Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 13, 1860, Image 4

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    jtjf . ii. .1'
The quality of milk a cow will givo, fs
indicated by tho liair and elan, and yel
low color of tho sltin iusido of tho an
... , i c.i
and other parts not thickly covered with
b. T . i ...
air. I have never known a cow, with
soft, fur-like hair and mellow skin, np
pcaring gummy at tho roots of tho hair
when parted with tho hands, that was not
a good hutter cow, and when fattened,
would mix tallow well with flesh.
ing been accustomed to fatten luy cows
that failed for dairy purposes; by ago or
otherwise, for many years, and being on
tho lookout for causes of known result,
I have observed that those known to irivo
, ... i it .p. , i I
gOOU inlllC, niaUO more tlinlt IU tallOW
when fed to fatten. Heneo tlltj COIlclu, )
ion, tliat cows that haudlo well in what ,
tho butchers call tallow joints, may bo
judged to give rich milk, tbo quantity to
l,o judged by a plainly marked design of
nature in her physical Structure.' Instead
of heavy head, horns, neck and shoulders,
and comparatively light hind quaitcrs,
which is characteristic of tha opposito sex,
ilio should show an opposito design, by a
l'eminino countenance, light head, neck
and shoulders, widening backward from
her chest to tho loin and hind-quarters,
vhero the most strength is required.
French White Soup. Doil a knuckle
7f veal and four calves' feet in five quarts
of water, with threo onions sliced, a bunch
of sweet herbs, four heads of white celery
cut small, a tablcspoouful of whole pepper,
and a small tcaspoonful of salt, adding
tivo or six blades of mace. Let it boil
very slowly, till th'o meat is in rags and
has dropped from tho bone, and till tho
gristle has quite dissolved. Skim it well
when boiliog. When done, strain it
through a seivo into a tureen, or a deep
whiteware pan. Next day tako off all the
fat, and put the jelly (for such it ought to
be) into a clean soup-pot with two ounces
of vermicelli, and set it over tha fire
When the vermicelli is dissolved, stir in
gradually a pint of thick cream, while the
soup is quite hot ; but do not let it come
to a boil after tho cream is in, lest it
should curdle
Uut up one or two brench
rolls in tho Lottom of a tureen, pour in tho
eoup, and send it to the tabic.
Sift into a pan three large pints of yel
low corn meal; and add a large table
spoonful of fresh lard ; orxof nice drippings
of roast beef, well cleaned from fat. Add
a small teaspoonful of salcratus, or a largo
one of soda, dissolved in a little warm wa
ter. Next, make tho wholo into a soft
dough, with a pint of cold water. When
it is all mixed, continue to stir it well for
h&lf an hour. Ilavo ready a griddle
heated over the lire, and hako tho batter
in tho manner of buckwheat cakes ; and
send them to the table hot, and cat them
with butter or Molasses.
These cakea aro very light and good,
and convenient to make ; as they require
neither eggs, milk nor yeast. They may
be cither baked as soon as mixed, or they
may stand for an hour or more.
A wine-glass full of rice boiled in a
quart of milk until soft, and take from the
fire j beat three eggs light, and btir them
gradually into it ; add a small teacup full
of sugar, half a nutmeg grated, half a
teaspoon full of salt ; bake half an hour
in flat pie dishes, lined with Hno pafto,
and nearly filled with tho mixture, but
not covered.
IYB rnn I'ituit Tubes, A correspon
dent of the .American Agiiculturisl says :
" Last Spring after making soap, I took
tho lye left in the kettlo after taking off
the eoap, and washed the bodies of three
apple trees, and liking tho effects, this
Spring I Washed fifteen more. It caused
tho old bark to scalo off, and gives the
trees a thrifty appearance. It kills all
small sprouts that may bo on tho trunk of
trees or about the roots, and kills all grass
upon which it falls. It will not do to use
on email trees, without first making it
very weak."
Tub ago of a horse is now more casil
told by his eyes than his teeth, in this
way. After a horso is nine yean of ago,
a wrinkle, comes on tho eyelid at the up
per corner of tho lower lid, and every
year thereafter ho has one moro defined
winkle ; add tho number of wrinkles to
nine, and you will always havo tho ago of
your horse. So says a writer, and he is
confident it will ncrcr fail.
Butter jnado in tLisfantl tlio following
' mouth ii much better than lhat made
earlier, being sweeter, rich, healthier, and
loss liable to become frouzy. Never pack
it away if possible in wooden vessels,
which sometimes impart to it an unpleas-
nnt nu vol! ns miliniltliv tnol, but nWnsro
vuq stone jar3.
To speak harshly to a person of sen
mints i unit's!! lamp Hi
Head Quarters.
coAti carrov oils.
1 AK TXCl Ilia heat nnd rhnotti l.lehl now In tne. inlt
! It I able for Clmrche, Stores, or family use, no rtnnrer
from lUplusion and one half cheaper thnii tiny other
Debt, now uieil ami
The aboB lamps, with nr without, (ilubca or Khailes,
rim he hail nt the
Exchange Itnililing, IHoomsuiiK. .IM.,
Wbr tho iindcrsi8iie,liiould Ucepcctfullv Inform, tils
rricmis ami tiio public in general, timi ho lms ju,t r.-
ceil c-d from the cities, n large ami well selected stuck
ortiuods, in hi kind coiui.tinj of
i r lili?li Ann ruuKl. num.:..
i aiumuiNta ti,iii:M.t:At.x.
uitotiND k wnui.t; rriur.H.
HTUI'K. WIMlOW tll.AXti, lir
A 1.1. al'.KW. I'Alvr, A. TOOTH
At rMIAVINO llHUflliy
or i m: iiiianimi
uiiu wivua ; nr. and ir.'1 nm
INU Milt r'I.A,vll:8,c AUItLAl'
on. i..Miy An 8Iiadi:r.
n.t'H) j.amps&fiiai)i;3,
ALsoAH tho most popular l'ati'lit Medicines of the
dav,prescrlptlonsandf.iiuilyimilielnecarelullyfiil up.
continued and Teitli inserted, in tire most
"'KSu, "S',;! fr ,,t patronage, lie
hunta ji rm.liiitii.iicu of Hit) .lint.
liloonmbnrj, Jan. lr5J y.
(Opposite Jndcvcmlencc Haiti)
M if 13 I'ruptlnor,
Arch Strttl, Mote Third.
rrMlH ituntion of thin Until rmc nf tho innttl
X convenient for tli0o who arr isUinir 1'hilailc lhin
oiihui!irim; while in tliouc in Bfnrttmf y niirc, the
couttnnt!) pasning nixl rfnniiui! City liailwoy cure,
diiJ thng In (1"kj prnximity, nili'ul u dioan ant) plena
nut rdlf lit nil (il.'icei of Interest nnd a in me matt in it
nhout the city.
The proprietor fives itf urtmcc ttrrt Tlio lTnion"
hnll be kvut with 1.11th rh.iraitt'r m will tiii-fl imhlic
npprohution, and wuuld ret pert fully cnlirit. pcihthI put-
Fehruitry UCQ 13m, rniprittor.
(iood felioeing and 4 tn np Smiiliing.
nlIC uinlcrniuned lhankfull for paht pntronaee, reppert--I
fully inturiim Ms friends and lht puhlic in gem nil
that lid Eli 1 1 cuiitliiues the
At tbo Old rtniiil, on the hill, tito e tha Hail Uoad, in nil
it arioijs hruHrhei. nt low priref, iindon an en 1 urged
itult?, and Eolitita the public putroiingf.
Clonmeburg, Juno 5,&.
from noxiom wen!, nl.o, 1 iuniih. Orcli
ard. Herd (iruMt. lialion and Cnglinh pemiiiillA
Rey Urns, Kcntticky llltip llrans. While Clover
flue mlied Lawn Gra$s teed tec, nt wholeatt .uid
retnil. I'AhCIIAM. .MOUUIS.
Iinplemeiitt nml Feed Warehouse, 7th and Clarke
Slrrein. l'h;adplidit;i.
March VI. IHVI -12m, Ali.l!STIIO.N,J.&: t'.
80 ij- 62 Chambers St. JV. Y.
Would nolllv theTraile thy nfp op 111115 Weekly
In new Iwntitiinl p.iltprn. ihf
A I. tO TIIU .
v New Trf nt. whirii t srp cvry 1 rirt in the Coiinlry
l"r oertVi Hon nf xccii ion nn-l dPeitrit in full in.iddnf
1 Color. Our rrtnthntt rlrarci tLjti anv in uiarkfi.
,..! .. .... I. '. '
rtiitf ,)fr,m)Uv aiuuM t-,.
IVhriiaiy 4, JfruOy.
yilll largest and most rompleti assortment
9 of Agricultural nml lloiiirulturul Iioole.
incuts eer olf.-red in Philadelphia, cmbra- eftU?
cine; many new Implements, not to he found tvAi'
HMhere made of the Ir'tt material'! A
unrkmanshlp. expressly for tut ocn sales. ZE2&
Parmers are int iled te call and examine Ihc sortlnent.
Implement and PeedAVurehous itli and Market street,
1 uuaucipiua.
March 13, 1SS9.
Ilin under! fried Is also extensively enfafed In the
Undcrtakinir Ituiinctit and keens loiistantlv on hnnd
nd for sale at his U'nrcrooms, n larefi naortuieut uf
Ity'wliiih he ii enabled to nil orders on prcsoitniirn
Auo-Keeus it cood IIornc mni Hi ars, und uill at all
timts be-ready to attend Puncrcls.
Islooniftburg, January 2J, US'),
One Door nbovo Christ Cliurch.
A General Assorluient of COTF.UIF. J- VltXITimE, in-
ciudinu caMr iruuvs, ic.
IMIir.AI) I'.t.I'lIIA.
May 15. niiO-lJni.
7V).VQt7.J IT.YX.
1" norm ci or.
ICPatHcnjiers in lhi Phlladlphia Mail 'i'rain uoing
&uin.aiiu uimirn .nan i rtrm L'oing .nnii,
I)WfK ct h$VUtd itate Hotel Tamaquapa,
MarcU 13. IS.'.U l-.'m
3K & e j: w & a o y s T
vnioi.ciiAi.r. Dimxns in
9I.iiiiiliicliiril M Liaf Tubacco,
K. C Corner of Tront and Arch Streets.
sarucn utc.i, i
JiMFS u. 1IOYU. (
March 10, 1-i:i) 1 .'in.
orn'a.mi;nta( iron woiiks,
No. 222 lallouliill St., below T laird,
Iron Rnlling for Parks, Cemeteries, Vcrani'ui, Steps, ic,
st'itiAfj .tiiawb:, isoo.
Chtajter tian any vtktr Home in the United Pates, trery
mt tie Aitld vnlj,Jur tokat it ttolf is, and warranted to tie
u rrprtttmica,
No. UU Xertii Second Etrect, abovo Willow, UV$t (side,
1'JiJ LA Ulu h fill A
tflMPOHTKR of all kinds of llnglUk, ttt end Siss
4 naienest ana flianuiacturer 01 jcwtiry, 01 cteryue
LVuntry, Btoro Keepers, Auctioneers. Pedlars & deal
crs centrally, arc assured that they will find at this fs
lablishmeut the intsot inont vuried and Fashionable
assorluient of roods in the United Statts, and at prices,
' 1" Pi 'cent lower than any other House in this Counlry,
gt0 jvcepers and others.uliocannolcoineiotho cily,
canon r their goods by Mtl, and havs tlwiu sunt by
BDres 'onnyuartof the Country, as cheao am well
scieciea u uiey came iq iu tny ana nieaeu ttieiu in
person, i uiemwer tue pure,
II. Mt'I.T.IflAV'H.
Ko. 411, No l Second Eti abom Willow, West tide.
SHWliVO at A V, II I ft 12 I MAiiai o, ism.
rsion $10 EACH.
Miissits, 7.i'rriNui;n nonniNs.r nfoomshiij,-,
h-lliiiir purchased trm lrluriec rlplit tif the nbnvo
valuable. Iimi-roiiii Untie I'atknt Hswinu Ma.iukk, for
thccoilnly of Collllnhlu, will bo hnppy to supply tlitlr
menus wilii in, article tor tne acconiiiiouiiiion oi mem.
fvlvca and iViBiltlon. The follow Ins nr some of tho su
lienor adt niitjnt. thl iinnteiiieiit oosseases urer ,nr i
ever )et oin-reiftn the jtuhlie. Vli '
1. It scum from 4in) to UK) slltrlies per minute, thus ,
anting liotll tlmq and Uhor In tho operation 1
2. Its roiiFtrii'tlon Is so dain and simple, with any
thins like Talr nsauc, it Is easy kept In order amlnill
Bite entire satisfaction, i
3. On.! of I In most laltlaUp features of this Mailiine,
is the sinallness nod tho I ouii.ii tucss of its luei danism.
4. IloiiMc-thread Marliihes.are aitt a) s ilitllralt to man,
crc, and vt) uuliuiidy In threading, bill this Mn hluo is
easier inreiinco liian even n coniinou iicciuc,
It mi lit) nit mh i'd to a Imiird, tnbln ir rttuitt, in (t
ernting order, Hint ileln htd In lex hull' ti iniiit.te.
0. It grently crtmoinixeii thj thrend, mid yi t, produces
n v.'nm, Buihriently Hronit f"f nuy work for whi-h it id
destined, 11 qiistlllUalioii not know 11 to utlur new ing AI.v
7. No human h.ind I capable in producing a BCtun to
rcputiirnnd s vtrmnHr.
P, Among tho array of l'ntrnt Hawing Matliiiiei. thera
nre none hu i heap uinl duratite 11 ItAYMotn'M Taunt, but
no ninrninc 1 uunpteit lo an nuns 01 wutk uteipcnciuc
trm protcn.
1. Tlie operator rnn fhnpe hl neain, Jut n lie plenn'f ,
Wfie, It'iuei nnd (lowers, He., tan be rtpremnted or
in. It i pnrlicut.irly hc'nptctl to nil kindi of FtitrhisiR
such an ffciitlniien'ti hirtx, homiiti, riftlminN, tollam.
etc., nnd till Mlhln i f Ladies' pvwinti, lioluilins rilkji,
lawn, ilt ljiuei, talii oeit, &.c.. ow pi hie lor men's iienvy
wear, Ui .Ma-hlne if rather too llyht of tuistrui.tinn.
II, Hut all tho forriroiiifr ud,nritni!cs, thmiti r-'al in
thenmi-Uo-t, d Hindu into iiiitijiufli ame, i h"ii compdr'il
with the preserttitioti o iieolUi, h.-ing n suMmj ot u'iii
l.ihor mill ryi-ijiht, mid leaves th- op'T-ilor w itlnnit htmtp
iujr, nu I i 1'iiuhled lo perform hi work, occup) ing a na
tural V'iUuit.
u rori'ieiiy iitc nntirrsisueii, nt inir rrepeime
refideiH'ex, in Mnoinnhurp, who will put the niaihiiie in
operation and uitt all necessary instru tion.
iiu.Mtv rriMNor.u,
lilooinsburji, Mnv 13,
rpIIU siiVcribrr hit lien nttention to his new stock of
X I tools nnd Hhoos, jiirt recti veil from I'lnla.lelphia,
and comprising
nootx. Gntters. Offorit Tico. Schottish Ties, Nmy Cmt
ere, (flippers, ic, &c.
(. litem with nml witlimil hls, Flijipr ditto, nnskins
t reucn tiorroico nooue wiin ana wiinoui pei-iit, &.C.
Algo, Mjnslb' ami Cnitritti'ri J
iDtDODirs mm mum
of ercrv description, at oriels murli below the old stall,
euro, iiiiu less man me same mialily or t.oods tun uj
bun tht lor nt any othi r iiom in tow ni
Work of all kin tin 111 tdctti order of Hie lent ninterial. in
the iietitrtt manner and on reason a hie ti-rm, warranted
toc'iual any city work nnd much Ik-Ioh tity prices. I
keep none but tlid workmen, nnd Jiave b 'll-r uiatc
rial than wai evor bi'fTJ hroitcht to thts-ln fact, iho
1 cry best to be had hi thetily market.
I)auillc,May 2(1, lPfa-y.
PAN ft Y XV R, Sloan .
hitmen Tth., i-Hh . Ms . FnilnMpnui, fcty.
Importer, Inuufaitiirer of and Dealer Jryi
inall kiiidsof rw ,a
1 to rii n jr.ri ei.i jriii
Plinr) VUVVrSfA
FAnbY rlJriJs b5S 1
- " TT!d
eiitmlyin .lu .VanufnCun nidVaiit fff
ol 1-lnifj tnri. tMiich In accordaoeo JMjSrfeT
"' "," m I'"" '"")''' I Into
marie, at tin W( ;,,..;We ee.res consistent villi a
rensonalile protit, I ivould solnit n visit from those iu
a,,tot-e e,for c.,,l,eryW,e.' eraiM,. nnd
an illipeilioliiil my s.-lecliou oftlio.e !oo,ls,salisll-d,ns
I a I my ability to plea.- in ever) ilesir.-d essential. ,
QV" Pejsoos at ll illltance. w ho may llml itlnrollle-
ni oil to call p.r all) d only name tho article they ,
,.(.. h, ,v. .......... r ,.,, ,,,Firur.s lll .rim-
Ins, and forward the order torn v address -loonev aceoin. to iusurv' n satisla.tnry tompliance with their
W lilies.
, 1K0 3iu
t; k t m svi; r n u- store
IMIi: ubicril)-r takes tin liberty in inforiu the Ladies
and (it'utk'iiieii of Oranjrev ilh', nml Burroiiiidiug (
country, tint h-; h.irj optm-d u "Pa my Ihiv (;mi A, TIi-m-mim
Hkho." in Orani'iMlK. Wh tc hi Kwps mi hand, I
and is constant I receiving a (,'cncnit nssortment of
Slaplo Ac Vanvy Dry Umnls,
Trimniiuff, Ifandkerrhi f, IfonWry, f!loes. Mitts mid'
in short, nil Kinds nf I'urnieliiii" fitHidn tor both l.adii-s
and pentlciiifii. II ii gnodti tin bought at NVw Vnrk and .
Mill ipelphu Imth, hi ttif ri I'trtJ Ii.m tin1 ptvlft rf loth
placei. Th?y are hotipht fnr cili, whlih eiuhl", him to
h:M at lowi-r rat'-M th in any otli r in the loimtry. i
He ri'Spfftlally soliritsa share of patron.iat'.promisint:
ori'iicicrgood satiMci.tion. ru-nso call and eianiiim
befori1 nunhasiiig idn-whTe.
. II. Crniutr) 1'pnlucc taken in for uckmIp.
Indies w lihliii; yi-t-w. Cape nritlir p-iterns, w ill he
fiirniBhed gratis .with tho Uturt tny Hjh-s, on npplua
tion. I. NIIWTO.V KLIN'i:.
Orangeville, Juno U, IffO.
U. S Trust Gompniiy.
Comer of Third and Chestnut 8 s..Phil
Lmiiii, anil small sntua r-'ceied nnd pall hack on
demand w it limit notice, w itli I'ii k i-m i kM Un n-
tsi from the day m deposit to the day of w hhdraw nl.
Oi-Mct HuLRM-Prnm M until .1 o'lltnk t'Mry daj.und
oniMn-)iiA IIummi, troui 7 until it (irlork.
rrJsiueiit-sn.riM.V It. CKAWTOKD,
Tr 'imurer 1'mny Piuk.
Ttller Jamca H, Jluntrr.
Plephen R. Crauf..rd,
llenjamiii W. Tinplry,
(-Daniel Keidlemnn,
.Ceeri-'e Jnukin,
AlfxVr . Hart, M, P.,
;VilIi.mi M. tinjniu,
Prnnklin Jackbuii,
Pliuy 1'itiK.
I'.llil IS, Cim hi rd
M. I).
ratrirk llmdv.
JjitK's I) -ver 'nux.
Tlimiaj T ln,
M an It IrVt'l- iv
WOCMI repc(tfully inform tho ciluens of Lich
Htrcet and It.) uit v th-v h.uu int r..imui .
new'andi ittUfUt' niibjrtiiieiit of
Vi.ZJ Hm,,'al tmi l commonly timud in a
e i IIL i r , r r,e ff U'rniMlX u r hP. 7H
soUtt.on of their piMHlHthey have paid Mriit utteTilion ;
therefore, tlu'ir merthandut! will bear riconimendatioti 1 iun
au.i m in pro e to be 01 tne lirst class.
ni" propnuors coraiaiu solicit u lib.-ral haru of pat
rnnace. Ciivtomers would tin u.-ll io .ill no.) ..,..
their tjencral ariety heloru purrhniu(rrUewhere.
i otiiury prunuce tdhfii in iicliant'e for foods ut tht
Inylie-t market pritc.
. , , ar.uT l.
Light Htret, October 22, ,
npIIR tindersisneil respectfully informs Ins old friends
nun cuiouifrs, tnai im has puulused 'us brothers
interest iu the above cfctablUluneni, und the concern will
MVTH-..IM-I wi vjiiiiivieu nj- jiiuinrii rxt lUnlVt-IJ .
He has jtit received and oilers lor sale, llm larp
f&& l and inofit exteiuivu nssortiuent of PANCV
(PjjjflHTO VJJH ever introduced into this markit.
T--fii His stotk'iotuists of a complete aswortnii nt nf
thf bfl Cooking und parlor btowH hi thu markit, totfet ti
er with Hovn 1 utures of fery defrrtplion, then and
BorJtoes, Hadiators, Cjliudar Ftou-n, asl Inm ,(r
Tiaht Hoves, Cannon Htoes, &.., &c. Htoepipo nml
'i niware contitautly Ou hand and maimfat tared to order.
All kinds of repairing done, ns imual, mi short notire.
Th patnuiage of uid ftf.nds and new ciiMomtyri rc
speiirully snhciteil. A. .M. llL'l'tlU'.
iluomburtr. January g, 18.14 if.
iijionw s aWTCij op ja.vaic.1 ahwtui
CHE HI I S T A N It U G ti I 8 T ,
Xortk Jkost Corner of Chest sut and Fifth Stretti,
SOI.i; niamif.ifturer of ttrown's Patten en of Jamaica
(linger, which is recognized and prescribed by the
Medical Panilty. nnd has beiomw u13 ctaudard Pauuly
Medicine of thu lnil?d Suites,
This P.ssence is n preparation r,f unusual excellent.
In ordinary diarrlura, incinient cholera. In shmt. in nil
cases of nrotratioii of the digeihve is oflc
iuestiinable value. Dunns the prevalence of epidemic
cholera nnd summer complnints of rhlldreii, it is pecu-1
iiarly eir.cacimi; no family, fudiriduul, or traveler i
hhuuld Ut without it.
wrier., I
To prevent this valunble liiseiice from being counter- s
fcited. n new steel enjiruving. executed at a groat et 1
w ill bo found o.i thu outside of tha w rapper, in order tn '
guard the purchasers aeuluU btinj iiiiiionud upon by
worthless iinitdtions of !
Prepared oul) by PliUHKKICK HUOWN, and for snl.
at his Drug and Chemical t-toie, N. l' corner of l itth 1
and Uinstiiut iStrjets, Philadelphia. ,
Also for sulu by tilt resnecrablc Jrueitikts in iba I'ni.
ted trlalrs.
Warch 10, lr(.0-12m.
AI.AUOn fisiortnient of the best fertilizers in
tho market, at reduced priui lor cath, con. tyr
silling of No. 1 Peruvian an,d Cohjuibmn (tuano'sfrT
Superphosphate of Uuic from the best innnufac.
turtrs, Potash, phophnu, a new article for frait trees
Puudrctto, Plaster dec at n holesale and retail.
Implement and Hoed Store, corner ef 7th and Market
Streets riiiladdphis.
March Ji. lfii.
1 LATENT Knnmclcd Paper Collar for
. sale at I. T Hinrpttai1 cheap cash Store,
OPU IN'O PfftlAWC, Ait, at cost or Uu,
Mnlli .mil lifMiiul Slrrclst
ay AWK;af.v, Fnr.,Ycir. jixd i:xiiimi, 3
Toilet Article.
I.utilii's, Cointrar, llajley's, e Ac, Ac, Perfniiicry,
tfoaps, Hjrluts, Toilet Ptiwilers and Ctsmcllcs,
Ut l)Kt;oioniK,of lh"tii'st iliEtilli'rs.
iifnt 1iilisii Ttmrit Itstisins, of all sizes and st)tes.
InTiraii ts A Tmfni Wasiiis of approved kinds.
ltisr ISomkii Hair ItHtsilEs.
I'omiis of all kinds, llilirjlo, India Ituhbrr, Ac, Ae.
Pomams ior hie; Hair t.ubin's, t.'oudra)'s and Atauf.
rnc-t's, Ac., Ae. I'chk IIkar'sOi!..
Pcrr (,'nl.o koa Vaiih front I'orilaiii rountnlns.
llocK ANO0ODA Willi ruolce H nips.
I'llllli K IWtOWN. Jn..
S. J Cur. V'tli nnd Chcplitnt His.
Aiigufl I, l'-OO-Hm.
Tislis 'lici'rr, ;tiid I'roviion,
10 Noith AVharv.'s. above Market rl.
Patkiue and ('liiing House, I'th and Keinl Hts..
Aiifust I, l"IO-l.'m.
QiillilD -!)"yn ifUilliniViSIBs
f. W. I.'or. Third and Moikt Hts..
jb" ( ai?s $1.30 jitr IU0O. -bu
Anmist I. IH 0- 1-Jni.
J 0 3 K K . s w Ar,
311 WAI.MT ttl'lillRT,
(hulow ruiirlh St.,)
Pllll.ADi:i.l'IIIA, Pa.
Aiimi't I. lni-1Siii. .
.JUlilNE & LEE,
RitVB MAZtttltS
snip en a n i) le n s,
Ppun Coltonf'ir Caulkin-i, Ho(?, Twines, Tar, i'llih,
(lakuiii. Iiluiki-, and O.irs, &r,
ii-tlst 4 l"nU 1 -im. t .
'it I t- It V 1 ! 1
SjLULi iV lAIUij
Jcutral ton,i!!!fls,,."I,i Mew,,ah,s'
ri.i, ,.,. iui.,. ri,,r. lti,ttr. Cl.-ese. OiU. Dried
Pruits. Crnin, Seeds, lleiius. Whiske), Wool
Country Trodiici1 nnd MerUiamiiM!
No. 114 Noniit WiiAniM, riiiLiDFi.pitiA,
?T Conl2iim"nts of I'rot Uinim I'lour aud Counlry
Produce sola ited, and returns promptly made, Cuh
ndmiC''d n Inoi iisir'd.
OHIH1KS for all Minis of I'M), Trotisions, 1'lonr,
Drisd l'mlts. &.c, 'Hied nttloi lowest Cash l'rices.
August 4. NO-Wmi.
wo. :;i)ot'i; sr., piiii.aiuxpiiia.
(Late Cot.. II. II. Joms )
fiMUS Hotel, keptontln iiroptuit Finn, ii lonicnient
I tori ratelers. t'ttU aus, and the I'uliliecj.'iierally. be-
ins in 'he iniuiedi ite iieiuhleirhood i,r tne r.irhause, ml-
Ii (niiiir the I'o-t Ollice, ami witliin n few minutes alk
oltlio ll.'lauara Wluivcs, IhJ landlnss t.r fteamho.its
' " i"'rla'
Meals inn bj had at nil hours, from 3 o'clock in the
' n. 'f . 5 n .V. ,,. dean! tceHuomiiit'd and
.. r.i. i ti... i uill l...
pr.nil.-.i nlth Ilu hen the mark.t ran pr oe. the
l)r,,kins Uouuler f,irni-li,d till g..l l,i.uors nod
, . . The roiiri.-tor hop's that In' strict n-r.
' , ft, , w , 'c p,:,'';d Jinma!,..,
, . i u i,le io luVi'n.l
'" "' 10 1 j. oriT.XKIRK.
n ..e n-,lil.,.re V,l mid Midisuu llonsn I'hil.i 1
Ut0 "f i'""'1"""' """ '1"1"' 'IXfili fiift,,,
Aiijusl 4, IHH-:lin.
To th CitUens of New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
PlttVA i r PtMIUIS,
HWr's ttirr Copiinr JJrfimly,
li'u'Je's I'urt JUiidrrtn. Ithrrrif tid port (7we.
IWtlfr Pure Jawal a nud tVoir Jtum.
Wvtjt's Pure i-et'tth and Irish UiMAy,
1 H-'B ieac to rail lite lUl-'iitloil ri Ilio ciliz-ns of the
1'uil I Slatt'n til tli.i ultni
1 IM'H alltl l,IQI(IRH. IlllpOrll'll
h Lnmnid Wnm. ff New Vork wlntsn name l fi-'
miliar in ever) part of this roui.try fir lh- punt) nf his I
it-lihraied mimhm Milium lr. Wnui, iuhuKiier
to nf, hpenklnj; of tit' purity nf his Wines and l.i piors, 1
sas "I wiiihtakf ni) r p'ltaiiiiii as a in in, my elan nit of Hurt) jeurn' residence hi lh City
of New Viuk, that nil llm I'raudy and WfmH wlnrh I 1
hot lie an- pure as imported, anil of llm Usui p''lil) . nnd
iiaube r lied upon by en-r por'liaser." j;ery brdtlv !
iuih me propri'ior s name mi me wax, ami a lac si toil- off
his Miiiatuni on the ieiiilk.tif. Thu public are rt-'kp 'ct
full) invited to tall and exauiinu for lIicnoHn'F. Purl
Iht'itiiAlVeit. Por H.ile at KhiAii. by nil AnolhcL.iriLK and
i.rocers iu iiiiuih ipwa.
oooiK.k. ii. .inov. ,M). r-.jst .unrtet tl , I'liila l'n.
. Phll.1 P.
C4'le Agent for PlnttiUrtphia.
KnortUQu Bus'inr for one .V tr York Jllfirbant. W'it
in mi- iuiumii", il "til n,u ,v i irrk i. oil 1 1 - .
are h ippy lit inlonn our lVllnw-i ineiiri that there j one e in our city where tho phiri.tu, npotlui ary, and
loiiiiir) iiieirhaut, (.an t'o and purihivu pure Viu s and
I.i'piufii, as pure as jmpoil d, am) thobeliuality. Wc
do nut intend tiir no t l.ih rut dcecription ot this mer
chant's eiteiifM o bainess, iilihouj;li it will will ri pa)
an) -triiU(,'.r or iitieu to Uimiihiu Wolf's ritten
him .wireJioiifitj, Nos, If, i'J ttud Heaver strut, und
Nos, 17, iJ a Ml ill, iMnrkitft.ld utreit. His slink of
Hihu.ipps on hnndrindy tor hhipiuuut could nut havo
heen less than thiltv thousand rases: tho P-miidi. hoihu
I Ilu t'oiihUad c.ifus-Vintages of lIU", to l'iii; ami ten
tboiimni i tines d' Matlcru, Mierry and Port Wine,
. nad three larje tt l-ars. HUed with llrnmly, Wine, &c in
ea.ks. und. rCi.Mom Hons I,ey, read) f.J bntllms. lr
Wulle's .il.-s ul -hnapps lut xvJr umomited tn one
hunurd mid ciht) tlionftaud iIozjii, mid v hope miens
lhautvo )ear h bu t'pinliy kUuesslul with hj
nramn -s ami nuv.
His u imiLs-i merits iho palroiiape of erry loerof
Jus tpeii s. Privute Ijunlifs w ho wish pure Wiiivmud
I i jiiurs for mi'dical use mIumiM semi lh- ir orders direit
t.Wr. Wui.tK, uutilfery Apotbeiar) in iho laud make
iid mind to dururd the poiKonuas tvtuil'troui titur
shulves, and nplaro il with Wulfj's pure Wim-g nu.1
1 e Mr. uolfj, fur the ncfonimodatioii tf
tj'11,1" " i'r ' Ihti country, puts up assorled tas'K of
. . . ' "'(""r- """i huh, mm .ihii a iiierinjiii,
puxiioi i.u MixiHiiirii ayiiHini nisieun oi tiiouvaiiils ot op
punentslti the Cmltfd Mates, wliocll noiliing hut nulla
lioiid, ruinous alike to huuiuii htaltli and happinehg..
u Por sale by ticorg; M, Jlazoibucii, Dnirgt,
Idoouirlairg, I 'a.
tft.ptciiiUr b, ll-(',m.
m A linh. but often fills tlin purse.
lUANKMX HAVINH ri'ND-No. l.kl KmtUi
I I'ouiih t-tretl between Chelnui and Wulnutt
i'tntntUlphia, pujs nil depoiits on demand. f
Jle nm. i tors' nioiiev sent red bv (.'ow-rnnu-ut HtntJ.
nud t it) Loans, firmiud itents, Mortsageit. Kr,
inis (.ompiinj ueenis naiety lictu-r tlian largo
profits. coiiHupieutl) will run no rifk with depor. s
tors' niuuey, hut hnv it nt til) times reaJ) to rtturu n
w itli 5 pt-r lent. iut-.'reit to Hm mv ner. as ihci have -nlwn)s
done. This lompany ntcr mispetided, 'C
Peimiles, married or single, and .Miuorn, inn ?c V
posit Iu their own risht ami vuch deposits un k -wiihdrawn
onl) h) tli.'ir cimseiii. ?
t'haiter pepelual. Incorporated by theHtato ot
IVinisylviiuia. with authority to receive nione) M
itroui trui-tees nml I.urutors. i"
jjtwu: A.viJ small Mhvs itpcnyp.n.
Olflieoorii dailv from !l to :i o'clotk. ami nn IW,!.-S
ii;Miti) i-tiiiin uuiim ouock,
Jarob II. f-hannon, Cjrus Cadwnlladcr,
John Hliiudljr, (ieorgu tlussrll,
Mulnchi W. Wnaii, J.dvvard T. Hyatt,
Lewis Kriiuibharr. Henry'Dtldii),
Nuhol.ii liiItenhouHr. Xathm Hnifnlor.
Jus, il. tiulhurtliuuite, Pphnam Planchard.
Jotjpph r.ippinrott.
JACOB 11. MIANNON. Prfcidcnt,
March 1., 15J-J'.'in.
'A Dollar saved u tw ice earm-d.'
SaDMc anti harness
ni ax u f.v cruit i; is .
Bloomsburg, August 15. leJ7,
rplli: undcrsictned, lioilnj opsneil a New bterr, on
J. Alain Plreit. a fiiw doors Hooth nr i...
lilooinshurg, and stocked ituith the best Urands of all
kinds iT tmjKtrud Ijqu.n, will ho happy lo supply the
trade on th. most accommodating terms and at uuusually
y j- lucnr custom is tcspcctlullir incite!
v .mo.yf.iTic
6XDUUP monii
jr fiir mn.VF.n op
I Ifliiiii anil Iron Steecls,
P YsODSKUftC r I? A.
Ilrl yon h'nt Klt.KH t " I" imoWniPS.
lie joil want I.AVi:l.t,A Cl.OTII t flo lo IIIIOWP.R'P.
Do ) 011 want IMAI.M DCLAINIMI (lolo a
Do you an.T.Am,P.COVl:l!rtl tl t" BltOWKIPH.
1 11.. .,. i ci.(nii nt.-s'ri:ttri 1 (lo to iinowr.irt!.
im you snt fmi-.i.irrox f kiuts i go to ihiowkip.
Ilu )oit wmil DR. MPPTKIPS
' uL'io-e.aitrft'fc'Mit'lt't !
(into HllOWr.lPrt.
tin to IlllOWI'.ll'r).
(lo to miOWKK'r!.
(Jo to IIIHIUT.Il'li.
Co to iiiii)vi:irri.
ti,, to imotv tn e
uo to n:ovi:i:'s
Co to IU10Vl:U'rJ
l)n)ou want MUftl.lNrH
Ihijou nnntrAI.R'OI'.rK
Do you want l.AWN!
i)o)ou unlit IIAItl'.m'.MI
Do jon wnnt l)K IIKOKrtl
ll-ijo.l nnnt IIOlDUV i
Do)ou nnnt(H.OVi:rll
Do you ant HANUKi;iit;iiii.i 1
Do )ou wiim (;Aitn:TATi.iii:i.s 1 Co to imowp.irs
Do you ant HTP.I.I.A HII AWI.H I Uo to l!UOVl:ll rt.
I)o)oiinnl JIOII Mlt M1TTMI (lo lo IIIIOWKH H.
Do tun anl HII.K (!llinl,l'.S I Co to IIHOWKII'rt.
llo toil nut (I.M'NTI.iriH t (Join P.KOWIIitH
Do you Kiilit CltOTIIIIl.T IlitAIlia I Co lo IIUOWKR-M.
lhi mi wnliti'lDVCOITOVt
Co to IIROWl'.R'rt
Do you want PA I.M r Net I
llo you Hunt U.MmiKl.i.AH!
Do) on want tlAHftMI'.KCrt I
llo)oil want l'l:itSlAN I'l.AIDt
Do you leant l.l.ST.N CIII'.I.'KSI
Do you wnnt PKIU.'AM'.t) !
llo )oil want Jfl Ntt I
Dojou want NANKI'XNS!
Do you wantCINCIHMSt
llo tun want DliOAI,"
co to imowr.iw.
(Into IlltOWini'rl.
Co to nnownu a
Co to imuvi:ii'H
coin iu:ovi:i!-.-
Colo IlKOWI'.H'rl
Co to niiojypiM
Co to P.ltOW l.i. H
Co to IIROU'PR'rt
Co to tmovrr.ti'rt
Do )ou until Ci.'ltl'AIN .MI'HUN? Co to HllOWIlllH
Do ion wniit(X)I.,l)t'AMIlI!It:' t Co lo UROU'lili'S
Do ) oil want WIIIIT, CdOllSI
IM)ottnant IliiNIMrtl
Do)nti want fll.PSIA I
Do)ou want HIlll.I.IN'CSt
llo )ou want TICKINGS I
Do you want I Ill'.i'Keti
l)o)ouwaul I, lllr.S' S'lOP.S!
I)o)ou want I.AIllli'j' CAITI'.RHr
Co to imtnviX'rt j
tin to UROWTIPri ,
Co to llltllWPIt'S
Co lo HUOtVI'.U'.l
(into I lMWT.U'H
Colo nllDWI'.RU
Colo lllil iWr.R'rt
Do )ou wain n:i:HH cro:i:iiii:s i d u iiRotvniPH
Do )ou want lUtr.l'ASWAltl'.t
Do ) nu want (il, HHVAIli;i
llo)ouwnntll MIDWAlll'.l
D i toil want DRUCri I
Do von iciut I'riinHiT'r.Mi
Do'yoil want Clllitl' (iUUll.SI
Co to IiHOWIIIt'a I
CoiolillOWIIIl'S I
Co to iiitoWllK'M I
Co t'o iiK()Vl'i;4 1
llloomsli irs. Jliyj'.l, li-K).
I.OdTi 01! T i'lJOOl) KKH'S VOtt ALL!
rnilV, iii'vi-r-failiiiff MUS. VAMIOltV, ii tit l;n. Vh
I nurcfi'dr. wh -n nil itli-rs h.ue lail.-d, All wh'nre
introiilil nil w ho ha b-'i-u iiiif'ntiii it ,-all uIiomj
Irani hopes have ben iliiaipoitit-iI riinlii'd and bl,tM
by I'atiJ proiiiint and di-ri'it nil who have h'en dri iv
ed nnd trill nl w ith.ttll lly lo t f.irm!tn mil K.itios
full. in nil who ure in iluohls of t Is nir-clinnn (r tliis
til -y lov coniiilt ln-r to ri Ii t an tnti-l th (r iiiimln
.V KOt'K .it- MIIlS A: Xl.t'Ui F.1I..S'
thi h-H the- s 'cret of w iuiuiit! th iiil'-ilionn of the op.
pi hi nix s-x. H if this f irt w hit h hidm-m illitLrittt' pre
tenders t try to inniat her. nixl t.i ropy Ikt .rlise
IlieiltS. SY nil" hllrtfi mi th-
uhi J'i..oy yuan huruitr. ivmum uusuAxn,
(lr nl. .-nt fri uid. h t'uhli th ni'fle lo ,t hippy mar
riaui'. and inakr-d tin marri'd haij,. nr , n, a.
ice has b-fii n-dicit Ml iui m tii l.lo in-tances d the
result liat attrtni b 'en th ; ncuiif nt'tn-, nritijr
Ii" ii lli'Mor. a sure ih-pen Inuv. (i:h h'j.Mi the
iiiciiiiK uf briiii'iiiit itnin h-iti Ired haits and haiitN to
SolliT. Thouraiiln of broken h -arifi hivo hf-en healed
mi I made happ h) h r.
It Is well kinw ii to th t puMirnt laritf that shj wis
Ilu Itrxt and sin Is th on1 pernm who tan shmvtfi
likeness in u alily, and w h mud give en lire niIii'ii u ui
on all the ruireriisi of lif .vliitli ran h tted nu t prov
pd bj thoi-ands, hoih inarrl'd and (.inh:, who daily
and i ng'-rly iiit Icr tit
Nu. 1 ::! Jjiiinbiuti Strrou pIMa
All interviews nre firirtly priati and conll leniial
U'Mt.III KMMLYtWVE, (i()0i l.UCK
AMI HAITI MX-i are within the r.-nrh of alt hhe fx
th Iiiii wou.hT of Hi i enliL'hi iii'd aire , nil who uni
toilt (it are nstoni-h-d at th triithfu1ii'fi m ) -r uifor
mahoii an 1 predirli hm. Al.l, thosj w ho li.i I b:id link
nuisiiliol h r. th dr ha I I ti th"in amlih-j are now-lor-tunat
rnh, 'iiiiui'iit .in 1 h ippj. T AM. in binuss
Ii t a U no is im al.i.thi Mi i-.m lir '1. 1 wuhlh cn-ai
M rTttmty, th- nnll i.r all and liii-iiu.-transit
tioiin. If von f illmv hi r.i h ! vou will'Hon: I'lttvuMsp.i.wiA
an 1 s-icr'cd in nil your it it lert.ikiii". Thoso who hav
hfli f.irtiiunte nnd iinsurrrsslnl tu Iif. mi I in b-Hfiii.-n;
th.mJ.who hav work -d h-ird an I tniffcl-d nantM
nd. rhitv nn i nn-l'rtiiii th--c 'iitt I pari i tin ir li
ami liiiuid the more th v In d to c, i .runrd u t it
worl I, the moro thin?- thinas went nirinut ih-ni' ,ll
i-.-n's hav- ro-mili-d b-r l!i last tw-nl eai,. Ah
tlpMj who windy f-dlow.-d hradicp are now
Itl'JIl HAPPY AXl) tUVt '.'.VS.'f ','
in all Ikt mi lertakmirs; while th-Ke hilnd.d l.y preju
dir4 and itfiiorani'i. n -RlfrtPd h -r ndir. are pril l.i
honnir iiLMHirLltdversil) nu I poverty If on vnliiei.ip
hnppiii ss, on will consult h -r journetf and Im r-nrcrt-s
fill and hippv nlso.
, All nu -ri -ws are itrirtl pru'ftic and coufidontial.
Come out) 1 c mi" nil ' to
NO. 13116 I.O.MliAlil) STREET,
' i.t.Vi-pn Jnimter mul IWi I I'd. i ,,ii, i,...
M-irrhl li'll, '
'i"in? relei.rtited Wn.hinjr funp, i nuw in market for
I J morr than inenr. nnd tint it hu elvi'u ini..i.rili
ii.ib..h..'.ij ii. i i itii-iit iroiii me i.iei, in il llie lainilae
v nrs ot it in ordr to supply tho ilem.niil ,ni l,
ohlttfed to mrreasii their cap.ii in to make eipial t One
Ituiidrrd ThoHttind Potnuh per tffrL It ih di-ri It dl til
best oud rheaitrit boii v rr iiinde in this Count r) ; lint
Puundvftt will ffo os for , for aau use a 'Fhiee of the
IviHMon Soap fo grnrrol use. It is mule upuu n tnw
prim jpl. ot the innteri.iU, nml known onlj to Vas
HtiiK A, MlKmiM'. I iIoph nwny entirtly Willi tlr
wrchliiar.l- mw tin- lierss-ilv of hoihne the rtol!,,.- il
does not shrink Plaitm Is. lli;.MUVi;pt CUI! HP lK
tyi IMI.VT Sl'OTr perfeitlv nnd Ir-mi tlm mud ilrlu.ite
fabric, haves lutly one-half Hiu timu nnd labor usiuillj
sjent to tlu wat.hinj id imriantrd frre frffm &.1f,st)
HA. or other injuries alkalies, nnd ytuiuuteed not lo rot
or injure Iho chduei,.
Vanliangpu & iVcfifoni.
Kuperior oriental Toilet Clcmirnl Olive Pal. Pxtra
Pale and Itrown oapn, ns well as Ha, in Tnu &. ( o.
Ailannuitin Ca miles nt lnui'iti mtirki t price h.
For Halo by all respett.ible Crorers, nnd Wrnlei:ilo ,v
'I'll AI V A Mi K vtw r
Xo. Kaii.1 21 H.mlli Whants, Pim,Ai,u niu.
TIito h'inc sevpral tuiilhtimi hrmiN of rM-rnve
hoap in market, the pubhr are iimni,il that ni-n are
Ciiuine except an IU.;rv A, Mi lUnst m kLunnrd
upon eaili liar oftlnr Sup. m urll as the JIux..
iehru.iry i, lHti JJtn,
A C A It J1"
Till! Sllhscnh-r lllll bpiiiI a'r" f rknrge)ln nil ulio
ilcsirn it, tin- lire iu- and iliro. lions fur uuiliinj! a sou
pl3 J.gtlahle lint m. Hint Mill, in Iroiu luo to unlit il,ijs.
rcinoi o I'niipli-s. l!lotchs. 7s. Frttklri. Pallnu ni-ss. und
nil iiiiuiritus nnd rou-liuoss nf tin' fkiu. 1,1111112 tlm
iiiino-ns N'stiirr inlen.h-d il should he-l, tlmr, .; bmuttful Thus.' ili-unn; ll c, n, mil,
lull instiiiclions. ihri'it nud udiiio, u ill it-us call
011 or nd,lr.-ss(Kiih return p.i-tago.)
JAS. T. .MARrtllAl.b.
I'll ii-lii il Chemist.
July 11. l-rn-o,n.'N"-3-'C")'1",""",B''N v"'k-
MANLTAl-lUltClt or
CAMIIKS, ri.VK ( OM'-Ki TIO.MJKV, &(.,
"OllKIGN .V. DH.MKs J1U ruilITS.
i.tiisins, rrunrs. IVaXuts,
I'urrjinl,. Almonds. Ti-uc.ui Nuts,
Citron, iKim Walnuts Ur.iiic,-s,
Kijs lilhi-rts. l,,.i,
Ilultfs, ,L'rcnui Nuls, jl'iiiw Applfs
Dried Aooti-i
l' nrhus
Hum oil,
t'rni kers.
r.i.i. nofin,. .ye. Ol
o- ,Norlh Third Mri-i I, Mouth corn.r Vino
Manh 1(1. Si;o 1-Jin.
.liill Aolite.
to cirrnMF.iit .txi Tin: runup nrvman v
I HAM. rcmovi-,l lo tho .Mc-nloiir .Mills nnd lull 0. 1
I keeping a suppl) of Hour and I id on hand, and lor
sale as rhenp ns the chcnpi-vt for rnsh. I would fuithcr
sa) tonlllhosf kuoiiing Ih-insi-llo. nidihu-d to me nt
the .Viffs, Hint tiny would conrir u frenl l,nor
hy rnllinii and sctlliui: up as I am verj laedy nud wish
to close Hi old Hooks. o call and e ii,, Irii-iij,. and
jour custom and cash will ho thankfully rrcciirU.
. Montour Mills, April I), Infill. U'"' "l'XES- I
THP.larfcst, best liaiidsotn
t'ct nml cheapest asmrt
ment of Httlo Uather solid
Riveted Truvclinu Trunks.
iMdies" Itonmet Dress Trunk
Children's C'oar.he. Pronel
lers Leather and Carpi t Hugs
tiiohabw AiArrsoN-p.
Cilebraled Lnndon lrin Medal improved sheet .prinK
.' "u i ' 1""'km""uf'"""' No. 4i Maikct
Hrctl South west comer Fourth and Market, I'liilad'a.
nu,uiiriPo( ii
rr.MKNT. ""t rciiv,d and for
Jem .
It Is a fncl that, at some period, CTtry mem
her ef tho ltuman fnraily Is subject lo dlncino
kt illshirlmnrn nf Iho boililv functional lull,
with llto aid of ft good tonic nnd the excrclso J
of plain common sense, they may bo ablo bo lo I
rcgttlalo Iho syslcm as lo socuro permanent
health. In order lo accomnlhli this desired (
ohjeet, Iho Irtte courso lo pursue Is certainly
that which tvlll produco ft natural stnto of ,
t llm lonst hninrdnf Tital Blrcnelh nnd .
life. Tor this purpose l'r. Ilostettcr has In
troduced lo IhU couitliy n prcpninljon hearing
jils name, which is not n new medicine, hut ono
Hint has been tried for years, giving satisfac
tion lo all who havo used it. Tho Hitlers
operato powerfully upon tho stomach, bowels,
nnd liver, restoring litem lo a hcnlthy nnd
Tigorotn action, nnd thus, by Iho simple pro'
cess of strengthening nature, enable tho sys
tem to triumpn over disease.
Tor tho euro of Dysrerslai Indlgcslton, nu
nca, Flatulency, Lots of A rpclil c, or nny llillous
Complaint, nxising from a motbld lnnctlon
of tho Stomach or llowcls, producing Cramps,
Dysentery, Colic, Cholora Morbus, &o., thesa
Dill CIS havo no crjunl.
Iliarrliccn, clyscitlery or flux, so generally con
tract 1 bv new seltlcrs. nnd earned principally
by Ilio change of water und diet, will bo speedily ;
regulalcd by a brief ttso of this preparation. ;
Dyspepsia, a discaso which is probably moro
prevalent, in nil lis various forms, thnn any
bo al'ributc,i ,0 ,icrnnBcincnts of tho'dlgcstivo
. r.,i ,vttl,nl,l fall liv lisine
directions on tho bottlo Tor this disease every i
physician will lccommcnd Hitlers of somo kind ; j
then why not ttso an nrliclo known to bo infnl-
lihlo? All nations havo their liittcrs, ns a lire- i
vc jro Df disenso nnd slrenglhcjicr of tho sys-
t n-ot.prnl nml nninnff Ihctn nil Ihcro is
not to bo found n, moro healthy pooplc (linn
Ihc Germans, from whom this preparation emn- i
natcd, baxedupon scientific experiments which I
havo tended to pvovo tho vabto of this great (
preparation in tho ncnlo of medical science. i
Ftvcit and Aaur.. This trying nnd provok-
ini disease, which fines its relentless grasp on ,
tlm bodv of man. rciluclnir him to a mete sha-
ilowlnashort lime, nnd rendering him phy-
rjicnlly nnd mentally useless, can bo dtiven
from tho body by tho use of HOSTr.TTKll'S 1
ItllNOW.NlsD HITTHIIS. rurthcr, none of tho
above-slated cllscasoa can lie contracted, even
in exposed gltuatlons if tho Jlillera are ttscd
.1! 1...1 na It.n.r i,n!ll,or eeonln
113 I'Ul UIIOOllUll?. Ol,w tuvjf ..v,..v.
nausea nor ofTcnd tho palate, and render un
necessary any chango of diot or interruption
of ordinary pursuit, tmt promote rsound tlccp
nnd lioalllty digestion, the complaint is 10
inovod ns speedily ns is consistent with Ihc pro
duction of a thorough nnd permanent cute.
'or Persons in Advanced Tears, who nro
mfTcring from an cnfcchled constitution and
infirm liody, tlicso Hitlers nro invaluahlo ns n
rcstoratlvo of Ftrcngth and rigor, nnd need
only lie tried In ho appreciated. And to n
mother nhilo nursing these Hitlers nro indis
pensable, especially where Iho mother's nour
ishment is inadequate to tho demands of tho
child, consequently Iter strength must yield,
nnd hero it is ivhcro n good tonic, cuth ns
Hosteller's Stomach Hitlers, is needed lo impart
temporary strength nnd vigor to tho system.
Ladies should by all means try this lemedy
for all cafes of debility, and, before so doing,
should nsk their physician, who, if ho is
acquainted with tho htuo of Iho Hitters, will
recommend their use in nil cases of weakness.
CAUTION. Wo caution tho public ngninat using
any of tho many imitations or counterfeits, but nk
for HosTCTiEn's CEi.r.onATED Stomach IliTiras,
nnd sco that each bottlo has tlio words "Dr. J.
Hotottcr's Stomach Jlittcri" blown on the ida
of tho bottle, and rtiunictl on Iho metallic enp
covering tho cork, and obsorvo that cur autograph
fignaturo is on tbo label. 4
W Prepared and sold by IIOBTETTEIt &
SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by ell
drngcista, grocers, and dealers nonorally
throughout tho United Stales, Canada, South
America, and Ccrmany.
.-oi i lie j it no. r f. i i.ulr.. r-lnnm.lmrs : A Mil
ler .VI,, i:, ruiik; II I' Kci l. Ksmtonn, At. ('
(,ri -r. J,. best. A. H., A. Co.. H.inw.l.'.
Jhtoh-r I, l.'it- Win.
1 1 1 ,i 1 1 KM Sli U K ( i II A 11 ii Mi 's 1 1 w '. "
11 II-; iini'rr.iLnf d ret-p 1 1 dm v in nriiix ih i i'iz-n ol
ltlo.iiii-l.nri.', and ii. e pi M t 2' lo-r.illv hit h-li.r
nk'-iil tie HAltUt-sIt HIMH'. local- ilniinxi u I ilinCnnn
lloiiie io-li door to Hip Columbia In, in Ihe
v. hit- Frami1 Huilai jr. tin- l,r h hup Mi-en j I
win-re he h -H nil iLneo re.idy lo wail upuu hit cus
lonierx to riitir" faiitlanion.
siiaviiW .j- yyii niu:sua,
VV III O" lUeril'e. Willi i.i tlllil lie llPi lllll ,1 tlie
iiiiI lashtou 'It- ctv l, nnd on vi ry inodeiale tetu-s
CsT-fH MPOOlU. iI'Mieupiil I'llyljle. H -o
liriiif inrii-iM-d pii'ih' p.ition.igp nud p ltj
eti le. ivors in give every h i tunable catikf iction .
II. . hTAM'i It!)
Illninishurg, Jan. 14. IM'.o
A Timavah ptt'ill.r vx uiUtuuxiA.
I'if.Ii drnuil uiirlpily l;iM.inu!.oH
Of 100,000 Article-, Woith C30rt000,
WHICH will li-nd.i lor SlWMiu I to tha pnrcln-errf
our; pi;.r a r .m t-i8. jtii
i) ir Oohien Ten is th" ii ti cv-r ii5i d, mul it runt u
uit to corrode tu an) i.ik. Hvnt) nutu toi
tamily vimtit 1 Ut. Hi - Uoltiru J co.
TU tollon in I -1 - f I ii-1 OiS) artirles w ill hi iliHribnted
among our pain 'tis at hHic,n h,.iti.i u 'e,i nol I 1 pani lor
until we iiiiorm ilii pan baser who h '.I Mi t-iiuwt.v
art if le wu w ill s-ll Imiii lor l.tdj u-u th u it in i Iioimi
w htlln r h - i-eudi Hi tHH.i. vit mi.i t.ik-s Hoi UOulM ui
lli.l . J Mli:.t.i,lw. in l,A r..tilrj,,-1lNl ii. ........1.
in ten ilajh uit r Ilu K c'ivi s tli'iu. ('ipL-hh
uuj iite nuiM.iivirj ; i in ..iioii Iniueu.
Id st of Goods Included In tho,
Pi.hio- Cold H.iutiiig Cn-ed W,iirhs, (I'd IWatchcF,
(..mi & cjlvcr Wan lies, (iu ml, V t ,v iiatlatu i-naiht.
CaiiK'u linen ii.-d, .Mosaic nud Ji-t I.hmmIi, i,na mo,
rioriMiliiiH Urn irti.. t oral, ime rnbi ami 1 n-orfit t
Catiieo car limps, .Mi.-.,tir ami J ! Kir Dnp, l.ava tun.
PJoreutiiit I ar Dropi. I'oral Hnp, rill ami
('pal Dnn, HhiivM-iik f- al Ki.iiis, Iof4ic nud l u
i.. ii (Irani t, ;. nu llr .tty nu ti'atth Ku) , poh a in.
It ililioit mi.1l s, -t ol i.nt-nm i".uiih. rl vn le.lhms. Plain
Kinijs, M.nie ami Hi t l.ingn, is Is I.a i -s J wclrv, Can
ton I rape Mil,lU, .Mo. I out llllr tf (.jni , 1. 11 till i,
tViuhaiid Am rn.-iu Laws, liengfj,, I'oplii I'mikIi
1 all. ik 1 otu r i.j.iiet, Drehi (,ou is m gn bi vanei),
logethi r with Il ad Dr. sses.cabis. I am j tm, and i,t
latlahmt i very ilemnptlon ol t.UOll; UzUiU tJUiiil in
lust class Dr) dual Mores.
Fuix iih imppinurmx.
Iligii t rremitiiu 10.) D'dlars, l,o,efi IVmi mi S3 00
Tha artieb m .irs numb n-u, ami Cerliin. "itt utaling w hat
wewillhrll inch person for ouu mnlji are plinvu m
sealed l.iiVNlopeti Willi n Dt( .irraugemcni uf fre
miiims; t liat in inch C'm t iliniico thcru is one
o r a x c x ,
And there-will uImo be n fpb-mlid rremium ineailtl"!!
Ccrlilicate. l,, if uit tiiBiroa tin- rh.iwl,or Diets
Jatt. ru. or a b"iiuiifal urlu-lu of J vvdry. eiul'isfM ns .u
l tint .r n iloi of trie Hidden pens nnd wj will fenu
you it Ctrliirutu wliiih may enable )ou to j rori,ri it lr
t, Onrn ipt of JU tents we wi I s-nd )oiioneimnt
otir tJoUeii ivus, uudu bcalcd notice ul thiarticli whiih
wo s-ll iW 41.
s lioira I'.lislMtn I LVniliiatcs, tj.
13 111!
p.i-1 do do Phi do j,
N. II U'lth eaili I'aikaze i f I (1(1 hovtvs vie ,,.
purchasi-r Kin ( Vrtiticaies. o-t- ni uliictii guiraut-cd to
" '' i i", n un- .v ilu. nr hjw lug u
chine, or by orilerint' an hoi a in on package ) on nre
mm Mr ren Ad I rrtllicatescoiaaisiua one ordrr lor a
t-plmiitCll.I,K U'AICH besidt a Ura nuiihr ,4
oilier very valuabM pn-nmuns. On.- Ceitiiie.ittj ont(
'. " , ,' i , "i i " " j i"-!""" "psiriwii iii act as
Apenl, wlnrh ma) uiiiblelum io procure a valuable
premium upon 1h pn)uieuto .
I'lanos Aiflodeniia, yUuir, Duokh. Ht ing Alaclunot
fee., bou t hi and sold nn Conu.tiwi.1.,.. av
b sent to thu Cnuutrv al tint t.,i,..,.t iVh.,1 u,.i i...
, ..iw a.i.nii.iu oi o pi r rent uoiumisbioii tor forwurd
N. il.A2Ciiisvvanted in ever) town,
ou lipplicutinii.
Circulars sent
Address all Coiiiintinicalionato
c. n. Ac co.,
Commission Mnehants General Agents.
13 KoutU i'ourlh Mntt. lle)uu Chestnui, Piula.
t 1 or our liitcurilv and uhilui In l.ilfll ...r . .......
inents. wo bef; to reler )ou tn Hid tulluvvius well kuuwn
l.i. Uuv. Kiiiikds, VesUn.relaiid, Ta.
Palmer. IliihariUoii it Co. Juwelleu, Piulndt lphia.
J. A. urne, l.s-i , o
Ww. A. Unty, t(., 4.
Messrs, Kemmercr U Moore, Water Pi. below Arch '
I,)Vrf'.Vfalt.,Ac Kea,,, nntl au,i Warktl Street. Plula
J c Puller. Jcwtihr.
A. P. Wur(i,i:si.,Piiblihfrof Tashions, A.C.,
M. II. Home, CutNsuptn Hank,
linn, iu M. Ituf.uii. j;urtka, CuUforiiia.
inuir,ouu,t I'mnu jjiuil J VMiNu.
I'llll Hibscrilirr would Inform Ills friends, thai h
i now pre pared to put up, on short notice'and i
and in
suvmiuG loiiiincr 1111 Oebl
I run-Mi luiKTF.D umm-ixn RODS.
at cents per fool. All work nananud
I. U.lillll.EMAX,
1 .flr't'&mm&.
The un1erittmc'1 Inttlnfr nwd Prnfessyr HlTMriinrVB
with tbo most sitlsfactory results, nnd hvtn fall ffoafi.
deuce Iu (liflr (reniitrienc, purllr, nnd erticney, ckcerfufly
reeoinioend litem tit nil prsniis who nlsh to lmve safe, te.
li'ible, nn I t'lllcacbxis remedies nt hnn.l for pilvsto or da.
mettle ue.
The Itev. Win. Humer, edlfor of "Tb Nnrlbern lnV.
itriHlviit' Anbrtrti, N. V.l the Her. K. H. OreMty, D.P.
Iteilor of Pi. IVlers Ohurcli, Auburn, N. Y.J the Iter. II. I,
lre, Chupliiiii f lb AuHurn 5lst Prln; the Itv,
frpnsvr i. Itlee, Hector, Ncw-Pedfard, Mas. the Her,
Allen Pleele, Ncw.Vork CmK-relico ; the Iter. Pnnm-I
M.tml, i;tt Oeneife O.MircrMice, N. V. Ue lie. P. S,
IValt, D rstt, t. I Hit Her. John P. Itobh, ItatTaloi A. C
llirl, Ki. Piles., N. V, t Ihe Hon, Neal Do, rortlsjid,
Me. 1 the llwu. S.'hnvter tJnth, S-mth-Hen 1, Ind. ( the Hon.
He-re lluniphrevs, N, V. t Henry D. Cook, lsq . IMilir cf
The Olibi r'Ule .tnurnnl, Col.nobiM, Oldo tho Hon. IT. II,
ttmbim, Mtl'ue, 111. J tbi Hon. Tlionm J. Clnvia, JlAnti
cell", VI l ; Hit Item. .1(e1t. il.liedlet, PlL-ft, N. Y.t Wm.
Ihlstitt, O, , Cllea, K. V,: A, S. Pund, Yi , Utks, N, Y t
J .nues I'ltinkctt, , NiMivllle, lean,
t.i st oi' ptkcipio nrAirniKS.
fj, l'.,r t'-vcr, Cil?ettrtit, nn-l Infliinninllrtii.
1 vr Worm t'etcr. Worm Cnlif, WeHlnf ili HM.
rt, ;i Ker t'oile, Cr)l.i', Teclklng, slid WKkefulna . f
luf.iiil. ...
Nn, 4, Vr Dhrrttei, Climem Inmntnm, nnd Fiimmir
Cam nl ii I ni". . .
No. ft Ktir 0 dlf. (Irlpln?, Dy.t',r,r, or r.lody PIuk,
No. f For Clmler.l, Cholera Morbus, VmlUtn.
No. T. Por CmnrM, Cdd, lonuenrn, nnd Throat.
No. P. lor Tfloth-nchc, Fsee nr.f, nw Nrurulrfl.
No. !. Kor Headache, Vertli, Heat nnd Pullneni of t'lft
jirt, tf,.r)Trrrsi. Pu.tji Vr Wik nnu Tl-Tsnjfp
gUtiM uii, Conitip illitn, and l.Wer (' nnpl tint.
j,n U. r'oit IVMVI R iHriKGLUKITIW, S-AIi tjTf r"'"'.
puppri'e'l I'erlotK
ft,',,, V2 Fr LenoorrliM, Profaio Menkes, unit Peftrln
DriTO nr 1'ein.ilc.
n Fr (Vi.'ip, tlsr'e Cou?lt, Hid Itrmthlnr.
No. 4. HU.T HitHs'vt Pius -Por P.r)ipclis, I.ruptlnrn,
j;,,, i,', itu ti vnr Pit iji Fr rjiii,i.iinene5lorS'iie
n-i In Ihe Che-t, Il tck, Irolm, or Umbi,
A. Per I'-ver nml Ajue, Chill Kever, Dumh Ague, Oil
M'ntum. i?el Atic-'i.
1, -Fnr KM, or UVetlfir, Inlernal or T.xtPinal
fj F"r S-re, Well., -r lull i-nM ! nod Kvelld Fill-
w-iv r
C Vor Catarrh, of Ion? standing or recent, either wlla
obstruction or profuse dlpcharpe.
W. a For Whoopliitf Cough, abstlKg Hi vlolenco and
ehortc-nlng its course.
In nil acute disease, inch aa Tevrrs, Inflaronifttion
Dmrrben, D)sentery, Cioup, Itbeumnllain, awl such eni
llve diseases ns Jv-arlft Fever, Measles, nnd Pryslpelas, tl.e
adrantape or giving the proper remedies promptly la rb-vlon-,
nnd in nil such casts the speulfiea net like a charm.
The entire disease Is often arrested at once, and In all caei
the vlulcnre of the attack h moderated, the disease Bl.crt
cried, and rendered less dsngeroui,
Cughi nnd Cold, which ore of such freient occurrence,
and which so often hy the foundation of dWensed Inntr",
bronchitis nnd coiiKtimpiloa, may nil be at ona cured ly
the 1'cv cr and Cough Tilts.
In all chronic discuses, such ni Dyspepsia, Weak flomacb,
Camllpatloi, Liver Complaint, Tiles, lemale DsblHty, nhd
I Irregularities, old Headactms, Pore r Weak Pyes, CHtsrrh,
' talt llbcinn, nnd other rdd ruptlorts, the cae has speclfici
i wb(itj proper application will nHord a cure In almost c?ery
iKftaiue. Often the cure nf a single chrnidc tlllbeuliy, such
m D.fpepsla, Piles or Catarrh, Headache or Jerunle Weak
, neui," has raore than paid for the case ten times oier,
; pnicn. r
ri or ?0 rials nvnplctf, In miroeco, nnd Dook $3
Cue of 'il vbilH, irod Itook, plain 4
Cncc of lft numbered boxes, nnd Honk J
Case of 0 boxes, t umbered, and Hook 1
Mngle numbered oes, wllh directions V5 ceall.
l HlrtRlc IcMerol hoxrs, with direftions oO ccnt-i.
lirgo case of 2 oz. vials, for planters nnd fhysldan i.,
yon Abtitvh ra riiTnwc. Ori-ressed, IMrRpsiH, Irfiboreil
J I!reathhi7, nilended wllh Cough and Bvtcctoratlon. Pilce,
II0 ents per box.
For KAiiDiicuvnr.rsiKnPrArxi'SS. Dlactinrgfs from tha
Par, Hie result or 8eflrlA Ferer, Meaalea, or Mercurials.
For Nnlsos tn the Head, Hardness of Hen Hup, and Kinging
i In ttie Pars, nnd Knr-nch. Price, W) enta per hot.
Fun Whom.. i.MlligeI OIand, tfninrtreu nnu intiurat
H TouFils, Hnclllrtcs and Old Ulcers, ScrorulouB Cachexy e(
Ctiildnn. Pilce, f cents per hnx.
Ion HiinnAi. DuuinY, Physical or Nrvui Wrikneu.
r.ilher the rolt of Sickness, IaccsmIvo Mdllcstiou, or Ex
hciiicthii: IMschnrpei l'rlee, M cents per box.
it DnofrY. Hold Accumulatlftii.TuicIdBsralllngs.iHth
Fcniitv Pecret .ons. Price, M ft-ols per box.
Poh frrA PiCKMtc Dciithly Hckcs, Verllo, NaoMS,
Voraliinif. fcl-kness from riding or motion. Price, fM iiaiiU
per bo.
Fon Unix rt Pisf vsm Tor Orarsl, Henal CnlenH, MS
cult, Painful CliuMliAi, Wseiwcs of tbe,Kidijcys. PjriCe, 5l
cenls per box,
1'oa frfMiisi. r.vuioNS Involuntary Disciar?ea nnl
ConseMuerit Prrslrntlon and Dtbilllv, Had Uesiilhi of FrtI
Jlah.ts. The mst sncreesful and cflicltnt remely kooi
nnd inav 1 n licit upon as a cure. Wc , w ith full direc
tions, ft per lfif. , ...
Pel sons who wish to place themiclves under fhe profrfi
slonalcare, or tosnek a lvlce ef Trrf. ItCMHiai'T, can d
o, nt Ids olhce Mi r.rondway, dally fiom S A.M. to b T.M
vr by letter.
our. nnMF.niFa nr mait,.
I-ok over tlio list; make np a cee of what kind ji
clioos. and Incl.ine ll.e ninourit In ft current tioto or itainf)
hymall to our adiress, nt No. Ul P.rondwny, New-York,
an) the medicine will be duly returned by moil er express,
free of charee,
AOJA'TS WANTTD We desire an nctlre, efficient Apcrt
for the s il or our llemedies hi every town or community
In the United Sulci. Address Dr. F. HCMTIfRKYS A Oo
Knld byr T. LUl"Z,At,i-it, i3.ivi.mJ.Luii- id
April 7 I?I0.
S A U IP O R 33, t &
l,ll'i!R 1KVIG0RAT0II,
NP.VHIt DIIltll.lTATP.y.
I T IS COMI'OUMH.D I.M llli:i. I'l-OM CI MK a
i hn-h rome mi i1 iMiahed Im) n Ft and nnl M, (f,( , ,
uid ,tp irornl hy all lui bjvto-irtit nnd n i
nxirli'd h ivtlli ronh ' rfL
oried in ivilh ronh
Nli'ci r in all Hie die i
"P In vi li if Ii i i n rum
It lias i nred lloi--iivn
) .ir w Im h id ffiv
i ilu ninm roinj ii n
mv inif.ii f-h iw
Tb- doe oiuM .e n-
liient o the iilSIVldUa)
in h TMiit tlj i nr I 'i.ii I
l.i I I lie diet ites of
vou ti Hm iit of ie
pOlt nod it v HI run
tut Allorhs )ijptp, ii
mer CemiAiiw. Itien.
teh llabt'unl Cottlrtiits
Molin Vlfl'rn flt-1
fr'tinale IVtafcmie is ,m,
iv aan t rdiuartj rannlo
j-ii'i; hhadachi:. "
ni ttnrtiti win nt is it tiro
takrn a I i om men. t Infill !
All trio use it are gin I
1 1,, l.ivir
andc within the i
1 n opiui Impi s ol re1
o iti d ieri fii..ite ,
d.iptedto ihe tPinpr r
H'kliti' it, and ont
.gentle on the How, i
,Vunr Jiiljj ill III p '
1 1. 1 V b II LNVh.rilt
fJrtr l-)jlntnts Pi
t hrovie I Hart koto Am-
lety Ilrtjif $cur Het
Vhvlie IkoieiM Chclir
turn rUiHltiee Jevvdic
mn " usi t (.lire srNi
Jlh ui tine r nlll r,n
l'if iiv.inrlj i an n stif.
triktee 'Peas pea nfuit at'
,o at nek.
.iwjr Hu ir testlmor.)
MIX WAIIIi: l 'Mil. MI'I'IH WITH Till '
VDiUltViriH AMI hWAI.I flU H" I H 'I OUU'l ii .U
S A N 1' O Ii D ' S
awm FILLS,
covti'ODMinn Pitov
V nre Peg etohle P.itrart, ud ift up tn itlass Can.
i ri'R', aau vm uriu in titf f owi.y
Iho r AM I Ly CA
lienile but mtivc a-1
piiemr has Uked in his
iwi'iiiv years )
'J ho coiiFiani y in-'hni-
who have long
sili-lirij.'ii which all
ilo'ir ie has induced
in the reaih olall
'I i prolest-loll well
I ll iriirw ,m i uii iliiJVrnit !
iih ilu- re I-rente m
l.icl. been roiiipoundeit
purei Wsel-tble Hi-'
IlKirlir vvhidi Ho
urartlro more I h '
i 'easina (tpmanil fi
n-'t'il the TILLS an'i m
ej ipt-M in rrpiini o
ine to pliire them wiMi
know dial itifTcretit Va
poilioui nl the Ihimi
this Me etnlIMi'
in ni n varietv nt
Darts which nrl aliki
vi ry part of -ie nil
1 on ntnry rannl. nnu 11
on und ssre in n'l co-, p4 :,i-s wheroa Cnlhair'
ueoilM. so I'll lis IH: i lUKOI m.Ms of till- M-
MSCII lliieislss Tain's --J in till. lis. k sicd f.ol
' CMilllMs. 1'cl. ANii .HiiRkliri our no
wiioik bodv. from suil-l 2 dcn coin, iv-irh tr.'l
Ily il oul. rie.l, im il m y ,a Ions cMirsool 1 1"
''ion ..ikB inn nonv.l Kiili.isfs, llrsi
cue or utiour mine. 11 o all Inhaiihat".
Hi-h.k, i ohms ml I ( 'm liir i n or Aris
I.Htl'MA'lisM, a creutl U ll'iairllti of Ihe It""
mid lii-liy .isruses tn u hu Ii islicir.lon niiin'i
ouslo meiition In this ndv.rtissmeiit. IlosK. I Ic 3
I'ltHT. 31) t'l'N'lr!
Tiik 1.1 , it Intioorsiok and I'smh-v Cathartic r"!s
are reluikd by Prneeists cenerttlly. ami soldwhulM
ale tiy the Tunic in nil luree towns,
H. T. IV. PA.NI'Ollll.M- n .
Maniifuriurej and rroprieior
ovrii r. or
m.vpuiw unit i.vrmoiijiTon md w.W.r
tTT- 208 into AlUVA V.
flen, M. llaeenhnch, Ii. I', l.liti, nnd John U. Moj.r
Jun- A IK.M. I'.'m.
II. 0. I30WRR,
tlFAWFJ.XF..1d Rritk IhtllJi.f Isfsie irwsiSN lf"
fsf. ftrtei, UloomibuTg Va
' it- ni'.irrcrn'i.i.v onvrs his profr i"
, sTtStcrf al seriices lo Iho lndlc-s nnd gentium" '
. MjTyy T lllooinloirff and i icinlly. He is preps
ui-a t-'to nltend toall tho inriotis opcrntl15'
, Dentistry, and is prodded with tho latest iniprovnnn.'
Which will bo isserted on pivot or cold plato, te
qs will ns the natural.
Bj-A superior article) of TOOTH rOWIAKU, aM)'
a . x ,M7i
(Sov 13,
CPALDIXO'S Oelcliralcil rrcpiro-l
I ; Klae. IV' sulci nl I..T t'lueide,, cUeap isi 1j Pi're
o Mam tHrei.L
.May M, lew-