ana uttrtiyj turcesfful ai aprtccntttf, The CniiiUii jtfnn of Ingredients 1 ti Dr. llnnonrn' (Jniih n Ti U tire rfcttly liitrtnlrs. 'liny hnve been ucA In the pritato practice t f ild Dr. 1) 11 pom o for out thirty )turs, uud tliousamis of lad cm can t'stlfy M tlu'ir lineal and novtr failinir urcrsi in nlniot norv can', in correctinir irrc'Riilaritii's, reii'lnn painful mid That lia y.t been opened In liloomtburc, tt which lie (iisiressiujr uiciisirunitou p.iriicuiariy ui iru iiuiiKe or imvhi's 1111 aiuniiou or ins iricndD, ami anures tiicm tile, l'roiii live to ten pills will cure that rofli.uon yet that they nn oifred for rnlc at great burguitn. 1IU tlifudral coiiipl.iint, Uu Whiluii. Nearly e.ry lemale fcHock. cotnprlsea u lartj aitcortuicnt if In the land rhIRtm from tliln complaint. The nlmv.. pill tiUNTLLMUN'd WIIAUINfJ AlTAtir,!., Ins permanently cured tliouMiuu, and will cure jon if , - , .........I. mm.... i. ....... Cnn I t I llff nf FtKltintini v tint an I'nifi. nf i-iiArv Anm. j uu uno incni, 1 11 cy 1. 1 11 inn n.iriii uu, uu me contrary , . . , . .. ; t . 111 e luun they r:niooaI olistrULtioiirtslorniiatiiro toit prop, ; 1 ants. cats, Hhirts, trnvtttn Stocks, Cotlou RUOrl tho p ine wnriio sysfni. ukum ' " "v,v v, bU-rv.,..v,i., f wortiiiis 11 I.IFH INSIIHANOK. rim qnunt) i.ifk ixsuiM.wr., jiswditv .ixd ornrr, an. 4n-tcnetTNOT .TREtT, UAI'lT,M,(,aiil up.) riOOOOO. Vkitrltp Pernttunt. CONTINUntnniako INHU1UNOC8 OS LIVES on th. tnoat rca.onnble term.. Tha capital being paid up and Inrrated, together llh a laran anil constantly Increasing reserved rundrolTers prrii-ci security to me insuren, ilte prcinlunma must bo paid yearly hair yearly, or quarterly, Tha Uoinnanv add n llONUS nerlodlcallv to tlia In.,,. raiico 1. r Inc. Tim 1'IRHl' ll(),im appropriated In tin-cemb- r, 111. the HI'.COMl 1IO.NUH In December, 149, the Till llll HOKUM In December, ltjt.andtho 1'OURHI iiuMjnin ucceinner, jcoii. IT7"Thoae ndditlon. aro made without requiring any increase In the premiums In ho paid to tho Company. lAmouninrrollcynnil jtoniis ir addillan V7 SO IIViO Oil ton no 1S73 00 ic. Sum Insured jr,ii 3IKII) 11)1111 UHIO bonus to be increased by ruture additions. 1 1.37 .10 j,o,-,o on . 1,-100 oo (i,H75 00 &c. Tollcy No. Ml 133 " liri " 31.1 ' Ilc. l'amnrlcts, form, of ninillmtlnii. ntid further liiforumtlii,, cm, lui lUUllll UI llltj 0II1C0. TIIO.tlAS KIDGKWAY, rrtlldnt. Jao. I . JiMita, Aeluara, ,. , , I-I'-VI !.. TATU, eal. F. C, lUnRLny, r.iamtntnjr rijliiclan. October lit, lr57-ly. cmitnining tables nf rate, and explanation, "Poverty ever hccpi close to the prodigal's licel.i,'' but keeps afar off from the hue's of tlio-j who net and lire in moderation, keeping their expenses within their income, tawny sointthing from each week's ineomo, anil prudently depositing it in tho Franklin Saving Fund, Xo. 1U0 South Fourth street, below Chestnut, Philadelphia, where, it will draw 5 per cent, interest. Deposits received in la,-ge ati.l small nmoutiti, aud payments made daily. Sec advertisement in another column. T he Nmv Dull for the Court House tower arrived last weak. It is a ponderous ullair, weighing JilSG lbs , and wo bhould judgo its "sound cau bo hoard from afar." It was made in vTroy, X. J., is inscribed with tho namea of Uommi-tsiouers Dunning, Dluuchard and ltambach, and the year 1600. It will bo no small job to raise this monster to its place in tho tower, Luztrm Union, Significant. Mr. George Dawion, one of the editors and proprietors of the Albauy Evening Juuih L disclaims partic ipation in the "compromi'o" plans of hiB colleague, Mr. Thurlov, Weed. The .Auburn Advcrliut, Fpcaking in bchall of Mr. Sjward, declares I hat ''he freely repudiates t e telegraph and news paper asMiuiptions of his authority for, or concurrence in, tho Albany Journals article." J ait as was expected. Tin Ulack llo publican leaders will not yield a hair's breadth. Mr Weed stands i'.one in his glory. GOLD JEWELRY, WATCHES A IV II ltloomsburB, Sept. 2J, lcCO. r iii.iiinii, ami iniicorate thewhnla nvstnni. LaiHs uin-Ht iicaiin mii nut pirmit an iiicnaso vt i aiuny, will tiinl l!iii.e pills a surcesltil iirmi utivc. Thifi-o I'llm kiwtt'il not lie taken durinifthi firit tlireo inoniiH oi pregnane)', ne tn y aro pure to bring on mis carrhg': hut at any Uhi-rtime lliey nranifv'. i! i. ii AiM'.v nt ri'ii. i)r,r,tiJ ' t' Tery ilencrlptlon, line mill chenp. Hole n;ont lor iiiooinisniirff, fa. " , " rg rUt, t.vrium. Touhonn1ttnr1''rsi.iit h- tfiit. vnJ I 8te No charj for oinmlnu' OootU I rnr dim SI tH tn Ih Mooiiihliuri! I'tHt-Ollice. t tin lia i ... . 1UWU LUUI.MlMiri, ttiecu pill4 srnt to any part of the country. (conli.ltM.lial- . ly) unit "ircc i.f I'lMtace" hy mull. Hold alo hy N. I,. iatiK Ac i n. i iau ii i it. j. i tv. larii.i'iui. J. .. i'o k. .Munch liRiik, and hy "one ilruircibt in eiryTon anil city in uuiii'u riaieti. N. It. -no t nut for conntrTf. I, nuvnouol.len Pi 1m of and kind, utiles c vry box i signed H. I), Itowe. All Mlian itr-Mi b.'tso imposition and uurnfe, therefore, as, you u 'j your lives and It u a 1 tin (to e iy noilnns of h-i I Inj! huiiili'JBired out of nur nioney.) huy only of those nh'i Fhuw the signature of r, u, llnwe on f-very lot,' which li m rereiitly h.'un added, nn account of u recent luuuttrltitoitiio nils. s. n itown. Folu l'roorator, N"cw Yorlc 2JROit'YS KSSnXCn OF JAMAICA atMIFJL KKKD13UIU1C liKOWN, C II Vi M 1ST A I) I) it U U S S T , Xurth-Ltmt Corner ff Chestnut and Fifth Mrtrd, PIIILAIHILPIIIA. SOI.II manuficturer of Uron lisimnce of Jamalra tJiiurr, which U recopulfd and preacrlli?d hy the Meillral Taculty, nnd lia bpconio the itamlard tainily Thin Icnce Is n preiaralin of unusual ctcltenei in oruiniry uiarina-j, imipifnt cholera, in short, in al no -3 of orort ration f tha Uieesiivn U u iuehtitu'iblQ value. liirinc the prevalence of eplileinlc rliolent mid tmimicr conipl.tiiit of cliildreu, it Id ptcu liirly cillcai iouij no family, iudtTidual, or travtler iiuuiii ua ntiiioni 11, Tn prevent thU valunblu l!fitinrr frfim hAns rrtnntcn fcitod. a new Ktcel ensrnt iiii. L'Tcruti'd nt 11 nrpni -ot will he found on the uuUhle uf Uu wrapper. In order to Mirnrisers ognum uuinj imposed upon by mi I, it ions nf Prtfnirpd only hv ntKDKKICIv IlltOWV. and for snlo at his Drug nnd Chemical More, N. li. corner of Kiftli an I Uictunt fc'trtiftf, rhiladelphla. .ipo i.r taie oy an reepcciabie urugjtsti in tue uni ted Matei. Alarch 10, Sm-Uia. NJ3WANDSPLENDID.ASSOKTMENT OP At niK coiufun or w ITlnin ami Iron Streets, cftfeootttSH una, ipa- DoJouwantBII,K8l Co to nROTVEIfS. Uo ou want LAVKLLA CLOTH t Oo to IlllOWEK'S. tin you want ClIALLt DELAINES? Oo to DROWnit'H, Da you ant TA ni.n co vtna I c. to imutvi;ii'H. Do you until CLOTH OUSTERS I Oo to nnoWEIl B. Do yon v ant SKELETON HKMTS t Oo to MOWElfS, Do you want 1)11. CUTTER'S HKIUT-SUHT.NIIERS I Colo llllOVJ;Il DO yon want MUSLINS I Oo to imOWER'S. Do you w not CALICOES I do to DROWER'A Do you ant LAWS t Oo to BUOW ER'S, Do you want HAUEOES I Oo to llliutviiit a. Do you want HE UEOESt Co to nttOWEIl'S. Do you want UO?EUV I Oo to nROtV EE'S llo you want OLOVES I Go to HiiowKK'S Do jou want HANDKERCHIEFS t Oo to nROWER'S Du you want CAltl'ET HATl IIEI.8 1 Co to IlR6VEli'S Do you want STELLA SHAWLS! Oo to IlllOWEK'S. Doyounnnt MOD MR MITTSI Oo to IlllOWER S. Do you want SILK OIRnLES I Co to DROWEIl'S. Do you want OAUNTLKTS 1 Co to BROKER'S D. you want CHOTUHET IIHAID3 ( Oo to mtOWERS. Catartlt! Tnuunnni!i CHEAT AWUVAi. OI' NEW GOODS AT THIS Light Street Store. Cnusif, Brother all hands on active, dut) WE Would inform our Irictxh mid customers, that we have just received on un. uiunllylarzii aKortuuut of ,.fcl , ,....,,, I FALLslA'n ltA"'J?f GOODS, . - Which we olTerat lower ratii. for rcaiiv oav. than any oi pertous fuller all hortJ oi annoyance -Ver liefowoneiieil lier and will ba sof.l "iliMnur than from t'atnrrh. .Most know what its inconvenience and the tin. up est." rennltsnre, yit but fnv know how it can bo cured. It In 'e eh-ill not ntt-tnpt to niumeratc the various nrtlcles .lply nciironi, irrotiitinn, an,l often rnl.,rScuton. of "VJiJo lin.KdiK ISXK S tilled to overliowttiff, 1 liTf nre to be found thu nmst f ibrick", in the country ut aslonidhirglow lgun'i -! dieV wear in cr.'.it arictiee, at per cent, loutr than ever h.'ior.1 olft-red. CJ.UTII, .ML'SLiyt. fiKOUURIKS, HATS, CAPS, Lioots, Shoes, elcv same rate. In short, almo-t etrrttlii.g in t'te liKTrniitlli, line IViini n nt'eiilf to an am liur. Otrrricnil. will do will to cull bul'ora they make lluir .olcctioiis. II. W. CREASY, i. CO. Llslit Street, (Id ST, JHM. Do you want TIDV COTTON I Do you want l'Al.M ' 'S? Do ou want SUN SHADES I Do you want UMIIIIIILLASI llojnit want CASSIMERESI Do you want PERSIAN PLAID I Do you want LINEN CIIECKat Do you want PERCALES t lloyoit want JEANS 1 Do you want NANKEENS I llo you wantOINOHAMSI Do you want IIUCALM t Do you want CURTAIN J1CSI.INI Do jou wunt CUL'D CAMUUKU I Do you want WHITE OOOUS I Do jou want DENIMS I Iwjoii want S1I.ESIAI Do you wunt UKILLINU3 1 Do you want TIi'KINOSI Do you taaut CHECKS! Do you want L MlIES' S'lOES! Do ) oil want LADIES' OA1TERSJ raw goods! ansstoB s if a s j I'ormeiiy oecvptcu oy tunriQH ana lyermun. The unJeriirned bee leave to call attention of the ten pie of JwTM-jtouu and purrnumling country, to tin I splendid assortment of New Goods, ion Ming of dr p nuts. (Jr(.eri'i, tiueens-Wiire, HitnlAV are, liats an L'jps, Hoots and ilioes, and all articles Ufiially kept I country norus. uu ui nun v, i! uncr iu a rtasun ble ratfs firt'uith, l.mnbir, CHAIN AND COUNTRY PUODUCE, '1 h it we ran dl spoor oi ; rhickeiiH.Turkrjs, (!eesrf, llr-ff rof k, e;ii. tic. uivu us a can, ana isauniiu our new fjUOtls. .MILLKH & TVLRMAN. Jcrseytown, October ST, IclA fjl he it-s and rorui"iueiit thickening of the mucous meiu branrs, IjuiiiR tho nacnl ramies, frontal sinuses, and sometimes extending intotlu throat aui lungs, lroin this result tightness and oftt-n irtifo uf tho h.-aj, ib htructt-il none, or a profuse (low of mucus, hms nf smell u n hiiI voice, and often Impaired heariug and tatc. Thaoiil-tcliool rctneilij liitonuver been able to do at tlu fame rate, nn tiling f r it. N'ual injections nnd in'talatioiis ure ns li' nnd exp.'iiFia as they are generally worthies. 'i t lluuiphrej' Catarrh S(ieci!lc, a simple Sugur Pill, t.iken twoorlhrcu times ptr day promptly cures the nnlilt r cases ; curas at once all roldi in tho head, ami raJkally cures, ty prcseveriug use, the iuo?t obstinatu c i to, as is tiroed by th tip-riciiue of hundreds. Price, with full demons, fifty rents per bo, N. It. A fill bftof liuaiplircs' llomenpatluc tpeciAci, witlt Hook of Uircitiou", and twenty ditl'jreut Remedies I l.i Urs' lali, mortHCo cusc. Qj; ditto, In p'niti rase, $1 J ras inf lifti'eu boxes, and Hook. $2. Single boxes. -5 ( rents and 20 cents, J h-'se Ui'iticdieti, by the hiui;ti bo or case, arc sent by , m ul i r exprtsi, free of dinrgi'i to my address, on re c:ii t U' th,- pricj. Addrfss, im.r.miMritRCV&co o. 5US Kroadw ay, Nuw York Pold hy I., r. I.UTZ, Afeut, Ilioonnburg. l'a. l'hysiciansarij generally lollitofpeakaword le praise : f wlut nri- cilled "patent niediiliies." IndcCi1, it js an , arlulu in the codi v( nu'diral clhus. that a pbyeicim who Huiictlons tlw Ube of such remedies cannot b3 con ti lerud a mcinber of Hie National Association. Dut there nro i-irtptui.ts to tlmiiont tiringcnt rulen. and ma ny of the docipljsof i'.scnlapiiis haw actually beencom pfili'd, by the force of fuels, to recommend tlu use of Dr. J. IlosU-tter's MomaIi lilitiri. fur thoso disuses wlmli uro pr Mont during the summer slid fall. They hnie aciTt,iined th it llure are no remediis in tlm idiar m.iripi,i wlii:hc:in compari) with this wonderful com inn ( tlmncf liM ilnnnt.,.,. tn ..1.1 Km it pouti 1 for lieraiiseuient of the sy-tcui. Thoa-a -ds f,f J famillj n-siJing along tli.' low crouiids ofthe U'etterii anil H.iutlt.'rn rnera, arJ now cou hn ed that lhf haro found a m.duiiiM p -uiiiarly a.Inptr d fr their ailments w lull in nth r p Jrtious of t!io ruuutry. during the mm hit mouths, the dmi.tnd for tlio nr ILL' is e'ptally Urge ..dil by alh'ru2;i-ttiu iheworld. l; " ico adtrtii.'imi!t in uni-ltRr riduuin. II A ti GA INS I BJl IIGA INS ! . ,!:iV F.HJ. AM) tVlVl'I'lt GOODS. WOULD rei.p.Mtfiily inform the citizens of Usli i-Hre-t an. I uinity that tliy have jutt received a new and eUeiicivo l8urllllelit of l.ltY tJUUDrf AND OnOGRIUHS, ttliich lliuy w ill sell tli'iti rr ntli. 'J'liffy itavo a large an I immiit.iI v.iri.'ly; all that is roiniunuiy lutitul inn Ciiiliitry Stiire, ami are iltti'rinineil lit kII i lu'np. Totlio si'litinn nnii. lr uihiiN tliey hate pai,l .tritt alU'iition i tit r, fir'i, tli.-ir iiitrclunili.i' w ill bear rcLoiuiiiciiiUtion an I ill I'rnve to lju nf the llrtt iI:ik. l lie nniiirl.Mors conn illy soluit it liberal hlilre nt pat rnn.lite. L usliiuiiTH would do well to utll nli'l Pxainllie tin ir general variLty lierurn uircli.'Hlu; rUeliere. Country prii'luce uken tn tulianifu fur kouJ, at the lilh'lij.t market pi ice. I.ljlil Ptrcet, Nntemlirr, 3 Iff". IU.MEMHL-.i tub Pooh. Thosis who have good hoiiica, a plentiful supply of fuel, comfort'ible bcild anil warm clotliin o tho poor, tha unsholttrcJ anil tlio unprovi tied, tho approiieliing sca.'oti olTcr.s iioth iug but discomfort anil fuffering. It is at such .1 season that tlio'hmuntiitios of our nature aio brought out. Winter census to bo dieadful to tho poor when chaiity, liko a uiiniaterinr; angol, appears to relievo agiinst its rigors. Tho poor depunil on the rich, anil the rich are tho iitruiucu talities appuiutcd of heaven to help ami sustain them. There h scarcely a house keeper, however moderate his or her mcam, who cannot contribute &omo relief to tho wants of tho poor. L.'t tlmm remember that "whosoever givith to the poor lendeth to tho Ijord," ami "cast thy bread upon the waters and in many days it will return unto thee." It makes tho heart ache to tltiulc of the suffering that U endured by 60 many young and old people, by so many Uniformity of Trices! A New r.aturs in.Uumncss ; Eut) one In. own Jlosinaul JONES & CO. (if tlte L're.clit One Prlru Clulbln; Store, No. Z-ti . Market btreel nline Siitli, I'liiiR.ln'rliia. In li'Iilllhin to iiatln Ilia largCKt, most ariiil an,l f.t-liiinal,lj stiRk ufC'iotltinifin I'lulii'lelpliin, lu.t.lo ex pmsslji for retail nl. liave (on.titutetUvery o'u lii. ottii s.iluina!i, ny It.ivlitt; inarkeil in figure., on caill nr. tide at the very i,,ctt prifoit tan lie .old lor so they cannot pna-iu y vary all niti.t tiny alike. Tna good, urn will fponsL-il and prepared, and grpat pain, taken with tlie niakiny so tlial till i an buy with the fu I o.s'irauceuf gi'ttimj a coo 1 arlltla attho i.rylow eft priCi. AUo, u larje .lock of pi.-ce pnoda on h uij.tif thtlat'Ul stjlo and lust 'lualitles, wliuhtttll be lliaile to ordir. In llij uioit failuonabls nnd beet manner, 23 .-r cent., h.-tow ireditpriie.. Ueuiei.ili..'r the C'rebLenl, in .Market, above Pixtll street No. -JUO. JONES & CI). GILL Si l'AUL, Cloistral l(;miiiiSMii:i tit i chants, HEALLR4 IH rish, I'roriyioiis. Flour, llnltcr, (.'hee.c, Oils, Dried I iuits, ilraiti, reetls. Iji-iuih, tliiskey, vtool, Country l'roduce un1 .Metihaudbe generally. NO. 31 NOLTII WltARtkS, rillLADELFltU, fTT" r'on.lennients of Provisions. Flour and L'nunlrv Produce .olinted. nuil num. prouiplly made. Ca.h ndtnieed when desired. UKiiniis ror an khhh oi rifii, i-rotisions, nour, Dried Trulls. &-r tilled nt thu low u.t Cash 1'ticcs. Allium 4, ItO-l-.'nl. r.otoimoWER'a f!o to nitOWER'fl. Co to unowEit's. CfotoimOVVEU'B Oo re imoWER'8 Co to UltOU'Ell'H Co to nnowEP.'s Co to nHOWEIM Co to IIKon'EU'8 Co to IirtOWEP.'d Co to nnouT.H'3 Co to Iir.OVEU'8 Roto lir.OWEU'3 Cntolir.oWEIl'8 Oo to liaoVVEIl'S1 Go to WtOWKIVH Co to mitiwr.K'S' Onto IlltOWi:il'S Co to FEOWER'S (In to linOWEIfS, Oo to UROWEn'rf Co to UUOW'ER'3 Do you trant PUESII CKOHEHIESt (Jo to IlKOWER'tf Do ) cm want aUEl'-NSWAllE I Do you want OLABdtVAKE I Do ynu-.vant II MtlltVARE I Do you want DltltliH I Do )ou wtnt I'l'EE Sl'Ii'l'.fll uo ton want i.nti tr tiuutist llliHiiusliurz, lay l.i. Ifiu. Co to nROWER'S Co t. llROtVEU'li Com tmOWER'B llo to RtlOWhtf.1 Ooto IIUUWEK'H Co to lillOWER'8 H 1 H 1 H FKESII FHOM THE CITY, MM NEW liOODS! every sour, SIZE, AND STYLE JEST RECEIVED AT SETTLE'S THK FOUNTAIN 1I0TKL. (I'nRMERLY THE MADISON HOUSE.) &tod rtrctt, lllwtnt and Jtrrk, Phtlttat'flila, V. 0. 1-OUiNTAlN le UUU. I'RorRIKIOR. THIS HotelU now o;ien for tiie rere,iini "fV viiloi8. 1 1 ha hetvi ti. tilled und reliirnnhed :J Ihroijlioiii, for Hie leitrr iittummodaiion ol niiifi hud Imutdern. I la lot alum in in the very rent re tho huaineM portion of thu city. Hoard, $1 lJ5 jm Ausutl.1. Ipif. :sv AND Elegant Fall and Winter GOO D G . A. J. S, 0 A iV, HAS J-it recivi-d, dirett frni l'hil.idelidiia nnd c V'iiiIw u vert ilinne :i4intiiu-tit of FALL AND WINTKK GOODS, almost rery new Otltric w bu h hm Iipcii manuf.icturrcl r irini ii. iu r-iiiuLii'r oh w nt uu in iininn .i9riiiu m of b'lAl'Li. GOOD&nf stipfrlur ii;il i 1 1 w ill he found in vari-'ty. mill tit jme.-s low ai biimUr gouds can be pun U (M'.l ( IM'H II n It i .i it m-y ii ntr to find gond nt n low price, but ns a i;-urral nil '. tli- aru jmt Htt lmv iu quiility. itut to j!tt fi titH.,1 in licit' iita er lu price U umaliius rare. Siuh .tu opporluiiiiy, liovvtver.ii offered to any who mav went jntY aiHius. anoci ittr., ji.iiioii'Aun, q vr.t .xm aiil UIwlSSIhlllF., fVi, Kir.T, $e c, P"7- iuil anil wo. .y couvriiY rmiuucu wantud. Blnomslturif.Ottob-r , IHO. jinruitcdr. AiiMt-TitoNo, & t o. DRY (OOUS MIUICI1ANTS, 73,77,70,81. 63 tj- S5, Dunne Street N K r YOllK, Would notify the tnuVthat they are opening weekly, in low and liciiutifu! patl'Tiu, the ALNl THE AMOSKHAG, New I'rliit, whirlt ttrcl.i'vry Fri'-t in the t'oimtry lor ierfe. In, ii nl t xeri ion end design III lull madder t ulors, Oar l'nnunrt rtiarer ll'.iil any in tiulket, A lid meeiiiig with e sale aoruers promptly attended to. Mil. 21. Ituil-v. UNITED STATES HOTEL, AMI G i:nitAl. ST,G!5 OFFICK. VW.lMQt.f l'F..VX. IIKNUY WKI.DY it SDN. rRoi-ninnii. !rj"P.iPiPnBer8 in the Thil nlelnhm Muil 'I rain eoine tinitn and Cimlrn M ii I Train ein: N'orth. J)Xl; at the United itatei Hold Tamaqua Fa, March I.1, Ifci'J rjin IN LIGHT ST11EKT, AND ARE ElU SOLD FOR READY I'AT, "Chcapir thin the Cheapest!" E3- PLEASE CALL EARLY. 3 ts. Axtrssin, Agent, Liflit Street, Aprils?, 1SC0. G1ULVT WORK ON TIIE HOUSE. -I Tt TA i Tlicilorso anu ills wscacs BV KOHEIIT JKNNINOS, V.S. PrcfcsBoroJ VatMogy and ojtcrative Sur genj in the Veterinary College of Phil udctpha fife, etc, tVJLL TAAl'OyOftheorlition,hlitoryan(l(litlnctlff traits of tho vnrioui breedt of lluro pean, Ailatlc, Altricnn and American iloncii, uitli tho phyiical lormation and the peculiarities of tlio nniinal, and how to uncertain hit ate by tha rfumlK'f nnd condition of IiU teeth Illustrated nlth numeroua ciblauato ry engravingt. The Horse and his Dmai's Wilt, TtlLL rotOf Ilroedinfr. Ilreaklng, ttabllnR foftJ inj, grooniinj, ahoflng, and tho fen era) inanRKenieiit of the liorne, with tiie het niodei of administering mcd ruia. ulio. how to treat bit. ui, kick tug, rcRrintt, hying, itumbllu. crib iiitluir, Keitleitiicat. nnd other ict to nil un lie u auijjcci; a numer ous eiplanatory cngrrvingt. The Hone and his Discuses WILL 1F.V.L TOV Ofthe rauncd. ipmptomi, and Tfat inent oi ptranjtica. roro jnrum, i'i tnmnor. f?nf.irrh. Intluenta. l:roiirlllt fl I'nriimnnlii. I'leur li v.Hrokcn Wind t'hronic (.'ough.Koftrliig and Whistling l.mimn.Sore Mouth and Ulcers, and Decoyed Teeth, with other dltcnacs of tha Moutu ana ueapiraiory uruaoi. Tlie Horse and his Jbsasis mil TELL YOU Of thceause symptoms, and Treat ment of worms, uois, uouc, nrangu lutlon. Rtonv concrotioim, Rupturcr. I'lUy, iJhirrha. Jaundice, lleputlr rhcon. Illoody Urine, f ones In the Kid neya and Ut adder, Inflamatloii, and other diseases of tho Ktomach, Low. els, Ltvtrand Urinary Organs. The Horse ami hit ihseu&es WILL TELL YOY Of the oauei, yniptoms, nnd treat mvnt of Ifone. lilCMid and Hug, t?paln, Ultitj It tmc, Bwecnio, Wraln, lroVen Knop, iina uaiis, i uunuir, roie ltftito and Gravel, Cranked Hoofs. HerjtrfM , Canker. Thrush, aud Corns ' also, of Mesrtm, Vcrtljf". i:Milrpy, h tajgers, and other diievjes of the fett Legs and Head The. Hor.e and his Disfuset WILL TELL 1'OEOftliicauses, rymptoips, ami Treat inentof Fi-tnln, Poll Kul, Glanders. Farry, Siarl-t I'ever. angc, Curlcit I.oi keJ Jaw, fUiPunintism, Cramp, Cills. ItiM-ascs of the ho nnd Heart. i-C 4.c.,and how to manago Cnt ra tion, itiecdinc, Trtpliinnlntr, Rowel linn; Firms Heroin, Amputction.trnp oiug, and other surgicul opeiutions. The lime and his Jjitca&rs ft'ILL TELL rotVORarr)' Method of tamiiij? Horses jiow to aiinroneu, tiaiter, or mhuio n Colt, how to accustom a lire to strange sounds nnd ightn, and how to int. toddle. Hide, nud Kreak htm to Harness; also the forri and lav.' of Warraktv. TUewli'de belrg the re milt of more tlinn flflecn cara' careful amdy ofthelmbHs. pecuwiir. tics, want nnd weakness of thitf noble and useful duimal. Tho book rontaihs3t?4uaircs. annronintdv Hliii-trated by nearly One Hundred Kngrarinif. It It printed in a clear and open type, and ill be furnished to any address postage paid, on receipt of price, half bound , 31,00, or.iu cloth, eitr.i, Cl1 At ,6 TV oil G B J ran dj mane rr ft i a meoev cryw hero. In selling the above and other popular works uiuurn, uur inuutuuititie iu an um.ii mu n.tvmjij liberal. t or rinelo cooicfl of Iho Took, or fur terms to agents tltn ouier inronuatiou, apply to or address juim L.. iui ii u, ruuii-iicr, No. Gl" Saiibom ttrtct, riuladelphla, i'a, Nov 17, lPfO-tiin. POSTbCKIPT. Latest by Tc.ograph. Tup. Soutn OAnoLitfA Convention This tody of Southern Secossionits, have now been In Session for some ton ditya at Charleston. Since thoy passed tlio "Uruinanco oi Decession, tiicy novo been laboring zealously to dcTisewaya and moans to conduct tho machinery of pro posed Government under tho cognomen of tho ".Sovereign Southern Confederacy."" Upon Thursday , they patscd a "Commer cial Ordinance." UDIIIII'.R'-t 1:0111; i.ud itoiiiiEit'n Ko;iKi.i:'ii ROllUER'M PRAt'TR'AI. CALCULATOR. 1'UAITICAI. C.M.l'lll.ATOIt. IT. i;TIi:AI, CAI.Cl'l.A I'tlll. I'KA 1 H AL CAKCl'LATllR. l'ltAC'l'IUAL I'Ai.CUI. fl'Olt. es o salvia t5 ' PllAOTIOAIi CAIiCULATOIl, l'TtED'K 151'tOWN, Jit., Mnlli ami i Iii'Miiut Slifcls, ' CrCOMTC 1KB "UIRARO IIOV'E,, rimAnni.rHiA. Z7 AMF.RICAX, FMVCir. A.Y FT)LIiIl, C1 iL'JitVIV,1L.O IJJ jjjtuua. Toilet A v 1 i c 1 c . LuliinV, Cfimlray's, IWv ley's, &.c., i.c, A.c lVrfuinurf H..h.tB Tit lit I'liuiliriiiml IV.iii.llrn. Hao Uk CuLOOHk, of the be ft distillers. - iicur i:tni.i4ii Toot it Ihtosiiks, of all sizes and rtjlss, l)FSTmutA; Tooth Vaiils of oppruved kinds. llFir INouMr Hair HiueiiLs. t'tnihii of nil kinds, liull.ilo. India Rubber, fee, A.c. I'uKAOKH ior niu JIair Lnbin's, t'oudray's mid Slaug- ellCt'B, A.C., &C. rt'tlK JIEAK'SUI!.. IV re Coi.u Hooa Waihv from IVrcl-uu Tountaina. Hues aho tfouA u Hit choice Syrupy, I I'KllirK HROWN', Jn., S. E. Cor. llll and Cliebluut tits. ! Ausust 4, HCO Km. GUKAT EXCITEMENT mnsu ARRIVAL of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, AT IITLLERS STORE. U sulincrlber liasjiift returned from thu city wi .nniher large and select iittKortnieut f I-'ALIj k WINTER GOODS, rpo PERSONS OU OF EMPLOY-1 X MEN'T In every foiiaiy of tlio lliiiltd Stairs, Torugnge in tho sale of some of the best and most el- vgantly llluMrnted Works piildithed. iur viib'.icutloiis arenf most intercitintt cliararter 1 ntlnpted to the wants of the Farmer, Mechanic uud Mtr ; thi-y are publili 'din tho b--tt tylu nod bound I In Dm most tfiih-Mnti il inanncr, ami ure worthy a Ijco in the I.iltrury of etry Hoixihoid iu tin Laud. I 117" To m-ii f enterprise and iuIu-tijoiu Jiabils, tills 1 liUMiicifi n.T. rsau opportunity for prolitab-e eiuploymeut Li'lilttin to be nut w ith. ' i, " I'ir-oioi d.'iiriug to oct ns agents will receive purchasedni rhiUdtlpliiaut the.lowept ligure, and which prtmiptly by mail lull paiticuiurH. terms, Uy nddrbM 1L, j4 determined to fll on us moderate urms an crji bo No. SJ1 north Second street, I'hi adelidua. Ortob-r 2l. UGH am. Flour and Feed Delivrre-! s iMiiiK 'p i in. i.r.s iiTii i l.iMt rniT t r mTTi. nun niTien Ul'LKAlloss, i. ji aiois M. l.oimtn, i ii.tiu ai. bik- i vj IJ J'i 1 Jilt- -t- llVi't lllU j 1 1 ij 1 luij tuR aso lfcA.tll. Nnv l.miloN, 11 J. II. 1.11'l'lMOl 1' i, Co., rUlLAUfcLnilA. Thistvork ctuitains iiul pa?es, nud upwards of 500 'IMtU uutlcrsiirn'-d hai nnde nrraiiei'icnts that will I elm TO CONSUMf TIVES..-TIU Al .-rtiscr.h.n inj bcii restored to he.tlth iu a tew weeks hy a cry simplu rem etlv, afi.T hiiii2 sutl red s.verul yearit with a severe WOniCU ailU UlCIl. and Ull for the Want OI lulieulTjctiou.undlhjtdr.'ud discus-. CoiiAumptiou-is miiI business nieii!obJthfiiAMUtTmKitoi'iuii;RkMK - - ...... in I ,11,1114 I l,t I'll! Ht'FF ! II llllll l KM . n,nioii.loi,i..ktK.,oniilU,isrjll0iv..ulljrilt.tliJ litraii l'-.'--",-J;ui;,1c i l.u,'k i. ntt. nor liltuniiU I of euro. ' pfitf.1 ii. xt iI ml iiiiiiiuiT. si tlial n lien n parallel r.ic I To ull who ili'sim it. In will s.-inl n cojiy i,( Ilia pre. tiruri.tlioa. r.f. rrmi! t" Hi" iiorkii ill liuJ no ililliculty sirlliliiiilll.oKfrou nf clnrut lllllltlll .lircrtlim. for''" "''')' s'll ms it ; ill it Vlortl, 111; fflicrul arrulieo. siruniiiii ti.o i (trait m iiurj, nii.tiiii .iirtriiims lur t ,rl,t urilia CJAI.CL.IAT01l Is no simple, tlial dny tun) im'iiurliii' mill ii.iiiellij snuw, ninth tiny lilil Unit m kiimi Iwiv to Bil I. .ulitr.ut, liiullll'ly, f'r illtriJo, can fci'R. tent CcNai'Mpiius, A. tun., IlnoMinris, tc I fa.ily solie uny ordinary ixaniiilf art.cB iu Mm- man named Pralt, Th, ,.,,iy .;M.,,f u...d,..ii..r n. ..r.,..,it.a ,i,a r'.J';ftVlMffM .. r..i.MIn ltrnrlrnril fa 1, wna ""r-""""1"1""'"" '' na.l illll,,so.liy ill tljlire.. alining only 111 t.l.'l. alio .1111. ironi lirautlllL, irauiuru uu., l,l,,vua lion iihiclt ha concivc. to ho Invnlualile, anil In hopes plirtty, hehniiilt hn.iiio.. men care llllle ahout going up tho mouutaiu, near one of those every -w mil tryh,. r,n..liy,s u wui co in. rK-JiVSi'? Ill.rd.XP"r?S&i7.':t r"iM? nUln Into tn ilftii-.-r Plot) r ti ml I'm.l I'lllf 1 AHII TnsAVoril ctuiiains -ui pa?c, hum ii iwanmn j" ; ......,.. , ltul-saud Samples, entin h uud thonmchly i-itni w I a '"t 1 -r cent, rh.-ap.'r than any body tlso in town. ..... . . ' ..... i.. si - .... . fit... i. i Hi nrii't's arc an fullow s lie... It has alrea'ly i ,'u.f.l tlir,'ii;li a nu.i.her of Hill- ' I '""r. S7 'J. t orn i. Ho Chop, ti n. in r.iii.l. nice. .ton, nfi.l is prououuceil hy all da.. a little charity. Remember the poor. TrriitliiLi:. A horrible acciilent hup. lK'ticd nt Lvcoiniiit,' oil 12th instant. It Bcoms that a youtii at t5 Corn Oils Chop, l.Virran, llll I re.peilfulli solicit a share of thepiilitle patronncc. .Mooi;a kaui'.ma.v. Uloomslmr;, June SI, l.-iiO-tf. procurcil tULii'liere In lllooni.hurs. Hi. slocU consist. f IiADIKS DUESS GOODS, Choiceft styles nnd lalet-tfa?liinn. Dry Goods, Gronrin, Hardware, Queens rare. Cedar )far JfoUaio Ware, Iron, Auiji, Uoots and 6hoci, It at and Cap, S,c ft. In .hort cverjthiui inally kept in country Stores It which lit Invite- the public Generally, a-Tn Highcft l'nce paid for cmintry prorlucfl H I'D I'll UN II. MILLCIt. Rloonn-biirc, Xov 3, lefOtJ. y. fJIIE PEOPLE S COOK ROOK. ifi'JiiiE'iHiirvt CIKS.llitiil. IN ALL ITS DP.ANC11LU. MISS ELIZA ACTON. CARtllLLY RLVlStD BY MRS. S. J. 11 ALB. Tt Ttlls You How to rhowne all kinds of Meats, Poultry and (iuuie.witii utt inebrious ana mosi njiprovid modes uf drissinjr and cookiu; lleeftind fork; also the best aud aim pletwty ufkalting, pitklius and curing 1110 B.llll It 7 til Yen AH thu various and mostnni)rnei mode oi urehsm?, citt'hiui, ana nouing .iiuuou 1iimb, Viul, 1'oultry and (Jurne of all rum, witu me uinercui urvssinps Mm vies, and Stii-Tincs unTtrooriate to cacii. It Tells Tu How to choose, cU-dii, nnd preserve Fish oi u i kimis. anu now Kuweticn iiwnen tainted; also all tho various and iiiont unproved modes uf rookiue, with the ditl'cre nt Uressinps, S.iuccb, und rluvor lues uiihronriato tocuch. Ttllt You All the various unI mot-t approved modes oi preparing ovir miy oiiicreni kiiius oi .ileal, liroins, nn u wilii uib rt i- ih('s and Seasonincs appropriate to each It Ttllt Ye All thu vnrious and mur-t upproed motles nf cookini Vigettiblss of eveij detcrlp so how to prepare ricktcs.Cutsups auduurrtes oi uu kiiuis, ruueu jiieaib I'lih. tiatne. Mushrooms. tc. t Till a I'os. All the various and most approved mode c.f preparing and cook in i; all kind of 1'iain una laucy i iisirj.u niiuinji. uui clettet' triiti-rs, Cake (.oufectionar) 1'reserves, Jillies, aud sweet lUfhes uf rery derriytioii. It Tells You All tho arious and most approved modes tifmaMnjr llreud, Huks, Muffins, and Ilmruit. tlto best nu thud of nrcnnriue: CufU'C.t liocolaie.laiid Tea, and how to make j?rups, uoruiais, aim Mnes urious kinds. It I'elts To How to set imtnnd c-niament n table, how tu Carre all kinds of lish. lit sh or Tow I. and in to so simplify the whole art of rooking as to bring the cuoiceft luxuries u tuo tauio wunin ev itr bmlv'i rt'iich. The bonk rontain 4ld paces, and upwards of twelve hundred Recipes, all of whuli arc the results-uf actual experience, liaiu? oeen tuny umicnreiuny lesit'd unui-i liio uiTfcouai iiiviiuiviiiin.i-w I'H" t.t in fi sitMir and open toe. is illustrated with appro print o ent!ratiuss,und will be forwarded to an) adorers, iii'dtly bttund. nud lotuifu paid, on receipt ot tho prica A Hill nr tn rlntll. 1 lira. ,1J5. f(4 A Kf ATI A V can I''" "ado CbllWU iS. JL JUiiiU-t'ycnterpr.s. tt i ii e men eve rywhere, in selling the abovo worn, onr Induccmentlo h11 iirli lit in l' vrrv liberal. l'or siuph cop8 nfthe book, or for terms to agents, with othtr information, apply t- or addres1 JOHN li. l'Dnr-U, I'nb'i'her. No, G17 1? a noni Street, rinladclpbia, i'a. Xovemher H, lfOt) inn nothiii', and may provua bU'SMing, I'tirtios wishing ihti pr-'ernptom will pleas? n i dress lUv. r.IiWAKIi A.WllON. 1 Villiauihure', ICInjs County, New York, Oct. IS, lO.-l.'m. , ITT" A NI1W 1'IICM AND IIL'?INUSS 1'1'OV NTAV 1 fctccp "wootU&lidcs" which arc common to the precipitous hills and mountains of Pennsylvania, when a man at tho top of the "slide" threw iu a stick just to see it go dowlx ; and in its lightning-like velocity down tho almost perpendicular descent. It iWiIi aid Murk, t streets. ilo.'s not follow in the bi-aan i , , . i , i ,ii trark. Wo arc satisfied tin only way to buildup met with some obstruction, and was hurled a(( Upp a Um blJhlltt.w w from its path, Striking 3Ir. Pratt Sfjliarcly patisfactuui to cdstomers. rrttenco will mt answer, frtMl,n.l onrrno fiirnv tlm and hmubug has h.i I its lay, antl wo intend to all our Wi.v. iuw ja j eUods five CUtirO ton 01 lllS head, nud Killing Him iess,)andno variation in marked prices. This s)ktem . . , AV.,,,',.,, ),, ,c , will sustai.i its -If witlutut pulling. We shall bu and purpoauto b.i ablii at a momlnt, be rtfjrince, to arrivo al tlu tius reiiilt. Tim i AI.CULATOIt dillers in this renpect from all AriihmMicaof the day and kimlrei) worksit is a key to pr uliral huluess culrulati ms it 1 is, in tin luuds ofth leather In til s hoo:-rouot-it fa- i cititates tiuiu and ii'str crrei lne-a. 1 THE WOUK T HEATS OP TIIE m nn.irtMtifnt nf l.nnd. nf I.iiiiiIit. of tlrirk and llrlck riUXCIPI.Ut. WuiKlllLt'iurAlo Uaaar, corner of Work, of Htone and rttuim Work, of drain and Hrain Hi in, oft uni and LM.ii i ins, oi iihhk, oi p.i-is, ii i.i luids ofCircular. llnpre. or Irrepular Vcssuls, of t"i Urns auJ Vats of Itowiina of i'la-ten-n." ruinters,' (Jiazo-r. Taiers,' Plumber".' Paper Hanptrs, und t'li ho si rs' Work II treats of ut 'ncy und of r'orciiiu nud I)ouielic nxchanse, of l!o) Heiiniul System, ot He- ... I ii. .. v t.i,.l...t ntitilirntifili t. Itiikilicta nf. goods live jitr cent. aJtanie upon cot, (no more nnd no Simple and Onupound lutrreKt, audtloir entire oppli i ell ciclusm ly for cash. Our nssorinuiit for men uud b0 i tlw largest iu 1'hiladilplu.i, aud our prices inuth lower than any other. Cull at once nnd see for j oursilf, te thu WIIITI. HALL CLOTHING RAZAAU, E. W. comer Pour th and Market sts. Phila. Tcbioary C3, 1st t. Km. TIIEODOIIK STILES l-Uttfc9iOR10 COM'ECTIOXHIt AM) FHUITliRElt AND WOOLS ALE DEALER IN FOPiEIGN & DO.ilKsrlU FKUITS. Dried Apples, i-eainea Sw eet Oil, Hyrups, uracRcru, rtnfniiis. Prunes, Curruuts. lAtiiKniiN. Citron, V.s. Walnuts 1'iL's, L'llbertrt. Dates, Cream Nirtt, I Pea Nuts, IVarau Nuts. !Orftiies, uioim. Pine Apples, Finn tioiths. al: rc. No. 1711 Market Street, late of 3rd A. Vine Street, rillt.ADKUMlIA. March 10, lclO-IJm, SELLING OFF C;iEAP. A T h. T SilAUPJiKSS Iheap t'asU T i-t"- Children' (linns. Men's (in ms. L-adiV 'hawls, Cent's f haw Is. DeLainstk Calicoes, TINWAHE & STOVE SHOP. Till', uuderi-igucd respectfully informs his old friends anil (iiktimn-rs. that liu has purihatid nit broihera tuterent in ino nuovo eKiauii-uineni.nutue concern win Iut taller bo couduited by himself extlupivily. . lift has Jiut received and otrers for sale, tho larg-rt;.A-ht nnd mont etenmu usoiiuu'nt i f PANUV .wnM ST U V HS ever iiitrtnlucud into this market. His nittck cmiMcts of a complete assortment of the best CiKikius und parlor tnve in the market, tofMlt. erwithMovo livturi's id' vwry iK'scrii lion, Ommi and Itox Moves, lUdiutors. (')liuilur Muves, Ciut Iron Air Tit; lit stoves, Cinimu toes. &c Hoepipo and Tinware comdaully on haiul and manuf.u lured to order. All kinds of repairing dune, as uiut, on tdmrt notice, Tim oatriniaiie of uld Iro uds und nw cui-toniun re tpeitfully tolmled. A. M. UUPLUT. liloouburg, Noeinbcn3d l?f.O. tf. latlawbsa, Wllliauisporl & Uric . II- f wCTTOW"''JL''L-i.'SZZ3 Direct Railroad con Mil tji- u -j ittclion between ,a gara tadt and t'kitaitetphta. thortttt Qufektst and Chfopeft Route from tntrn JVcu Yurkto I'lutadtlpMa, Harrisburg, Fititburg Bait more, Wathngtoncit and tM tcvtti Thd diirercnt Trains on this Road pass Unpen as fol low s , TRAINS MOVING SOUTH Express Tri'iulu, Philadrlphiit Mail,, hihi.itSt N. V. Kinross. TliAINd MUV1NG NORTH. IU press 1 re i ght, Klmira .Mail, Niaa.ira r.xpress. 13ALTIMOJIE LOCK HOSPITAL. I) It. JOUNsTON, rnlinfoundcrof this CtleLrated lnstitutlvfi, oflars ids X most certain, speedy, and only eil'tctuat rtiurdy ia tho w or Id for tilt cts Nr tJleets, Struturts, Seintual wt ik tiers, Pains In the Iiins, Constitutional Dtbtllly. linpo tcirVy. Wtaknees of the Jiatk and Limbs, Atleitium f thcKlrtnc)!, Palpitation of the Heart, Diipepiia, Kar vous IrriUibihty, Disease of the Head, Ihrnut, Nrs or Skin, and all those serious and melancholy Disorders uristug Ironi tho deslrutiivj hubits of Youth, wiiiih ot nlros bi'lh bouy and mind, 'lliesc sctrxt end solitary practices, arc more fatul tu thJr victims than llisui.ui ih Syrens to the manners Llysses, MipbtUiif 11k lr u.ost brilliant hopes aud antlcliialious, nuclwiuit n.4trisg -e imuusslble, MAUniACC. Married pcrsnns, or Young Mm contbinplat'inj irar rlago, being uwareof phjsical weakness, organic ObaLill ty, di form pies. Sec, should iiniueul&tely ccr.iLlt Mr jLilluswui, mm ue reeiurvu in pen en ucynn. He who places himsilf under the tare cf Dr, JUinitoo, may rtlifiouly coutl iu iuhit honor as a gcutlsuisn, Wid coiifldfiitly rtly upon Ms skill as a ph)slciau. UKUAMC WLAlLSrt immediately curcJ and full inor reU-r.-d, ThU desjasu is tlie ocuuliv u.ost Iroiucntlr naW br those who huu hecome tui victim ot improper ii.ulgf.n ties. iiMing persons are hki apt to coinuni cie iiom not bcluft awure or toe anaiiM roiiseiiuvnco taat luty ensue. Now, wnottiatnuoerstnnosiiiL suiytt win prw tend to deny that the powir of procreation is iot omr by those tailing Into improper habits than by tha pmdeia. liesiuis lnig urprhvi-u ui nif pi aiurc ! umiui uu- sorlnis. the mtit serious nnd uestructive kiUitUmsl both IxMly iild mind aiise. The systiui beioiuts litirana edj tho piijsfcal und mental powers wtaktticd, ntrvous debility, A) spepiia, pal) nation of the heart, imligtstii n, u waging oi uij uuuie, oufio, oriiiuius -i jiiuiujj Hun, lc i?- oincc. No. 7 Boxtii rum rick street, seven doors from Ujltiniorc ttrctt. Kat-t', up thu Dti jy. 1 par ticular in observing theNAMH and MJMuKK, m ywn in uiisioKu me i ijcc. 1 Cars It'arrtutid, or no- Charge Made, in, from Cfif Tiro llaos, no MnncTJitv or nauscajcs duccs uskd. du. joiijutva: Member of the Koyal Cctlc'ro of burgeons, nf London. lirauuaie iromouuoi mu iuuki iiiiiatiii iyi.iit.ges ion United Stairs, and tin prenltr pjrt of whose lift has heui spent In the tirtt llorpitats of london, Paiis, IJuIu delphiuand olsewhere, has etftitud somit of the toobt a toni ih ins cures that weruetr known; n.any trouLUd with riuifin in tho head nnd ears when mltap, crtat nervousness, bting aUrmed at fcUdden sounds, uud baili fulness, with fre'pient Hattlfins, atWiidcd sonii times with dcraiigeinenl of mind, were cured i-mmeili.iM'r, Vi'tun thetnisuuideu auUliuiirudt.iHotarv of Measure fimls he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often nn ill timed neuso ofkhbiou ur dread of discovery, deters 1 urn from applying to th"-o who from education and respectability can alone btfiirhd liiui, delaiu)f till the constitution a ry s mj turns of Hits noma uisease maKes ineir uppearauce, sucn as uiceruiau sore throat, distuned no-r, nocture--, pains in tho head and limbs, uiuuilssoi sitiit,uoiueBs, noucs on thu skin iinii.-M. nn.tfirnn. blotriies on thu head, face and eitreino tit-s, propresning with rapidity, till al la.t tin pa I aid of the mouth and bones of the noe l.dl in, and the v it tun -f this desease becomes a honid (bjicttf comu tsheratii.n till death puts a period to his drcnufjl Eiiifenngs, by uu ill in; him to "that bournu from whence no truvtlkr re turns." To such, thirtturc, Dr. JihiiHtun pletpcs hiii. st-lf to preserve the moot envio,iuic secrecy, nu ironi iut extensive practice iu the tirst llosj itals of huropa and .America, ne inn roimuemiy rccwniiiii-iin uiu unu rivvy cure to the unfortuuute vutiui of this horrid dlseaso. TAUlir.iHTlH l.AU IN U I ILL.. Dr. J. aJdresna all those who ha. c ii jJreJ themsjvss b) private uud improper indulftnces. TJioie are some of the sud and melancholv effects pro duced by tarty habits of )oitth, Weakness of th 1I.K.K UlHl 1.1IUUS, I inn in Jiruu, Lfiiiiiivks ih r,igui Loss of Power, Palpitation of tho Heart. Dys prpbiu, Nftvous Irratability, Derangement of tin l'igts live Munitions, Gcneml Debility, sjmptomsof CeMsun.p tlOll, &LC. MKNTALLV. T-1? fearful eiTects upon the mind a r mutli to beilruaded, Lossuf Memory, Confusion of Lit as D'm-f.Mou nf the Hpim. Lvil Portbouinps, Avertioa uf r'otuiy, Timit), Acc. arc some of the evils produced, Thousands of persons of all ages tan now judge wlmt Is tha cause of thtir declitiing heultlu Loosiiig lhir vii:or, beroiiiing weak, pale tuid cnucintfd, having' sin ap pea rune about liu e)cs, cough and sjiupiomi ei Cousuuiption. U. 1 V IKi Unrt 1 lt,u U.l.JUtlJ IUI, OUCANIU WLARNLH. lly this great and iinjortaut rtincdy, weakness of th organs ure speedily cured, and lull vicor rcfctorei.. l jl()Uii mi s oi ino iiiom nervoua anu uuitiwitu, nuo had Itipt all hope, have been immediatelv rtheved. Alt iinpeditm-uts to Murriage, Plij ricil and Mental Disquali fication, Nervous Irratubilitj.Treniblingsand Weakness or cxhaustatHiu ot tho mofct fearful kind, speedily cure by Duttor Jobiutuii.' 1 UUJVO iHI. Who have injured t!iimihes b a certain rractiw. itidulsed ill uh'-ii ulonj-uliabit frt'iuently learned frmu evil cuuiptiuioiis ir ut scjiool-tlia etlVtts of which aru nightly felt, even when at Jeep, und if not tured renders iiitirrue ituposfilds, and dcttro) buth n.iyd und bouj, should fl i' b ly. u pi it) that 'ouiifj man, the hope of his femury, nnd thu duilniff ot his pannts. t-hould be snauhed from ail ptospoit unu fiijovmi nts ot lite, by luo ,oii9eiit:n res tf deviating fioni the puth of nature, and Imiuljivc in n serum cu.i hubu, Hutb, pcitons beforu iwu teiuplating. MAKRIAGC should reflect that n so nd mind and bolv are tlie most necessary reiuisutts tn i ron.oia touunbn,! liappuubs iiinvvu, uiioiil iilvu in; j u hi d iiirnngii'iiie otc iioea a vwary ("Isrimae, tlm pnopect hou,Jy Uaikuiis to the mcw ; I tie oiiuu betomcs shadowed with denir&. tilled with the iilaiichoiy reflection that thu bap pjnu of anothrr bjcomes blisbted with our own, oriTCL NO. T fcOt'Tll PltCHLRlCK XP., Ilattitnere.Xd ALL SIjRGICAL OPLItATiUNri I'LP.l'UlIMKD. N. C- 1.4 1 no false modesty prevent you, but apply iimnediatflv t Hh.'r personally or b Lt-Hir. SLIN DLSLASLs HPIHUHLV CCRLD. To srhJiJ-utMk. The many thousands curtfd at Ihis institution with'si the lat 5 years, uud tlu iiuiii, rou imoitaiit Hurcirut Operations performed by Dr. Jthnitori, witncbsed by tfu repoiters ofth! ) upers uud many oilier prreous, no tices of which have appeared again and ugin before the public, besides his tUiuling us ti gei.tlt-mau of chaiattrr anu rctponeiuuii) , id a humueni nuaruutec to tiie a mute j N. II. Th" uro so mauv iirnorant and worthlsui (iiiatks advertitiug thetntlcs Phybicians, ruining tho health of the ulrtaJy uflheted, that Dr. Jihnston drttui. it neceiPury to esptcially to those unacquainted with his reputation, that his credentials aim dndoiuis alunjii hang iu lim ortici. iAKK ao ntE. -All utters nmit uo root i aid, and cotituin a poetajju ttainp for the reply, or uo uiswar vtfti lw sent. MarchlT. I2f0. 0,00 A, M. lll.iW A.M. 11, 'JU T, M. 1320 p. M. :t.4u V. M. FAKF.8 UKVH'EEXnurEIiTJf PIIIMDKLPJtlA, in tli coin nf an aJverlisenient to mi iitioii, . 1 IT IS JUST TIIE HOOK FOH TIIE O- Tl- M-vc re .... lb. .T.....I 1 " "IlEnUCK.l) I1Y DVM'ErSIA TO A keri: Si;ei,i:ton." Cttrid Uy " lirri have's IM land Mirers."' Mr. A. JIatclictt, .1 trailer probably as well known as any nmti in Western Pennsylvania, states as follows : '1 met with a farmer ill Arill'trons COllllty Aucii.t JT, M), liy tin mo. slil.'li'liJ Aurora llnrralta ,.,, i.,.Hr.tli.Jii(tiC(it.fllir! IVorf.llio r.mvilanrpr irlin wis reiluccil bv iJvtnenain to a lllCl'O mm en la H ceiitury. Itnj .if Irl cnluroiHiflitslliisli iu.1 U.-ul ''r;.krr. to tlio A.r,r, tlio llmikir.llic tlo of Jltcrhavo's llolUlm Hitters, bellCV- )io (mM rmii m. lta VIinrh.iii3 lijlit. tVriu lltcw l'arrrnnll tlm Tiler, Sir. tcT, rult nml till will Anil it ing it would euro liim. Meeting him some whT, 1tlll, fllMo,, rJ.; nii ,, r,1;,'1llM" ",cir var""" """" n)' b0k tC ttat'd (n-t pnl.l) to tiny pari ot inn uniiPii Ftati'. mum rrcript rf Mie ninin-y. I'l'wf nf n .intlft li.'s unreritiiil ."i rejinuinis tnii .uui iciii.iih r n.iii , .,.. nj ,.. liiiiiKTiiit. Coiiiiiii-rclal 1 i'ni..-it l.vsal Itliucr. i t ar- LaJie.' Iloon r-kirt. I' N'itu.,tiriiuiikiiiilnii,l Hunk lluriiiint. 1 Co'ilIf rat, ,,) Vest, of i: million of rayi.iciit. and I of I' ' Arrouiit.,of ' encaje,! tlie ton,- llnu.o former y orcuiiiwl Uy IV; f. ' 8i ."'n 1 li'. , J no. Hit r ton il.'c'il. 1 aui .,.; i.r.parcJ to tiu all' kinj. Apn lUrnvat , '' CI,:"a"E,, ,ur uoui' in oi inii.j nil" !.....,,. - - illnnniibure. De. 1J. ISCO-tr. "WALL PAl'Klt, UOltDEltlXG PAPER HANGING! rplll'. uil.iersigi.eJ re.iirrtfitlly iiiforiu. tlm rilizi'tl.of J. It iiiiiiihliiirL'. au.l tui -lieoiuu ut . nluiriia cnuntv f . literally, ti. ii ... ir,H.ureu ironi iim j.ui, ume ami t urte.1 its.ortnieiit of ti jiui. ; ;u xti, Inrtili'iz all II,,' ino'lerii style, to be seen anil for sale at hi. ...tablisiinielit. ill llie lllnoin.uurj; 1'o.t Uthce. Taperi nil executed in .upcrior .ty le, at tnojt rate prices and no short imttce. t;7 IVrson. It.t ing liriuses to paper uillflndttto their adtantujie to gt velum a call aiidexaniiiie his stork U. J. THORNTON. nloomsbur;, Sept. f, lWO. 3m. Itupert tu I'lni.lila. Uo uartu-outg. do 1'. t'lliitou. do T.iiuaoia, it 40 a mi in 1 oil llupcrt t;i Milton, S 70 uo ti iiiidniEpori. 1 .u do Kliniril. .1 lia do Niajra rails, , si. All ii.i.(.ii,,.r. arc rpimesteil to nrocilre Ttckils before entering the cars. ILiggtige checked Ihrougli to 1 llila- dLluluuund x.uuira. ' 11. Sl'ANLUV COODWI.V. Pcp'T. June 9, 13G0. , T. SIIARI'LESS. niontln after, what was my astonishment at tlm iiru n eiono clothing Hail urit.muii.Lfe Wiuo, nt fiinliii" him a h ilo hearty man ; ho No.. as a..,iun en tnut .irect, above mm. l'hiiadu.' told mo ho now weighed '-Oil pounds, and that this wonderful chango hail ticon pro duced by Ui'rhavo'a Holland llittors to, which ho attributed solely bu restoration." E7- THOMAS VI. MATTSO.V, Uec ived the I'riti) M,"lal at tin WiirM'. l air in Loudon lrfll. fori HUNKS CAIU'llr HAtiH. Boots, shoe, nnd tlilius, final induce ltiiv.-l nro lion onVretl to of Iho uboieatl ccs. Thu I. much tlio large.l stock cf trunks, c'arpit Hag., Valices,S.c in l'lnladrl Ma very cheap Rr cam l-opy; in I loth, fit Cents, or ltn Copl. s for 81 "II. tiOUnU 11. l I'cui'coooiv .uu,,, ilium,'", o, -" " . ",'j Addrss., M. M. r.tililimi, llo, lOnrbilaJelpliiar.O., Pa, rue. 1, l?ro-fn. The Ma.saehiuctU papers aro again-, no. wj.Maikitt-irttt, one door above iii, ia iw.i discua-ing tho cattle dicapc, which lnu jql ifANP FKKD for falo nt Ij. inado its apptaraues m vanoin loc.iime.', I X. t timrpiiM'tU upia.iitioit. .Me) 15, IHO OT, CHAIILES HOTEL ii vnuv siiir.LS, rr rutTott, Cotnsr Third and Woo,! pltcell, vrrriouiiGii, r. Use I UCO-lm. JOHN C YEAGER, .MANUrAUTUltni li. WIIOLKSALi; IJUALCll IN HATS. APS. STRAW GOODS, Uouncts ami Arillirlal I'lowers, No. 23T NimTiiTinuusnicu'r;.rmi,Aiii:LriiiA, .iartu to, icon .win. for tha i.vsr.i.vrr.Kur.fant PIULV.1.YK.YI' CUM! of tins dts .sing complaint u.a TENUT'S ll ll ONO 1 1 1 A I. Li I (J A I) UTT US, Made by c ILSUVlKH'lt iiCO in; N..,..,, . v IVtce, $1 ptr hox, sent frre i,y post, FOH SiJ.f. AV ALL lIHUUaiSVS. May IS, lecu tun. ASriiMAt Heiirv" Znnnlnsrer's Kstablislimtni Whom they had dead and bund some thus last ictnter.) i o you want a good, a very good new watch I ( 1 UO you wain u cul uji nuua i llavcoua diillcult Job f llo jou want kejs, leather gards, i.e. ? Ur u vvatch-t;1ass that vv ill stay in t A Hunting Ula.s, I'.iieot. Uenava, Or common, or small, or large I Hid your watch git a full? A knock, a jerk or a hit f If it is or Isn't In sohiitrrs, Who would givelt a better "lit" T fjlni'ler broke' verge or a spmdcl ? A ipwi'l. wheel, or a sorilic 1 Heard a unite, a crack, or a humming. As u bee vv ithn vigorous w ing f .Maui spring broke, kiire 1 or a pin. Down witli all tlie bad watches," "To make them i worse than a sinl' lUoouisburg, July 14, I-oO. NEW GOODS. TIir.ndiTf itned resperlfully informs his friends and the public at large and tho rest tf mankind, that bf lias a sjuendid ussortuuut of rnHUl'ropnetorofriif well knownand centrally loca 1 i.xl lliintiii. lint Kit h.nui Hotel, siliiatu on Mai- Hlrr..t. ill ItliinnliliilrL' llltuiud latfl V OOPOSitU tllC ColUIII lu.i I'uuuty l ouri nouse, re?pi-cimy miorois iu iih-iiup and the public iu general, that his Uouse is now in or der tor toe rtcepiiuu and entertainment of travelers who may teel dipoed to favor it with their custom. He has ...n..i,. n..i iii iniiir 1 1 in I'ii iiikiir. fur lliu In llio lffnnt nrV tfr.lrn ll.illar, it. Ifnl.relnirrr f, .1 unil.ta i 'l"" ' ."" ""'v , ' ' ' ?,. . i , . tiitertaiumt-iu oi nts guests, iitnutr kiiuu mao uuj uunty. I'a.. w here lie liuaa large und choice uw)Etuiiiiti tU.lie HUuliiiBn his parljlo minuter to thtr persona SlMClMj AND lJ l Al lU COUDS, which he is dttermiio'd to x-ll on i-uch terms as will in iluiu ull at lea-t in his vicinity, vv ho uro iu wnutof.Mer cli.uidu t, to eiti ml huu tlo'ir cutun. Hit ttick boen selritdd with luiirh rare nnd with reference to thu wants of his touiinunity und without gojtiR to eut r into u mi.iutc enunifriitiou of t It 3 viirtoin kiuils- liuri'ks nothing in uunng his fnen is that ev cr) thing usu illy k pt iu Country Motes, can Ik re be hud a "httlt! cheaper than the rii n;uk" K" tlouutry prndin:i, iuduuiug tlrain, Lumber, A.c. taken iu cichaiigo fur goods. WII.HON Acta Uohrrhurg, March 10, If-oO. SHAWLS, Shawls, Shawls.for ?alu very Cheap at OARTMAVS Town l.nls V'r Sah. CHVKRAIa sirabta buihlms lots In Ploomiburj for to, cur ysiutuiKii iu)(iirJ ( Cloomsburci Junt S3, IttO tf. W. WIRT. t-ouitort. Ilishuusu is spacious aud enjos au vxcclleiit j' Uiumbuscs run nt all times between toe urnange lluitl and thu vanuus Itnil Uoad Deoots. bv which trav elers will hi pleasantly cmivejed to aud from thu re bpcclivo Biiitious in flue liiuu u met i nu ars.( Ulootnsburg, July 7, If CO. G V. 0 11 G V. II. 11 0 15 E It T S , IJll'OUTKtt AND DUALUU IN m & -m a w a m i , UUTLEllY, GUSS, &0. Kos. 235 nitil 237 IVortli Thinl Slrccl. IMULIDEH'IHA. Nor.? I I860, SPlllA'Ci, 'S.'Ea.tMI3, BSGO. HWTMIKS V & SI!,VI.I5 WAIiK. Chcaner than aua other House in the Vnitcd S:atcs,-every article told vnlytor tt realy is, and tearrantcd ta bsr as rtrcnniea. II. MUM.ICAN. No. 411, North aceond Street, abo-,o Willow, Wefct fiJo, PUihsitJkt PIUA. aMPOUTKIlof all kinds of hsk, French and Suisa l) (IVitrAts, and Munutuiturer of Jewelry, of every den cripilou. Country, Ptora Keepers, Auctioneers. Tedlars & drol em zi'iierully, are assured that tlo'y will rind at litis in lablUhtiient tlu larget-t mott vmi'd und rahniialla a.ortnif'nt of gom.n in tha Umttd Statu, and at pms, '.HI pt centl-wtr than any otlKr House iu this t'nuntrv . &Ot Keeirs and others, vlicidliin t comt loth city, canon ilhi ir gaods 1) Mad, und liuvo them Jit by IUprest onuy part of the Cituutry, as cheap n'il well selected if tiny came to the City uud st luted tli.'ia ia njrsuu, 1 member the place, II. .MUI.LrfJAN'S", No. -IU, oi Second St., abovo Willow, Wet tide, rnibAncL.nuA. Established for Over rourtccn Yeats, Mwrrh in lHin-lim. SOMKTIIIXG uew to bo seen M nny time at IIAETMANS. p II I L A D i; L V II I A PAPER IIAAXIIXG MAXUFACTVRER 4, Ttum:.y IXoucil $ IS0ut liCr Having removed to their New More. for. l'tJUUTII M AKKUI cts.. are now prepared tu otter lolheTUADU a larro uud elegant asuitmeiitrf WALL I'd 1I IIS, BORtinnp, fiki: fcrtnrNns, U'IMIOIV Cl'KTAlV 0001).- tl- AC. ull of the l.ewi'Kti.nJ best desieus, from the lowest pried iltl.cle to tlie finest OoU and t'tlitt yirrera'..... IL 1'urchiser, Mill dot.. II to tllue.tHhlishnunt or nuu'iu.1, i. I'.ounuirs. N. U. Cor. 1'ourllt aud Market Mretts.I'hlltd'a. Sept. 83, let 0-3m. AGIU'iririJHAI. WAiiKHOrsE. LAHGD as-ortment of the best flrtilizfrs In th market, at reduced prices for uih, con- wttJJ sisling f No. I IVruviun andt'nluniliiaiitjuano'at htiperpl)iiphate of Lime fiom the hekt nianuf.ic- Hirers, i-oiaFii, i uuiuw,uuvv,- arnriti lor nan trees Toudrttte, 11 aster &c fit whlei-.l and ntail. 1'ASCHAU. MORRIS. Implement aid Seed Store, coiuer cf ;tli and Market Pireels rbiladtlphta. March 13. IrK. lOUSV: 10 U bAIiK, 1:L A largQ rued Fraatft Housa, In go.l condition, with doors, wiuilew. &r suitable to bi trantf 'rrf-dupon an other lot, is idf'rt-d fur sale, on ninh rati terms, Als-v-a quantity of broken friik, fr filling in ltuildinfi, inxt ettl aii ui cum w uu uni, iv in no?nvbut5, NOV 3 19 jO, i.tVl I TATJ.