Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 20, 1860, Image 3
Culttmltut Semnrrnt SATUltDAY, OCTOUEH 0, 1800. HLOOMSHUltG JIAKKKTS. WLoat 1 10 llyo 76 Shoulder 10 liuttor 18 Kggs ia Tallow 12 Lard VI Potatoes.. . . . . . fiO Dried Apples. 1 CO Corn ,. no Oats :i3 WliitoHoan...l 00 Duck wheat, . . , ,50 Hums 13 K. II. Littj;'b observations upon I'alo noa John's paper will appear next week. TlLooM.-nuno llooic Stoke. Dr. P. John, has purchased of Mrs. Caroline Clark, the Illoomsburg Hook and Station ory llstabllslmicnt, and intends continue ing tho business in all its various depart ments. Miss Amelia 1). .Wkbii, has opened a Fancy Trimming Store, in tho Urick build ing of John 1$. Purscl, on Slain Street, first door South of tho Court llouso, where she will at all bo happy to meet her Lady friends and customers. lunar, vpj,VA.--Mn. ,J- Mr, Istinc lkekr, of (Jreonwood township, in this county, have our thanks for a lot of the finest and largest Apples wo hare yet seen. Mr. Ikeler is a pro-pcrous farmer, and at the same time, gives much attention to tho fcieiici) of Horticulture. His farm stock stands Xo. 1, in Orecnwood. Mr. Lr.ovn T. Siiaiut.kss, has received h'u Fall and Winter Goods. Wo looked in upon his stock on Tuesday, and wcro grat ified to observe, that he had a wcll-lilled fitoro of choice Goods, and is soiling rap idly at very mojerato prices. Mr. Sharp less U a worthy young man a pleasant companion ,-r-goqd salesman, and is emi nently deserving of liberal patronage. 'Wiiai' a gloiiom world this would bo if all itrf inhabitants could say t Shakes pcaro's sliciiliord ; " Sir, I am a truo la borer, I cam that I wear ; owe uo man hate ; envy no man's happinoM ; glad of other men's good ; content with my farm,' ami buy their gooda irom tho cheap and fdsuionablu btoro at S. L. Jtiittlo . Lii'ht i , o - - Strict, Pa. Dvck Ij. Gii.vpt.N, Esij. It U rumored that an error h.u boon diieovcrod within a day or two, in thu t illy list of tho return judges, which clucti this gentleman to tho legislature, instead of Lewis Pughe, lie publican, ai repotted. Wo have no knowl edge of the foundation of tho rumor, but .fir 1m rr.m. tAonU turn In. rtf - "N--v-' ' tininn , t " I'rfg'ilitiy is a Fair fr.riluii; and In- j tiuHry it Guod L'slatc," as proven b tho j multi'udu ulio poscss a combination of both tho lbriner and latter quaHlicd, an I have Htid arc making fuir Jo'luncs through the exercise ,of tlum; which fortunes they rjrcfiillv aoid riskinc in any (.ceculatiou. lint iHnnt tl'rtnl-Hii' iiinrlm "nnl-r. u.,.,ll jain", thereby uiiss great losses,1' and ae cordiihrjy depojit their money in Tho r.'.nikliu Saving I'uul Xo, 133 South Tourlh tticct, below Chcsti.u, l'hiadol- I'Lia, at five jior cent. inteiet. where itcau be withdrawn ut any time, without notice. TI.ii Saving Fund utvir tuspeitee. See advertisement in anther column. ... Twelfth Congrossional District. OnUC'IAI. nETUHNS. Seranton, iZ. Jtandall, D, Columbia County, I ,!)5a S.470 Montour 1 ,U.)-J 1,'J5U 1,131 0,1111 1,205 Luzcrno 1 Vyouiing 11,710 11,021 Scrantou'a mnj. 0U5 Ropresentativo District. Kline, Osfrhout. Stratthridgc. Harding. rVurrlit. t'o . Montiur ' :.i.3l 1 J.737 1,101 1.151 a 15 1.0J7 r,i 1,00 J.D. 113 Tin l.Ul-I :i;u "u'lttan Ml l yojiiuj J.VJ5 i.iVJ 3,5'1J 4..UI majority l.aoo 1,11 An Indication. Thu Cheater aud Del aware Congrcas'ioual District was the only onl) ia tho State in which a direct issue was made between the supporters of DrecU iuridgo and Douglas. John II. Diuxton, wbb nominated as tho lircckinridgo can didate, ami P. Erazeii Smith as the Douglas candidate. The result shows the utter itisiguilicauce of the Douglas party iu it county where they havo a straight-out rgan, and wliuru they madoanopeu fight Um followiug ia the vote for member of ' ongreas iu Che.-ter county : .'juii Hiflinian. Rcnublieau 7,103 John II. Jiriiiton, JJi-cckiuridge. . . .5,070 1 i r. O fill til UoUglaS. ...... OU I.. . ... , t, i, u Delaware county tho vote for IJiUN- ton exceeds that given to Foster 13 votes ; so Smith, tho Douglas caudidatc, was nowhere iu tho contort. After all tho talk cf tho Douglasmcn fiiout tho immense popularity of their can, tlnlate, and tho necessity of adhering lo him is the regular nominee, it tfrns out that he has no strength at all wheic his claims are subjected to the popular test. The JiJy result accomplished by his adherents ubeen to weaken aud defeat the Dcui,1 e.atio party. TiiANKSun inu DAV,Wr(o OoTcrnor r N'ew York takes tho load tLi-i yoar, as lie did lust, in appointing a day for gon thaiiksg'ning. He has Ufcued his ' ruclamation, appointing Thursday, J'o imbr aoih. MA.111UED. On tho 10th iust., in Jersey Shoro, by Hev. Joseph Stevens, Mr. Jambs L. Hah clay (formerly of Illoomsburg,) nntl Miss M.vuy Mamma WBn,all of Jersoy Shoro Pa. DIED. In Espy, Columbia co., on Saturday, tho 13th qfOotobcr, 1600, Mr. SlLAS E. Fowleu, of tho Mercantile House of Fow ler & Crcvoling in tho 80th year of his ago. Mr. PonuiKii one of tho most tmfiil and cntcruiz' in rllifmia of Culuinbia miitity unil wu. cut oir la tliu ntiilst uflil nsr-fulncss. Ilu was a Hunt of larRC purine spirit, ami his dcntti i I not unlv bu EtHii-rallv rcim-tli-il by all ulli) riil-w lilai. but will provu n serious ilruwbiirk upon llio pruspi-rily of llio viltiiKO 1)1 wa, main y In.tru uiLlituI In building up by lijutmn eiit-r.ii.-fl, rnpilnl, atid rtiturpriro, Aboicn'l, Mr. F. mis an eu-mplary Chris linn, and dlr-il as lie hail lived, in full hoptf uf luiiuurtall. ly and llfo eternal. Ncm Qi)ucrtiscmcnt0. j G 13 NTS WATI'ED. ui;i;,vi Lintiusii i i VUI.;ie nn,e of the ereatest curiosities and mot val uable invention in the known world, for which wo want agent everyvv hi-re. CO" Full particular sunt on receipt of.tno rid etanipt. KlXt,P.K &. CO., Oct. SO, 13fiO-Ct. Y S. Came tn the Premise cf thi subscriber, eccmi ( in I.ocut trminhip, two PtrcM anil two ImfeM. Onu of the ttucrs spoiled, and the other dark brown, suppo't'd ti bo about 3 tears "Id. One of thu heilers a bl.ick with u while streak on tlm rump tunl vvhitu hind legs-suppon vil tn ho about 3)cur old, and thu oilier a red heifer nbout ) curs old. TJu uvvmr Is reiucetcd to prove property .pay charges and tuku theiuawuv, or they will bo fold according to law, JACOU ariMi l.octlst, Oct. Dili, 1-tiO. 3t. U U I T O 11 S X OTIC 13. Estate of J. R. Di.vh deceased. The uiiili'risiied, auditor Appointed bv thu Orphan's, Court ut Coiiimhiu County, to uitnJmte the assets in the h.inda of HeiijdUiiii P.i'urtiivr, nditnuulrator of the tate , of J. It, Davis, late of Columbia County, decuiscd, ac cording Mth i rates and proportions tbt.ibiihed by l..w In llieoinsbiirL...,,, w ,e.,i.,v. u'u u-n. :,r x. niu iiiicmi in ui (iuiiuk oi jus uppoiinuiuui, ai ins UllllU r-h.illl pn'seiit the i uue, nr be debarred Iruiu coming In for u slidfo uf said assttls. Wi:riLCV WIRT, .iudiltfr. October 23, lf00,-4ta. UDITOirS NOTICE. EsUao of Jonah D. Dochon, The un.lersrined, auditor appointed by the Court of Common Meainf Uolumbid County to distribute theiuun ey n turned by the fcln-riti, iw raised out of the sa'o of th" reul fvtatc of Jovial. C, Iiodson, amoim the rfiMitors ol the sli I Dodbou, acrorditig to law, will at t -nd tolh"duti"s of his appointment, at hi eihie, in Itioomburir, on Tiifsd.iy, the ilTth day of Nmeniber.A. I). If i 0, ut JU o'clock in thu fore iiouh ; w hen anil U 'to all pcrHous h.nins rl.ii-ns against thu -aid liodyon, are rrijiifstcd to prrti'ittthu aine, or be debarred from cum- insiu upon s.u.i tuud. M"br ai. wo. ii.. wnsr.r.v wiiit, ujiur. f " I S U L U T 10S ijif ro pannerfoip ncrtintoro rifiins nrtftcrn uu'iciied m the.Vrrrti Ihisint, in Jorsejtoun.l Is BO, b mutual MUinriit. All pfrons indebted to the lute firm nre e.irnc-tly re'itiected to call imnn'diateiy ond make settlement, Tlju lluoks are in the olhrc of J. A. ruiistoii. twodours wet-tof thu t-tore were the accounts will btj af'jUbtedby either iiiemher of tho late firm. juil A.rt'Nriruv, JLII II. TYI-KMA-V Jrsetown,Ort j, ltTal.-:ha . ' "'u"y ' 9S " ' .v.Llw . 1 i AD.MlNISTIlATOll'S XOTICU. Esi&te of l.udwg Gigritlieimer, decased TTTlf:l'' I" lis rfhv (ilvrn letter nraJuiiiiistration on th 'estate c,f l.udw 1(; iJpcenlM-iupr liit-i t.f l.ocu townMilp, l aiumuun uliti, dccca.i'd.haVQ Ijobi cranlfii 1 t'l-i KiPistPr of .aid roiinly to thi undrrnK'ird, ivhu r. .id In I.icii.t lownslup. All p'reous h.i nl c'aiins r dtinaiid nzainstlht t'slMti-of the di'rcdcnt are reiuia.t. c4 toprr. tit Hindi lorsrtl'riucnt, and thosu indiblcd ID nuk? pnyuient withuat ililay. LEONARD A0AM3, Jia'r Loc'lfl Oft 511, 1?C0. AUDITOR'S NOTICK. IS Till: OUPIIA.VS' CUUKT, 'Tlln AuHitnr aipoiutcd to make di.trihutton or the Jl balanrr in 11... uf AKr.-ih..iu ltl.l.i.iy A.r, M. Iratnr olth. oslat.' of I'lloiua. lloldiins, lain of the raid coillllV, UPCf-ascd, Mill lilt-el 111.: illrlriltutci'S and ull pi r SOUS llltTbll'll. fl r tlm OlirtlOfil1. riflll. I. in .tin,-HI nl """" I"1'"""1' f' ' purposos ofhl. aiipoliitiin.'iil, ut III. olfiro in I looin.liiirg. on ntlllAV llw li.llniny of NOVUM 4 I'M ni'it, l),ti'rn tin- h.nir W liiiin A, M. .uid thr'e 1'. M tthi it and ttueru .ill in rson. h.ltina cluiiiis are r quin-il to present liicni.or ow lorcter UiharrtU Iroin u share of said luud, J. u. ruri:.i:. 1 Hloomsb-lrj. Oct. 13, IpCO. JuUtlor. AUDlTOli'S NOTICE. Esta'c of huac W. MusgtavC) deceased, rpm: ondertcned nppofntrd l,y tho Orphan' Court of JL rlumbia Loimt to nuilit, eutlle nnd udjuht tho ac fount of niiil Aaron V. Ml'-okuk, adnitm-tra. turn of llii f.ini listate on rxeeptitniH liled to tho aidnc count will aitrnd tr liUoilin- in I lorutiH huri; un HATLICDAV tin' Kill day neil (ift 10 o'clock a. M., ut w Inch tiine liud plato alt puoii.t ;ntcretcd art rujuiref to uku ulice. jiii in g. ntnj:x, Oft. 13. Jiuaito iiousi: foh itiv.vr. ANTAT mid fonifortalil (Iw-ellinc Moiifc' nnd prenil nei, wilfi tattle, finrden, I'rnnp. A.c., attached, nil (i good irder-wiih priulffjn of ilardt-n Prodnre-in lilKDiitKbui;, iaoifered for rent. Jtuuiedtatp popsi-Hnfm piven, Jf denied. Tefiiu reanaU'. Apply ut thu of Jicf. -rat ANUVVALT'd HAT aiOKU. Ulutuiburg. Oct. f. NOTICE. TMl'IIH'vn nw ll. .1 .,,.L .1 I JJ llridpe('o..hab, in fan ,r of tn ftnckholdi ti of taid Company, of 3 pi-r ff lit., (73tt per iiliare) for the pat ti iDuiith, pa) able at im; oifice 011 or utter the loth uutuiit. j.mtfiiAKpLnsa, I 'JVeas'r Cattawlisi Hridfie Co'i Office. Uttobu 1, Jem 4t. NO IKJE5 TyOTlri: I. herchyslvrn left my Docket" i in the hands of Thonijs J Morris, I1., aud thaf unless p.iyiueul of all costs due me is made liy the 15th uf October next suit ttill bv iuttituted for tho same. THOMAS i-AlNTBR. l:ioonisbur?, Bept. 2Slh lSt.0. yt. KXKClJTOirS NOTICK, Etute qf Hairy Mil r, dtceased. IIJTCUS testamentary on tho I'state of IUsrvMii -i i kK, late of Viitlliu township, in Columbia tounty, ilereayed have b'eu urauied by the Iteyuter of Columblj eounly lo the undersitfued, all pi roiis having ilainii osftilut the Kktate ot the dice dent, are reipiented to pre keut them tn thu Lu-rutor. at his residence, in Mama i township, without dtla), aud ull persons Imttbted lo inakii uavuwut foithwith. gnoucu .mii.i.i'r, fticsutur, P.ptib.'r 1, i;co. TKAGIIKUS KXAMIXATIONS. t WILL coiitlmt nn examination of Teachers ut tho fol 1 low t ii' time and jdatL-i, vu Heoit, nt Lpy, Oct. '.Mill; Cuttjwjsda. at r'attauffHu, Oct. -Jd ; Oruuire, at frauevillo Oil .td ; (;reiiwoodl at llohrfcburtr, Uct.-tth; .Madiou, at Jerse)towu, Oil, 'Jilh ; Hemlock, at tlmkhoru. Oit. ifi Hi Mount 1 leasant at HutdiKiu.oa. -'nil , Millliu. at Mitlliuv tile Oct. .Vth Heaver, ut Mini ie' hi liH IIouhu, UlI JIHIi ; .W'V.&S arniL'trci'K, maiiic phuuoI tiousu utt'eiitrev jllu Nov, vd; Louixt, ut .xUbtoit u, Nov. :ld: I'rauUni. at Ll.i).ius .uv. ,'.lli; moiiio'ii, at i.eiii-iitit ati.uii. iioiiau , i-i.j , i ettui-. ui n.ui rinie nii; iinarrr k. at i:tau.tiiie.Nov Clll , . I.IUIISLIl-.'l., ill r-,.ll.. I..CI, ,.(. . i.lll , IK IIK'U, U N'ot.Ulli; dusarloaf, A. Cole's rkliuo) llou.u ov.llth; Jiiksou, at llirr's Hihncl Hou.u Not.lA. fine, at L jiu.r rfertno, Nov. Jutli. At onu o'tloik r. Jl, of eaih da). lurector. arere-tue.ieu to ninae an neeiiiui nrransc- uieuts. uud lo uiauife.t their inttre.t tv nlteudutlie. i.UWIS Ai'l'Lll.MA.N, Co. ift tO-The Editor- of Oolumbu county will pleo-o copy. I.IKIII Kirett, ucl. IU1II, iron. NJ3W MILLINKUY G00PS. ALL ANU WINTIIII ItONNUTrf. T'ilH undi-ruiLMicd reamtlfully iuforun tlis ladiet of itlouiu biirir. uud viciuit), that hu haijuit returned fru.utiie dty ,ih.a .idendid n..ortuiei,t mnuv ullJtLiiJiYiSliW S(Dl2)a, toiupriiiig ever)tbiug commonly found in u frit-dan Millinery etore Her s()lu of Honuets, luiiuoi be sur passed in this set i imi if.ouutry, und her work will fa vnrably cumpsire with any done tins id of thu rules. tlu lu on h tod uut uf ncut and handsome bonmts. hats, uud tups, for little A1is.cs, ufutl t-tjlu uud prtits HI tllV IM III' I Uloouisbatf, UC, U, I ANOARIEK HINdlMM'H, a fins L;(, jail recclrcd a. uJ f'r nl, III mi. rr nAUTUAK'X OllANGEVILLE uHAtL.tS A 53 E 551 A CU 13 ORANUUVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNT V, PA J. A. SHANK. A. B.-Frlnclpal. THU Academy ill be opened on the 4th of September, 1U. The course of lust ruction embraces a solid and thorough Knslish Education, whilst those who desire in pn pari; for business, nr lor College. Imvo every ndvan tnjjo fnrthe acquisition of tho elements of Mnt tie mattes, and of Urn Latin, Creek and (lerman languages. EXPENSES. Tuition. nor Pcsslon of KUven weeks. For tho Flrnt Oracle, $1 w) Oecuud Grndc, $J00! Third (Jrndc, $ti.0O. One-hall the Tuition Is required to be paid at tho opening of each Hussion, and the other half at the clone, unkss other arniiineiiiLtits are entered into with tho Principal. There will be nudeduclloii fur ubience, except ia case of protracted sickness. XQAliVLVa JtXD tftUHIMI SlSlSiil1 oijr-0' uuteto vno dulBr uv tor luriiH-r infonnaiion address, Rev. P. UerL'stressUi or t. t sd n Mr. U. Inzarus, lr. O. W. holt, Mr A, Welch, Mr. J. Pattirsun .Mr. 8. Achcubacl'i, Mr. V. llowinan. Ormigi'HIe. P.'ptPinbT I. T UE l'AKIS Mantilla Emporium. No. TM Chestnut Sttta, l'hiladelpbia, K.tnbli.hed In lKSS for thy t'tclusitu display and sale uf tin.' Ijtupt nuvcltius In 1'arN, Luudun and thu liuvr I'ruductiuns of liuinu inanurikturcd VJ.OAKS .J- MANTILLAS, To winch lias bucn added a FUU D13PA11TMKNT, Which embraces the Urgent assortment of tUti OK ALL JMTIVAH, titclildiiis Keul Huh si nu S ible, I'lne O.irk Hudson IMy 8abb, ViUKi.ut and vViiiencau Mink Snblo, lo)al llnniii', Cluiitlilll.1, rinelinrktfibrian S-iulrrtl.fcf , id made up In the most fuehionuble ttj let for Ladies in ter Uufitume. ET7 AIL OOOOt WARRAITtD. One Filed l'nr from whirh nodevLition cm be made. Thu Parts Mm. hll.i, Cloak and Pur Cniporium, .Nu. 701 Chestnut St., tiUo v dcveutii, south sid.) i, ntocioii & co. Sept. 20. 160-31.1. JKWKLUV, AND SILVElt WA1U3. would respeitfully lulerin our friends, luitron. nnd the Hiililic cenerally. that we II1VU IKIV III l-IITII niKI OUr ltlllUOS.UU UIIU Ktl- V. t.til, at thelowei-t Ua-h Trices, a l.trce and try Ol$& f ".o-"e,a.i.i Jwcir, silver uua i iatcu ery diseriittion of Diamond Work and other Jewel ry made to order at short notice, All goods war ran icii iw uu us ri-j'tr't iiiuii. N. II. Particular nttention givn lo the Repairing of WuUhes and 4eM:lry.ofeery depiption. Bi'Aurri:uL iiAm.nv. No. f.2'i Market St.,SoutUcide, t'hiladclphia. 3"ptembr Vu IK,0,-ym, GIUCAT EXCITEMENT at Tin; ft A J (Fk ij ;ft!S J9i6i naSJUrVJ MESU ARRIVAL OP MILLER'S STORE. rPIin subscriber ha. just returned from thi city with X auutlier largu and tuleu assortment of SI'RWO & SUMMKR GOODS, imrcliasedin pluladfli)lii.i at the.loweht flirure. and which I he l-i deturmint d to sell on as modcratf tiTino as can . procured tlnew here in Wouuisbutg. Ilu utotk cuubists , . ..... , IjADIKS' DuESS GOODS Choifest stwe and latccl fashion. JJry Uoodi, Qrorrries,IIardicaret(tvernitretrttCcJar H'ari Uolluia H'ure, Iron, A'liis. Bool ani &tot.j. Hats and vap, r .yr. In short cvrjlhniK uvnally kept in country Stores tu which hu mvitt's ilu public giMu-rutly. Uv The Highest 1'rice li.iid for rouutry nroduco al'Ul'IIU.V 11. .MIl.l.BR. Illnnill.biw. Atll SI. lJS!).-y. Property for jSalc. I? OR S.f.n A xa'uable property known as "Ball's Perry" on the Siis'pii'hanti't river and tide water ca nal, 4 miles fllmte llare du draco and directly opposite Turt Deposit containing about 100 Acres of Land, of which about Highly nrret is said to h inf-rior to no land in I Lit ford Co., in the natural quality of toil and productiveness. Thu lalaucu isut wood nud TINE STONK QUAU1UES, hat ing a tvnti-r front of nearly I a nii. on the river and and is the only ncces.iliie point to nut inutile ualer on the tte.t side of tho rtvi'r alinte fe lie tlr.'ice, Milieu the destniitiou of Hie Iiridnu a .team firry hai been r.lnhli. lied h ttteen mis point und ro't o er tt mrii ine tt iioiu init vi in an cieiiit e una popu 'u diMrlct pai'. i:a lr.liipotJtiou to nnd from 1 ipina aiiu Liiiiiuori: uy canal ins an uuu lock .t till. llUdO ,'llld ritt-T UDll IllU t'hlal'tlkC II. loci, .t this pUco) and mar " 'hia"-l.ko and coiniiiuuicatiuil liy nicaiis ol'the Uaiial with I'lu, lumlnT und Imii' ili-lricts ot'l'c'iiu.jlvniila rt'iidrrtliH In. cnituii eittri'iiiflv doireuble forum Mud of UusiiKBmiow carri'il on at Port Deposit of whicn tliu )l.icc is destine J nt on early duy tob'-touie gucresful rival. A lrge nht'et of water nmde of Uu Uar.iil h-iuiv tnukea a Kplcudid har hnr for liijbi airordiujf, with otlKr larilitie. great ad aiLU;;eti lor a itcjiu av null, The present owner is riif,ieil in Imsiiifbs in the Sumh und b-ins dettirnus to couieiitrutii hit iin.iiim thurf it duteriniiicd to tuil, Ap ply to Ixaac W Jl-wiU attorney at Luur, N. Second tt., or addrcdJ, WWW VIIIIHN. Ilalltuiurct ilarjlaud. Otftbtro, lPC0,-Im. J. PALMER k CO., Maiuet Street Wittitr, rjiiLADEtpnn, Dealers iu Fislt ( liccse & Provisions. Have constantly on hand an assortment f ijuiuj ami rciKixo ridir. &c..vii Mackerel, Shad, Salmon, Rlue FUh, llcrnnst. Codfleh lieer, lorK, I.ari, Miouidern, Hani, L'hecu, lleaits, Jlicc, ic. Bept. 20, lr)-;ijn. CldkH, UEVE11E HOUSE, (lORMtRLV E tl E U0TH-.) no. C27 N'oirj'li Tiinti) stim:i:t. Philadelphia 'MII8 liotiHC u fciltiatftl in Die most ImsiuuMpart of thu I"raudev.;ry room i-newly furnished and I considered iitj, ii.ui imr iiiinurru uuu iinny rouiiis : urt'e i ut' liai erected u laro obtrutory w tare person tan have 1 a tine view uf thu Ciiy, H.Iaware river, Vc, he t it is nlno rUpplK'd with Imtaudiold water Hathes, w hich will be Iree ut tlwjtv lor the fuei-ts of the II. him ; Cit) Cars will lake ou to the lleure Hour-e. t)iir chare" Is mod I erate, 1 -Japerday ; peong usitnis tho city w ill pleaaa , rome uud trv the itevcre limine, and ww piutlse ourselves that we will endvtor to uu uur Lent ijl'ufts to make )t opiear like Imiuc. Ciuiiles J. Faler, ofUcadtug, will havr rhnrire oftho ofhee. ti. V. HLNKI.H. formerly of the Rates Union Hotel, aud latterly of I he Unm d Mates Ihdel, Atlantic City, ,, J l'popiiiEToii. May I., lct-0 l.'in. CHEAT CUltlOSITY. We have one of ihn preatctt curiosities nnd most vat uable invention in tho known worU, for which wu want agei't ever) nix re. l'ull particular! sent bfk. H1IAW Sc. C'LAKK, Uiddtford, Maiue. October 0, JAjU, at. LIST OF LETTERS pr.M.-UN'ING in the I'osl Office, at lllooin.liurs, I'a., Dctubir 1st, leCO. Alhrieht, Mr. I llreith.irt. William I'lissc-y, VV, l.ille, II. . 11-irly, lieiijiiinin r. ! l.ves, II it id, i:.t. (lulUslien, Craii:, St co. tltester, Mary. A. Mia. j May, 11. j Unlit, Lewis j Memrucli, .Mr., C ,. X WiHums, Auroa ' IV-rsoiis c.iIIiiib for the ahorc (titers, ttill jilease eay they are adwrtis.d. i.. iuiui'i:nT. r, .v. TUISWAYHiIEAP EUYEU8. BLOOMSIIUKi: cheaji ca.ll Blore, nsaiii reileni.lied mth u fre.h stock of hfUXXl (JOO- aru now )iri)iared lo otrir to the imtdic tt vtry hauiUoiuu lot of Crt.rini; and r'uiniuer (Joods at u.iidl luw irices. lor KEADV pay ONLY, Cm. nloue tiilh vuur ra.h nnd nroilure. II. C. I. W. HARTMAV. llardi 31, In 0. T IIU CHEAT FEMALE PILL1 nr. J. l Creaoer. ii tl.e (leaeral A cent. WholeRale IL(t.iil,f(r Hr. "WlieatiinrV' Oihbruted Female I'll t a tterf moutMv toura uhlrethmmny atop from angenvta trhataacter. They uevtrhuve laiieii in any cae wiii're the ilireitioiKi around thu box tutaiiuug tlu PjlUh.ue been tirictly folloirrd. iudei-d, there hu no cane of failure ever come to our kimwledtre, Iteiux purely vegi tabid l licy are per redly wile, miijmu u"i nuiieu 10 urucr iIUHtaLe tuid unon receint of onu dollar, bv I, f, ( UCAfH:it. Sept. 22, 18C0, Ilaltimoru t'lty, Mil, IIAllTMAN'S GOItNKU. rpiIR second arrival of New Goods, this R .1 II VIITU AV." Ji Hpinif, ol QUMMUIt Cawemcrcs aud Coatlnca of O Ilie luU'.I .Ijli-, ul HAUTMAN'. WOOL, Cotton, Ilouin, ami KagC; pel. forsl4thoap,nt IIUBT-MAN' "TAI.L I'npor, WU Piror, in pen V V nitantitHa. rkB far tils, s.1 HAZTMA.K. KVAN3 & WATSON HAI.AMANDIIR B.U'Itt, HII- ILtMCM'ii ,i mi nt. ...... c, i 'Aii tJtaf Ult FiI.1tkU lout) nn nan'i n larito niorimeui ui i ire "i "SJt r miri prooi aiiamatKier Hatis. JSI&j Also, iron iloor, for bantu ntij r wores, iron siuuters iron nnrlt, all makis of locks ciual to any made in tiie United mate. Mm id (it ont fin, Jill earns out rtghtt Kith rn Unlit in good eondithn. The Brtlamaudor tijfet cf Philadelphia against the KVANS & WATSON. have hul the iii-put .lpmn.trntlnn In tl.n r,.iinnin llflcato that their nmuufarture of Salainnndcr Hnfts lias at leneih fully warrnntid the represjctitatlong which have been made of them ns rendering an undoubted security against the terrific clement. Philadelphia April 13. lHjfl. Jibuti. Erant $ H'a'ton; Oeiitlt'UKii It alPirds ut Jho hlahest satisfaction to stat lo ym, that uwlng to &c., exposed to tile cnl.iminiui.nrclnn tin Morninc of tlm 1 1 tit lnt Wlicnwerffl. ttlutthi'K.'iari iiwpte located in the fnutth smry of tin- liulliliiis occiipii d and tlial tln-y fill aubsoim nlly into a Iwap of buininir ruins, wliore tlio I vast toncontratwn of tlu bfnt caused the brass plait, tn melt, mc rannot but repaid the prescrvntion of their val uahlo contents as nto.t cnniinciui; pruof of tho great be cuntv afforded Iivviiiil i.r.d 4 We shall tuke creat pleasure In rrrommending them to men ofbu.ines. us a sure relintire acnlnt lire. lir.ulUii; VV. flMMU.illUU...rifrrr, ITT" nicv Invu mcupnrcha.i.'d u larcu Bafcs. August ill, lei'.i. JICU GOLDEN PLACKU MOIUl CURTAIN THAN CALirOKAIA Olt 1'IKL & PEAK I 7fle Moit Splendid and Liberal llnHrptht A'rtr (frrd. ' General Manilfrtfturinrr fi.r tlin mnl ,.t it.d fullowiiiii raUlopue of tood. 0" Worth more than .juo.omi Uoiiiirs, uii uf which, n til bp mM ut $1 2j eath. irrespective of ulue. Certificates tuthig what each person canliavo are placed in enilopes, sealed, and given out us trilled for. 1 i.vtry article in the full win? catjloue ill be M)d for SI 'Joi-ucll. It ts OOtioiiiil Willi tlifie Wish, mi t.i titir. chae, whether they pay lor und take the articles after they receive the Certuirate or not. OHLY $1.25 EACH! The 25 eenU vtHtt be paid in and uilt ta rcturtttd in cuedt, 100 fioM Hunting Cased WuUhes, $100 00 each, 100 (Sold Wntr ht ft. b,"i 00 iw I.adiesMJold Watches. 35 U0 ' 5U0 Silver Wutcht's, 15 00 . 500 Gold liuurd, Vest Sl Chatclaia Clla3, jo m " not ifl Cunii'o Urooclu-s. ll 00 " :)t0 Mosaic and Jet Brooches. 5 oo ;iU0 l.aianud Florentine Uroochcs, 5 00 " 'Am Coral, Hincral.I and Opal llrouchvs, 5 00 " 3ii"K) Ciimoo Car-Drops, 5 uo .Mosaic and Jet 5 (Hi DOW L.n a and rioreutlno I ar-Prnps. 5 UO " IH)00 Coral, Lmtrald and Opnl Car-Drops, 5 00 P0O0 Moutc nnd Cameo Dracekts, fit 00 to 10 00 lJW) Cents' lruu8ipius, 1 50 to 0 00 :i000 U ntch Keys, 1 no to 7 00 ' 3000 rob and Ilihhon Slides, 1 00 to 0 00 ' 0000 Helta uf Jtosoinotuds, 1 00 tu 7 00 " 0O00 It I cc e Uuttons, ii 50 to 7 Ml ' ik to plain Ulnes. a 00 to 5 co 7"UU lou tkt Rili (I?. 'i 50 to 7 00 " 7U)U fftu l.adiis Jewelry. - 00 to 5 no Tio(! uctiug as Afri'iits, wtlt collect the ad v Hint pay. nieut of J5 cents on taili Certil'mite prdred Ibr (iuods, and remit us 10 cents on inch. Tho reut'iluing 15 cents on ach, they can reserve as their oiniiilsii.'i no torn miSMou allowed on remiiuncesof less than ohc il.'illur you urK re-iursted to net as ArciiI for us, will exchange, nnd t;ivu imr customer any poods on our in place uf those, their LtrlilUates tall for, U niches cicfpted . 11. Agents wanted In every town. Circulars sent on application. tlr Addrefcsall communira'ions to n. j. j)ouf;in:iiTV, South IhtrJ &t., Philadelphia, Pa. NOW IS THE TIME TO CUM ME.NOE l'OHMlNG 0LUHS run tub New Uovli toeckhi7 riuronur. P11UNNY P11ELL0AV!! A Pri.lWDII) I'UBMlUM TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER! The New York Weekly and Pictorial Iliunny Tielhw ac Year Jot Tim VMirsI I omt ti:rv8 tn tjun s. 1 copy on. ycj(, f 3, und the l'Kti rial fliunny Thellott- do do da du do oue jear. $1, and a 1'remiuut !. do .u l. da (J. CI J. d(i do Sfi' du di) 8ie, do do fiend for a rlnrciinell N'ombr. ttliirl, I. f,M. and cjint.ii ns lull particulars on'reuniiuiH. suitors auu rropriciors oi ine iert McrAy, Hi Uecauuu btrevt, N. V, Fcpt. S. l-r,0-3m. THE l7 (TVn 1 THI'. I'roprietor of this wrll known and centrally loea. L t'd lloiiie, the LxtiuicE lloitL, ntuato on Maui Stre t, in l)looui"buru. iniiuediately (iDinisito the t'olum. bia County Court Iloust', repectfllly mforim Ins friend nnd tho publjc m cein-ral, ilit hM llou-e is now in or der fr til retepiiuii nudeiiicrtainiuent of travelers w ho may let) di-posiri to fay or it mill llnjr ciutom, Ilu has tsparcd no ex,pfiisi' 111 pn'parmtf tt;j V.xi hmje, fur tho int rtainm'ut of tnu-cts. ueitln-r shall tin-re be an tiiiuc wunliiis (un Inn part) to inlnii.Hr to their lomfort, II 1 h liou-jti iri spacious and enjoy n- mi eictilwut uoMiirxH uraioii, , HV Uuiiilbiiites run nt all tiniea lirtwtL-n lirlnnun lit tut and the nnoiin Itail Koad Hepotri, by whiih truv thru Wl b.i plcubdiitly coiV(')cd p and froiuttiu re epeclie btatlun 111 due tiiuo lo meet tin Ctm. W.M. U. KOOX3. Illoomsburg. July 7, IrCO. KTEAM ENGINES AND HOILEHS. riilli; fubprriher is now prepared with new Machinery, J to build tationiry cu'iin a, from 5 to loo horn.' pun er upon tho latent improved plans, und will build to order double or finite portable engines from 10 M AO horse pout r. KR'ired upon curriaeis w ith liojkr pcarniff and 1'uinpg alt complete and ready for Jtitiun, AUit n. c)linier line and tubular bnih r cist iron roal breakrrii, patented in lf.ttt, for thresluni; train uud cracKnip corn and now made on u largo M-ate W br aking coal. Heavy iDintui; 1'uiiips und fire engineR ripped complete with ilouMe artinj: forcpis pumpn. all kinds of null ctarinj and house cuating mado to nrJi r. Line tliuiliiit with any desired fizcu of pulleys finished with li uifrer. Iron pliiuiiiB done, bay -Ji teet loni; nil kinds uf Iron turuim,' liut y preos ar,d other screws turited with any dt fired pitch ol thread, The best Kough ru threshing,' MachEneH, that ever cumu be f oft) thu public, ciut Iru arid wooden mat limes I I til. lilt, in (ii-iI.T ir lirillr-p rii.iiu nr trim. I unit-, ... .. in vider, Also take order for ihtfdpm, ui uiaihmery. H.irriun'i lut-M paUnt eraiu null, ft I U0i uh'red by the fatenu-e for it- i-iual. It will ennd in pood line men! ' jj bu.lid.s m ono hour. Also bot and tleutors all, in urd r. aU Jtuirgle'd Talent lilowir, iiiauuf.u tun-d by U, J II. Harri &. Co,, llie mm-t poweitul L'lowtr now in nie with the least amount of powir. one of which will be 1 jnit In use ul thu 1'nmulry lor exhibition, All ff the j above will hu unirauted lo bo what they are sold for. , Also Take orders for Scott'fc L'jtuit lllack.uiith siri. kr. and rihts lo un them iu the conntieit of Columbia, Montour, Xurihumberland, J.jcomini;, Hullnan uud Liiutoii, one oi wnicu iu;i iteu ai my tu, Li:WlH H. MACS. ItloomsliurL', Cidnmliia c,t. Mirch --'. 1.jTi. AGRIGULTUHAL WAUEIIOUSIi), iTos, 21 ) 23, South Sixth street, mar tho State Hwsc. rillLAWILrillA, I'LXN'A. Tr.V floors tf thu i jut ions buildin;, erected cxprercly for the proprietor' trade, ure stored with scuds uud impli'iiii-nitf of i uteres't to tanners aud garde item. Huiv Vkaji lUrAiuifliitu. The ubscribers ilesire t rail, the oltention, of ivery onu interettted in farming and curdeiung tu their well selected s tot It cf Agricultu ral Tool , Harrantcd Garden and Plover Seeda Grasa and field Affdi. of the most rtlahfe quality. Tha Agricultural Implement sold by un arc ir)Ofly uiauufacluri'd ut our rte,uu work, ltritot I'a. Hav his lUted up our ehtablishiiient without reeapl to cxit-ue, with tho uiot complete marhieiiery for thu ruauufacturu of various kind of agricultural iuipiepienti we are i)ow prepared to vupply all articles iu thu iue fully emisil, if nut superior, tu atitliinji uf the kiud et,r bciore ulUrcd tn tho imblic. Lmtdrtth'M warranted L'arden Seeds Iinvo been before the public for upward of mty jcars, their wide bpread popularih uud the iicrf Uiinudfinaiid from year loeur, aru thu beot uveideucps of their buperionty over till eilxTtf- L'uuutry inerchauifi can be fupidied with needs in pat pers, or iu hulk. m thu mutt liberal trTiun. LloouiBilale, near Hrito, I'a., uur garden seed croiinds, coiit4ins thri'o hundred uud seventv ucren, and is the largest eslublishmuil of its kind in the w orld. ll. LAMUtHTII tc HOV, AW. CI V 3-1 tevth AuA ttrett, I'htladttpkia, tC" Laudrfth' Kurul Utfinter and Almanac tor JfoO, contaimus u Farm, iurdii uud (Jreeu House Ualandar for every month iu thu vear, can bo had i'rutu.upon per sonal or p"t paid aiilicat)oi), January IcliU ). pAXGKR INST IT UT 13. V J AfUr nianvvearof successful ltractfcc, Dr.KKL- LIN'U still dfsires to du gupd tu thu ullltclud. Ha con tinues tu euro all kinds ot Lancers Tumors Wens, Scmfulaor ifCurabi, cutting or ped-on, V Am$ notcon fin,, l.lmuilr i.w ri.lullh rll,H i.rth., fthiH-n .lu,.r.i lull Jungs iuvii, botes, tjcM fine biiuelf merely l the cure of thu above diseases, but VTwZXU. sirniB llr K.. will ilcusu stop 01 win ireai on uu outers whu tucccts, ruiienis win uu rirous ue at the Uailroad Hotel in Mechaiitcsbure. where thev will ba directed to his re si di. nre. For all pHrtirutars vvnto ftale diseaso plainly, Undosaa postasa st amnio prs-pay answer, f'S' Address Dr. C L. KELL1VO, MctftueicibarE, Cumber Htnwiii. IV JIM- wszm SAVING FUWD. lllTltT National Oh a lie red by tho State of Pennsylvania, R UL E(. 1. Monpy In received evcrv dav. and In nv nmnnnt Inrgc or nuinll. i. FIVH I'HR L'KNT interest It paid for money from the day it Is put in. 3. The money U alwnyn paid hack In GOLD, whcneT cr It la cullfd for. and without notice. 4. Mom-v iri rereivrd from Kieeutort. rfilminiitmtnr. (Junrtttnne nnd others w ho deglru to have it In a place of perfect raffty. and where Interest can ho obtained for It. o. j tic moiu'y rereivci iroin ciepomtorn invented in font fUtate, Mortgagee, Ground Jitnts, and iuih other l)rnl rvrctirti' a the Charter dirrctn. n. inicu imrn-liVi'ry uny innn w iiii 9 o'ciock, tinil it Mondays tu,d Tl uirioiay till ti o'clock In tho evi nine. Hon. HllNUY L. IinNHK, President, KOftFKT SHLFllIDtJE, le i'midrni. M. J, Recd, bcetelary. Hon. Hi-nry L. ilen,er, FrnncU Irfe. i.iinnru j.. ari'Ti Itoh-rt H.-irrtilge. Saunifl K. Afhton, C. Laudrtth Muuns i Carroll llruweter, Joneph H. 1 tarry, Joi:jiH Vcrku, Henry' Diirenderlfer O V F l U lj ! HWniit itreet, Sout lVet Corner of Third Street. I'lllLAttKKl'Hl 1 1 A, April 10. ic.Vi. Aug. 14. '.V.I fl'rh. 1,'A.VI Light! Light! Light! P A 11 (J O N COAL OIL piiN.EKS AM) LAWS FOIi JJURXIXG roAt., ki:ho.'i:m:. on imkiion mm. TUB host, most lirillMiit, and Hienpes portable light now in use. No danger of etiilnsiou aud the. tier kdr EQUAL TO Ua.VW Wit tout ine PTneime or irn futurei. Thuulitim I.nmiw (with all their t.mry tniuiiiiiiun) can bv een and loujjht ui iiiij uiu cbiautiMini wrua auu tiynncai More 01 me und' relied, who tlaiti-ru hpiit.tlf that from his long ox ixTiencQ iu the l)ni( trade, ho knows how mid where to buy, and U determined not to he undcru'ild ) auy one in Hlooimliiirtr, or Hiirronndins country. Call mid uo his new and well v'leUvd stoik uf I DIlUfM. MLIHCIAtS .NO OlinMIOALS. TAINTS VAIlNlSltlid. HYLHTUI Frt. (HI.S (JI.Aaa fUp.M 7xl)tox:t(l. CONFLCTIONA ' KlM. lM'Kt'UMUIty ANp ' FAUY 'IQILIIT. AR. TWUKa FUR LyjlHIW.Si TOBACCO' AND C1GJMS Asst'd t.rar.ds, I'attnt Medicine of ivery arfty It mo l.i'iuora, (jiurt) fur incduiiut use only. 1 lujd, Uainphcnd Carbon Oil, Turpentine nud Alcohol, Truates, Hhuuld-e llraci'B mid Ahdoinutal tiuppoitura, tjurtikal und lien till lntruiniMils, tiath na)l and tooth Uru !-, l'rof. Hum-(din-y'd Hojiiiepiilhic Uumedlen, Ourden, l'inar. U.ioc uud Hemp b odn, 'linTi'iouKters. (trunf. glass Morocco leather anil hhew I'lnding. &.e., ttc. toifhur with thu Jargeit and most aried asurtiuei,t of Herman Tos aud YANKhK NUT10tS( ever hrnuffht trtthid place, all of wUah plca"0 pll aud s.-e nud ni must bdl.'ve. Il.ivinsr learned by sail t-xperienre that "loiiff credits will not k.-ep tilings moiug," 1 have dctiruuued tu tornshhuvori. to miika li an ohjert to th-ni ni will an the taller, tu deal un th cakh principle, eith.-r money or rndy trade, llainjr tn-rvd a regular apprenticeip nt tlid Druji ami ap'iiiiftnry ikmiiii's, bcfiiit'i liaiiiti? curri'u it on for the l-ihi t iht cn yeurn, on my own hook, I flatter iu 4 lf th it I mil abl 1 to do j utticJ to all givintf inc a trial. TlMiikful in fie public for past lavors, I would urk.t trial on th; new principle, and will Enaruntea to all.that it will iuak' lonir trundd, and pay bwat iu the kiiu i'i ia i.ibii an. 1 nuy ai reuueeu pritei. I'HVSiOlANS I'RK-H HUTIONS eircfally c mipoun led, and all orders eorrectlyanittcrei. All in 'ilicinui e,u.iranleeil a. recointu 111 led, ftlore Uoiuu on .U.iln Mreti, near Market, neit door tu tlii I'o.t Uf uc, l!lou.u,imrg, Uoluunia county, I'a. Ll'llll.VI.M I". LUTZ. August i, 1110, OliEAT ARRIVAL op NEW GOODS, AT TUB Light Street Store. Ore nil, liroi.her i)-all hands on active duty li 011IU inrorm our Inenus nrau euiitomerti. that we have lust rvruivd &u un usually lare nssrntuent of Sl'lUXU t SUMMER GOODS, Which weotlW n lower rales, for read? pay, hm any etr iM'furiJ opi'ncd ht-re and will be sold "clieaue? lhan tin' iluauent," We sh ill tiof attempt to enumerate th vanou artielen they are jiuitifiHe and tln-ir nauuia U-ppm as our spa rinii Smrf lloomt, Including th Ci liar :uid (Jv'i'L & I fabrhk. lit th country ut afti.tiiIi.niHt,w (IrJiirH La. .urn m mm 111. i urtt 10 nc lounn me iiiifai die' wi,ir iu cri'at urKlies, afii per cent, lower than CLUTHd, AH. dUNS, (JHQCtltinS, HATS, CAPd, ilionts, Shoes, etc.. nt tha rate. In short. almot creryihiMg u th. iiiereautil line from a iierdle to an niictior. ' Ourtrkiids will do well locall U-iore thy raake lilUlI BL'ieCllOllH. II. W CHKASY, & CO. I.isht Street. April . leCO. CABINET & CIIAIU MAKING. npHE undersigned, thankful for pnsst pat fl ronage, filnit a of the a(iie, and won iii rexiitriiunv minrtn uis risiouieri anut'ie pub lic generally, that re rotitiouei tti CAUimvr Jiji'o cium-M acuta busi.vess. At hU old-esiiblished stand, in Willow (trove a few floors In lo the Uail Itoad, wheru hu will at ull turns Ifluppy tu arcouir.iodateold and new cutiomeri. wiih uuy urticlp in his line ol tradf und nnnuiaclute, all ul which will be sold at t'u (onest (inuld' spring llottom Patent Ilfd Pleads mnnufiic turci and put up to urdVt r on f hort in t'tejiiid warrant ed to work 10 satisfaction, iViS Tn I'HnKp.TAmio liiiuun, m ronnertinn wittiihe abovi: branches, lur whuh purpose he has procured a good HOUSE fc NEW HEAIiSE, will 1 isreli-My ntlended inrin ftpp'ira'lon . CiThe pabhe are invited to giv-lmu a tail. UCO. W. L'Ol.REI,l. It'oomiburc, fee. 17. l?i'i. FRESH ARRIVAL -or- MWW gMf ItleMM THU undernfincd, grntcful for pml patronage, rcprrt. full v inform hi" customer nud tli'puMicpencrally. thit he liaJut received from thu i:aterue cities, the larfcsl and moht tlect stock uf I'ALL AXJJ WINTER Tint ha yt bpen opened In Woonvburir, t which he invite thu attention uf hu friends, aud nsfturen them that they nr oilVred for fale at jtrraj bargains. His tjtock comprint' a largu nsMirtment of (JKXTLnMLX'H WHAUINR AITATKL, Conflfting of rAMiio(BiE DitinsCoAT, of every den criptioii; Paula, Vets, Mnrts, Cravats Stores, Cotton Haildttcrchli.fa.Uloyes, Suspender, Ac GOLD WATCHES JEWELltY, Of every derription, fin and thenp. N. II. Itemeiubi'r " Lwenhrrtfa Chfap Emptriun," call and fee. No charge for nam inn (ioodit. UAViu LowrA'ncitn. Iaomburg, Hpl. 53. lCO. (Jug lr,VX) I!, 0. & I, W. UARTMAN. T7H would resneclfullv invito the attention of our friends and tho public generally, from lao Town ail a uuu ni), to our pnmm new moik oi FAB.Si anil WBIV'rUR GOODS, which have been selected with great care ar,d under innre than ordinary ailvuniage. We tun niter to Cash and ready pay l'yet very great indiireinents. Our pick embraces iilmot every variety, sljle and quality, in (he Hress (iuods line. We havu Ueljiins frmu 12 cts to Ql per yard. all Wool Plaids, Cotton Plaids, Huxouy Plaids, CashiMers Mohair Mripi'n.'JjU yds. uf K&lru Plud &ilks for Wtlt", per ) urd, Ulark Mlk aud uthi r in large quart, tilirs, Shawls, Urmhe, Melius, t'heniU and Itluitket, Calicoes, Tlrklngs, Checks, Htripcs, ice,, &c , Cloths, ('asim-r, fattineti, In addition to (Iu above we otr-T (irotei tie. Hardware, Ouei-nsware, Willow and Cedar Ware, Ho its and Wious. Hats and Cans, (at reduced pf ires) Wall Paper, Carpets. Curpcl bain, Oiion Yarn, ice, Le, Finh, fait, Iron, Noils. L tuner r Company. PHESIDKNTIAL EliOTION P ROC LAMA TION. WIIKHKAS, vTWo Inwa .f P Com monweulth, it Is made "tho duty of tLu PhcrilT of evory county to give notice pfUic Jeiieral Lleciions, by publication la one or more uewspapers of the county, at least twenty da) i before the LY'dioii atid toenu incratu tin r'lu "the oiTicer ty hu tlectcd," and lo "d's iliii ale tin place nt which tin ilectl(n id to be held." HureforO, JOHN HNYDKU, High aherlifof Columbia county, do hereby intake known and proclaim tothounll fled electors of Columbia county, on TUKSIJAY, the rilXTII HAV UP NOVHMIILK, being tho FiritTuci day iu iaid Moulh, at which time twenty-mven electors for a VllESIDENT AND VICE PKESIDENT pf th," Vnitcd States are to bo clotted. t nljo hereby inaku known and give tiotico that the places of holding Um aforesaid general election in.Uie icvtrul w arils, boroughs, districts nnd lowniiips with in the county uf Columbia are as follows, to wit i I leu ton township, at tug houiu of Kzckicl L'ulo, now occupied by John L'ole. llcawr township, at the house of Franklin IH8humau. Hlooui township, at tho Court House, 111 nonis burg, Itriaureck township, at the School House, nearUvan's Mill. lloroughof Ucrwic, at tho Tmvn House, in Berwick. Cuttawissn tow nship, at thu housu uf Samuel Kostvii butler, Cattawlsaa. Centre township, at the honfo of Jeremiah Ileis.dec'd. Coti)nghaiu township, at the hotme of ll. U. Wnsstr. Fishlngcreek twp., ut thu housu of (Jeo. W Hotl man. Franklin township, at Cla tun's tJchoot House. Crtteuwood township, at the house ut Juseph U, Pulton, Hemlock tow nsliip, ot the Huck Horn, Jackson townhli, at thu house uf Hztklel Colo, Lcust wp at the house of J. 1 Hurst, Hlablowu. Milllin township, ntthe house of John Keller. Madison twp., at tho house of John We I liver, tlec'd. Mount l'i.-annt lw p., ntthe house of Win. Hutchinson, Montour township, at the house of JotuiKlchards, now occupied by William llollingshead. Main township, at tho house of Isaac Vcttcr. rtou'rijngcreck township, at thu public housu of John Snyder. Orange township, at the house of Alexander Hughe, Orangeville. 1 Pmu township, nt the lmuse of Albert Hunter, Sugarlouf township, at the housu of Alinus Cole. Hcott lwp ntthe house of Lnoch Howell, Kspy. It is further directed that the election of the said sev eral distruts shall be opened between the hour n of ti aud IU o'clock in thu forenoon, and shall continue open with out interruption and adjournment, until 7 o'clock In the uveriing.wiieu the polls shall b closed. It is further directed that the meeting of the return judges at the Court Housi In 111 on in sou m. tn Uaku out thu general ileetpn, whicl will bu thu ninth day uf And tu und bv the Raid act. I am further directed to give notki! that every person, excepting Justices of tho peace, wh.o fchall hold any utticu or appointment of profit or trut under thu Coverniiieut of thu United States, or of thiii Htau. or of any city or incorporated district, whether ti cumin if siouud olliur or ohepvisc, a shbordl Date otlicer or aceHl. who is. or sliall h: L-inrtleved limit r thu fciiiative, or eiecutlve, or juditiary department of mis mate, or oi any incorporated uiitirut, auu also mat every mimber of Congrtss, nnd of thu btlect or common count il of any city, coiumiiiuuer4 uf any iniurporaled Hi stritt. ), bylaw, inciipable of holding or cxercfillg at tli'i f-auie time, the oldie or uppointment ofjuilge, iupec lurui tivoi i no tiL-iiiuii ui u)it Luiiinuiii(.-aiiii, umi that no itxpuLtor, judge or any uihcrr wf any such' t-kc lion t-hall b'i eligible to any uflico than to be otfd for. The general, special city, incorporated district and township elections, und all elections for iltcttors of .'resident auu ir rresi'knt ot tne united elates Miall be held mid conducted by the inspeiturs and Judges vUcted as nforcauid, and by clerks appointed as hcriiu altir oroviuud. ".'vo pt'rsou enan di permitted io voiu at any election but a white freeman of tlC age of twenly-oiu vears or more, who shall have tended in this State at least one year, and iu the election dintrjct where he order tn oa and within two yearn pajd a Plain ufCounty tux, winch snail nav e ui'en atsefgeu ai leusi veu ouis mm re tliu tlecllon. ltut a citizen of tlU United States who has prev ioiHly b'-eu a qualifled inter of tlnj fctate and ru movi'd therefrom and returned, and who shall havo rcid. ded in lliu eh etion dHltul and uaid taxes us iiforenahl hhall bu entitled to votu after refidiug in this a? talc mxJ moutlis; frnyidea. that lug wnila treemeu citizens of t lie I'n ilea states, between ine am-s orui aini 'j-j ward. and w ho tiave resuletl In thu election district tun days as aiorcsiiio, suaii m: t-'nifiieu vu u voiu uuuougii mey suah it"l have paid taxes. "Nil ocrsou jhall be admitted to vote w hone name Is not contained " til1-' "1t of tainble inhabitants furnulieil by tho commfioners unless, tlrat he produce a rereipt for the pnyment, vvi'hm two cars, of a tatu or county iai.aasesseuogri.euot i - '-"'"" m Mt Titier,-t..ris ii .lUni-r. ritl,r . Lis ow ii oa til or ntfirma. Hon of another, that he has paid s'jch a tax, or on fature to produce a rereipt kIuII make oatu of tho payment tlureofj or second, if he claim H vote by bunt an ckctor between the age of 21 and SJ years, he shall depose on oath or aihrmatiou that he has resided in the Male ut at ono year before hU application, and make urfi proof of hu refiuenceiu iln ilistrictas required by this aci, anu inai lie noes verny icut: e, iruiu ine atcounn given him, that he is of thu age atorevaid, and give such otlu r evidence as required by this act, whrreunon the name of the person so admitted to ote, shall be inserted iu the alphabetical list by the itifpectors,and a note made niiDOsito thereto, bv writlnir tin' Word 'tax" if he hhnll be admitted to vote by reason of Laying paid tax or the wiru "nije." it lie s-riaii ba aiiiiutteu tu vote oy reiitoiiwj such nee. shall be called out in the clerks who thall wake the like notes In thw tFt of voters kept Uy them. "in an lases witeru me ii.T,iiieii uern(ii ciaiminc to vote ji tqqndon the list furnished by tlie conuussiun ers and assesbor. or his rght tu voiu whether luund llKreqi) of not, fs objected to by any qualified shall bu the duty uf the duty of the inspectors to examine such person on oath as tn his qualifications, aud If lie cluuiH tn have resided w Ethiu the ttito for on year m more, his oath shall not be sufficient proof Hie-uf but sliall inaKo proof tiiereof by at least one compi tent wit- m ss. who shall be a tpiahtk'd elector, that hu tins resided w ithin ih district for more than ten dis next preciding s u i election, anu snail also mtiiecii swear mat uis omia iidi reMdence in purbuanco of his lawful calling, Is with in the dUtruf.aud thai hu did not remove into buid dis trict for the purpose of voting therein. "Rvery person 'jualiried as aforesaid, and who shall make due proof, if required, of his residence and pay uu nt oftaifs ai aforeaitl, fihall be admitted to vote in the township, ward or district in which ho shall rcpide. "It shall be the duty of the several assessor respect ively, to attend ntthe place of holding every general, special or township election, during the time said rice, lion ia kipt open, for Ihe purpose of giving information to the inspectors and judges when called on, in relation lo the righl of uny pert-QU aisecfd by tftein it vote ut such elections, or such oilier matters in relation to the assessment of voters as ihe said inspector- vr cither uf iliem snau irnm um ioihmj rl'Ui, - tii veu under my hand and eal, tit my offico In Illooms burg, tliit Ulhday of Ucpiher, A. I).. 1U. JOHN SNYDElt, Dlpojiburg Oc( 13, ieb0. Msn. ANOVELTV IN TIIE AKT WOULD"! tMiotorraphy Upon Porcelain. tiecured by letteri patent in the United States, LnglanU, France, und Udguiu' The American Photographic Porcelain Company, Ao. 781 Jlroa'tyay, N. y. h.tvinc secured their novel and injenious invention bv American uud Huropean patents, uru lullv prepared to cjii'cuvu nit univra iur .iiiuiaiurv tii.eiivsB in t'fsuiis on China, presenting all thu attractive and udvautttguoui features of ordinary photographs, thp brilliancy uud fin ish of a waer-color drawing, uud a hitherto uuattnined quality of durability, by being rendered as impruhable as the natural uroptrljifc uf thu artjcliisupoii which they aru tr&nsftrreJ. As lite patented proccjis of the Company enables the reproduiliuu ot Photographs, tui only on plum surfacen, hiji upon mch ss are round or of any degree of irregu larity nortraits can be reproduced with fautles accu racy, and dUic.icy of delineation, upon. Porcelain wares Ul ail iicqtiiiviwn unit uhiiuubjuii uuu n ui utivs vi ' ury r of houechold utility, such us Urns, Visls, Ukeak iast Ctfri. TuiLfcT Articles. &. : thereby securing Luth ful portraits und furnishing a uni-pio and cxduie stle uf ornamentation ufurticles in domestic use. Iu order toluruUh facilities for the gratitlcation uf the popul ir latte,atid to meet tho wantsof thosj natrons if the Fine Arts desirous nt having portraits on Porcelain, the Company have imported frm Kurope n collciiion of superior pomiaiu koous, mainuaiiurcu iu m-M unu of tltr, which they gel) nt eubt prices. As thu American Coiuu.iny uro uwncrs of the patent right, and coiite'iutntly thu only persons autliorixed tu us it the pricess, they have Utjcr mined, in order to at lord Peoplu in every section of thu Union nn opportunity lo noiii-iia t'ort raili on China, to make thu follow inir orotm. mt i on to residents In thu Country, who aru uiiabbt to v i it in n,ouallvthQ AUlicr und Galleries iu New Vurk. Persons sending a photograph, ambrot) pe. or dagueer reotypu to me omcu oi uiu cumpany in new tors, ac c-niipaiued by Five Hollars, will receive in return by ex press, free ut othercharge, u ruhly (ruamutod break fast Cup and Saucer, with tliu portrait transferred there on. Ily transmitting a dagucrrcotypn and Ten Dollars.thcy w ill secure in like manner, a handsome French Vuc or 'Poiictariiilo. with the portrait reproduced b) thupakn led process. It sendnipa pair of dagerroetypes and fiftreii Hol lars, iht-y will rie in return apairotnch fcevres. a ym u ith the nor t raili txcculed euual to miniature Paint- lugs ; auu, 111 IIKO lliuouer, iuiiiuiia can uc ii-iuiiiia:u on poacelain wares or Vases pf every quality ul lliiisli, ranging tu pno t'rum twenty loUno Huiidred Hollars tho pair. N. ll. Ho particular in writing the addreis.inwn.comi ty and Plato distinctly. All i tiers lw be addrtssto MANAULK, AMLKICAN PIIOVO(iUApHHJ POUCH LAIN' CO., Tdl Hroadway, Xsw VoBk. Oct. 5, 15C0, 3m. NEW WACON SHOP. Main Strict aUjve the Porks Hotel THU undersigned, having removed from Tip) town t. Illoomsburg, respectfully informs In friends aud hu has onencd a new shoo, on Main firoct, Itloomsbarg, above; the Forks Hotel, whvru he Will ronduellhu UVItVO.V MAKING BUSINESS, In all its various departments, and on a moro vxWdmvo scale than heretofore- llupgics, spring Wagons, Bulkies, Light Wcgnn nd all kinds of vehicles, made to order, on short no j ice and fair terms. Also-HorreH and Farx WtiSkt-UAKHows, madu lo order. lUr-AtKiiQ, of all kinds, tncladins Heavy Wacom, nromnllv and cheaolv executed. XACOB 8. EYA.N3. nioomsburg, April 21, 1;JC0 Cm, fc U by stand ye a!I tho Day lillo ANY Lady or Gentleman In thu United HiaUs, po sessiug from $i to 8?. can enter into un caiyand rcspttablu bujluess by whirh from 95 to $10 pr day can DS icoiltva. I vi particular", nuuiefijin rmmf) So. ST.folJ 41) Ketthtth street, ltiitadelphis: Wmmm Later from Moxioo. Srvr Oiu.EANS, Oct. 10 Tbo steamship, Arizona arrived lioro to(3ay from Urazoa on the 12th it., with Slsi.OOuin specie. I ko Juarez Oovcrnmcut hat( o?dcrod the restoration of tho conducta llr;y suu. cd. Gen. Degollado had Lccu denrivod of his command and ordered to ba Lrtujlib a prisoner o Vera Cruz. Tho Frinco of WJes. Wsr Point, Oct. 10, The Kryal party started this morning for Albany. It ia fetatcd that tho I'riuco yesterday nvowed the intention to revisit ho yuited Spates at no distant day, during tho win ter, fpr a trip in the Southern States. 13ALTIM0HK LOOK HOSPITAL. 1IL. JOUNSTOiV, rpHHfoundorof this Celeb ruled Inftltuilon, oiTuri tb, i. mo-st certain, speedy, uud unly vtlectut.1 reined) iu thu world (or cll'i ctsf-r tilvcts, tiirictures, M.inlnal weak ileus, Pains hi the Ijoiii. Com lituliotial l).bilit, lmpn len, Wc-ukness of thu Hack und l.imbs, Allctiiuns ot the, Kidne), Palpitation of thu Heart, Hupepkiu, Ner vous Irritability, Disease of thu Hend, '1'hroat. Noss or Hkiu, and all tho-iu serious and melancholy Disorder arisiug from thu destructivu habits uf Vuuth, winch du stros both body and mind. 1 ln-se seen t uud solitary practices, arc more fatal to their vJcUmsihuu tb song of the Hyrens to tlu mariners i;iMieti, blighting thuir mont brilliant hopes uud uutlt,ipatiun,i, reuuuring wiinaj .J..C liiipussible, MAituiAcii:. Married persons, or Young .Men contcmptaf inj tuarr riage.boing wiire of pli)sunl weakness, organic deabili ty, dcfrmiln-i', A.C., should 1 in mud late ly consult Hr Johiistun, nud he restored to pttli.Lt In-alth. He who places himself umicr the cure of Hr Johnston, may religioualy conftde In his tunor us a gfutlmii, ajJ coiitldenlly rcl) upon his fkill us a phv sii.iau.' UltUANj VF.AKN'HSd Itnmi'diately cure J and tail v'igur reuud 'litis dcs:uie is thu puialty most frequently paid by thosu who havo become thu victim of improper muulgeo cies. Young persons are too apt to commit excess lruui not being aware uf thu dreadful tuusu'iuuucu that iuar ensue. Now, whu that undcrutaiidi thu subject will prs tend to deny that the power of procreation is just ouiier by those falling into improper habits than b) thu prudenU ltusides being deprived of the pleasure ut healthy olf springs, the mt serious uud dvhtructiv u s)mptomsti both body aud mind urjto, J'he vsteiii become derail cd; the pliysical audiuL'lital'puwc-rK weakened. nrvou debility, dj spepftia, palpllutimi of the heart, iniligvitiuu, a wasting uftlie irauic, Cuuh, tfjioptoius cf Cunsixifap tion, tk.K. Uillce, No. 7 fioui n Frldrick Strikt. seven doors from Baltimore street. Hail side, up the step. 1SU par ticulur in observimf theAML uud Nt.MLhK, ur yoa W 111 lUMuke the place. A Cum li'arrcntid, itr no Charge Mudc, in from (ns t 7'(T(i Day$ UO jIHUCbRY Oil NAUrihOLS UllUUd USED. Hit. JUILWiXhW Mcmicr of the Royal College of tiurgeops. nl Londoti -Graduate fruuiunuuf the most emiiiuiit Colleges uf th United r; lutes, and thf greater part uf who lifti bus ueeu spent in me nri nonpnais oi l,ouuoii, t'qris, I'hiU delphiamid edse-whure, has ell cited nume uf the1 must it tunihhiiig cures that weruc-vr known; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when aslvep, greni liervuualiess, being ulantu-d ut sudden bounds, aud b.ikli fulness, with frc'pn-nt blUhhiug, attended souu-tiiues wiUl derangement uf mind, wure eureul immediutvly, A CFUTA1N HisnAsi;.1 ' lm the mUguidei, und imprudent votary of jdonsura finds he has imbibed the seeds of this paiuiul disease, It iiki ui n.iiTj.ii!i mat an in iiun-u st-nse ot n.ame ot iirenu ui discovery, ueters nun irom applying to thosa who Irom education und n?ipeitabiliiy cauuloini blntad him, delu)ing till the cunlituliunar) s) mptuuis uf tins horrid discuse makes tin ir appearance, such us ulccralud sore throat, diseased nose, imeturci!. minis in i!u h.n i and limb, dimness of sight, diufnehs, nodes on tin bkin bones, und arms, blotches on thu head, lacuand extreme ties, progressing witli rapitlity, till at lad thu pulatj uf the mouth aud bones uf th nose tail In, nud the vntiut of this (leseanes becomes a horrid objectof cunimisseratiuH till death pL'lj a iieriod to hi s dread I ut kuUcriugs, by uta dingliiui to "ll: it bourne from wbtnet; no travelUr ro turns." To sueh, thcrclore, Hr. JuhiMon pledges hiiu setf toprcservelhe limit tftivwablc se-crecy. from his extensive practice in Ihe tlrst Ilosjutals uf Hurupu aud America, h euu cuniidently re com mend and tpsudy cure totlm uufurtuuate vietiniof this horrid iliscasu. TAKP. PARTICULAU NtJTlCH. Dr. J. addresses all those who have LrlarcJ Uieruaelves by private and improper indulgences. These ure some ot thu sad and melancholy ciTccts'pro duced by early hubits pl jouih, ix: We-aknesH uf tha u.ick aim i.iimis, lain in inu ncau, Liunuess ui rijl. Loss of Power, PahiitaUuii of the Heart. l)js neunia. Nervous lrratu.vility, Heraugemeiit of the Djcui. tivu Fuuetions, (Jencral Hcbilit) , j mptoius of Cotiuuuip- liuii, atr. I LATA L Lv. Th u fearful effects upon the mind ar much to be dreaded, Lois uf .Memor e.onfuioii ol Idea U''prensiou ol tim spintt, i.v ii i oreouoiugs, .Wcrriun ul Society, Tiuut) , &.c, are stnne ot thu evils produced. JhoUsalids ut pertoii ot all uges can now judge what is the cause pt t',ieir decliutiig health. Lorn, nig their vigor, becumpig wc-aly. pale and emaciated, having sli irular anpeurunc about tliu eve, coush uud svuintouis of Conaumptiuii. UU. JUiinSl U.'B lAVIUUIlAHiMi lll.JllUX t'Oli uuuamc By this greatand iiupurtant rcmed , weakness of tha organs aru speedily cure-d, aud full vigor restored,--Thousands uf the muxt nervous uud debilitated, who had loi-t all hope, have been imiuedintcly relieved. All impediments to Marriage, Phwlcal uud Mental Hfstuali ikutiou, Nervous Irrutabiliiv.Trembhugsund Yc-akuuss or cihaubtalion uf thu mot fuuiful s,iu;d, spccuil) curea by Hutlor Jouustpn. YOUNG MEN Who have injured thmsedves by q certain practlre, indujgeil in when nlon' a habit trei'ieutly learned from evil cumpojuuus, or ul school Ihu etfcctsuf wlncliara nightly Ult, even when alccp, uud if nut cured render marriage impoeible, und destroj s both Uitud aud body, should uiply iuuiK'diately. What u pitt that )oung man, the hope of his country, ami tlie darling of his parents, t-hould bu maiihed from ull prospects and enjo) incuts ol lif-', b the' cotisciucu ces uf deviating from thu puth of nature, aud nidelgiHg in a sertaiif secret habit, Such ptrauns bctoru con templating. m.u:i:i.i;i; shoutd rc-llect that a sound uuml and bodv arc tho raoit in cesur reuiMties to promote rnnunimil happiness Indeed, without these the journe) through life becoinus a weary pilgrimage, the iropeet hmirly darkens u ihuvew, thu uitifl ti' comes thdowe-d with despair tilled with the melanrholy reflection that the happiness of another be-comes blighted with uur own, OFFIt'i: NO. 7 HJUTJI FIlKHl.KlcK HP., ttaltimtra, JCi ALL M lUilt'AL UPKRATlDMS PLIiFOIlMKH. N, 11. Lt no lalst modcst prcveut )uu, Uui upfly immcdiati 1 either persomrlly nr bv lAtler. SKIN HIMlAHp.rt ripr.P.DlLY CLKKH. The many thoiiFnuds cured nt this iiiMitulion wnbn the latt Ij ears, aud the uumerniu nt)oitani tturgicd Operations performed by Hr, Juhiwlou, witnessed by the reporters of thu pa pert, uud many oUp-r persons, no tices uf whit h havu appeared again and ugaiu before thu public, be Mik-a ins standing as a gentleman uf rliaracUr and responsibility, h n piif1irieuti!uartinteelolhuuilhcto I. 'Paku Noricn. N. B. Th'Tfl are mi many ignorant nnd werthlent Quark ndverliKing thenihtes l'liisicians. ruining th health of the already aflhcted thiilir J'dinntoii deems it nrc-Marv to hay, eiipee4tly to thnu' ijiiacpjainted with hi-t rrputntiou. that hs cred r.tuU aud utpleiuis tlwavs hang in bin uthce. HC" Tiki. Notice. All Utters inut bo pott aid, and contain a postage ktaipp fur (tie rsply, or liu answer will hi wilt Marchi: JfiO. Flour and Delivrrcdl OIJIUPEK Til AX THK CHEAPEST. 'lHK undersigned has made arrangements that will 1 cnablehim todtliver Flour uud Ficd.FOK CASH. about ten per cent dim per than any bodv clsu tn town His prices aru as follows Flour. 7 &SI Cum Se. Oats Chop, 1 5 I Comic K)eChop, SI fA liruil. 1 1U I respectfully solicit a tharc rf the public natronas. MUSLa KALF.MAN. Hloorsbborg, June 23, HV0 - tf. jTAPAME SCinVE.NDS INFALLIBLE POWDERS, Tor the speedy and effectual Cure of all Inflawmatten Errrra, IJtumutltn, l)yycpna and iJrrr Vvtnf-tatwt, Piles, Graifl, and all sievte cJ (hrvnie Pinam r AtiLLT AhoCiiiLbHkN bend 3 cent Stamp to h r A con I ti It JONLS. Hundredfl of testimonial". Ilnn iiMI'bilad'a.P. O LO Agency, ti, W C'i.Tlilrdfc Aicta fcls. bept. y.i, llrt)-Iuw, DU. CUEA0EU U tho Solo Agent for Hr WlMiaV Vrlrbrat,4 .Vdttiuionial Serv ," 3 riooks, Mo. 1, ' A Pook for ounz Men di signed tn pre pare Hum lor Feinalu Hocety." No. 2 "1 rrf tn Court ship.'' No. 3, 'lteproduitiv- C nirol " F.ith r of whirh will be mailed to order, post paid upuu rm'ipl ul 35 els. Bept. leou. DIES' lUiACIv 0AITKRS. at all pnrt's ranging irom &i rents lo si ao. at L.T Sri.irpith cheap fture. fVay IU, Iwift. NKW S'tU.NE gUAUUV. TUT midi rsisnvil has a stpn. (luarry nssr his ri'.lilclirc, atioiit half a mil ca,l rf lllmmisliuri:. ant Is prepared lo furnish those ilrsirliin H U II. P I aniiicu if l0 mtt ilcraljlc ijliiy, .nn on fair ti rrn.. JUy ii. i-do-tf r . nsiicn. BLACK UM'll Pll.Syue of tlu lalr.t fiisbioo f t Hla HI 11ART11AN 8 QUI'KHIOH Golden Svrup Mohiicv L J lust Trrfi sni t"r b