COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. LEVI L. TATE, Editor. 32 00 PER ANNUM. "TO HOLT) AND TIUM THE TOUCH OF TKUTII AND WAVE IT O'EIl TIIK DAKKENED EAIITII." VOL. 14.-NO. 82. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA-, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, I860. YOL. 24 COLUMBIA DIBIOCBAT FUBtitSIIGI) EVEllY SATURDAY, nY LEVI L. TATE. IN BLOOMSBUHG, COLOMBIA COUNTY, PA. o fFo e hx tkt wr Tlrick UnUJuifr. opposite the Ltthdnce, by tide cf the Court House, "Democratic Head Quartrrt" TERMS OP PUltSCUTPTION. SI 00 In a-lvfiticr, for one copy, for tlx muuthi. 1 75 In B'lvniicn, fr one copy, one year. S 00 If not nll within llic first three mnntliit. 'J Cj If not paid within tlio llrst six munilm. g JO If not paid within the yen r. 07 No entxcrlplinn taken for leu than fir mnnthi, nnd no paper discontinued until nil arrearages shall have ueenpaid. C7" Ortllnary AnvFnTKFMEnTA Inserted, and Job Work Xecntcd, at thu csubtlihcd ntlces. PRAISE. The follnwlnjr liymn U hy KnhNnn. the autlior of "Ujjne, thou of every blessing :' Mighty Ord v, hlte an g via hlcsi thee, May a morn! Hop thy name I I-fr.l of niFTi, n will a angi.dul Thnii art c cry creature's thema ; Lord of every land anil nation. Ancient of rternnl day! Sound fid through thf w Me rrrntion, Bethyjuetund awful pruis?. For tlic gran-leur of thy nititrr, (rand beyond n Ri-r.'ph'd thought; I'of the wonder of creation, Works with skill and kindness wrought t Tor thy prmidr-nce that pncrm Through thine empire's w ide ilnmniii, Wines nn nit pi I, guide n fp irmw, I'lcssud be thy gcntlo retail. Hut thy rich, thy free redemption. Bricht through dnrkners nil nlu'i; Thought in poor, nnd poor rxprlriii Who enn ping that woudcrcn tnng r rrlphtnes ufthe i'uihfr'd glnrj ! Shall thy pr.iist nnuttercd H f I!rcak, my tnngiu, such putlty silcnro ingtlK Lot A I w ho came to die Trom the high?t-t throne cf tlory To the croaa of .eipt wnu. All tornnhOiit gtnlt captives 1 1 Flow my praio. forjvir How ! Come, nn I oh I to I, jup it n w r, Com, l.or.l J.'nis, t-ikf thy thro 10 J Quickly come, and reijjii frr-iver; He the kitigdn'n nil tin no uwu 1 A NARR.OW ESCAPE. "Come, Joa, tell us what made you turn pale awhile ago when Jack told us that he had seen a g"ave, nnd nsked whoso it was!" "Bali, boys 1 turn palo, did I ? There are circumstances in the lives of most men who live on tho frontier, which, to have them recalled, will mako thcin turn pale. And mentioning ihat grave, and asking whose it was, rcciled a fearful event in my cxpcricnc?. But as thp night is young yet, I will tell you about it ; and perhaps it will bo a warning to you never to trust too much to a Ftrnngor, or throw tempta tion ia hi' way." Thus spoke your humVo servant somo mouths ago, to a party of prospectors, of whom he was one. Tho following is tho 6tovv to which I alluded above : Several years ago, I was out with a naJtv crospocting for silver, high up the Gila Kivcr. Wo had been some time with out meeting with any success, and wero returning to Fort Yuma, disgusted with tho country. We had left tho Pimes vil lage a day's journey behind us, when wo fell in with a man traveling tho same way that wo were. Ho was without grub or blankets, nnd said he was going to Califor nia. As wo had Eomo spare mules, we told him that if he could ride a pack sad dle ho could go with us as far as Fort Yuma. None of us liked tho looks of tho fellow. Ho had such a thoroughly villain- ous expression. But as he icemcd so bad - ly used up, wo took pity on him and made him tho offer that wo did. Ho accepted without any hesitation. We found him taciturn, never speaking uuloss ho was rpokento. When wo camped ho would tako the saddle off his mule and go ofT by himEelf.never helping to get tho grub ready and when it was ready ho would como and pitch in with the rcs-t of u'. However, though wo did not like him or his actions, we said nothing, thinking he might havo some secret sorrow tj,at we had no right to pry iuto. Wo had trav-1 eled two days when what I am about to tell you oecured. Wo had camped at noon, aud as tho weather was very warm tome one proposed that wo should all tako n batb. All had felt that it would be a delicious cool amusement, bathing in the shade of tho cotton-wood trees which hung over tho banks of tho river. Wo stripped t nstanter, and were toon enjoying our folvcs gloriously- I had a belt arouud mo with several twentios in it, and took it off to givo mo free play in tho water. I laid it down ou my clothes carelessly, never thinking nf hiding it from any of tho com pany, as they all knew that I had the jaonoy, and I had nn idea that tho Ftran gor would be tempted to tako it. As I camo out of the wa'er, I noticed tho stranger looking very longing at my belt, but thought uo more about it. That night, from somo cause, I could not eleen well, and when 1 would fall into a state of unconsciousness I was troubled with such wilil-liko dreams, ttiat I 'would ! rather I had remained broad awake. At last, about midnight,! went to sleep sound, ly, how long I lay I do not know, but I wakened suddenly to find some one kneel ing over mo and very carefully cutting iny shirt open. Now I have always had the power (call it prcsenco of mind, or any thing else) of comprehending in an instant nil that is going on around me, lib matter from how sound a sleep I may be waked. It is anything but pleasant to wako and find one's self in the power of a desperado who will havo no hesitation in plunging a knife into your heart. I felt myself in ' called Strait, in which it is said ''ho pray anything but an etiviablo situation, know, j cth," still runs through the city. The car ing that the slightest indication on my part ! nvan comes and goes as it did a thousand of being awake would cauo the villain years ago ; there are still the shcik.tho ass, to give mo between the ribs the length of and the watcr-whccl j ihc merchants of tho his bowio, or the contents of his pistol. Euphrates aud of the Mediterranean, still For, although I could not see his pistol, I j 'occupy" these "with tho multitude of felt sure that he had it handy. their wares." Tho City which Mohammed To secure my pistol without letting him j surveyed from a neighboring height, and know that I was awake, was a very deli ,l was afraid to enter because it is given to cato operation, and I attempted to accom- have but one Paradbc, and for his part ho piisn H in tue lonowing manner : my pis tol and bowie-knife were both under my addle, which I used for a pillow. I threw my right arm up over my head, taking j caro not to touch the robber, nnd yawned as if I was half awake, but ready with my loft hand to catch his arm in the event of j his attempting to stab mo. I had my eyes partly shut, so that ho could not easily sie j them gliten, but sufficiently open to see his every move, which I could easily do as it was a clear star-light night. On the instant that I moved, -he rai.-ed his arm to Jtriko,and I was nearly betraying him my biimr awake bv throwinz off mv left hand "fjiit some strong imnul-o prevented mo from doing it, and ho held his knife su5pcnded to give the blow had I made another movo When I threw my hand over my head, with the same movement 1 placed ituud.-r the saddle end on tho butt of my pistoJ, which was cocked, ready for uo. 1 lay in that position for about half a minute, but it seemed like an hour. By that time I had power over my breathing) which on first waking camo very quick As soon as he thought that I was hound aalccp again, ho lowered his lrind and commenced operating on my shirt, charing it away from tho belt. Then 1 my opportunity had conic, and thought tried to jerk my six shooter, but it was foul somo way and it would not come, I thought my time had arrived, for, as quick as thought he drew and sliunkwith his knife. He struck at my throat. My eyes were broad open then, and I saw whero tho knife was coming. By a quick involunta ry movement, I threw myself aside, and ho must havo overreached himsalf, for tho knife struck into the saddle, and so tifiht that ho could not get it out. In trying to get iny pistol, my hand touched tho cold silver hilt of my bowie. Instinctively I took hold of il,abandon- Ing the pistol, aud was nerving my arm for ii. .,:,! .. .!.., t c,n 1.1 ,.,,,,! , ! IIIU JHCtUI, HUH J- iUlb IIIU LUlU ll.UJ.ilU Ui ids pistol against my forehead. I struck out blindly, and, as I did so, their was tho stunning report of his pistol. How I es caped I do not know ; my face was black- , ened witli tho powder, and my whiskers nearly burned off, but that was all tho 1 damage dono to me. My blow though 'truck at raudomdiad proved a severo one. j My knife had gone into the left side of his neck, inside of tho collar bono. Tho knife must havo reached his henrt, for as I drew out to strike again, ho fell on mo with his whole weight, and his blcod spirting nil , over my faeo llo gave ono quiver, and stretched out his length and lay perfectly I 1 fil0,lu "lead ! The wholo transaction ! , .... ,., . .1 "lu 1101 tal;0 tllrc0 liters """ ' 1 110 rfllC" 01 tla P1'101 had arrouscd j tno company, every man sprung to ms arms, homo wore looking lor the mules, while others were asking who fired the shot and where the Indians were. I called to tho boys lo tako tho dead man off of nie,for I was as weak as a child. A ccuplo of them did as I requested.while others throw j fresh sago brush on the half .smouldering camp-tiro, aud wo soon had plenty of light to see what had happened. I told tho boys nil about what had occurred. Wo found all the mules in their places but mine, which was staked off about twenty yards from tho camp, with ono of tho other boys saddlo and bridle on her. I went into tho river and cleansed myself from his blood, and then sat down by the camp-fire, whero I reuiaiuod till morning unablo to sleep. A YoUtNO lady has discovered tho rea son why married man, from the ago of thirty years and upwards, aro more or less bald ; thoy Bcratch the hair off in dismay at their wivs, long inilliucr bills ! Tho Splendor of Damascus. Damascus is the oldest city in the world. Tyro and Sidon havo crumbled on the shoro ; Haalboe is a ruin : l'almvra is hur ried in tho sand of tho desert ; Nineveh and Babylon havo disappeared from the Tigris and Euphrates j Damascus remains what it was before tho days of Abraham a cjntre of trade nnd travel, an island of verdure in a desert, 'n predestined capital' with martial and sacred asociations ox tending through more than thirty centuries. It was "near Damascus'' that Saul of Tar sus saw tho "light from heaven above tho brightness of the suns" tho street which is was resolved not to have it in this world .is to this day, what Julian called the eyo of tho East, as it was in tho time of Isaiah, Da masons "the head of Syria." From came the D.tmsoa or blue plum and the lelicious apiicot of poitugal, called Da- masco j damask, our beautiful fabric of cotton and silk, with vines and (lowers raised upon a snioothe, bright ground ; the damak rose, introduced into England in the time of Henry Villi the Damascus blade, so famous tho world over fur its keen edge and wonderful elasticity, the secret of whose manufacture was lo-t when Tamerlane carried oiTthe arts into Persia; and tho beautiful ai t of inlaying wood and steel with silver and gold, a kind of mosa ic engraving and sculpture united call ed Damaskeening, with which boxe.i and bureaus, and guns are ornamented. It in still a city of flowers and bright water: tho streams of Lebanon, tho "rivers of Damascus," the "rivers of gold," still mur niur and sparkle in tho wilderness of "Sy rian gardens." How a Child may do Good. " Oh dear ! if 1 were only a boy, and could vain moncv as Willie does, I niightt ,0 .some good in tho world," says some i littlu lomrinc snirit that wants to bo of " some use to somebody," u but I nm only a little girl, aud I can not do any thing. Oh dear I" Wc can all do more good than we think, dear children, if wo only try, and if we are willing to do little things in-tead of waiting to do some great thing. I will tell you how one little girl did a grea deal of good without knowing it. Her mother sat ono iiioruin- bu.-s- at her work, ' focling very sully. Her husband had )0st i,is property aud was out ofbiuinesj, aj t,u future looked dark, as she thought of the many, many dollars it would tako j to feed, ami clothe, and educate her little ones, so that they could take care of themselves, and be useful to others. Tho cloud was growing thick about her, and her eyes were blinding with tears, when a dear little child, at her play, broke out in singing tho single line. Wlml '(.r wum lu will Kiwll) in-ovi'le," and then the play went on as before. Tho little girl, only five years old, knew not how much good shu had dono by that one lino of comfort, ller mother's heart was cheered. She felt reproved, too, for she had been thinking all the time there was no ono but the parents to plan and do for their children, when it was tho Lord who was going to do it nil, and thoy wero only to carry out his plans so far as ho should make them known. That was a very little thing to do, and yet it made the mother happy many days. Another time, when in trouble, very chil soothing wero tho words of tha samo dish voico : " 1 berc 'II I. n ww narrow there ; In hi"npn nlii'Ttf, WhTU all ia love. Thcro 'II hu imi inorc nurr'iw tlieic." So you can all do so much. You can mako homo pleasant and cheerful for your dear mother, who is often tired, aud somo times sad. Never go about with a sour, cross faeo, or a whining, fretting voieo. Try it, and ycfu will find you aro doing a great deal of good iu a very easy way. Child at Home. ExTUAoiuiiNARV. Tlio most cstraor-1 - -1 " ' dinary event that wo have lately heard of j A Poixtlanpf.R travoling towards Man was, that a gcntlemau,haing had a bor-, chester, N, H., arrived at tho fork of a rowed book in his possession only two road whore their stood a sign board, which yiars, returned it uninjured nnd unsolici- J read thus : "Manchester four miles." ted, although tho owner's namo was not "Man chased her four miles 1" cried Tat. written on tho title page. Is not such a circumstance worthy of honorable men- tion ! "Watorloo a day aftor tho Battle i On'nurfaco of two square miles, it was ' ascertained that fifty thousand men and horses were lying? The luxurious crop of ripo grain which had covered tho field of battle, was .roduccd to litter, and beaten into tho earth ; and tho surfaco trodden down by the cavalry, and furrowed deeply by the cannon wheels, strewed with many a relic, of tho fight. Hemlcts and cuiras ses, shattered firearms ami broken awortls; i all the variety of mili'ary ornaments, lau-1 cer caps and Highland benncts ; uniforms of every color, plume and penon; musical instrument, the apparatus of artillery, drums, bugles, but, good God 1 why dwell on tho harrowing picture of a foughtcn battle field ? each and every ruinous dis play bore muto testimony to tho misery of tueh a battlo. Could tho melancholy appearance of this sceuo of death bo heightened, it would be by witnessing the researches of the liwng, amid its desolation, for tho object of their love. Mothers, and wives, and children, for days wore occupied in that mournful duty ; and confusion of tho corpses, friends aud foj intermingled, as they were often rendered th.i attempt at recognizing indi viduals difficult, and in home ca'es impos sible. In many places the dead lay four deep upon each other, mark ing the spot some British square had os cupicd, exposed to th murkcrouj fire of a French battery. Outside, lancer and cuir assier were scattered thickly on the earth. Madly attempting to force the serried bay onets of the British, they had fallen in the bootless essay by tho musketry of the in ner files. 'Farther on, you trace the spot whore tho cavalry 'of Franco aud England had encountered ; chaseur nnd hussar were intermingled ; and the heavy Xorman hor ses of the Imperial Guard were inter.-per scd with the gray chargers which had car lied Albyn's chivalry. Hero the High lander ami trailuor Jay, side liy snl together; and a lieavy dragoon, witli green Erin'.s badge upon his henilot, was grap pling in death with tho Polish lancer. Ou tho summit of the ridge, where the ground was cumbered with dead, and trod den fctlock-decp in mud and gore by tho frequent rush of rival cavalry, the thick strewn corp'cs of ths Imperial Guard pointed out tho tpot where Napoleon hid been defeated. Iloro, in column, that favored corpse, on whom his last chance rested, had been annihilated, and the ad vance aud repulse of tho Guard was trace able by a mass of fallen Frenchmen. In tho hollow below, tho last struggle of France had been vainly made ; for there tho Old Guard attempted to moot the British, and afford time to their disorgan ized companions to rally. Br..souiii;i:.s or Sich.y. Tho present population of Sicily scarcely reaches two mil ions. This number might bo rapidly increased, under good government, to five times the amount ; and would sus tain even more, No 0"o can doubt tliisj A mortal fever prevailed on board a who remembers that, according to the most ship at sea, and a negro man was appoint authentic chroriclos, Syracuse alone con- ed to throw tho bodies of those who died taincd l,S00,0l() inhabitants when besiog- from lime to time overboard. Ono day off this dark mantle, and richly exemplifi ed by the Ilomans under Marccllus, B. C, when tho Captain was on deck, ho saw tho cd the power and beauty of the religion of Jlfi. The siege lasted three years, being negro dragging out of tho forecastle a sicl' Jesus. Ho was eminently a holy man protracted to that unusual length princi- , man who was struggling violently to cxtri- because ho abode in Christ, and wherever pally throught tho mechanical contrivances . cato himself from tho negro's grap, aud ho went Christ went with him, aud glori of Archimedes. At that time tho circuiu-1 remonstrating very bit'erly against tho i fied himself through an arm of flesh. ferenco of tho city exceeded tw enty-two Vn..tiJ, ,i',w. 1,t U U ,,mv rnnfinr.lL in the small island of Ortygia, while tho in habitants have dwindled down to eighteen thousand within tho walls. Agrigcntum, also, at tho period of its greatest prosper ity, numbered eight hundred thousand t sums, in iiLvijuiuih. iiiw iiiui.i.111 .iii.iiii . , , . I ...... ...ii. 1 1 1 1. i.nniiim'.itn L.(M'f.m rin Tli. il ni'nnl.rlnll, lllA IIImIhIMI !"! 1 -r..S I, i ! L, ml Iu ancicnt ,.. Ciccro and li other writers called Sicily the grauary of Homo ; aud so tho proved herself in more than one season of dearth. Corn is not now the staple eoinmosity of tho islaud, but it might bo cultivated to any extent with lit tle labor and less outlay. Notwithstanding the ravages of Etna, it cannot bo doubted that to this same volcano, and to the min eral and su'phurcous water existing in many localities, much of tlio natural fer tility of tho land is to bo attributed. Sinco tho days Diodorus, tho facility with which the corn grows, in the abscneo of almost any sort of culture, has ever been prover bial. Dublin University Magazine. "Bo tho Iiouly poker, and its mosilt 'u like to know what's tho niane'mg of a post I schript like that." Why Ho Emlgratod. I It Is well known that old Abo Lincoln, tho Northern Disunion candidate for the Presidency, emigrated from Kentucky to Illinoiso in early life. But tho reason why ho emigrated is not generally understood. Wo havo found it out. Old Abe's extreme ugliness has been re marked by nil who havo seen him or his picture. Wo arc reliably informed that it was his frightful phiz that led to his exodus lrom Iii3 nativo State. His lather was a slaveholder, and ho got along finely with his slaves before Abo was born. Ho treat ed them well, ns Southern gentlemen gen. 'orally treat their negroes, and they wore happy and contented, and never thought of going off tho plantation. But wheu Abo came into tho world and tho house servants saw him pucker his mouth for an assault on tho maternal boiom, they all got scared aud run away. When ho grew old enough to walkout, and thu field hands got a glimp-o of him, they went after the house servants aud never camo back. And when he became a young man and got to riding arouud tho neighborhood, tho nig' gcrs decamped from every plantation ho visaed, n was tue urstiime uiiucir lives that they had seen a living thing uglier than themselves, and the apparatiou was too much for them. They imagined that tho day of judgment was near at hand, and that "the old boy'1 was going around to pick his nion in advance. At length tho slaveholders resolved that they would no longer submit to tho scar ing away of their servant", and they ap pointed a committee to wait on Abe and request him to leave. Hu was advised to go to Illinois, whero his ugliness might bo turned to good account in searing away tho wolves with which that region was infe'tcd. He took the ndvico of his old neighbors and turned his ugly faeo west ''' , , ,. . . , . . . i i I he made his way into the interior of the , "Mi, r.. . tl i ,i i ii ,s Prairie State. It is supposed that the I ward, and the wolves fled before him a . , r.i- . v..- -i r. i i idea of taking to splitting rails after ho got , -fill 1 - 1 ' . CCt " J in making niggers "split' before he went. I This is the true history of old Abe's emigration from Kentucky. And this is why tho Abolitionists nominated him for President. They confidently expect to rid tho country of slavery through the instru mentality of his frightful face if thoy get S him elected m. , . i , . . , , T , , early infancy, ho could make a face ugly , , J , ., , , nnisnrrli In sprtrr nil lim f:if her s nnnse ser- enough to scare on ins lathers nousoser vants when he puckered his mouth to tako hold of tho private teat, ho could not fail to rcaro away all tho niggers in the United States when ho camo to tako hold of tho great public teat. VaVcy tyiiit. A Bah C'trAr:Ai; ij:ii. -Wo always wero of preserving a aware of tho importance good reputation for truth and honesty, but ' a wo have met with nothing lately, so well uaicilliueii lu uuiiiuss iiiu utsuuvaiiiniSjUL : .1... 1 having a bad character upon the mind, as flirt fn'lnvvinn. rmppilnlo ; cruelty of being buried alive. ' "What aro yon going to do with that man, you black rascal ?" said the captain, j "Going to throw him overboard, massa, cause he dead 1 ' "Dead ! you scoundrel," said tbo cap- tain, "don't you see he moves and Bpoaks ? "Yts, massa, I know he says ho no dead j , , , , . but ho always lie so, nobody never kntie , ' when lo.iclicve him !" Wom to Boys. God puts tho oak in' tho forest, and tho nine on its sand and rocks, nnd says to men, "There aro your houses ; go hew, saw, frame, build, make." God builds tho trees ; men must build the houses. God supplies tho limber; men must construct the ship. God buries iron in tho heart of iho earth ; men must dig it, and smelt it, and faihion it, What is use ful for the body, and still more, what is useful for the mind, is to bo had only by exertion exortion that will work men more than iron is wrought ; that will bhapo men more than timber is shaped. Clay aud rock aro given us, not brick and tquaro stones, God gives us no cloths ho gives us flax, and cotton, and sheep. If wo would havo coats on our backs, wo must tako them off our flocks, and spin them and weave them. If wo would have auy thing good or useful, wo must earn it. What shall it profit a man if ho print a ( paper a whole j car and lose his subscription? Ho Died Poor. "It was n sad funeral to nit," snid tho spcakprj "tho saddest 1 havo attended for years." "That of Edmondson 1" "Yes." "How did ho die!" "Poor poor ns povorty his life was one long strugglo with tho world, and at every disadvantage. Fortune mocked him j all tho whilo with gilded promises that i were destined never to know fulfillment." "Yet ha was patient nnd enduring," re marked one of tho company. "Patient ns a Christian enduring ns a martyr," was tho answer. "Poor man, he was worthy of a better fate. He ought to havo Euccccdcd, for ho deserved sue-1 cess." "Did ho not succeed ?" questioned (lie ono who had spoken of his pcrseveranco and endurance. "No, sir ; he died poor, as I have just paid. Nothing that ho put his hands to ever succeeded. A strange fatality seemed to mtend every enterprise." "I was with him in his last moments," said another, "and thought ho died rich." "No, ho has left nothing behind," was replied. Tho heirs will hac no concern as to tho administration of the estate." "lie left a good name," said one, "and that is something." "Aud a legacy of noble deeds that wero which to lay one's head ; but I must hasten dona in tho namo of humanity," remarked on. mother I Ft,ir't improvement has been await "Lessons of patience in sufloring, of ened, this season, in tlio heads of our citi hope in adversity, of heavenly confidence ' zens unsurpassed for years a fine thing it wl'cn no sunbeams fell upon his bewilder- too i for improvements are very much ing path," was the testimony of another. '; needed, in this town. Among other build "And high trut, manly courage, heroic ings going up, is tho ono for the Orange fortitude." I v'" Male and Female Academy. It is "Then ho died .rich !" was the emphatic being erected back of tho town, on an declaration ; "richer than tho millionaire eminence, overlooking tho town and Bur who went to his long home tho same day, rounding country It will bo a good and a miserable pauper in all but gold. 'A sad funeral,' did you say? No, my friend, . ' , . , ; it was rather a triumphal procession 1 Not , , , , t ho buna or a Human eiou, uut mo cere- . , , ' inUMIill .UteiiU.illt; Kll LI tlWai.lUUII Ul till i 1 liM .ml Li..nn.l ! V'I.- I,!. .U.lif. B " . " """iv- was a series ol success, in every conuict ho camo off tho ictor, and now tho vie- tor's crown is on his brow. Any grasping, proceed as rapidly in future, as now, tho soulless, selfish man, with a share of brains, room will bo ready, may gather in money, and learn the art of The school is now In successful opera keeping it ; but not ono in a hundred can tion under tho guidance of Professor J. A I l. 1 - : .1.., l. r uiau-j tuiiijuuL in mu uuiuu ui iiiu as , lidnionston has conquered, and step forth . , , 1 ' . 1 from tho ranks of nion a Christian hero. 1 Abiding in Christ- ' President I) wight used to say to his classes, as they went out from under his Caro, " Youug men, it is not great talent, ;. j3 not"learning Ihat is to enable you to do good, abiding lit, ( hrist.'' Ho then added, " The young man of whom wo 1 ll .1 .. .1 I. II 1 "l"--"-" .m ... .y imuug.. eSe, 1I.1S HUN iUltlllieil LU IIIU IMUaiCSL- ' leneo and iisefullncs, and has dono tho most for tho upbuilding of tho cause of the Master." That man was Dr. Nettletou. His hopes were not blight, he was gloomy and despondent all tho way through his onllrtr-rt itnnro linf. Iit nllni-LV-!i pil j clirvrtl ' Tiik Infant. A lovely child lay sleep ing, tho moonbeams kissed its forehead, and in every ray of light an angel sport ed. No wonder they should leave their Eden homo to linger awhile on enrth to gJM upon aught so lovely. Pure as tho BIIUIL llll.lbil Ituilll iii.liilil: lliu jiliiiiiu ...nL . .I....I 41. A U ... hill, or the lilly with its sin brow bedecked with pearls, was this infant sin had never touched it. Its littlo heart was far from guilo as was tho seraph's which looked down upon its beauty. Nor were tbo an gels alono gauing; no, no a fond mother watched it, and as the moonbeams played around its check, sho thought of the inno cency which dwelt within the heart of hor cherished infant. He that gives good advice builds with ono baud ; ho that gives good couuscl, and cxamplo builds with both ; but ho that gives good admonition and bad example, builds with ono hand and pulls down with the other. Uvunv year wo should oecomo more and more painfully sensiblo of tho desola tion made around us by death, if sleep the antcchamblo of tho grave wero not hung by dreams with tho busts of those who live in tlio other world. Tnn most direct method of determining horso power, is to stand near and tickle his hind legs with a briar COMMUNICATED. 'or TIIK Columbia Henoiiut. Mn. Epitor, ! Old Father Time, in his ever varied round, lias again brought on tho season cf tho " scar and yellow leaf." That eolebrated pcrscrhitgo, rejoic ing in tlio cognomen of "Jack frost,'' too, begins to be a constant, nightly visitor ) paying his tributo to mother earth, by beautifully silvering o'er the gaudy carpel, will, w1,i0h lUa Ood of Nature hath so- nicely clothed the stirfaco of this terres trial ball ; gfvfng" (ho variegated colors of tho rainbow, to tho vegetable Kingdom. What a beautiful season of tho year this is I With what soft, mellow rays does tho glorious sun light and cheer us on, in our journey of lifo i And when the evening Ishade8draw nigh, how grand do tho heav- cn3 arpcar . studded as thoy arc, myriads of tinning orbs; some stationary ; others travelling far and wide, through tho illim- itatilc bounds of space, nil subject to tho will of that, GnnAT First Cause, who cnated them, nnd whoso omnipotent hand guides them through nil their functions. And what sweet refreshing sleep visits the couch of tho man whom honest toil has made weary. Unliko tho hot nnd oppress ive nights of Summer, one can now "turn in" and sleep soundly, all through tho silent watches ; instead of twisting and turning, in order lo find a cool place on substantial, as woll as comfortable nnd commodious building, being seventy-six r , ,i . - , . .J ? , ieet long by thirty-six feet wide. Tho framo . . , , ., , is now crecicu, auu mc won: oi corap etion i. ..... '. ' I I. Un. iL .ll .i iu, reauy to enter at ino commencement or tho winter term; nnd should tho work s3.. i:fi.l . - itii ii... uii'i-'iv, v s uuijf iu.iiiueu tu ail llio station, and under whose care, I am cer . ' , , ... ' , tain, tho school will prosper. 1 ' 11 The Political excitement of this placo Is not very great. Peop'o seem to tako things cnlmy ) but whan tho 9th of Octo ber comes, I think you will Cud us" all 0. K. for tho Democratic Ticket throughout. Our miner is digging away at tho mount ain, tho' it goes vry slow. His sigus for . coai couunuo goouj ino siato roelr, or 80metuing ,i,at resembles it very mach.has j,..,,!,, ,fj appearance. Particles of puro- coal too. aro fonnd interstratifiud witli t!m. j 6l.,to -0f one thing T0 aro moraIly suro ana tIlat j3) that thare h coal Lcre)WLeth. or tIl(.r0 ;s ilIly au!,m;ty of it or Ilot wo 1 ca t tdl . limo ani tho rahlcr a,one lmjst do that; and we hopo it will not bo long until they do ; for suspense is painful ; but I am encroaching, and will thoreforo closo for tho present. Yours io. AMICUS. Oraugcville, Oct. Olh 18G0. We oneo heard a fellow,famous all over tho country for his tough yarns, tell tho following. He was telling what heavy wheat, ho had seen in New York i 'My father,' said ho, 'once had a field of wheat, tho heads of which were bo closo togcth;r that the wild turkeys when they came to cat could walk around on tha top of it anywhere, Wc suggested that the turkeys must have been small ones. 'No sir,' continued ho 'they were very largo ones. I shot ono of thenij ono day, and when l toon hold ot Ins legs to carry him his head dragged in the suow behind. 'A curious country you must have had to snow in harvest time 1' 'Well I declare' said ho looking a littlu foolish, ' reckon I've got part of tieo sto. ries mixed V An Irishwomen appeared in tho County Court of Louisville, recently, to be appolu ted guar lian for her child, when tho fol lowing colloquy ensuod 'What estate has your child I' 'Plaze your honor, I don't understand you. 'i say wuat has no got v 'Chills and fav,er, plaze your honor.' It is doing some service to humanity to amuse innocently ; and they know very littlo of soe'tctv who think wo ca,n bear to bo always employed either in duties or meditations without any relaxation.