COLL AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. LEVI L. TATE, Editor. "TO HOLD AND TRIM THE TOUGH OF TltUTII AND WAVE IT O'ER THE DARKENED EARTH." 82 00 PER ANNUM. . VOL. 14.m 42. COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, l'unr.isirF.n in euv patuiiday, by LEVI L. TATE. IN BLOOMSEUnG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, TA. o f fTc e fi thi new lirfck UniMing, rppaiiti th h'tthanct, ty tide qftht tiiurt loust. " Dcmocraltt Head Quarter." TEtlMS Or HUIISCUIPTION. 61 Of) Iii mlvancy. for oiii r(ity, for nix motitlia. 1 7,1 In n'liaim'. !'r niic crijM)iio jenr. V (JO If lift p'tld within tli" hrt thm; months. - Cj If nntpoid within tho tirM ix mouths, gjl) If tint pnld within llu-ciir. ?tt7" No BiitMcrlitioii lftk'n for lea than fit tnnnth, nd no ptpcr discontinued until till arrearages shalllmvu ueen paid. dV Onltnnry Apvf.tiTiEMi-NT!tIiiBcrtfJ,Qinl JouWork ictutcit, nt tlm established nrirce. TnE TLAG OF OUR UNION. "Atom for ourbiinnirf" Tlio watchword recall Which g.ive tin! Uipijlilic Iter Matlou: "lniUd.wc tand (iivldtd wo tYI!' It intdti an J prcntrud m a nation! Tap union uf hkoi- the union of lands Tli j union of Stiitt'ri none can sever Ttu union of heart the uniui uf hauda Aud ihf I'Mgrf the Unmn ftn.u And tirl Hid I'las cf our Union fmorl Wliat (3od in III ni.'rcy anil wisdon oYignad. And fuiui'il with tiM weapons tf thunder, Net all tliu cutlh's dt'Fp'Hs and faclloiu combined Have the? power to concur or minder t Thi union u( I'lkcs tlii union of lands 'J 'tic- uuimji of fct.'itfn none enn n'ver Tli union of hearts the union uf huJa And tin; I'iag uf lliti Union lures vcr Ami t vcr I Tho i'ipg of our Union lurcher I Oh, teep that flaif lIingt-TIi3pil.lo ofths Taol To mi oitit r nation- i'Uplny itl 111;! ladies fur union are ail to nmtn HJt net tlis nun ulio'U h-.tray it, Tli hii tlu' cl'lakus tlif union if land Thu union tffriuiuri nuie out Hiti'i Tlieunio.i ui hearts- thu union of hauJj And Iiu t'Ug ' I'tJi.' I iimu I -rJVvt Anecrl llo Matfunrl mm fi-rcrc-r I REV. JOHN CHAMBERS' SERMON HOW TO THE UNION. It waf announced that the Rev. John Chambers would delivered u sermon on "How to Save the Union," and hisehuich on Broad stnet, Philadelphia, was accor dingly crowded on Thanksgiving morning. Tliu reneiued gentleman announced tbo text for tho dikCuiirws to be from Icaiah ixi: 11,12, as follow : "llo calleth to mo out of Seir, Watchman, what of tbo uigbt! Walebnian, v. hat of the night? The Watchman .aid, The njoming ooinclh, and ul ,o tbo night : if yc will inquire, inquire, jc : leturn, come." No one could feel the responsibility of lain poiition more than did tbo rpcakcr. Ho ftood before a largo audience as a minister of tbo Lord Je.-us Christ, devoted to tbo interests of the Master and his Jiingdom. As a Christian he was bound by the Riblo and tbo teachings of the Ri b!o ; as a citizen ho was Crmly iueutified with tbo Constitution and tbo Union. Ho fait that wo wcro in the midst of fearful trials, and consequently ho could not bo indifferent to the intercfts aud perils oftho hour. The question ho designed consider ing was " How is tbo Republic to per petuated ?" He was aware that on this point there was much diversity of opinion, nud that many Would bay there wai no cause for alarm. Ths (-pcaker believed there was danger. No tnuc man could shut his eyes to that fact and wu may as well know it now. He did not fpeak as an nlawi'r-t, for tbo facts were palpable to all. Where was the iu)po.-ibility of dis union? It was jut as positively assorted years since that there was no danger of of the Church of God being divided. Yet what do wo too now ? Tbo Methodist Church that vast empire of intellect, bo nevoleuco, and roligiom enterprise, whoso influence extended from shore to shore and now completely diuded aud sectional ized. The IJ.iptUt church and tbo Now School Presbyterian church presented the hatuo painful spectacle. Thoy wcro to completely divided that tho sacret elements of Chrij-tian communion wcro refused umoug brethren. Tho causo that led to tho rupture was tho question now beforo the country, and producing tho present iigitatiou. If it proved sufficient to mc tionalizo tho Church of God, what can binder it from dividing tho civil ties which bind tho States in a political union .' Admitting this, the question again re curred, what can bo dono to acrt tbo dis solution of the Union ? Tho cry comes up from all parts of tho land : "Watch mn, whit oftho night ? Watchman, what of the night!" and tho answer rolling up from tho North, tbo South, the East, and tho West, throbs through tho great nation al heart, "The morning coiucth, and also the night: if yc will inquiro, inquire jo: return, romo." After uwdly depicting tbo ewls tbtit must neccs-aiily follow a dissolution of tho L'ulon. thi pc iLcr proposed to i-how 1 h I! pu' l.c u.''it bo caved from i ueh u cal.i it). I. lly a tigid and universal adhorancs tutiou aud tho laws of tho United States. Universal obedience to tho laws was not only a duty on tho part of tbo civil au thority of each State, but on every citizen of that State. However binding tho laws on our statute books might bo regarded by jurists, unless s ustaincd by tbo hearts of tbo ptoplu thoy were futile. Tho people of this Commonweal tli would not permit' other States to infringe their rights, and they should practice tho tolerance thoy expect to rcciove. Tho Constitution was tho foundation of tbo compact between people and people, and wo should sustain its provisions as religiously as wo defend like Christians tho doctrines of the Riblo. II. Let those States which have enact ed laws nullifying the Constitution and tho laws of the land, at onco repeal them, They owe it to tbo nation to tho commu nity of national interests to patriotism, and to God. If one State can legislate against tho General Government, another can do it. In the Northern States, or at least in may of them, laws are on tha statue books directly in opposition to the letter aud spirit of our general Constitu tion. If the repeal of tboso laws would tend to claim the political mind, and re move tbo intense political excitement now prevailing, aud threatening disaster to tho nation, what State would not bo magnan imous to do to? They should como up to' tho work like men. If a brother ia iqju- red, who will refuse brotherly reparation ? Let us hasten to do thi? thing, aud, haing' removed tbo came of alienation, once nioro let us shako hands in conciliation, haruio-1 ny, and peace. 111. Let all the States unito in tho sjiiiit of fraternal lore, securing to the! ci.iicn.5 of each State a full enjoyment of, their constitutional rights uo more and ' no less. Let them bo assured on manly I honor, that they have rights rights of' options nud rights of property and let ui give them this assurance without cur. tailmeut, prevarication, or mental reserva tion. We of l'ennsvlvania exnect our constitutional rights to be recognised and f icsjceted by South Carolina, Florida, I Georgia, ami Maryland ; and have not the ' citizens ol these Uommoiiwealths the sanio right to insist upon our giving them tbo same practical assurance ? If wo demand it under the Constitution, they demand it also. What wo expect of others we should render in return. There thould bo a beautiful system of reciprocity running through every State, aud we of tho North should suHiain our part in it. If the right of rendering property was coustitutioual then aU States should enjoy it. No mat ter what that property is, it should be pro tected in possession and returned to tbo owner without let or hindrance. If tho authorities of Virginia attempted to seize the horse aud cariiago of a citizen of Pennsylvania, travelling to ouo of her springs, under tbo pretext of a uiuuicipal law, Pennsylvania would resent it, aud justly resent it, as a wrong. Then, why should not tho citizen of Virginia, Caro j linn, or Georgia, have the samo protection to bis property when travilling through ! Pennsylvania and the Northern States ? , Whatever tho Constitution recognizes as I propel ty we are bound to npect, and no State could righteously pass a law to null ify its possession or existence. If this was granted, there would be no disunion, and in the breast of the speaker thero was no sympathy for disuniou to long as Union was maintained on principle. IV. As Christian, wo should recognize tho precept of Jesus, "Render unto Ciesar tho things which aro Cxsar's." As Chris tiaus aud as citizens wo should obey tbo powers ordained by God. If wo had only done our duty in this respect as Christians, there would bo no dissension to-day. He believed as devoutly as ho behoved in eternity that if tho American pulpit had done its duty tho American nation would bo at peace. When wo see tho ministers of God substituting rifles for Ribles, and disscmiuating discord amoug men, it was tiuio for tho Cluistiau community to aiise. Ho desired to urge upon bis hearers the duty of sustaining tho Constitution and the laws oftho United States. As for tho egeaker, ho had planted bis feet upon that rock, and nothing but an electric bolt dash ing from tv thunder cloud could remove him. Our Constitutiou,the Amciicanljibledia l btcn flamed by as gifted minds, as pure hearts, and as noblo spirits, as uver were created by men who loved law, order, pcaco aud liberty. We should all obey it Each Stato should carefully, scrupulously, conscientiously mind its own busiuess. If tbo peoplo do not liko tho laws let them bo repealed but until legally repealed thoy should stand by tho fourth nrtielo and cv cry other artisl in tli ConUWtion, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, Once mora, wo should remember that wo aro a nation of brothers. When tho revolutiuuary struggle took place, noblood flowed more freely, mora patriotically than the blood of our Southern fathers. Tho chivalrous sons of tho South had shed their blood in every portion of tbo colonial battle-grounds. Rotwecu tho North and South thero still exists a brotherhood of blood. Wo aro all proud of tho glory of tho American name. Shall this fraternal blood now run together in deadly conflict into ono great river of terrible death I Shall there bo ciril war, anarchy, and desolation? Shall brother fight against brother, and kinsman against kinsman? Shall a single star bo torn from tho glori ous galaxy, or a single stripo bo blotted from tho consecrated fold ? Shall the Aniciiean eagle, the proud bird which has soared aloft in majesty aud glory for three score years and tou, bo compelled to pour out one wild shriek as it rises from its mcmiug liar: "Farewell, farewell, tho land of tho freo and tho homo of the brave." God Almighty fordid sueb a catastrophe? Let the sous of tho Pinckneys, the Adams es, the Clays, tho Patrick Henrys, tbo descendants of Northern patriots and Southern patriots, onco more unito under tho Constitution aud its lawi, and within the bounds of a holy Union. Let every man speak kindly and lovingly. Lot us do it in tho spirit of patriotism and love obeying the commands of our Constitution aud tho laws and then we can meet, should wo live another year, in tho spirit of thanksgiung indeed, with a country happy and prosperous, and with the stars and stiipcj chining unmlliod. In the name of tho fathers, he beggod for union, and in conelu-iou, invoked upon the people of America, whether North, South, East, or West, whether in States or Territories, tho infinite mercy and loving kindness of our lleaviuly l'atlier. Hail Columbia I Ouo of the best places this side of Jor dan is Columbia county, in Pennsylvania, along one of whoo bright, sparkling streams wo remember our "good old Homo." Columbia is situated in the Wyoming Valley, a few miles east of the Jersey border, and about midway between tho northern aud boutheru boundaries of the Stale. Her people are awake to every thing that is going on, and especially when the period for electing a President comes round. In deciding upon this latter ques tion, they evince a spiiit of consistency aud respect lor tbo rights of the people of every section of the country unrivalled by any county in the United States. At the late election for President the number of votes polled was 4,a in, of which John C. Rreckiurulga received and Stephen A. Douglas, (!7i'y-6z ; tbo balance being cast for Lincoln and Dell. This is, per haps, one oftho most withering rebukes to Squatter Sovereignty given by any couuty iu all tho Freo States ; aud we doubt if it has a parallel in tho cutiro South, inclu ding a territory giiug an equal number of votes against Lincoln ami Roll. It is unquestionably tho Banner county of tbo Union. Tho Democrats of this section aro iu no respect identified with tho much abused institution ol the South. They support it simply bceauso thoy recognize it as being fdly sanctioned aud amply prouded foriu the original compact, and believe it enti tled to protection eomuicnsurato with the perils which tui round it. Lot impulsive nun of tbo South bewaro how they bpoak ' of their friends iu tho free States ; lctthcm I remember that there is a gallant baud north of Ma-ou and Dixon's lino as true to the Constitution and their interest as can be found auywbero in the Republic. While tho States remain a Union, they will never fail to su t dn tho South iu her present demauds, and should the timo cer conic when John Rrown raids become tho order of tho day thoy will have in thco men an active and powerful ally. Unioiivillc (Mo.) Argus. A Ciiil.B'tjl)EAiuui:i). Marion Bituor, a littlo boy four years old, was so badly scalded in Philadelphia on Saturday last, by falling he-ud first iuto a largo kettlo of boiling water, that ho lived but a few hours. Ho was comparatively easy after his wounds v'ere dressed, aud during tho last hour of bis existence, as belay in bed, sang tho hymns taught him in the infant school tbo last being tbo beautiful ono commencing with tho words, "1 have a Father iu the Promised Land." Why should potatoes grow belter than any other vcgetablo ? Recauso thoy have eyes to so: what thsy arc using- How to Prosorvo Woiiion. A CHAPTER OF EXCKM.r.MT ADVICT.. Thcie is nothing in tho world that wo think so much of as women. Our mother is a women wi'o, sister and pretty cous ins are women, and the daughters will be, (Heaven sparo them 1) if thoy liro long enough. And thero is a love of women in general which wo do not deny. A fine, magnificent specimen oftho ecs, full of life and health, a ripe red check, aud flashing eye is something that does ouo good to look at as sbo illuminates tho humdrum side walks and ovcry-day streets. A North River steamer under full headway, with colors flyingjis rather a pretty sight rath er stirring aud iuspiring and wo pull up our uag to see her pass, and admiro tho Bwell she cuts. Comparatively, however, tho steamer sinks into iusignilicance, or some other deep water, by the side of a well-kept, well-dressed woman. Thero is no rubbing it out ; women aro the ornament charm, blessing, beauty and bliss of life (man's life wo mean, of course.) Any means, therefore, that can bo devised for preserving them should bo publicly mado known. They aro different from any other kind of fruit. You eau not do thorn up in sugar aud set them in a room, with a paper soaked in brandy over their mouths You can not put thorn up in cans, sealed air tight, without injuring their form and flavor, Now, as men aro so dependent upon women for their choicest blessings, a proper mode for praerviiig tbein becomes of great iuomunt,and we aro sure tbo pub lie will thank uj for an infallible receipt: Have the feet well protected, then pay the next attention to tho chest. Tho chest is the repository of tho vital organs. There abide tho heart and lungs. It is from tho impression made upon theso or gans, through the skiu, that the shiver conies ; it is nature's quako tho alarm bell at tho onset of danger. A woman may never shiver from tho effect of eold upou her limbs, or bands or head ; but let tho cold strike through her clothing on her chest, and off go her teeth iuto a chatter, aud tho whole organisation is in commo tion. One sudden and severe impression of eold upon tbo chest has slain its tens of thousands. Therefore, while tho foot aro well looked after, never forget tbo chest. l'hcr,c points attended to, tho natural con coctions of the dress wiil supply tha rest, aud tho women is now ready for tho air. now let her isit her neighbors, go shop ping, call upon the poor, uud walk for the good of it, for tho fun of it. Keep away from the stove or register. Air that is dry or burnt, nioro or less charged with gasses evolved by the fuel, is poison. Go up stairs, and make tho beds uith mittens on. Fly around tho bouse like mad aud ventilate tho rooms. Don't sit pent up in a single room with double windows. Fruit will not retain its form or flavor in air tight cans, neither will wo men. They need air. If tbo shiver comes on during theso operations, go directly and put something more about tho breast. Again, do not live iu dark rooms. Light feeds tho flowers. No living ani mal or vegetablo can enjoy health iu dark ness. Light is as necessary as air, and a brown tan is preferable, even as a matter of beauty, to a sickly paleness of com plexion, This much in regard to tho physical means of preservation. Thero aro moral means impoitaut. Every woman should bo married to an excellent man. Mar-i riage, it is true brings caro and wear ; but it is the ring that is worn that keeps bright, and tho watch that lies still unwound, that gets out of order, Tho sweet sympathies involved in tho family relation, tho new cucrgics developed by new responsibilities. Tho new compensa tion for all outlays of strengthjbiiug about a delightful play upou tho heart and intel lect, which in their reaction upon tho body produce- an effect that is nothing less than preservation. Then there is a higher moral power than this ono which wo 6pcak of soberly aud reverently. Nu ono is completely armed against tho encroach ing ills of lifo who has in tho heart, no place for religion. Tho calmness, tlio pa tience', aud tbo joy and bopo that aro in po-session of that women whoso heart is right in its highest relation, can never f.dl to preserve and heighten every personal power aud charm that she posse.-ses. 1 hero you havo the receipo. Somo of it is in sportivo furm , but it is not the less tobcr truth. It has within a euro for ma ny a disease tho preventative for moro. It might bo mado longer i when wo soo tho prescription? universally adopted, it will bo timo to biiug forward the remainder. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 18G0. Lottor from Ex-ircsidout Morco rromlbo Washington Constimtlon. We havo been shown a privato letter from Ex-President Pierce to a friend in thjs city, written, it is true, in tbo course of friendly correspondence, and not with a view to publication. But as wo think tho peoplo aro entitled to tho views of well known and tried public servants, who havo enjoyed a largo sharo of the public confi dence, wo havo requested a copy of this letter for this issue. Wo recognize in ev ery lino of it a spirit of patriotism and de votion to the wholo country, which will insuro;the attentive perusal of every rea der : Lowxr.r,, Mass., Nov. 20, 1600. My Doar Sir : Your letter was received at Concord, on Saturday, and I should havo answered it while there, if I could have found a littlo interval of leisure. I am hero to-day on buiincss,and can there fore do scarcely more than to thank you; but let so much, at lcat, bo said. Tbo apprehensions which you so forci bly express did not increase mino. You know how sincerely and earnestly I have for years deprecated tbo causes which, if not removed, I foresaw must produco tbo fearful crisis which is now upon us ; and 1 know how ineffectual, in tLi Motion, have been all warnings of patriotism and ordi nary for.cist. Now, for tho first time, men aro compelled to open their eyes, a? if aroused from some strange delujiou,up. on a full view of the nearness and magni tude of tho impending calamities. It is worso than idle, it is fooll-bardy, to discuss tho question of piobablo relative suffering and loss in different r.cctions of tho Union. In ease of disruption, we shall all bo involved in common financial cm barrassmcuts and ruin, and, I fear, in common destruction so much more appal ling than any attendant upou mere sacri fice of property, that ono involuntarily turns even from its contemplation. To my mind, ono thing is clear, no wise men can, under cxi'tiug circumstances, dream of coercion. Tho first blow struck in that directiouwill bo a blow fatal even to hopj. You havo observed, of course, how se riously commercial confidence, and conse quently tho price of stocks, &e., have al ready been shaken at tho North, and yet there is in tho public mind a very imper fect apprehension of the real danger. Still there aio indications of a disposition to re peal laws directed againt tho couatitution al rights of the Southern States such as "personal liberty bills," &c., aud if wo could gain a littlo lime, there would seem to bo ground of hope that theso just causes of distrust aud dissatisfaction may bo re moved. I trust tho South will mako a largo draft on their devotion to tho Union, and be guided by the wiso moderation which tho exigency so urgently calls for. Can it bo that this Hag, with all tho stars in their places, is uo longer to float at home abroad and always as an emblem of our united power, common freedom and un challenged security? Can it bo that it is to go down iu darkness, if not in blood, beforo wo havo completed a single century of our independent national existence? I agreo with you that madness has rul ed the hour in pushing forward a lino of aggressions upou tho South, but I wiil not despair of returning reason, aud of a rea wakened tenso of constitutional right and duty. I will still look with earnest bopo for tho full aud speedy vindication of tho coequal rights and cotqual obligations of theso States, and for restored fraternity under the present Constitution fraternity scoured by following tho cxamplo of the fathers of the Republic fraternity based upon admission aud chcciful maintenance of all provisions and requirements of tho sacred instrument under which they and their children havo been so signally bless ed. When that bopo shall polish, if per ish it must, life itself, my friend, will I033 its valuo for you and me. It is apparent that much will depend upon tho views expressed and the touo aud temper manifested during the early days of the session of Congress now near at hand May tho G od of our fsthors guide tbo counsels of those who in tho different de partment! of government aro invested in this critical epoch with responsibilities un known since tLo sitting oftho Convention which framed tho Constitution, Your friend, FRANKLIN PIERCE. A winow lady sitting by a cheerful fire in a mcditativo mood, shortly alter her husband's deccaso, feigned: "Poor fellow how ho did liko a good liro ? I bopo ho has gone where they keep good fires." 2KS jting turn to tnrow iu a narret ot uour i 1 urainj. Washington Oponing Congress. It was, I think, in tho year 1701 or 1705, that as a boy I was among tho spectators congregated at that corner and parts closo by, to witness a great public spectacle Washington was to open tho session of Congress by going in person, as was his custom, to deliver a speech to both Houses assembled in the chamber of tho Houso of Representatives. The crowd was immense, considering tho eizo of our city: for, although then tho largest in the country, its population was hardly moro than forty-five thousand. It filled tho whole area in Chestnut street, before tho State IIouso extended along the lino of Chestnut itroct, and spread north and south some distanco along Sixth street. A way kept open for carriages in tho mid dlo of tho street, was the only placo Dot packed with people. I had a stand on the Eteps.of ono of tho houses in Chestnut street, which, raising mo above tho mass of human beads, enabled mo to see to an advantage. After waiting lone it seemed to a boy's impatience, 'the car nage of tho President at length olowlv drove up, drawn by four beautiful bay horses. It was whito, with medallion or naments on tho panoh, and tho livery of the servants, as well as I remember, was white turned up with red : at any rafo a glowing livery; tho ontiro display in equipages at that era, in our country gen erally, and iu Philadelphia in particular, wuilo the peat of government, being moro rich and varied than now, though fewer in number. Washington got out of his carriage and slowly crossing the pavement, ascended tho steps of the edifice, upon tho upper end of which be pauscd,and, turning half round, looked in tho direction of a carriage which had fo'lowed tho lead of his own. Thus ho stood for a minuto, dis tinctly seen by everybody. He stood in all bis civic dignity. His costume was a full suit of black velvet ; his hair, iu itself blanched by timo, powdered to enov whiteness, a dress sword by his side, and his hat held in his baud. Thuj ho stood iu silence; and what moments theso were! Throughout tho dense crowd profound stillness reigned. Not a word was hoard. It was a feeling beyond that which vents itself in shouts. Every heart wa3 full. In vain would any tonguo havo spoken. All wcro gazing in muto admiration Every eye was rivited on his majestic form. It might havo seemed as if ho stood in that po-ition to gratify tho assembled thou sands with a full view of tho father of their country. Not so. Ho had paused for his secretary, then I beliovo Mr. Dandridgo or Colonel Lear, who got out of tho other carriage a chariot decorated liko his own. His H'cretary, ascending tho steps, handed him a paper probably a copy of tho spepch to bo delivered when both entered tho building. Then it was, and not till thm, that the crowd sat up huzzas, long, loud, and enthusiastic. A BcAuriruL RnrLccxiON. Bulwcr eloquently says : 'i cannot believe that the earth is man's abiding placo. It can't be that our life i3 cast upon tho ocean of eternity to float a moment upon its waves aud sink into nothingness! Else why is it, that tho glorious aspirations, which leap like an. gels from the temple of our hearts, aro forever wandering about unsatisfied ? Why is it that tho rainbow aud clouds como over us with a beauty that is not of earth, and then pass off and leave us to muse upon their faded loveliness ? Will is it that the stars who hold their festival around tho midnight throne, aro set above tho grasp of our limited faculties, forever mocking us with their unapproachable glory ? And fiually, why i- it that bright forms of human beauty aro presented to our view, and then taken from us, leaving tho thousand streams of our affections to flow back iu Alpino torrents upon our hearts ? Wo are born for a higher des tinv than that of earth ; thero is a reilm 1 - where tho rainbow never fade-3, whero tho I stars will spread beforo us liko islands ' that slumber on tho ocean, aud where the . beings that pass before us like shadows will stay in our prcjoiico torevcr. A little boy of a certain Tillage, not far from Gcrmautowu, being asked in Sunday school "what is the chief end of man?" answered, " TLo end what's got tho head on.'' Tnr. coolest people in tho world thoso who send alow lines of advertisement, ae. cunipanied by a column ot ediUrial whi' h thoy mildly request to 1 3 iu'-crt d prutis. This is precisely tho samo as paying a storekeeper for a pound of sugar and as- iking him to throw iu a barrel of flour 1 YOL, 24, Wonderful Calculation. A writer thus undertakes to convoy some idea of the greatness of tho popula tion of China : "The mind cannot grasp tho real import of so vast a number. Four hundred mil. liontl What does it mean? Count it. Night and day, without rest, or food, or sleep, yon continue tbo weary work ; yet cloven days has passed before you havo counted tho first million, and moro than as many years beforo the end of tho tedi ous task can bo reached." Ho also sup poses this mighty multitudo to tako tip its line of march in a grand procession, placed in single file at six feet apart, and march ing at the rate of thirty miles a day, ex cept on the Sabbath, which is given to rest. "Day after day tbo moving column ad vanccs, tho head pushing on far toward the ri i ng sun , now bridge tho Pacific , no w bridge tho Atlantic. And now Ihe Pacifio is crossed, but still tbo long procession marches on, stretching across high mount ains, and sunny plains, and broad rivers, through China aud India, and tho Euro pean kingdoms, and on again over tho Btormy bosom of tho Atlautic. Rut tho circuit of tho world itself affords not stand ing room. The endless column will doublo upon itself, nud doublo again and again, and shall girdle the earth eighteen times before tbo great reservoir which furnishes those numberless multitudes is exhausted. Weeks, and months, and years roll nway, and still thoy come, men, women and chil dren. Since the march began the littlo obild has become a man, and yet on thoy come, 111 unfailing numbers. Not till the end of forty-one years will the last of tho long procession have pasted." Such u China in its population : and if Homer could preach eloquently on tho vanity of mau as mortal, with equal elo quence, hail be seen or contemplated tho millions of China, could be haye preached on tho vanity cf man a3 an individual A worthy gentleman, Major was once placed in charge of tho peniten tiary in tho District of Columbia, no accordingly hd tho inmates paraded iu tbo yard, and, with a graceful gesturo, commenced a speech to them, m follows : 'Gentlemen hem ! no, you aro not gen tlemen. Fellow-citizens hem I no, I'll answer you aro not fcllow-citizass. Con victs 1 I havo just been appointed, by tho President oftho United States, warden of this penitentiary. Now, I wish to say to yo that it is my design to have everything conducted hero in tho mot orderly man ner, and I would liko it to bo understood that tho first rascal of you that makos a fii's shall bo kicked out of tho establish ment." A wnur. known equestrian is now on a farm in Kansas engaged in traininc a number of buffaloes to the ring, intending to nuc an act ot horsemanship (?) unon ono of them. He has ten of them in hand, which ho intends driving tandem beforo a music wagon in procession. It is nrobablo that he will so far accomplish his purpose as to join some company next spring. A tandem team of buffaloes in procosjiou, driven by ono person, will indeed bo a curiosity. Living Near to God. One day a girl about five years old heard a prcache of a certain denomination praying most lustily, till tho roof rang with tho strength of his supplications. Turning to her moth er and beckoning the maternal car down to a speaking distance sho whimpered : "Mother, don't you think that if he lived nearer to Gcd ho wouldn't havo'to talk so loud ?" Such a question is worth a volurao on "elocution in prayer." The best blunder we havo heard of for a long timo was committed recently, by a negro servant, who had been sent by hia mistress to borrow Blackwood's Magazine from a neighbor. Ho delivered his moss ago as follows : "Mirsis compliments, and says will you plcaso send her tho July number oftho Uack bomlazint. IIe.nuy, yon ought to bo ashamed, to throw away bread liko that. You may want it, somo day.' 'Well, mother, would I stand any bet ter chance of getting it then, should I cat it up now?' Said a woman to an old maid, "My husband is not so good a husband as ho should bo, but ho is a powerful tight bel ter than noiio." Xct ipanlt jour cHdlrcu with a. handsaw, or box tucir cars with tho sharp, odgo of a hatchet. It is aptjto affect thir brains.