Tho explanatory amendment may b confined to tho final settlement of tho tru construction of tho Constitution ou three special points. 1. All expenses recognition of tho right o f property in slavcsiiu tho States whero it now exists or may hereafter exist. 2. '1 ho duty Of protecting tins right to nil tho common Territories throughout their lorritorial cxrstance. and until thon sli al 1 bo admitted ns States into tho Union, with ,r without slaves as their Constitution may i i- senbo. ') A liko recognition of tho r'mht of purpsd, together' with a declaration that 1 ' -vft...w ... ...-..,.. ..., all State laws impairing or defeating this right are violations of tno Constitution,aud ture consinuently null and void. It hiay bo objected that this construe tion'of tho Constitution has already been settled by tho Supremo Court of tho Uni ted Slates, and what more ought to be rcnuired I Tho answer is, that a very largo portion of tho pooplo of tho United States still contest tho correctness of this decision, and never will ccaso from agita tion and admit its binding forco uutil clear ly established by the pooplo of tho scvoral States In their sovereign character. Such au explanatory amendment would, it is bolicvcd, forever terminate tho existing discusions and rcstoro peace and harmony among the States. It ought not to bo doubted that such an appeal to tho arbitrament established by tho Constitution itself would bo received with favor by all tho States of tho Confed eracy, lu any event it ought to bo tried in a spirit of conciliation beforo any of thoso States shall scporato themselves from tho Union. When I entered upon tho duties of tho Presidential offioo, tho aspect neither of our foreign nor domestic affairs was at all ...,..?.. 1l' - i....l .Inn. &U UlllUI ! llViW .. uuw jrcrous complications witu several nations, and two of our Territories were, in a state ,of revolution agaiust tho Government. A restoration of. tho African slavo trado had .numerous and powerful advocates. Un lawful military expeditions were counte nanced by many of our citizens, and were suffered, in defiance of the efforts of the Government, to cscapo from our shores, for tho purposo of making war upon tho unoffending people of neighboring repub lics with whom we wero at peace. In ad dition to-theso and other difficulties, we experienced a revulsion in monetary af fairs, soon after my advent to power, of unexampled severity and of ruinous con sequences to all tho great interests of the country. When wo take a retrospect of what was then our condition and contrast this with its material prosperity at the time of the lato Presidential election, we have abundant reason to return our grateful thanks to that merciful Providence which has never forsaken us as a nation in all our past trials. OUll FOREIGN RELATIONS. GREAT BRITAIN. Our relations with Great Britain are of tho most friendly character. Since tho commencement of my administration, the two dangerous questions arising from tho Clayton and Bulwcr treaty and from tho right of search claimed by tho British Gov ernment, havo been amicably and honora bly ndjuskd. Tho discordant constructions of tho Clayton and Bulwcr treaty between tho two governments, which, at different peri ods of the discussion, bore a threatening aspect, havo resulted in a final settlement entirely satisfactory to this Government. In my last annual messago I informed Congress that the British government had not then "completed treaty arrangements with tho republics of Honduras and Nic aragua, in pursuanco of the understanding between tho two governments. It is never theless confidently expected that this good work will ere long bo accomplished." This confident expectation has since been ful filled. Her Britanio Majosty concluded a treaty with Honduras on tho 28th Nov ember, 1850, and with Nicaragua on the 23th August, 1800, relinquishing the Mos quito protectorate. Besides, by the for mer, tbo Bay Islands aro recognized as a nart of tho renublie of Honduras. It may bo observed that tho stipulations of tbeso treaties conform in every important particular to the amendments adopted by tho Senate of tho United States to the treaty concluded at London ou the 17th October, 1600, between tho two govern ments. It will bo recollected that this treaty was rejected by tho British Govern ment becauso of its objection to the just and important amendment or the Sonate to tho article relating to Ruatan and the other islands in tho Bay of Honduras. It must bo a source of sincere satisfac tion to all classes of our fellow citizens, and especially to those engaged in foreign commerce that the claim, on tho part of Great Britain, forcibly to visit and search American merchant vessels on tho high seas in time of peaco, has been abandoned. This was by far tho most dangerous ques tion to tho pcaco of the two countries which has existed sitco the war of 1812. Whilst it remained opon, they might at any moment havo been precipitated into a war. This wa3 rendered manifest by the exasperated stato of publio feeling through out our cntiro country, produced by the forcible search of American vessels by Biititli cruisers on tho coast of Cuba, in tho spring of 1858. Tho American peo ple hailed with general acclaim the orders of the Secretary of tho Navy to our naval force in tho Gulf of Mexico, "to protect all vessels of tho United States on thoi high seas from search or detention by tho vessels-of.war of any other nation." Thcso orders might havo produced an immediate collision between tho naval forces of tho I two countries. This was most fortunately I prevented by on appeal to tho justice of I .n.Lr ..ii. . i. ..- 1 ureal iiricaiii- uuu ru wiu law ui uuuous as expounded tv her own most eminent i jurists. The only question of any importance vhich still remains open is the disputed titlo between tho two eovcmacnts to tho me innsicr to uuvu ms siavo, who escapes can servo in the armies ot -franco unless vessels nt the ports of t l- . - C. .-. . 1 I 'I 1 . tl , ... ... t ,-.. I . . 1 ... quo otaio 10 unoiuer, resiureu uuu no do a rrcncu citizen, l no law of f ranco ana f ucliauj ana it "delivered up" to him, and of tho validity recognizing tho natural right of expatriation.! this amount shall bo in nT 'llin I, i ititivfi Vl-ivn Into rMiti-.,,l tnp tlna tf In nv. na n inland of San Juan, m tho vicinity of remaining continental powers of Europe, Washington Territory. As this question including that as tho Sultan, our relations is still under negotiations it is not deemed continue to be of tho most friendly char advisable at the present moment to-mako- actcr. any other- allusion to tho subject. china. Tho roenfc visit of tho Princo of Wales. Tho friendh and peaceful policy pursued in a nrlvato character, to the peoplo of this oountry, lias proved to bo a most auspici- towards tlto'cmpiro of China,has produced"1 had tho Mexican authorities becomo of ous event, lu its consequences, it cannot the most satisfactory results. Tlio- treaty I our patient enduranrio, that they univor nil to inc.a tho kindred and kindly of Tientsin, cf tho 18th of Juue, 1859, has sally believed they wight eomaiit these feelings which I trust may over netuato tho government nnd pooplo of both countries in their political and social intercourse with each olhcr. FRANCE, With Franco, our ancient and powerful ally, our relations coutinuo to bo of the, most friendly character. A decision has recently been mado by a French judicial trihiniiil. with tlm nnnrnlinlinn .r .!.. T... ' penal Government, which cannot fail to 1 foster tho sentiments of mutual regard that, havo so long existed between tho two coun- tries. Uuder the French law no nersnu la Frenchman, by the fact of having be- (M .vu.,. wa . m,iUMtj vuuawmuutu uulb couio a citizen of tho United States, has .changed his allegianco and baj lost his na tive character. Ho cannot, therefore,, bo compelled to servo in tho French armies in case ho should return to his nativo ' country. These principles wero announced ' in 1852 by tho French Minister of "War, I and in two lata cases havo been confirmed! by tho 1' rench judiciary. In these, two I havo been adjusted by tho board of commis natives of Franco havo been discharged i Bioncrs appointed for that purposo under irom mo -urencu army uecauso tuny had become American citizens. To employ tho languago of our present Minister to France, who has rendered good servico on this occasion. "I do not think our French naturalized fellow-citizons will hereafter oxpcricuco much annoyanco on this sub ject." I venturo to predict that tho time is not far distant whon tho other conti nental powers will adopt tho samo wise and just policy which has dono so much honor to tho enlightened government of, tho Emperor. In any ovent, our Govern-' i i . .1 . . . i t . mem. is uuuuu'iv prutuwd iuu nguis oi our naturaiizcu citizens everywuero to the samo extent as though they had drawn their first breath in tins country. Wo can recognizo no distinction between our nativo and naturalized citizens. RUSSIA. Between tho groat empire of Russia and tno unitcu states tno mutual friendship and regard which ha, so long existed still continues to prevail, and, if possible, to in- .. T .1 . . 1 . i ,i -ruusu. l-ureu our reiauous witu mat Empiro are all that wo could desire. SPAIN. - .... . uur .relations witn opain arc now of a moro complicated though less dangerous I proved fully equal to tho delicate, trying character than they hare been for many 1 and responsible positions in which they years. Our citizens havo long held, and jhavo on different occasions been placed, continuo to hold, numerous claims against JArAN. tho Spanisli government. Those had been Tho ratifications of tho treaty with Ja ably urged for a series of years by our , pan concluded at Yedo on tho 2i)th July, successive diplomatio representatives at 1858, wore exchanged at Washintgon on Madrid, but without obtaining redress. .the 22d May last, and tho treaty itself Tho Spauish governmpnt finally agreed to was proclaimed on tho succeeding day. instituto a joint commission for the adjust-1 Thero is good reason to expect thai, un ment of these claims, and on tho 5th day dor its protection and influence, our trado of March, 1800, concluded a convention 'and intercourse with that di.tant and iuter for this purposo with our present Minister estiug people will rapidly increase, at Madrid. Under this convention, what I Tho ratifications of the treaty wero Uave been denominated 'tho Cuban claims,' I anipuuting to 8128,635 nnd 54 cents, in , this purposo tho Tycoon had aeorcditcd 1 deemed it my duty to recommend to which moro than ono hundred of our fel-1 three of his most distinguished subjects as Congress, in my last annual message, the low-citizens aro intcrcstcd.wero recognized envoys extraordinary and ministers pleni-' omployment of a sufficient military forco and tho Spanish government agreed to pay potentiary, who were received and treated to penetrate into tho interior, whero tho 8100,000 of this amount "within threo with marked distinction and kindness both government of Miramon was to be found, months following the exchango of ratifica-by tho Government and pooplo of tho iwitb or, if need bo, without tho consout of tions." Tho payment of tho remaining U. States. There is ev.iry reason to tho Juarez government, though it was not S26,G35 51 was to wait the decision of tho bcliovo that they havo returned to their doubted that this consent could bo ob tain commissioners for or against "tho Amistad native land entirely satisfied with their e4 Never havo I had a clearer couvio claim i"but in any event tho balanco was I visit, and inspired by tho most friendly tion on any subject than of tho justice as to bo paid to tho claimants either by Spain feelings for our country. Let us ardently well as wisdom of such a policy. No or the United States. These terms, I havo hopo, in the languago of tho treaty itself, other alternative was left, except tho en overy reason to know, aro highly satisfac- that "there shall henceforward be perpetual tire abandonment of our follow-citizens tory to tho holders of the Cuban claims. ' peace and friendship between tho United who had gono to Mexico, uuder the faith Indeed , thoy have mado a formal offer States of Amorica and his JIajosty tho f treaties, to tho systemitio injustice, authorising tho State Department to settlo Tycoon of Japan and his successors." .cruelty, and oppression of Miramon's thcso claims, and to deduct tho amount of luazii.. ' government. Besides, it is almost certain tho Amistad claim from tho sums whieh With the wise, conservative, and liberal that the simplo authority to employ this they aro entitled to rcccivo from Spain. government of tho empiro of Brazil our frco would of itself hava accomplished all This offer, of course, eannot bo accepted, (relations coutinuo to be of tho most ami- ur objects without striking a single blow. AU otber claims of citizens of tho United States against Spain, or of subjects of tho Queen of Spain against the United States, including the "Amistad claim." were by l,v . !.:.... : !., i . J iui3 tuuitiiuuu luiurreu io a noaru ol com- urauaua, signeu at asuington on tho uo U3 justice. missionors in the usual form. Ncithcrtho 10th of September, 1857, has been long! In addition and I deem this a most validity of tho Amistad clahn nor of any delayed from accidental causes, for which important consideration European gov other claim against cither party, with tho ; neither party is censurable. Those rati- . erumcnts would have been deprived of all o t r... w ... v.UUMM Planus, recognized by tho convention. Indeed, I tno opanisii government dm not insist that tho validity of tho Amistad claim shonl.! bo thus recognized, notwithstanding its payment had been recommended to "Con gress by two of my predecessors as well as myself, and an appropriation for that purposo had passed tho Senate of tho Uni ted States. They wero content that it should be submitted to tho board for ex amination and decision, liko the other claims. Both governments wero bound respectively to pay tho amounts awarded to tho several claimants, at such times and, places as may bo fixed by and according to tho tenor of said awards." I transmitted this convention to tho Sen ato for their constitutional action on the 3d May, 1800, and on tho 27th of the succeeding Juno they determined thatthey would "not advise and consent" to its rat ification. Thcso proceedings plaeo our relations with Spain in an awkward and cmbrrass ing position. It is more than probable that tho final adjustment of thcso claims will devolve upon my successor. I reiterate tho recommendation contain ed in my Annual Messago of December, 1858, and repeated in that of 1850, in fa- vor oi iuu acquisition oi uuoa irom Hnnin by futr purchase. X firmly believo that such an acquisition would contribute cssen tially to tho wcll.bcmg anl prosperity of ootu countries in an luture time, as well as provo tho certain means of immediately l.-l'l- ., t! , .... .'' auuiisnii.iruiu ivirican nuvu traue turou"h- out tho world. I would not repeat this recommendation upon tho present occasion, if I believed that tho transfer of Cuba to the United States upon conditions highly favorablo to Spain, could justly tarnish tho national honor of tbo ancient Spanish Monarchy. Surely no person ever attrib uted to tho first Napoleon a disregard of .i i! it tf i uv uuiivuui uuuui ui rmuuu, iur iransicr ring Louisiana to mo unncu atatcs tor a fair equivalent both in inonoy and com mercial auvantages. Ausrni.i, ETC. I With tho Emperor of Austria, and tho by the Government of tho United States been faithfully observed by tlio Chincso authorities, Tbo Convention of tliu 8th Novcmbor, 1808j supplimcntary to this troaty, for tlio adjustment and satisfaction of tbo claims of our citizens on China, re ferred to in ruy last Annual Message t lias been already oarricd into effect, so far aa this was practicable Under this convention tho s urn of 000,- nnn -,!, n.i,.l i. .!.. o-nii mm .. n. stipulated to bo paid in satisfaction of tho claims of Amoiiean citizens, out of tho ono-Gfth of tho receipts for touuago imnort. nnd exnorfc duties on Amr.i JitDton, bhanghae, was "agreed that i full liquidation of . -Ilk louim? VI -t&lllV-llu.lll 111ICU Uv 1110 various ports to tb'n date." Dcbcnturos for this amount to wit s 300,000 taols for Canton, 100,000 for Shauchad. and 100,000 for Fuchau wero delivered according to tho terms of tho convention by tho respectivo Chincso collectors of tho customs of thcso ports to tho agent selected by our minister to rcccivo tho same. Sineo that time tho claims of our citizens tho act of March U, 185!). and their awards, which proved satisfactory to the claimants, uavo c-ccn approvca by our Minister. In tho aggregate they amount to the sum of 8103,00-V 78. Tho claim ants have already received a largo propor tion of tho sums awarded to them out of tho fund provided, and it is confidently expected that the remainder will ero long be entirely paid. After tho awards shall liavo been satisfied, thero will remain surplus of moro than 8200,000 at tho dis- position of Congress. As this will in equity i i . i. I- 1 .- iciung iu iuo uiuuesa government, woulu not justieo requiro its appropriation to somo benovoleut object in which the Chincso may bo specially interested I Uur minister to (Jmnii, in obed cneo to his instructions, has remained perfectly neutral iti tho war between Great Britain and iranco and tho Chinese empiro: although, in conjunction with tho Russian minister, ho was ever ready and willing, had tho opportunity offered, to employ 1 1 rv . ' - "is coou omccs in rcHOriUL' noaco bctwonn the parties. It is but an act of simnlo justice, both to our present minister and bis proclccessor, to state, that thev havo exchanged with unusual solemnity. For eablo character. i HEW aitE.s'AD.v. Tho exchange of tho ratifications of tho ' convention with tho Ronublio nf n i - i . ... . . . wo uij tAuiuiigcu in mis city on the 5th of November last. Thus has a controversy been amicably terminated which had becomo so serious at tho period of my inauguration, as to requiro mo, on ruqunu iuu, on tup 17 tli of April, 1857, to direct our juiiusicr iu uuiuiiuu ms passporis anu rc- boring republic ot portions of her territo tum to tho United States. , ry ; a duty from whieh wo could not Under this convention the government shrink without abandoning tho traditional ot jncw UrauaUa has spcoially acknowled- ged itself to bo responsible to our citizens "for damages which were caused by tho nut at x auuiiia on mo latii April, itiiM." I hejc claims, together with other claims .p .::.... .....!. t...i i ,. of our citizens which had been lone urced in vain, aro rclcrred for adjustment to a , lloara ot Ijomnussioners. I submit a co-' py ot tno Convention to Congress, and recommend the legislation necessary to carry it into effect. 1 COSTA RICA AND NICARAGUA. Pcrsovering efforts havo been inado for the adjustment of tho claims of Amorican citizens against tho government of Costa idea, and 1 am happy to inform you that tho Senate for ratification. As tbeso havo those havo finally prevailed. A conven- j not yet received tho final action of that tion was signed at tho city of San Joso,on I body, it would be improper for mo to pro tho 2d of July last, be'wcen tho minister ! sent a detailed statement of their provis resident of the United States in Costa ions. Still I may bo permitted to express Rica and tho plcnipoteniaries of that re-; tho opinion in advanco that they aro cal publio, referring these claims to a board eulated to nromotntho nwimiltnral. tn.imi. of commissioners, and providing for tho payment of their awards. This conven-1 uw" Hiu uu duuiuil iuu uiiiiicuiutciy 10 lUO Senate for tho rccoustitutional action. Tho claims of our citizens upon tbo re public of Nicaraugua havo not yet been provided for by treaty, although diligent efforts for this purposo have been mado by our minister resident to that republic. Thcso are still continued, with a fair prospoet of success. MEXICO. Our relations with Moxico remain in a most unsatisfactory condition. In my last two annual messages I discussed exten sively tho subject of theso relations, and do not now proposo to repeat at length tho facts and arguments then presented. They proved conclusively that our citizens residing in Mexico and our merchants trading thereto had suffered a series of wrongs and outrages such as wo havo nev er patiently borne from aiy other nation. For theso our successive ininistcrs, invo king tho faith of treaties, Had in tho namo of their country, persistently demanded redress and indemnification, but without tho slightest effeett Indeed, do confident outrages upon Amorican citizcns.with ab solute impunity.. J. bus wrote our minister in 1850, aiid expressed tho opinion that "uothiug but a manifestation of tho power of tlio government, ana ot its purposo to punish thcso wrongs, will avail." Afterwards, in 1857, camo tho adoption of a now coustitutiou for Mexico, tho elec tion ot a Jt'rcsmcht and Congress under its provisions, and tho inauguration of the President. Within ono short mouth. howorcr, this President was expelled from tho capital by a rebellion in tho army,and tho supreme power of tho republic was assigned to General Zuloaga. This usur per was, in his turn, soon compelled to re tiro and givo plaeo to General Miramon. Under tho constitution which had thus been adopted. Senor Juarez, as Chief Justice ot tno Ouprcmo Uourt, becamo tlio lawful President of tho Republic ; and it was for tho maintenance of lha constitu tion, and his authority derived from it, that tho civil war commenced, and still continues to be prosecuted. Throughout tho year 1858 tho conti tutional party grew stronger and stronger. In tho previous history of SIcxico a suc cessful military revolution at tho capital had almost universally been the signal lor submission throughout tho republic. Not so on the present occasion. A majority of tho citizen persislently sustained tho constitutional government. When this was recognized in April, J 850, by the Government of tho United States, its au thority extended over a large majority of tho Mexican States and people, including Vera Cruz and all othor important sea ports of tho republic. From that period our commerco with Mexico began to ro vive, and tho constitutional government has afforded it all the protection in their power. Meanwhilo, tho government of Miramon still held sway at tho capital .and over the surrounding country, and continued ita outrages against the fow American citi zens who still had the eouraqo to remain within its power. To cap tho climax : After tho battlo of Tacubaya, in April, 1850, (Jen. Marquez ordered three citi zens of tho United States, two of them physicans, to be seized in the hospital ut that place, taken out and shot, without crimo and without trial. This was done, notwithstanding our unfortutiato country man wero at tho moment engaged in tho holy cause of affording rolief to the sol diers of both parties who had been woun ded in tho battlo, without making any distinction between thorn. Tho timo had arrived, in my opinion, when this Government was bound to ex ert its power to aveugo and redress tho wrongs of our citizens and to afford them protection in Mexico. Tho interposing obstacle was that tho portion of the coun try under tho sway of Miramon could not I be reached without passing over territory ' under tho jurisdiction of tlio constitutional government. Under these circuuistannn... Tho constitutional government would then ere this have been cstablMied at the city f Mexico, and would havo been ready and willins. to tho extent of its abilitv. to i . jnuii&b iiuuriurcu in tno territorial ana domestic concerns of Mexico. Wo should thus havo been relieved from tho oblijia tion of resisting, even by force, should tins uccoiuu necessary, any attempt uy this becomo these governments to dcpnvo our neigh- and established policy of tho American people. I am happy to obscrvo, that, firmly relying upon tho justieo and good faith ot tbeso Governments, thero is no present danger that such a contingency .., a j will happen. Having discovered that my recommon datious would not be sustained by Con- cress, tho next alternative was to aecom plish, in some degree, if possible, tho samo objects by treaty stipulations with the Constitutional Government. Such treaties wero accordingly concluded by our lato ablo an excellent minister to JHcxico, and on tho 4th January last wero submitted to facturing, and commercial iutorost! of tho country, and to sccuro our just influence with an adjoining rcpublio as to whoso fortunes and into wo can never feel indiff erent ; whilst at the same time they pro vide for tho payment of a considerable amount towards tho satisfaction of tho claims of our injured fellow citizens, KANSAS AND UTAH. At the period of my inauguration I was confronted in Kansas by a revolutionary Government, existing under what is called the Topeka Constitution. Its avowod ob ject was to subdue the Territorial Govern ment by force, and to inaugurate what was c.Uled the Topeka Government in its To accomplish this object an extensive mil itary organization was formed, and its com mand entrusted to tho most violent revolu tionary leaders. Under these circumstances it becamo my imperative duty to exon the whole constitutional power of the Executive to prevent the flames of civil war from ngnin ragiag in Kansas, which, in the excited state of tho public mind, both North uud South, might have extended into the neigh boring States. The h8tile parties in Kansas had been inflamed against each othor by cmissnrios both from tho Nurth and the South, to add urce of malignity without paruloll in our history. To prevent actual collision, and to assist the civil magistrates in enforeing the lawr, a stroo; detachment of th army was sUtlonod lu tho Territory, ready to aid the marshal and his doputics, when lawfully callod upon, ns n posse eomilalii In tho exe cution of civil and criminal jfrocoss. Still, tlio troubles could nit havo been permanently setllod without an election by tho pooplc. Tho ballot-box is tho surcit ar biter of disputes among frcemon. Under this conviction, every propor"crort was em ployed to induce tho hostila parties to voto at the election of delegates to' framo u State Constitution, and nffrrwards at tlio election to decido whether Kunsas should bo a slavo or a free Stato. Tho insurgent par ty refused to voto nt cither, lest this might bo considered a rtcognition ou their part of the Territorial Oovcrnmont established by Congoss. A bettor spirit, howovcr, seemed toon after to provail, and tho two parties met faco to face at tho third election, held on ths'first Monday of January, 1858, for members of tho Legislature nnd Stato offi cers under tho Lceompton Coustltution. Tlio result was tho triumph of the anti-slavery party nt tho polls. This decision of tho ballot-box proved elenrly that this party wero in the majority, nnd removed tho dan cer of civil war. From that time wo havo heard little or nothing of tho Topeka Gov ernment, and all serious danger of revolu tionary troubles in Kansas at an end. Tho Lccompton Constitution, which had been thus recognised at this State olcctlon by tho votes of both political partios in Kan sas, was transmitted to mo with tho lequost that I should present it to Congress. This I could not havo refined to do without io luting my clearest and strongest convictions of duty. The Constitution, nnd nil tho' pro ceedings whioh preceded nnd followed its formation, wero fair nnd regular on their face. I then believed, and experience has proved, that the interosts of tho people of Kansas would have been best consulted by its admission as a State into tho Union, es pecially as the majority, within u brief pe riod, could have amended the Constitution according to their will and pleasure. If fraud existed in all or any , of these proceed ings, it was not for the President, but lor Congress, to investigate and determine the question of lraud, and whnt ought to bo its consequences. If, nt the first two elections, the majority refused to vote, it cannot bo pretended that this refusal to exercise tho elective franchise could invalidate au elec tion fairly held under lawful authority, even if they had not subsequently voted at the third election. It is true that the wholo Constitution had notbecu submitted to tho people, as I nlways desired ; but tho prece dents are numerous of the admission of States into tho Union without submission. It would not comport witli my presant purpose to review the proceedings of Con gress upon the Locompton Constitution. It Is sufficient to observe that their fluul no tion has removed all vestigo of serious revo lutionary troubles. The re cently nssembled, under a notorious outlaw in the Southern portion of the Territory, to resist the execution of tho laws and to plun der poaueful citizens, will, I doubt not, bo speedily subdued and brought to justice. Had I treated the Lecompton Constitu tion as a nullity nnd refused to transmit it to Congress, it is not difficult to imag'tno, whilst recalling tho position of the oountry nt that moment, what would have been the disas trous consequences, both in und out of tho Territory, from such n dereliction of duty on tho part of the Executive Peace has also been restored within tho territory of Utah, which, ut tho com mencement of my Administration, was in a state of open rebellion. This was the more dangerous, as tho pcoplo, animated by a fa natical spirit, nnd entrenched within their distant mountain fastnessos, might have mado a loog and formidable resistance. Coit what it might, it was nooe.sary to bring them into subjection to the Constitution and the laws. Sound policy, therefore, as well ns humanity, required that thisohject sho'd, if possible, bo accomplished without tho effusion of blood. This could only bo effect ed by sending a military furco into tho Ter aitory sufficiently strong to oonvineo tlio pooplo that resistance would bo hopeless, nud at the samo timo to offer them a pardon for past offences or. condition of immcdiato submission to the Government. This policy was pursued with eminent success ; nud the only causo for regret is the heavy oxpondi ture required to march a long dotachmont of tho army to that rouioto region, and to fur nish it subsistence. Utah is now compara tively peaceful and quiet, and tho military force has been withdrawn, except that por tion of it necessary to keep the Indians in check, and to protect tho emigrant trains on their way to our Pacific possessions. riNlNCES. In my first annual message, I promised to employ my Lest exertions, in co-operation with Congress, to reduce the expenditures of the government within the limits of wise and judicious economy. An overflowing treasury had produced tho habits of prodig ality and extravaganco which could only bo gradually corrected. Tho work required both time nnd patience. I npnped myself diligently to this task from the begining.and was aided by the able nnd encrgrtie efforts of the heads of the different Kxccutive De partments. Tho result of our labors in this good cause did not appear in tho snm total of our expenditures for the first two years, mainly in consequence of tho extraordinary expenditnre necessarily incurred in the Utah expodition, and tho very largo amount of the contingent expenses of Congress dur ing this period. Tbcse.greatly exceed tho pay and mileage of the members. For the year ending 30th June, 1S5S, whilst tho pay and mileage amounted to S1,490,214, the contin gent expenses rose to $2,09 ,3 (JO 70, and for tho year ending 30th Juno, 1859, whilst the pay and mileage amounted to $859,093 CO, the contingent expenses amounted to $1,431 505 78. 1 am happy, howovor, to bo ablo to inform you that during the last fiscal year, endiug on the 30th June 18G0, tho total ex penditures of the government in all its branches legislative, execut'vo, and judi cial exclusi.e of tho nublio debt, wore re duced to tho sum of $55,402,459 40. This conclusively appears from tlio books of tlio Treasury. In the year ending on tho 30th Juno, 1858, the total expenditure, exclusive of the publio debt, amounted to f.71,901.- 129 70, and that for the year ending 30th of June, usay, to ?oo,.40,u 13. Whilst the books of tho Treasury show an actual ex penditure of 859,818,474 72 lor the year ending on the 30th June, 18G0, ineluHini 81.040.GG7 71 for the contingent expenses of Congress, there must bo deduceed from this amount tho sum of 84,290,009 20, with the interest upon it of 8150,000, appropriated by tho act of 15th February, 1800, "for tho purpose of supplying the defieicnoy in tho revenue, and defraying the oxnenso of the Post Office Department for tho year onding thirtieth of Juuc, one thousaud oight hun dred and fifty nine." This sunv thorcforo, justly chargeable to the year 1859, must bo deducted from tho sam of 859,848,474 72, in order to ascertain tho expeuituro for the year ending on the 30th Juno, 18G0, whieli ! leaves a balanco for the expoudituro of that j year of S55,402,404 40. The interest on tho ' publio debt, including Treasury notes for the samo fiscal year ending on' tho 30th I June, 1860, amounted to $3,177 314 02, i which, added to the above sum nf $55,402, 4G5 40, makes tho aggregate of $58,570,780 ( 08. It ought in justice to be observed that sev I ercl of the estimates from tho department 1 for the year ending 30th June, 1800, were i reduced by Congress below what was und still is deemed cumpatiblo with the publio , interest, Allowing a liberal margin of ?2, . 000,000 for this reduction, und for other , causes, it moy bo safely asserted that tho ,um of JCI.000,000, or, at the most, 562,- 000,000 Is amply sufficient to ndmlnistor the Government and to pay tho Interoston the fmblie dobt, unless contiiigont events should lOfcniter reitder'extrnordinary expenditures necessary. ( I 1 . This rtsult has bceq attnincd in n consid erable digroo by the caro' exercised by tho appropriate departments In entering into public contracts. I bavo myself never in terfered with the award of any snch con tract, except in a singla enso with the Col ojlnatlon Society, deeming It ndvisablo to cast the wholo responsibility in each caso on tho proper head of tho department, with -the gsneral Instruction that thcso contracts should always bo given to tho lowest and best bidder. It has ovor been my opinion that publio contracts are not a legitimate eourco nf patronage to be conferred upon personal or political favorites : but that In all such cases a public officer is bound to act for tho Government ns a prudont individual would act for himself. ArnltiAX SLAVE TRADE, AC. It is with great satisfaction I communi cnto tho fact that, since tho data of my last annual message, not a singlo slave has been imported into tho United States In violation of tho laws prohibiting tho African slavo trado. This statement is founded upon n thorough examination nnd investigation of tho flubject. Indeed, tho spirit which pro ovailed somo time among n portion of our fellow-citizens in favor of this trade seems to havo entirely subsided. I also congratulate you upon the public sentiment whioh exists ngaint tho crime if setting on foot military expeditions within the limits of tlio United Statos, to proceed from thence and make war upon tho peoplo of unoffending States, with whom wo are at Eoace. In this respect a happy chango has oen effected sineo tho commencement of my Administration. It surely ought to bo tho prayor of erery Christian and patriot that such expeditions may never ugain rcccivo countenance in our country or depart from our shores. It would bo a usoless repetition to do moro than refer, with earnest commendation to my former recommendations In favor of a Paciflio railroad of tho grant of, power to ths President to employ tho naval, foreo in tho vicinity, for tho protection of tho lives and property of our follow citizens passing in transit ovor tho different Central Amoric an mutes, against suddon nnd lawless out breaks and depredations ; nnd also t pro tect American merchant vessels, their crews and cargoes against violent nnd unlawful sclzuro and eonfiscation in tlio ports of Met ico nnd tho South Amorioin Uepiiblies.wlion these may bo in a disturbed nnd rovotutlou nry condition. It is my sottlo I conviction, that without such a power wo do not nffjrd that protection to thoso engaged in the com merce of the country which thoy havo a right to demaud. ELECTION OF MEMnnRS OV CONfiRF.sS. I ngain rconmmnnd to Congress tho pas sage of a law in pursuanco nf the provisions of the Constitution, appointing a day cer tain, previous to the 4th nf March, in each year of on odd number, for tho election of Representatives throughout all the States. A similar power has already been exercised with general approbation, in tho appoint ment of the namrdav throughout the Uniun for holding tlio eleetinn of electors for Pres ident nnd Vice Presidont of tho United States. My attention was earnestly direct ed to this siibjoct from the fact that the Thirty-fifth Congress terminated on the 3d of March, 1859. without miking tho neces sary appropriation for tlio service of tho Post Office Department. I was then forced to consider the host remedy for this omission, and an immediate call of the prosont Con gress was tho natural rr-sort. Upon inquiry, liownver, I ascertained tint fifteen out of the thirty-three States nompising tho Con federacy were without Itepresentativos, and that, consequently, theso fifteen States wo'd ho disfranohisod by such a call. Those (if toen States will bo in the samo condition on tho 4th of March next. TciLnf them cannot elect Representatives, according to existing Stato laws, until different periods, extending from the beginning of August next until tho months of October and JCovomhor. In my last message I gave warning that, in a timo of sudden and alarming danger, tho salvation of our institutions might de pend upon tho power of the President im mediately to assemble a full Congress, to meet tho emergency. TAi-.trr. It is now quite evident that the financial necessities of the Government will requiro a modification ot tlietaritl Uunngyonr pro sent session, for tho purpose nf innro.ising tho revenue. In this aspect, I de.siro to re itcrato the recommendation contnined in my last two annual messages, in favor of impo sing specific instead of ml caforent duties ou alt imported nrticles to which theso can be properly applied. From long observation and experience I am convinced that specific duties aro necessary, both to protect the revenue nnd to secure tn nur manufacturing interest that amount of incidental encour agement which unavoidably results from n rovenuo tariff. As an abstract proposition jt may ho ad mitted that ad calorein duties would, in the ory, lo the most just and equal. Hut if the experience of this and of nil other commer cial nations lias demonstrated that such du ties cannot bo assessed and collected with out great frauds upon tho revenue, then it is tho part of wisdom to resort to specific duties. Indeed, from tlio very nature of un ad valorem duty this must bo tho result. Under it the inevitable consequence is, that foreign goods will be entered at less than their true value. The treasury will, there fore, lose the dnty on the difference botweon their real and fictitious value, and to this extent wo nredofrauded. Tho temptations which advalurem duties presort to a dishonest importer are irresisti ble. His object is to pass his goods through tho custom-house nt the very lowest valua tion necessary to savo them from confisca tion. In this he too often succeeds in spito of tho vigilanco of tho revenue officers. Hence the resort to false invoices, one fur tho purchase and another for tho custom house, nud to other expedients to defraud the government. Tho honost importer pro duces his invoice to tho collector, stating tho actual price at which ha purchased tlio tirticlo abroad. Not so the dishonest import er and tho agent of tho foreign manufactu rer. And bore it may Ik observed that n very large proportion of tho inonnfuctures inipuricu iruin uuroau uro uuuiueu lur suit; to commission merchauts who are mere agents employed by tho manufacturers. In such caso no actual sale has been made to fix their value. Tho foreign manufacturer, if ha be dishonest, prepares an invoice of the goods, not at their actual value, but at tho very lowest rato necessary to escape de tection. In this manner tho dishonest im porter nnd the foreign manufacturer enjoy a decided advantage over tho honest merchant. 'They aro thus enabled to undersell tho fair trader, nnd drive him from tho market. In fact, tho operation of this system has alrea dy driven from the pursuits of honorable commerco many of that class of regular nnd conscientious merchants, whose charac ter, throughout tho world, is tho prido of our country. The remedy for theso evils is to bo found in specific duties, so far as this is practica ble. They dispense with any inquiry at the custom-houso iuto the actual cost or value of the artUle.and it pay s the precise amount nf duty previously fixed by law. They pre sent no temptations to the appraisers of for eign goods, who receive but small salaries, nnd might by undervaluation In a few cases render themselves independent. - Desides specilio duties best conform to tho requisition iu the Constitution that "no prcf- oronoo shall bo given by any regulation of commerco or rovonuo to tho ports of ouo ojntq oyer uioso oi lynoinor. under our ad Vatoran nyslfm sucji preferences are to somo oxtentjinavitnble, nnd complaints limo often becii'mndo that'tho spirit of this pro vision' has ben violated by n lower appraise, mcnt'nf the. samo articles ntinc port than at another. An Impression 6lrnngely enough provailj to some oxtent that specilio duties aro nec essarily proteciivo dntios. Nothing can to moro fallacious. Great Britain glories in frco trade, and yet her wholo revenue from Imports is nt tho present motueut collects umlor n system of specific duties. It ia striking fact iu this connection that, in tlio commercial treaty of 23d January, 180O, b9. tween Franco nnd Dnglaud, ono of tho nrti cles provides (hat. tho ad valorem dutiet which it imposes shall bo converted Intj specific duties within six months from in date, nnd theso aro to bo ascertained by by.niaking'an avorngo of the prices for six months previous to'that time. The reverjj of tho prqpositlon would bo nearer to tU truth, because n much larger amount of ret. cntio would bo collected by morely coVivert ing the ad,vahreih duties of a taritl iiijj equivalent speciflo duties. To this extent the revenuo would be Increased, und 'in th9 samo proportion,tho spcelfiij"dtf might lo diminished. Specific duties would secure to tho Amer ican manufacturer tho incidental protsctiou to which ho is fairly ontitlcd under a rar enuo tariff, and tu this surely no person would object. Tho framcrs of tho existing tariff havs gono further, and in n liberal spirit havo discriminated in favor of lrn and useful branches of our manufacture, not by raising the rate of duty upon tho im. portntiouof Mmilar articles from nbroad.but what is'tho samo In effect, ly admitting ar ticles ftcoof duty which enter iuto tlio com. position of their fabrics. Under tho present system, it has been ofton truly romnrkod that this 'incidental protection decreases when tho lnhunfioiurer needs it most, and increases when ho nee ii it least and constitutes a -liding Vale which always operatos aguinsthim. The rev .nuet of tlio country are subject to similar lluetu ntions Instoad of .approaching a steady standard, ns would bo tho case under a sys. teili of specific duties, they sink and rijs with tlio Kinking and ris'mg'prices of nrti clns in foreign countries. It would hot bs difficult for Oongrchs to arrange n system of specific duties which would afford additional stability both tu nur revenue and nur manu factures, and without Injury or iojoitice tu any interest nf tho country Tills might bs accomplished by ascertaining tho averagi value of any given article for a soriei of years at the placo of importation, and by simply convorting tho rato of ad valvnin duty upon it which might'bo deeuio l rieeoi sary for revenuo purposes into tho form uf a specific duty. Such an arrungomont co'd not injure tho oinHiimcr. If ho should psy a greater amijut of duty one jear, tliit would bo counterbalanced by a lesser nmouut tho next, und in tho eud the aggre gate would bo the tamo. I desire to call your immediato attention to tho present condition of the Treasury, ablv nud clearly presontod by the Secreury iu his report to Congrens ; nnd to rooani mend that measures bo promptly adopted, to unable it to discharge us pros ing obla tions. Tbo other recommend itious of tin report aro well worthy uf your fuvortibli) consideration. I herewith transmit to Congress tlio re ports of tho Secretaries of Vr, of the Na vy, of tho Interior, and of tho Postmaster General. Tho recommendations nn 1 sug gestions which thoy contain aro highly val uable, and dot-crvo your careful attention. Tho report of the Pustmimtor (ioneral do tails the rirconisUucc. under which Ooruu lius Viindcrliilt, on my reqiict, ogrcud, in tho month of .luly last, tooariy the oconn mails between our Atlantic ami Pa-ifli coasts. Had he not thus acted, this impor tant intercommunication must havo boon suspended, at leat for a i-u.isnn. The Post master General had uo power tu make hint any other compensation than tlio poitam on the mail mutter which ho might carry. It was known at tho time that these ponta ges would fall far short of un adequate com pensation, as well as of tho um whieh tbi same service had previously cost the Gnv crniueut. .Mr. V.inJcrliilt, iu a commenda ble spirit, was willing to relv unon tho iu- tieeof Congress to niako Hp tho doficionoy ; and 1, therefore, recommend that an appro priation may bo granted for this purpose. 1 should do great injustice to tho Attorney Genoral, were I to omit tlio mention of his distinguished services in the measures adop ted and prosecuted by him for tho defence ol the Government against numerous and unfounded claims to land in California, pur porting to have b ;n made by tho Jloncan Government provious to tlio treaty of ces sion. The successful opposition to theo claims has saved to tlio United States publio property worth many millions of dollars, ami tn individuals holding titlo under them to at least an equal nmount. It has been represented tn nis, from sour ces which 1 deem reliable, that the inhabi tants in several portions of Kansas have been reduced nearly to a state of starvation, on account of the almost total failuroof their crops, whilst the harveNts in overy other por tion of tho country havo been nbundnnt. Tlio prospect before them for tho approach ing winter is well calculated to enlist the sympathies uf every heart. Tho destitution appears tu bo so general that it eannot be relieved by privato contributions, and thsy n ro in such indigent circumstances as to be unable to purchase the necessaries nf life for themselves. I refer tho subject to Congross. If nny constitutional measure for their ro lief can be devised I would recommend its adoption. I cordially recommend to your favorablo regard tho interests of the peoplo of this District. They aro eminently entitled to your consideration, especially since, unliko the people of tho States, they can nppeul to no Government except that of tho Union. JAMKS llUOIIANAN. Wasuinqtox Cnv, 3d Decembor, 1800. Sknt to -iiie 1'e.nitextiauv. Six. negroes who wero in the Wido Awako parade at Uristol, on the 2d of Novem ber lat, were sent to tho Penitentiary for fifteen months, for assault and battery ou. William Asmond, on that evening. Four of them were sentenced to one year additional for breaking into, and com mencing to pull down tho house of Joseph. Downing, on tho samo night. Sarah. JIoDcrinot and John Dunn, wero sen tenced to ono year, for stealing ducks r John llciff, ono year for stealing a blaok cloth coat and other articles ; John Orris, ouo year and six mouths for ttcaliug a set of harness, kcDoylcsloitm Standard MAItRI A.GJ3S. At tho residenco of tho lirido's Father, inSugarloaf, Nov. 22d, by W. D. Fetcr man J. 1'. Mr. Geo. V. Mastem.eRi to Miss. Annie Minnie Forxis, all of Co lumbia county. Ou December Ut. in Dloomsburg, by tho ltev. D. J. Wnller.Jlr. Lewis Scituv leu, to Mis laiiiz.viiETii Jane I'.u'ieh- son both ot Greenwood twp,, (Jol. Co. DEATHS In Locust twp., on tho 0th imt., Mr. D-. D. K03-re.NBADEtt, agod about 23 years-