Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 22, 1860, Image 4

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    i g r i c n 1 1 n x a I.
- ,
' - '
Take Oaub or tiik Cuimnkys. In
maiiy lioutca which nra built by tho job.
., ,, , , , J '
or in oonsiucraulc haste, tho chiumcvd nro
... , i . i i 11
npt 10 00 poorly lundo. ISot Ollly sllOUlu
.11, . . . . i .i. i i i
tlio bricks of winch they are built be li.tnl,
ntitl laiil up in tho best of mortar, but tho
;. 1 l 1 l i , . , ,, ,,
ltlSlllO BllOUlU l)U pUatercU SUlOOtU IU tUO
work proccctle.
mm.ij u,t ..i.,
ac-llt. IIII.-II VJ'WttillWU tUUil
to promote a good draft, filU up the
chinks between tbo courses that might
otherwise ho overlooked, nud prevents, iu
n great measure, the accumulation of soot
on tho sides of tbo chimney.
llnf wlmti frt,
-Mv .iuv,U) uvui .mj v..u-, vMiiuwuji
...l i-i. a,-
WUU1W ulu) iaJ " tu "
of it ; otherwise tLo soot will fire upborne
day, wheu one lea.t expects or desires it.
Washing-days and baUng-days, if tho
xoorisdryaud tho wind brwk, arc fino
times to get up a conflagration. Shingles
bum Well nt BUCh a time. Still, if OllO
tioeu not Want bUCh Costly fport, let hlUl
tako a oalui, moist day, nnu burn out hli
IIUCS. Put a faggot Of ttmw in tho fire -
place and set it a-fire. Or, if you have
only a etove-pipe hole, stuff in a largo roll
ofncwepaPMH,cd touch them off. If
tho dralt Ueomei too strong, partly closo
tho nolo tuloir. Attend to this burning
once a year, Bnd you ncod haTe little ap
prehension from fires in your chimnoy.
Cheap Fibers. Thn fnllnwin ft a
cheap fence. It has tho advantage ofta-
i. i .,
fcipg up but little room, as the nub are
laid nearly btraight. It 13 raado a3 fol -
lows : Tate your rails and place stones
near whero tho rails lap; then drivo two
stakes, Cvo feet or mora long, one on each
., j. ., ... ,. ,
udo ; and lay up your rails until tho third
f tuuu mau nue aim iticicu iuu ekaca
togcthiT ; then lay np your ra.b to tha
desired height, and fasten wire across tho
top of the stakes close to ths upper rails,
nud your fence is complete, making a largo
ming of land.
Kansas rOR Straip. Got. Medarr.
i- ... .. , , .
of Kansas, has written an article for tho
Ohio Cuhitaicr, from which we copy the
following :
"In my travels through tho territory. I
havo persuaded myself that Kansas is tho
best sheep and wool growing country in
tho Union, Texas not excepted. I have
examined tho country south and wcst,and
have got myself into quite a fever on tho
subject. Extraordinary aa ha3 been our
drought, I have not seen a .ipot on high, or
low lands, nor npon broken hill points,
where sheep could not live and fatten.
Is thero any other soil in North America
that can show such a tenacity for raois. '
turol I think not." j
PiNU Apples Cheisz. Mr. Norton,
n in. r 1 .1 c
orGoihcn, tt., manufactures this form of
cheese quito extensively. The Home-
stead thu3 describes tho process : The 1
curd of about three hundred cows is
bought and daily brought to the factory
w ,a0 ,u F.B0 appie cneeso. nese j
'"'Su auuul c,i "1,u ono-inira pouuas ,
each, and about six hundred and fifty aro 1
made every week in tho best of tho sea-
son. Thev aro nresacd in smnntl, ,nnl,l,
,r1;B,mn ..f,m .: .
tha marks upon the surface
u6 ,uauu
by softening them in hot water, and hang
ing thorn in nets inado for tho purpose.
Hero they hang until fully cured and fit
to send to market. Tho whole number
made this year is about, ten thousand.
They aro carefully boxed and sent to mar
ket in tho neatest order, and being made
hard and firm, they improve with ago en
during auy climate, and arc in Eteady do
maud for shipping.
Converging with an intelligent farmer of
largo experience, upon this subject, wo
found ho fully sustained tho views hereto
fore expressed in tho Agriculturist, viz .
that tho best season lor cutting timber is
about midsummer. His explanation was,
that during tho latter part of Juno and
early in July, when tho foliage is in iti
fullest vigor, tho upward draft upou tho
Fap is no groat that very little moisluro is
left in the tree, consequently tho timber
Beasona hard and sound ; but that during
March and April tharo is so much water
ia the wood, that insects boro into it
readily, thus producing "powder post"
through all tho sap portion, and even into
tho heart wood. He monlionod the in
fctance of a neighbor who cut his timber
for a house in June, but when he came to
work it out in tho Winter, ho lacked some
ribs or slats upon which to nail tho long
roof bhingleg. He cut oncngh to supply
the dul.ciency during the latter part of
Winter, and completed tho houso. After
ti.1. lapse of a few ycara, ho examined tho
roof, and found tho slats which wcro cut
in tho Suinmor, perfectly sound, while
ttso cut in tho Winter, woro badly af-,
lictcd by dry rot and "powder nost.1'
Our informant had also proved tho samo
thing liiuiMir. Ho also remarhed that
when tho object is to induce n free growth j
of now shoots for a future wood or fnrr-it
in lll,w MiOl13 iur u luiuru WOOU or lOrCit,
Lu preferred to cut in March, as tho
. . . t y i .i t
fclUinps fcuuKor WUOU more UOCiy Ilicn
.1 1 . n m.
twin wi'4n rut away in Hummer, Xiio
i t.i r 1. .wever, is tho best fica-on t3 clear (
off b growth of wood ; tho old (.tumps do-1
uy toone Asricuhurii'
Tn AUAM1AMATIO. OP I.AJni ACII a. -Tlir-rj 1 n aroll-
nitt mluiuy lit tlila ngu tn tiiriil ialt- llxi iiio.t .
pri-atiio nonia of uilu r laiiguntp:"i nml niier a while to
Invtirporltto thi'iu into our iiwni tliua tho word Crphillc j
""' Bijiiiiiyiii. - mr WIG IlfUU, I,
noiv becoming tiopu 5Ti txotl I connection ultli Mr.
palilli,g' (treat Id ailm-lie remedy, bultl Mill aooti do hiu mora geiii-riil nny, anil thu wonlCipliullc Mill
becotuu a. (.oiiiiuoli a. Llertrotypu unit luuiiy nlhcra
vliu.o ill, tinmen aa foreign uordaliia been norn an ay
i uy common uaug, uuill luey avfiul until, auil In lb,
manor boru,"
' aod.
III '.J'll'ortlw.' luflernoon, lianj Iitui-
i,,J 11110 " uaputiii-cnriea baud .nj i,i t tin- u, unn
of 11,1 '"ii'laclnl" -Hoe. II liailn. 'aril,"
aaya'ii. llotcNiliucly," aiiahl, handupiui iimi'a cava
tn u Uiplmllc Till, b.,ij 'ptin uij 'oiiur it luu ao
quia Uuii'uriiiy rcaiin.ii l 'uj'ad uu'mj.niit.
i E lUAiiirni la tho favorite al;n by nlilcli nattlro
mama kiiowiluiiyilcvHlinnliliatnier Iriim Ilia natural
r . ".i v. " " , ;;."i,u.v. ".,.u,,!?j'..m
lUI'lli'l " UltiJUIllU IlllVllllVii IU g VO IHJilCl! 01 im
vurciiM.vt, '111)1111 UUIllitiaU CBlllIU HIM Mil (III (III IUU
Int.' Miiu re tin iia-di and Its Indications fliould inner bJ
neplectcd Ilmdaihua i, i ay bit cI.i9HIliI under two
it tuuH. Jx . tynipMiiiatti u.iJ Idiopathic. t"yi.ittuia1U
lUalurlm iii'ictvtliiijly cummon am in 1J10 in Lurur of
a preut vuricty wf diiu'mcg aiiioiia ulurhare Aiv-xyt
tJuut, UtKMiMt.sM untl all ftltrilu diicasui. In )u in r
oa form tt l ympuili- tic f dUcavs uflbo ftoiunrli
cuiittitiilln? tick tleadarke. cf ln-iftllc ilimiia.' rntiBiiiii.
ting tttioui heniiath of wotnti, cuiistipation unl otlit r
iUsinUr dftlie bowtln, at well u jcimluuii uUrlnuaf
ii me utMvun, hi wen us rcimi unit uurinu ui
Diiafc tho In art nrc icry If'iutuily at
Kcttuiu, in if ufcs fit tuo iu art nri ct
t'liJfi! illi UratiaCiV; AntFml.i ami ill
.fiorai aru alu
Jirtluiiaulilch frequently wcaiuit (juadailtc IJjDpa
lh- Cc.
Phallel'IIUliatro boon f.mna a auroainl aalc remedy, re.
liulujrtue liioatacutn pains in a few uiinut.-a, ami by
. ul'tl.- noner eradiciitw; lUodi.cajtauf Hindi am-
atliu la lug uutrrm; index
' BniootT.-Mlnui wanta )ono irnt tier a boxnf Cn-
VS-Vi.rSS. ...maCerhaiic ri.N.
S&rfi!l afiCSKS
A Roal Blessing.
riiysiciun, WcllHrs. Jones how ia
that headache !
iliJ. Junes, Gono 1 Doctor.all cone I the
P " ou ,Tl eu.rcu me lu J"5' tw"'V
lUtes and 1 wish you would send wore to
tliat j can Lave fhcm hmi
1 I'njiiuan.You can get thorn ut anv
Druggists. Call for Cephalic Tills, I find
t!l0J neTer fail nni1 recommend them in
j tTlT a, x v
Jones. I shall send for a hoi tlf
;rcct!y,and shall tell all my coffering friends
iur iiiey are a teat UtCSSltig,
Twenty Millions or Dollars sav-ed
Mr. Spalding has sold two millions of
bottles ot his celebrated Prepared Glue
ana it is estimated that each bottle saves
at Ica&t ten dollars worth of broken furni
!tui making an aggregate of twenty
millions ot dollars reclaimed from total
loss by tins valuable invention,
made his Glue a household word
no now
proposes to do tho world still grestcr scr
vico uy curing an tue acning hcaus with
! Ll3,VcI'1'aU0'fI".s' uU " they aro as good
away liko snow in July.
ISrOvEP. Excitement, and tho men
tal caro and anxiety incident to close at
tention to business) or study, are among
tho numerous causes of Is'crvoii? Headache.
The disordered state of mind and body in-
ridf-nr. In tliii fifrnct?nr ,rt,nTl.;,f
tal blow to all energy and ambition. Suf
fcrcrs by this disorder can always obtain
er0Clly -''''" fro:n these distressing attack-,
by using ono of tho Cephalic Tills when
ever tho symptoms appear. It fluids the
overtasked brain, and soothes tho strained
and ;arring nerves, and relaxes tho tension
Ju,"ufi toi ""u inures inu tension
0f the stomach which always accompanies
and aggravates tho disordered condition of
tho brain1
r-Dm you over havo tho Sick Ilead
aeho I Do you remember tho throbbiiif
teniplo3) tbo fevered broW)tho loMhi an3
disgust at tho tight ol food. How totally
unlit you were for pleasuro.convcrsation or
study. Ono of tho Cephalio Pills would
havo rc.civcd you from all tho suffering
Tfhich you then experienced. Tor this and
otuor purposes you should alwavs havu a
, .... v. - :
oox 01 tueni 011 nana to use as occasion re
quires. I act wmxn knowing. Spalding's
Cophalic Pill aro a certain euro ibr Sick
Headache, Bilious Headache, Nervous
Headache, Costivcncss and General Debility-
GitEAT DiscovEny. Among tho most
important of all tho L'rcat medical dUeov-
eriesofthis ago may bo considered tho i
BVStem Ol vaccination fnr urntoptirtn frrt..,
x Small I'ox, tho Cephalio Pill for ralicf of
j.ieatiaciio, ami tnu uso ot liuinino lor tbo
prevention of Fevers, cither of which is a
buro fpecific, whoso benefits will bo ex
perienced by suffering humanity long after
their discoverers aro forgotten.
T.y the use ofthosc rilN the nerindle nttlr. -f A
rout tfrlr Jlcedaeh may be prevented ; and If taken ot
in cunimeiircuieiu or nn ottaek immediate relief from
pain and iickni-wt. will Ui obtained.
'iuey a. Idom rail ill reinovniglhe.VaateaaiiJMaJacf
to which female aro o subject,
'JJwyait greatly ujioii tbo bowclls.-rcmoving Costive-
VorlMerary Vn Students, plicato rmnlci, and all
persons of ixdt alary habits, they are valuable aa.'ir
atiee, impmiitg th" apentt, jfiv Ing tone and rVtr to tlm
iligestiveort'am. and ra'inngthe natural elasticity auil
Hreitglli of the whnlt fktem, '
i iif v,i.rii.u.n i-j bus are the result or ontr nvaii
""L1" "k"', al 0,1 "Juf" I"'""'" '"fi-iy without
makliis any 1I1.111110 of diet, and the alienee uf any dim.
IlUWAKn or miTVTnnpnTTH i
Tha genoino ho fixe .ignature;
oufnili box. '
till i-ai li box.
Pol I by anil all othrr ncnli'ra In Medicino.
A box mil bu ami by n nl i,r, paid on ,.celpt pf tbo
I'll Hi: .u'cvw,
mi iriu.i, aauuiu u. Bliur' a- u 10
tub CEu:nnAii:D uoixanh rkmeut roit
Ana tbo various alToctl)n8 ronnciuoot upon n dlsoidortij
Pucli m Iudlixpsticn. ArMltTftf tti StomuIl,OlIlclvAln
Unit bum, I,mi of Ait-ctlto, lWHndpiiry, Gifihui',
)ltn-l ami lilertlimt In all NVrvon. Hlifiimitlo. (tiiJ
t heurlpio AAV tion, It Iim In numerous InLincva troeJ
liiiiiil T I
ut'arnrini. nmi in m ihtk i'iuvum n oriMi'ii cnio.
Dim Inn purely Tefrclvjlcdiiwjnnl, prepared tm ftrlctly
fi..titlf.c principle", atler tlio lnnnnr of th oli'lr.iteil
IltillHtid rntfp'cr. lVrrlmw. lt reputation at lirnno pn
duerJ Itn Intnilnetl'iti liere, tlt ilemml rcmnifiiriiiR with
Hit He t'f tlii I'rttlirrlttml wnllerej ortr tlin tV of ttih
mltrlity fritintiy, u.oitv of wlimn liroucbt with tliem ntnl
Iminlett the trnrlitiQ of ltd Vilue, It it now vTtred
U) the Amfri&m utJt?t Iwwi'w fiat U truly worulerful
irwhcitml rrtnt$ mnt It achinvlnlffnt
It U t'arllcuhily rtwinDiemtal W lbop perfwrn wlifmo
connta'tutloni nny bite bi-cn iin).alrHl I y tin contimmn ii4
of arJfiit fiplrlta, nr cither form of dMpntlon. Gtncmlly
InftlnnUTioinn In eflvct. It ChJh Itn way directly to the tvnt
of life, tlirillln)( ami iiulrlcuintf cwy nerTO, raialujr lip tin
drooping f) irlaiid, la Uci, Infusing cow boalth uud vigor
In the stiui
MUK'l'.-Wlioover epccti to find this n WTtrapo M
La diuppulntMi tut to thf dick, wenk ami U,v rpirited. It
nil irrr a grateful aromatic rordiA), toiabuaaeii oraloguUu
remwiLtl pn jH!rtif8.
Tlio Cenulno Mjihly roiicrntntitl IVcrhiro'i ITolhnJ
Hilti'M Is put hp In half pint ttnti.r only, ntnl nttUtwl at
Oe iMaua er Uiltl. or fix hot t lea fr Tira Itoiuns Tho
pi rat ilcmttnl fur tbN truly iMratrtl Mtdlrlno Iim lniluoe.1
many Imftatiub, wlikh tLo pal lis tJiouM guard aaJast
GiT limaro of rmpoltloTi. Eo that oar n&mo Id on tho
IiUcl of fTery bottlo )ou Ijuj,
Bold by DrueltU rtnsrally. It can bo forward!
by Express ti mait points,
sole rr.opRiTor.8,
Ipharmafcuiisis and CIu'mwLi.
For P.tla by (1. SI, Ilajenburh, liracn-t. lilomnurira
Oit.aTl IU
avadcr h rr.H, nr.-
.ill Chritnur Street.
iftUU:.. rfWTf V Met third rat uMfii
fWwV v5: i' ll,ni ' n ,'l;t, "l"
third Phi' ntfliihia. liivv on
7y i. I1.111 1 a l.trjitt iiita 11 nt (f Tire
llllfllhl.T S.lfwS.
Itink4 nml
ilfni-B intn t.uli. nil
iiulii j of Iim.U ti'tual to any made
in ttifl I'nitcd States.
. i'ic bufea in one Jirt. Ml came out right; Kith eon
tents in trool rovihthn.
Tim KailamaiiUor tf-fca cf rjiiUJiljthid oainst the
Imr lifiilthc urfft clfinoatntinn In tha f'lHoiving rer
tificatft tlmt their uinuuCutiirf ifSil.miaii.liT Haf.-a lu
nt IcitEtSi fully .uratit''tt Hi" r.-pr. i ;iiUlioii whuh Uic
bi'i m niutlj rf tlicni in rendt-rjtis mi uuduuM.'d scanty
against the terniic iU mi nt.
riiilad. Iphia April 12. It5il.
,U'ri Jnni ti'affon: (Ulitl.-nicii-Jl ntrnrcU us
thu liish"st eutipfatclicn tt i;nte to yn, that oimii to
the yi ry inite(tivo riialitii of two i-f the KilJiiiifiiidtT,
Suf.-! whiqh v ptiahainMl i f jon t.omc five mmiih mure
we fael n lirije portion of jewelry. ail nil our lun-kn,
&c., (XpOfr, to (ho raliiiiitinug.liruiii llaiistud place on
tin- niiiriiing of tin 11th int..
When rt (1 't t flul tlnjai paf'arwro lorntcd in th
fniirih s(orv ufth Imiiiii'iT .u iicmiiii i i. i hid fi...i,
f.11 BUbsciufmly intn.i heap ofburniinr rtiitn, wh ri' tlid
Oil I Oil of tlm ln-;it nniM.'.l tlio liniu r.t.t, m
jiu'lt, we cuinut but njraril iiii'.reslTuti.'ii nf th.-ir al
unbtt) content it iiiut Lininutnig proof v( thj great he
curity iiM'ddIi'iI b jciir at' .
Fliall tukr- it f fa t itli-iiktiri' ill reemii:neTi.llni? tliei.i tn
in tn of buinpii nj a nur' r lianc- n:aiiit liri'.
ui-uia.i. v. ei.M.iu.s & lUia. Jewellers,
C'Jhov liae succpurtluis-U tlx. l.irgu .ufta.
AiijuatSW, IfcSa.
j rtVi'J.., ltti
rl1in. nmlrri-lene,! js also cTtenhlvcly
-t Vnilcrtakinsr ffuufnr-fl, nml keep -or
eni'iiL'o.l in the
Hd fur tsald at his Ware room, u largo ucsoit incut uf
Uy Wllifll lie la fliahleil ti lill nnb nn i.rn.nntnllnn
Awo-Keops rmooii Hortip an.l llonrao, mid will nt at
times bu ready w attend rum-rds.
. , , pimov c. pjinx.
itonmburg. January 2 ll5n.
SJ. S3. I. 1'llSf Cfllll finil V.
n,n e n,.i. t,'.
r inn-..-, ,. . . . .. . .
GL urti small sums r'-reivd an. I paid back on i iiiiutii 11(11 ICC. 1 IT II IVK 1 U 4 UK r KIID.
0111 tllf lIUV ( I'lleiK lilt III 111,. il.iV fK lttl.lrntL.1t
wrnu. iiui'iis--t roni !) uniil Ti o-ilork cwry tlui.axd
waa .a.w-IU! llltMMI, ITtalll , UIUU'.I OCNlt K,
, Pn ildent-STi:i'lM: 11, CUAWi'OKU,
i'rcnurtr Pumt
Tclltr James Jl. Hunter,
htopiirn II. f rawfurd,
lU'tijnmni W. Tinpley,
Daiticl Il'-idlcman.
((itort-'e Jiiukni,
i .mi it. lioouani, m, u.
'" r iniri. it.,
U'j Ilium M. (iftrlwin,
11. rriLitkliu Jdckcuii.
i uinrit lira'iy
J.iiiii Deer.'aux,
ThonuH '. i a,
ti'liny YUk,
Til U
'illmrnt ilcrnon
M.rl. ITO-S. ""VAUUiV.,i.n
iii ji s jiall ii u a ii j: s
ib: a a r. it & . o y a ,
WdULUaULi: llEALUl'.!) IV
Waimlaclurul ti Unf Tobacco,
IF" TS A n i. -j . '
K. E. Conur of Tryr.t and Arcb Streets.
aiu in ii lui.tN. i
No. :io moiith sncovn stueet,
auiii k mauk. r.J
, Ono linor iiiiove , 'brut Church.
A flcncral Aasortiiicm of CUTVMiL KJItXITUItE, ill.
clutlliii! li'f.UJ' mvois; Uc.
Stay li, ls0 Uin,
Thll2boftmolabsesforthenrico in tlja
Oajwy for art I a M H A fcTM A wtl
Jfreh Street, Jlboct Third,
PlllA 1)KI, 1' II ia .
npllt: aitnatlon rf tills lintel ri-nd.-ra i, unu of t!i inn.t
A ....,.,,,.,, i.,.e mm ulu ii.iiuitf MlluUilpllia
in, bu.illi'aa ; Hliilnlo tbo.o iu Bi nrilinf .oa,uri', Ilio
con-ninUy pniMiin uml ri'pa-'iini ry llailuuy rura
uml III,, a,' III ri priuililit,. alford a clirilp anil plcja
am no. (ni (j aufiuucat ana aiuu tun i,t )u or
an ,it iln- cily,
aii in n nr civci r -urnro tlat - Tlm Lumn"
.lull liu knpt Willi audi cliurarl r aa will inci t public
nppr 'atioa, an J would k poi-tfully aHii-it, t e,U ,
run-i---. tiTp.v ti, xvcoJIr.n.'
rwuaryW.ljua -1.1a, J'tcpnewr.
l WuWlW
To tho Cltlzcm of How Jersey nnd ronnarlranla,
ArurilKCAiur. ItRt-iioisTa. (Inuniia ami
1'niVAtK TAMitaa.
"utfi-a Pare Cognnr Itramln.
W'lff Pate .V.ii-ia. Sl,rrr.j nn4 rerl mar.
Ilolet I'ure Jtmntm ai.l ii. Lrulr Hum.
hcji't l'ure Smirk aij Jrfk lUl.Ay,
I kH Imivi-tn mil tin- iitl- iitlon t.rthi' ritiz'na uflltif!
unit, il Matoalu IIm mmvii Wirm mill 1,1-n .. i,nii.rli-il
trl' I II..LMI.I IV i.i' V.,... I HUi"ril
) ..Tn,... i, ...i ....... V.i , ""M."""su ii.uiie 11 ia-
in mi- .1., ulilii-r ..rri.T.T...... . i-i . ' . .
tn mi-, M V jJt urtlif imrily I -flu. Win, a unj ,,,i',r,
tmi a . 1 U 111 .IllLn n. v 1 V .
7 --y ...uitt.t. ui u iii.iii, iiiy rinii uurclunt or Hurt, rrnra1 n-aiilinci! in tlia Cily
W N Vort.tbntall lliu llrimlj nn,l Win,, n,ci i
liultli! uri' Jiure ua , r.-jorti,l. uml cfllio lie. I qiulitr.aml
an ri-hoil uii,u by ,.vc mrtli!twr." Utery Li-lllo
nia tlm priirimr'. iiiiiiik mi tlm n, ami a luc aiiiiili- uf
liia wsudlurJ ou Hi i ci-rtillcutt. Tin- public nro ri-rnct-till)
nititciitu cull ntiil rxaminu Tor t!t-iiia.lri'a 1'ur
i V , . r 1 1, I'll i i "" wi ..fbUiccarii.-. mid 11. Aaiilu'-,. No. Ml Vmkit Pt , riiil.-iifn. the follnwlnf fmiii t hi Ni-u -npn i i. -.
J-'Mi-MMf Jltisiiut fur line Xrie Yurk Mrrekmnt.Vit
aru h.iiiy to luluriu our f lluH-cllitini Unit llii-rn la iinr
... vu, u nn, inij.iriiii, upuiii rury. anil
ruuutrr utprrlunt. run no ntiil niinli.i-,, i,.,P., m..:,-
Ijqu.ira, aapurcaa iuipuiK-J, uioj cf tli- bi-.tuuiility. Wo
(111 nutillll-U.I til CI M-Ull lljb'iriltl! ll.rrll.llrtr. .,ci.!,
rbant. ojittluivo'.'n, nlUmiiuli il uilu,l rmiv
nilk Ijf.lil- r ..p nh. ,.. . l.l, l . . ' J
uto nari-lmuaj, .Nna. 1-. liJ mul j' llavir and
"- I'J a Ml -'I, iliirM-tllil.l ftn-i-t. Ilia .turli of
MU..,.r-, ii ,ruuj ll,r ,lICll Clllllll (il J
ti-u tl uuajinl tuica-Vintici-a t.i 1-1,10 i, lAiil; mi,l t-n
."...,. ,d.L-9 v,i -.luiicrm, nni-rry ami I'Ort Willi
Srotcb an-t Wbl.kv. Jam.,,, ., n. i-",.
auiu.i L-ry olil mid i-miul Many lu tliia counirv. iinni.,!
n.U tliri-L-l.irsoci-ll.irt.fill.-.l UU llr.unly, Wino, u, in
,f . '"'''"'uii''t-y-ri-uiy mr untiling,'. lr.
tloir--a mlaa of HiIiiliihh l.nt )-ur ani-jiiiiii-u to ono
iiuoiir-i aui I'lgniytiii mil ih.z. n, mill wi- In I,...
l iautno ) In nmy bu vuallj .utcmiul witu lira
lran.ii.-a unj U lima.
ill. buaiiK-ai rairitithi pntrnmi!! of ivrry lnyrrnf
Yi . V -..ill-,. ,iuhi.ii pur'i fYiiii-,uiii
I tJpiurv fur lueuiciil ua.i Blioul.l a.-ml tli"ir urilf ra ilir-ct
uMli-ir iiilii.lsl.iiiij-nr,! ui,. p,,,.,,,,,,,!, ituTlri,ratlPir
liil..-. --i--v n, ,,u y if .vnifaan,
W iinl,-r,tin 1 Mr.lWf;, f.,r tlio ni-i-i,mm.i,lnln
bin ui in, ui ra 1,1 in- cuiinlry, pull up ,,ruli-.ia aif
:.: " I'l.-ri,. r-uin ii uuill iui,i .., u lX riii,int.
. ' """"'tlil-li n i t lli.iila.imla ol op.
, .. ... ....... v. ..... ,i . ..,. B, i, ni, inn niiiL.1-
tl'MiSj niluoua nliK,- to In Ii liii im i,.,. ,,i,i0,.
l'l"' i, t"'or!',, '"i Ilu,')ubucb, Llrusjist,
S"ptt;iub.r lt.0 n.n,
310 nn'iaii hoafheatf, Nctc York,
Thf f.'lloirinir lrortcanre fnttoHobfcrlS-fiiiiiaiiy part
... ... w".,...!.., n-tL-i" ui Miii priC'',i ny rn.ui or
expr-s prep ii,l;
TIIK NMV AMtUfPA V OVCr.Orhf : A popular
lJidioniry cf OenTnl Know I .Jrc. iMm d by i.Wuk
iiiriAYaiiui rfim.v mm. niiitM br ,t nn.tii'rin
lert rrp of uriti rln nil hr.ltufi-s vttte ienct. Art nti.l
J.iHratur.-. 'Jhinwork beimr pnblnhe, in ablatio
lariru ottnvo voliutieg, i rii h co-it iimiu ?jO two eolum
ra'ion. Vol, one 1 1 nine. iii'luiU. nf, n... r. ju . ... v.
contaiiiini near WM. oriaiml urinl.-. .An additional
voiiiiii-a wilt Uf Dtih u iiMl our In hliii ihf. inni.tii)
rrl'-eainClotli, $1; .Shup.OJ LJ; lljif M..r Si; Half
Tilt' N,'iv Aim rifiiii(vrl,ipa-,lii f. pnpiil.'irwitliniitri-r.
inn aup, le.irni-il but in.t p,-,l.niic, i oiupr. Ii,-nivr
luit -,i lici nlly iletnliil, fr.-o from p.'rsm il pi iuo iiiul
i" j ii-..' . . nubi, iui,i j,-.,-tc,ur.ii--. u M.t r"inpl,-tt.','iii-nt ornll iaLiumu upon i-vury in, purlunt tun
ic llli til,- .cupi- i,fliiiiii;in nit, Ili.-in.,., i:Viri import
out artirl" iu it Iota bi'iiiocially unttcn Tor II. pap,
bv moil ulmiiru autliorili," iipini tlio u.pii-on wlnrli
tliay .pi'nk. Tliey nr i n 'iiiiroilm l,riu h,,, yui,j,',t Uuin
th-pr ".(-nt mc'in, nl in -nt-Ju-l iiowil I m il ,r. Ail
tlm jl itimiriil inforiuitiori iiroili til" iair.1 n porta I til"
p."i;riiplil'nl iirrounta p pin-,. m, i. ltl,it ,.M,'ra.
tioni ; ln.t,rn-nl m lit -r. lililu lo tii,- fr li -.tjuat ii ih
tlio biosnpliiinl liotlri a hoi i.i.Ii apuik oflbu Uuil, but
nlaoofllii In-Ill". It ia a lil.rnrv nfita If.
AnninnkM.Nr or -inif llr.uiiie iii-i'iiN.iKu'a.' noiinr n
polllirnl li!,try uf III i l'nit,.,l riiit.-s. from ilii i-n-.i'iir..-,. nf 111.' lir.t IViU-Ml r.iuiiMia in ITi-ll In l.-,u. i;,ln.
oil ami c.iuipilj.l l,y lion Tmivinll. Uliiiii Iroui tli of.
Ill J il Ili-rtiriia of I'ou.'r'i-i.
Tlln mirk ti 111 lio lomplii'il in 13 rntnl iirtJVO loliiiiira
of ,.'iil p-ii-aoacli II of Inch nrt'liuw r-mly. An ndili
tlouiil tolniii,. uillb" pulilKh.-.l 0...-0 in il.rr-o hiohUm
is"'sl-fi,;..r eh Mi 3i ";,f
1'orin a i lu'i of four, an, I r.-init tlio pricooffour loioki
nml IHo iiipn-a u 111 l,o unit til Urn rt-iinit-r ai-jpon.o ii r
rnrniig-'.i'r lor Ion .iiliarnlior. ilavin topioa mil be aunt
at our oipcn'orur rnrn nro.
Nn ollior u-nrk mll.o liliorully reHanl tlio orrliom
ofAiii'Ma M A'.tNT Warn hi in inn I'orMV.
1 oriiis knowu on appliciilion to tlio I'ub isluia
NuV, Ui, 1-00,
i'oi. 21 23, South UixtU street, mat
tlio .State Jii use.
r.,rvn r.llll.MEl.niIA. I'EXXA,
I t .'l0 "' "'" Wrtou nuiltlins, oroitod o-ipro.Fly
l, ,nl .',r . ? l,r;T'",'"- "a.l", nr.- alnrt'd lull, Myj
' I -, -r' '" i-'ini'-i. aim .-iiriii-iiura.
hUlY r-AKa lUrAllLi.Ul-n. '111!' Killrr ,1.,
-'Hi' aiib-rribt.ra d'o-iri' to
can, i.i.- uiti-niioii. uf
in,. r , il. .1- .. . I, I' ".." '-"millJ
riilTooU ' "Ul" " -Vtulllta-
llarraiilcd Garden and Floirer Srrde (Iran and liild
. . 6,,t,'(' (Ae most nla'dc qualit.
Ill- Aurlculturul linpl. uii-i.t. .old by u. nro nio.lly
inunufiicliiri-,1 ul our .u-uiu work., HrUlnl 1',, "IJMI
llniins lilti'.l up our i-.t.ilili.lii,ii.i,i iiuiiniit record to, Willi II,.' luo.t ciinrlu.. mud,, ,.ryrr II.
ii.uiur.ictiiro of i.irii'iiaklnda of ii2riiulliiriil,in,i,-ii,,.i,
fiiij,:',,!;7i,;r!,';r'''lt''kui,'l) a" una nn.
toteM to fu'.-ffiS' "", ll""S,r l" k'"J
I.ainlr. tli'a iiarrannd (iar B"oda liavu booii beforo
llm publio loriipwarilaofauiy yuira; lli-lrwlii- aprc-il
poiiuliiiity. nud llm incroasiiisd ,n,( f,,,,,, yu,ir ,,i,,,r.
oliii-r. euidiiiica of .upcrioiiiy oct ull
Ouiiiitryincrilianta caiilw aiipplij.l win, socda in pa
icr, or in b jlk. on tho mo.t lilu-ral torma.
II ooiiiadiili', iimr llrl.toLl'a ircurili-ii .i-o.l (rroiliula,
contiliialhi-oi- luinlrod nud ai'vonty mrra, nnu ia tbj
larsi-.t Lbtatill3iu,ii.-iit cf it. kind iu Hi- world.
Ii. i.AMJltllTII .t POV,
i 3f,. "','5' Sl "' s'"k l'hllailii,,h,i,
ir7-I.niiilri'lli'alliiral I!. jrittc-r mid Aluni'inc lor l-ii,0.
nl'iinn. tlnril. ',! llreen I so I alaiii'nr
: .."iiim nun (,rcfn tl,uia
.... i.ioiiiu in mo year, can bo bad raia,upon nil-
uiii.,I or put j.'iiJ application,
-iiiii'i'in-;i, im y,
SiA M C; X S TI IS t3 o?tH.
JOHN" I'Allimt, N. ;is Alttllrt.
uv.rtv.-o ,iii .vein , ria , i-HUQjeluhid,
(Lull i f .14 Market m.i
luiportir, .Miinufailuri-r if mid Dealer
iu all kindiof
mm pubs,
Ilaviuc remeced tn my Knv HrnnE,
, IS Ari li Mn el, and bi-liiir nmv ein;.ii;eil
eiitirelj in tlio .Uu-nujatture nul pale
of i-Viucfr Fun, whiil, in uctnr.lnuce
li itli Hie "OhA IVicc l'tineiid ." I I. ....
marMat tllil W.r ymnUc frier, conai.tent Willi a
rea.i, nab .r..llt, l iiou dM.liiitu fr, ibo.eiu
mint nl fur. Inrutli-r Ana-,,, r nMf,.' -,. u,
mi ni.p.lKiil ul u.y leitio'i nfllio... na, .ali.lled. aa
, ". ,V I'" nan in eiery U, . ,1 , on,,!,
... .'. . "l ' ui-laiicu. win, may tl .1.1 Itliuolii-i
",;V , "'' " ""! ni'iio llienrliilt-lli.-y
uh, li.-.tilier iuu, ll fr,r.-,,,d in.iru, limia l,,r nul
iiu.aml Inriiurd the ormr ton,,, -uioiiei a,,-,,,,,.
rjV'i" " wl"'ill','y innil'llallco M ilh ,h, ir
Auiiil.t 23, 1-T.O 5m
Sy.UAtiQ Cif oaU fJ. if., Lt lObt OT h-H,
lltil.-, hut often filln ih- itirne.
.'11.1.UI.I, B.lVlXU ri'NU-Vo. 1311 Knoll.
. rV" to,r-1- lttLe.. f 'lla.-t.IUt and Walnut
l'l iladclphin, j. a all il.-po.ita on tl, maiid.
IJaiuuitur.' iiiuiiey accured by I jut eriluicnt Stulo
an 1 1 uy I.ojna, tlrnund limit., Jlnrtsaioa, &c
lllla ui.lilliuuy l eellia I, It, r l.n.. ,
prollia, con.i .pmilly mil run mi n,t mil, dU,,,.
innney. butliaio It nt all linn a rt ndy tu ri turn
nluiu. iloiio n-hij .. :
ii ' . -V.......B.., i.vii, .u.iieiiiieil,
1 elilalea, linrrlml or .mat.,, .-in.l llli..,r. a..
Iio.iiin tiuir imii riiilit. uml .ucli depmia mn bo
t-'liarter lii'liutllal. liirnrtinmli .1 l,u ..A
','',' "UUiuj.iy iu roCllVO IllOlH-y
lioin irualoea und EtrLUIora.
l.ll.tlt. wit Md.1U.bUMSJIF.Cr.lFED.
Olbce open iljily trom II lo a o'cloik. uinl ,. liv.l ah ulii uuill ti u'clnik,
Jai-cb n. Blinniion, t yrua Cadiinliadcr.
III! hhni'llor
tie nr,Xn Iiu.M 1,
Mai ,, 111 W M mil
IMiiaril'i' llyult,
lleury II 'iany,
Nulban tiineill, y,
Li'lirimu lllniirio,r.t
I.' Ill1- Kriimbli.lrr.
Nlrlo'la. iliti, nlinu.p,
Jo,. 11 tull. illi'.-.nllt'
" - i'i, i.ippiui-oii
JAI Ull ll.HIIANNOV, I'rudcnt,
rvur C UiWAIXAULU. Trcn.urlr.
Alarcti 12, 1 oj l.'iu.
"A Dulltr tuvid ia luic. tarucd"
;JJ'fB National
Charlerctl by tbo Stato of Pennsylvania.
J. Mmiry in received every day, nnd tn nny atnount
larctj it anintt,
tt. I'! VII Pl.rt CT.T illtPrtxt I.t tmll fur f,....
Ih'i tiny It U put In, i
j Hi! nionev isnmnvtciid MrR iu COM), nhncv
It I cillfd tor. mid uit.ftriit notice.
4. Money U rerelvcd frofti V-reeii'tir. ,;mi.-
(litmlianr nud oiIhtb who desire tn e It in n phce i f
1 ' ' '" 1 t "I'M H IV ItlHTf?! Clin IIP 01)1 lllfll lOf it.
). 1 II liiOliF'jr rcc VC1 rrom r rpo tfr invetcl In
i i- I.TXUI1IU-, ii- mi- i n.ini'r inri-na.
ii. uiuci! lloura .l.iy Irni.i !l till a n'clorli, nml
on Muriilojra ntnl Tlnirailnj- till e n'rlnrk in tlio i-vinlnr,
Hon. MEHItV I,., rrtiUmt.
niiiiritT Mi'.uitiinii:, rucrruUtm.
U .-a. J. UaED, tccrtttirit.
Hon. Henry I.. Menncr,
Krancla r,oi.
i.'iwnru i., i-aricr,
ri.tiuiit.1 li. Arlilon,
C. Lautlrtlti .Muiilis
F. I'nrroll llrcnatcr,
Joaopri II. Harry,
.losi'ph Votka,
Iluiry IliironJclflcr-
nan! ilrrrt, .( Cornrr of Third Stmt,
April 10, 1SJ, Aug. 11, 'j-. Fih. 1, Si
l.OOii Ol'T I (.00!) KEV3 F0I5 ALL I
'plIEliovor.l.iiluuMKtf. AMIuliX, ia u, .
X Biicc,'i'ila lilioti all itln ra havo t.iili-il All ilio
iii troulilf all ulm liuv boon nuf ,r lim n,-, an udoati
foil I lioio'a liiivo tirnit i.u.ii,ii,,t,..i . 1....1 , l, . . .
, .. e , , , t i . . v..i.- ,, .iuu iiiiru
!:s ..:T;fl:,:il;vla.; i.; .0 .r'iV';;;:.;:
f.irtiim, all iilin nn-iu ilii, , bta of in. nii.-riion. of U,,..j
tln-y Inyo, ciinanli hot to , r, In-v,. uml .oii.f, ib ir u,inja.
Hho 'tSS-xiXxTx ou.
pn'iiis .ol ltia 11,14 fdi'iuiin li iiniui.a iiiiii-ruto'pti-
ti'inli ra t i try to bt-r. and to copy li, r a Ivi-rum.-
iiraliantrri ni. .-li p.n.i, a t!i .in -I,- m b.niTi",- ,ujr
rlii', milmal.i!iilu-iiijiii,,iib.ippi." Il,-r ni.l nud
J .ir.i.y jixu HAVPY MhRuiciF.;
?li la ihvr f.-r.- u ,iro ,l.poii 1,-nci'. sin lua H-rn tin
III Mill rf lirlllClntf lll.l-IV hllllllro.l lll'.irl. .-in, I h....l.....,,-r. Tlioiin.i.Uor bnk.-n 1,,-una i it.T'in l ollod
ami ii .1 1 li-ippy by h -r
ii i- ni ii Kiioiiu i nn- piiniic.n i.lre(. ,i,at fj9 uaa
tin- lir.t ii lid .ti-' 1, tli
I, ,, llh , - i . . ""w ""' I
liki'ni'a. ill ri'ulity.
mi an tuo coiicirna rflifi-, irhirli ran b- I. .tod uml inuv
i ,1 uy iuu ininiia. lioin iiurrn a juj KliisU', iibu daily
and ,-aecrly In-r ul 7
N'ti. llltKi Luiiiliurd Street, Philadelphia.
All intTvii'iya ar" ftrlrtlr pri.iitr and conflilonlial
Wh.1l.TII y.VMI.Wjr.'U IH.un 1 1 ii l
All IIAPi'lVEHHuri' ivilhin tb.' r.-ii.h iy ,n
til" liwui! unmlor of tlm I nlulifni'd noo : nil Cho ....
ault h--r aro intiinishod at tho trullir.iliii'H. nf h, r iufar
l.iatioii mi I nri'ilirlioii. Al.l. tlm. . t,i i.-j.i k..i i... i.
conaull il h r. tln'ir bad l.-n tli.'iu. ii'i.l tb.-y nro ruiw tor,'. riili..'i,.ii,i nt iind luppy. Tn ALL lu bminoaa
II, r alvifo ia iliv.llil.ibli. Wl" ran for, t,.l nil
oil ciTl.iiuly, tlio riault of all romiufrci-il and bilalmal
truiisiiitioiia. Ifynu f 'll'iiv (it a. Inc. you mil
I.WROVf. riWH CIM-U.IH.r.l.Wl.S
nn.l sncc'i'il iii all your umlt rtakiuoa. Tho-,. .h t.t
buon fortumr anil uiikiici'biI'iiI in lilV. iin.l In hi,..!,'.'.-
-tlioi' vlio haw. Kork.-.l bird nn.l Mrim-lb-d u!'a,.t
iliilrr.ttv nnd mi. foitiiii.. in.' ,..-.,...- ... ..r ., ..
and f.mnil ,be iimr,- tbi-v t,i,..i to n. ,
world, tho mum thing, thuiir. ivi nr nuiiisi ti,, ,., t hi
i a-a liivo con-nit. ,1 1 r f, r 111 tan tw, ,, ymra. All
I IO..0 llll'l IIH-IV fo ol.i'. h., 1
in ail ncr un iTtik in'.? Mini,. i,...Jrt ...... u.. ,
.lino. ,.,,,1 1'M.or.o , ..... i. V . . "r Hf1 !"
. - ...v. , .. "ii-uii'i iiulii:-, urj .l' l a.
horins iik.iIii.i nclvi-raiti- nn I pniorti. ifynu iiilu win
b ippin.-a.. ion ii iiriouault b"r yourailf, mid bo .uccl-a-fill
mid Irippy nt,".
aii nil 'riioiia aro strictly prnalu and confl Icnlhl
t.oiiiu unn ! comu all to
li tiivon Jnnipi r and Broal, fbil.ili Libia '
M.itIi 1J, l-.'.'i ly. 1
j nine i nnu -im a-lim ri.,.,p i. MUM , mirk.l for
I liiurr iban a jviir. a-nl that it la:,-, uiri-n
raliptanion. mi 1,1, nt tmin ib,. f in, ,h ii ,b Manilla,
t.i,i'r4ofit,nrj,.rt,, PUp,,iy tiu deimnd. havi- b-'-n
olll-d in iiiri-ai.' Illi iriapainy in in.ikii cuu.-il tu On,
Hundred 1 unuiand Vuundi per IfeiK. Il it di-rnli'dly ihn
,, "jf"'!1 "' Al"1.'1 ""I nindii in lliii Ciiuiilry; Car
t5)-i , SijiArtiici- u.r. It ii made upon a n.
priiiiipl.' of i ho ,,! mil., and kinnin only in Vas
IAAOI4 fc Slihmw I da., away .-mii-i ly w uh ib"
lo ,'!' i" "'J ''".i1 ';"',"',)' "f I'oiUni! tin- f Intlii-H. it
ilii'ja ift.t .hriiik rijiiii'-N. IIEMUVES liumSE INK
i t I'AINT Bl'UTiJ pi-rl-.-tly and from tlu most d, hc.iti-
l.ihric, mi ia fully o bilfili.' unu. nml l.,l,r imully
pi'lll in lio H-a-llili.'. l! u rammed free from J..V.MI
ori;,;u' o !TiUXb:-:."tto',M' ""a "
. Vaniiaagcii A: S.'cKronc's.
Pnpnrinr r.rii'iilal 'I'ldlot fhomlcil rili. Vnl-. Eltr-i
I a nnd I'.rmi n M"iipa m mil , Il.un Thais 4. Uo
Atluiiiautiin. t'.inill... nt loui'.t ui.iikrl prtri'4
1 or Halo by all repot tablo t.'rif'.r.. and Wind". Mo by
,. , , , Til AlV ti McKEilS'i:,
o. Si.nnd 21 Smith Wliaru-a, 1'uitaau.i'iiu,
Tln-ro lioini fi'ioral imil.iilon brands of IMpraivn
Poii. ililii:ilkU, tllj p ililic nro imtlAod Hut iinui. nro
in iiiiiii,-,'M-,,t llAAots &. M.Krovt ia n mined
upon . a, I, il.,, ..I il,,, Niap, , ,i , , , w
I I'liruary A, 1N.U- Urn.
, iv,. A'V,r,"l""v.vl,",fl,'f'il practice, Ila.Ki:!,
1.1M. .till dofiroa in do cood tuiliu allliacil, lio con-unut-a
tn euro ull Hud, of
Lancits, Tumors, Wens, Sctrfithit
King's ICril, .V.ics, d-c.,
ii cur.nuo.iiiiiiniit ruttlnjor poi-on. II, ilo"a not con
in o iiini.1.11 merely mo cure nrilu. above il mom but
will treat on nil otliera ivitli nicci-.a. 1'iiliciita will bo
ll-lted. If tleairi'il, u ri, ill, In iliitjnc,.. I'tr.oui lie.
!!"."? '"O.1",' ".'-V" 'k:"u fcl t 111"
lotflinMeilianic.liiirs, ub.rethiyiiiii bo dircm-d in
li a r.-Hdeiirii 1 ornll parli.-uliira rlto-.tiitu illacnao
..'t,lr,.V. liV ii i " Jn. iVt-f,1 !? I"' 'i?.-
Rli', Cutubcr-
i ni'i o.. r.i.
pt-mli r Ij, IFffl
- fin.
Mill iol5ue.
To cirrn.mmi m-u tiik fviilw niuvr.iLiu.r.
I HAM. removed in bc .Mnnloiir .Mill., nnd llituid
J keepins n eupply of Hour mid feed on baud, uml lor
-ilu a. clioap aa Urn chtape.t lor caali. I u-nuld lutther
a.iv tn ull tliuae kiimviiij tlicinai-liea Inilibti-d iu me at
lie .ImiJuel Mll, tlicj uoiilil conP r a front lamr
by calliuc and a.tiliiiS up. .,. J aimeri neotlv and
lu ioo Hi" old Hooka. Hncall mil aee in, irli-nda. and
jour cu.toin und will u thankfully r.-celn-d.
.Vnutnur Villa, April , ia,o. V.M. lil.r.US.
ALL P'reona Indebti'd tn Hie liiiilerrlcneil for 1'rnlK ,
aional arrvirea nptn April i.i. i,,,, . ., ., ,
ly re'iui-eleil tu cull and aillL) i-ulicr bv nolu nrntlKriirw
nooandiurs, AnM W, Ult '.'...
a 0 K i't rH. & W Jt. Jl 1" ,
an t sriir.irr, Tourth t)
AwlUW-lta 1'lIILAUELriIIA, I'a,
ROPE .13AKK2'Jjt"""a'
t-jiuil L'uttuu fr Cnulkiii". liopea. Tilinaa, Tar, t'ilcll
Oakum, l.loLka. aiitl Oara. &.c.
Ail'li.t 1, Im.U-Kui.
So. 222 CtlloivliiH m., below Third,
'rut. tareett, ben lunilioin
I at and clieapi-at li..orl.
ineill of Hola I.eallier Mid
llil '-ted Travilllln Trunk.
Inth..' riA--, .1. 1. ...... .
1 f.'lnidrri.-a. fnarbta, I'ro.m. SX J
1, ra Li .ulier au.l ,'nn.i , ..... 5
I I'ackins Trunk. ic &c il -. -fSWift..V
, , , , TI't'M 1H IV MAlTi'OX'H.
fctli'il. Hontb uo-l r ,.,. t-'.u...l. ...A ,.,. .'. r.T. ,. It,lkl
Aujuiie M7-tf. J
iKaftE- rxi . Ui. I
.Kldli Company. !
ll is a fact thai, at eotno period, every mem
ber ef tho human family U suljccl to disease
or disturbance of tlio bodily functions) but,
with tho aid of n good Inula nnd tlio cscrciso
ef plain common eenso, lucy may bo nblo eo to
( regulate tho system as to eccuro permanent
licallh. in oruer to accompusii tins ucsireu
object, tho truo courso to pursuo is certainly
that which will produco ft natural etnto of
tilings at tho least Inward of vital rtrcngth nnd
life. Tor tliis purpose, Dr. llostcttcr lias In
troduced to this country a preparation bearing
Ids name, which Is not a new medicine, but 6no
that has been tried for years, ghlng satisfac
tion to all who havo used it. 'ilio Hitters
oncrato powerfully unon tho stomach, bowels.
and liver, restoring them to n healthy and
vinorous net Ion
tlon, nnd thus, by the piniplo pro-
ccsj of ibtrcngtlicnhij; nature, enable tho sys
tem to iriiimtui ocr uifciise.
For tlio euro of liys-pt-jisiit, Indigestion, Ntttt
Eea, I'lnlulency, Loss of At'pctltc, or nny liilioni
Complaints, ni-lslni; from a inorhltl innction
of tlio Stomaoh or Dowel., proiliicln CVanips,
Myscnlcry, Colic, Cholera .Morbus, i.c, thesj
Hitters havo no equal.
Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, eo generally con
tracted by now eettlcrn, ami caused principally
by tlio chancjo of water and diet, will be epcodily
regulated by n brief uso of tliis preparation.
Dyspepsin, n tlisenio which Is probably mom
prevalent, in nil its Anrious forms, than any
oilier, ami tho cause of wlileh may nlwaya
bo nttribittcd to derangements of (ho digcflivo
organi, can bo ciircil without, fail by tuina
directions on tho bottle. I'orthis ilisense every
pbyslciau will rccommctid Hitters of kind j
then why not uso nn nrticlo Known to bo Infal
lible? All nations havo their Hitters, n. n pre
ventive of diseaso nri.l strcnttthener of the svs-
1," Inm In ,.n,l . n., ,,,,. ll,. nil ll,..r l
' no' ' bo found ft moro healthy pcoplo than
.i.a .1.A... it.!..
, uuiint. ut, iiuiii n iiuiu tins ,ii-,ni iniuii
'mv0 tcmleu to "rovo tho vnluo of this great
preparation in tbo ncalo of moilical Ecicncc.
1 . P AN'" ,A.",l'L;-TI.''13 'OiK "'d l"'"k-
' lnS 'lfcaw, which fixes its n Icnllois Rrap on
tlio body of man, reducing liiin to a mere pha-
! to taad.ort time, and rendering 1,1a, ,;liy-
ncally nml mentally useless, can 1m tiincn
' from tho body by tho use of HOSTlITTHll'S
ipWSED llli-riins. rurlUcr.nonooflhe
I above-stated diseases can bo contracted, even
in exposed situations, if tho Hitters aroused
- -.1! ,! ....1.,1 ..-!,1 .
' 1 K U"L"',:'-, "Kf " ,lmV 1
' nausea nor offend tho palato, and rundtr un-
I necessary any clinngo ol Ut.t or interruption
' ordinary pursuits, but pvonioto Bound tleep
the complaint is -
movcu as speoduy as is consistent witu the pro-
duction of a thorough and permanent care.
Tor Persons in Advanced Tears, viho are (
FufTering from nn enfeebled constitution und
infirm these Bitters are irivuluuljlo as a
rcEtorativo of otrcngth nnd icor, aud need
only lo tried to bo arprcci&tt-d. And to a t
mother wlulo mir.iin these UitUri nro mOliy
ponsjilile, especially where tho mother's nour- !
ishinent is inaduqimto to tho demands of tho
child, consequently her strength must yield,
nnd hero it h ivhcra a good tonic, sucli as
Hosteller's Stomach Bittcrd, ia needed to impnrt j
temporary ttrcngth nud igor to tho eystom. 1
Ladies should by nil mean try this remedy j
for nil cases of debility, nnd, before bo doinc, !
Bbould ask their physician, vho, if ho u
ficquaintcl with tho virtuo of tho ItUttra, TfUl
rvcommend their tibo iu all ca3cs of .tukuesA.
CAUTIOIX. MTo caution tho publio'agaiast naln
any of tho many imitations or cou titer fuits, but ask
for IIosT-CTTtn's Celebrated Etomacu Bittsbi?,
and &co that each bottlo Lll3 tho vonla "Dr. J.
Eos tt tier's Stomach Uittcn." IJoira on tho &id4
cf tho bottle, and staiopcd cn tho metallic eap
covering the cork, and observe that our autugruj.h
eignaturo U on tho label.
J5 Proparod and sold by HOSTETTEH a
SLIITII, Pittiburnh, Vsu, nnd sold by all
druggists, procers, and dorJora fjonerally
throughout tho United States, Canada, South
America, and German.
...i i.i .1 it. -nn r i. i i.nU lllftoui.buriT: A. Mil
kr & Cn. htrwir't, U.K. K-MJhinl. KKpituwn; M. C,
(-ri''r, J"h. Iv v., A. rf. llaiilv, &(.., Danville.
Octnh- r I. lJiH
suri-R ruospiwjE of lime
llth IMawnrf Avimiu", l'HlI.AUKI.l'JlIA
Htile airrnl f-ir l'fniilv.ti.l.i, IM.tware aii'l Ni w Jrtry,
1 1,M ''P'"1 V-V'fi'erpi will itial in c flirt nutl
lnf lintri" p.vrri., K, lov ferunat (ivnn.
It l pacftf d titfiron lUju, of kill Ibn . nth, and u sold
at mi pi-r ton, i.r i u. r tinu'lr tm-t.
It iu th.- i-xpt-fK nr-iif'rd ,..j-j, ii'ol la nafcly rt-c
oiunii'ii I it Us (In- hct T rtiiiz -r tin in ti..-,
S tlitph h. ('irr-iil.irs (ili-t Fairiphh't- ffitniiiiiij; r.'cnni
iiioiitliitioiii troui ranner, kciit i'ralij U a.l uu rc'iU4t
Fifth (irau:! Quarterly tension
Of 100,000 Articlai Worth $JCP,0D0,
WIMrii win (f ftiiMKirfthiotlUi., tt tlM utir(hicrcf
fur . s'v,n.ui: rri.srf a r :iu uw. tlk i:i..
Dur tfitlth-n IVn in iii.- h-'ti tt r uh-mI, und rsuarnut.o
imt to Lorrmle in a-iy iiia. l.vfiy bain u,
l.lltilly alKiuld iikftht tivUltn ten,
Th- iillmiH3 li-t t mtl 1(lHtnlilt;d
aiiunifj our p iifOiK tt 3HW each, and i-il nut U.- paid Iur
mini rtL- n.huiu tit, pure h in r uiiu .r iu0 iotltj jui
artid.-h i will n-n luui I ir tl--ut'U Hi n it u i',ti. nni
win tin r In- IHJL1.AU and t.iktk tlu- t.uiilH.r
nut. is" AlM;l.i1tciii h'i r luruuditt oiiri'p,'iiit .iih
iii leu il,i iiU' r llm p.inhas.r iif-ct-ni.-. tin iu, titiilcs
Ihty arc atuUnoij,i and tlu Mon.',v.iIt hu r-fndt-d.
Uit ct CIloUs InUudcit in thu Dlatfiljution.
I'miius, O.dd lluiitnia (,'utJ Watrhca, ii, I WulihrH,, ' Mlvi'i Wuriiurf.tiuard, ViM&i.h.m l,uin;ii.iin-,
( u.ii.-u llmuiii , iHBli,c mil Jn UriMche, l.iua. nnd
l l"p ntiuu hruodii'., Loral, Dikt,iI1 and Utiftl Jlrnot hun
lumro i;.ir-lirp, Mofaic uulJt liar tirtim, l.a-i and
lluii.uuno lurlfr-p, Coral l.i.r Ult,v, i.(irald and
Up.i, lianditniiie et-al ii intra, Akib.iu .ind I'd
u'.'V ,r'",'l-,'-'l' i:a'ainu. Wann Kk), Tub .tnu
Itlhhon rli(i, Mr Ik ,t tlr.Min, mt. fchc ., Flaiu
i -r.ipo si.,ini, .iiuilifiLll.iu d t,.iuii', LIi.iIIujb.
ini.Lh.tiol Am-ncuu l.a.M. H.-n-jt, I'upi.u, riah
talKui.. and ."th r I uiiifn,lirci,...,(jinr!
tosnif r with ll'Md Urcor, ahas, 1'unry tun, .nut in
laitaluion tvtrjr uunriptuiu of UUUDa Ubualld, luaudin
i7...V OK JJtiTIitlllTIO.
-mi rwiuitiui iuj U.lhtrrf. Lowui-t IVeiniJiu $i 00.
.nmit uri- nn iuu r 'U, imu i.i 111 III. 1,-h dialing
it rnu iur ono am ohiu'd
tltUl'd l.UVt l.HI.-H Willi ,1 lh( IITI.II..- I a. I" Pi
luidtu', by Dm i in each Ituuurvu UrluivuU there u one
Ami tip -re mil iil-uihi-a ,,lt mlid l'te niiiiii in earl! ton
t erllllial' .. l.ii'ln-.. H jn.i in nreu Ini Mi.nvl, in Urea.
Iiiltirn.ur ii In n. , 111 ,1 unu In U'J'iielr)-,,uia,-a u. :iu
1 i nli pir n ll.ii o ,i,e l.i.l.lm 1 1-ib, n.U t mil i.
u .llll'l.". "I'll may enalil., )oitln priiL' l i r
our lioliieii 1'. ii,, und ll Sinl'.-d nolliu ultliu.rinla iilntli
irfev ma, -a
i u,iea riuaiuin 4 L'citiln.,iu, i
Un ,lu u .... V.
N II -
i!l o,l ij ilu j
'I i do Inu u it'
iih tuili r.ukj.'u or mn i.iw, . u..
puriii.!. i iuu , i rliumtt. a, oeol iv ii, n ia L'uar.iin .,, i
iinilJI.l tnu onl. rl.,r .1 1 INK U All ll.t.r Sellini! 111.
ihiae.nrb) .,r,l.-iiiia.',ll a ,ti oio ,,u, Uso lolinre
'"!" V '.'.'V ,f" ' ' r""i-a... ono ui m r lt n
,j,l, liilia tILM:il U' a Una liiiuib r l
oilier i.ry pruiuuiin, Li-rlillcui.! i
(rulla. lipun applie iliou ofauy per.ui ,1. .111,15 l ,
Annul. 1' ,,.av nubl. lulu lu prucuro u rulujblo
I lellililiu lliu ,l,e payiuenlol ijl,
l'l.llitia, oiia, Jlu.ic, l....,ki, gon.ue Vilihiuoa
tc. Iiuiitliiaud ...I.I on l.'i.uiioia,,,,,. Any unlila 11,11
bo M-iiituth. Uoulilr) nl II,., Loiie.l Wliolrulu i'ric.a
Jiitli tbo uiluilion ofa pir cuil IWuiuuui lor foruura-
uiHrion." "' tm " '-',rc',:!"',
Aitdri-h. alt l.uiiiinuiiirniioiiat.i
1.'. 1-. 1 ,,,.iii.'n-r .1- rn
...j f""'"'." GeaieiU .linle,
1JJ funtl, rouilli Rlrt 1 1, Hi oii C'll'i.tlim. I'liiM.
1 or mir ii.leuriiv an.! til.ihii t.. i.iii'i
P"- I
1111 111a. wo b.-s t r. I, r )oi l.itliu iollimiug ut kiiu'iu
(,-uulkiiien und buiiua iliuiai 1
l.A lluv. Kun.iu, Wealhii'relaiiil, I'a.
J i"lV I-1'"" fc L'"' Jc"l"e"'I'!'":"l''lWa. 1
11 111. a i.rny, l.i..
Jlea.ra. K.-tiiuit. rt-r k Moore, Wuler ft. Iiflon Arrh "
Hi ..m. J nunc Keatli, I'iUI, mid .Haiku Simla I'tula.
J. 1 1 ull, r, 1:,', , Ji 111 i r, .,
V V; I:,,i" I'ubii.ber of faibiona, ic.
.... ,1. ,11111c, uuiiiau'tu-i ininlr,
lion. U M. Ilura.iu, Eunki,. Ca'lfornia,
h-pleiubire. IrlU-lSm.
riMIi: -uiiriiber oiiU inform In. fri,, tin lu I.
L;u'Z;:Xunih" ""i''!u,,:
ia.i., .,. K. U.IitDtDlAN,
im iIitcus' 1
i J
ncAn wnAt the people sat.
Tin nnlenliriiot bii-lnir n.o-l Pr'-fi-iirtr III'Mpnpt- n
SHXirio tfo.Min h'atuio imMi iilics i-i ,ir .
nltli Hie m't aitl-fli-lnry ri4,illa, iin,l lulling f, i
rlfiico In tlielr Fonutiieni'.i, purltv, nu I ("11 , , ,
rTomi'ion,! Ilu'iii to nil pi-raom iil, iil!i , u i .
liililo, an I olllcai-loua romiHlles nt liaint for pru i- .
lu' ill.' uio,
Tlio Key. Win. lfolin''r, elltor of "The N, rll ,
prndful," Alilmrti, N. V. t tl.o Kcr. V.. II, Or,-,
lti'ctnr nf St, Poll', a Cliuri'li, ulnirn, N. V, i 11 it. ,
Ivi'i, t'list'laln of the Auburn Hlate l'rl,- ti
1 ty"'"'; 'i 'r: Vrl'' VJ'.Z,1 ' ' "
m,.1(14, caipOcnnn Umrtmicr, N v. t tho u.i- o .
I'rmt, 1 r't. t. ; the Upv. .tohn K. ItoMo, 1i iTh'
nun, 'l , rii'"i, in. v ; irif unn. ieni n
ft. ! thf Inn. Jlml"r tJoUitr, nitl,.lletii1. t "1.
tlcirite llinirhrt;i n, N. . ; lli'iiry It. C I , IVi ,
Tli' Ohio ft-tc .1 mrnnt, CotiiiiihM- Oll'i I' t
(Irilinm, M "HiiP, III, f th lln, TliKli-n .1 C1 t i
cell., 1-1 1 ; 11" linn. J iseph I!.ti lkt, t'tl , N V u
ll.i-l .1, Ii , Ull- t, N. V. ; f I'r.ii.l, i:9ij.,
3 tint i L'taiiu.-tt, Km i Niithvlll'1, Tum.
usr ov fpkciho ur.Mcnm
Nn. 1.--Fr Kcvor, Otmeailn, nidi lulhrnimit' m.
Nn. i I'nr Worm F.-wr, Wwvi 0 tic, Vt-tlh i',e r,
Nil. .1. I'vr Crolk, Urjln, i'tvthhv, huI Wiihttul,,,
No. 4 for Dl.irrhei, Cholem Inrnnlum, ai.,I 3k .
No. . Kr Till., (litp'n, Dvntery, r l.i.v u . v
No. fi .iMh'.lerii, CloVm Mfprh'w. Vomltl'
Nn, ". Ft,r JiiniK'lm, CuM, littl.iii.i, itil H r T
Nn. h. K -rV rt!t ii.'he, Vt'v noli, mi t.
Nn. V. ir ltrltliii.he, ertltfo, Utisl nnd Fulli.. is t t!t
No. !. nrrrrsn Tk tJ Knr Woii; nnd n aM
Fl"iiii.ti, 0 tHi'pnll"n, nii'l laWi-r C 'n.f ' i. l
N-. 11. FitR FKM iKKKJUkALirikti, ti .till, P
gtipprrcil IVrnK
Ni. 12 iir frtucurihunt McHi-j-uj
N,j. J.t,Kop Cro.ip, IIonr 0 "il h. V 1 1
No. Jl. f"'1 Ki'tt I'iuj Vtr I i ..-li t r
l'l'nplfs nil the Ftiiv.
No. 15. ItilhfM nr piit for Fut'i, T.nrnfnM
tic In the t'hfsi, Ii itk, -ir f, . -
A.-For Fir .niJ Amv, Chill Kcvi-r, DuinS Art
M!rrnnni' I A-nic
p. F-r IM". Il'-i.l o n vlln '. ! t- i ' - -
O it' ,r rf.Tf, Week, r 1 ri I 1-. n
r.' W -i- '
C For CRtnrrh, of loni: rt.nvllng or rccont, cither trltt
obiiructUm or n fuse dlnclttirjre.
w. v. tor wnopuig uougn, ahalhig )U Molenca k.x
shortt lilti? Us course.
lii nil ncuts iiycasp, inch m Fevers, Inflnmmtit' , i
liti.rrJit'n, ))Bi'tilery, Croup, Illicumatlsm, and pi.iti ;.
lUe dliaais m Pcarht Feer, Mcnslct, nnd Frri)pi-hw, tl
a Ivamai,"' f l-lvln the proper rc-malle prninptij t ,
Unus, ntnl tn all etuh cnfvn tho rpixifics act like n clmrra.
1 he entire aist'itao U ctttn nrrcttc,! ut once, aikI In nil .v i
the Thjlencc of the utt.irk 1j moderated, the dlacaao el.jtt.
iDtd, mill renilcrrd lcHihingcrous.
Ui)ii?ha und Old, which are of bucIi ficincnt occurrecc,
nnd wl.lvh bo often Iny the foundation &f il!cn;ed .,r
hroncMtW an 1 cnr."mi"ptloii, may all he at once curei ly
tliti err ami Colifh 1MU.
In all i hroulc (HaeHnes, nurli ns Pyspcpsh, Wenlc Ftfuntri
Oijimtlp.tltf.n, Liver Cyiiiplaliit, frmale l)ehllii, n-J
lrrcpiUrittea, ol 1 llcalachi-a, jJnreor AVeak Kjpc, Caiurrr,,
b ilt Klieuui, htid ether old ei uthm, the case ha rpe '1" i
nhtmy proper apj Ilea tlon nlll HtTord a cure lu nlnost ever
liiftt'iime. Ofw-ii thf cure of a single chronic (lllhcult,v, '
t ItynpepfcU, Pile or CLtnrrh, llt-a-lache or Fenmte Wul.
t-nsJ, hue uioro than paid fur the enso teu lUucn ever.
rmca i.
Oivae cf 00 vll3 complut1, tn nmrocco, auS'liooli J3
Ciso ot 2') lnli. nud Ilook. p'alti,
Vwq of 15 tiurnhcrfil hoxei, an 1 .Ofdt 'i
Ce of t bo.e, numhercl, anil Itook
filfiiile numheic 1 bnxn, with direction M cent
Wnislu lettered hoits, with illfi'tknn .to .t-
Larjre cade of 2 ci. lah, for planters aud phjiiciaua (:3
Aiafo fipicinc..
Foa Aimrx t ok I'iitimsK. Oppri'im-d, RlfflfiiH, I.aSnrfri
llreatUiig, attended wilU Cuueh and txpeotor.illtni. trice,
M rentu per hoi.
Fob F.ak Iturii rgta a V) nitrSKfi. It:i,harts frnm Mm
Kar, the result of Scarlet Fever, Measlu, . r M r rln'a.
Vor tNolsi.' In the lltud, llardiieHM ff Hearing, 111,4 tLinAiii
In Hi K.irn, niil Kiir-ach I'rice, tlO efiitai 'r hx
toa.Vtturct . Fnl.irnid (tlaiuls, Fiilarjfftt and Itiihira
cl Toniila, t"vc lllnsra nnd Old fleers, Scrofulous Caesy c'
Children, 1'ilt.f, ft) cttdJ pi r Iwix.
ton flKtB'ti. luaiurv. ll'tilcal or Norvoua Webkrcu
FJlher the rtialt of Skknetid, i.ielvu MTUchUou, nt hi
liftiitlnti li'at harces. Ii1ce, TO ctati per 1 ox.
oa lntiiiT, HuI I ACi-u.niilatlnM, Turr.U SftclliLyj, ttltti
Scanty tv rrtlun. 1'ih-e, M) ccnt pt'r hox.
Fun ft riCk.Nr;f-). Deathly Wckneps, crtlfjo, Naaie,
Vutnltln. yUki3 from rldlug or utcUon, Frkc( 50 .eiiU
per box.
Fok LVianiT Disrw For flravtt, Itnal Calculi, Blffl.
cult, I'alnfol Uilnatltati, l!ai.ast.3 f thotk!dtiejB. 1'rli.e. W
cct ta per box.
Von 5i5i. rvisyiOfi. Tr.votuntiry IiiKhartfH ar,d
Cotirtpieiit rrolrnthn and Dthilltv, Had lUiuita of LtII
il.itiltj. The must Bucceful and elbclctd reioedy knows,
and nny he nlle-l upon ai u cure, Frice, with lII ulre
tlniis, ?1 per I'ov.
Ftiioiu who ttlh to plaeo themaotvea under tte priff
!oml cure, or tnpe-k advice of 1'i'of. UcxrnKiiTs, cm do
bo, at Ms oftlco li'i tlroitlway, dally from b A.M. U 8F.M.
or by letter.
odii niuMroind lt .mait,.
Jiot over the llt; m-iVe up a cao of hat Liar yet
choose, and Inclose the amount In a current nnte or alainpn
by ma'l to our addris, ot No. ltl llroadnoy, New-Vorit,
and the medlclno nlU be duly returned by mall or eiprea,
free of fhirec.
AOKNT5 WANTF.D. Wcdcs'rc an actlvp.eniclent Ajwh
tuT tiie sale of our Uemedlfa hi every tin or rnrnwuTilty
tn tho Utlted State. Addrm lr. P. HC?IPnK8 A Co.
SMJly-': P. LUT2,Aawi.i, u .
April 7, 1-tO.
TT 1 .4 rolFt:LMi;l hN'llia.I FUOM r,( MH saJ
J ha hr-nuiif mi cufihliHl'fd tt.i n i.niiMrd Mi-rJinn.
ntiil apiimvi'd by ml . j 1 r
'l 1 VI ll-ffl it rd im r,W
ri'siiiiH tn with r inti
tli m - t.i ttli the rj i.t.
mi 1. tied
iitiU vnthm !hf 11
u op a I hnpr of rt'id
ho ten flmis m
iliplfd to ih Ifo'pf t -i.ihin;
it fit A vtttl 10
v fin vstiiL'fl il 14 rn-oiii-
II li.ii Cdrf'i' Ihi'U
a I h f r, 11 in f 1 r , u j a
itiV pr.4trvot.iN h'tYt
The i'ii mni n-
urli qitjniiiicti tin Man
Ei'nlly on thr Bonfl
l.ct thu die 1 tt-?.
viir jurj(i tnTi fuiu-
1. 1 v k 1: in irjfji.-
Ijmr Ct msUiuls bi.i
you n tin um i.t riif
T'tlt itwl it uih mr
out Altaek hyipeptia
t iirptt'e Juarrisr k
tier CiHiipiatnti Oijcn-
ten Hrpy
uea 1 tacit, nni 1 fttic(iini
JIaLu t'mtirtt Jfljan
h'ttiaie IVtuhtMifsnta ami
fft'ittt t Afttrs ( Miitr
IHilV IX' Uiifrf UtClfeclUl
IV av;ui tlrdtintnj I aunty
Xruieiit It will oi
I'm iiMnmlat ran tevtip
111 twenty in 1 11 nt a it tiro
taitn ai iimiiu'iiif,infiii
MTihrt i 0ip4Juts rt
Ol .ll'Iifk .
,tu win use it are u
11 ti. t-ir uiiio m
il. liior.
MIX WATIllt l lnr. l,il -,ll WITH TllH IN
VIUUlMTOH AVI) f VVA.I nil l'.(l II 'I HOC . HLK
muck i.v;: iH,t.i.Ah rm eon lb.
' i.o
SAN V O ll D ' S
fa. vi i.r
1 oMFtit Ni11.11 I'lmv
Vurt Vtgetultf f , tracts, j. d put vp ui Ulsss C-uu, JlW
V igtJ, nad mtl Acip in any h mtfi
Mm- rA.MII.V CA-i MlAI-Tir IMI.I. li
pi'lillu hut .11 live V
ulurh lh pi
l r ll ia used in in
iai.11 mi more ilui
1 mug ft(r,aitii frfiw
ifp I nit- I I i.i.h 1 nn iti. ,
X 1. in 1 r card r
me to 1 h.rt tlx ui wit
km n .lilTcrprii ( i
iin x.lih nl Im- fi n
I'll RI If1 I'll. I. I .
iwvnix j ari
'ill" I'tiiisiani y
tnv wh-i lnvc lone
ti 11.11 ll Ml Wh I'll
Hi ir i-iie. hn induttd
in in n-arn ,i nil.
'1 1 n irnlff!t(,,ii '
Ilia rt, fa ,iri nil dillVr.'n
Tin- I'AMII.V r.
llll iluf rHrrt'lH li
1.11 1. hen i . in r in. imU 1
imr.-Bi VVSct thi., i:
".' ry pnrl . f he m
1. 1 ni and M,t pi ti t ra
111'i'rtl il, p it 1- h 11 M liv.
thirl XV l'lB.,lll.
If I'i n V.IMHV 1 t t
irncts li li art aliKr
in otiirt ri.iml. znv m
w h' ira ( Aih.iffc 1
nt Mt r ( I ll.i f- o
MACII f'.lr,MSIJ Pi,
IN 'I IK I'aCK AKf I.I !
It'll coin, u I' ich lrrjinn
1 ! li 15 ri-m' ol' Fli itciDY, fruni nu.l-
Hy II Myle'tUdfMlin
l.i or Am.iiir. a
t-i'tn mm mr utioY
rRrtPlVO iSt-SHATTO'' ft'
KliU'ltlihbNF'-F. II V A D
11 All Ull lMLAMMlU'HY
'i'iii'r.FN r,r Aim.
l'l 111 t I. V nf llm It in 111
OKAira, VV urui m
i.mivaiiiH, a r oa 1
and lu.niy HaniiioR m w hu li Hrh k heir, loo iiutii-r-oiutiMuiiitioii.nthfi
nilviiiiMiiiciii. iMsw. 1 3.
is i i. ;.u i:i 'l s
niK laUFR lt.V!ninATn Dtn I'.miiv ri.iir.B-nr I'iili
nrr r.-iail.-.l l,y Hnii-i rem mliy, aiui IJ wi.wH
4le by iltu Tiado in all I tut- n.wtm
1 . W. r- Ni OKI) M If .
"Vl-niur.irtiiri'r nud Froprietor.
I IL'I-Il I' t tl'
s.ixj-qud's urm i.vyK.tntJtTon jr,j pjxai
U ll.tlli IV VII IS,
Ii08 HUO All WAY.
ri-NHlCI, 1IUMI HlK riOOMriM CO,
wpo. M. Vuw i.htu h, L:. l Imu, uud John U. Meytr.
ii . ' "tani I.1H.AT, JUt.1 recivru unj lot
X iralo cnnp, at HAUTMAN'f
II. 0. UOWEIl,
S II It ti i: 0 DliiYTIST
nr.SUnCF..1d Uruk Holding Moull.nvuneSure
un .Vain street, HtooMieurg. ra.
lii:!l'i:t"J I'ri.I.Toffora ),l. profa.alnp.
Ii rut, -a to I lio Lull' a uml e, mien, fa of
Uo"ll"y nn-1 ia pro, , le, win, n,c latc.t luipronnooo.
iooki.ain n-.m'u!
,-, ' ,i',uuniim or guia pi.M, w loo.
II aa tho nituial. '
i .upcrlor article of TOOT11 FOWDEI, ttwti ,
lijn. 13, liJT
(Vo,, It, t i