Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 15, 1860, Image 4

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Tit AMt(MTm Or hAsnueot:. There It a fcrftvv
lug tendency hr Hist uga to npprt prlnte tho tnnst ei
titesslte word i of utlicr languages, ami alter a white to
iticurporttU them Into our nwn ; thus the word t'cplinllc
Tvhlcuts rntinltw Ufek, tiKnifyhit; " fur tha head," Is
now becomhig pnpUprlied in connection with Mr.
Spaldliir. great fe IU n0n bo
uA InttiinrmrcnrrAl nar. and Hie word LVi,liall will I
bctomaiu common n Llectmtypn and many uhf r iu
whoso illsttrutlnn ns foreign worili U been vvirn away
by coumiou usage uullt they aceiu " naUvt audio llu
Mtuwr born," ,
, i
. I
hrdly Reallied, 1
III 'ni n 't.rrlMc 'r-ndnche this finitcrnoon.luiml I stop- '
ed into the hupotbecartes hit nd sav lit to liis inan,"cnii I
yoil IK' Hie HID Ol u I'.inariUM 'umi ii uueiiu uiu, ,
Ufa lletceoiinigiyv say in, nana upon mat e gavo
mo a Cephalic Till, hand 'pmi me ouor it cured lint so
qutcs. intm army rcuuzcu i au?au an eaaacue
HiAmcns: Is th favorite sign ly wlilcli nntnro
make known an deviation whatever Imiu the natural
state of the brain, tuid viewed in this light it muy bo
kinked on as a safeguard Intended togivu iioiico of dis
ease which might otherwise escape attention, till too
kite tubo remedied J and its indication should uowr bj
iircleetcd. Headaches may hu classified under two
names, vizi Huiptnnmticuiid Idiopathic. t?yuipiumi1io
Headache is exceedingly common and ! theprotitrsurof
u great variety at utscascs umoug vvnu n nro apopicxy,
Cunt. KhemntlBm ond nil febrile diseases, In its ucr
T ova form U la lympathuttrof disease of Ihu ttoniach
r6iiititutiiig(rfcirtafA.()fhepntic dixonnu conr-titu
tiny biltout Htadacke of wornn, umrllpation unil ottirr
liurdir tif tha bowels, at well as rciul an 1 uterine af
fcillous. DitL'(isL-s hftlic lu'iirt aru try Irumamly at,
tended with llendiu.hvii; Anaintn and jdcthcra uro nWo
atftiitiuiit whirti irenuently uciusiun liea dacha ldiora
thetic llendaihels nlo try wmiimin, btlng usually du
ii u g nl shed l-y the name of nervous hcnduLhe, aotui times
comiiii! on s uddi'My in a ctatc of apparently sound hcultn
and pfoctrnting atnnro tin mental and ph)sical riurgics
Htid mother inil.iuce it comet on slowly, heralded by
do pre Mi mi of spirits r nccrbity of tempt r. In most in
Mucvs the piin Is In too front of tho head, over one or
both L)ei, and fdiuttimcs provoking outitlnj- under
this clans may uWo be named Jfeiiratgia
For the tnutmtnt tf t-ithur tlags oi Headache the Ce
nhalic Tills haw been found a suru and said ruined), re
ItfviiifE tha most aruto pains In a ftw minutes, and by
its subtle powtr eradicating tho diseases of whicli Head
ache Is thu unerring Index
Bridget. tssnn wants) an to send tier a box of Cc
hatic Glue, no.u buttle of rrcparud 1 ills, bo t I'm think
ltigtliut'a not Jiutit uulther i b it per Imp yr'll bu aitlior
knowing what it U. Ve sen aim's niph deBU and pone
with the tiirk lleajathe, and wants soma moro of that
fdino as relaivod her before.
Drugg Ut You imistnu-an PpalJi tig's Cephalic Tills.
iiritijtt.t -Oth4 sure now uml )ou'iu sjd it, here's the
tuarihcr and gi.u tuu iImj Tills andUontUu all day about
h uitUtr.
A Heal Blessing.
Pliysidan, Well Mrs. Jones Low is
that headache ?
Mis. Jones, done I Doctor,all gono ! tha
pill you sent cured mo in just twenty min
utes and I wish you would tend wore so
that I can have them handy.
Physician. You can get them ut any
Druggists. Call for Cephalic Tills, I Cud
they never fail, and I recommend them in
all cases oi llcauacue.
Mrs, Jones, I shall send for a box dl
rcctly,aud shall tell all my suffenug friends
lor tney aro a rcai messing.
Twenty Millions or Dollars saved
Mr. Spalding has sold two millions of
bottles ot his celebrated 1'reparcU lime
and it is estimated that each bottlo saves
at least ten dollars worth of broken furni
turo, thus making an aggregate of twenty
millions of dollars reclaimed from total
loss by this valuablo invention. Having
made his Gluo a household word, ho now
proposes to do the world still greater scr
vice by curing alt tho aching heads with
his Cephalic, rills, and it they aro as good
as his Glue, Headaches will soou vanish
away like snow in July.
tgyOvER Excitement, and tlio men'
tal caru and anxiety incident to close at'
tcstion to business or ttudy, aro among
the numerous causes of Nervous Headache.
Tho disordered stats of mind and body in
cident to this distressing complaint is a fa
tal blow to all energy and ambition, but
fercrs by this disorder can alwajs obtain
speedy relief from these distressing attacks
by using one ot the Ucphalio rills when
ever the symptoms appear. It quiets the
overtasked brain, and soothes thu ctrained
and jarring nerves, and relaxes the tension
of tho stomach which alwavs accompanies
and aggravates the disordered condition of
me uram-
S&'Din you over hayo the Sick Head
ache f Do you remember tho throbbing
temples, the fevered brow,the loathiDgand
disgust at tho sight of food. How totally
unfit you were for pleasure.convcrsation or
study. Uno ot the Uepualic .nils woulu
have rcleived you from all tho suffering
which you then experienced. i or this ana
other purposes you should always havo a
box ot them on hand to use as occasion re
Fact worth knowisq. Spalding'
Cephalic PilU aro a certain euro for Sick
Headache, Uilious Headache, Nervous
Headache, Costiveness and General Debility-
Ohkat Discovebv. Among tho most
important of all tho great medical discov
eries of this ago may be considered the
system of vaccination for protection from
Small Pox, tho Cephalic Pill for rolief of
Headache, and the use ot Uuinino lor tlio
prevention of Fevers, either of which is a
sure specific, whoso benehts will be ex
pcricnccd by suffering humanity long after
their discoverers aro lorgotten.
IIv the use of these oil Is Hie neriodie attacks of Mr
mt or Sick Jfradofke may he prevented; and If taken at
ji (ommenceuiLiit of ou attark immediate relief from
1 tin and sickness will be obtained.
They seldom fail In removing the Xa$ta and Jfcadacke
tow Inch females ure o subject,
They act greatly upon the bowclts, removing Ossfic-
For Literary Xen Stvdtnts, Delicate Females, and all
p rsom of Sedentary kabttt, tbey are valuable as a Lai
m ire, improving the tyfttute, giving tone and rigor to the
digestive orpans, nnd retoriugthe naturulilatticlty and
siri'iigth of the whole system.
ThuCmiAI.H; 1'II.LSaro thertsnlt of long invest!
till on and carefully conducted eiperiments.lmvlog been
in Uio many years, during whiih time they h 1 ve praven
I'd and rvlievi-d a at amount of pain and suffering
from Headache, whether originating in the mrreassys
l"in or from a deranged state of the tttmach,
They are entirety vegetable in their composition, and
tiny be taken at all times with perfect safety without
malt jug any change of diet, andtheabtenet cf ay dta
gruahdtUitt renders tt roy to administer Mm to titl
The genuine luvu five signatures of Henry C. Spalding
on tach boi.
Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Medicines
A box u HI he btnt by mail prepaid ou receipt tf tho
l'KK'K '5 CKNT3,
AU orders should be addfssd to
W Cedar itrctt, New Vork,
Kov, It, WO.
Light ! Light I Light !
P A 11 A U 0 N
coal, Kiimwr.Nij. on emimon oie.
TI!r,'UrlkUte(.r.dr iHSrnnJ.hcJSe
4- W 111 Un. N danger if explosion Dlld tlltt per
fluid ura mi, ,n.u u I or w;ni''cnc,
EST" PiUUAl 1U U Ao XJia
Without thu Pipciino ofgns futures. The above Lamps
(with all their faucy trimmings con bo seen mid bought
at the old clabllh'd Drug and chemical Htore of the
ijiiiericnrit. who tint tors himself that from hi Ions r
t,cf(lUCU in the 1 r ti r trad, Iiu Known how and win-re tn
buy, and ii determined ihhiodo undersold uy any one in
lilouiiMburz, or surrounding country. Call and sea his
new anil nni I'.iKiru iuiik ui
rUOM 7xntn543n. rONFUCTIONA
UU'rft. TKltfUMKHY iNU
FANCY '1011 F.T. AR.
T I CI j Br! 1011
I,A1)ir.-. At
Asit'd Drarids, Tatent Medicines cftvfry varntyln use
Liquors, (pure) fur nifdlcinal use only. luld.Camplnne
Carbon Oil, Turpentine an it Alcohol, Trusses, rilnmldn
limn- und Abdominal ant'iiorters. Suritical and !en
tal Iiitruincnt8,t.iihiiaii and tooth Urutlis, 1'rof. Iluui
hhrcv' llnnifpiiatliic Itrinedtps. Cardcii. Cniinrv. Ilnitn
and lit tni seeds, Thermometers, pronf.pta Mnrorco
Lenliicr nntt rnoo i im:in?9, c., &.c ingcim;r wiwi uia
largost and most taricd assortmctit of tlcrinau To)s and
ever brouplit to this place, all of which pi cane call and
sec and you must bilitvc.
Ilawna learned by end oipf Hence- that "Inn; credits
will not keep things moving," I havu determined to
tnc&itTi1)uycrs, to make it an object to thmn an netl bi
tlm roller, to ileal on tlio caili piinciplc, utlicr money or
Jlavins ecrved a regular apprcntlcetltip at tho nrug
anil Apothecary biMui's, bcjido. Jiaviiid cnrriei It on
tor III" last eismern yvnris on my wn iiuiir, i ii.iuer
mi i'IC tli it I nm ahld tn tlo iurtko to all Kllinz mo a
trial. Thankful to the public for past favors, 1 would
ak atrial on tlio now principle, ami twll Ruurantceto
all.tllal It will mana long iriLixia, unu pay ocii in ine
end to pay casn anil nuy ui reuuecu price..
carefully compoundcil, anil all orilcra correctly aniwcreit.
Al metlicinc. guaranteed as recommended, turc Room
on Miiiu tftrerl, near .Mnrkct, next door to tho Tost Uf.
lice, Uloounuurg, Lolutnoia county, i n.
I'niiii IMI p I riT'
August 4, iero,
BUOIM'S E8&EAVE OF J.t.M.ilC.1 UlXatJt.
CHE y I S T A N I) I) It U G I S T ,
JiWth'Eeast Oornrr of Ctiettnut and fVtk Strcctt,
SOI.R manufacturer of llrown's Kssruco of Jamaic.i
fllnctT. uhirh is rrcocuized and nretcrihed bv the
Medical Faculty, und 1ms beconnj thu itimJurd Family
Medicine ofthu United iftatcs.
This Us en c is n preparation of unusual excellent
In ordinary diarr)ni:iu incipient cholera, in t-hurt, in al
cases of prostration of tlm digeniivu functions, it i o
inestimable alue. During the prevalence of cpidunic
cholera and summer lonipl.iiuts cf is pern
liariy cmcaaous; no uuiuy juaiviauai, or traveler
should be without it.
To nrcvent litis valunhle E&scncc from hclnir counter-
foitutl, u now steel uigrnvtng, executed at a great cost
will bo found on the outMile of thu wrapper, in order to
guard the purchasers asuinst being imposed upon by
l'rparcd only by l'RKliEUICK HKOWX, and for sale
at his Drue and Chemical Store, N. corner uf Fifth
and Chestnut Htrutts, rinladelptiia.
Also ror sale by an rcspcciame uruggiKs in ma uni
ted States.
March 10, leuo-isai.
Ko. 77 DOCK UT., I'llILAUnLl'IIIA.
(Late Cou U. I). Jom:h.)
TIII9 ITotcI, kept on the hvropena Plan, U convenient
for Trnii'Ii-m. Cuiziia. an J tlio l'ublii icilTHllV, be
Inrr iti tlirs Iniiiiciliatij nriclihorliood or tho fitcluinco. ad
joining the Tofct O trice, mwl within it few minute walk
t)I lllv I'tlillliliu liuni,,9, imj idiunt n. bhubidvui.
from oil parts.
Meals can be had at all houri, from 5 o'clork in llic
morning to 1-ioVlotkut in?tit, forl-'t ants and upwards.
LtHlgimr Uoniiia can be procured at all limes tor i cunts
per niijlit, Tho Chaiubirsarn clean, well ventilateif and
all newly furnitfhed. The Kali nc Department will be
ruviucd with tlm ieit tnu market can prmiurc; tne
triuklu-! Counter fumishd with cod Liquors and
chuico Cigars. Tho l'ropri tor hojies that by strict per
t-onai aiteuion,v nu coiiipeicni auu ounuij; etcruiiLs,
he w ill be able to please.
(Late of Daltimore.Md., and Madlsoit House, 1'hila.)
Augut 4, IeG0-3m.
1 liuvo a valuable recipe for maklm: Honey, which I
will scud to any person upon thercctipt of oU cents we
make and use it in our family at hatf the cost nud ton
sidcr It as good us the best article ot genuine bee ai.hI
Honey, "from vhteh tt cannot be told," Any person who
will make and sell it an J clear Irom 2 to $J n day it
only reuires four articles to inaku it, and they can be
had at any store for SI) cents. Kwry family may have
Hits ucuguuui miurj cr any iauy tun make 11 in in nun
utCN ut uuy time. Ihrec cunt pottage lumps as good us
The l'nlmki Timti. published st Ilankinsvillc, (Jcor
eia. of Tharsdnv. March 3d. says: Dr. K. Smith, of this
county, intsunti! u, nun a uvuuiinii unmu i'i (iuiivj,
e'luat, if not superior to any thin: vvu ever saw. 'I iio
honey U manufactured by .Mrs. timTii, acLordini: to the
directions given in a receipt, which she purchased of
Ur. J. I'. CKtuoLR, Haiti more City, .Mil. Any person can
pet this receipt for makiug honey, and be in Ji pendent of
me nuuey-uee, uy w ruing, vv 1111 ou ems inuoseif , to
tin, i. i. i-.Jk iiULii,
No.5o3 Webt nallhuore tl., Baltimore, .MJ
Sept.2i. leoU.
!i if . "0" IS S Q 0 B IF A S3 ID o
The undcrsipned beg leave to tall nttention of the peo
pie ut Jersey town und Hurroundui; country, to thur
splendid ussortmcnt of New Goods, toiiiWm; of dry
poods, Orscer (luccnsAVare, Hard-Ware, Hats and
Caps, Uoolo and tihoes, and all articles usually kept in
country btores, all of whtrh we oiler lo tcll ut rcuuiiu
Lie rates for Cah, Lumber,
That we can dispose of; Chicktns, Turkeys, Gecee, Beef
1 orx, vcai, Lie. uivbuiuum, uim vmuaiuu our new
i :.K.a.
Jersetown, Octobers, lebn
Gcueral Coiuuiissiou HUrcIiauls,
riih, rrovisious, I'luiir, Hotter, Cheese, Oils, Dried
rruits, urain, eeus, ieans, vviiukcv, wool,
Country 1'roiliicc nnd McrLhanJimj
No. 34 Nonrn Wiuuvli, riULACLLruu.
Consignments 0 Vrovlsions, Flour and Country
lroduce solicited, und returns promptly made. Cath
advanced when desired.
OKIHCIlrl for all kinds of Tish, 1'rovlsions, Flour,
Dried Fruits. &c., lillid ut the low est C'jeh Trices.
August 1, l;bO-r-m.
Second ttreet, bttuee-n Market and jlrch, Pkitautlphta,
w. 0. fountain & nuo.
riMUS Hotel la now oeit for the recep.iou ul
J visitors. 1 1 has been itutiedand refarnitbed E3
lliroihout, for the better ULCwmmodatloii ol guest
und boarders, lis location is in the very centre o
uio uusiuess poruuu ot lue u.y. uuarj, o pu
Augukti3, ih:o.
WEhavc one of the creates t rurUsltics and most vat
liable inventions in the known world, for which wu
want agent everywhere. UT" I'ull particulars bent ou
receipt oi.iworcu tiainp.
KHELCIt & CO., Tovvanda, l'a
Oct 20, ISCO-Gt.
Or. J. T. Crbauek. is the General Azcnt. Wholesale it
Retail. for Dr. "WheatitigV Celebrated Female Jilts.
These Pills are (ruy valuable for Ladies, for they Kilt re
store moatklo courses tckere tkeff viag stop from any cause
vkatseteer. They ne vir have failed in any canu where
the directions around the box containing iIiq Pills have
bica itrictljf folloteed indeed, there hag no case offuilura
tvercomo to our knowledge, lleing jmrtly vegetable
they aro perfectly safe. Single box moiled to order
postage paid upon receipt of one dollar, by
Bepu 22, IttCO. Baltimore City, Mil.
AI.AlKJi: assortment of the best artillzers in
the market, ut reduced prices for cash, con.
sibling uro, 1 I'eruvluji audColuuibian(uauo slMvi
tjuueroliobuhate of IJme from the best ni tuufao
Hirers, I'uUbli, I'hosphate, a new article for frnit trees
poudrettc, Plaster tc ut wholesale and retail.
1'm;iiai.i. M Oil It! P.
Iiupleiiient aud Seed Store, corner of 7Ui and Market
Bt reels PhiUdilphia.
.March 1-L IWJ.
For tho IXiT.lXI'HUJKi'mi
PEMu.uire.vr cunt: of ttii. di-
I tresmns coninlalnt 1113
Made bf V. H.miV5l(iUIt iCO, 107 N.m.ii .TRkiT.r. v
I'rice, $1 per hot; .em fn1 liy po.t.
. i'lin sALz ,iv .ill uuvaaisrs.
Tll.iy 1J, lri0 (jiii.
AM. persons indebted to tho undersigned for Profit; a
clonal rvires nptu April 1st. IrMi. are repctful
y requested to cull and settle either by not or otherwise
tJoonsturtf, AugMtt Jl, 1K0,
Ann tbs Tirlous affections consoauent njion a dlaorderoJ
Pncli m InJlCTitlon. Acllityof ttm Stooncli,CollckjPln
Itnarttirn, or AptHjllto, liponucnry, xn-iiTrniiB
lllhnl uml Illiilinj I'llen. in all Amvuuh, lllinmatk, ami
KeiiralKloAtTi-ctloiiB, It hiu In ninneroua lnsru.ciis ruTi4
lu,n0ffl1. nnil In ntlmrn. pflirtfHl A dctldod euro.
jbls is a purclv TcjrctsUo eoiyjioutnl, prriwred un ctrktly
Bclcutlfls pilncIpU'S, after the Ltanner i f lh silebniteil
lloJInnd rrufsor. ikirhave. Us reputation at houiom
duced Its Inirolucllnn lifre, tho demand coniniencinjr with
tlirxo cf the Fatherland Mattered over the face of thtl
ra.Khty country, many cf vbmn brought with and
handed down tho tradition of its valno. It it now ff,irt
to the Amrtean imW; l-wnttng that iU truly wonderful
mrtidnul virtue) viut U ackrwnWgrd.
It Is particularly reooinmeuded to thosa pcrfni wnMfl
conKtltutloni. may bare been iiuj-flire-l by the continuoui u-"
. . r ..... . .IL.ln. t I.mi llnnniilltf
01 araeilS rpinws uruicr ioiu ui "'"'"" Vv Iti
lnntant.tnious in fiiwh tt unui n wny uiiwmj w nin
of lire. Imillin,? ami onlekenlnp every m rto, rahdnft up thv
droopln 1-pirit.aiid. lu tut, Infusing ricvT health and vigor
la tne svnra , ... .
MTICK. Whoever eipects to find this n WverspewM
U dlwippolntodt but to the sick, weak and low spirited. It
will prov a grateful aromatic cordial. toSoeaseU of bingular
remedUl proper tlw.
Tho Genuine highly concent rated Hrihw'a KolUnd
mttora Is put up In half pint t-ottles only, and retailed at
Osr iKitLAn iht bottltf, or six I-otilos ror I trt IHillam. Tho
treat dmand for thli truly cvlebrato.1 Medicine has induced
manj InUtations, which the public should guard against
rUflrSMie'ar8 of Imposition. Bee that cur nama Is on Ui
labfl of every little ou buy.
field by Dniffgists generally. It can bo forwaiaea
ty Express to mmt points.
sole rnoritiETons,
tmrmnuuiisis and (Bhemlste,
I'or Fnl" hy O. M, lla;ciibnch, Urusglit. Hloomchnrgra
roit TUB
Nay Jgork U3ckhi?
comic piuronrjr.
T)nTTAT"MV 13 f-l I? X T ( YT I I
l llUlNlNjL 1 illiiljijU vY !!
The Ntw York WtxMt; and Pictorial
Ihunny PicHow oc Yutrjor
7vo Dollars!!
1 copy one year,. J, und the rulorial l'nunny riicllow
2 ilo do S3, und a Premium.
3 do do St), do do
li do do '), Au do
A do do do do
ID do do $15, do do
VI do do 3 Id, do do
!?cud for u fJpeclaieu Number, which is furnifchedrec,
td contains fiillparliciilrrof Premiums. i
Editors audTroprii-tora of the Xtw Jni iiteUij,
! Ueikmau dtrett, N, V.
Fcpt, SJ, lSbO 3in.
huu I a largo insoitinuit, til Tire
r Thtt'i proof raivmnndr'r bates.
forK. mr Din. ha nio
hutiers truiisaidi. nil '
..nakis of locks uqualtu duy ina.Io
in lltf United rentes.
f tcc &tft in one jir. .in came cut rtghi; ictia eaa
tents in pood condition.
Tlm (-Salamander afes of I'liiladelphia against the
w or Id.
lmve had the surcht oemoitratioti in tlie followintt ccr
tifkatc that tin ir iiiauufarture of Salamander rafes has
at lensth tully warniat-d Cm repretfuutatio.u which havo
been iiinde of th"iu iij rendering mi undoubted security
again bt the terntlc clement.
riiihulclphia April 12. J5(l.
JIVfSM. r.rani ty Hut fun- ,uitl nun It uttords us
the JiisiiCft ?ati s fact ion lu ftalo to jou, ouihg to
tlie very protfttivo qualiiua of two of the alum'iu.lcr,
cures uiiicii ml- (inn iiant-ii m jun soini; inn lui'iiui sinto
wu saved u I.iryt portion of jewdiy, ond nil our bihiks, ;
Str expoxed to tin! enl iminoui.iUu 1:1 liiUaicad place cu
tlm iiioniiiijj of tlie litis iti.-t .
W hen we n-Jlect flut these Bafes were located 111 tha
fourth ffory of tin' building vire occupied ni.d that thy
ft II kubsu'iueiitly into a lieap of buriiiup ruintf, u litre thu
vat couuiuraiioii 01 tun nv.ti ctiuseu 11 10 onus plates to
melt, we tauuot but regard ihu prt nervation of ilicir val
VV.. cl.nll ti.L. nr-.u, tilmuimi hi rnniniiinilit,n .!,.., tn
men of buiuesi 11s u sun reliance nzaini-t fire.
(JHOUai: W. HIMMUt3 &. IlllO., .rireHers.
C7TIipv have sdict purchased tlx large Sfaftu.
August '-0, ltti'J.
rf,Jin undersigned Is also cxtensivtly engnged
1 Undertaking Hwinttt, and ktepsconstar.lly
In the
ps constantly on hand
nd for sale at his Warerooms,
large assortment ui
Dy whichheisenabledTTmiorders on presentation
A ,m Keeps u (food llorco und Hearse, und will ni al
times bu ready to attend Puucrils.
CI.HU. VJ. Bill L..
lUoomsburg, January SJ, 1S59.
U. S. Trust Company.
Comer of Third and Chestnut Sts,t Phil i,
LAUGH and fiuall sums nrtived and paid back on
demand without notice, with Fivt rut i.r Imlb-i-st
from tlm day t fib pcit to the day of withdrawal.
0mi lloead-rrom 9 until 2 o cluck every day, axd
on MotOAV Hv emmi, from ? until oclurk.
IVfidcnt-p'TEI'nilN R. CRAWl'UUH,
TrenBun r 1'lin Puk.
Tiller awifs Jl. Hunter.
Stephen R. Crawford, iDnniel DUdteman,
Iteujamiu W. Tingh-y,
Paul I). Goodard, .M. 1.
J'atrick Urady,
James Hovereaux,
Tliouius T. I'n,
Murchitt., !S3'J-ly.
! ut orcc juiikiu,
AleWrC. Hart, M, D.,
William M. Cwin,
It. Franklin Jackson,
tFIiny l'isk.
lt Aars a Chetnttal Process.
Tor Ucaiiinir Cloths, bv tlm use i f which the clothes
rati be washed very clean w it bout boiling nud with very
little rubbing. Jly thismethwd much hard labor Is saved,
the trashing tan be done it half the time, and the clothes
are very vv into aud clean and last longci. fur they uro not
worn out by rubbinir us by the old w ay of wubhiue bv ma
chines, &c Tlm articles used cunts hut little, und are
easy to obtain, I mail the receipt to order, postage
paid, upon the rrcupt of SO cents ; J ce-ut poitage stamps
us good as money, Address
I'altimuro, Md,
(TT" If ynu really want something nice, do not miss the
Homy or Hashing Heettpts, for they ure ull 1 claim lor
thrm and they should ho in every family.
ClpLi-M, lcoO.
tf&zs.- EVANS & VVATSUN-
Vi SZ'JS?.ftr.fZ & R.UTc, 11
P!KsrJMVVjS hf. iMUVHU to IWi Chctuut Stn
Vtin?Attx,l,oboi:e third VhUadtlvhU. have
ffiZrc ft'a ifjtrj rSlitefllV
riMIK icst molasses for the price in the
JL Cwoty f rale at JIARTMAXS.
To tha Citl2cna of New Jersey and Fcnniytranla,
AlioiiiLCiRiiD, llKritnttii, CaoclRi ahu
1'nlVA'ra 1'AMiutii.
H'otfe'4 Vure Oiirniie HranJy,
IVtilfr'4 Vttrt .Vitiltrm, .SArrrii 11111 Tflrr Iliac.
h'vtftU i'ure Jamaica iii M. Cnir Hunt,
IIVc'l Vure irolch and lriih ll'Auky.
1 lifff leave to call tho ntliMillon oftlic clllxfna of ttio
lt.....l ., Ill nl.,l.-rt tv... n,..i 1 .... ..u 1 n.,...i
biUlotrllo Wnllk, of New Yorl,, wlm.o 11.111111 i fa- 1
miliar in i-vi-ry nirt of this country I'ur tlio imiily i.f Ma 1
itlihratcil Hi mviuM Pi ilHii-p, .Mr. W'uiifc, JiilniiUtti'r
,,. ,.,,rii,eiMiriii- n,u tvi .! 1 I
rat. "1 mil i-tako my n int itlon n 11 mini, mv laii-
n put num n iniui, mv sinu i
ty wars' nH.Umoin the t it-,;
o 1'r.mdy mid Wine whiih I
I'd, uml of the best pmlUy,iiihl
limit us 11 iiti-rciiaiii 01 tinny
1 ni nuw 1 oriv, in.ii 1111 1110
hot llt an1 nurd an 111111111 tii
1111 lc rolli'il iiiini by I'Vfry piitJlinw." l;nry lintllo the pinprletor's iiuini' on Uio wax, ami it sliiiiiocf
liia fijiiatiire on thi) ci riiOcite, Tlm public nrj rtepxt
fully invited to call nud cjtamiuo I'or tln'!nstlci. IV r
thf-mstUt'P. Tor rate nt lUrAiuby nil Apulhviarj.'s and
Grocers in rhil.tdilplit.1.
Cuohuk II. AiinorJ, N'n, P33 .Market Ft , rijil.ufn.
Sole Jgent for rhUwhtphlat
Rrad the following from the ,VcW York tVmrji-r i
h'.normoui Ilunhiea for one .Ytifl York .1t(fAMi. Wu
are Imppy to lulnrm our f.-lluw -citiz -us t litre is one
plaroiu our city where the physk-i.m, iipidluc.iry, and
loinitry merchant, enn go uuJ pnrLhate pure Wines and
V i V.t t . ii. v,
urju"i, a, n", nut ui.-ni,iiaiMj , j
th.inl's extensiv e business, nlthm-gh It will well iep.ty
I any ut Miner or titireu to v llt IVouiio WoLrt's rAti'ic
I slve ivari'hoiise, Nos. in, 'li ml '-'2, Ucavtr tluit. und
IXo. 17, I'J and 11, Mttrketfuld str' tt. IIU stock of
( f chmpps mi hand re tdy for t,!upiueut could not li.iva
' lief-n lcn thiiii thirty tlioicand tabes; the llinudy, nuuo
1 ti'ii thousand rases V Intases of HJil to lKrft; mid ten
'thounniid cns'' rf Math riii, tlirrry and rrt Wine,
Hrotrh nnd lrl!t Whi-ky. .Uimiln and fc'l. C'mK Kom,
no i no v ery eld and tqual toiiti) in ilii iiiuitr. Ilo al jo
nnd three lam i llnm, tilled with Itratiily,, &... in
ranki, iiuderCii'ioiiillousu kc, ready lor bottlhij. Mr.
i Wolfe's sales of Hchnapps lat j cur amounted tonne
(hundred nnd eijjhty thmitrtnd tlnz.Mi, ;mit we hope lulefS
than two jt tir iio may bJ e-iuiilly euccusslul with liii
I llrandioB and Winus.
I Ills bunlui'K-j miriti tlm pntroititfe of every loverof
Jlils sprciai. 1'riv Jte fainiliMS whtwih pure Wineiiiud
I 1 i piurs tor medical use rhould send tln-ir orders din ct
i to Mr. WoLit, until iv erv lu the l.iiul miLu
t lb1 if iniiuls to discard t!ii' poioiio.,rt uml fmn ih.'ir
(.ln-lven, and replace it with Wolfj's puro Wines and
Wu undertand Mr. Wolfe, for tlio nccoonuodatlon of
small d. ultra in tlie country, i uts up ufsifted cast s of
Wines and Li'piort-. bueh n u hii, ami ton li u inert h nit,
tliould bo sustained n&iiuit his teun of tliini'indrv ol op-
Ituiicjuiiui'ic uimcu who mil Homing mil nuiia-
tioiu, riilumis uliku to lmiii.ui h'.tilih in d liitppnifttt,
c"" I'or s de by Ccoru M, llagenbuch, Uru'glfct,
lilooi.iaburir,, la.
Sei tembcr tf, lSCO-tini.
ruiiLisiiLU a- d. aitllton t co.
31G and 313 Jirotuhoay, Nno York,
Tho follnwlns wnrttaiiro BCntto?nhcrihviinaiiy!.itt
cf thij coimlry. (upon receipt if retail pricj,; by l.util ur
Tin; nkv AvicnirViN Apopuiir
nirlioimry of duieral Knoulnlii-. K.litu.l liy (iLimoi.
ItlM.kY llll'l I'llttlLH A. 1 1 N A. n ded hV II UtllU'TOlM
Irct corpti of writers in all braiuhes uf .";t-iciiti"ti. Art nnd
Mteraturi'. Tbii work is bfin pnblish'd in about lo
larfjo octavo v oluincs, each contiunnu TjO two colmu
pnis. Vols, one to nine, (iirlu6ii,nru now rtftdtv,e.ith
cntitniuin? near nrlahml nrtiites. An ndditiuiml
volume vviP be miblish'Nl once in about thn-e months
I'riicint'lotli, '); hcep,$J 50; Half.Mor., $1; Ilnlf
KilhUJ, ff oicarn.
The ?Jcw Anir-ricauCvdontriHa Is mmular w ithouts
I tip superficial, knmeil but not rmdanir, rompri'liensivo
but Mttirieutly dittiili'd, frco from prpie and
party prejudice, fivsh nnd yet urrnrntc. It fiu c ompli te
! ptatentiiit of nil that Ii known upon every important top.
! ic with the t-cppe orhumaii inttllisenee, Kverv im.ioit.
ant nrticlo Iu4t has been epi-iially wiillen for it pairr
by mm who uro nuthoriti'M upon the topic on wMdi
thej spnk. TImy nr' rcpiircd to hrimi lh tnibjett up to
tlidFtatiatlcal Information I Irom Hip arm n ports; the
p,.ofrdphitnl urrounu keep pac with the lat"t.t i-vplora
i,ttn', hUtoriral Matters intlu lo tlu frehftjuBt vi-vvs
inj pieteut momi'iii in uii" Jim nnvn nun us tior.
the iiioriiplilraf notices tod only pp.ik nfthe dead, b
ulso of the liv in?. 11 is .1 library ofitHCir.
Alkiooemi ni' ok tuk I)fbp orOinnrn: BeJni u
political Iiintry "f the Uuiie.l ftati, IVcmihi' oraniz i
linn of the tirf-t l-Vdertl ''oiinrfid in 17iJ,.Mo lMi. Ulit
cd ntnl compiled by Hon.'lVovt wll. Himon fiom liia Of
ficial Ilecunl orc'ointrw".
The woik will he complied In 13 royal octavo volit nes
of ,30 pates i v h M of w h'Hi rn ti'v p.iilv. An mlili
tiou.'il volume will be nublinlied once ill tfireo rnonttH.
rsir i ri cnrli.
uioui. j; ijiiw cini'p, ou; u.iji vier,, 51, Jiau
'.V; ..'i re , ,
. , "tl"u '" i" u
nud live eopics will he sent ut the rvnntlt'r'n rvpcnsu for !
carriago.or lor ten stibw nb rs levtncopies w ill b 1 tent
at our tineii'Ol'or curriasu,
No other works will mi Iib ralty reward the n:irrtlons
ofAseuls. Af Autvr Wamhi i this iViviv,
Terms made known ou application to the Tub ibheig.
NOV. SI, IcuO.
'& A Yi S K 32" 'S-'IV
Tics, 21 3, South Until iinct, nuu
tlio Slate Uvusc.
riiii,Ai)i:i.rui., it.nna.
ryV.S UoorB of Hum pecioiw huildtn?, iTcttnl cxpronjly
J. for tlie projirii.-to, .tuiUo, uro .lorfil uith .ui:,!. unil
Implement of interest to iiirmer.' uml gunk-ncrd.
Mimv Vevuii r.i,ribuiiikn. Tlie .iihinlior. ile-irc to
Warranted Garden and Hotter Siedi Grass and Field
itcrdt, of the vimt rtl ultle uualttt.
The Agricultural liiiplomeuts sold by us are mostly
l.iuiiuiiitiun o ui uur M.' uni t 111 ng, nritini ia,
Havinj h'led up our tbtabluhim nt without repnrd to
oipeiiM', wit'i the most rompl.i.j iiiathlcnery lor thu
Uhiuufaituru of various klmU of iiprirultural iiupii'ineuts
nro no. v pnoarcd to eunidy nil nrtitkn in Uni liiiu
fiilly cpi'il, if not mperior, to any thin ,'oi tlm kind ever
bt-iore oih'-rcd to tho public.
l.aiidr.ths wurrauii-d Uardcii 8eds have hei it lifon
I. It., f.. , ...... ,,..1, .i...l ... I.. . . .i
tho public forupwurdtof fiity yenrs; their wide tprtnd
pupiiHiuiy, uuu iuu lmri-asiusueniauu irom car tnvtir,
aru tho heat cvelduuc of their superiority ovir all
Country inerchiutf ran bo mpplo'd with seeds in pa
pt rs, or i'i bulk, on tlm mod lib-rat term.-.
Illooiu-nlalf, Itri-lol, l'a., our garden cedt'roiinds.
contains Ihnu hundred nud iiuvcuty acres, nud is the
largest cfetablishiuent of iu kind in the world.
Xoi. 21 iV 2"! Jwuf A inth strertt Phtladtlphia,
IE?" Lintlrcth's Hum! Kpister and Aluuiimc for lt(.().
conialnmp a r.inn, (Janli ii uml tireen 1 Icmu Calamlnr
tor every month in the, tan be had gratis, upon per
eonal or pon paid application,
January 21, lru y.
JOHN FAItlLll, No. 7W AllOIIPt,
bctvvuun Till., &etli , Sin Philadelphia,
(l.nto i.f BH Mnrtil M.)
linioii,i, .tLuiufuiturer tf una Dealer
tu all kin J. i.f
Having remortd to my Nt-vv Hi orb,
1 Anil Stri-et. and lielut; mtr fii-r n'cl
of Fanoj 'iiri.'whkh iu au-uulaiKo
"i"!!,!'";' i!''?, 3';
marked at the lowest pontile prices rnueUtcnt with n
reasouablo profit, I would soluit a v iit from those in
want oi tvrs lor eituer jMtus or .kit tin n' lltur, und
an iiifpi'ition o my si lection oftliosu Ltiods, satieried, as
I am, of my ability topleasu in every de-ired osM'iitiul.
r Persons ut a distance, who may hud it iiieonvc
Iiiut tocalt personally, need out) nuniu thu urtielu thev
with, together with the iiricu, und tiatructious tor tcnif
iii', and forward tho order to my udareh uioney uctom
paining to uuura u buticfa.iory complianeu with their
w in lies,
August j, IfoO 3in
A luth', hut oftPii filU the purs.
r Fourth fc'trcci. between Chestnut and Wuinuti
Fhiladt Iphia, pu g nil depofrits on dt maud.
Ji.'poriturs' inum-y eum-d ty Govi-rumeut State
aud City Loans. Ground Rents, .Moiigages, &,c.
, l in toiupiiny deems ai-iy bitter thin large,
mollis, coiibeuuiiitli w ill run no riak with iIi-iiohi-
tors' money, but h ivu it at all times ready to return h
Z ,with 5 per Lent, iuterett to the owner, us th" liave z
ulwu) s done. I his eompany never uuspeiidcd. c
I Females, married or single, aud Minors, can Ht v
posit In their own right, und such deposits can be Z
iiiiuiuii hiu uy iio'ir cunseni, ir
Charter Ineorporated by thoStuto of
I'eiuisylVaiiiu. with uuthority lu receive mouev't
from trimti-i'ii unil I'li-rutoru i
Othce onen daily from 1) to :t u'tloek. and ou Wed
uehday evening until o'clock.
Jacob D. Phauttou, Cyrus Cadwaltadcr,
John Khiudlvr, George Rusnell,
Maluehl W. rl'iun, PJwurdT llvutt,
Lewis Krumbharr. Henry Ihlaliy,
Nil lulu KtlUuhouse. Nalli.iiijnifiUfy,
Jos, 11, duihtirlhwaitf. Hi Imam Plaiichard,
Jos'Mdi hlpplllCOlt.
CVIirs CAHW Al.LAHER, Treusurtr.
March V4, lf:3J-l.'ui.
" A Hollar f.ived is twlro rnrned."
jfi:. i,?
aLLLiNG oiT riAWt, te., at oovi or less,
--j - - w
I lit. L'llH.Vh lie -
jlltihi mill Iron Streets,
K 1U Q O M & tf .lt. 0 , 5? A .
II.. tn., until HlI.Kltt
(in to l'.RDWT.lfS.
ii.. .... t.Avr.i.i.A ri.o-ril i (in to linownil'r?.
1iu want dllAM.1 lir.LAINMi On to S.
tin von nnl TAIlM! COVTItril (! to 1IKOH i:il'f.
lloyn,iantUI.OTll llfflTr.nrl' Until HUDWCIfH.
iio jou tttnt f Kt;t.i:roN ckiuts r iio to.iinovi;R-a
no ou nnt in:. cirn:u'ii
un lo I'll, 1 1, i.H
tlo Jim ttnnt MtWt.lNS t
Do )on'Uiat
Ilo )mt ant I.AW.NV I
Ilo you want nARI'.M'.S f
1)0)011 want HI! llUdllUI
lii)aii wnnt IIDHU'.ItV t
(lu to illtOWI P. r?.
do to nuimxiiU
do to lini)t r.lfrJ.
Oo to liuowmtu 1
Co to CRUWElt'd.
Uo t" uuov i:ira
i;:::;:;;;,.!.:! c:;:;;;;;.
Co to HKOvVllU'S
Iio jtm want UARrHTHATt Ill'.t.Sr fin to ItltOWt'.It'ri
I Do ou want STIUJ.A SHAWLS Co to ItltOWJ'.It'r.
Do ) on Vi nut MOH AIR MtTTrlt
(Hi tO P.
Co to liitovvnu'S.
(into llllOU'KK'ri
i),, lol, want Hlt.K filRnl.r.St
lrtuivii irji
Du yon want flAU.N I l.l.l I
Ilo 5 on want CHOTUIIHT IIUAIUttl do to lllitUVnu S.
no von want -unwi uiim nmw
juU ,irt Tlin COiTUN (
,. . . , . At ivu
Hnyfttt tthnt r.UiM I l
tin to miowr.ii'rf
Roto imuwuirs.
Do i on itnnt SUN P1IA1ICS I
llu yo'l want CAf.IMr.lll:fl I
Doiu.l nam l'i:i:Sl AN I'l.MPl
Do yon wtinl l.IXHM CIIIX'Kdt
Do ) ou ant IT.1H i. MIS (
Do )nj nant 31". I
Do you want N.WKr.BXSI
Do you wnnlClNiillASIHI
Do you Haul DLi'M.Ht
Dojwi want CCRT UN MUSLIM!
Do )oit want COI.'II CAJIUHIUi I
Du jou want WIIITK (iOOllrfl
Do ) ou want DUMMflt
D,i)ou wnnt MU'.FIA (
Doynuwnnt DRII.I.lNQrll
1)0 nil want Clli:i KS(
Do )ou nant l.AllllW li MTIIRSt
(Jo to liuowr.P.'S
(into niitilvrit'S 1
do to UlluVYCll'd
(in t liliovviUM 1
(Jo to liltowuirs '
do to liuoWKll'S ,
CotollKliWl-lfd I
do to imowi:i:-ri
tin to imownit'tf
Go to nanvi:ifti
do to lllttnVLR'S i
do to iinmvr.irs
(Jo io nuowr.ll'S
(io to UKOIVC.11'3
(!o tn IIUOlVDIfS
Uoto ItKOtVr.lfS.
do to nuoivr.ii'a
Do jou want 1'HKrfll (IKOiir.ItillS I do to UIlOWDfri
Do you want UUUtiXdWAUtit
Do )oti Want (UtAFVVAHlW
Do v ou wnnt IIAliDWAUn I
I to j ol want DIEI'IM t
Dojou want ITI.IIH.T'nSf
Do vol want CM li W (iOOlU?
Ilhiouixli'iu. Mav ID. kill.
r;oto r.iitnvr.nti
(lotrt IWUMVIIIl'H
(into I'KiHVKll'tf
(to to CltoWhlO
f!tn iiitovi:i:-M
Go to iiiiuwi:i:
OU r J 00l) KEW8 VOW ALL I
fplli: uever-fidlintt MIIH. VAMKHIV a Ui-bt. Sho
X iiiercei.s vwit'ii im muers :i.iv: i,niii. All whonru
In trotiMi' all who have brtcn nnfo.tiMiatr', n'l whose
fond ImjiM h.ieo br-cii iliifappiiiiifd cruhrd un.l blio-t 'd
by lalse pHuni-i'- und deceit. nil who have been d Tt iv- i
ed nnil In (I.-d w lib, nil liy 10 her forttdviee and h.itis
faction, all who are in dm Ids of tlia ndVi linns of tlmuo
they love. Limtitt h r tn rilkve and B.iti(y th -ir minds.
y.v Lort: .iFF.itRS sim .xr.rr.n f.iils!
Flic has Hie seen t of vvmninx the afiliiio i ,(f the op.
po-oui? Afx, It i tliii fin t vthicli inoiiri'4 illiterate pre
K-ud-rs to tiy to imitate her. mill to cony h r aJvcrtise.
meiits. Him flic clintv ou the
f.rKF.xr.xs of vuvi h vrvtn: irin; on auaujixn,
or nlucM fiiend. Viv th" siogl. to 11 l.nppy mar.
riai!''. mid u.aki s the mnrried tup pi . H - not and ii'l
v it has heft coin ited 11 iniitim -raido nirlaileee, uml the
ret ult alifhit h'H ii I he iii'Mii oj tn t m mi;
.1 SPKM)k' ,-tXJ) HAPPY MWtMnUt
Hie fx therefore a mih il"penurt. !-'iij has been th1!
iii.-.iin of briustu uinn hiiiulii-d heuri nnd hatt.N to.
pethi r. Thoiniidmif tirnkeii luarts luvu been healed
nud inaih' happy by h -r.
It is v ell know 11 M the imniicnt lone that ihc was
the llrft and sh ii th only pTbim who can khow tlm
tikfuce in ri'.ifiij, and w iio ran pi vn i-iilinj Miif.irii mi
11 all the it'i.i'"rin ot I, ft', v.Jntli l-uii b" ti'i-ti'd ami pniv
cd by iho.iHou'tn, Imth marrad and tingle, who daily
nud i-usrly v iMt Iur ut
No. l.lliti liombanl Slrrrt, IMiilatltilpliia,
AH it)trv IfWx nrn ftrirtlv private nud coiifidfiilml.
IVF.1I.TH F.MMUYFXCF., finntt U'( K
Al) HAl'l'IMH me iMthm tho rikIi o" ul!. Slie it
tli liv Miff wonder cf llm enli-rbtt ned aj,n r'lwho tote
mill her uro alum-heil at Hm lriithfulmj4 of In r lui'nr
mntion nnd nri'diftinm, MJ.thosjwho 1ml Imk
t-oiifciilO'd h t, their bad left llmui, nnd Ihrv nrp now Jor
tuuate, rn Ii. t'lniuiit ttud Iwipjiy. To AM, In lioim
Jut n Iv iro h inva'uiiM". Sir r in I'orct I w iilithepn-ut-(st
ceitaiuty, Tlm renult of 11H i-oiinii'rcial nnd lnisliitttJ
transai nous. 11 von luij.iw jut jou kc. jou w
nud tmcci'Oii m nil "ir uudertakiup. TInMt wltolnvf
b.'rii I'orluunte mid uiHilCf 1 sl'ul 111 life, uml in liusiueFS
thos" wnu iiave vniikfd linrd nnd ttmpslcd i-anif-t
niiv rt-ny 1111 1 miaiorttiuti th preater part of their llu
aiu' I'oiiil'l Hie moro Hi' V tried to set forunrd in llu
world, tl-o laoro tbiii4 t liin-t wont njiimt tlmui! All
cai-'H h ive rO'iHilted her lor tlm l.vt twi ulv yvata. Al(
if .7 u.iPt'Y jxn succy.sst uLi
in nil h"r iMhii rlnKni" . ului,. tlnwn bi'iio'd by prciu
din-n und iinora.ite, t'plecled Iit ndvir , are d li 1 1
't !' mil 115 int a H'TrU ami pov.-rtv
1 1 J Oil aliii' ) Oil
Iri Mii'iiLs, j on will consult Iht joars
imiu no tuccens-
lot nmi iiiijijii iii.-io.
All 1 it'TVi.'w arf ftJrtlj privutc nud confident ial.
Co iiu one ! cane ull to
bitwecn Juu'pcrand Croat!, rhilaJctphln.
March ) i. lJ.V-l
3 'MUKaives -j
TlU3tel'brutcd U'aohuip rionp, is now in nrarkct for
more than a enr. nnd tlua tt has pivni ttuii't'rtnt
satiKf.irlioii, m v id cut Iro.n the f.irt, that tin M.innrir
tur rs of it in outer to hiipply I Iio dtiumnl. liitvo bctn
oblisctl to incr'nsc tlo'ir cnp-.tiu to make i moil to One
Hundred Tiiotmaud Pounds er litck. it n ih-t Idmlly the
U''t and ehrufhat Aoap evir mndn in tlm L'oiintry; twie
Pound of tt wilt go ei far, for nmj use m 7Vjrc of the
Common Soap in gent nit use. It 'Is made upon n new
l I1ICI 0 Ic, til Ull) Ill.lUTIill, nun h HOW II oiny 10 A
. Uaoih & McKiokk. 1 iloe uvvnv niHn-lv with ttu1
wu-diboaril- -avi's tin1 nrts-ity of hull hip the lotlu'M it
nm fhrink ri.inrt" Is. ItUMUVLr tilt HAH C, IK
1 O't I'M N'T slorr porf-itly and from the nmt il lirnte
1 .!.. In t-i,... fullo .......I. ill ,1... it,..,. .... I l.i ....II..
up ml lo tlu w.ihiU2. Jt is warranted frce f rout MLbth I
I). 1. or fitter imurtm alLaUcs. mid cuaruntLLil not to rut
or injure the clothes.
Vanlianru & IcKrone's.
Superior nrit ntal ToiUt Clmmiral OMve Pnlj, Ktrn
Pah and Hrowii Soaps, n4 will ns Hvvin Thais dw Co.
A'lamuiitiue Camlk'H at lowed m.irkLt priccii.
Tor iiale by all respectable (Jmn-rs, and Wholesale by
tiiai.v & .M(Ki:iii:,
No. i!2 and 21 Booth Wharves, 1'iiit.ADkLi'uu.
Thero Wing sfvcral imitation brands of Dctersiro
$o.i in mark t, the public uro uotihVd that tmno are
ginuinei'vcipi Vas Ha ark & MiKmim; is stamped
upon oaih liar of thu o.ip, us will us the Uoacs.
IVbruary iio, 1-(1 Ihu.
AlVr niati) yrarsof surceaful prartice, Dn.KHh'
I.INT(i ttill desires to do good to tho utllitted. Ho con
tinues to cure nil Minis of
Lancers Tumors Wens, Scrofula or
Jung's ooics ijct)
If curable, vvitliout ruttirurr noietm. IU il.M-a not con.
fiu'j him-elf inertly to the cure of tlm about diseases,
wilt treat on nil others w ith mcttss. Putients will bo
vuitcdtif iii-sir.'d. u rtnsouablo distance. Pctous de
uuitin tovidit Dr. K., will ple.ifo stop nt tlm Railroad
Motel iu .Miehauicfcburg, vv hero they will be direeted to
tils residence. For nil partuulan wrilo btatu ilisensu
plainly. Huclowu nnmse to pre-pay iinswir.
Address Hr. U h. KELI.1NG, Mechanicbburg, Cumber
land eo F.i.
riepti'Ii.ber 15, 1GU-Cm,
mu Notice
TO CUTOMUts .ixt Tin: ciiwfuai t.w
Ill.Wli removal tn llie Vioatour .Vlllls, and llitllld
kociuiiff u suimK ot Hour nud feed on hand, nnd tor
sale us cheap as the iheamt (or imh. 1 wuutd further
s.i) to nil tluiiu- know my tht in stives imh bted lo me ut
the jt'fuednet Milt-' thai they would confer n grtnt tavor
b rtilliur and s' titiii-j up us 1 urn very needy und w ish
to closu the old Hooks, fo call nud eu ua.iriemls, mid
your curium aud culi will be thaiikfullv received.
VV .VI. Ut.J.113,
Montour Mills, April II, 1SC0.
PPHE largest, best haudsoin
L csluud clicapest assort
me nt of Polu IauHht solid
ttlvetcii Travi limr I riiuks.
Ijtdie' Hon net & J)rc Trunk
Children's C'oitclies. Proui-1-
iers learner anu i nrpet nags xljurKaSta
Packing Trunks &.cv 4.c. a UV&JWSSt7StSS&
. - t. .r rt f it -r-
C. lebrated London PHo Medal improved ! t spring
souo sinu ittmucr i run imiiiuiiiin'ry, !, ir; .liurnei
sireei, bouth wtot cor in. r X'ourth und Market, l''a,
August f I-37-tf.
K fPHE undersigned would inform thn citizens of
ta I lllootiiibiirg nud v iciuily, that he lusjutt ru- j
S?Mlt CIV ed and oif rs or sate oiiti of the mokt cvteiisivo
CtC asMittiueiits of COOKING and FANCY tiluVEH, 1
ever introduced into thismarktt. The Clirutoolu r Co.
Iitmbus, James Robbnud CD he ure among thi iirt t lan
I'liokitiii tun es.all of w hit h ure iiir-li'tlit mid irn l.r,,r
His Parlor rtoves ure hauome ami l lm askortiuent
new. on-ii - l anieuiar iiiieiiiiou is nam ia l iu-Ware
anj llou.e f jiontini!. upon .Imrl IimIici- All kind,
w r. :,.r,t,,.i,,... ln. "J"
u oomtbuif, Oct s, ieto,
It Is a fnct Hint, nt jnmo pcrloJ, every mem
Vf.r f tlm liomnn fntnilv Is suWcct to illncitso
or disturbanco of tho bodily function,! but, I
ho bodily functions; bill, I
cod tonlo and tho werclso .
nsc, tlicy may bo aU so to I
11 as to (ccuro permanent I
Tvilh tho aid of a good
of plain common sense,
regulate tlio system as
Tn nrrlcr to nccotntillil) lh!s (lc'lrcd
object, tho truo courso to pursuo 1, certnlnly
that -which will proJuco tv natural state ot
things at the least liainril of vital (strength and
life. I'or this ptirtiose, Dr. Hosteller has ln
(rniliieoil (o tills countrv n nrcimratlon hearing
Ms namo, tvhich 1b not n new medicine, hut ono
that ho9 been tried for years, Gl"R tnt'Mac-
Hon to all who havo used it. Tho Iiittcrs
orcrato rowcrfully upon U10 etomacli, bowel",
and liver, restoring them to a lienllliy and
Vigorous ncuon, uuu uiiia, ujr r.
trm tn trhimnlt over disease.
For tho euro of llytpci'si", Indigcsllon, Xatl
t cn, l'latutcncy, Loss of Appetite, or nny nilious
Complaints, nris'inp; from it morbid inaction
of tlio Btonmcit or uowcis, jirouuoiu viuuiji?,
Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, 4co., theso
Bitters Iihto no equal.
Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, 80 generally con
tracted by now settlers, and caused principally I
t.w It.n nttntin 1 ilir-t.. will bo pTiecdilv
rcguifttc.l by n, brief uso of this preparation. '
Dyspepsia, tt disenso tvlilclt is probably moro
prevalent, in all its various forms, than any i
other, nnJ tho causo of which may always i
j,0 aitrHjUtod to dcranscmcnts of tho digestive
or(!1ing. can bo cured witliont fail by using
.lirocllons on tlio bottlo. For tills disease every i
ill roonmmend Hitters of some kind : !
then why not uso an artlclo known to bo infal
lible ? AU nations havo their Bitters, ns a pre
ventive of discaso and strcngthencr of tho sys
lom In rrcncral : nnd amonc them nil Ihcro is
not to bo found ft moro healthy pcoplo than
ino ucrmans, irom wnom una tu-viiuiunou vmi.
natcd, based upon ecicnlifio experiments which
havo tended to ftovo tho valuo of this great
preparation in tho tscnlo of medical science.
KuVEtt ash Aaon This trying and provok
ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on
tho body of man, reducing him to a mcro sha
dow in a snort time, una rcuuvijii uui jiiiji
tically and mentally useless, can bo driven
from tho bodybytho uso of IlOSTETTEll'S I
KEXOWNED UITTE118. Further, nono of tho i
abovo-statcd diseases can bo contracted, even
in exposed situations, if tho Bitters ore used '
ns per directions. And as they neither crcato
nausea nor offend tho palate, nnd render un
necessary any chango of diet or interruption j
of ordinary pursuits, but promoto sound sleep
ana ncaiiny uigesuon, uio touiiumin. ia iv
moved as speedily ns is consistent with tlio pro
duction of ft thorough and permanent cute.
I'or Persons in Advanced Years, who nro
suffering from an enfeebled constitution nud
infirm body, thoso iiittcrs aro lnvatuauio ns a
rcstorativo of strength and vigor, and need
only bo tried to bo appreciated. And to u
mother while nursing theso Bitters aro indis-
!.ll- l 41.
pcnsaUlC, VHliUUlUllJf liuuu mo iuuiuvi muui-
ishment is inadequato to tlio demands of tho
child, consequently her strength must yield,
nnd hero it is whoro ft good tonic, such na
Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, is nccueu to imparl
temporary strength nnd vigor to tho system.
Lrulii-s should bv nil means try this remedy
for nil cases of debility, anu, boforo so doing,
should ask their pliysicnn, who, n no is
acquainted with tho virtuo of tho Bitters, wilt
recomnicnu tneir uso in an cases ui iveumiusa.
CAUTION. Wo caution tho puUio against using
any of tho many imitations or counterfeits, but ask
for HosTETTr.r.'s Ceixbiuted Stomach BiTTEns,
and sco that each bottlo has tho words "Dr. J.
llostctter'i Stomach Bitters" tlowu on tho rido
of tho bottle, and flampcd on tho metallio cap
covering tho cork, anil obscrvo that our autograph
signature la on the label.
5S-Prepared nnd sold by HOSTETTEIt &
SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa, nnd Bold by all
druggists, grocers, and dealers coneroJly
throuKhout tho United States, Canada, South
America, and Germany,
nlii liy J. K. .Mn)tr. r.. i I.nt2, 1'toimii.linrfl , A. .Mil
lir.fcl'o. Il'-mirk: II. 1'. Itii'.'h inl. Crmtnnn, M. C,
Crier .To. !,.- I V X lijlik, 4c. Co., D.iuulli'.
Uctolier 1, !.'. K'io.
.l.obiMS15U!U!"ll,U!llliU Sllul.
TIH tinitiTiio d rip-fllu'lv in nrmt ill- r i'iiiMi ol
X Hloiiii!nirp,nnd lb'' c w rally ilt-it h ha;
nkciit tl o MAhllt.U fll'il', loCiit- d ojii o-i el Hie funs
iioiim . in-itonr lo i ue t;iiuui)i.i in mi tr.u, in tuo
vvlnl'1 l'rauit' lliiilh p. oppo-ilu Um l-.xi Ii iiiui- lll.irttj
wlmn Im n at .ill tio's ri'idy lo wail ii(oii hi cun
tomers lo miae -alilai (mu.
Will in' I'M-ruiCi. w iili ouJ m luis nud 1.1 the
most fashiniiaMi' btvle ami on i ry nio.lctntr trrus.
ILII WtrolHNU, Ouuu Up IO l.'ily file, llu Mi
lints incriMM'd pu'flic p Uron ipi-ami pl-ilf his lot, t
eiidcavofs lo tve evtry ittsun..We s.iti-l.u iom .
H. A. bTAMrOlll).
lllooiiifUnrp, Jm. II. IPbit
A .i'uil TV'hl.T TO L1LIF0l.XJ.1
Fifth Crnml Quarlrrly Disuibutiou
Of 100X00 Aiticlco WorCi $300,000,
W 1 1 1 CI I w i H b hvUi for I'M ihu to thu purrhascrof
our Lr GOI.UHX TUNiJ AT ;t0 C IS. l'i.It 1IOX.
Our (:lil n I'l-n is the bi-ht tor uH'tl, uml is warrant, n
nut to mrroilo ui mi) ink. l.vcry banian man tuid
fin.ilv hiioill.l use thu Goldin Pen.
The luUoumslirlot WU.iiuM.umrlei will be liiytributed
amino; our p.tlroiMat U)liuaLll,und iiuod not bo paid tor
uuiil wo iinoriii tlio port 1iik r w lin h of thu tlluwiiiK
Uriah's wo w ill bill hint fir l.UU and tlo n it is optional
wliLtlmr h- M-iuis the luI.I.AU nod Mki-s tin liUUlWut
not. ly All tJuoilsi.iii be Klarned ut our np use w lib-
nt tell uns utur ma piirLiiaswr ulu-iv in.-in, uui
) tluy aru .aiiddt ton ,; und tho .Money, will bo rounded,
hist cf Goods Included iu tho Distribution
PiamM Cold lluulliig t'u-i'i Watehcs, (al I Watches,
I.adus Mlver WatLhes.H tnu1 .t chad lain Clums,
Cjoico llrnoi litis, Mosaic mitt .K I Urooth s I iva iiu 1
PIorcliliOL Ui million Coinl. r.mi'rald inul Otia.1 ilrootliut,
I'amjo -iar Drop, Mufuu und Ja, 1. iva und
I'loiemioi' Lm Uiops, Corul 1'iir-Diopti, l.uo I nn.t
Upal'HtopH, Handnoiue f-eal him;s, .Mopaii; and t a
u.vo IJiuclU'Ip, Gents l!n tutp'tis, Wfiitli Ki-jo, 1't.b nud
Ribbon blith b. ts of llosoiu ..lll,lbkevu llatloiu, I'laiu
things, Mt'iie and c Itlilgs, .ts l.a.ilt.n JcWelr, L.iu
ion crup niawis, .vionsnciiuo uu l-nnu:-, enauies,
t'reiieh urn' mcrtcau l..iw lleregis. P uliua, lr ncli
L'uIicucH. ii uLlior Ladies' L)re (Jouds iii -' vat variety, j
togdher w illi I U ml Drusci'S, Cabas, V;nu I'uun and m :
t.iit almost every description of GUUHc tutully found in
first class Dry Good c-lores.
Highi'kt l'rciiuuui luo Hollars, how est Fri'mium 81 00.
Til a urtieles ure numbered, and Cortitin tes Maiiug what
we will sell each peri-oii for one doll u uro plarod in
sealed Envelopes with n nrrang-iin'iit of J'ru
iniums j feothal iu each Hmiilr'dCertilLeuius there is ouo
for a
(J O X B W A W G! K $
And there will ulso be n splendid Fri'mium iu each ten
LYmliialea. haiiies, il vmi deirua I, or lire
Pattern, or a hi nulil'ul urlick i f J. wclrV. eiKhtfx's us Ml
! Cents tor u of the Golden Feus, and we Will sum
but ' ) Certiluate wlmli may tnabht )ou to protur it lor
St. Do rue ill olMU Cliti V.e wi'l send ii.u miu Ittn ot
uur (iobku Feus, und a tfealjd nutice ot tlu urtula wiiich
4 Jinxes n ns Willi Ui.rliiicute-s, 51.
U do iiu ti do i
Va do du y. do 5.
llht dn do luo du la.
N. It. With eitih Fuekage of ma boxes wo proh'-ut the
poriiiaser lowterunciiies. ore oi iueu is fiuariuiieou io
taiu one order lor n PINE WA I'CH.or bawiu-r Ma-
tiilM'- 't ty ordering .Hi buvi-s in mm package oii ure
i lu receive oU Li-ililnutes eoiitaiuiug one oriltr tr u
1 pU'ndid SILVER WA'ICII, beside u large iiuuiher ol
t r viry valuable premiunw. Otiu CtrtHieato sent
gratis, upon upplieutiou ot uuy person ileairmg loud as
Agent, which umy enable him lu oroeuro & valuable
prLiiiiuui upuii thu piiyiuentol $1.
Piano. Melodeoiis, Music, Hooks, Bowing Machines
&.C, bmmht nud kold un Commission, Any ft H uio will
be seiillotho Country nt tlie honest Wholesale Prices
with thu uddition of j percent Commission fur forward
ing. N, It. Ajcn ts wanted in every town. Circulars sent
ou upplieutiou.
Address all Communications to
L. a. CULiir.RT St CO.,
CStmmiistou Merchants y tlenerat .igtnts,
EW fcouth Pourth rilreet, llelow Chetuui, Pliila.
tTT" For our integrity und nbihtv tu t ul 111 our eueacc-
ineiits, wo beg to riler )nu to the Ijllowlng well known
geiitlenu n and business linns.
Lx, (iov. Kansas, WisLooreland, Fa.
Palmt r. Ruh.udHiiii U Co. Jewellers. Philadilphia.
K. A. War uc, E , "
Win. A. Gra, JIs., "
Messrs. Ke mmervr it Moore, Water Kt. hplovv Arrh
M ssrs. Pratt &. Keaih, Pitth und Market rUructs Flulu,
J. O Puller. Es- JewelUr.
A P. Ward. J., Publi.herof Faihioni, &.c,
M. II. Ilorue, Cut.ibii'piu bank.
Hon. U M. Uurou. Hureku, California.
ti ptembtr f, IcWi-i'-'m.
ri'illl viiiim riiitr onl.l inforiii lii. fru ml,, Hut In
now nri-'tiri-'l m nt ui, on .liort iioliiu, mill in
of micntillc nnininr. tl.n l,o,t
vi.itw-1 iniA-w) nous,
I at 131 ccntspcrfoot, All work warranted
dlitrii t iretisV
4- fuu ....... AT
(J -K!SS5r?.PsjiS;i-4
JgRS ?ffi--ii
-ijfli,-'-T.T. --
The nn'lertrnet tnvtntf u! Prif r tlUMPHRETB'
PI'ICU'IO HOll'KflPAlllIC RRMKUIM In our rmtUes
with the most sitlnrmtorjr result, and Mvlnjt Tull rm.n
ih-nce In thlr (renidui'iKTS purltv, mid eilhacy, chferfulljr
rermnmend Hu'tn tn all per.m who Wi to hare safe, m
Ibililp, aril eiOcncious icuicdits at lisud for pilvate or do
Wfli!uf. Win. HoiniM, tdllor f "Tlis Northern tnde
iietilent," Auburn. N. Y.t th lUr. R H. Crewy,
Itcetor of Pt. IMer's Clturcb, Auburn, M. . i the Kv. Ii. 1,
Ivc'i. Uhfiplaht f the Atdmrn W-ite Wmnj the Iter.
Ppenu-r M. Kbe, It-ctor, NaurHeiiroril, Ms.t the Itef.
Allen atetb', Ntw-Vorlc Ci'iiltlenee tke Iter. Buniw I
NIchoN, Kn-t-Oenwe 0 inference, ?f. , V. i the K"T, P. H.
Pratt, Dnrsei, t. i the IUt. John K IMiIp, ttuffaln A. 0.
Htrt, Cm, L'tl'jn, N. Y.t the Hon. Ncal Iiow, Portland,
Me. : Mm lion. Petal) h r Col it, S-mth P"ntl, Ind. ; lb Hon.
Ile-rpf, N. V.t H-mry l. On..k, Yv , Kditnr of
Ihf Uldo ft Hi J..urnnt, olniutu, Obbi; the Hon. It. 11,
tlislMHi, Millie. III. J the ll-ui. Tlrinas J. Chaw, MM.
cello, tli.; the 1 1 m. Ji"i'ph Iletu'-Ilct, t'lkii, N. V. Win.
llrlstol, Vai , Ullea, N. Y 1 A. S. I'-md, v , UUa, N. Y,;
Jitines L'lalikctt, Ki , Nasbvllie, 'Unu.
U3P or sprcmc 9
fin 1 K'r P'-ver, Coiiiretl m, and luriaintmilln.
N.t 2 por Witim Fever, Tut Colic, r ttUtf tho TM.
N(- n. for Colic, Crjlnj?, Teething, and Wttkcfulucss of
I (if tilllS. . . .
pj,, 4, For DIarrlu"i, Cholera Infantum, and Sunuuer
Oomplnliit. fc ,
Nil. T,.Vfr Coll.', flrlplne, I); wit ery, rr TTIooty Flut.
No. A Por rhfiUri, Chilera SljrbiM, Wmltlnjf.
No. 1. Vot O'vjfb, Col Is, Influ'iizi, and f' re Throat,
No. S. Fur TnAHwicho, Kace-nche, and Neiiralirta.
No. For 1 lend ache, VertU'n, Heal and Fullneai of the
lItNf.' 10. Dr5rrr?n Pitt For vilc and Dtrange.J
Ftomaoh, ConsUpalbm, and liver Cmnprfitiit.
No. 11. For Irrkui l.VKttlKS, Beauty, Painful, or
SuppreMed Periods. , ,. ,
No. 12. For heucorrbea, Profuse Mcnsei, mid NtAilr
pawn of KfinalM. ,
No. 11. For Croup, Hnrirsij Cmnrh, IHd Ilre-ittdnn.
No. II. Svi-T ItitteM Pili.4 Fur Frjslpclas, KrupUoni,
Pimples on tbf Face.
N,V, A. It it fx vi Kte Piu.. For Pain, lameness, or Sore
ness In the Clint, D ick, 1Ims, or l.lmb.
A. Vor Fever and A'ue, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Old
MHinanwel Arui. ...
F For Plli., lillod r ItVmllntf, Interim I or hxternil,
O For Sue, WVik, or Ifiilnned Hyei and Kytdlds Full
tmr,W."iV. v'V ' "
C For Catarrh, of lonjr standing or recent, either vrlt
Obstruction or profuse discttarRe, ...
Vt'. C For Whooping Cough, aballng II vlolcnco and
fcliortcrdng Its course.
In all acute diseases, such as Fevers, Intl animations,
Diarrhea, Kystntcry, Croup, Ithcumatlstn, and such crup
tltc dheascs as Scorkt Fever, Measles, and Kryslpelas, ttia
a.Ivantape of plvInR the yroper remedies promptly Is ob
vious, nnd In all such cases the specifics act like a charm.
The entire dheaie Is often arrested at once, mid In all cases
the violence of tlie attack Is moderated, the disease short
ened, and rendered les dangerous.
Coughs nud Colds, w hteh are of such frequent occurrence,
nnd Milch so often lay the foundation of diseased lunpi,
bronchitis and consumption, may all be at once cured by
the Fever and Cough Tills.
In HllctironU diseases, such as Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach,
Constipation, Mver Complaints, Piles, leinale Debility, and
Irregularities, om mnuaciie, norc ur ern r jvf, vviohu,
Hutt libeuto, and other old eruptions, the case has specifics
vi hose proper application will afford a cure In almost cry
Instance. Utten the cure of ft single ctironlc difficulty, such
as Djppepshi, Files or Catarrh, Headache or Female Weak
ness, has uore than paid for tlie cuse tea times over,
Ciise of 2J vials complete. In merccot and Book.. 5
Case of 2t vials, nnd Hook, plain 4
Case of 15 numbered boxes, ami T-ook a
Case of 0 boxes, numbered, and Hook., . , ,. 1
Plnple numbered boxes, with directions ...C3 cents.
Slmrle lettered boxes, with directions., . ......... ..W csnU.
Lnv-e case of 2 ox. vhls, for planters uid pbyslcUQ9....tl5
For Abtijmv on PutnistC Oppressed, Difficult, Laborsd
Preittiinp, aitended with Cough aud Expectoration. Pi tec,
CO (.cuts per hot,
Fon Kak Di-cuvrges ask DKrsFS3. Discharges from Urn
Far, the risult of Scarlet Fever, Measles, or Mercurials.
For NoUes In the Head, Hardness of Hearing, and Kinging
In the Knrs, aud Kar-ache, Price, W) rents per bot.
Foh Ik'KoULA. 1'nl.irgcd ti lands, Fularged and Indurat
ed 'loiislls, Jellines and Old Ulcers, Scrofuloua Cachexy of
Children, Pi Ue, hO ct ids jm r box.
Foh (1 mm l Dmiimtv. Phv ileal or Nervous Weakness.
Fither the mult of Sickness, Kcebtlv Medication, or Kx
hnutlmr DlsctmrgH. Prh e, bO cents per box.
Foh Ditoi'rtv. Fluid Accumulations, Tumid Swellings, with
Pointy tVcrellnns. Pi ice, CO cenls jicr hot.
Foil Pfa KifKNEM. Dcaltdy Plckntss, Vertigo, Nausea,
Vomiting. bUkness fi urn rMlug or motlou. Price, 60 veut
IHFo!iu'rixvrt Piejisk ForOrnvet, Renal Calculi. Dltu
cnlt. Painful Crltmtloii, Diseases of the.hldocj s. Price, 60
cents per box. , ,
on atvirut. rwnsiosiTn voluntary Discharges and
Conuent Prostnitiou and DtUlity, Dad Uesulut of Evil
HaUts. The most sncceful imd efficient remedy know n,
and may be rilled upon as a cure. Price, with full Ulruo
tlons, 1 per box. , . .t -
Persons who wish tn place themselve under the profes-slon-vl
care, or to set k advice of Prof. Hl-iirHHKTtl, ran do
to, at Ids otlice IC1 Droadway, dally rrom S A.M. to 9 P.M.
cr by letter.
Look over the Hat; make up a case of what kind you
choose, and Inclose the amount in ft current ntde or stump
by mall lo our address, at No. 162 Droadnay, New-York,
and the medicine will be duly returned by mail or express.
AGbNTA WANTFD. "We desire an active, efficient Ageni
for the sale of our Remedies hi every town or f ommunlty
In the United Stalls. Address Dr. F. HUMI'HUKYS ft Co.
No CC2PnoADvvAr.NiiW-Yoaifc
Sold by-E. r. LUTZ,Aiui, ldlui;- a a.
April 7. 1-tiO.
nk vi;u ih:imi.itti:.
IT 13 COMrtlUMllIH UN'lllil.l.Y PhUM r.I MS and
li:t bi roiitr an -st iMMlif o .id u ninnoRrd .Tiedirm
and iipo roved by ml (hat
have used it and is iiif
M'tmrU'd lo Willi mull
n w)ik li i ii r'Coui-
.lein v in ull the d isi a
II I li lint.
It lias fiirfd lhou-twoyejir-
w lm had giv-
within the lat
f n up n 'I Imprt. ot reh t
u the niiiufioiid mi
mi cert neies ill
I'nptcd to the tni'p,,'
iiiking it. und Hf-td in
hi v post esimi thovv
The dnf mut lie n
nii'ht of tin imoiihIu il
sorh piiiiiiii s nt- to. if I
Kci.tly on the ISowflo.
1.4 I th' dicfitep of
jmir jurg io- hi t'uiu
t.irr Onplomts P.iUa
eArnt'ir tarrhota .Hm
tey Itrtipsy Snur Stw
riuUe Iholtia Ckoln
turn hlstuiihet.Juunilut
nii'iV I" Um H usr s i-iul
Meuuinc It will cis
von n thi- iie of the
TOR and ii w nt cur"
ous Altai,!, I)yfepi4
met Cvmplaints. hssen
aeh Habitual Cc'tlrenfus
Mo tbui i 'Acs ra w
Fitnate H'eakenrtfes .no!
Iv u an Ordinary Family
Ml K 11 l.AII "VI II li tit
I'd nsniids can tt i ifv, .
or tkrrt 'I tasptvujuls un
ol tit ark.
ing llirir leiUluoMy ill
tn Iweuty minu'et tftno
tahtn .ii i i'niiii'' ii' I'uii'iii
jilt trno use tt arc gw
its l.ivor
ptiCF, vjyk liuu.m rut burjLt:.
s A n v () UD'S
rare Vegetable F.i tracts, mil put trj tn Wait Casti, Jir
light, aad mil kttv 111 any bamly
I lie r A.Vlll.V l-A-l IIIAItl!t; 11 ii i
gp title bui aitivt Cu
piinor has used in Ins
ib.ift c whiih l to' r t
oradlie more than
twenty )enrs.
'J tie constant y in-ihm-e
whn havo tontr
sitisfacliuri which all
their nte. has induced
in tho reach (Hull.
'J 1 u prnifSHnii welt
titanic .H t on differ, ul
trussing demand f om
ut-eil llie I'lLI.aml the
ei lesx in n gsro to
me to piiire tnrm wuu
km w that diflVr' nt Cu
tlotis of the liuw ul
wiih iiut refi-renco in
th U writ matili-h
tntii a vnrifiy nf i
irnrtt- w Ills h m t nliki oa
I.H l . been roiupoiiud'it
puri si (gfl.ilili
tv ry iurt of 'he ati
ooou and rt in n'l ra'
no iit;r rai al.nuil m
hi w h ti u Cnlha . ir is
hMl) Mihli of the SiO-
is nil. I a i s and I. n.
lle-edi-d, H U c l ns fK
saih . p'i ih-;m ss. Pains
lb n coin, w l ull lrrlli li-
vviioLK uooy, from uni
H it in glericd, ri d in
a long roureoi I (is,
I'r.t'fcl'.SU HkHSATtUN 0
llJ.k.ts. II mp
it ah. nit lf.rt AKMUO!
Ciiii.iirin or Aims.
I'lmrisK of the PLom
C'oiu ovta hue hopy
a ii ic or vvEtoiir in im
Oisfascs, Worms iu
I true mak iii, a g r e u
and iiimy isri,eii lo whitli tlesh i heir, too numer
ous to mention i n ibi nilvt rtiH inent Dot. 1 ti 3.
Piticp. an ci N I r
The Livkr iKrinouunn mn Family Cathabtk4 FieLs
ate- rciaili il by HruggM generally, and ioldvloJ-
naie uy me i inue in an large inwim.
a. i . vv. rnrnt imiu. ji ji..
ilaiiufuriiircr aud Proprltlnr.
&iXJ'oiiD's uvr.n ixviaoniron jA'zj Fjxat
C.ITJMh'l 10 PiU.S,
T? 208 It R () AIMVAY,
Geo, M. Hfiguibmh, E. V, Lutz, and John R. My
Juno 4, mm
Batty rggay.
HE&WZXCK.'id Uriek Uuttlmg tttow Ifartma I fs
on Ai'ctn Street, Jiloomt-burg . Pa.
ItEI'Et"! Pl'LLT mrers Ins prorstr
nt mv lies to the ladies and gentlemen (
lilonitifhurg and iclnity. He is prrpiifr
to ntlt'iid lo all 1 lit vnrious nneruiuu n
Dcntiftry. nuA is pruvnUd with the lutcit ttrnrov uca.
Whn Ii will he iuMted on pivot or grid plats, to
as wi II as Hie tiuHifiil,
- A sup rlur luticlc v TOOTH FOWHEU. ulwufs
ou ii.nnl
Juno Ft IfoT (ov 15. '33
j OP A L 1) IN G 1 S Celi'tinitwl IrprJ
! O Uni- fur ralcul L. T tiiaM-lcn' lip wi
' M, ,.. v... .. 11 I'TMA
inouuieuurg .noy si, jsou,
us, i.Troa.