Columbia democrat Kuirtlay, Bcccml)er 'its, 1800. "BEVIKW OP T1I13 MA11KKT. conitr.cTi:n wrxKir. Ur.vr I "Nini'H"" Imvfncw) .. l,VK-lir.AT a .( 71 tip ..... a:tl SU' i.ovnnsr.r.n.. nti'miu Kni.H fallow LAM) I'UI'ATOr.S A MBimY Christmas to all our friends lad patrons. Julian Woodward's Court, in Sulli- tin county jcorainencos on next Christmas. Crpasy & Co. offer largo inducements find crown with bargains, all cus- osiers who patronizo their Cheap Store in Light Street, Siir.nirr Snyder, on Monday last, conveyed William Brown, of Briarcrcok township, in this County ,to tho State Lun atic Asylum, at IlarrisLurg. Our good friend near Light Street, who one day last week in our absence, brought in a Turkey, must havo made a mistako in taking him away again, as wo never "reject the Turkey." C O L U MB AD E MO C RAT. Tlio following are tho receipts to tho office of tho CotUMniA Demociiat, during niu mourn oi novoiniicr, louu ! John II. Potter (.(orco llartlnan. t'nlvln Cooper, Jalml'ry, Dins Kriun, ('apt Joint llotii!, (io. (1. Lvnne, Orange Juili, William llurlln, Win. Waki field, M, D, Jnnhun llritik, jjinry .iipiiingcr, HeiirV llelliia. J lcknh Klirna. lVM . I.rown, funnel Crcmv, lisi., Ilanlel Lee, J;s1 , vi. 11. Jark.nn. Jarnb II. Klallcr, t21"C0 Ram'l liitunk-ndcr, 1 50 I 80 Hired U Ninth, 10 DO 1 "3 I'miiklm Having fund ti (hi 1 .Ml Manlier i llarliy, S W S IW, llmry, a 50 1 50 l.t, I'nhilL'u. 5 (al 5 nu! l'ri cl. rli k llrnwn, Jr. II IHJ J (HI' Col. John C. Vincir. 5 I'll 4 mi; Win. m.piiii'i. no 5 do; 11 Trust Co. f ll 2 41; J. I". Hulier, 3 (HI 1 .'.II J, & (1, II, Cllnon, 4 III 1 iidin. II. Hull, til, 3(10 ".''( nl, Wnl.rJ. Uiiliijibcll l'l VI 1 7,i! Jonas (Vi-lister. 5 Ml i! I S! I'. I!. enyilcr, 1 a ou; wm. J .McUrcBor, t uo 2 IKij T. J. Vondrralii.i, Haa,:! 311 i u lo'iijniuiii i.riiamus, Callaulsa.i Hrhlgo Co.,1 a.-J ,Mn,cs Hihllclur MllolllOII lltlwig, oiiou noe, cr. 1'. I'. Mi rreron, John lliitii.n, l.lj.iH Lruiii. Julin Kelii r, J.uues H. Ilarman, na, iu Lagio, 3 (in! John Knu't r, ' nil r.mcn r-roll 5u li. IV. Iiiihiilni. 1 in1, Julin auydcr, thtrijr. MS Henry Mortis I 75 Wllll.nn K lly. 3 (ml f .rt. of 1. 11, liavii, U ( J Aim. Muslin, 1 50 50 1 51) 1 50 r no l no 5 (ill 1 Sf NtnnHoettistmtnte.'n, ft & , W. IlAIt TMAN. 13LKCTI0N XOTH'K. "m!;.lll""",,!;" nnilroi.l C.mpnnv will lie nd Oounly. to our nre.eiil N.,v Mock or jVAIjIj ami WBIVjTjEK. held nt thi "KltnMon llnu.e" in li,., l,.r,i..nt, r l.',,ffa. loii County on Monday ilii Mill day of January l"i!l lirlwccn tin. li.Mir- of id o'rloik A. M and 4 o'rlork r.M. fcrllii. I l.'illoii I', lent and nvtlrs HI riotors of Baldcomiiaiiy to kcrvo fur l!i Fiunintr yfar. it fi:rn:i-.oii! tutelary, MiiBllon, Dt. 5J, 18r0-3t .MW 'A A, K,ft,E H 3 K. 0 3? WILLIAM II. RANDALL, Court lIoiiBu ltnv-(ipoffiii tlu.f'oiirt lloiine, next door ,u itiu wniif ui in., i n i (i in L.i.1 iiiiuijcrilt. lll.ytl.MHI UltO, PA, Dcr.SJ. lffd. Sl'KCIAL XOTICKS. Gormantown Tclcgrapli. A ramlly and an Agricultural Newspaper. runusiinn wni:iavr t;cuiANTon r.. Tho prrnnil U the liiont miil.tlt1r tr-tn. l. il. w,n. . ! Ret tip I'IiiIh f'T UtrmnntoitH Titrprnj-h An iirtlw! ' pt'r"ii tu any iKialilmttioo.l, ftmidjn u nttsWtnyt nr nt ,tflH luirnnls tum ti t luti with but 'llll! .Ililicultv -I 11) In uiniltl In I'tpeciaUy tlio ni-c in loriUnicg wj rdtlii Mrud rli.iru lir aul vnlihi of tin pnprr In ktioun. It , riMniin uo tiij)B unrriu III nil Mil me nix il'uii'ii iu pnriy ioijiirn. currupuiiff llri1 BOOBS, wldfh liavpliccn pclprted nlthnrcat rari1 and iindT more tlinionllnary ndrantanc. Wo tnn olTor to Ciuk and rtililif yifly :yf( Kfy ftvM I n.t ItCCtllC li t fl. Our atork einlirncfii almost i-vcry varlrty, Mylo and quality, In tlu lirraa ComU llnr. Wi' havo ll.'l.ahi Ironi lul tl., to $1 nrr yard, all Wool rlaldi tollon I'lniiln, Simmy fialda. Cimlimi ri Mohair Mrlio,4;0)d. of i;lra I'lald Jilkn for SilrK. rir ) aril, fllark tftlk nnd other in turni' 'iiian. titira, &liaula, Hrochc, Milln. I hernia mid lilankct. Cnlliopa, Tirkinga, Cliuika, Htrllitfa, fee, Kt , Clotha, (.'iiaiiu'ra, F.ittltirla, Air., In a Mitlon to th i ntine uooff.'r ilrocc, rlia, llarilnarr, (lupriiaviiirc, Willow and Cedar Unre, I'.imta nnilShwa, llala nn,l('n.(t rr.lni-iil prlrca) Wall I'api r, Cnrpila, I'.irnet cliiiln, t otton nrii..f., lie. rttli, cult, Iron, Nulla, Lumber, Wtto.1 nii.lfoil, lliiainauurtf, M'pt, 2!1, 1 SCI). FRESH A lill IV A I. -of- ttntMelijjiii ri-c Ivcil trom Km i:(nurii litks, tlm i.iijjtDV ti ii li iiimhi Pi-iL-i I, mix i III VALh AND AVIXTKU A HA Itll TM TV11V. T. IIUIN rnarnft r.-imri .t'mipr(niri 1 IP till till 11 Pil'G II It) it fill Ptllc f'.i Pfimnlni? I ol'nilV kind ! hilt l.i rlifaici Litirnlurn . . r..l i.... lit! Umtornictlfil. Crntf fill IW nnl nntrnnnriA. rr.i.r.rt ttruettontjrom irhatectr taust, and alwajt lion, in itnoir Horlh th" f.irnif r nn-l sanh'iier the fun Bwctstfut as a prrrtnticr. price i.ffiiliiiriitifiii. tuir tlcflcti h.i- iilwnys li-m, unit Th Comliinutlfiii of incri'Jients in Dr. Pupfmco's lnli fmitlmw to bis publish n I'mnily mil AcriciiltiK fidiilen ri-li ary p.-rfutly harmk-Mi. Thty Imvu been nl NpP'r f real Hit. n-nt un.l tiiti'rt.iniinfiit, ami iioutl hi the priuito pr.mici! urulil Ur. Ihipimio furofr il-t-niti cl uliu tn thu cniiiuuiuity. w u Itilrtv uirn, mill tiioustuiits uf la.lin- um t.-ufi- I., tiivc upto tliiotimti MiircccilvJ In fjMJIiiiir thli int, nlimi tin ir aiiii ncvi-r failina fiiccrii In dlmnt icry 111,1 J1" " ' r-rn-d frmii tin ftailily int rfninz fciippnrt re- - 'J 1" ' " Hi""" ililldl llCHt fill 'I roiitiiiuci! iitiltitfruiitti'uly tu roinlmt th p,ip'r. .s In tlifl pist, li ill tlio (Irrmnhtotrn 'I rtrjfrnjifi ,- i till future iniKiirpi so J In allllio true tk incut i(jiititutui ft f.ttnily jiniriiiil. v n until x hid ta w inch wp hoe Un c tu A numiier of vorkingmcn,iii TTnrtfortl, Conn,, have prepared a very licautiful poUl mounted cane, from tlio wood of the nld Charter Oalc, to ho presented to tho 1 Hon. John C. lireckinridgc. Tnu Great Salt Lako lies at an clova tton of '1 ,ti00 feet ahovo tho level of the sea and is 70 miles long. AVhcn its waters evaporate, they leave a deposit of about two inches thick of saline matter, ranf, in t.rpTtiiiit Im-Riiliirili , rcllcvlnif paiaful ami tUitryninii nn'itruatitiii partirularly nt tht tliiiiK" of lift. 1' five to trn pilln will cure th it rnnniimi yrt ilrfU'Ifnl rniiipliiuit, th- Wlntt'i. rnrly cvtry 1i'iiiMi in ttlt! I.11KI eiiiUTd innn inti compialtit. Thu aln)c pill has poriunnciitly ctirud Hum;! mil, iiihl Hill turo )uii if ihi usettu'Di, They caniint harm nn, on tliu coiitrtity they ri'tinn i' a I ul.trurtioii, rtslnru nattiru to it prp r tlKinm I. niul iu Isoratc tin Mhnlo gjitt'iit. l.,ui wlifioi lifalili 111 not runt mi ulTainily, Hill fin. I i!i"f. mils a siMCfriul pruti'utiii1. 'I'htfue l'i 1 1 liu l "nt but iki-n iluriiiittliu firt tltr-'o iiiimtli of pri'snniiry, n tln-y am mire tn bring un nils carrii'u; but at any oliit-r tun" thy nremiV, rnu', $1 pir but. HnM. uliM.-Sali ami ntnit, by U M. IIAtiHN .CCII. tlrvsruht. Sole nacnt fur lilootiifbiirp, Pa, Tn ul.nm nil nnlcr umt-t Un ni-nt. J.n Hi s I by nend iii2 Him ?I.(H) tn th Cl'ioiiishurif l'iit-Oiiiic. mil li.uo limn! pills H-'iit toany part of tli eimniry. (mull lentjal liiinl "true of I'n-t ic" Uy mall. i,)i nUn by N. I,, liank ti. Co. Hani lilt', V., J. t'rv. Tnuiri'iiii. J. A. Puilt Mnurh K hniik, iiikI by "one Urut'gHt m turyTuwn and city in the t'nitnl St iti-n. N. It. .nok out fur contiti-rfi'it". f'uv nnnoMn Pil! of and kind, union tvi ry bn li cignci) S. . 1 1 owe. All othcri arc u baeiiiini)itioii anil unrnti. tlirr rum. m oii vnliK jour iivi'8 mid tiualth. (tn pay nuthmc of bti I lint Ii.k y.i bi-i'ii npciicil in r.Inoinsbiirir, ti wlurli lif iuuti's 111 j att.'iiliiunif bin frifinln, and iK-uircn tlioui that Ihty nru mi Utt i-:iiu nt Erutt bargdinn. Ills Stuck ctMiiprUt'H a lurjiv nppurtuii-iit of lilKK INSUUXNOK. Tim otiunn urn ixsviuxcr., jxxvitv axd THVsr COMPANY OF VUIUIDM.VHIA. DFrirr, vi, ItHuirnTMJT iTm.rT CAflTAIitpald up.) S'(W) 000. VMarttr Ptrprtunf CONTlVlinto iiinki) lNHUHANC'tia OS LIVES on the innit renfoimbli! trruin. Tim rnpital b- iug pnid up nnd Invrstrd, together u Itli n Iflrffc ntitl conxtantly Increnfiiig rcicrved fund, oOVra a k rf:rt Rrtintv to the iniurcil. Tlii prciniuniiii uimt bo paid Jcarty half yearly, or pnrterly. Tim L'ompnny nitd n IION'Uf pfrtnllcally to th ln-u. roiicra m uiu. i ii" i innr niniis flpprnprlntctl In Dr. ernib r. 1-14. ilia Hi:rnli liiiNUS i.. nfiuUrr. ijh thi TH llll) IHiNIJrilu n. rcmbcr, ltfHQHiHlioroUIlTii .tin uurfinuiTi i-.hi. IT "Thi'so adiHtloim nta ninJi wlllinnt eintrr,n nnu uv auiiuiiniK uiv lAi.ininvB i nun me itt'oifinr, I ! lAtuouiitnf rnlirynnd Funi I Don us or bonus tn be tmreascd i pi icy insured niimn uy luttirp nririiliuus. No, M) 8J.-.00 U-ft7 S.,:t-7 so " Ml :vm laid (hi 4,ti5i m 1IM I.'CjO 400 (H) l,pni oi) 3.U 5001) l!C5 M C,t!T3 00 " &.C. At. Slp. JL f Pamp di ts, rnutiiinlnc tables of rntm and tiptonnlloTi, forms of iippliratloii, and fuithcr infnruiatluii can bu 1UUIIU Ul UJ-J uuitu. THOMAS miior.WAV, rniUtnl. r. JMta, Actuary, ,. , , i.t;vi r.. tati:, .aai. I . C. Iurriwx, Vanmintne 1'Miiician. Odohir lu, lt57-ly. QltUAT WOHK OX T1IM IIOItSK. Theiloise and Ills Diseases. MY aonElXT JEN.NI.NOB, V. S. Professor oj I'ulfiogi until pcjulive Sur gcry in the Vilmnari Collide of Phil adelphia.) itc.f tie. POSTSCRIPT. Latest by Telegraph. IN co.Nontss. Kothing important has yet locn dono,hy way of pacifjitig the country. Tho Com mittee of Thirty-Three in tho IIousc arc miL rJ.'2..rOyOflheorlclon,hlatnr)-Rmldl.tllirtlt iu,, i.i iiil vuriuiia iiruuua in t.uro .... , i. Vdan, Aalntlc, Aliritnn and Aiuitxaii lioluinc secret SCfSlOM, ADU, It 11 IDoagut. Ilrra'a, HlllitlK. pliyalcal loriiiatlon .... , . . .. J nj tin- p'cmariiiua 1,1 ilia, ' be prepared to report touietimc during ud how M rlalii til. ago by tlio i , ' ' , ,, , . .. A, liuiiitxT Olid cm iltt I .,ri tf lila Uitli ; til 0 prcSCUt WOCK. lUO rCSOlUUOtlS 01 Jlr. Illiltrat'iil Uk nuuicruua ilblanatj. J. 1 . , . . .r. .; ry engraUnsa. l'owcll, of Kentucky ,looking to pacification, ne ifnc ami ins Miami's ttit r rrrr. YtiTifu.A,, i..Anhi.. ....t.iinA in, Croonilnir, alio, in;', mi J llm iwn- Uioll lias VCt been taken rai inuiinKi lueni oi mo liorao, wniil. ' , , .,, . ,, ii,.i bed niouva of ndiuiiii.ietiiig mrd. I however, that tucy, too, will lo luially U1S aru beforo tho Senate, but no decisive nc- lt is proLablo, (illN'Tl.r.MEN'rt WEAHIXC APJ'AnEI., ran lira auciiiiunoiuii nuo lunik uf auliainliing for n Con-l.tmir of r.MioMit i)r Coat., of , v,.rv .in.. nvnp.iper. liripllou; I'.iiita, Vi pta, rililrt., Lraat. fc'luck.. Cotton cuard Iho purrhii.era apuinst beiliff iuionacil iniuii bv ta.ii TtRMa. One Copy, One Yrlir. 12 i nu.. Copy, Three Veara 5 Thri'iiCoii'a. Ono Viar.5; 1'ivo ('opn-a (ln,. Viar. f ; Ten Copn a, Oiie Year, 15; Twelily ("oplea, line Yiar 2d. Huliai riplioiia not p.ij I within the yetir. 3. '.20. l," A ("Lib oftlvo anbhcrih ra.nt will intltlo Hie peraon t'ettiii;!! up lo n rojiy lor alu looiitlia i ni'luhof leu or more, to a for one year. All Club miIi.i rip llona atoppeil tit Ihe illdof th - lime pni.lfor. tipeilliicll liulnbura acut tu upplicanla. A.ldriaa 1'iiti.ii' it. ritUA. Gcriiiiinloixn, l'hilaitilphii. lVnii Bitoir.Yi Hsir.vcr. ofjjmic.1 PltliUllUlcK HUUWN, C II 12 M I S T A X I) I) I! I! (i (i I S T , .Vorth-Htast Corntr vf Chestnut and I'lfth Strtttt, HIM.Al)i:i.PmA, COI.I! innniifarturrr of Urnwu's INsrncc of Jamaica O tJinir-r. uhith Is nTocuizt'd and prescribed by tbi Mciliral Karuliy, and lia Wtnmu tho fttan.lard J'ainily .MtMllciuo of thu United Mates. ThU Esii'iici in preparation of unusual cTcellcnM tu ordinary (liarrlnr.i, inripicnt rliolcra, in short, In al nm-s of iiriMrilion nf the (lisrsiiii fniictlims,it is o iiiitimalla aliu. Durine the prcnlpc of fpldcink chob ra and summer complaints of children, it is pecu Marly cilicanoiMi no fami!, individual, or traitlor should tm without it. xoTtcr.. Til pre VCIlt tills valuable Ksxenre frnm holnrr artiintr. fjlti'd. n HOW Heel liitr. ciTiitt..l nl n pnnt nut will be fouu I on the otitldi of tlm wrapper, in order tn HauJkiTcliK IV, (ilocs, Hufiputhk-rs, Ate. GOLD WATCHES JEWEL11Y, Xew lUniiEn Siiop.-Mr.Wm.II. Kan ilall, has succeeded Comm. Stanford, in the well known tensorittn istablUhuicnt,in t'ourt IIouo Alley, one door bolow tho Columbia Democrat. William U tho hon of Aiiioj, and tlioso of our citizens who know "Ainos tlio Hirber," knew a clever citizen and good D.irber. PUBLIC SALM Ol' Valuable Real Estate. ins huiiibusL'od out of jnur inoiiey,) buy only if 1 purs'tanc r fan order of the Orphuis' Court of Co wh-t show the licnaturo ufr1, l. llowi on every box, i- lumbia luituty, on uhiih li is rLcently b eu added, on uccuunt of u rru'iil '.--... . n t i r r cuunttrfcituf thu mu. , -ittcs ftpj iicjtnt day of Jamutry next. Dec. M. lcG0-1y. , i iiown. Bolt'Tropru-tor, Sow York. nt 10 o'nrlnck In the forenoon, John Pry, fluardian of the i-ri'ii nu i i s,.ui.biii ii nu ii i rwank, I'onr.ld Suaiik, piiciinnaii rwmih. nauniei .-wank, .limit swnnk. Pi... y auk u 1 Wrist ill i ,u,k, innn.r ('h ildnu of Sidomou catarrh! Catarrh! Wini is it ? Howe?- VV.T. '!",.l,V,V,'r .u!w .""''MV '.. "unty, de.ras. '." --i'i- iumiv, i uuuc . CIIUUCIIJ I H"l "illl'l" JI J". I i" "11 o runti 'l r"ii- m u u; 11111 v meg, a ft ft, II II Of every drscrlrtion, finu mid ch-an. ii. ii. lii-iin'iitucr " iMircnhrrgU Chrap r.mppriun," call and te. So charau lur u.i.niim ti.m.l. liAViu i.owr.siir.itn. lllnotusb.irff, p,pt. 2t, 1-C0. iJuu iKi'i.) from ('.itarrli. Most know what its inconvenient o mid results nrf, H t but tew know how it can be nircd. It is simply a chronic irritation, and olten cnlarc'inriit of foil ii ics mid ronsequi nl tlnrkeiiinr of tho iuikous mem Sec his Card. taw, hnlnir the na-al cawties, frontal iuuse,, and ( puineiiliics L'lieiiiiinjr juiuinc inroai aim tuns, i rmn this roult tifihtness and often viitigo of thu head, o! fslructed nose, ur a p ret use How itfunii u, nsi of mitt, 11 oice, and otifHi imp lircd hearing and t tMi. Thool l-rdioi'l rcmeili.' lMuui!vt'r ben ablu to ilu ,(Good, is ahovk all rnTcr..t Stinli wns tlm nonnscl Kraiiklin p-ave when , ., , . . .. .... f nnwhitig f"r it. N' iiijettious and iiilialaiions are ui J hefaid, Takccnre of the pence, thrpotimls , n;nfi1 ;,, (,I)UI1V0 , nr(! gc rjly ,. 1 GHEAT ARKIVAI. ov NEW AT TI1K Light Street Store. C'frts, Brother tyall haids on active dot Ji Uoiiiti uiloun our inends and 1 i customers, tint wo have Jut received an un Hsually larjii.' asiortiiieiit ol vall.'iisii n ixrnn goods. Which we oi1"t at lower rates, for readv pav, thin any mi r he.ore op.Miud luTf and w ill be sold "(iieaper than tlx ill. .IIVH" Vi ttli ill not attempt tn rnumerat" tlie a ariuu articles situate in Ita.erTiW!ich, rnPnnbi i rountv n'lioiniiitr Ut' I "r'' 1,11,1 lt,,'" namois le-ilim-uoourspa Henry Swank, John Tumi -v, riarah i.oiionli.r'i.r uii.l c,,,1, "l"rt: K'""ll.s' clmliiw th Cellar and (iarmt, are Christian ijliumait.Limt.iiniii' lill-d toovL-rll miuir. TIhtb are tu be toimd tho tinist .. . w.- - . . J fit bricks, In the count ry at atoui alii 112 low fisuri'H La 7 is1 Ii i. i.' A C K 1m 13 1 dies' wear in iin-nt v.irutic-, at'J.1 percent, lower than ' 'V '......a- I. .i.xr.i i,t .r..l more or lei.nn w hn U isrrert -il n I'ltAMIlOWni.Mxt; llDlMUnn a tt.tru AI.Mi - ntthc -auiotuifand plat- , iitiuth 'r'l rai t of l.tin I, a ijonnn IV t -r (I irlnrt. I- iae II iv is. an I nth ri, tontaluni(aDoutT:li.rr 111 whull is iariij iri 1 i"ii ;t Jtiipuiltlli.' pruui Til ACT O F L A A D , worthies luiltatlon. ol l.V. rramrej mill by ritmir.ltlCK llltOWV. anil for .ale nt Ilia DriiK ami Clieiiiii-al btore, ,. 11, comer of Fifth an 1 (.hi atnut !treit, I'lillaililphla. ,110 tor oy 1111 rctiieiubiu uriigsiata in tno tn toil M'Hea. .Manh 10, iei,0-13in. " os e ei i aa sh v a iiaT No. " DOCK rT I'll t LA UlILl'lll A. (hatuCoi.. U. ll.JosLs) n'lHS Ifotcl, kt pt on tlii? tiropran l'l an. Is convenient I lorTruM Iltw, CuUl'Us, and tlie I'liblietfenerHlly, b ins lu thu 1 1111414 iiiate lieiuhlinrhnod of tlie!i;iii"L. ud Ji'iiiinir thii l'ot otiire, and within a f.;w niinutei walk ol 1110 ii'-iaware Wharves, tn.! landings fcr f team boat s Irum all patto. .Meals can bo hid at nil hours, from A o'cl'Hk in the incrnin? In 1 i o1im knt nii-lit, fif li cents and upwards. I.oiliuu Uuoms rnti bu priH tired at all limes fur :t r i ccntt p t uizlit, Th Cliauibi r art) clean, wi II ventilated and all newly fiirnitlKd. 'Ilu J.utin Di'partment will bu proiled with tho hot the nrtrktt tan produce; the Dntikinit t'ouiiler furuitlud with L''id l.i'iuors and choicu I itiar-1. '1 he l'riprii.'tir hopes that by Blurt pi r sonal alti'iiti-ni, w ilh compUt-iit and ubhyiiijj rjr.ants, no win uc auic iu ineano. J.OTTf.NKIItK, (La u: of naltlmcrc, Md., and Madi-.on llotie, Phil.i.) VhOVHUlTOll, Aueust 4. 1?r0-3m. N 11 V II O U S K u lilrh I. nittluUlieil nn.l ii Cur,,, nlrp l, l.n,,. tlulr Ki'lcitioii. will take dire of tltCimclvS." 11 Bicarc nf I Yit lluinpliroja'Catirrh fpeiille, a simple. rijRar I'll I . nireaol ln. Ii I.'d liiol. lif tlr l.,',. m a,,, , J I . . .... minora, till! lie in Iti.i tuu n.liiii i.l It..,,, er TM..I u l.ilMit ptreet. (let Si. 1"U). taken tuoortiiri'o iiinua jar nay t rmupuy eurJa ui.j li-ljr(.Lll! j vu,...,, - milder la.eaicurea at onre all eoliN in tli'heii.l, an,!, JACOB l;Vl'.ltl.V, BAliGAlNSI BARGAINS! , railicany rurea. i,y preacveriui; uae, in j inosi iieiiii.u ,' ' ' ". 1 n iirr li'tle expcnsis," for "a small lenc in I sink a great ship.'' Be p-itietit in a'lvcsili ait'l humble, in prosperity. " lie mbulful nf things past an I provident of tilings t ) com-." He tiiwlij wiie, rather than Jcisc in lime;" and they who aro timely wise deposit their money in Tlio Kranklin Sav ing Fund, No. IHO South Fourth street, below Chestnut, where it will draw f per cent, iutjrost. Tins o'd an-t retldih Sin in$ Fund never sinp'todirf. Investments aro'iinde only iu tlio best sccurliirst. Largo and small funis received. See advertise ment iu another column. over ii 'lore on -r -ii. CUITIIS, JlLril.IVr". fIltl)n:i!IC.. HATrl, CAW, tio"ts, Sliocs, etc,. at tho same rate. In short. almot eer)thlng in the mercantile litie irom ,t needlo to un niuhur. tiur triends will do well to call hulorc they maLc ii. w. cniiAsv, co. (SILL it 1'AUL, General Commit. on HJi rcliats nt' it rish, rrnvi-ions. riuur, liulter. Cheese. Oils, Dried l'ruili, (iraiu, Sec its. lit .ins, Whiskey. Wool, uutiniry trounce ami .'urinauuiau (reuerally. So. 31 Nouih Wiuiues, rniUDEi-piii. Ti'T' tJonsliruinents ofl'rovlsions. Tlour and Count rv Prmlnce solo ited, and returns promptly made. Casli advanced when desired. OKIlt'.K lur ail Minis or l ivu, Prniion. riour. Dried l'ruits, A.e,, Idled at thu luwet-t Cush i'tit-i-s. August 4, IM,0-H'm. Iiiiti rearinir, sliyinif, stuiubltnSt crib i UIU2, itusllus-iass, ntul other Mces to whiih he is subject j witu uuiiKf ous ixpUnutory t iiKrnintCk. The Hone and his JJiscu&cs WILL 1KLL you Of tho causes, spmptoms, and Trnt-ini-nt of htratij-ltt Hru Throat, I)is 1einp'r. Catarrh. Inrluetiza, I'mm )nt tKl'iicumunU, l'l uriy,Hrohin Wind ChronicCouih,U(iaritiE and hislline l.umpai.Soro .Mouth and Ulcers, and liecn)d Teeth, with olbi f iJMens-s of tbu Mouth and Inspiratory Organs. The llttr&c and his Jj'sw&is WILL T&LL YOtJiit thcfi'nes symptoms, and Treat ment of Worms, Hots, Colic, traiii(U Hlion, Htony concretions, Uuptures, 1'alsy, liiiirrhici, Jaundice, llipatir rluB.i, lllooily Urine, ftnnt's IntheKid neys mid Itladdi r, Inttaiuatlnii, nnd tnthcr diseases of the btomarh, IJuw els, Lltcrntid Urinary Organs. The Thne and flis fibroses irtlL TL.LL YQVOt thooauos, s)inptoma, and treat. mwnt of, Lllouil uiul lloi, tiiavili. It i 1 1 j Hone, H wee like, ttrailH( Lrokett Knees, Wind (inhs, round. r, Me Urui-f nnd Urattl. Cni ked iloofs. i Scrutrhei, Canker Thrush, and ('orim aivo, or MecrliiH, erltiio, i tun tiy, Makers, mid other dUtuiciuf tho tm,t lai'fis und Head. Th" Hor-c and his Disutscs triLL TELL rttM)f tiWnuios, syinptoins, and Trrat- ini'inni ii lull, toll L.M1. liianturi l'arey, fltarkt Fever. auge, Hurfeit I.oi ktJ Jaw, Hhi'uinatisiii, Crnmp, Cirii. Dise-ises of the L)ennd ll art. fcr., aVc. and how lu m.m ite CaMra- tlon, Hl ciliiti;, Trephiuuiiifr, Howel mm; i irmn, iiurma, Aiuiuiaiioii,irap puitf. and other luritlcul cpetatiuri. 77 e Ihrsc and fits JJisra&ts WILL TU.L YOU Of Uar.-y's Method of taurine Horses now in approncii, ii.utcr, or Miitij a loii.itow to an ubhuh a mrte tu ttraiico sounds and ichti. im.i how Id Kit, Haddlo, (tide, and Treak him to Harness ; aNn the torni and law of Warrniy. Thowhi'Io being thu n diilt of more th in hrti eu jcar tnreful study ol the h ibit. peculiarities, want and weukiifsi uf this noble und usofut animal. Th book contains 4 pases, appropiately illustrated by nearly One Hundred Knrariniis. It Is printed in a clear and opon t) pe.a'td w ill befiiriiihed to any address pontage pal 1. ou receipt of price, halt bound , 9I,u0,or,in ilnth, oura, $1.. t'M-Oi-JX V A ft O ran be made nig men f crv w here. In Helliiiir lli.' nNnvn nnd other noiinlar vrorl Hours, uur Hiuucunaiis in an autn ari eieicoitin" liln ml. li -r iiiEle cniiies nf tho l'ook. or for terms tn nicnts wiin otiitr iutarmatiou, apply to or aii.tri-m joii.n i:. l-orri it, I'ubii her. No. 017 ainoni rtruct, l'lni.niuipnia, ra, N'ov 17. l'-fO-t m. posed of helbro many daSr A VltESTIiUNTIAL KlUCTION WITHOUT A I'aualli.l. Since the adoption of tho Constitution, we have had niuctcen lVcs'i deiitiitl e'eetioiH, hut in no instance gave casus, as is proed by iho exp-'rieiue of huti irjtls. Price, witli full directions, lifty Lents per box. S. H. .V f'Jll bt-tof Huiitiilirv'js' llnmeopatliK Hpecifics. with l'.ni.k of Direct hiii, and twenty dil? rent UonicdL-s in large nmroicn cae, $ j ; ditto, iu p'ain c.h tasaof fifteen Ihil-u, and Hook, tfiiifelo buxLs, - reiitsnnd 50cents. Tlieso Remedies, by the sinslo box or case, are s?nt by mail orcpr'ss, fne of rlurge, to my uddrers, on r- ccipt if the price. Address, Dr. r. Htr.Ml'ilUCV it CO o Uruadway, Nav. Vuik Holit by I.. V. T.tTTZ, Aijeiit, Itjoo.inli.irg. I'a. DccemliT !.", 1-CO. il 0 A L I 0 0 A L I M:iV FALL AM) lVI.'.TKIl COODS, Thoe who want Cood Clean Coil, nn be surrltedlv T70ll.D resi.ectl'ullv Inf.irm the riti7eiM of Unh lill la'lUlp, I rokeil 1 Ml' tlu Car tiiret from the Mm 31 j Ilgsr. i-tov and ut at ridiiced rate-. ratidis lajing in mtir niiiur nui'juiva i i tiu wi i uy can nil! 'ill x. J. in:Mii;i;iiioT, nt thu la &. II. It. U.Deput iipc l, iaro-3t. E ? S T 11 A Y, t and h iiiilv that th" hate hut received a new ami rxieunt e in-sonue in hi lUY (iUODri AND 0110CF.HIKR, tthieli they III aell ili".'ii for rah. Tliey have a lame ami a 'iter il ariely; all that fa roninioul, fouiul inn i oiiiii ry More, an,i areiuieriiuiicii 10 aenriieap. lotlie ai Uttiou it tiieir nooda tli'-y nam p.iol trlil iitteiiilnu Physicians ore generally loth to apeak a noni ie pnl.e of what am r.illeil "ti.itent iiir-itirini1." luileeil. it 14 an I u,.iy. or aliu u ill bu diriiuviit of a. the lau ilimla. iii;.,i.i .iiui.uia. C.nne into th" eiiflo.ure of tlie iiudcral!Tiie.l. lu l.oeiut ton ihin Coliiiulii i roiint,, about tlie lir.t cf N'oteiiib.r 1-1,11, a lle.l CliV H itli ulule inarka upon h, r Mippoaid to b about ten jcura olil. 'I'll f.iMier i. r.'- ipi -,.letl to irn,' prop 'ill', p'iy rharit"a aiol take lur fSTSW ' thi-n fore. Iheir merih'iii.lie u 111 li.-ar ri-ioiuinenilation trs, uiul v ill prove to be hi the oral il 1 1.O. nrlulu in ilia eod; of mciliial itluca. a pl,)aician who aamtiona the llhe of anil) r meiiiea rannot bo roil. atJerad a un lulu r of tho Nation il Aaaoelation. Hut there arui'Xit-ptioiH to tlie moat rtrinfeiit ruloa. and in i ny of the ileripljiff KMiil.ipiua liavu niluall) belliroiu pelled. by tho lureeof faita, to ricouiuu-ud the us? of llr. J. iloat' Iter's Momaili thttlra, for thoa" I'la'aaea wlnthare prctaleiit iltirilo: the summer and flit. Tliey hat e uti ri.iin 'il that tli are are no r in 'itiea in tlie plrir tllO last lias a rroiucm, ueen cuusvu ' p,,,,,,,! f, ilerniiaiiiient oflhe a)teui. Thoaeda of the Northern or Southern States cxclu- j famine, ron linjr itinn? tin- io- grouu.N i.f i. weieru Th i nroorn tors cor.ll.ilty aolirit a liberal aharo of rat Cu toinera woul.l (o well to rail anil examine their L'nieriil v army In fore piircliainir elaew liero. Couotr) pro.liiee t iken iu I'Xcliaiifte for cooita at th niani'M iii.tmei ei iti. JIA11TZ & i:vr I.iaht Ptriet. N'oieiuber. 3 lalO. t-ivcly. The following total shows what , (umi a 1110lllllllu ,;,,. a,,,,,, fr ul, ;i,0'l8 number of Northern and bouthorn btates winie iuoth-T poriiona oi'tin rountry diirm tlu have voted ror each of tlio successful can didates at each election : Northern Southern Year. Candidates 178 Washington 17112 Washington. 1700 Adams 800 Jefferson 1801 .JclTursott 180 Madison 18 IS Maduou 1610 Monroo 18211 Monroo 1821 Ad aim 1823 Jackson 1832 Jackson JSilO Van litircn 340 Harrison It' -11 Polk 1818 Taylor 18!)2 Pierco 1850 Buchanan 1B0U Lincoln fctates. States. 0 5 8 7 7 2 2 7 8 7 fi , 7 3 8 3 8 Yi 12 7 2. 1 10 8 H 8 7 10 8 7 H 7 S 11 13 ii 17 0 Ilec, l, 'piiAVKLLLXCr AUKNTS WANTK1" ! J l'l.liiAM..T l.ll'I.UVMr.l'. Wll w ill eiuploj Airt-ni. to ri II u new and valuable l'.tt Miteii .trtiiit . nth, r no roiuiiiiai.1,111 or at a libor .1 aal nry. Itiiu aa liuiiuralile, ii,el,il ami luuatlve. 'Iho t.r tn els re. ur',1 in i i ry famil . I ur parti'.te iii-triKtioua.eiirloaealiu and ud.leos J. W. riAlil.l- It. i.o. llo.tuu, Mass, Dec. f. l.-bO.-t'W. ENW AND Elegant Fall and Winter T THE FOUNTAIN IIOTKL. (Kois.Mr.m.Y Tin; maiusom ikmisi:.) Sreoml ttreit, lilvtrn JUatkrt and .irth, t'hllauilvha, W. C. I'OUiNTAlN & ltno. I'nornikioR. IlIS Hotel is now open for the recep.ioii of aj i vinors. li nat neen iriiueu ami remruiMieil ri. ihro'iiihiiui, lor id" better HLU'iumoilation ol pium aii'i ini'iiiicr. ii lor.TUiui is iu trie wry centre me dusiiu-im poinun oi tno city, lioard, 5i "j pc Auguftin, wo. ncruRKrir, Ait.MSTR(j.Nf;,& co. miv coons mkuoiiants, 7o, 77,79, SI, 83 tj S.r, Dunne Street NEW VOltK. Would notify tho tridethat the) nrf opcning'Mtikly, in m iv aim oeamnui paiierns, inu AI.rO THU AMOKHAOf Now Print, which jcp every Vrir-t in tho Country ior )ierieriiMi n t-arcu nm an i uenign m nni in I'lm i idorx. Our l' citarti Iban any in market Hit inceiiug w nu esieiwive saie nu-r duuiihs, tint demand for the aitiilc is equally lanvu' tH'ild by alldruz:! Uiu tliewurld. L" ti-e advuriiui'iiK'iit iu a not la r column, I Unifoimlty of Prices' A New IVntureiu liufiiucs-t ; I'.very one his own Sit(maii! JO.M.S & CO. of tho Crosent Ono rrie.e Clnttiing Store, ,'o. SJ0 M arkcWtruU nbuerfKili, l'hilnde phia. In addition to having the largest, most ariad und fahioiiiibU t(n k of Clothing m PhiLnlelplna, uiadu t-x-preusly for retail ales,, hau coiiutiti.ted etery ono Ins own salesman, by ha mg marked in llgures, on each ar tule at tlu'vcry lowctt prico it can bo so'il fur to tiny cm not pun-lb!) ary all munt buy alike. The goo la aru well Fponared mid prepared, nnd great painstikeii with tlu making all can buy withlho full uBiiraiice of gi ttiug a good artulo nt Iho wry low i'nt price. AUo, a large utork of pieto giods on h ind.of tlie latcat rtlo ail bebt 'pialitles, whiih w ill b. made to order, in tk'j most la-jhiouablo mid bet mauuor, 5 per tent., btlmv credit prices. Ucmoiiiber tho Crvbiuil, lu Matkit, above FiUh Ftrecl No.JU0, Ju.NUri Si LO. AlhV INlriTUATOK'S NOTICK. Estate of Peter Cniicord drcca&rd, rrITr.!'-rf of Administration on the IMate if Venn. J ( lUwtoitn, lat ol .Mini on towu-dnp. Ctdpmlaa u.inly, .let j;ih 'il, Ji iv j buwli Cr.utt. d I'J th llijjl-tur of C.Jliiiiil.i i muiity, lo III.' un.ii.r'iiti;d. r ndiiiL iu said lowiibhipall p rsous ln iug ilaiius aiaitt Uiu l.atat.' of th ' (let edent ar r -iu 'i-ti'd tu premnt th'iutu tin Ad imnintraior, w uhut di 1 1) , mm ull p. rou uidLbted tu make paymool luiluwitl.. JOHN SMI HI. Mta'r December P, laf0-r. GOODS. a . j s i. n A A. BAS Jiint revived, d.r-ct fr...n I'h.l uklphia and ow a "r'" ''"T1 :,u"",Ie'' lc Voik. a ery ilnuee lumftmeui . f '-"-.V- KAiJj AM) iN L Hit GOODS, nlmo-t eer new l.ibrie w huh Un- been manufactured for Hpriiu: and Sumim r. an Wi II as th usual assortment of SfAPLU GOODS, i ft, il l -rinr ipialiti'-s will ho loiutd in varii ty. and at prices u-t low as similar inu be pun-li it d iUi wlo-re. It is an ea-a-v matter to fi'ld goo.'s nt n low price, but nag-uirril rid '. tlh-y an jut .m bm iii'piahty. Hut to L'i t .'I Ootid artn le ut .1 ery low prue is fuim tni!! lare. tiidi an opporiuuity, however, is olfued to any wlui may want jtity nouns, cuocr.nih:, jMiimtiutr:. QULtuH.ut:t iiL.ii$n'.jur, Pitu, Mt.V, f.,$r. TT" C.ill and n e. ) COVN lltV I'KOllCCli WANTUD. r.Ionnoburg, OLtob rl.lMtU. fVO PK11SON3 OUT OF KMPL0Y B Mr.vr. A2enta wanted to S'dl the line rleuitiff Maihilie. 1 o Viill uie a (' talt.ll. or w.mea at from 4 .'. to g.H p.-r liiolitll. ami e.lJillai. p.ii.!. 'Una i N.u bine, and so ainiple in its .ou.triictioii. Hutu iluld of 111 years ran h urn I o' 'fate It bv ii.ill an hour's ilialrudion. II is I' to ati I'amll )-' iwiij Maihiuu iu uao, uud priee l. bit ilUuoil l llar I'craona wi.liiii an anelo-j v. ill ail.lreaa J. N. I.OVI. W tfecrctary llrioScwiu" Maihiue .MILAN, OHIO. Itllllltr.ll's i:ii!iiu:n's UOIlllllll'rl i:iiiii:i:ii-.i ItilllKllll H l'KACTIt Al. C M.i'UI.ATOR. l'llAl.TICAI. CAI.Cl'I.A'iOll. I'll M'Tli'AI, CAI.CI'I.AIOIt. llt.M Tl.'AI. I AKCI'I.A'IUII, 1I1AC1 K'AI, CAl.CL'I.ATOll. si o EalFm k ' ts PIIAOTICAL CALCULATOll X 'tu ok l'l.l lU'D and I'aiu'I.i riosa loa Ill-slNFaa (ll'KHAllOSa, I V MWUIV M. KoltllEr., Ill I lll'll. M'R Moll aan I'liwiliMUi. in Ci'mov 1'l'ul.laifi.o 11V J. II. I.IIT1MOI I All u., I'uil.AlltirillA. Minority Prcsidout. In the Noithern States tho vote for President lat month, is as follows : Lincoln I,.d3,.(i2 Douglas, 77,150 Breckinridge 100,70.") Fusion, 013,03 1 Lincoln's niaj. iu tho Northern States 208,-103 In tho Southern States tho voto was as follows : Lincoln 20,000 Douglas 102,7b0 Urcckiuridgo, 533,320 Bill & Kverctt 500,118 UreckiuridL'o's mai. in Southern States TOJ02 AuaniiaATi: vote. Total voto iu tho Union, 4,527,501 Total Union voto : For Breekintidgo, . . OS 1,052 Douglas, 010,230 Bell & Fusion,. 1,113,502-2,712,703 Total voto for Lincoln, 1,784,793 TO CONSUICTT1VES..-TIIC Ad. i 1 113 be' 11 roatori'd to li 'altli iu a fow ivt-elva by a cry einipla rem eily. utter having sutured sever il ears uith 11 severe lun' ulViCtlon,:iii,l that dread iliseuse, Conauiiittiou is , an lions touuKu kiiountoliia fJloU'Siiil'rets tho means . of dire. I To nil who desire it. he will send n copy of the t re arription moil (free of char;;"), with the ilircitions for lr!-pariug anil u.ingUie saioe, whlili liu will liud aiiat ilkb fur CoJi-uriioN, Aaiiiyi, UiioMiiins, A.C. Tlie only olyert of tlu- uiltertiaer ill .aeiidins H" I'm Mriplloii ia to benefit tlu-aliliited, and siread inforlna lion wliuh he eouei ivc lo be invaluable, and ha hope every aiurercr will try lua remedy, .is it will coal them nothliiil, 1111 -I may pruu a ble.silis. I'arlles wishlnj the preseriiition w ill plensa ad dross lltv. UDU'AIID A. W1I.SOV. Williauiabury, Kluss County. New York Oct. 13, Ubu.-l.'ui. T K AC 11 KltS' IS ST IT UT 13. Tun next IiK-tituti' of Cidumbia county will bo lii-l J iu Orange, ilk, coinmuucHU MUMlAV DEtLMDFR 2 Uh, 1800, audrloainzon l'riday ci 111112 i f the a.inie week. ArraiiL'eiuenta are in pr.reaa whull are u,,i;ni,l to tnuia 111 r.ipi'l .uireasion, nnu is prooouuii u n, .111 111, UNITED STATES HOTEL, AMI f. i;Xl3itAL ST.UJR IIFFU'E t.imjiqu.1 rt:xx. 1IKNHY WKl.DY & SOX. Ppopntri naii. 3" P.iieii(.ers in the riiilailetphia Mail 'Irani noiiig ruviiii .inu i.imin iuii i rmn eoing rvoriu. t)tXK ct iheUmtfd itatts Hotel Tamaqva 'a, Marcn 11, InVJ I -Jim Ml 13 PKUPL13 S CUOK BOOK. .!SOSE3ES; :(UKg3Sli'S:. IN ALL ITS IIUANUILH. MISS 13L1.A ACTON. CAREKILLY REMSLD BY MRS. ti, J. HALE, Ii Tdtt You How to choMse all kinds of Meats. Poultr uud fimne.wilH atl tliovarioiis and niosi uppruveu moiiesot uresBing ana toohitig Ht.of and Pork : ulsu thu be hi au t taiin- pU'tway of salting, pitkliug and curing I thu b'lme. llt You All iho various and most approved modes of dressing, t"kiiig, uud boning Mutton Lamb, Veal, I'uullry and Ohiiiu of all Hindi, w ith tho dilleruit Drerising fira vieg, and rHutrmy uunropriatu to urn, II Ttlt 1 You How to (hooie, tleau, ami prf rve Fih ol mi hiniis.auu now iti-meticn ii win. ii tainted ; uUo nil the varioui and moit approvnl modes of cookmir, with the iJiil'-T'iit Dressings, Sauct, and I'ldvor litis appropriate tniadi. it 7v;Jji Von All tho vuriom and most annroved modes ol pr' p tring ovt r uny uun rem hinus m iie,n, ir"iil', nnu riew H. wiiii inu rei i-hctiand Seasoiiinas apiTopnwte tniat h Tcllt Y All tho vunous and uiol upproved moiks ul rooKing v i g( iauiis oi every utscrip UAiriMOUL. LOIK IlOSl'lTAli. I) K . i 0 11 N t' I 0 i , rpllllfounderof this Ceh Lrated Institution, ulTiirf X mostrertiVu, rpiedy, and only illcciual rtinniji in tno world fr iiT. clafT t.litts, kStriclures,8:iniiial wmli uess, Pa) us in tlie J.oins, uoiisiiiiivioiibj jluiiiij, impo tent. Winkiiess il the Hack uud Limbs, Atlt-ctiuit ut thu Ki Ineys, I'a'piUtion cf tho lliart, Disptpsia, Nsr vous Irriubilil), Diseaf of tho Iliad, 'Ihruat, Nutt or tkin, and all those serious und mtlanchidy Dicrdn arising Irom the dustrndivu hitbits vt onlh, which , stro)t both body and mind, 'i hes stctt aud solitary pratuces, uru wmv imn .- " ih.i Hvfi n to the munnors Cltsses, blistnirg tbir Uiuit brilliant liupes uuduiilit.lpationtituu-.iiin uuirritiiw V. imposs.wv. .,. Mnrrled tiorsons. or onnff .Men eontomplairnj mar riaito, being aware of phsical wtaknes, orgauiu ut abili ty, dtformitics, &.c, should imnicuiawly tun suit lit. Joint it. in, uud bo restored to petfett hudlh. Ho w ho places hlmsell un.ier tno caro oi ur. jonnivtw, may rclitimuNly ion II do lu his honor as a gtiiUeu-wt., uii coniUlLiitly rtb upon his t-kill as n pb)siuonv iiiiuicdtaUly umdund lull vinur rittored. This disease Is tho penalty mofct froqucntly paid by those who In vi! becomo the v it tint cl impioper inuulgeu cies. Young perxuis are too apt to lommit tiaii lioui a not bt inu aware cl tu unai.i it toii(-Hunce wini iimy . iirtue. Now. who uuaerstaiius tho suuktt will nru tend to deii that tho pow or of rncrention ii lost suoner by thuso tailing Into improper habits than by tho prudnut. IIOSLleS l lllg ueprivmoi iiiiuiuiu oi iirauuj uii- springs, tin inesV e nous and uliUUlUvo sjmttcijis t both body and inMid ariae. Iho (jstini becomes uerang ed; tho phsiialiind mental powers wenkiUod, lutvous debility, ti)spepi'ia, palpitation of the heart, indigt-stlon, il WOMMIX Jl illU 11U"IV l.Ulll K jlil't.-iiii VI wmii.uiuj;- liuil, AtC iL" Otace No. 7 Hooth FatnRicK Strcst, iovm door from llaltlmoro itrett, Last fide, up the steps, lie par ticular in oOicrvnig the IAML, and .NLMbLR, ur you will umtiike the place. .1 Lure Hurrtntcd, or no utiarge jtjaa,in jrom ttis j tro iJtiyi. NO MERCURY Oil NAli.oUS DUUG3 USLD, int jonxyivx. MpmiTfif tho Itoviil ColkEo ol tfaritcons. at Lodort. Craduate tn-ui one the moit eiiiineiit Colleges of tho Dinted etati-H, ami iiaj greuiir pari oi wnosouio nai bei ii spent in the llr si Hn-pitals of Loudon, Paris, l'liila in Iphia aad id litre, h is u.WU'd some if thu mot as toiiiKI.iiig cures that iviimu-r known; many troubled with ringing in ino nean aim tar b wnen asicip, Kitat. uervoiisnesb. b. ing al i fined ut silddf ti nounds, and bash fulursi. with frc'iuentbltit.liiiiC, attended somt-tluies witli ileraugemtni oi nurtu, were cureu innm unmiy. tVhon the inNeunkd nnd iiuiTudeiit votarr df sleaiur finds he has iudnbi d tho seed f f this painful disease, It loo otttii liappms that an ill limed d ofshamu or iireau oi UlfU'vij, uriris mm ""in iti "l "i who from education und respuitability tun alouc bfrltnU him, thla)iiig till thu coiistitutnuiary bjmptoms tf thii ItorriJ aiseane manes un ir appeuianee, sutu us uiu'iauu sore tin oat, dineu-ii il nose, iniLlune, pains in tho head uud limbs, dimness cf niht, .Iwatucsa nodes on the skin bone), and nruis, bl'.ulns on the hea.i. face and extreme lies, progn ssmg with rapi'it , till nt lat tho palate of ttit nioMth and bom s of the i.oe lull in, and the v ictnn of tlii" il'-neatio biroiiios a horiid idiji tt of comirisseratibn till dtathputsn irioii suuerings, uy ktu ilinghim to "that bourne fiom whence no travi Her re turn". ' To suih, ihercforc. Dr. Ji Inn-ton pledges him sell to preserve tho tiioct ttiviuablo ncrecy,and from bis i itennvu practice In the first Hopitalsof Luropn and A merit. t, ho an conlldintlj recomuu-ud bafo and npsJ cure to thu unfortunate vittun of this horrid disiasu. TAkli I'AUTlCCLAIt NOTlCi:. Dr. J. add rest .9 all those who have iijured thcmsklTss by private ami improp. r iudulgi.uees, n' i.n nim ,(' i lie nail and uulamholv ciTects pro duced hy earlv habits. of jouth, vm, Wt'iiknoss ofth ami laiauis, rain in me iieau, kiiihum ut iiiiii. Loss of MiiiacuUr i'ower, i'ulpilation of tho Heart. ls pepsia, Net, ous lrratabiHt) , Derannement uf the Diges tive i''uuctKiiis,Oeueral iHUhty, buiptouiof Consump tion. J.c. , . M i:TAI.LY .The fearf il effects upon tho n ind at liiuch to be drt aded. Lot" of .Iimor,Limfu.iou of Idtas H'prc(.Hu if Hio tfprnls, KviV ForthoUlngn, Aversion ol om tj , 'linutv, A-t are enine. of tho evils produced, Thousands ot p'crsons of all ugei mil now judgo what Is tho muse of their iltcliiniig health. Loosing thtir vizor, ht coining wtuk, pale mid emanated, having till pillar nppearanc about tho e es, cough and s) uiptoist ot Cou-tuuiption. OVS IWIOOUATINO It KM ED Y FOR OISOAMC WlaAK.NLSS, Uy this greatand important nnied), weakness of tha orcans are speedily cured, aud full vigor rctlored. 'i liou-amis ol tlie nioi-t nervous aim uiouiiauu, who how tonrenarc Pickles.i'atouiis had it-t all hope, have beta immediately rclitved. All tami i mti-i.ij nr :iir ktiuin. i niiL.i sie:iis. 1 i I'mli. Odiue. .Muhrooni. &e. t Ttlli Yoh All the various and most npproved modes of preparing aud looking all kinds of 11 .tin and In nt. y I'astry jl'iidiliiiL's. ttin tlettoit' rrittern, Cakts Cmifeitionarv, Preserves, J Hies, and swett duties of evi ry "lo cnptiou. it Tolls 3'ijii AH the various, and rftot approved modei) id making Urcad. Husks, Mutrins, nnd Itijtuut. the bef-t mittiod of oreunring CoM'itM horolati .mrt Tin, and how to iiinieoimeiitit tu Maniasc. 1'ii v ficnl and Mental Disuuali lieation. Nltvoiis Irratability.Tremblmcsand WtaklickS or eihuutdntinii ot tho uiott feartul kind, speedily cur4 bv Duttor Johiiftuiu YOUXO MEN. Who have injured thumlves b a certain prattle, indulged in when alone, a habit frequntl) learned fron r il toiiipamoiio, or at srhoul - tlm tiTicl of which arm niehily felt, even when ahb-ep, and if not cured rtndera iiiipifilde, ami ikbtio)s both umiit and body, should uppl) immtdutely. vv a hi. tu it )onng man, me nopo m ins rrnmry. ma'ie r-yrup1, Curduts, and Wines of ' and the darlins of In, parents, fhoiild be snatched from St TM$ You vaiim- kiudff, How to si t out and r riiatnent a table, how to Carve all kinds oflibh. ll sh or Cowl, and in short,huw to so Minplify tho vh"lf art of I'ookiug ns to bring the choicet-t luxuries of the tabic w ithin i t- crboly d, all nnuerts and enlov incuts ot life, U tho coim-quen ceB of dii.iinp from the path of nature, nnd indulging in a m rtatu dccrct liu&it. HucU ptibuus bclor too tctnnlatntg. M RUIAOII photild reae'-t tint a sen n'd mind and bodv ara tho most liceesxar) reipiiilies to i romoto rouunbial happiness TKi, PI,ni - ai - n.! of iw vf linirii.l, willlnMl lin se inoiouriia., iiirotcn mo oecoiues hundred lUcipi s. all of wlmh are iho res-iltstf artual , a v-ary pileuuuige. u.. pro-i t Imutlv datktns t t-iu-Hieiiro havtiiL' been fully mid carefuHv ttHe.l utnb r thevtew: ilu uumi bi toints l.adowed with ilesjairfc nl OK rnI OV 1 tlm lit rtmal siiiuTinii'mli iuu M tti writers It is prni I it lied witn lite m ianem.iv r. m . uon tn,u uic nappinoss iu a clear and open tjpe, is illustraied with appro n,Ln1,,i.l'u' priat1 i ncraviiigs.and w ill be lorw unieu lo an nuuri U1' !' , ; ' ne.itly boninl. nnd postage pi'l, on receipt ot the price siuu, or m noiu, txira, 51.0. TO PKHSONS X. JIKNT in ever foualy of the Hiilud States, 1 11 YE;;" To engage in the salo of some nf the best and most il-. rr nc iintmi' cg.nttl illtibtraied Works pi. blihtd. I rywhere, in selling the aboe work, onr inducement to (lur pun ications an 01 tno moi iniereninff rnararicr a unch being very lib-rul. adtipted 10 the waiiti of Hi i'aniier, .Mi thatiir aud iltr- for smgh-ropies of the book, or for terms to njentt, chant ; lhe art published in tho hei-t tlo and hound ' oltlvr iiiformalion. npplv t or addrewi 1.1 iin inofi miciauiiai m.nintr, unu an witinj u piuro JOII, li rtJ 111.11, l'iiD'iiier, in tin l.ihrarv of i vi rv HoinLhold In th" Lati ; " To nu 11 rf eat Tprifo and indu-trious habits, this 1 iu vine. oiF rs an opportunity for profitable cmpiojmtut it Idoui to be un t vv ilh. . 1'iT'Oiis ilenring tn acta agents will receive promptly by mail full pirticui.irs. terms, A.c by addres sing LLAIiY, OUT ii Co. Vtibltshirt. No. 2JI north ifetoiid street, flu adtlphia. October 20. IffiO 'Jin. riuur itnd Toeil IifUvcrcJ! No, fiI7 Ransom Strett, 1'hiladtlpbia, I'a. Noyeinh-r .1, I'lid-tuii Thiswork contains "J0I pa.-es. aud upwards of SOU nxTV T1II TTT.W TVU (MW.WVT. Kill .and Ks.iniples.eniin U and thoroughly piunitAi., mh Ii as aii,f ier day in Ilu loninirui pur mis r f Mini (m; nndersigneil has mulo nrranzementi thit will lieis. u 1111 uip'a.ij uimn uirui.ji. It imit . 1 u d, itde him to dcliv er Hour and 1 efd, t UII iaiiaubsi, WIlliAmspiirt & llnr U. U gara loil uud fkitaiitiyina rt3 Pirert Halroad eon- "lfrHtctlQH I'ttireta Am n n.l.r th t lititnt. one 1 fthe imM int. f &y 'T h-'ld iu the coiini, u it thej are not fcuiliciuii y completed to givi. th prograiame id'i . rnsv'. I h-'citi.i'iinnt the villaje andM(iuit huvei:i.nernudy oil' red lo t'liU-rtam u 1 majority of ih Teat hi rs of lli.Mniiiit) trte while tin re, And tho ip'ii.vs ot tho re ma 1 nib r, il th. are precilit, will bo but a li Jit burden fur the Institute to assume. Prof. J. P. VVH Ui:UrllAI.ofthi!f-UtJ Normal School undolhT pro.iiiin ut ni'irtntors mid leeiur-'rs will bo with iu, an I 111 view ot Ul t great Item rtit to bo derived pen ol buiuei.s luenlotV the lltSMt-i I lu'K or m FfcRFsi E 1 111. riCCg nrc nulollows : pert-lining to rnb-iil ilioii.. Hut lia- v tr bti 11 puhlli-hed. '0,,r, 57 53 Corn &. Uye Chop, $1 f5 Com & Oats ('hop, 1 .v Uran, 1 JU I respo'iliuuv solicit a snare 1 1 uie pumir paironace. ui-i'i 1: jiri'Miv i.very l xamplo in the honk is won km ot r imul and stated ma plain manner, s that wlien a parmm t ao thosa r. fernng to the work w ill Hud no diiiii ulty iu readily tolv inir it ; in a w ord, ihj cuieral arrange ment of thftt'ALCtl.ATOU is m simple, that ..ny our who know sluw to add. subtract, muliipl) , or divide, can i.i.ily hohe anj ordiiur) xuuiplo lhat arisi s in bu-i-ih-ss. or arrive at the true refill ofauj estimate re.pnred. ' h" clil I ami l 111 - uuiuor iris n en iu 1 m w meory frnm an dti-iidjm b-t Hut-' b a gem.ral gathering of nnd phibtoj hy 111 iigurei, iuii) at racis auii mu.. it fnemU ofe.iuralii tnd ep.-iialiy. 1. 1 ev ly 1 ea 11 pin nj . u-.i i mit n. .....-. ...... .......a....... ,r l tli - rouiuyd -em it a dutj in w. II us n pnvil.-go to bpuimiiig lime 111 uisrii.iiigiin- piiii-sHi) -, ..r narlicii'atoiu 1110 various ev. iiis.-s 1 1 tlio oLt..iun. Un srieiieo -of li,'ures. de.-miug it s'liiui.-ul for tin-u t't 1,1 M.'t , imniiKi. tr I.-, nil ti A M11M1-.T. llti ri f.Ti lll'l. to omilJ Couiiuittco. nt th tru result. Tin i Al.cri.AlDii mil rs in this respett irom alt Arithnu tic of the d,ij and kindred works -il is n key topri'ln al buniess lalculations - it is, iu the Inn In ofth" tea h r m tha s' hooi-ruoin-it fa citiiaten time and ins ires correi tno s. TlIK WOKK TKJ3ATS Ur TII1-3 WM.Hl ltd I Ki", T. M. roi'iv. 1.. Arri.iiiiA.v, LlSht Strait, lice. t. lci.0.-3t about ten per cent, rlieap'-r than any bud) ilau in town. 67 e.1 Corn Ai Uye Chop, E7- A NliW HUM AM) Ill'SlNUSs L'l'OS Nl'AV PItlNI'll'I.IlH. Wuni:lll.i.CliiiAtvo, niriierof ' rpjll: uiul l'ourlll and .Markit .trects, does not follow lu the beaten 1 f''J" track. .Wo are sJlialil-d that tlie only way lo buildup and keep n larso business is to si II ilieap and fuo aali.f.iltion to cualouiera. I'n tcncti will i. t answer, und huiidius haa hal its day, and wo intend to sill our gooili live per cent. advance upon eaut, (no inoro and nn less,) aud no variation In marked priii s. This a) stem will suil.uu ilulf nilhout nuUiiis, Wo shall buy uud sell oxilu.ivily tor cash. Our naaorliuent for men and koys is tlm l.irpiat in I'lulaJi l-li..a, aud our prlcis much lower than any other. Call at onto aid sec for joursilf, 10 ""I Wlllir, IIA1.I. CLOTillMl HA.A Ml, r. W. comer I'ourth und MarSct us. l'liila. rebntarj S3, 1st Ik iiu. ESI'SSSVAiii. N13W STUlll'3 iv N13W GOODS. Ill: under. ijned, -fut for inal ,alrou.i3e, reayert Mr informs Ihe l,ui a ol 1 loonoburir aiol tin put. lie in ceo -rai, lint she bus reininei iter I'uiu j iiioi'i urn 1111112 Sure, fro.ii th - I Aih iii'.'o I ml.ii.ilis into tho I riik b'lil.lnil' ol'JIr. John II. I'ursel, tir.l ilour Weat 1 1 the Coutt House, whirc she luaju.l ivCiltudu ailiil.,.- sorlmcnt ot lllooia.bmir, June 23, If Pta tf. T1I130DOU13 STILUS St'tlt-S-'ORIO COXFElTIO.VWt l.VI) Plll'lTKllElt JLSU WUoL-hie DEAUR IS POUllinS &DtMIKNIU riiUITS. Kill si us, Prunes, iPea Nuts. iDrled Apples, Currants, Ahmmdn, ,1'i'acaa Nuts, " Peaches Citron, tlhc Walnuts Or mces, .Hweet Oil, 1'igs, l'ilb"its, I.emon-, r-yrups. Dates, ;Cream Nut, il'ine Apple, U'rackers, run: utiniiS. ac. ac No, 17U Market ittreet, Into of Urd i. Vine Strop., IMIIi.ADKLPillA. March 10, l-CO-Um. Short rt-t (ttiri(ft nnd Chrnpest liouttfrom Ites'ern AVie orkta I'hiladelphut, Jlamsburg, J'uuburg Mainmort), ltatfiiitoneityt and the South Th different Trains on this Koad pips Hupcrt as fol low s. . A TK I s .nuvi.Mi SUUlll. Impress I n mht, Philadelphia M.iil, l'lnl.iilflnhia & . Y. Exnrrs TltAlNrf MOVING KOIITH. Expreffs I r-'ight, Llmira Mail, Niagara l".vpres i. ot anoih r Ii -i oini ldi. it' ' wnhourowu. .Sill Pi 1 lit: Dl. lilt WtT , ValHmtrf..Vd ALL M ttOH AL OPERATION Pi:i;t OKMEI). N. ft. L t no laUi inotli-i-l) pr. vtut ou, but appl ramie dut. Iv eith-r pe-zonallj or bv Later. fcUIN DltfLAV'P.rtM't'A.lHLY CCHED. tu &rjtjixart&. Tire lu'iny tlmusaud. tured nt this institution withta tlif latrl la ji nr-, ami th.- numerous impoitant Surgical Operation- performed by Dr. Ji.hmtoii, witnessed by th rt-poit'-rs ol Hit! papers an I man) other percons, no liees of whiih buvu ippeareil again nnd again btfore th puhlie, hi'Mib-i ins btmidiug a a 'luli'iuan of character androspoiinbilitv, r u suihrient tuarantte lothe atl.ict I TAKE NOT It E. N. n. -Tirerc are to many nniorar.t and worthlCMj Ouacks advertising tlieniches I'livsuiaus, ruining lbs healtii of thu uRlicted. lhat Or J(.hntou deems it net ssary to tay, tt-peciallv to those uiiacquaiiiiud w ith his reputation, that his credcnliala and diplomni uniujn iiiin in nif oniee. 1 AKh oni'E. -Al ti ifrs mut Ito Post raid, and contain a postage ft amp for tho reply, or uu anew ur wU U ' I III. MiirrhI7, 1J1'0. P,00 a. M. IW a M. 11, J0 Fa H. 12,20 r. K. 3. -IU V. M. ll.-.'O P M. yjiihi m:virLtixnurr.RTSe rmiun:t.riiu. Measurement of Lnud, of Lumber, of Hnck nn.l Hrick Work, of ftotie uu I !?tone Vnrk, of Oram and Oram liltH, of and C.ial rim, of WooJ, of r-oli Is, l Ll rjuids. of Circular. Hipiare. or Irn-L'tilar WsseU. of Cis. terns mi l .is m imwiiii" oi i ti-n-r. rs. imnu-ri. -, - T i-r-i-n t . i n Cmrt t. Pav rs.' Plumb, m i'uu-r llanci-ri.' end i p-! C Ij'T T Tfi I I h IT O 4 V A P C7 Tin Heavens were illuiinnated on tho evening of August'!', 1-31, by thfl mai plendid Aurora Korealis ever ben iulho century. Itaj sof tn-ci.tored lightsll ikIi ed ncroi tho sky, and tho rhau.s w ere beautiful iu tho txtreine. Atonotlmea rapt ob-ener rtinarKeii, iu.ii liinl r-i'VXork It treats of Currenrv and of Corel: mi I Homebtlc EYihauge, ofth-Dei nu ll r) uteiu, of Ite- 4 rn 1 1.1. 1 mil tut l 1I1 1 nit-mii'il iinniii .11 ion lo liiuiiit 01 l 11... 1. 1 1.U n..l ll'ltil uh i"n.utL. i I., n.i.l I ..,.,.....,,1,1 Int, r,.tl 111, ir . i.lir.. finlill. 1 f HOTC 1'iiMiu.n.iiiir, run .i.iu "";:;v;7'u;;u.,v;u,,a;.on. . ihtti." in,;. .....r u.-1 cuiT.ifi-..;.u...n., p. s aoeiiiui ami recui.iinig the aaiue togdhtr w itii li'iia run Com m ri ml I'orms. of Li gal Tender, of Par ti il Pa, m mts on N'oti ,of Haiikiug and liank Durnuut, ot Equation ofrayiuents and of PartniTbip Accounts.of A-sisi.ui"llt of 'lat-'s, of We i slit- and Measures of Hpiaro and Cubic Mensure, ff the S'piare root and Its Applientioti tu I'usiiiess, of Hutface, of Excavation, nn I o many other important practical lunlti r'noivvith in th copH of nn advertuenient to uieuiion. ' IT IS JUST TIIJ3 BOOK K01tTIII3 Karm-r. lh Mt rchrut.thi Mei hanir, th Art Iran, or tho Profes-iunal man. I this proven a vamabio auxiliary to lint Lawyi r.the Jut-iico of Hie I'eacc.thi! rourejanctr ami Pi -al 1 state Itrokrr, to iho ArseKbor, tho llanker.lho Clerk to thu Civil Enciueer and the Hurveyor. to tho Carpenter und fro kit or, to thu 'tone mason and tho i l.lierer. to me i .iper r nn i -jjiiiiiiait-rrr, ii tnu Itup -rt to lilloii, S 70 .o vv iiiiauifpori. 1 hi do El nira. 3 I o do Niagra IMll Paiport to Philada , $1-10 do llarrburg, :i l" do 1. Clinton, 3 10 iln Tamaoiia. 1 5U All n.mseinri rs are renm sled to TJrorure Ticki t brf.ire filtering the cars. Ilaggago ihotked through to l'liila- dilphia ami liiimra. II. fjiTANLEY GOODWIN. Plt't. June ., IrtO. I' S1IA1UL1'3SS I heap Cash eoilairtln. of UULSS fiOODSl. LlXIMi!.. Titiseiivn? llusllIilV, UI.OVI?, NOTIONS, .Jr., .'vc. lVhirli will be got I f ii f .ir t -mi. and to .which Iho a1 ,n i !..,, r.'rii.l it. 1. nil ite. I. AM11L1A I). IMJUll. r.loomabur.' N'ov 10, l-i(0.-3lll. I AT 13 W S T 0 li 13 . JJS mioi.t:s.ii.r. ,xv r.F.v.ur. IrlAf MM ISA? SirOJ5i3 The und. raicr, -.1 leapertfully inforius the citizens cf 1'atr r und Ihe Tih r. A.e. Lc, rnch ou I all will find it Noa. i'iUJ .luliu.1 Che.linil street, abate t-ulli. I'lillada.' Popular maj. against Lincoln, 057,005 Tun Philadelphia Press says it is esti mated that up to this tiino, tinco tho 1 re sidential election. in tho city of Philadel- - , ., . i llcocioua li iiiiniercoiiipiaiiiisoiiiiiiu.eii,uiiiii.,.ii.ii jilua. more than tru thousand persons vMUui iyxuaueiK-i faculty, sooudvcitiaeineut havo been dischargsd ana uavouo posstuio -j, fanfull., lmwam ,a, preseut means of ohtaiuing a livelihood. htw, laauMiwr coiunm. the fjuciut h could .ee tho siurWIInj liflits forui them lllo,iuisburii.i.iid the public in f. in ralMli il Jias l'r-1 nd.iiteil tcrllicir tnriou. wiinla better thau any book selves inm the follow nifworJs. -'lluyiill jiiur eariuuils oll'jiJr," rJt.nwfy i'pio,ite''thi Lii'lia'S i V'7 Mailed (pn.t paid) to any part of Iho United at the llr.wuirtoiie Clothing Mail of KoiKltllL&. Waaov, tllJilllu-( ho haa ju.l riitut-d u aplcudid as- Htates upon receipt of Iho inoney. I'rlin of a ainelc Ul.ltlllLlll l,f 67 7' V HATS ANII UAl'Zi, 1'. Ilaoaa's II. im k or Jam.u i flisoFB. This Is trul Hirer! from Ihe Manufai turn's, of nil kinds. Ml le., eorl. a family li"diciue ; at llils.easun, when affections nt tn btoinarhiud lion. Is aru ao coinnion, no finally, nldiv lili. . al, or tiaii'lcr should bo uithnurit It la peculiarly cl, llcaciouall summer coiiipIaiiiUufchlMrcu, and is known aud .ll a. latest fashions, whull ho olf rs whole.aU and retail, lit very low J rices. -ThesoUuoda , ill be soldat , cry low prlcis. for ,"d)','alr' JOHN li. CIUTON. liloonubiirg, October 27, IsCO. I' II AWLS, Shawls, Shawls, for salo very U t'Datp n IIAUTMANS. uv in . lot i. nil rnta, or two I oinea tor si nu. llouud in 1'ockel-book form, Slorocco, frl ml per ropy. Aildri-is, M. M ltolllti:i:. Hot ISlirhiladilphial'.O., I'a. Pee. 1. lSTO-Cm. C II A 11 L 13 S HOTEL Mi n'ti OuiiliT. Ladies' ! bawls. Oelifs Shawls. Del.ainsi. Calirocf, Hats and Caps, Ladict.' Hoop r-.kirts, Poitt, Tant, an 1 Veils iln. i.ift rm-ni-edlh" tore lloiiJte loum r V oi runii.d by Jnn. ton ih c'd. I am now prt pared lo lako ull hind 0f Uruin IU elcllanee ,r uoou.. ....j-. lUoomiburg. Dee. 11, I-fO-tf. (Whom they Aad dead and burxtd somt tune last vintcr.) i ,( yu i want a goo I, n very good ncwwaicnt J io)ouwuui u ro tip itiLn i Have onn diihcult jobf Doyou want kes. leather gards, kc. I trr a watch glavs that will stay in i A Iluiitme til if. Patent, (ieiieva, tir co.iiuioii. or smalt, or largo t Did nur wotih get a fallt A knock, a jerk or a hit I If it is or isn't in splinters, Who would give It a bitter "fit" I Cj Under broKol verge or aspindel I A jew i l, n wn" i. r a fprniK i Heard .1 noise, arrnrk, or a humming, Asa b-'f with a vigorous wing I Slam spring broke, tare 1 or a pin. Down w ith ull the bad watches," " To make them is vvorso than a sinl" liloomtbiirg, Julj 11, IMll. SOMKTIIIXG ecw tolo sonn- nt nny time at UAliTMANtk PHILADELPHIA r.jrr.n ir.i.wixa .v.ixrrr.iCTcncriS (PALL 'I itADU.) ElotvcU iV fii4!;nfic, Ifinne removed tu tru ir New More. Cor. EoURTn Ar MAKKI.I' Ms., are now prt pared tu ofivr to the TfcADH a large and ckgunt utsoitiutnt of U ALL IJJfi:iiSt nor.nEiH, nni; ecrtrrNci?, window crnT.MV good.-. &c iC, all of the nt west and best designs trom the lowest prlctil nrth ki 10 tlio fluett Gold and t'tlrft iHteraltont, Lj Purth tiers do well to Kit thoefiahUshmenl of HOWELL & IOUItKE'3. X. E. Crr Tourth and .Market MretU, Philad'at. cepi. r-'i, imii ;iin JOHN C Y EAGER, MANLTACTl 4. WllOLlltfAMl IIUALLIX IV HATS. A'fS. STRAW GOOD., Bonnets anil Ariiliclal FIowits, No. 217 NDIirilTllinDSTilCUT. I'lllLAIlULrillA. Manh 10, Icui-IJtu. IIARRV SIIIRLS, I'ltorttlETOIl, Corner Third alid Wool flfcelli PlTTiUURGII, Ti, Ill.l,lS60-l,, Tor tho I.VST.J.VT tl.V.ri-'and 'WUM.VJVT I dir. of this ill, tressine coiiitilaillt Uia J'ENDT'S IHIOSCUIAL IMGAK13TTI3S, Mdo ty C'll 4.1 O 107 Nitsic ITHHI.II. , I'lice, $1 per box si at fro by post. FOX SjILE AT .i.ll UHVOUISTS, fy IS, lrtO-eai. r IIE Propnitnr of I us wi M-known and rent rally loca I iml Iton-it. th Eitiit-iui llorei . situate ou Vi.i- Street, in liloouixhtirg, lunuediaielv opposite tlie ("oluui bi i County Court House, respert fully inform hn fniils an I tlie puiiue in general, mai ins iiousi 11 huh in or tier lr the reception auui un ruiimmm m:,v f-rl ili,itoieil to fivorit with their Hiinrril on t mt use in nr.-narinif tha En utsor, for l hi entertainment of Ins gu sts, neither sliall there he any. thine wanting (on lus ri m minuter to ilr ir pernmil comfort. His houso is spacious and eujoj s au i ici 11' ut bunuet-s location. i; run at all times between the Etchings, Hotel and iho various Kail Uoa.t Depots, by vv Inch trav elers will In- pleasant!) convijedto and fruntho re spective bialinim in due time to mett the Curs 1 WM. II. KOON3. Itloomihurg, July 7. 1K0. KKVK1! 1 1 o U S K , (roitMi rlv t vni r hoti O NO C:? NORTH TIHKD M'ltELT, PUlLADELrillA. I HIS ho tf i Fit ti tli d in the un si bu mess part of thu cit), has nu- buudr-d and thirt) rooms ; large Par lors and ev. ry roo ii is n wly farnii-hcd and is coiisidered one i f tin. lined Ho. Is ol its dais in Philadilpbia , it ban recfd a larije obst rvat. ry w her p. rsons can hava a lino view of iho ii y , D law are m r, A.c. Arc , tt U also Min nil ed with hot and cold wnti r Ealh s. which will h.j fr e of ihirgt lur ill pin it of the Douce ; City Cars vv ill take tm tn the verc llotipe. Onr harge is mod erat1, $1 i)p-rilay; pepmnt w-iting the city w ill picas come and try Un l.tnre House. an. wo pkrigo ourstlts a Hi il v c will udeavor to us- our host cffwits to mate it appear Itku he. tie . ( lUHLts J Pa Ben, of Reading, will havo charge or tli ol'ire. U. W. IIINKLU. form- My of tin Plat s Unhn Hotel, aud latttrly of tha j Unit, d Siai s II i l. UliiMie City, N. J., l'l'-crninon. ftl ty I.'. o i .tit a ii now in or , x T V J . oftravelerswho, S JUJO custom. He Ins j JL sdle eitra OOtli l'l : extra clitap nt ;reat vaiirty nn.l for lIAKTMANPrf GEO KG K II. KOLKllTS, IMI'URTEIl AND DEALER IN ZZ A 8 W A M ;3S1 CUTLEHY, CUNS, kO. Nos. 2155 nni 2S7 Vtirth Third Street, h' IeU AI)A.M13 St'IlH'KND S INFALUliU. POWDERS. Tor the and t ff -eiii-il ''vrt of all liJtvtratltn, Ftrirt, Hhtvmntit)4. .Jf; A ia anil JAttr (.emlanr. I'xlt,, finite, un I ull .'irhir and t nroate lttttttti AtutTa AMii'iiiLDKix &i'tij i Ci ul rHnHip to hi r f!. II. JOMlrJ. HundrHa of testimonial.. noi 2070rilliii'..r,O. ' i Ainnry. tf. V Cor.'lliird . Arcti f?ls. S pt is, laU)-10. ORI3A IN DUCEMKNTS TO MAKE VT miixcv without currAL Xnllilinba-. No lli.k. No .'He U Ei.l. B, Hut a ful rctnru foi ui- . , -l ew inula. tlciilati ...u- ",,'v, .iiiit.dinvi.iu.cni. 1-ojpai-'""" -.a .Urop, aud aoorraa V J. McGUICOlt. , Gloy.rivius, K, V. Vor 10. lcj-5,,