Cj?iUR2lUi BATtil'.DAY MOItNINO,NOVi:Mtir,lt 2l,180o "'Plenty of Tinkers iu tho country.' They arc, too, fat nnd plump. Thanks- I QlfAWLS, Simula, Shawls, for stilo very 6Wi0g -lay U Mr at hand, when there 1 "!' " maut.mans. vill ho a panio iu Turkeydow. COMLTIIING now to lo seen t any KJ tlmoot HAItr.MANr). Our suhioriberj, wo trust, will make ua TVlHSS goods in great variety and for liberal payment, at the Court in Decern- "I' "'" "h her. We need .careely remind our friend, , ' r" fr th "SiSri" that our expenses are heavy and must bo TnrTv n . tiT-! TVT TTT ,.i .1.. .is. .1... i i r i .i . ( 'ORIS, Oata, Hncktthcat, I'ota'oc I ut regularly discharged. Wu hope they m K.J ur r.w c. nnto,i at ham-man' hear this in nmid, and help our linaneial operations, as well also, an to send us iu Oats, Com, Turkeys, Produce, cte. 'oodzs Slatus. A gjnius iu Con- j iicctlcut has taken out a patent for a wood-1 en tchool slate made of tceral thicknesses of vcuecritic clued together and covered ou bo,h sides with a coating of just the proper degree of roughness to receive the . . , ., ., ., . iwprcsiioit from the pencil. 1 ho parti-1 cular rccommcudalioU is that they cannot J . bo broken. Foli.owiau a Goou E"xAipr,E Tho cuitom of appointing a Thanki'iviir' dav ll, o o U,V beloni'S especially to this country, orini- . 4 J i o nating in Now England, aud only of later years exiting lu a mo of tho Southern m ti,;, i, - .i of tho CU.-tolll H tO he ackuowled 'od bv , . ,. iimuinviuiu ujf the Oanauiau authorities, who it is an- , .. . uvuuutu, lYiu anuriiy Htue a proclamation i"i.ii'iiniiiiid. iipiy in fixing " a day of Xalioual Thau CSgiv illg TIonnil)ur, Nov 3 1PIJ1, fur the abundaLt haivett aud rUuriiiiig 'TVJ-6" t"i0"e piosperity of the country." ,1 I A" P""i'" knnwliu tlwmwlvp. InJeMfil nr hulns . T " im-i-tlleil airn.intj Willi llu unili'rjlli.'J.l I nj.' cnU A lilTTLT. HUT OI'TKN' l'II.r.3 Tin' "' M"nln"' Wl an I f til.- tip flth-rliy cirlni ihi-ir , , . , , ''"a notour ullir.li -. by thf fir.t if Fcbru.ir . i-i.l. ..r thir l CUSE. And to have the eoutents oftlia i!""""" m o" put in thcimmisor auoiiupr ortiia in i . for ntll. n.i nt. WM. HXKS. purso bear hvo per cunt, lutereit, deposit """ti"' mhi, ovrn.b.'r 3, i.co. in the Franklin Saving Fund, No. 135 a n-vrrvtTi! a vrwa'vwr'n-,, South Fourth street, below Chestnut, Phil- ndeiphia. This old aud reliable eoiiipiinv ;.,..,.(. rt..t.. :.. it.. . v ii " inv.'t nt.1i. to it .iT tl iiiLtj only in tlie most relnble seeurilies, ml mia ,'n milr! tit...... .,,!., ..t J a J pijb 111 gOIrt, HUer or note:?, aad IIOV- rr snoii-nrlr il Spit iili'iniunini'i'i I ir sui-ptnucu. ceo atlveitiieiueiit m auo- thtr Column. The Wil'iamsport Daily Times, in speaking of the Dome aud a figure of jus- tice surmounting it, which has been placed ' . ' tilt! COUrt HOUSO tOU'er Ut tlUlt IilaCC ' tifpi i . . ... i IIIQ U0II112 JOOKS Very Vi'iil'. bill JIW3 Ju'liej hat the appearand of a bully 1 ewrud woman in her night dros.,, and re- j w. mi, ni,iiiu.3 ui ii ruji;ir.uy slave, souietiines secu in a Southern Ad- Ncrtiscment IIo:in PArr.r.. Stick lo your home newspaper. Ko mailer if ycu are poor, .-...ember dona ara .0 pIOru thojorant t xcopt it bo tho deprave.!, and th,y too of. t.'M g.) tbgcth t. Keep jour homo papor, thoh :t may not bo so largo or iu.po asiO!nevitj v.vck'y, lut in:tmb(i- it ii :ho adurti-cr of jour lieighlioihooJ and1 daily buaiues, and IlU vou what id L'oinir 0 rtiuuuu juu, mciLaii 01 .t utous urn imtoa 1 away. If it is mt printed on as good pa-1 per as Iho utyjuurnaU aud a.-good at jou vthIi to lmu it, pay tho subscription promptly, uud rely upon it that the natural pnile ot the pubhhei will liroirnt him (o ' ... ... . linprovo it as tat as liosiibh-. . i PltOr EEDINU3 Ok' J,AbT Tllun.tDAY Kvu.NiNns Jltsro in nir; AiwiiEMy. Pursuant to a public call, a number of ,,.,,,,1 , , ., . . , ,,,, ; r.v.,bi,iWij ,ul:l tn .vcauniny on i-liuis1 day cveniug of tho 15th inat., for the pur- po:.j of ori this place. uu motion, v. 11. J'reezo u:h elected ' Chairman. Flo briefly btat' d tho obiocts . of the meetiii", and noiuied out thu ni ees- - tilir nr.n.t ,.,-,,!.. r.l.!, ... ' -J w V.Jjilln,UUWIl UI 11113 J. um Bloomslurg. 0. B. Urockway was elect td Secretary, by motion. The geutlomeu then present expressed tliLir iew as to' . . . - . ii. tUC tZlhU of a bOClety needed lieiC ; aud - . , , ... alter a full iliseusaun, it was resolved that , , . . . , , OHO bllUUlu UO organizeil Oil the ba IS ()t TT ., , , . ,, tue unitett btiatea fcenate, as lar as prac- , . ,n i ., . ... , ticablo 10 iurlher Oil this reiOlutlOII, the i, . . , lollowlllg gOlltlOlUell were nppoillteu as a , ... . , n ... ,. , Uomuutteo to draw up a Constitution aud l T-.... t t i r t'i ti t i . Ly-Laws : 1. John, J. U. i recza, Wc.-ley "r:,.i l.1 1 1 i l , 0..,1 n T Tt..,w.l-... .. Will, Li. ll. JilttlO, allU Kj. Jj. ISlOCMVll. Ko further bu.-iue.s being presented, tho meeting adjourned lo meet again uu Fri- day evening, the TM inn , at the Academy. C. 5. JJIIOUKWAV, Stc'y ir,m J. MUtl EXIBAOUDLVAUY ACCIIJEN'T. Swi by Dog, Ou tho 13th iiut., fatal accident of a most extraordinary character occurred at Keyu.ham, near Jiriitnl ulii'ti i vonni' man tianieil John 1 " ''"'" ' "'' '"' " i-r mn'iy j'-ar.pa.t lit irijtoi, HUtn a joung man, uaiucu -Joint Pv ,, lMV.llM ,iieh fu j,-,,,., uf uongro.. can u lloilgcs, was accidentally shot by Lis own dof. Tlio dcoo.iscd was in tho einrdov of 0 Mm. lluda.1! who Ir-utis a lar"o dairv. and .u. iiuu.iu, tvuo Jc4a iax0-u uuuj , aim ou Saturday, the 13th hist., having led tho 1 ' 1 0 cows, ho, in company with llobcrt Green, ' ' . ir 1 ii proceeded to firrct tor ratd Ifodos had . , . . , 1 . 1 . 1 a loaded gun with mm, aud alter they had - . , , t 1 tried bOUlO 01 the hedl'CS, hC prOCCOUed tO . , 11 1U0W. 1 llO ferret Went lUtO tUC lUOW, , . , , , ... 1 . nad llOUgeS StOOd waiting lor It With UlS 1111 . . . ! loaded gun leaning against his peraou ou , tho rmht side. In a thurt uiuo thu ferret ' o returned with a laro rat, upon seeing 0 ' 0 Which, a lar''e fhocp do Whkll Wa3 OU , , . 1 t ' tuo urouud began to jump about. In ho 0 .ii i 1 i- dyllitT he touched the gun, Whtell imiuodl- ' 0 1 1 1 Utcly WOlit OU. aud thu entU'O Charge passed through por llolg'a ntck below tho jaw, j, M. . , . . uiyiueu iw JUgUiar vem uim uurouu niury aud thru n 1 i-d uji into his brain, lit- lUi inunei3iatel , biid lu , anu-a t'ji-pje. It ii bjpjjoscil that Ihe llog'a JJAW JyiocLe-l IncL tut. hammer, aud that in iv-iRa'tt-mliiiL' ou .ty uij.ph ,1 f,t,i to iistwUbSton eau. X;i oil Ivfti Head Quitters. jyiOUE new rooJd this Jay IIAUTMANS. GEO 11 OK II. ItOHUHTS, I.UPOKTElt AM) DCALCil ttf M Mi b n w & im i CUTLERY, GUXS, JUL W Nos. 235 ami 237 Vol Hi Third Slrccl Nov. QI ISGM. DKS, 77 -n i ci r cr n . 77, (0, 81, 8J it- S.ri, lhinnr. Srecl NEW YOHK WouM notiry tho trailattint tliay nri- oivnin! noLkljr, In lleV Ullll ll..'illtlf,l ti.Mlnni.1 lit.. ?3fc.ut'ii' ii iintTi'nu ai.fo Tin: AMOhlvlSAG, , Nc",r'!"i "J'i'ii firpi. miy lrirt m the country fur perlartimi ut isctniloii iin.l Urtien In lull i.in.W,.r ' .""' ","t r'Ki itau uuy m market, Alnl litr-fllii-r xiitii fitcn.i.e nla aJJJ1'J,'',5,"'j"j;j"lv,",l:l",,!'1 ' - TTOUSE POlt BALE , A larjo U-J Trame llrais-. In G'mJ (onJitlnn, nitli - ilncr. wlndew. .Vp.. mltililom I,. trjiitfi.trHnr.r.nnn u'"'r "'' '"if"r nia, m m.i.iir.in' term.. ai- a. 'in.nitity i.f broken l rt fc, lor fllllnR In bullJuiE. and nf Lu,lw ff G,s, lyoTlcBi.irrdiycivintiiat I on iliai.talt' ol l.jJwiKdi'i ( nhcimcr, deceased !iat iPUPrt of administration 4 on llu (.tale ol l.j Jwif(li''i;i'nli MiiH-r Inti if Locust t..niiii. c ii.iibi.iiiim)".iicia-i J.intu !,.-. cram. , li tin' llnsl.ti'r of prI I eoiinty tn tlir uinlrmisnil, uh.i r alJc.in l.oc,t tcwn.lilp. All p.tfcona Iihuib i'nlms irilimauj aj:ahitlliat'pt.Ltit(if th uWdi'iu am rt'qu.'H. to.n'H.'uitbui f.,rcii cuioui.una thosu iniiaicj m .ii'aiuyiuL - iuniuioaigja mO.VAItD ADAMS Jidm'r Lnctit o.'t. an, isoo. .ISOhUTI OK. Tlin ro.pnrtnersliin heretofore rxirtine brtwren the iliider?irui tl in InvMrenflue Jiu.-vifgit, in Jtr I'uluudiia roumy, wnt iliajclud on the firht ( l-i), by uiiitii.il ioi-iit. All p r-iona iudibt'' iliiiler.-iiiiii d in Uv Mrenftue liu.-tufgit, in Jt rw') low n, Mf.l to tint I. it ft iiriu iini en r neatly re'iufctud to cull iinnnidiatfy and HiiMi ri-iii"i.n-iiv. iiij mum i hii; in me inmu nj j. n. I'uuH'i.i. twoilni.r w-ttnf the blurt weru th nrtounta 1"'1U lJiu-"-J "lb """fw TnKvws. J( mnn a0ilno..sJr " ""'' TIIEODOUE STILES SlCCfiSORlO roxrctTicxhK ami Fi:urrjji:ca AD UIMULK liCUHt If RVri-A "ZV 4 1?'" ' Ht'oi"11" $,t,, teft.. No. i:u M irASt vine feet. IMIIhAOKMMiH. M'"cU 10 1J,0"l,lU . J' f s ( '1' lt s nr. a mic nt tim ro.t oi:ics at Ulu'jiitd'iarj, l'a., n n v. h.a. XHtfXZ li"- II--h, IInrv C. lli.w. l.U. S. "a-id. ii. foil", ii it M. Miuer (Ship) Jidniiiou, Win. I.einoli, M. !!, Gft rp.l Ma MiMi-n J i.i. , Cl.ailes Math w, .z in 'nth'-wi.,!' Ui-i. r,i,'dull. 'IhliK frill" ll Cli.nl y I'hillii8, M. 0. Ueirib y. V. Itounfler. James (Ship) Itiik.-i, W, tluti y, Ur nry Stiili-v, Uclu cca Mt. Hiri-ir, p, ltt -h i It '.. Si. hhii' r. Henry SHiinrUW. H. Turner, Jnu, Ttmuipnon 1J. C. Van p,H. N'. '.Vallae-. W. A. Viiin;n,S. r, Dr. Viirliuan. E. i;,,,, i.. i!',,'',"''11 a- ' I':1"?"'' 14 r, i.j.in Mi. I r 'oniliaiirli, WUUain limmy, Hull ",ivn. j .iiu e H.I "ii"' li. i;''ir!''it.'i:i n r.'"'' 'iT'i'. ? nilnii-uurih, Jmt'ji W i v, .. Jos. v. FiliKj-hl'v. r. . Jalue. p'liini t to,'' iiwitxi, .iHuian , 1 11,'li'b ikli,.t. I.ii.aT'.t "n" r' V , lli'lli' k, Japob ,,!' ""',"V. 4 unr.iii. it iu.1 Wriitht, JoluiS, Persons rnllins fr tha atorc Utteri will i I?a say !- U.lrtl,a. I., n. RUl'lIXT, J .V. Tin; on i' iAL r.i'i:n ur comiiiujjh. l n-un now my nnmni rru-pmiL nf Tm nnr ''I-Ollfc tlll'l Tilt ri'MIRK- ('ML UlOBK AMI Al I L.NPir, to r,'tt,lnd .utixrrib.'rH titiiln.l'nrt t tin win. liny ipin to p""a-rii' linn i oiiur.'.i, win nti'ri ou nut n -i .unndiiy "' I'c-mb ' i 'nil rp-num I'tiiiii-inuf ti al"ip.ini'.,l imp, r. Tll'-y Inn i' Ii.', u piilJihlti'd -ol"H7 "t tni.-l mililipi .' n lnm tlmir rh.u nrlcr. uu rln-r r,n 1 'li'Pinil iipp.II,'. to piv.' a n.liitilu uctuuut of Hit' ktu.l of matt r ihrvmii c tmmi. Till Itiliv tiLona lull contain a r'port of Hip ltb.'tt,'A inbol,i l.ruuli'-. of ,,n-r 'sf a-tnlo'n ilnwnln r-p. rl"r i-'piul. it I ai. In anv,',.rii i-f-liort It.tti'l writer tu llim or .n any otlior country. A nnjorny of th.Mii will tnili If Hi'!'' lu it port, ttrhalim. t- tl tlioit-atid wor-I, an boar. wi.ii" u, -it .r..:-,. nun.i. .- ,r wri. t,.ii,r n,i.i np'-nk'-r i ir-ly -.1-,-imU kcv ii iltoriHtni. rti-i liundr ,1 w..ri.a, iir vi, ..th.. ii. i.,t. . ra .'nv tin not m., innr" tlimt f.irtv fii-" r. tuti'ii , lit v n ill appear initio llmlv flloli',.fih.. n-:l ntprninl whlrhwill rontaln nl.n l" Z:?n?A?a"Mmht '. Airi.-m.."'.'!!;'? KftVV 'X-J ItepirtiTViits til" haws p imed dnrilic Up. msii'ti. Mil i npioti uiih Vsto nil. Thev w ill l" print- d on a limit e i oval sli"t ui book 1'nrui. fiv-jl piano in h number eoi laintnj -if i ii pr.'i s. TUewhol-t will nmk . it is In ll -V" I. Ht I a.t JOUnnffiia 1 biu I .11 kiinW It'iierd fu 1 h th rh npal work e, r noil in any country, wbeth r u r'print or printed fr-uu u-nu'iseni.t cnp . tdklng lor .X lX"';, nm .. 'X'b "nV'..''.''.. llllliMltl'll. I111- Covoni.-fis fJumit Ann Api-eidix tn frer !""-'!' Uf timil-u th.. irrut-Mi stnten an will be tf, iiv reiiiimir iiitooui'i!i Joint Iteaolunon p.tniU by Lu- pr' "l ' 1 01 Auemr ip.vj JuL( n,,,,,,,,,,., (r0U(tinc forth.li tnbulion if tlio rcvuu'Hni tiieii b' -ihf;ro. AUthHM.'w 10 ih" cheap cirrulailon of thu law of o'i-JreMn.i.ith'dib'ttei.c.ntriiottiiist.itiDtriifl inter- Pretatfii thereof, and tn make ree tho romtuuniruticn bctwetu ih-reor8-ntativoati'i cuiituHit imdo'if molrvi hf thr Aeua'euutl I hut t of HtprtttnlUt iti tt vtr& siie or .imrrira in atrn$ etmkted, 'Vh frotii mi urti r tho pp'Pi nt semun of Crtnrrepp. tha rofuKesn.. a (Jioiik Mii,rri.Nii. wliuh runtain itin lnwsnnd Hi d. biti llieron, m pa freo tbrouh the umiU soli n theauioshntl be publlihwd bv ordir of Coiup m v i-oi'.. That nnthinir h-r-m hall b eon Ptruuil touHtlmrlcu thu circulation of Iho UutT Uloii freo of pontaite. Apprcd. Auguittj. m. , , TKJiMS : Tor a ropr r.f Tup IHmy fit one, for four C3 00 ir 1 enpv ofTni cov-.ttE-wosALCtoiifc. ao ArTRiDix ('urine iita t-rnnion, n M Por tf enVp: ditto wi.en bredatthe aaniMimo & CO N' "U'uition w ill bu paid to any crdtr unun thu won cy nernirpmy it. IWnk imtfu. enrrtnt i't th eertinn ofth I'oantry win r n sulueriber r-ide w ii' herec-Wod at rnr. Tii whole ,,f aUy Pa" "'l"-' nt'tn'ii mav b r'uiilted in pniaao tlampi, whuliiipri-frablo tunny carriicy, except gold Uf lf jonv o. mvc. Wasbinvton, Vovl7.-I.U Cl. 53. ja. i 1 y T J. E , A T T 0 R N 1 : Y A T L A W , uri,.g iU c att All t'"-'ninl nuuni, ,1 by Charlo. K na'Kai.'iv 1 ItlvflT. barf Uv. 4 1CLU. U,-"tit liiifwiu Um -ivn.R .on aud C 111. an. ,i' anflll r turt.itn MrKKMY. MMI.& jo in Tllr. FIELD wini AM INCllCASUD BUN'I.Y PALL AND Wflnm GOOIIS. 1 1 1 1! would nnnounci; to Hid public ami our frleniU w ihat wn Itavojnit returned from the City nitlta very laraa assortment of NKW CHEAP AOOD3, Our itock nf DUY OOOI id comprises the tarceet, cheap ' est, nnd hnndomest now olrVrod In t)il iimnl U'.i nm duiruuned to coinpcto with iho (rivlnjr im it cull. Wu li iv..-a II hinds of Unodnniid Wares u iuppiy mo naim oi uie people, A large lot Of Ladies' Diess Goods, OK EVICRY DKSC11IPI0N. " u wtw iiiifi jlzio. Sleeves, Collar, Sjiuumn, IlamlWrthicf-. nutiutiLi:, Ujud-nud TrluimliicF, L.wn nnd IMslus, Uoiuirt I'il.lKimt In lurei! arifty, Vj " vtt KibliuiM nnd brmdii, Kid, Cuti-n t JJ.hi J JircuJ Ulocn Mohair MiU, Kc. A T.T. If I Vim ni' Sll A Wt Q lllinPHP ,t,i f, , oil AW IS I iJC lili, Mack tfilk, Lahtucre. l.mbroldrrod, Silla, he. Alao a Urpu Jmortiiii'iitof CIoIIm, Uniiiurn, tS-iliiiLts, elhis. Twi'i'iU, Jinuic, lluuvcr Cluths, Ciiatiui;. Vflvit A.c. HOOTS & MIOKS OK Alili KINDS Mid Hi7, fur Mon U'lm...!. nnj ri.iu,. iv i... Urg- usstrlliu'litol Hut. and Cap., of latrtfa.li lun. . p nail' ai.ii, tiarauarc. tliu-t'ti.. i arc. (Vdarunic &r. Vi-rv t'licap Ciirpit, (,aripl Has., l'foor, 'laltl.' miri Carriii'lu Oil Clullii. Mat., Kua, llal,i tn, ftc. MUSLINS. Ft. MNNULS, TICKINGS, lJlapvrs, Tow linen, Diillin. A.c. In abundnnce. Alo, u large nsKurtinoutof Iron, NaiU Cheeae, a Ijrco uautity of Halt, &c. Wo invltj our frkml4 and tho public generally, to pi vis (is a call befuru purcln-fitiz i-Uen In re. Wu have buustit tur ttuuiln at ttm liimvnt C.tsh I'rlcPs, and will nut bii uiidviculd by diiboJy, or tlin ri-t of nunkiu I. Illoomnburc. Novcu.li- r lt, l-t,0. PEOPLBJJ PACIFIC KAIL ItOAi) COMPANV. Tin' CniiiuiliBiiufprs rf th" People's I'aciue Railroad Coinpauv would atinntince in the i'( uplo cf the United H 1,1 turi, lh.u mlr loaM ot t'oimiiukioiieis aro iully oiyaii izod, by theihoiM-i-r JOIAII M.IIIIAM. iRMipkr, UMVCIl UiOrT, VlcEl'gi-fiti.tNT. Alili:i. AiHOl' I', Pti'iUJAkv, !. WirUI.NOTOV.'l'KfAH.attt, nntl thit tli Kuokd of tlif ( nuipaiiy nr-j opLii Tor the pub (crijitton ul'.-M k in llu-itoii, Xcw orK, I'liihulelpliu, lijititnore nnJ Wjitliinnloit. and will Hr.on bo i pi-tied iu I Ii pnuciflJ tJoatheriiu.id fctiitn Cities and tuhfor 111 1. i ho Clnrtcr of raid Company wan prantrtd by Iho I.i Uii.tup' ot the Mate of Maine, inM.inh, l-'ou. Tin' rljjlit uf way tliriiitsU tli public, lands in tlm Ter -riturie .1 of tiii United Mut n. from MiRoouri Uiverto Cal iforun. by lite way of I'ike'B Ptnk Cold Mines, nnd t'ironh I Uu, ii now oie.-u to llu Company, by Atts of ( oniiren. Thu pi-opln of the Umttid Hlate are rnrnelly riiiPs tttd to Licdiiuue tlm tii.irtrr nod l!y l.aus of tit-; CouiIi.mi) and ctiiJ iu their wntH(rii'tli.ii. All personi ur itivit'-d t'i mbsiTibti ouetliaro u.uli, and uooiiu luoru than ten s ha n1). tfii.in-fc.Oiiy lluu'tr.'d l)ol.ir-t eai-h. ten doll.ir nf u hkli to hi; pai I wiicii tlu siibdcriptiou ii iu.ide,ui! will bj atcn b the (.hatter. I .it tin iMople sub-ifrilo ceiu'rallvnint Itlurallv forth- w itli, uii'l tho Coto.iuy will be able to e' ere trom Cuu pf.s, at its iic.M ueetioujari,': ratita ut land auJoftuyu vy. I Let th'i whole iiecnle. all us one. out thptr khnuLior. tn tli wheel, b siilucriimu; one Bluro each, aud tl.u U.iHro.i.1 will hf built within Ihe ycurs. L-1 CIhIm ut tin. twenty, tilt), it imuv FubsinbOMjio form din cvirv 1'imii and Villav, iu.i tin-money lir wiirded by Mail or I'vrr, anl IVrtific itiN of ; iutk, with rec ipts for Hie mmiej. iH r, turded. K -spuntib' iiKii, t.iuiiiiiip.-.uhabl.' I: iraitiT,and ulio liavui heart for th' wrk. are want'-d in all part 4 of the I'liiled State, to tic t in Air.-nU, to obtain bUb-inptiou to tli" Mock of Hi- nmipinj. All coiitiiiuiiiiMlions should In- dirf'tti-d to the under eigiiffd .it th Olbru i thi Cnuip t. No. Jl School St ret t or Ail.tiin llt'iH", Hilton, and lo wn,oi all .ipplKUti'iiis f'-r cor i!s 1 f Charter, L) -Law B,au J dther doc.111.e11t should b. Hid JO.SIAM IT.UIIAM, Pn-Bi dent Cuatd of Conuuiisioiicrj "nston. ov. 10, lNO-ij-ii, (iKEAT Alth IVAL NEW GOODS. AT Til 15 Light Street Store. Pnasi , Brother till luiiuls on actii e tint; w i 'Hilil 1 ii lot tu our irienils mill CUttloim rd. that We Iijtru lust rereiied an uii- jua!ly large aitwitinvut I FAi,i..-iin wisrr.n GOODS, Wftnh we i-tfi rat Io.i r ratec, fur ruai.y pae, than an fv rbi.foreoi nL.i lurw ud ui.l bu lIU "tUcapLf t.i.m th ill ap-rt." We ahall ni't nttempt to enuitu-rale tlie vanou- articles thi y ir iiuiii' up and tli ir u.miio iti I' rtiiiii- im our pit ch M Mortj'Hoiii i, tuiloiliii thu ( cliar and (i.urit art. fill d toowrJl-iw nipf. T.n r.'an to be found the liuent r.ilrnk-. in ilm rout try ut .Hlouidlili ( low liuniroHl.a do s' wmr iu ere t wn ui . ai j p r tent, lowvt than ! tvet h i"i- ot!" r ! I ci.orii.-t. mi su. f.'iiot i:iucrf, hats, CAi'rf, at Xy3 same rate. In shtrt, nluioht evcrjtliug in the Mercantile lute from a in die to an inirhor, ' : " OurfrieiidsiWill do wtlltucdll b.'toxt. they inaki tliir bcleit.wijj. II. W. C11EA3V, U CO. l.iu'bt Street. Oct 'J7 i"tU KKW AKD Elcganf, I'all and Winter GOODS, A . J. L O A A', H.V4 ju.it r.-i i il .in it tioj, ri,ii'iJi.!lili.a iil.l New. V'olk iiv-r li ir 'i.-'irlui, nt of FALL AND WIN Mil GOODS, Almost ttt-ry urw faliro ulinh ban b-t-n iiiait'if.itliirP'l f r iTni-.- umi Mimoi' r ai m-11 ii. the u-tipl a-noitiiu nl of SXAl-Ll; GOOB.S'.f.ip'-rn-i -innl'li,'. will If l'"uu.l in tail' ly, a nl at prft. . u. l"U im i .n-ar Coodi, tun bi 1 ureil.lfU t Isewln-rc. ll I. ail i-a-y matti-r 10 Itnd pnoil. nl n low- prii-p. but u- a ;,-ntral n.l t, tlcy aro Ju-t an l.iw in quality. Hat tn tn t a timid arlnlu at a vt'rv lull price I. soiuet!!ili rare rs ic-li uu uppurliiiut , lto.wivr, , oa'crml lu any wlui ltt.iv. want uitv (iiions. tir.ocr.itin, M.in uivjini : q vi:ixi n .u ., ilL.1i$ ir.lUK, Flill, s:irr. i.. tjc. r,' (-all anil sc. .I COUNTIIV llllJUUt'i; WANTED, aiooniiburg, Ottub.r t. lcMt. DA ti I JJ. JIGA LXX ! . ALtV FALL AM) '.'.'JS'IKK mm. WIH Ml rohp-'iifnlly iiifi'rm tho eiti. 119 rf Mjrh St.- t .mil uiuu Ui.it Ui'y u u ju-t recti vliI a ii:v ami 1 M u-ive ttt-avr intent if IUIY (JOODS AND GliOOKUIKS, n lurh tliey w ill sell iheap fi-r caih. Thy luvn n larte aud tren. r.J .unt, .ill tli.it i iMiuinnly louud inn Country Morn, and are ii ti-rmined to nell (.iit.ip. Totlie i l-i tlon of tin ir jroo 1-(h li,t' p.ud 'riit al'-itlnni, tin. r fir. Ui ir luorfhuuilii-L will bur reiuuimundalluu mid w ill pr to bi ii tli-j tir.t la-. The propri- ti u corilinlly iluit a liberal flnro of pat ri iiae, I'lii-ttaoiMH w mild do w 1 II t' tall and examine tin ir I'L-iiL-ial .nay b fure punhaiiu)! eUew hero. Country pfOtinci lakco 111 vAiliatigu for t;oud. at the httlubt marki t pm-e. MAUTZ -St KM. f.ijbt Sireel, N'ou-inber, 3 IffO. XKW STOUK k NKWUOODS. 'Till! uiiderkiiiHed, prutefal (nt past p'tlron-me r-npi it 1 fa lh inloi,.!- thu Ijitdijit d lllooiiifliarif. no. I th pub 11c 111 aeot-rui, mm uu ua remo cu U'T i am y aim l rim mioiM' ri. fruiu tho I xihanze I uiIdnifH inln tli I rn k b iibljiic of Mr. John II. Parcel, fir-t dm r Wtbtofthu Court House, wln.i nhahaujutft ncuvcda buliilai HurluiMit of F.'i&liiiiiiabii, Fall mid M'luter (.ooils, cunsi-lln. nf nutss f.oon.t. UMMH. TRIMMIN'RrJ. IIU3lEaV.Gl.0VCS, MOTIONS, ij-t-., ke. Which will be b'iMdu fair term and to Aclmli the a1 tcntiou of luiiome; 1 iimfed. AVliUA D. WEIIB. Moom.liurs N'ov l"i 10. -3m. TVJ E W a T ORE. i. HII01.Lh.iLK .1X11 ltVT.1l. (13 Sfit liYm (SAP STDTiS The undersisned rspertfnlly inf- rins Ihe citiK.-iln of I'liieii'suiirtf, uuu itie pu'iiie in gi jural, iu.it lie tns pur chasLiI llu XL ll' JlAt VOltE. in tlio whit fram ikioru li.. ue, mi Maui rtruet, lauriy nppnpitu tlio i.iiiiaugo UiiilJinr. uifs where lie bu jj.i received u splm-id au- of ... .... WUIlutllt Ol 1 r 11 1 'i-c, .1 ?-i nt in.' i.i 1 "niu sun. ,1, utr.-it trom lite iiiunitiu' turtp. nt all Riii.t. nyi , vi-rt. 'tu.. v2... lati "t fa.llli'll.. un ll llu .tif r. ttlml, aiu in I r. ait at wry low inn-,'.. uv4 Tbc.u Gduu, Mill be 8-U &t tiry low t tir s, f r lUud) J'ay. JOHN li RIKTOV linnm.buril, OctnU'r T, Iff'Q. I ACKEREL, Herring, and we tspco Jl.lllllll.1 1,1 HAIiT.MAN Sheriff's Sales. BY virtue of ft certain writ of Levari Facia, t uif directed, lurucit bul of the Court of Common Picas, (if Columbia County, nlll bo exposed tu public vale, at Iho Cuuit HuubC, in lilooruabarg, un Monday Third day of I)cctmhcry 1BG0. next at onu o'clock, in the afternoon of said day, the fo I lowing property, ti wit: A certain piece or tot of land, which wrro of tho Locut Mountain Coil and Iron Cmnpatiy.iowiicrs, mid ti M, Ileihner. ton Inn tnr. n certain ilililiifr limim. tun Bin. rtcs liioti, with a kitchen uttnhed, one and a half storim bicli : Hie bulldlm? Is about thirti-.tWD fut hv twioiiv. Unlit feel ami situate upontii erttiln lot nrpneu of ground wnum um iouiity 01 tonimuta, mm owned oy tiiu M.ilil i.ocun .iouniaiu uuui una iron uompany, logumr Willi old hf the prop irly of tin' Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Company ow tiers, nnd 11. VI, Ikllnt r, contrtittor, also Ail that term, n lot o! land slt'inte In Cftitre- . 1 vine, ut-ntrc towtisiiip, i.oitimbm county, buumlcil and 7 j (li'scrllii'd ua fitHown, tu it on the north by an alley, on iiicnisi iy h sum in -ai-i 1 enireviiie, 011 tnu swiiin by 1 mi"!" un) v it ti iu ironi aim oiicsmniin'd nun ci(tn- ' fel " i1 K-V,-,J" KV" outf-wid a half no- rylUAMU uWULLI.NG IIUUSU with thti airjrtunau- iccl', ,. , , ... ,. ., nfiwA takf n In cxrrutlon and U bo 10U ai tho proper l lid w unit ALSO Ail that ci rtuiu Irt of ground Hitu.it c In Crocti- ' wno,l towtidbip, c iiuibm county, hounded on the north 1 ft by Charles ll.ij'rork, and mi th south by a piblic r,,nl inidiiii- from AlillvlUf In Kohraburs, rniitnininj nnv half fim Arre timro or lcs, whcfou urn erertod ntwn t"ry I'll AMU U I'.I.I.IM) I10UHK, n log "ut lionip(n t frani" st.iblc, a frame wornl ilud and other outbuildings . with lhnpiurt uaneen, I Aln-tmu otlr lot iltuatin the twp., and county ' f'TCwaM, boumlc-I on 1 ho north est by n public rond.oii i iiiiTU' I'll me cut ny im hi ot i, T Kcl('r. imil un tho I .yiitli ly l,ui.l ufi:ral:vu.,cuiitaiiiini; '-,f "fun ncra luorfi ir lea, wlmrrou if erected a frainu Cat..'"i Maker Shop, and n rv rt.ibleulth th appurteiunccs. Mi i.i'd takru in exi ctitiuii and to bo told uj the proper ty of Jjiricn llnuipton. ALmj,- All tlntt terl it ii Lot nf (3 round situate in p tow u, Ciiluuibl i co., bdiiiid'-d nud described us follow tu wit ; on the ntuitli by Main rtn et of uiO town, on tin wrtby Ifituf riwler mi J L'rtfvi litis, on tit j nurtli by lot flu-iaj and Thomas Crcvuliiip, anJ on thu :i?t bv lot of Aiidnw Uhcih. rmitainin" fortv on fei l in trout, cue hundred and eighty feet in deiith, be thu !" niiTf oriei. w n reoti is creueii a i ii biuiii rU.VMi: llWl.l.l.INO UOLMI. a frime stublL'.aud oth. cr outhtiildiucs. with the nnpurteunuccp. ri-ix'-o Linen in rxecuiioil and 10 Uu ituiil iia II1U proprr ty of I'rinciM liomboy. Afi0 Hv irtut! i f a writ of Vend. r.t..allthat certain Tract nf I. and. intuate fu Itriarcreek towiif Itip, Columbia to , nominee! y ine wen ny a pniiiir rovi ii aiiiuir trom nerwicK, n ."ew i.oiuniiu(i, on in' norm ny wniu ot rcipr llnMii.iu.on the f-niilbv 1 mil of:. I'. Mt-adlv and hrittain and on tlio nouth by laud of in. Idnden and otlnTB con -t.iinin? Kcviuty acres, more or les. about fllty acre of winch isfkared land, wiirr -on Is i ru ted n uti' nnd a In If tory ff.inr dwelli'U Ji'i -, a Irani.- barn, n lojr ut. Me and other uiiibitilrlinc, w itli the apiurteuaiic(.ii. SeiU'-d, takm lu exccutioii, audio bj told ad Uu prep criv if J-icoh Sluiftr. Aljio-tlv sJllJri WliU nf I'rnil. nil tli.it rertsl n b.i of eroiiiid dituati' in liohrbburtr, lir'i nvumt touiithip, I'oluinbi.i county, bouiidcd im the west by Main htreit i,f miii tow ii, ou hic uoriu uy ioi oi i ram is line, on me -.l-i oj iniitjjoi i reiieritK Kohi-i a extatu. tuol ou tlie mritli be liud of Jacob Lamuii. Loiittluio on.- hundred i uud fifty f.'.'t iu front, h t th'! panic iiti-re or biti, and one , uuii.ii"ii una utii-eu t 'it in uf pin, in tnu iiiiou inure or I bi. wli r-'"ii uru tr rtvl aiwodinr) frame dwelling hoa', a I.irsn frame whfctw riht inip, a ute.tm boiler a tfinalt uuciiio a turniuir lath1., a fr.ini- blackHinili shop., n tailor niiip. and two frann' aUlLB.aUu ollu-r oul-ljUila infi. with the apputn incea. a.iA-d.tak n iiieveiutioii, an ho ba told as the prop cm f Muihi.i M Applciui'Ti ALSO- fly urtuyoi t wintrii rriflttioti eiionai ii ivrtain ItoftrniunJ tUnata in Main Mwnp,(.Viim. iiiaiuu.t'y. uii.inniff land if 1-aacYitt-r ou the north, .1ron 11.. runner ou the couth, wvtt and e,it, contain in if oin- acre of .m t, when on In creeled a one uud u half tt"r tram.- dui lliuir huune, a trmuo ttablt, u well of water at Um dot r. Al.SO-One other trait of land Mtuatv in rienw U ntiip,( olumliia loiiulv. udjoiniu laud of Cliarl'is Man. i, on ih' north, J.iiAib Sh iiii-lu' hciri on tue north Abnili.im Kiii'iht on th smith. Ch.irlu l'tnln'r and Ja cdi II' lu.lerb it'i on th tn-t and MiryCupon lliu wi-t-t routainiii!! n-'intidr-d aud mo a nuaiiila half, with th upparU'itauctg, about Uu uci b ot lili.il uiu ilcarod Ian I. m i.ed taken in cx cutlou aud to bi sold ad thu prop erty of Jacob Holler AIMI 1 irt i" of a w ritof teatatmn renththm txpo um iit.'d u at of 1 bo Coutli f Coiuuiou Pleas, n .-i ltu ! kill i utility, Peiin!lniii.i, all that ceil uu trac t of lund itu.it.- iu I'raiitJiu towiikhip, t.'olumbia countv, IVnn'a,, bounded aiol lUinbed uii follow i to w it . I egiiiiiiiuriit a white Oil k i or ii r of laud of John Ilower tii'-uco by the f inn. Smith I'.mliU nniu and a half dern-on wi-l. lorlv pi'ich. i tufctoucB, thenw) b) laud ofKeujainiii P Portin'r nrrth two dearies wi Bt, lorly tAu ami two ii-ntbs p-r. fu'- to u rhi st'ii.t oak thence by lUe nanus nortti muu di-yr' en wt A fi.rt tiir'i- pLnludtou maple in tlu-iue bv th h im.-, iioriii tm ilepr i a a-t thirty pTi Ik's to a piki'woml, thi'tte. by Hil! taiiin imrlh tw,nty live and a h ill o-vri-eu iafct tiiut )er io h to Uu mouiii of Vt tier n it ,ii. tli nt up Uk noitli east branch of tli--MH'ju ban n.i II. v r it- ario'ia coumt'ii oua huuilrrd aud thirty uud a ti-i.tlirf pi'iilu to ,i rid o.ik, ih. tic b biuii of t harks . Cove. &oitlh Hurt) -five and a half defir-i eiut "iu and iwo t ntiupi'ri.li' to thi.uH, ito uce bv th s im ,)' rtli ijjl.t) lUe dt u rues iat twenty foi'r pen lies ('(ton ;i to oy w ood lutt, t-uuiU fi-rly two ilt-uroi h t nt tn i niy m an 1 ri ti uthn n-rih s in 'll,-rl. tto'ine li Ui -aim . kolilh l-tl et.'bt th .r H aft, ue liuiidr d and rix pi r h -h t r.l"Mi. .-, tlu-m e by luii.tn b l,iiii;iit! to 111' io irpnf Jiliu V rln- r ('IlcM.., touth thirl j and a half I'Vrei t. w-i, lirty thr'1'- pen h lo a htniic. i in m t th i.une uud I tiuU oi tim af hui.IJi.1iu inirtLr.ro'itli mhty i'tti no I ii half li'-gr.'eit hi ft, mie huiulr -d and ily fmir ,1'rilt'tj loili pm 1 1 in in tiui, (oiitaiinu' on.- tm it -ir'-d ami noveliiy lour to n oil'- n nulled nnd fmly ptr tin r. and allowaiicn of tx pern-ut. be tin- name ;iore or Iex, aiiout one huudn d at rat of wlui li in i lea red l.md w hrp mi iui rut imI a tw o try lrame dw iho? hniu,, a laryi- iraioe, bank burn ii tiiimu waon Ihxuo a ring h.'iw , aud oiiu r nut boiluiiis with tin U)iurt.iiuni.n,. S' ied mid taken t.i i tcutio.i and to bu bi Id n? the property of MjrfarU Uabli , by Jo ruttunii.-, m fait Hen ry tiabU, JOHN' EJNYDLa, Sln-riO. &herirn t fire, t ii uorusbtug, Ott. I 'I t) ton iii:i.KMUi; tiuim, 1600, I IVt'r Milli'r rs. th Cattawiba, AViIliauirport, Hue liail Kotd Company. S jtmi' I l.i'iin'ii vs. A. . ('reamer, :i John Mi Cu I In m. U ury Han, 4 J.u o'jSUiu!' r ri. Vilnon Al'it. 5 Jaei-b S.iii.l' r-r. iUi.uu Mit. ( Towu- ud W. Kahb t va. Daniel .VeyharJ, 7 John McMulli:. u l. al. is. camuel Klioiio, S Meph'Mi II. Miller rs. DaiiU I 1', Sbvrt. t 1! ai rt L Auli'ii lit njamin Padon HI Wilhnin App- man r, Jnnatiinii Ma-ttllcr. II PetL-r oilliiu'ji r e$. .Mi hiel Mylert. M Jir u.iah . HaniiJU u. A brain , llarey. 1.1 N lUi.inul I , liulUr. tt. nl. is, Abraut , Uarcy, II Jori ph i.lli- rs.Jaiii'HW. Mtnk. l.j I.aviui Ci.le tJ Ail.tiu lailz.it.nl, 10 Haul I Sp lydi- i , ( hrn-tinu Luubaih. i: lru V, hu- t.i. Jiiiub Hi. hi, i-i ijfurue (i tt i". Ib'tir) SIiiiIab'-reiT, 11 Aii'ln w ( ri k i Iiug is Andrew Milluk, Fen.it. ul. l'i) ( liuloii It. lb irmn, t, ul. vs li.iiii"! I-', 6cybirl, -I Mil hat I lU,tn cs. U tlliam A. Cae. J. j. W. I., hllmau u, lrJiuli Siiamail. 'M liawl Xualcs (iiur-'D liullur. i-'l t,uc '') lt.r it. Jaiub llerlm, it. nl. Praiii i i JoriUu, 1 1. al, v. UtUh i I . Purtull t. al. Vu I'raiuid Jiinlau I. ul. Kluh i P, Puis I it. al, 'l"i "in m Tamil in. 1 1 .ll. r. Uilli.uii Iluiililion. Itotji'rt J. I.volisr. Mi'litComi ry Lul, Lt. al. Uaac 'iUr A.ldrew ("revmoic, yJ -ifpii a P.dii rs. Liui.ley W. v o'diy. :tl J ii idi li. Slim i. II-'Iter I J. L)oim. 32 Julio l.udwi t. Tram i li, Wianr. U31AXD JU1SOKS, foil uncKMUti; tlum, isto, UtiMtui- Tvau J'lius, lii-r- ii miOK- Widiam II. WooJin, Mordccai Jackson. Ik i inreiL Wil lam HartmLii. t'i utr i -Samil. 1 C. Itower. Call iwisa Oi orgu Hugli-s. Adam lVd roir. Fiiuuji.r..L.k Hiram IK us, Daniel Udgar,Ceorsn Pow ell. I'r itiklfn Mi-li.i''l Meneli, Jack-mt Clenvtr. (Jrubiiivoud-Ja.nus Vauhifii, UuOt iiobbms, Llijah L'imot!. Iltudw k Join Oiron. LocilKbl Jacob Ilt-lwi MuitiiiWilli.tm Muusin;or, Villiam Bittler, Montour Is iae M'twry. Ml. PK'Us mt Abraham Jul line. Orange Willi un i'lthcr.featiiuc) lmmerinan. a ijiarluaf Anderson Kile. TilAVEltSl-J JUItOltS, n.'iiton - I'.h Meudi'iihall. lirunrt'1-ll'-ub n itovvir. Jeremiah C. hmith. II itt r Jnliu .-Lu nan. C'lti.iwi-sa I"m phiri'l), Isaac 3. Monroe, ttphen Ual 1 Saiuu I I'll ' a it Frank) iu Daub'! llolulmck. Fi binjircik lVur Coldif. Sam'l Crevclnit'tl'tnaiidus t'nao t. (ir'i iiwood Aaron Mu-gravi . Hemlock John tout Jolru Hartinmii LncuntMark William, lletiry liable. Mttliin Miiii.iel Ff, Lewis Ltroat. Milin Haute! R mnuM, Jno Kline Mouttjur Jicob Ilb, Jmcpti Alousftl1. Malison New Km Thouui, John M, Smith. Mt Pleas.int--Joiti Wardiii, Oran ju Jacob (JihhI. l'tne Pfiilia Shoemaker, JuliuF Fowltr, lUra Lyons, Jacob Christj. Roariiigcreck Judari Cbtrrtiistort. Sugarloaf Jon Kill hen. Scott Jacob 01usc.i, I'liillp T. llaitman, Joseph Lil Ipy. Light Street Store. CIIKASY & CO'S. iilTLLHriN. ALL styles of Guilt Moulding for Future Franvs bv UtUAV i W. 1.1. kiiiu et Liumoer lor sale uy LL kinds uf Carpit fi-r taU by ClUJAY 4s. CO. ( ua vv t co. I L t5T 'JCt'vcJ aU kln'l 'f Ladies Drfs-Onmlj. by liv,,,,!., 5:"K:.h)'flC,J . . .. 1 nr..in KV.U i I A., l ll,i.., in tnu late.l fuviiiGiu, lr pal-i by in CKUAVi. CO. I i;u., ,-iaiig and tnu.l. lur sal, by 1. CUR IV CO. CRUAV JL CO. CREAV i CO, C2EAV 4. CO, CKIAY i CO. All 1 jr. oil. t i sala by gTONli Coal, foi .all- by jU.MDEIt nf all kin i, fcr s.lc t 01000400,, 17 LljM tttut, Nov 17 UK. QllKA'J? WOUIC OK THE HOItSla. Tliollofso and His Diseases. BY IlOBCItT JENNXNOS, V. 8. Prccssor of Pathology and operative Sur cry in (he Vttcrinarij College cf 1'hil adefphiat ttc. cc. WtLL'TZLL I'O 7 Of tho orfflion, hlvtory nnd distinctive trans ot me various uncua or huro Dunn, Atlatlc Il'Tscii. with tho ailrl tlio niculinritii and how to ascertain uutnber and condition of liis tcith J iiiiiHirpici nun numerous cxrjianaw ry eiisrainc.t The ll'irac unit his Dtseat's WILL TELL IWOnirocdinr;, llrrakini;, Btablinit n-cd-imr, grooming, ihot inc and the sen crul inannfctincnl of tbo bore, with the bedt inodeit of ndinlillftcrinn ined' cine, a!o, how to treat bitinff. kick inc. rearing, Bh)lng( stumbling, crib 1 itluir. ReBtlCinen, and ether vicis lowbithhe U suliject; wittt Duur' oiis explanatory eitgrrvlnpt The Horse and At JJhvases KILL 1EEL YOUiitUiO cnujics, pmpiums, nnilTrf&t incut ofStrauales, Sure '1 hroat, ! temper. Cat.'irrfi, Influcnrn, Uronrhit tl, Pneumonia, l'leuriy,Proken Wind t.hronic Couch, lloaritiB and WhigUm? l.aninus.Sore Mouth and Ulcers, and Itcn)cd Teitli, with otlnriliHiusesof tho Moutli and llciplratory Oruui. The Hone and his Jjstasts WILL TELL VOU Of thcinucs symptoms. nnd Trent ment of Worm, Hots, Colic, struugu lation, Stony contritions, Ruptiirei, Palsy, Diarrhaja, Jaundice, ll('patir rha1.!, litoody Urinctones lu the Kdi iiey and bladder, Inflaiuntlon, and other distases of Iho Stomach, llow tls, Uvcr and Urinary Orjuu. The Hone utttl his Oiwa&es WILL TELL I'O' Of the oaucs, symptoms, and treat nieiil of l.one, lliooil and Ho;, Spa in, King Hone, i weenie. Strain, I rokeu hticeK, iml (.'.iiis, I'ounder, Solj Urtii-ii and tiravel. Cranked Hoof, Scratches, Cankir. Thruih,anJ Corns also, of Megrims Vertigo, Lplltp y, Stasperi", and other distusus oi lUe feet Legs and Head. The !wre and his Distases WILL TELL YOU Of th-cimes, aympti.nn', nn dTreat-iil--iitcf ri'tula, PollUi, Clnurlfrs, l'arcy, ScarleU'evcr, anje, Surfeit I.orki-J Jaw, I'hruiiiaiism, Cramp. Galls IMeacs of tlio Lju oud Heart, Kc, &.c.,aiiii lioW to tnaiuse evira tion, IHfedinp, Trt'pliiiiuinr. Rnwiil line; I'lnua, Hernia, Amputation trap piii,.', and other Burgical opi-utious. Ite llune ami his Ducoms WJLL TELL rotat Ilares U thod of tamiiiff Horses how to nj proarh, llader, or Mnblu a Colt, how to uciustom a Jntoi to ttrangd Hounds and iphtu, and liow i to Mil. Sadill", Uide, and I'reiik liim to Hnrncss; also the form and law of Warrm. Tin u tirjl.i beius thu re sult of loorc tlnnlitteeti j tars' i. ireful niu.ly of the hatuN, porulnritie.s,w ant and wcaK:iLiB oi'ilns mil. and useful finimal I'he book rontnlus IMpise, nppropiat"ly il'ttrttrated by nearly One Hundred lIuraviiUB, It tf printed in a cb'iir mi. I open lypcaud will hefurniBhed to any address pontaiiL'piild, on reuipt of price, halfbuund , 51,(HJ,or,in ib'th, extra, gl.'ii, .1000 A YEARWi$ " iug nien ev i ry where. In tiellln? the nbove and other p"pular wirlts of ours. Our luduc.mniis to all aucU are eictcuingl), hb rul. 1'or swsl copi.-H of th-! Pnok, or for terms to agents with other iniormutioii, apply to or addresn JOHN li. POTTt 11, Publl-hcr. No. C17 fiSauoiu ttrect, I'liiladilphia, Pa. Sov 17. 1-10 -i m. '1U: l'KOl'LK S COOK BOOK. iii02ia-:at.i oEijjEi"s:. AI.I, in HRANCIILS. MISS Li LIZA ACTON. CAntfll.IA r.OlSkli UY MRS, d. J. HALS, : TltW 1'tfit How tn chowif ah khidB nf 3h-ats, t'onitrr ami CaiiUitll atl t'levurtobs mid umsi approved iiioden nfiirebkliij; and coikmg liat 1 and Pork ; alio th b it and mio kt way ut suiu.in', pakltiig aua cunug tli - fcaie- .' 7 tilt You All th various and most approved modes cf ttr Sdin,.', cm kins, und lion inn Muttmi J.ainli, Vt al, Poultry and Udino ot hII kimli, with th. iliU'-reut Dnsiiifrs Ora n-b. and Rtall'iiips aj-propriato to each. It Tttt IV k liow to cb-'OS iP'iin ami pr'-eervo V ot ail hiiifs, and now to hwi-i u ii it win u tnini-d j also all the various and mu&t aiiiTofd modus of cook mil'. Willi tin iliti'.-n nt Dr !t"iiti!s, S tULi,&, uud iU.r-1 imri uppn priate loeudi. It Ttlli You AH th' xariniin and mot approved tnode4 of pn-piring n r mi) dill", rent kinds ifi Mi at. I'rotiiv, and St- w. with the rel-i-di"s .vol .-i-nsonijieti appropriate tucuili It Tttt' 2" All th annus a n.l mort approvi d iooiIch of lookina Vey t.iblss of iwiy desin ( timi aloi'iw toprepar' I'm kl-s.t 'm-upH and Curries of all kind)', PitU,d Meats,1 I'lh, Cjiiiu, MihrooiiM, ive, ( Till You All the various and int approved mod. s ot pripa. ug and look., q; a I '''J- M ...i.... - Oni i li ii. -h' rmtiTs, CakCb Coiitu(tionar. Pr serieri, J'dln'f, uud sweet ilnhcs of i i ry ue itiplion. It TtlU JVu All tin- various .u. d mot approved modes floating Urea. I, Husks, MutluiM, and Itiruit, the tut-t method oi pnparing Cutfie.i In'iolati- land Tt a. ami liowtn nii've Sj rupH. Cirdial. and WlUt-s of art"Ui Minis, It Tills You How to si t out und ornament n table, how to Curve all kinds cfflih, tb-sli or l'owl, nmt iu nhnrt.hu w to mi siunilili tho whole art of CoiAiusr us to bring Um I Con Istnv of rAfiuuN.viiLii Ilutss Coits, of every tics eh" iieit luxuries oi thu tablj within i . cription ; Pants. V-ti-, Slilrti. Cruati Stocks, Cotton t rybo tj'i. ri ai Ir, llanaUeichutd, Cloved, Suspenders, Acc. Tho bok contain- 4lr pact's, and upward-i of twelv r r A. A TOUCO hundred lliciiies. nil of huh are the results of attuul UUU VV n 1 vfitO 1 expuiieuie. ti.iv 1114 ui'cu iuii anu i tireiuny it.tiuu umn r 1 ttie pi r"tui.l hup'liuii.iiiieuu) ui io- w nu-r- n i pr'ii l i' In a rb ar nuu op- n type i- illuMftil' d v ilb ni'pr nri.ite i-u'raw iii2. and w ill In- forwarded to am addre-a. lleaill bitind, and pnilaei paM, oil rieeiptot the pnie S100. or in i-loth, i lira. $1 itf ltf4( A J ff A ST r1'1"'''1 """I iOlWU M. JZldlhX uuerpru- . i.ir ii . t- I rvwlKr1, in si-llius tlm above work, onr inducement to jtl iu h I. .-in" i i . Iili rjl. r'or siuiil cojuis of Um book, or f-r terms to agents, witllotli r iiilurmalioti. applv tw or addrUkH JUHNII. I'Ol'TLU, Pub'i-her. o, riTS.ui-tOiii ttroct, PlulaJtlplua, Pa. November :i, LoU lu. 5") K FJ 75 I EJ .72 . roil siTsi-RiuiT.a i 1 , J'h .Ni .1" lMliiio.iH Wiekl). wan leiiimiliccd in Ju lv last, and is published on Saturday of eiirh wei k, at, No. 7 ii-t kmaii St., N. Y. Ldltedby th- 1L v 1, tUlti i. '' ll.COjKf?, 1 D. as-itli'dby th" Ituv.JOIi.N Ml' LIN ?j 'POt'K H. H. ut pren-iu ribn.i ig lu Paiis. ti orr.s ponding Fall lor ; mid by nuin roun r.iutribatra w-d!. Known us writ rs tor th p.'i pie. (Jiving da; proim-H n mn lo all niatterbof .tt-'ri't-i pertanmiif toth' Clnn h j w lnie nan, il Uuir, und sustaining it is iii!itutioiiB n i aujiut diorg miera within it bum aiui i.a-uiiant- a If.mi williout'it i t. inafprnt of broiln rlfood, roiuevsn it r a h r" lall 'UUils u pa&nu eius m .nt me i titi'r i hurtb'-s, un4 in the world at large, lonintaii mi r. ut the ham- time u high ln rary tone, and a oi;iniL'a 3 , ub-ll)i"iM'' frmti all unnecessary coiilruvifr-). c; it is pi tut -.1 lit Imp' rial Ouurtu i'nrm, on in" ten paper, tout in the U at Typographical Bt) le and is Lm btllih"d from ti.ue U time b l' (traits id uniu ut M'-ti. in the tiiiniblry und I tily. and is imucnnstituted 73 editorially and m rhauicaily, a rcii0i('U fauuly newb-pup.-r uf the Itfst Oa's. Ti UMa S'-J PKIt YUAU 1 Subicnburs lujingfi-rthu ).ar to rnuimenco Ut Jan- . uary m i, wd r.ceia Uie paper Gratuitously up toU lliawiaic. Piemi litis for s'lbsinb rs. AIlhoj?li "The Alelhod- -lit'" has iiflwith aim i-t uiiptc dented eucus. jetr in r.rji.ri,. i.l.ifi if u itlihi lh.' r.-aihof everv .Mrthoi.iit t Fnioilv. we havu been induced to rf T a Ut of Premi n urns lu any who w i-ii to pneuru subsirlb, rs. These, p Pri mi'ims am oili red boveraily Ir two Subsirib 'rs. and up In I itt) Sabstribirs, and embrace Wll-ebr &5 U'lWoil Setting Mathili-s, Wilcox A-tU'ibs' SvWiMgr7 Maehitie'i.l'r tub's Luiiital Washiua Machines . O Cat harl, iedham & (o.S Mclo(IeUns, number of books. bUeli as Hamer s Illuminated n liible.Wnshiujt'Mi lrviug's Work , Agricultur U J.nkx u yen's llii. of Mi-thoai-ni liaug b tlit. oi the M. L ( liar li, and uuiii.ruus other buuks ul I'enuau'-iit m- tt r t uii'l value, togi-tiii t vv iui u great viinety 01 mmi . tuitabletotbeSubbalhSclioal Library; Bin.rduig to any 7 Wil 1 Wish lo pri'a-LIll their Pabtor With a pi rp t'l.llly U- ful ll'iu-eli"l,l .nttyi-iitPiip,. r, n ,.ha rrnruru one tor tin ir own coiui.iri. or who wish 10 niniiMi uuu - jay Wliuni ntpil nr lcac.n r wi.onit.ir". in i-uriniin-i- J ri.Lir.rj,u reaily ..iiau.iiid.' . j.o by tho "1'Ji g diliircMilyaliltlJiiirliiiiuu,itlpi uicupatiou cf an HUN .pip UUI'. r-pi-Liiiiin Kos uiu b. ..nl rrre.nn appltcatmn I., any au.iri-i, vvitutuii winy a; 1 17. ma....- s rtuurews u maw. 1 iJ OiHce,7lJeekiuan St., New Yuk. Oct. lGU. Cts. Flour it Iti! lut.v.'-:i ! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP: 1ST. 'Pim ilillpritH'ni'd lias inii'tp niratiyiii' nt, tlt.it mil 1 inMbL-liim tudrliv.r llunr a 1 1 IVe.l, I olt (' IHH. I abiuii t. n jt'T i-nit rb. ap'-r titan at.y lo') Ul tu limn ' lit- pi lc,i arc ft. follow. ' riuur tf .j f , ,4tR CU'l', SI I 1 C r , s.- On n,i 1 J., r" 1 lu I r'? rlfaily ,.,11 it 4 .liar, ul .'- P tli- patit-i'i BlP-oia' bur;, Juna S3, 1" 0-lf. SUPERIOR Golden Syrup Jlolatses, iu,t lewtT.d ,td for wl. tt a) tut, r.r f !(o, tl b, itutf ci!i ticri: ot L T jlitrpl.,.. ii. o. & i. ummm. 7R would respectfully Invite Iho attention of ouj v iricnuf and tna public generally, i from CiS Tonrn.. anJ County, to our present New Slock of j i'AJLIj and WBIVTEK; GOODS, fif Sfili rbl!l,l!rllS;,M.w'W lSiVii:V,"a nunlitv. In the Ureas ftood line. Wu have DeLnius frrmi 12i cts., to $1 iter yard, all Wool PlsHs , wnmn Munis, saxony i j.iius, nmm ra Aionair. etripes, 2J(jyds. of l.xtral'laid Ailk for 58tti. per yard, (Hack Silk and other In lar?c tuari titles, AhAwlB, Hroche, Stellas, cbcuilj and Itlankit, Calicoes, Tit kings, Checks, Stripes, fee, he. Cloths, .Cnsnimcrs, Sattinets, Tn ndilltlon to thu above wc offer Oroco lies, Hardware, Uutcnswarc, Willow and Cedar Ware, I'-oots and Shoes, Hats and i nps, (fit rA.ti,P..l n,l.n. Willi Pn,.i r.!...!- Cn.f.i, Cotton Yam, Ac, &.c. I'lili, Salt, Iron, Nails, Lumber, :looLtbtirS, Sept, 53, ISbO. I LAilirS! I.AJH'S!! LAMP'!!! Head (Quarters. ANOTIIlill FRKStl AK1HVAL OP )o.vr.s Mii.i.r.n s. imphovki) r.irrxr coal uii, uuhjYHiis, if uriwra t un BUhNING, col Ki:iio!:vt! oroarhov oir. AKlN'ti tin best and ch ripest LU-hl now in ue, nult 1 tibia for Churches. Stores, or fmnilv ime. no tl;nny(-r from Lxpliaion and one half cbouper than any tatwr liUt, liuvv used and JSUUAIi Til UAS, The above lamps, with or w itlmut, Globes or- StaJoj, can be bad at tlio NEW AND 011 K A 1' DllUG STOUK, KvcIi;iiir llnildlnir. miiiimhui, l'a,, Wbi rtt lliu unilpr.ictiutl ouM r.c.p 'Ctfully Inform, In. 1'rii nil. anil tint public in ci-llcral. tlt-it lio ha. lu.t ri-- C' Ivcil frutu tin titiL'., a lario anl iu!l .vl.-itjd .lock of flood., in 111. hinit consisting uf r I,?-r i ,i,Mi l ui.llt, itiii.i.--MUllll'IMM LlllIM.t.AI.H. UllullNII M XV 1 1 - I . I . ril'IOErl. TAIVTS Oil 3 VAnMrllUfl I1VI1 STUri' WINDOW til. S.t. UK AI.I. SlZI'r!. I'livr. fcTOUTU sll.lVINU LKUSllCcl. TtllHI-'Cn fc CIOAH1, ui" i in; nun' un , viin I'tlll llM UUV, l'Aur FOAM 'lltUrili:rl i. SIIOUI'lllIll HA EH, uui; ivii;.s. mt.wmi:' ma MClliriN M. I'Mi:, 111, AP Cr iTINO, Don t: 'i o oh Mint, oii.t Mini i.i. J.MS FUR 1 kAMCH.fc AfiKLAT VAIUUTV llr-CAItl'ON oil. l.MI'rt A VII .-.IIAI1CR. r i x i u , u a n im i.x t, s a Fiyr v I'l.lMt) I AMCSfcfllADIM. Auto All the mu.t nonulfir Pat -nt Mpilirin . nf tba ilay, prcscriptina,, mil f in.ily tnttiii im . carefully put up. j. it. lliu ucttiai prnikssinii is .uu cnntiiiut'tl anil Tvtlll in,tti.li, in tll,i luo.t apprntpil liiauni'r. ri-rllair tliinkful for ni.t n.itrntlarj. lu hope, a cui!t!nudui.. ul' tv nam,', u. ,ii. uaui.niii.uii. nioomsburS, Jan. l3'J-y. 1'UULIO SALL1 oi' Valuable Real Estate. IN' pursuance of an or J-r cfthj Orphan's Court of Co lumbia Luuuty, on Saturday the IU tin of Dccrmbcr next at one o'clock In tbo afternoon, Alio an Cole and William Cole, adu.inijtr ilors oflU'ki,.'! fob-, Ute if Sugurloaf township, in said county, deceased, wll elpoiio to sale, by Public VthJue, upuu tbc prvmlsvB, a u-itaia Musdlir aye and Til A CT Of LAND ai'jnmiiijr Un-N of Joshua Hriuk on the, Kast, David Lew is aud Liekii I Od" on thu orth,Johii Onto on l Liu Wmt, und Montgomery Cole on the aoulh, cunt Uaiug One Hitnn'daud Tifiy crcs; more or less, on which aro cn-ctud a I'U.VM SAV-M1I,I LATil-.MILl., a al'O.VC DV.XLUXU HOLSU, anJ FUtUl FK.'.MK im'F.LLlXH tloUSKS, a lllaikmith Ph'ip. llarn, nud othirout builinss, about Ll) am s of wbith h e'enred and in u iood tfite of ciilli talion. the remdue ii m H limbered, a t'uod biurtu;; op pin Ordmril, uIko ja good Mijriir Camp. i.aie iifitaie or sain ueceasr-u, iinaiea in tue town , tliip of tugarloaf, and county afore8ai 1 JACOII LYHKLY Vitrh. Oct 57, icr.. Fiinsu A till IV A L -OF- -llIJ un lenntfto'd. grateful for pa-t patronage, respect J , f ' r.-c. ived fim.i tha LaJcruo uties, the dlU Jll)Usl , ik a 6l0(.k of I Ti.i r , r, ii'Tvmiiil X'.i.J-.Jj -l.NJJ 11.AJUJ. ft Y 'jT 7YX y V 'V rTAV irC That lias .1 bfeti opened in MooiiHburg, to which !) m iii'H ui'' aiiijiiii.iii or um menus, aim assures iiiem tli.it lie y uru oin-d tor sal at r t barium. Jilt Stuilv LOinprirt, , a larev umioiIiik it f I olntli:mkvs wijakino appaui:l. , U JEWELRY, , Of evervrferrfnlinii. fine mill rlienn N. Jt -Kemember Leu-tubtre'd Chrap Emporium.1 ' call and bee. No clmrgu for examine (Jood. DAVID LOWnXIlfRU iiiooMhtmrg, Sept.J.l, ItCO, 1 (Jue IfOl'.; GltHAT EXOITBMENT AT THIS FIIES11 ARRIVAL or FALL AND WINTER GOODS, MILLER'S STORE. T JIT. subscriber has Jut returned from thu city with moth r largo and eeli ct Ubsortment of h'ALL & WINTER GOODS, pun baked I n Philadclphiaut thedow'ctt figure, and whh'h Im is determined in sell on as inodeiate terms us i an In pretut'-J elsewhere In llluouisbarg. His ttock cousinis LA1)IH' DtESS GOODS, t holi-PM tityle. nn.l latest fashion. ! Lry Good, (irortnt. linrdirarc, Jucrn$ieare.CtJar Wart lint autt La?, Ji .ye In hhnrt everythiu,; uaally kept in country Stores to VV Inch ho mvit' rt th public gi n.trally. U- The Uighed ncu paid for country produce riTLPllKN IL MILLER. Vloomsbar. Nov. 3, 1;0J. y. lliiiry Zuppiri?ti'3 IM;iI)!i!ii!itnl (Hhetn thrjf hail dead anil buried tome time last irinfrr.) 1 .t )ou want 11 good n i ry food new wutclt t I) Dei ou want u cluap vvuliii t n.i( oua uiiuiuu j"U ' Do you want keys, li ailier gards, 1 Or a watcii-glass tint will btav in t A Hunting Ola, Patent. Oencva, Or common, or fin ill, or targe t Did your watch irit u tall r A knock, a jirk or a hit 1 If it is or isn't 111 splinters, v Im would givuil a bitter "Ut" ( Cvjiiidrr broke I verge orasptudv.1 1 A ji vv-l, a wheel, or 11 spring f Ib'ard a uoiiie, a crack, or a hammln-, A a bae with a vigorous wing T Uiu vprlng broke, sure I or a pia. Dawn with all the bid watches." - P,i mak" th -in is wors than a sial' Lloomabui,;, July U, IsW. 11100 U A M A I'l N". I TTlO-MtI'M Ih.irnw Winm J V.u.i.wmi rrant, , V 'S ,Vf toVril u t ?, I rlrZ ."j iXl 1 , j . r, u( tiiurt,T isu.ns of thu , . ,Ml Julda) j.,,,,,,,. PinnnjO ,Ue KuutK. 'of l.u,uml..iiii,y, au.l VVvomiti.-. anJ th.' lion. j.i,. i Msl .Mp!t,."ju,.,1.a uf Culumbt i I, ,,,,, v h. I..H lll, , Ml,,. ,1,.1 li,.. Jl, 1, ,,rtr .t) and bun . and to um .iireit.-d f. r lulling nay in tin . 111 ,11. ur i uui ."iu ,. iu"u-u"- ii.i 1 Court of Oyer and Tirmiin r and (ieueral Jail ib l,v.(iy. U. neriii tlu irt r s ssiwaa or uie reuue, fmuuon i tuts a-il orphans Court In Moonubdrg, n th c-Minty of t i.liiml 1 1. on lliu llrst Mondav. U1B1! the 3d dai of li .. i. 1 nnrl 1 . i.lino.. mi.. .i..U Nolic i. ll ri'by kivhi. to Hid toiunt-r. tha Ju-tic.;. K thi' I'tani and Con. table, of tbu .aid rna.tty of Ci'luii.bu that iUj be tl. -n and tb, ro .11 ui'-lr i'n p'r p r.nH, al 111 n'l I ink ill th.' ti ralti'OU of .aid dav. with th.lr rtn oru,. i'iuiytnii, and lUhtr r- ineialiraapa tn dn tbn.it thin,. I m iiic'i to th ir nftii'.. app rttiti to bit 'inni' Aud thn.11 that ar b "lud 1 1-r . 'luizaiict tn proserin- atl nnat Ilia pt ..oti t- t tint a or may hi .11 the Jail 1 f ill' qui' ' ' ulunibid In b'- th- u and tui'tu In pru. tcuti- tin 111 1, stia. b; Ju.t Jur r ar r i t d t u u n tu I tu ti ir at t nuaup- ai r 'pably 10 thplr nttieci- li.-trd at tn.m. I tr, Ui. Itb day of Oct, in the year nf mtr l.-rlooo , Uinu.aud if bt buodred and .txty and in tbo 1 1th year 01 uiw i-ui,iuuiuiia ui iu. i-u.iua Duties oi AinvrtPtt. (0-aJ ,iv. Ui, Coianinawtialtti ) - . john s:;yi4B, shrtr. ecti'.jr rr iwo. iwscM jl MATH OF HON, 1IENHVT STHONG, FuiLADELpntA, Nor. 21, Hon. Henry K. Strong, formerly a ineinhcr of thu Legislature, and Speakercf th of lleprosenlativcs, died at tho St. Lawreneo Uotol at 2 clock, p.m. to-day. DI2ATH OF SIP CHARLES A PIEU. Tho U&t foroigu adIces iuioria u. of the death of Admiral Sir Cbarlcj Napier, having deceased ou tho Cth iust lie was before hu deimo the mo-it dLtiu gUlshcd of all tho llHUg EnHsh NaVfcl oflicurs. DALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. 1)11. J II li .VI 0 ,S , rplIR founder of this Celebrated Instilblion, oJirs tbo X rnot certain, bpuedj, uud only tiltclual rtinedy fu tfie world for eifectsfwr (Jleets, Httictuns, Simiual wtak ntss, l'.iins tn the Ioiu, Coiihtiliitional Dtbility Impo li'itry. Weuknebs of the Hack, and Limbs, AllociWtm ct Uie Kidns, Palpitation ol Uie Hi art. Dibpepaia. .Ncr ous Irritability. Disease of Ibe Head, Ihruut. Aibq or Skin, and all those serious and imlanchol Dipvrdhrs arising trom the destructive habits nf Voutli, will tit av elroy boUi body uud mind. 'JIksi icrtl and oliu prjciices, are inure fatal tu their victims than ttw t-ng -f tu s reus to the mariners Ul) ssis, bllgluinij (bt-ir iao; brilliant liopui uud uuticiputibiu, reuuenng iLatr.Lb &.c, Impusalblu. MARRIAGE. Married persons, or ouug Mm contemplating nu riage,b ing aware nf ph) steal w takm si, urgunte utabdi t), th fortuities, iVc. fliouIJ lu.i.icuiiiUJy coiii'U Lit Jobnnton, and bii rentorud to perfect health. IL. wiio laics luniseU uiiuir tlie (ara tf Dr. JviiDiun, may rt-liciously cniilide in bis honor at a geutJeUsifi, eat J con.l-vulU tily iipou his Kill us a ph)lLtau, O1U3AM0 WHAKNLSd immediattly cured uud lull it,or rotor J. 'llus (It nsu Is tlie penalty mobt fcpJititly paid Lf Uioko who have become thu victim of improper indulge!! cus. Vou in? perto'iis are too apt to coiuioit eiciss Loni not being uwure of thu dnaniui uiimvpii,!n.. that u.sy ensue. iNow, wlm that understands tlio subject will pfu tend toileny that Ihe power of procuulion is tot soom t by those fallirglnto improper tub its than by the prudei.l. Husidus b. in ft diprivedut thu pk-asiire of h.uUliyoti springs, tlie inotl serious and Utslruaivo sjmplvmstw bsih body uud mind arise. Tho syftem becutniB Uttuiis edj the phjbicul and mental powers weakened, titrvfu debility, dyspepsia, palpitation oftiic heart, induibtioL, awu-liug ot the lrame, Cougb, S)iJjpWmstf Coimump lion. A.t. jj?" Oihce, Xo. ? South Frluriiu Srr.EET, seven iloorn from lUltimore strn t. Lai bide, u;i tlie hIcdi, be oar- ticular iu observing the 2 AM L and NUMlJLit, cr ux will mistake the place, A Vdrt ti'arrcnUd, ir no Charge Mailt, in rvn Out to :Q MUItCtflLY OR NAUSLOC3 VRVGS CSU. joua'&tua; Mcn.ijr of the Uoy.it Collide of Surgeons, at London Graduate from one of the most eminent Cul leg ws of tflu United States, and thu griuKr part of whose lif bus been spent in the tlrl Honpitals of London. 1'aiis, 1 Mia dilplu i uud olsiw here, has illeaed boine of tlio moti as tiHHhintr cures that wereivtr known; many troubled with riiiijing iu tin1 head und tars when at-inp, c.tat uervotisnuss, bi-iiu ulaimcd at biiddin sounds, and bath fulness, with fri"Ufiit blushing, altLiidedsomctiiuLS with deraiiJc incut of mind, were cured immediuklvV A CLRTAIN DIsLASL. When tin misguided and imprudint votary of pleasure fmdb he has imbibed the seeds ot this pulntul dliesse. It too often happens Unit an ill timed suise cfsbama or dread of Uisiuvury, uiiers him fumi npplyinji to thosa wlm from education and rupiiUibiIit cunalouu tKlrinol him, dclaj iug till thu constitutioiury fymptoiiis of (JiU horrid disease tiiaken th ir upti.arance, such as ulct.iawii hore throat, diseased iuw, nucturcu, puius in the head and limbs, dimness of ii;.t, datiie(b, l Hide on the skir. bou s, undurms, Lb itches on the head, lace aud extreme -Hen. pregreisfluj wh'i rapidity, till at laM tho palate of thu iiioailiuud bones of the none tall in, and the victim of IhH deseuso Iimoiiics u horrid object of lomtnisseraiion till di-atli puts u peiiod tolntdrenofut suilVnngs, by iui (iiuyhi.il to 'that bourn" from wliciice no truvilkr ru turn," Tu such, tli, refore. Dr. Johiistou pledges biin keif to preserve the iuoBt euvimtde secncy.und from fels extcnsivu practice iu tha ill llot-pittls of i;uropo aud America, he mn coullduitlv rictu.ui.eud mfj and tpvmiiy cure to Uio u o for tun u to vuu in ol't!iin horrid disease, TAKi; PARTICULAR NOTlCi;. Dr. J. address all Uioiu w ho havu u jared tU.'iusi.lrs by privAtnaud lmprup.r indulgi lices. '111. t, uiu bom ol III" sad uud uu laticiioly t fleet i pn riueeu by iarl) hobits of voillh, vt. Wiakia.H of tlei faiK una Lioibs. l'aiu ill the Head, Dnnneus fif Bijbt, Lorn ot Muiular Power, Putpttutio.l of thu Hi art. D p -piu, N'etvous Irratabiiitv, Ikrunsetnelit of the Dies Hi- i i'miitious, Den- rul Dvbili, i) tnploitib of toiiirCiup ! iiuu, v-c. MLVPALLY. Tin' fearful (.flT'cts upon the n.ind aro muiU In be dreaded. Loos of Mt mor .uiuifusiuii ot la.&4 D pn B-.IOH of the Spirit. Hvil foil buduig, Avermoa of SoiK-t . Tli nit,. , c , are sume ot tto evils produced. 'I iioui-u ids of i ri-Ltas of al) au can now JuCgu w but tue taiibo ot Uuir ilecliuiii!l lualthr Loosiml' ihtir vii.or, b -i.ou.iui; wvnk pale and iiu.triated bivmc i,u f.mliir a p" ar.iuc ubout ilia e)cs, ioobn unu tj mi icrLs ot Consumption. Ultt; IC l..lV..M.i?. liy tl.H great and important reuudv. wiukLfs uf tho nrgaiif aro pe.,(( Liin c, ami lull vigor t nturi t, J iioiisaiiiis ot tue n.tin nervous aim ueLiiiiauij, v.im had I oil nil hope, bavL biu imuu'Oiatcly uliiv-l. All inipeiiiiiieutH to Mamagu, l'lijcicul uin) Mental Dis'p'uli ti tali on Nervous Irratabiiitv . Tremblings und Wtuktiss or exhaustation of tue mui leuriw uina, spucuil) cwraA bj tfot U.i JuliUstoil. 1 IJUftlt AJt.i. Who hive iniured ihuilves by u cnrtain crank.. indulged in when alone-a habit frepn.ntlj Ltirnji irm vu ruiiHianims, or ai buumi - mc tut us ui wiin.ii uin iiightl telt. even viieli Rt- ep, and if not curvu imTi:rs nitiii.ie niipoiriLjl ami Ut.-t.iro uolu iujuu una oo.j hoiild uppl um.K'iliatilv li.it a pun that vou'ig man, Un liope of Ills rcimtn , and the darling cf hi parents, bhould be siniUbdd figi i .til prnpeitti uud njo iio-nlt. ot liK, by the coiiai.qui.ii ccs cf deviating from the path of nature, nnd inr'ulgii-s iu a sertJiu bvtrvt habit. ucu pirsoas bef-re con tiupUtlug. MARRIACR ehnuld riflrct lint a sound mind aud body are fN mo.t i.'eesjar rt'pii-iUi' to promote coaiui(nn) hapeinee indeed, without thuKe the jouriii ) thru- (.a in b tcnei a weary julgiimage, the pmxpi ct hturly dn-kens t Uie view; the mind b (oines bjiaibrw eU with Li-pairA-nili-d with thu ui'Iaiiihi'l nileiiioii that the luppi.ioss of aiiotlu-r bi-coines idfehti d Willi our nwu, Oi'i'lCi; NO. 7 SOCTII Fiit:ilLItirKtorif(iiiiHiir,.Va ALL M lUilCAL OPLUATIONS PLK1 ORMKH N r..-Let no taUc nioliity pnvcut vou, but apply imaiudhtt-h eilli'-r perMiuuliy or bv Litf r. SM. DleLASi'.s- M'KKIULY CL KED. 'TU I ii.1.ai.h&. The ni.tnv thoubsuds cured ut this institution wnblii the I i-t l.i ears, and the mi memos important Surgitui ( Jperutious performed by !r. Jiduiclou, witnesvud by the reporters uf the papers and iuni otht r creous, no it ccs of which h ive iippeurcd again and again b fore th uumii, iK-Mues ins biauiiniz " n geuueiuan oi tiiarocter uiiii rupoiisibilii. i a Mtflico-nt giiaruniee to Ilia ailllctu , a .ki; u i it ii. N. 11. There are su many i -no rant and wortlitw 'lu'iiks adverti-liii thi'iiisilve 1 ii sieians. riiiiiinc thu liiullu of tho already uflluled. that Dr Jdinrtoil deems it ii i -s-iury to buy, ebpeciallv to thosu unuciuailited itli his reputatio i, thai his ircd.atuls aud OMdemn ale a s hi'i,; in hi- ulMf . 1 hn Nome. All litters must be post rai 1, and ri.Mam a pooling tamp lor uiu reply, or no auswer wtU DC Hfll I Miinhl? l-'al. piIILADELI' II I A r.ipsn iLixntATt Mi.wr.1c7 cr.citif, ll'AI.1. TK.VIIU ) ESoweif I!u. E.c. lls.inff reuiotttil to III -ir N.-w Mnri-, fur. Kut'RTn A. M.MtKLT Mi , ari- mm pr piu-,1 tu tiUr loUw 'X'llAIlli a lar aaj elpgatit aA.urtuiL'iit f wall rdi'i.ns, BOUnr.Rf, run; -cheii.nxs. IVUOW CI UTAIX OOOll!.. no iC, alt ufth'i iic-wi-.tanil bc-.t ilesnrii., trmuiliu Invvi .t prtccil atllclB totlw lln-.t OoU alii I'rtcrl JlrrarvtloHS I'utcliasLr. .Mil ilu 11, 11 tu 1-11 tlit,uit.ibli.ltiiieat uf ll()Wi;i.l. & IIOUIIKK'S. N. U. Oir.roustH ana Mark.t rtnM,i'liilau's. Hppt. ttt. 1ft 0- .tin 11 E V K R H HOUS E , iloRni.r.Ly Cl.t K HOTtl- 1 1 THIRD Sl-RLUT. PiiLAULIIIA. i Hid housu is kitustud lu Ilia iimbl busiuebri purl of lliu 1 city, has one liju.lnd i.nd thirty rimini ; large Par lors and etery robm Is newly furnished uud is considered onu of th ' tl.n rt Ho Is of tig cs 111 PhilaULtphia ; it has en ct 'd tt larg obsi rv airry w te re persons tun have a hurt iew if th 1 itj, D law are ru - r &.i ,e . it is alB'i supplmi with hot and cold wut r P.atln b, which will b- frei- ot h.ir!' t r th gui t of lii Uou,e , titv Curs will take you to thu Revere House. Our (hurg is mod irate. Si itip n..i p rnn v i-iiiup in tj will pb ma eoiiiu nnd try the Hntre juims. aue w plunge nurm lvca that He w 1 I endeavor tu uj. oar b l vlle-rt to uiaU a appear lik houi, CiiePLt. J. i-Ati-a, of Reading, will have iharve of ltd 'h'. o. W Hl.SKLF. furin. rlv of thu Slates I'nion Houl, and latt- ily of tha L"mi"d Statt Hotel, Attai.tiL Cltj, N. J., Pwrnuioiu May U, lu-U'ui. ,TADAMU SCIIWEND'S mvALLini.n vqwdkrs: r0r ,he .nnrAV -d . ir nimi , r .11 1-- ... . U ,.Srl,.fSl rlir d.1! I 1 11. V . "7 ;. . 1 ' 1 1 'ir " w v""'. MrJI '"'"' u"" 'l If" C HI : nnd I Arutiit Ihtiattl ct APLI. AMiL.ULDUS.I4. bWudlc.at tHKaip tnli r A;nl. , , , "i ji'.-.i.a, II mdreds of utttiaoniki.. Um 'Jtriot'ltiUd'a.l'. O p7A,.D-v a. w t,ui.-ltiir,li. Ai.u ti, bipt . Luu lUiv. "I R. CREAOKR is the sole A 'o;it for I t , V lip I , i . 'H , 3R. 1 "All .r 1 s.a letl tu um. p 1 1 I -Ir' tt int .rt. d " Kit.t r f whirh C 1 r ,ti.f.5cu. Hip.' No. 3, will b, 1 11 8rpt ? I- 'K -prooui-ltv I to j.u i j.-i lLUllH A.ND FEl.D f.r.ul at. L Ms-19 J! XI