Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 03, 1860, Image 3

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    1 1
Cultttnbia lemncrat
Wheat 1 10
Kyo ...7f
Corn (iU
Shoulder 1(1
lJuttor 18
fc'R3 12
Tallow 12
Lard 12
Potatoes 00
Dried Apples. 1 00
VhitolIounfS...l 00
Buckwheat SO
Hams, 1U
WW muiiiu un
Calvin Cooi-eu, Esij., advertises a
valuable Farm and premises, nt Public
Salo, in Greenwood township, this county
on Saturday, 17th of November, to which
wo invito public attention.
Thanksoivino Day Gov. Packer
ha issued hi proclamation appointing
Thursday, tho UUth day of November, as
a day of Thanksgiving in Pennsylvania.
Cheap ITats & Caps. Mr. John K.
Girto,nt the Now "Uloomsburg Hat Km
porium," is soiling Hats tc Caps fast and
cheap. Ho keeps a good assortment.
Call early for great bargains.
Tiimc will bo a political discussion on
next Monday evening, tho Oth iust., at
Thomas' School House, Franklin township,
Columbia county, Pa., between Michaei,
ViiiT.MOYEn, Republican, and Ciias. IS.
Duockwat, Democrat. All parties arc
cordially invited to attend.
Vocal Co.vckiu'. The Hudson litolh
cn, intend giving a Grand Vacal Concert,
011 Monday evening next, at tlio Court
House, in Uloomsburg. This Troupe liavo
nciuircd a high reputation as First Class
Vocalists. Wc adiio our friends to go
and hear them.
Tin; Ameiucan Acmicur.-nmisT, for
November, has arrived, nnd wo may say,
Vl'ltUOUt CSageratlllg tlio truth, that it IS an I
... , .
improvement UPOII all former number? Of '
...... 11.1 lilt
L.utt. jub.j ucieuiuieti .11111 rmiiiiiiiu riirrt .
, . ... ... I
cultural publication. Address Orango
r . . -mr ... ... ...
JUUll, A. .U , iNOW lone. rilCO Ollly SI
Mesisk.s. Maut 1: Kmt, havo just open-
cd a largo lot of New Goods in Light
Street. See their Mcrc.mtilo Card in our
1 . .. .
AU VCrtlblllg Columns. I ilCSO gontlemun keep
t m. . u fi . .
ft gOOU QtOl'ti ami aJCll UOOtU VCry Cheap,
it ii 1 1
ami to the examination ot their l'resli
K,.ii! ii , . , 1
iOCk, publlO attention IS lllVlted,
TiimtE Imvo been more improvements
in Vlooufeburg move liousos built thau
in any former tuason, for tlio last twenty
jcavs. The country is everywbere pros
poring ntlvatiuiinj in iuiprovcmvuts. Tlio'
people aro learning ccoucmy, irtuo aud
frugality o.-pecially thoc of our citizens
who buy thisir Good ut JJottlo'a Cheap
Store iu Lk'bt Street.
Tnu complete Poetical 'N'oisksof Thom
as Campbell, with an original biograjihy,
and uotcs, edited by Jpos Sargent, and
published by Crosby, Nieholi, Leo & Co.,
7tns.rnn. lhlifl nr Sl..".. iin.r.M.Tt. unnl ltv
; . . D . . .
tllO 1'UUIHIICrSJ lS.tiie CUItlOU WlllCU 0V
cryuoiiy, wlio tlesircs to have a copy ot tuo
woiks of lite classical Campbell ought to,
aud ft ill buy.
It is prefaced by a memoir of about one
Jiuudrcd pages, contains fifty new poems,
. , J 1
UlsllCU Wit I IilS WOrKS or IllO irnt time,
and is embellished with two portraits of
the author. i,i)"lana lias produced no
... in
liner tyriu poet man uauipueii ; aim nia
"Pleasures of Mope," "O'Connor's Child,"
"Gertrude of Wyoming" aud ''Loehiel's
Warning," aro amoug those writings, up
on which tlio ecal of immortality has been
.p. . , .... i ... i ,
llllS beautltlll CUItlOU, both as to
. . i i :.wi: . , , .
paper, typo ami uiuuina om'lit to provoke
Urr, Ml nf r-h ., nnrl w
trust it may.
Trie Gr.Nr.8ES 1'aiimbu. Tho Novem
ber number of tho Genesee Former is re
ceived. Among its contents may bo men
tioned accounts of the New York, Ohio,
Michigan, Iowa and Now Hampshire Stato
Fairs ; a full report of tho Evening Dis
cussions at the New York Stato Fair, and
a report of tho discussions nt tho last meet-
ing of tho estorn Now York Irmt-U row
ers' Society. Its leading aiticlo is on
"Fattening Sheep iu Winter," followed by
many other scasouablo aud interesting
articles on agricultural and horticultural
subjects. We would again recommend tho
Gctusce Farmer to our readers. It is to
cheap that all can afford to tako it, ovcu if
they already subseribo for several other
agricultural papers. It costs only fifty cts.,
a year, and the puplishcr offers to send tho
last three months of this year fiee to all
who subseribo now for 1801. Scud tho
fifty cents iu stamps, or gst one of your
neighbors to join with you and send a dol
lar bill, to Josei'h IIaiuus, ltochcstcr,
N. Yr., nnd tako tho paper for fifteen
months. We notice in tho present number
a list of forty-three tubjects for Prize Es
says, Tlio Fougliltccpsio, N. Y., Wido-Awakcs
got into troublo the other night, parading
a haniier with a device representing
Erastua IJrooks smashing Itishop Hughes
with an axo. The Catholics gatheroil in
force, and a general row ensued. Tho
banner was withdrawn, aud quiet restored.
Valuable Real Estate.
. ., ' , ,
taturday,thcUtdan of December next
&r.ffiEiViavj?i jar stains
township. In said county, deceased, ntlt exposo t sale,
, , . r ,
.nlr,.r.ln,, - . . ..... I
M and J.fPk (1 CoIi fill tin' N'nrth.Jrihti I ftln mi Iti.i U'ntf.
unu aiiunisomury uoiu on m bouui, containing
One llunred nud Fifty Acres,
more or less, onnhlch nro erected n PRAM
HUUHIi, and
nlllrtrkrmith Shnn. Rirn. and othernnt liiiltlntra. Mm,,
Mlnrrea of which is elenred nnd In u good stale nfculti
Mil Ion, tlm residue la well timbered, u good bearing op
fiu wiiiiiiiii,iiibu 11 7'llUT-l.IUII.
I -ale tlio estate of said deceased, situated In tho tcmn
chip of tiunrtojf, uud county uforcsntd.
Oct. 27, left).
JEWKIVKY, and silvkuvake.
l- 13 would ruspectrully tiiforni our friendf, in
VV patrons mid tho puMic ptnrrnl!y, wo ykttK
iiinviTi Mi-r nml ofllr Wliolvmilo and lie
tail, nt thi'loWL'l't Lll I'rii-na. n t.irirn nml vi fV.ifuiVi
choke flock rf WaUhei.otid Juuilry, SUvtr and l'latcd
it iiri-i iu i-t ry ant ly niiu n) ic.
ilvery dicriptin of Uinuioud Work and other Jewel
rv mado to order at iliort notice. Lt All puoiI
ted tu be on repri'niod.
, ii. raninunr ntiemton pivffii i' tlio Repairing of
Watches and Jewelry, of e v ery description,
No. Mi Mark' t Bt.,Suutli Side, riiiUdelphla.
HeplPinbtr 13, ItfWl. Hiri.
Makri't Street Wiurf, ruiLADKLHiiA,
Dealcts in Fish, (lueso I'rovlslous.
Have constantly on hand tin assortment of
mUV.l) AND rciKLKD Flail, &.c.,l:
Mackerel, Khad, !?.iliiiou, lltuu Huh, lltrrlmrs. CoJAih
lletf, l'ork, l.nrd, Should, r, Hams, fciJci!,
C'lmuse, lluaiid, It ice, Ace,
Sept. CUed) -3m.
llr. J.l'. CahxnFR. is thu lieneral Airont. Wholestlo fc
Ilttall. ror Dr. "Wln-ntinff's" Cilfhrnted Female fills
7'Arae Villi arc trail ralualile for ljjdiea,for llicij mil
A7tre intintblij ruariea if sere they may tlepj'roin any euitsr
vhalmeter. They net t r h.iu laileil In ut.y cane whiru
llio il.rectioiis around tlio ho loiitiiliiilig tho fills have
been utrictly follotrtd, indeed, there has no case ori.iiliiro
tl.-rtomc niuiir ktiowled'o. Ueiug portly U'getable
they aru perfeilly sufi'. .Single box nulled to order
postage paid upon rocLint ot unu dollar, by
J. I'.CimARUR,
Sipt. !!.', 1S0I). Il.illlinura city, Md.
FiMe of J. 11. )t.vii deceased.
The uiitbritned, auditor appointed bv tho Orphan's
t'nurt tdCidiin,lii.i I'ounty, to distribute tho assets lu Iho
hind, or Benjamin I'. rurtnur, nihniiiotmtorotthee.tatu
01' J. II. ltai, Idto of Columbia Count, dictused ac
rorunut 101110 r.iles aim pro.oriioiH I'siaoilsueil uy.nw,
w ill alteud to tho duties of his appointment, at his oltlto
i.. Woiinis.iay. ti. i-th day or novcii-
ir. A 1). nt 1 1) i,'t lot Ic ill the foretitioii: when ami
where a'l Indue ilaiiii, agjinit tlio said estato
sliaill present llie s.iini'. or no uio.trreil iroiu cuiiiinj; in
; tor a eh ire c.f virnX utidetu.
(Motor 2J, ld(0.-4ttf.
Estaca ofJusiah B. Dodson,
11111 liiiucrniiien, nnuiior iii'puiiueu uy iuu .iiu,i m
Coii.uion VU m et Columhla County to distribute the moil-
cv n turned bv the tin rni". us raised out of the tale
of the real e'etato nf Joiah U. Dodson, amonu the
creditor-) ot the gaid IhidMiii, according to law', will at-
tend totheduura.d hm uppuintiueiu, at in miii-o, in
IHuomilmrg, nn Tuesday, thu '-'7th day of Nmemb. r.A.
I). 10,.1ii0o'il.(rkiu lh.if..reiio.m; when ami where
nil p riioiii h uing 1 Iumia ui,r.iiiisi the said Do.lsun, are
re-piested to jinx nt the tame, or he debarred Iroin com
ing in upon uaid hinJ.
WLsI,T;V WHIT, u(iror.
Oitoln-r 20, lMtU, Un.
'J'lie co-iinrtiii.rt.hin heretofore exitinc between the
tuuUr-igimd in the M reannlr Butine, in Jerse) tow rt,
f olumlna toiinty, was difedvid 011 the tlt of October
IMiO, by u111lii.1i toiiieut. All persons indtbtd to the
late Urm are (nriutly reUted to rail imtnediateiv uud
make settlement. The Hunk nre In thu oilire ofJ, A.
I'uuiioii, twiidours west of 1 lio (.tore were the acroitnts
Mfill be adjuBledby eithtr member of the luto firm.
J TS'-ytoun, Ort. 20, letX).-3iu
EiUtc of Ludwg Gtgenhcimer, deceased
JVOTK'C is luri'lur gll'i'ii Utter', orailiniiilslratiuli
X nn tin" .'.lit t of l.'i jruilii iinvr latu of
touDfeliiji, CuiuiiiUi.ilmi.iiI), jLu-..&i.d,iuu lifiMt ttraiiti'il
b) lrii'ltiii!l?L'ri'f salil . utility t'i 11m uiiiUtsiiiiiciI, wlio
rt cities ii. j.oLuHL ttu iifiiip. .u ii-rsniis luiiiig ciaiins
ir tlemnml. n-'aitist tlivct.ti1 of tho ituu-ilcnt arp rt'uiif.t.
lit tuprt's. nl tlifin lur .ftt I'ltieat, and llioso iiukl,tcii to
unite pajuiunt nimont Uilay.
Lncilitt Oct. 20,
' in Tin: oui'iia.ys' t.'ouitr.
mllK Autliltir niiiii.fiitctl It. mnktt ilitrilititinn .1...
,hiU??, "' l,J";!" "f A,,f,''1,'!'," ""i'1"""; Aiiunnis.
tr..tor ol lliu tstat.t oi l littnns Uoltliins, latii of tlm s.utl
f'y, ..'cmis, w. i im- t mu uiMrmuti-.', nn,i all p. r-
siiiih mtt'rL-s nil. In, t it; nurtiuM.. nl it, nnim m t ..,
l1,.v!,,li101','.',,ll,'K,,,l".','l'li' ""'"mi'Y iih lwiid.iy ..r
. ,in,.ifc ui;,, ii. ti.rt u nMiifs mi .inn. ,, ..i.iuiu
'"'" i'i iwru u iia.ini! culms
or ri'iiulrftltJ irs.;iiltliuiii,ur LclurcvLrdiuarrtd Iron,
ww ,ai .unu.
niown.imrg.Oct. , in,o.
j. o. ntni:zc,
Estate of Jsuae lr. Musgrove, deceased.
rrtlli: unt!crsi.'lu'il nipoiutfil Ly tlio Orphan'. Court of
J- i.oiuiiiin.1 uiuii.y in iiuiiii. .it lie .nn. atijusi nm nc-
count uf Samlli.uh.I Aabon U'. .Mim.iuiil, loliiiinislr.v
tors ot me mid l.-l.ilt! mi txwpllons llK'tl to tntj sditlitc.
ciiuiinmi.iifiidf.iriiiatiiiiriiii.aiin, niooms.
..ATUKI.A tl. , Kll. .1 .y of .NIJVUMIltlt nut
lllo'.lock t. .M..of wliitli Iiiiiu and nlaLi. all nersons
illttrt-'ltcdnrurc'inircil to t.iHc uotur.
juii.v u. rncnxi:.
Oft 13, 1SC0. .ladUor
rpilll uiitlLrsinetl rc.piTlfnlly iufurm, llie ladies of
. Ifltitiiii.litirv. and it. .ut) , tfi it lu lias Just rclnrioi
from Hit! City u itliu spl.'iuliil u.soitmi'nt of new
ffitlflBslLUfiiaslBV 4)2)3.
coNiiiiiiinc evjrtlun5 rotnmonly ftuiud i it a tirfct-cla f t
Alillim-ry Mre. Her fctjlJ t( iMmw ts, rnnnot b- bur
n.used in thu eecliou of cuuntry, nnd her Work will fa
orablv comii.treu'ith nuv done thi si U of tlw rilles.
Hie h.u tui hand a lot of iunt nud liaiidnmue bonnet,
iw 'uViikl'uv"
Illoomsbwrs, (Vt. 13, la00.
WCl.avo one of the creates! riirinsltic, nntl ino,tval
liulile inventions in thu known uorltl, fur nliieli xmj
want agents I'verywlivro. Ly' 1'ull iiarliculur. sent on
receipt of luorrii ilainpf.
kUCUCR Sc CO , Towanda, Pa.
Oit.SO, lfliO-Ct.
J. 1". 11 U HER,
(Successor tn J. r1. Furyek.)
It'll u 1C.1I.F.U I.Y
No, d North 1'irril Ht.. ab-v Mnrket,
AUo, Mantfafturer and Importer of
Way U. ldbO-l'-'in
E Ki. 1 & S T
A T T O 11 N K Y A T L A W ,
Office Iu Couft Ally, f'trmerly occupied by Charles It,
flucLaleVT. ,
Illoorostiurff. Dec, I, l?bl.
For tlw ttWAV ' llt.Lll.f ani
i-KiiM.wy.vr cum: ot thi, iii-
0 tressius con..luint use
Made by C. II, HEVMOUlt &. CO, 107 Namai' ikelt, h .
True. SI Per tioi : cnt frre ly oott.
yon sjilj: at mil vnuutusrs.
May 12, lPM-lim.
"Aiiv l.ndv lm will send ber address lu Mrs. I!. Cti.
iuR;Balliiiiore, Mil, with tlircc tlircu pcimy postu:
incl,,,!.',! il ,, bvreiurun,d.l.;u.cihi:
ofiinporunco loher.
rJcft.S.', 1-W,
, ShoriPs SaIcs.
Virluo of a writ of Levari Facias to
to public sale, ut tho Court llouiis In mwin.burir, on
Tiursduy mh day of Novembtr 1800.
. m ' " -. -
jii il, v...,. , ,. i, , .
oiieoljthem lalleiVBALBEO,' bounded and described a.
l"oi,iottlt:bei;lniiliigatapost tlicnco by laud of
i":J .h V-0 J '.'l.y.'lW" . V"' " I'unutcil auJ
flrntf unit Win Mi or.. 1 1. I. .... ',. i,.,..
tirtit ilnrrnpn
Wet. Olio hundred ntid mvintv ninn tirrrlm. in n nn.t
tlK-iicoby laud of JcremUli JiUboh, mith, tvwlvu ile.
Bfvc rflgt. four hundred mid ten nirrhr inn t.n.i i
tlicnco by land of It rr hard Krouk, norili icvvnty dpsreci
c-nft. no vent v tlireo iierchea In a iUt nml. nMl, .
ilegrwi went, fifteen pen lies to a pot) tlicnco north,
seventy clht degrees vnbt.efghty two perches to a black
oak j thnicu by nu old survf-y, north.twi lva decrees uest
twenty fiva pPKhes ton hickory, and north, thirty two
dturreescuii, thirty four perches to tho place of begin,
tihiff containing lour hundred and tw cite ncrta and a
half, and nllonnnca of nix pt rwnt.fnr rnnds, &c
A.NUT1 ll'.lt of Ilieni cnllml PALMYRA."
nt a a post, thenca by land of Robert tlray, north, twelvu
degrees west, four hundred nnd ten perches to a popt,
thencohylaitilorWii.. Hteeilmiti.. .null,. ...vti.v (.1.1.. I
?, " ???,"!?" ''''!," f'"1 ,u y t,ir,tl't' lu I'"-'
, ' , i M"! "r1lly' ,H.Uvu 'I!'
tVSlifr .?" iv ''''i !cf '".",!'"", ''"' 'y
l.uidorJohu Wild nnd Hit hard Urook. north .evenlv
perilie.,t, and thenre l,jr
fright degrees cast, ono hunil red and siity six pcrcl.e, to
tllil nil,.,, (if lpnl,iliitr .ft.... l..,.l...t :..:
: ." "-e" u " ii."..,,..,. unu .-nu
ruil ip w,i...ang.TO .went, .or
AN'onll'U orthciu railed "STONE HALL," begin. lj.
nlnir at a post, tln'iico by land of John Hrady, north, tiw
i he. ioa,,n.r.l,,.t;,.:!..''VVfio ," 'in "'"'? pc"
;..;..:!;.' , : ' ' .......... v..u..lB Buu.i, .
Coat oiwiipd on this tract and a Largn Coal Urcnker ,
VI I'Lii'ti HllTriiii.
ANUTllCR of t inn eallud "FAPMEns T.r.T.TflTTT"
Ix'Slnninir nt II tlOHt. tllLllrn liV l.ilnl of Win r-lnmlmnn.
norili, iixtci.-n tUgrt-et and thruo iinarter: ct, throu
liiiiuiriNl mid ten pcnheit to a pani. Oak, thoncu by
land f Win. U'ehh. south, ftcvcutv tour ii.-nri.nn (.
ono hundred nndglxty two'pcrchon to n black oak.thcncu
by land of Thonui tf.iy.stmtii.sUiecii degrerg o.iFt.twon
iy il rLiiKs iu fi iiicsuiui, UlLlliM' liy lathi oi I llllll, I
gnuth, e.aht ifrsrevg ami n luilf, cat, thrcu hundred and 1
slty n prnhen to a post, thencu by land of John lira
ny, norm, seiemy tiifiit ULgreiif4 caft;onu hundred
iiur.j i'uii-iit.- iu nu iisn : noriil, iwcivti UOCtt'ca, Wfai,
tight) .pmhog ton white oak, nnd north, srvvnty tight
ilprc'gcant, Hixty pertht-a to tho place of lieginninjr,
cnniainiiij fur Imndrrd anil i-iglitcen acrui uud allow
niu ii of six p'T Lt nt, for roadu, &c.
Anot In rol'thcin calh-d "TROY,' bopinnlng at a post
thence by laud of Jtrcmiali Jackson, north twelve de
prcig ttt-it, four hundred and Un pen lies to a pobt,
uiuiicu uy i.uiu ui iirruy, bouiii h em-cm hi ne
firei'g west eighiy ptrches ton uhito oak, BouthlwtUu
decrees u,it, eichly neri Ilea to an nnh. mmlli ne eniv
eight ih'grees wot, one lnmdred nnd thirty perilu'g to a
poht, thence by laud of John Ki-ene, soiitlulevcn degree
east, two hundred and sixty-threu perrfiei to a post, i
tlipucoby laud of Thomas Hn'ok, north seventy.-. iaht
decrees ea-t, twenty perche to a clatnut i'iik, Buiith, 1
twelve degrees enit ftirty-ouo nerrhehs to a Mack oak, 1
Iheneo by th" stiiui and laudjot John Wild, north Kteu-
iy 1111 uL'creus niFi uim nniKireu ami sn pereiie t u 0.1k, and north B'-veniy-fialit dtgree e.ut, eighty
periliesto thy place of beginning, containing 1'onr Hun-
ilrjd and Twenty-ninu atreg ami a 'piaiter, and ulluw
nneo of six pi rcdil. lor roadu, A.c.
Another ft them called '"M AINiy liegiuiiingat a
post, thence hjf land of Win. l. lirady, north eight degs.
nud nh.if vrtst, three hundred and ilsty-lvu perelien tn
a ehefctnuttrer, thence by land of Thomas S.iynud Jeigo
lludd. eoiith seventy-four decrees wetl, ono hundred and
eiL'tltWeiehtV IterLlieg toil Oust. tlliJllCO bv t.iml of 'riio.
Leila-, (,011th tjtt)tive di grees fast, eighiy.niuo perches
to ncln'MuutoaK, theme by the same ami laud of John
I.oiigenljerger, south one hundred ml iiglii).t ight per- .
chr-dton chftftnul oak, thence by land ol the said John
l.ongenliergcr, south setenty.8i degrets and a nuarter ,
west, 0110 hundp'd und twenty-four perch- g to a po-it, j
goiith sixteen degree and 11 (ju.irter e.t, one hundrud
ami four perches to a chestnut tree, nnd Uh'iilu by laud
of John Uecge, north huenly-eight degrees eaM, two
hundred uud sevent) -oil' pep h-)s iu thu pi ice of liogin
niug, coiitatiiing Three Hundred uud lhglit)-Ono acre
and three miarierit and allowance tf biv per t cut. lor
- it- u i.thcii in I'AL'cniiuu aim iu no soiu ng property
of Jacob l.tioHe in the Ii imN of D.iniul It, l.ooee, jiiimiii.
Istrator. wilh nctiio to The Columbia Coal Iron
Cuiiiiuny, turu tenants!
JOHN tfXYIlUIl.Sl.crlir.
t-hcrilV'. Olliri'. i
ItlunnifcbiirB, Ui'luljt r lt-ul.
ShcriiPs Sales.
BY virtue of a cci tain writ of Levari
Farina to me directed. Urmed out id the Court of
Common ricu, ot Columbia run my, r. jlj he exposed to
public sate, nt thu Court lltnui., lu JUuoniBbtirj,', on
Mmday Third day of Dtctmlcr 1800,
next nt one o'dork, iu the afternoon nf said day, the fuf
lowing prop riy, to wit
, (ert'iiu pit'ie or nt tu iani,w men were oi inn i.ocui
.Mount. un Coil und Iron CVmp.iny.iowuerr, nud II M,
llciluier.contrnctcir.ncerl.tiu dwelliiiir hnuPtwo cto.
rii'n huh, wiili n kitcht'ii :iit.irhd,oue nml n hulf ttnri-4
lush; the building U about thirt-two feet Ly twenty-
I'iirht Ktt iitKi fiituain upmi u ceriiun ioi nrpieic oi grouuu
within llie County of Ciduinbu, nnJ ow'iiL'd by the Hiiil
I.(h ut .Mouut.iiu'Cual ii nd lru Coum.uiy, together with
the hTCditenicnt nnd uppnrteii.niCeK.
rii'i.t d, tnWeii tu f leeution and to !ju miM the prop
erty of th1 Lot m.t Mount niu Co ilnud Iron Company ow-
Ih M. "UU. l. o, iieinuer, tumr.iuior,
AlXl Allthuttfrtiii-i lutt.f l.imi FituMo in Ci litre
ville. Ceiitte township, Coim ililn count) , bounded nud
dt'trib-d us follow it, to wit -on ihe north by un mlcy, on
th eii-t by n stn t of mid Cenireville.on the ritfutli by
lot of Jii'ob MuiiMiiger nii.J on tlw wet b nn ;illi). con
tniiiiuii ilfiy two ft ct iu front nml one huudri d nml t mil
ty f'-i l in tUplli, wh.reou U enrted h otieuud n half to
ryFKAMU uWIILI.lN't; HOi;ai:wiHi tlu appurteimn
ceii, S.-ired tnken In execution nml to he mid ns the proper
ty of Jotthih ll. I'dwnrtU
AI.SO-Allthat certain lot ofsrmind tdtuntc In (ireen
vi nil. tiiu'rwhiii. ('wllimlu.i eniitlK. boUlldfil Oil tllO north
wet hy I'lutrh-i ll.ijrnrk, nnd on the south by u pi bile
road lending l rum .Millviilo tolohrEbiir?,contaiuiug one
half of an ,cru more or leu-, w hereon are ereited u two
htoryl'KAMi: DWIILI.IN'C u log out hout,., u
Ir.ime Btible, u Iramo wupd fhed and other outbuilding',
w nn uo' uploiriiJiitii.i:i'ti,
AlAO-()ui other lut bitu.vti(n tlm twp nnd county
nf. i remind, honndtnl on Ihu north wett bv u
the nurth by a public rrd h mling frmn ,Miliiltn tollohr
hur-', on th.t en"! by lot of uf A. T. Keter, nud on tlie
Boutli by Innd of lj.ral'ei,roiit.iinlug one n-iif ornu nxra
more or uh roii l r reeled u Ir.ime Cabinei iUaktr
Simp, nnd a )(: t-tablowith th' nipurt'ii.iu(.ei.
S-ied 1. 1 W iMi in w.uiieii and to be sold m the proper'
ty of Jnmert Ilampion,
At.M). All th;it tertiiill Lot of Ground situate ill IU
nvtou'ii. Coliimliin co . boiimb daud Jescribud un follow u
tow it; on the south by .Main Stritt of naid town, on tlm
wetby lot of I'owler an I Cr.-evelin?, on the north
bv lot ef Ib.i:ij and Thuniaa Creveliug, and on tho
i-iist by lot of Andrew Owens containing forty one feit
in trout, onehuudred und cuhtyfei't in ilepth, lm the
time more or len, w h reou is erected u TWO STOlty
rit.VMK hWi.LIA.N'tJ UOCdi;. u framu htable.aud oth
er outbuildings, ith the nppurtcnancei1. j
Si'i.ud taliLii in eitculiuu and tu be sold as the proper j
ty of Prmcm I'nmboy.
AhSO-lty virtmi of u wrltofVcnd. r.x.,all that certain
Tratl ef Land, eitimtciu llnanreek tow nulnp, Columbia
f,t I.. imidi .1 on the ut-tu bv u nublie road rVailintr trmii
l..ricK,to A-w uwiumutKi, on uiunortu ty ianu oi iurr
llayman.nn thotaftby 1 md of S. V, deadly nud Ilrittaln
nnd on the nimth by land uf Ifm. Linden and oihTn.con
tuuing Kfiity acre, more or lens, nbout iHty acres uf
w Inch is cleared laud, win reou U erected a one und n
hall rtnrv frame dwelling house, afritum bf.rii, a tog eta
blu nml other imibuiMinzs, with the npptirteuaiicen.
tieied taken in execution and to bi bold us the prop
crty pf Jacob Hialllr.
AI.SO Ity inaunf a writ of testatum venditioni apo
vas if suetl out of the Court of Common 1'leas, of Mini) I
kill i uuuty, reiitnyh niila, nit that certain trait of Ijml
situate in Vrauklin tow nulnp, Columbia connij, reun'a.,
bounded nnd dscribed M fidlou mwii: tleirinnimr at a
white oak, toruerof land of John llovver. thence by tko
name, fcnuth i:ightynmc uud n half degrees wet, forly
perches to stones, thence by laud of Itctijuimn 1'. Tortiier
north two degrees wi-kt. forty two nud two tenths per
dies to a chektuut oak theme by thu same, north nine
degrees went torty three perches ton mapletree, thence
,,k, wou,l.ll.cnco ay tlio amo, north twenty ll;e and a
.all uegrres casi, tii.r.y tu mv .imuui u, mv, .
Ron llionrn no llie HOrLtl eat l.rtllih of til J tilJs'lUeliail'
na iUvcr.tlsvurloug tf ursen one liundrttl nnd thirt) nud
Bevm teirthi perchei ton red o.ik, theun by land of
Charles H. CoTje, noutli thirty-lUenud u halfdegrveK eat
Fltecn nnd two teutiia pcrein-N to fctone. uienco oy inu
Setoff tSTUJS ,!w;yy.wnJl,.8,o,S
uy lliu emiie, nunin iny eiirm in-nru-i -nei, mm nie
tl.o heirs of John forme
deprces west, Jllty Hire
roo 4X:xr..on"
. nrn,rB.l.U..I,,i Ho.lcr SQl.ll. V.L'htV
" "iV.AT. . t....'.
line una Inncis liuic aiurcsuui jonn iio,ir,.uu.u..fmy
and a half . went, one hundrud and mlj lour
rercllLg tome P'ac. Ol oeginoius, roi.iu,iuiiH ,mt-
imd 1 .uve.iiv four acres, one hundred uud forty net.
.... ..... I1..,. r. .,f.i. ,,,,i ha ilia tniuo more or
: .' : .." . ... i
1,... nl... ut nut. Iiiindreil Iirrus
L'U ucrus oi w lllin IS itea.uu iiuiu,
wh'-rt'ou Isirr.tcd u two story framu dwelling liousif, u
larne frame b.nk barn. a frainu waznu housu a firiu(f
house, uud olHer out uuiiuines wun u.e u.iuiiutiaiicv..
rcied und lukcu in exeeutioi. and tu tm sold as thu
iroierty uf Margurit Cable, by.hv'r attorney, iu fact Hen-
Sccrlff't 0iee,
Vlnorutluri;, Oct
fixcaaass howl
riMIEI'rorrietorofthii wcll-Vnownaud centrally lorn-
L ted lloiue, tho Emuw Herri, kitunte on Main
ct.o. t it, iih.initl.iirff. iimiwihatelv ininositu the Col mil'
bi i County Court House, iepert fully informs lm friends
Y und the imblic in gem rni, that hi IIuuhq ii novv ju or
I ilerf-rtlie reception nnucntctiuinnicni or
linaylccldi.....iMilolavorltwitlil lo.r rustm... I'
sinircil no cipenso in i.rcparinn tl.o Kihumie. for llio, l.iitner kliall tncro uo any.
Huns wantins (on Ins purl) to inlnlslf r to ll.fir personal
romi'orl. His House ia .pacluu, auJ enjoy, un nctllcut
I T Omnlbuse, run ut all limes between the Uuhann
llulel und tuounmu Kail llo.l Depots, l,y wl.lcli Irav
clei, will bo pleasantly fomoyc.l to unu Iroiu tlio
,pectte Station, In du liius lu meet the Lara.
liloomiburf, July 7, Jct.
tin) c.giiineiireca nosi. in o nuniiretl ami setenty unu , Purpart No l'lvo ronslstina oraTrnrtof n'ooilland "seioi uou-eiiuiii ronienienre, or n no wish it. procure
pertha, ton chestnut! thence l.yland Uatharino .niigen. 1 ,itUato it Ct.ntrotowii.hii. aToresald nilioiiii ic lii ii of tat "el'n rumfort. or who wish to rurnish onop;
bereer, tteen degree, and a .putti, ea.t, two ( eoJiVKelc n as a moans or llvollhiKid to ,o,o friend, or to any fun-t?
hu,ri.riMl and seicnly sit perches toi .tone, 'and tlicnco wW.T,.K o thJsuuui t,.cl,"l ''"P" Tocher w ho desire, to earn h the J?
by laud of lieboral. Mewarl and Thoinas Hrouk. north, ind fun, i,t No i? ? i laT Z! , S l: Umry, a ready means ofdoinir so bv tho eipon.g
seventy eigntuegreeseatt, two hundred nnd forty nine and 140 Vrrches strict iiioa.iire . u.itiro only uralittlucserlioii and tho occupation or ar
o rches to place of healiinliil, enntaiiling four hundred l',,n,art No and Ornn"i town. I""" splro time. 2
and thirty eight acre, nnd a hair, and allowance or sli ,M,,Wn ,?W conn y H llS H. lin i. of Slim e" O Z C-7" r""".en No,, will be sent 1'rcc.on application B
per cent for roads, &c, bo tho saino moro orle, on ,r irt tho Vo Ih nu to any address, with full particulars or Premium,.-"
Valuable Real Estate.
IN pursuance of on order oftlio OrphanV Court ofCo
luiubht county, on
Saturday the X7ti day of November 1800,
nt 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, William llagrnbuch an. I
(Jeorgo M. Hngcnbtirhi AdmlnMrators, A.e,. (f tflmon
llacnbuth, latn of Centre twp,, hi said county, deceased
will cxpHHu la sale, by fnlillc Vendue, upon thp prenil
sos, rurpf ft No, One, couiiitliig or a
situate In Centre towncblp,, In said county, fndjolnlng
liintis 01 uvorgu rvcicnucr uhh uiihts on win noriil , ra
rah HuliiKiu, Sain net (tower, nud Abraham Amir on thu
tait, ClirUtlnti Slutlley and ltorei iulllcy on the south;
uenrge K, iicib, una I'aac i.iirwiiiJ on tlio w est j con
100 AND 24 ACRES & 1(0 PERCHES,
neat measure, u hereon t crecteil ft good Two-Story
Frame Dwelling House,
a loir 7.irn.vr.ither bnardciluUltli Phcd attached a Wag
on House, a Camngo llouuc, good Applo Urclmrd,
About 00 Acres, Cleared Laud,
.aw 111 Uutre township, alMrcsald, ntljnli.inK Purport , '".
No line, on tho -e.t OeiVgo Helchner and olhSrs oil tlm I ' '
norths Snrah Salmon on the, outh.and Purpart No. Thteo ?v'
north ! Snrall Salmon on the .outh.and I'urnart No. Three
t.' Vl'ltrrt A VII KIYTV PIMtrnt .
. . . A,'rt ,-lla BIA1X ILUIIlbS, I
, rt mens ire.
Purport N
on lhoo,..trontaiiili.j-l'E.V ACltUS and 1'ourtccn Tct
cnc, s.nct inen.uro
Twenty-Five Acres,
strict men,urt,1 whrrt-onli crcn'j alorj hmiso, a ftahl?
neimll npplu orih.'ird, and ubim. tivcnty-tbur ncrt's of
clcnrud I mu, n ncv r-failiiiK pprd guf wnter nt tho door,
I.atu the of sail dtri'asvJ. bituiito in tho town
anl couniy aforesaid.
uiuom-u'iiij, wi muvr inw,
H7 Terms of Salo -7Va pT cent, of the purehaic
money pj earn tract oj rrppeny to ue jmi-i ftj trie pur-
cmutr n in; vj iinu,
Oat-half oj' the vnrchafc monrt (ttts ten iter tent. on
the frit ttay of rfprit, luGl, at vhxek time pvsstseUnvtll
he given to the j.urthastrt
Oite-Fourth vf the purchate money cn the Jirst day of
The rcmnlnlng one-fourth ontkefir8tfaffoft1prilt Id fa.
The tico last pamenta to bear intercut frvm the first
day of 1pnl, iCbl. Payments to be secured by bonds and
mortgage on the premises,
The grain grown? on Ac premnta to be reserved,
C. tl.IIAUCNUUCH, XmlnUtralor.
October 27, lrou.
TTTltnRHAS, the Hon. WAititK J. Wownwinn, Trcei-
v iieut 01 the Court ot uyir nml Terminer and tiiii-
crl Jail IMtvi-ry, CVurt of duarter H snioiia 0r tho
peiue nnd Court of Common Tlr-as and Orphan' Court,
Jn the -tjili Judx i il Uidtrict, compngeu ot the eniiticg
of Columbia, tfulli van nml Wyoming, and tin lion. Jaioo
IZvai mid 1'mih Klim, ARgoclnM Judffea uf Columl.11
county, luue issued their prect-pt, bearing date thu ii-Hli
day of Oct , lu thu year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and Fiity, ami to mu di retted t. r lioldiug u
Court of Ojer uud Terminer and General Jail dUiery.
f:.timl (1 nnrti r S toiiH nf Hi i Peru i. I'i.i mi I'l....-
and Orphan' Court, in CIomiMlnirg, in thu county of
Columbia, on tlm first Monday, (being the 3d day) of
Uec, next, and to continue one week,
Notice id hereby given, to Urn Coroner, tlio Justiceg of
ttiu fence and Coiisiabh b of the said countv of Columbia
that they be thn and there in tln-ir proper persona at
lu o'tloi k lu the forenoon of saidduv. witii their reronli.
iumiisitioiM nml other reim mbraucu tu do illume things
which to their oihces appertain to ho done. And thauu
that are bound by recogniaiuee, to pronto to against tho
prisoner, that are or may be iu tlm Jail id' said county uf
Columbia to be then and there to prosecute ilium as t-itall (
li. dikt. Jiirnrrt urn room sled to m noiti in lli.'ir
ifiuiance, nitreeuuiy i mcir inniteti, ii.iieu at nioumg.
burg, the ?lth day bf O' t, iu tha ytar of our Lord 0111
tliouund eisht hundred and sixty, ami iu thi b-ithicar
uf the ludep-'iidi-iire of thu Uiutt d t'tate uf AniLtica.
IllUU SilU LUU VUllllllDlin UUIIII,
JOHX tf.NVUUlt, SAcri.
October, 27 1KW.J
1 1'iter Miller
r r, tlio Cattawissa, WlllidUisnoft, i
iZSSrXfiJbnn,. i;
2 iS.imutl Leiiioti i
3 John Mi Cnll.i rs. Ili-nry Han.,
1 Jacob SlIjuj 1 r is. WiUon ,U'er.
3 Jacob tfamlir ri. Wiltiam Mvu.
ti Townseiid V, Knhh'rr. DanKl .NVjIi.-ird,
7 John iMcAIuIligt'll rs, tfaiiiuef lihouu.
ftei.lien II. Miller r. Ilmlel F.S.')b.-rt.
! Itoficrt U. Anton es, tteniamln I'jjdoii.
Ill William Appleman r Ma-tdlcr.
11 IVtir i.itluifjfr is. Muhael .Mylert.
I J Jeremi Ui , Humi-m vs. St Hnrrey,
13 N'atliaiinl C. Uutttr, t. n). vs. At.ramN', liar; tyt
M Joseph lolley rs. J itues t. ti.inky,
11 Lavinn Cole r. Adam,
ltl Danod Sp.tyde r., Chrfrtlaii l.aubaih.
17 In Kcihbitist. Jacob liit-bl,
1; Ceorge (Jetty is. Henry holIlll'':er,
l'l AiidrewCrivtliug r Andrew .Melhck, Pen. ct, al.
20 fliuton I). Herring, Lt, Dani-1 1. tiejbert.
21 Mlch-ul ltotmi u. William A. t ace.
2i ,T. Ac V. Ii, hhuni'inrj, Wntah Im.uaii.
2i David Votrt tienrge llvdler.
21 Inaae Tyler rs Jaiob llerliu, it. al,
25 Trancis Jordan, et. al, rs. J'lMia li. rurstll ct. nl.
2d Fiauris Jordan it. at, l.Iislu Ii. I'ursi 1 1 1. al,
27 Thomas,et al. rs. William DounUoii.
2i Iltibert J. I.oiis is. .Montgomery fo, et. al.
23 Is.idPTjter vs. Andrew Creviliug.
3il Meph.-n I'.die ti. Liuilley W.Wuoloy,
31 Jmoh It. titiue is. Hubert J. Lvoiih.
32 Johuljidwig ra. rrautisK, Wiavir.
Eloom-Evau Jouv,
lliu, HerwiLK William H.Woodiu, Mordecai Jackson.
Itri.ircrerk Wil'iain H.irtmaii.
Ct ntru tfjuiml C. 1 tower.
CnuawUt-.i tli'orgo llua'". Adatu rcdTnif.
rmhingcreek lliraiu lleaii, Daniil Udgnr.Ceorge Tow
rrnnklfn Ml hael Mcnsch, Jakon Cleaver.
Creeinvood Jamut Vunhtru, Hobt Kobbius, Elijah
Hemlock John Girt on.
I.ociisot J.irob lltluje,
Maine Wdli.un JWensingor, William ISiitlcr
Montour (sitae Mow ry.
-Mt. rjjjsnut Ahriihaui Hildilic.
Oran?e William Fiher,5amuel Zimmerman,
H u $at I oaf Anderson Kilo,
Ilenton Ell Mcndeiihatl.
JlriarrreokJtenln n Mower. Jeremiah C. Pinith.
Heaver John Aluiman.
Call aw isit lostph t'reiili. Isaac S, Monroe, Stephen
li.Udy, Samuel Thomas,
Franklin- Oauul llohrhatk.
Ffhiugircek Ivttr Colder, tiain'l Cre eline.EiuanduB
(Jreenwood Aaron Mugravo.
Heiuloik John Foiist John Hnrtnun,
Eofini Maik Willunn, Henry Cable,
Miirim Muh ltd Fry, Lewis Eiroat.
Maine Dauiul Ueiabold, Jno Kline.
Moriiour Jacob Leihy, Joseph ono r.
Mu lifou Nuwtou Thuu.-iB. Juhn M. tSmith,
Mt. rieasaut Jdiu Wurdin,
Orauire J.icob (Jnod.
l'me I'lnlin a-hot; maker. Juhn V Tnwt. f. l'7.f.i T.vima.
Jaiob Chnsti.
llo.iringtriek Judali ("herriugton.
Hmjarloaf Jon Kitchen.
. Scut Juum ClusKii, FhilinT. llartman, Joseph Lil.
'.J!('J, Luimj.V? W ltllLlliiil-Ml
TJtUSV tUWRff.vr OF l'IUL.1i)KLPJtI.1.
vvru v, so. -la-JtiiLiirNur in.T,
CAl'lTAlj (paid up.; SJuu WO.
Charter Perpetual.
pOVriNIJEto make IXtiUltAsNCTS ON LIVES on
tnu moiji reaouaiie it r ms,
... four.eo.isi,tis.ra Tract or m.o,iiand. ' .,;.. i V ,f .1 .3..., 1 .:; 1 lit. r. . .. v.S
SkrS.?X,TJ,J??i!.l.Vyy?-.. i",V."l tcre-l and vali.o.tocethor It!. acreaUotiety ..rbooksm
I IW .a .uJ y I. ns fun. off.,. . gtl I.UT.
m,,, Jiii:ihvi.:k
. n.,r..,;itf " "
Tlia L'ti'iHiiniiv ajd n COVUS n..ria.lirnllv in ..m i..
o'lnlu'r. l-l I, ll. fcl.CO.ND I.ONL'iJ in l.L'lul.ib. r, lt'4'l,
I ll.oTllllll) UU.N I'll iu llLmuucr.lrJl.aliJll.uFll ItlTII
. .,.,,.,, . .. ' -r , , .7. 7 , r .. p,, i . .V-i.i .
'iuAVj'1. ,!J,;M
, ....1..,, . in,,0 ...
I , t"l"eo,n'l'lition aro i
) mado without reniirtni; any
' ""If."" " " " " I'tc.o.u.os iu no puiu iiimo l oi.u.any
lull lolluH lue ara a o,v .'itniiolc.. .mm lnni.t..
i - - - "-
Amount of Ii,i-v nn. I
Punt Iloniu or hiinim to be iurreiued 1
Policy Insured uddiii'n by future additiuns.
No. e) fcjjiH) S"H7 M .l,7 ."iO
132 aiJUl) iu.-,i) to lw
" ll 1UNI 41X1 UU ,4ou 00
jM3 imi la'5 00 0,673 00
" Scc &Ci &t. Ue.
rampeletB, cfttiiuiiiius ULlen of ratea und exptunntlon,
rormn uf iippliintiun, and further iuformation cim ho
fuuua at thu ollice,
, , niOMAS lUDUEWAV.i'rH.fii.
3 SO, I. JkUKgflctuurij,
j mnniwv. r.iumining Vhvitelan
uctobi r 10, lJ7y.
IMVl I.. TAT1J, JgtHt.
MV(i in ,hr ..., nmr. .r,tl, ,
R'C; LVr lit. 16O0 Uuoiusuurf, Tl
""" JWJUl
,' ''!';"
llriilliart. llliam
ty, JV
jKcster. Mary. A, Misg
( fitly, r,,
j lloat, Lewis
1 Hteinrueli, Mr.
t Tenbreolc, ti. I,.
; Wllliau.s, Aarou
Karly, llunjauiin T.
uatiu il
CalUslicn, Craif , fc cn.
I Tenon, call. nj for tha aborc letters, will fleaic
U II. ItUniUT, f .V
U 12 IU I IJ iTl M.
Tho New Religious Weekly, was commenced In Ju- rn
ly last, and Is published on Hntqrday of t-acli wciki ntn
So. 7 Itorkninn tit., N. V. 1 Mil-id by thfl Kcv (! l'A)lltlV.l
It, COOK a. D.I). assisted by tho Rtv. JOHN McCI,lN-
TWJK. it. I. at present residing In Taris, as Correi"-
nondlug Editor t nnd by numerous contributors well
?," V "ll ."iter of l-rci pe'rlnln n, to U,c I. Ii
111111..111...... i,H i?. in.itt.ilnn.S '
. ::. :.:,.kr; . x '.Vi:...;:s,ttiiot.i.iMi.i,ii.h.duru, n,i d,e,niri wore or mo
S: " " ? " i"". 1
iiuiii imuiii.ii ytl, in n fl'iin i ui-iiiit'rnuuu, cunveys n
to Its readers lull details cf paiilng events In all the
sister churtlms.Jiind In tho world at Inrpe, niaiiitaliiiue:
at tho same time n high liternry tone, nnd a dignified u? i
lltiatinrtirn frrnn nil iiiniArixinrV rnntriupriV.
It Is printed In Imperial tluarto Form, on tho be it 2
Juiper, uud In tliu.bcst Typographical style.and is lim-
iflllshcd from tlmu to timo by Portraits of eminent
Men, In tho mitiMry and laity, and Is thus constituted
editorially nnd nmthanically, u religious family news
pniu-r of the firet tlnsi. 2
'JVrnu, $'J prr year. Pubcrlbers paying for tho yar
to enmmenco In January next, will re a he thu paptrS
Uratuitousty up to that date,
rrouiiums for subscribers. AHlio'JSh "Tho Method g
Iff h is met with almost unprecedented success, yet,r
In order to place it within lliu reach rf every Methodists
ramily, wo lmveben induced to rXIVr n list of l'riiui'o
urns to any who wish to prncuro subscribers, IhcscP
I'reintums lira nllV-rpil arvrrnllv lor ttvn ttilicrihfir. rt
.".'!! "C '?.'!'' Bulnrr.Wri, ?.' .'?''"" W''"
Mat hinr, , From h's nl Wusliing Mathmes.a nuni-Q
l,.ir nr,l,..lrnl.l.t .,..1. I lll,,i.t,..l
.. : . -..r ...v.. ... -, - -r-
w In. wish to present their Pastor iill. n peri'tttiallyn
Oit. 27,1800.-
evert soirr,
ltChcd2er than lha Cheapest I"
W rJ.UASIi CAM, KAltl.V. rj
l.l;lit Stmtt, April M. IfCO.
CHANGE 01'' 'I I ME.
Delaware. Lackawanna and Western Rail Road.
1x1 lui t't'i?fn.t33 On ami ulter Monday, May 2-g,
fitXislSUjEW). trains will run as fallows.
hXt'KKbS lAStsKNGLitt TllAINS,
Uiy .At CUti II.
The Accommodation Train bound cast on IS, V. & Eric
H ulro.fl arrives at Creut Heml at ti,:if. und (he Ciuiiit
nati lUpress Htd.Ul a. m. und couueits Willi the Evprefit
Tram wliiih Ieaes Ureal Ucnd (or .vv Vurk und l'hila
Uuo nt iranton, !i!:Ua!k!
ililpbiH, at 7,10 AvitTif.
raa-icngrrs from New Vork, Uavu 1'n.r No, 2,
Narlh Itlver, at 7,30 a. m.
Trum riiiladilpliia, leave Walnut (. Wharf at t.ut) "
Ifue ut Hcrautou, -1,10 "
Uud jilriiraiilon, 7,C,
The Atcoiuiuodation Train doii not leave Pi rantuii un
til atter thu arm al uf Un Morning Tram ou tlm E. & 11.
11 ulroad, thus giving p.uscn;ers trom the Vomiug Val
ley a direct connection lor thu Vct by lliu .Morning
For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern
Jiiv iio, apijHenger Car will tie attached to the Cpres
Freight Trains, tcav tug Hcrnntoii, at -I. m,
lLturinng. will leave Jumtion at 3,40 a. m.
Dmii.t ri, r .iili.n ... I . M
I l'ansi ngtrs lu nnd trom New Voik, clianee cars ntJunc
, lion to and Iroiu rhiladtlpliu Ma JI., Uavu or
. take thu cars at Hope.
For l'iiW"i., Kiiigatoti and Wilkes bar re, tako L. ti- V,
I 11. It. cars at Hcrmium
i 1 or Jcr-sup, Arihbald and Carboudalc, take btages ut
i fcjir.uitim.
1 ickets sold aud baggage cherked through.
JOHN UK1 a BIN, .;.,
Wm.N. Jisks, Uen, 7jckit Agmt.
June Id. 1MU
lallawissa, U illLiinsport A: Uric tt. H;
fTu W9P? VTCjrKPr'yKl ircct liailroadeon-Lk&&3ln?iw,v&x,,-'tf-vrtttitn
brttretn Xia-
gara. lattt and I hilaJctphia.yi n)re Quif.Kiet and
Cltfopest Houttfrvm llti'trn Xeio crkta Philadelphia,
Ilamsburg, i'uiiburj IiaUliin,et ll'ahngtoncitijt and the
The different Trains on this Uoad pass Hupctlas fol
tnw h !
Eipreis Frfi-'ht, 9 00 a.m.
l'luiadilphia Mull, IW a.m.
rinladclphi.i.V . V. Epres, 11,20 p. it.
Express freight, 12,20 P. M.
F.lmtra Mall, 'J.W r. M.
tNiaifara Etnn'ss. H.Vtl p. m.
Kupert tu riiiia'ia., $1 40
do llarribug A (H)
do Clinton, 2 10
dit Taiuauua. 1 .Ml
iluperl lu Milton, $ 70
no v iiiiauiepuri. i -m
do Flmirn, .1 ''
d.i Niaera FnlH, 7 Su
All pashi-ugers ore remiented tu pnuiip' Tiekits before
entering tho c irs. ItMggagc thetked through to l'bila-
uiinnia ami j.imiru,
II, A. FONUA.'f.
JuneO, LJf0.
irro.vrxa r.iu.rviv ruiLmRLPiiu,
ATM' I'OftA'. B.urlMtlHK,
Lackiovaiina lllooinsliiirir, lt. It.
Two l'.is-.i.j.'fT TmiHs "ill in' run bctnfiii
Bcraulon aimXcrltiuiiitu'rlauil, a. follow
.MOVl.N.I fori...
1'Mail d Matt.
.v. y. repress,
1.33 r. ji,
' Leave
I Arrive at
4. -.a
A". Y. lUprtit,
rtilad'a Mail.
Arrive at
S.30 A. M.
4 43 1'. M
f. :i5
C 45
5 CO
ti (K)
The Lncknvvunn.-i &z ninomslmri! Tlntlroad cunnettn
with tho IM-iuare, l.iickuw.uinu . VVu.t-rii Umlroadut
firantun. lor New York una riiiiu-ieipnia, una nuernie
diiito nointa Cat: nUo fur Crmt Iti-nd, enitfhaintunl
gyrneiue, Uutlalo, Neurit I'alli. uud all luipoitautpouitii
At Itiipert it connects nh the Caltauiisa It ail road
fur nointa holh Mitt. I und Win!.
AtNorihumliL'rlatidit umBuct with the Sunbury and
line lUilruad, lor puiuth wii ami sou in.
Auguit ii, leco.
TIIEnilertigiied rei-pecl fully informs hi" friends and
tho public ut urge und tho nut of mankind, thai he
lias a kjiieiidid assortment ot
In tho elegant new Ptoro lloue, in Hohrsburg, tlundia
couniy, l'a,, w here he has a large uud ihoiiu murtmeiit i t
which lie is deteriuined to sell ou such terms as will In
duce allutliastin his viriuiiy, w ho are in want if Mer
chandize, to extend him their custom,
lln Mock has been selected with much euro and with
reference to the wants of lus community uud without
going to enter into a iiiinutejcmiiucmtioii of the nrious
kinds he riks nothing in ussuriug hi friends that c-v
or) thing usually kept in Country tUores, can had
u iiiiio LiieuiiLr iiidii i iu ciieunun. -
tiy-Country produci, imiudma Groin, Lumber, tc.
uy Ukenm enliaiiic for juods.
j BoliUburg, .Varcb 10, lew.
siiiinuii-tiiitii. r,a 101 1 . c .no 1.1 ortiryi nu
oil. 27, ieoo.-cij. h
Light ! Light ! Light !
rn u. k''.. (iu cahiion nil.!..
rpilBbUft, moil lirllllant, and clieaptit poriablo lleht
X now in use. Kn danger or explosion and cheaper
man nma, lard oti, nsn oil or canipiienc,
zisriiyuAi. tu uA,-wa
ithoi.t ll.o.ctpen.e of f n. fl.ture,. Tl.o alio, o Irnn.
(wilt, nil thc.r lajicy trl.miilns.) rni. l.o .oci and iHiujlit
., . k.;.lm.,l. l,o natter. from h nir ex
, , Vi. i.. lt i, - I, .no .. ,, i.a.a In
J'i?1.'''1" ,
l i eti-rminoil not to in iimlflraoiil bv nnv one ill
Im'timLurir. or durj-otindina country. Call and ca hi
now nnd mil nrlcctp.1 stock of . .
mr.3, rintt-'UAiuitY r.u
tanuy 'ioiLirr, au.
TlCfXtf roa
AbbiM Urnndg, Patent Medlrinp of rvory vnnctyin me
1,1'inurii, i iiu re 1 lor inLUCinoi 111a nnir, r iiiiu, viuiuiiR'Ufi x
Cnrlion Oil, Tiirpfiitint Mid Ai'oliol, TniflsrR, Phouldf u I
Ilrawg nnd Abdoinltml rtnpporv , i, Burgicol and Den
tal InMriimphU.H.iilir'iti and toot llnisheg, I'rof. Hum-
dir'y'n llonifxpatlilc Kemcdlei, Garden, Cunary, Kanq I
uud Ilcuip ticedrf, Th rinouiftcrf, prrKiflant Aloroern
lAther and th'W Fiudingp, &c, tc, togethT with the 1
largest uud iiii'bt varied asiortincnt of German To)g and .
sen nn j ) ou mufl oi'iice.
If ivlnj h'lirnc-d by tu experience that "long crcditi
n 111 not keep things nw iny," 1 havo dctcruilued tj
to catih buyer, to make it an object to tlifin a well ai
the Ktlkr. to deal on tlio caili principle, tithcr money or
ready trndo.
llaing nerved a regular apprenticeship at tlia Drug
nnd Apothecary btifiiiess, bcrldeg havluit eiirrid It on
lor the last eizhtfcn yenrc, on my own htKk, I flatter
in) gel f that I niu able lod JuMlco to till pivint; inu a
trial. I'liankful to tlio public for pn?t favors, I would
nuk a trial on thu new prinrlptc, and will guarantee to
an, 111-11 11 win uiaKc long iri'-un, ann pay uen in uio
cuu iu pay casn nnu nuy ai reunceu prices.
cnfi'fully roinpoiindcd.nnd alt orders correctly nngwered,
AI nii'dirinug guaranteed aa recommended, Storo Ito'mi
on .Vain Street, near Market, next door to the iot Of
fice, JJIuomsburg, Columbia county, l'a.
Augtict f, ieo.
THE undertIgnrd, grateful for pnt patrnnase, respcit
fully fnforiiin lihtciftumcrs and tlic public generally,
that he has Jut received from tho Eateruc cities) the
urgent unu mojii select sioik oi
Th it has J .1 been opened in Uloomsburg, to which In
Invites the uttcntioii of hit fficiulc, ami assures thi'tti
that they nru olfered for F.ib; at great bargain. Ills
riocN comprises u iurgv nssoriiut-ni ui
Consisting of I'ahuosablb HutriiCovT?, of every des
cription; t'atits, vi'bts, Miirts, urnvnis fciutMi, uotton
Ilamlkcrihiels, Cloves, Suspenders, &,c.
Of rverr dcur tint inn. fino and chenn.
N. It. Keinimbi r " LoKcnbcrg's Cheap Emporium,"
rull and mu. No thargu for examine t.ond.
Hlonmburg. S"pt. 2. lPfiO. flu- K'"A
II. C. & 1. ffJARTHAN.
TTE nould respectfully invito the rttentiou of ou
v nienus ami im1 puime gencran,
tront tlio Town
and Comity, to our present Xevv Mcx
of anil
xvhich hivebccn selected with great care and under more
tli.inordfu-iry ndvautagr. Wo can oiler to dish and
ready pay i;'e very grent Inducements.
Our slock utmost everv variety, elite and
quality, in the Ureas Coods line. We have
ui'iiiiius iroiu i cti., to si per vvooi naias
btriprn.S-'tUvds, of Extra Tlaid Mk for 5icU.
pcrvnnl, Illark Hilk and other In larze miau
titles, Aliawls, Urmhr, Melhix, Chenilii
und lU.iukct, Calicoes, Tickings,
Check, (Stripes, fcr., tt ,
Cloths, Caiiimerst tfallnicl, i.e.,
In nddition to the above vveoili-r (iroc1'
nor-, lljrdwnrc, Queens ware. Willow and
Cedar Ware, Hoots nndt-hoes, llati and t;aps,(iit
reduced prices) Wull i'apcr CnrpMs, Curpet Chain,
Coi ton Yarn, A. c, Stct 1'isU, fait, Iron.Nailti, Lumber.
Wood nnd Coal.
MnomtbUfg, cpt. 211, ISA.
Light Slreet Store.
Creasy, Brother J all hands on active duty
f UJ Would ltilorm our iricmU and
H rustoniers, tint wq have Just received an un
usually large arortiuent of
Wkii h vveotlerni lower rates, for reudv nav. than nnv
ever before opened here und will be bold "theaptr than
tllit I 111 IHU'Bt
Wo nhall not attempt to enumerate thi various orlictos
Kiev are iiiiiiieunu and their iiamois legion us our spu-
riom Storu lloomn. iniludins the Cellar nnd Ourrtl, are
niled li ov errlowing. There are to he found the Huebt
fabrukt, iu the country ut utoiiinhii glow figures la-die-'
w t-nr iu gn-itt vurittivs, ut JJ pir tent, lower than
ever I' lore oifered.
iioots, Shoes, etc,.
pi (1. .mint ratp. In sliort, almost f vprythiHg in ihi It I me fro... a lifpilli K an nnrlior.
LV Our tV.u.iUu will do wlII tu call ucluru ll.t-y make
tlu.r scU'Ctlous.
Main f irect, Oft 37. ltGO.
J. A. SHANK, A. B.-Principal.
HE cadniy w ill bo opeiu'.l nn tho 4th ofSfptcmbor,
1HI.0. Tlm loursu of Instruction rmbr.iccsa nnl
lliaru.iltll Enli.l. EUucul.oii, wlul.l tl.obu wto) tlobirc to
iri'luro l'"r biuiiics, or tor Collepe. hau twryuUvun
taso Inr il.j aci.i.sitiou ortl.o .lc.iifnls of .Intliciuatics,
uuU oi'lliu Latin, UrvikuiiU Herman lanifiugis.
KXPK.ViBS. Pespion of EWicii weeks. For ll.a First
llrado, sl.UOj Jj- ron.1 Cra.le, .00; Tliir.l Ora.le, $(i.lsl.
Oiio.l.all'll.u Tuition is rc'iuireillu l,o ulll.uoieniiii:
of cail. Hfssion, ninl tl.o other half ..I tho close, unli ts
olio r nrrai.'ei.K nis aru entereit into w illi the rmicipal.
'Uieru win no notiiuucliou lor ausencu, cicti'l in ia.u oi
lrotraclcu' klckness.
iiii.iiiui.w .ixn
Ilnnru'.n!! Lai. I..- h.ij at orescut in nrlvato families.
di r week, at fej IVI. iiicluiliiit; lurni.heu rooms, lodmiin
uiul fui I ; una wu.liii.i; ut ouu duila.
I r moot...
u . or lur.uer ii.ior.i.auuii uuuie...
iUv. P. lb rgstrissir, or
Mr. r. Lazarus,
.Mr. J-ts nootis,
Dr. ti. W.Eott,
Mr A. Wtlfh.
Mr. J, Tutursen.
Mr.H. Achciibath,
Mr. W. Ihnvman,
DraiiLM-Mile, feptPinner I
IWIl.E cn dial an examination cf Teachers at the fol
lowing times and places, u.
iSeoit. ut Esnv, Ckl. 20th; Cnttawiisn, nt Cattawissn,
Oct. 'J-'d ; Orauiie, ut Oruiigevillu Oct - Id , Creeuwood,
nt Kohrsbarg, OU.llh, Maduou, at Jirnc town. Oct,
.itli ; Heuiloi k, ut liuckhorn, Oil. ith ; Mount 1'tcasiinl
at Hutchesous,Oit.i;;ih; Mi til in, nt Mifilinville Oit.ih
Heaver, ut MichaM S mlioot llmuc, iJct MUi ;
.Muiuvillu, Oa. 3Ist ; Uoarinjcreek, Middle Shool House
Nov. ltl ; Conj iifhaiu, ut Cuiurev iHu Nov. i.M; EocUbt,
ut hl.ibtown, Nov, Ud j rrauklin, nt Cla)tons Nuv. 2th;
Montour, at llcitfnck bthool Housu Nov. Dili ; Ceiitie,
at L'owlersville Nov, 1th, Un iriretk, ut Evau'villu.Nov
rtht i'uhingt reek, nt Miltwntcr. Nov 12th ; ilenton, at
(teuton, Nuv. Utli ; riugurlouf, A, Cole's School lluusu
Nuv. 14th t Jatksou, ut lK-rr's Kchool Housu Nov. 13.
l'i tie, at Cpper bcrtno, No. 10th. At one u'doik I'.M.
ot eiicu uay.
iHreitors uroroineeted to make all needful nrrangu
uients, anuio inauiieti iiieir imir" vy un-uuuure.
I.iL-lit Ktreet. Oct. lOtli. lcfU.
bv-TUu Editors of Columbia couniy will oleasu copy
riUP, undpr.l'iiud, t.avinii opened a New more, on
1 Main flrett, n ftw .loors Huntli of Iron Clreil,
lllooiusbure. nnd ttocked tl with the best Uranus nt nil
kinds fit Imported Ijquorn. will bo happy to supply tlio
low price..
1'ublic Cu,tom i respectfully iniileJ.
., ..... U. W . IsOHBIMI,
lll-ombisg, July 7. Jent.
.. , iin.i. . vtili
THE second arrival of New Goods, this
Spring, al IIAUTMAN-
CU.MMElt Catoenierw, ami Coating
fJ IU, ,,B, ,1J IV Ul U.IH.U.i
Lalcr from Europe.
Sr. Johns, N. p., Uct.2
Tho following political adviocs are fur-
'111 jI t
J hu,u,hij
Vrtnnni:ini. lH:na t..l t 1 - 1
A,V4,rui,wu "UMia rcu a renewal
of tho atLlPlf ntl fllO IJir lintfl ie
It asserted that great consternation pre
vails among tho Tnrin Cabinet, a3 tho
Ilussian and Prussian Embassadors had
remitted tho formal protest of their gov
ernments against the Sardinian invasion of
Xi apleS.
rt . . i i m .
UIUNA AUV1CCS irOIll (JJllim fitftto that
.t A ii t i t i .1 rr,
tUO alllC3Jl.Hl RttacKCU tllO Tartar camp
1 . it . 1 ,.
antl HlO WllIlCSO llCU in disorder. Tho
rf mild nftnnlr mi tl.n Tnlm frt tn
tako placo on August 1 5th.
1K. J0IhSTU.
rpllEfonndj-r of thii Celtbralcd Inttitution, ofTen tht
X most c rtain, peed,nud only etirtuiil rriiii dv lu
too uo.ld i!Uilfl., Mill, fclrfctV;e"iilKvv?A
tho Kidney., ralpit-ui, rv Vb. V.,nV ,7.VJW,7
ku , und ull thufe nimt miii ,iuunchi,ly i)i,rdrt
nrifling lr.-ni the detructlve hdlntu of onth, which .1q.
tru) both body UIM M)ii.d. Thec seer t nnd poI tary
fin i..hS? "'u L'IjmisP, hli?hliiiiT their nio.1
ImliisJibK Ul u"Utll,,lUo,1 rilirliig marriafig A.c,
.Married persons, or Vonng .M.n contemplaMn mar
riagc, being awuruuf phypicul vveiikn-HS, organic drnbili
tj, defuriuilicB, &.c. hould iiumediatrly toniult Dr.
JrdniEton, nnd ho restored to petfeil henlth.
He who plucea himaklf undir the care i.f Pr. Jtihnfton,
may Rligiuusly cunllde In his honor nn n tfittleiutn, an.
conildently rily upon hi tklll as a phv nicuu,
Immediately cure 1 and full visor restored.
Tills iliueatfolit the jienalty inuet Irctpicutly paid by
thoau who h ivu beioinn the victim fifiiupropir indulren
cien. Younj; per sun a aru uo npt to commit excet from
not belli? uvvuru uf tho drcudlul coimequuiico that may
ensue, Nuvv, who that tindcrntainU the iubjert w ill pre
tend to deny that the power of pructention ii lost sooner
by thine falling iutn impruper habit than by the prudent,
liesides being dtprivi-doi the tdeunure of healthy off
i"prinir, the most neriotu and (Uttrtutive symptom to
both body and luiml urice, Thu i)fteiu becomes derail-;-ed;
the and inentnl powrr weakened, nervoun
dibilny, d apepsia, palpitatiuit of the htutt, iudigtittion,
it vv lifting ot thu frame, Coujih, yjniptoms if Cuiuuiup
tlon, ic,
U" Olfice, N'o. 7 S?nuTn PnEDEtrK Btrfet, neven door
from Ilaltiutoro htreit. Ea."t iide, up the lf px. Itu par
tienlar in tbtriiiR lliu . AM C and .NUMIIER, or uu
vv ill iiiltaku the pi. ire.
.2 Care llarrcnttd, or vo Charge .Made, la from One I
Two I hint.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, nt London.
Graduate from one i'f thu most cinmeut Col lege uf thu
Coiled States, and the gnuter part uf v hose life has
been upriit In the tiff t Hoi-pilaU uf l.undon, l'ari, I'll Ha
dt I phi i aud elsewhure, had illi tied ouie of the u.oil us
tonishiug riiresthat were ever known; many troubled
with ringing in the heml and tars when nt-let-p, great
uerv oiMiieitx, being Manned ut aiidden suundu, und hath
fill no si, w lilt ffMi-'i't bluthing, nlt'-ndcd sometimes W UU
iicrangcmeni ot ininn, were curio itumeiiiaiuy,
AlM-ni'tIV llllUI'
When tho ininnuided und iuirrudi ut v utarv of i.lenanro
liuds he has imbibed the need it t this p.uuldl ilirieade, il
too oilcn hippeustlnt an ill tuned since ofphauni or
nreaii ui uiicuvery, aeiers nun irom applying tu tnosij
wliu from cdiirutitiuand respectability can alone befriend
him, delaying till thu coiifliiiutuuiury symptoms of this
horrl I disease makes their appenrnnce, such nsiilcerate,t, niocitsen nose, iiuuurcc, pains ill I lie neal
and limbi, dimntss uf sight, ilflufness, nodes on tbekiu
bom's, and arms, blot then on (he liend, tace and extreme
ties, pros re Sinn.; wilh rapidity, till nt ai the palate nf
the moiiili and bones i.f the no-e i.dl in, mid the victim of
Uim deseuso becomes n horrid object i-t lummjtseration
till death puts a period to his dreaiiful sutler nigs, by sen.
ding him to "that bourne from whence no trav filer rc
turns." To suih, therefore, Ur. Johnftou pledges him
sell lu prettrvulhe inor-t cuviniiblu seirecj , und irohi his
cteuiivu practice in the tU&t Hospitals of luropo und
Amern.1, he inu confidently riiuiuniLiid aU nud spoody
cure tu thu unfortunate viitimof tliis horrid disease.
Ur. J. nddressis nil those who liavainlured thcinsclvei
by rivntit und improper indulgences.
diteed by early habits ofjimth, M.- Weakness ul I ho
Uaik und l.itubi, t'aiii in the Ifend, Iiinnes of bicht.
Loss uf MutLiiUr fuwer, I'alpilation id' thu lit ait.
neiiri.i. ervous Irruiakiliiv. iterousiineiit of ilia limes.
tivu 1'uuUiuiiS) Ctneral lKbilit, s)lopluiuof Coiuump
.MI;TAI.IY. The fearful elleits lituin the ip.ind am
much to be dreaded, Losrj of Memory, Confusion of Idrns
Depression of tho Hpints, 1, il Fori budms, Aversiun
of roLitty, Tiunty, &c, are nune . if thu it lis produced.
i iiuuaniis ut persons ui an ages can now juuge wiiai
is the i a u do of their deilining health, Loosing their
vizor, beiumiiij weak, tmle and emanated, haviim sin
gular appear jno about the cyts, cough and cjuiptoais of
Ilv this creut and Ininoriuiil reincdv , wenknes-f of tJu
organs uru speedily cured, uud full vigor rpftorid.
Thon-auds vf the most nervous and dibilitated, wiin
had loft all hope, have beiu iiumedialely nlicved. All
iiiipediiuenis to Marriage, I'll) neat aud Mental Uuiuali-
luauoii, iM-rt ous irratjtJiiity, 1 reuimiiigsnuii w eakuuss
or exlmiiation uf thu li.osl leurlul kind, speedily mrsU
by Doiior Juhutton.
Who have injured ihui&elves by a certain prattife,
indulged in when alone uhalat ire'piently learned fion
evil cuuip.uuous, or al bchuol-lhe tlkctnof wliuhar
nightly, even uln.n aUep, und if not cured renders
iu.irri.ii7o impuHfihle, and dcsirojs both iiuud uud body,
hlnuilil applj iimnedi.itely.
What a pitty that youas man, the hope of his e onntrr,
aud the tlurliiiLt: uf his Haunts, t-hould be tn.itihed from
all prof-pcti and enJojiiKuts of life, by the conaequi u
ees of deviating from the path of nature, uud indulge
in a sertaut sunt habit. iSinh pirous b.toiu tun
temp la ting.
hlinuhl rellei 1 1 Hat a suund mind und body aru the mo.t
in cessury re.piuilies to promote rnnunhinl hnppinesi
Indeed, without lla He the Journey thro1 ell lilu In tomes
a weury pilgimiage, the proepeit luu.Iy darkens tu
the view; thu nnud beiouies tlmdowed with ilet-puir&.
Iilled with the inxlauihily riili-rtiou that thu hanmnett
ot another hnnim's blighted with our own,
OlTICi; Ntl.7 iSOUTliruCHntlCKHT Baltimore, JUd
ale Hi'iir:icAEtji'i,iiATH) i'i.itrtni.Mi:i).
. 11. I. t no lalo niodettv nnveut von. hut ui-nlv
immediati Iv rithi r personullv or bv letter.
71) A'VfWAYri.
The main thousands curLd ut tin j institution wilhln
the lat 13) ears, uud the uuiuerous iiuporluiit tSurgical
Operations performed by lit, Jolnuton, wiiutttsed by
the reporters of llie papers and uriny other permna, no
tues uf whuh have appeared uum and uaiu b lore thu
public, b'pdes his ataiidutg as a genilcinuii'td' ch-tratttr
and respouribiluj, is a sultiunnt cuaranlee tu the alllictu U
1 .llli .MM ILL.,
X. It. There are so tn-inv uriiormit nnd worthlei,,!
Quacks ndvertifiug theiui-eivps hviclftns, ruining thri
health of the jdreudy aihwlfd, that Dr. Johnston dems
it necessary to say, especially to those unacquainted
with his reputation, that lus credentials and dipleuiti
ulwavs hang in his uthre.
T.vkk Noun. All letters nout be pot paid, and
rontnin a postage tainp fur the nj I), or no answer will
nu fen i,
M.mht". JfOO,
Tlour and Tccil nclivcreJ!
r'HU umlcrsiuncil litis inaJc arrnnzPnulltrf that will
Cllitlite Itltu tn dcliicr riuiirunil rVnl, 1'Olt t'ASII,
uliout tell per rent, tlicuiur tlun uny uudy tl.e In tuvtu.
Ills iirucs nru as tbllun, .
l'luiir. J7 S3 I Corn t Dyo Chop, JI f3
LVrn lc Onls f'hoi. 1 ii Uran. I 10
1 rcrliL'ctlully s. licit a slure tl ll.a puMir patron, jiw.
HlooMsbnrg, JuncS.', 1360 tf.
Tor the speedy uud illWtual Cure of all htfamnatiopt,
F'rers, like uiuat hm, Vytprj"' "'d Lirtr tVw-aif,
Piles, Gractt, and all 1cnte and Chrome Huoases if
AoL'Lls ASuCiitLUUtf. Bend 3 tent t-lurup to her Agut.
ti. II. JON Ed,
Hundreds of teftiinomils. Ihu SU701 l.ilai'u.r. O.
Uy ApAcy. a. W. t'pr.Tulrdfi Artli
bipt. '.'J, l.ou low.
H fOVB AXl) TlN.AVAllE SlIOl'.
ryMIU underilsnctl w.iul.l luf irn. Un' clliaelis ot
1 lilooiustiuru uiul vicinily, tli..t lis hasjusl re
(Hftf Chcl una .HUTS tor sulu unu oi u.e tuosi
ct. ussortuiLiits ul t'OUMXI.unil l .uLi oiuvriH,
ovir lulruiluLcu into litis iuuiku. Tli. Cltristoplier Cu.
luiulius, James llolil.aiiil III' be u.l ami ns thu l.rst class
rooking funis, ull of wuich uruulr'Ushlundnakliunurs.
His Tarlur stove, nr.. Iiatidsou.u una the us.uitinent u
ru.l. Al.tO ritrl.cular utttnlmu is panl In Tm-waro,
uuu nou.u rjpu.illu" upon sil"rl iiuikc. a,, sinui ei
repuiriuil will bu (lone with ueulncs, uud .lesnnKh.-.
1 IV Cuuntry produco uUeu in cchaui.'.. for work.
i I'lllUl' i, 1IOVCK.
nioounburft, Oct. 3, l:l'U,
I ,
TV!- OllEAGKU is rho Solo Agent for
IJ Vt. IVumu' CJeirtUtJ Mitnmmlal ' Sene,,"
' ft r,onks, Nu. 1, "A Uotk for Vouup Men .1. sisued to prs.
1 pat0 tlum for IViualo S-oc'uty." No 2. "I rrurs In Court.
sliip" No 3, "ltcprodunnu Control " till, r of w hp II
willbt maili' paid upon I'Lcipt ut SJ cts,
"" "l"0'
.n .
of JJ J it
' UU U
lillOWCIs S.