5 1 JJ AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. LBVt L. TATE, iiilitor. "TO HOLD AND TRIM THE TOUCH OF TIIUTII AND WAVE IT O'EK THE DARKENED EARTH." 82 00 PER ANNUM. VOL. 14.-NO. 33. COIUMBIA dhmoim rUUIitSUKI) UVKRY SATURDAY, nv LEVI L. TATE, IN BLOOMSBURG-, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. o vvia k tt ft ntu Uriel Pulldtntr, cpjiotlte ike forkaipt, by title v ixnrtuvnri. jnirtviriUIG I mail VUTUri, terms or SUUKCntPTIOJf. ?l 00 fn ndtnnre, fnroni ropy, fur sit month. I i.i In n-ltnticci fur niif rniv, nnii wnr. S 00 If nwt paid wtlliin lite tirt threu ninnth. If Notpnlil within t lie lirot x montha. 1 Alt Ifnol paid within thuinr. J So iilwrripiiini Inkfii for Icm limn nit nmnthfl, nl no piper di-tLoutinued until nil arrearage f hull li.tvu teen paid, l 7 Ordinary Anvturtnirvrinscrtcd.nii.l Jon Work leaned, at tliu r-tal i,Iiufl nriciB. sword or THE SFIR1T. The woiM daf many n hattlo-fiild Wlnru Fotdicrs ft ft fit fjrfnmc, Wlu-rc inlnhty leaders dare not jUM IaI tiny might Ioho a name. And every oMirr went a a word, Anil keeps it hiiriiihed hrislit, A inl Irani, at hU rmniii.inth r'n tvor I To lraw Jiiamvurd aright I'y dnily practire tin kCfitrd! Kkill in the warrlor'w art : Amlnlintt, tun, Mm mini allium To net the cuii'iucrur'tf part. lint nrlh lias ytt nnmhrr fintd, Uy Faith' few warrior trod j Another sword they If am ti 1, His the nurd of God. 1hi inthoClirlstiin'fi trmty fwnrd, Ity liH great CnplaiH (iiven ; I!y it hn triumph with hi Lord, And thus he enter heaven. And f hill hii mverd nrt hirrn i h)icU bu I Minll rust corrode t Ma lc Tor want of practice Mali he iK-o Wtun rf.ituu'B tuigts iMaduf No, (K'orPft Captain, fire hi hcirt With holy 7,-al ini'l love ; Then idiah hue it ad lux p-irt Willi heavenly itr iiiul irrmtnwrn.u.'- Mrr-rrf.fi iTTr f1"a1.irTT- r" irTTTt THE QUAKER'S REVENGE. On.vuiAH Lawmin and Walt Dood were neighbors ; tint is, they lived within half u iiiilu of each other, uml no poison livcil between their respective funis, which would hare joined, had not a little ttrip of prairio land extended Itself sufficiently to keep them separated. Dood was the oldest KLtllcr, and from hid youth up had entertained a singulnr hatred against Quakers; therefore, when ho was informed that Lawsoii, a regular dieiplo of that class of pc'oplo, had purchased the nest farm to bis, he declared he would make him glad to moi'o away again. Accord-1 ingly, a system of petty annoyances was commenced by him, and every time oiu of Lnwwn'b hogs chanced 'to stray upon j Dood's place, ho was bef.et by men and i doge, and most severely abused. Things! progressed thus for nearly a year, and the Quaker, a man of decided peace principles, nppcareu m no way to vesent tlics injuries received at the hands of his ppiteful neigh bor. But matters wero drawing to a cri sis, for Dood, more enraged than ever at the quiet of Obadiah, niado oath that he would do something before long to wake np the spunk of Lawson. Chance favored his design. The Quaker had a high blooded horse, (or filly, according to the western modo of speaking,) which ho had been very careful in racing, and which was just four years old. Lawson took great pride in this animal, and had refu sed a largo sum of money for her. One evening, a littlo after Kin-down, as Watt Dood was passing around his cornfield, ho discovered the (illy feeding in tho littlo strip of prairio land that separa ted tho two farms, and he conceived the hellish design of throwing off two or three rails of his fonce, that tho horse might get into tho corn during tho night. Ho did ho, and tho noxt morning, bright and ourly, ho shouldered bis riflo and left the home. Not long after his absenco, a hired jnan whom ho had recently employed heard tho echo of his gun, and in a few minutes Tood, considerably excited and out of breath, camo hurrying to the house, whero ho stated that ho had shot at and wounded a buck that tho deer had at tacked him, and ho hardly escaped with his life. The story was credited by all but tho newly employed hand, who had taken a dislike to Watt, and, from his maimer, suspected that something was wrong, lie thercforo slipped quietly away from tho house, and going through the field in tho direction of the shot, ho suddenly camo upon Lawson s fill v, stretched upon tho rarth, with a bullet-hole through tho head, from which tho warm blood was still oozing. The animal was warm, and could not have been killed an hour. Ho hastened back to tho dwelling of Deed, who met him in the yard, and demanded, fomcwhat roughly, whero lie had been. ''I've been to sco if your bullet made Fuvo work of Mr. Lawson s filly," was tho instant retort. Watt paled for a moment, but collecting '.limtolf, he fiercely thoutcd . BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, "Do you daro to say I killed her ?" " How do you know sho is dead J" re plied tho man. Dood bit his lip, hesitated a moment, and then turning, walked into tho house. A couple of days passed by, and the morning of tho third ono had broken, as tho hired man met friend Lawson, riding in search of his filly. No threat of re crimination escaped him ; ho did not even go to law to recover damages, but calmly awaited his plan aud hour of rcvongo. It eamo at last. Watt Dood had a Durham heifer, for which ho had paid a heavy price, and up on which ho counted to make great gains. One morning, just as Obadiah was hit ting down, his eldest son camo in with tho information that neighbor Dood'a heifer had broken down the fence, entered tho yard, and alter eating most of the cabba ges, had trampled tho well mado bads and the vegetables they contained, out of all shape a mischief impossible to repair. " And what did thco do with her, Ja cob T 1 quickly asked Obadiah. "I put her in tho farm-yard.'' " Did thee beat her ?" "I never struck her n blow." "Itight, Jacob, right ; sit down to thy breakfast, and when dono eating, I will attend to tho heifer."' Shortly after ho had finished hii repast, Lawson mounted a horso and rodo over to Dood's, who was sitting under tho porch in front of his house, aud who, as hu be held the Quaker dismount, supposed he Ma coming to demand pay for his filly, and secretly swore he would hao to goto law for it if hu did get pa-. "flood morning, neighbor Dood ; how is thy family .'" exclaimed Obadiah, as he mounted the s cps and seated hiuuelf in a chair. "I have a small aff.iir to settle with thee this morning, and I camo rather early." "So I supposed," growled Watt. "'ibis morning, my son found thy Dur ham heifer in my garden, where sho ha.s destroyed a good deal." "Aud what did he do with her ?" de manded Dood, his brow darkening. "What would thco have dono with her, had sho been my heifer in thy garden ?'' asked Obediah. "I'd shoot her," rctortod Watt, madly, "as 1 suppose you havo done ; but wo are only cvan. Heifer for filly is only tit for tat. "Neighbor Dowd, thou knowe.'t me not, if thou thiiiko.4 I would harm a hair of thy heifer's back. She is in my farm yard ; not even a blow has been struck her ; bho is whore thee can get her at any time. I know thco shot my filly, but the evil ono prompted thco to do it, and I lay no evil in my heart against my neighbors. I camo to tell thco where thy heifer is, aud I'll go homo." Obadiah rose from his chair, and was about to descend from the steps, when ho was stopped by Watt, who hastily aked : "What was your filly worth ?" "A hundred dollars is what I asked for her," replied Obadiah. "Wait a moment;" and Dood rushed into tho house, from whence ho soon re turned, holding some gold in his hand. "Hero's the price of you filly; and here after let there be pleasantness boiwccu us." Obadiah mounted his horso and rodo homo with a lighter heart, and from that day to this, Dood has been as good a neighbor as any ono could with to have being completely reformed by tho return ing good for evil. Strictly True. An eccentric Amer ican was lately visiting an English noble man at his seat in tho South of England. Our fellow-countryman had a habit of say ing, "how very appropiiato 1" by way of commendation, to almost everything ho approved of, whether apropos or not. Tho statuary around the grounds received this favorablo notice so frequently that the host bocamo nettled, aud determined ' to noil plus his guest. So stopping before tho family burying ground, ho pointed to a figure ou horseback, and said ; "How do you like that statue of General Jack son I1' "How very appropriate 1" was tho answer. "How do you make that out?" "Oh, General Jackson was apt to bofound among dead Englishmen," was the ready "T'y- A uumane woman. While Osman Ueg, th'u commander at Hasbciya, betrayed tho Christians, and refused to protect them, a Druse woman, a widow belonging to ouq of the chief families of the country, sent for all tho Protestants to oomo to her plsce, whero they foutid shelter. The Druses are said to have acted much morn humanoly than the Mohammodans, Fearful Rido ou a Locomotivo. "Howard," tho corrospondent of tho New l'ork Times, who rodo upon an excur sion train upon tho Lake Shore road, des cribes a rido on tho locomotivo as follows : Twenty-nine miles in thirty minutes 1 Deseribo it I Impossible' I havo always noticed that engineers wero quiet, dignified, sober people, and now I understand it. I should regard a joking, trifling engineer, as I would a jolly, whistling undertaker. Describe my rido on tho Huron ? Never! Tho whistlo nearly blew my cars olf; tho rushing air wore out my eyes ; tho jog gling of tho engine as it leaped from rail to rail all but broko tho end of my back bone off; my hat, which was blown away in less than a minute after wo started, was caught by tho fireman in a miraculous manner ; and every nervo in my body jumped, squirmed and wired, as relentless ly the iron steed kept up to "time." Now tho head of a luckless hen was nearly taken off ; then'two Hibernian gen tlemen, who were quietly smoaking by tho road-side, wero apparently frightened out of their wits, and before they had recover ed them wo had rushed frantically, fear fully by a station, in such close proximity to a freight train that I held my breath and trembled lest the next second should bo my last. I had no idea before of tho manner in which an engine "jumps," but I do now. While wo were going at this terrific speed, while tho mileposis succeeded each other so swiftly that they seemed like fence stakes, and whilo'tho various, growths of wheat, oats, potatoes and corn looked as if they were planted in a heap, tho engine would jump, leap, skip, and roll, like a frightened horso, and in a "dreadful unsartin" man ner. After a littlo I became used to the unnatural rush with which wo were going, and I had more leisure to watch tho engi neer. IIo w.i3 as calm as a May morning. Ho pulled a rod and an unearthly scream was heard. Ho pushed another ono, aud tho speed, already like that of tho arrow.', dart, became tint of tho lightning's flash. All va; under his control, and I could but admiro his coolness, tho firmiir?.s of pur pose and quickness of execution which ho unconsciously exhibited. No wonder that ho is a quiet, uncommunicative person ; ho deals with facts, between which and uip'o voalcd horror there is but a hand's breadth, aud eoiiiing at any moment can only bo warded oil or remedied by his skill. I war glad, ami yet sorry, when tho twenty nine miles were finished ; glad bccauo physically I was mentally f.i.scinated and charmed by the novel sensations experien ced during the rido. Business Mas. Tho road along which tho man of business travels in pur suit of competence or wealth is not a macademized ono, nor does it ordinarly lead through tho pleasant scenes and by well-springs of delight. Oh tho contrary it is a rough and rugged path, with "wait abit" thorns, and full of pit falls, which can only bo nvcided by tho exercise of watchful caro and circumspection. After each day'H journey over this worse than corduroy turnpike, tho wayfarer needs something more than test. IIo requires solace and he deserves it. IIo is weary of tho dull prose of life, and a thirst for tho poetry. Harqiy is tho business man who can Cud that social aud that poetry at home. Warm greetings from loviug hearts, found glances from bright eyes. The welcome shouts of children, tho thousand littlo arrangements for our com fort and enjoyment that silently tell of thoughtful and expectant lovo; tho gentle miniatratious that disencumber us into an old easy scat before wo are awaro of it. Those and liko tokens of affection aud sympathy constitute tho poetry, which re concile us to tho prose of life. Think of this, yo wives and daughters of business men. Think of tho toils, tho anxieties, tho mortifications and wear that fathers undergo to secure for you comfortable homes, and compensate them for their trials by making them happy by their own fireside. It Leaks. "A friend," says an cx- ehango, "returning from tho depot a few- days since, with a boltls ot freshly import ed Maine Law, saw a young lady whom ho must inevitably join. So putting tho bottle uudcr 'his arm, ho eoftly walked alontrsidc. 'Well,' said tho young lady, , after disposing of health and weather, what is that under your arm, from which sho discovered a dark fluid dropping. 'O ' nothing but a coat tho tailor has been mending for mo,' 'Oh, it's a coat, isitj Well, you'd bettor carry it back and get him to sew up one holo more it leaks," Aro Women Naturally Polito? Mrs, Willys asks that question, nnd then claboratoly answers it herself, thus : Aro women naturally polite, did you ask, dear, good-natured I'ubliot Did you ever know a woman to make room in an omnibus, on a side, when Num ber Six, was entering, flounced and velvet cd, until ordered by tho driver? Did you ever know a littlo pair of gaiter boots to turn ono inch cither to tho right or left when they could havo saved you from a streaming gutter by tho operation ? Tatcnt leathers don't behave so not they I Did you ever know a woman to say, "I am sorry to havo given so much trouble,'1 when tho dry goods clerks had turned things topsy turvy, without finding the shade or color that never existed ? Did you ever know a woman who did not know it wai "outrageous" for another woman to travel with a baby, or who didn 't regard it as "cruel and barbarous," if any one objected to tho crying of her baby f Did you ever know two women to talk over a third without ridiculing her, even if sho was 'their dear particular friend?' Did you over praiso one young lady in tho presence of another, without being con fidentially told of somo cnormon? fault or deformity in the former which you hadn't dreamed of? Did you over tell your wife what a beau tiful now dress your neighbor had got, without learning that "it was only that dowdy old silk dyed over !" Did you ever know a pretty woman to make an expression without a half a dozen other pretty women ruining it the iustaut sho left tho room ? Did you ever know a woman to apolo gize for having knocked another woman's bonnot into "pi" (that'sprinterisni, but ox-pres-ive, notwithstanding,) with tho corner of her parasol ? Did you over hear of a woman who had an ider that sho was making trouble by her littlo airs and graco ? Wo don't believo you ever did, roadcr. They are a race of unaccouutables, these women, just as sweot and piquant as Juno rotes, sometimes, and then again, bristling like so many venomous thorn bushes. There's ono thing wo uncr ceased to bo inwardly thankful for that wo'er not a man, and consequently not obliged to mar ry ono of 'cm. Why she would drive in crazy in a week, with her whim.i and fau cic?, her exaction and her petty ways. Wo would make tho most henpecked hui band in the world, unless, indeed, we had tho nerve to run away from her or shut hor up in a closet for a week, until sho promised to behave better. When a woman chosos she can bo tho nearest thing to an angel of anything in tho world, and what a pity it is tho doesn't always choose. Life Illustrated, The Joke or the Oiiillcnioxs. Tho following story is current in Titusvillc. In a neighborhood on tho creek lived and labored a son of Vulcan, who with his lim ited means, had barely enough to sccuro a small pieco of laud and to obtain n scanty living lor his rising family. Tho ideas of tho children had been taught to shoot but littlo in any direction towards knowledge and refinement, and ho little expected to bo anything clso but tho village blacksmith. Hut when tho oil fever broko out, learning tho success of his neigbors in finding oil, ho thought that ho might whilo away his spare hours in drilling a holo upon his own homestead lot; aud having tools conveni ent, ho went to work, and, after a few weeks of patient industry, was successful in obtaining a good show of oil. It was soon noised about tho village, and tho blacksmith was somebody at once. IIo had a daughter, almost unnoticed and un known, but who now became moro an ob ject of interest to tho few young men in that small community, It at once became a question how to break tho iee of former indifl'crenco, and to fecure a favorablo ac quaintance with this heiress of tho oil well. For a whilo the natural timidity of tho boys kept them aloof; but at last ono of the boldest and best-favored among them determined to try his luck, and ou Sunday evening, attired in his best, resolutely marched forward and offered to escort tho damsel homo, imagine his chagrin when sho turning upon him a look of lofty inde pendence that would havo dono credit to a Broadway belle, replied in languago moro sevoro than chato: "Nonsenso ! you can't coino that ! Dad has struck ilo !" The Milkaukio Sentinel says thcro are now about a thousand orphans in that city, rendered so by tho Ixdij lutein calamity. Many of theso childreu aro thrown upon the charity of tho community SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, I860. Sublime Idea. Tho closing passago in ono of Professor Mitcheh recent lectures in Now York on astronomy after speaking of tho unfath omable distances which no telcscopo can penetrate, lying far beyond tho system on which tho earth revolves, and yet filled with independent system of words of infi nite numbers, as follows ; "Light traverses a space at tho rato of a million miles a minute, yet tho light from tho nearest star requires ten years to reach tho earth, and Hcrschols telcscopo reveal ed stars 2,300 times further distant. Tho groat tolescopo of Lord Koss, pursued tho creations of God still deeper into spaco, and having resolved tho nebulco of tho Milky Way into stars, beautiful diamond points glittering through tho black dark ness beyond. When ho beheld this amaz ing abyss when ho reflected upon the im mense distance, enormous magnitude, and the countless millions of worlds that be longed to them, it seemed to him as though tho wild dream of tho German poet had been more than realized. God called a man in his dream into the vcstibulo of heaven, sajing 'come hither audi will show thco the glory of my house. Aud to his angels who stood around his throne ho said, ''take him, strip him of his alfection,put a new breath into his nostrils; but touch not his human heart tho heart that fears and hopes nnd trembles. A mo ment, and it wasdone,thc man stood ready for his unknown voyage. Under guidance of a mighty angel, with sounds of flying piuions they sped away from tho battle ment of heavon. Somo time on tho mighty angels wings thoy fled through Saharas darkness,wildorncss to death length from a distance not counted save in the arith. matio of Heaven, a light boatned upon them a sleepy frame as seen thro' a hazy cloud. In a moment tho blazing of tho suns around a moment tho wheeling of planets ; then camo long eternities of twi light, then again on tho right hand and on tho left appeared more constellations. At last tho man sank down crying, "Angel, I can go no further ; lot mo lie down in tho grave and hide myself from tho iiifinitudo of tho universe, for end there is none.' End there is none ?' demanded tho angel And from tho glittering stars that shone around, there camo a coral shout, 'Knd there is none I' 'Knd there ii none' " Tun Moons, In the earliest times tho people on the European and Afiican sides of tho Straits of Gibraltar were tho same, and tho intercourse between them over tho narrow channel frequent. In tho subsequent movements of warlike tribes and peoplo Spain aud Darbary wero successively, whole or in part, overrun by tho C.nthagonians, liomaus, Goths, Van dals, and Saracens or Arabs leaving both Spain aud Darbary, in the early part of tho eighth century, imder tho dominion of tho latter. Doth became provinces of the Caliphs of Bagdad, and were ruled by their governors. The Moors, as the Arabs of Spain nnd Morocco wero called, min gled their blood with tho inhabitants of tho country, and for eight hundred years much of tho time as tho predominant power in tho Spanish Peninsula, not withstanding tho invasions and civil wars, instigated by religious bigotry, to which they were subjected maintained them selves in Spain, and under their sway tho country becamo powerful and great. At the cud of this period they wero subdued by the Christian States which had arisen among them, and the establishment of tho Inquisition placed their lives and every j thing they pos:csscd at the mercy of their conquerors. A century of persecution sue- 1 cccded; when what remained of them, in tho beginning of tho seventeenth century, whom neither firo nor faggot could convert, were expelled from Spain and driven into Africa. This, and tho expulsion of tho Jews which followed, destroyed the groat-1 ncss of Spain her commerce, her revenues, and her power leaving her ciippled, lying helpless at the mouth of tho grave sho had dug; from which condition, after a lapso' of two centuries, sho is only now begin ning to recover. Tho Spaniards, liko all tho central and southern natious of Europe, aro of mixed blood, made up of tho sev eral peoples who havo overrun their land ; but in many of tho province, especially at tho south nnd cast, tho Moorish blood still predominates. " Sarah," said a girl looking out of the upper story window of a small grocery, and addrcssimr another cirl who was trvinr? to enter at tho front door, "we've all been to Camp Meeting and been converted ; so when you want milk on Sundays, you will have to come in the back way " A Few Plain Questions. A correspondent of tho Christian Ob server asks of tho EvaftgeUsL nnd other anti-slavery editors who aro in tho habit of denouncing slavcholding as sin, a catcgor ical answer to tho following inquiries s 1st. In tho covenant which God mado with Abraham, and his spiritual children, which is understood to bo tho Gospel cov enant, was it wrong to provide for tho pur chase of bondmen, or slaves? Gcncsii, chap. 17: la and 13. 2d. Was it wrong for tho angel, ihen meeting Hagar in tho wilderness, fleeing from her mistress, who had treated her badly, to send her back into tho stato of servitude from which she had so happily escaped ? Gen: 9. 3d. Was it wrong for Moses, acting un der a direct commission from God, to au thorize tho Isrcalitcs to purchase houdmcn, or slaves, from tho heathen, and loavo them ai an inheritance to their children forever ? Lovit. 25: -11, 40, 40. 4th. Was it wrong for tho Savior, when ho healed tho Centurion's servant, to com mend tho faith of tho master without re proving him for tho sin of slavcholding? Olh. Was it wiongioT tho Apostlo Paul to send a runaway slave back to his master Philemon, without a single word of admo nition about the sin of slavcholding J Cth. Was it wrong for the Apo'tlo to speak of masters who had servants under tho yoke (or scnitudo) nj faithful anil be loved, and to stato that as a reason why their slaves (under tho yoke) should render them a cheerful obedience ? 1 Tim. 0: 1, , a. 7th. Was it wrong for tho Apostlo in immediate connection with such teaching to condemn thoso who teach otlicncisc, us ignorant and proud, doting about ques tions and strife of words, whereof comcth envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, and pveverso diputings? 1 Tim. C: 4, !, 0. 8th. 13 there anything in tho relation of master to his servant to mako that to bo a sin now, which was not a sin in tho days of Paul and Moses ? 0th. If slavcholding bo a sin, have not Paul, and Jesus, and Moses, and tho Great God himself (I speak it reverently,) given explicit permission for tho existence of this sin, without a single word of rebuke ? Kith. Is not the "royal law"' tliou shah hrc thy nrisldior as thyself ns truly and readily obeyed by tho master to his slavo, as by tho employer to those in his service and is thcro not ns much injustice and oppre;ion excrcisod over those in servitude at tho North as there is ovor tho colored population of tho South ? Anecdote ov Washington. During Iho Involution a Corporal was giving or- dcrs to his men, who were endeavoring to raiso a heavy log to the top of some mili tary works they wero repairing. An of ficer not in military costume, was passing, and asked tho commander why ho did not aid. Tho latter turning around with all tho pomp of an Emperor, said, "Sir, I am a Corporal !" "I ask your pardoti Mr. Corporal," raid tho officer, dismounting, lifted till tho work was Uuished when, turning to tho commander ho said, "Mr. Corporal, when you havo another such a job, nnd havo not men sufficient, send for your Commander-ill' Chief and I will coino and help you the second time." It was Washington. Fatal Fiue. On Friday evening a week, tho dwcllijg house of Mr. Johu Marksteller near Kcmerer's Saw Mill, in Upper Towamciiiing, was destroyed by firo. A littlo boy aged ten years, perish ed in tho flames. Tho child had been left to take caro of tho house during tho temporary absenco of Mr. and Mrs. Mark stcllcr. It is not known how tho firo ori ginated. Mr. Marksteller lost every thing. A horso in tho adjoining premises was also consumed. Curlnti Democrat. An Irishman, travelling on ono of the railroads tho other day, got out of the cars for relreshinents at a way station, aud unfortunately tho bell rang and tho train was off before ho had finished his pie and cofl'oo. "Ilould on ! ' cried Put, and ho ran liko a madman nfler tho cais, ,'hould on,yomuthcriBgould stamo inginc ye've got a passenger aboard that is left behind !'' A little fellow four years old, tho other day nonplussed his mother by mak ing tho following inquiry : "Mother, if a man is a Mister, ain't a woman a Mistory ?' As editor says "On our outsido will bo found somo fino suggestions for raising peaches.' Wo suppose that on hii inside may be found tho peaches themselves. The old fogy who poked his head from "behind the times," had it knocked sound ly by a "passing tcnt," VOL. 24, Approntlcos. How extremely difficult it has in all ages been found, to coniiuno tho Appreu tico that bis own Interest nnd prosperit,' aro advanced exactly in proportion to thu degree of faithfulness with which ho dis charges his duties to his employer, and th exertion ho makes to promote his master r interest. This arises iu a measure, from tho proncness of young men to take thought only for tho present. They do not gen erally give themselves the least anxiety about tho future, and seem to forget that thoy too "may at somo period not far distant bceomo masters nnd employers, and cnllod upon to occupy responsible stations in so ciety. Wo have often been rained to witno the want of respect manifested by appren tices lor their employers, and tho deirrco of indifference and neglect shown by tho lcrmcr towards tho interest of the latter. Indeed so extensive has been tho mischief arising from this ruinous and mischicvious courso of apprentices, that tho question i.s already agitated amonc employers whether the trouble and perplexity of boys at tho present nay, ilo not ovcrbalauco all tho value of their sen ices. These things ought not fo to be, nnd It need not bo thus. Let our young friends reflect on what we hate said, and cacli ask himsolf if nil and moro is not true; and let him resolve at onco that it shall bo no longer true of them. Wo beseech ?ou bu faithful aud respectful to thoso under whose charge and guardianship you havo been placed, for by so doing you will not only sccuro tho confidence and respect of all around you, but it will preparo you for a courso of faithfulness to yourselves in af ter life, aud place within your reach, im portant advauiages when you come to act for yoursolf. Seven White Men Duunkb nr Indi ass. A corrcspondoU of tho Sacramci.to Union, writing from Virginia City, con firms the recent tidings of seven white men baling been burned to death dy Indian) pi tho Wa?hoo region. It appears that theso victims formed tho party of Norman II. Canficld, of Dutto county, which was out prospecting when the war between tho whites and Indians at Williams' Itahch broke out, aud wero not heard of aficr wards. The correspondent thus tells tho story : " Among tho volunteers in tho lato In dian expedition under Colonsl Hays, woro two very intimate friends of .Mr. Canficld. who used every effort to ascertain tho fato of hu party ; but though tho form and features of all tho discovered dead wero very carefully scrutinized, none wero reu ogtuzcu as tioaring any rcscmblanco to mm or Ins known companions. A fow days after tho volunteers wero withdrawn from Pyramid Lake, tho regulars being then stationed thcro, somo of tho htler discovered, among tho cotton woodsdiclow wnero tlio Indian villaco had stood, ami near the placo where the Truckco empties into tho Lako, tied to ns many trees, tho bodies, or sharrcd remains, of seven men who had been burned to death. "Iwo or throe had been fastened to tho trees with log chains and tho flesh had been entirely burned from them : thn others had been tied with raw hides : ami tho upper portions of their bodies bore traces ol identification, particularly that of Canficld, who was a robust nnd power ful man, rcmarkablo in form and feature. His lower liuuls aud lower tiart of his lramo had been consumed, with tho eu- dent deMim to protract susccntabilitv to , i pain, till the boues wero charred : but tbn upper part of tho chest, tho arms and shoulders and tho head were entire ovon tho grim military whiskers worn by tho ictim were uusiiurcd. Further doscriti- tion and details have also been furnisliml. but tho revolting hidcousness of tho picture lorbids elaboration. Suffice it. that tho eiidcnco leaves to tho friends of Mr. Can field aud his companions no nossibili'v of doubt as to his identity, and tho horriblo process of his and their deaths. "Tho remains of tho victims of this ter rible deed wero ull carefully interred in ono grave, beneath a larjrc buttonwood tree, near tho spot on which they died, by tho soldiers under Capt. Stewart. Whether thoy wero made tho bloody offering to tho demon ot war, or tho formal preparation ot tho Pah-Utahs to attack the whites, or were doomed to nvengo tho slain of tho tribe who subsequently fell in battle, will most probably forever remain a mystery. '1 hey died died tho most terrible of nil deaths which it is possiblo for tho iinag. ination to conceive. Canficld was from Cambridge, Washington county, New York, where his family resided when he camo to r y.p - r . ijaiuurnin, in ioi;i, uo was auout yeais of ago ui tho timo of his death, 33
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers