Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 08, 1860, Image 1

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LEVI L. TATE, Editor.
VOL. 14.--NO. 40.
YOL. 24.
Anti-Fugitlvo Slave Law,
of tins State.
LEVI L. TATE, Editor.
Douglas Disunlonists.
Mr. Douolas, it scorns, says the Cham
burg Valley Spirit, will have some of his
own warmest friends to shoot when ho en
lists as fifth corporal under old Abe and
goes South to put down the disunionists.
It will bo remembered that Mr John For
syth, who was let drop out of the Mexi
can mission because he wasn't fit to be in
it, came out with n flaming pronuticiametito
in favor of Douolas when ho found that
his hold on the administration was clean
gone. It will also be remembered that ho
got up a bogus Douolas organization in
Alabama, which played its part at Charles
ton and Baltimore, And it will likewise
be remembered that he and his paper, the
.Mobile Jlcgistcr, fought vindictively against
Dhckinhidoe all through the campaign,
nnd denounced the supporters of that gen
tleman as "scccsbionifts." Well, this same
ri Forsyth, in his paper of the 10th
int., says that "the first act of the Ala
bama Cunvuitlon should be to declare Al
abama out of the Union, and then pro
coed to form alliances with other Southern
States and with foreign nations.
As Foiisyth was ono of the few South
ern men that the Douulasites had to
brag on, wo would like to know what they
think of him, now. What will the Little
Giant do about this manifestation of dis
unionism f Will ho have it recorded in
history that ho took a stone from the brook
nnd trudged down to Mobilo and s'cw his
own Goliath? We venture to say ho
would rather get slewed himself.
And to which we will add that while
thunc arc the facts as regards thoso men ; the
organ of Mr. BiiECKlNliiDaE in Kentucky,
raid Mr. Breckinridge himself are out
in favor of Union. The 178,871 men who
voted for Breckinridge in Pennsylvania
have established their good sense and pa
triotiim; and it must ever bo a matter of
great satisfaction to them all, that they ara
iu no who rcponsiblo for the present state
of things. Thus the malicious charge
against Mr. Breckinridge and his friends
is proved false and groundless.
Got tlio best Detector.
Petersons' Counterfeit Detector and
Bank Note List for December has been
received by us, and is corrected by Drexcl
& Co,, the well-known Bankers aud Bro
kers, and it is the btst ami most reliable
Detector of Countercits and Altered Notts
published in this country. The number
issued this day fully describes Hjl'j Ntw
Counterfeits, and contains full descriptions
of all bogus bank notes that aro being al
tercd to suit various banks all over the
country, aud which aro being daily put
into extensivo circulation. It also con
tains several other pages of very valuable
information of everything pertaining to
bank notes. It has been considerably en
largcd, having now forty-eight pages in,
and contains fac-similes of thrco bogus
bank plates aud tho coat of arms of all
tho United States. Wo have no hesita
tion in pronouncing it tlio most complete
reliable and best publication of tho kind
in the United States, as it is not used to
(subserve tho interest of any banking-house,
lis most of tho so called Detectors are
It bhould be in tho hands of every store
keeper in tho whole country ; and wo
would adviso all persons who handle pa
per money to send Ono Dollar in a letter,
for a year's subscription, the publishers
and thus subscribe for tho monthly issuo
of it at once; or Two Dollars for the
ecrai-mouthly issue. It is published by
T. 11. Peterson & Brothers, No. 300 Chest
nut street, Philada., lo whom all letters
should be addressed.
Eighty Houses Consumed by Fire,
Tho large stables owned by Charles
Lsnt, at tho corner of Thirty-second street
nnd Tenth avenuo, New York, were
burned down on Sunday evening, and eo
out of 121 horses which were in the build
ing wcro burned to death. Mr. Lent's
loss is estimated at 810,000, and nono of
it is met by insuranoe.
We learn from tho Danville Intilligen
cir that Sheriff Blue has received from
tho Governor tho death-warrant of An
drew J. MoKinly,oonvictcd of tho murder
of John Shcvalin, no is to bo executed
en the firrt Friday of February next.
Last week wo gave a synopsis of tho
different laws existing in some of tho
Northern States nullifying tho Fugitivo
Slave Law. At that time wo wcro not
fully acquainted with the action of our own
State on this question, but, upon investi
gation, wo find that there exists upon our
statute books a law interfering with tho
laws ot the United States in reference to
tho return of fugitives from labor. This
law was originally enacted in 1847, aud
was gotten up uuder tho auspices of 0.
Gibbon, a leading Republican of Phila
delphia, at that time a Senator from that
city and also Speaker of the Senate. The
law as published below is taken from tho
Revised Penal Code as amended by Com
missionors Knox, King and Webster, who
wcro appointed by tho Legislature to do
this work under a bill entitled "An act to
consolidate, revise and amend tho Penal
Laws of this Commonwealth.'' Tho law
originally prohibited any judgo, justice of
the peace, or alderman from taking cog
nizance of the case of any fugitive from
labor, "under a certain act of Congress
passed on tho 12th day of February ,1703;'
and tho commissioners struck out tho
words wo have italicised, and inserted in
lieu thereof tho wordt "under any act of
"No Judgo of any of the Courts of this
Commonwealth, nor any Alderman or
Justice of tho Peace of said Common
wealth, shall have jurisdiction, or take
cognizance of the case of any fugitive from
labor from any of tho United States, or
Territories, under any Act of Congress ;
nor shall any such Judge, Alderman, or
Justice of tho Peace of this Common
wealth, issue or grant any certificate or
warrant of removal of any such fugitivo
from labor, under any Act of Congresi ;
and if any Alderman or Justice of tho
Peace of tilts Commonwealth shall take
cogoizance, or jurisdiction, of tho case of
ny such fugitive, or shall grant or issuo
any certificate, or warrant of removal, as
foresaid, thcn and in cither case, he
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor
in office, and shall, on conviction thereof,
be sentenced to pay, at the discrilion of the
Court, any sum not exceeding one thou-
anl dollars, the one-half to tho party
prosecuting for the same, and tho other
half to the uso of this Commonwealth.
f any person or persons, claiming any
negro or mula'lo as a fugitive from servi
lutle or labor, shall, under any pretence of
authority whatsoever, violently and tumul
tously, scizo upon and carry away to any
place, or attempt to seize and carry away,
in a riotous, violent, tumultuous and un
reasonable manner, and so as to disturb
or endanger the public peace, any negro
or mulatto within this Commonwealth,
either icilk or without the intention of ta
king such negro or muluVo before any
District or Circuit Judge, tho person or
persons so offending against tho peace of
this Commonwealth, shall bo guilty of a
misdemeanor ; and on conviction thereof
shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exceed
ing one thousand did'ars, and further to
be imprisoned in the County Jail, for any
period al the diserttion of the Court, nut
exceeding three months,' I
Our readers who have been priding
themselves with the belief that our old
Commonwealth has been true to tho Fed
eral compact, can now sco how sneakingly
this law attempts to carry out tho princi
ple of nullification. Thus any justice of
tho peaco or alderman who shall aid in tho ,
-.. i r e, .., i r: . .
CXCCUUOU Ul a law Ul IUU UI1IIVU uuii-o, JjJl
Railroad Disaster.
A FaiiengerCar Precipitated Into the Lehigh River,
Mauch Chunk, Aov. 20. Tho Beaver
Meadow passenger train, which left hero
at 11.15, this morning, was thrown from
tlio track at Bear Creek dam, by tho
breaking of a rail, and the passenger car,
containing somo twenty-eight persons, was
precipitated into tlio Lehigh river a dis
tance of about fifteen feet.
Four of tho passengers and the conduc
tor wcro drowned.
Tho announcement of tho catastrophe
caused an intenfo excitement among tho
'J. ho Vote of Virginia.
From the Richmond Whls ofNoY,26.
Sinco our laat publication of the table of
official returns, tho counties of Buchanan
and Gilmer have been heard from by tho
lows :
American Forests.
Tho London Times correspondent
writes :
There is something in tho ponderous
stillness of theso forests something in
In 174 counllct
before reported,
nuehaiian...... .
In 143 counlit'9...
. 117
, 1W) ,.
Tho figures now tand as fol- thclr viu torll) moJsy darkll0Sg, their ut
tcr solitude and mournful silence which
impresses tho 'ravclcr in a new aspect
.cos , each time ho sees t'lom which awake
ay ideas of melancholy which I wish I could
73,037 io.M'j 71,700 o7.on4 1 describe, though I cannot forget. In Up-
way at last, or at most stand thinly inter
mingled with gigantic beeches, tall hem
locks and ash, witli maples, birch and
wild sycamore, tho underwood of these
great leafy hills. Milo after mile and
Ltteher'i majority... 5.301
Ded't for Acc'inae
riell'i ma .4111
Tho counties of King and Queen and
I Clay have also been heard from officially
but from tho former only tho Breckinridge
oi mis town, it ucing thought ; , . , .., i hour after hour of such a route was pass
impossible that any could have escaped.- , . . ' . . ' ' cda dcc bIaelt solituj0i wilh Ilcro aml
BrcckinridM in Kim; and Queen is 255 l there a vista opening up, showing the mas
and for Bell in Clay 6-1, in Webster 13.
and in Wyoming 31. Net majority for
Breckinridge in theso four counties 127.
which deduct from -14G, leaves Boll's ma
jority in tho State 310, if tho reported ma
jorities aro correct, and wo have no reason
to question their accuracy.
It was certainly a miracle that so many
wcro enabled to cxtricato themselves from
tho submerged car.
Tho following is a list of the passengers
drowned :
Mrs. Farrow and sister, of Beaver
Meadow. The two Misses Smith, of Mauch
Chunk. Robert Nichols, tho conductor.
Mr. Hughes, formerly State Senator
from Schuylkill county, was on tho train,
and was among tho missing, but it has
sinco been ascertained that he saved him-
Voto of North Carolina.
Wo aro indebted (says tho Raleigh R eg
ister) to Graham Dawnes, Esq., Privato
self, and immediately started up tho road Secretary to Governor Ellis, for the official
to Wcatherby possibly to procure assist- Voto of the State of North Carolina, in tho
an co.
John P. Cox, Esq., Superintendent of
tho Lehigh Valley Railroad, and Egbert
Rockwell, Esq., of Easton, and several
prominent citizens of this place, wcro on
tho train, but they saved themselves before
the car went over.
Somo ten or a dozen of the passengers
were saved only through the utmost ex
ertions of tho hands on tho train who
mounted the car and broke away a portion
of the roof before it sunk entirely.
Mr. John Craig, ono of the passengers,
rok through the window , aud escaped iu
that way.
The car sunk in twenty feet of water.
The locomotive and tender were notthrown
from tho track.
Tho bodies of all tho victims of the dis
aster have been recovered.
second nisrATcn. Honorable mention
bhould bo made of tho praiseworthy con
duct of Mr. John Craig, of Lehigh Gap,in
in rescuing the passengers from tho sub
merged car. When tho car reached tho
water. Mr. Craig, who was in tho ear,
broke through tho wiudow, lacerating his
hands terribly aud wrenchiug off the iron
bars, crawled through the window, swam
to tho shoro and then running to tho engine
seized an axe aud swimming back to the
car, broke through the roof, aud aided in
rescuing ton or twelve passengers who oth
wiso might havo been drowned.
lato Presidential election. Tho following
is tho voto :
Breckinridge and Lane 48,530
Bell and Everett 44,000
sivo trunks, gray as cathedral ruins, which
boio tho rich o:inopy of leaves aloft. I
call it leaves, for even tho hurry of wri
ting would not excuso its being called a
canopy of green. Tho winter is closing in
fast upon tho sombre glory of tho forests,
and they stand in such glowing tints, f-ucb
deep rich scarlets, as if tho leaves wcro
steeped in blood ; such piles of glittering
yellows, of pinks, and quiet faded mellow
hues, that you gaze, lost iu admiration,
as hill after hill opens out iu sheets of
burning co'or, liko the last grand shower
of Nature's pyrotechnics before they close
in frost and snow and darkness for the
winter season. Crosslcy and other artists
may paint an American autumn, but who
can describe it! Look at tho monstrous
pine, that was barked la year, and which,
Breckinridge's majority 3,510
The Electors on the Douslas and John
son ticket received onlv 2701 votes in tho I all dead and white, seems to spread its
whole State. On account 0f informality an, shrivelled arms abroad liko Ikshlcss
in tho returns made hv tho Sheriffs of "ncs. tr'luS to stay !t:i faU- 0vcr tuc
Bladcd and Madison, tho voto of each of trunk a "ceper coincs, which, turned to
thoso counties was thrown out, and the ' P1) to purple, gold ami scarlet, uy a lew
How Sal Dlsgracod tho Family.
A traveler in the State of Illinois, some
years ago, came to a lone log hut on the
prairies, near Cairo, and there halted.
He wont into tho house of logs. It was a
wretched affair, with an empty packing
box for a labia, whilo two or three old
chairs and disabled stools graced the re
ception room, tho dark walls of which were
further ornamented by a display of dirty
tinwaro and a broken shelf article or two.
The woman was crying in one corner,
and tho man, with tears iu his eyes and a
pipe in his mouth, sat on a stool, with his
dirty arms resting on his knees, and his
sorrowful-looking head supported by the
palms of his hands. Not a word greeted
tho interloper.
"Well," he said, "you seem to be iu an
awful troublo.hero ; what's up '
"Oh, we aro almost crazed, neighbor,"
said tho woman; "and we ain't got no pa
tience to sco folks now."
'That's all right," said tho visitor, not
much taken aback by this polite rebuff;
"hut can I be of any service to you in all
this troublo 1"
"Well, we've lost our gal ; our Sal's
gone off and left us," said tho man in
tones of dispair.
"Ah, do you know what induced her to
leave you V remarked tho now arrival.
Well, wo can't say, stranger, as how
she's so far lost as to be induced, but then
she's gone and disgraced us," remarked tho
afilictcd father.
"Yes, neighbor, and not as I should
say it is her mother, but there warn't a
poctier gal in tho West than our Sal ; she s
Sheriff of Alleghany failed to mako any
return of the voto of that co unty.
nights' frost, droops iu festoons of color
like ragged, brilliant drapery ; but so
bright, so wild and graceful iu its quiet
curves, that il seems at once both more and
less than natural the work of a decora
tor iu its arrangement of colors, such as
only Nature's color3 ever give. In the
foreground stands a clump of trees, cluster
ing round in piles of gold, intermixed with
wild sycamores of light, quick green, red,
purple, crimson and almost blue. Behind
aro trees of every shade of autumn glory,
shall bo broko of his office aud be fined
SI ,000, one-half to bo pocketed by any
negro who bhall prosecute for the same,
whilo tho other half goes into tho coffers
of the Stato. Moreover, the owner of a
slave is threatened with fine and impris
onment, if ho shall attempt, un'ler am
pretence of authority u-ha'ivir, to carry
bis fugitive vio'ently before a District or
Circuit judge. As has been truly said,
well did tli3 Abolition author of this infa
mous law kuow that raro would be tho
case when a fugitive from labor could ba
takeu in any other manner than violent
ly; and thus insidiously did ho attempt
to deprivo the owner of tho services of his
fugitive by hanging over his head the loss
of his money aud the terrors of tho jail,
if he Bhould attempt to recover him.
To thoso leaders of tho Republican par
ty, and to their press, who aro daily be.
rating tho South for their attempted nub
lification, we cspacially recommend a con
sideration of this law, wiih the advice
that, when they shall havo removed tho
beam from their own eye, thoy will bo bet
ter entitled to epcak of the mote in others.
, Danvill Intelligencer,
Official Vote of Illinolse.
From the Chicago Tribune.
Tho result of the election in this State
for President is presented in our columns
this morning. We havo collected these re
turns with great care and havo confidence
, in their accuracy. In two election prci
1 cincts wo understand that tho voto for
; President was thrown out, on account of
some informality ,and a few other precincts
j were rejected on all tho candidates, for
similar reasons. But our tables embrace
tho who'e voto as east by the people. Our
aggregates will therefore be a fraction
larger than the footings of tho Secretary of
the Stato. Tho following is tho whole voto
cast for each Presidential candidate :
! Liucoln received 172,545
s " 170,510
"If I had Minded my Mother."
I went a few weeks since into a jail to sco
a young man who had onco been a Sabbath
School scholar.
Without all was beautiful tho green
fields, the sweet flowers, and tho singing of
tho birds, where as lovely as ever, but this
young man could enjoy none of those no,
never again could he go out, for ho was
condemned to death ! Yes, he had killed from fadcd goW to almost Uack) wUiic
a man, and now he himself miut die.- , qW h . deep-green pine,
fpt.!i. r .1 1.- a -1,1 1 ' . omy u.uj JUa.s uiVu uucUanKeilulo in its solemn featur,
jci a murutror. ,, I Canada itself, with a ho-t of umbrageous
I sat down beside lain and talked with , ' , , 0 ,
, . ..r,, -,, . 1 dcseiters tound it in wrinkled brown and
him. "Oh," said he, as the tears rolled , ,
, , . , , ,,v v, . 1 faded leaves of aVi hues, rustling to the
uowu ins cucciis, - i uiu not, uicau iu uo . . - -
1.,.. T ,- ,i.i, . T ,,. r.n.1 wind with a sharp dry crackle as tho 'fall
. - T1 . .T t . T , ... , comes 011 them. Let any one who can lorm
' mini, -,mn i1n:nvSnt!nn imnninn tilil.U linrth
I.!.,, fll, if T l.n.l i.,i,l,l ,.r mntLnr T ouvu l'uv' 'I' - -rv..
, ',, ' , . .1, t t it miles of this forest scenery bathed in all
bhould never havo coino to this I 1 Bhould . J
iuu ums 01 11 sionny suiisui, wuu uin uuu
vale, mountain and river bank deep
Breckinridgo received.
Total voto ca't 342,212
Lincoln over Douglas .... 11 000
Liucoln over all 4.878
Four years ago the vote cast was :
For Fremont 00,lsO
For Buchanan 105,343
For Fillmore 37,444
Total voto 230,031
Increase in four years. ..103,131
The Republicans have increased in
four years 70,350
Tho Democrats, both wings added 57,473
Tho Americans have lost 32,500
Illinoiso stands fourth in the list of vo
ting States, being next to Ohio, and not
far behind her.
Official Voto of Kentucky.
Louiiville, Nov. 24. The following
is tho official rote of tho State :
Bell and Everett, 00,010 ', frecly to all "
lireckinriugc ua,oou
Douglas, 25,014
Lincoln, 1,300
never have been here 1" ;
It would have mado your heart soro, as
did mine, to sec and talk with him. Once
he was a happy playful ohild liko you;
now ho is a poor condemned young man. i
He did not mind his mother, did not gov- .
cm his temper, and as ho grew older ho
went with bad boys, who taught him bad
habits; and ho became worse and worse, i
until, as he taid, when drunk, killed a )
man; and now, after a few weeks, he mut
suffer tho dreadful penalty. As I lcfi him
ho said : I
"Will you pray for mo?" and ho added
"Oh ! tell boys everywhere to mind their
mothers, and keep away from bad compan- .
ions. "
We have further accounts of tho outra
ges and murderers by Montgomery 'sband
in Southern Kansas. Largo numbers of
families were leaving Bourbon and Linn
counties in consequenco of threats of vio
lence. Much insecurity was also felt in
Missouri, and largo numbers of slaves
have been sent to Clinton for security.
Tlio Sheriff of Bates county had been re
quested to raise a volunteer force to pro
tect tho border. Meetings are being held
in all tlio border counties of Missouri to
take meafuro of protection, and supply
themselves with arms. The Missouri vol
unteers encamped at Calhoun. Montgom
ery was still in the vicinity of Fort Scott.
Always Ahead An exchango paper
says " Pennsylvania mado tho first turn
piko road in the United States, laid the
first railroad, established tho first water
works, ran tho first locomotive, established
the first hospital, tho first law fchool, the
first public museum, tho first hall of musio
and tho first library in tho world opened
Let her uow bo the first lo
blot from her Statute Book every act that
J can bo construed as nullifying any portion
of our glorious Constitution.
To Mothers.
My Dear Friends ;I cannot let this
blessed Christmas-lime go by without send
ing you a word of affectionate greeting
of thanks, for tho kindly interest you havo
so often manifested in tho most chorished
purposo of my life. That interest has
given mo courage when I most stood in
need of it, and upheld my failing hands ;
renewing my reverence for tho work to
which I am called, and comforting me with
tho assurance that tho seeds of goodness
and truth, sown abroad by The Little
Pilgrim, havo not fallen 'on stony places.'
1 have to thank you for sending mo
every now and then, bright home-pictures,
that have fallen like glad sunbeams on my
path. My heart, dear friends, has ech
oed all your household music and laught
er. I have to thank you as well, (though
it grieved mo,) for telling mo how into
some of tho homes to which our Little
Pilgrim had been called. Death had en
tered uncalled, leaving shadow and silenco
in the place of the joy-light of happy lovo,
and the music of childish voices. Again
and again has my soul been drawn by tho
sacred sympathy of fonow, within n be
reaved family circle, or to stand with a
weeping mother beside a little green mound,
hiding what was but yesterday the delight
oi her eyes, and tho pride of her life
source of a thousand hopes and fears
subject of a thousand prayers.
In this happy, yet solemn Christmai
season, may the spirit of Christ the Lord
be born anew in our hearts in holv char.
gone and brought ruin onus and on her ity, ;n peace ;n iovo for M mankind, in
own head, now," followed the stricken .especial lovo for the little ones such as
mother. Ho once took in lus tnnririr nrmq. .tn1
"Who has she gone with!" asked the permitted to look close into his hcavonlv
visitor. eves, full of compassionate TearmW.
"Well, there's tho trouble. The gal wki!c his lips uttered for them and for all
could havo done well, and might have
married Martin Kchoe a capital shoema
ker, who although he's got but one eye,
children, the divino benediction.
I can but feci that we shall join hands
for another year's pilgrimage ; but if somo
plays tho flute in a lively manner, and ' 0f you must fall away, why, to such and
earns a good living. Ihcn look what a
homo and what a lifo she has deserted.
She was hero surrounded by all the luxury
in the country," said tho father.
"Yes, who knows what poor Sal will
have to eat, drink or wear, now," groaned
the old woman.
"And who is the feller that has taken
her into such misery V
"Why, she's gono off and got married
to a critter called an editor, as lives in tho
to all, wo say a merry Christmas, a hap
py New Year, and God bless you t
Little Pilgrim.
Newspapers. A child beginning to
read becomes delightod with newspapers
because ho reads of names and things
which are very familiar, and will make
progress accordingly. A newspaper in one
year is worth a quarter's schooling to a
child, and every father must consider that
village, and tho devil only knows how they substantial information is connected with
aro to aim a living 1"
this advancement. The mother of a fam
ily, having more immediate chargo of a
firrr-r. to T.rrr Sn ilr-.K. sr. ' lainilV, S110UIU UerSClI DC instructed. A
soon forgotten. 'Tis the way of the mmd so occupied becomes fortified against
world. Wo flourish for a while. Men the ills of life, and is braced for tho cmer
takous by the hand, and aro anxious 1 gency. Children amused by reading or
about the health of our bodies, and laugh ! study, arc of course considered more easily
swathed in gorgeous robes of hues like at our jokes, and wo really think, like tho to manage. How many thoughtless young
these, and ho can then form a poor fly on the wheel, that we havo something ' mcn liav0 spentthcir evenings in grog shops
though but a poor idea ot what Aorta j to do with the turning Somo day I wuo oug"1 10 uavo Deen at nom,J reacting
Aiuuricau wuuury J.s uuiiujj irn; j-uiuuu . dio aniJ ar0 pU;,cll, 'Juo un never
summer, that bright, quiet, treacherous
forciuuner of the severest winter in
stops for our funeral ; every thing goes on
as luual ; we aro not missed in the streets
men laugh at new jokes ; one or two
hearts feel the wound of affliction, one or
two memories still hold our names and
A qenius out West conceiving that
. . ,. , forms, but the crowd moves on in its dai
wood would facilitate its burning, directed , , . , . . .,
a small btream from tho keg upon the ,
pile ; but not possessing a hand
sufficiently quick to cut this off at a desi
rable moment, was blown into a million
pieces. Tho coroner for tho occasion rea
soned out this verdict : "It cau t be called
suicide, because ho didn't mean to kill
himself; it wasn't 'visitation of God,' be
cause ho wasn't struck by lightning; he
he didn't dio for want of breath, for ho
hadn't anything left to breathe with ; its
plain he didu't know what ho was about ;
so I shall bring in ''Died for want of
common sense
ly circle; and in thrco days the great
waves sweep over our steps, and wash out
tho last vestige of our earthly footprints.
A Turn- oe the Wheel. Somo years
since an honest and efficient deck hand on
board an eastern steamboat, fell off a
plank with a box of goods whilo at a land
ing. The captain is said to have mutter-
ingly called out to save the box and let
the man go. That honest deck hand is
now the master of a steamboat on ono of
the oldest lines in the country, but that
captain has gone down the ladder. Dan-
i gor Timts,
Vermont. Judge Thomas, a Demo
cratic member of the Legislature, has in
troduced a bill to repeal tho "personal
liberty act" of Vermont. This is a step
in the right direction, but we fear the Re
publican majority in tho Vermont Legis
lature will defeat the measure.
A country editor says tho only punish
ment equal to the desserts of a man who
strikes a woman, would be to placo him
on the back of a hard trotting horse, and
make him collect newspaper accounts for
the rest of his life.
Never go to bed at ten, leaving yonr
wife up till two with a sick baby, and
look pitchforks at her at tho breakfast-table
next morning, because that meal is
half an hour too late.
A farmer onco hired a Vcrmonter to
A little fellow, eight years old, who
. -.1 . - it.- ... u
, ,, . , ., . , i ' assist in drawing logs. Tho ankee when
was asked by a lady if he did not havo , 4 i .
, . , ., , , , . , there was a log to lift, generally tried to
fears as to whether he would get along in ; , . . , .. .
... secure tho smallest end, for which the far
life. The child looked up with a mcr cd M and told him always
plcxcd and inquiring eye, as if uncertain . .
Quite a number of members of Congress
have reached Washington preparatory to
the opening of the session cjj Monday,
A fire in Boston on Sunday the 2d inet.,
destroyed property to the amount of -26,-000.
of her meaning, and troubled with a new
doubt. "Why," said he, "don't you think
God will tako care of a feller, if he puts
his trust in him, and does the best he can.
A fellow was doubting whether or not
ho should volunteer to fight. Ono of tho
flags waving beforo his eyes bearing tho
inscription, "Victory or Death," somewhat
troubled and discouraged him. "Victory
is a very good thing,'' said ho; "hut why
put it Victory or Dsath t Jut put it
Victory or Crippled, aud 111 go that;'
with it a sugar loaf Indian pudding. Jon
athan sliced off a generous portiou of the
largest part, giving the farmer the wink,
and exclaimed : "Always tako the butt
Never, perhaps, arc children doarer to
their parents than when, as at present, tho
price of bread and meat is excessive'
A soldier being asked if ho met with
much hospitality while ho was in Ireland,
replied :" That be was in tho hospital
nearly all tho time ho was there."
BAUTY is the weapon with
many woman commit suicide,
Porter s SriRiT of tho limes has an
account of a dreadful old fellow, who
would rather tell a lie on bix month s
credit than tell the truth for cash I The
idea is decidedly original.
A MAN who pretends to bo what ho is
sot, Is like a fox which triod to look w
noble and strong a . tiger.
Absence diminishes little passions and
arguments the larger ; as wind extinguishes
the flame of a candle, and makes a fire
burn tho brighter.
The E'cctoral College of Pennsylvania will
assemble at Hamsbm'g, on Wednesday
TnE Tyrone and Lock Haven Rail
road was sold for S51, 000, to satisfy tba
claims of contractors.
No man can avoid bis own company
to be had beet aiks- it as good as psea'n;