Agricultural Department. LIFE. OE SEEDS. Tho story of 'wKeat raised from (ccd found in an.Egyptain mummy, and tomo others of a rather dubious character bavo been adduced in cvidonco of the great vi tality and longevity of Beeds ; but tho British Scientific Association throw dis credit on theso assertions. They have. for tho past fifteen years, been instituting inquires and making experiments, through a comuiittco of its members, with various kinds of Eccds, of various ages. Their labors tend to show that nono of tho seeds which were tested, although placed in tho most favorable circumstances that could bo devised, vegetated after tho ago of forty years; and only twenty out of two hun dred and eighty-eight species did bo, after twenty years, whilo by far tho largest number lost their germinating powers in ten years. Teaching Pios to Eat slow. A correspondent of tho New-England Farm er says: Pigs should be early taught to cat slowly, for tho advantage of tho pig, as well as of the owner. Nothing is easier. Give tho weaned pig, at 0 or 8 weeks old in aclcau trough half a tea cup of dry short3 or bran, and after bis dry food is all eaten, givo his drink, and increaso the dry food according to tho ago and appetite, till three months old ; then add 0110 half Indian meal for two months, and then dry Indian meal, till fattened sufficiently. . This plan has been followed lor five years with decided success. How to Ventilate Stacks. British farmers ventilate their stacks as follows : They fill with straw a bag, say 3 1ft high and 20 inches in diameter j place it verti cally in the center, and stack around it. Aa the stack rises, they lift tho sack, and so on to the top. In this way a chimney is formed in the center of the stack, into which the steam and gases generated, find their way and escape readily. This moth od might be adopted with advautago in stacking corn fodder. Construction of Cider Filtehs. Take a square or round wooden bos made of one-inch pine plank, well braced, three feet in diameter and one foot four inches deep. Make it with n bottom perforated with numerous one-quartcr-inch auger holes, over which should be laid coarso hemp bagging. Now fill in tho bos for eight inches, with pieces of charcoal (ani mal charcoal is tho bast, but it is expen sive,) about nut size, and on tho top of this place a four-inch layer of clean wash ed sand, and cover all with a coarso hemp bagging, and you have a cheap and good filler. Any number of such filters may be used, according to tho quantity of cider to be operated upon, and tho top cloth can bo frequently washed, without disturbing tho sand and charcoal. ISeforo running any cider tLrough, pass a stream of clear water into the filter for fifteen minutes, so as to remove any fine loose particles of tho charcoal that otherwise would be mixed with tho cider. Scientific American. GARDEN FALL 'WOlUv. Vhen tho month of November comes, it is worth whilo to look about a little, and see how you stand in the garden and or chard. You must bo a miracle of expert- ness if you havo not failed in some crop or other, or if some tree or plant has not baffled your wits. Well, this being tho oaso, now is tho timo to look about, and resolve cither that you will succeed better next year, or that you will abandon that crop altogether. So, go into your kitchen garden. If your soil is poor, or worn out, and full of insects, this is the time of all others to doctor it; and hero is my prescription, which I have proved over and over again ; Clean off the plot of ground to be renova ted, and cover it with a good dressing of fresh stable manure, with the litter in it. .Begin at one side of tho plot and throw up the soil into ridges, digging it about eigh teen inches deep, and mixing tho manuro through the soil as you dig. Hero let it lie all winter. Tho atinosphare and tho frost will havo a grand chance to do their in bettering the quality of tho soil it sell'; and the essence of tho manure will not only bo all taken up by tho soil, but tho coarseness will bo broken down by the apring, so that your plot will bo in the best possible order for vegetables, when tho swallow comes. If you are troubled with grubs and in sectrf in tho ground, (and you must bo komcthing moro than a "big bug" yourself, if you aro not,) then you n.ust also treat it with a dose of salt. Scatter any rcfuso or coarso cneap salt over tue carta, teloro you begin to ridge it up, at tho rato of a Lu'-hcl to tho eighth part of an acre or eight bushels to tho acre. Put on this scasou, it will do r.o harm to anything vegetablo, and will thoroughly rid you of tnefio enterprising iittla gentry, that crawl out of tho ground in Si ay and Juno, and quietly piny Guy I'awkcs to the roots and etems (if the tendercst things that tho pot boils. Besides, leaving out of eight the virtue of salt as a manuro, it helps all dry noils amazingly, giving them greater at traction foe moisture, and greater power to hold it in dry weather ; and that is no veaa thing for a crop that gets thirsty in idsuiuiacr. A. J. Downing. PUBLIC SALE. OP Valuable Real Estate. IN pursuance of an order oftb Orphans Court tf Co lumbia county, on Saturday the lth day of November 1800, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, William tlagenburh ami (JeorfeM, Ilagcnbucb, Administrators, &.., cf Simon llagentmch, late of Centra twp., in said county, deceased will ex pone to tale, by Public Vendue, upon lite pre ml o, Purport No, One, consisting of a, TRACT OF LAND situate In Centre township, In mid county, fadjolnlnj lauds of Oeorje Kclchner and others on tti north t"a rah Salmon, Samuel tioucr, and Abraham .Power on the cast, Christian Hufiiey and tJrorga uOtiyon the louih; O corps K. Hess, and Iaac Ehrwlne on the w eat J con talning 100 AND 24 ACHES & 140 PEUCIIES, neat measure, whereon Is erected a good Two Story Frame Duelling House, a log s0arn1weathcr-boanted,,wltlli Sheds attached a Wag on fiouae, a Carnage House, good Apple Orchard, About 00 Acres j Cleared Land tt'ater at the Door and ifarn. Purpart No, Two, coiiAistinjr of a Tract of Jf'oodland. situate In Centre township, aforesaid, ndjnlulug Purport No One, on the M'est UuMga Keliiiuer and others on the north t Barah Salmon on lliosouth.and Purpart No. Three on the east, containing TUN ACHCa AND SIXTY PERCIICS, strict measure. Purport No. Tour, consisting f a Tract of ir.iodtand, s Ituate In Cciitio township, aforegalJ, adjoining lands of (K'orgo Kclchner, on the north; Purpart No, Three on the west; Surah Salmon on tho south Purpart N i live on the rastcontalnlng TCN ACHES and I'ouit.'cti Per clws strict mennira PurDart No. Five conslsttnir ofaTrnct of IlmJlnnJ. situate it Centre township, aforesaid adjoining lauds or Ueorge Kclchner and others on the north ; Purpart No, l'our on the wetti tfarah Salmon and oihcra on the south and Purpart No. Bit on the east containing nine Acres and JKi Perches, strict measure. Purpart No. Seven, situate In Centre and Ornngc town ships, In tald county.adjolnini lands of Snniucl C. Bow or on the south; JIHHam H'hitmlre on tha west! and Isaac Ebrnliiu sn trie north and east, containing Twenty-Five Acres, strict measure, n hereon Is ertvied toi hoim. n stabU a smell apple orchard, and about twenty-four acres of cioarcu iiun, a ncv cr-ianing springoi w nter ni mo uoor. I. ate tli e estate ofsnfd deceased, situate In the town ships and county aforesaid. JACOU EYLIiLY, Clerk. Cluomsburg, October 27, lCO. K7" Terms of Sale ! Ten per tint, of the purchase money of each Tract of proptrt to bo paid by the pur chaser on day of tale. One-half of the pure hast money less ten per cent.) on the first day of April, lHbl, at which time possestionwUt be given to the purchaser, One-Fourth of the purchase monty on the first day of April, lefoil The remaining one-fourth oh the fret day cf April. WX The two last payments to bear interest from the first day of April, Itkil. Payments to be secured by bonds und mortgages on the premises. The grain growing on the premises to be reserved. VM. HAOHMItUCII. I , . , , O. AI.HAGCNIiUCII, ministrator.s OereAer27, lfMjll. A NOVELTY IN THE AllT WOULD 1 Photography Upon Porcelain. accutiil by lcllor patent In tMc United fc'tatc, Kngltlnd, France, anil Ik-lgiuin The American Photographic Porcelain Company, Ao. 781 Droadway, N. Y. liat In; figured tlielr novel nnl Ingenious invention by American and Knropenn patents, aru fullv prepared to execute all order, lor .Miniature Likeness of f erttons on CJiina, presenting all the attractive and advantageous features of ordiuury photogruplts, the brilliancy and tiu ish ufa wnter-rntor drjwjni:. ami a hitherto uu.iltr.incd luality of durability, by beluir rendered as iinperi.hable as the natural properties of the article, upon u huh lliey are transferred. As the patented process of the Company enables the reproduction of Photographs, not only on plain surUcet, hut upuu such as are round or of any degree of irregu larity portraits can bo reproduced with f.iutless arcn. racy, and delicacy of delineation, upon PorcLiain wares of any description and dimension ucd as articles of lux ury or of Inmtcilold utility, suillns Urm, Vasm, IIiirak. rsrtVps. Toatx Abticles, s.; thereby securing faith ful portraits and furnishing n uni'iuo and t-xduisite fettle of ornamentation of artules in domestic ue. lu order lofurnish facilities for the griitillcation of the taste, and to meet the wants ot tliosi patrons ol tile i'llic Arts dlHIrous Ofhuvilie Portraits , in i'orrelnin. tiie Company have imported from r,urope a collcttion of Fiipviii.i puri-ioiu, nouns, iiiaiiiuauurcu loinur own or- uer, u men they sen at cost prices. As the American Company are on ners of the patent right, and cou-eipiently the only persons authorized to use tho process, they have ditcruiincd, in order to alford l'eoplo met try section of the Union an opportunity to poseas Portraits on China, tn make the foUiming propo sition to residents in the Country.u ho are unable tn is it personally the Alvlicrand CJjIlerics in New York. Persons sending a photograph, ninbrot) pe. or dacucer. rcolype to the olhco of the Company in New York, ac companied by Klvo Doltars, will recclte in return by vx fircss, free of overcharge, a richly ornuiuanted lircak ast Cup ami Saucer, w nil the portrait transferred there, on. Ily transmitting a daguerreotype and Ten nollars.thcv will s.-curc in Iiku manner, a handsome French Va,c or Tniict article, with the portrait reproduced by the paten len iirueess. Ily sending n pair of dagerroetypes and Fifteen Pol. inrs, uijywiu r,-civc in reiurii a pniroirirn Sevres, n Res, with the portraits executed euual to miniature paint Ings; and, in liko manner, portraits can be reproduced on poaceiain wares or Vas3s of every quality of finish, fiixgimij i jit.vv nun. ,,vuij tuiuu iiuuureu uuiiais tho pair. I N. II. Be particular in writing tiie address.tevvn.roun ty nnd State diitinctty. All letters to be address tn ', A.MI.ItlCAN I'JIOTOGUAI'IIIU 1'OKCF. LAIN CO..' 781 llruadnay, New York. Oct. 5, ldC0,-3iii. rPIir. undertigned Is nlio extensively rntraped in tho - unacriahiHg isusinett, anu Keeps consianiiy on nanu nd for sale at his Ware rooms, a large assortment of FINISHED ,35331 COFFINS, Ily which he is enabled to till orders on presentation Auto-Keeps a good Horse and Hearse, and will at al times lit ready to attend Funertls. EIMOX C. S1UVK. nioouuburg, January 23, 1?59, JSl'ltlG 'I'UAMIi, 1SGO. WATCHES JKH'ELltV & SU.VllIt U'AIti:. Cheaper than auu other House In the Vntted Aatrs, every article Sold only, for what tt rtaly it, and warranted to be as represented, II. MULLIGAN, No. 4(4, North Hecond Btrcct, above Willow, West Pi do, MilLdlJEI.PlUA. SMTOUTnn nf all kinds nf English, French and Svii Watches, and Manufacturer of Jdwclry, of every des cription. Country, Btoro Keepers, Auctioneers, IVdlars it deal. cm enmity, are assured that they will find al this in tablishmcnt tha iargejt mont varied and l'ubionablo ansortuient of (foods in the United Statts, and at prices, 0 p. 'cent lower than any r,thr House in this t;ountry. Bto, Keepers and others, whocauiiot come to the city, canon rtltclr goods by .Mail, aud havo them sunt by Imprest 'o any part of the Country, as cheap and well elected If they came to the City and selected them in person. 1 member the place, H. MULMfJAN'fl, No, 411, Not Second St., above Willow, Wen side, PHILADELPHIA. Established for Over Fourteen Years, March 10, lfl-Iim, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Estate of Elizabith Richardsy deceased. LJ.TTCUri of Administration on tho Estate of HNza U-th Hlcbards, late of UIooui town hip, Columbia county.deccased, have been granted by the Register ef Columbia county, to the undersigned, residing in Hem lock townthiu, ail persons having claims against the Estate of thu decedent are roqueted to prcseut them to the Administrator, without delay, and all persons indebted to make payment forthwith. CLO. W. DHCISBACH, Sept. S?, lG0 Administrator. AVILLIAM J. BEIDLEilAN, Dloomrburg, Aueuit 15, 1657. " Why stand yo all tho Day Idle ?" ANY Ijvdy or Gentleman In tlio United Slates, po session from e) to 97, can enter into an easy and estoctable business by whirl) from $.1 to 810 per day can bsi realized. For pamculsrs. address (with stamp) W. H. ACTON t CO., No. 37. (old 11) ti'oillitHli atictl, miladelribis, er.t.,iew. BCERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS III): CELEBRATED 1I0M.AND ItKSlEDY F0K DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, r.ivim compiiAiKT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, And the Tsrloiui nfToctloin cnwvjufnt upon a disordered stodiaoii on i.ivi:n, Puch m Indifrwtfon, Aridity of tho Slotnvh, CollcV.v Pilna, Hiartbuni, Ijows of Ai'pctlte, It'pondencT, CiitIri'ii(N llllnd and Blmlhig P1W. In nil Norton, Hhouumtle, and NsnmlKlc AfTectiorn, It has in nnmcrous lnitincm prorwl liitrhly lHtie(lclaI, ami In others eff'trtfHl a decided enre. 1 bis H ft t'Ui ely egi-tRl le eoiwuiil, prepnml on strtctty sficntiftc I'rinciptr, nflor the lunntirr or the rilrbiutcd Jlolhnd lTofi-'f or. Ik rh iTe. Its reputation at licinepro dured Its Introduction liwo, the domund eiMinnencltitf with tlrnco of tho Kntlu-iUnd scatterrd mir the fve nf this mlRhty country, tnanv of wlmm brought with tliem and hinded down the tradition of Its taluo. i nmo fTrrcl to the Ameri'vn yuUie, Inou-inr? that its truly wonderful fWiWno rhiiHl must I acfoitw'irdijnt. It l partbnilitrly rfcmnniendfil to those person whose constitutions may lme Ncn Impaired by the coiitlnmun ue cfardtiit spirit, or other form of ditmipntlon. Oonerally Inifantanwins lu elTcct, It f udi Its way iliroctly to the sftat or W"", tlirlllliiR n.l (inli'liMilnir vty norrn, mfrintt p tha rironrlnR FplrltfAlid, in lail, lnfuln ticw liOKltb and Tlgor in in p)nuni. NnTtrn Wliopvpr expects to Und this A lversire M l0 disappointed! 1-nt to the rick, c-,k and low spirited. It will prme a Krateful aromatic cordial, tjossessed of singular remedial properties, READ CAREFULLY! The flenulne highly concentrated lleerliare's Holland Hitters Is put up ill linir-pint bottles only, and retailed At UXE Iiouan per Klle, or six isaues lor r itk imllsrs. . Tho rrent demstid for this Irulv celebrated Mcdldne lias induced mnny imitations, bkti the lubllo should guard against purchasing. 3- llewarof Imposition. Sec that our tnuno la oil ilia label of esery bottls you buy. Sold by Druggists renerally. It can be forwarded by Express to most points. EOLK l'KOl'niETOnS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. MA'.IUriCTllRlSO ptnrmnccttlisfs and (EhtmisIS; PITTSBURGH, PA. For Sale by CM, llagenbuch, Druggist, llloomsburg Ta Oct, 27 leCO. E ICII GOLDEN PLACER! MOHF, CERTAIN' HIAK MMFoitiMA uit nuns ri:,iK The Most Splendid and lAberal Enterprise Ever Offered. General Manufacturing Agency for the Bala of tha fallowing catalogue of (roods, lL" V orth more than 5W),000 Dollar, ull of whnh willbti sold at $113 fitch, irrespective of alue. Certificates fctating what each ' i .ii.-.i 1 ' ' Ku-ry nrtUleintlu fullwin; catalogue will bi sold for lJ5each. It ! optional with thoc wishiiifr to pur- ihase, whether they pay lor and take the articles after the receive the Cert ill the Certitlcate or not. I The 25 erjifj must be patd tn adtance and vilt be returned in goods, 100 Cold HuntiiiRCasod Watibes, $100 00 earb ItH) Cold Wntthes. 13 03 'Juo Ladies' Cold Watches, 3j Oti 500 tilveratihes, 15 00 .'jUO Cold Guard. st (c Chatclain Chain g. "0 00 30UJ Cameo lirontlu's. 3IK10 Mosaic and Jet I! ranches, :.UU0 Lav a nnd I'lnreliline Hroochcs, W) Coral, Um ral.l aud Upal Ilruoilms, 3000 Cameo I'ar-Drop, atuj.l Mosiicuud Jtt dr-Drop-f. 3000 Lau and Florentine Kar-Urons. C 00 5 W 00 5 00 5 m 5 00 6 00 WU) Coral. Cmeratd and Opal Uar-Urop?, I 00 DINK) Mosaic and Cameo llraceltls. ! 00 to 10 00 IKUO Gents' Ilrntpiiii, J 50 to ti 00 3000 H atr h Krys, 1 00 to 7 00 3 ,)l III Fob and HibbonSlidctl, 1 00 to 6 00 OOOU tfrttsof Itosomtuds, I 00 to 7 00 0000 Sleeve lluttons, 2 50 to 7 00 UaO l'Liin Riiifs, S 00 to 5 CO "OUO Stun Stt Kings, 2 50 to 7 00 7(K0 Hitts Ladies' Jewelry. '2 01 to 5 10 Tim" nclini' as Aleuts, will rolled the advance nav iiu-Jit of 25 rent on each Certificate ordtred for Coiids, uud remit us lv c;nts on cuih. Tho remaining 15 cents oui-uchi they ca'i rcstrve aa tlieir connnlasioii no com mission allowed on reuittt tucesof Icbs than one dollar you ur-i rvpoted to art at Agent tr us. Wu will txih.iuiio, nud gio our customers nny goods on our LUt in place of thoso their UirliiHatcs call for. Watches eicept-'d. N.M. Azeuts wanted In tery town. Circulars sent on application. IT Address all communication-) to c. J. norciiERTV. No. -12 tfoutli Third St., I'hiladelphia, l'a. fi.'pt.--J, 1MG0 --Jm. NOW IS Till-: TIME TO COM MENCE FOUMING CLUJJS FOIt Till! New lilovk Wttkh) 117 -AND- com c rioTiwur. PHUNNY PHELLOW ! ! a srr,F.Nnii prrmium TO EVERY iSUBSi ft I BE R! The Ntxo York Weekly and Pictorial Ihunny PhcUow oc Yeur Jor 'lvo Dolhust OVll 'ITrtVH TO CI.UUP. 1 copy one year, and tho Fictorlall'ljunny Phellow ' , one year. 2 do do 3-1. and a Premium. 3 do do 9 1, do do tl do do $ i, do do 8 do du do do lu do do $13. (! do li do do SI, do do Bend for a Hppclmell Number, which Is furnli-hed free. and contains lull particulars of Premiums, uuors auu t rupriLtors ol me e York Weekly. licikinau btrcct, N, V. Pept. 29, lSG0-3m. rjIIE PARIS Mantilla Emporium, Tin. TO1 Chestnut Ptrcet, riiil.adt Iphla. KutnblUhed In lt-55 fnrthe exclusive display and fale of the Inteft novtltiei in l'aris, Loudon and the finer productions of home manufactured CLOAKS ij- MANTILLAS, To which has b'en added n FUll UKI'AUTWKNT, Which embraces the largest assortment of iVHS OF ALL X.rriVXS, Including Ileal Russian fable, Tine Hark Hudson Hay Sable, Russian and American Mink Sable, Itoiul Bnuiiie. Chinchilla. Tine Dark tfili- rian ti inlrrcl, fee &rt made up In the most fathionable st)les for Ladies Win ter Costume. IT? Al-L flOOn WARRASTID. Afl One fixed Price from which no deviation can Lo made. The Paris Mantill t.Clnuk and Pur Emporium, No. 70d Chestnut st., (above Seventh, bouih sid.) J. W. PROCTOR & CO. Bejit. 00, 1C0-3id. CHEAP 1I00T AND SHOE STORE. T Ml subscriber invites attention to his new stock of Boots nud Shoes, JubI received from Philadelphia, and comprising FOll OEi"'LEMVNS WEAR, Roots, Gaiters, Oxford Ties, cbottih Tics, Navy Guit Cis, tilipuers, &.L..&.C I'Oll LADIRS XVEMl, Caitcri with and without heels, Slippers ditto, Puskins, French Morrocco tlootics with and without heels, tkc Also, MlSbks' AhO CUILUKLN'H of every description, at prices inueli below tbo old slan uescripuon, at prices iniicn neiow tno ojil Stan. i..;:r.r,' : 7.:' '"' J r dless than the same uality of Good, can bo I ""I? ' IJ'le by the old way of washing byina w at any other Word in town: I . "'' ',',,, u"1 "rlioleis ii.ea costs but little, and are jfall kinds madetu orderoftha bestmaterial, in ,h '' 1 ?"',. n'c,'lJ', orucr' l'tS" uaru, una 1 bought for tho neatest mannir and on reasouable terms, wnrran'tud tocaualanv cliv wurK and inueli tielow citv prices. keeji none but the best w orkmen, and liave better lultc. rial than was ever bfforo brought to Ibis in fact, the very best tu be had in the city lunrkct. CIXHIUB B. BANDEKS. Danville, May 20, lSGO.-y. S 10 VK AND TIN-WAUK SHOP. .,'lMir. undersigned would inform the cititcni of flLra -i utooiiuiuirti ami vicinity, inai ne lusjuit rc (gsl cived and otlVrs for sale one of the most extensive rG usuortments of COOKINUund FANCV bTOVl-S ever introduced into this market. The Christopher Co. lumhiis, James H nth nnd til the arc among the lint class rooking Btovcs.all of which are air-light and gas hurners. His Pailor ttoves are handsome and Ihe assortment va ried. ALSO-Particular attention is imid to Tin-ware. and House Hpoutinir, upon short nwtice. All kinds of repain eg will le done with neatness una despatch. Zf Country produce taken in exchange for work. riiinr ti, movck. C oouubur;, Oct 3. ItCO, i AoUrERLATIVI . ' rroKic, DIURETIC? B aTVusmnf IMTORATIN& CORDIAL To Ihe Citizens of New Jenoy and Penniylrania, ApUTtlKCARIH, DRfmiliTH, f.' HOURS AND I'divi-rc Families. Wolfe's Pure Cognne li randy. It'otft's Pure Jltadrria, Sherry and Port Mine, Wolfe's Pure Jaintiiea and St. Vroit Hum, Hoife's Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky. A 1st. IN.IVOTTLES. 1 lenvc tt) cnll the attention nf tlic fitizMin of the United Ftntcft to lhj tiliuvu WiNFsntiJ I.iquiJH, Jmimrli'd by uiMirito wolfk, 01 isuw imk, uIiobu name ii m inlllnr In every nrt if llii country fur tlio purity of his ctlcbruied (iiikdam ycHNArrs. Air. Wotrt, in his letter tonic, flcuklii ciftlie purity of Mb Wine qi.i1 Liiinm, paji ' I will ftuktj my rputallun a a niuii, my etnn tli tiff us a niorcliant of thirty years' rosi'lence hi th-j I'iiy of New York, tlmt ull thu firtiiidy ami Wiiu-n nhich 1 Itottln nr.1 puro ti importml, ninl nf tho lu'ut 'iinlity, nnd ran hu relied upun by vcry purilmner." i:cry htlle litis the prnpriMcir'si iuiuk on tho wax, nnd nf.ic simile of Mm signature cut tho ct ftillvntt. Tin pHhllc ure rcrpct fully init(.'d tfi call and csnmlnu for'L's. For Ihi'iiiBvlvi'i1. For Halu atltvrAiL by utl Aputhccarics and Uroccru in riiiLidilphln. uuorub ji,.snrux, io, asi inrkvt Rt.,'a. &oie Agent for Philadelphia. Head the follow Ins from tint Now VorK t'uurior; Enormous liusiaci for one JVttn York Merchant. Wv nrc liuppy to Intorm our follow-citlzens that tlicrtt is niio place lu our city whurellm phsician, npoiliecnry, and country mcrcliunt, run go and inircluso pure Hi mi and I.linorrt, as pnri ni Imported, and of tho he it -mulity. Wu do not intend to gh an el.iborutv ilencrlptitm of this mvr chant's estenle buslnuss, nltlimgli it will well repay nny ktransiT ur citl?.un to (it Uimupho V'ni.nts ext.-n Eic n arulioustf. Nos. Jt, at nnd 'JJ, Itravcr etrtft. and No. 17, VJ ui.d SI, Atnrkftfidd 1 1 reel. Hit stock of Hthuupps on hand ready fur shipment could not luuo livL'ii less than thirty thoiifiind laxi'n; tha Urnndy, numu ten thousand cast's-Vintages of l?,ltl to lWt); and ten thousand mcs of Mailer!.., Sherry and I'urt Wlno, Scotch nnd Irlih Whisky, Jainnlcn nnd St. Corlx Kuin, soinn vi ry old nnd fpul tunny in this country. He also nad thnelar;p ccl'ari, filled with Uraiuly, Wine, 4.c., in caks, uiidorCuMoiii-liouuj key, ruady lor hottling, r, Widfe's sales of W lutappi lapt var immmtcd to oti liumircd nint cichty thousand dozjn.and we hope In lets than two years Ini muy becually successlut with hli Urf.ti.liet nnd Winss. Ills bufiiica merits the pntronntje of cv(vy lover of ma rjniii-B, i muif lailllliVS HO If II plirtJ iticoumi l.l'ltiurn fur mediuil usi shuuld fend th'-ir orders direct to .Mr. Woi.rii, untilutry Apnthecnry in the land maku us lli'jlr minds to discard tint poioonoim rttitrironi their sh-lvr's, and replace it with Wolfu's puru Wines and iA'lUVTH. We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the nrconimodation of small Ucaltrs In the country, puts up npnorted csps of miib uiiu A.inorn. cucii .1 mini, nuu sum a uiercnniu, should he susUined npaiiisthUtcm of thousands of op pundits in the Unlied SMtcs, who sell nothing but iinim. tions, ruinous aliko to human health and happiness. H7 For sale by Georje M, Jlagonbuch, DruggUt, Ul ooi us burg, l'a. Beptember tf, jaOO-fim AGlllOULTUKAL WAHKHOUSK, JSos. 21 .J- a3, South Sixth street, near the State livuse. rilll.Alllll.l'llIA, ffxxa, TI.N thwrs ofthis specious buildnifr, creeled expressly for the proprietor's trade, are stored with seeds and implement of nitereit to fdriopr' nnd fritrdiiu $W,r yR J'"Tajilimiki.-.I1io suhxertbors d-sire to cfl' i the "ttffiition, ol eu-ry one I nte rutted in lamiiug Kardeninji to their well seleited ttock of Agricultu- ,? " , , . mrrnnicu aim rioircr actus urass an-l f ield &tccdst cf the most retalde quality, The Agricultural Implement sold by us are mostly manufactured at our t-tenui works. ItrUtoi l'a. ( Navinj f.ttd up our establishment without reenrd to r-.plMi-i, iin in-; ninsi compieie inacJiietiery for the manufacture uf various kinds of aL-ritultural finpiemcnts wu are now prepared to supply all ariiclesin this Hue fully cminl, if not superior, to any thing of the kind cter bcl-ire oiP'red to the public, Landretirs warranted (.ardrn Seed have boon before tin) public for upwards of sixty years, their wide spread popularity, and the lncreainf! demand from yeur to year, are the best ce)dcnce of tliiir superiority ocr all Country merchants can be supplied with seeds In ra- pcrs, or in buiK. on the most 1 1 born I tor ins, Illoonindale, near ItrUtoI, l'a., ourcjrden seed grounds, contiins three hun il red and i-eciilv ncres, and is the largest t'falabhshmeiit ofiu kind In the world. I). I.AN'DItirni ft FOV. Ms. 21 33 iouth Sixth ett cet, Philadelphia, K7" Landreth's Kurnl Jlegiter aud Almanac tor 1-M.O. containing a Farm, Garden and Green Mouse Cal.tmlar for everv uioitth hi tl. inr. run lu, hn.l .tram ...... nnv. 1 son i I or pt paid application. January 21, l?tM y. LADIHS' OXE ntlCH 5PANas' sfwa, axons. joh r Ait i cit, o. m Aitf 'i st. betneeu 7lh. , &Mh , Ms , PnindcKqia, (l.nt.1 of f Jf Market M.) Importer, Manufacturer of nnd Dealc in ull kinds of FANCY RJBS, Hn in" rewiorrd to mv Nkiv Hionc. "Id Arch Mreet,aud beiujriiowciieage.l entirely in tin Manufacture rinl Mu of Fancy Furs, which in accordance With til J"Ui.'t Price Principle. I h ivn mflricdat tha lowest pussihle prices ronsii'teiit uilli a reasonable proilt, 1 would elicit a vUit from those In Maul of Fitrs Tur cither Wits or Children Wear. nn an iiifpettioii of my sHeition ofthosu foods, satisfied, as 1 am, if my ability to pltaso lu i-very defired essential, Hj'' l'ertoiia nt !i ili.tiiiii-.i. i hn man i.,,a it iu...t.,n. nifltit to call personally, need only name Hi artirle they wish, togethur with tin price, and iiibtructiong lor send- ni).-,uiiii lurtviiru uiuoruiT KMiiyarttireii-moucy awom. ""It-to Insura a satisfa.u.ry compliaiac with thtu August 2j, 18C0 5ui A little, but oftpn fills tin purwe. SAVING FUNDS. T7i;.MvLI BAVIXO FUMJ-Xo. 138 Boutll I. fourth fctreel, between Chettnut and Walnuti Hiila lelphia, pas all deposits on demand. Depiu'itori. money hi cured by (iovemnient Plate and City Loans, (J round Rents, 1MortMic'1 This tunpany dems safety bntter than large1, proiits, conneuuently will run no rUk with deuum. tors' mon-y, but have it at all thm'sreadv to n-timi wild 5 per cent, intercut to the owner, as they have -always dune. Thii company neer sip nded. tj females, maruedor single, nud Minors, tan fle poit iii their own right, and such deposit can be ; , sums ii ,i i i, j uy uirir t'Ulint'lll. i Charter pi'pitual. Incorporated by IheKtate of-S I'etlUhV U iinia. with imlltoritv tn tMrrun iJiltUE AXl) &MAI.L A UMS HF.CF.ll'F.D U unite opfii u.uiy irom v to 3 o'clock, and on Wed ncMday cwuing until 8 o'lbnk, DIRECWIIS. Jacob R. Shannon. Cvrus CidwDlindtr. John ShiudUr, (Jeorje Itu-t-cU. Malarhi W, Hloan, Edward T. Hatt, Lewis Kruinbharr, IL-nrysDelany, N'liholas Itittenhouse. Nathsn HioinI1v. Jos, 11. butherthwnite, Ephriam lUauchard. Joi.'ph LIppineritt. JACOU 11. SHANNON', Prsidcnt, CYRC3 CAIiWALLAHER, Treasurer. March 12, lJi-lJin. "A Hollar saved I twic fnrin'd." SAVING KUNU U. S, Trust Company. Comer of Third and Chestnut Sts.t PhiU, IARHHnnd small sums received and paid bark on -J demand without notice, with Fivr rra cknt Iiter est from the day of denosit to the dnr OrniB Hoi'Kfl-rromt) until 5 o'clock every day, as d on Mosiuy Kvfmso. rom 7 until 9 nclnrk. Prefld. nt-HTLPHKN R. CKAWPOKU, Tr-'asurer Pusv I'isk. Teller James It. Hunter. DIKKCTOliS. Stephen R. Crawford, lU-njamin W. Tinsh-y, Paul 11. Coodurd, M, U. Patrick Itrady, James Hevi ream, Thomas T. La, March -j'., lf.VJ-ly. ilanicl Rcidlenian, m-i'rpc jisll, AleVerC. llsrt, M, D., William M.Gndw In, It. I'ranVlm Jackson, Pliny Puk. V II Y IS LA150U IIA11D WIIKN Hi Aae a CArmeal Prteest, 1 or Cleaning Cluhs, by the use of which tho clothes ran be washed ic-ry clean without boiling and with very IU14 rubbing. Ily thismethuil murll hardliihnr i .,. H (As u-ashinp ean be done in half the Uute, and thu clothes nro very white and clean and last longer, for they aro not I IJiKL'.?1'!?!5''1""1'' ''aI'll''IJ,,u" I 1 " "" 1. r. cnnAnnrt. ,, I'altlmore, Md. UIT' If vou reallv want somrthlnir nire. ,lrt not n,l..ih, llsnen or nothing lleeeils, tut tney are all 1 claim for I them nnd they sliould bo lu every family, I ei-pt. ss, injj. AGIUUULTUUAI. WAUKIIOUSK, ALAKfJK asuortmenl of the best ftrtiliMrs in thu market, at reduced prices for cavh, con. Vs sistina of No. l Peruvian and Columbian (iuano's pW Huperphosphate of Lime from inu let inanufac .,, turers, Pouvh, Phosphate, a new artirle fur frait trees Poudrttte. Plaster fitc, ut whoksalu and retail. PASCHALL MOURIS. Implement and Peed Biorc, ceruer of 7ih and Market Ftreeti Philadelphia. March 12. Jeili. gELLINC oft'0AW,&.c,at costorleis, JIAKTMAN'S. NEW AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF AT THF. COnXKIl OF v Main ami Iron Streets, B 0 0 MS B u r W&m Do you want SII.KS 1 Go to BnolVER'S. Do i ou xvitnt LAVr.M.A CLOTH fio to ltllO WIIU'P. llo on want CIIALI.I I)i:l,AINF.3 1 Oo to linilUXn'S. Do you want TA11I.K COVF.US 1 O. to llllOWllllU Do you want CI.OTII lIUBTnlia 1 tlo to linoWHR'S. Do you want SUr.l.CTOM SKIRTS) Co to llUOWUIl'S. lioymlMnntmt.Clm'llll'a I HKIUT-SU.-TnNllF.llS I tloto nnownp.'S' ( Do you want ML'SI.INS I Oo to miOWIUl'B. 1 Do J ou w ant OA l.lCOIiS I tin tn llllOWllll'S. Ihiyouwant l.AWXdl (In tn llROWIlll't). . llo you w ant BAUKOFrJ I tlo to IIRUWF.K'rl. 1)0 you want.1)!'. BFUKS I o to IlKOWFU'rJ. llo you want IIOSlllUV t tlo to BROW l'.ll'S Do j ou want OLOVi:tl Oo to BROWF.It'S Do you want IIANllKl:ilClill:Fr3 ? Oo lo IlROWFIFS Do you want OAIU'F.TSATi.lli:i.S 1 Co to IIROWUR'H Do you w mil STF.M.A A WI.9 t Oo to UllOlVFK'rt. DujouwanlMOIlAIIl MITTS I Ooto 1IUOWF.US. D.l you want tfll.K OIlinl.F.fl I Oo to IIROWCII'H. Do you n nnt OAUN TI.LTO ! Oo to IIUDWIIR S llo you want UROTOllllT lIRAIDfl I Ooto IlItOlVKHa Do you want TlllV COTFON I Oo lo r.ROlVFIl'rf Do you w nnt 1'A I.JI F N8 1 Do you want BUN SIIADFHI Do yon wunt U.MIIIinl.I.AS I llo you want OASPIMF.IiF.H I llo you want rillllilAN I'l.AID I Do you want LINUX FIIFOKSl Do you want l'nilOALF.S I lloyou wnnt JHAN'-St Do you wont NAXKF.F.NSt llojoil woiitOINOMAMHI Do you want IHKMLtf! Do you want CURTAIN ML'ril.IN'l Do jou wnnt COL'D CAMIIRI03 I lloyou want WHITF. OOODd ( DojouwantllllNIMHl Do)ou want SIl.HSIA I Do you wnnt DRII.I.INOS I DnyoitwnntTI'lKINOSI Doyouwantt'llF.lKSI Do you want I.AllllW r!'lor.S! Do you want I.ADUIS' O MTHRSJ Oo to FROWF.R'rf, Oo to IIROWIIK'H. Oo to IIROUTU'H Oo to imolVKR'rl OotoIiltOWFIl'S Oo to IIII01VF.IFS Oo to llKOWFlM j Ooto DROIVF.R'8 ' Oo to !!RUVi:il-M I Co to IIROWF.R'S j Oo to nilOWIlR'H Ooto IIROWUR'H 1 Oo to UROU'FR'S Oo to IIROlVKIfS I Oo to UKOUTIt'S I Oo to IIROWFK'H 1 Oo lo HitOlVnit'rJ j Oo to IIROWF.R'S 1 OotoltltOlVl:ll'rt. Oo to llROWDR'rt Oo to IIROWF.R'S Do you want FRIISII miOCUKICSI Oo to IlilOWKR'ri Do you want aUKF.NSlVARKt Ooto IlltOlVllll'rt I Do you w ant OLAP3WA RF. ( Do )nil want II AI'.IHVAlli: 1 Dojou wnnt IIIIUOM! llo jou want raiUWIT'CHf lloyou wnnt CM IMF OOUllril lllooiii'.biiri.'. May I'l. K-lll. Oo to r.UOWIIH'H 1 Oo 10 liltOWIIR'S 00 10 i!itoivi:iiM Onto IlItMVIIU'S Oo to 11ROWF.IFS I.OIU OUT ! GOOD iXEll'S FOIt AM, 1 THF. never-failing SIKH, VANIIOHN, U thit beM. Vlio succeeds when all c them havo faib-d. All who aru In trouble nil who havi been uufortuuatj, nil whos" fond hop s ha lu'en disappoinfj.l crushed and blasted by faNj pmuitsefl and deceit, -nil who imo bo n decelv cd nud tritld with, all fly to h.-r f.irndvico and satis faction, all who arc in duohti of tlu nil'-ttinns uf tm$a thy love, consult her to rili,' nuJ s-itMy tlu-Jr minds A LOt'F. ArFJWtS SIIK .YFJ'KH F.11I.SI Phe has the secret of winmnir th i nfljctions of the on. poking pi-x. It Is thin fact uhhh iuducrit illitenit.' pru. tendiTs to try t't limiat" her. nud to topy her advertise ment. Hhe shu (.howg you tlu IJhlUYKASOF YOVHhUVUIU: WtFF, Oil HU&B.IXJ) (Jrabs.-nt frUnd. Plu euidef thy nngl to a Inppy mar rime, and maken tlmnarrl.'d happv. Il.-r aid aud ni- ice hi bnen m-Ih ited in inntun-'raid'J lnst.inci's, uud the result has alintyn beu tho nivalis ot sH-uriit" a axi) i.ippY M.iniii.ini:; h is tlu'r.'fore u sure depen ienco. Hti hat been the im-nns of briucine many hundred hearts and hands to. r-MlhT. Thousands of broken hearts liue betu healed and mad" Inppy by h-r. It is well known to llio publirat larjro that the wis the tirst and slm W th only person it) can show the hkem-Ks in reality, and who niii jiio entire satinf.uti u on nil the concerns nf life, which can lr tested and prov ed bj thoutauds, both mnrried and ningle, who daily nnd eagerly ItH li r nl No. i;iU0 Jjomlinrd Stroct, Pliilndclphia, All int 'rvi.nvs are nri tly pri ate and confi,lrntiut. rMMtXF.xcr good i.vck AI llAl'lMNKS.Siire within tin reach of all, fii,c tho H in;' wonder if tho enluht-'ned aire ; all who con sult lior arc astonished nt th. truthfulu tK ot In r infor m.tion and predictions. AI.I, tlmsu who hid bad luck cnusuItL'd Iht, their bad left th m, nnd th" are now tiin.ite, rich, emin-'nt and hippy. To... in bu-ln. lii-r advice is Imaluabb'. t-'lw can forct-1 withthei;rrah i st crtaiut) , the result nf all commercial and business transactions. If you follow Iit n Iic. vou will iMPiton: Yovtt c'icawA7'.'7AV:6- and succeed in nil your uudertakiuffs Th'iBj who hive bon fortunato and unsurcegjiful in life, and in busim- thosa wlio havo worked hard nnd tlrusclcd arainit adversity and misfortune thi greater part of iheJr lives and found the more they tried to yu f'rnrd in th" world, the more thin ihinjrs wont aciust them! All casfd have consutu-d her for the Im-t tvvemv jiars. All thosj who wis-'ly tollowed her ndv ice are now It IOII HAPPY AXi) bWClASFUI. in nil her umlortakines; while thot') blinded by prtju dicn and ijimrautr, in-glinted h r advic ara M il la. bnrlim niraint adversity ami poverty. II you .itmi j"u luppin-ss, jou will consult her yourself, nnd Iw titcctsa fill nnd happy alio. All Int'-rviiwa ur" strictly private nnd confidcnlial. (7ome onn I com" all I to NO. 1336 I.OM15AKD STREET, wern Juniper nnd Uroal, I'hiladelphU. bet March li, 1-V.i -ly. DETERSIVE SOAP THIS ci-l liruti-il Vnliiiifr Snap, is now In market fr innro than n yiar, ami it lias ciM-n universal all"farlli,ii, is tvlilenl mini the. fact. the Hirers nfit In orilor m snisily tho dcniailil, halo hoen ......c.-ii , increase ineir eiiarny in niaKn cjual In One Hundred Thousand Voundi per li'cek. It is rleriileilty th. bnt and thrapt.t .S.,np evir ina.le in this fnimlryi One I onna rj n will ft) ag r, for tiny use iia Three of the CVjmm &n;, in general use. It Is ni.nle upoi, a new prliiriile, nf il,e materials, ami knoun only tn Van HltuFt it .MiKiom. I docs an ay entirely with the narlilK,anlsaves the liecsssity nf liinlinslli-i rlothes. it ilncs not shrink rianiiels. Itr.MOVila IJUI3 VSI3 INK ll't I'AINV tsrora perfectly and from II, e most delicate fabric, kaves fully one lialf tho time anil labor usually spent to the wa-hinp. us warranted free from M..MI 1J.1, or oilier injuries cUaltcs, uud guaranteed not to, rot or injure the cluUies. ALSO VantiaaRcii & BIcKeonr.'s, Huperinr oriental Toilet riieinical niiic ralr. Ultra I'nlu and llroivn Hnaps, as Hell as limn Tiuis it Co. Adamantine Candles at lowest market prires. Tor Bale by all respectable firorers, and Wholesale by ho. i.J and 21 gouth harves, riiiLiDt-Li-iiu. caTTtion. mere! Iieins several iiuitnlion brands of Il-lcriivr Bonp In market, the public arc nntilied that mine are genuine eiccpt Vu IUaoen II MiKinE is stauined Ttnn i-nrl, tin r nt tin. M.,h. j . IVbruary yj, lto-i-Jm. lANCElt IXSTITUTK. After manyyeariofnuccssful pnirllce, Db.KIIL LING t-till desires lo do good to the attlicted. He con- iMuivi, io cure an Mil us oi Lanctrs, Tumors y 1Vens Strofu2aor King's Evil. Sues, ij-c, If CUrahle. Without Cllttlllff Or nnUnn. tf! .tru- 11,1 . fine himself inertly to the cure or the auove diieasex, but will treat on all others with succcnn. Patients will be v ifited, if di'sired, a reasonable distance. Persons de sirinir Dr. K will please stop at the Railroad Hotel in Mecbaiucsburg, whcrelhcy will bo directed to li s residence. For all particular urttu-tate dinoase plainly. Lncloswa pfstaire stamp to pre-pay nuswir. Address Dr. C. U KLLLl.N'U, Muchanictbur.!, Cumber Inndcol'a. Hi'IUcmbi-r U, 1300- fm. MANCrACTIJUUR OF CANDIES, F!.E rUMtTIUXKRY. &C lUnUIIIHilllriiliicn m ' F011K10N & UOJIKS'J'IU FIU1ITS. Raisins, Prunes. re Nuts, iDiied Annlea t'urrants, Citron, I' Hi a. Date a, A 1 iiiuii du, Walnut 1'ilbert. Pencan Nuts. l'tnrh- Orange is iHwett Oil, lA'immt. (nyruns, 11110 Altnlei. ICmrlory Cream Nuts, No. ST3 North 'Ihird Ktrcit, South corner Vino iMiii.Anjavim. March JO. 10-P.'m, mil Notice. TqcyivMEua Axn the pvuuc okxeiiallv. I HAM; removed tn the Montour Mill and intend I Keeping n supply of flour and feed on hand, aud lor sale as i heap us the cheapest for I would further say to all thusc knowing themselves indebted to me at the Aqueduct Mills, that they would confer a great favor by callinK and aettling up, at I mm cry needy nnd wish to close tho old Hooks. Ho call nnd hie us, friends, and your custom and mil will be thankfully rmlv ed. Montour Mills, April II, law. W'M' UiXB8, TRUNKS! THUNKSl I T1IH largest, best handsom est and cheapest assort mcnt of Bole Leather sulid Riveted TravtHna Trunks. Ladies' Jlonntit S; Dress Trunk Children's Couches, Propel. I lers leather and Carpet Uaga S tucing irunai c etc.. VltmiAH W nf A TTfioVu Celebrated lnilon TrUe Medal improved shoet spring solid 8(dd leather Trunk manufactory, No. 43 Market etren p.mth west corntf Fcurtb and Matktt, rhllad'a. Auusld J-3T-tf. HOSTETTER'S STOMAGHJITTERSs It Is d fol tbat, til Homo period, OYcry mem ber of lha human family In eulijcct to discnea cr tlliturbnneo of Iho bodily functional but, Tilth the bid of a good (onlo nnd tha exerolso Cf plain common tcnae, they mny bo ftblo bo to regulnto tho system ns lo sccuro pcrniitnenl henllhr In order lo nccompllth this desired ehject, tho truo courso to pursuo Is certainly that -which will rn-oduco natural Btnte of things nt tho least hazard of vital strength and life. 1'or this purpose, Dr. llostettcr has in troduced to this country n preparation bearing his nnmo, which is not a now medicine, but ono that has been tried for years, giving satisfac tion to nil who havo used it. Tho Killers opcrato powerfully upon Iho elomach, bowels, nnd llvor, restoring them to ft healthy and vigorous action, nnd thus, by tho simplo pro cess of strengthening nature, cnablo tho sys torn to triumph ovor disease. For tho euro of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nau sea, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or nny lllllous Complaints, nritlng from ft morbid inaction of tho Stomach or llowels, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, &., thcs Hitlers havo no equal. Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, bo goncrally con tracted by new pcttlcrs, nnd caused principally by tho chango of water nud diet, will bo speedily regulated by n brief tiso of this preparation. Dyspepsia, ft disease which is probably moro prevalent, in nil its various forms, than nny other, and tho causo of which mny nlnnys bo attributed to derangements of the digestive organs, can bo cured without fail by using HOSTKTTEIVS STOMACH HITTE118, as per directions on tho bottle Tor this disease every physician will recommend Hitters of some kind; then why not ttso an article ltnown to be infal liblo t All nations have their Hitters, ns a pre ventive of disease and etrcngthener of tho sys tem In general; nnd among them nil there is not to bo found ft more healthy people than tho (icrmajis, from whom this preparation ema nated, based upon scientific cjpciimcnts which havo tended to povo tlio volito of this great preparation in tho ncalo of medical science. Fr.vnrt and Aoue This trying and provok ing disease, which fines its relentless gvasp on tho body of man, reducing him to ft mcro sha dow in ft short time, nnd rendering him phy sically nnd mentally useless, can be driven from tho body by tho uso of HOSTKTTIUl'S RENOWNED BIITKIIS. l'urlhcr, none of tho tvbovo-statcd diseases can be contracted, even in cxposod situation's, if tho Hit tors aro used ns per directions. And its they neither create nausea nor offend the palate, and render un necessary nny change of diet or Interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep nnd healthy digestion, tho complaint is re moved as speedily as is consistent with tho pro duct ion of a thorough and permanent cure. For Persons in Advanced I'erir, who aro suffering from an enfeebled constitution mid infirm body, theso Hitters nro invaluable ns n, restorative of strength nnd vigor, nnd need only bo tried to bo appreciated. And to a mother whilo nursing theso Bitters are indis pensable, especially whero tho mother's nour ishment is inadequate to tho demands of tho child, consequently her strength must yield, nnd hero it is whero ft good tonic, such as llostctter's Stomach Hitters, is needed to Impart temporary btrcngth and vigor to tho system. Ladies should by nil means try this remedy for all cases of debility, and, before so doing, should ask their physician, whe, if ho is acquainted with tho urtuo of Iho Bitters, will recommend their uso in nil cases of weakness. CAUTION. Wo caution tho public against using any of tho many imitations or counterfeits, but ask for IIosTETrEn's Cf-lkbrated Stosiacii Bitters, and sco that tacit bottlo has tha words "Dr. J. llostctter's Stomach Bitter," blown on tbo riilo of tho bottle, nnd stamped on tho metallic cap covering tho cork, nnd obscrvo that our autograph f ignottiro Is on tlio label. u- Prepared and sold by ITOSTETTER & SMITH, nttsbureb. Pa., and sold by all ; druggists, grocers, nnd dealers generally i throughout the United Statos, Canada, South ' America, and Germany. j i,,l,l dv J. ic. .Mov, r r.. I'. J.utr.. Plunmclmrir : A. Mil- lrr.&.f'ci. Itiruick; II. V Krlnlmril. Kspt,mn; .VI, c , Cirifr. Jos. iH'vi, A. S. lUnlc. A. O., Iljimih-. October I. HID lini. "liiAiihMsnuiuT itAiifikif siiTi'. I nil!'' iiniloicniuil rs.n. lC.llu in .,.,. it... -Ii.i,...u .-,! J- llloimbUTR,aild the pi.hl ( l,"l.'Tilly that In-In: flkimt tie UAKtIKH HiHM', locat'd imi.on el ihei'mis 1 nil'- r rami; nun u p, npin-.u me r-t liatist i-n-chj where liu i ut all limr ready to wait upon Ins cm j toiners In rnlirt MitiMactiun. &Ujl'JlU i) JIAUi IJJiHSMAU, Wilt ln-i'Tecuii'i. with c;,r nnd no iupcb nud i.n tltt must tathion-ible til and ou t ry nunleralr terii's, ttS-tfll AMTUOlMi. done up in Cityrijlc, II.-so liriis increased p. tMic patrnii.itrc and pls1ari In hut endeavors logive every ttLkuii,il.ilulictitiit. L A. M'ANIOK!) llloomsliiirp, Jan. II, 1 J-tlO i A THIiOVOtt TIVAF.T TO CALIrOnXU. C. H. COLlliTuT & CD'S. Fifih ranil Quarterly IHsiiilmlion Of 100,000 Articles Worth $300,000, WHICH will hecoldfor SUM 000 to the purch.ner f our iL y (i(Jl.l)LN' I'il.Nrf AT Ull Ltb. i'LU Hi)X. Our Got den I'on is liu bt t.v ur uivd, and id'U nut to corrode in any ink. livery busiutina nud family bhould use the O olden. Pen. 'J'lie following li.tof lUiM)i)aiiiclc will ludutributed among our patroimat SUHIradi.miil nLed iii.t be pai l lr until we iiiiorm the puriham r wliith o the Mlmviug urlit-kn we will s-ll him Ut 1.00 unit tin n it Id otionm wht-ther he k-iuIh the HULL. Ml and tikm the (JUUl)d or nnt. All tJuitiUcin le rtturimd at uur vpi'iiac w ith in len ii:i ntl- r the puiclnmr Ita-'nn tin ui, (union thuj are buti&tattory, aud the .Mumy.will hu rtlunded. LUt of Goods Included In the Distribution. Ti mod, Culd Hunting t'u-eil Wntchep, (iftlJ Watchct. LatiieB Cilver V(miieB,Uunrd,ePtaLLhateiini Chair , Ciiiieo llrou(h.i, Mujinie and Jit Hrontlii'it, Leiv.i and rioreiilinu Uroochen, Oral, Kun'rald nnil Upal Uroocht:, t.'ameo lJroprt, .Mosaic and Ji t J'.ar Hrupw, Lava and Florentine Lur-Dn-pn, Coral Uar-Hrtpa, uueralJ uud Opal Har-lrop4, Haiidhmne heul Ittug. .Musait. and La i.-n-o liracikli, tieiita Uritp'iu, W'atrh Keys, IVbind Uibbiiiirilide, E?ctrf of l.t.M.m Aiiidn, bh-uv e ilultuiu, rinii Kingi, Stone and HU liiugn, La.iUH Jcu. lry, Cum tun Crape fcha.vln, .Muitsiclnie da L.un-v, Ciialhea. Irenchuud Aiuericnn Lawn, Itcrefreg, 'pliti5, r'n-iuh Calicoeb, and i-ther Ladie' Hn tn (iundvin (treutvanuv, together with Hrad Drcksen, Cabas, 1'ainy Fun, und in faclnlimmt every det-Lrlptimi of GUODa u.uall) found in lirt clann Hry liood Sioren. PLAX OF DiyPHIliUTIOX. High cut rremiuui luO Hollarti, Lowest rreinium $2 00. The art i de,i are ntuiih. red, umt Certiticaea htatmc what wewilticll each penmn tur one dullai are plated m seah'il Lnvelopea with u Hcimal arrangement uf Pre miums i so that in tuch HuiidrwdCertiiitatea there is one fur a 4 0 & 533 WAtft W t And there wit also be a p lend id rmuiuin in inch ten Certificate. Ladies. If iou desirti n fuit- Mi.iul. or n raltern, or a Ix'autiful artulu it Jew t try, endotx-g m ;ti Cents fur it IhiX ol Hie (iolden 1'lmis. and wo will m-i.I ou a Ctrtitn-dte uhtch may cnald jou to procure it for 1. Un receipt of;toCviits we wiH bend rni one Itoi ot our (i olden l't us, and u Sealed notice of the article which u s'ju tur ci. PRICKS TO AGENTS, POST PAID. i Uuxts Pens with i Certificates, $1. J do do a do j, fM do do B5 do 5 lilt) do du KtO do h purchiisrr ItU Ceiiiltcates. oc of which is guaranteed to contain one order for u FIN'Il VVA I CH, or Sewing Mg. chine, or by ordering 50 bo-s in one paikagr mtare kurti In rii.,vi .HI I '. .1,11. s,uu ..,i,..,l, splendid SILVLR U'A I'CH, beside u large nuinlwr s,jr uiti.tmu ifi-miuiu, uiu weriiucaiu sent gratis, upon application ol any person detirmg to act aa Agent, which muy enable him to prwure a valuable premium upon th pajiuentof gl. I'jdiion, Melodeous, Muic, Hunks, Hewjng Machines &.C., bought uud tiuid nn Cuinu.isHnni, Any article will bo sent to the Country at Iho Lowest Wholesale Pnct a with the addition of 5 per cent Cuiiuiuskiou fr forward ing. N. H Agents wanted in cvm town. Circulars sent 011 application. Address all Coiumunicatinnstn , , U . COLIIKUT Ai CO., Cew)iitfFl Merchants - Ocnerol Agents. 118 bouth Fuurlh Street. ItilowChenlnui, Phita. Jor our integrity aud abilily to fulfil our t ngage' ments.wclegtortleryoutotliotullowing well known gentlemen and business firius Cx. tior. Kansas, U'cstMorvland, Pa. Palmer, Richardson Ac Co. Jewelleri, Philadelphia. L. A. W urue, L(., 1 Win. A, tiray, iJj., t. Messrs. Kcinnienr i. Moore, Water St. below Arch " Messrs. Pratt & Heath, Fifth and Market fatreeli Phila. J. C. 1 uller, Hs., Jeweller, A' V: Wl,f,i El i Publisher nf Fathioni, ice.. M, '(.Home. Cati'suiua Hank, Hon. I M, thimm, Lureka, California, tk'ptcinbcr ti, l-o-lini. PllOTKOTION PllOM LIGIITXIXG. rTIHsubscrllwrwMild inform his friend,, thai h is X now pri'i'ani.l to put up, on .liort nonce, and in u scicntilic manner tlio best . ,,'v-!m't '''-V7 Liniir.i.n OI. tt 181 Centljwrfoct All crk Hjrranlcd liloom.bur. Ma,-., w ,PECKlfiJW Peoples HEAR WnAT THE PEOPLK BAY. Tiie unlert(rne1 Mtlns iwed Trofeinor HUMninEYS BPKCIFIO IIOMiKOr.VrillO KRMRniKft In onr fnoiillpi ulih the moit intliraclory rwiiits, ftnl tmrlng full conft dence In thclr pcnulnencM, purity, tnil efUcucy, chcrfullf recommend them te all peritoni hn wlMi t hare !, toj liable, an 1 efficacious remedies at hand furprlvats or do tnrntlc tue, . The Heir. Win. Hinmcr, editor of "The Northern InrW. pondenV' Aul-urn, N. Y.t the Iter. l H. Cresiey, D.n , hector of Ft. Peter's Church, Auburn, N, t , the Uf r. tl. i, Ivei, Ctmphiln ef the Auburn Rule l'rlnt the Uer, Bpenccr hi. lllee, Itwtor, New-Hclfori, Mass. : the IIt. Allen Steele. New-York Conference the He. Biml Mcholi, RiBt-tlentseo C-mfercnce, N. Y, the Rev. I, 9, li nit, Dontt, Yt. 1 the Kef. John E. Roblc, HutTalo ( A. C. Hart, Kst, Utlea, N. Y.t the Him. Neal low, rorllarj(t( Me. 1 the linn. Schuyler Colfax, South-Ucnd, Ind. j tbt Hon. (letvjre Humpbrevn, N, Y. t Henry D. Uftok, Kjt . TAHr ef Ihe Ohio HtKte Journal, Cotumbui, Oblot the Hon. It, 11. Hraham, M 'line, III. f the Hon. Thoinai J. ChMf, Mfntl. eelln, KIM tbe J"cph Rcnwlkt, Ttlca, N. Y.t Wn, Ilriitol, T , Ttlca, N. Y, I A. 8, Pond, Ksi , Utlca, N. Y, J James riunkctt, Lsi , Naihvillc, Tenu. M3T OK SPKCIFtO REMF.PIK3. jfi. 1. Yor Perer, Cnscullon, nnl TnnnmmatIon. No. '1 Fir Worm Fever, Vrm pollc, WMtlnp the Red. Ha, 8 For Colle, Crylnf, Teethlnj, and Wnrtefiitncss of Infants. Nd. 4. For Wirrhea, Cholera Infantum, and Bummer Comid tints. tin. 5 Ptr Cilk", flrlplnfU, Drtcntc ry, nf Ploody Flux. No. 6 For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vm!tlnft. No. T. For CoueliB, Colds, tntluenti, and Sire Throat, Hn. n, For T.inlh-ach', 1'ace-aUic, anil Neuralglv No. 9. For Headache, Vertigo, Heal and Fullness of the No,' ID Ptipkp'U Piu-For Welc and Deranged Btomaeh, C'nit'j)l,Ion nn'' Liver Complaint. No. 11. For FkwUe Ibreji'LI RUIK3, Scanty, Palnrd.-c? Eunprwicd 1'erlads. No. 12 For Lcucorrhca, Profiiso Mcmcs, anJ Rearlag Down of Fi-mal.'. No. 13. For Croup, Hoarse Churii, Had nrcathlnir. No. 1 L hSaIT Uhscm PlLlJ For Ko-yslpclos, LYupllons,' PlniplfS en the Face. No. 15. Ri.hrv.ufic Pitt. For raln,!Araeniss,or Swr ncM In the, Hick, Mnt, or Limbs. A. For Fever and Ajtue, Chill Fever, Dumb Agm, Old Miimannee I Aenn. For Pilen, llllnd or ItleMIn?. Internal or Cvternat. (I. For or, Weak, or lull ime I Y.yn nnd KyelbNi Vnlt. n 'w"tk ' C For Catarrh, of long (landing or recent, either wttQ obstruction or profuse discharge, W. C For Whooplug Cough, abating Its violence an4 ehoi tuning Its course. In all scute diseases, such as Fevers, Inflammations, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatism, and such erup tive diseases as Scarlet Fever, Measles, and tryelpclai, tha advantape of plvlnjr the proper remedlta promptly la ob vlou and In all such cases the specifics Act HWe a obarai. The entire dkeasc is often arrested at once, and In all cases the violence of tho attack Is moderated, the disease short ened, ami rendered, less dangerous. Coughs and Colds, hlch arc of such frequent occurrence, and which so often lay the foundation of diseased lungs, bronchitis and consumption, may alt be at oue cur fed by the Fever and Cough Pills. In alUbronle diseases, such as Dyspepsia, Weak Ptomaeh, Coiistlnttlop, Llrer Complaints, Piles, Female Debility, and lrrefculirltks, old Headaches, ore or Weak F.j es, Catarrh, U Rheum, and ether old eruptions, the case has epeilflca wh;c proper application will afford a cure lu almost every I nit i nee. Often the cure ef a single chronic difficulty such ai Dyspepsia, Piles or Catarrh, Headache or Female We ale ii cm, 1ms uorc than paid for the case ten times over. PRICE. Case of CO vtal complete, In morocco, and Boole (3 Case of 20 M, and Hook, plain Cose of 15 numbered boxes, aud Hook... 9 Case of C boxc, numbered, and Rook 1 Single numbered boxts, with directions 25 casta. Single lettered boxes, with directions ,.(0 cents. Large cue of li ox. Ials, for planters and f hyslclass.,..f IS also ernciFics. For Abtumi on PiiTiuaio. Oppressed, Difficult, LaboreJ ItreatlihiK, attended with Cuuglt and Expectoration. Price, 50 cents per box, Fon Km DisctiincraAiwDnrtMi Dlscharces from the Far, the icsult or Scarlet Fever, Menale, or Mercurials. For Noises In the Head, Hardness cf Hearing, and IUnght tn the Pars, and Ear-ache. Price, CO evnts per box. Foh Scnnrit."V. Fnlarged 01aml Knlarged and JnduraV e l Toiifcilt", SwcllliiKT anl Old Ulcers, Scrofulous Cachexy of Chll trim. Prlci. M cents per box Fou (tktRAi. Df-miiTV. Phjslcal or Nervous Wealnei. Lllher the result of Sickness, Kxcesslvt Medlcallen, or Ex l.austlnt! Dlscharees. Price, to cents per box. Fhh Dromt. Huld Accumulnlluns, Tumid Swellings, with Si-aiity Pecrctlons. Price, M) cents per box. For Sua Sicxmxss Deathly Siokncss, Vertigo, Nausea, Vomiting, bltfkne&a from rldiug or motion. Price, tO ctnti per box. For UaixiHV Dwkhsbs. For Gravel, Renal Calculi. DUB cult, Painful Urli..i.tloM, Diseases f the Uldnejs. Price, W Cent' per bok. For SfMiNit, rvitAMOM Involuntary Discharges and Consequent Prostration and Debility, Dad Results of Evil Habits. The most successful and efficient remedy knwa, nnd may be rrVed uion as a cure. Price, with full direc tions, 1 per box. Persons who wish to place themselves under Ihe profes sional care, or t.. stfk advice of Prof. Hcuphskyp. ean do so, at his oOice &C2 Broadway, dillj from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. or by letter. OUR REMKDIES BY MAIL. Look over the list: make up a case ct what klulyou choose, and Incite the amount in a current nste or stamps by mall to our address, at No. 662 Broadway, yew-York, and the medicine nlll be daly returned by mall er express, free of charge. AGENTS WANTED. We drslre an active, efficient Agent for the sale of our Remedies rn every town or community tn the United States. Address Dr. F. IJUMPHRKY8 A Co.- No 5CJ I'ROiDWiT. NBW.YOtC Sold by J3 P LUTZ,AbwU, uMUkvu.. April 7. lt-rn. 5 'A M S O tl SX S LIVGIl imOBATOB, np.vim: niiim.iTA'i'r.H. IT ISCfiMI'tlUMir.ll lTlliKLY VUOM t MP anrl 1 l.;i in 1 nnif an -tiiiilicii 1,1 f 1. n Hijiiiitatd WU it n inn 111 (l ap;irui'tl bv nil 'hu reunited In Willi confl fo which il in ritoui ll has cured lliou" Uviiyi'.ir" who had giv 111 the nuiiH'roiia un til v poii hfimt hhnw TI11 doe tut) t ho n-! ment nf the iinv idunl : Mirh i'l jiitlHes aa toarl Lrt th" dirtitfn of vnu n thi utf nf tiie TR nnd it ill eur" qui Attntls. Vy-pepttit tner Complatnts, Dysin nth llabttunl Cottirniesi Mot bn. Cholera hian Female Wcakensres mid have tirH it mid in nv Jenre in all the distsis- UK'tldtMl. anda within ihe JaU 1 n up ml impep ni rein I. ko ki id teri fi.ite in d.iptril in the ti ntpc.i. inWin" it and iutd m "Pittly on the Uouds your jitditi inriil cnid L1VC It iNVICOItA I.ntr Complaints tllln ( hronte liiarrltoca .Hm icty I)TPptf. eur from Ckobt (loltra (holtr- O ftvm Hatfltt c(.Jau4fe mav ne ustrt piircrsriiil Mettinve. t will cur Ihtiiiiiiiidi inn t f, ) or three 7 estpeunjuls are of at ack. tng Hit tr teiiniony in lv ax nil Ordinary Family, 1 1 r.ti 1 1 nu n is. Ut in twenty mnutc if twu taken .it coinioenrt'iueiit AH vho utt it art giv itf. I'avnr MIX WAT nit IV Till: M011TII WITH THF. IN- VlljOliA'IOR AND HV ALI,(jW IUJ1 11 1 OGU1I1UU. MICK OXE D01.I1H PEH IIOTTLE: s afoTTivs FfiMlLY fATIIilRTK PILLS, coMpouMtr.n ruoM Pure Vegetable Eitraets, ndputuptn Glass Cni,Ai ngn', ana irw kttp tn any t amity Pin- FAMILY CA TI1AIITIC PILL it penile but aitive Cn-piit-inr used lu lull twentv )earn 'J h-i ruiiviaiit y tn thokc who have long Ritiifartion whirl) all tlfir usf. has induced in the n-arli ofull. 'I I prntestiuii well lhanic.-)it mi diilVreiit This FAMILY CA wi Hi ilut relrenci' in (act. been compounded pun at Velable Lx every purl .f he uli oonn uud sirs in a'l cs needed, a u c ll tig Ut- Milll b'fcll UK FSB, IAIN t.'09HVtM:, Pain AIi wiiOLC body, from Sllll Hy, if neglecled, erd in Lof or Am-ins. 1 COLD fiVKR TUB BOI)V. atiir. or ui.ji.iiT it, mi Uiffiaiit, Worms in Hiattic uhlOi On' pi oratiici! in ti r 0 than iro.mitiL' ilcm.ind firm uted the PILLS and thi e lets in ri gard ir. inu to place Iheiu w un it new that differ'tit Can i-ortioim nl iUf bowels. TIIAK1IC PILL Iia?' 111 is wrti eiiatiihr fn in a vanity nf Hi tracts which net Jliki nn ni nt.try tonal, and are ses w h" it a Cailfaitie is RANOIMItNTS of (he FlO IN 1UIL IUCK PD 1 ( INS. CiuXCflESS 0lH IHl an cnlti, which tn ijut n almiff coursfof Fkvck, t Rtkno PtNUTioX of itcsiLt-st-risfa, 11 t ir- Hi AD. all IHTliMM TOT CniLnprn or AirtTs . 1'ritirisK nf the Ulot-D unrfMiiii-M, a ti 1 ta 1 and m.iny tovvlncli fletsti Is heir ion numer ous to mention i n thi ndv( rtemrut. Uoik. 1 li 3. puici: 30 CImNIB Tin Livin Ikviooratok akd Fimilv CiTnTic Pills are ri-tailld by Druggms generally, aud lold whole sale by the Tiade in all large towns. B. T. W. HANFOHD. M. Mitmfac iurer and Troprlrlor, OFFICII OF S.1XiOKDS UPFR IXVtOOItATOIt AMD FAMtlT CATHAKTIO PILLS, ty 20 8 II R O A I) XV A Y . litieiUL AOLMTS fOR BtOOilfM-BO. fieo. M. Hagenlmch, U. P. Lutt, and John U. Moyr Jun 4. IH.,'1. i-jin 33 r y 1 & way. II. 0. IIOWUIl, SUI10E0N DEMIST JIEWEJVK,U Brick RvHdinf teloa Ifsrlsian I (HI tn Mat Street, Hloomsburg Fa. RCSIXCTKULLV offer, fcis prrfos.lo. . al service, lo the ladlrs ond gentlemen tif Uloonitbtire end vicinity. He is pn-rMe4 IO nltPnil lrt sit II, a v., mil. nnvlln,i. In Dentistry, tins' Is provided nits the litest Improvnxnu. I'OUOKLAIN TKKTIi. Which will bo itserted on pivot er toll iiUte, to leek a. well ai the natural. C7-A .uperlor article of TOOTH TOWDEB, lw,y, on hind June 13, 1637 (N'ov. 15, ') Q rTls D IS G ' S Clebratel PreparJ 1 1 flViie fer vale at I, T flurr'tH' tlissp rtn?icrt .Mam ciitd May 19 ).
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers