COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. LEVI L. TATE, Editor. $2 00 PER ANNUM. "TO nOLD AND TRIM TUB TORCH OP TRUTII AND WAVE IT O'ER THE DARKENED EARTII." VOL. 14.--NO. 34. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA-, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, I860. VOL. 24 minima vn rUliLISIIKD EVERY SATURDAY LEVI L. TATE. IN BLOOMSBURO, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. o fFTc e Jn ths ftw Rritk Ruildtng, oppoiltt 1ht r.tthnitgt, iy tid of tht Cburt J tome, "Democratic Head Qkarffri." TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. $1 00 In A'ivancr, for one copy, for U months. 1 73 In a-lvmirc, fT one copy, one year. 9 00 If not paid within tha flmthrco montlu. it 23 Ifnot paid within the fimt tlx months. $50 If not iiald within thovenr. K7" No subscription taken for lets than six monthg, nd no jupt-r (liscontlnucihiintilall arrearage! ihall have teen paid. E7" Ordinary AovFRTisFMPNTnlniertcdt ami Job Work xecuteu. ai ma citniiuincu prices. BY THE PARTING Or SUMMER. DT MRS rrEMSXS. Thnurt bearing hence thy roses, Olad Hummer, fare thee well I Thou art singing thy Inst melodies In ercry wood and dell. Itutere tho golden sunset Of the latest lingering day. Oh I tell tne o'ro this checkered eirlb, How thsu hait passed away. Fright'?, sweet summer 1 brightly. Thine hours have floated by, To the joyous birds of the woodland boaghs, The rangers of the sky, And brightly in the forests To the wild deer wandering free, And, brightly midst the garden flowers. Is the happy, murmuting bee. Tut how to human bosoms, With all thi-lr hopes and fears. And thoughts that make them eagle wings, To pierce the unborn years I tweet summer I to tho enptive Taouhae flown in burning dreams Of the woods with all their whispering leaves And the blue, rejoicing streams. To ths wa.tedand the weary On the b.'d nf sickness bound In swift, dcllrous fantasies, That changed with every sound; To the sailor on ths b il'ows. In longings wi'd and vain. For thi gushing fount and offing hills. All 1 the homes of earth again And unto me, g'ad Mum-nT, How hist tl o l flown to mi 1 lyrhain'uss foot.lcps nought hath kept From thy hauutsuf-ong Thou hast flown In wnywnrd visions. In memories of the dead In shadow, fiom atroub'ed heart OVr thy sunny pathway shed In brief and sudden striding To fling a weight a.ide '.Mld.tthcsi thy melodies have ceased, Andall thy roses died. Tint, Oh I thou gentle Bummer I If I greet th flower, once mora. Bring ino again the buojaney Where itli my soul should sonr, fjive mo to hail thy sunshine, With Bong and spirit free ; Or in a purer nir than this May that licit meeting be. Why Breckinridge should be supported. We present tho following reasons why Breckinridge should bo. supported for ! tho Presidency in prcferoneo to any other candidate. Wo defy malice itelf to gain nay a single one of them they arc true in every particular and cannot be doubted or disputed. Tho Democracy all ovor tho country aro becoming moro and moro con vinced, overy day, that Breckinripoe is tho only eandidato in tho field worthy the confidence and support of tho party, and tho only one that can save tho party from destruction. All who desire to re main Democrats, and all Democrats who dosiro to perpetuate tho glorious princi ples for which they havohavo so long bat tled, should earnestly consider tho roasons hero presented and no longor hesitato to join in support of tho only rcliablo Demo crats candidate. The reasons why ho Bhould be supported in preference to any other candidate aro : Because he is an ablo statesman, of sound praotical views, and is honest and faithful to tho Constitution, and will con form to its letter and spirit in tho dis charge of his duties. Beoauso, ho is not an offico-scckor, and has not involved himself in tho entangle ments consequent upon a ten years' ohaso for the Presidency, Bccauso ho is ono of thoso generous hearted and patriotic Kentukians who vol unteered at tho call of hisoountry, to haz ard his lifu in defenco of her right and honor. Because,in ever position to which ho has beon assigned by his country, ho has ful filled every duty devolved upon him with on ability and fidelity unexcelled by any ef his predecessors. Beoauso, in his personal cntcrcourso ho deports himself with a dignity and grace befitting his position, but with a mild gen tlenoss, indicating benovolcnco of disposi tioa and and tho characteristics of tho truo gontlcman. Bccauso, tho record of his past lifo is without a blemish or a etahi, and to which his friends can point with a proud satis faction. Because, his past career is free from changing purposes and stultifying incon sistencies. Because, ho rides no political hobbies, but walks manfully in the straight lino of duty. Because, he has had no agenoy in schemes of personal aggrandizement which have had such fatal cfTcct upon the Demo cratic party. Bocauso,ha has not two political theories one for tho North and West, and auothcr for tho South. Because, ho is not ashamed of principles and afraid to avow thein, so as to permit his countryman knowing what thoy aro but frankly and clearly makes them known in a suitablo and proper way, so that they may bo received or rejected by tho peo ple. Because, ho is a sound unflinching Dem ocrat, as his ancestors, from tho revolu tion down, have over been ono of them having been a member of Jefferson's Cabinct,and author of tho celebrated Ken tucky Resolutions of 1708-99. Because, he is a national, and not a sco- lional Democrat, whoso sympathies and judgement go hand in hand in sustaining tho constitutional rights of tho people in overy section of tho Union. Because like a good and true citizen, he receives and respects as law tho determi nations of our enlightened judiciary, and believes it tho duty of all to acquiesco in them. Bccauso, he u devoted to tho equality of rights of each stato and of every citizen and believes that each State should man age its own affairs iu its own way. Ilccauso, ho bolioves that citizens of each Stato have an equal right to settle in our Territories with such property as the Con stitution of tho United States recognizes, and that all such property is equally cnti. tied to protection from aggression or de struction. BccausCjbc believes in general laws pro tecting all kinds of property, and that ono kind shall have no pre-cminenco over any other kind. Because, ho believes that Congress can not mako laws to drive property, lawfully in a Territory, out, nor any to forco it to coiuo iu, but feels bound to respect tho equal rights of all. Boeausc, ho holds that tho Territories, in all branches of their government, have such powors only, as Congress authorizes them to exercise; and no moro, Because, ho believes that tho Territories havo no sovereignty while thoy remain such, and receive their Governors, Judges, Marshals, District Attorneys, &c. from the Federal Government, and lcgislato under a special character conferred by Congress, limiting tho sphcro of action, and express ly reserving tho right to dissent from laws that may be thoro enacted. Bccauso, he holds that what cannot be done directly, cannot be done by indircc tiou, and consequently that "unfriendly legislation" cannot bo resorted to in ordor to destroy any kind of property, whon it caunot bo directly dono. Bccauso, he docs not bclicvo that, in this country, there is any law higher than our Constitution, and tho laws enacted in pursuauco thereof. Because, like our anocstors, at tho revo lution, he believes tho right of all to bo cqual,and that depriving tho peoplo of any of them, is a just cause of complaint and resistance. Because, liko them, ho believes the Con stitution is evcrywhero, within our borders ths same, and that no ono can lawfully set up rights above it without being guilty of flagrant wrong. Because, he is opposed to disunion in all its forms, and will inflexibly sustain our alism, arrayed as it now is in tho North ern and Western States, against tho South is equally fatal to tho poaco and wclfaro of tho country and happiness of tho pcoplo,as when urged openly and frankly in Black Republican form. Because, in principlo and effect he sees no differenco between Mr. Seward's "high er law" and the squatter sovereignty "high r law" claimed to havo been derived from "God Almighty." Bccauso, be has such entire confidence that ho is right in principles, that ho con fides in tho intelligence of the peoplo to un derstand them, and ho, therefore remains quietly at homo, attending to his private affairs, instead of traveling over tho coun. try making electioneering speeches for tho Presidency. IIo leaves to others the bu siness of thus blowing their own trumpets. Because, he is opposed to Blavcry agita tion, come from whence it may, or howev or disguisod, and is decidedly against ma king it a political issue, when there is no probability of its becoming a practioal ques tion during tho lifo of the present genera tion, and ho consontsto meet only so much of it as is aimed at tho destruction of tho equal rights of fifteen States. Bccauso he is no demagogue, and docs not seek popularity by resorting to tho tricks of some, but leavos the peoplo to chooso between him and his competitors, without puffing himself or disparaging oth ers. Because, ho has qualifications for tho office superior to cither of his competitors, and will enter upon tho duties untrammcl ed by those promises or expectations whieh years of struggling for a nomination and election, arc sure to occasion, and which arc known to exist in tho caso of some of his competitors. Bccauso, if elected, ho will bo frce,in tho organization of his administration, to so- A Good Dialogue The scene of tho following Interesting Dialogue, is that of two farmers on oppo site sides of a fence. Mr. Smith, who has beside him a basket of very smalt potatoes, is leaning on tho fenco looking wistfully over at Mr. Jones, who is digging a splen did crop of big Potatoes. A picturo of tho scono was prepared with tho original dia logue, and should bo here, but wo havo not tho engraving at hand, Tho dialogue is pleasing and instructive, and should bo road by every one. " Tho Potatoes, they aro small, Over thoro. over there." Old Hong. Mr. Smith How is it, neighbor Jones, that your potatoes aro so largo and fine, while just over tho fenco, on similar soil, mino aro as small as pullets' eggs, and precious few at that ? Mr. Jones. I manured this field with brains. Mr. Smith. 'Pshaw. All tho Cincin nati hog-killors couldn't supply brains enough for this ten-acre field. Mr. Jones. I used human brains, of which there are plenty. Mr. Smith. Nonsense Now don't make fun of me because I'm unlucky, and Providence has sent yotiji good crop. Mr. Jones Providence helps those who help themselves. 1 used my own brains on this field. Mr. Smith. So did I mine, and they aro as good as anybody's. Mr. Jones Ah I There's the trouble. You know it all yourself: I don't, and so I get all the outside help I can. I'vo been collecting other men s brains for my land for twenty years, and you sco one result in this crop. 1 Mr. Smith. Yes, I seo the result, but I don't understand it. Mr. Jones Well, wo began hero 20 years ago, I thought myself a good farmer, lect the best men of the nation for places I but I believed others had good ideas, too for which they aro qualified j instead of and I made it my busiucss to get at their co, or a cigar, or candy, and that's all tho paper will cost. How littlo a week it costs to supply yourself and family with a largo amount of information through any good paper. Mr. Smith What aro tho politics of that papor i Mr. Jones It doesn't touch politics. It is dovotod to such subjecta as Field and Garden crops, Animals, etc., and has, be sides, a good deal about Woman's Work, which my wifo says is worth more than ten times tho few pounds of butter it costs to pay for the paper. Then thoro is also a department for tho young folks containing many things which plcaso tho ohildrcn not nicro trashy stuff, such as is too of ton printed for them, hut information that will havo a good influence on them. I would sell a dozen bushels of wheal to havo my young peoplo get tho good reading in that paper, but tho average price of ono bushel will pay for it a year. My John says ho can pay for it easy with tho eggs from two or three hens. If I was a mechanic or merchant and had only a littlo garden, I should tako the paper to tell me how to mako the best use of the little plot ; and if I had not a foot of land I should still want it for my wifo and children. Mr. Smith Docs tho editor know any thing about farming? Mr. Jones The editor who owns and publishes tho paper was brought up on a farm, where he learned to work. Ho has studied all th books on farming, and ex perimented for years in the laboratory,and has besides, traveled all over tho country to see what was doing. Then be has sev eral associates Formers, Gardeners, and Housekeepers, who know what they writo about, and among tbcin all thoy gather up a wonderful lot of information every year. Ths language, too, is so plain, so liko talk ing with you, that I enjoy reading it. Then, too, every paper has engravings, which show one exactly how animals and papers. Tho proprietor also offers somo six fountains throw up jets from thirty to voli,1i1n tiio,miima In tltna. ...I.n nnl ,m d!I, rpi. t i - . being compelled to reward all sorts of men for their efforts iu securing a nomination, not voluntarily accorded for personal fit nes s and qualifications, as well as political merit. Because, he would mako a president of whom the nation would bo justly proud j who would preserve our high standing abroad) and command the respect and con fidence of our own citizens everywhere ; who would ever prefer the union and pros perity of tho country to his own interests, or that of any cliquo formed for any pur poso whatever ; who could bo tho Presi dent of tho whole country tho East, West North and South and not of a section, or a band of partizans; ono who is worthy to walk in the foot-steps of his most illustri ous predecessors ; one whose pago in histo- thcughts; somo I found iu agricultural books and papers, others I picked up at tho County Pairs, by asking how the big things were raised, and often I'vo got a good hint from a neighbor. Mr. Smith I'vo always been down on this "book farming," but your crops stag ger me, they 'ro real knock down argu ments. I'm sick of the poor chow I get for all my work, and am desperate enough to try anything for improvement. Mr. Jones I'll give you my experience; it may aid you. About nineteen years ago I heard that some men who had been bro't up on farms had clubbed together, and ono of thorn was going to publish a paper, which should consist mainly of accounts of how different farmers cultivated various crops, and such liko matters. I sent for ry will bo bright and unspotted, devoid of tho paper and have done so ever since, and selfish traits, and 6trongly marked by pa triotism and lovo of our glorious Union, and of the great and enduring'principlcs of equal rights. STRAiaiiT-ouT Douar,Asisi Indiana. The defoat of General Foster in Penn sylvania has boon attributed by somo to his not declaring himself distinctly in favor of Judge Douglas for President. It is ar gued that if ho had dono so tho result would have been different. Perhaps tho result of tho Indiana elec tion, which has just taken place, will throw some light on tho subject. Thero tho Demo cratio candidate for Governor, Mr. Hend ricks, was an out-and-out Douglas man. Ho proclaimed his preferenco everywhere, in season and out of season. That Stato adjoins Illinois, it is a portion of tho great Northwest part and parcel of Douglas' own bailiwick, wbero it was said ho would carry everything by spontaneous oombus- Constitution and laws, at all times and on lion all occasions, at any and overy hazard, and by all possible moaus. Because, ho is opposed to slavo oodos Well, Indiana has gono by botween ten and fifteen thousand majority for ths Blaok Republicans. So it appears that tho will his infatuated followorsbo oonvinced ! Fcnnsylvanian, A. Toast. Women : to her virtues wo g'tvo our lovo; to her beauty our admira. tion, and to hor hoops tho whole side walk. by Congress, or to demanding anything much-vauntcd straight out Douglasism is moro for tho security of slave property than as weaK in tlio iortnwcst as u is ncre. for any other, but is opposed to any ag-. Douglas' last hope is extinguished. When gressivo law upon it or to authorize its destruction. Because, ho bclievos that when a Terri tory is preparing a Constitution preparato ry to admission as a Stato, thoy may right fully provide for permitting or rejecting slavery, and that Stato sovereignty coin, menccs on tho adoption of tho Constitution and admission as a Stato of tho Union.and that then it will havo the samo rights of equality as other States. Because, ho is opposed to that phaso of sectionalism whieh claims that tho fifteen slavo States havo not tho same rights ns tho remaining ones, but that they must submit to an inequality through unfriendly legislation. Btcauic, ho boliovos this form of section- now I havo nineteen largo volumes, every pago of which I have read, a littlo at a time, and tho whole has cost the produce of a singlo acre. Why I am astonished when I think over the ten thousand tho'ts, mid hints, and suggestions I havo thus gathered. What a blank would bo left in my head, if these thoughts were taken away. Mr. Smiths But docs the practico of farmers on other kinds of soil and with a different climate, suit your wants ? Mr. Jones Why no, not exactly, per haps. But then, every thought I get from another, starts a new thought in my own mind, and thus I am constantly improving my own skill and practice. You see, I get all tho brains I can from other men's heads, and compost them well in my own head with a mixture of common sense, and then make tho application to my fields. In that way, I havo manured this crop of plants, and implements, and household furniture look, much better than worda could describe them. Among theso aro plans of buildings, that help one to plan others ; and also many very fino Urge pio- turos, which are worth moro than tho cost of a whole volume. Mr. Smith I suppose those engraving and descriptions are partly to help the editor sell implements or fertilizers valuablo premiums to thoso who get up lists of subscribers. Send for tho paper, and you may afterwards find it well worth while to mako up a club. Somo 1700 persons havo got good premiums in this way during two years. Somo of your German neighbors would join you, porhaps, for tho JJgiiculturiit is printed separately in German. I did intend to start a club myself, but I havo so many potatoes to dig. I can not get tho time. My sister-in-law in Iowa, got up a club last year, and rccoivod a premium of a S50 Wheeler & Wilson Sowing Machino ; an old ac quaintance in Wisconsin got two or throe good farming implements, and a young nophew of mino in Ohio got a beautiful copy of Webster's great Dictionary. Thcsa things only cost them a littlo ti se, show ing tho paper evenings and election day. Send in your subscription and tho first pa per will toll you all about the premiums. I forgot to tell you that overy year tho pub lisher also sends out" to all his subscribers who want them a lot of choice garden anj tanoc to osoapo tho great heat r.i I 7- I r I .1 ? Mr. Smith What does ho charge fo them? Mr. Jones Nothing; they aro sect free except tho postage. They aro of tho best kind and ono single parcel I got last year wa3 worth more to me than tho price of tho paper. Mr. Smith I'll try it a year, any way; if half what you say Is truo it will bo a good investment. Mr. Jones You'll find every word I havo said true. Mr. Smith 1 11 send this very night, while in the spirit of it, Mr. Jones Do it, and you'll always thank mo for this talk. Good day, I must hurry up digging my potatoes, I'vo such a lot of them thanks to a hint in tho Agri culturist, Mr, Smith now did you say I should direct tho letter containing the Dollar? Mr. Jones To Orange Judd, 41 Park Row, Now York City sixty feet high. Tho fountain from tho spray of which I so hastly retreated, mado largo deposits of molten lava on tho bank whero I was standing, and when it oeascd I procured somo very good specimens. A short period of inactivity ensued, and then tho waves of tho fire commenced to roll and dash against tho littlo island, as wo a first saw tdem. Nativo tradition say that this crater has been burning from finio im memorial. Tho most wonderful and mysterious phenomenon wo witnessed was on tho sec ond day of our visit to tho crater. It was noon, and wo wore sitting on a high bank at lunoh. I had turnod my face in tho wind, to avoid tho intenso heat of the lake, I was startled by a noiso liko tho rushing together of vast bodies of water. Tho na tives jumped up instantly, and raising an unearthly shout, scampered off in an op posite direction. Turning towards tho lako, I behold a scene which I shall nevor forget. I, too, had to run off somo dis- Tho wholo surfaoo of tho lako was in a stato of tha wildest commotion. Wavo clashed on wavo, and all was confusion. Tremend ous billows of fire rolled from every sido of tha lako into tho centre, and meeting in ficrca conflict around the island in tho o:ntre, broke with fury over its black sides. Then, nftor receding again, they rushed to tha onset once more, with increased forco, and meeting together, shot up into the air porhaps ono hundred feet ono vast spiral body of red liquid lava, which finally combed over and then fell in graceful spray back into the lako again. A Wolf Story. The settlers of Maino found, beside iU redfaeed owners, other and abundant sour ces of annoyance and danger. Tho ma jest'to forests, which then waved where now is heard tho hum of business, and whero now a thousand villages stand, were tho homes of enumerable wild and savago ani mals. Often at night was tho farmer aroused from sleep by tho noiso without, which told that bruin W03 storming tho sheep-pen or pig-sty, or was laying violent paws upon somo unluoky calf and often, on a cold winter evening did they roll a largo log against the door, add with beat ing hearts draw closer around the ficr, as potatoes with plenty of brains. Tho editor tllat PaPor a J'ear. and 00 what thoro is called hero last week on his Western tour in 1 can manago to sava two oanU a A Lake of Fire. A correspondent of tho Alia Califaniian gives the following incidents of a visit to the volcano, Kilauua, in tho Sandwich Islands, thirty-six miles from Hilo. Af ter saving that the crater of this voloano Mr. Jones Not at all. Tha editor keeps , is in a vast pit in the midst of sn immense ' imai noni oi tno wolt ccuocd turouga nothing of tho sort to sell, so that ha may plain, having only a gradual irse up to tha be perfectly freo to proiso or condomn any- centre and that within near a puarter ef a thing, according as it may be valuable or ruilo is the entrance to a groat cave, whioh worthless to his readers. You would laugh ho and his guides explored ha says : to sec how lie comes dow,n on poor ivcn- Suddenly we oama to a high bank, and tions, patent manures, and all kinds of tooking down wo beheld tho lake of fire humbugs. j beneath us about seventy-fiva feet. This Mr. Smith Is the paper adapted to our lake is something more than a muo in part of tho country ? ! circumfercnoe. There, in full viow, were Mr. Jones Exactly. Soils and cropj real or liquid firo, of a bright red color, and olimalcs differ, but tie general princi- spluttering and splashing liko ocean waves ! pies of cultivation arc the saroo every-I A little Island of bard lava stands iu ths where, and here is tho benefit of a paper ( middle of the lako, against tho blaok sides published for the whole country. Every of which tha waves of fire dashed with reader gets new ideas by learning what is tremendous fury, and breaking on tho dono somewhere else ; and further, I find jagged cliffs, they would cast their red that tho paper has letters from every part spray high in tho air. The sides of this of the country, and one or more aisociato lake are solid walls of firo, glowing with) in different sections, so that wo get infor- fearful intensity, "ewere standing on mation from many regions and our own too. the windward bank, with a strong cold One thing I mut mention particularly. wind blowing down, yet the heat was co The editor is constantly warning his read- intonso we coold only look a minuto at a crs against humbngs, telling how 'harpers timo, and then turn away to catch tho re take tho advantage of people. Why, I freshing influonee of tho cool brccte. In was just going to send a dollar for an ar- addition to tho hideous roaring and bis tide advertised in glowing colors, when I sing of the lake, was heard, at short in found it shown up as a humbug in this tcrvals, sounds muoh rcsorabling that of a paper. But I oannot ttop to talk moro steamer blowing off steam only infinitely now i navo sucn a lot oi poiatoos to nar- louacr, ana ominous growuug oi jiem up forces struggling in subterranean oavcrns, at which tho very earth seemed to tremblo. vest. Mr, Smith I wish I had. I must try the woods. Tho wolf was tho most feroci ous, blood-thirsty but cowardly of all ani mals, rarely attacking man, unless driven by severe hunger, and seeking his victim with the utmost pertinacity. Tho incident hero related occurred in the early history of Biddcford. A resident of that placo, Mr. II, was one autumn engaged in felling trees somo distance from tho house. His littlo son, eight years old; was iu the habit, while his mother was busy with household cares, of running out into the field and woods around tho house, and often going where his father was at work. Ono day after the frost had robbed the trees of their foliage, tho father left his work soonor than usual and started home. Just on tho edgo of tho forest he saw a pile of leaves with- I nnk .rnnriinc In think- "Vhnf. had mndn it. lift eautiously removed the leaves, when what was his astonishment, to find his own dar ling boy lying thoro sound asleep. 'Twas but the work of a moment to take up tho littlo sleeper, put in his placo a small log, carefully replace tho leaves, and conceal himself among the bushes to watch tho ro suit. After waiting there a short time, ho hoard a wolf s distant howl quiokly follow ed by another, till tho woods seemed alivo with tho fearful sounds. The howls cam Personal beauty is a lcttor of recom. mendation written by tho hand 'of divinity but not unfrcqucntly dishonored by tho bearer. A Western editor says his voico 'Is still for truth,' Evidently his voice for truth is perfectly still. . ..I Rembrandt Peale, tho eminent pain ter, died in Philadelphia on Thursday in tho 63d year of his age. among farmers, and seeing my good crops ho asked me to writo out how I have treat ed this field for years past, aud I promised to do it as soon as my crops arc gathered. Ho will probably print it, as he constantly prints all such practical matters, and per haps a hundred thousand persons will read it ; and though nobody clso may do just as I do, many will get a new hint, and im prove upon it. You may read it if you will. Mr. Smith I would liko to borrow your paper. Mr. Jones Better tako it yourself, for then yon will bo moro likely to road it. You will find hundreds of plain talks about week. Mr. Jones Never fear. If you don't find it pays, I'll buy your copies at oost, for my boys to keep. Mr. Smith What did you say tho pa per is called ? Mr. Jones Tho American Agricultur ist. It is published jn How icrk Lity. Tho editor, though ono of our country far mers, and living in tho couutry, fiuds ho can publUh it cheaper thero, whero print ing, and paper, and mailing facilities aro all convenient. Mr. Smith now shall I get it ! Mr. Jones Simply incloso a dollar bill in a letter, giving your name, Post Office, various kinds of crops, during a single and Stato plainly, and direct to Uranqe year. Ono hint gavo fivo bushels of corn Judd, 41 Park Row, Jsew lork Utyi on each aero of a largo field in a singio year; Occasionally, largo masses of the cooled , nearer and in a few minutes a largo g&unt, savage looging won, teapcu iuio iuu opvu ing, closely followed by tho wholo pack. Tho leader sprang direotly on the pile of leaves, and in an instant scattcrred them in every direction. Soon as ho saw tho deception, his look of fierceness and confi dence changed to that of most abject fear. IIo shrank back cowed to tho ground, and passively awaited his fato ; for tho rest, onraged by tho supposed cheat, fell upon him, tore him .to pieces, and devoured him on tho spot. And whon they had fin ished their comrade, thov wheeled around Mr. Smith I can't afford to tako it this Mr. Smith When does a volume begin! Mr. Jones Tho twentieth volumo be gins Jtnuary 1st, but all who sond in tho vear. ' remaining numbers of this year, in addi Mr. Jones You would think nothing of . tion to tho whole of noxt year's. So if spending two cents a week for extra tobao-' yousubsoriba now,you got fourteen month's lava on the edgo of tho lako became do- taohed, and falling into tha boilng caul dron, aro instantly reducod to a liquid state. After a few minutos' silenco, disturbed only by an occasional hissing and mur muring, I was startled by that awo inspir ing sound of escaping steam. In an instant a faint glimmering of red, liko a suoet of lightning, shot out from undor tho over hanging brink, wbero I was standing, and ran across tho lake. This was a signal for u ohange In tho wholo programme Im- morlinrnlv tho wholo lako bcoamo ot a bright red color, up in different parts of tho lake. My eyes followed thoso wuuamazomcni, as ono after tho other thoy cast up great qu&utitics of pare vermilioa colored liquid. Thcso wero followed by two otners, in rapid succession, ono which burst up near whoro I was standing. Running back, I cower ed under tho upper banks and witnessed plunged into, tho forest, and disapeared, - j. ... i i ft.,n .nlnnin. ftf liinir first, nrinp-irnnpft and tour lountains oursi. aiuuiimuuu. n not a wolf was to bo seen, 'lho oxcitod. father pressed tho child to his bosom, and thauked tho kind Provideneo which led him thero to savo his dear boy. Tho boy aftnr playing till ho was weary, had laid down and fallcu aslcop, and in that situa tion tho wolf had found him and covorod him with leaves, until ho could bring his tho grandest pyrotoebnioal display of which comrades to tuo least; out nimwu uan jitispossdblota form any conception. Theso j furntbhod tun ropast.