Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 17, 1860, Image 2

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LEVI li TATE, Editor.
Tho Result in Pennsylvania.
The innjority for Lincoln in this State
will prohahly foot up somo 80,000 al
though no one cares ahout searching for
particular). There wn3 a great falling off
in tho aggregate voto for President, com
pared with the Stato election, when nearly
60O,Ou0" votes wero polled. We would
ndt bo surprised if tho total voto on tho Oth
inst., did uot exceed -150.000. This falling
off was principally upon tho Democratic
side. Tho largo majority against Poster;
at tho Stato election was generally regar
ded as settling tho contest as far as Penn
sylvania was concerned, and henco the
apathy and indifferenco among Democrats.
The mass of tho Democratic voto of the
State was cast for the Heading electoral
ticket ', but tho Straight-out Douglas ticket
was supported to a considerable extent by
Douglas men, whilo no doubt many of
them, to mako a suro thing of it, voted
directly for Lixcoln. As there was no
attempt at Democratic organization after
the State election, and as the discussions
in tho party mado a united rally impossi
blc, it is not surprising that Lincoln car'
ricd the Stato by a hugo majority.
Tho Next Congress.
The election of a Ulack Republican
President of the United States gives in
tercst to the inquiry as to tho political
complexion of tho Congress that is to sue
cced hi3 inauguration, and it is gratifying
to know that the gains in tho October clec
tions,' with those in tho States electing
members of Congress on Tuesday, are
sufficient to secure a working majority in
both houses in opposition to tho lilack
Republicans, thus depriving Mr. Lincoln's
administration of very much of its power
to do harm.
The-ncst Scnato will bo composed, in
all probability, as tollows :
'Total number of Senators,
Already elected Republican?,
To bo eleotod Republicans,
Opposition majority, . . 8
In tho October election the Democracy
of Peunsylvnnia gained three members,
and in Indiana one. In tho election on
IPucsday last, pno member was, gained in
Massachusetts, four members in New
York, and three in New Jersey. As yet,
however, tho IIouso h incomplete, aj
elections have been held in nineteen States
only. Alabama, California, Connecticut,
Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland,
Mississippi, New Hampshire, North Car
olina, lthodo Island, Tennessee, Texas,
and Virginia elect in 1601. Estimating
these fourteen States upon tho basis of
Tuesday's election, tho body will stand as
follows :
'Slave States, 83
Non-Blavcholding Slates, -10
Totala, 126 109
.Showing a working majority of 19 against
tho incoming administration.
The defeat of Anson Burlingamo spoiled
all our tun lor 1 ucsclay night. 1 lie grand
results everywhere else throughout the
country were only partial compensation for
,uiu loss.
So wiitcs ono of tho most virulent par
tisans of Lincoln, to tho tribune. And
fio too would tho New Jersey Bopublieans
say of tho defeat of Pennington. It
tpoils all their fun.
i But, this is not all. That twenty one
opposition majority in tho IIouso of Bep
.rescntatives is likely to spoil all their fun
for two years to come, Tho victory of
the sectional Uts is a barren one. Thoro
is no fuu in it.
The Albany Journal thus speaks of
thoso who aro in " Tho World :" "This
now New York daily is said to start with
a largo capita), and is in competent hands.
Mr. Cuminings, formerly of Tho Phila-.
dolphia veiling Bulletin, is ono of tho
publishers. Mr. J. B. fapaulding, Ion;
and favorably known from his connection
with Tho Courier and Enquirer, is chief
editor, llichard Grant Whitctho Shakes
polrian scholar, is connected with tho
literary department. Tho Albany friends
of Mr. Manton M. Marble, who has been
connected with Tho Boston Journal, Tho
Traveller, aud Tho New York Evening
J'ost, will feci assured that his chair of
assistant editor will ba well filled.
Unpaid Letters. On and after No
vember Ht, under tho recent order of tho
Pobtmaster General, all unpaid letters will
bo sent to the dead letter office Letter
writers will govern themselves accordingly,
Railroad Chanqe. L- S. Post has
resigned his Cenductorshjpon tho yilliams
port & Elmira railroad, a position ho has
held Moce tho opening of the road, to accept
the bupcrintendonco of track affairs.
Mechakics of Bloomsburg, of every
Jcccription, ara unusually busy and in
great demand
'WW trr
fr & 2.
TOWNsmrs-j.. S" -
V if "
vz y- V-
liloom 105 m
Hor. Berwick -10 2 80
Briarcrcck 118
Benton H2 41
Beaver 113 20
Cattawissa 21 52 130
Conyngham ...... So 01
Ccutra 110 111
Franklin 53 2 0
Fishingcreck ..... 200 5 1
Oreonwood . . . . . . . 130 155
Hemlock 101 10 72,
Jackson 71 10
Locust 170 1 135
Maino 70 7 10,
Mifflin 172 49
Montovr 30 -171
Madison 130 57
Mt. Pleasant 75 051
Orango 07 G 70
Pino 52 53
Roaringcreek US 40
Sugar-loaf 111 10
Soott.... v..... 80 lOOj
Total, 2307 801873
By the abovo figures it will be seen that
tho Kcpublicau increase over Ourtiu's vote
is 25 votes.
The Democratic loss is 73 counting tho 1
straight Douglas voto with tho vote for tho
regular Democratic ticket. publican-, left in Franklin. It was asscr-
Breckinridge has a majority over all of ted that at all tho places where Mr. Brook
301 over Lincoln 401 over Douglas of way and Mr. Little had been, there
2231 over Bell of 2353. would bo a larger Hcpublican vote than
Plurality voto against Lincoln 501, and in October. Now Mr. Buockway has been
tho wholo voto is 01 less than at the Stato
A Wlfo for tho Frinco.
Let tho fair young Amcrieans,who wcro
honored with tho hand of tho Princo of
Wales in a dance, resign all hope of hav
ing it for a longer period. A report from
Europe says that besides other important
things settled during the Queen's lato visit
to Germany, a wife was selected for tho
heir to tho crown. Tho happy lady is tho
Princess Augusta Louisa Adelaide Caro-
lino Ida, daughter of tho Duko of Saxo-1
Mciniugcn, who was borno August Oth,
18 13. As the Princo of Wales was born
November Oth, 18-11 . tho young couple will
, , , .
be well matched in years
Tho SaxcMeiningen family havo a
f M "V 1 .uu 1 IUU ' . ' 1 u .
in territory or
political grandeur. The ducal dominions
wr.... ..... .. "
: . . r i . i .1
T"'"" - P ";
about 170,000. Mcininfrcn tho
Capi O
city, has between six and seven thousand
inhabitants. Tho Saxc-Mciuingen family
is a branch of the old Saxon royal race to
which belong Princo Albert's family and
several others that furnish husbands and
wives for Kuropean royality. Tho young
lady now spoken of as likely to be queen
of llngland,will not bo tho first of her fam
ily that has had that dignity. Queen Ade-'."
,, ,,.. rir
litriA Htn nt Williom I r wna n twin-
, . . ' A
cess of baxe Mcimngon and an aunt
the rumored intended wifo of Albert Ed
ward. She was selected as a brido for tho
blo death of tho Princess Charlottco, when
thcro was danger that of all Gcorgo the
in- i. ro ,-n ii i
Third s fifteen children ncno would leave
a legitimate heir to wear the crown. Tho
Dukes of Clarence, Kent and Cambridge
nnd tbo Princess woro nil nmr -
ried as rapidly as possible. Queen Ado -
laido never boro childicn, and tho dang!.-
tcr ot the vano ot Kent succeeded villiam
IV. Her son. in return, is to marrv a
uieeo of her uncle's wifo.
Tho German element is becoming more
.i.n,.i inf,,i ;i tt, i.'i:.i, .,..,i
family than ever. If lineage could be
analytically traced, thcro would bo found
in Queen Viotoria very littlo oftho ancient
Plantagenct, Tudor or Stuart blood, and
a greal deal oftho German. Her children
havo still more of it, and as sho has mar
ried her oldest daughter to a German
princo, betrothed her second to anothcrj
and is likely to marry her oldest son to a
German Princo, her grandchildren will be
English only in namo and rank. It is
probably natural that Bho and her husband
should prefer alliances with her own raco
But another reason for selecting German
husbands and wives for their children is
that ProtesUst royality is to bo found on-'
ly in Germany, and as it is considered
wrong for an English princo or princess to
marry anything below royality, in title at
least, tho Protestant reigning families of
Germany must bo resorted to.
Ciissus in Conxecticut. Tho Cen
sus Marshals in Connecticut report that in
eighteen cities and towns tho population
shows a gain of 37,900, or nearly 00 per
cent, since 1650 j tho gain in New Haven
will ho 20,000, and in Hartford 15,000.
Only two towns in tho lut bavo lost in
habitants, and tho gain of tho wholo Stato
is now estimated at 100,000, or somo 27
per cent, which will sccuro tho Stato a
gainst tho Iojs of a mombcr of Congress
in tho now apportionment.
The Shamokin Furnaco has again hcen
put in blast, and is said to be now making
from 12 to 11 tons of iron a day.
Thi: assessed valuation of the Ileal Es
tate of Philadelphia, for 1600, is S15G,-
773,7-19. A cico little sum, that.
For lac CelunlU Dtmotrat.
Col. Tate,-
Dear Sir : ,A Tow .weeks ago, there
ppcarcd a communication in tho Rcpub-,
lean, purporting be from a "Few Re-
oirt.icANsf? 'of PftnUfii? requesting tho
Doct.-to send somoluioro Democratic speak
crs to their township, as it would havo a
tendency to increase their majority m
November. Although the nninaculato Doct,
In An en ni tmrlirl lintlAliil fintt
, " . . v. t.-.i I
i-eriiaps no iiiougiii no uau ucuer semi
EOHQE MARTZ, Esq., to enlighten tho
benighted voters on tho subjects
iiects of Tariff .
and "Nigger equality. ' On Monday eve
ning preceding the last election, Mr Whit
mover and Mr. Buockway had a political
.1 i.miael fin f,f ,l1ltr.,nno' Mplinnl 1 Tniicr. Itv-
reforinff to tho election returns it will be I
seen that in October, Curtin's majority
was twenty. No doubt this tho Doctor
nffrihutofl fn tint f'tot. tlmt hn nml n. wntilfl i
1.n Oonntv K.moriutnn.lent. addressed a ,
meeting previous to the clcctiou at that
Now tho "Hail Splitter" has three ma-
ioritv. How will ih Doctor and a' "Few !
J llKi'Unr.icAss'' account tor this re-crcasc
instead of increase?
Might not a Pew Democrats with equal
propriety now nsk the Doctor to send
Messrs. Mautz & Wiiit.moyeh again to
lournlacef If thev could bo induced to
come again, nnd wo had another election
this Pall, there would bo only a few Bo-
to Franklin, and the result speaks for itself.
November 12th 1600.
Literary Notices.
Faiimcii AM) Uamiexer. Tho No
vember No, of this excellent periodical is
on our table. We have partially exainin-
eJ ;ts pageSj aml fm,, ; t,
of uscful aml interesting
icm a great deal
matter. The
ovilieutIy j,. diligently to make
ti,c paper all that can bo n quired by
'f.mucrS) mA w0 !iro giad to know tIluy
aro mcctillg with Euec(ff !. Kvery farmer
1 &li0uW take ;t Terms, 81.00 a year. A
3I Spauglur) publisher, Philadelphia.
I , . ,,.
Peteuso.vh Magazine. We arc in
! receipt of this popular L vdy's Magazine
f b It is a splendid number.
"Peterson" has a circulation of 100,000.
It will be greatly improved in 1S01. It
, will contain 1000 pages of double column
reading matter; 1-1 stool plates; 12 col-
orcd stool fashion plates; 12 colored pat-
m.nq ;n ll,i.i;n u-nrlf. mnlirnlilnrv nr
crochet, and 800 wood engravings pro
portionate.'! more than tiny oilier jnrio'li
cal gives. Its Tories and novelets are by
tho best writers. Its fashions aro always
tho latest aud prettiest. Every neighbor
hood ought to mako up a club. Its price
is but Two Dollars a year, or a dollar
., , fa ,. ' ,
for it and star it JvUar. To clubs, it is
17 '
cheaper still viz : th
eight I
1 " ' w v ' '
enrni ior 10 every person tecum: up
a club, the rubli-aicr will send a maguiti-
. pout. nii'iiiiiim
Specimens scut gratis to
tllrtSO M-lvLinrT til rrot ll olnlia Aihlrrv
' , . T, ' ,,,',
n, . . ' . ., , , , . '
Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
1 i 118 hVENluo I'ost.-IIio
i 1r";t of lls have again pla-
i1 lU(:ir Prospectus beforo tho public.aud
' a3 t,,a l'priBtors of tho oldest and best of
j tho weeklies, they need cuter upon no long
l. -'. . ..
that they uesigu maUiug tho l ost lor tho
! future what it has been for tho past, a
1 rcP'ry of delightful amusement
, and equally entertaining instruction. But
I.i... n.. -.
l.l... n... l ..: i- : . i.-
UIU X llt- .WSU .111113 IU lllSblUUl, 1L UUUIU1113
weekly An Agricultural department, tho
Market and Bank Note List, Choice Bo
ceipts, Domestic and Foreign News, Let
ters from Paris, Miscellaneous informa
tion, kc. But to sco exactly what tho
os Hi scm lor a S3"P0 "umber, which
will be sent gratis to any ono desirous of
subscribing for a weekly paper. Uhey
effor j-plcmUd premium to tubribcra.'
No family should bo without it. Tho fol- j
lowing aro tho terms :
Single copy ono year,
Two do
1 copy Post and 1 copy Arthur's
:i 00
5 00
10 (10
15 00
20 00
To tho getter up of a club of eight, or
cither of tho largo clubs, they tcud a copy
The Wyoming Hank. Tho Wyoming
Hank has again declared a 5 per cent.
dividend. This is tho 01st dividend of
this old institution, which is now in the
Ulstyear of its existence. Fow banks
havo for so long a period maintained bo
uniform a character for soundness and
wo may also remark that its first cashior,
Mr. K. Lynch, who feigned tlio first notes
it over issued, still holds an important po
sition in tho liank. Although far advan
ced in years, ho looks halo and vigorous,
and daily discharges tho duties of his post
with an accuracy aud attiduity well worthy
tho imitation of younger men. Luzerne
Missouri fob Hell. St. Louis, jVov.1
12. Mr. Bell cariies this State by from I
live to Ecycn thousand majority.
o I
4 do do do
8 do do do
1!) do do do
20 dox do do
" Bohold Your Conquoror."
Such was tho olassio language of tho
Governor elect of tho great Stato of Pcnn-
governor B"
n wl' lb C3COrf
LnJ, ml to vo,, "f "
'"; Wc,ia nlsf supposed that
tho hour of triumph tho magnanimity of
tho heart poured forth its richcft treasures
that victory humbled tho fpirit of the
Great. But list'n to the language of A.
G. Curtin, uttered when his fellow citizen
had assembled (o coneratulato him on bis
. . . ... ... " .... . ... .A
fa .i
. ' ,. ... J .
traducers, J say, (Hung astcp higher tlian a sum cquai w pm, 13 ival,3 1"""
ho had before btood and elongating Lis out of tho royal mint of England, in ex
, ... . chauM for worn out silver.
11,1) Vmnt rnnTTritnit !
h"ve F'1 myl.d
Such langu;
ui inc otitis uiu ui on my
a position and on such an occasion, re
quires no comment to inspire the manly
heart with tho utmost abhorence and
humiliating indeed is tho speotaclo of a
wan promoted by tho suffrages of a free
Peolllc' l,rtmnS dustltuto of a11 ,ho flllor
sensibilities of our nature and insulting and
defying a fallen foo. Let it bo known for
.i . . .7, . .l e ii .1 . n.
uiu i.muiiu uuuuuv oi aa, mat iuu nover-
nor elect is to be Governor of a party to
fight its opponent 'for three yars,' nnd
not tho Chief Magistrate of iho entire peo
ple of tho Koystono State. llclltfontc
TIewV Seizure op Counterfeit
ey. Acting on information received on at Davenport, Iowa, about 1-1 or 15 years
last week, Chief Detective Wood, with a aS-
pos-o of men from tho Twentieth Ward,' "w Put"P " eijo f
on Monday evening, made a descent upon Pc,!,b"'?" M,11 ,n TT Z'J
., . . .r i , bo in lull operation in January next
lho tavern of Mannassah Price, (better Tlioy will give employment to 1,01)0 op
known to tho police as "Minnio'' Price,) cralivcs.
and there discovered between $5000 aud .f, Loom a;,.
80000 in counterfeit 85 notes on tho Wes
tern Bank of Philadelphia.
As soon as tho noliee entered. Price,
suspecting their arrand, ran up stairs, bol-
ted a door after him, and then i-prang out
- 7 1
of tho second story window and effected
his cscane. Two other men. one of whom
- iiiev an vuitu uiu ii'imuii.-!i li.uu, . . - , ,
is charged with bringing tho notes from thereby elected it. Shame 1 shame ! ' I r.- omplo regular
r , , , ,i 'J v " I paid correspondents in Cahloruia, at tho
New lork, wero secured, and a thorough TiI. SvR1AN SuvrEltKits. Tho fuithcr Ulnnus of D.irien, in tho Kooky Mouu
scarch of tlio house was instituted. 'mim 0f 8570,00 has been received by tho uh, Hold Begion, and wherever cl-o they
Tho notes wcro found in nearly every committee for the relief of tho destitute and ecoih ruquiile. From tho more accessible
part of the bouse; in tho cradle, under suffering in Syria. This swidls the amount portions of our own country, wo derive our
tho carpet, in tho beds, in the closets, in '
tho nnd m, il.n sl.n.l (V-oo a.".n m !
., , ,, ... .
were thus recovered, all of it m notes. !
1 hey wero all good imitations of the gen-1
uiue, with the largo V in red ink on tho
face. All are lettered "C," and dated,
March 1, 1650. It is not known that any
of tho money had been put in circulation, j
A rionrlnrr nii-Hoa,i .vin !, '
place to-day.
The Grkat Eastern. Tho Great)
Eastern is now left nmW Mm nr'
i ii.,..: ii rr i .i i i i '
Mr., the officer of the decks, who ;
has made a wonderful revolution iu tho
appearance of the ship, and that, too, with '
but half a doien men, as she is now vcryl
nearly all repainted. Captain John inc ,
Hail, Mr. Bold, managing director and
Air Aln T onno,, -ti. on..inoo- 'i
Mi. McLennan, tho eluef engineer, havo
been paid off. It is contemplated, wo be-,
lieve, at tho close oftho present mouth, to
shut up tho ship altogether, and pay off all
linwl. Tl.w ivnnlil l.n lwir.Lnit,,v
as, to say nothing of the damage to tho
machinery from having no one to attend to
it. tho daintiness of the climate at Milford
j a
.' ... .... ...
Haven will cllcctuallv rot all tho Btileudid
J 1
i. M , , p C
......q...fa. ...v -.v-m. u.
tirno to time burnt iu thorn. '1 lw sum re
quired for tho new docks and alterations iu
tho bearings of tho bcrow shaft will cost
1 ni,mit in.oiin i tlmmsolvM. l,oCi,la n.
i . . . . '
co.t oftho healing apparatus. Tho ship
will remain in her present position for some
months, as after SunJay noxt tho spring
tides will not ngain bo sufficiently high
until Christinas to float her. She is now
placed in a perfectly sheltered position
from tho only wind that could blow her off
tho gridiron ctcu if sho was afloat.
London Times,
I Mr. Lincoln Voting for Himself.
The community were vestcrdav surnri.
PCa at tho announcement, that Mr. Abra-!
liam i;mcoln had gone to the polls, at his1
placu of residence, and voted for himself
for President of tho United States. If it
had not been for the fact that the announce
ment was mado in lho New 1'ork Tribune,
it would havo been doubted that any man
coking so high a position could havo per
formed so iudelicato aud indecent nn act.
To the credit of our nation, bo it said,
never beforo has any candidato for this
exalted btalion, occupied eo unenviable a uatcu Uct, IU, says : "At .Marseilles lor
.,.i ....... i i somo days past tho weather has been very
position, anu we trust it maj bo loni;, vcrv a . h .t .t . i
' ii, ""' severe. At llyoni tho thermometer has
long, before any other shall occupy a bim- defended to zero, and tho mountains in
ilar one. tho neighborhood of Villefranebo aud Beau-
-- jeu aro covered with snow.
HpsIdNATION or ToO.MnS AND CillMT- i T a
r, , .. nr , Monument to Mautin LuTiinn. A
MT.-Lolimibia, S. C., Nov, 12.-Scn.v correspondent of a New York paper, writes
tor Toombs, of Georgia, and Chestnut, of tho following.
South Carolina, havo resigned. Tho Sen-1 "A monument on a magnificent scale, to
ato has passed a bill calling a Convention ?Iartm lather, is to bo erected at Wurms.
to take into consideration measures of so- I J fr? a d?rtPn mth "I1!" llie's
,, , , , . , chel. 'iho wholo sum required for tho
ccssiou. Tho election of delegates will bo work is 17,000, of which 12,000, ha8
hold on the 8th of January, and tho Con- been already collocted during lho last three
vention will meet on tho 15th. or four years, from almost all parts of the
I globe."
Mb. Breckinridge Aqainst Seces-I Yankee Enterprise, A Now York
sio.v. Cincinnati, Aov, 12. This morn- boy superintends tho manufacture of orango
ing's Commercial says that M r. Brcckin-1 toothpicks in Chili, South America,
ridgo has determined to mako atrip to tho ' vr,ch, are whittled out by tho children,
..0.. ii, i ii "ou lho aged and decrepit, and ho sends
cotton States, and address his follow citi- thom t0 motLoria s0'w York) who sells
zens, urging them to abide in tho Union, ' largo numbers of them at twenty cents a
... 77- , thousand. Tho Astor House buys eight or
IHE sponge gathered at Key Wcst.l'la., barrels at a lime, and popular r?stau-
last year, realized S72.000. rants consumo about a thousand a week.
The sum thus far received by tho Popo
exceds SI, 000,000.
The Princo of Wales pnitfSSOO for his
special train from Albany fo Boston.
There are 381 gas companies in tho
Uitiou, with a capital of nearly 850,000,
Reliaele statistics show that 200,000
out of 000,000 in New York city go to
church on Sunday,
Thcro was S305.000.000 of capital roprc
,i t ,i, 11 .ilrn.ul '
I imo-lame
Convention in Cincinnati.
. , , nnn . i :.i
A letter from tho Commissioner ol
I'ensions says uicro arc now uut ok rum-
rt t,n Itnvnlulionarv l'ensioliers.
Tea has been received in New York
from Japan It can bo furnished at a low
er cost than China teas of a corresponding
A ni.Acic caelo was shot in South
Whitehall, Lehigh co., on tho 1st inst.,
which measured six feet ten inches across
tho wings.
Green com, beans, radishes and tho
gcnc,ral ru.of vegetables, aro
market agaia trom lho tocoml c:
crop, at
lwvin. rp.,
Sleighing in Vermont. The people
of Windham, (Vt.,) were enjoying them
selves sleighing tho begiliM.ig of last week,
the snow being live or six inches deep.
I "MuniiEii will Out.1' A man, named
Fill , has boon arrested at Altica, Indiana,
M'o.v-'chnmcd withthomurdtrof Col. Davenport,
ercd at Carhondalo, Luzerne county, in
this State. This is an addition to tho min-
oral wealth ot our btato.
not thought of
, .
It is estimated by reliable authorities
roes voted in Ohio on thoamll,u' "ul. m" ",lvu " .leuuv
.i... .n .......i :i... i t.i: .:..i..
uw I0r 1,114 cau 10
A Tit.WEi.Kii who stole divers articles
from a store iu Corydon, Iowa, was detec-
tcJ b Lox of 'WM ow
110 f tolon articles. The pens were spilled
all tho way from tho store to his wagon.
Beterson's Detector cautions thu pub-
lie to refuse Fives on tho Western Bank of
Philadelphia. Over 85,000 in spurious
bills have becii recovered. The notes are
well engraved, and good imitations of tlio
I genuine,
At the recent election in Maine, Mr.
Balph Farnham, tho only survivor of tho
battle of Bunker Hill, now 105 years of
valke(1 pis mil,;, lo vote, lo hiU
votca at every Presidential election biuco
tho adoption of tho Constitution.
The last number of tho Noilh lhithh
Rcvuw contains an article on meteorology,
in which severe winters aro stated to bo
connected with the appearance of spots on
If .M
t1B noxt shouhl bo . vcrv ,.oU, 0..,.
Andrew B. Hutchinson, a son of Jesso
unson. of Millfnrd'V. 1L. and a
1 i..i... .n i.' tt'..i.:
singers, died, at the Lunatic Hospital, of
Suut Poston, of chronic insanity, on
..!.. tr r.r,.. i-
, -"ulu- "u ' "'"J 3"'
fii..n c t..:, tv n .i.i...
.,.m..,.. sum
ii .ran iimii l,..irniA .n
lcon rcccivcii in tImt city (lutiu tlie prcs.
out year. These robes are all tanned by
tho Indian suiiaws: their lords of creation
do not stoop to such works of art they do
the hunting.
Chicago (III.) Tiibunc says that a rail
road official has recently left that city, in
hasto, aud that an examination of his ac
counts with tho company exhibit a deficit
of from 817,000 to S'-iO.OOO. Ho was what
ii called a "fast1' young man,
Arroi.NTMKN'TB. lho following an
pointmcnts havo been made by the Presi-
dent: Theodore IJ, Wheaton, United States
Attorney ior tuc icrntory ot icw iucmco ;
.J. Uostoru bmitli, ot xSow lork, Uousul
General at Constantinople ; Daniel A.
llohinson, of Michigan, Consul at Abpiu-
wall. '
As Inojf V
Kgypt is c.tabll
ai.ace. Tho Pasha of
ailing a magnificent palace
lju'u ot "ouch cast iron, tor a museum ot
antiquities, to be tilled witli relics ot anti
quity found in Egypt, in tho execution of
which 2,500 men are now employed uudcr
tho direction of Marictte, lho French arch-
Cold Wjutiiku in Fuancp. Extra
ordinary cold weather has been experienced
in the South of Franco. A Paris letter,
tJECe TuliitfrfU tor isoi.
r r o s p k o v v s.
Tho XXth Volume of tho Wccklv Tri-
buno coinmcnccd with tho issue of Sept. 1.
During tUO past year lho lrlbUllO has
t.An 5,l!nrf (n ilnvnln nnilr. n lapo nnr.
bCOn Obliged to UOOtO qillto a large por-
tioll of its SliaCO to politics, but We Shall
, . 1 i, ,..( , . 1
SOOIl 1)0 ablO to forego X'olltical discussion
almost entirely, tor momus not lor
VcaM nntl UOVOto nearly all OUT columns
lo'SuMcct's of less intense, but inoro ali
ding, interest. Among these, wo moan to
pay especial attention to,
, , , . :
ucation, both popular aud general, will bo
,V,Ja in our nnliimiw llirramlinnt tho
1. Kuncauon, lliowholo object 01 cu-
vear 1801, and wo hope to elicit m that
, ' ., , , ,
dltClHSlOn On 801110 Of tho prOfOUlldcSt
tnmi.ors ami ino amcsi uisiruttors m our
country. It IS at OllCC our hope and our
resolve that the cause ot r-lucatioii shall
receive an inipctm from the exertions of
rp .. i i i ir 1 .1 .
i im iiiuuuc in lis uuiiaii uuhiilt iuu u.ii
10," I
11. Agriculture, Wo havo been com-
,, , . ... i i . c .1'.
nellcd to restrict our elucidation-) of this
grcat interest throughout 1600, nnd t-hn.ll
endeavor to alouo tucrclorin leui. hat-
over discovery, deduction, demonstra.ion,
is calculated to render the reward of labor
devoted to cultivation more ample or nioro
certain, Miall receive prompt and full at-
71ff.u,',-iife .Co Wn ifl,ln,-ni.,-
M'HU'J icturrs, iyc. c hail ecrj
invention or enterprise whercbv American
n.,:.i ,.,i r..n, oi.;,.i .,i
v.ijuiui nuit J, mui . ...m.v.v.. tu .ti,.
advantageously employed in any depart
ment of Manufacturing or Mechanical
Industry as a real contribution to the
Public Weal, insuring ampler, hteadiur,
more convenient, more remunerating mar
kets to tho Farmer, with fuller employ,
mcut and bettor wages to tho Liborcr.
The progress of Mining, Iron-Making,
Steel-Making, Cloth Weaving, Sc., &c,
in our country and the world, hhall be
watched and reported by us w'uh an earn
est and active rympathy,
IV. Foieign Ajjuirs Wo employ tho
best correspondents in Jondon,
Turin, Berlin, and other European Oapi-
.but certainly preparing. In spite oftho
pressure of Domestic Politics, our News
trom tlio Uld n orld is now varied anil
' " I e J- j-
oeloro us
inlormatiou mainly ro.u ths multilar.oin
correspondents of the Associated Pres.,
from our exchanges, and tho occasional
li tters of intelligent friends. Wo aim to
print tho cheapest general newspaper, with
the fulk'-t and most authentic ."umin.iry of
uscful intelligence, that is anywhereaffor
dcd. Hoping to "mako each day a ciitie
on tho lat," and print a better and better
paper from year to year, as our uieans are
steadily enlarged through the generoui
co-operation of our many wcll-wMicrs, w
olicit, aud shall labor to deserve, a con
tiuuauco ot public lavor.
Daily Tribune (:U1 issues per annum)
SO; Aemi-WrrJt (10 1 issues per annum)
S!3; Weekly (52 (issues per annum) 8'J.
' To ( litbs S"iiti-lleekly; Two copies
for 85, 1-ivo for 811 2.i, len copies to om-
address tor gati, and any largur niinihor
at tho latter rate. For a club of Twenty.
an extra copy wi 1 bo sent. For a club ot
v the Tl6;(m,
I Weil;;; Thrco copies for $5, Eight
t.0l"ls.,u,.""' ! ' 1
copies for 810, and any larger number at
theratoottl 2D each per annum
each per annum, the
j, cluba of Twcutv wo
r to be addressed to oach subscriber.
scud an extra
I Tacntv conies to nne aeldren for ?20
...i. ' i- . - i- -i- ....i..
wiui ono extra to mm who seims us me
i..i. t.i.. i. -1..1. o it 1 t
club. For each club of Ono Hundred,
tho Uawj I ribunc will be sent grati for
one year.
When drafts can bo procured it is much
safer than to remit Bank Bill. The
name oftho Post-Olfico nnd Stato should
in all cases bo plainly written.
Payment always in advance. Address,
THE TlUUUXE.No. 15-1 Xasau Sticct,
New York.
- 1 On the 8th inst., bv tlio Ilev. It, Kcllv.
Mr. Wjlliam L. Oolk, and Mi 3hkuk
K. Hostun, both of Ucntou township, Co-
lunibia county 1'a,
On tlio 2Sth ult , by tho llov. Win, .T,
Eycr, Mr. John P. KuAiiELRis,and Miss
C. Miller, both of Loctut, Columbia no
On tho 6th inst., by tho same, Mr. Ja
cob Kiioads, and Miss C. llAERlti, both
of lloaringcrcck, Columbia co,
October 11th, by Hex. John Thomas,
Mr. JoJcph It. Schmucklcr, of Beading,
Pa., to Miss Mary E. Caldwell, of Lime
stone, Pa.
T ll.!l. V-.,.l., ,il. .
.i .wt,,.iv, ,u,viiiui tin, iimL., uj
ucv. .1. W. heliwartz, Mr. Amoi II, Ilor
lacher, to Miss Jano Thomas, both of Ha
zlcton. DIED.
In Mahoning twp,, Montour county, on
tho evening of tho 1st inst , Susan, daugh
ter of David Philips, Esq., in tho 15th
year of her ago.
In Iribh Valley, September 28th. Peter
Scholl, Jr., aged 5 1 years, -1 mouths, and
21 dayc.
In Irish Valloy, on the 0th ult., Peter
Scholl, Sr., aged 69 years and 12 days.
In Danvillo, on Sunday, tho 11th int ,
Catharino, -laughter of Andrew and Cath
arine Scroth j aged -1 years, 3 months and
18 days.
In Danville, on Monday, tho 12ih inst.,
after aprotractodillnoss,Andrew J.Thomp.
son, in tho 01th year of his ago.
COJiEC7'i.7) T.r.Kl.Y
CORV(olil) ..,
OATX :. ..
Si I
. is
the official
TArCR of coNftnrss.
rpmlml iiiil.irrllii'fii, nml Inform lliosmtioiniiyifi.,t;,,
blfrlb. lht ConfM will mrrl on till fl t Mntidiv
of cl Icembor, hcn t .hull Kumo rMIhlnj ",J
l"ivr nnmcrt rprr. Tlii-y linVp l.ointiulilUriKit.olan. tnont riuMlcmrn know iliflrrlnrnctT.nnJiliercfn,;
1 ilcomlt icci1Im to f Ive n inlmiu ntcount of tho kind
'''T,'o,' m ,fpo r .nop,,,,,,,
In both bmnrlifR ffConcrf taken lownIiv rrportrt.
rquni, t Icrtntto nny mrp of linrt hand urfter in thin
or In nny other country. A majority nf them will cn(
be nblc to report, mbniimt ten thnusnd wonl m hmir
hin the nvrrnce numbfr r virfl spoken bv flit-ri t
yprnkcm rarely exceed arven thounnnd ftve liundrid
word nn hour, U'henthe debates ofn ilav do not make
more ttmn forty-flro rolumn, they Hlnnpenr (n th
ninro umn rnrly-firn roliimn., they niunpppnr In iha
iniiy ninbcof iho nci nnminir. iticii vv-in cintain.iI0
""vr.M,i: l'h l0?0!1!", wlih,,
n .mi i. nv juiK.ini; rveniii.
"covnRPMln;rtlonlt AnArKHDlJvillnnlniTl
report of nil ttif lphap In Voner'x. rnvlnttl l.v ih
tprakprn. Ih Jlcmnsoi. nf lho rrPil.lenl fif Ifnitrd
DppnrtmpntMiie i,nwt p-io,i iintinciiio .omion. j"i
fnplniijlnilpwuionll. Tlioy wlllb prltilnl nn n
rmnn n ns nincpn -ri,n ......i ..m ,
K'ii" h?."Liy5p"!M
flicnppil work pirf pnl.l n nnj- rmnilr)'. uhrilir.
u r.-iprmi ur pnnicu irnm rnAnuprript copy, laklngf,,.
aatn Hie nvernup ntimliPr of ivorilH H cnnt.ifnii.
Tlin fommint aon.lnn will, ivllliout ilmiM. do nn uniia.
"uyiii,roniiiiionn.i)i.r.iuiipiiicirMtpitvin. inngtm
"""ii'urc, Ire upon Iho pollrj- oflh IVIilonl olort and
Tin - umbo m i.e. n t h; i.oonfo, i,.ov, m,.ii... J
JJjljJ,;;'" frmiiich fniidcMiciof uWijtcii t.,i,
inr onnri.iovi, oiohp. Aprrinn p f,
K;;';, lho ,.,, f
i nwof coouroMnnit iho iiphai,'n thrroon.
pr' - lntlnii Ihorcof, nn,l lo ninkp frpo llio rornmiinirattna
i i-; hi rrprrnt-ntauvo nnn roti-iiinfiit iiodion
mu r,rhnv thtie,,i ir-r iinrru.Mi,,.
if.!h' P."''"1 s'l"".1r """ri" i cmsmtjttnnhin.
i .T.' r.trr"1 """"f "
law nnil llio riph-itoit llirron, flmll pn frpp llirotiEh
mail, icilfin- nli thonnrnp nli.ill lip publlihPil by orci, r
of ronsrom PrarlM, Tint iinlhln? li-rpin ihnll b- run
jtNioil I to ntlinrl7o tbo cltculalion of tho Diilt Oloii
fr'" ofpoflao,
Approvcil. Angufir,. 152.
Tor n copy of Tit IUht III our. for four mo. p j nn
lor 1 ropy ofTnr riiKonr. roxit. rlt.oni; aid
Arrr-cmi.ilurlni! tlix roaalon, n
I or -J rnplra Onto when or Icroil nltho aamo limp on
No nltniilion n ill bopai,! Mnny onlrr nnlpaallio mm
ry nrroiiipiny it,
nink nuli-a, rnrrpnt in tlio aortlon oftho roimlry h.ra
n iib.rnb-rrPiilp. w ill In-rpfrlvpil nl par. Tlicnlmh
nr nny p.irt ofn aiib.rriplion mnv bo p-nnllpil In po,ii(i
at.niip., nlnclilaprpforalik-tunny curr-nry, eirit toil
or llvor. ici.
- nii-.ii, i,i.,mr. aud Wlllfn rnnmi
Wnalilnston, Nov 17. IMO tl.
joiin' c. nivus
n lliaT wmn: nv ii'in; iirinun
."j L '
Tiwnorso nnd His Diseases
nv uoiieut jennimis, v. r.
Prrfctmr of Pat 'hologi unit operative S'ir
Lcry in me I Herman, Vvllent ot ' J'hit-
llll.L TLU.rOVOtlhi- orlcion, lii.tnrymiJrir.tinrfi,
irniu .r ihf tnri'Mis Trik ut fur.
1"-.h, anrirnn ami ,m ri i
Horm)., (ilnh pli)icnl lornntn.i
iin-l th-' pjriUriti',i ul tliu ammH
anJ hw to .i-u rt iiri lna ko l tin
tiiiinbT nnd rmiihUon v( tun tri h
llliixtriit'Ml W UU iiumcrouii ciMaiuti
7 he II and his DUrai's
WILL TLLL lOtril'llneditic, I'p nkirtp, HaMtunf.c
niff, Uriitniiinp, nhoi-iiiji. and HiL'trMi innnnRi tiifiii if the liru wit't
Hi.' Ii'jt iitoilfs .f nli.ihijt'riiii; iik-i
fin-, n'po, Imir U tn-nt Inline kick
in,!. ro(irint, liing, stuinMnij. -tiIi
f-iiiutr, KfittlcH'iit tii, and oiUcr ic
In nhivh In h fiiljrt, nith nuuirr
'"is I'xpi.inatory ntjtrrungi..
Iic Uonc unit his J)icnc3
HILL ir.KL roUiiC tin nun.., iipiti iitonifl. nnd Trent
int'iit nf.irnimlirf. 'I hnat
temper. Ontnrrh. Inllu-ni-i, run. hit
li,l'iifiiiii.,iii.(, I'l. ttfiKj.l rok-n Uinl
t'tironif t'oiiuii.Uu.-iruiRiiiii! histlmit
l4iiipii.Siiri Mouth nnd I'licr mil
l-fcitd 'iVi tli with niliT iliinsii'i
lhu U",lth 1,1,1 Isfratfto )rt,aiu
Ihc Ilorsp ami Aii h'S'itS'S
ttJLL Tl'.LL tOY Of th-i naii'cn, f j mpinritw. nnd
JUnn Bone, Hvvcmiic, Htrain, iv
Kn,-.'8, i,t CntiB, Foundi-r. rt-.I-Urui'M
nnd (irnvil, rr.ikiil ll.i'f
tT.tMi k t'.tnhfr Thr'ori "'i-' '
nl. nf Mcjinnn. Wrtixn. tll p r
W.n;sri'rttBii 1 t (!M.ifi'in'f thvte t
nnd lU-itd.
ffor r taut , i)is'uss
WILL Vt'.U, YOU nf ihriMr. BV'ni'luiH an iTrcnt
ni'-ntnf I'l'tula, foil V.i, man.h'M,
I'rtrry. Hrarli'l C-i r. iriff Hnrf. il
l.u rvd Jaw, lilifiiiii.tlitm, lr imp
(J.illK Ilit-nii uf Hie Kc ati'l Hntt
.r,,Acinnd huw tn in.iri.i(, C.Ttr-t
li'Mi, ttircimi,', Trfpliuiniiijr. Rc.
I Mi)?; 1 irine. lUrma. Ainpulitcn trap
1'iua, and tith'r vurj:ir,il fpniatiijn
Ifelhrs: ami his JJwnsts
WILL Tl'.LL l ot Of Rnrcy's Motlmduf tanune Wattp
Jmw tn npprnneh, Ifa'Mr, or Htutde a
t'nlt, huw tu aciiBtnm a lnTf i
rtrnuVi' H'Mindt nnd iplitu, aii'l liow
tu Pit, Hndillo. U'iiIp, nnd Crenk Ima I'
Hnrnsn; alfoilii form nnd law l
WakH N rT, Thcuh'de hi' I tig tti n
ftilt .f innnMtnnfliViti yenr' tarffid
ptudj'orilioli.ibitH. p eiili.iritK'.wnl
nnd nrakin'i of this iidIiIu and
Tli o.d( rnntalrn 3pac?9. nppropj.itcly il'uitrat 1
by "t-'urly One llundrrd r.ucniviiu.'g. It In prinifd m
fu'nr and opvu type, nnd ill be furninhcd to anv ad-tri
p'wt.iL") pail, nn receipt i( price, half hound , $UK), it hi
rl"th, extra, 4l.l!5.
1 inc in.u lv
i-rvwlfrn. In Hulling ihs Hhove nnd nthcr pupuhr wrki
ftfour, Uur iiiilucciucnt. to hM audi nri ric t.'ljnuly.
r'ir ninel" rrtung of lho rtnnk. or fur trrin to ngtntl
uithutlKr iiirormiilHin, apply to ir mlilrca
i;. rtirri'.u, enWi-ii-r
N'n. fi!7 aiHomt'trcet, rjiilnlelphia, I'a.
Not 17, lFCO-lmi.
RIIMAIVIXU in tlio Toil Office at llloniiuhuri, Ta ,
. Nov. nit, iw.o.
AMmtt, r.iln.irl II.
lire., Ilrnry f
llowcl, It. H.
liaml. A. II.
Jones, David Vlnr (Ship)
Johti.nn, Win.
Lemon, M., tit-orgt'
Way Miii'i I
Mailox, Cliarlm
StHthrw, Hunn
it rilhcu a. T Ea-t.
Ocilon, Thoa
Onr-il Cliarl.-y
1'ltlll i s . M. 0.
Itfinli-v. W. Jatnra (Ship)
Illik-I, W,
ltuti-y, Ilrnry
Htnley, Ui bccs Mia.
Flirotr, I'. L.
sini u, ..
Hnrluncf-r. Iltnry
Ptnalt.W. II.
'rnrni-r, Jno,
Thompson. II. C.
Van ri It. N.
Wallace, W. A.
n-nltin.H. II Ilr.
Warlman, K.
Wright, John S.
AmtriWi. Aaron
nrr. W.
Hi-nton. P.irnll Misa
llutor, W. E. a.
Ilooni', It.
rilaki'r, .Morna
form, Lnnrinc
t'oiipi-r, I , tl in yh"
I'rLH'iitliaiirh, William
llow iii-y, ll.i, .l
l.ivirR, Jnfjn 3
Dnilson, J. I),
IMrtiiK'. II.
Duly, U.S. S
II -trick. V.lm
Itnoi, Jaroh
llvani. II. 1'. 5
r.Mingpivnrth. Jamei V.
I'.v.-h. Jo., w.
rri-na, 11 II,
ri.iiiiouch. m. n.
I'ialir-r, 11. l 5
Ciino, Jainc. (rliip)
(rc-nnaM, Knthul 9.
Ili-nilrrarint, J,uana
llovuhx I.
n.-llli-k. Ja".i
H. ilmnn. I lia
iloran, Uann-i
lWaona rallini for tbo above letters, will plrase MT
they aitf ailiertiavd.
Light Street Store.
Crrav, Brother fall hands on active duty
WE Would inform our friends and
rustnmcra.thit wo have just received n utl
usually laryt'ftsiiortiiicnt nr
WhichueolTcratloucrratt'd.for ready pay, than anT
pvlt befort' ppontd litre and w ill bo st'Iil "rlicaper lian
tlie cUeiiiHft.' .
We lull nut attempt to rnumeiate the various art. MM
Ihey nru fiumemc and their nani'ili legion an'a
rimttf !?toro H'khiu, including the Cellar nnd (iarrct. are
lilli'd touverlluwinir, Tiierunrc to bn found the fiiH'si
fnbnckn, in tho country at avtonisliii glow fiirurcs"'"
die' wmr in pront arictien, at tt5 pir cent, lower tia
ever before oileri-d.
ciuTiia, Muai.iys. nnocEiucs, hatp, cai9.
lioots, Shoes, etc,.
at tho aamc rate. In short, almost ever) thing in t,ia
merranule line from a needlu tu an onrliof.
UT" OuifnendawilldowelltocJill before they iow
thiir pelectiouK,
II. W. CnCASV, & CO.
Light Bireet, Ort 27, lff.0.
E, 5Tr It X W t v
1 n n. t T T i "xr m T A 17
H A I 1 U IV II I. 1 4 1 11 " I
H HLOOMiBVItri. r.i ,
H Oilice in Court Ally, firmrrlr otxnim.d l ClitH
12 Kuckaleo.
Is Dlooiusbuti, Dec I 13C0.