Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 24, 1860, Image 4

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    Agricultural Department,
Tlio nrftctirtn nf fonrllnrr Iiav nnrl fitraw
f 4i . i . . i i.
- , , .
lliany fanners COUtltlUG to UO tht When
... ..... .it i fi
With ft ltttlo extra labor, 0U0bail or more
it iti .
COllld bO sarCU. A largO amount Ot pro
!.. iii i
Vender IS in tlllS manner trOUUCll Under
rit.ii i xr i p .i l
foot by the aUlinalS. Not linfrcquently it
L.t . .i , i i j i
nppcllS that tllO Stack IS unucrminca by
U,'.. .1!., . ;4 r..liUt,
the COUStant "nibbling nt its lOUndatlOU,
n.1 i 1
and talis to tho ground, thereby causing
an additional waste. G rasses arc annually
becoming of moro value, and should not
lin 11er.1l nrndi'cynllif Tim npnnnininil novl
1)0 USCU prOUIgallV. 1110 economical Way1
U In fppil Inv etriw rnrn.tn1k .Vn ,
10 Iceu uaJi straw, com-staiK3, io., i
from racks constructed about the barn
yard, or, what ia better etill, if possible,
to draw all sucli provender to tho bam,
and feed it out from under cover.
Now that the cold season is Betting in,
let tho cows, especially the milk-givers,
have all needful attention. They should
be well homed and well fed. Tho stables
fLouUI bo just moderately warm, well ven
tilated, clean, and provided with suitablo
beddinir. A -si Jo from tho mere matter of
food and drink, tho animal should bo kept
comfortable. This matter can hardly bo
over- estimated.
Then, as to fodder : part of this, of
course, should bo straw,and hay, and corn
stalks ; but to expect cows to givo much
milk oa such lean faro, is folly. F.tTor
them with messes of chopped roots, of cut
etravr, or stalks mixed with meal of some
kind. A favorito '' mess'' for cattle, with
a friend of ours is this : Cut up hay, or
straw, or stalks, in pieces not moro than
tin inch, or inch and a half long, put the
provender in a tub or tight box, and pour
boiling water upon it j then sprinklo on a
little salt, and cover tho wholo with a little
bran or meal to keep tho steam in. When
cold, feed it in messes of a bushel at a
tiuio. Good as this is, it should bo varied
from time to timo, for cows liko variety,
as well ns men. Cows should bo salted
two or three times a week. In mild weather
they should rango by day in a commodi
pus yard, pro'ected on two tides, at least,
by covered sheds. And ihis yard should
have a panstcck of running water, or a
trough kept full from a good pump : tho
first is tho best.
All lauds, except light loams and sandy
soils, arc benefitted by fall plowing, un
less tliey are exposed to washing. Steep
bill should never bo plowed in tho fall,
unless you bow thorn immediately with
grain or grass feed, to furnish roots to
hold tho soil iu place.
Hut all heavy loami ling flat, and
clays, aro greatly benefitted by fall plow
ing. The teams are generally in the best
condition for plowing' at this season.
They havo had good pasturago through
tho summer, and, as a rule, havo less to
do in the winter and spring. It puts tho
spring work very much ahead to havo all
tho green sward turned over in tho Fall.
However much of this may doncthc teams
will havo enough to do in tho Spring, in
carting manure, cross plowing, harrowing,
and getting ready for sowing and plant-,
In tho Fall, Iho lands that nro most
benefitted by plowing, are generally in
tho bast condition for tho operation. In
the spring they aro often bo wet that they
cannot bo plowed until May or June
Now they aro dry, and will crumblo as
thoy are turned over.
By plowiug now, they aro prepared to
reccivo the full benefit of tho action of the
frost, rain and snow through tho Winter.
There aro no disintegrators liku tho ele
ments. Stiff clays aud hard pans aro
::iado looso and friable by these expoiurcs.
The moro rough and broken they aro left
by tho plow, the better. Then there arc
rougn pauuro swarils lull ot lirusu nnd
rank weeds, aud reclaimed swamps with a'
it i i p e .i . . . '
UllCl; turl 01 swamp crashes, tllUt are best .
tubduod by tearing them up now. They
freezo and thaw through tho Winter, aud
little lifo ij left in them by Spring. I
Uesides this, plowing has an important
infiuenco upon insect lifo. Many insects
burrow in tho earth, and if left undisturb -
, . ,t L ,i ie . . .
Oil COIllO lortll WltU now life in tUO Snrine.
-Ljuwiuir uuturus muir jnier arrange-'
incnts aud kills millions of their larvru. I
At thu season tho foil may bo cafely
plowed deeper than iu tho Spring. Tho
inch or two of yelloir soil will undergo
important changes before Spring. Ame
rican Agriculturut,
Smut i.n Wheat Asotiibii Preven
tine. A writer in tho Prairie Farmer
mixes a peck of fresh slaked limo with
ton bmhols of seed wheat, and lets it stand
on the floor, or in bags, n few days beforo
Sowing running it through a fanning
,:it 1 , l.-i si:,-, i. t -s
mill tbo last tmug, 80 as not to
maKO It
unpleasant Landling. This ho thinks a
certain preventive
Ta Make Lemov Pie Our or Tuit
kips. ako it turnip and aro and boil
U o,i,1 c c.A.l f 4.-: i . i
, aua a tea-spoonful of tartaric acid and
,.n nf4, or,J .,r.
ti cup oi sjgar, ieaton and bake as an ap-
'crlf' ,
important national works,
310 and 349 Jlroathvay New York.
Tli a following vrorksare tcntto8ubcrincrsltia.nypatt
tfthuc"untry,fuponrtceipli'frt-tail price,) by mail or
cspres prepaid.
Dictionary of General Knowledge, Kdited by donas
Uir-tcv atiJ Chari Es A, Dana, aided by a numerous se
lect corps of writer" in alt branches ofPciencies, Art and
Literature. Thli work li being pnbtished hi about IS
largo ottavo volumes, each containing 750 two eolmii
t ages. Vol a one tu nine, Inclusive, are now rcady.each
.tnlnlnltiv npnf J Allll .H,l... A.. r,Mi,ln...l
volume will butmbliihed once tn about three month
lrle,lnClolii, $3; Shccp.M 50 llalfMor. 5l Half
UUBB1R, 91
The New American Cyclopaedia ta popular without nee.
lng superficial, learned but not pedanlc, comprehensive
hattuMclcnily ditalted, free from personal pique, and
party prejudice, freshanrt jetnecurate. It lia complete
statement ofall that is known upon every Important ton
tc with the scope ofhumnn intelligence. Every import.
0,11 article in it has been specially written for (ta pages
hv men wlionro authorities umm the tonlen whirl.
they speak. Tliey are required to bring the subject unto
the present moment to itatejun how it standaiow. All
the statistical information Is troiu tho lattit ri port si tbu
geographical accounts keen paco with the latest eiplorn
tinng t historical matters include the freshest lust view a
the biographical notices not only speak of the dead, but
olaoofttiu living, It is n library of linetf.
AHRiMUNTur mc uiBuorLMC! on
The work n ill be complied In IS roynl octavo volumes
M-m nciciullll of uhlrhnri) now rsnilv. An n.1,11.
tional tulunie nillbo published once In three inomlii.
L.,mh s3. Lnw BhMl s3 i0. ,alf Jluri $t( Ulf
Calf St 5u each.
form a club of four, and remit the nrlccof four hook..
ami Are copies n ill be tent at the remitter's expense ti r
carriHge.or lor ten .ubrcriucraclclcncooie. uilt be scut
at our vipeniu lor carnage.
TU AUtiaNm
No other works will o liberally reward the cxertlona
Pi.tseDii. tn UEnr wihilu in t mm lohitv.
Terms nindc known ou application to tho rubhehura.
isov. jh, lew.
A.stacc oJustah B. JJodson.
The underpinned, auditor appointed by the Court ff
Common l'len of Culunibia Countvtoditrihtitf tin i.,n.
cy returned by the ihcrliT, ns raised nut of the halo
of the real estate of Joslah II, Dodsnn anionic the
rredltnrs of the said todon, according to law, will at-
iwiiu in uiuuuiifo ui in nppoinimnni, ai ui mre, lit
IftounuburtT, on Tuesday, the 2Uh day of N'otembcr.A.
D. le!t0, at IU o'clock In th fur iiooh ; when nnd where
all pcrons ha inji claims airnlnst the said Iodou, arc
requested to present the same, or be debarred from coin
iiigin upon said fund.
t nn WESLCV WIUT, Jtudittr.
October 20, 1?C0. 4ts.
Estate of J. it. DgvU deceased.
TIiennderslsned.Duditor oppohted bv the Orphan's
Court of Column ia County, to distribute tho assets in tho
hands ofllenjamin I. Partner, administrator of the citato
of J. R, Hat is, late of Columbia County, deceased ac
rordinf tothe ratennnd proportions established by .law,
will attend to the duties' of fits appointment, ut his otliw
in Illooinsburfr.on Wednesday, Ilia th day of IVoreiii
ber, A. I). ldt.o, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon ; when and
where all persons having claims against tho said estate
shalll present the same, or bu dibarrcd from coming,- in
October 60, 1?C0, 4ta.
Pliotogrrapliy Upon Porcelain
Secured by lettf r patent ju the United tstatef,
England, France, and Eulgiuiu'
The American Photographic Porcelain
Company , A'o. 781 Broadway N, Y.
ha ins secured their novel and ingenious invention by
American and Kuropeau patents, nro fultv prepared to
execute all orders lor .Miniature Likeness of I'ersous on
China, presenting all the attractive and advantageous
features of ordinary photographs, the brilliancy nnd fin
ish of a water-cnli'r draw lug, and u hitherto uuuttaiued
quality of durability, by beiiin rendered us inipcrisliabK
as the natural properties of the articles upon which they
are transferred.
As the patented proces of the Company enables the
reproduction of I'liotographs, not only on plain surface,
but upon fitch as arc round orefauy degruo of irregu
lant) portraits can be reproduced with faut1eg accu
racy, and dtlirary nf delineation, upon 1'orcelalii wares
of any description and rlimciisioti tided ns artUlesof lux
ury or of household utility, such as Uius, Vasls, Kruk
tAsr Ct'fs, Toilkt Arhclls, thereby secunnc faith
ful portraits and furnishing n unique and cxduisite stjle i
cf tirua mentation ofartitles in domestic use.
In order to fuminh facilities for the gratification of the
popular taste, and to meet the wants of thosj patrons of
the Pine Arts desirous of having I'urtraiu on Porcelain,
the Company hate Imported from K a rope a collection of
superior pontluin giroda, manufactured tu their own or
dcr, which they sell at cost piices.
As the American Company arj owners of the patent
right, nnd consequently tho only permits authorized to
use the process, they have determined, in order to alford
I'eopld in ttery Heciion of tlm Union an .qiporluiuty to
poness Portraits on China, to nuke the following propo
sition to residents In the Country, vlm are unable to vis
it persouallj the Atelier and (Jalleries in New York.
Persons vending a photograph, nmbrotpc, or dagueer
rentype to the otllec of (lie Company in Svw York, ar
rompmiied by Pivo Dollars, w ill receive in rttum by ex
press, tree oi utheriharge, a richly ornamented Hreak
last Cup and Saucr, with the portrait transferred there
on. Ily traiismiltine a daguerreotype and Ten Dollari.thoy
will seuire in like manner, n iiundsome 1'rench Yae or
Tone i article, wtui tne portrait reproduced by the paten
ted process.
Cy sending a pair of dagcrrortypes and Fifteen Dol
lars, tluywill recive in return apairofrMi Sevres, Va
ncs.witli the portraits to miniature p lint
ingu ; and, in like manner, portraits can bu reproduced
on poacelain wares or Vases of every quality of ftnith,
ranging in price from twenty to One Hundred Dollars
the pair.
X. J!. Be particular in writing the address.tnwn .coun
ty and State distinctly. All Utters t be address to
LAIN t'O . 7il Itroadvvay, .Niw York.
Oct. 5, l-C0,-3m.
T IIP. undersigned is also extensively engaged in the
tfudertaiim a tluttmut . ft nil k (.-na rnntl.i nil v im li.-iml
i nd fur sale at his Warerooms, a large assortment of
nywiiiriiiioi.enai.ii-d w nu onier. on prcM-MMimi
Also Keep, a kooiI llor.u mid llearno, and will at ul
'" l ready to attend runercl.
liloomshurg, January 20, less.
OlAlUn U. Dlll.l..
Mantilla Emporium.
1 No. ;os cheitnut street, Philadelphia.
I Eitablished in 1Kj3 for tho exclusive ill. play and .ale,
of Uio latest novelties in I'aris, London and the finer
nrnillirtions of home inntiiirii ti.rn.l
i u w men lias neen auucu a
Which embraces the largest assortment of
Real Russian Palle,
1'ine Dark Hudson Day Bablc,
Russian and American Mink Sable,
Royal Ermine, Chinchilla,
Fine Dark Siberia!) Hiuirrct, Ace.. A;c
made up In the most fashionable .l)le, fur Ladic. Win.'
ter Costume.
One Fixed 1'ricu troiu which nodevlatiou can bo made.
The I'aris Mantilla, Cloak and Fur Emporium, No. 70S
Chestnut st., (above Eleventh, south side,)
Pept. 30, kM-3m.
milUI-iopriclcrortii, well knownand centrally loca
til Honso, tho Exchanui: HoTbl., situate on Main
icii iiouHu, iim Liviujus iiincw aiiuaitf -u main
Ptrett, in Ulooinsburgi iuutitdiutely opposite the Coluin
ua t-ounty wun iiousc, respecuuuy laionus ma inciidf
and too public in general, that his House is now in or
dcr fr the reception andentcrtainment of travelers who
may feel disposed to favor it with their custom. He has
(pared no expense in preparing the Ilxciuxne, for the
entertainment of Jus guests, neither shall there be any
thing wanting (on his part) lo minister to their personal
com fort. His house is spaciuus and enjoys an excellent
Omnibuses run at alt times between the Exchange
iigui and the various juii itoad Denou. bv which irv.
tle will be pleasantly conveyed to and from the re I
.pcctivfeutieusindus tiiaeto mceithecars. j
f looniiburj, Jul MEM.
r.ivitn ooni'L.iiXT,
An-i the various atTocUons consequent upon a disordered!
Snch as Indigestion, Aridity of thr Stomach, Ccllclty Patnr,
Ilp&rtburn, Iaws of Appetite, lnpondency. CostivenosH,
Dtlnd and Weeding riles. In all Nervous, luicuinailc, and
Neuralgia AlTectlous It hss in numerous I out Alices proved
highly benenelsl, and In others eftVctod a decided cure.
This Is a purely vegetable coryrouud, prepared on ptrictly
(telentlfle principles, after the unnner of th selebriiUd
HollAnd I'rofensor, Iksrhavc. Its reputation at homepro
tlucihl Its Introduction hei-e, tho demand commencing with
the of tho Fatherland urattercd over tho fnco of this
mighty country, lunnv of uhom brought ytth thorn aud
handed down the tradition of Its value. ( it now offrrtd
to-tht American jultir, Unwind thai itt truty reonutrtd
tnMi'cifwi virtu tm tut It acXtifntWtftd.
It Is particularly reroinnwndwl to thofio perom ithoso
CoDEtltutSona may hare lieon iiupalrel by the continuous uni
i.f ardent spirits, or othor forni of disi-lpatlon. Generally
Inftantaneous In eflvct. It Cndi its way directly to the sent
of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, mining up the
drooping spirit, aud, lu fact, Infusing new health and vigor
In the ft stem.
NOTJCK. Whoever experts to find this a beverage w 1,1
1 disappointed ; but to the ekk, weak and low spirit, It
will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, noueascd of singular
remedial properties.
The Genuine highly concentrated liu-rhave's ITdlsnd
Hitters Is put up In half pint littles only, and retailed at
Ovt DotURierUittKor tlx tattles for VivxDouakb. The
great denmut for this tl uly eefebnte! Mwlfclna has induced
many Imitations, which the public should guard against
ffj5- How are of Tniposltion. See that our tuuno la ou the
label of every lottle you buy.
Sold by SroggUts generally. It can be forwarded
by Express to most points.
KArtUFAOinaiNO "
glutrmartulisls itml (Khdnisis,
For Pate by G. M, Ilavnbuch, Druggist. IilooinrburB Ta
Oct, 27 ISoO.
Chartered by tho Stato of Pennsylvania.
1. Money i. received every diy, and In any amount
largo or .mall.
2. I'lVi: l'i:il CUNT Interest U (laid for money from
the day it U put iu.
X 'I lie moii.-y iiu!wnyii paid back in GOLD, wlitnev.
cr it i. called for, nnd without notice.
4. .Money it) reieived from lUccutora, Jtdministralori.
Ounnttant aud others w lio desire tu liac it iu n plaru 1 1
perfect pafety, and where iutcrcM can lie obtained fur it.
.1. Tin. moiiev rereived from dcnoMlor, invested in
Ral fjitatc, Mortftigtt, Ground Jlcnli, nnd such other
fir! i in spetintieH as the Charter directs.
t. Otfice Hours livery day from 0 till 5 o'clock, end
on Monday! and Thursday till 8 o'clock in the evening.
Hon. IIU.NKY I.. IIUN'MUl, Vntulrnt.
IlOltFUT jSnLPKIUCy, 'ic Pruident.
Wm. J, IIesd, Secretary.
Hon. Henry L. Tenner,
Francis Lee,
P. Carroll Ilrovviter,
Josepli it. Hurry,
Jose jili Ycrks,
Htnrv Uiiri-ndtrfler.
laivvaru j,. uarter,
ltob.rt Helfridge,
Saiuiii I K. A di ton.
C. LandrUh Muuus
U 1'' If l U J-J :
Walnut ttrtet, South West Corner of Third Slrecf,
April 10. IW. Ana. 1 1, f Feb. 1,
CArstaut Street.
Phttnil el Phta. have on
2ninil Hl-l SrliM, " ""l " ' "Su "MOIlllieni ci i ir
SKfSSEWS Thief proof balamander s.if-s,
isy'i jri'11 't,n". f'" "anks and
VrCSvtt " I.1'"' 'n er iron .uh, all
r-l,oJ.ia4,,a,- W1 nquaiw any iiuuu
in the United States,
Fire Sfe in one fry. Jilt cam out right; Kith con.
tents tn qood condition.
The Salamander Safes of Philadelphia ngainst the
have had the surcbt demofatratioii in tho following rcr
tiflcate thft their mauufaiture of H.ilamander Fnf-s has
nt length fully warranted inn representations which have
been made of them ns rendering an undoubted security
against the tern lie element.
Philadelphia April 12. 1?5H.
Messrs, F.rans ft Watson; Ceiltlenien-lt nllords us
the liigliest p-itifirtion to ttatii to joit, that owing to
the very protective qualities nf two (Jf lm. Halamander.
fcvifes which we purch.iHed of you somo five month since
we saved n large portion of jewelry, and all our books,
&C exposed to the (aluminum, fire in It jiiatcad place on
til" morning nt tho 1 1th inwt..
Whn we reflect tut them safes wrro located in the
fourth sfory of the building we occupied and that they
fell subsequently intoa hiup of burning ruins, whtre the
vast concentration of the heat caused inn brass ptntes to
melt, we cannot but regard the preservation of their val
uable contents tn iimst convincing proof of the greut he
cunty ntrorded by your pale.
Wo shall tukn great pleasure in recommr-ndin; them to
men of business as a sure rehaucw acainst tire.
(JKOIHJI. W. FIMMONS Sc. PUO., ,euselltrs,
DvThey have since purchased tlx largo Safes.
An?ust 'X, lCW.
i have avalualde recipe for making Honey, which I
w ill Bund to any person upon the rectlpt of 5 cents we
make aud uee it niour family at half the tost, anil eon
eider it as goo- as the befi article of genuine bee nade
Honey, "from tehirh if cannot be told." Any pern who
will make and si.ll it and clear trom S3 to SJ a day it
only requires four articles to make it, and they can be
had ut any store for 5U cent, livery fimily may have
tin delightful luxury or any lady ran make it in J j ntjn.
utci at uuy time. 'Jhreu cunt poEUge ttamp as rood as
The PulaeM Tints, publiched nt llawkinville, Ceor
gia, of Thursday, March 3d, ,ay; Dr. K.umli, (,f thu
county, preccnu ua with a beautiful tinkle of Htnv.
equal, If not superior to any thing we ever paw. 'jhc
honey U manufactured by Mru. Bmiui, according to the
direitiuiiK given In a receipt, which the purchased of
Dr. J. P. Cue aq eh, lialtimoroCity, Md. Any pirsoii can
gtt thitf receipt for making honey, aud be independent of
tho hooey-bce, by w ritiug, w 1th 50 cent, to
Da. J. P. t'ltllAUEK,
No. So3 We a Baltimore tit., Baltimore, Md.
tVpt.ii, lt-0'i.
i 'PHI! undersigned would inform the cilizeni of
.wy J Uloonittliurif and vicinity, that lie had jutt re
JbmI t'ived und olfcrulor lalunneof theinoitexteiiivo
WZX nitortmenu ofCOOKINOand FANUV STOVPrt,
ever Introduced into thismurket. The Christopher Co.
lumbui, Jaines Uobb and titobe are among tho lint rlasi
cookiugfjtoveii.all of which arc air tight nnd gas burners.
His Parlor toves are handsome and the assortment va
ried. ALSO Particular attention is tiaid to Tin-ware.
and House Spouting, upon thort notice. All kinds of
repairing will ue Uuuc wiUi mutness und dciidtch.
H Country produce taken in exchange for work.
P. ooimburg, Oct. 3,
rpilil underiijfiied respectfully informs tho citizens of
A. luuunisuurff, una me people oi uoiuihuiu, county
generally, that he has just procured from the East, a
largo ana varied aihorunem ui
Including all the modern styles to Lo seen and for tale
at his establishment, in the Uloomsburg Post Oilico.
l'aperm? executed in superior style, ut moderate prices
and on short notice.
UT" Persons having houses to paper will find it to
their advantage tu give him a call and examine his stork
Eloomsburg, Sept. 1?, IrfC0.-3ru.
rnllH undersigned, having opened a New frtore, on
X Main girett, u fktw doors South rf Iroa Street,
lllooiutburg, und stocked it with the best Prands of all
kinds Imported J jquors t will be happy to supply the
trade on the must accvuuandaUng terms and at unusually
low prices.
3" Public Custom is respectfully imjkrl.
I! loom lbs rf, My 7. HM. Jtgtnt,
MM Company.
.nomine &
To tho Citizens of New Jersey and Pennsylvania,
Fat vatic Families,
Wulft$ Pure Cepnne Brandy.
Uotff9 Part JitadtHa, Shtrry nnd Pott Uln,
li'otft's Pur Jamaica and Af. Vroiz Hum.
Ji'etfe' Pure Scotch and frlik HMtslff,
I beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of I ho
United Htatea til tho above Wink ri iid LtijLOits, imported
vj uirnnm ul.tb, ! li'liv, IMiflij IlillHU IB 1.1-
miliar lu every part of this country for the puniv of his
cilcbratt-d Schiedam Bciinappb. Mr. Woittt, in his letter
to mo, t pen king i if tliil purity of his Wines nnd Liquors,
si) s. " 1 will stuku my reputation ns a uuin, my stan
ding nsu nierchatit of thirty years' resldmrolii the City
of New York, that all tint tlmidy ntid Wines which 1
bottle are pure us imparted, and nt'liie best qulit , and
cm be relied upon by tvtry pur.'haier," I. very hottl- tho proprietor's name on the wax, and n t'nc simile of
Ills signature on the certlll'-jit-. The public are respect'
fully in v lied lo call and eitmilne for thmees. For
themselves. Pir sale titiUrAiL by all Apothecaries and
C racers In ThiLidrlphia.
CooRbk II. Asuro.i, N'n. Market ft.. Philad'n.
bote Agett for Philadelphia,
Head the following from tlm .New Vork Courier;
I Kvormou Itutint for one Aim York Merchant, We
are happy to Inform our fellow-citizens that there is one
place in our city where the physiiiiu, npoihemry, and
lountr) merchant, can go and purchase pure Vines and
Liquors, ns pure u imported, and of the best quality. We
do not intend to give tin elaborate description of this mtr
chant's extensive! buiuem, although it will well repay
nny elm Hirer or citizen to vicit Uihildio WoLru'd cxien
sivu k ari Iiuuge, Nos. H, au and Hi, Ueuver street, and
Nob, 17, 111 and iil, Marketflcld street. Mis stock of
Hehnapps ou h md ready for shipment emild not havn
i been less than thirty thnusaud ruses; the Urandy, some
ten thoiixand cases Vintages of to lfoli; nnd ten
thousand tuses of Maderia, bln-rry and 1'ort Wine, and Irinh Whii-ky,J.uiuieu ami tt. Cora Kuiii,
some very old and equal tunny lu Him country, llunlso
and three, large cellars. lillul with Mrandy, Wine, i-c, in
rnsk, undert'ustom-IIouse key, ready for bottling, Mr.
Wolfe's sales of Hilinappn last jeur amounted to 0110
hundred nnd tidily thousand ilozi u.aud a hope iuluss
than two jearshemay be equally biucesslul with lil
Itrandles mid Whins.
i His business mtrin the p.itron?;c of every lover of
kin FiL-i;ii;if, i u vaiu i.iiiinivs no wimi pure TV I lies una.
I I jquors for medical use should send their orders direct
to Mr. Woi.rt, until every Apothe)Ury in the land mike
us their minds to discard the pobmnpu stutl'trimi thair
slielviB, and replaces it with Wolfe's pure Wines und
U'o understand Mr. Wolfe, f)(r the accommodation nf
Fiiuii ueaiers in ine coumry, puts up aborted caen or
Wines and Li'iuois. Hurh iiiiniii. an. I n,n h n uu r.-li-n.i
tlnmlil bu sustained against his tens of tlioiisands of op.
poiieiitslu the United frtates, who sell noihiug hut imiu
tiuusrruilious alike to human health and happiness,
tl" Fur sale by George ,M, IlagenbiiUi, Drugeibt,
llloomsburg, Pa.
tic j' t ember 6, ltitV) Cm.
siVoar. 21 ) 23, South Sixth street, near
the State H use,
TP.V floors of this spec ions building, erected expressly
for the proprietor's tradv, are stored with set-its und
implements nf interest to fanners und gardeners.
Hiuv Yetr.i UriiADLisiun. TJie sub.rnbers desire to
call, Ihe iittention. of every one interested in farming
nnd gardening to their well selected stmk of Agruultu
H'arranttd Garden nnd Flower Seeds (Iras and Fteld
&ctds, vfthemot relahle ivaitty,
Tlii Agricultural Implements mid ti us are mostly
iiiaiiufaeture.l nt our temu works, llriiiii Vi.
Having thted up our establishment without regard to
eipeine, with the tuni.t roinplete in.uliieiiery for the
liianutacturu of various kiixN of agricultural implements
we n now prepircd topupply all rtitlain thti hue
fully equal, if not superior, to au thing uf the kind ever
before otlered to lh public
Landre th'a warranted (iurdeii Seeds have been befors
the public for upwards of clxty years; their wide spread
popularity, and the Increasing deinund from jear to year,
nro the best eveidences of their superiority over all
Country merrlnntH can h? supplied with seeds in pa
pcrs, or in bnlk, on the umpt liberal terms.
cont lius three hundred and v'eientv acres, and Is the
liioniiiKuaie, near nrifnn, ia., our garden feed grounds
larguit ebtablihment of its kind in the world,
i). LAvuiiirrii ft pov,
A. 21 21 South AiifA slrcrf, Philudnnhta,
E7 Landreth's Utind IlegiMer and Alumnae Mr IHiiti.
rontainhig n Farm, liarden und (iret-n House Ciilaudar
for every monih in the jear. can be had i'rafis.upoit per
sonal or pot paid application,
January Si, lrUI .
JOHN' Fim:il, No. 7H MICH Pi .
between 7th., &cth , Ms . Philadelphia,
(Late ft'flS Mnrkit M.)
Iinpnrter, Manufacturer of umf Heater
iu all kind of
llavlug remored to my New Pioni: fftlrMe
7H Arch Street, and being now engaged V4' t
entirely Iu Ihu Manufacture rod ale
of Fantv Furs, wluth m acenrdatiLu
I with the "Onh Pnce PnenU: Iluvo
i marked at the fiwri eiW
vriecs rnnn latent with
runsouiiblii prolit, I would noiciln viit fiom thie hi
Want Of Furs for lltlier I.nrltr' or Children H'.a. nii.t
an Mirpettioii of my belection i flliosc goodn, c'ttl-l. il, ati
1 urn, of ttivnbilitv to tileae iu evere .lein-il i-bmdi
LI' Persons at a (tut litre, who nine find it iiiniii
nient l.i call persoii-illj , need only name the article they, together withth price, and innrufli'uu for send.
ing.unu lorwuru nuorfler luni n.ltlresi-inoiiey no-"iii-panjiug
to insure a natisfa.tory compliance with their
w irhtin.
Auguit 25, 18CO-3tii
' A little, but often filln the purne.
TjI ANKI.TV HAVIXfl PPNn-No. plfi KutH
I Fourth tftrtet, b tweeii t'lict-tnut nnd Walnuti
I'liiludtlphui, pays nil depoitf on deuuuid.
uep'iMinri miiiiey keureij ov (H'veriiiucnt Stato
and t'Uy l.imns, (Jroond llentf, Mortgace, r. !
Thin L'nniiiaiiV deeim naletv 1 Iter" tiirr,..t
proilin, coiuu-punily will run no rUk with depoi-i-
tor' money, hut have it at all timet rend) to mum
with 5 per cent, inter ft to tho owner, tut they h ive z
alwaj a ihuie. 'I'hl loiunaii) litver nuBpended, o
Feiualea. iiianieil or Mingle, and Minor", can de-s-poeiit
iii 1 lit J r own right, and mch depwattti tan bo -vvithdrawu
only hy tin ir loiisent. '
unarier pepetuai, iurnrporateii hy the Ftate o(
IVniirvlvaiiia. Willi authority to rur, io ,.,nn..u e
from irin-tee and IXerutom. .
ijiiitu: ,?.w MiJiu.suMS ni:cF.iyF.n.
Oihce open daily from t to W o'Uotk.and on Wed-S
.lend ay evening until d o'clock.
Jacob 11. fhmnoil. l'm, rndunlt.i,lrr. 1
'John Khiiullvr, (.'corgi ItJicxelt, ' c
Malarln W.iioan, IMwardT. Iljatt, t
liewid Kriiiubharr. llenrviDelanv.
Nicholas llitteiihniine, Nath m Hmedley,
lot, II. tsuthertlivvaite, Fphnani Ulaiichard, A
Jnn-ph l.ippiueolt.
JALOil it.rHANOV. Prt-ident,
March I-, K.l Win.
' A Dollar i-nvrd U t ire earned.'
U. S, Trust Company.
Corner of Third and Chestnut Sis.. Phil i.
IAItUUund small sums rcreived and paid bark on
J deiimnd without notice, with Five rru cint Ihtlh
ErfTfrom the duy of deposit lotho day of .vithdrawal,
Omke HotTKs From 'J until 5 o'clock every day, and
.innui vtiinu, ironi i iiihii :i nriorit,
President hTJlPIIH.V 11. CUAWFOUD,
Treasurer Pussy Vu.
Telltr James Jt. Hunter.
Stephen It. Crawford.
D.iliis'l llrhllnliinn.
Benjamin W Tingley,
Paul II. (ioodard, M. D.
Patrick Brady,
James Devereaux,
Thomas T. I-a.
Man h iiu, in.11) y.
JfJecrt'c Jnnkiii,
Viet er t . llarl, "vi, D.,
William M. (iatlwiu,
it. Franklin Jackson.
Pliny Fisk,
ll'e have a CMemleat Proeeii.
For Clennini-Clolhs, by the use of which the clothe,
ranbowashed tery clean without boilmir and with very
little rulduni;. Ily this meUi.d much liard labor Is saved,
(As ieo.Aii' can is done in half lis iaie, and the clothes
are ery while and clean and last loiitfer, for they are not
worn out byrubbinir us by the old way of washing by ma
ihines, fee The articles used costs but little, und are
easy to obtain, 1 mall the rcci lot lu order, postage
paid, upon the rccsipt of SO cents ; 3 cent no.taire stamps
as good as tuouey. Address
J. r. CRCAonit.
,, llallliiiore, Mil.
icy" lfyou really want something nice, do not miss the
Monty or IfVrsAis Inapt, for iney arc all I claiui lor
them and they should bo 11) every lanuly.
fipt-SS. 1N,0.
A1.AUGI1 assortment cf lha best fertilizers in yrx
the niarki t, st reduced prices for con.
slsting of No. 1 I'erutiati aiidCidumbiaufiuano'sgjiv
Kiiierphosphatu of l.iine from tho best mjnufjr.
lunrs, rola.h, 1'hosphat', u new arllrlo for frait tree,
l'oudrcttc, Master tc. ut whulesalu aud mail.
Impleinent and feed Store, curlier of .lb and Market
Plrccts Philadelphia.
Marrh Itt, lHS'.i.
SliLLINCi offdAWri, i.c.
at cost or less.
AT fllR CoriXKH Of
Main niul Iron Streets,
110 you ant RII.K8 1 Oo tn IirtOWIIR'S.
Do yon want L.UXLt.A CLOTH I Oo to DKOWnilU
DojonwantCIIAU.l lini.AINtS I nn to nnouxiiu
Ilo )on nni TAIll.KCOVKUSI 0 to IIRO WHICH.
Do you want CI.OTII IIUHTl'.lltl ( Co to IlKOWKIt'S.
Do you wont BKRI.KTON HK1UTB t Go to IIUOWKU'S.
Do you want .ML'fl.lNSt
Ilo you n nnt CAMCOKS t
Ilo yu want I.AWNi t
Doyoii BautllAlindCHt
Do you want Dl'. I1K0K3 I
Dn jonnnntllOBIKKVt
Goto flROWr.R'S
Go to nuOWEK'A
go to nitowr.R'8.
Go to i:kovi:h h.
GotoErtOWUR'S. I
Go to llROWKR'r!
Go to IIHOWl'.R'S
Do you want IMNDKliRCIIIRre t
D.. you want uARCKT satliii:i.b t Go to nitownica
Du jun ant STUL1.A BIIAWI.St Co to liROWKU'tj.
l)iiouwnntMOlMIIl M1TTSI Onto IlllOWI'.lt'H.
Do jnu want Sil.K (JIUDM'.fl I Go to IIROWEIIU
Do you MniitOAUNTIXia I Goto IIROWKR'B
Ilo )ou want CROTCHET IIRAlllS ' Go to IIKOWT.ICH.
Do j ou w ant TIDY COTTON 1
Co to IIROWnit'H
Gutn mtOWEICS.
Go to llltOWElfS.
Go lo mtOWER'H
Go to llROWElt'.S
Co to nnownicH
Go to iinowr.ics
Go to imowincs
Go lo IlltOWl'.ICS
Go to llltOWER'S
Go to rmnwr.icr!
r.o to nnowcics
Go to nnowcicr)
go to nuowrnv
Go to rdtoWEicn.
Ilo you want TAt.M I'NS!
Do )ou want SUN rIIADEH I
Do yon want U.MIIREM.AS I
Do you want lT.nSIAN rl.AIDI
Doynu want I.1NE.V ClIECKHl
Do you want I'EIWAI.ES I
Do you w ant JEANrfl
Do you want NANKEENS!
Do you wantGIN'CIIAMS I
Do)ou want DUCAI.U1
Do you nnnl CUltTAIN AU'HMN'I
Do ou want COI.'l((M.1ffinf(!J I
Doyou want WIIITi; GOODS!
Do)ou want DENIMP!
Do) ou wnutPll.CSIA !
Do you want DUII.I.IN'GS!
lln nil wnnlTIOKINnrtt
Do you w ant CHECKS t
Do jouwnnt I.UllES' HHOESr
Do jou want nillrill GRO'TIMES I Go to I1ROWEICH
Do you wulit (iLASSWAIlE I
Doyniiwnnt IIAIIDWAIIB (
Do you wont lilllJCtf !
Doou wnnt l'IIUKil'i'i:sr
Do you wnut CIIEAT GOOilf!
r.looin.burp. M;iy 111, 11 1).
Go to IlltOWEU'ri
Go to IIIIOWI'.irA
Colo llltOWEIt.l
Go lo llltOWElfS
t-00.i 0UT1 001) NEHS FOIt ALL!
THE nevcr-failmi! .MUM. VANIIOUN, is the be. j'li"
succeeds w hen all others have failed. All who are
In troubleall who have heen iiiif.iitiiii.tte. nil whose
loud hop-a h.ivo Iwcii disappointed erushi'd nnd blaKle.l
by false promises nnd !( ceit.all who have hem iterclv.
ed and trilled w ith, all Ily lo her for mil ire and satis-
l.iriiMii, nil woo lire 111 Illinois Ol tne nun lions of those
uiey iiivi-, conniiii u'-r m ren.-ve aim sallsly their mini s
IX i.on: jiVF.uiM sun -.
Flic Ins the secret of m niiiitijr tho airections of the op,
pn'iiii! sex. It is this fact w hull Induces illiterate pre
tenib-rs lo try to Imitate her, and to copy her udvertisc
luents. Hhe she shdw s ) on tho
.;a' o' rowt rvruni: tmv.nn ntrsm-r.
Or absent lii'nd. Hie guides the single ton happy intir.
rlaje, mill makes thu married happv Her aid mid M.
ice Ins h -en solicited iu innumerable instances, and tho
lesiiu litis bikhjs uuin ine means til Bectirnur
t-lic is therefore n sure ib pen lenre. Mio h is been Hie
menus or hi lining nuuiy hundred hearts and hands lo
jM!ier. Thousands of broken hearts have been healed
I'l IIIU.ll- ll.llU'j l.J ll'T.
the 11 rr-t mid she is lh-only person Mho can show the
likeness In reality, mid who ran give intlre satisfacliin
in mi me riiiLi;iiiii oi mi', i me can lie iini umi ........
ed h tbousands, li'ith married and single, who dally
and eagerly t isit her nt
o. 13.10 Lombard Strnrt. Phil.nlclphia,
All interviews are strictly pritale and coitndeiitinl
ii r.ii.rii i:mmim:.vk aoon luck
AND ItAITtXESS aie witbiii thu rend. ,,r ,,n u'.- i.
the hue? uimder nf the enlightened acei nil who con
suit her are astonished nt the truthfulness of her infor.
illation nnd predictions. AI.I. those who had link
consulted her, their had li ft tl"ri, und they are now lor.
lunate, rich, eminent and happy. To AI.I, in business
h. r ndili e is Invaluable. Fli i can fori lei withlhegrinl.
est certain!), the result of all com nial and business lions. If oti f dlow her advice, vou will
i.vrnorr. youh cincuju&r.ufcix
nnd succeed iu all )our nmlertakiiigs. Those who hnve
been fortunate mid uusueressful lu life, and In business
those who have worked hard aud rlru.-gled against
ridersity mid misfortune the grenlr part of their lives
nnd found Iho morn they tried lo g. t forward in the
world, thu more things things went liginst tticnil All
rns have consulted her tor Ihu last tvvenly )iurs. All
those who w ist ly fidlowed her adv iee are nmv
in all her mi lerlnklugs; while those htlndeil by prei.
dices and ignorance u 'glerted h' r a.Uie.-, arc sHI la
boring ngaiutnilversity nnd povert). If )oii value you
liappimss, you will consult her joursi If, and be success
fill and happy also.
All iulervi 'in arc slrirtly private and confidential.
t ..mi; i cum,; mi vn
L-tw-een Juniper and llroad, I'llil idelphia,
March li. 1AVI
THIS crkbruled Waxhing tfonp. M now in market for
more than a year, aud that it tun given universal
satiiifartion, t ident Irom the fact, that the Manufac
turer of it in order to Mtpply the demand, have bnen
obliged to iiicreanc their capueitv to make rrpml to On
Hundred Thousand Pounds per Week. It n dendedly the
brst andehtapitt Sap ever made in lllH Count rv ; Vne
i ouna pj it tetu go as jnr, Jor any use ai Three of the
Comuwa Soap in general use, H is made upoi, a new
iriucipie. tne material, nnd known only M Van
Uvon & McKsosr. 1 linen nwnv cntirolv w.ii, u,c
wathbiiar.l aveH the neestitv f bnilimih. rimitn, n
dm-k not i-hnnk Flaniieid, ltUMOHrt tiitil H, INK
o'l I'AIN'T SI'iiJ'H perfeiilv and from the moPt delicate
fabric, paves fullv one-half tho time mid labor uimlly
ppent to the warding. Jt is warranted free Jrom &i.SO
1K1, or other injune alkalies, and guaranteed not to rot
or injure the clothes.
Vanhanseu & MrKrone's.
Superior oritnlal Toiltt Chemical Olivo-PaK Ultra
Pale and Brown Sojipk, ai well ai Dvm Tiuis &, Co
Adaniantiite Candles at lowent market prices.
For tiale by all respectable Croeers, and Wholenalc by
. , TIIAIV & McKr.ONF.,
No. isVand il South Wharves, Piniarci ruiA.
Ihere being aeveral imitation brands of Deterfive
Soaj in inarku, the public are notuied that notio nn
genuiiifeviept Vm Haaofn U M(Komc i.i Bunuted
IIKill I'lirli II ir nill,i, W.iriii .. .. .1 t '
lebruary IM, letO -Win.
. An'r "m"yenrsi,f sucressful ir.ictlrc, Hg.KCI.
I.INts stilt desires to do sood to Ihu ullluled, lie con
tinues tu cure all kinds ol
Lancers, Tumors, Wats, Scrofuli,or
JCinp's Evil, Soict, ij-c.,
If curahlo, without rullinuor iioinm. II. does not con
ntio luniscll merely to the cure of tho abote diseases, hut
iii ireui ou nu niiiers h nu success, t'alients w ill be
lsiled, if desired, u reasonable distance, i'ersuus tic
sirina losisu nr. iv.. ui 1 toes.,, .tnn . .1,.. 11..1 1
Hotel 111 Meihanicsbiirg, where they will ho directed to
,,.,., ... 1u1.11, write slate ilisease
plainly. Liiiloswa postujro stuniito nrn pay answer
Address Dr. C. K KCLLINU, Mtchanicsburg. Cumber-
Keploi'nher 1J, IE6O-O111.
W. S', 3TIJ.ES,
MAN'IIP ttrrirtinr nn
CANDIES, FI.M5 COM-'ElnoXlilty, if.,
i ruin-s, t'rn ,uts, 1
Almonds. llVaran .Nuts, Walnuts Oranges,
FllliertS. Lemon..
Dried Apples,
Hweet Oil.
iCreuui N'llts, ll'iiio Annies.
JW. 503 oIll Third ritrect. Boulh Last corner Vino
March 10, IPMl-l.'in.
itlill Notice.
7'?.fff?.UVEiS JA'n T"f: I'l'IILIO nKXFMU.Y.
1 II.WL removed to the Jloiiluur .Mills, nod intend
I keeping n supply of Hour and fie.l un hand, and for
sale us cheap as the cheapest for cash. 1 would lurllicr
say to all ihosii knowing thtmselves indebted to me at
the Aquriut .Villi, that they would confer it great
by calling nnd si tiling up. us 1 am very needy and wish
to close the old Hooks. Bo rail and us, Irieuds. und
our custom and cash will be thauklully reeelted.
. Montour .Vills. April 1 1, lffsT. '"t:"S
r I in largest, hen nandiOin- "VHa('
meat of is ile Leather solid
Itivetud Traveling Trunks.
.tidies' Jionntt ft tires Trunk
Children' Coaches, Prupel
lers leather niul Carpet Bags
Packing Trunks Lc &.c., a
O-hbrated tnAon Pritu Medal improved sheet spring
smii snld Uathftr Trunk manufartoiy. No. 103 Msrket
r 1, Smith uirai r nmcr Fourth and Market, 1 MM a. ,
AQfUlt C r3 tf
It la it facl Ihol, at omo pcrloJ, every mem
ber of tho liuman family Is subject lo disease,
or dliturbnneo of Iho bodily functions but,
with tho aid of ft good tonlo and tho' eicroisd
of plain common nenso, lliey mny bo blo so to
regulalo Iho system as lo locuro pormnncnt
licalth. In order to accomplish this dcslrod
object, Iho Into courso to pursuo la certainly
Hint -which will produce ft natural ftato 6f
things at tlio least harard of Titnl etrcneth ami
life. For this purpose, Dr. Hosteller has In
troduced to this country a preparation hearing
his namo, which is not ft now medicine, but ono
that lias been tried for1 years, giving satisfac
tion to all who havo used It. Tho Bitters
orcrato powerfully upon tho stomach, bowtls,
nnd liver, jestoring them tor a healthy and
vigorous action, nnd thus, by tho elmrlo pro
cess of strengthening nature, enable tho sys
torn to triumph over disease.
For tho euro of Dyspcrsia, Indigestion, Nau
sea, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or nny lillloua
Complaints, nrislng from a, morbid Inaction
of Iho' Stomach or llowcls, producing Cramps,
Dysentery, Colic,- Cholera Morbus, tic, theso
Bitters havo no equal.
Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con
traded by new settlers, and caused principally
by tho change of water and diet, will lie speedily
regulated by ft brief uso of this preparation.
Dyspepsia, a dlscaso which ia probably moro
provalcnt, in all Its various forms, than nny
other, nnd tho cnttso of which may always
bo attributod to deranncmcnls of tho dlccfctlTO
organs, can bo cured without fall by using I
directions on tho bottle For this disease every
physician will recommend Hitters or some mnu j
then why not uso an article known to bo infal
liblo ? All nat Ions havo their Bitters, ns a pro
vcntlvo of diseaso and strcngthener of tho sys
tem in general i nnd among I hem all there ia
not to bo found ft moro healthy people than'
tho Germans, from whom this preparation ema
nated, baaed upon scicntifio experiments which
havo tended to povo tho valno of this great
preparation-in-tho ncolo of medical science.
Fever asd AotJi: This trying and provok
ing diseaso, which fines its relentless grasp on
tho body of man, reducing him to a mere sha
dow In a short time, nnd rendering him phy
sically and mentally useless, can be driven
from tho body by Iho uso of HOSTETIXIVS
RENOWNED BITTEllS. Further, none of tho
above-stated discasca can be contracted, even
in exposed situations, if tho Bitters are used
as per directions. And ns tliey neither creato
nausea nor offend tlio palate, ami rundcr un
necessary nny change of diet or interruption
of ordinary nursuils. but nromoto sound sleep
nnd healthy digestion, Urn complaint is re
moved ns spocdily as is consistent with tho pro
duction of ft thorough and permanent cure.
For Persona in Advanced l'eart, who aro
suffering from an enfeebled constitution and
infirm body, thoso Bitters nro invnluablo ns ft
rcstoratlvo of strength nnd vigor, nnd need
only bo tried to bo appreciated. And to n
mother whilo nursing these Hitlers nro indis
pensable, especially whero Iho mother's nour
ishment is inadcrpiato to tho demnnds of tho
child, consequently her strength must yield,
nnd hero it is whero n good tonic, such ns
Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, is needed to impart
temporary strength and vigor to Iho system.
Ladies should hy all means try this remedy
for all cases of debility, and, before so doinjr,
should ask their physician, who, if he i
acquainted with tho viituo of tho Bitters, will
recommend tltclr uso in all eases 01 weakness.
CAUTION. IVo caution tho public against rising
any of tho many Imitations or counterfeits, but aft
for HosTuTTEn's Cklkbrateo Stomach fitrrr.Ki,
and soo that each bottlo has tho words "Dr. X
llostcttcr's Etomach Bitters" llovra on tlio rido
of tho bottle, and stamped on tho metallic tap
covering tho cork, and observo that our autograph
signature la on tho label.
A if Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER &
BM1TII, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all
druggists, grocers, and dealers gonorally
throughout the United States, Canada, South
America, and Germany.
citl.1 h j. K, iWojtr. I., l , l.ulz. Itloonisliurtr : Mil
ler-A-Co, Ilirnick, 11.1'. Iti leli.ird. lNpit'iiwt, M. I.
Crier, Jos. l-i i, A S., Co., D.ltl i'll,.
October I. IAV.I-- Itlill.
HI A I O Jl M 11 U I ( i Ti All 1 1 li K "all u 1 ' .
'pllP. iiiiirrtcnci re-p-itOtllv In or inn lh fi'iretn ot
X WoiiiihiirR,aiid il.e p". bl r fie r illy thai helm;
nkeni tin i:.i;ni;i! hiinr, h.r.iti d , uti el IhillVim
tloiiKC V next d'wir to the Ciilumbn In iuiri,i I , in the
while Prauu! Ilurldi j;, nppiMi't- the f-xrlnnce I'.lnrnj
whero ho J at all hai" ready lo wan upon In run
toiuen to Milne jih.l;irliin
Will lieexeeiitei with rnr nnd nelnenit and i.l the.
ni'iHt fachiouarlefUle and nn v rv uinderwie ter-
IT-r!! MroOINH, ilunttup in l-'ilyfljle. H. o
linift inrreae( pu'dic p-itrini.ijje and pM"- hii bet
en.leavorti to give every ir tHonnlde f.ilihcl nn
i;. A. tTAM WlH I
lilorHiiBiiurp, Jan. 11. tHCO
G. S. COLliETtT k 00S.
rifih (imml QuarlorJy l)iu ihulluu
Of 100,000 Articles Worth $3C0,C00,
WHICH will be t Idfiir 91uO(tHi to thu purchaser of
our i;(JI,H1;N I'fAS AP.IUCth PI.K IH.
O'lr (!ddcn Pen inthub'tt eviir u-d, and ij airaut u
nil to mrrnde in any ink. Hvery bi.Miiiiii, man und
family fclmutd in-uthe (loldtn Pen.
ine luiiortimt n.ii'i iuu,ooiiHriirK-s win he di.tribiited
anmutr imr ptlrinual SlDUeucli.ainl need not hi pni.i lor
iniitl wc inioriii the purchaaer vvhirh nf itte fi'lluu inn
articles ue will bUI hiai tr 3I.1KJ and then it it optional
vvhellier he m ml the DOMjAU and takes the liOuilSoi
int, ItjT All (JooiUi in he r turned at our exptumj v itti
in ten m nttt r tli'i punhH.r Keriuen them, tmil.-n,
tlu- arc i.atitlaciory,j and the Alone) .wilt be rifntiui d
Mat cf Goods Included in tho Distribution.
Pnuos Cold lluntine Cad atrh('i, fiold Watrhe,
Ladies' r-ilvrr WaiilH-s.uard. Vft.vtCltaitlaiul hums,
t'aiiuit lirie'tiiei. Attiaic and Jit ttrooih-)), Lava ami
rl'Teiitine Hrui.iheH. Coral. Kim-ruld anl Opal Urourhe!.
('amen Kar Hmp, .Moaie aud J t Par Urop, Lava and
Murentinu Liir-Iropp, Ciral LsU-lrnpH, i.iuer,tld and
Opal Lar-Dropii, llaudnouie honl llmci'., .tud ta
ir.eo itraeektd.iiintt Un .irtpluM, Wauli K. j s, fob nnd
UibboiiMides, HcU of loum n.udt., ntcevo liu'ltiinn, i'lain
Itiiign, tfit.uc mid lSLt Itin;i,, rf. is LamuM', Can-t-ni
Crape E)linvl, iitiipMliiiu il i.ainon, Clulliei,
Prench and .inern an Law Leriih, rcphus, I rmh
Chcoen. and other l.adien' Urcn Woods in jrrml van I).
loitUlier ith Head lJrej,ses, Cabas, 1 amy Pans, and in
faital most evtry d.Mnplioii u UUOlla Usually found iu
lirni class Hry ood ttreti.
i7,fA" of nwiiinut jox
Higlictt rreniimu MO Hutlani, Loweit Premiuiu 33 no.
The urtitle,! are liuinbered, und t'eriiheeteti tatniK uhat
v vv ill f 1 1 L-a h pt.rf.ttii tur one doiiai aro plated in
h al-d Luvetiipjs ullli a I fed ma I .irrnut-enient uf 1'ri.
tuiutns ; no that 111 1 mil Hundred Certiorates there is one
tor a
ft o t !d; wti g ;h
And tlmre vv ill uUo be a splendid rreiuiuiil in earlt ten
Cert l heat e. Llidies. if vou dixre a tin i-h.t.i t. or llrbu
Pattern, or a Inaulilul ailiclu o Jewtlry, iiiiIo&li. us .10
wi-iiu ir n nuv in me tjoiuen I'L-us, aiiil vvu will eunl
you a t!i rtitiiatw which may enable vou to orueure it lur
i. On riteipt of JO Cents i H kind vuu onu IIoi of
our iuiu 11 1 uiiB, uiiuu caivu iiunce 01 ineariiiie wnicu
UO sell Ut $1,
jfJW IDS. "a
1 Holes Pi-nsvvilh 4 Ceitificates, SI.
'. do do U do
'St do do '25 do
lot) do do ui) do m.'
N. II With eaih Package of !0tk boxes wo present ihc
pue hasifr liKlCcrlihi..ite, one of which Is fiuarauteed to
lumjin niiv urut'f rir a nrtli VV A 1 1 II or ht-uinu Ma
rhine.orby ordering 5 boeS iu one package vou art)
wire to recti ve Slid ititieates rontamine mie order for a
splendid WATCH, beside a lurce number of
other very valuable premium One Cirtiticito sent
Krau, upon uppncauou oi uuy peron oesirma toaa as
Agent, which may enable him to proture u valuable
premium upon tlu pa)iiH-nt(f $1.
Pianos, Melodeoiu, Mumc, Hooks, Hewing Mathinea
AtC. bought and lOld till Cunmiii. Am. ,.,. i., .. in
be tent to tho Couutry at tho t.oue.t Whulebalo Prices
iiig ",u,"u" u per eiui uouuuissioii itr loruard
Agents wanted in every town. Circulars sent
Uil I Ull.
Add rem alt Coiunuinicntions to
CwxmunoH Mirchants ft tl antral Agents,
iYMi Foulh Pourth Street. HeiowChehtuut, I'hila.
C7" r-ir our liitcirrtfv and ulnhiv in mini ., .
nienis.webejrtorifiryoiitoiiietotlowMur well know n
t.j. Cov. Kaunas, Westmoreland, Pa
Palim-r. Knliardoii t Co. JevvilUu, riutadtlpiiia.
J A. Warne,
Win, A. (irny, Ksq.,
Mesr. Kummerer ft Mnotf U'ntir Hi hoin... a.i. .
.Messrs. Pratt i. Kcaih, Pitlh and Market bireels 1'hila.
J O 1- uller, Ks', Jevullir.
.1 r. vvani, i: . 1 'ubhkher ofPahons, Vr.,
M H. Home, Latataiua Hank,
Hon. L. M. Hurson.Hiueka, California,
cHpumbtr f, JMiU-Win,
ri'lIK subscriber uoul.l Infonn his that lis is
X now prenariil lu put up, on short notice, mil in a
scientific iiisiiiiur the best
. ,.l'''1. roiXTKn LianTXif-n rods,
t 18 c.nlspsr foot, All
Diooin.bure MyS1,ntn II H HIDIXMAV
Thu underlined hnvlne; nll Profe'r HUMl'lHtrATj'
mXTNG ItOMirOPlTIHO KKMrtMPJ In our iidli
with the fiMMt aitlsfactory resold, and baTtnc full ern.fl.
dence In their cemilnenrn, purity, and t(hcn'-, cfeerfully
rreommen'l them tft all pern-mn who wl?h to hive sfe, r.
Ilnhie, and tmcadous remedies at hnnd for prtrate or do.
mefllo use.
Th" llv, Wm. Itfxmpr, edtter at "Th Nrlbern Jrtd.
pendent," Autmrn. N. V,i tlie Iter. K. H. Cre'ey, U.K.,
Iteetor nf Pt. Peter's Church, Auburn, N. V. t the Hev. p.. (.
Ire, Cliaptaln f the Auhurn Stnte Prl-in; the Ker,
Ppeneer Bl. Illce, ncetor, New-lied f..M. M.t thi He.
Allen fteele, New.York Conference; Ike Ilev. Sattiuet
Nlchol. K'lii-Heaeiee C'lnfernire, N. V., (bp Kev, P. H.
Prnlt, n-irset, Tt. ( tbe Iter. John K. Kllf, HulTal.j A. 0.
Hart, Kwi, Ullen, N. Y.t the Hon. Ninl Portbui,!,
Me. I th If nn. Srhuyler Cilfix, H tuth-lleml. In 1. 1 Hon.
nerp Humplireypi, N. V, 1 Henry l Cook, Fn , Ktlitnr fif
The Ohio Plate Jnurnat. Ulunitnui, Ohio t the 11 an. Tt. It.
(Iranum, M"llue, Pl.J the Hon. Thinim J, Chfiie. Monti,
cello, J'l.! ttie Ihn. jMepti Hi-iiellct, Plica, N. . Win.
Ilrltet. Pii , Ctlcn, N. V. : A. f. Pond, Ksi , Clka, N. Y.
James Plunktlt, Il , .NmhVdle. Tetin.
list or m.cmo hhmedirs.
s'n, L -F-ir l-fver, dneiibti, an I tnflirnnn.t1fln.
Kn, U F.r Wfirm Fever, Worm Colle, Wtllnif tha Pel,
Ni. 3. t'jr C-dle, Crying, Tet thing, nu I Wakefulness ef
p,'o, 4 F.n Warrliea, Cholera Infantum, and Summer
Ni. ri. Knr C-dlc, Orlt-lnrf D.entery, or I-liody Flux,
No. fi Fir Chnleri, Clmlerft Mnrlein, VmttlnfT.
No. T. rrr PoujrliP, tMd, lntlacnr, anl P-re Throst,
No, f for Tortth-afjie, Fnee nrhe, and Nenratjli.
No. 0. For HeatUcbe, VetH ., Heat and Fullness ef tb
ltean, .
N.t. 10. rTritrtA Put"" For n and PrrangM
Slamach, C-.n"t'patInn, ntifl l,rer CompUInt.
jjrt, 11; Fa tKMits Inanci abitie Scanty, ralnful, or
Stilpreie.l Periods.
Nn. pi For 1,'ucorrhea, Profuse Mennrn, and UearTrti
Down of Feinvle.
No. 1,1. For Croup, tl'itrp Cotflsh Ph1 PreMblni.
No. W. iUi.T ItiucM l'ii.u Yr FrjBlpfU, truption
Plmilr tbe Face.
No. l. UnscNiTir PltlA For Pain, I,raenei, or Boie.
OCM )n the Client, lUek, lntm, or Uml'i.
A. Fnr Fever and A true, Chllt Fever, numb Affie, Oil
MHaiamired Ajriu . ...
p For Pile Hlind r nteedtnif. Tnt-riiHt or Kxternnl.
O For, Weak, nr Inrlimed Kvep and Fyelldi Full
In". Wenk. r Hl..rr-' ' t
C For Catarrh, of lon standing or recent, either will
obntruetlon or pro fupc iH'charRe,
IV. C For Whooping CoukIi, abating Its violence uj
riirirtcnlng Its course.
In all acute iliieaie, such M Teveri, InflammatloM,
Diarrhea, Djscntery, Croup, llhtumatlsm, and such erup
tivc diseases us Btarlet Fever, Measles, and FryslpeUs, the
advantage of giving the proper remedies promptly is ob
vtnui, nnd In nil such ernes Ihe specifics act like a charm.
The entire dliieane Is often Arrested at once, and In all caics
tbo violence of the attack is moderated, the disease short
ened, and rendered less dangerous.
Cuairlis nnd Crddi, w btch are ef nuch frcqnent oecurrrncr',
and which bo often lny the foundation of diseased hi rip? ,
bronchitis nnd consumption, tuny all be at onve cured by
the Fever and Counh PdlS.
In allchroiilodlicuscs.Fuch ns Dyspepsia, Weak Stomafh,
CmiBtlpallon, Liter Complaint?, piles, Feninlc Debility, and
ImTuliirUlei, old Ilea laches, Sore or Weak K.vts, Catarrh,
Suit Itbeum, and other old entptloni, the case has specifics
vaIkiso proper application will nflord a cure In almost every
iHssUnie. Often the cure cf a ilntfe chronic difficulty, turn
n.1 Pjipcpilu, Piles or Catarrh, lleauacne or remai
teas, has wore than paid for the case ten times over.
pmcE. vf-
Case of 20 villi cwnplete, In morocco, nnd Book t
Case of vial, aud Hook, plain ... 4
Crtiie of Hi numbered boxes, and Hook. . 'J
Cane of C botes, numbered, nnd Book. . 1
Mngle numbered boxes, with directions Vo cents.
ru:le Uttered buxes, with directions. W contu
Large cue of 'I ex. vials, for planters and pliilclani . 15
Fon Apthmv pb Pntni5ic. Oppresd, DIDlcult, Laborrl
Dreathln, intended with Cough and KnpectoraUon. Price,
tl) cents pur box.
Foil Ktt DiscuiniFs ako Dkatjcws DIichnrgM frem trs
Far, the result of Henrlet Fvcr, Mensleii, or Mereurlnli.
Tor Nidus In the Head, llnrdrnis r Hearing, and Kinging
In the Pari", nnd Kar atbe. Trice, fiO eents per box.
Fob f Horn . FnlarM ninndn, Ftdargel nnd Indurst
ed Tmiidli, PwUllngi and Old Cleos, Scrofulous Cachexy tf
Child ren. Pi lee, M cents ier hox.
Fon (iRtKUit. IUuiiitv. PbHteal or NVrveus vVeninc.
Kither the result of lleknrsi, Fxceslvs Medlcatlen, or Ex
hanftlns nif-'barpf. Price, Ui cents per box.
ForHhoi'sv. Fluid Accumulations, TumH Swellings, Uli
Scanty Ferretlona. Price, f-0 centi per box.
For SKV-yicivtrW Deatldy bieknei, Vertigo, Kflirnen,
Vondttng. PiVvDiss from riding or inollon. Prlto, WV cents
1 er Wot.
For Catinv Diiufm. For Orsvi'l, Iternl Calculi, Dim
cult, Prtloful CrhialUn, DIsnuis if tbe.Kidneys. Price, (0
cent; per ho v.
For ftcMiHir. Pmishioss. Involuntary Dicbsrgts nd
Conipqiicnt ProRtratlon and Debility, Vad Results of Fill
ItRbltfl. Themnst succef sful Rod otliclent remedy known,
nnd roav be relied upon as a euro. Trice, with lull dlne
tlon. ft per box.
Persona who whiTi to plac tbemlves under Ihe prefi.
sloNiil care, or to seek advice of Prof. Hi'MpnnETs, esn d-
so, at Ms offlco &CJ Hrcadway, dally from 8 A.M. ta 3 F.M
or by tetter.
oun nfesinniEs nv matu
lAonk over the list; make up a case of what kind ye-ii
choose, and incline the amount In a current nte or FUmtn
by mall to our aoMren, at No. t&2 DroadRay, New-Ynrs,
and the medicine will be duly rilurned by mall er eipreas,
free of charee.
AHKNTS WANTED. WedMlrs an nctlie.efEcIerd Agnt
for the sale of our ltemedies tncviry town or community
In tho Cnlted States. Address Dr. P. HUMPItHKYr A
No 'C3 PnOAbWAT. Nkw-Yoik.
SrddlyI3 P IA7TZ,A0uu.. -..fcu.a -Apnt
7. Dm.
3 A V G JUX ! S
vp.vnt: iH.nii.tTATf;
I T I I.VI IKKl.t PHOM t!l MH mid
h.1 b' route an -51iIiIib)iCiI I in a Hiainl.iril ,V. ifiMm
init riprirovnt hv nil itini
have 111 n il and m n.-w
dei rf in all Hit dim. in
101 llltl d.
niidn .Mtliin the ln.
nt up nil hopep o rein (
u ici ed cert fici lu in
dart d lit 1 Lo eiit r-.t
11. K 1 1 it Mid tiktit in
Cei.tU on the L'Mvllx.
olir Jtldpi meiil -11 i.l
i.trrr t'ojfptntnts Villi
( hrotite titarrhofa t-t ir
tty l)ri')y tour
t'hoie t holer a Chvlif
turn Flattlthet Jtvndirt
miv or- us( yiirrisilul
Mftt'finc II vi III ri
l'n n.ind4 rim teMif.
or three V ta$ ocpju't ott
oi at'iifk,
iv g (tit ir ttf iimoii) in
n nrieil in w 11 roiill
ea lm whieh i Is return I
It has 1 tired lh'u- j
twoyenr who hiidfiiv-l
hi the ninneioiM nu-
111 V pofcsesni'.i 1. hn iv
The iln' tlilKt b" n-j
iueit nf th" itoiividml1
turd rpijitf nji h nu tn nr l
Let th" diet Hen of
vuu n ihe iie nf the
1'Olt and it lit r.i.
iiii r1taet,s typepit
mer lumpainrs, fyen
nrh Hobitval Cotivtnees
Morhu Chvlsra fafan
remote U'eaieitfttts. ami
v a. mi lirtimnru Family
I'K HP.AIMCIti;. (11
111 tirvtu tnhiules tt two
taken at 1 omuiem emeiti
Jill trno use tt at gtv
its favor 1
ptjen oxi: inuMit put uortutz,
S A7rt)?D'S
Pure t'egrttble r.ttratti, I'd put up in (Jlass Cve$t.4i
1 X R' "u " hetp m any family
rim t'AMILY CA
'I'll AUTIl' n LI. 1 a
gentto but urine Cn-i
ptietor has Used in his
Wi nly jeiirn
Tha fouplant y in-iIhim-
who h.ive looj;
sitifanlon uh'ch all
ttii ir use. ha induced
iu Hot rerh ofall.
'1 1 o proii miuM well
tlnnitsart on iliftereiil
witli diit relrrenco i
Lift, been rompnundeil
purigl Wgelabbi Y,x
vtry part ol the ali
ouiio and safe in a'l rj
need Hi, 11 e h ns )r
macii .fivrriM'sri. Pains
l'oll,lhES)l. VklH AND
hiioik nonv, from 1. ud
tl). if negleried., erd in
Lorn or Amurc. a
Com ovkr iiik hiidv
ACHP, or w-kioiii in tiu
ihariir whith the r,w
orartito moro (ban
l r?nain; deimnd fieei
nvt tin- I'l 1 1 1 an i
pit 1 tat n ni'ard to
11111 to plute liieio with-
know (hat dirlert nt Cn.
poillufls ol (hp buurls
rilAK'MC PILL ba
th is writ etiablMir
from n variety nf lh
tracts whKhnci aiikern
niniiary canal, and nrn
.et, u here a Catliait'f 1
R AfcOF mckts of the fiir
11, hik Mi k anii LeiM.
tl1!! coin, vv hfeh If-'P' n
along roiirnvof I'svs,
CUkkfihO ISlm A 1 ion or
KtHILkH-NtHj, M i a n
ll An. till lhH.AIMK-rT
C1111 prih or ApeLTs
I'ruiricR of 1 he It weft
HUkASfS, VV UK Ml 111
ItnuuMATisM, u g r cn t
and iiiiuy to vv bu li flesh is heir loo immei
ous lu mention J 11 this advr riienipiu Dost. 1 t
VtllVV, W CLN'Iri
ore retailed by HrugEMts generally, ami udd wbtl
ale by the Tiade in all Lirte lwn
b. T. W. HANi OltlJ. .M. I
M.inufarturcr and Proprl'er
MXFoniys uff.r i.vyioouiTOH J3.w UMiiy
IT7- 208 IIKO AD W A V.
Hon. R. Hugeiibuch, u. V l.utz, and John E Mryir
June 4, leu --'.ni
S 0 It ti V. 0 N 1) n X T I S T
IIFS III HXVK, 5i llrltk V.IUI.f IiIok llirtmtt 1 Stt't
on Moln Strtrt, Uloomiburt I'a.
UKSIXCl rUM.Y olTers Ills prefessles
nl services to the lailli s .nil senllfinin o r
llloiiiiisliuril nnd vicinity lie is pre psrss
to nlteml to all Hie vnriiills onerutlons In
Dentistry, anH is protiileil nilh the later I miprtiv mints,
IVIurh mil be Isserteil ou pltot nr fold pill' lo ,rw"i
us uell as the natural.
supetlor slllds of TOOTH l0VDEK, ls)S
on hsnd
June 13, 1PJ7 (N'nv H, ' !
Q PA I. D TNTrfTCelfinraterl Prepurerl
I ' Cliis fer sale at I, T Hiarl'lfss' rhrsp Mtti 't'r.
n Maint'litii la f.i lu