jWWWW ttMUtfM4UUCdM4jAMtfaMaM ttaLBalaitasbW'JMMtttMKMMM OOKDHBIA DEMOCRAT. j LEVI L..TATE, Editor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. SATOnDAT MOIINWO, NOVEMBER. 24, 1860. CONanisss will meet at "Washington, In one week from next Monday, to finish out tho Second Scsson of thu Thirty-Sixth Congress, Bit. John's) Republican goes fop David Wilmot, 1'rco Trader and' Negro wor iEhippor, for United States Sonator I Oh 1 cracked what ws-becoino of tho Tariff I You sea boys, tho election h over now. Bahnum's Amemcan Museum. Wo acknowledge the receipt of Tickets to this old established and far famed Muscnni It is a very desirable place of resort for amusement and edification iu New York. P. T. Uaknum, Proprietor and Manager, and J. G keen-wood, Jr., Assistant Man agcr. Tub Willianisport Press is awfully down on Alexander K. McClcue, Chairman of tho Republican State Committee ; calls him a "conceited pretender," says ho has an unevniablo position as a politician ;'' with several other hard things. Ueforo the election McClure was ono of the groatcst men iu the Stato. Tho boot is on the other leg now. Joiin E. Potter, Publisher and Book scllor, No. 017 Sausom Street, Philadel phia, whoso notices appear in this Journal, keeps a good assortment of Books, and always does tho fair thing with Editors. UN Family Doctor is an invaluable ooni pend iu the family arrangement, and should bo read' by every Mother. Wo also com mend Mr. Potter's great work, entitled tho "People's Cook Book," tho"IIorso and his Diseases," to general patronage. No man can vote iu South Carolina un less he ownos ten negroes, or real estate of tho value of ten thousand dollars. Now who votes thero tho white man, tho ne groes or tho plantation? Columbia to. Republican, Now who could suppose that thero was notono word of truth in tho above extract ! Yet so, it is. Wo give the following ex tract from a work by Guenville Mel LE.v. In au abstract of Stato Constitu tions ho says that in South Carolina : "The Constitution grants tho right of suf frage to every free, white, mala citizen, of the ago of twenty-ono years, having resi ded in tho State two years previous to tho day of election, and bavin'; been possessed of a freehold of fifty acres of land, or a lown ioi, ai lease six momns Deioro sucn election, or (not having such freehold orj town lot) having been a resident iu thej . i.i . . i .. . i i election district m which he offers his voto, six months before said ejection, and hating paid a- tax tho preceding year of three j slnlliugs sterling towards tno support ol the government. Tho St. Lawrence Hotel. Col. William S. Campbell, as overy body knows or ought to know, is tho Pro prletor of this excellent Hctcl, located above Tenth, iu Chestnut Street, Philadel phia. AVo have long heard tho "St. Law rence," and its gentlemanly Proprietor, favorably rcportod by all who ever enjoyed the pleasure of a visit to tho House, and on a recent sojourn in tho City, we made the St. Lawrouco our Home, and justico eompohl us to say, that wo regard it as ono of tho best conducted Hotels in tho United States, Guests are always well cared for and sumptuously entertained, at the St. Lawrence, when under tho hostage of Col. Campbell. Lincoln's Future. The newly elected President certainly has a feariiil prospect ahead. Pirst of all ho has to siand the swarming, ravenous crowd of hungry eiScj seekers, all with claims as big as jnoirataim in his favor. Kiucty-nino out of every hundred must bo disappointed, and as u'ia party is made up of miscellaneous elements, -with ucr com. ruon princinlo except desire for spoils and hatred of tho Democracy, he wi.U find them differing widely upon political questions, and tho catastropho which overtook the "Whig party in 1811, will shatter the Re publican party to pieces in 1601. Ho will liod it impossible to reconcile frco trade ami high tariff men, the American clement and the foreign ono, tho old Whigs and tho old Democrats, tho Abolition radicals and the conservatives, in tho formation of his administration policy. His party will go to pieces like a barrel with tho hoops off. The Cincinnati Enquirer predicts that within ninety days from tho time that Abraham Liucolu in inaugurated the Re publican party will bo utterly ruined and destroyed. His path is environed by so many difficulties that, even if he had tho ability of Jefferson and tho energy ot Jack son, ho would fail. Rut ho is a weak and luexperiouoed man, aud his adiniuhtratiou will bo doomed from the commencement, If ho takes tho radical section of tho Re publican party, headed by Seward, into his confidence, and pushes tho South to ostremitics, tho conservative wing of it will cut loose aud repudiate him. If, on the other hand, he courts tho conserva tives, and pursues a moderate, conciliating policy towards the slaveholding States, tho radicals will make opon vrur on the Ad tuuiLtra.il. n,. TIIE UNION. Thomas Jefferson in speaking of tho measuro known as tho Missouri Coinpro-uilso,-aid that like a firo bell iu the night, it awakciAid him aud filled him with ter ror. Ho was a far seeing statesman, and ufc uuoo pcrcciYeuimai mo ' cstaDiiauinenk of a gcogrn'phioal linoe) oh'd which sla very should not cxtoud, was calculated to destroy that unity of Government which constitutes tho inhabitants of all tho States ' ono people, to weaken tho league of lovoj which holds tho Union togcthor, and to lead eventually to its dissolution. If Mr. Jzrmtsos wcro now living, tho intclli- ... ... . , .. genCO 01 1110 CICCHOn Ot AjlNCOLN, WOUIU grata mora harshly on hi car, than did J ' tho passage of the Missouri Compromise. Ho would regard tho election of a section al President by a sectional party, as tho death knell of the Union. And it is thus ii.,t .m,. u ,,, that a largo major fy of the best men and purest patriots iu the Southern States ro-.i gard it. But stilt wo must not despair, for all is not yot lost. Although dark and lowering clouds cnvelopo tho futuro of . .. ,, .. . our country, they are spanned by tho ram, bow of hopo, and whilo tlm Union con- , tinues to hold together, wo will not believe that patriots poured forth in vain their ' hearts blood at Bunkerhill, Saratoga and Ircutou. It is natural that tho people of tho South-, cm States should bo alarmed at tho pros- cnttimo. Tho returns of tho election tell them that a crisis has arrived, and that . . . ... ' ... tho organization in this country winch holds that Negro Slavery iu tho United States must bo abolished, although tha last free government on tho faco of God'a Earth mav bo dctroved- in so doinz. has ' rf w. " "o " . by inaction, by laying supinely on our backs, until our enemies shall havo bound us baud and foot," it is natural tliey should begin to put their households in ordcr,and . ., . . rn. i,. to prepare for tho worst, llioy lovo tno I; K , , , . ,, .. .. , Union. Acuwbv: Because it protccti and Upholds their rights as freemen. When it ceases to do so,when any Stato orState3 are degraded, when they are denied their .J - .... rights under the Constitution, tho Union ( is virtually at au end. iho spirit of 70 still lives in tho breast of tho American neonlo. Thev will not submit to opprcs- Bion.' If disunion comes, it will not bo , ...... I ml , , ... . , , I The black ltepublicau party, and above .... . - s -1 ? c I an, tno men wuo mauo a .oaai oi ore i phex A Douglas, tho men who at Char- leston and Baltimore, lor filthy lucro, al- Inwnd tha snirit of natrio'tism to dio iu their bosoms, and kept their eyes fixed on J tho spoils of oflico, while tho fate oftl 10 j Union was in their hands, will then foci , tf.of Mini otwrv n lnnil nf fi.nrful rpKnnn.i. fc n ..- . r. ..i it .... - l. - J - - i uiiiLv. liUL wo iruL m uou. mat uav , . , ; may novcr come. Leposing on tho couch ( of security it is casf to laugh at tho ''sigus. nf (hn limes." 13ut when a dark and low . tU..,u aDnrollcvm?. wo l o ii a' naturally auticipato a storm. Tho Bri tish Nation aud the British Parliament,' laughed at tho first demonstration of our , fathers in defence, of their rights ; and so now, we in the north laugh at the demon-; stratiou of our southern brethren in up- ! !,olliin,, tbeir Constitutional rights. Let us pause ere it is too late. Lct us not forget that wo aro tho children of Wath- j ington. Lct us not destroy tho only truo Republic iu tho world. If, we of tho North regardless of. tho rights of tho South, per fcevcre in our mad course, a crisis must arise, a strugglo must and will commenca between the two sections of the Republic, aud when onco commenced, it will be the most fearful struggle tho world has ever beheld. 'Ofo spasms aro liko tho spasms of expiring liberty, and no wailings such as her convulsions extort," At this trying period, when tho 'im prisoned winds are let looso,'' although our influenco is felt in a limited sphere, wo feci it to be our duty, to bo firm and positive. To bo plain, then, wo regard tho triumph of Lincoln as tho triumph of sectionalism ; as the triumph of a prin ciple, which if enforced in tho administra tiou of our government must lead to a dissolution of tho Union. Hut that prin ciple has not been enforced. And there foro, stand by tho Union. Let us stand by tho Union, not merely because wo ard freemen, but because Democrats of Coluui- . i it. it..:. K 1)..1, .,t,i:.i. tho immortal prayer of Webstj:!!. '. --IS sentiments aro ours. Lct tho worst befal us that can befal, wo are for tho Union in any event. T l 1. ....... -If 1 i cannon even . relinquish this, without expressing ouce moro. mvdceD conviction, that binco' it . .11 1 x it.- TT..1... respecw iiou uug less luuu lu? um tho States, it is of tho most vital and cs- enTiti-il Imnrtrlfinpi. n tlin rtnliltn linnninpsq. sential importance to tho publio happiness, I profess, sir,- in my career hitherto, to have kept steadily iu vtow tho honor and prosperity of the wholo, and tho preserva tion of our Federal Union. It is to that Union wc owo our safety at home, and our consideration and dignity abroad. It is to that Uniou that wo are chiefly in debted for whatever makes us most proud of our couutry. That Uuiou we reached only by tho discipline of our irtues in tho sevcro school of adversity. It had its ori gin in tho necessities of disordered finance, prostrate commerce and ruined credit. Under its benign innueuces, tneso great !n.r(.ti immediatelv awoke, as lrom the dead, and sprang ftrth with newness of1 . . 1 - ?a. 1 .1 1. teemed with freah proofs of its utilityf and ita bleasiugd ; aud ulthough our territory has stretched out wider aud wider, aud our population spread farther and farther, thoy havu not outran iti protoctiou or hi benefits. It lias been to us all a copicious fountain of national, social, personal hap piness, I have not allowed myself, sir, to look beyond tho Union, to sco what might lie hidden in tho dark recesses behind. I buvd not udolly weighed tho chances of preserving liberty, when.. tho bonds that uuito us togcthor shall be broken asauuder, t have not accustomed myself to hang over tho precipicb of disunion to sco whether, -. v. r r.tx il.' mui luy snort oilinc, x can juuiuui vuu depth of tho abyss below ; nor could I re BarJ uu as a safo.couuscllor in tho affairs ?f thU. government, whoso thoughts should ,., .,,, ,,. ,, m , h... 'liow tolerable might be tho condition of the pcoplu when it shall bo broken up and , ,inu....n.i wi.M.. .i. ir..:.. l... ..... '""ujtu. iiiiuu mu uu lusts, .iu ";lvu g""J'g f Rnrnn.il nttr. h.(nrn in nti rl nut- iwiililrpn. l. . I - - i .. Boyond that I seek not to pouctrato tho n n-.i . .t. t :i 1 I - - - ------ that curtain may not rise. Uod grant en. uuu uritui, luut, iu my uuv nit leusi. . tnat on my vision never may to opened what lies behind. When my eyes shall tum tj for tho ,Mt guu iu ilt.avcn ( niay i ot sc0 bim shining on tho , broken aud dishonored fragments of a; onco-glorious Union j on states dissevered, di.!?ordn.,,'t' HolliScrc,nt i n ,a "J "ut with civil fends, or drenched, it may bo, .Q frat8rn:iI , Lct kst and lingering glauoc, rather, behold tho ' gorgeous ensign of tho republic, now known and houored throughout the earth, iH full high advanced its arms trophies streaming in their original lus'.ure, not a ttripo erased or polluted, nor a single star obscurod beuriug for its motto no sueh miserable interogotary as, ll'hat is nil ttis worth 1 nor those other words of do- lusion and folly, tfe first, ami Union afterwards: but every where, spread all ovcr jn characters of living light, blazing oll an ;t9 aitlj,l0 folds, as they float over tho sea, aud over tho laud, and iu every wind under tho wholo heavens, lhat other ?uu""'L'"l uu;,r lu. il"f lruu Irtr)v . t :i. ,1 tt..:.. - .i ever, ono and insenerablo "Nigger Equality." Tho loeo-focos kept up an incessant clat- about "negro equality" as a llepubli- tcr about "ncg: can principle i principle. We showed iu a former former r article whero this matter originated who .,, .. ,., were reiponsiblo for it Wo now proposo r,,!-,; , ,,,!,. fn.i It is this. The census 1850 shows that there were somo 230,000 muliiltocs in the Southern States. Now.who aro the "pari. e,,lV' Pr, foil .,a 'I' ,o Snnll.nrn ar(j umocrali IIow comes it that , thosc nUs,soiis" these mullattoes are haif 1 "nigger" and half Democrat! Lct us hear no more ab Equality" from loco-foeo politicians after this. Loutmbia, to. Republican. To all that we answer from tho record , . tnat iu Blaoks. 2030 5941 173 695 0721 1405 330 40,030 11,014 33,25 ' 512 33d 05 109,593 Mulattocs. and 2500 0321 155 401 ' 2340 1118 184 8139 14,205 15,311 200 207 102 ininoiti there aro Indiana u " Iowa it ii assachusetls" jjici,iaQ u u j;ew Hampabiro Vnw Yflrl.-'1 'lil.J - w... Ti.nnvlvnnia " y"," vipnnin '' " Wisconsin ' Oregon 50,105 Xow it will bo spen by tho above table, tua- n t!u! ft'00 Stales, every thiid negro " 11 mulatto ; and iu that nigger paradise, ollio tlic mulattocs outnumber, the regular 1m-s i l1 -- kllom are "half nig- Scr ana 311 republican," ana carried Ike election lor the uiaclc llrpublicaus this fr-1 T1-0 Bame laWc3 sllow) t!mt !n tl10 S0"1'1 tlic ralI of blai:k3 to mulattocs is as 1 to ! 12 i or 20,000 mulattocs to 3,060,000 blacks ; so that tho figures prove, that if tho Republicans had among them, the 3,000,000 of Africans, they would have also 1,500,000 of mulattos, iustead of the contemptible number of -!60,000 fquud iu the South. Supposo you get us somo more sums, Doctor. Discussion in Franklin. Pursuant to public uotico the citizens of j Franklin township and vieinity assembled at Thomas' School IIouse,on Monday eve ning, tho 5th inst. Tho meeting was or ganized by electing PETKR RODLN'E, President. Joseph Ilartman, Abraham Lillio, Reuben Knittlo, Solomon Astley, Vice Preiiilculs. Jacob Wanamachor, Jacksou Cleaver, Sec i tin rus, . Tho object of tho meeting was stated t be for the purpose of having tho political i ' . ,. , -,-,. T- I moyer, Republican, and Jlr. CD. Brock- way, Democrat. Tho discussion was opened by Mr. "Whit ; moyer and continued by Mr. Rroekway , ; ,he speakers taking turns, thus continuing ' . .? . ; ,Q the discussion until a lato hour. They ob- ,a.,m,1 4l. nH.A.f nAi.rlae. I a.,.1.1.J . . - iu ... ...... and all parties wcro well pleased with the! I ,1 ... t.!-i. .. 1 gentlemanly manner iu which they con ducted tbo debate. On motion the meeting adjourned. Jacob Wawasiaciikb, UatUuiat Jackson Cleaviu, S New Dimes. The new dimes and half dimes for 18G0 havo appeared. '1 ho thir- teen stars encircling '-Liberty" aro omit- tcd-thc words "Uuited States of Ameri- ca appcann, in their stead. Ou tho reverse tho picco is enci circled with a sheaf of corn and other native products. Tho : .t t.: f V'.ZmLn . ZJZZ stars wm sirme many uu.uvorau.y. DEATn or the Dowaoeii EsirnESSor Russia. The Dowager Empress of Russia died at St. Petersburg, ou Thursday worn- , ii' 'ov. 1st, at half-past 8 o'clock. Ofilcial Voto of Pennsylvania. Wo publish below the offiicial voto of all tho counties of Pennsylvania for Presi- dent and Vico Pretidcnt, with tho exeep- tion of tho county of Forest, whioh, at tho Uctobor elcction,gavo OU majority lor tiur- tin : "f . Countlci. ( Adams,' ' brecklntidge. ' a,04l 0,725 Boii. 119 CJI! gg 60 1!JG )97 .). ia7 ai 10 Lincoln. Douglas. 2,724 80 Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Bedford, Berks, Blair, Bradford, 10,725 3,355 2,824 2,505 8,840 3,050 7,001 0,143 3,040 2,277 1,758 3,021 7,771 1,920 1,702 1,730 1,873 5,770 3,503 4,531 3,031 407 0,100 3,431 4,151 788 523 4 14 420 230 0 487 13 110 300 20 203 ,108 1,021 O ill) J 0700 1,J75 2,188 0. 172 1!,U!)2 1,043 1, U01 2t42U 5,003 2,078 1,830 1 ,241 2, 'JOO 2,001 U,183 2,392 1,500 523 2,531 3,308 2,515 011 2,005 1,022 1,317 1,133 1,147 5,135 783 1,917 4,001 0,603 2,402 591 2,540 1,189 Bucks, Butler, ti t..: uawuiu, Carbon, Centre, Chester, Clarion, . Clearfield', S3 Ulinton, Columbia, CrBwford Cumberland, Dauphin, Delaware, Km Erie, p Franklin, Pulton, Forest, Greene, Huntington, Indiana, Jutl'ersou, Juniata, Lancaster, Lawrence, Lebanon, Lehigh, Luzuruo, Lycoming, " M Kean, 80 02 20 103 152 17 lil C22 1 11 147 ogg I I 109 00 117 70 49 17 22 22 5 02 411 31 103 52 1,014 3,030 3,910 1,703 1,401 13,352 2,037 3,003 4,170 7,300 3,491 1 ,077 3,855 1,701 814 5,820 1,043 20 55 723 10 10 145 137 01 i'f"r Mifflin, 83 291 500 311 115 07 8 Mouroo, 1 ,202 Montgomery, 5,590 090 1 171 72 38 Montour, 780 Northampton, 4,507 rtuld. 2,3 2,422 ti i f f" , .. J," ,,f f " 2,371 , 1 Piko Potter, I'lniaueipnia, 2i,uiu 30,223 9,274 7,131 831 20 4,903 381 103 Schuylkill 01ncrset, J.f" OUlllVan, 7,508 3,218 1,078 429 4,470 4,751 1,324 2,0S0 2,281 4,721 2,857 4,887 1,280 422 1 00 139 10 5 010 4,97 Susquehanna, 2,548 1JT'sa' 1'':77 11 23 (S 4 8 13 3 502 Union, 812 Venango, Warren, Washington, 1 932 1.0S7 3,975 91 13 07-1 Wayne 018 Westuiorcland,-l,700 Wyoming, 1,237 lork, 5,107 5,12rf TOTAL, 175.89S 256,618 17,350 12,754 Lincoln ovor Breckinridge, 92,622 Lincoln ororall opposition, 62,518 New Jeusey. Tho Union majority on Congressmen in New Jersey is 1807 iu a vote of 1S1, 900 on Electors, but for the Douglas straight ticket, tho majority would have been over four thousand for the fuli ticket. Illinois. Tho Republican State aud Electoral tickets are elected by considera ble majorities. Tho Legislature will pro bably stand thus : Senate Democrats 12, Republicans 13, House Democrats 30, Republicans 30. Tho Representatives will stand tho same as iu tho last Congress Democrats 5, Republicans 1. Tho follow ing aro the successful candidates i Repub licans Wa-hburn, Arnold, Lovejoy aud Kellogg. Democrats Richardson, Mc Cloruand, Robinson, Pouko and Logan. Lincoln's majority iu tho Stato is about 5000. Tennessee. The Nashville Union of! Thursday publishes the official vote of 71 counties, and three others reported, which giro Rrcckiuridge, 02,011 ; Rell( 04,550; Douglas, 10,311. Tlio counties yet to hear from gave Mr. N'cthelland, (Opp.) a majority of between 700 and 600. The Fuesidestial Election. The following shows tho popular vote of the Uuited States at the Presidential clcctiou3 that havo taken place tinco 1628 : Iu 1828 Jacksou elected ; majority over all 140,000, Iu 1832 Jackson ro elected ; majority over all 123,000. In 1630 JIartin Van Burcn elected; majority over all 20,707. In 1840 Gen. Harrison elected; his majority was 138,000. In 1811 President Polk was elected, but was in a minwty of 22,000, In 1813 Geu. Taylor was olectcd,but tho majority against him of other candi dates was 1 12,000. In 1832 Gen. Picrco was elected, nis majority over all was 57,740. Iu 1850 Mr, Buchanan was elected Tho majority against him on tho' ponular voto was 397,000. Notwithstanding tho imposing pyramid reared by tho Republicans in honor of ,t , i i . . . , tneir victory.uow iimcrent lrom tbo abovo tnrv linw fl.ffnronf i-ami l.n .l.A..A records, is that presented by tho result . " tno coutcst ot lBuu. In 16C0 Abraham Lincoln is elected ; but tho majority against him will bo over one million-tho Congress of the United States in both branches will be in hostility , Administration ami a majority ,nu btate3 01 tUe Umoa wl" 'iavo reoorded Electoral votes iu opposition to him ! Such is the victory won by the Repub - , llcan Par ly- Wliat wonder that its fruits should bo bo bitter 1 Albany Argus. The only counties in Pennsylvania ' . " -j.i.m. that gave majorities for the Reading ticket , Berks. Northamnton. Columbia, Piko, Monroe, F'ulton, Greene, and Cla." J rion eight counties out of sixty-five. This result is without a precedent in thcLjioliti. ' cal Malory of the State, Tho Secession Movomont. Senator Hammond's Jluignation ImwlU ; ,4 sPf"wt Poclamalion not to be issued by the president. Washington, Nov. 13. It geem9 t)at Senator Httinmond's rcs- ignatiou is immcdiato, a loiter having been received hero directing his'personal effects to bo sent forthwith to South" Carolina, Tho Collector at Beaufort, S. C, has officially indicated his resignation, being unwilling, ho says, to 6crvc under a Ilcpub- licnti Administration. It has been stated that tho subject of a special address was under Exocutivo con- sidoration, but it now appaara that tho plan is abandoned, in view of tho early meeting of Congress, to whom, by tho Con etfif?rtn flin Prpstilnnf. 14 rnnnirnd to"pivO o..vuw, - . l information of tho stato of tho Union." Viroixia. Extra Sessionrthe Legis- lalurc called. Richmond, Jo, A'ow 15. Governor Letcher has called an extra session of the Legislature of this Stato for the 7th of January nest, to take into con- culnrnlinn il.rt Y.rrt(.pnf nlnrmtn-f callditioll Q of public affairs, and determine calmly and wisely what action is necessary on tho part of Virginia in this emergency. South Cauolina. Augusta, Ga, A'ov. 15. Tho Charleston Macuiy says the Mayor has issued a proclamation prohibi ting stcorago passengers from laudiug at Charleston, unless the owners of tho fchips or steamers bringing them cuter into bonds to maintain them if they become encum brances. Columbia, S. C, Nov. 15. Last night there was a grand torchlight proecssion of 000 "mutineers," composed of the military and firemen. Es-Speakcr Orr madu a speech espous ing sccossiou. Congressman Kcitt and others made similar speeches. Alabama. Mobile, Ah., .Yot'. 15. Tho Governor will issuo a call for a State Convention on tho Oth of December. lie urges tho people to prepare for seces sion. The Governor's proclamation will be is sued on tho Oth of December, th'o election of delegates to take place on tho 21th proximo, and tho Convention to meet on tlie 7tli ot J anuary. Guouqia. Ulilledgeville, Ga., iov. 15. The leading men of all parties have been in conference here, and have unanimously agreed to a State Couveution to recoui. meud resistance tho time aud mode of doing so to be settled iu tho Couveution- A good feeling provaili. Senator Tcombs made a powerful Seces sion speech on Weuuuaday night. Mr. Bartow, of Savannah, followed, urging the establishment of a Southern Confederacy with sovereignty in tliu Pederal power, all Stato Hues to be omilerateu. Pr.ocEuiiiNoa or tue Geokgia Leois LATUltH. Milled gtville, Gci.,S'qv. 15. In the senate considerable discussion hss resulted from the motion referriutr the million appropriation bill for arms aud v., iv ft .... munitions to the P.nauco Committee. Tho bill piovides that the money thus appro. a priated shall bo-subject to the control of ' J tho Governor. Many Senators objected to the placing the hword and purse in tho same bauds. Tho proposed referenco consideration of tho bill will with in regular order, aud A bill was iutrodueed collection of debts till ItiGl A resolution was introduced od giving power to the Uovornor, in caso ot an at- tempt by the Federal authority to coerce :ocrca the seceding States, to employ the mi lit in. "-j u.vy v. w .Ml.v U... bWttll.lUll,. The resolution will pass. Prom Loudon Papors Tim Papal Possessions Tho Ponti ficial government still retains the following towns: Romo, Civi'a Vicchia, Corneto, Albano, Praseali Marino, Tivoli Subiaco, Palestrina, Pro-inone, Alatri, Avragni, Ccceano, Coprano, Torentiua, Piperuo, Ponto-Corve, and Ycroli. Glengahy Estate, a fine Highland property, litis been told by tha Earl of Dudley to Edward Ellice, Esq., of Glen quoich, at the price of 120,000. Loud St. Leoxaiuis. AVe regret to aunounee tho serious illuess of Lord St. Leonards. His Lordship was seized with paralysis on Friday evening, aud his fam ily wcro tout for. Ilia Lordship has had two attacks of tho samo nature duriuir tho tw0 J'ears, but they were not so severe I as that under which ho now labors. . France and the Pope. It is said lhat . i , . . .... .1 ... . of' f iv , 01 Ul voraber consistory, to nominato the Bishops this ;tii0Ut any rcforcuce to tho wishes of 'tho French Emperor. Tho result will be ' that Cardinal Dupanloup and Cardinal Pic wm not be admitted to tho French senate nor rM.svlJ that increase of aalarv from j Vi w - v.viin lj VU4KtUeij aim of italo wllicU is aUwcd tho otLor p L Cardinals. . ' . MAnuwai! in Hiqu LitE.-This daj "-""b- - -)Uu nu roy, miru uaugmer oi A.. j 1....VJ, .si, u uatvuj Northamptonshire, is to bo solomnlscd ir. -.,,.w..v, tho quietest possible manner in tho parUI. church at Hartwell. Vorthimnfnn.H. !., consequenco of the illness of Viscount May nard. Wo arc glad to learn that tho who!, of tbo poor of tho parish will bo feasted on the ofcajhe. John Hull, 0;t. H'.h, GENERAL MEWS. A Buffalo farmer has raised a weighing 23 lbs. turnip The total valuation of properly in San Francisco is S35,609,000. The old Milton Democrat oflico was roruoved to Sunbury last week. It is rcportod that tho Bank of South Carolina has susponded Bpecie payment. The population of Brooklyn, N. Y. is 273 425 au increase of 03 000 in 0 yoars. Intelliqencu has been received from tho Hayes Arctic expedition, which has l.-.l IT M icuiueu upuruuviu. Gen. Clauk, who died in San Fran cisco on the 17th lilt., has been iu the army forty-eight years. The Secretary of War ha'j givon Gen. Harney leave of absence one car. Ho will visit Europo. ' ' ' prevailing in many part, of Indiana, with alariUing fatality. ...Uv.., w. Mn. Tex Brohcic has won X2,000 iu Kngland on a match between hi American colt Umpire aud a horso named Tom liow Hue. A Qeuman journal states that tho num ber of homcqjathic phybieians notf practic ing ii 351, of uhoiu 1 G 1 X; are now in America, A pbat bed about a hundred norea iu extent, has been found near Onttinajit. , i. , . , . 7 i it burns YCll) nuu it h tliougut can be made serviceable for manufacturing pur - poses. Tub Hon. Hevcrdy Johnson, of Mary laud, lectured m San Francisco a few weeks ago, ou tho subject of building churches' A somewhat novel subject for a lawyer. Tin: population of Michigan has been asccrtaiuvd to bo about 750,000 which ii nearly double the number of 1 820. Shu will probably havo six Congressmen to the new apportionment an increaso ot two, Tub I'riuce Iniporial of Franco has just had a school room provided for him on the ground floor of the Tuilcrics, on the sido of the trardon. It contains a well si. ltctcd library, pliiloiophical and matho- matical instruments, etc. Tho Prince will I be live years old ou (lie 16th of AlaruU next, Ualtimork. The couuj of Dallimora I shows a population of 214,037, of whiuh i!3 arc slaves. The number of dwell int's is 33,151. There are 1..U0 ina.iu factories, producing S0! 00 and upwards. I Tho iimnisu ofi.ot.nlf.t!.,.. in tl, ln.t ,.. ;. .I.. oai ,i.;i., i., tt. r ...... 18.10 aml sao it wa3 00,7-11. a difference of 22,758. '. Pu,ZK PlUTo Vkumont.-A bil. is before the Legislature crmont to pre- VCI" P" fighting, making every person ":'lu. lu fuc" Ch' lnl"'s1'- able by impiisoumeut uot mure ibau ten years, or by fine uot mora than $5,000 ; and every aid, second, or surgeon by im prisoumeut not more than five years, or by line not to exceed 31,000, and every resi dent of tho Stato who oivi out of it to en gage IU I.UCII H!Ut, eUDleCt 10 tUu bUlllo punishment :n an"aid, second or surgeon'' to any sucu nglit icium the tslMe. New .1 eii-'E v. Ti ei.ion, Nov. 15.- i u" omciai votu ot tlie state n now in. The following persons are choeu eketois : , rt "! " . J0Jl. ra' cm luuuuu u iiuuvuu. jjiii : n . i nr blower Rep; Oh as. E. Elmer, Reu , JJd.. l w r- i ' "T 1 i S-,,,u I ward i. Uxun, Rep; I,aae W. Judder, jP; : thre e Don gins Detuonrat aro ff hQt.n. -f'"00 ma- jority. Thu straight Douglas ticket earned' ,jU;t unoa?h votu3 f,.om Vroom, WurU, j . Oondit and Brewer to defeat them, lirew- ' " or tllu "jawteiianco citatud. exeunt . V V 9 , U'").""J ; 'UJ '"' fills forty-nine closely minted na.'e-i. and ...:n : ... , ii iu e-uiiiiui-ui-c uuruaps a ion courso ' l:. !...:.. m.i . ... i. . .. iiugauun. J-iie grouuus ( oil which the ro .iw; w uv Miu . 13k, lU'll. IUU UTUjlUu ;,,,,,., 1 1 , ' , ,, ' city ot Philadelphia eaunot legally execute the provision of Stephen Girard swill: and I "d, tho estate, by reason of luismau.igu-1 meut, has diminished in extent, referrin to tho loss of the Louisiana lands and nou-produetireuess of those iu Kuntuekv. ad Accident. As the Bloom., mr.' . , , . )on tram was passing thu rock cut laylorville. the engineer discovered ueiow a woman Ijing with her head acres the io uoiii bacK iu vaiu. It passed over the unfortunatu .mv ........ uiu e-ii-riiiu taa ruverseu. tint woman, severing her head from her body and frightfully maugling it. It was her evident intention to commit suicide, as tin had been warned of the coming of tho train a xuoitiout before, and deliberately laid herself down waiting for it to pass, llor name, v,e learn, was Mrs, Hunter. Poor unfortunate ! she was ushered iut another worw m au instant. Scrauton Republi can. Sudden Death. Mrs. Kleppinger, wife ot J. H.JCIeppiuger, of thu Phoenix hotel, Whito Haven, died very suddenly on Sunday night last. She retired to bed iu her luual good health, iu thu evutiiuL', ana at about 2 o'clock the died. Wo learn that a coroner's jury was to have been held yesterday. MARK I ED. Ill Llaiuua, Miauurl, on tlie lltli Navciubt-r. wa tyJu.ti.v t-mith, WILLIAM It WILLIAMS, b'.. ;f .ii r. al Uugiii.lwrs.lEjllurul'llij Unntu., Himicrulie Uultcitn, mill .Mi.a Sl.MlV WiUAlIU, of Suinuc.' Our hvart consratulalioaa and warmcil ui.liea at una Uruih.r WillUma anJ liia fait Unit, iu all lifj-a journey through. Eo. Cut, Ves. (la thu 15th nut., hy Rev, W. fioo.IrUh. at Jitnb Gnod'a Ili.tel, inUraugotl.W, .Mr. SAMUEL MI.UTi:i;. ir In la. UAI IIAKINE'UEIGLER, Mb of t"a vlVini ti If DIED. In U'ilkca.llairc, ou thu )otli mat., WILLIAM E. t iu tun of William au4 Eliza M, 1 ryor, aeuU tycar. Jiuoiitlu undUdaya. j"-it-attlrrt la-artia.-r.-BmiriTai-iWf,va'iiarii i n REVIEW OF THE'ma'rKET cowiccri-'fl iitcar wheat avu :ORN(otd) OOH.V(ogw) OATS UVCSWIiX.IT,, 51 00 CLOVCRSCED . 7u uunxu . tlJjGGS ... ,, SOtTAU.OW :u.i,.kii M-TOTATOCS . IS 13 l'J u ai'J or and Wtirt. nr dnfi'nh.il u Hruno 1 r.,lfi failed Tho ''"' otner, lose it by Irom IUJ to 300. , r , ' . ,T V llllieu. illO, J , diSL'UHt at the bl!?ht of tool . 1 mr tntnllv I . .. .. .. . .. ...... '. ' Cf.rnl. t4. 1 in t..vrtr..rl lirt.T tl... n. ... .1 be proceeded . ,1E, or btnwiSJf I'-A.--, unfit vou were for nlea.suro.eonver,:,ti0n or hi i uui uas ueen moil in tlie united states 1 -,,i n,,,, p.i t r,-,. , , will be passed. Qoan t py, d , . . . ; h 1 , study. One of the Cephalic Pills would suspending tho subject of tuo Proneh Entneror Ibr Z , 1!?.$ "i" s.li?erl"? i riui.-ii-Arn n a.ii ti.,, i;;n,,i ' ... . - - miiiuim vim ii ir; u I'viinripniTi ti. unr itiic nun I -e.w t e.i J Vi Mii ,UU VJliaiil HIS CELL A. NEO US Tjlf. AMMaAMTtCS Of t.AKnUAflM. Tlx ra iff fit, In4 IcuJoitty lu tl.la t. ap,r.-,.il.'(te tdn h..,,, "! pfcflva worJi of I'tbar lunuag"3,-ni).l bit rau, , lnrrporHlti them into our own i iltti tl v. ,r.i c ulilcliUrr.niilbeUrt'i'ki lijulfylu; , for t i i . I,,J' now iH'coutltjg poui;.rfzol In roiintctlbn 4ti . 1 ipil(ilii(('i jrm ili-adacha roincdy, built win ';' m.'.l In uiauroscrural nay, and tliu w f nll.'i iili.ii,, r. iKCOiucai. coiuntun l Kletlrot) (. antl li.any ' ubOMd dif Unction aa foreign nocJabia been w, rn ir" by coiuuion uiojo until tlicy kciu ' ffbtlvu aujtuik' laaour born," u ll1 'atdly RoaMzvtl, iuiih, tljui 1 'ardly rvulizud 1 'ud'ud auadatb. E7 ItiiBicntla ibo favotita tltn by which ftu,. m.ikca known any deflation liat.'V..rlroi.i tb.i uut.irll Hale L.f t!iu Ltai.i. and tieHidin tbta liilit it n,,,. ' looked on aa aaaltguurJ Intctitlfd to give nuticu i,f ., fast' which niUl.l oll.cnUio racapj attcntiun, till iVo lale tobd rcuiodicdi aud ita lu.llcatioua tl.oald r i.tlitcd. llrudachoa i.iuy bi ilaoliU.I und.r ivZ namaa, vll: Hyiiiptoniatlc uud Idiopnlhic. tyuil'Unriji,.. lU-tldaclM laclcecdl..nly conniioit anj la IheiiraturauiLr a great ailety cf dia.daia nmunij ibiJiaru A,i,c., Uout, lthuwallam and all fubrllo dl.o.aia. lu it,,,,. . ...... . ... av me aifliui..!, ti nit viiitfaa .cuducAc. u. Muiiua. ciui8llIallon and ..n,,. , ".-.. ......, .....is. i. iui nun ..tin, &'u,,, ( tulua with HeaJarlicB; .mcijiiian-l .laimM uraiVj Utldttlua WIiiUi J n. qui' fitly OLiuiiuii iiifndn-Ii.? 1.1. tittle HeHildilielf alno vc ty cuiiuiion, bejnt; usuh!1 u tiiifcuiihod ivy tlie namo of ner nuy beacUclie, huiuuku cuininn on vuJdeiily in outdtoyf ai-parciitl) tiuunj Ii.h) j, vuw.- v-kunuii II IT II (1 iC tie JJ, alnoVfiycuiiiim.il, be jut; usuhI1 (.),. lamo of iit-rnny beaclarlie, "uiihii;oij y in outdtoyf ai'DarL-KtU muuh.i i.. ui v taau ("V.muiiih kIV lltltl III ClllUr lllMtlllU'U uucit llitt luenul uud h) rlc.it uit'm, a U'utl Itcniuei mi slowly, lnrnl tea i ti of acerbity if temper. In in0i (,,, buth tyea, una luiuetltuL-a prtmiklnR vumltinj, m, tlii4 ilufij may ulitu be named Vf uremia 1'or tin trpntmciit of i-itliLr dun uf lioa!aclic thu t, libatjcl'ilis lute tirt'li found n uru unJ taft tiuiejy . lievi'iirlliuiQoft acuta pain i in a few minuti!, ni'd , itii ubtl'j po.vi-r crwtlicatttii tlw di.fiaitgwf wLitl ii.- : ailu ii thaj uutrnu; iiiJn rwwiuu. no,a buttle of rrep.iivil I ills. but I'm think liitrtiiat'snntjuntitiuiui.T; bunitTinpiyt-iibrfamici " lffiM&tixtiZlZiJ$ aailiu aa rola.vcd hi! bitrc. Vrujght You li.ual n.vuri Spalrilng'j Ccpbalic Till Hrtdgu.. - Och I sutu now auJ ou'vw mil u, l.prc a ta Viarllur aiU jH-a u. ibul'illa aujdonlb.' all Uay lU.i It i.b.t. A Real Blo3sinj. Vhysiciun, W ell Mrs. Jones how ii that heudaehc ? Alts. Jones, Gone! Doctor.aH none! tin l'iH i'u i eat cured me iu just twenty min. . uled !,lul wiah you would stud moie sa i1"-" "ue luum "uuy. ic. u.i. xou can get mom at auv Druggists. Call for Peph.uiu IMls, I uj they ntvtr fail, and I recommend them m all v.iyj.i u lluadachv. .V 4. Jo?ies. I shaltsend for a bos di- y . 0' suuenug nwutu i i -i... ii .... .... ... .... . .V. ..... u.nst, ij. Twenty Millions orDoi.LAr.B savcd Mr. Spalding has told two millions o -10"1?1.01 u.u "ira.cu l teparea Olu., ' ulm " la U3l""all!U ltl!l- oa'!u nottlo saves ai least len tioiiars worm ot urot. u lurm- turo, thus making an nirgrccato of twenty I"'11',0'" ,f doll,!"':3, "luimeil from toU .loss bvUus valuublu mvcntiou. Haiu ft 51?- iclf, . cm.;, tho !icbiu , fctads hu (!l.!,i11,iiCici.iils nml if tly aro M a M his Glue, Headaches will soou vauLh ay liko snow in July. ' tar Oveii Esru'i.MUNi', and tho men tal eaie and anxiety) iiieidL-iu to eloiy at tektiou to business or study, aro umo.ig thu luimerouseamoi of Nervous U.'adachj. '"ho disordered statu of mind aud body in cident to this distressing complaint is a fx tal blow to all enorg) and ambition. S.if ferurs by this disorder can ulwaja obtain (pcedy rsliwf from these distressing attack-; Ijy u ing olio ot tliu Leplialio Tills when- ' ever th symptoms aptiar. It imiets th,) i.' . . i. t . . . , . ' T, .? . aud jarring nerves, and relaxes the tension f t!lJu ,t0!uach wLi'c, ulwav, e,.,,;,, uu l aggravates the diioide'red coudiiion 0f lUe r'C ,,' Did you over have tho Sick Head- achu I Do yu remember tho tluobbiiiir .i .. .r i ii i , bov J tlialm UmA .... . M . , imires. I 1 oil i,'. l -tl i xt-ftlt-rtr pwntviwn Qnnl,ltnn - p,.i,i: h;ik ',. . ..p.,. - .j u.w m vi ....iu iiuiu iui kj.uje jieanaeiiy, x 1110 Uudachc Costiv 'l.u,aactl0i v'03t I J,..., ..pi,., PUtniW TT.tO.l.l.n Vftl-v-rt.. V iteaaacne, t J ity. cness and General DoLil- fit 'ni 'n 'orrlble VaJatbo l bis barivtnoon.fiQDj 1,.,., kjd It.totlia liupothccatlca bui.J as) a til tn tlie n.an ,JV yoit ln'aaf li.tf of an 'uaitacne I' -'liute it liadij aaya u. llt'td'oduiBly," aaabl, hai.tlui.un th.il 'e uie a t'i oliilic Tilt, band 'nun me ui..tr 11 ,m..i ... " tho. UI!CAT DIscoyunY. Among tho mo it I ""P01-1?1".01 a" "IB Kul medical ttiscov- I IM-ii'sl .S tr.w n.ri. 1.1 i r J... ,1 ,1 .), r :...:.. r.,- ........:.. o , 'V '" " irtivtiinuiri. iu. ,11 uiue.iuii IIUIU Small For, the Cephalic Pill for rj'ief of ITnnilnntm. nn,l tl,.. ,fn!: ti... prevention of Fevers, cither of which is a j sure specific, whoso benefits will bo ex- ncricuccd by tuft'ciintr humanity louiraf'.or their discoverers are forgotten. CURE 1 Sfri CURE By tha uas rf thcao plUa tho potlndie nu.irh- rf Mr taua wrMcfc IliuJarht may U- pr 'Vt'n'eli and Iftaki-u a' th' 'omu,. nreuiiit nfan aturK ni.tu.Jiato r.tlf flout pair, and aicknea vvill b bstaiii'-d. Tlii-y a-ldnm fail in reniviu;tha A'aHacaandycaVac.la tauhirhfemalcaarfl ra auLji'tt, The) actettatly upon thi bonclta, ninoilnz CVaticc aa. Fur It'rraw Aan, fludtnti. DtlUate rcmal.'a. an.1 all pcraona of Sc4itiri habits, they aro valuaa e aa a Lai -allra, Improving I'to appetitt, giving lei4 and ily r tu tl ti dijetliroorKaiia. an t r'alorinzth) nataratila.lUlly au . atn'iiflh 'f tho whtl ky.tei'i. Thot'Ul'IIALU' I'll.I.. art th-rtmll iflont mvnt Itatioii ami carifully cond.irto.l-spi rimiiita,tialni; b. -In uao many year., durmii which llm ' tluy bao n -Ird nnd raliavud a va.t amn.iiit ti aiu and aolLr : from Head' ha, vbtlpr nruiuatini in thi aertauJ : . Wm t.rfroia u (l.-rnUKU.l atatu of Iho ititnith, Th -y ar-rtitirklv veitabl - in th. ir ca;i.pniitoi..a(;.l may bj lakPn at all luu'-a wnh p.'tfect aafrly witlinal inakinj any rhinco of di, 1. aud (iaabaaaaa ony dMu CrttMe lai! rcadara it rai tr u aJnimsUr thin u U.'i drill, IIUWARR Of f.OU.NTEKr'IJITttl Tho gmuiuc bato file aliuatutva if Itcniy C. f palJm; on f.ich box. Hold by Hr'iSlit and all "th'r Dialrra In Wcdi'iuei A boj will bo tent by ...all T''PiJ on nciipl of tha , . I'K ICR '.'.1 CUNT!' All cr Jsra l.ojlil br irJuia-..! to HExavf hpalmvci, ISrCkU.i ,trttt .VtWallit,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers