COLUMBIA DEMOCK IT SATUltlAYJlOnNtMl,NOVr,MUEU 17,1(300, LOCAL lHTELLiaENOE, Tni. Kuitou has gone to tho City. .TACnn Smdrh, Esq., han our thanks for Into Lbndon periodicals, Couut, Tho regular term of our Com t I .rill neiliimonor. nn Mni1n 1. !l.l .1.... P .v v ,vuhuj ,,ivi wi. uaj ui . - December next. 1'ur.smEM Lincoln-, let it ho remcm. 1 1 i. .;....-.',.. li .. i i tr i, iiujcii, la ,i tnmvtit.y A luaiueilt, HO H elected by lc.s than one third of tho oters of tho Uniled States, Tho Hemihlicatisio doubt, feel liko being "thankful for imall favori." Tun Orangevillo Jlala it Fcmalo Acad emy U rapidly progressing towanU com pletion. It i located on an eminence, Uast of Oranjovillojand commandii a hand fcmo view of the suirouuding country. It vill bo a well arranged and tpaeioua In fititute, Wu cau attention to tlio mlvcrtiscmeiit of tho Eric Peking Mncliino Couipany, in tlii paper. The Company mint lo doing h fine business, we judge, for their ntlvcr tiscmontH nppoar in many of our exchan ges, ami ot'teu tlo wo seethe Company ami t "1 nn..ih1!i,.nt1fr,.l 1.,. 1 . 1 ..ittw.iiui.niiimuiav. jj lliu 1 IWS, As 5I.VXY fctoves arc tilled with c'inknM, tho following tiinplo lni'thod of rcmovin-: them may prove of tio to houekeopor-i trencrally: After l,ainJ! secured a hot lire, throw in (ire or ms oy-ter eIioIIi and ,. ' . , , j allow tlielll to burn lip. 11 thu H n-poat- d fccvoral tinier the clinker will loo-cn and can be easily removed, ,.vi, tut VtM.-u n,. o. iiw n ii ii .7. ..'in I'ov- 4..-..,. .i:n.... r t i,....i.. i.uiia in iiinviuiii, iiait-j ui inu vjuuiity, r.tnl lo am r.imilv Si-w im; Machine in uce, ami th couhl not tlo us a greater favor, than 1tf(pri lent ping IH po.teil ill all the lKMVS floating! fVcr,ury IlrieSinla.him.TJmpmv' about in their respective localities. Just givo us the hubslaneo wo will give it tlio body anil limb, ami dress it up to make a vcspoctublu uocal." ..VK,,! IllllULIlV I.v rue procure of hu-ines?, to the iruo of mii-lut iionoe irn vnrot Ir, 0111 lasipapci, WO ligiwl 10 ' Mfirp.llllilo ili'fl-tUi.niPlil ' - .illlC.llllUO .1(1101 IIM lllCIll 1 obeorve that tho Mcrcautil of Mes-iv. CrcaiyMlouso, of Light Stru t, win aoeiilrntly omitted. This was not our , intention a' they had just opened thu'r New and Ohcaii Goods. Wo ndvi-e our 1 frioiiils now to jnve them two calls in-tead ni Olio mid lliov will lin siiro fn cot irnnil 111 out., .mil lilt Will )Q SUlO 10 f.01 gOOll linro-aina i Valuauli: iMiMtnvr.MKNTrf. Wg arc j gratifii'il (o nolicc, that tin' Lackawanna1 ami HloouHbur;t linilroad Company, uro t-ri Hiu ' tlio nuu'h (b'sirt'tl high board fi-nco l'imt Kiipovt to CattawMsa, b?twcon the 1 l 1 1.1 lit 1 II . j.aitroaii ami tno puunc roan, aish, mat they have con'racti il villi oarfellow-town1.'- j jimn. Ovuus Fry, for thu predion of the' !lcoui.burg Depot, near Market S'reet,l to be e niipleted by noxl laiiuai'V. Tlic-o , nro much deeired and important public i improvements. A Ki:mi;hy roit I' llandreds of stiniulents have been inven ted and r-old. lilirnortilia to bo fnecitio in 1 ' " tho vaiiou-t dicases and deratigeineiils to Avhich tho delioato form of woman render her tubject. Tho reult of all thco .--tiin-ulauts has been to impart iiiomentavy ae tiily to tho nervous system, and fal.-c i"; or to the mu-iclo-i ; but this relief Inn been MinnoPiliMl hv a ilnnrrM-mn mikI nrn,(r.itinn , - i i- i greatur than before ; and the repeated at-teiupt-i of invalids to build themselves up by the fab-e rcmedie-1, havo Cually ended in dcftroying shat little ital organization was loft. Rutin u&ing 'Roerhnvo's Hol land liitters," you will find no tuch di-ias- ttniia i-oiillj. It. n lilivi-lv l-ociitntil,-, I , . , .1 compound, prepared 011 Strictly t-ClClltlUO . . , e .i e.l it iirineiplos, after tho manner of the ee'ebra- i r n i i n i 1 IT l ted Jlolland I'rotiior, Jjo:rhavo. Umlor ji . d.,.,,, -,,v,r nner.i .nn.r.V rn I v i ---- ' OciVfrf IICW blrcilth aild Vigor, appotlUi I . . i f.. n c. i and eleep rtiuni, ami unauy, jHUitxi- health, column. O n,L. niltnmiiiit Ii n.ntlio)- "Nkvuu Quit Ci.utainty ronHori:,' nor certain gain for hazardous f peculation.' j Franliin said "make small gaini and there by mits great loii-es," and to nccompli-Ii ..... ., ,,, i' it, dcp.o.Mt your money in tho IranKim saving l'und, No. 1U0 South Pourth St., below Chestnut, Philadelphia, where it can bo withdrawn at any tinio with " per , cent, interest, and 110 risk is incurred in this Institution, for all their investment) are made in tho most reliablo fcecurities, tuch as Ronds, jMortgagcs, Goveinmeut, ri, , i r 'a t p. . i i irit.. emio uuu j-.u-.uw, uu,, aim luuuuuii thereto a largo caah capital a paid in as a further security to depositors, in accor dance with tho rcrpjiremciits of the Legis lature of Pennsylvania. This Saing Fund always paid without notice, and never buspended. Sao adver tisement in another column. Ciilt.asky FunxAcn. This cstablMi racnt has baon leasod of JIcsr.s liecvcs,by Mr. Wm. M. MeLurOjlato ofChc-iter coun- IV. The furnace 18 UlldcrOins a thorough I in luisnionsandollur rimemhruici to do t In , so things I npprohjtion, and would re.poctl'ully solicit, cinerul pnl ' . . i .,i ... . I win, h to their Olhees appi rtain to bo dono. And tho.o ron.n-o. I ITON U. MAW repairing aim Will CO lllia operation unoill , si,,. i , tbe til'.it Of January UCSI. tlltll tllO Vari - , i i i 0U3 imiirOVCmcnU proposed anil increased , . , i..- i ti . ai trall-portatlon lacllltlc-) ; WO tlOUbt HOC, -Hr. ... . ..i . .1 . -. SIcLuro will restore tlio ancient prosperity of old CUUtli.-UoiUour Amctuui. COLUMBI A . DEMOcRAT. Tl'f(f'0 ''"B"" r1'10 1'CM'Pto 10 ollfeo 01 tllO UOTjUMUFA JJEMOCUAT. dllHnr mu jiiumii ut wciopcrj lauu Cnlumbi County, $20 ' Michael C (HUr.Ki'i ,10 Ot J. M, KcIkh. .1 m AnthonvWllnian. CIS n0 15 0", Miaivc Clark, Cnlinnbia County, Jona. Ilcrn Inger. St. Vul. Wtllliir, Ullllani llulme, Oco, 11., Henry IlittPiibenitcr, JOHI'pIl It. liiiiltlc, tVllllam lihalTi r, HfV. Win. Fau., lloAtt'itcr tc Snilih, Jatu-a llooric, l'llaa Kriiin, Mlcharl Crnrrr, Just idi llartman. il ,Vi 1 S- Jacob ttycrlyi Eii, n, u, .liiewau 3 III' 5 m. a ( S'l ft nt, i V"-,' i i',n rot ...J iirurd l.ifu I n i. Co., n oi Willilm Hill, r, 1 i nuintiil llagenhiirh lo'h. iv. j Av'oudw ar J .la oi' i uu n n' Kell."r'. . ! l uo rue ,tgr. soiiity, 111 IKil ! 2- John Urtinrr, 1 im I iljnh A Fowler, :i ihii Thomas. Ofdi-rhnnt. til mi! fi "I i;.i, i iiniiiin Kicliaril'l Jompli WiU, 2 110 i.i aty, CctzA-Co. r, mi Jn.rph I'. Ilcnvcr, 1 .10 Uatlilns M. Appleinan, 1 AO Col. I ", rjr. buili ty, II (HI Jen oh U Cnnir.b'll. 2 (HI Orange ti lioul (ifMrlrt, 1 Hr i!KrwMr&. i Acwton Mine, II. 11. Ilritrrirk, Jidlllilon II, lktlcr, 4 IH In tar lkdor, HI 11,'V. 1. 'i',ilih, 1 in Mnjhf'rry Knydi r, 1 .M Jai-oli II. 1'ritr. 'J 3t t'ol. Hiram II. Kline, 10 IV in I'rilz. r, 1 T. I'.IM. I'bli-rkk. I, 1(1110 sleeve., Colhra. Hpi-nci r, tlomlkcRlilef., nounclng t'ltJ&'H'iffr' in I Uandaiilid Irinimlni.. I,w. and IMbius, r,.Ellir- I'.'J lloiiiictllil,!,.iarl,ly, Vil li. II. U'lilterrtcen, it Id vil lllhlioli. mid brnl dl, Cotli'ii fi, 1,1(1.. Thri'iid illKA UNl)UC101KNTSTOMAKirALLiaNDSOFSliAWI.S. IMtOCIIE, " riW.SS.a'fOT -SiTf KhS K'n S"r U , n V KT.r? V.T MUMiV WlrlHll T C.M'IT.M,. ; Silk. Cu-hmcro. niubruldend. Hella. .e. Al.on f" 'if .r ; . K ..' .l.;1'"V."'i .'. '.i'" "r5.! '""hv. . "5 l'laln and flncv il'uddlnira. On., largc.l and luojt varied a.iorlment of Herman Toj i and lUt . J () 11 A & I 0 , o lllllllli.lir. .Ml l.lK. .Ml ruli'lt li ffllt Svv IKlte. Inrve i,nrti,.il of l'l,,lh. I In, or. K ,il,,r,. , . .. .'. J . .. - : I. . .,,. I'r Iter., (.'.tk, a (.,r.rll.,,,..v. I V A K i N I 1 1 1 1 1 IV K .mil' f.....lA. ..f ,1.1.,fl.l I ., I, lint a thulara incloaj atanip, and nddr"a w. J. .vciiiii:(ioi!. . . Clnvernlllo, N, V NOV. 10, tefi0-.1t. !I'L0USI: vm ,SAI'H A Lirgu tlzeA rrime l!out. In poml rornlltlon, with I ilouru. w.mliiu-t, A.f., sniiiiMoln hu rnul nt'im nn Miifr iot,H rui rcii fur mu; on nmkrutu u-rmn. Alio iJ'.'""! i-ui.iiiiSB, nn.i rlooiiisbiir,', Nov 3 lBtn, jy O T I 0 K. All pfr'on know in? thfmnhp luJ. "(1 or lia iiitt i tlio, iimuim. u ith il, ,iN,l..p.,o,,nM ,. t'l ..iu..... -..ii j at tic Ii.iit.uir .Mills .inilet-tll,. up, eiih, r by .'hill; their i t,m, ,., mii r-i oi i ei ruary. ii,i or their 1,11 "i'l b mit in the hamlsof uit oilifer nf Hip Ii iur tt,.,..,itt WM. Illliiliy .Montour JlilN, Xoveii.l, 'r 3, lel'0. 11 AYS. ' f I ,,,1 n"! or,!,lJ lw ""'""'"f ITO'-UP tlM'TM V NoumVjr 3, lelA-riv. '- I jro VKiisoxs out or employ, J MI'.NT. Afi'itt ttinit it In fli It tln Prio Sou hie Vnrhi.ii 'n I will ui1 aCominl-nloii. c r wajrei at irnnt to .SCHtt' r ",,1l,.th "'d cxpt'ti-ivB pal-l. 'Ihiianw Macbino, :nh i-irfirnii iii It it ami th 1 ko niipic in in cdiisirm imn. tu-ii j tlnlil o in ji; l - arn ti np.Tnt1 It bv h.itf nn Imtir'n insiriirtifin, MILAN, OHIO. ADMIN ISTKATOU'S XOTICE. Elntc of l.mho'i Hi 'truhrimrr ,1erfinKftl irt'iiuftmtry . NOTirr l li"r -bveivfn tint bttrofnliniiiiiratiim 1 mi Hi ' estit't of Ludw iii if'Tji'tiln-itinT late of Lornt I tnwiifhip, Co'iiiiibbiimiuf. , ileri-aed,h iv e boen ranl"d by th ' It.itjM.'r of ai I mutity to ibe iimb-rMirU' d. who r-ibl-i in Lomwt township. All pcrmm Invliu e'ni'ti t ,, .i.,..,...,) nr,.,!,,,! 1'ir.f tliilf ftf iti.. .Lr., urn r..fiii,..l. eJ to pr '."ut Ih on fr -elt'eiuent, and those ludi hted to lu.,ku n.i miit uillionl il.-lay. J.fcONARU ADAMS. Mm,r JfJi en, hco J I S 0 L U T I OX. ...,' I'll-' rn pirtnT-hlp h-HtnforP fiMlne b-twrrn tho 1 1 ' . 1 ... . l . ir ........ 1.. fi.. .1 1 .. 1. - ";h'r-i.'ue,i inth,i.i.rf.,sii ., in Jir.iMown, 1 I 1 liiiiibri 1 omitl , u.ih i!..,.H,'d on the hr-t i thti.ber 1 rm,","t' A" P,'r""",, hi j.itrin aro ,-nrlieHlly re.tli'ted tot all tmmeitiate y and " l1"' ttO'i'i-ut. Jio' I k are in the oilne of J. ,. ,,,,. ,,,, j f, he .tore ero th. areeunn Wi I hi u-lju-led by eithir inun.h"r of Hie late llrm JullN II TY1 1IMAN J.'rseytnwn, O-t. !M, lJl0.-:im Flour and Frd Delivt red ! CUBAPKH THAN TIIK CIIKAPKST 'pill.' inn!' r-i iii'd in iiiMp arruiri'iiiTtq tlmt villi. 1 en.ibb- him tod. ,-r I'bviranl IWd I "It CASH,; .'ilintit ti-ii n r eelit. t In niter than miv bo.iv (.Le in tow u. 11 1 prii i-i are m fullow u s, i umr, u I l "Ml HJ Wl II ivru tt 0.1 1 ciiop, 1 .". I'ran, j 10 I Ti'lMl -(11111. y cflirit a Ulir l'i p'toil'" lr.irn;ini;. Ill 1. I'M L i l i IV nioooubur"", Juliet.", l-v'U-lf. U J) I T 0 11 ' S X 0 T I o i:. 1-Mitrc oj Jniiah 11. Jnihon, Thf nn.!,-r.i.'n-.i. nn.inr.t ni.. .nu-.i l.y tim court or, I i ouuiion I'll as i rt t-I'iml'i i t'ounty lo tiiMnoute toe inon ' e r turneil bj the .lo itll. r.s raised i ul if (he salo ' 'of III- real e.tnl' of Jo-i.ill I'.. Hudson nmoti!.' Iho i r oltf rs of llu-sil I Dodson. ai cor llni' to law. wilt at-I I -11,1 to III, ttut i sif his appointment, at bis rlhue, in II ooni'borL'. on 'I'ue.-lay, the -.'.tli 1'ny of Noveiob, r.A. II 1- 0. ut IU o'f lo, k iu the f ,re noim : when ami win re nl p. rsoos Ii iiim; 1 1 ii us ac.iitist the rai I 1 1. id. on, are ri-i ..-m-il in pn s.utthu same, ur ho Irom lorn- 1111.' lit 110 upon s.ud fund. WCfl.r.Y WIRT, Jlidilor. Oi ti b r tit, leiO. Its. JN TV 1MV S T O P, K . wmu.F.i-.ii.v. .ixi r,r.v.w. LTJJ-AJ J-AJJ rfiX Ol U Ji Tli. uiidi riiu'd eMi-'i-tftilly infurms Hi" citit-ns of I'lnoiiisbiiri:. and th puhtn. iu y m hi Iriii pur r!i.iM.d tio-' ' yi'OUi:, iii the whit.- frnm-fcinre ,U.V-,m Mr:'- ,l,"r,' M'l"'Mt th-I nhaiitru li iU.e, on Mam Sir,-, I llmlilincs. wlnre li.-h.ij Ju.l rtiiived n spKulU iis- iimiilhiCtf, wiKre li- 1 i-t rtmciit if U1TY ATS AND CAPS, IliriTt from I he .M.iinn'.irliiiies, of all kinds, it i lea, sorts and .i.aB, l.tte.t l.i.lnoos, wliii h ha oil, rs wholesale ami re'ail, at v, ry low prif s. tf z- '1 heso liootls will bo sold at very low iirice., fer uuaui ray. JOHN' li. CIRT0.V. Illooiusliurp, October C7, laro. TIN iV ARK Sc STOVK SHOP. I rplll". imilersunul respeitliilly inform, hi. "Id friend. 1 an.l cjhtiu.-rs. that h Inn puirlu.ed his I,r. th. rs I lit1 rest in the nbo o i rt.ildl.liioent. and the concern w 111 h,. r, J(u-c b. i, u lu.te.i b, i,i.-ii , -.,n..i-,iv. . ll nan jiiPi ri ei ii ii mill um f i"r miu , in1 uiji' ,.,.1 Rn.t miat w imtc aoitim ut of r a nc v iRil2 H '.V V :A "r""" l 1"4 r - j"" . iti itii ,r x-,lti, nsmtt h nt ivery.b-niptii.n. iii.-ii and lliii stoves, Ka.lin TlL,llt (1,a.-h. i anmm rnvcb. c fc Mnvepipe and 1 nivvart, i oiihUintly un band and mamilacnir''o tu onu r. All kin U nf n nan mi' thine a usual, on t-hmt imlire. Thi p.itrnu.i.'e of i Id InemU and new niftom r re-hp-iilulh hi.lo jt-il A.M. ULI'LilT. Ilbi.uub irg, Nuvt mb'TXI tf. iiJ'..1SVVAH.. NKW STORK NKW GOODS. 'HI! on.!, rsii'ueil, i-r it, ful for pa. t ptlroitaire. respect- i,,- tuny i norms too i.auies looiiin.utir-, ami im- toio ii o o. thitsii h 1- r, nn'li 'I lo r r.iiuyaml '1 rnn- mi in r-t re, roi.i t i - .. ui,-;,. , lues into I i nix ,, .,.., fMr. j.j,., . i'r, i. n,-i o,.r ,, , f K ,,'"1,', nous-, wuere sui ids lust ri-rciviii a nlvu us sorliueul ol Fasjhimiabic Fall ami Winter Uotxls, ion.,tltie of 1UU.-S conns. U.M.M.i TUI.MMINf.'f!. Illl.-iniiV, G1.UVCH, NOTIONS, .J-c, &c. tciiiiuii if ctihtoimrs is invited. tiiMui.i u. ui.nii, 'iunml..iriT Kv 10. WU-3m. PHOOIjAM ATION X7 HEUCAH. Un Hon. WMints J. Wiwoward, I'rfFi- ileut ol Hie Court of Over and Ttr'uinir "'"I Hrn rral Jul lMnr, Cnurt if Huarii r .'ri-imiH nf tho l'i ac uml i,'iiurt nf 1 ummou rb-an and Orphan's ( ourt. in Hie J'tli Jnuu ial Diftritt Liiinpiictl nt the cuanties i f Cohiiiibu. Sullivan and Wyoming, and th- Hmt. Jn.u isii and l'k itit Kusn. As-.ot.iiil- Judges of Ctilumbi-i rounty, have issued tin ir precept, hi ariiitf d.ito Hie .Mth j iln ut'Ott-.iil lheearol utir Lord one thoiii-an 4 t ii;ht , hiiii.ircil nn.i kinv. nml tu inu tllreeliid fnr bol Iiiil' ul l.'i.urt nf flier .nni Ti ruiiiuT and Jail diluerv. HeiaraHtiiititirH'SaWiisof the l'eute, Cnuimmi 1'leUH and Orphan'i, Cniirt. in HlHinuburii. iu the comity of Columbia, on tlio (irst Monday, (being Hiu Jd day) ol IIlC next, an 1 to (uutimiu one w ek. Ni.lK i h-n-by eiM u, to Hi Corm'r, tlM JuMicen of Hu IVace unit Constables l Hie fai.l iminty uf Columbia Hi it tli.. 1 1. nn i,n,l tlmrn ill tin If nrrtiu r ticrumirf ill lit ii'ilm it m tin-f'tr-m on nt Midday, wiih their reonriH, Hi il ar bound by terntrulum-o, to proserute aeaintl ilio l-iin-oo r- th.,' .ir. or lu.i In 10 Hie Jail of s.ud county of il olumlniloh, l ln-n nn,l Hi, ru to .r,,s IliHia fi. -kill hi just Jurors ar'i raTH"-ted to be piiiutu il in llu-lr at leinUnrc oi-r. ,ably toilmrnoHc. s. Hated ill Mneuia- hum the -.Mill day , of Hit. in the ,ear ol our Lord one ' tnuusaml elclu lnnidred and suty uml 111 Iho eilli)iar ol Un. Iiidipeiidence of 111. t uited Mates of Aintricu, ,1.0,1 eac mo commonwealth ( 0, lo0,r. ., ,, John wvnut. Mm ifniiritirur,.riiwrviiiiiito,iii,ie.!,ei,i iv,,. , rv...ii,..; .,...; iV.i i nuum., a ion mil ""'-.. -i i-.,. j,ii,v. n,i:,..v .1. . ."'.":. .....r .. . . ..: Eloomsburg Qiuiters. ! fllcKI.M T, Jim, k CO., I IN TIIK FIELD WITH A V IVf'iiT-AHPii attorn v i ITI lifi iitiiTmin i It'll I.I. I II I li If I III I II 1 1 J I I W'iliat'u'! ZlZZ't l?.,,,l,S.V'!S.le. nl'.' ."!'.'. '''f.T1' vcrtrlarao ass, inenVVf " - - Vl.'U l"lm. 11 nrmQ . V 1 ,1J,Al UUUiJO, u' stock 'f liIH UOOUd comprises tha largest, cheap, Oft, "'id handsomest now- ntiircd In this town I IV a are iliti - ruiiucd to compite with the nr.,! nil thA.n t. 1. 1. inn m t... i.H ..- t .. -""V"-'. u, i..n,,i, vim pii iiii.iiiT liy ?lvl".a. '." .1 ..." " ".!.V"U h !'f "-"l!"d Vnre. v Eiii'iuy mo inns vi mn uvouiv. v inrjra 101 oi Ladies' Dress Goods OP KVKUY DKSOMPldN. iMMfiilM y j-i I, r. . niJllL LrUUUo Ut' AJjf, AiVy6, (jlnvi'4 31olialr nnivnc p. li ii uli ti i trTvnn . M.TIIIIU. PIVILAa.r. tl ityjvixo i, rtnujjO JY ivlnJa' nml i'or Mn, Women nml riilltlri'ii. V liac u lary nortmi ntif Main nml t' latRttl'aih' ioim t unc niso, iiartuwiri'i min tig ur', tjrilarwnre, fee 'i ry t'hta Cirpt t, t'.iriM t l'lour, 'I'.iblc and (.irriii;p Oil ii,iKiia, fcct MTTCIT.TVQ VI A'MI.M 3 TTHTv'T V fl Q ' JOUiO, r i..Wl JliO, 1 llUlmi? l)i.ipm, Towlinsd, Jlriltnifif), A.r., in nbiinJanru. AUo, l.irtto'puntityuf Sn.i.Ar. i Weinritunnr iricmN nml thu public Lvmn)ly. to plro in ai'.ill piiub.iiiiiinUiwb.-rt. We have bouitht uur coihlt at tln l.imi'fl rah 1'rici'o, ami will not be n n Jt rnul il by uujbuily, ur the ri'Ftnf uianklmt. M. k'r.l.l') VI! r . ji- r'n tlooii.l,ur, Xovulubir 10 1M.II. 1 JKOPLli'S l'AOII'IO KAIL 110AI) COM I' A NY. The Coiiiinl. .lodera of the People's I'tififif Railrmd Vnipaiiy would liuniiuiico to the 1'iopto of tlio Lintod ni.ju-., tii.u emr nuiira in louiuii.iiouer. aru Itiliyorsdll. I.'d, by the I bob e of JO.iAII 1'r.llllAM. nttnnivr, ol.ivi:it i'itiiri', Viii i'm.ioivr. Allti:i. AIIIKJ'I'T. fi. hi. i tiiv. and that, i, ti.kVii.'-.Vi.IvSirVr;;.;!.., it,,i,. iri,liilolt.Hk.ln llii.Kin, .u York, I'lllladelpliin. ll.iln.nore mid W.i-lnuatou. and will ,pun bj upen,,,! in 1. s. WITH I Ml I'OX.TlitiMiiin, i tlu I'rlnolt. SoutlK riiiind Weati'rn Cities and Calitur ii.. ifXut' Til1 1 Lmu-d Miit!, ftoin .MUnnurl Itiverto Cal ilerui i. by th u.iy of Tike's l'i k (I'litdMmec, ami , tlrmii L't.ih, ii now open to Hu Cunipaii) , by Aits of L'liiiiiiemi, 1 'l'iu' 1" ,'l,,', of Hip Cnited Htates are earnrfctlv rim-s- Ud to i :imim- the tlnrter nml Itv Lawn nf tl...V..tut. nn- mi I x'-nd in Hi ir miIim riptitnH. All pertnu are invited ( I lo Mtbdiriln one share each, and no one mure tlun Un t-liar-'K Hi irM Hiio linn Ired Ootl.irs c.nh, t"ii ilollar of which to b pud when Hi- nubscriptiou is nudc,.u will be seen bv lb' I'll irlcr. i 'Let lb ihm'hIp K-ili-rrlli- nt iienllvinul lihi r.ilK- fonti. . th-Cuin;.atjy will bu nlde'to Herur truin Con- Ert4iilli jjs ,.xi t fitm iu re eranta uf 1 utd andul mon- e. L-'t th w hoi-p"pp, nil as one, put th ir hlinnldern to th' who I, by (oiiHcripm? mie Hhare eath, and tho li-tUnnd will b- built within live jenrs. 1 L t l'laln t, nn. tw. nt), morvf Fiilmnhprcbe fiiflllfil III t'l i-rt'TlIU I .111 I VilLl".-. :UI.I llio I 1 Ir r. ' w by or Hipr 91, and C rtllie.ites of ftoik. with r 'eeipl. lor Hi iieuu 5, w ill b.' raurde.l. 1 H. .pou 111. 11. i.ruiiinip, 11, lublu 1 b ir.uli w ho li. - n,.,, h,..irif. rtln'W-ik. are wanted m nil p.irt. of tlio Cuited Ht ite-.tontl as Aip nn, to oblam Mibnnptiou to Hi M iik n th Coiup ui) , .Mm oiiiuiilllii'iitbai.'i Klmul I b" ilirfitcd to llm midi i- , sisned til til Olbre nf Hie Cmtip.iny, No, III ,u,- Htpi t or Adamn H'.ue. tin. inn. and tu w li-mi nil .iinui firrntm of Clurter.ltj -Law s.aud otlar ilnuiim lit i-hould .It. I maJe. JlSlll 1T.RIIAM. i.nD.i.,ii i..ri. i...... I'oston. Nov. 10, lii(l-15m. ' j ITiKSII l'UO.M THE CITY, MORI! NEW (iOOl)S! i:rt:iir soar, SI '.It, AND STl'J.E JL'f.T P.IXT.IVKD AT SETTLE'S CHEAP STORE IN LIGHT STKKKT, Axo Am; i:ino somi for iiiiaiiy i-ay. 'Clicaptr th'in the Cheapest I" e- n.i.Asi: call i:aui,y. ca Agent. I.ipln Street, April 5d, let'O. I'll US 11 A lllllVAI. -Ol' Y IN' umlerinpd. grntclul for pat pntrniinjrp, rrspi-ct- J tallj inl'Tius ni" i u.! timers aim nn pnmic(.reui ran) tint lo- h ik jiict ri iii-ilfrnm the JJa.icrue uticn, the largeet ana mi t &Unk of PALL AND WINTER 4f V MH V If V.V A' ffl, - A, 8. "v rftjs, ol "ii,-! Is: i ji , 14 4 Alt HJS V -Mi-rtM. JJKJ Th it hn v.t b 'en opened in lUoom-thurtr. to whnli hi iii- an- .ur-r, ,1 for utile at er. at bargains. His BtOLU compi tfv a luraw aorinn nt of (;i; iLK ml vs wr.AiiiNf; Ai'i'Aur.L, rriilMu. I'mtii Vi -l-i, Sbiili. Cravats frlocki, Cotton J iiiilkeiciin l. t.onen, riipt-iiiierH, a.c. GOLD WATCHES A V II JEWELRY, tlfoverj de.crrptioil, line and cheap N It. lleiiiember " ljtrinlnr' Cltrnp i'wjilrlBPl." call and .-e. iNo ilureo for ei.iuiiuir IIimuU. daviii i.ovvr.Niir.i!o. nioonn-buKr, Si 1 1 y, 1-1.0. lJu I'SU.) Light Street Stoke. CHKASV CO'S. UlMJiKTLV. ALL ftvli'8 nf Ctult Mouldins! fur Tu turn fraim-sbj CKIUT CO. ALL kinds rt Lumbej for sale by CRRAYA.CO. ALL kinds of Carp t for sale by CIILAVCO. JCtfT received alt kinds of Ladies lres Coon, bv CKLASV -fcCO MANTILLA, of the latest fasluoui, fr -ale by CHHAV i CO. j KO. Nails ami tSteil, for sate by AUtiON Oil, f..r pale by gToMl Coal, fer sale by j CMllUU, of all kinds, for iaU by Nil kinds of fiood Hoods, by Light Street, Nov. 17. IJ?00. CUUAVAtCO. t;HKAV A. CO. 1ICRKAV&.CO. CUHAV L CO. I CREAVCO-. THE UNION," ,1re, Street. ,1bovt UtrJ. P 11 1 A 1) K I P II I A mHF. situation nf tins Until renders 11 nils of the most X rouv eiueiil tor tlioe w hu are visituitf IMuladelpbia on lilness, wbik to Uium in sean Ii of pleaMiru. the loustanii) p.ucmj: nnd uuy uauway cars, I and those in itou proximitj . aU'itrd a cheap and lean- 1 ant ride to all places ol interest ami aumcemeut iu or about the city. I 'I'lie timurietor 1TIVCK IlSMir.'lllCC Hint ''TllO Villon" I t-hall be kept with smh character as will meet public t'ebruary Zlr t-lHI Um. rropnetor. wusruitrt no 1 i:Lt Nos, U, 11, 13 and 1 5 Courtland trcct, 1JOAUI), 81 CO PEU DAY. ! II. I) WlN'iJIIIlrtTER. A'iiir YORK, 1 May I. 1609 A t..A.e. uoi, ion llan o, irt'i uiotn ennntv. linuuniil on l ie unit n i CharU'riif was irrnnted bv the fit bv lamU of I'redfricK Uohor csfite, and' nil tho 1 The ,Vcw HeWfli-mf WeeHj, wan commmced m Jti'5 I J ui UHI rime OI .name, III warcil. IfOU. mi'"" ) ninu in jhuiiii iinnimi, lininiiiiiiji unu nuiiiuni i t) ' at i nn" f " in. i in. j .i . .n ... tn. ... jrt riubt of wav Ibronith ttt public land in tlu Tor 'l lHv leet in front, b- the fiame nmre or l''f, and one 1 No. Ib'ekt i HI.. N. . IMitudby Hie Uuv C! K ltl. : ShcriiPs Sales. EY virtuo of n certain writ of Levari Far fat, to inn directed, issued out of tho Court of Common Picas, of Columbia roiinty. will bo elpoicd to puldlc talc, nt the Court Home, n Jiioomibnrg, on Mondail Third (lav of DetimUr. IHfili. V"i "t ", ''y 11,4 finoon of mid day, tho fol ,"'''nP"'r " ... ... . i cerium piecu or 101 ui inna.vrillcll were nrtlio Locust MountalnCoal and Iron Company, Imviiorf, and B M, llcMm.-r, contractor, a Certain dwelling house two sto- rios high, with a kitchen nllirli-il, one and a half stories Mali I tile buildlim is about lliirtv-lwn f,rt bv luii,,v. right frit and sllituta upon a lot nrniecu of ground l M l li l ii me county orcolunitiia.iiu.. owned by tho mid l,l)J IiercilitenietiU ntnl njipurttniticof, ' iei un .onintiiiiii ,ni niui iron uompany, ingunir M Itll t4n u . I.ikli h nfKCnlmn amli kr. i. tt. f n ,Mcar. Muntaln Uoalnnd L c.T LV.Z- tars, nml II. 1. Hi liner, con tractor. n.,.i i m u. h.. . AI.HO All that certain lut of Intul tit'intc in Centre- ili'Kcri'i'M asfullo.ttJ wit -on the nurtli'liv nn nilev. on lSfth'.?. if.'1'A ';.!'..! ' .Wr ' n li Jin mi iiiimpiiixi-I timi nil I tin V LSI iiy mi miry, con- "l "I Jil'DII 11 1 1 11 P 1 1 1 Jfv f It 1 1 1 1 1111 1 MR LSI II V Uihtiiiif fifty two IVlHii rrontiitt.l ntic huiulrcd inul ilfjU ty Oil In iIliIk wlion-itn Is tn-rtuda oin-niiil n lialf Fto. ryiiL.tu, inv li.i.i.mj nuijti; nun the ftjvpurtviian tun E?ciMl taken in t-xreution nml to boiolil as the projicr ty t'f JhjIjIi h, IMuardu ai.rvi-Aii mat ii lot v ground xiinnic in tirccn .1.., ' ' '.. r.",. .... . ' il I I n .t..t. ........ 1 .-u-wii miiur 101 puuaif in mc twn., arm couiiiy nKtrutd .1, hoiiiidwl nn ihoimrth not by a pnMic rontl.on tliu north by umbtic rnl ica.lmp from AlilHillo tullolirJ Imrtf, on tliw int by MnfofA, T. Kcsfr, iiml on tho 8ini tli by Mini nt l.r..l..cxtroiitatniiift one half nf an ncr nmru or Us, whereon i cruted n frame Cabinet IMnkur niioji. nn (I a log ftt.iblu ith the ajipurU'iianrt".. I tii Hon In dftutidii ami to be oli as the proper All that curtain Lot ornronml mtnatc in !.. pjtuuu, Columbia n.., bomiduilnmiUcBrribetl na tolbms ttiwft ; nn th.- imitb by .Main Strict of njhl trntn, on the by lot if Imia ami 'Jlioina Criilliiff, ami on ilia r.ifft by lot of Amlrtw Uwctf, coninniiiiir torty one f.-et in Iront. imuliuinlreil and ilnbtv ft'i-t In iluMh. bp the - ime luoru or I'ltAMi; IiWlI.I.IMI IRUi4H. a tr.iuio st.ible.aii.1 oth- Cr oulllllllilllllls, 11 Itll tlio npiill ItcllllllCO.. I rieied taken In execution ami to bo sold as the proper' tyiri'rlscii. lieiinb.iy. I Al.u -l.y Mrluuor a iiritorvend. III. .nil that rerlnln i t.iJ Ji v w j.ja ji. jL-JijLjia. - ,ieipr,e Tr.ut of Laud, sltuatein llrinn retk tnniiship. Ciiluuibia I , , . . inn men eie- c.i., bounded on tho went by a puMie road leadnu rrom rj where, in .illms Iho above work, onr iiidiKcim.'iit lo II, ru i,l t. I..l I.. II... ,..,l. I,,. I.,.l ,.f l'.ii,r I all sui li bettia' verv liberal. Il.iym uieui the lostby land of e. R lliadty mid llritlaln j and on the south by land of m. Linden and rmi tuiiiln ncenty ncres, more or loso, ab'uit fllty ncrcs of bich imlfarud land, whereon in i reeled n one and n h ilf itnry tr une ilut'thns h"its' a traine b.irti, a lot; sta ble and oth' t ouibnildinit", Willi tb nptuirtcii.incei. Hi.i..'d, laktn in execution, and to be bold nu the prop erty nfj.ii ub tflialUr. Ahn lly siimlry w ritu of f'nnl, F.r nil Hint ccrtiin tot nn'ronnn iitnaiein luinrtuxirz, liret'iiw omt inwn tup. ltt. wlipp'on nr! rrocti'd ntwoinry frame lUvelliiis lmiie. a l.ime Irame wheelwright shop, nuteam boiler-i ' kiii.iII eiiiriue ntiirtiimi l-itlo . a fram-bl.ickmiih fhnp, ' ni-lf 'bop. and twn iramu ytnMes.aud tther otit-build-1 inir-t. w itll the aiiuteiianri' t4- 1ai-iI, I iken in event ion, and toba old as the prop- rrt "fM.ithiii M, Appleinan. ALm)- l.y irtueol a u nt ofitfrit rrrt'litloni exponas a c 'rim" l"t nf (ironnd tittiat. Iti Main towiiiihip.Cnlum. bi.i mimiy. ndjmninir land t f lniiC Ytttrr on the mirth, Aanm ll rliuyer on the south, weet and t t. i mitaiiiiii'i "c urr f land, whi-renn id erected n one and a half M"ry fr.ini- dw tiling huuse, n Irame stable, a well of "'T "t th-dunr. AL.i) -Uim other tract of ntuatP in lViri-r ntlup,tfoInml.ia oiintv. adj ins land of rharb-i 11 "orin, jacon Mi'-rman neir nn im imrtu Abraham Kmc lit on the south. Charlen FIi-Iht hih! Ja- ' lleiiiiUrb Ur mi tlm vast and Mary Culnna i Hie wiM 'tlt.l I Ilf 111! 111 J lllIIHlr.'ll aild Ollil III H II Blld A lt.tlt. Itll I'"' iil'purl"iium.i s, all li'd. , , , r", Iz'd taken In exe, crtvot Jacob .lor execution and to be boltl ns tho prop- A LkO - Lj viUm nf a w rit of lrtat um venditioni rrpo iiinied nut nt Hie Cnuil of Cnmiuoii l'leas of m Iiu h,n toiuny, i ( niiyiiiui;i, nn nni n ti nn ir.iri ni lanu HI"U" 1,1 1 rauKiiu vm imiiip, i mm.icoumy, bnumled and iltcribed ai tullows tow it llepMinnir nt a f '"iL'i.ak, rorm-r .t laud il Jnlm llowrr tlienre by the u-mii. -i -nt 1 I ' 1 III 1 :iin1 ti h.H 1 li t.i.i i ntl t.irtir I l;iliiiii i i.i 1 1 it ml v. lniit nt fil mi ii u pt liv ,l :il u tr,-i t nl m 'r i-r i-n Tf rn' if f li v in' mi ii rjil niii li teen Ift-l n i iiit i. ln tlio .ntnri i.uire rr f li. u UiP. l . .f.-timen v me lirv. JUMA Mi i-i.i. Iperihestostoiies. theneuhyl.iudofll.lijniiliiir. rorllierl., ...l.,,.. V.,,,1 1,., ... ! s M i I i .1 f ft II S uorlh two i U-L'reci wi 1. fm Iwniiu.l two tenlhs per- till Hill I j llltulUlIll 1 tl, a III 1 llllltt113. ta ihes tu a ilieMuilt o.ik theuco by tho lame, north nine ,i, k en m-r, mil, un.:.- ,.-,,,,va ni.,.ie ,.t bj Hie same, m.rlli l-n ibrreis ea-t tinny peri li"s to a ! pikewood, tb.-iiee by the i..iine. north twenty tlie and n lull deor-es i-n.t. thirty pTches to tkiimoulli of i Iter's Riin.thi'iii'.' up III.! north eut.1 brum II of the I'usutli in- n.i cmirses one hundred ami Curly and seien tei.ths perili-s ton red oak. thence by land of Motrin r". l.oie, south thirl.IHoniid a half decrees nut two lenllie pcrrhea to Hones, tin lice by llu . a mi", nortliiii'lily live deorues east twenty four p,'iihes lo stones, thence bj wood lots, soulli forty I wo decrees 1 west iweniy an nun nt u nun pen lie. to .tones, tneiico li) Ih't same, anuth forty i)i!lit depree east, one hundred ami ii pi r bs to times, thente by land btdointiuir to th'1 hurt of John l'i rtnir tdic'd.. ruiiib thirty nml a half il L'rei'Fi nchi, My tlirje iierclies to a F-toue.thenrebv the fime ami laiiU ui'thc MforPrnid John Itftivcr.Fouibeifibty two and a half degn i s went, om; hnmlred nnd ity fmi'r perui'-s luino p nee oi iiepininiic. coamining one nun drM Mid sev nt j- fciiir neree, one hiimlrcd bml forty per cho, nntl nllowtinro of su per irnt. bf Hh kiimti Hiore or ii -tt, aiioiii one nunc l w liiui n cleared lami wheri'im iuereitml a two ltnry fiame dwi limp lirnte, a lare frame bank barn a frame wacn Imuve a sprrng h Jiice. and other nut biuldtass w iili Hie npporunaucts. ti i.-d and taken m execution nid lo lie sold ns iho proju-rty of Margaret liable, by lier attorney, in fact Hen rv UabUi JOHN SNYIJEU, BiicnH: UlooDUburg, Ort. iii, JnO J mil TJKCIIMDKU TKUM. lt-GO. 1 Peter Miller vs. tha Cattawissn, Wjlliauiiport, tc Lrio Kail Road Comiianv, i ftaoiuel Lemon va, A. W. I 'reamer, 3 John MiLalla r. Henry, -I J .if nb .Soliu) I t cti. Wilrimi AL'tr. 5 Jamb bamkrsi. William Mt t.. (1 Towut.uil W. K.ililerti. D.uutl Ni)hard. T John McMuUiift n 1 1. al. ts. Miinuel Khoiiu, f Mc-pheii II. Mill. re. llaiiH 1 r,M-)bTt. !l Kub rt U. Aulnn rs. Ilcnj iniiti I'ajdon. 1,1 William Appleuidii tu. Jun.ilhau MaP'ller. 11 l'i t r Mllmeyt r ts. Michael Mjlcrt. 12 Ji-remlali W. llariirui i. Abram N, Harvey. II NalhauM H. Uutli r, it. al. vs. Abram N. Harvey, l-t JiiF-eph Ltlb y rs, J.imen V, nliky. I.' itvin.t Cole ts, Adam Littr.. tt. al. 10 Hani I p.i)du rs, Christian Lnubach. IT Ira llnbbiuit rs. Jiuob Itn-hl. I4 i.-ir'u (ii ttj ?. Hi nry HIiolaliMrper, l.i Aiiilr.-w Crivi lin 1 1 Andrew Mellick, Fori. et. al. Si) Clinton 1. Hurrin', Dani-IF, tfcybcit. VI Mu-liai'l thiston 1 illi.nn A. Cae. J. Ac W. L. Hiumati rs. lh.ii.ih hiiinau, SI lUvid Vufitts iinr'e Iljdlor. 'JI I cue T)lurr. Jacub Herlin, it. al. Jo rrauui Jnrd.ui,t al, r-. lllislu i. Pnricll cL nl. Vti IV. un is Jnrdau t. nl, lMishi U. Tursil 1 1. nl. i!7 TIiom.iK r.'tirni.iti. it al. t -r. Willlnu lloiiniinii. 2 Itnbi'rt J. l, oils ri, .Mnntoim ry L'ux, cl. ul. "i Ib.i i.'TjIcr 1 . AudrewCrcviluij. rtO Mi pi 1 ui IVihow. Ltndl'y W.VWdey. ;il Jacnb Li. Pttn-i ii. R b.'rl J. Lvoih. 113 John Lndw ii- t. I'rancis R, Wiuvcr. auAxi) juitons, FOR nnCLMUI.R TUR.M, le0. Illooni -I'.vaii Jonv, Hor. Her wick William 11. Woodin, Mordccai Jackson. Itrt.irrrL-ek Wil 1 im ll'irtmaii, Ceiiir',ti-iiuml C. Mower. Catt.iwlsia -Hi orgu Hush-. Adam l'edcrotr, rhingrreek Hiram lien, Daniel Udgar.UeorEn row ell. rr-iuklfn -Ml liasl Mensrh, Jickon Clcnver. Crpeuwood-James Vauhiru, Uull Uubbijitf, Elijah Lemon, th iiilnck John Ciron. Loc.ubt Jacnb IMku, Maine Willi nn Meimiiigor, William Bittler, Mnniniir Isaac .Mowry. Mt I'Kar-.tiil Aliialuui DiUine. Or iiiye Willi un I'mhcr.rJauiucI Zimnicnnan. frik'arloaf--Ainleri'm Kile. Til AVE USE JUK0KS. Mendenhall. Ibi.trrret k Ut ub u tiouer, Jeremiah C. r3inith. li. a. er J.-ha Phiinian. Caiiawii.H-lnsvplilirejli, Isaac 3. Monroe, Sttptren l, Htiuu I I'lioumn, l'laukHu - iJjniel liohrback. ri'liiujicietk IVtcr Uoldt j, rfaiu'I CrovtUng.nnuiidus Uiiatiij.t. drei uwnod Aaron Mtv(jrnve, Hi-iuloikJuhii I'mut Juliu llarlinan. Locut Mark Williams, Henry liable, Mitl'lm SUiUacl l'r, Lewis Hiroat. Maim Uauicl Reinbold, Juu Kline. Mnntour Jamb Leiby, Jm-ph Mouicr. Madison Xewtou Thomas, John M. Simihv Mt. I'leasaut John Wardin, iirnnpf j,iccw tiiiuii, 1'iiie rhiliptftioemaktr, JobnF Fowler, Uira Lyons, Jnroh ChriBt. Ito.irint'crecrt Jndnd Cherrineton, tu8arloaf--Jon Kitchen. Kcoti Jacob Olosc, I'bilip T. llartman, Joseph Lil- Henry Znppltiger's Dstnlilisliiiieul. (tvJ.on. lijw ,j .... . . . . mri . M. , , 'Fon and Ivntd some tine last trrnfw.) 1 I y '0i w ant n good, a i cry good new w atch I , A.' I'O J ioii vant a clienn watch f llavo on a ilnlu'utt jubf liojnii want key, I. ather partis, fct, t Or a watch-jrlas tlmt will iiay in f A Huntinn Otiss, I'atcut, ficnova, Or cohimon, or smnll, or l&rgv Did your untrh set u fall ( A knock, a Ji rk or n hit f If it is or isn't in splinters, Who won! I jive it a better Mflt" J Cjliudor broke' crgc or a sptndel t A jeTd, a wheel, orn sprliiR I Henrd a noise arrack or a huintilnj, s a be w iili a itornus w jug ' Miuu ivpriiiR broke suru ' or a pin. Down with all the bad watch To mak them is w ors Ibaq 4 nn ' Mooms butff July II, ItbU, rUK l'EOl'LK S00OK BOOK. iUOIi:iti "cilOKCRY. in Am. its nuANciiEs. 3II8S ELIZA ACTON, CAHtntLY KtVIflBD BY MR, H. J IlitEj ( 7lh You HowtaclioenenlUindf ofMents, Poultry uuu MuiiiioTiiM an i wo rnrious and tnnci iruveu iiiouua oi ureBllllg aOU COOkinC llccf and fork) alio the beat and aim. ploil nay of aaltlnt, plckllnj and curing tho lanie. I Till, lit All tho varlaui and moit approved modca of drexlnl, cooking, and bonllia Jlutton Lamb, Veal, I'oultry and (lamo inll kinuf. m tn tne d llorcnl llresalnea.Ura ...,u,..,r, I lltt You llnw to cliootc, rknn. nml prcicric Flsti of nil kfnds.anil liow tumoefn Hwhfit tnlntodt alio all tlm ftrloiig oml most opprovcil moilci of cwkjiif, with the (Jili'.Ttnt DrUBihtilK H.iuccn. ami Flavor. -r.,,. r. AftffilMii. i,. f ,,,,,, . I - f I ,1 1 , i i , f of preparing over filly ilillerent klnda of I. llMid Heaanrilucsnpiiroprlatetoeaeli All tho lalioua and moct approved mudea of cooking ViKitiiblii of every demrlp. II al.ohoM topriparo I'lrkb.a.Catrupa It Ttlll You ami i urrrea or an Mima, rnueu .neat, I'lah, Caiiio, Alusbrooiii., tie. It TtlU Yen AM the vnrlntu ami most npprnvnl modei in iii.iKiiiK nrrmi, hiikh, .tin in ma, nml ' llifmt. the I it ct hH'tlinit of nrrtififlun I t'nlTff', Cbocnlatp lind Tea. ami hm'to !,,p P'.r"r-. Ccrdlali. and Wii.ct of n Tens nt iOT: tornrvc nil Mmis nfitun, ticnh or 1'ottl, fimt in short, Immv to m simplify the hoi carl nf Cook in? us tij britiff thu i choicest lutiirlcs of tbc table uitbln cv rribodv'iirtnrli. The bnok rontaiin 41 pnscn, ami npunfilt of twelve !Min!nd llcrlpi . 6lJ r whkh nrn the rciiilti f aitniil ,,M','r',",,fl' i? bfpn fully nml carciill turtr-. umh-r ""J V ra,,nal mperinU'iidmii u of Iho wrMers, It U prtli V'n i liBrain(,'ii,lilid will be fiiruril,,l to any adilrees, appro " ", ....f.-. ,v j-mu , I5.1'111. or In elotll, ellra, 91.--I. ; W. till til A V II1 A li ' For .mele copies of tho book, or for term" to agonls, joiix ii. l'orrmt. roii'i-hcr, So, Mi fi.inioiii Siren, I'liiladilplua, I'a. November y, Ift.u bm p K JJ .li I U SI S FOR SIJDSCIlIllCRrl IOLK. l.l. at pr-i"Uit resnlim; tu Pario, in Lorres- pnmlnn: Kditnr i mid by miiiurnut eniiiributors will know n as w riters for tin people, tiiin,i Ih-j proml-H ifim-to all nutter i interest pertaimiiK to the ehnrrh whoin! nam' it hears and fUstiiiiihijj it k iititullomr. aiMiti-t diort:aiii7.ers within its bii.-uiii mid ni.nbintii irom w i I, in a spirit nf brntlmrhnod, rmivi) a n tu itt readers lull d'.taiU of passmjr evi nts iu all tli" sit'T chunlii-n. an, iu Ho; world at large, maintain) ue ei at Hiu same time a high lil-rt.r tune, and a tligiutied q abtiu'iim from all uutien-snary tnutrovi r. c It ii priut.'d iu Imperial 11 lartn I'lirm, nu the beht paper, and in tlo' bebt TypnrapliH'nl st) le.aiid is Lin b' llichi d Irom tune to tum; by I'ortraits l tiuiueiit?. .Men, in the inniitr and laity, ami is thiiMciiUhtitotid Lilitunaliy ami iiicii,intcai l a rehjilotis lauuiy new - f. papjr ut um llrl ias. THIMS 2 VVAl YKAK. t. iubtenbers ti.i) me for the yuir to rmninencc 1st Jan 2 uiryncvt, will rect ive the paper tJratuituuely up tut that date. 2 I'li-miuirn mlin-rib r. Altho'liih "The MtHiot!- in onkr to plac it w it Inn the reaih of every .Mi Hiodit I raimi, we li ive in mi iii'incea t niii r a Mel ul t remi- -j 1111H to anv who w 1 i-li to oroeiirc Bubsiri'ii-r-. Thefe. n I l'r nni urn iitL'roil kirn mill' Iur tvn fMilim'r iIhTM. -ft and up to t illy tiilrnln rs. ami embraci' U U.'eier iV' WiImui hew 1112 MaihiucK, Uiliox t.lbbs' tewiagvi I irlniM.d linr h'u I IH.-.i1 IV. n utn 11 J M . Iiim.rf . O a ilmhrr of hooka, surli a. Harper's lllominatedn lllllle.W ILlllllL'tOII lr IUJI S Work. HOoKSjW . meven's Him. of tluhodl.iu ll.ins'. Hl-I. ol'lbo M. I1J , i', ,r, h, and trous ollur books i f I'ermaio'iil in-n t,,..tan. value loir, th-r with n treat variety ot books o ,.i,,nli..totlie riabb.ilh Sihool I all,rdiiii;toauy vrleuv ish to presint their I'a-tor Willi n pert" tn.illy ful lioii.ehold come ne. or who w ih lo pro, lire X one tor their own comfort, or who wish to furnish or,;'-". , . , -mis i t III cllhood to some Iriend. or to any Moll. 5 ,ay M,.K,ol 1'upil or TViieher whode.ires lo I nrithlhc:? i -i l.iernry, a ready means of doiiis so b the oipeii.q ihtun-only i falitlloilernon and tlw ucciiuilion of nn htile sii ire time, j-- Hnetlineii ' ay .uldreiH, w Vo. willlv sviit Kree.mi nppl (eat ion un lull iirirtiiuars oi rr-'iiuums. m A.ldreJ L- KANHS. I'ubli-her. p Ollirc,71li.i.kinan St., New York. Ort. 2r,Iil.-fts. CHEMIST & lDBi3SS1ST3 'co.vrixvA'r.if. mrrjn Ninth ;ni(l tlitstiutl Slrrris, On'O-llE THE "OlKlllO lloe.r," l'HII.MIl'.I.I'UIA .i.u:nic.ix. nir.xcir. Jixn tjvxium, .j cnu.viuu Jtxu luwox. Toilet Articles. Lnbin's, Cnm!r,iy'g, llaj ley's, Kc . Kc. Kl . I'erfiimery, a4oprit .irhcta, Toilit Towder and Civnttifs. I'.au HeCiLor.M, of the hi'&l di-ltllcr. KrhT Tin-mi ltnir-iiF-. nf all Ftizetind i,tite-i. n stii-ih is Ac Toom WapIIls ef appruved kiud.-i. Ilksr Lmilihi Hair Hat "ii tt. Cosiui nf nil kind, Ilullalu, India Rubtr, Kf &'e l'oHAiii's mr int. Hair LubiuV. Cntidraj's and M4ug' flU't ti, Au''.. 1'lRK ItKAll'S On.. rein. Cm u oiia Wivtlk irom I'orclaiti rotmt.iinn IIoik io ctoiu with ihuicu i-yrupi rui-.ii k iinnwN, jh.. P. II. Cor. !Uh anil Cbv-.lnut tit. August 1, l"i'-0-Um. UXITUD STATES HOTEL, AMI ci 1: x 1: k a Ij sta;g office. v.jM'JQV-i rr.vx IIKNUY WKIsDY & SON, I' HO I' RIM OH. ty I'asitenpers in th rinladplpbin Mail Train suing Ptiitlfi and Llimri Mall Tram t'oing Nnrili, yjA'K ot iUe United it ate s llottl TamaquaVa, March 1J. Ibi'J lm. 11AC11 STREET, AllOVX TU1LD l'HII.ADl-.l.l'IIIA. C ('AK.5IA,r, Proprietor.' Janinry 1, ItCO JOHN C- YEAGER, IMAXCIWI'TI'IIKH fc WHOI.K-JAI.K IIRAI.I'.R IN 4 HATS, A'PS9 STRAW GOODs, lioniicls ami I'linvrrs, N-o. S17 MIUTII THIRD STllUCT, l'llILAIICI.rlll A. March ID, l-oo-l-.'in. THE WINK STOJtK, J O ;h; f ;h; s v a? 311 WAI.M'T MITSIU'.T. (bilow- I'ourlh M..I l'lllLAUIlMMUA, I'A. August I, lrfu-l-Jm. JULINB k LEE, No. Hi, NORTH WIIAItVi:r. lMiiladt-lplua AM) SIIP CHANDLERS, t?pun Cut ton for Caulkuv, Unpin, Twinun.Tar, 1'itrh, Oakum Cloiks, and Oars, A.c. Au;ust4LI'l- Um. HBN'ttY ADOIiPH'S oabxiut va it i:k(h.iis, No.M NOltTH SFJ'OVII STKKKT, I ir.OlP. MIH.LT.) One llisir alioie Christ Churrli. A fleniral Asu.tlinent of Cul'r.KIF. tVKXlTUHE. Ill rlmliiiL, AVIOJC &r. IMIII.AUKI.I'IIIA. May IS, I'CO-Uin. IRON RAILING AMI onxAMr.vr.M. mox woukh. No. 222 ('.illowliill St., hclow Thirr3, itii.Aiir.i.rni. Iron Uailing for I'urks, Cimeterlcs, Verundaj Steps. A.c. .Munh IU. l-'OO -Jliu. J PALMEll k CO., Market tr.ut Vusitr, riiiLiDCLpiiu llPllf-r ill Vi ('Ilf-fKf A I'rniKiHH; - ' ' ------ - - - Have constantly on hind an assortment of DRIFI) AND FC1KLFD FIS1I, Ac, ti .Muckcrcl, blind, patmon. Rluu Fith, Herrings Cojfuh Heel, fork, iard, Hriouuers llams, tiues, Chceao, Ilcans, Rice 'Liirht ! Light! Licht! P A 11 A H O W COAL OIL UUIIMMtS AM) LINTS FOR nutimKG COAt., Kr.RIWDNI!. OU (MnilON Oll.l". ' fpHK bort. moat brilliant, and chenpett portable light X mm in uie, Nn dancer of etploiion and cheaper Ulan lluld, lard oil, fi.h oil or eamplicne, Cay KQUAli TO GAS.-ffim iu, ic "Fine ,,i ias usiureR. iiieninnr ,,nnji, (w Ith all their fanry trlnimlnai) fan be Been and bonelit at tho old eatabllihed llriiu and rhemlc al Blore of Iho underslgncil, nbn Haiti r hlinai If that from Ills lone el- perleiice In tho llruj trade, be knowa how and where to ouy, and l diternilncd not to bo underaold by any onoln Ulooni(biitt, or aurroundliiu country, Call and ico till new anil v,t u ari'-cicii hock oi lll!ll(I4. hi I '. 1 1 1 1 ? I M CM A Kit I !ll PM II ! A l.a . TAIMTS rnoM 7u to i43n, confixtiona. RIIH, ri:i(FIJ.MKKV 1VU FANCY '1011 IIT. Alt' TICI.KS FOR I.ADII'.-I. k (ILN'I'S. TOIJACCO AND C1GJWS, Ant'd llrand., I'ntent Medlclnea of every variety In Ke M inora (pun for im-ilidiul uae only, t lulil.Camphend Carbon (hi, Turpentine and Alcohol, Tru..ea, Fhouldee HrMl and Abdominal MuppoMera, Hurplcal and lieu. " ' , "i. num. phrcy'a llomirpalhlc Itcmedlea, Harden. Canary, llapo i IldiiiB Icanira by nml rxperinco that "lone f reditu wju llot ttiinpB inoviiig,1' I b.ic tUtcrnuncil to UiElllUBS IPulQESS' ' tnruux,.tm , milkp it ftn ,thU,cl trt Ulrlll , Wf. , VrA X - - tw... ami Apoth-nry ImfiiM-m., benid.-- havlnir n.rrie.1 it on lorlli- laitiliht'cii jcnrs.on my own honk, I .latter ii. t niii i I.I.. lit .Li l.t.ll.f. t.. nil oii.inr ii... . , .."." ". . :" "i . , . . . . Vk nn tbc nw principle, ill Knarantci- to nil Hi it it ill makp Ioiib frit nils and i.iv l't In tbn 'in,', to UV raall nnd , I'll YSlOIANd l'llK-SCltllTIONS cnf.fullv fouiotiuded,nnd all orders correellv answered, i ,i iiieuii ('u as recoiiiiir-imeu. fioru iifMiiu on .M.iin rilrei I. near .Market, net door lo tIM l'osl Of. no.1. Iiloonnburg, Colunioia couniv, rn, lll'IIUAIM f. I.UT2. AilJ-fl 4. 1-10 II, I, & I, W, HAUTMAN. WH would respertfullv intite Iho attention of on, friends and the public freneriillv, from the Tuan and County, to our present .New M01 k of wbii h have been neb'ttPil wiib crent fftrc and nndct inor t li n 1 1 nr.litiiirt' ml t nlitnrfo Vt fntl nlf.-r In Ctlitl and rtnig j'ty luyci efy preat ludiiccmerit-t. uiir fTi'rw einiifaci s annoM ivery variety, siyie onu ipi.ilify m (he lire-n (looiU hne. W Iuivp lii'Liinii imui l-l t to $1 per jard.Jtll Wind I'laids Cotton rt.iids, r-tmiy I'l.ird". Cs!iiHfs Mohair MnpeH.'itlvdti. nf Ktra I'liud Ailk fr .Virts. per ard. lilack Silk and othrr in laiLe 'juan liti's, Mi.iwl.i, Trnche, Mcll Cli'-uiU and tilankit. Calicoes, 'I i kings, Checks, Htripes, Ar Vi , Cloths, CaxtdiiieM, fait i net, A:c In addition to iln' above we ntler Crocc ries. ihirdwari, (Im-eiipw are. Willow and Cedar Ware, HouU nml Siloes, Hats and Cnps, fnt rt'ilnrt'd pri c) Wall I'nper. Carp- ts. Carpet Cbam, Cotton Vnrn, K.c.t fee. Vah, talt, Iron, Nuiln, Lumbor. Wi"d ami Coat. HloomihiirX. J'tpt. 21, IM0. UUKAT KX0ITKMKNT AT Tim Jfj I C 5- aa; 1WJ2SH A It RIVAL iJV FXhh AND WINTER GOODS, miller's store. filK. uli"cnb"r lia.Jiift returned from tho city Willi mnniin ".Ufcu , o. .,...,, hi.,,, 'i on t p. lt'IVTl,'!! nfinTlV r.vjilj i tl J.i J.iv uuuuo, purrh.-iiedln 1'lriladelphi.iat llie.lowett (Inure, and whnli , h ,, tirmliieil tosill on ns mod,.ral" bTins ai cm he procured clsew here in Uloombur;. His itock consists of 1 A TiH RfinilR . "'I'-'l.1'"' i,',JJ'- UUU"U Choiresl stle. and latest la.hlon. lry e.,,s. Urnrtnt, ttardirrrrt,Wutrniriirt.Cr,lar liar. J folio w Ware, Iron, 'atU, lltiis and Acs. tints nml Ch. .y.. q-r. hi shnrt evr.vMiind nrifiaHi, kept in counr fctores to w hh-lr he mf lien the public ireiu rally. uy J he l'r ite paid for intuit ry prndure (SrLl'lli; II. MILIXK. llFonnifburff, Nov U, l0n. y. m:w and Elegant Fall and Winter GOODS. A. J. SLOAN, HAI J'it rereivfit. ilrr'ct from I'hH.idclpbtti and ew ork, a very 1 Irmce iM-orlinenl of FALL AND W1NTKU GOODS, nlinnt tvi rv new fabric whiih ba-i been manufactured f.r prHia ami on n-r. as win n.i ute usuut aswrnm-iu of STAPLE GOODS tf).upeiinr will be found in van. ty. and at pmcs as low as similar goods can be iiilri-ti iii'il I'lsl-U hi-ro. Il n an eay matter to find poods nt n low price, but nactncrnl rule, they are jut & low uupiahty. Hut to pit a Hnod article atn very low price is toim thing rare, fiiali an cporiuiHty, hnwevcr, is oikred to any who inav w.uii J)U (toons. GltOCF.IUtU OZ-?4i lY.iltr., J7i, T7m Cull nml s'u. CCAINTRV I'KOtiUL'i; WANTUIh r.loomburg,Ottob?rb, lew). EXCITEMENT DOWN TOWN L. T. Sharplea7 Store. ER E S11AR RI I 'Ah ov FALL AND WINTKll G 00D?. rilK-: nudersigned, having taken charge uf tlm Nuw I More fcriiM'rly kept by Joseph fharplesi, lie taken tbi uiejihotl of informing his iiiiiuvrotis (ii-ioimrs tint In lias jut riturneil (rum tho city wiiha large nnhiirl intitt 01 J'.ALL AND WINTKll GOODS, which bt oilers for Kile ni his Clicnii rash SCoiv on M un Strei t, Hlmnm-bur:, at thu virv luwes-l liv ing puces, ins imoi'k 11.1s nw'i'ii ieiecH:ii nmi a pnui tieai ui rare ami judgini'iit, and will compare favorably with any stork ofgooilstver brought to this place. Couiilry produce t ikru 111 exchange fur ponds at thf mark't prices. He has on h;tml evfrjifmir lommmily ki pt 111 .1 miliary ttori. Oivu lnm a call bt-ffie purthas in; ilsewhere, IT. SIIARI'LKS-1. Dloouinbiirg, Ort. IX IrtO. PUBLIC SALE ! OF Valuable Real Estate. IN pur-unnv of nn order of the Orphan's Court of Co hlinbU county, on StturMujtfte U day of D camber next at mu o'i Im k in tlm nfiermmn, Alinas Cnlc nml William Cult aduuiiiairators uf 1, 7.' kn 1 Cole, lat of Hugarbuf lovMinbip. iu said county, det eased, wilt eipuiu tu n.ile, by I'ublic Vmdue, upuii Hit. premihis, a certain Mvssur age uiU TRACT OF LAND Adjoining Undi of Ju-)iu.i Unnk on the. Kaft.D.iv id Lew, is and ll.ekuK'utu un iho Norlli.Jnbn Culo nn tha West, and Montgomery CuIj un the Houib, containing Olio Ilmiritl and Tii'ty Acres, mora or less, on which aru erected n FRAM ?AVV Mll.l.. l.Al'll-.MH.I., tt Sl'O.NX UWEtLIXa HUl'fC, and FOUK FllA.Mi: mVHLIiIXG IIOI'SHS, a WarksmitU Phop, Barn, and other out millings, nbout Ml acres uf wbich is ekartd and lit a good state of cult i- vauoii. inu resiuuu is win iiuiiierej, a goou uearing np pU Orchard, aUo a good ugar-Camp. Late the estate of iald diet used, ntualod in tho town sliip iyf bugarloaf, and county alonsaul. JACOU HYllRLY. CVcrt, Oct 27, 1FC0. UDITOltS N 0TICE. Estate of J II, Davis decease. The iiniUrmfni-il.-n-nlitor appointed bv tbc Orphan's Court of Columhm County , to distribute the asset in Iho hands of Utiijauiiii I. Puttuer, ndnurmtrator of theetaie of J. It. Dai i, late nf Columbia County, deceased nc Crdnig lotlK rates and proorllous elabtilied by-law, wiM annul to th' dolus nf his tippnmiuicni. nt bis ointe in lllouinsbui gr on t eum-suay. inq seta day ut rvovem ber. A- 0 lc--0, nt lUo'ilock in the forenoon , when where a'l persons having claims ngainst the said estntfl ' fiiaui priseiuuie ; samo. or be d. barred from comtng (jr a shire cf said ussctts. WFSLUY WIRT UJttor October M, lfCO," Its. MACKEREL Herring, and we expeo rtlvloffc'ud, for Blc m IIArvTMAN" -2, POSTSCRIPT i Eloction Rqturns. Tttc Vvte rf Indiana. iudiar&fjolis, Kor. 14. llclurus rcceiV- cd from 83 counties of tlio Slalo give tho , f - . follOWlUff OtllCltll aCCrecatCS ! LlUCOlll T. , ?.? .... 107,031 J UoUCla.'. Sl.Ml j IirCCKinrlUCOi ' ' ?,, t i ', i i7 11. -J J. I ! 1)L'U, O.O0J. JjinCOm S plurality . ' ... ... is m,,iuo,uiiu yiii ltvouuij ruaou o,oui, ' ' r .J ' r Ilia majority over all will bo about 5,000. The Virginia E'cctimt, Richmond, Va., Nor. M. Tho last aa- , counts from tho Statj aro unexpectedly 1 favorable to lloll. Tho full official returns may bo necessary to determino tho result. oJTcr lua I'lnrtll In lint u itrl.l fur HT.'d rtr I in t. Klrlrtiifi Hcn.lnal v, lln In the l.oiim, (.'uiuiitutional Jubility, Impo U-rtcy. V dfcni-M or tms natR ami i.iiiiTjs. An.ttion ut "i Irriubillly, lini-ascof thp I1vhI, Throat. Noio or HMn, imhI nil thu, i,r,n,.. auJ iiulancholy Di.ord.r. prartict.!-, ore more ratal to th'-if tlciimtlhaii thd iottRvT tii.i Svri-tiri to t he mariners u viici. b In htuiir thetr imt nit one. l " onticipaiion, rtnaermg inarriogu &o, lllipoltlC. H; h SJiV ''S' bring aware n ph) itul vaktit'SH, urganic dtabili A .fT"'i".:. ''l "S'! COnIUU l..l,i..,.. imi.I !., r,..,,,r,..l Ii, .,IVrl Ii, i.llli. may reliciou5l) coulble lulus honor as a pi'Mleiuen, and no w no pi.ii'f s nuimcii iiniiir uic rnre oi iir, jonniion. confidently rely upmi his (.kill a a physician. . ijiiuaiiu vv i..uii.rD hmnra lately cured and full vipor rrnt'ircd 'ibis der.'ase is the teiialty muet freuuenttr pafd bt those wlni Inve become the victim ol Improper indulpeu cieSi on ui perxoits a r tm apt to comniil vicvss I mm not net nir 11 vv tin iii im ureniriii con-i.ipit.nce uint may ensue, Now, who that iimleiM.rnds the subject will pre- t''iid to deny that the power ot procreation if lust sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudtfnt Resides bi'ing deprived ol the plt-uMire of healthy off. sprincs, the mutt si'tiousand iiibtruuive f)mptouis t biilli body and mind urine. 'Jlu s)stiin birnmen Uerang cd; the physical and mental powers weakened, nejvous debility, d)spepi 1, palpitation uftbe heart, indipetion, n vatmg ut the frame, Coupli, yioptums of Cuusump lion, Vc. P'r Otlice, No, T Sooth Far crick Strfet. seven doors from Ilallimore street, Cat side, up thu steps, Ue par tk-iitar itr n-jyervnm inn r.i.ii ami iu.miuk, or you w ill mistake tlu place, -J Cure Warrtttteii, or nt Chargt Midettn ron Om tt Ttro Dans, NO MEUCBRV OR N ALStXJUH DRUGS USED. JlH. JU1KYMV.V Member of the Rny.irCnlKpe ol riurgeons, nt London. (iraduatc tromnnenf Hie most emlueiit Colleges of tha Culled IStites. and the prenttr part (f v hose life lias been spent in thctirist IleppitnM of London, l'aris, I'lifla ti- lphi.iaud I'Newliere, liun iiilcted snine uf the nioht us toiiiilung cures that were ever known; many troubled with rnisiimc in the head and tars win 11 aleep, prtat ni'rv outness, be hi? alarmed at sudden si'Ads.aud bihh fulness, with freipjent bliihtiiutr, attended somrtimcs witii derancemeul ol miild, were cured immediately, a cr.itTAiN nisnAsts. When Hie mUsuided and imprudent votary of pteasura finds be has imbib-d Hie seeds nf this painful thseaau, it loo uiteii I11ppe11sth.1t an ill timed fceiise uf shams or dread uf (lin-uvery, litters him trom applyiup to thoaa who from (ducutioiiuud npi'i lability tan alone befriend him, delaying till the constitutionary symptoms of Uus horrid disease makes their appearance, such as ulcurauJ tore thro it, dmeased nose, imcturce, pains in the head and 1 1 inbi, dlaiufi'suf tight, dfutness, nodes 011 thu skin bones, and arms, blotih-jn on tbe bead, fare and extreme, ties, progressing with rapidity, till nt last the palnto of th" mouth and Imiies rf the none tall in, and the victim of this desease Incomes a horrid object of rommisseration till death puts a p-riod to his dreanfol sulternips, by sen itlinghun 10 "that bourne trum whence no travilkr ra- turni." To such, thenfore, Ur Jiihiivton pledpes htm sell to preserve the most envioabte secrery, nml from bis extensive practice in thu rlrst llnpiials of Kurt-pa sud America, he can cniniduitly ricfmuiLud safe and spetniy cure tuthe unfortunate viniinnt thn liorrid disease. TAKL l'A ItTICCLAR NOTICK. Dr J. atldrestt-s all tbone who have iiJ'ired th.einsi.rvet by private ami impmptr indulgences. 'Thi'Hf are some ff the sad mid tmlanrholv e fleets pra duied bv early habits ufjoulli, vi Weakness uf tha Hark mid Limbs, I'ain in the Head, Dimness of ISfijM. Luss ul Mti-.ciil.ic IVut r, I'alprtatiou of the Itturt. Dys pippin, .irvuiis irratamiuy, uerauenieni m inn uigcs. tiv runctiotis, (ieneral Dibrhty , sj mptoini of Consump tion, Cvf. .MKVl'ALLV. The fearful cfTects upon the rrind ra much to be tlri-aded, Lois of Muoory, Cooftisfon of Tdeas Depression of thu tipints. Evil I'oribf diuge, Aversion of tri-ty, Timitv. K.c.t are mime of the produced, Thounnmls of persons uf nil uses cau now Judgu vhst ih the i.iuse nf their deilmntg health. Loo-nig their ignr, bi'ttuuing weak, pale and emaciated, having sin pillar appearaiic about the eyes, cough an I sy iiiptums of Cni'i-Uiiiption. DR. JOHNSTON: INVUIORATINO REMEDY F0H OKI. AN 10 WHAKNhr-H. Ily this preat and important remedy, weakness of tha organs i'to spei-dity cured, ami lull i?or ri-Ftored. Tlmusaudi nt Hie most utrvuus and dibilitated, whn hul lost .Ut Impc. !avo been' immediately n lieved. All impi-tliuients tu Marriage, I'hy iuil and Mental Disquali fication, Nervous tr ratability .Tremblings and Wvaknuss or eh.iutatiuii of the iuot fearful kipd, speedily curtd by Doctor Joliii-Jton. YOUNO MEN Who have injured thiiHelves by 3 certain practlto, indulged in when alonea habit freiueiitly learned ftoni t v il ronitianions. or nt school tho elfetts of which'are nightly tilt, even when asleep, and if nut cured renders marriaee inipottible. and deciroys bulb nmid and body, should apply immediately. W'i it 11 pitty Unit young man. the hope of his country, md 1 In; darling of his parent-, fhoiild be snatched from all prospi-ito irnd enjoy im-nti ot life, by the ronsequeu ces of deviating from the path ot nature, Hnd induiging 111 a sertain stcrvt habit, tuch persons before con tkUiplating. MIRRlAfin slioulil rsllert thil'a siiimd mind nnd fcody nre thi moil mcevi-ary re'piiiities lo promote inuunmal happiupss Jodi't-d. witlioui tin ho the journey t n roup I life becomss 2 prprimage, the pruxperl hmrly tlarkms t thi view ; the imiiit becoiius thadowtU with despair t tilbd Willi the inilanilioly reltertiun that the happiness ut niintlier becomes blighted with our own, OFFICE M).7 fiOl TH I'Rl.DKlilCKST., lialttmsrs, Mi all Hi;i:iMcALori:itATioN.s miroiiMF.r. N. d -Li t mi tilsu moiler-ly prevent yuu, but apply immediately 1 ither personally or by Litter. fcMN 1HSF SH.H M-LHIJILV CCUUD. 71' yfMM3u:s T!ic many thousaiidf eured at tint institution within fi'u 1 il 15 yearn, nml the numirou important Hurgicnl opcraiimu performed by Dr. Jubm-ton, VMtnccxeJ fay the rt-pnriers ufilm paper mid many nibcr peri-ons, no I l "1 11 Itll Hit. I11LU ..11111 tlllU Uh.llil Ul'IIIID IUW DiM.ln, lieMiles bis btaiidirr ai a intlemnn t rh.irnctAr ami nloiisibilUy , it .1 t-iitlineiit guaraiittc to the attiictcl, 'j'AKi; notjci:. X. II. There aru so many leuornnt and worthleni flu.nUn advertiJ-iiig tlietmilves rtnmciauti, ruining the health of the ulriady ntllicled. Hut Dr JiIiiif-Ihii dicms it neri-t-:nry to i-ay, especially to tbono uuaciuninted w nh hit reputation, Hut his rudtntuils and diplowti always Kiry 111 In-t nlftre Lr 1 ke iNoruf; All leltprs iwut be pnst p4d, and contain n postage stamp fur the reply, or nil answer wilt be sent. .March 17, p II IL A DELPHI A r.irt:i u.ixaixa .v.ixvr.iCTi'nr.M. il'AI.I, 'lltAlll. Howe 1 1 .V IfOiu l;, Having removed to their New Htore, Cor. ruCKTII c J?Al;Ki:r fts are now- pp-pared to offer to lh TUADE a Ijifc'o and iltgaut a.oitmeiit of WALL r.ii'Ens, DORDKU3, riKi: fCRCHKC?. WIMlOW Cri!TAI OOOII3, J.C S.C., allofthe new-cat mid best desiuiis, Iromtli. Inwe.tptlc.4 nitltle loth. Illiest Grid and I ilrct llrtoralluni. 117 rurrhsrers will dowill to visit tlioe.tatdishmeot of llntvm.I, ti llOL'HKE'rJ. N. B. Cor. Fourth and Markit streets, rhil.d'a. gepl. qi. ISifl :im. It E V K 11 H II U U S E , (foriMHU,Y 1. 101 F IIOTt'1- ) NO. 2J7 NORTH THIRD fcTRFLT. rillLADi;LrilI . r I -Hlrt house is r-iluated in the mttft business pnrt of ths 1 city, has one hundred and thirty rooms ; larpe Tar lorn and evi ry mum is newly furnished and j cmuidtred , one hi uic linen iioicis ni us ciass 111 rniiauupiiia ; 11 has ertcied a lare t'bservattry win re persons can havo a tine v icw of tlu City, Delaware rivtr. -L-r-, Arc ; it is also supplifti with hut and told watt r I-nthej, which w ill be tree of fh irije tor Hie gut nts of the House ; City Cars will take vim tu the Rev ri- House tbtr rhnrce is mod erate, $1 '.il per day. person vuiting the city will plea it omu nml trv the lirrtvt ttume, nod we pledge oursilvrs thai we vill cmliuver to use our bel cttorta to make tt nppiur Ilk home. LiuiiLLs j. 1 adlr, oi ucaoing, win neve cRflrge ortrts ottice ti. W. II1NKLK. formerly of tlve Ptntes Union 1 Intel, ami hrtcrly of ih Liuieu iM.uii llOlll, AllUUUC Uliy, i. J., t ROrRlKTOR May tt, IbirO-JJm jJ"ADAME SCI1WENU 8 IXFALLWLi: rOWDERS. 1 For the speedy and LtTectual Cure of all ttjlama'hni, yertrs, Jdttuiimtism, ttyvprpun and Jntr Cemplmn, 'iltt fraer, nml all .if ute and Chrome Disea$n f Adilts ktio Cittt irln md 3ceut ttrnp to h' r Atsnt. G, ft. JONES, Hundreds ef testimonials. Im 2u;ol )nU4 a,F. O. 1X7 Agincv. t W Cor.ThiH& Archills. Bipt. W, Iswl-lOw 1 U. CREAGEU is tho Sole Agent for LJ Dr WtNtilRs' Crltbratei Aatrinaiiial "Siri,1" and 3 Rooks, No. ,'A Book for Young Men designed to pr pare them tor I c in ale Hociety No V. Lrrors in Coun in ship." No. 3, "Reproductive Control " F.ither of w-blch will be mailed to order post-paid upon reecipt of 24 cts. rt-pi lam. SUPERIOR Golden Syrup MoUaeri just rsrslved and for ssla at 50 cents pr eltOR, f hechup t.ih iftei cf L-X;ntulest h j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers